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tv   Today  NBC  March 26, 2013 7:00am-11:00am PDT

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in a statement this morning amanda said it is painful to the receive the news. when the prosecution said my involvement in meredith's murder has been unfounded an unfair. when they responded to the many discrepancies in the work and for my sake and rafaeli's sake and the sake of meredith's family, our hearts go out to them. not thatter what happens, my family will face this legal battle confident with the truth, and with with our heads held high in false accusations and adversity. >> she is shocked and sad and thought it was the end of a nightmare, but she is also very strong. >> reporter: they were convicted of the murder in 2009 and then acquitted on appeal two years later and with much criticism of the investigation. pr prosecutors though appealed that acquittal calling it illogical for throwing out virtually
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everything that was found in the hiloer court like the validity of the dna evidence and the reliability of witnesses. the kercher family has releed their own statement, we will not be happy about any income, because we lost meredith, but we support the decision. still embattled six years later. so now this case will go back to an appeals court for retrial, although amanda won't necessarily have to the appear. she could try in absentia or italy could ask for the u.s.'s help in compel herg to come back here, but legal experts say that won't necessarily work either. matt? >> all right. michelle coe skozinski in rome. we have a reporter who was in the courtroom when this decision was handed down. good morning pra morning, praxi >> good matt. >> in this country, it would
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sound an awful lot like double jeopardy and take me through the reasoning and why you think it is a fair decision. >> no, matt, this is not a case of double jeopardy. initially the supreme court is called on appeal ps of m ps in f matter of law, a nd tnd that is case here. the appeals court ap e peeled because on 16 points they believed that violations of law were committed. >> what exactly are amanda knox's options right now and the legal team? what can they do to try to prevent this trial from happening, if anything? >> no, there is nothing they can do the prevent this trial from happening. lit go forth and it was sent back to the appeals level where amanda will be tried again together with former boyfriend for the murder of meredith kercher on the basis of what are the motivations of the supreme
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court believes were the violation of law. the prosecution filed 16 points of appeal, and now it is just a question of time, 90 days in particular, for the supreme court here to issue the iterations and tell us what the scope of the appeal will be. >> michelle kozinski said that amanda knox may not appear for the trial, and could she be forced to testify, even fit is from a distance? >> the motives of appeal do not imply a case of having her as witness. her slander case, her slander conviction was confirmed, and that would have been more important for her to appear and testify. the reasons presented for the prosecution for a new appeals case do not need her to come over to italy and testify.
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>> and praxilla, i was interested in what michelle had to say in what she said the judges in the case appeared to be annoyed with the defense. you were inside of the courtroom and over what point of law did they become annoyed? >> well, indeed. the judges were huffing and puffing as the defense had to literally defend itself in a new appeal's case, because at the end of the day, the prosecutor almost seemed to present new appeals, and this was not the place to do that. this is the place to discuss the violations of law, the contradictions of the motivations of the judgment and instead, it turns out to be a almost second appeals case, and when the defense insisted on these points, that is when the judges seemed annoyed. >> praxilla, i spent time with you over in italy as the appeals process was wrapping up, and so you have been watching this for a long time, and so this is a story out of the headlines there for several years and how are they going to the feel about it
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being back on the front pages? >> well, since the appeals judgment was issued, the italian's hearts seemed to have warmed for amanda for how she has been conducting her life after this. she has been avoiding the limelight in italy and it doesn't seem that she could have made italia that she could have benefited from, and so that made perhaps some italians change their mind after the judgment. but there is also those people who believe that the court should triumph, and that she is guilty. >> all right. thank you in rome this morning. thank you very much, praxilla. savannah? >> we are joined by one of amanda knox's attorneys. good morning. >> good morning. >> first of all, have you talked
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to your client, her family, and what is the reaction? >> yes, i have talked to much of her family this morning and i have spoketon amanda many times yesterday. i did not have the opportunity to speak to her this morning though. >> and their reaction? are they blindsided by this? >> well, certainly everyone was hopeful that the appellant court jury's verdict would be affirmed, because it was sound and thoroughly well researched and well documented and after a search and inquiry, they concluded that the prosecution's evidence whether it was witness testimony or physical evidence or forensic conclusion was completely unjustified and it was ooeither absent, non-existe or inaccurate rat or unreliable and so there was good reason to believe that the supreme court would affirm it. but let me say this, merely because they have sent it back for revision, does not mean that anything else will happen other than she will be recognized as not guilty and the same thing will happen again. so nothing is --
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>> do you are not necessarily seeing another trial in her future, appeals trial? >> well, we have to wait for the directorate directorates from the supreme court, but i understand they have sent it back for revision and reconsideration, and they will review it. they may simply affirm the not guilty and seek no further evidence. nothing has changed. there was no evidence before and there is no evidence now, and i think that is the most important fact. amanda has said that these are unfounded, and these are unfair, and her family is completely supportive of her, and both amanda and her family have demonstrated an unparalleled degree of persistent, resilience, strength, courage and fortitude and they will continue to fight these unju unjustified allegations. >> and before i let you go, quickly, assuming there were another trial, is it safe to assume she has no plans to
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return to italy since she cannot be compelled to do so? >> well, let's understand that this must be viewed in the context of the italian system and when it is sent back for this revision, her appearance is not legally required, so there is no issue as to what. it is simply going to proceed and be strenuously defended and she will be exonerate and her appearance is not required. >> thank you so much, theodore simon. matt? >> the u.s. supreme court and here is a landmark case that could drastically change the way that the court covers the case of same-sex marriage. pete williams our correspondent is at the supreme court. >> well, 61% of the vote for barack obama also approved the ban on proposition 8, a ban of same-sex marriage in that state. now the supreme court will consider that issue of whether any state can ban it. >> reporter: the day has come for the people who have lined up
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for days to see the historic argument. >> i have been out here for four days and the reason i'm out here is just because it is a historic moment and lit only happen once in my lifetime and i wanted to be here to witness history. >> reporter: the two california couples at the heart of the case are already here after a brief visit monday to see the constitution at the national archives. their lawyer say that prop 8 should be struck down because l allowing them to be married would have no effect on traditional couples. >> prop 8 has not come up with with an argument about why for all of the good things for marriage we want to keep people out who want to be married. >> reporter: but prop eight defenders say it is going to limit. >> a marriage between two men and two women is not the same as marriage between a man and woman. and only a marriage between a man and woman can connect children to their mother and father and the parents to the children.
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>> reporter: if the court str e strikes down prop 8, same-sex marriage would resume in california and depending how broadly the court rules it could require some or all states to require same-sex marriage, too. but if the court upholds prop 8, that leaves open the door for another election in california on whether to get rid of it. a chief justice john roberts will be watching the argument today with special interest. his cousin who says she is a lesbian hoping to get married. during his 2005 confirmation hearing, roberts introduced her along with other family members. >> i introduce my cousin -- >> reporter: in a guest coll lem for a gay rights group, and that is her on the left there in the picture says that everyone in the country has a family member end quote who is part of the gay and lesbian community. tomorrow, they take oup the federal law that blocks the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages in the nine states where they are allowed. we will probably get decisions for both cases toward the end of
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june, matt. >> pete williams at the court this morning. thank you very much. there is threatening talk out of north korea this morning. let's get to tamron hall with more on that. >> that is right. yet another threat from north korea. it was announced this morning that north korea has ordered strategic rocket and long term artillery units to be combat ready targeting u.s. bases on guam and hawaii and the mainland. they believe it is just threats to bolster kim jiang un. s secretary kerry wrapping up his case to repair u.s./afghan relations. he also visited a start-up project for women. one of the companies is makes soccer balls and gave the secretary a chance to show off his skills. and now jackie deangelis has the latest from the new york stock exchange this morning. good morning. >> well, action in europe could put traders in defense this
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morning. this after traders put the s&p near all-time highs. then the market started to digest what the deal could mean for other troubled european countries. and today, the reports on new home sales will be the focus, and investors will try to get a gauge if this housing rekov are i have for real. tamron, back to you. >> thank you, jackie. >> a daring rescue caught on tape. look at euk lclid, ohio, where police had to break the windows to drag the man to safety this morning. he's okay. it was a shot of a lifetime when a basketball fan from oklahoma city when he hit the jackpot by hitting a half-court shot at halftime worth $20,000. the excited fan ran and hugged his girlfriend, but the better
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part of the story, oklahoma city's kevin durant who is also excited ran and took over showing some love there. boo-yah! 7:15, and back to savannah and matt and al. hopefully that was his girlfriend. >> he instantly knew that girl. >> thank you, tamron. mr. roker? >> well, colder air coming in here, and look at the temperatures falling all of the way down into the teens and the 20s and we are going to be seeing more colder making its way down into the south. we are going to get more of the local forecast after this message. ♪ [ male announcer ] every car we build must make adrenaline pump and pulses quicken. ♪ to help you not just stay alive... but feel alive. the c-class is no exception. it's a mercedes-benz, through and through. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services.
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good tuesday morning to you. the time is 7:16. i'm meteorologist, christina loren. this, of course, beautiful san francisco. we have a little bit of low cloud cover. mostly cloudy to start the day. we are tracking fog. at its worse at 9:00 a.m. a nice, clear sky between 9:00 and noon. highs today comfortable. upper 60s. a couple low 70s. livermore, 6. fairfield. we have chances for rain tomorrow through sunday. weather. >> all right, al. and that's your latest weather. >> all right, al. tiger woods is flying high >> he is once again the world's top-ranked golfer for the first time since his very public fall from grace.
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en desgracia, tiger woods de >> reporter: woods is again number with one golfer and the victory at bay hill in orlando coming a few miles and several long years from where the career spun out of control in a thanksgiving night car accident that expose ped ed e eed a seri extramarital affairs. >> for all that i have done, i am so sorry. >> reporter: after a public apology and a self-impose ped break from golf, woods' marriage ended in divorce. his comeback was playinged by injury injuries and many wondered aloud if the superstar's best years were behind him, an all of this make ing t making the return to number one all the sweeter for woods. >> it has been incredible to have all of the support, and all of the hard work has paid off to get me to this point.
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>> reporter: with three tou tournament wins this year, tiger is the favorite to win the green jacket at next month's masters where he has won four times already. >> i have turned some of the weaknesses that i had last year into strengths. i'm really excited for the rest of the year. >> to watch him have to claw his way back up, it was an interesting portrayal of humanity, because we don't get to see that the often. the great ones don't usually fall that hard. vonn tweeted after woods' win on monday. vonn may be cheering on tiger woods, but the question now is, are golf fans, men and women, ready to give him a second chance? >> it was another ugly story in the world of professional sports. men forgive on this stuff a lot quicker than females do. >> one measure of the response, the backlash to a new nike ad on
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facebook that says "winning takes care of everything." one commenter asking does winning erase all the bad things this guy did? another said welcome to number one again tiger. we all make mistakes. well, whether or not you like the guy, he's playing incredibly well right now. he's in pursuit now. his 15th major tournament as he heads into the masters where he loves to play, a record held by jack nicklaus at 18 now seems again in sight. >> yeah, he's got his swagger back, there's no question about that. we did a poll on we wanted to know if you thought tiger fans should give him a second chance. 61% said yes. 39, no. i think it's important to differentiate between golf fans and non-golf fans. >> right. this is not, should you date tiger woods? >> yeah. >> tomorrow's poll. >> exactly. all right, willie, thank you. coming up, the award-winning author of "friday night lights" reveals he is a shopaholic. this morning why he says he had
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to go public with this addiction. and al dons the pinstripes. moment of silence. and takes the field with the new york yankees. but first, this is "today" on nbc. nt of silence. and takes the field with the new york yankees. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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i think i've got it..
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good morning. 7:26. i'm marla tallez. the supreme court started hearing arguments for prop 8, california's ban on same-sex marriage. hundreds were led into court about an hour ago. seating is on a first come, first seated basis. tomorrow, the justice is will take up the defensive marriage act. both cases will not be decided, however, until july. christina loren taking a day at the forecast. pretty nice day in store. we do have fog out there. we are expecting that to continue until 9:00 a.m. we clear you out completely by 10:00, 11:00. the clouds will roll back in late this afternoon into this evening. showers. 67 degrees on the way for livermore. 65 in fremont. 60 in san francisco. the next couple of days, shower chances increase. our best chance for rain looks
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like thursday and sunday. everywhere in between, we have a slight chance. you want to keep the umbrella by your side. we're looking towards the san mateo bridge on the span itself. look at the volume of traffic heading away from it. we have a crash in southbound 880 around the interchange. just around jackson. that is cause ag bit of a distraction. it sounds like it might be blocking one lane. big slowing out of hayward southbound. past the san mateo bridge into fremont. that's good news for the south bay. your northbound commute kicks in. 101, 87, 85, 280, really gumming up. >> back to you. check back with us in 30 minutes. we'll have another local news update at 7:56. see you then.
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that's one!
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>> on a one to ten scale of cool, that's a ten. al roker getting batting tips and a little ribbing from the captain of new york yankees, derek jeter. there's reggie jackson, by the way. so did the lessons pay off? we'll find out when al shares his spring training fantasy experience coming up in just a little while. i've seen him look better than that, actually. meanwhile, take a look at the scene from the top of the rock looking down at lower manhattan on a tuesday morning. it's the 26th of march, 2013. i'm matt lauer alongside savannah guthrie. >> good morning, everybody. just ahead, from al's pinstripes to spots. a good look. we're going to introduce you to the adorable baby giraffe just born at a conservation center in connecticut. she's super cute and you will have the chance to help name her. matt will interview her and see how she feels. >> might be a little challenging. then we talk to usher from "the voice" on monday. this morning, blake shelton is
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in the house. we'll get his take on last night's season premiere. and of course, we will not let him leave without a live performance in our studio. but let us begin this half hour with a candid admission from pulitzer prize winning journalist, buzz bissinger. in a new "gq" article, he reveals he has an addiction, an diction to shopping. author buzz businessesener has inspired a hollywood movie, but in the article of the "gq" magazine, his words carry a candid confession. he writes, my name is buzz bissinger, and i'm a shopaholic. he details a shopping and fashion addiction that cost him $587,000 since 2010. bissinger tallies some of his most expensive items, a $22,000 gucci lambs wool coat, a leather jacket that cost him almost
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$14,000, and $5,600 leather pants. bissinger, 58, writes that as he entered his mid-50s, buying and wearing expensive cloing gave him a new sense of self-expression and an intoxicating rush. i wasn't mainlining heroin, just impossibly gorgeous leather jackets and coats and boots and gloves is and evening jackets. it's the kind of honesty that bissinger is famous for, most recently sharing intimate details on "today" when he discussed his book about his son who has brain damage. >> to hear your child say, my brain isn't right, it crushes you. >> in a statement to nbc news, bissinger says, "i wrote this because i love beautiful clothing too much, obviously. but also because i believe it will help others who are struggling with addiction, as well as self-expression and the damage that can be done by denying who you are. i wrote it because it was the only way i knew of coming to
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terms and getting the help i'm now getting." brad lamb is an addiction expert. brad, good to see you, good morning. i think there might be a temptation on the part of some to say it's a shopping addiction, it's almost humorous, it's not serious. it's not like drug addiction or alcohol addiction. and yet the truth is the opposite. >> or food. i mean, if you couple even food and digital addictions and shopping together, hundreds of millions of americans struggle with that, yet most will never find relief. we see this guy who's a winner and he's plowed through most of his money, and you think, how in the world did that happen? >> and what drives him to do this? it seems, according to his admission, that this is something that developed rather late in his life. >> and, i think, it's not unusual, though, for people to, in middle age, to try to make themselves feel better in different ways. i see a lot of folks struggle with chemical addiction. they start drinking just as they retire and they're loved ones around them think, why in the world is this happening now? but it's the drive to feel better and different and we get that with shopping. >> he talks about a trip to
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milan where he says, i spent $100,000 or more and started to seriously grapple once and for all with a compulsion that could cost me more than just my life savings. my name is buzz bissinger, i'm 58 years old, best-selling author of "friday night lights," father of three and a husband, and i am a shopaholic. what do you take from this very public admission? he is a writer, this is his tool, this is his craft, but what do you take from the fact he decided to go so public with this? >> it's sort of the 21st century mantra. the idea of anonymity is out the window. with the invention of facebook and twitter, people are out the window with their bottom. so this is his bottom. >> let me take this a step further. we understand now according to reports that he has checked into rehab. we don't know specifically what he is in rehab for, but in the article, bissinger talks about some confusion over his sexual orientation and admits that in some ways, the feeling he gets from shopping is equal to the
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feeling he gets after a sexual experience. is that common? >> it's common in that for so many people, struggling with addiction, there's a dr. jekyll/mr. hyde thing, where the secret is the defining thing. and also, living in secret provides a dopamine rush. it's an adrenaline rush. the brain chemistry actually changes when you're acting out in that behavior. but people do get well. there's lots of help for folks who struggle with this. >> just an odd question. he gets out of rehab and goes home, does he have to get rid of all those things he purchased while suffering from his shopping addiction? >> i don't know that he'll shred his leather pants, but folks try to change the people, places, and things that they've struggled with in the past. so we're talking about a lot of change in the future for him, i imagine. >> i know i'm cynical, but i did think for a second after reading this letter, i thought, this is a guy who loves project. could this be part of a project? could he release this letter and be sitting back to see the reaction as some sort of social experiment.
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too cynical? >> i don't think so. it reads too raw, too real, and really a desperate moment of, hey, this is my bottom, i'm going to work to get better. >> brad lamb, thanks very much. let's go outside now and get a check of the weather from al. >> announcer: today's weather is brought to you by the american cancer society, the official sponsor of birthdays. >> good morning, everybody. got a nice group of folks here. from chicago, all right! let's look at what we've got going on today. we've got snow in the appalachians. winter storm warnings and winter weather advisories from kentucky all the way into west virginia. and we've got snow actually still coming down, lake enhanced snow from chicago, cleveland, down to charleston. they're going to see a little light snow in northern georgia. look for anywhere from 1 to 6 inches of snows from the mountains all the way up to elkins, west virginia. rest of the country, we're going to be looking at rain and snow showers in the pacific northwest, plenty of sunshine along the gulf, but chilly, miami today, a high of only 69
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7:37. good morning. i'm meteorologist, christina loren. mostly cloudy. san jose, same deal. a little bit of sunshine in san francisco. highs today are going to be just about as warm as yesterday. we are forecasting 67 degrees in livermore, 68, gilroy. right around 66 degrees in santa teresa. chances for rain ramp up as we head through tonight. mostly in the north bay by thursday. another chance looking good for sunday. it's a sign from god. let's show you -- first, go to, or the weather channel to get your latest weather. matt? >> all right, al. thank you very much. up next, how facebook is helping lead to a new understanding of tornados, and the 17-year-old whiz kid who just sold his app to yahoo! for millions. but first, these messages. yaho
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millions. but first, these messages. on a walk, walk, walk. love to walk. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing... had made you play. and that... had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. it's good for you. listen up. every year hundreds of promising cancer studies go unfunded. let's make sure that no research is silenced. let's make noise. and let's help the american cancer society finish the fight.
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and then there's juicy chicken with best foods ♪ best foods is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken... [ bell dings ] crispy so juicy so delicious it's your secret to making dinner disappear best foods. bring out the best
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[ chuckles ] isn't easter fun, red? [ grunts ] not from my perspective! ♪ i took something for my sinuses, but i still have this cough. [ male announcer ] a lot of sinus products don't treat cough. they don't? [ male announcer ] nope, but alka seltzer plus severe sinus does it treats your worst sinus symptoms, plus that annoying cough. [ breathes deeply ] ♪ oh, what a relief it is [ angry gibberish ] when that became the official retirement age back when my dad was a kid, life expectancy was about 61. not much of a retirement, huh? luckily, things have changed. to see how, we went out and asked people a simple question: how old is the oldest person you've known? the oldest person i really know is probably my grandfather. he's 93. 94. 104 years old. [ dan ] then we gave them each a sticker and had them show us.
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♪ soon we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed: the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪ back at 7:42.
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we use facebook to keep up to date with our friends, but did you know it may also hold the key to make sense of tornados? kerry sanders is here to explain. >> even our grandmothers know that facebook is unique. facebook has connected people in so many different ways, but now scientists have discovered those connections can help them understand one of nature's most powerful forces. >> oh, my god, that's it! oh, my god. >> reporter: april 27th, 2011, a day of historic proportions. on that one day, more than 120 torld tornados touched down, leaving behind a virtual war zone, with 315 dead. now for the first time, we have an accurate picture of just how tornados carry and then spit out debris hundreds of miles away. and researchers figured it out with facebook, using a page created by patty bouillon of athens, alabama. all she wanted to do was get
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keepsakes lost in the storm back to their owners. >> i started the page just hoping, you know, to get those few pictures back home. never dreaming that it would get as big as it did. i think it's amazing that facebook became part of that, that it could be used in research. >> reporter: patty's page connected a cheerleading jacket found in elkmont, alabama, with its owner 66 miles away. and this photo in northwest alabama landing more than 220 miles away in east tennessee. and this five-foot-high metal memorial from the football field in smithville, mississippi, found 69 miles away in russellville, alabama. all of it hard data with accurate measurements, never before available in such grand scale. >> what we hope to have been able to do is to help understand tornados and what tornados do to houses and buildings and so forth a little bit better and understand how far the debris can go. we feel certain that in the long
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run, it will be useful to understand tornado debris and where it can go. >> the research was done at the university of georgia. the scientists say while a tornado is spinning 360 degrees, most of the degree falls ten degrees to the right and five degrees to the right of a tornado's path. >> that's fascinating. kerry sanders, thanks for the story. appreciate it. coming up next, the rare and very adorable baby giraffe just born in connecticut. we will meet her right after this. ♪ our house is a very, very, very fine house. ♪ ♪ with two cats in the yard, ♪ life used to be so hard. ♪ now everything is easy 'cause of you, ♪ ♪ and our la, la, ♪ la, la, la, la, ♪ la, la, la, la, ♪ la, la, la, la.
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so you can fully enjoy the dairy you love. lactaid®. for 25 years, easy to digest. easy to love. it does not get any cuter than that. a baby giraffe, there she is live, ready for her close-up. she was born in greenwich, connecticut, recently. >> we showed you the video on monday. this morning, she is with us live along with the center's founder and director. good morning to you. nice to see you. >> good morning, guys. welcome. >> how big a deal is this? i know this is part of an endangered species. so how big is the fact that you actually had her in this center? >> well, this is actually huge for our new conservation center. and no doubt this is a really important baby and birth. but the real purpose for this
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little animal is that all the attention that we're bringing to us today, we have to save their wild places. do you know that an animal or plant species goes extinct every 20 minutes on our planet. so thanks for the attention to this. >> well, how can we tear our eyes away? she's such a little cutie. i know she doesn't have a name yet. we'll get to that in a moment. but first of all, what has she been doing? how old is she exactly and what do they do at this age? >> she was born on friday morning, and she's just having a little rest by momma now. she's nursing and getting to meet the rest of the herd. she'll be out in our indoor paddock in about a week. >> her mom is petal. she's 6 years old. how is mom hanging in there? >> mom is such a good mom. we actually have the birth on our website so you can see. within 20 minutes, this baby was standing and nursing. >> so what's the challenge to raising a baby giraffe at this age and bringing her up? >> well, this is a very strong
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baby. our vets were amazed at her first check-up. she almost looked like a 2-week-old baby. but any new birth is so fragile, so our zoo keepers are monitoring her fragiles closely and she's doing great. >> let's talk about the name. obviously you'd like the public's help in finding a name. any early suggestions? i vote for cujo. i don't know why. >> i coordinated my outfit for her today. i'm wearing my giraffe dress. >> oh, perfect. we love that. we love that. we've got to save those wild places for these giraffes. so i love hearing that. >> so people can actually submit name suggestions. you can do it through our website, too. >> >> and the zoo keepers are going to choose some finalists, is that how it goes? >> yeah. is our website, and there's a place where people can submit names. on friday, we're actually going to start sifting through them, and by next week we'll have a name for her.
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>> it is connecticut. how about muffy? >> you've been to greenwich, haven't you? >> i have. once or twice. >> i think zz. she's got legs like zz top. >> that's pretty good. you had to take me through that. well, thank you very much and good luck with her, whatever her name turns out to be. coming up, blake shelton, carson daly after your local news. wait a sec! i found our colors. we've made a decision. great, let's go get you set up... you should check out our workshops... push your color boundaries while staying well within your budget walls. i want to paint something else.
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great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. to help support a healthy metabolism try new great grains protein blend in cinnamon hazelnut or honey, oats and seeds. good morning to you. 7:56. a major intersection in san jose remains closed following a deadly crash.
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a man lost control of his car. at the intersection of monterrey and kurtner around 2:00 this morning. the car clipped two trees. the driver was pronounced dead at the scene. that happening in the south bay. we want to check the commute where it is ugly in the east bay. >> we are looking over at the nimitz. we will look at the map south where it did get kind of nasty. around 92, earlier crash. involving five cars. the backup that was there, now moving. all the way down through fremont southbound towards mission. look at how slow it is. we will get a live look showing what the conditions are. for 880 into the south bay. christina, a little gray out there as well. what's going on today? >> a little bit of low cloud cover hanging out. that will be the case. the sun is breaking through those clouds not just here in san francisco. san jose looking good as well. your sun will set at 7:30.
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67, livermore, 68, gilroy. 65, san jose. as of tonight, better chance for thursday. marla, over to you. we'll be back at 8:26. we'll see you then.
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♪ it's all about tonight good times and good music ♪ it's tuesday morning, the 26th of march, 2013. take a look, we hear a lot of screams. we were hoping they were for us. no, they were for blake shelton. he is here. got a lot going on in his life right now. "the voice" just premiered last night, season four. he's got a new album out just today. we'll catch up with him. we've got to have him perform live. that is coming up. >> we love blake shelton. >> good morning, everyone. savannah guthrie with matt lauer. >> and the guy who hosts the show that blake is one of the stars of, carson daly, is joining us well. he's going to join the professionals inside this morning in donny's absence. lots to talk about, including the question, is america, now that tiger woods has regained his number one ranking, ready to love and embrace him again? we'll talk about that. >> and then i got to achieve a dream of mine since i was a kid.
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i got to go and spend a day with the new york yankees. got tips from the captain derek jeter. got to play catch with reggie jackson. even got to take batting practice, pitched to by goose gosich. >> and how long have you been sleeping in that uniform? >> it's getting a little gamey now. >> so cool. >> we can't wait to see that. but before we get to that, let's go to tamron hall in for natalie this week. good morning again. breaking news from italy this morning on the amanda knox case. italy's highest criminal court has overturned her acquittal on murder charges. knox was convicted of the murder of her roommate in italy more than five years ago. that conviction was eventually overturned. but now a new trial has been ordered. knox cannot be forced to return to italy, though, for the trial. is a ban on same-sex marriage constitutional?
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that's the first question that the supreme court takes up today when it hears arguments on california's gay marriage ban. tomorrow the court hears arguments on the defense of marriage act, which says the federal government cannot recognize same-sex marriages from individual states. one new jersey man is smiling a lot this morning. he says he's the one winner of the fourth biggest powerball jackpot ever. katy tur has more for us. >> reporter: mamg waimagine wak a small piece of paper that says you're $338 million richer. that's what one man in new jersey says he has. he's a father of five. now we're waiting for lotto officials to confirm that he won. pedro quezada might have himself a new nickname. the new jersey resident is waking up this morning holding what may be the lone winning ticket in saturday night's $338
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million powerball jackpot. powerball officials confirm that the winning ticket was purchased in new jersey, but have yet to verify that it is the one belonging to quezada. the 44-year-old who owns a bodega down the street says he would use the money to "help a lot of people" including family members with their rent. so how does this potential new multi-millionaire feel? but unsurprisingly, all smalls. the bodega opened this morning, but he's not in there. certainly his days running it might be coming to a close soon. if he takes the lump sum, that's $221 million. after taxes, $152 million. a lot less than $338 million, but still nothing, nothing to frown about. >> that's right. and proof that he won, he's not at work today. so that's further proof he may be the winner of that big lottery. thank you, katy. now for a look at what's
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trending today, our quick round-up of what has you talking online. one of britain's top whiz kids has yahoo!'s attention. 17-year-old nick has hit the jackpot after selling his mobile application to yahoo!. he came up with the idea while studying for exams. the deal, by the way, could be worth millions. we'll talk with him tomorrow. scientists are planning to crash a spacecraft into an asteroid in the year 2022 to find out what the asteroid is made of. the potential hit is a big hit online. and it used to be easy for most people to get a date for the prom. now apparently a lot of creativity helps, of course, with a guitar. ♪ what are you doing on 4/20 i want to go with somebody i'm hoping that person is you please make my dreams come true ♪ >> okay, the invite has gone viral, and how could she say no?
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she couldn't. she said yes. so cute there. it is now 8:05. let's get another check of the weather. you can sing it if you'd like. >> i could, but you wouldn't like that. here is a young woman, what's your name? >> jo. >> you're wishing your parents happy anniversary? >> yes. >> mom and dad, i'm surprised you haven't killed each other yet. you could write for hallmark. that's fantastic. happy anniversary to your folks. i'm surprised you haven't killed each other. let's check your weather, see what we've got for you. columbus, nbc 4, snow showers, cold, 39 degrees. we're looking at snow make its way from chicago all the way down into the appalachians. some partly cloudy skies here in the northeast. another beautiful day in san francisco and los angeles. rain and snow showers, interior sections of the hey, good morning to you.
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it's a tuesday. we're checking your drive with mike in just a few moments. i want to point out the sky above the bay bridge toll plaza looking pretty good, clouds breaking apart. 66 in concord and 60 in san francisco. our unsettled pattern continues. as we head through the next several days, slim chances for rain. best chance looks like thursday and sunday, which, of course, is easter. you want to keep that in mind. overall you might get caught by a stray shower starting tonight and lasting through sunday. hope have you a great day. that's your latest weather. where are you guys from? >> austin, texas. >> all right, let's head back to savannah. >> look over there, there's blake shelton still signing autographs. we'll catch up with him next. but first, is america ready to love tiger woods again? we're going to ask the "today" professionals about that. and then al dons the pinstripes, living out his dream, becoming a member of the new york yankees for the day.
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and as we mentioned, blake shelton on last night's "voice" and his new album. right after this. life expectanc. not much of a retirement, huh? luckily, things have changed. to see how, we went out and asked people a simple question: how old is the oldest person you've known? the oldest person i really know is probably my grandfather. he's 93. 94. 104 years old. [ dan ] then we gave them each a sticker and had them show us. ♪ soon we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed: the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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to elooking for a litterars. with natural ingredients that helps neutralize odors. discover tidy cats pure nature. uniquely formulated with cedar, pine, and corn. attention. uh, everybody can i get your attention please? right now two out of three people are surviving cancer. we shouldn't be silent until that's three out of three. let's help the american cancer society finish the fight. come on.
8:07 am
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from nature, for sweetness. we're back. 8:10 and another edition of "today's professionals." check out our panel. star jones, carson daly, the ringer on the panel this morning. >> professional. >> there you go. and dr. nancy snyderman. let us start with a subject that a lot of people are going to be talking about. the u.s. supreme court going to hear two cases that deal with same-sex marriage. when they come to a decision on these cases, that decision could fundamentally change the way we legally view the institution of marriage in this country. my question is this. will a legal decision do anything to change the emotional opinion of the 36% or so people in this country who still think that marriage should be between a man and a woman. >> i think that at the time, i
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learned in law school a case that lives with me now, loving v. virginia. i pulled my notes from way back then. the freedom to marry has long been recognized as one of the vital personal rights essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free men. i believe strongly that this country has moved to that. >> but they are moving. the momentum is in that direction. but carson, the question was will a supreme court decision do anything to move -- >> the conservative the decision is, the more backlash there will be by the people. >> i disagree with carson, because i think what's going to be -- i think we're going to see a generational shift. younger people almost think this is a no big deal. and because much like the civil rights, once it's institutionized, there will be an acceptance and i think 20 to 30 years, we'll look back at this as a hiccup. >> it still seems so archaic. >> there is a new normal out
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there. >> let's not ignore, 58% of people are in favor -- 36% of people are not. it's not just a given. >> it will be. >> i think the marriage issue, whether it will be a states rights issue to marry versus federal -- >> maybe we'll find agreement on this one. after his victory at the around palmer invitational, tiger woods is once again the number one ranked golfer in the world. this several years after his much publicized troubles. is america -- i'm not just talk about golf fans here. i'm talking about americans in general. are they ready to embrace him again and fall in love with tiger woods all over again? >> yes. we love two things in this country. we like to knock people down. the only thing we like more than that is to pick them up. >> we also like lindsey vonn prom pictures. >> you think that has anything to do with his rehabilitated image? >> yes. oh, my gosh. >> those are the worst photos i've ever seen. he said it in a press conference, the only thing tiger
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loves is now that now paparazzi -- he's devalued that photo. >> the worst photos ever. >> america likes winners. when tiger woods is out in the hunt, you are cheering for him. you're not thinking about any of those personal issues. >> winning cures everything. >> that's what the nike ad said. winning takes care of everything. does it really? >> yeah, it does. it goes back to the gladiator days. win the crowd, win your freedom. >> a lot of people still remember the bad boy kobe bryant. but they like him when he wins. >> he paid his penance, right? he was a bad guy, did terrible things, but if the public believes he served some time and penance and worked his way back up since october 2010 and he's back on top, good story. came full circle. >> do you want him to break the record? >> yes, yes. >> i want him to win the masters. i want him to be tiger again. >> in india, some print ads for the ford moto company and a new car that apparently has a lot of trunk space are getting a lot of attention. they were never released, but they were leaked to the
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internet. one of the ads, to show that this car had a lot of trunk space, had a drawing of pretty driving the car and in the back, bound and gagged are the kardashian sisters. >> is it okay to laugh? >> no, it is not okay to laugh! >> consider the perspective here. india, a country that has been racked by headlines, gang rapes, rapes of women, this ad sparked a lot of controversy. >> funny ad, bad country. >> what? >> funny ad, wrong country. >> oh, i thought you meant -- >> funny ad, wrong country. >> what is ever going to be funny about bound women in the back of the car? >> well, the kardashians part is funny. >> bound women in the back of a car, especially that ad. >> ford and the ad agency have apologized even though they never ran it. they were never intended for
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paid publication. should have never been created, let alone up loaded to internet. >> the buck stops with ford. they want to do these still print viral campaigns to get conversation going online. >> we're talking about pretty. she hasn't been talked about in a year. she's happy. >> star kind of gave this one away, but one of the other ads in the campaign featured silvio berlusconi, the former prime minister of italy driving the car with some of the scantily clad women in the back. >> not okay. >> not okay. any woman bound in the back of a car is psycho. what is wrong with you, nancy? >> you forgot all the good times in your life, didn't you? >> being bound in the back of a car? oh, my gosh. >> carson, it's not too late to leave. >> there's a reason i went to law school. it was to prevent the binding of women in the back of a car. >> i can tell you right now, i did not see that opinion coming.
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>> i'm only saying it happens on occasion. >> let's go to new zealand where a mother left her newborn baby in the back of a car with a note from the baby's perspective, my mom is doing the shopping, call her if i need anything. a bystander saw this, posted the picture on facebook. now, it was never investigated by police because no one ever filed a report. what do we think about this? >> find mother and arrest her immediately. >> exactly. >> find her. >> you wait for mom, you call the cops. the cops are waiting at the car. mom is taken. >> she took the time to write a note. it was clear that this was premeditated. she knew it was wrong. she would not have done that -- >> did she crack the window at least? >> there's some states that will prevent you from doing that, that you're not supposed to leave it, especially on a hot day. i don't even leave my puppy in the car. >> track the mother down, because she showed that kind of judgment the first time, she'll
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do it again. >> 100%, mr. lauer. >> she must have thought this was cute. >> there's nothing cute about a baby suffocating in a car. >> it's not too late. all ask each other, hey, why didn't we do something about this? >> i just want to say, carson, well-done. you held your own here. >> i did all right. college education. >> thank you very much. now, here we go over to savannah, tamron and al. it is finally spring. the flowers are in bloom. birds chirping. and al is grabbing his baseball glove and putting on the pinstripes. al, how did it go? >> i was pretty bad. but i did get to do something every little kid dreams about. practice with a major league baseball team. somehow, we actually convinced the new york yankees to take a chance on a relatively unknown scrappy player just in the shadow of shea stadium.
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steinbrenner field. home of the new york yankees' spring training. the road to the world series starts here. along the way, there will be heroes. there will even be legends. and of course, there will also be goats. >> al, how are you? >> how's it going? >> welcome to spring training. >> i'm so excited. >> well, some do's and don't's. be on time. you already did that. hustle from field to field. and don't screw up derek jeter's hitting groove. >> thank you so much. >> looking forward it to. >> this is so exciting. ♪ sweet emotion >> how will this day turn out? i think i'll let history decide.
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and history was soon decided. the team had a bigger concern than just practice. >> don't hurt yourself, first of all, okay? that's number one. >> that's good. >> make sure you don't pull anything. >> okay. i won't do that. >> know your limitations. >> i know those. i've got a lot of them. >> just got to watch out. be heads up. you got your cup on? that's the most important thing. wear a cup. >> yeah. >> ding dong. >> hey, derek. how's it going? >> how you feeling? >> how are you feeling? that's more important. >> feeling good. >> at least yankees captain derek jeter was feeling good. i had a strong suspicion, one of us, not so much. >> get there, al! ♪ put me in, coach i'm ready to play ♪
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♪ put me in, coach i'm ready to play today ♪ ♪ look at me i can be in center field ♪ >> this is horrible. i'm 58 1/2 years old. these are guys in their prime. they're doing like cirque du soleil moves and talking about wine. god, it's unbelievable. luckily, yankees legend reggie jackson had some words of encouragement. >> look, catch it like this. be cool with it. >> all right. kind of nonchalant. >> man, what are you doing? >> i was doing okay until you came! okay, with that confidence-shredding session over, at least i still have batting practice -- with derek jeter. in front of all the yankees.
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no big deal. >> bases loaded. that's one. >> al, that's terrible. >> i know. >> and just when i thought i had survived the cage with my ego intact -- >> al, you got to pick up balls. >> wrong. yes, derek jeter asked "am i sure i'm not left-handed." i'm not sure. with game time just minutes away, i'm also not sure that i had yet earned my pinstripes. >> nbc's al roker. >> okay, so i didn't make it into the official lineup, but i did get to deliver the official lineup card. and the dream is over. what a day.
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some dream about being number one. but for me, it was a dream just being number 98. my dad was a huge yankees fan. he would have been so proud to see me in the pinstripes. and we want to give a big thanks to the yankees. they were welcoming. derek jeter, a gentleman nursing a sore ankle right now, so we're wishing him a speedy recovery. and a big thanks to jen long, our producer. >> they only gave you three pitches in the batting cage? >> that's it. >> and you laid out a bunt? >> i was just happy i didn't throw a hamstring. >> you looked good. >> you did. you looked very limber, al. >> by the way, spring also means the return of "the voice" here on nbc. it premiered last night with two brand-new coaches and lots of excitement. host carson daly is back along with coach blake shelton to share their favorite moments from last night. guys, well-done. nice to see you. >> thank you. >> what was the opening performance like? you got up there with a new gang. how did it feel, blake? >> it was really cool. i think it was the first time usher ever played base and sang
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live before. he was having a ball with that. they kind of leave it up for us to do whatever we want to do musically. adam always wants to play the drums so he can be the loudest. >> shakira had a little harmonica. >> i know, man. she's a rock star. rocking it out up there. >> it's also one of the few things we can do on our show. we have these coaches who are four of the biggest artists on the planet earth. it's a big point of differential between us and the other shows, the fact that we can do these super group performances. so we like to do them as often as possible. >> the performance of judith hill really kind of blew me away. >> also how we ended the show tonight. she was michael jackson's backup singer. the industry really looked at her and said it didn't feel right in the wake of michael's passing to capitalize on that. she waited, and now she's on "the voice" and looking for this to be her opportunity to make it. it's really proof in the pudding about this show and the level of talent that we get. >> you guys all fell in love
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with that 16-year-old country singer that showed a little competition between the judges. she was amazing. >> yeah, she is. she sang -- i don't know if y'all have the footage of it. but she sang a taylor swift song. >> sing a little bit of it. >> no. but she sang it. what's funny is i watched her sing it. it's hard to resell -- there she is there. hard to resell any taylor swift singles. after she sang it last night, i looked at itunes and her version of it was flying up the charts. it's hard to resell some of those songs that everybody on earth already owns. it's a testament to how competent these kids are. >> how do you think the new judges are doing? >> i think they suck. >> there you go. >> how's that sound? i think they're doing way better than adam and i expected. i mean, the first couple of auditions, we were sitting there like oh yeah, this is going to
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be easy. and you could tell they had done their homework. they knew what was up and they made it hard for us and embarrassing at times. we thought we had somebody won over just because we had been there longer. that wasn't the case at all. >> he actually tried to convince me to be on team usher yesterday and did a really good job. >> are you? >> no, i'm
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good morning to you. 8:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. more than 20 people out of their homes after an overnight apartment fire in san jose. firefighters say they received a report of smoke in a kitchen area. the building was evacuated. the thing cleared about 1:00 a.m. in alameda flames pouring from a roof, broke out at a salon near san jose avenue. crews had to pull out of the building fearing it could collapse. no injuries have been reported. want to check the morning commute now with mike. good morning. >> good morning, laura. >> how are we looking? >> park street and alameda, near the park street bridge no problems, over by san jose avenue. that's the island of alameda. on the peninsula a smooth drive, slows down through palo alto. map shows both directions slow, typical pattern here. northbound and routes through the south bay continue to build. lighter for traffic tuesday. schools and colleges on spring
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back. southbound 880 and 680. look out of 680 toward sunol and mission, slow down toward the funnel. meanwhile continue to recover after you. laura, back to you. >> thank you, mike. thank you for joining us. i'll be back with another local news update about 8:55 or so. hope have you a good morning. hello?
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it's 8:30 now on a tuesday morning, the 26th day of march, 2013. a nice crowd here at rockefeller this morning. thanks to these nice people for standing out here. some of these people were here when i arrived just before 5:00 in the morning. >> i know, they're very excite and now they're getting a little face time. >> along with savannah guthrie, al roker, and tamron hall. >> i love them. >> by the way, blake shelton has stuck around and we're going to get a live performance from mr. shelton in our studio in just a couple minutes. he's going to do a song off his brand-new album.
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>> sounds good. also ahead, a touching story about a soldier returning from war. he had a unique present for his wife, a 20th anniversary, 19 roses from total strangers, and guess who was holding the 20th. we'll tell you how he pulled that off. then, need to lose ten pounds fast? that's a heck of a question. we'll show you some super foods out there to add to your diet. just five weeks, we're told. and the added bonus that i love so much, you do not have to give up chocolate. >> good. >> that's a good thing. >> what's your name, ma'am? who's here with you? >> sandra owen. >> where are you from? >> alabama. >> you're big blake shelton fans. >> oh, yes. >> you're going to come into the studio and watch blake perform. we're going to set that up. i know a guy. let's show you what's going on as far as your weather is concerned. for today, we're looking at some
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rain and snow showers in the interior pacific northwest. lake enhanced snow from the upper great lakes in the appalachians. beautiful weather along the gulf coast, although chilly. tomorrow temperatures moderate showers around the central great lakes. showers along the pacific northwest. nice and mild as you make your way through much of . good morning to you. the time is 8:32. i'm meteorologist christina loren. this, of course, alcatraz looking pretty good. clearing taking place out there. a mix of sun and clouds for today and more sunshine than yesterday. highs will be just about the same. 6 for gilroy, 65 in fremont, right around 67 up in santa rosa. we do have a slight chance of rain starting tonight, better tomorrow night, mostly up in the north bay. thursday and sunday, widespread showers on the way to the greater bay area. and that's your latest weather. savannah? >> all right, al. thank you. now to a touching surprise for
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the wife of a soldier who was returning from afghanistan. scott henson was away for his 20th wedding anniversary, so on his flight back home, he gave 19 roses to his fellow passengers to hand to his wife as they got off the plane. scott soon followed with the 20th rose, and then the tears started coming. he's with us now along with his wife christie. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> scott, we are so impressed. how did you come up with this idea? >> just was in afghanistan about six weeks ago and i started thinking about wanting to do something different for our anniversary. and i knew i wanted to give some roses. and so i just thought of how can i do something different? and so that's when i started working with my daughters about working on a plan about how to do this. and using the passengers. there were some issues trying to figure out how exactly to do it. >> i want to get to that in a
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second. but christie, what did you think when passengers started coming down the escalator handing you roses? or does that just happen to you all the time anyway? >> oh, no. never happened before. this was just a typical coming home from the mid tour, nothing major. i saw two passengers come down with a single rose each. i was like what in the world? so i just dismissed it and turned around and looked back up up the escalator, and before i knew it, they were behind me saying happy anniversary. that's when i realized those roses were for me. >> it's the perfect plan. the uso in atlanta really helped you out here getting the flowers. you coordinated the passengers. and then did some of them kind of stop and get a coffee? was there a little bit of problem in execution? >> right. like i said, it was a matter of lining everybody up to be in the right place. and so when we got the passengers involved, the flight attendant at the very beginning started handing them out. but the problem was i was at the
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midsection of the plane and some of the people were at the front. so people kind of meandered through the airport, stopped, get coffee, and kind of take a break. so we were walking through and noticed that some of these passengers were stopping. some of the other ones picked it up and saw them and said let me take this rose on. so they were very helpful. >> so the bar is set high for anniversary 21. scott and christie hinson, thank you so much. happy anniversary to you and thank you for your service as well. >> all right, thank you. coming up next, the super foods to eat to drop ten pounds in just five weeks. we'll show you how to do it. this is "today" on nbc.
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"today" is brought to you by truvia. this morning on "take it off
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today", how to take off ten noun pounds in five weeks. the "drop 10" cook book picks up where your book left off. the concept of super foods, what is so super about them? >> as you eat, they tap into the natural fat-burning abilities of your bodies. we don't tell you not to eat. we tell you to eat more to lose more. what's cool about this cook book is you wouldn't know it's diet food. >> give me an example. >> it's just delicious food. you have things like protein. we're going to make some chicken. a little bit of chutney. apples have fiber. and the berry has protein. and the spices you basically dump, simmer for 20 minutes, and when it's ready, you put it on the chicken. >> where do you get goji berries? am i crazy? i've never heard of them.
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>> whoanywhere. whole foods, you can get them in bulk. once you eat it, you have literally 60 grams of protein. and protein helps build muscle, which makes you burn calories sitting in your office chair. so if you eat this food, you're literally going to burn calories just by eating. >> did you mention the kale? because that's on your list of super foods. >> that has a lot of fiber, but also vitamin c, which blocks fat absorption. >> the whole concept is that not all calories are created equal. >> right. the more you eat these good foods, the more you'll lose weight. the women who lost weight on this plan say they made this for their boyfriend. he had no idea it was a diet cook book. it was a delicious cook book. >> all right. a sneaky diet food. >> and then, we love to snack. here we're making some hummus. we want to add a little parmesan. lentils, which has protein. parmesan is the king of calcium. if you eat 1,200 milligrams a
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day, you will burn four pounds of fat without going to the gym. a little lemon. basically you put in all these spice and you blend it. this is a skinnier hummus that allows you to snack without gaining weight. you pulse this. over here we have it made. when you have it with something like celery, which has potassium, actually helps you shed fat. >> i was going to say i see that you're not serving it with chips. >> no. >> as some of us might do. >> however, in this diet cook book, we had hundreds of desserts, hundreds of treats. these are double peanut butter cookies. so these have three grams of protein, and they are full of super foods, and so you can eat cookies, chocolate, wine, steak, a lot of great foods. >> and there are those berries again that you put in there. >> yeah, they're the new craisins. >> we have chocolate, we have pie, we have sherbet, everything in this cook book. >> so you eat foods like
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avocado, which is high fat, you consider a super food. >> because that kind of fat helps you shed fat when you eat it. >> all right. >> it's confusing, but honestly, the 30 super foods help your body burn more fat just sitting in your chair. >> sounds good. lucy, sitting in my chair sounds perfect. still ahead, blake shelton performing live in our studio. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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back now with bob dodson. for 40 years now, bob has brought us tales of remarkable people we might have otherwise overlooked. now he's revealing their road map to a better life in a new book called "american story." bob, good morning, nice to see you. >> good morning. it's kind of strange to be on this side of it now, you know i mean? telling tales on television is a
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bit like writing on smoke. stories simply drift away. but some lingered. those that revealed what it took to be the best of america. drive a thousand miles in the back roads out here and you won't find one pair of designer jeans. i have spent a lifetime crisscrossing this country, listening to your stories. >> this old country, it's rocky as hell, but it's mine. >> listening to ordinary people with thoughtful solutions, to challenges we all face. >> never underestimate a small amount of money. >> a chorus of voices that sing america's dreams. how long did it take to sink in that you'd done the impossible? >> probably when we were sitting in the oval office with president bush talking about bone fishing. >> not just our quest for money or fame, a story of us. >> i remember a lot of those stories. you could have chosen a lot of
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paths here at nbc news, but you chose to talk about these people and travel these less than traveled roads. why? >> well, i came here and started in 1972 on a very big stage. i went to the munich olympics and coffered the israeli tragedy, when the wrestling team was taken by the terrorists and killed. but i started to think, what's going on between the bright lights? and i met some people when i was out doing a story who said you know, we never see ourselves on television. and we don't hear our songs anymore. so i thought, well, why not look in those corners? >> resilience is one of the themes of a lot of your stories. this will be a lot like bob dodson word association, but i'll give you some terms. phillipsburg, montana. what did you learn there? >> it's a little town out far from the rest of us who have figured out how to survive. there are 29 ghost towns all around. somehow phillipsburg has survived. the reason they have done it, they care more about their town than they care about themselves individually. they tax themselves $2500 a
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person just to fix up their old school. when the school superintendent got cancer, he goes off fishing, comes back and they present him with a check for $40,000. and this is a place that's not rich. >> an old-fashioned community, though. >> absolutely. it's the kind of place that makes you home sick for places you've never been. >> you did a story on a paraplegic man named mark wellman. who climbed el capitan. what did he teach you? >> well, he was a park ranger who broke his back in a fall from a mountain climb. he actually taught me that, you know, you should not look at disabilities, but always at possibilities. when he got to the top of el captain with a broken back and a friend of his helped him, that was the beginning of the americans for disabilities act. that's how he got to see the president. >> there was a guy you met along the path in these last 40 years, patrolman bill sample, and he's someone who really stuck with you, in terms of he made an impression. >> he was a beat cop still in his 40s. he had never taken a minute of
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overtime, because eight hours after his shift, he was taking care of little kids. he would take them down to disney world. >> these stories that you found in these small towns. you're a guy who grew up in webster groves, missouri. you spent your summers in kansas. so was it as much that you found a comfort zone in these small towns as that you wanted to tell the stories of the people that lived there? >> i just got the feeling that we were looking in the wrong places for answers and that sometimes wisdom doesn't wear a suit. and smalltown people remind me of that over and over again. they remind me of the values that we've always had. so, that's why i figured i'd go poke in those corners. >> tell me about a guy named carl grossman. >> carl grossman comes from a family of ten. eight brothers, all served in world war ii, six in combat. they all made it back alive. i met carl because he's the kind of guy you would pass by every day. he'd run out of money at age 90, so he went back to become a greeter at walmart.
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and yet, carl grossman had saved over 2,000 gis in world war ii as a medic. he tried to get into medical school, didn't have enough money, so he went and sold cars. and when somebody's car flipped over in front of the dealership where he was working, he saved that woman's life, too. >> you traveled millions of miles, you have interviewed hundreds of people. i know that meeting those people has changed your american story. and bob, it's changed ours as well. we thank you. it's fun to reminisce and look through the pages of this book. thanks so much, again, the book is called "american story." up next, we get a live performance from blake shelton right here in our studio. but first, this is "today" on nbc. [ female announcer ] made just a little sweeter...
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because all these whole grains aren't healthy unless you actually eat them ♪ multigrain cheerios. also available in delicious peanut butter. healthy never tasted so sweet. ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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the toyota concert series on "today" brought the you by toyota. >> blake shelton isn't just a coach on "the voice." he's also one of the biggest names in country music. he's back to tell us about his eighth studio album based on a true story. blake, good morning again to you. >> hello. >> this album is so happy. i thought country singers were supposed to be all about love and despair and crying. >> well, you know, it's -- i think country singers should sing about what they're experiencing at the moment. and that's why i called it "based on a true story." it's because it's just about songs that are, you know, things
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that i'm going through right now, or that i have gone through. and i'm a pretty happy dude right now. i know i'm lucky. but every song on the record is definitely a place that i've been at some point. >> well, i don't know how you do it. you're a coach on "the voice." >> i don't either. >> you're a top singer. and you seem to be tweeting full-time. >> i know, i know. >> and you don't apparently have any rules about being sober when you tweet. >> no. or doing this show even. >> oh, interesting. >> yeah. i learned that from hoda. you know what? i make time to do what i love. and i love music. and luckily, "the voice" is a television show that i'm on, but it's about music and i get to do music there. when i'm not there, i'm either touring or making records or doing stuff like this. i'm crazy about country music. that's the truth. >> well, you've got a tour this summer called "ten times crazier" tour. crazier than -- >> well, one.
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it's ten times crazier than just crazy. you should come out, by the way. >> i will. >> i think we're going to be up in this area a couple times. so y'all knead to all pile in a van and you and matt and hoda and all of them and come on out. >> you got a date. take it away. >> all right, come on. ♪ i was gonna keep it real like chill like only have a drink or two but it turned into a party when i started talking to you and now you're standing in the neon looking like a high i wanna be on baby it's your call
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no pressure at all you don't have to throw back your pretty pink lemonade shooter and lean a little closer you don't have to keep on smiling that smile that's driving me wild and when the night is almost over meet in the middle of a moon lift chevy do a little country song hanging on you don't have to keep me falling like this but it'd sure be cool if you did ♪ ♪ now you can't shoot me down 'cause you've already knocked me dead got me falling apart with my heart talking out of my head let your mind take a little back road just as far as you wanna go
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baby i'll do whatever you wanna do wanna do you don't have to throw back your pretty pink lemonade shooter and lean a little closer you don't have the keep on smiling that smile that's driving me wild and when the night is almost over meet me in the middle of a moonlit chevy doing a little country song hanging on you don't have to keep me falling like this but it'd shower be cool if you did have a night that you'll never forget and now you're standing in the neon looking like a high i wanna be on you don't have to throw back your pretty
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pink lemonade shooter and lean a little closer you don't have to keep on smiling that smile that's driving me wild and when the night is almost over meet me in the middle of a moonlit chevy bed do a little country song hanging on you don't have to keep me falling like this but it'd sure be cool if you did yeah it'd sure be cool if you did ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> blake shelton. once again, thank you so much. the album is called "based on a true story." we'll see you at the concert. >> let's go.
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>> we'll be throwing things at the stage. >> not tomatoes. >> no. i was thinking undergarments. >> yeah! >> carson daly joins us next, but first your local news. good tuesday morning to you. 8:56. i'm laura garcia-cannon. the morgan hill preschool teacher charged with spiking children's drinks with sleeping pills is set to appear in court. deborah gratz faces 10 misdemeanor charges after a fellow teacher caught her putting sominex in toddler's sippy cups. she was arrested two weeks ago. lets check out the forecast with christina loren. storm coming in? >> not just yet. good morning to you, laura. we have such an odd forecast pattern for the next couple of days. showers to the north. not expecting a lot of activity. this, of course, san francisco. a few lingering clouds. more sunshine today than yesterday. a chance for a slight shower,
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chance in the north bay starting this evening. by thursday, we're going to ramp those numbers up. saturday looking good.
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welcome to "today" on this tuesday, march 26th, 2013. temperatures outside starting to feel a little more like spring here in new york city. >> not really. >> 50s. >> battling over the temperature, i see. >> folks are ready for real spring. >> yes. no question about it. >> don't try to foment trouble here. >> no. i'm just saying it's interesting to see you two -- carson, hi, how are you? >> are you freezing cold still? >> i'm a little chilly in the studio, but i love seeing these two battle over spring temperatures. >> there was no battle. >> kind of gladiator-esque. >> the lamest gladiator battle all time. is it 49 or 50? >> that's why i said "esque." >> carson daly, as you may have seen here. last night, the huge season premiere of "the voice." also the host of "last call with
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carson daly." >> thanks for having me. >> he has the michael buble look. >> is that good? they told me not to shave. they said last night don't shave. >> did they really? >> yes. >> who? >> your people. the people saying don't shave, we're going to do this demo today. >> did you tell him not to shave? >> i did. >> you told him not to groom himself? >> the sexy look. >> oh, thank you. >> is it for a segment? >> willie, you're on top of it. it is for a segment tomorrow on manscaping. >> tomorrow? >> where are you having all this grooming done? >> it takes me like a week to have any real growth. so tomorrow it will look a lot like this. >> wow. manscaping. >> is that good morning tv? >> apparently it's going to be tomorrow. >> i think we all have an obligation to do what we've got to do. >> are you going to the jay
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sisters? >> oh, wow. >> you know the jay sisters, they're famous for bikini waxing. they brought bikini waxing to new york like 25 years ago. i'm a frequent customer. >> i don't want anything to do with the jay customers. >> you should. jay-z in a recent article, he admits to full on manscaping. >> south of the border? >> yes. >> okay. where is this headed? >> i'm not sure. >> it's headed to the segment tomorrow. >> let's talk about "the voice." >> yes. reel it in. did you watch the show? >> i did. >> it's in your contracts, right? >> no, but i told you i cried, i cheered. each contestant i fell in love with until the very end until i thought okay this girl is the one. >> talking about judith hille e right? >> judith hill was michael jackson's backup singer. she represents what's great about this show. and that's the level of talent that we get on "the voice." her story is also great because
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she sang at michael jackson's memorial. and had an opportunity to sort of kind of start her career then, but she felt like she was maybe capitalizing at the wrong time, so she waited. now she's on the voice and adam selected her, his only artist he got last night. she was great and certainly a highlight of the show. >> this has happened before on previous seasons. a backup singer who steps out front and you're just like wow, this person could stand on his or her own. >> it's happened. jermaine paul sang backup for alicia keys back in new york. he won. you just saw blake shelton on the "today" show singing. if you notice his backup singer, gwen sebastian, she's a former contestant on "the voice." guys like blake, when the show is often, even if they didn't win, they often employ a lot of these people. >> usher has a geography issues. >> let's watch it and then we'll explain. >> i want to be the guy that introduces you to nashville. because that is going to be a feather in my cap. >> you have an opportunity to be an artist that will speak to the world.
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nashville is a state. >> it's a city. >> you have so much more potential than just nashville. >> i'm still fascinated by nashville being a state. >> right. [ laughter ] >> tennessee. come on. >> he's from there. that's what's really sad about it. >> one of the 60 states. >> shut up. >> a state of mind. >> yes. >> it's a difficult moment because people don't know usher. they know he's a global superstar. what's great about that moment is how usher just laughed at himself. it's his sort of jessica simpson moment. and he laughed it off. and it was really funny. i'm sure there's a lot of people watching who agreed. what, nashville's not a state? >> it's its own universe. >> a state of mind. >> but you watch that clip. it shows you hit the ground running in terms of chemistry. you worry about taking out these two pieces. but there was immediate chemistry. >> as producers, we sit in a room before. cee lo and christina are out,
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who's in? you think about that. how will so and so interact with so and so? how are blake shelton and usher going to get along? you don't know until you start shooting. last night was a great example of just great chemistry. great addition. we call it pinch-hitting. because our coaches could come and go. but we feel really lucky to have two of the best in shakira and usher. >> and they have a genuine interest in the kids. i should say young adults, who are performing. that's what i like as a viewer. they're superstars, they've been there, done that, they have big bank accounts. but you see the authentic care about that individual, even when that hit the button to turn around. >> that's the job description. that's the litmus. that's what they sign on for, is to help and not make fun of people's pursuit of what they want to do and really, you know, be there for them and it shows. >> showed last night. >> off to a good start. "the voice" airs again tonight at 8:00/7:00 central. let's go to our take two. the faa is rethinking the idea of having you turn off your electronic device. >> nice.
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>> during takeoff and landing. you hear that announcement each and every time. please power down. so the faa has formed a government industry group study. a lot of pilots currently using tablets during the flight for job related reasons. so some people say if the pilot can use it up there and it's safe, why can't the rest of us? >> the pilot is using the tablet in what capacity? do they know? are they on? >> navigation. yeah, they're on. >> they've gotten rid of the manuals and the manuals are on ipads. >> and the truth is there's no real evidence that these devices affect the avionics on a plane. >> somewhere alec baldwin is writing all this down. >> he's presenting his case. >> it goes to the point of why can't we use these. but someone today, are we really that pathetic? we can't put it down for ten minutes? >> the flight attendants make you feel like it will do some damage. they say turn it off, and it
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makes me feel like, what, we're not going to get lift? >> there's a new thing out called, i don't know, a paper back book. >> right. you could do that. i was on a flight on saturday and i swear to god, this flight attendant said ladies and gentlemen, i still see some devices on. we are flying through mountains with low visibility. i don't think you want to interfere -- >> is that what she said? >> i swear. we all turned around and went oh, my gosh. >> that's like the airplane saying we're out of coffee. >> all you know is it worked. >> you will crash if you don't do this. our take three. this is completely absurd. there's a t-shirt being sold by hermes. it's a crocodile skin. >> it was actually on a runway and a blogger went inside the store. the store won't allow you to photograph their actual merchandise, but he was actually to get a picture of the price tag. >> $12,000. >> higher.
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>> $91,000. >> what? >> $91,000? your taxes alone are $8,000. >> that's a mockery of everything. that's just stupid. >> three crocodiles would have to die to make that shirt. >> who owns that shirt? >> no one, that's why it's still in the store. i love the blogger said it was just displayed like any other t-shirt. it should be in a glass case. >> it's on sale now for $82,000. >> and someone called the store to verify. they wouldn't tell the exact price. they just said it's under $100,000. >> amazing. that male model should come with it. >> you make the important point, though. is that a comfortable tee, like you're going to the gym? >> i don't know. >> people just like to buy it. remember they had the $100 hamburger in new york? that's something me and my buddies did. $100 hamburger, we got to try this thing. >> you did? >> yeah. it was delicious. crocodile burger. >> $91,000, that's ridiculous.
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>> this is also the place that sells $100,000 handbags that victoria beckham has like 20 of. in the back flrk t, in the dres room and come back out. i'll pick them up out of jail. got a lot going on. stunning news from italy this morning. a new trial for american amanda knox. italy's highest criminal court has overturned her acquittal on murder charges. knox says the news is painful, but says she will face this latest battle with her head held high. she was originally convicted in the murder of her roommate more than five years ago. that conviction was overturned, but now a new trial has been ordered. knox cannot be forced to return to italy for the trial. the issue of gay marriage goes to the highest court today as the supreme court hears arguments about the constitutionality of california's prop 8 that bans same-sex marriage. tomorrow, the court hears
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arguments on the defense of marriage act, which says the federal government cannot recognize same-sex marriages from individual states. secretary of state john kerry wrapping up his troy polamalu afghanist-- trip to af. he also met with businesswomen, part of a u.s. sponsored start-up program. one of the women has a company that makes soccer balls and gave the secretary a chance to let off some steam and show one of his skills there. angelina jolie wants world powers to do more about race in war zones. she is in central africa and her role, sexual violence often used as weapons of war. jolie says she wants world governments to "give this issue the attention it deserves." boeing officials are checking the safety of its redesigned 787 dream liner. they are testing new batteries, the electrical system and landing gear. the dreamliner was grounded by u.s. officials after an electrical fire forced an
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emergency landing of the airline's plane. and it's all smiles today and probably forever for the man who believes he has the winning powerball ticket pedro quezada. basically his name is now "rich man." he's an immigrant shop worker in new jersey. says he is very happy. why wouldn't he be? the ticket is worth $338 million. $221 million if he takes it in a lump sum. about $152 million after taxes. i've run out of breath on all those millions. lottery officials have yet to confirm the information. pedro has five kids and plans to use the money to "help a lot of people." and some farmers in northern ireland had to come to the rescue of a flock of sheep buried bay snowstorm. they dug them out for more than two feet of snow. amazingly alive, but they're still trying to find others there. and chocolate flavored stamps have now gone on sale in belgium for people who want to
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send really sweet letters. the stamps not only smell like chocolate, they taste like it, too. i'm hoping to receive a letter in the mail from all three of these gentlemen with me. >> already licked it. you don't want that. >> i'm sorry. every time i think about it. >> wow. is al that repulsive to you? >> he said all of you. he didn't say he. i think if you get it from someone you love, why not. >> i guess so. >> and i love you. >> aw. and with that, al, how about a look at the weather? >> first, the yankees, now that. life is good. anyway, show you what we've got for you for today. we are talking about some snow. lake-enhanced snow coming across the great lakes from chicago, all the way down into the appalachians. they may even see some snow in northern georgia out of this thing. some clouds in the pacific northwest today. temperatures are going to be nice and warm. 87 in phoenix today. awfully chilly, though, through
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southern florida into central florida. 69 for a high in miami today. look for a high of only 50 . 9:13 on tuesday morning. good morning, i'm meteorologist christina loren. plenty of cloud cover today although more sunshine on the way than yesterday. 68 for livermore, 67 today as we head throughout napa, temperatures are going to be a little on the cool side, a little cooler than average. we're not expecting showers except for up in the north bay. that would be extreme sonoma county tonight, another round on the way tomorrow night. as we head through the weekend, temperatures will be on the mild side. and that's your latest weather. >> all right, al. thanks. coming up next, our quest for the best winners with their ideas for a perfect party. some pretty cool ones over there. that's after these messages. ♪
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three courses, two people, just $25. go olive garden! has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. but how good are they for the rest of your face? [ female announcer ] new neutrogena® naturals acne cream cleanser with acne-fighting medicine from the wintergreen leaf. this effective cleanser cleans into pores. treats and helps prevent future breakouts. without dyes, parabens, or harsh sulfates. for clear healthy skin. naturally clear skin has never felt so beautiful. [ female announcer ] new acne cream cleanser. only from neutrogena® naturals.
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this morning, the best that's right themes in america. we ask you to submit photo of your most original celebrations and now it's time to meet our three finalists. kelly anderson from minnesota. kara from morgantown, west virginia. and jenny raleigh from california. >> our judge is celebrity party planner mindy weis who designed josh duhamel and fergie's wedding. >> good morning. >> talk to us first. these are some pretty serious parties here. what are you looking at? >> these are outstanding. first, you want to look at originality. you know, how far can you take a theme and bring in the person you're celebrating into the theme. and the color and the energy. so lots of details here. >> these are good. these are tough choices. i don't know what your kids' birthday parties were like -- >> this is a big hit. >> we have nothing on this group. let's start with you, kelly. this is the swim cat sweeney
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party. what did you do? >> this was a retro style pool party that we put on for our daughters when we moved away from arizona. we moved to minnesota. and it was just a great opportunity to have them have a party and get together with their friends and say goodbye before we moved. >> you moved from arizona to minnesota? >> yes. >> usually it works the other way. so what are some of the cool things that you did here? >> well, what the kids really had a fun time with is this photo booth. >> okay. >> they got to use different beachy props and just have fun. they took pictures of each other and had a blast with that. >> and you took your own photographs? those are nice. >> we made the little photo strips and sent them a card afterwards with our new address. >> what do you think as you look at this? >> i think outstanding. love the vintage feel of the bathing caps. love the color. it's all in blues for the pool. and moving from arizona, bringing the sunshine to minnesota. >> good point. >> so i love the water balloons down there. i saw those, too. >> thank you.
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>> kids love that. >> we're going to come back and talk to you in just a sechblond. this is kara. >> when our little boy peyton turned 1, we decided to have a big go peyton party. and we were all there to celebrate the little boy who was turning 1 and who is also number one in our hearts. so everyone came over to tid stadium, got a go peyton bag, a foam finger, a pompom, and we had a concession stand for the adults. we had a signature drink, the varsity blue. >> love it. >> i think that the kid parties, you always have to remember the parents need to have a little fun, too. >> i've got to ask you, shouldn't there be a little yellow in here for the mountaineers? you're from morgantown, after all. >> well, we are huge mountaineer fans. and we kind of wanted to keep it a focus on peyton. and not so much the mountaineers. >> is that popcorn real? >> it is. >> get in there.
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>> looks good. >> what do you think? >> i have three boys. very used to this theme. outstanding. i love how you put the whistle as they leave instead of letting them have them at the party. >> yes. >> that's a veteran move. >> i've had my mistake with whistles before. outstanding. the color theme. the concession stand. outstanding are. >> very cool idea. moving over to jenny, this is the apple of our eye party. what's the theme here? >> well, i have four children. audrey, hillary, luke, and charlotte. charlotte is a twin, so this is the first party she had by herself without her brother. she is the apple of our eye. our nickname for her is charlie pie. so the apple theme was perfect. >> this looks very professional. have you done this kind of work before? >> no. i just really enjoy parties. and i love it. >> is this food all real? i keep asking that. >> it's all real. >> it's so pretty. >> these are little apple ice
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cream cups. >> but look at the apple juice that she put in there. so she took this theme to a new place of bringing in the apples on the cake. everywhere you look, there's apples. if you look at the lanterns down there, too, i notice how you put the little leaf on an existing lantern, which is outstanding. >> mindy, take one last look at kelly, kara and jenny. when you're ready, we'll take the nner. >> this is hard. pinterest gone wild here. >> i'm so nervous. >> but i love them all, i swear! i love them all. but i have a thing about apples. >> jenny! >> i like that. >> jenny is the big winner. thank you, guys. jenny, congratulations. >> they're all great! >> ladies, congratulations to both of you. mindy, thank you. we are watching, by the way, our next quest for the best with the kentucky derby just over a month
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away, we're looking for the best homemade derby hat. go to to submit photos of your most ornate derby lid. prefinalists will win a trip to new york city and a chance to compete live in studio for the title of today's best. congratulations again. still to come, "american idol's" latest castoff, but first these messages. [ male announcer ] there's everyday chicken and then there's juicy chicken with best foods ♪ best foods is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken... [ bell dings ] crispy so juicy so delicious it's your secret to making dinner disappear best foods. bring out the best delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable
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unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. pillsbury grands biscuits. new miracle blur. breakthrough for your skin. in seconds, it erases the look of lines, and wrinkles, and pores. it's not a moisturizer. it's an instant skin smoother. see it, believe it, try it. new miracle blur. from l'oreal paris. ♪ time to jump in to something new ♪ ♪ ♪ the best part of wakin' up ♪ is folgers in your cup ♪ tthey live at and they just want to help you get a great deal on your rental car. just click on the alamo deal retriever℠. and get our best deal, customized for you. because everyone loves a little getaway... alamo. creating gimmicky words like "hyper-softacular" to tell you our new extra soft just got softer. instead we give you things you can really use -- like a free roll of our new extra soft
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when you join scott shared values. sign up at oooh... olay ultra moisture body wash can with more moisturizers than seven bottles of the leading body wash. with ultra moisture your body wash is anything but basic. soft, smooth skin with olay. coming up, allergy-proofing your home. >>
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it's a lip stain. it's a gloss. it's a soft kiss. it's all in one. l'oreal's new caresse wet shine stain. l'oreal's lightweight formula delivers lasting color like a lip stain with 30% water. it's the wet look for my lips. l'oreal's new caresse wet shine stain. good morning to you.
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it's 9:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. just into our newsroom, police in san jose have release add sketch of the woman they believe kidnapped a baby. investigators say a woman looking like this stole a jeep yesterday with 11-month-old gabriella quintero inside. five hours later police found that little girl abandoned in the jeep six miles from home. the mother and child were reunited last night. police say the kidnapper was seen walking near the victim's apartment complex carrying a white target bag. we're going to take a quick break but we'll have a look at weather and traffic right after this.
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welcome back. the time now 9:27. taking a live look at the clouds breaking apart over sunol. we're going to get sunshine today, more so than yesterday. highs will be similar. 68 degrees on the way to fairfield, 66 for concord and 60 in san francisco. not too bad. we're out of the 50s at least for now. we're going to warm you up a couple degrees for tomorrow, holding off on significant rainfall chances until thursday and sunday.
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those two days the best bet. although we could see a stray shower any time between tonight and sunday with an unsettled pattern in place. lets check that drive. good morning, mike. >> good morning. i have that drive for you. if you want traffic, 880 southbound, hayward all the way through fremont out of union city. there's a slowing approaching mission boulevard. maps will show you also similar situation. 680 greatly recovered over the last half hour but we had a good slowing over sunol and mission as well. there's a recovery with still a little slow off 238 out of san leandro and san lorenzo. not a big deal over there. we'll show you the tri-valley with slowing around 580 isabel interchange. that's starting to clear despite a crash over dublin interchange. back to you. >> be careful if you're headed out the door. we'll be back with another update in half our or so. hope you have a great morning. why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right?
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i do got this. let us get everything off the shelf, and to your home. here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin. delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. sofa... desk... you know what? why don't you go get some frozen yogurt. i got this. you're so sweet. you got this, right? i do got this. let us get everything off the shelf, and to your home. river hope you had a good weekend. this is what everyone's talking
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about. the giant upset in the ncaa tournament. san diego lost to florida gulf coast university. yeah, florida gulf coast university. even the university of phoenix online was like who? >> jimmy fallon on "late night" last night talking about the team of the ncaa tournament. welcome back inside studio 1a. just ahead this half-hour, he was done in by eleanor rigby. we're going to talk with paul jolley. >> and then we're going to bust some myths about bad habits and talk about some that we probably shouldn't worry about. on the list, should you sit on a toilet bare-skinned? >> fun. >> okay. >> some people wonder. >> well, you know, the liner. >> in your own home, are you suggesting? >> no, in public. it's on the list. >> oh, oh. i was going to say got some other issues if you're doing
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that at home. also, ways to purify the air in your home just in time for home. >> and your favorite segment coming up. >> we've got a cooking segment on the way, a little something for men, a lesson. pasta the kids will enjoy that can be manned up for us dads. >> really? >> simple for them, but manned up for us on the way. >> and men can cook. >> wow. >> it's an amazing feat. >> system of us. >> how about a check of the weather, al? >> let's see what wwe ge've got you. we are looking at a chance for snow. sunny skies from the gulf coast on into the southwest. phoenix 87 degrees for today. for tomorrow, cool down through florida. the southeast as well. nice and mild in texas. some snow showers in the eastern great lakes. look for rain 9:32 on a tuesday morning. good morning, i'm meteorologist
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christina loren. you can actually see for about five miles here in san francisco a clear shot of the golden gate bridge, plenty of mid and high level clouds overhead. temperatures as warm as yesterday. 67 for livermore, 60 in san francisco. we've got an interesting pattern, unsettled pattern through the next few days. best chances for rain are thursday and sunday. we do have a slight chance, maybe a stray shower or two. and that's your latest weather. so thewhen the nine remaining "american idol" students tackled beatles tunes, paul jolley's "eleanor rigby" sent him home. sorry about the loss. >> don't apologize. >> were your shocked they weren't really familiar with the beatles? >> of course i was shocked. i felt like everybody should do their research. they do beatles every year. i love them. >> what was going on with nicki
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minaj? she seemed really harsh. >> i don't know. but i still love her. >> was she true that she snubbed you backstage? >> no, i didn't even see her. >> so no problem there? >> no problems. >> so you come into the competition a passionate country singer. but you really showed a real pension for pop. >> yeah. that brings in the country pop side of things, i guess you'd say. >> so what is it about this contest that was -- and this particular part with the beatles that made it difficult for you, do you think? >> i don't think anything was difficult, to be honest. i felt like i've done everything to the best of my ability and i felt like i brought it. the judges might not think, so but i feel like i did and i feel like a lot of the fans did as well, but they didn't know where my ranking was, so they could have put more if they knew where i stood. >> you had a great run and it's only great things coming up for you ahead. paul jolley. >> thank you, appreciate it.
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>> "american idol" returns with the remaining eight contestants tomorrow night. now here's tamron. >> all right, al. thank you very much. we're all guilty of it. those bad health habits that sneak into our daily routine, from taking too many pain relievers to loading up on sugar in our coffee. how dangerous are these habits really? contributing medical editor for "health" magazine is here with reality check for all of us. good to see you. >> good to see you, tamron. >> there's a lot on the list. the first one is something that a lot of us are talking about these days. texting while walking. >> this is an absolute no-no. it's very dangerous. studies have shown that people who text are four times less likely to look both ways before crossing. it can increase your risk of being hit by a car. this is something you really have to get out of your system. >> we talk about texting while driving. the obvious dangers surrounding that. the texting while walking is easy to dismiss for a lot of people. >> but when you're walking, you
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use all of your sense. if you hear a car coming closely, you'll have some reaction time. if you're texting, it's going to be blunted and could make the difference between life or death. >> moving on to a ritual for a lot of people. weighing yourself daily. why is that bad? not that i do it. but i want to know why it's dad. >> this one is actually not so bad. it used to be that some weight loss experts would be against weighing yourself daily. now we find as long as you're doing it in a reasonable frame of mind, it could be a good way to stay on track. >> i've also read it's more about how your clothes fit as well. >> that's another way to gauge it. but when you weigh yourself daily, you can notice a few pounds up or down. you might actually eat a little bit less that day or exercise more. if you don't weigh yourself at all, a month could go by, you've gained ten pounds, like where did this come from. >> next up, scarfing down the lunch at our desks. a lot of people don't have the option to have a sit-down lunch. >> not only sitting at their desk, but also on the phone,
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doing work while they're eating. this is a bad idea. when your eating, your brain sends certain signals the your body. if you're distracted and doing work or at your desk, you might not appreciate those signals. you're going to just keep eating. it can increase the amount you're eating. >> loading up on our coffee with extras. i love lots of sugar and milk. >> this is the kind of thing where you get the extra calories. once you put the two sugars in, some non-dairy creamer, you're adding 50 calories, over a year that's going to add up, especially if you have a couple cups a day. keep the coffee black or just a little bit of additive. >> the next one surprising a lot of people. sitting your bare behind on a public toilet seat. that can never be good, right? >> it's actually not so bad. >> what? hold on. >> i know, psychologically it seems horrible. the truth is in a public bathroom, the toilet is probably one of the cleanest surfaces compared to the door handle or even the faucet handle on the
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sink. unless you have an open wound or a scratch on your thigh, it's probably safe to sit down there. you're not going to catch any sort of sexually transmitted disease by sitting on a public toilet. but if you're very schemie i sq about it, you can get the paper or plastic lining. >> taking it all in. thank you very much. love that interesting list there, to say the least. up next, thousand rid the air of the stuff that makes you sneeze, after these messages. you blew me away with that one. i did not see that coming. with . the usual, bob? not today. [ male announcer ] bob has afib: atrial fibrillation not caused by a heart valve problem, a condition that puts him at greater risk for a stroke. [ gps ] turn left. i don't think so. [ male announcer ] for years, bob took warfarin, and made a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but not anymore. bob's doctor recommended a different option: once-a-day xarelto®. xarelto® is the first and only
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( birds chirping ) exceptionally smooth with a harmonious blend of flavor and aroma. green mountain coffee for your keurig brewer. brew a better day. hey hun, remember you only need a few sheets. hmph! [ female announcer ] charmin ultra soft is made with extra cushions that are soft and more absorbent. plus you can use four times less. charmin ultra soft. plus you can use four times less. go olive garden's 2 for $25! unlimited soup or salad. choose an appetizer to share. then two delicious entrees. like new tuscan garlic chicken. three courses, two people, just $25. go olive garden! now from l'oreal...a most exclusive haircolor collection... preference paris couture. all new shades designed by l'oreal's master colorist, christophe robin. each sparkles with layers of shine. rose gold blonde...iced golden brown merlot. preference paris couture. from l'oreal paris.
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new honey bunches of oats greek yohere we go.ole grain. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek. now on "today's home", allergy proofing.
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wet winter weather leaving us with a worse than usual allergy season. lou, good to see you. >> nice to see you as well. >> a bad season? >> everybody talks about. this i've heard from allergists and the companies that make all of the allergy medicine, the fact that these mild winters we have, we haven't killed a lot of that pollen and as we warm up, people are already feeling the effects. certainly those over-the-counter med since, they can prescribe those type of medicines, they're very helpful. we have seasonal allergies in my own family, but there are things you do to help the indoors, which is two to five times more polluted than the outdoor air. >> things you can do. >> duct work has holes in it. this is an example of a lot of holes in it. but all of these gaps and seams that are in duct work have holes and gaps. when the air is flowing through the duct work, these gaps can pick up dust and debris and flow
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through. there's a process called aeroseal. it's a professionally installed system where they clean the duct work, then they run this polymer through. it can seal a hole up to 5/8 thick -- or an opening in the duct work, just by inside the duct work going through there. the system runs more efficiently, you save money on your energy bills and the indoor air quality is fantastic. $1,200 to $1,500 on average. >> that's one you want to call the pros on. something you can do yourself, change the air filters. >> these are the filters, the inexpensive ones do nothing to help the air. they are just designed to protect the blower motor. these flepleated filters, it gr ten times more particulate. you will be amazed at the indoor air quality improvement. some people say you shouldn't use these because it restricts the air flow in your furnace. that's just not true.
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if you keep them changed once they get dirty, your furnace won't do the difference but your nose and allergies will. >> how often do you change those? >> it depends on where you live, but on average every two months. >> this is a whole house air purifier. >> this is from carriers. there's a lot of different manufacturers that make this. this is their infinity air purifier. what's unique about this is it that it actually kills pathogens. literally, influenza virus, their filtering system inside here gets changed every six months. when this thing is installed properly and you're allowing that air to circulate through your home, it will make people breathe easier. this unit is about $1,200 installed. people that use them and have these types of units installed in their homes swear by them. >> and where would you put that in the home? >> this is next to your furnace, part of that whole larger system. >> this is something i hadn't seen before. this is part of a u.v. light system. >> this is a do it yourself item called sword fish.
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the u.v. light will kill 99% of the particulate that flows through it. this is very popular. until recently it was only a professionally installed item. you may seem like oh, i don't want to try it, it's actually not that hard. it's drilling a hole in the duct work in the right spot and plugging it in. these bulbs are replaceable. this unit is about $140. >> a hardware store? >> hard we'ware store and home centers will carry it. a room purifier. dave wakes up and can't breathe in the morning. this one actually senses the particulat nerve trveg particulate in the air. down at the bottom is this blue air sense. they range anywhere from $299 to $479. if you let them run and circulate the air with the fan, you will inprove your indoor air quality. >> getting us ready for allergy season. appreciate it. up next, foolproof meals for
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busy dads. the guys are in the kitchen cooking. i'm going to join them right after this. release fragrance into the air... the welcoming scent of fresh lavender and juicy, sun-ripened peaches... quickly fills your home. then fills you with a little something, too. ♪ try the long-lasting one-of-a-kind scent of lavender and peach blossom. available in plugins scented oil, only from glade. s.c. johnson. a family company. only from glade. backflips and cartwheels.mile? love, warmth. here, try this. mmmm, ok! ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. with thermacare heatwraps. thermacare works differently. it's the only wrap with patented heat cells that penetrate deep to relax, soothe, and unlock tight muscles. for up to 16 hours of relief, try thermacare.
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like the stevia plant. small and humble with a surprising secret to share... sweetness. truvia sweetener. zero-calorie sweetness, born from the stevia leaf. from nature, for sweetness.
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this morning on "today's kitchen," helping dads spice it up. we're going to start out with a dish that's for the kids and then we make it more manly. shea is the owner of italian kitchen in new york. also happens to be the dad of three. good to see you. >> like wise. >> kids love pasta. you can never go wrong with pasta and cheese. >> absolutely. we're going to do rigatoni. started with a little bit of stock in here. some garlic. add a little bit of butter. >> all of it? >> you put it all in there. >> this is the basic thing for the kid. this is how you start it out. >> butter and cheese. >> it's like ladies night out, all the kids are at your house and you need a little bit of release. so here we go. put some of the pasta in there. >> so pull that out. >> so you've already cooked it.
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>> yeah, it's just al dente. >> i think i overcooked it. how much is going in here. >> put it all in there. >> hungry kids. >> just going to stir this up. add the cheese. >> that's just regular parmesan there? >> yeah, it's grated parmesan cheese. >> that took a minute and now kids are happy. a little red wine and then the kids are good to go. >> wow. >> there's a ninth jackson. >> dora the explorer a lot of fun at your house. >> they'll sit in front of the tv and enjoy. >> now add some meat. >> so we have some panchetta. >> now we've got to man it up. >> we have to add some vegetables. >> do we have to? >> you don't have to. >> we're on tv, though. >> so now we're going to add the pasta. >> okay. >> now we're talking.
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>> the kids awill eat this, too though. although, any sign of anything green, you have to pull that out. >> yeah, that's trouble. we'll put some chives on it. a little bit of chili flake. >> you got a little speck there. >> yeah, we're going to put that on top because we don't want it to get rubbery. >> this is beautiful. >> i wouldn't be opposed to a little whiskey drizzle. i'm just going to throw it out there. seems to be my theme on the "today" show for you this week. >> you should be waiting with kathie lee and hoda. >> i'm the warm-up act. >> seasoned bread crumbs. parmesan, parsley, bread crumbs. >> pork three ways. >> i held off on the chives because the kids don't like anything green. >> and we're big kids at heart. start dishing that up. we like that. thanks so much. we're going to be back in a moment. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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carson, thanks for helping us out today. we're going to see you again tomorrow and all week, and tonight again on "the voice." >> we're going to do it again tonight. blind auditions continue here on nbc. >> great job, guys. this is tasty. next up, kathie lee and hoda strut their stuff. >> now your local and the weather.
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good morning to you. it is 9:56. i'm marla tellez. the nation's highest court is hearing arguments on proposition 8. that's the same-sex marriage ban in california. it is the supreme court's first examination of gay rights in 10 years. hundreds waiting in line since thursday for coveted seats to witness the argument. a decision is expected in june. meteorologist christina loren standing by with a look at the forecast, which is fairly nice today. >> hey, thanks, marla.
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good morning to you. low clouds hanging out but clearing. a mix of low clouds and sun. maybe a north bay shower. as as of tonight a better chance as we head through wednesday. as we head through the rest of the week, we'll keep that unsettled pattern going, maybe a stray shower tonight all the way through easter sunday. i can tell you your best chance will be thursday and sunday. those will be the wettest. we'll check the drive. good morning, mike. >> we'll take this full screen. there's a car, basically perpendicular to the roadway. as we approach 10:00, less than three minutes tell, the price changes. some folks are trying to get a price back, slowing or shuffling lanes, they thought they weren't getting the carpool lanes. that's the thing to watch out. starting to recover. 880 through the area of hayward looking better, north off castro valley some folks lagging, south near sunol a crash clearing.
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>> anything to save a buck. back at 10:26. see you then. [ wind howling ] [ female announcer ] it balances you... [ water crashing ] fills you with energy...
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and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley... delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. nature valley. nature at its most delicious. the words are going this way-there's no way. oh, the lights came on. isn't technology supposed to make life easier? at chase we're pioneering innovations that make banking simple. deposit a check with a photo. pay someone with an email. and bank seamlessly with our award-winning mobile app. take a step forward... and chase what matters. from nbc news, this is
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"today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hello, everybody. it's boozeday tuesday, march 26th. we are dressed for spring although it's not here. >> no, not yet. doesn't feel like it. >> i just want everybody to realize, please don't start texting and e-mailing or anything like that. i know what these look like. but it's just the end of a seam, okay? good, keep that right over it the entire show. unbelievable. yeah, because -- thank you hoda. >> let's talk about what we're talking about. >> remember when anne hathaway at the oscars, it looked like it was chilly and it wasn't. it's just the end of the seams. >> and it's actually nice and warm and toasty. >> my real ones are much further south than that. about a foot further south is
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where you'll actually find them. how are you? a big day for you in so many ways. >> i've turned into a blake shelton stalker. >> no, you're a freak. >> look what's happened. look at my phone. this is what i was doing all morning before the show. i cut savannah out of that picture. he's singing, he's singing. >> you'd cut miranda out of one if you could. >> oh, oh, oh! that's all i've been doing all morning. >> take a look at your facebook page which is already out there and says, who's luckier than me? isn't it who's luckier than i? >> no, than me. >> than me am. you have to finish the sentence. who's luckier than me is. who luckier than i be? >> that's what it should be. >> imagine where you would be with your career if you could actually speak english well. it would be amazing. another big day -- >> it was a big day for "the
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voice" last night. if you saw it, you're probably dehydrated because there were so many tears and both kind of joyful and sad. i think it was the best first season debut of "the voice" ever, i think. >> carson daly said so. sometimes you embellish things because you want to get viewers. but everybody's been saying that. >> it's like the nice blend of judges. that's new. they opened up by singing a song together, which is the first time i've seen the four of them. let's watch a little bit of them singing together. ♪ we come together right now >> every single act, they do those really emotional backstories so you get to hear about them. some of them tug at your heartstrings. they had a sweet story of these two twins. they were walking up on stage and you could hear their heels
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clicking. watch the reaction from the guys when these two talented singers started singing together. ♪ i keep on falling in love ♪ in and out of love ♪ with you ♪ sometimes i love ya ♪ sometimes you make me blue ♪ sometimes i feel good >> every judge turned around, by the way, at the end. come on. ♪ loving you, darlin', makes me so confused ♪ they ended up picking blake. and such -- >> competition for his affections? >> i really am getting bad. what's wrong with me? >> hoda, people are starting to
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talk. >> i know he's married. i'm an idiot. i can't stop. >> you are a very bad girl. it's wrong on every level, hodi. >> i know. nothing against miranda. but watching him sing that song to me -- >> watching him burp -- whatever he does. >> he was singing that song to me. oh, there he is. i was right in his eyeline. i was. i just made sure i got in -- >> i am came downstairs and saved you from embarrassing yourself. >> i don't even care. that's what's sad. really sad about the whole thing. last night there was another hit -- this is a woman who sang back-up for michael jackson named judith hill. i'm wondering what you think ♪ what a girl wants ♪ what a girl needs ♪ you've got to let me know ♪ how much you care ♪ you're the one
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♪ whatever makes me happy ♪ >> she's amazing. she picked adam. she picked adam at the end. look at adam on his seat standing up. that is so cool. how was lovely shakira? everybody liking her? >> she's adorable. she's like the new kid in school and going to be fitting in soon. i like the blend. she's sassy. she's got a cool vibe. she dresses in a cool way. >> and also brings an international audience because she's so huge around the world. long before we knew who shakira was and what those hips could do, the rest of the world knew. you know what we're really happy for today? this man won the powerball. a lot of people just go into hiding afterwards. i guess they want to lawyer up and hide from their family members and things like that. but pedro is now $338 million
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richer. that's only $152 million after taxes. >> we should point out that the jersey lottery hasn't 100% confirmed him. but he went in -- he has a bodega near this liquor store. he finally opened his own bodega. they didn't sell lottery tickets. so every day, he'd go down and buy a couple of tickets. >> and two beers. >> this is my favorite headline. look at this. pay-dro. come on. >> and paydro. that one's obvious. we could have written that one. >> i wouldn't have thought of it. >> anyway, happy for him. five kids. he says he's going to take care of his family. >> by the way, today -- >> very big day for hoda. >> i'm getting a dog! >> yes. >> i'm busting. i'm so excited. >> we're going to go later and shoot a piece where hoda's going to meet the ten contestants for
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the doggy dating game and hoda's going to have a very tough decision to make. >> and tomorrow, i think we'll do it on the show. i haven't seen one picture of the dogs. ali burger is producing it. she said you're going to love the dogs. we're going to make sure each of the other dogs gets adopted. >> you get a chance to adopt them. you know who i want to adopt -- this giraffe was born in connecticut like on the street that my old house used to be. >> oh, my gosh. >> look at this baby giraffe i think it should be named bambino. it's a rare breed. it is a baby girl. >> that's six feet tall. just to get perspective. the little guy is six feet tall. >> i could go visit her. let's set up a thing, a shoot so i can meet bambina.
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we all live in the same neighborhood. i'll bring a casserole and welcome her to the neighborhood. >> sarah, you have a little dog story to tell us -- >> that's funny? >> another successful adoption -- rusty that i hiked with up runyan canyon. he got a new family. >> good for rusty. >> cute little dog. >> that's one you cannot have. >> i cannot wait till after the show. >> all righty. i really hope that you are as happy with your choice as i was when i played the doggy game with reg all these years ago. i named it regis. and regis was the sweetest dog for 14 years in my life. we adored that dog. he still lives on the shelf in my library. >> in an urn? >> uh-huh. never done that for another dog but regis, going to do it to the
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guy, too, when he goes. >> okay. anyway -- >> he's watching, hoda. >> carolina is going to show us how to strut her stuff. >> was the supermodel eating? >> she was eating. >> they eat on occasion. and it's happy martini week, everybody. arded cracker barrel a gold for cheddar. and that's high-praise. because after tasting wheels of cheese, wedges of cheese and bricks of cheese... our aged reserve's rich, full flavor was considered... the champion of cheese. cracker barrel. it's cheddar, perfected. now you be the judge. enjoy a champion cheese, anytime. it's it's a gloss.dge. it's a soft kiss. it's all in one. l'oreal's new caresse wet shine stain. l'oreal's lightweight formula delivers lasting color
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like a lip stain with 30% water. it's the wet look for my lips. l'oreal's new caresse wet shine stain. it fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley. nature at its most delicious. this is nature valley. mommy! i went potty! that's great, honey... where? for life's bleachable moments. are made with sweet cherries and the crisp, clean taste of our cranberries. i cannot tell a lie -- 'tis tasty.
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okay, george washington, did you take my truck out last night? 'tis tasty. dare to see the difference with pantene anti-breakage. reduces hair fall up to 97%. get less hair fall. ♪ i took the dare. will you? anti-breakage. pantene. for those nights when it's more than a bad dream, be ready. for the times you need to double-check the temperature on the thermometer, be ready. for high fever, nothing works faster or lasts longer. be ready with children's motrin.
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it's the dream of countless little girls and some old ones, too. to one day become the most famous cover girl in the country and maybe the world. >> "the face" is a place for those little girls to come once they've all grown up. with the coaching of supermodels including karolina kurkova, the ladies compete to become the face of the ulta beauty campaign. >> thank you.
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i wanted to dress nice for you girls. but i like that we're kind of coordinated. little green, little blue. >> tell us about -- this show, there are a lot of these types of shows out there. but this one stands out a bit more. >> what is great about the show, it's a real mentoring show. it's like "the voice" for fashion. you get a lot of individual attention for these girls. they get one-on-one time with their coaches. we have four girls that we work with. and we do everything from not just how to pose in front of a picture or how to walk but how to also be creative, how to style, have a sense of style, how to do your hair and makeup -- >> it's not just about the runway. >> no. >> this is about literally the face being in photography mostly or the whole deal? >> everything. to be a successful model these days, we call it, you have to be 360. you have to be able to speak, you have to be a spokesperson for a brand. you have to understand clothes. you have to have a style. you have to have a voice -- >> personality. >> personality.
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a lot of things. >> does a look have to be unique? sometimes there are models you look at and go, wow, i wouldn't have picked that person. but the more you look at them, you feel differently. >> everyone is beautiful. there are girls who are more perfect -- i didn't think i was beautiful when i got into the industry at age 15. i didn't think i was beautiful. i had these super long legs, long arms, big teeth. i would never show my legs. i never wore dresses until i started to model. >> you poor, poor thing. >> no. but i come from a really small town. >> where? >> in the czech republic. >> okay. >> small town. >> they teased you for being gangly and -- >> look at her legs, how long they are -- >> what are they saying now? >> now, tight pants, short skirts. >> by the way, we wanted to show off a little bit to you that we walked -- >> you're not the only model. >> i know. i'm sure you guys -- >> we did it on "snl."
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take a look at this clip. >> you need to work it. you need to tweak it. >> tweak it. hoda cut one, everyone! >> shake your butt. >> is that bradley cooper? >> yes. hoda's down. got a ho down. >> we only want to now, how the heck is it to work with naomi campbell? how are you two getting along? tell us the truth. >> telling the truth, it's like anyone -- this is the first time all three of us are working together at the same time. you're getting to know each other. you learn about your buttons and your personality. we're working 18 hours a day. there was a lot of pressure. we want these girls to win. we really care about these girls. we want them to be successful. we don't want them to leave the show. you get attached to them.
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>> but a little tension is good for television viewers, a little tension -- >> there's tension there. not going to lie. >>ou're adorable. >> thank you. >> great success on the show. >> catch the season finale tonight at 9:00, 8:00 central on oxygen. it's a slam dunk, everybody. sara steps it up with the knicks city kids right after this.
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in skibb creams are the big new trend. . . . 5-in-1 and just the right amount of coverage. wow! age perfect renews skin's radiance, hydrates, firms, evens skin tone, protects. sometimes it's all i wear. new age perfect instant radiance bb cream. from l'oreal paris. because we're worth it.
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getting ready for the game. what game? the big game. today's wednesday. the big game is on sunday. pre-game! pre-game! [ men ] pre-game! [ male announcer ] every day is game day with totino's party pizzas and pizza rolls. stock up now. my skin loses moisture nearly twice as fast as yours does, mom. that's why you use johnson's baby lotion twice a day to keep my skin baby soft. you've really got this "mom thing" down. ♪
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and then there's juicy chicken with best foods ♪ best foods is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken... [ bell dings ] crispy so juicy so delicious it's your secret to making dinner disappear best foods. bring out the best time now for "sara in the city." she is hitting the court. >> but she's not playing hoops. instead she's teaming up with some small dancers with big moves and dreams. >> that is right. i met up with the knicks city kids right here in new york city
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and they showed me their fancy footwork. ♪ they spin, they flip, they break it down. they're the knicks city kids, the original nba kids dance team. and i'm their newest member. what should i expect from this group? >> you're going to have to bring the energy. it's going to be very athletic. >> i'm going to be a knicks city kid. do you think i'm going to fit in? >> yes. >> as long as you focus and have hip moves like this. >> armed with advice, i'm ready to learn some moves. this is our first day. come on, let's learn. ♪ ♪ spin on your back and spin on your knees ♪ spin on your hands and then freeze ♪
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>> it's game day and i'm actually on the court at madison square garden for my a.m. rehearsal and i've been practicing my moves. after a through more runthroughs, the kids show me my spot for the performance. right here? are you sure. right here? i'm good. can you see me? >> yes, we can. perfect. >> there's only one more thing to do. hey, guys, do you think you could help me with my hair? >> yeah. >> this is going to be great. how do i look? >> perfect. ♪ >> and with our big routine only moments away, it was time to hit the court, at least for the kids. ♪
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♪ that was amazing, you guys. so see you at the next one. >> no! >> i love you -- you guys are great! >> yes! >> how cool. >> it was so amazing, the orange is still in my hair. but we have a special performance from our friends, the knicks city kids. take it away. >> all right! ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> yeah! wow! >> awesome. >> wow. i can take a hunch and find that
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you are the baby of the bunch. you are awesome. you guys were great. >> that was fantastic, you guys. coming up, something we found ourselves wishing for, how to sound smarter. >> speak for yourself. how's your love life, hoda? >> this is awkward. we'll be cooking, too, right after this. funny, yes? no. there's nothing mini about me. i'm huge. ahem. any hoo. even my wrapper has a wrapper. flavor? i'm bursting with it. creamy? i ooze it. quality like this... (muffled):...doesn't come everyday. well technically it does because i'm in the grocery but... ooh, how you doin'? rich. creamy. and 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. go olive garden's 2 for $25! unlimited soup or salad. choose an appetizer to share. then two delicious entrees. like new sicilian seafood lasagna.
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three courses, two people, just $25. go olive garden! like a squirrel stashes nuts, you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® liquid gels. nothing starts working faster than zyrtec® at relieving your allergy symptoms for 24 hours. zyrtec®. love the air.
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it is 10:26. good morning. i'm marla tellez. >> we now have a better idea of who police are looking for in the kidnapping of a san jose 11-month-old girl. investigators say a woman looking like this stole a jeep yesterday morning with gabriella quintero inside. five hours later they found the girl in the abandoned jeep six miles from home. the mother and child were reunited last night. police say the kidnapper was seen walking near the apartment
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complex carrying a white and red target bag. after the break, we'll check the forecast and morning commute.
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welcome back. the time is 10:28. taking a live look at cumulous clouds over san francisco, mid level clouds. aren't going to see a lot of sunshine, temperatures are representative of where we ended up. not bumping you up, taking your down. 63 in oakland. we get our first chance for showers tonight up in the north bay. we'll sort all that out for you
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because shower chances continue all the way through the weekend today at 11:00. the forecast coming up. first check your drive. good morning, mike. >> look at this shot of sunol, looks beautiful, green hills. coming into the area, jammed from pleasanton, 580, two exits, sunol, north of the camera, emergency slab repair, blocked a southbound lane a few hours. looking north 238. a new crash causing slowdowns approaching 880. the rest of the area through san mateo bridge looking nice. back to you. >> thanks. the u.s. supreme court is hearing arguments over prop 8. that's the same-sex marriage ban in california. coming up at 11:00, we'll have a live report from outside the courthouse plus how local cities are showing support for equal rights. we hope to see you at 11:00. ♪ we are back on this boozeday
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tuesday with more "today." a lesson on how to sound smarter in this world of omg and auto correct. did grammar even stand a chance? >> well, here to tell us how we can get our point across while still sounding like ourselves is reader's digest editor courtney shim and author's impact terry shodine. hello, lazy. >> i'm dreading this series -- >> a tiny bit. >> people do judge you, i think, if you use a word that's grammatically correct. sometimes, you can tell people are keeping scores? >> you can see the cringe. >> right. >> how important is it ultimately? because sometimes, you'll say something and you know it's the wrong way but it's for emphasis. >> yes. >> and people might not know the difference. you're saying it to be funny. and they're thinking idiot. what do you do? >> well, it's not about speaking perfectly because then you might sound snobby. and you do went to connect with your audience.
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>> right. >> casual is okay. you do want to avoid errors because that affects your credibility. >> okay. >> so the goal going forward is attention, what is your goal? trying to get a job? promotion? trying to sell a product or service or philosophy or idea? and the goal is to enhance your messaging to move your intention forward. >> you said get your message down to what you call elevator message. 30 seconds and three minutes? >> right. clear, concise messaging does help you in today's market. >> i think there are people that use big words. there's active kindness that everybody in the group understands. you're saying big words aren't always the smart way go anyway? >> no it's a beautiful thing. you don't need to use a ten dollar word when a two cent one will do. a group of millennials in the morning and maybe a group of faculty members in the afternoon. you want to have that range. >> listen, in a thousand years --
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>> if i knew that -- >> all right. let's correct everyone, including us. here's commonly misused words and phrases that are very common. are you guys going to quiz us? >> i'm going to quiz you. >> oh, lord. >> let's see how you do? >> do you take prevententive steps or preventive? >> preventive? >> you are correct. preventive, the shorter word. ahundred years ago, experts banned the longer word. said the extra syllable is unnecessary. >> if you don't want to read sheryl sandberg's new book are you uninterested or disinterested? >> disinterested. >> uninterested. >> i'm uninterested in reading it. disinterested means you're
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unbiased or impartial and that actually applies to beat. >> we're both right. >> do you denounce or renounce your gym membership? >> you renounce it. you denounce an idea or something. but you renounce a thing. >> correct. >> was i right? >> you were right! why do you have give a speech? >> i was making up my mind cognitively. trying to say it. >> cease and desist, hoda, i'm having a good time. >> i want to see if you guys can correct a couple of song titles that are famous for being grammatically incorrect. i feel good. >> i feel fine. nobody would say i feel well unless they're talking about their health. ♪ no, i feel good, la, la, la
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>> because they just had a movement. what's love got to do with it? >> what does love have to do with it? tina turner. >> excellent. you are smart, kathie lee. >> so boring. >> did you study this? >> yeah, before i started a blog. >> we've got to run. thanks for the quiz and the information, ladies. >> thank you. >> just one of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. >> coming up a great, great book by a great writer here at nbc named bob dotson. he's genius with a new book called "american story." coming up after this. walmart's ? let's try! let's go. i've got a full house to impress. well, you better ham it up! look at this price! [ laughs ] that's awesome! what's for easter desert? oh, sugar cookies! my son's helping this year. look at that! hey! there's my brand. that's your ad. walmart will match that price at the register. really? yeah! you don't even have to have the ad with you.
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what?! i'm serious. nice! that's the walmart low price guarantee backed by ad match! bring your last grocery receipt to walmart, compare the prices. you'll see for yourself! for the things you can't wash, freshen them with febreze. febreze eliminates odors and leaves a light, fresh scent. febreze, breathe happy. it's eb. want to give your family the very best in taste, freshness, and nutrition?
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it's eb. eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. bettit's it's a gloss.utrition. it's a soft kiss. it's all in one. l'oreal's new caresse wet shine stain. l'oreal's lightweight formula delivers lasting color like a lip stain with 30% water. it's the wet look for my lips. l'oreal's new caresse wet shine stain. [ man ] excuse me miss. [ gasps ] this fiber one 90 calorie brownie has all the deliciousness you desire. the brownie of your dreams is now deliciously real. the brownie of your dreams some people will do anything to help eliminate litter box odor. ♪
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discover tidy cats pure nature. clumping litter with natural cedar, pine, and corn. woolite everyday, cleans your jeans
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and won't torture your tanks. woolite washed clothes look like new, longer. we're about to tell you about a book you are going to want to buy. for 40 years, bob dotson has been bringing us stories about everyday americans. >> remarkable people whose life lessons have quietly but profoundly changed our lives and our country. much for the better. watch. >> 1,000 miles on the back roads here and you won't find one pair of designer jeans. i have spent a lifetime criss-crossing this country listening to your stories. >> it's like this old country, it's rocky as hell. but it's mine. >> listening to ordinary people with thoughtful solutions to challenges we all face. >> never underestimate a small amount of money. >> a chorus of voices that sang america's dreams.
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how long did it take to sink in that you'd done the impossible? >> probably when we were sitting in the oval office with president bush talking about bone fishing. >> not just our quest for money or fame, the story of us. >> the book is called "the american story," a lifetime search for ordinary people doing extraordinary things. talk about extraordinary. bob's been at nbc for 40 years. >> you look good. you look good. well-preserved. >> you want to see what i looked like when i was 25? >> we saw. let me get it. let the old one get it. >> i was dropping my phone. i had to get the phone. >> hoda woman. i'll hold it the entire time. >> this book is pretty incredible. you really did find people in the smallest little map dot places around the country who
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have extraordinary stories. >> well, i think our focus is in the wrong place. we're looking at congress and celebrities and pop culture for solutions. and in fact great grandma had the solution or grandpa had the solution. >> they still do. >> they still do. fortunately nbc has let me travel the world on their nickel for many years poking into the dark colors, shining a light and saying, what can you teach us? >> what kind of life lessons did you learn in this book? >> wisdom doesn't always wear a suit. that was the biggest lesson. >> overalls. >> yeah. and you don't wait to be dealt a good hand. you play a bad hand well over and over and over again. >> most of us only get bad hands. >> exactly. >> who did that in your book? who had a bad hand and played it well? >> you name it. there's a lady i found 50 years after the great depression. her name was florence thompson. they don't remember her name but they remember the image of her. she was known as the migrant mona lisa.
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he was 29 years old, had five children, pregnant with another and her husband just died. there she was. she'd never talked to a reporter before i got there because she was mad because she never got a picture. >> oh. >> and so i asked her, i said, what did you do? she said, i dragged 100-pound sacks of cotton. i worked tending bar. i cleaned hospital floors and i raised ten kids. >> she did what she had to do? >> yeah. and i asked her, did you ever lose hope? and she said, honey, if i had lost hope, america wouldn't be here. >> oh, my gosh. >> wow. >> so when someone says that, did it take a few years of being a professional person to realize, oh, my gosh, that's gold? or did you just know the minute somebody grins, it's ugly, it's got rocks all over it, but it's mine? >> well, all of my in-laws are cops and they saw whoever speaks in an interrogation room first loses. because they tell you things that you haven't asked for.
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so i took that technique and i said, mostly in television we ate dead air. so, question, question, question. me, if somebody said a cliche, i just lean back and they figure i don't know. so they go, dummy, that's why i killed my wife. boom, it's gold. >> trying to help you out. >> yeah, exactly. >> that is great. there was a picture of -- we had a little bit of the video of the paraplegic who climbed the mountain. give us a quick nutshell on that story. >> mark wellman broke his back in a fall from a climb. several years later he came back and along with his friend did 7,000 chin-ups to go from the bottom to the top of el capitan which is the largest single thing in the world to climb. he did it in one week. we went out there just to do this funny little feature on him and we were there for a week because it kept getting better and better. he made it up and eventually he's the reason -- he's the inspiration for the americans with disabilities act. >> that's why he was in president bush's office? >> absolutely. >> this book is full of
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beautiful anecdotes. >> i just happen to have it sitting right here. >> it's an awesome book. it will restore your hope in this great country we live in. thank you so much. >> bob, thanks. good luck with it. do you need a help with your love life? >> maybe somebody does. >> i'm not saying anything. >> from frazzle to focus right after this. garnier ultra-lift serum plus moisturizer. a skincare first. serums are highly concentrated. highly effective. garnier combines serum with hydrating moisturizer. a powerful skincare innovation. in one powerful step. with 2x the pro-retinol from nature, it works hard to fight wrinkles. in 10 days skin is firmer, smoother, lifted... ...transformed. pure anti-aging power. it's everything my skin needs. garnier ultra-lift serum plus moisturizer. take care.
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and be good for your face? [ female announcer ] now there's new neutrogena® naturals acne cleanser. acne medicine from the wintergreen leaf treats breakouts. no parabens or harsh sulfates. for naturally clear skin. [ female announcer ] neutrogena® naturals. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ we, we chocolate cross over. ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate. 80 calorie chocolate cereal. go olive garden's 2 for $25! unlimited soup or salad. choose an appetizer to share. then two delicious entrees. like new tuscan garlic chicken.
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three courses, two people, just $25. go olive garden!
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♪ today on frazzled to focused, your love life. do you have kids, a husband, a full-time job, friends, family and no time? >> it's no surprise romance doesn't make it to the top of your list. but here to help us out, dr. janet taylor and dr. rankel. >> funny book. >> it's a work of fiction. >> you do sort of see where romance gets bumped down the list. certain things have to happen.
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you have to pay bills, you have to pick the children up. >> you have to feed children. >> and stress and love and sex begin and end in the brain. when you are stressed, the last thing you're thinking about is romance or how to create some specific ambience. >> i'm glad you use the word romance. too often, we confuse sex with love, right? >> there's plenty of people who say, me and the wife got intimate last night? what does that mean? you shared deep feelings with each other? it's a euphemism for sex. just because we have sex, we're actually connecting. >> that's not the case. >> no, plenty of people connect with their genitals to avoid each other with their eyes. >> for women, desire and passion, you have to be loved and supported by your partner. if you don't have that, you're not interested. >> in a busy day with a lot going on, how do you prioritize that? how do you move that up the list? >> you understand that support is important, romance is important. connecting is important. so for some people, it may be including getting intimate and
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finding time for each other on your to-do list, scheduling time together. >> seems unromantic, though, doesn't it? i'm going to put you on my to-do list. >> and yet if you're talking about prioritization, we prioritize things when we put them on a to-do list or on a calendar. what relationship is first place? is it your kids? >> depending on their age. >> true. but you can't complain about, you can't squeeze in time for your romance. there's no -- >> what advice do you give to a couple who says, our kids are important, we just don't have time? >> i say you haven't prioritized your relationship. it ain't in first place. show me first place -- are you putting your date night on the calendar before anything else? >> that's what they should do? >> absolutely. >> what if you're about to get a dog. this is going to complicate everything, including your love life. >> spending time with your partner, husband, yourself, doesn't have to be in the bedroom. if you're getting a dog, go for a walk together. >> see! the dog is going to help me, not hurt me. >> i think the dog's going to be wonderful for you.
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i just know you're not going to believe how it changes the dynamic of your everyday life, right? >> the question i always ask couples is, is this romantic relationship your number one priority? or is it -- >> what if somebody says, no, my relationship with god is? >> i would say and that's going to help you prioritize -- reprioritize all your other relationships. that's great. what does god want you to do in terms of your other relationships? i've told my kids, i love your mother a little bit more than i love you. >> are they all in rehab? >> one time, my son -- he was angry at me, whatever and -- he was yelling at his mother. and i do not make the mistake of saying, don't talk to your mother that way. i said, don't talk to my wife that way. well, she's my mom -- she was my wife before she was your mom. >> wow! >> i like how you talk like that. >> it ended up being a good night. >> all right!
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>> yes. >> this is a good segment. thank you both. >> great to see you both. come back and see us. >> like him. >> he's taken, hoda. how to make easter ham and lamb. >> but first, this is "today" on nbc. [ female announcer ] safeway presents
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real big deals of the week. or how to get great prices on things you need for easter. we know you look around for the best deals, that's why we give you real big club card deals each week. right now a juicy smoked shank half ham is just 99 cents a pound. let's bake. safeway sugar is $1.97 for four pounds. and chobani greek yogurt is just a buck. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life.
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♪ 9. now in today's kitchen, easter delights. >> easter dinner is always a feast. but should you make ham or lamb? >> here to show you an easy and delicious way to impress your guests by making both dishes is chef seamus mullen. >> nice to see you guys. >> you're making one of my favorite things. >> we're making lambchops. we're going to stop with a simple rub. orange zest, lemon zest, kosher salt, cumin, coriander -- mix it
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all up together. sprinkling it on top of these chops -- >> i'm going to get my hands dirty. you can stay nice and clean. >> that's look good. >> yes. and this is easy. one of the easiest ways to do lamb. we're going to serve it with an herb risotto. hot pan. get these guys seared. a little bit of olive oil. takes about a minute and a half on each side, they're so small. if you could grab those. we're going to go -- >> put them on here? >> is that risotto? >> yes. classic risotto. i made a puree with herbs, basil, oregano and thyme. you can see these go super, super fast. >> so good. >> we've got our lamb done.
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>> we leave a couple of minutes for the ham. thank you, hodi. >> let me hook you up with a little bit of rice here. >> okay. >> got to have some rice. >> i'm here with the ham. >> i know you want the lamb chop. you have to have a little rice. >> that's delicious. >> we've got our hands -- >> sara, we'll save you some. >> this is our spiraled ham that we've slowly roasted in the oven. now we're going to glaze it. for our glaze, i have some apple cider that i'm reducing with maple leafs syrup and spices. cinnamon, clove and nutmeg. i'm from vermont so i can't go without having maple syrup. >> save the wine! where did hoda go? >> right here. >> look at that. you're hired. we'll drink and let hoda work. >> cheers!
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so then what? >> we've got our glaze. because it's ham, we need to have some mustard, a little dijon mustard, add it into the glaze, a little bit of garlic. just a little bit. and then we're going to take this glaze and brush it right onto our ham and then go back into the oven. we'll raise the temperature in the oven and the rest -- >> get that crunchy top to it. >> that nice glaze, goes back into the oven. what we're looking for is right here. this is what we have. our final deal here. little carving knife. >> i can't stop eating the lamb chops is the problem. >> wait till you get some of this ham. you'll love this. . >> you're not serving it -- one or the other, it's both? >> both. >> all the recipes are on
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good morning and thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia-cannon in for jon kelley. >> good morning, i'm marla tellez. thousands of supporters and opponents gathered outside the supreme court in washington, d.c. today where the supreme court justices heard arguments about same-sex marriage. >> today's case is an appeal of california's proposition 8 that limits marriage to opposite sex couples. nbc's danielle joins us from the supreme court with more. >> reporter: hi, marla and laura. for supporters of same-sex marriage, this is a day they have been fighting for for years, a chance to fighting before the supreme court for legalization of same-sex marriage. justices today recognize that. justice kennedy saying you are asking us to go on uncharted waters here. thousands of people passed the supreme court plaza for hours holding signs that said equality and championing in favor of same-sex marriage. not far away supporters of the
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ban on gay marriage marched to the supreme court case. a same sex couple called the law unconstitutional. >> it hurts the children we're raising and it does so for no good reason. >> reporter: some of the most emotional pleas today to overturn proposition 8 came from their son. >> we love them. we love our family. we look forward to the day when we will be treated equally just like our neighbors' families. >> reporter: supporters of california's gay marriage ban argues the law protects the traditional notion of marriage and its intent to encourage pro creation. >> it's impossible to know with any certainty the changes that would be worked on society by redefining a fundamental institution like marriage. >> inside the court justices kennedy and kagan suggested whether anything would be harmed by allowing same-sex couples to marry. justice briar questioned why it would be unconstitutional to prevent this group from marriage. chief justice john robert had a different take. he said we don't have


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