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tv   Today  NBC  March 30, 2013 2:05am-3:00am PDT

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bathroom? why not just do it every few hours? isn't that what you're supposed to do? >> it's the perfect thing. to have the dog let you know, if you can. >> okay. you know what else the dog walker told me, that depending on how many months old, that's how many hours there have to be in between going to the bathroom. if it's 3 months old, every three hours, four months, 4 hours. >> thank goodness that doesn't apply to people. >> we'd never have to go. >> 60 hours i'd have to go. kimberly lopez said litter train him. you hear about this for cats. >> weird. >> my shih tzu, be careful -- >> last time you remember what happened. >> was litter trained. it was easy and she said no accidents at all. >> have you ever seen a dog in a litter box? >> no. >> seems a little weird. >> if the dog doesn't mind, why do we? sam white said raising a puppy, brilliant, like raising a child, consistency and boundaries, two things that don't come easy to you, hoda woman. our jackie well said, hoda,
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please don't give him any liquor. >> that's disgusting. jackie! >> many more than a few suggested put the puppy in a -- get a playmate. >> you know what's funny, people are very open with advice. i didn't realize. i never had a dog. >> yeah. >> they write on your facebook page. they tweet you. i've been getting e-mails consistently from some person, i don't know how he got my e-mail, but browbeating me a little. don't put the dog in a crate. i don't even know who you are. >> what do you mean? every expert says crate the dog. >> not the person who secretly found out my e-mail address. >> you know what i'm kind of tired of? >> what? >> secret people. >> come out of the shadows, come out of the darkness. say who you are if you have something to say. otherwise, we don't hear you or listen to you. if you don't have the guts to say who you are and how you can be reached -- >> this e-mail was -- a lot of -- was initials.
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which a lot of people do that, especially on twitter. fake. >> especially saying something unkind. don't be a cockroach that lives in the darkness. come out in the open. >> let's celebrate. it's friday. we are celebrating our friday. what else is happening? >> oh, that is good one, you guys. when you're skeptical in this world, you have to realize that there are great, great, great people out there, and here's one of them. this is a good one for good friday. >> mr. nice guy. >> this came from a facebook fan named chris. she was going to her mailbox and found a note in her mailbox. it came from someone many, many years ago when she had a store had stolen 20 bucks from her. in the envelope this letter said, years ago i took something out of your store. this should cover the cost with interest. i'm sorry. >> i'm sorry. two words that are not used enough in our world. >> put in an envelope in our mailbox. and she said her store's been closed for years, but it just restored her faith in people.
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>> in human nature. good, good, good. >> have you stolen anything from a store? >> one time years ago when i was a little girl i stole a perfume. i remember it to this day and i felt just terrible. >> yeah. >> i took it back to the store. >> you did. >> i put it right back. i felt terrible about it. because it's wrong, no matter how little the thing is, it's just not right. >> this one time i stole a cowboy hat under my shirt. i don't know why -- it was a dare, a sorority dare. >> you know hats don't fit you so why would you take a hat? >> let's talk act some awkward easter photos. these are always winners. we've done them for christmas. this is for easter. a lot of families take their kids to see the big easter bunny at the mall. >> this is the awkward family photo dotcom. >> some of the pictures. oh, lord. first of all, those kids look miserable. >> a lot of people are wise to be afraid of a very large bunny.
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>> yeah. okay. next up, nothing says i love you like this. >> that one's crazy. >> oh, no, no, indeed. >> those guys are not trained. >> all right. so. -- so sweet. >> not really. >> next to a puppy, a bunny is a precious little thing. >> some people think they're vermin, critters. >> bunnies are really cute. there is a billboard out there that's caught a lot of people's attention, including ours. we want to know if you think this photo is tasteful or not. it's to raise the awareness for colorectal awareness. >> cover your butt. get a colonoscopy. >> it came from the minnesota department of health. they thought it was a fun campaign so, a lot of people are saying it's disgusting. i don't know. you see that everywhere. looked like a big -- >> maybe it's just because we live here. you can't walk down the hall -- anthony, i saw anthony's yesterday. only saying that because his kids are visiting today. >> oh, my god.
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>> we love you, anthony. a lot of love. >> in case you guys didn't know, this is the last day of national spring cleaning week. >> why didn't somebody tell us on the first day so we could have gotten something done before the last day? have you done anything? >> no, i haven't. you know i don't spring clean. not for me. you do that, don't you? >> i like cleaning all the time because it just gives you this great feeling of freshness and new beginnings and rebirth and resurrection. just all year round. >> really? >> also, think of all the things you don't use that somebody could use. >> that i get. >> that's the best thing. take it to your local salvation army or your local whatever. just get rid of it and you'll feel doubly good. you'll feel clean and easy and breezy. and somebody's going to get a blessing from it, hoda woman. >> i do feel good when i clean and i do it infrequently, but when i do do it, it's really great because it barely happens. >> your clothes lately have been beautiful. are you hearing from our
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facebook fans? >> i want to thank my mom for yesterday's dress because she finds a dress in the window and i wear it, always perfect. i'd like to thank especially this week bobbie thomas. >> who will be with us momentarily. >> bobby was sick of my clothes too. >> she had it. >> she was yelling uncle, hung up dresses and was, like, wear these. i just zipped them up. >> beautiful. gorgeous. i think it is time for the kathie lee "friday funny." >> all righty. i can't wait. is it over? >> facebook fan from demi. she sent us this. >> what is it? >> a mother took her little boy to church. while in church the little boy said, mommy, i have to pee. the mother said to the little boy, it's not appropriate to say the word pee in church. so from now on, whenever you have to pee just tell me that you have to whisper. the following sunday the little boy went to church with his father, and during the service said to his daddy, daddy, i have to whisper. the father looked at him and
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said, okay, just whisper in my ear. >> oh! >> get it, kid? >> no. they weren't listening. all right. time for our girl "bobbie's buzz." >> how are you? >> i have some help this week. it looks like we have your dog up here. this is a really fun spring find. these are called fun buns. and this is from easy hair and extensions dotcom. this is the only scrunchy you can use. >> i love my scrunchies. you know that. >> i have it in the back of my hair right now. basically, they have a ton of colors so you can find the color to match your hair. but all you do is you wrap your hair around this scrunchy that has hair to conceal sort of any weird -- without the mike -- a bad hair day. anybody can do this. a half pony and -- >> that is so cute. >> oh, my gosh. >> cute. >> and they have all different styles.
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there's also this that's really clever. >> what is that? >> this is called the elegant bun. thanks, sara. inside, you can hide your hair so on a bad hair day you just pop on the fake top knot, which is so great. they even have products for women who have thinning hair, and i'm a big fan of these. this is called the easy part and it has a fake sort of scalp looking piece so it doesn't look like a wig, but it gives you a little extra coverage. >> a problem for ladies as they age. >> it is. this is an exclusive first look. launching this month in 26 stores across the country, this is the pantone color iq. when you go in the store, it takes less than ten minutes and it's free. they'll take three pictures of your cheek, neck, and forehead. then you get a color iq number specific to you and it will match on their ipad across 1,500 products in the store so you instantly know which foundation scientifically matches your skin tone. you can edit down from there what benefits you want, spf or
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not, so perfect skin matches and it takes all the guessing out of it. >> that is genius. >> and last but not least, a new fun trend. people are doing these midfinger ring, but also the mid finger bracelets. it's just an interesting new place to wear a bracelet. >> it's a bracelet. >> i'm not sure i would wear it all the time but it's something that's popular right now. >> thank you, bobbie. >> all right. >> never goes out of style. >> all right, time for our baby of the week. hi, miss sara. >> time for our today's johnson's baby of the week. first up is little beautiful samantha lynn born to curt and elizabeth of mesa, arizona, on february 6th. mom says she was born with that much hair. >> wow. >> next up, adorable sydney haydin born february 17th in new york city to jenna and arthur allman. he already has two instant playmates, older siblings jalen and "nyla." alexander scott was born
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february 8th at the william beaumont army medical center in el paso, texas. a very proud mom and dad, amber and michael. and finally, olivia ann was born in ohio on january 26th, to missy and alex who advised cleaning the house can wait. just enjoy your baby. congratulations to our babies. if you want a chance, go to our website. >> thank you. >> i uft judge want to a quick shout-out to my dear friend, the neederlander family, he is going to be 91 years old on sunday. >> what? >> yes, he is, on sunday. and so i can't be with him this year, but i send him my love, jimmy. we all adore you. we like to say good-bye to our stage manager jimmy kimelman, been with us for years, going off to a new life. we love you. wish you all the best. surprising tips for your day -- daily routine. >> we're going to take a quiz called "which is worse."
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somebody is going to win. [ female announcer ] going to sleep may be easy, but when you wake up in the middle of the night it can be frustrating. it's hard to turn off and go back to sleep. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo and you're fully awake. driving, eating, or engaging in other activities while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported.
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abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue. so if you suffer from middle-of-the-night insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. ♪ that's why i take new trubiotics. it's a daily probiotic that helps in two ways. one helps support digestive health, the other immune health. stay true to your health. new trubiotics. from the makers of one-a-day.
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there are times that come up during the day when you know what you're supposed to do but you're tempted to take the quicker or simpler or more tasty way out. >> how can you make sure you're making healthy choices? "self" magazine's deputy editor megan murphy, very pregnant with her third baby, is here to put us to the test in a game called "which is worse?" >> when is your baby due? >> july. >> oh, my gosh. >> your third? >> number three. >> wow. so you're the emcee of this game? >> yes. >> is there a prize at the end? >> i wish there was. >> oh. >> okay. let's do it. we're ready. >> which is worse, a half-assed ten-second toothbrushing or a ten-second mouthwash swish? >> mouthwash swishing. >> the mouthwash is worse. you need the toothbrush to break up the plaque, get the food out,
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and most mouth wash has alcohol in it to dry your mouth and make your breath worse. >> it can? >> you know when your mouth gets dry with alcohol? >> yeah. >> worse. brush two minutes. >> just go on. >> which is worse, dirty bed sheets or dirty bath towels? >> i'm going with sheets. >> bed sheets because bath towels -- bath sheets -- >> both wrong. it's the dirty bath towels because they have more bacteria, fungus and yeast because more germs. they love a damp environment. wash on high heat. >> if you're sleeping in something, it has more of an opportunity to smear. >> don't say that. >> we don't like moisture. >> moist is a gross word. >> okay. which is worse, hitting snooze over and over or dragging your half dead butt out of bed? >> snooze is worse. >> yeah. >> you got it, snooze. the average snooze session is
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eight to nine minutes which doesn't give you any restful sleep. if your alarm goes off and you're half dead, go to bed 30 to 60 minutes earlier. so that you wake up in a lighter phase of your rem cycle. >> every time i hit snooze repeatedly i feel worse all day. every day i say why do i do that. >> which is worse. >> what is the question? >> not eating your veggies or drowning them in butter and cheese. >> drowning them in butter and cheese. >> i'd say not eating -- i say the other one. >> oh, my. >> hoda would have been right. there's new research that says a little bit of fat with your greens can help you absorb fat soluble nutrients like beta carotene and lycopene. not saying they should be swimming in butter but -- >> you said drowning. >> drowning is worse than swimming. >> a little bit of fat. >> so you admit that? >> the answer is -- >> that was all wrong. >> give it some flavor but not a vat. >> then don't use the word drowning. >> i liked it.
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>> thank you. you're right. >> okay. >> which is worse, skipping breakfast or having a that doughnut in the morning meeting? >> skipping breakfast. you should never. >> doughnut is worse. >> kathie lee is right. skipping breakfast is worst. you go in starvation mode, pig out later and it trains your body to store fat. if you're having the doughnut, go plain glaze and have it with a half cup of skim milk. or nonfat latte so the protein helps you not have that crash and burn. >> we have to go to commercial break, but who won? >> you did. >> i just want it to be a tie. >> no, no, no. >> i'm very secure in my idyosy. >> i'm very immature. >> i wish there was a surprise. and maybe something beastly. mixed in with the dust, you may even find some pixie sneezes. compared to a dry duster,
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a can of pledge picks up more dust and cleans 100% of messes. pledge multi surface. dusts better. cleans more. s.c. johnson. a family company. i took something for my sinuses, but i still have this cough. [ male announcer ] a lot of sinus products don't treat cough. they don't? [ male announcer ] nope, but alka seltzer plus severe sinus does it treats your worst sinus symptoms, plus that annoying cough. [ breathes deeply ] ♪ oh, what a relief it is [ angry gibberish ] [ we know this is more ♪ oh, whthan a paycheck.s it's rent. bus fare. a night out. that's why we let you file your simple federal return for free. it's free to prepare, print, e-file and you can even chat with a tax expert. get the federal free edition at people have chosen it again and again for over eight years. its key ingredients are also found in every day food like avocados, broccoli and bananas. it contains about as much caffeine as a cup of the leading premium coffee. zero sugar. four calories.
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5-hour energy is like... coffee with vitamins and nutrients. simple. put them together and it's a great combination. try a sip... then decide.
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♪ please don't stop the music ♪ it's time to get "appy sara. "the hottest apps and websites. >> so excited about this. all about the music. >> especially for you, hoda.
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>> let her go for it. >> first up is a free app called, over here, music match, music with an x. it generates the lyrics for any song you're listening to and can instantly identify anything in a -- that's on or if your friend is playing something and it will pull up the lyrics. >> let's stay here for a minute. >> is it like shazam? >> it has that recognition but you can't hear it right now but -- the lyrics are in sync with the music. so not only will you sing on time, but hoda, you will get the words right. >> i love that. >> karaoke. >> it's like your own personal karaoke machine. >> don't do that and drive at the same time. >> never. next up, now that you have the lyrics, we have something called hype machine. over here on this screen here you'll see it takes what everyone's talking about on music blogs and let you know what the next hot thing is. if you pull up this track, i've never heard of this, aaron
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smith, it gets you ahead of the trend. before it becomes hot -- >> she is ahead of the trend. >> she is. >> so she's getting ahead ahead of them. >> la, la, la, la. >> also a website -- >> but what a lyric. >> let's go past that. >> how do we know what's the next thing? >> it's aggregating on an algorithm over 1,500 blogs. >> what? >> are you kidding? you made up that word. >> i did not. it's taking what everyone's writing about and putting it in one place. >> okay. i'm excited about both of those because it had blake shelton on there. >> i did that on purpose. >> you cannot lose. >> we'll tell you which foods to grab off the supermarket shelves. >> and if you want to keep your kids entertained on easter, we have crafty ideas. >> love it. icona pop, after this.
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we are back with more of "today" on a special series we're kicking off called "drop 10 pounds by memorial day." if you've looked in the mirror
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lately and know winter has taken a toll on your body, we'll slim down for thong time. >> madeleine is going to stick with you for the next ten weeks to help you lose one pound each week. all you have to do is make a few small adjustments to the way you already eat. sounds too good to be true, madeleine. >> hi, madeleine. >> this is what one -- >> this is one ugly pound. if you translate that into calories, this is 3,500, and that sounds like a lot but if you chop it down into 500 calories a day, you could lose around a pound a week. and 500 calories is not a lot to trim. >> i think a lot of us don't know what we're eating all day because we graze along. we don't take time to -- >> keep a log. >> right. >> the number one thing you need to do to keep track of what you're doing and learn from that but also be accountable to yourself. like sneaking food, no one will know, you'll know. >> your thighs will know. >> exactly. this is the main focus for weight loss.
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all about the food. >> calorie counting. >> calorie count. healthy food also has a lot of calories. we're going to talk about really easy ways you can do every day to keep the weight off. first, everybody loves juice in the morning. one of the easiest things to do to cut out 70 calories is -- pour it in my dear. >> a whole glass of it. >> get the same volume. just water it down. >> it tastes fine that way. >> it's orange juice. >> it's all mental. you look at a container and say this is what i should be having but you adapt. with oatmeal, just as easy to have a packet of plain oatmeal as a sugary one. >> without the syrup. savings, 50 calories, 75 calories. you could use a 100 calorie english muffin and egg whites. you can still put canadian bacon on it. that will save you 75 calories. >> and if you just take that off, there you go. >> 50 calories. you point out what you need to
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do, you're saying, i could eat this open faced, i don't need this. you might say i want a whole sandwich to bite into. these are little examples. even coffee. some people like them sweet. if you simply swap out light cream and put in whole milk. not saying skim milk. that's one thing. cut down on the sweetener. even if you want a packet of sugar, there are low-calorie ones. mix and match. >> start adding up those things. >> here's your sandwich. you can have it later. >> exactly. have skinny bread and swap out the condiments. 100 calories in mayonnaise. is that worth it? >> learn to love the mustard. >> you can learn to adapt to this. instead of a creamy soup, have tomato soup. these 100 calories here and there. you don't have to have carrot sticks. you might want chips but go baked or popped and save some more. >> look at all we've saved and it's only been a few minutes. >> so and you're not going to do
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all of these things every day. you want to add up to 500. so here we go. snack time. big calories, soda. you think what's so bad, 150 calories. if you swap that for seltzer or low-calorie drink, even better. >> crushed ice with lemon or lime. >> you feel you're having something substantial. snacks. you're not going to have an apple instead. what are some realistic things where you'll save 150 calories. eat a small pack -- >> i don't eat one. >> that's not something for you. you might have some cocoa roasted almonds. maybe nuts are more satisfying. >> okay. >> anyway -- >> we know what to do with that. >> eat it. >> for dinner, something you can do is not eat less but smarter. have a light bun. instead of fattier meat, go to extra lean meat. >> yes or no to fries? >> they're baked but they look the same. >> and cold. you're not going to like them cold. >> skip the regular dressing. balsamic. >> madeleine, thanks.
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>> who is going to win our easter egg games? some fun and games for your family get-together, but first, these messages. but thanks to hotwire, this year we got to take an extra trip. because they get us ridiculously low prices on really nice hotels and car rentals. so we hit boston in the spring-- even caught a game. and with the money we saved, we took a trip to san francisco. you see, hotwire checks the competitions' rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. so, where to next? how about there? ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ mike's being healthy and chewing like a man. with one a day vitacraves for men.
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it's a gummy multivitamin with more b vitamins, which help convert food to energy, and help mike do manly things, like wrestle bears and take out the garbage. one a day vitacraves for men. like wrestle bears and take out the garbage. people have chosen it again and again for over eight years. its key ingredients are also found in every day food like avocados, broccoli and bananas. it contains about as much caffeine as a cup of the leading premium coffee. zero sugar. four calories. 5-hour energy is like... coffee with vitamins and nutrients. simple. put them together and it's a great combination. try a sip... then decide.
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today's moms is brought to you by quaker. nothing gets you going to quite like the power of quaker. quaker up. ♪ >> back with "today's moms." if you're wondering what to do with all the kids coming for easter sunday, we have some help for you. >> "family fun" magazine's deputy editor mary giles is here with some eggs. -- egg-cellent ideas! >> how are you? >> great stuff for easter. >> thank you. how are you? >> i'm good. >> what are we starting out with here? >> all right. strings of spring garland. how cute is this, right? decorating for your easter brunch. so easy to do. you have lots of plastic eggs this time of year. just paint these little faces with some paint, glue on felt
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beaks and ears or tails for the bunnies. >> i love the little legs. >> aren't they cute? most plastic eggs come with holes in the bottom and the top, so you can put craft wire through the bottom for the legs and that's how you string them. >> these are adorable. >> if your eggs don't have the holes in the top, we have an easy tip online at our website about poking in some holes. >> by the way, look how festive these are. >> giant balloons look just like eggs, right? while you're cooking your brunch, set your kids loose to decorate those balloons for your brunch. >> very cute. >> this is the smartest idea. i'm sorry. >> these are carrot pens, or rabbit writers. these are ballpoint pens. we papier-mached them to look like carrots. you can see, just start with your pen, take on some greenery, get that at a craft store, and you're going to mold foil around that to get the nice plump carrot shape and papier-mache newspaper around that. papier-mache is just half a cup
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of flour and three quarter cups of water. >> wrap the newspaper around. >> let it dry, it can take um to -- take up to a day. you might want to start these after school today. let it dry and paint orange. >> very cute. >> what's happening here? what do we have here? >> hanna is practicing our glitter dot egg. these are so cute. you've dyed your eggs. you're going to take a glue dot, put that on your egg, and then you dip that into nice, fine glitter and look how pretty and beautiful the results are. >> wow. >> i've been making these with my 5-year-old last few days. >> look at that. >> doing a great job. super easy for kids. >> just glue dots you can get at any -- >> you can get at any craft store. great for little kids, big kids, and you can brush off the extra glitter. >> she's neat like me. cleaning it up. >> you sure? >> all right. devin. >> hey, devin.
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diver dudes. those are cool. >> you like a nice sense of humor with your easter? >> isn't that funny? you can display them in a glass with the dye, so it looks like they're actually diving. >> so adorable. >> what a clever idea. >> so easy. just get a rubber band for the mask. the mask itself is a water bottle cap with a white label on top, two dots for eyes. glue that in place. devin is using glue dots to do that. glue on a straw for the snorkel. and glue on some -- this is craft foam. the secret to the flipper feet that you want to be sure and do is get self-adhesive, so you can peel that off once you've glued the eggs on, so you can stick your dude on it. >> and let them sit on it. >> so they'll stick and not fall over. >> perfect. >> take us down here. thank you, sweetie. take us here. >> jake is making our feathered friends. we've been dying lots of eggs. you want a special place to display a few.
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you just fit your egg right inside your little feathered friend there. >> all adorable, mary. >> just literally cut the cups from -- you've got lots of egg cartons this time of year, too, right? so here's your cup. once you cut it out, you have the perfect shape to make these. you want cardboard, not plastic. paint on a little beak, glue on some feathers. >> less than a minute. >> okay. >> what's this? >> a fun game, steal my easter eggs. you two are going to race to take as many of those out with chop sticks. you have 15 seconds. ready, set, go! >> we're racing. >> oh. you're in my way. >> i don't like your technique. >> is our clock timer going? >> this is not fun at all. >> two, one. whoa, not even close. >> i like chinese food.
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>> you're better at it. >> if you have little kids playing, you have these great little kid friendly chopsticks. >> take us out with this. what are we doing? >> egg roll race. back up a little. on your mark, get set, using chopsticks to roll them. >> wow. >> that was hardly even a contest. >> thank you, mary. thanks to all the kids. >> thank you. >> how to find the most healthy things for you and your family. >> but first these messages. >> good morning. i'm alex wilson with your seven-day forecast. let's start off with what we can expect out there today. as we head into this easter holiday weekend, we are going to see a little bit more in the way of active weather. some storms possible down near the south, into parts of oklahoma, texas, eastern towards the gulf coast, especially heading into the day sunday. maybe some snowflakes mixing in around the great lakes.
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temperature wise, back to normal in atlanta, 61 in d.c. 58 in chicago. pleasant temperature readings compared to earlier in the week. on the west coast, still hot in phoenix, 88 degrees. keep showers around parts of california, into the day tomorrow and the east coast is going to be watching for some soggy weather to finish off the weekend into our easter. atlanta, d.c., new york, boston, everybody's watching for the wet weather and of course some storms possible into the southeast. so we'll be watching that as we go through the day. tomorrow's high, 60 in washington, 71 in atlanta, but despite the comfortable temperature, the weather will probably keep you inside. not going to be the best day for an outdoor easter egg hunt for the east coast. into the day monday, temps around 47 in louisville, northern showers across much of the country. still keeping the rain around. denver, watch for snow and temperatures around 40. things will improve there later
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in the week. by tuesday, rain along the south, 53 in dallas, but 70 in houston, as we look at d.c.'s forecast high on tuesday, 50. that's when we see the cold air really set in. minneapolis at 40. 41 in chicago. it is going to be a very chilly day for our sunday. don't forget, you can wake up with al every weekday morning starting at 5:30 till 7:00. people have chosen it again and again for over eight years. its key ingredients are also found in every day food like avocados, broccoli and bananas. it contains about as much caffeine as a cup of the leading premium coffee. zero sugar. four calories. 5-hour energy is like... coffee with vitamins and nutrients. simple. put them together and it's a great combination. try a sip... then decide.
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if you're the type that reads almost every label on each product you pick up at the grocery store, get ready to take some notes. prevention magazine has done the work for you. >> that's right. the folks there went through the supermarket item by item to find the best choices for the best packaged food awards 2013. and miranda is here with some of the winners. this is great. >> this is a great idea. you guys literally went through the supermarket aisles -- >> we literally tasted hundreds and hundreds of different
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packages of items to come up with our 100 cleanest packaged foods. >> trying, what, low sodium and msg -- >> low sugar, low sodium, not a lot of dodgy ingredients where you're, like, what is that? >> yeah. >> you can't pronounce the stuff that's in it you shouldn't be eating it. >> and avoid bpa coatings and cans. you hear about those chemicals. and no genetically modified organis organisms. >> let's start with cereal. what did you pick? >> cereal. it's hard to find a healthy cereal. this one has no added sugar, which is super impressive. we love the cinnamon raisin flavor because that adds natural sweetness from the cinnamon, the raisins, lots of whole grains, that the doctors say we should be eating more of. >> like grape nuts. >> yes. put it on yogurt.
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you got to have milk with your cereal. we know that we see a lot of dairy allergy these days. this is coconut milk from silk that has 50% more calcium than regular dairy. you could put that in a smoothie or something and it would be killer. >> eggs. i usually look for organic. >> you don't want your hens to be eating things you wouldn't approve of. what we like about egg-land's best, these have a nice vegetarian organic feed, no hormones, antibiotics, animal by-products, none of that. >> are these much pricier than the other items? >> you know what's funny, sometimes they will be a little more, like a dollar or so, but what did our grandmother say? the best wealth is health. it evens out. >> almond butter. this is the big thing. >> we still love peanut butter. not a knock on that. but it has a few more nutrients, higher in fiber and calcium. >> look how thick it is. >> two ingredients. very clean. >> what do you think? >> good. savory. >> in other words, she misses
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her peanut butter. i know my hoda. where's the jif? kidding. >> the good stuff. this is from trader joe's. the thing you have to watch out for on the store bought soup, the sodium goes through the roof. this is impressive. less than 150 milligrams and only 100 calories a cup. if you want to have a grilled cheese, go for it. in is a really low calorie lunch. >> this item here. >> everyone is scared of hot dogs. >> everyone is. there was nothing on the ingredient list that made us cringe. just beef, water, organic spices. >> nothing weird. >> this is not mystery meat. they were a winner a few different categories. >> okay. >> finally, we know that ideally you would go home, make dinner from scratch, it's not always going to happen. this can go right in the microwave. it's from amy's. it's low in sodium, vegetarian, gluten free, fast, flavorful. >> last couple of snacks here.
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>> you have to have sweets and treats. potato chips from good health natural foods. these are fried in avocado oil. these are killer. >> i could eat the whole bag. they have heart healthy fat and a high amount of vitamin c. this is good stuff. >> wow. >> and the cookies? >> chocolate chip cookies. they're from cybele's. for anyone who has dietary allergies, no eggs, no wheat, no nuts. really nice, 130 calories for two. good stuff. >> good job. thank you very much. put on your dancing shoes. icona pop and here to kick-start your weekend. but when ♪ i don't care ♪ ♪ i love it trating. it's hard to turn off and go back to sleep. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine
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you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo and you're fully awake. driving, eating, or engaging in other activities while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue.
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so if you suffer from middle-of-the-night insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. ♪ i'm up next, but now i'm singing the heartburn blues. hold on, prilosec isn't for fast relief. cue up alka-seltzer. it stops heartburn fast. ♪ oh what a relief it is!
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all right. chances are you've heard icona pop's hit song over and over. if not on the radio, maybe on a tv show or commercial. it's their make you want to dance song called "i love it." >> the two gals behind it are carolyn and i know. >> nice. >> how long have you guys been together performing? >> about four years. >> four years. >> you're going to sing for us?
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>> oh, yeah. >> i'll dance! >> take itway. >> take it away, ladies. ♪ ♪ i got this feeling on the summer day when you were gone i crashed my car into the bridge, i watched, i let it burn ♪ ♪ i threw your stuff into a bag and pushed it down the stairs ♪ ♪ i crashed my car into the bridge i don't care, i love it ♪ i don't care ♪ ♪ i've got this feeling on a summer day when you were gone ♪ ♪ i crash my car into the bridge ♪ ♪ i watch and let it burn ♪ i put your stuff into a bag and let it burn ♪ ♪ i crash my car into the bridge ♪ ♪ i don't care
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♪ i love it ♪ i don't care ♪ you're on a different road i'm in the milky way ♪ you want me down on earth but i am up in space ♪ ♪ you're so damn hard to please we got to kill this switch ♪ ♪ you're from the 70s but i'm a '90s chick ♪ i love it ♪ ♪ i love it ♪ i've got this feeling on this summer day when you were gone ♪ ♪ i crashed my car into the bridge ♪ ♪ i watched and let this burn ♪ i threw your stuff into a bag and pushed it down the stairs ♪ ♪ i crash my car into the bridge ♪ ♪ i don't care ♪ i love it ♪ i don't care ♪ i love it i love it ♪ i don't care ♪ i love it
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♪ i don't care ♪ you're on a different road. ♪ ♪ i'm in the milky way ♪ you want me down on earth ♪ but i am up in space ♪ you're so damn hard to please ♪ ♪ we got to kill the switch ♪ you're from the '70s but i'm a '90s chick ♪ ♪ i don't care ♪ i love it ♪ i don't care i love it i love it ♪ ♪ i don't care ♪ i love it i love it ♪ i don't care ♪ i love one of reality tv's biggest villains. >> my mama is in the front row. to be on my best
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behavior. pierce lking about morgan. >> you're right. i did help spark it. tragic loss of her clarke duncan. >> i miss him. you're trying to make me cry. jeff: hello, hello! roll it! all right. a little about me. married.ntly i work with my wife on this show. and i'm learning how to be a dad kids in a blended family. i'm hosting a talk show 'cause there's a lot to talk about. this is the adventure. hello. welcome to the show. have a seat. all right. the we have somebody on show, if you asked me five years ago, you're going to have a talk five years and guess who will be on your show and it's omarosa, i would have said, huh?
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but i have come a long way in my reality.n process of i will now declare, in my is in that hall of fame of greatest villains in reality television. we're going to talk about her life. the y interesting where real woman came from, not this character that i think she must be playing. tell me it's a character. i'm hoping she'll say today. she was in love. is lost her fiance, which tough for anybody, no matter where you are in life. lus, she's back on the apprentice. all-star celebrity edition. so we have a fun show planned. yvette nicole brown is here. [ applause ] how is it going? you say omarosa.


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