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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  March 20, 2013 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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that's a little early, 5:00. we are advising lower speeds. green all over the tri-valley. smooth drive for 580. on the maps, it's confusing. that was the weather data. here is the traffic data. guys, back to you. >> thank you very much. fight over controversial ads on muni buses taking another turn this morning. the group behind anti-islamic messages have a new set of ads coming, already sparking new outrage. "today in the bay's" monte francis has the details for us. good morning, monte. >> reporter: good morning, laura. these new ads are coming next month and some are already posted online. city leaders don't appear to be too happy about it. from the freedom initiative, run by pamela gellor quote anti-gay messages from ileaders like mahmoud ahmadinejad.
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another one, quote, the punishment of homosexuality is the death penalty. response to harsh criticism from city leaders about her first set of bus ads, which were anti-islamic in nature. city leaders gathered and condemn the ads. as a publication, muni is unable to refuse the ads because of conflict with the first amendment. in fact, legal challenges to remove similar ads from city buses in new york and chicago have been unsuccessful and muni dedicated revenue from the first set of ads to the human rights commission and will likely donate the $3 million from the next set of ads as well. we reached out for comment this morning but have not yet heard back. monte francis, for "today in the bay." brought on by child abuse allegations, tod"today in the bay's" christie smith is live in
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pleasantton with what's diven out there. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, jon. this is the first day back since the very dramatic ending to the week last week. they've met with the families to talk about the accusations against this former teacher. now it's up to the al media district attorney to decide whether this former teacher will actually face criminal charges for allegedly using masking tape to bind the hands and feet of a 2-year-old girl who refused to take a nap, according to the report filed by the california department of social services. the church and pastor tied to this school said they're not sure exactly when this incident happened but march 1st, that former teacher showed a cell phone photo of a restrained child at a gathering of former and current teachers and the girl's mom was among those attending. >> children are made in the image of god and deserve to be fully respected and this is a dehumanizing incident that we are greatly grieved over.
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>> reporter: that was the immediate reaction of the church. now the state ordered the teacher, angela cagcogno to stay away from all licensed child care centers pending a state review of what really happened here. center point staff have had several days of training. some attend ed an early childhod education conference. they say they've made adjustments to their programs and are really looking forward to welcoming those children back this morning. reporting live in pleasantton, christie smith, tod"today in th bay." now putting reservations on hold indefinitely. owner alice walters says she's not sure when they will reopen. march 8th fire damages are worse than they first thought. the original hope was to reopen later this week. there is a new clue in the $25,000 copper theft at a pg & e
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yard in fremont. thieves fled in an orange truck after stealing the wire sunday morning. we can tell you the cost of paper bags is go iing up in san cruz county today. mandatory charge at checkout stands now will be 25 cents per bag. that is a major jump there, considering it used to be 10 cents. 150% jump mplth basketball players all over the country converging on san jose, getting ready for that ncaa tournament. teams will start practicing in hp pavilion today. among them, the very own cal bears taking on unlv tomorrow. also coming to town, syracuse, st. louis and oklahoma states will all be playing in san jose, getting ready for the big dance. >> we are officially in spring this morning as well. and the rain decided to come down. meteorologist christina loren, she warned us. >> some people are singing in the rain this morning, because they need it for all those crops they've been planting. a lot of people starting that spring garden.
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we need this rain. right now, the heaviest activity is moving through vallejo. mostly over the course of your rush hour drive. widespread on and off showers through noon. we'll start to see let-up, turning more showery in nature, lighter, more spotty. second half of the day between noon and 5:00, most of that activity pushes into the south bay. we're clear for the most part. partially, at least. between 5:00 to 10:00, wind also pick up as that system moves out. tomorrow morning, with an unsettled atmosphere, still a fair game for a shower or two, but not expecting anything heavy. thursday afternoon, brilliant sunshine, beautiful day shaping up. stick around. i have your seven hn -day outlo coming up in my next report. this is not our only chance for rain. we have more on the way. between now and then a beautiful spring-like weekend in some spots. i have that in my next report. let's get on over to mike. you may want to leave early, which is not what i did this morning. at any rate, wet roadways from
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san jose, coming south past the church under the overpass, water kicking up from those cars, behind those headlights. that's what you're dealing with in many spots. lighter rain but water on the roadway causing that secondary effect. slick condition. everywhere you see green, traffic and weather systems tied together where there will likely be wet roads. santa clara, earlier crash has cleared from 101 itself. 101 from palo alto. 280 past dumbarton. smooth drive across the bay. a quick look at the conditions for palo alto. peninsula looks okay right now, guy. >> thank you very much. 5:08. breaking news in the east bay this morning. three homes are now burning on taylor road on bethel island. it started in one home then gradually spread to two other homes nearby. firefightersriginally had a hard time getting to the first fire before 2:30 this morning
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because of downed power lines in that area. so far the good news is that there are no reports of any injuries but something we'll certainly keep tabs on. >> very interesting story. portions of the most infamous landmarks in the entire world officially and permanently going on display in the south bay. mountain view city council voting to install slabs of the berlin wall at its library. "today in the bay's" marla te tellez is live and has the story. good morning. >> good morning, jon. who knew? here we are in mountain view, standing tall for now at the bay shore park. right offshore in san antonio, standing 10 feet tall. both are graffitied, in their original state. one says we love you in german with a heart. the other people seem to think it's a caricature of elvis presley of all people. the story has an interesting history. these pieces were purchased by a
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german man who immigrated to the bay area. when the berlin wall fell in '8'8 '81, he bought these slabs. they were donated to the city just last year. last night, mountain view city council voted to have them moved to the public library on franklin street in downtown mountain view. they will stand outside the library entrance where more people will see them. that's the point, to have them more visible. the council also voted to allocate about $50,000 to pay for moving costs. they say that money will also be used to protect these historical pieces from vandalism. coming up in my next report, how much do you think that frank golden actually paid for these historical pieces? we'll be talk about that at about 5:45. i'm marla tellez, "today in the
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bay." >> unique story. marla, thank you very much. bay area company going public this morning. yahoo! getting ready to make a major purchase. details on that coming up in a live report. [ female announcer ] it balances you...
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it fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley. nature at its most delicious. with simple, real ingredients, like roasted peanuts, creamy peanut butter, and a rich dark-chocolate flavor, plus 10 grams of protein, so it's energy straight from nature to you. nature valley protein bars.
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south korea hit with internet outages, two networks and banks are affected. one owner says he believes this is the work of hackers. many are speculating the attack came from north korea, but south korea's internet security agency says it has not found any evidence of an external attack. 5:13. the university of california is fighting back against a proposed law that would allow students to earn credit for online courses provided by outside sources. the bill allows students who
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cannot get into overcrowded classes to take similar courses online from other institutions. the goal is to relieve classroom bottle necks and help students graduate on time. uc argues that timely graduation isn't an issue for them and the school system already has more than 100 of its own online courses. bay area tech company today making its debut on the stock market, model n and makes for technology companies. shares are priced at $15.30rks a dollar more than what experts predicted. the company's ceo is in new york for the bell ringing today on that new york stock exchange. ebay is making big changes to go head to head with amazon. while yahoo! is getting ready to make a big purchase. sima mody is live at headquarters with us.
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dow jones average gaining three points, closing at 14,455 and s&p 500 facing its longest slump of the year, posting its three-session losing streak. and that is dak close iing down points. one of the world's most popular online video websites. this would be the first major acquisition for yahoo! ceo marissa mayer since she took over. ebay announcing plans to overhaul fees for sellers in an effort to compete with amazon's marketplace. the company says it will determine fees based on product categories instead of an individual item's price. some listing fees will go away completely. the changes take effect in mid april. that is the latest. back over to you. >> thank you so much, sima. good news out of new york city. yes, the statue of liberty will
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be reopened by independence day. it had been closed because of super storm sandy. while the statue was spared during that brutal storm, liberty island itself was badly danled. the storm destroying railings, buildings and walkways on the island as well as sewage and electrical systems. lady liberty will be back open for the fourth of july. >> every lady likes a little make wroefr. >> indeed. men always need to remember that. >> do the hair once or twice a day. lot of humidity out there. >> we don't need you to remind us we need a makeover. >> we'll take it. 5:16. we're getting much needed rain as that hopefully will head throughout the day much of today. we're running a bit of a deficit, 70 to 80% of average as far as rainfall total this is year. i'm looking 15 days out. it looks like we'll see quite an active start to next month.
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54 in san jose right now. i wanted to start with your temperatures to show you how mild it is right now. tropical even with the showers on the radar. rain-cooled air in the vallejo area. let me zoom in and show you who is getting hit the hardest. that would be martinez. embedded in that, you have yellow and red, all that moisture headed to concord in the next 20 minutes. these are moderate downpours. enough to make for dangerous conditions and keep those roadways wet. it won't last forever, though. mo r rain on the way throughout the morning. you can see just a little bit of moderate rainfall at that point, north to santa rosa, deep green down in san jose. rain on the way for us. we haven't even received the moisture we're expecting. san jose, the south bay, will get it today. stop the clock at 6:00 pm. starting to lighten up a bit. turning more spotty. showers will linger through the
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overnight hours. by tomorrow morning, lingering showers. by the time we meet back here at 4:30 am, it should all be off the radar. that's the good news. nice air quality. great pollen levels will creep down significantly. you'll notice that difference if you've been suffering from allergies of the season. take you into the next few days. stray am shower followed by s sunshine and a warmer day as well. we'll be back in the 70s come this weekend. make those outdoor plans. it's going to be really nice around here. monday to tuesday, things start to change again. clouds increase. next round of rain tuesday into wednesday. looking good for another quarter inch to half an inch, at least for now. keep you posted. 5:18. hey, mike. >> we always like that clear air you're talking about after the rain. wet roads is the issue, though. we haven't had rain for a while. the grease and the oil settling after it has any period of time between rains. that has risen to the top. could be extra slick. watch this off the freeway.
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101. north bay 101 continues at the speed limit. you see the green here. green highlighted across means wet roads. christina warned about the ponding and puddling. blue splotches is where you might find standing water likely. definitely for highway 1. crash north 101 approaching lakeville highway at 116 currently has lanes blocked in the northbound counter commute direction but locals in the area need to know about that reroute. law enforcement will be there. sonoma raceway, traffic control. slowing west 37. that's your commute direction. more puddling reported san pablo, toward the bay bridge toll plaza. live look at the toll plaza itself. there are puddles and water picking up again. slick conditions kicking it up for the morning commute. >> thank you, mike. san jose must now disclose private text messages, e-mails
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or other electronic communication about city affairs if it's requested. the ruling made by a santa clara county judge is in response to an activist's request, who sued the city in august 2009 over its refusal to disclose official's personal electronic communications. the decision could be problematic on both practical and privacy grounds a city official said. it's still unclear whether or not the city will appeal the judge's decision. soon could drop a case against a thief. federal complaint was filed against andre franklin friday. police say franklin stole a gold rush era jowlry box from the oakland museum on january 9th. this is no ordinary jewelry box. this one, worth more than $800,000. he also is suspected of ripping off gold nuggets and gold rush era pistol from the museum back on november 12th, but he has yet to be charged. new plan for the lafayette
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hillside where thousands of crosses stand marking the lives lost in wars in iraq and afghanistan. jeff heaton started that memorial when the war began in 2003. there are 4,000 crosses on display, but if there were more room, there would be 6,700, one for each american killed in iraq and afghanistan. heaton says the crosses will be removed when the soldiers return and he tells the nbc bay area he hopes the hillside will be used to house veteran. >> ultimately, we could try to get permission to put veteran housing at this location, which would be a fantastic use of the property. most people think it's a crazy idea, like maybe a better place to have veteran housing, but why not here? >> the plan say long way from becoming a reality. heaton must first get the owners of the land to sell it and permission from the city to build it. it is 5:21 right now. coming up, apparently you can
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say no to the queen. we'll let you know why a hollywood director saying thanks, but no thanks to a knighthood from queen elizabeth.
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welcome back, everybody, on this first day of spring. live to san francisco. that is a look at the bay bridge. kind of cool when it's that dark out there. you can see the traffic slowly creeping across there. mike inouye will talk about what's happening on the roads and christina will talk about that rain coming. it is 5:24. danny boyle is turning down knighthood because he feels he is not worthy. for his work on the 2012 olympic games in london. however as he was walking down the red carpet to the premiere of his brand new movie last
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night, boyle says he turned down the honor and the offer, because the ceremony was a team effort. >> when we made the thing, very much as a communal act. you have to be the leader at times. i thought that wouldn't be appropriate to the spirit in which we had gone into it. >> i respect his move. however, had he knighted him or made him a king, he might have accepted that. >> very noble. >> he could have accepted and said this is for all of us. the rain for all of us this morning. >> whether you're the reigning king or queen, you're going to get showered on today. a lot of rainfall today on the radar right now and the bulk of the moisture is slated to come through on this very morning. so make sure you're ready for that for your morning drive, especially if you're taking the kids to school this morning. grab their rain gear. you'll need it. bulk of the moisture, more rain on the way developing on the pacific. you can see that. we'll continue to track the
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showers, pinpoint them to your doorstep as they develop. we'll talk about what's to come. changes now that spring has arrived. let's see how the roads are changing with mike. >> silica road definitely an issue for the morning commute. traffic is building. more of a concern, especially as folks tend to hit the speeds and come off off-ramps of the freeways. lower those speeds. 280 coming towards us. nice glow of the lights caused partially by the rain coming up off the roadway. we'll show you the maps for the south bay. overall, very nice. green painted over the right side of your screen is where there will be slick roadways for sure. road weather index tied in with our weather index system, queueing tqueue i -- cueing the rain coming down. animals running around the roadways. we'll talk about that additional rain. sounds like they're trying to catch a couple of dogs on the roadways. >> imagine trying to catch this,
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massive elephant seal taking a stroll on the streets in a brazilian town. measuring 10 feet blocked traffic for over an hour on saturday. >> just chilling out there. >> it's massive, though. no, no, he used the crosswalk to cross the street. after getting his fill, returned to the water and back out to sea. >> what a smart seal. those jay walking tickets can be very expensive. smart he stayed in the walk. 5:27 right now. the president biking a bay area university for the final four.
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a bay area lawmaker introducing a bill to help keep your kids safe at school. and controversial ads on muni buses. i'll explain coming up. showers on the way right in
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the heart of your morning drive. we'll let you know when these showers are slated to subside and what's next to come as we kick offspring. as your traffic kicks off this morning, i'll let you know what's slowing your drive. the bay bridge all illuminated on this wednesday, march 20th, on "today in the bay." it is 5:30. good morning, everybody. thank you very much for joining us. i'm jon kelley. >> and i'm laura garcia-cannon. rain returning to parts of the bay area. this is what it looked like at at&t last night during the world baseball classic. fans didn't go home, no. they just pulled out their rain category and sporting umbrellas. mother nature saying welcome to spring with more rain on the way. meteorologist christina loren says, hey, get ready for it. it's coming. >> yeah. if you didn't wash your car,
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congratulations. mother nature is going to do it for you. being a procrastinator pays off once in a while. showers from the pacific and more developing offshore. we're not out of the woods just yet. a lot of this coming through right in the heart of your morning drive. take it easy out there, especially if you're taking the kids to school. some kids are off on spring break and will be able to get outdoors later on today but not for a little while. want to point out where the showers are headed. 55. santa cruz, about 54 minutes away now. it's only going to get busier before the showers start to wind down later on today. we'll time them out for you, let you know when the winds start to pick up and how nice this weekend will be. that's in my next report. first let's check your drive at 5:31. >> spring break rotating the next week and two weeks after that throughout the bay area. we'll see a different traffic flow. the wet roadways an issue. backup at the toll plaza and the puddling and the grease and oil has had a chance to settle over the last couple of weeks.
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live shot out here farther south, looking at 101. because that rain is coming in, rising that to the top level, we have slicker conditions right now. until the traffic can start to move that oil off the roadway. fremont moving smoothly as well. both sides of the peninsula not a big deal except the wet roadways. back to you. chp issuing a silver alert for an 83-year-old man from danville. nicholas totino, who goes by the nickname of paul, was seen yesterday afternoon at 12:30. police say he has heart complications and early dementia, said to drive a 2006 gray-colored toyota camry with the license plate you see on your screen. 5thh081. we received this photo coming up here in the past hour. i guess you already saw it there. he is a white male with white hair and jesusle eyes. he stands 5'7", weighs about 180 pounds. if you happen to have any information, you are asked to please call police.
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pleasanton preschool is opening today after being shut down for five days, brought on by child abuse allegations. christie smith is live with what's going to be different when the kids head back to class today. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, jon and laura. after news broke last week of those allegations against a former teacher here accused of binding a young child because she wouldn't take a nap, center point preschool closed its doors. the teachers and staff underwent 3 1/2 days of intensive training in early childhood development. they also met with families here. they say today they look forward to welcoming back those same children and families to class. the case is now in the hands of the alameda county district attorney's office, who hasn't decided if this teacher will face charges using allegedly masking tape to bind the hands and feet of a 2-year-old girl because she wouldn't settle down
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and take a nap. pleasanton police have completed their investigation. the school says they are he th learned of the incident around march 4th. the teacher apparently had taken a photo and showed it to current and former staff at a gathering, including the girl's mom, who then went to police. >> you can imagine she hears of some allegations or sees this photo of her own daughter that's in a position that's -- where she's bound by tape. that's something no parent wants to see. >> reporter: the state ordered the teacher, angela calcogno to stay away from all licensed child care facilities, calling her a threat to the health and safety of kids. that ban is pending the state department of social service's final evaluation of what really happened here. reporting live in pleasanton, christie smith, "today in the bay." bay area assembly woman wants to change ways schools report suspected child abuse. joan buchanan introducing two
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bills to the legislature. one would require school districts to adopt new board policies, outlining child abuse reporting responsibilities along with giving staff adequate training. the second would give the state the authority to immediately remove teachers from the classroom in child abuse cases. >> police have found 22-year-old gabriel laurette smith. he was reported missing yesterday, was last seen in state park in santa cruz mountains. his family found him in a nearby town. he was ticketed before illegal camping at the park. if you thought the first round of ads was offensive, wait till you see what's coming here. the group behind a series of anti-islamic messages on muni buses in san francisco says more are on the way. this round, they target gay men
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and women. "today in the bay's" monte francis is live in san francisco right now with the ads that are already sparking serious outrage. monte, good morning. >> reporter: jon, good morning. these ads are coming to muni buses next month but are already posted online. run by commentator and blogger pamela geller quote anti-gay messages from islamic leaders, saying, quote, homosexuality is ugly. in iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country. punishment of homosexuality is the death penalty. geller means this as a response to harsh criticism by leaders about her first set of ads, anti-islamic in nature. gathered to condemn the ads. as a publication, muni is unable to refuse the ads because of conflicts with the first amendment. in fact, legal challenges to remove similar ads from city buss in new york and chicago
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have been unsuccessful. now, muni dedicated revenue from the first set of ads to the human rights commission and will likely also donate $3,000 from the next set of six ads as well. we reached out to pamela geller this morning and we have not yet heard back. monte francis, "today in the bay." >> thank you very much for the report. you may have noticed the streets back behind monte there were certainly slick and shiny. be careful on your morning commute if you are headed outd the door. the rain, as you mentioned, is coming down. i want to check in with meteorologist christina loren. she has our forecast. >> the rain is coming down. yeah, yoor going to find very slick conditions across the bay area this morning. it's one of those mornings you want to get your mind-set on what you have to drive through. give yourself extra time. don't go racing out the door in these conditions. next batch of heavy rain on the way to marin county. watch out for that in san raphael in 20 minutes. south bay nice and dry.
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you can see that vividly from our radar sweep. i want to show you tahoe, take you into the land of skiing and snowboarding. mostly rain right now. a lot of this will transition over to snow later on when that cold blast sets in. more snow on the way to tahoe out of this as well. but only to the highest elevations because it's so mild out there. above 6,000 feet. widespread on and off showers through noon. noon to 5:00, we'll start to see clearing. most of the activity will press south of the golden gate bridge at that point. then the winds really pick up, 5 to 10:00 pm. tie down any loose objects in your backyard with gusts up to 45 miles per hour. at the coast, few lingering showers tomorrow only to be followed by a beautiful spring-like weekend. we break this down for you city by city in my next report. first let's show you that drive. good morning, mike. >> good morning. flashing lights here at 17, right at 280. flashing lights just cleared a few minutes ago, but the incident still on the chp report. i'll show you on the map what we're talking about. i oriented the map the same way
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approaching 280. right where the arrow is that's where the flashing light was. it looks like the activity just moved. to the top, over to the right side, green painted on the maps, still click conditions even though there's not active rain. wet roads. same areas where we're seeing slowing down. throughout the fremont area, live look out there. you see the mist in the air. there may be rain actively falling over the last few minutes there. back to the maps, over toward the tri-valley, sunol slows for 580. heading through livermore and pleasanton as well as 58 0 out of the altima pass. >> do you know what else is in the east bay? >> what? >> the school getting off to a great start. ncaa tournament, vapsing to the next round of 64. they looked great, didn't they? matthew velavidova.
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the gales now taking on memphis. that will happen tomorrow. st. marys making back-to-back appearances. >> president obama also a big basketball fan. maybe he didn't pick them to be in the time four because they just played in. >> right that's why. the president did pick his final four in the men's and women's tournament. for the men, florida, indiana, louisville and ohio state. check them again. see if your brackets have any. >> i will do that. the president calling for an upset on the women's side saying cal will beat the mighty stanford cardinals and make it to the final four. these two teams during the regular season split their series, winning one game a piece. the president also picking for his final four baylor, connecticut and notre dame. we can tell you the president's full brackets if you want to check yours against his. it will be out later today.
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>> they already don't match. i can tell you that. 5:41 right now. federal government getting ready to take up the issue of private drones for the first time. right now we are running out of time. we don't have too much time. >> a desperate search for a donor. the south bay first grader whose life depends on the kindness of a stranger.
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new this morning, president obama just arrived in jerusalem. he will meet with shimon perez and benjamin netanyahu. tracie potts is live with the visit and why it's so important. >> reporter: good morning, laura. he flew to jerusalem, after first landing in tel aviv. after getting off the plane, a lot of fanfare, ceremony on the
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red carpet, literally, with president shimon perez and prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he will sit down with both of them to talk about the key issues between the two nations, the threat of a nuclear iran, peace process which has basically broken down with the palestinians, trying to jump-start that. and the latest, which is syria and the violence there, and the spill-over into the middle east especially after this week's accusations back and forth of who may have fired a chemical w weapon. president obama spending the next three days in the middle east and his remarks this morning, he said that the winds of change bring promise and peril. laura? >> very interesting. thank you very much, tracie. droeps will be up for debate on capitol hill as they discuss the potential of drones for domestic use. alameda county sheriff's office had floated the idea of using
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drones for community surveillance. unmanned aircraft being used by businesses and agriculture. critics raising concerns about privacy. drones took the spotlight a few weeks ago during kentucky senator rand paul's 13-hour filibuster on that senate floor when he discussed the possibility of drone strikes against u.s. citizens. in other news, the piece of world history has a permanent home in mountainview. after a year of debate, the city finally deciding what to do with two massive pieces of the berlin wall. marla tellez is live in mountainview with the late-night decision for us. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. for now, these slabs of the berlin wall are tucked away at this business park near 101 and shoreline. the display behind us is called "a tribute to american resolve." i'm going to step out of the way so you can see how big these pieces are. they stand more than ten feet tall and reportedly weigh 14,000
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pounds a piece. they were brought her by a man by the name of frank golden soon after the berlin wall fell in '89. golden became a successful real estate developer in the bay area after immigrating here in 1931. he owned the park at the time. he has since passed away. the slabs were donate to the city of mountainview last year of the just last night council voted 6-1 to have them moved to the library on franklin street in mound dnview. they will stand outside the library entrance where they will be much more visible and more people will be able to take in this history out here. you can see they are graffiti'd. one over my shoulder has "we love you" in german written inside that heart. on the right it looks like a caricature of elvis presley to
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me, perhaps to represent the west and freedom. how much do you think that frank golden paid for these? you probably think he spent a pretty penny. his son tells the mountainview voice that his father paid no more than a few thousand dollars. marla tellez, "today in the bay." >> it may have been more expensive to get them here. >> transportation will kill you. shipping. talking about those walls will probably be getting wet soon here. >> getting a cleansing for free. you know, everything is. it's much-needed rain on the way to the bay area. good morning to you. thanks for waking up with us, especially on a wet wednesday. want to help you get over that hump and get you to work on time. we have a great-looking weekend shaping up. go ahead and make those weekend plans, stellar conditions for the first weekend of spring. we have our first spring showers rolling in. it's enough rain to slow your drive. we'll check in with all the particulars of mike in just a minute. widen out for you and show you where the state is getting wet
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right now. confined to the north bay. we're getting light activity down in san jose. we're still waiting for it as well. by 9:00 am, most of the moisture draped to the north of san jose, fremont to napa, light to moderate showers extending to p santa rosa. we stop that clock between 9:00 and 2:00, we're expecting it to come into the south bay. keep that in mind. make sure you're ready for the rain on your way to work. good news is that it will clear out. we stop that clock for you between 5:00 and 9:00. mostly confined to the south bay at that point. tomorrow morning, a few lingering, isolated cells over the mountains. not much. we should clear out of here. great news. pollen levels, lk at the improvement. we are in the high range all across the board to start the week. we're looking much better there, low to moderate and predominant offender is tree. 62 in fremont. 61 degrees in san jose. the next couple of days, we'll keep the showers in the mix for the first part of thursday,
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clearing you out. more subtle pattern thursday evening all the way through the weekend. temperatures climb. the sun comes out. and we're talking perfection for your outdoor plans. not too hot. not too cold. even hitting the mid 60s right by the beach. let's check your drive. good morning, mike. >> it's cozy, shall we say, over here? a antioch where folks tend to huddle together. wet roads from earlier rains. rains have just traveled through the area north of antioch. no problems for the antioch bridge. crossing over to pittsburg. little slowing across the venetia and carcenas bridges. blocking your fast lanes.
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green is painted over here. west 80 through the area. look at that. slowing through richmond, heading up toward berkeley. bay bridge toll plaza. we'll have those metering lights on. now here is north 101. we'll show you a better view of this, coming up. back to you. >> thank you very much. two months after he beat lymphoma, a 6-year-old san jose boy is fighting for his life again, this time against leukemia. eduardo grijalva need ace bone marrow transplant to save his life. doctors say leukemia is very aggressive and chemotherapy will not cure it. there are not many people of hispanic descent in the current database so finding a match will be extremely challenging. eduardo's classmates and teachers at river glen school are helping to spread the word about finding a bone marrow match and his family hopes their son's story will inspire others
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to answer the call. >> i really commend that we can find it and we can do whatever we need to do to convince the people to do the test. >> go take the test. bone marrow drive will happen at river glen school next friday march 28th at 2:30 in the afternoon, and end at 7:00. spread the word as well. the test is said to be very easy. it doesn't involve any needles, just the swab of your cheek. think of the difference you can make to the life, the life of a little boy. santana row getting a little bit of competition. plans for new high-end shopping center. >> plus a $250,000 car abap doned hours after it was purchased. this morning, the unusual manhunt under way for a very rich and very elusive california couple.
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5:54. city of mountain view has a new development plan in the works so big, it could rival that of santana row in san jose. a new entertainment, shopping and dining area on the corner of california and san antonio. san antonio village center will have six movie screens, hotel, shops, restaurants. some say the development is a good idea, some community groups say the project is just moving too quickly. >> a major concern, which is said again and again, is traffic. this is very likely to congest everything. and it really has not been planned for. >> residents are pushing for bike lanes, pedestrian crossings and traffic mitigation to clearly be spelled out in those plans. the developer says even without a precise plan, negotiations are under way. phase one of the project with housing and retail is almost
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complete. construction on phase two of the project won't start for several more months. >> we can see a lot of that video, the rain is coming down. christina loren is here to pinpoint it for us. we are talking about it. she is ready. >> good morning. i hope you're ready. will the tlat there's a lot more on the way. first and foremost, you can see we've had quite a bit of rainfall overnight. i set this back just three hours. marin county, the coastline in particular, starting to get slammed with light to moderate showers, even pockets of heavier rainfall. you really want to take it easy out there on your way to work this morning. that rainfall overnight already left a mark. throughout the day today, showers continue. i'll time the system out city by city. we'll let you know what we're expecting in tahoe. in fact, we'll take it live to squaw valley, coming up in the 6:00 hour. first let's check your drive and see how the showers impact you there. good morning. we're looking at the build for the south, turned the camera on 101 toward the mckey exits.
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taillights heading around the bend, commute area. this matches with the arrow on the map. wet roads registering from our traffic and weather systems here. smooth drive despite the heavy commute. extra caution as you're coming off freeway speeds. early slowing on 101. it's calmed down quite a bit. as we move up the peninsula, 101 and 280 moving smoothly. san mateo and dumbo bridge moving smoothly. >> mike, thanks. looking for a couple who ditched their $250,000 lamborghini hours after they bought it. the couple was speeding through la jolla when they crashed into a wall. that's not good. it will leave a mark. the lamborghini was left right in the middle of the street where police found it. witnesses say they saw a man and woman get out of that car and simply run away. the driver not only is out a sweet car, he could also be
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facing charges of leaving the scene of an accident. 5:57. still ahead, more trouble for the singer who went on that anti-gay rant over the weekend. another house on fire on bethel island. all the details are coming up next.
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raging flames and power lines down in the east bay. back to school for the first time since a toddler was tied up with tape. how they're keeping students safe. why the city says it's simply powerless to keep offensive ads from being posted. we're tracking showers on
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the radar for the first official day of spring. we'll show you where they're the heaviest, what's to come and when we might get our next round of rain all in my full forecast. showers playing a part in your morning commute. plus a new issue for the nim its. your oakland drive, coming up. >> beautiful bay bridge. look at those lights glistening for you on this wednesday, march 20th. this is "today in the bay." i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> and i'm jon kelley. breaking news in the east bay. total of three homes burning on taylor road on bethel island. very intense. you can see that fire. it started in one home, then gradually spread to two other homes nearby. firefighters initially had a tough time getting to that fire just before 2:30 this morning
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because of downed power lines in that area. so far, a little bit of good news here, there are no reports of any injuries. we also have new video this morning of president obama arriving in jerusalem earlier this morning, via marine one, which touched down in the middle of a stadium. president obama is expected to meet with president shimon perez, prime minister benjamin netanyahu later this morning before eventually making his way to jerusalem. president obama arrived in tel aviv around 3:15 this morning, immediately after stepping off air force one, he took part in an official arrival ceremony. the white house says the two-day trip is meant to show the president cares about the israeli people and will do whatever is necessary to protect them from threats near and far. we'll have more on the significance of this report coming up in a live report at 6:30. fight over controversial ads on muni buses taking another turn this morning. the group behind those


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