tv Today NBC March 28, 2013 2:05am-3:00am PDT
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i'm so excited. we're going to show it and reveal the one. >> and then we're going to give everyone else an opportunity to adopt the others if you fall in love today. times are changing, hoda. it used to be you are named your dog fifi or fido. my first dog was named zorro. remember that? you do. you're old. he was all black, and the sign of the z. he was a mutt. >> is this with frank? >> no, when i was a little girl. growing up in maryland. you never forget your first dog, and in some cases your first husband. but, anyway, i've had many dogs through the years, and you never forget any of them. they truly are your best friend. >> we never had dogs growing up, because my parents were just busy with the three of us, but my grandmother had a dog we loved named betty.
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>> your grandmother was -- she -- not only -- one of the first doctors in all of egypt. betty was way ahead of her time. i mean your grandmother was, because it's human names now. >> oh, really? you give human names to your dogs now. >> here are some of the top names for dog -- bela, bailey, max, lucy, mol, buddy -- that seems like a dog name. daisy, maggy, charlie and sophie. >> it's interesting. >> have you also picked out a name? >> i'm going to wait. our moms are coming tomorrow to cook and my niece, so i want her to weigh in, to make sure -- that the name is the one we've chosen. >> she wanted a couple weird ones. bibbles. and meatball. if you were up last night "the voice" is huge. >> it's hot. >> great numbers.
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>> thank you, lord. one of the great rock stars was sarah simmons from memphis, tennessee, 21 years old. they say she'll be the next big thing. i didn't get to see it last night. >> do we get to hear? >> um-hmm. ♪ if god was one of us ♪ just a slob like one of us ♪ just a stranger >> oh, listen to her. ♪ trying to make his way home ♪ just trying to make his way home ♪ >> wow. >> wow. she's like a cross between -- first i thought it was kelly clarkson, but then she gets that growl thing in there which reminds you of janice joplin. she looks 12 years old. >> she picked adam. >> perfect. >> blake said he thought she had one of the top voices so far of
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the blind auditions. >> yeah. >> that will be interesting. >> a good competition. what is going on? >> i'm very concerned about him. >> with justin bieber? >> you and i talked about this. we know his mom very well, and she's awesome. she no longer travels with him all the time. and scooter, his manager, no longer goes with him all the time. i think ever since those two influences have been out of his life on a permanent, nonstop basis, he's sowing his wild oats. it's very concerning. he's, what, 19 still? >> there was one incident -- >> oh, kevin. >> where he was going through the airport, he walked through shirtless, through the airport. it was cold, 14 degrees, and then he ended up putting on his shirt before he got on the plane, which is a bit weird. then on tuesday there was some trouble with a neighbor, some conflict to what happened.
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i guess the neighbor said it was some sort of battery, and the people from the other camp basically say, no, it had nothing to do with that. >> it's all alleged at this point. >> no charges filed. >> so we don't know what's true. >> yeah. >> you know what? that's a good rule of thumb anyway. whatever you read, whatever it is, it ain't necessarily so, you know what i'm saying. >> yeah. >> don't believe it just because you read it somewhere, no matter what that somewhere is. very rarely do the people reporting have inside knowledge. >> right. >> of what really, really happened. >> and most of those stories we talk about here. >> obviously something is happening in the young man's life to create these kinds of incidents and i'm concerned about him. he's a really sweet kid. doesn't matter how sweet you are, you can all get caught up in that. when everybody in your life is somebody that works for you, that's a bad, bad thing. >> very good point. >> their livelihood depends on you getting out there. and making that money. they're yes people. >> the pressure he's under we
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probably won't understand, but when you saw that confrontation with the paparazzi, i'm sure the paparazzi was baiting him. i guess that happens all the time. >> because they get more money for a picture like that. >> that's for sure. >> a nice picture gets very little money, peter, right, peter? our photographer. if you can get -- >> don't hide, peter, we know what you like. >> we just lost him. >> if you can get him frothing at the mouth, you'll get a lot more money. >> i remember bernie madoff and a photographer stiff-armed him and he jerked back, and that was the picture. >> that's the one they used all the time. so boys and their toys, this is bizarre-o. at the fillies ballpark, they have this new minor league ballpark -- >> all right, pam, wow. tough room. >> apparently they have urinals there that they've turned into video games. >> why not?
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>> because a man doesn't want to be bored. >> while they urinate, they play a game and they are skiing, and they point their aim -- it's like a joystick -- of course it is. >> way to go, hoda. >> you point it wherever you want to go, and you get a score. i'm sure they're competing. how did you do, dude? >> i feel sorry for the guys having prostate problems. they're at a disadvantage with this game, and also i think it's sexist, because women can't play. i think it's wrong on every level. >> yes, so do i. anyway, should we talk about the dogs again? no. >> oh, my gosh. how long do we have to wait? we're doing it now, we'll take a commercial break, and we'll go to meet these dogs, and i said i'm going to choose one, and then you guys can adopt out all the others. they need good homes. we want to thank everyone from paws chicago, and pet finder.
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>> we're going to cook later, too. we'll be right back. ♪ a lot of you may have heard about probiotics but may not realize what they can do for your health. we know what it takes to look good on the outside but with 70% of our immune system located in our gut, the core of our health is truly on the inside. that's why i take new trubiotics. it's a daily probiotic that helps in two ways. one helps support digestive health, the other immune health. stay true to your health. new trubiotics. from the makers of one-a-day. in the middle of the night it can be frustrating. it's hard to turn off and go back to sleep. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine
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you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo and you're fully awake. driving, eating, or engaging in other activities while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue.
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so if you suffer from middle-of-the-night insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. ♪ ♪ how much is that doggy in the window ♪ we all know that our hoda woman has been longing to adopt a dog. tuesday after the show, we headed out. >> we had help from our friends over at petfinder as well as paws chicago and a couple oregon -- couple other groups we'll talk about later. they conducted a special search to find me the perfect furry friend. take a look. >> we are in central park in the heart of new york city. this is a life-changing day for me. ♪ i am going to choose my dog. >> for a long time now she's wanted a dog. >> i'm looking for a dog that likes to sleep.
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i kind of want a blobby dog. i don't want a runner. >> she's not thought this through, though. >> i am busting. i'm trying to think when -- >> she thinks she's thought it through, but as everything hoda, she has not thought it through. >> kathie lee is going to walk each dog and i'm sure try to influence me in some way. >> the most precious poodle mix. it's a boy. it's cinnamon. >> he looks like you. you could be his mother. i'm breastfeeding. oh, my god. this boy is reeves. >> he's trained? >> he's trained. >> bonus. >> a definite bonus, because you're barely trained. >> this is baker. oh, he wants to go back to you, hoda. he loves me!
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>> this is nutmeg. he is a shih tzu/beagle mix. we say [ bleep ], not [ bleep ]. is it a boy or girl? >> it's a boy. you want to go home with hoodie? a lot of strange egyptian art, but you'll grow to love it. >> c'mon, kevin. ♪ i'm just walkin' my dog ♪ singin' my song ♪ it's just me and my dog ♪ catching some sun >> orla, she's 1-year-old terrier mix, and she's sweet. >> and remember every single one of them is a rescue. ♪ every dog has a story >> wow, hoda, this is not a blobby one. scotland. all right. bye.
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>> come here. come here. come here. >> this is goldfish. hi. >> he comes with his own bottle of wine. >> oh, goldfish. >> come here. >> i think this will be an extremely tough decision. >> if you're lucky, they'll be with you a long, long time. they'll be the best friend you've ever had, except for me. >> okay. i'm talking about choosing my pooch. >> oh, my gosh. so many amazing dogs. how did you make a choice, hoda woman? >> i don't know. i realized when you know, you know know, and along with paul, she's the founder of paws chicago. >> an amazing foundation. >> how are you? >> she's right, you sort of know. >> i have to tell you, it was not a dog i thought i was going to select. i honestly didn't. knowing me, what kind of dog did you think would be the best for
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me? >> i think for you, first of all, any of these dogs would succeed in your home, because you love animals. and dogs are so adaptable. it's amazing. you know, getting a good trainer, and a good dogwalker, because of a busy lifestyle, being prepared, when you bring them into the house, you're ready to go. >> i have a dog walker, angela is in the house. so i am prepared, thanks god. so all of these dogs will be able to be adopted out minus the one i'm taking. >> absolutely. >> there's kevin. kevin was scared of the movie cameras. he's 1 years old havanese mix from the streets of chicago. >> reeves is a 6-month-old male maltese. goldfish, 6 months old, 5 to 6 months, male cockapoo, orla was brought in. 1-year-old female, terrier mix.
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she was brought in by a good samaritan to a city pound. yari is a 3-year-old female. >> she's the old lady of the group, but she's precious. >> and bobbi sue is that 1-year-old female poodle. >> a story about billy joe and bobbi sue. >> she was full of fleas, so we had to shave her. >> but she's a little embarrassed, but her coat will grow back in beautifully. >> and cinnamon is an 8-week-old. male poodle mix. >> left his mommy. >> who's next? >> nutmeg. >> he knows his name. 10 week old male. >> baker, 10 weeks old. and scotland is 5 months old, female poodle/terrier mix. >> i'm going down. ready? i'm so excited. >> hi. hi. i hear you, kevin.
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i think it's goldfish. hi, goldfish. >> so cute. >> oh, my gosh, hoda. good choice. he's precious. he knows, he knows. goldfish. now, hoda, are you going to change his name? >> yes, we're going to pick a name tomorrow. soon as hannah gets here. goldfish loves me. >> i'm going to pick one. >> are you? get in there. >> to my friend karen, who is here with her little boy. >> this is his mom karen, if things don't work out, he can come to my house. >> we have eight to go, hoda.
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i want to thank a lot of people, the folks at petfinder, paws chicago, thanks, everybody. adopt these puppies. >> go to our website to find out how to adopt one of these puppies. we'll be right back after this. ♪ how young hearts really feel its key ingredients are also found in every day food like avocados, broccoli and bananas. it contains about as much caffeine as a cup of the leading premium coffee. zero sugar. four calories. 5-hour energy is like... coffee with vitamins and nutrients. simple. put them together and it's a great combination. try a sip... then decide. we can afford to take an extra trip this year. first boston... then san francisco.
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hotwire checks the competitions' rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. so our hotels were half price. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ we know this is more than a paycheck. it's rent. bus fare. a night out. that's why we let you file your simple federal return for free. it's free to prepare, print, e-file and you can even chat with a tax expert. get the federal free edition at i'm up next, but now i'm singing the heartburn blues. hold on, prilosec isn't for fast relief. cue up alka-seltzer. it stops heartburn fast. ♪ oh what a relief it is!
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♪ >> it's wednesday, you know what that means? it means i got a dog! >> hello, little one. >> my friend karen wants me to say on camera, so it's on the record, if things don't work out with little cinnamon, cinnamon comes home with me, but her little boy colin is not letting him out hi,arah. >> go to, there are eight dogs there that need a home. >> a loving home.
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>> absolutely. >> our crew is going to walk off with the other eight. so let me -- while you guys are loving on the dog, the first photo, this is the winner from last week. >> what is it? >> this was from jillian kenny. winning n who let the frogs out? -- who let the frogs out? ribit, ribit. we'll reveal the next one. that was ba da bum. but come on, you love me. photo from bb drummond from falls church, virginia -- if you're drinking to forget, please pay in advance. that's what we need for you two. >> you're not even here, are you? is anyone talking? i don't think so. next, from claudia lowe, historic life-saving station cemetery. >> oh, my gosh. >> what does that mean? it's an oxymoron. you can't do that.
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next a photo from garnet arndt, from georgia. this is suitable for vegetarians. chicken tenders with french fries. when did the veggies start eating the chicken? and finally lee whitesman from arlington, virginia -- ask for a free $10 massage. so is it free or $10? >> it would cost you $10 if you had to buy it, which you don't, it's free. >> exactly. here's the new photo for the caption contest next week. >> from paula bilker, give us a caption for this one. >> all righty. don't forget to go to klg & hoda. for all the photos. thanks so much. we'll be right back.
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in, we want to hop to the holidays. kathie lee is across the street. and ready to hand out a hundred tlrs to those who get the questions right. and for those who don't, here to help me out is elaine griffin. are you ready, girl? >> hey. >> i get that means yet. >> where's your dog? >> someone's holding him. >> you're from orlando, right? >> yes. >> finish the lyrics to this easter sing-a-long. here comes peter cottontail ♪ ♪ hopping down the bunny tail ♪ >> hippity hoppity easter's on its way. >> great, pick a key. >> those are the lyrics. >> that song was first recorded by gene autry in 1950, the singing cowboy. >> it was? >> and it never ever went away. >> he brought us rudolph the red-nosed reindeer too. >> this darling girl is from
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indianapolis, maryland. how many chocolate bunnies are made for easter each year? >> um, 90 million? >> yeah. >> wow. >> and a lot of them. >> a lot of them are hollow, which is always a disappointment. >> but 76% of us start with the ears first. >> yes. >> because we are ear vampires. >> all right. >> lovely lady from d.c. -- when was the last easter egg roll on the white house -- the first one. that's what it says, on the white house lawn. 1803, 1878, 1905 or 1950? >> 1950? >> that's all right. she's going to adore this cd. >> the correct answer there is 1878. who was in office there? >> rutherford b. hayes and now
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they use wooden ones. they used real eggs then. >> wooden? >> commemorative. you can take it home and keep it. >> this question is not fair for this darling girl from leesburg, virginia. how many glasses of wine must one drink during the passover seder? 1, 2, 3 or 4? >> um -- >> is that your mom? she can help you. here's a clue, the same amount hoda has at lunch. >> three? >> no. nope. it's a little more than that. there you go. >> you're hysterical and hilarious. >> the correct answer is four. they represent the four promises of deliverance made by god to the hebrews from the books of exodus. true or false, easter is the biggest candy holiday? >> think that through. >> false.
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>> good girl. >> great. >> you're related, right? >> so it's not easter, then? >> halloween. >> for sure. >> americans spend $2 billion in candy trick-or-treating, and it's close for easter, it's 1.9. >> are you kidding? >> close, but no chocolate bunny. the gentleman is from el paso, texas. what does the easter egg symbolize? good luck, hope, fertility or rebirth? >> i would have to say rebirth. >> yes, indeed. >> people are doing very well on these. >> i'm so happy. >> it's the rebirth of spring and for christians it's the resurrection of jesus and the rebirth of our spirituality, and a new dog for you. >> thanks for coming to see you. if your kids have you frazzled, we'll get you refocused. kathie lee is coming back across the street and we're going to hang out with gold fish right after these messages. ♪
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oh. let's go. after these messages. [ laughs ] dad! [ laughs ] whoo! oh! you're up! oh! oh! so close! now where were we? ok, this one's good for two. score! [ male announcer ] share what you love with who you love. kellogg's frosted flakes. they're gr-r-eat! ♪ [ female announcer ] come alive with the refreshing taste of lipton iced tea. feel the taste. are proven to be effective pain relievers. tylenol works by blocking pain signals to your brain. bayer advanced aspirin blocks pain at the site. try the power of bayer advanced aspirin.
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of course there's dust. in addition to dust, you might find a little latte. ♪ and maybe something beastly. mixed in with the dust, you may even find some pixie sneezes. compared to a dry duster, a can of pledge picks up more dust and cleans 100% of messes. pledge multi surface. dusts better. cleans more. s.c. johnson. a family company.
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♪ teach your children well time for our special series "frazzled to focused" and we're looking at life with kids. between homework, bedtime schedules and new puppies, whatever happened to time to for yourself? >> and also here is psychologist jennifer heartsteen, the author of "princess recovery." >> great to see you ladies back. this is one of those interesting topics i think you think you can juggle and do it all, and do it well, but women like to do things perfectly and often that's not a possibility. >> it's never a possibility. >> it's not a possibility. because we want to be perfect, it increases all of the stress levels in the house, and then as a result our kids suffer, our marriage suffers, we suffer, so if we're not taking care of ourselves, we're not taking care of our families.
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so figuring out how to create some organization within that system will help everything work more smoothly and better. >> is that because expectations are so high? should we just lower expectations? >> that is a piece of it. lowering the expectations will make you much happier, but moms have so many balls going at one time, and doing things like revisiting routines, that sounds like a no-brainer, but very few families take the time to ahead of time work out solid routines for morning, afternoon, evening. consistently every day. >> there's an opportunity to cut the fat, like in everybody's budget, like the government, there are places we can cut the fat. >> absolutely. >> i think sometimes you think i'll let the routine go today. because this is happening. >> just let it go. >> it's spring break, right? >> what happens all the routines go and everybody is having a good time, but come send night -- sunday night, you're going to have tired kids and monday they have to get up and go to school.
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when they have days off, maybe they shouldn't sleep until 2:00 in the afternoon. >> you have to get your spouse to pitch in. sometimes that's easier said than done. >> this is one of the biggest concerns i hear from parents where spouses are not on the same page. if you start with the areas that are in agreement, say you're both fed up to here with the morning routine, that's a good place to start. the other thing to start doing is having family meetings, once a week, bring everybody together on saturday and sunday, talk about the week ahead, what everybody has going on. like everybody's schedule, who has to be where and when, and wrangle everybody. >> so you can find out what the schedule will be. >> but it becomes part of your weekly plan, sunday night, dinner or brunch, whatever, and everybody sits down together. the fact is everybody gets a chance to have a talk, they can air grievances, your kids might have some concerns. you can talk about punishments they have might have. kids will give themselves stronger punishments than you will give. all research is pointing to the fact more family time, the
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better emotional health, mental health, and set up for the adolescents and kids in the home. >> aren't certain people just more high-strung than others? is it a dna thing? >> you think? >> some of us are more type a than others, but with a lot of moms especially, i find they do entirely too many things for their kids, because they want everything to be perfect so another frazzle-busting strategy is take time to train your kids for the jobs around the house. the motto is everybody contributes. if you live in the house you have to help keep it running. >> if we do too much for the kids how are they learning what they need to do when they leave your house? we're not saying make dinner at 5:00 action but -- >> they like to be a part of it. >> and what a great opportunity to have conversations with them. being frazzled, the fact is the more organized you can be, the less frazzled you are, because you're in better control.
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>> i'm not organized and i'm not frazzl frazzled. of course i don't have the whole -- >> i haven't taken the dog yesterday. >> scheduling dog walks will be a whole new ball game. >> great to see you all again. how to make starters for stress-free easter entertaining. coming up right after this. where's my dog? >> good morning. alex wilson with your seven-day forecast. start with today. pretty quiet cross most of the country. but we'll be watching for rain and snow showers through parts of new york and pennsylvania. also rain as you head to the west coast into parts of california, oregon, and washington state. temperatures, they are still warm in the southwest, 88 your high for phoenix, 64, a little more comfortable in los angeles. 71 in dallas. still chilly to the east coast. 49 for your high in new york city. 53 in washington. normal high for d.c. would be
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around 60 degrees. forecast for tomorrow, as we look again at rain and snow showers in the northeast, as we take a look at the middle of the country, we have a little more action working in. so areas around portions of kentucky, also tennessee, missouri, and arkansas, you'll be seeing some rain showers and will keep things below normal for atlanta, with a high of 63 to end the week, 51 in boston. 89 far a high in phoenix. as we look at the saturday forecast, a lot of you wondering what does the easter weekend look like? rain showers and some thunder showers will be out there for the middle of the country and portions of the south, especially head into easter sunday. all of the metro areas will be looking for a good chance of rain showers, temperatures around 66 in atlanta, but with the clouds and rain showers, it's going to be a chilly day. 48 for your easter high sunday in new york city.
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boston will be around 53 degrees. we'll start off the new work week with rain down in the parts of the plain states, maybe even a little snow mixing in. don't forg tote wake up with al, it starts 5:30 a.m. every weekday morning. people have chosen it again and again for over eight years. its key ingredients are also found in every day food like avocados, broccoli and bananas. it contains about as much caffeine as a cup of the leading premium coffee. zero sugar. four calories. 5-hour energy is like... coffee with vitamins and nutrients. simple. put them together and it's a great combination. try a sip... then decide. all eas or tax attorneys.cpas plus, we've got experts
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to support you all year round. and they're ready now. turbotax. i took something for my sinuses, but i still have this cough. [ male announcer ] a lot of sinus products don't treat cough. they don't? [ male announcer ] nope, but alka seltzer plus severe sinus does it treats your worst sinus symptoms, plus that annoying cough. [ breathes deeply ] ♪ oh, what a relief it is [ angry gibberish ]
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♪ all right. it's time to go to today's kitchen for easter delights, and we're making easy easter appetizers. >> to help you get through your hosting duties. >> especially for people like me. >> antoine san antonio is known as the rebel chef. he's here to share some tricks. >> i have some great recipes. >> i want to make sure you have something bere the actual dinner. so great, easy quick appetizers. >> do they call you the rebel -- because of your arm tats, because of your sleeves? >> because i do what i want. >> he doesn't give a rip. >> we have balsamic vinegar here, some olive oil in there, a bit -- a mix with paprika and
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cayenne. >> and salt? >> a little bit of salt. for people who don't have balsamic and paprika, i do a version with maple syrup and frank's red hot. the frank's red hot balances the sweetness from the maple syrup. really great. now we're going to put the asparagus in there. just toss them up. >> you're just getting them damp. >> now we're going to roll them, and i'm doing that in a cured ham from portugal. prosciutto would work great also. just roll them up like that. how simple is that? you'll have the balsamic vinegar that will carmelize on there, and the salt from the ham, that's going to give you the result. >> and what kind of cheese? >> i put manchego cheese. >> of course you did.
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i've never heard of it. >> but you can put pecorino or parmesan. >> there's one we all know. >> quick and easy. ten minutes, 400 degrees. here i have some spinach and pine nuts i roasted. with garlic and basil in there. >> that looks good. >> and parmesan. >> i'm going to add ricotta cheese. >> hoda can't have that. make one for her. >> and i'm putting in frank's red hot sauce. >> she can't have that either. >> there you go. it's killer. mix that up. >> that's what's great. the acidity will really balance that cream cheese, and the heat from that, so we mix it up, one tablespoon in our pizza dough. it's pizza dough we bought from the store. i love to make my own. it's quick and easy, but you can find it in every supermarket. you put it in there, close it up.
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>> doing a half moon. beautiful. >> i don't even ask questions, i just make it work. >> close it up like that. once again, 400 degrees. >> is that how they turn out? look how pretty. >> you have this flavor mixing together. >> and canape, olives, garlic, onions, tomato, fresh parsley. encrusted on top. same thing again, in the oven, two minutes only on the broil, just to get that grill. and here are your appetizers, with a nice glass of white wine or cold beer? everybody will be happy. >> the rebel is here. >> you can find all these recipes and they are fabulous at klg & we'll be right back. [ female announcer ] going to sleep may be easy, but when you wake up
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in the middle of the night it can be frustrating. it's hard to turn off and go back to sleep. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo and you're fully awake. driving, eating, or engaging in other activities while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation,
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hallucinations, or confusion. alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue. so if you suffer from middle-of-the-night insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. ♪ mike's being healthy and chewing like a man. with one a day vitacraves for men. it's a gummy multivitamin with more b vitamins, which help convert food to energy, and help mike do manly things, like wrestle bears and take out the garbage. one a day vitacraves for men.
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being single has its ups and downs, the freedom, the excitement and then those dates where you think, where on earth did this guy come from? >> ophera eisenberg, if that's her real name, decided to take charge of her love life, by dating and sleeping with 40 men. yes, my mother heard that right. 40 men to find her perfect mate. she says it's the secret to
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finding true live. -- true love. she's written about it. i'm saying it only one time, because it's the title "screw everyone." sleeping my way to monogamy. now that we've established what you are, let's talk about what you did. >> first of all, we're happy you are here. >> happy that you lived to tell the tale. >> happily. >> did it work, honestly, to find the right one? >> i didn't have the master plan ahead of time. this is looking back in hindsight, but i was open to trying new things. when you talk about food, you talk about having a refined palate, being adventurous. but my dating strategy was to say yes. ♪ i'm just a girl who can't say no ♪ >> as i was reading your book, it seemed like you were more of what we think of as a man, just sort of could care less, just wants the sex act and move on. >> i certainly cared. i have to say connection was
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always the most important thing to me, but sometimes i could be tonight is just about fun and that's okay, too. sometimes it didn't have to be so serious. more light hearted about it. >> what made your husband the one you ultimately chose different from the others. >> what my mother told me is a lie. >> i was the one who, after being with a lot of people, i gained experience. i gained a nugget from every single person i was with. i was like, okay, if you find a collector, be wary of that, that might be a red flag. >> one guy collected garfields. >> that is a little weird. >> though at the time i was like -- >> but here's the difference between you and me, and there are a few. i would have gone in, seen all the garfields and run for my life. not you, you're like, what will it be like? >> maybe we can keep them for our kids, who knows? when i met my husband, i think it's very romantic, but it sounds pragmatic. i was like, this guy is nice. that's new. i might try that for a while.
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also he and i saw the world the same way. >> it ultimately came down to the same values, like with your dog. >> that's weird. >> what did he think of your history? were you honest with him. >> i don't think i threw out a number. i said you have more experience than you. he said, that would be nice, i would like to have experience, that means you know what you're doing. >> now what do you think after the book and the whole thing? >> he loves it now. he loves the attention. he feels like he's happy that he met me when he did. >> at the end of the trip. >> it was timing. when we met each other, i was ready to be with him. and pursue something long-term. >> how long have been married? >> seven years. >> you have a good question, don't you? if she has a daughter. >> if you do have a daughter now, would you raise her when she's sexually mature to start having all kinds of discriminate sexual relationships with people? what diseases they have, where they've been.
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>> it doesn't sound right, does it? i never did anything that was not safe, by the way. but i would instruct her to have goals. and i would instruct her to definitely find someone that she likes, and build on that in whatever way it is, but if she wants adventure, i would say find someone you like and do it right. >> all right. >> okay. >> i would love to know what your parents thought? >> i think they're happy i found a guy. tomorrow, our moms are here. >> i thought my mother was here just now. some ladies get ambush makeovers. >> and we're going to learn how to walk my dog. >> and you're going to name it. and i'm going to make friends with my friendho's [captioned by national captioning institute] [cbs television distribution] jeff: soap star all-american heart throb. dealing with depression.
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>> that's what i struggle with. jeff: talking about love. >> my wife barbara, i've never met anybody like her. i want to be with her at the end. jeff: and rocking out. [captioned by national captioning institute] cbs television distribution] little about me. i'm recently married. i work with my wife on the show. and i'm learning to be a dad to two amazing kids in a blended family. i'm hosting the talk show because there's a lot to talk out. jeff: welcome to the show. thank you. have a seat. i love it. i'm seeing people holding up cd's from the guy who is on the show today. we have albums and a guitar which makes me so happy.
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he was one of the biggest stars of the 08s, and he's still going strong today. ick springfield. he had everybody singing, jesse's girl. but that hit, that legendary hit, that was just one little stop on the road of rick's life and career. roll it. 31 years ago, rick springfield's song was everywhere. ♪ you know i wish that i had jesse's girl. jeff: it was the anthem of the 80's. and it made him a mega star. women around the world were asking, why can't i find a man like that? when he wasn't playing on
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