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tv   NBC Nightly News  NBC  March 9, 2013 5:30pm-6:00pm PST

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are still scarred by the pain of clergy sex abuse. then there are all the allegations of corruption. the next pope must guide the church into the future and deal with the mistakes of the past. this is where the world's eyes will turn next week. the temporary chimney today put in place on the roof of the sistine chapel. the only clue about what goes on inside. these may be the most famous stoves in the world. on the left here that is where the smoke is created. black if there's no pope, white if there is pope. on the right, that is where the ballots are burned. carpenters put the finishing touches on the protective floor. some 60 feet below the chapel's famous ceiling. this is where the work will be done. the cardinals will sit in two rows, on either side of the chapel. then individually, they will take their ballots up to the altar, and in front of michelangelo's last judgment they will cast their ballots for pope. the voting begins early tuesday
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evening, following a mass that morning at st. peter's basilica. 77 is the number of votes a candidate needs to be elected pope. two thirds plus one of the 115 electors. if no one succeeds on the first ballot, the cardinals will then vote twice in the morning and twice in the afternoon. if deadlocked by the end of friday, they'll take saturday off and resume voting sunday. all the while, cut off from the world. electronic jamming in place around the sistine chapel and the house where they'll stay to keep the cardinals focused on the spiritual task at hand. alberto maloney is a noted church historian. >> they think that in the 21st century, camera, and tv network are the real prison of the cardinal. so they do know that for three days everybody would see what is going on. >> reporter: what's going on now is the guessing game. the conclave nears, two american cardinals are still talked about as possible candidates. timothy dolan of new york and a growing favorite here in italy,
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sean o'malley of boston. a first for the usa in a field that observers say remains wide open. >> maybe something has shifted there. will people say what's more important is the skill and evangelization and presenting the message. if that's an american, why not? >> reporter: and is there more history to be made? no conclave has gone more than five days in the past century. but with no front-runner, some wonder if this conclave could go past that mark, lester. >> anne thompson, thanks very much. as we've been reminded the conclave itself is solely for the purpose of voting. all the time for discussions will end when the cardinals file in to the sistine chapel on tuesday. so what's going on right now behind the scenes? it may determine the outcome. for some insight into these critical days before the conclave, i'm joined here now by nbc news vatican analyst george weigel. good to have you with us. >> nice to be here. >> we saw the meetings all week long. the congregations. what's happening now? are these men who meet for coffee, have dinner, talk about things? is there lobbying going on right now?
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>> there are coalitions forming. there are issues being discussed. there are men being measured against issues. actually a lot of praying going on right now. these cardinals take seriously what it means to step before a fresco of the last judgment -- >> and we know they're going to be in the sistine chapel closed off from the modern world but they are of the modern world. they must read the papers, they mustatch 24 hour cable news. they know how they're viewed. they know people talking about maybe it should be an african pope or latin american pope. does any of that influence them? >> i think these cardinals know that both the church and the world now have different expectations of the pope than were in place 50 years ago. world and the church expect a charismatic leader. somebody who can be the face of the catholic church in the world. >> so there are catholic expectations and the rest of the world, as well? >> i think the world, for example, is looking for someone who can defend religious freedom for all. not just for his own religious community, but for religious communities around the world at
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a time when that first rite is under a lot of pressure. >> george weigel, thanks very much. >> thank you. >> reminder, we'll have continuing coverage of the election of the next pope on all the programs and platforms of nbc news, all next week. much of the u.s. is following yet another big storm this weekend in what for many seems like an endless winter. denver was among the cities feeling the punch today, and that's where weather channel meteorologist mike seidel is tracking things tonight for us. mike, good evening. >> hey, lester. blizzard warnings tonight in parts of three states, here in colorado, also parts of kansas and nebraska. here in denver, snow is typical in march. typically, much of the year, so far four inches downtown, but no major issues on the roads. snow pounded denver today. falling at an inch an hour at times. nearly 500 flights out of denver international airport had to be canceled. >> it's to be expected in colorado. you know, we just love it here.
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so it will be good for us. >> reporter: the same system brought quarter-sized hail to mesa, arizona. 60-mile-per-hour gusts in the phoenix area triggered a rare winter dust storm. >> this thing's moving fast. i'm pretty surprised. >> reporter: and in southern california, heavy snow pummeled the mountains. this latest system follows a massive storm that left much of the northeast covered in snow. and produced damaging coastal flooding along the shore. in massachusetts, three oceanfront homes had to be demolished on plum island after waves battered their foundations. >> we also have now four more that are severely structurally compromised. and a total of 12 houses posted with no occupancy. >> reporter: a series of recent storms has relentlessly eaten away at the eastern seaboard. from maryland to new jersey to massachusetts, with precious beach disappearing, just as it's replaced. leaving little protection for homeowners. >> we've had one storm after the other. and it just can't sustain it. >> reporter: inland in massachusetts, residents are
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digging out after getting almost two feet of snow. >> it's a lot more than i was expecting. it's a lot heavier too. i got two snow blowers in the back. i can't pick it up because it's so wet. >> reporter: meanwhile back in denver the winter blast didn't stop joggers from getting a little exercise. or these kids from having a little fun. >> the wind's blowing up, and it's working against us. we're having a good time regardless. >> reporter: the storm tonight and sunday heading across the plains into the midwest, where they desperately need the moisture because of the drought. meanwhile, no more snow from this point for boston and the northeast. it will stay well to the west and bring rain in a couple of days. back here in denver, speaking of spring, this snow will melt, lester, by tuesday and wednesday temperatures tracking 60 once again. so spring returns for the front range. >> some good news. >> lester? >> all right. mike seidel, thanks very much. a deadly accident at sea off the coast of southern california. coast guard video shows six people being hoisted onto a helicopter after their 32-foot
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sailboat smashed into the rocks on san clemente island. the boat named "uncontrollable urge" lost its steering after the rudder failed. one of the six sailors was pronounced dead at the hospital. >> overseas, defense secretary chuck hagel received a not so warm welcome on his first trip to afghanistan. two suicide attacks rocked that country today. one in the eastern city of khost. another only about a mile away from where hagel was meeting with coalition leaders in kabul. nbc's mike taibbi is in kabul for us tonight. good evening, mike. >> reporter: good evening, lester. it happened just before 9:00 a.m. kabul time. a lone suicide bomber rode in on a bicycle. but only got close enough to the afghan defense ministry to attack and impact civilians. nine were killed, 14 were injured. the taliban later said the attack was a message for defense secretary hagel, who was in a secure briefing at the time, miles away in the edge of the city.
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hagel said later said that he heard the explosion but it didn't interrupt either his briefing or his itinerary. he went up to bagram air base and met with coalition commanders there, then went to jalalabad to visit with troops from the 101st airborne. tomorrow another full day, further briefing on the training for the afghan army, important with afghans now responsible for 90% of their own security. and then meetings with afghan economic and military leaders, and a sit-down with afghan president hamid karzai. among the problems still to be addressed, the continuing security problems, and prospects for peace talks with the taliban, which at the moment are nowhere in sight. lester? >> mike taibbi for us in kabul. mike, thanks. angry soccer fans took to the streets in cairo today, storming egypt's soccer federation headquarters, and setting it on fire. two people were killed. the rampage came shortly after a judge upheld the death sentences of 21 people involved in last year's deadly soccer riots.
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former south african president nelson mandela is back in the hospital tonight. the 94-year-old was admitted earlier today for routine tests. nbc's rohip katru is in johannsburg tonight with the latest. >> reporter: lester, the briefest of statements from the office of jacob zuma the president of south africa, just 55 words long, but it says that nelson mandela was admitted to hospital today. it says that there's no reason for anyone to be alarmed, but it adds that these are scheduled tests that he's undergone and they're in line with a man of his age. he's 94 years old, and in line with the pre-existing medical condition that he has. what might that be? he is incredibly frail. and we know that just before christmas he was admitted to the hospital to be treated for a lung condition, and for gallstones, too. his family has been spotted this week going about their business, but he's rarely seen in public these days. nevertheless, the spokesman for
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jacob zuma, the south african president, says there is absolutely no reason for anyone here to be alarmed. lester? rohit kachroo, tonight. in washington those widespread automatic spending cuts hit home today at the white house where tours were canceled until further notice because of staff reductions. nbc's kristen welker has the latest on the budget battle and how some republicans are already looking toward 2016. >> reporter: on this springlike day in the nation's capital, there are plenty of people enjoying the weather. but deep disappointment that the white house is closed. >> i'm confused on why they didn't do the tours in the white house anymore. and why they still do them at the capitol. >> we had this trip planned for six months, and to come here to do that and then to find out two days prior that it was canceled was kind of upsetting. >> reporter: it's all a result of the sequester. washington failed to stop these deep across-the-board spending cuts but the partisan squabbling
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is somewhat toned down. here's the president in his weekly address today. >> i still believe that compromise is possible. i still believe we can come together to do big things. and i know there are leaders on the other side of the aisle who share that belief. >> reporter: still, fundamental divisions persist. >> president obama speaks of his deep concern for struggling americans, yet his plans are focused on growing government, not the economy. >> reporter: this, despite a week that brought a bit of a recess. the president uncharacteristically reaching out to republicans. hosting a dinner for 12 gop senators on wednesday. >> how'd the meeting go? >> just fine, thanks. >> reporter: and lunching with former campaign rival paul ryan on thursday. >> the president believes that chairman ryan is a thought leader in the party. >> reporter: meanwhile, today, potential 2016 republican presidential candidates were expected to press the flesh at the biltmore resort in coral gables, florida, where party officials were meeting to talk about finances. this is all ahead of one of the
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largest conservative conferences which will happen next weekend. there are more bipartisan meetings next week, and this time republicans will host the president for lunch at the capitol. which, by the way, remains open for tours. lester? >> kristen welker at the white house. when "nightly news" continues on this saturday, from the battlefields of the classroom, why are college kids learning to operate aerial drones? and later, fit for a pope. we'll meet some folks who are giving new meaning to the term, high fashion.
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we're back with a new kind of higher learning at some colleges that teaches students how to operate drone aircraft. drones, of course, have been highly effective and controversial in afghanistan. there's controversy over their emerging civilian uses, including journalism. nbc's thanh truong has more tonight. >> reporter: at this pristine nature preserve tucked away in central missouri, a flutter of activity. snow geese on their winter migration. >> i can't explain how beautiful that is when you see it with your own eyes. and the next best thing is to see it with video, and view it that way. >> reporter: bill allen is a journalism professor at the university of missouri. his students are using a new tool to tell the story. a drone, outfitted with a camera. flying above the plains.
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missouri's journalism school is the oldest in the country. and now among the first experimenting with this new and controversial technology. why? the drone's ability to access remote, dangerous areas. >> you're listening to kbia. >> reporter: fueled by a $25,000 grant secured by a local radio station, young reporters are learning new ways to cover stories. >> breaking news and natural disasters. floods are a big one because it's really difficult to get around in floods. >> reporter: it's new technology for an old profession. >> we're using the drones to just sort of tell good stories in a unique way and to get a new angle on things. and i think -- >> reporter: literally? >> yes, literally a new angle. >> reporter: at the university of nebraska, students are using drones to plot the effects of drought. >> the river has become a long sand bar. >> reporter: and it's not just students. real estate agents outside los angeles are using drones to showcase properties. in the opening scene of the latest james bond film, shot in turkey, featured footage captured by drones.
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while the interest in drones is taking off, there is a considerable amount of pushback. not everyone is ready for an eye in the sky. privacy advocates are worried. at least 33 states have considered laws that would restrict drone use. federal regulations allow hobbyists to fly drones below 400 feet over unpopulated areas. but congress has ordered the faa to open the air space for commercial drones by 2015. >> we are at the start of an experience similar to the introduction of the printing press. the steam engine. or the computer. >> reporter: while the story of drones in the u.s. is still unfolding, these students may be writing the next chapter. thanh truong, nbc news, columbia missouri. when we continue from the view above to our journey to the bottom of the earth.
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a study out this week in the journal "science" found that global temperatures are warmer now than at any time in the last 4,000 years. with that in mind, nbc's kerry sanders recently traveled to the bottom of the earth, to antarctica, where this warming trend is having a big impact. >> reporter: she has many names. the white continent, the last wilderness. land of endless ice. stunningly beautiful, and to the 35,000 who travel each year to the bottom of the earth, not as expected. what surprises you as you stand here on antarctica? >> i'm not as cold as i thought i'd be. not as cold. >> reporter: west antarctica is among the fastest warming
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regions on the globe. the last 45 years measurements show the average temperature here has risen 4.4 degrees, three times the overall rate of global warming. >> i've been coming down here since '78 and in that period of time, a dramatic change has taken place. >> reporter: ice expert norm lasko from the university of wisconsin, milwaukee. >> when we're talking global warming we're talking about average temperatures across the planet which are going up. those, in turn, affect climate, so climate is changing. >> reporter: 90% of the world's freshwater ice is here in antarctica. to givyou an idea how much that is, if it were all to melt at the same time, sea levels would rise the lengths of two football fields. ironically, the word's carbon emissions that scientists say increase global temperatures have melted the ice here, allowing geologists to search and find what may be some of earth's largest petroleum deposits. international treaties prevent oil drilling here.
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at least for now. >> the reality of it all, i guess, is that it will come eventually. unfortunately, it's the way our world works. >> reporter: antarctica, the last wilderness, and for now, still pristine. kerry sanders, nbc news, antarctica. >> and kerry's special reporting from the bottom of the earth will continue tomorrow morning on "today," then again on monday on "today," and here on "nbc nightly news." up next here tonight at the vatican, fashion that's divine.
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as the cardinals get ready to go into seclusion to elect the next pope, there is another tough and exacting job going on. one that's being tailored to fit the occasion. here's nbc's keir simmons. >> reporter: when the next pope is unveiled to the world be sure to notice the detail of his attire. the vestments. the shoes. the jewelry. as the cardinals gather to make their selection, behind the scenes, skilled artisans, hidden away in the side streets of rome, are already hard at work. >> i'm the sixth generation that work here. >> reporter: amazing. >> since 1798. >> reporter: a tailor whose family has been making papal vestments for hundreds of years is creating the first clothes the new pope will wear. and since time is of the essence his team of tailors has already
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stitched together three vestments in three different sizes. can we read anything into the different sizes, as to who you think might be the next pope? >> if you -- if you try, you can try, but if you succeed in reading something, you are much better than we are. >> reporter: across the river from the vatican is the jeweler who crafted pope benedict's papal ring. claudio francci was asked to create the design in just ten days. a ring seen by millions during papal blessings. >> it is my sistine chapel. the ring is my sistine chapel. >> reporter: then there were the pope's red shoes. handcrafted, clear across italy near milan, down another cobbled street. adriano stefanelli has made shoes for george bush, michelle obama, and pope john paul ii and benedict xvi. he says when the announcement comes he will work day and night. i tried to make them according to the old traditions, he said. traditions reflected, not just in ancient rituals of the
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conclave, or in the pomp and ceremony of the pope's first appearance, but in all his finery. keir simmons, nbc news, rome. and from the vatican, that's "nbc nightly news," i'm lester holt. thanks for watching. good night. . this is really heartbreaking for me. >> family and friends are grieving tonight and searching for answers after a man was found stabbed to death at a park in a typically quiet neighborhood. good evening. i'm diane dwyer.
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>> it was an emotional day for a homicide victim in the south bay. dozens of people came to guadalupe parks in san jose to remember the city's murder victim. cheryl herd is live with the story. >> reporter: this is an upscale neighborhood and a place where people come to relax and feel safe. everyone is in shock over what happened. a dozen family members came here this afternoon with teddy bears and flowers marking the spot where eric wright's body was found stabbed to death. an acquaintance was at the scene and he was arrested because he is a prime suspect. this is especially upsetting
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because eric was trying to turn his life around. >> this is really heartbreaking for me. he was some one of my best cousins and for him to be taken in such a tragic death, i'm very upset. >> he wasn't no coward. he stayed strong through all of the stuff that he went through in life and he's going to be all right now and the guy that did this to him, like mommy said, she just wants you to sit there and realize what life you took from us. you know what i'm saying? you took a valuable life from us. >> reporter: wright is the seventh murder in san jose this year and eighth homicide happened on thursday. police are working with community groups. they believe that that will help stop what seems to be an uptick in violent crime in this city. reporting live in san jose, i'm cheryl herd, nbc bay area news. >> cheryl,


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