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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 1, 2013 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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running with terror on their face. i had no idea what's going on. what happened, what happened? they are all screaming and running toward the exit. they are like, what the hell is going on? >> one person had serious injuries and was taken to the hospital with three other people who had nonlife threatening injuries. the store was evacuated and closed for several hours as police interviewed dozens of witnesses. investigators are still trying to determine how or why this man lost control and drove through the front entrance here. they believe that drugs might be involv involved. he was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. live in san jose, i'm arturo santiago. >> all lanes on eastbound interstate 80, a scary scene in vallejo back open after a tour bus fire shut things down overnight. only the driver was on board when the engine caught fire. near redwood parkway about 7:00 last night.
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flam flames blasting everywhere. all eastbound lanes were closed for 90 minutes. the flames set nearby trees on fire which, in turn, threatened an apartment complex. that was evacuated. we are happy to report, no damage. the chp says nobody was hurt. this morning, memorial is growing in san francisco for a college student and star athlete shot and killed during his spring break vacation. 19-year-old jacob valdez viejo was killed. family and friends are leaving cameras and flowers at the site of the shooting. police say he watts walking home with a friend when a man got out of a car, asked if he was in a bang and shot him. the teen died at hospital. he attended lewis and clark college in portland, oregon, where he played football. now, to a story that you will only see on nbc bay area. one moment, she is responding to an emergency, the very next, right in the middle of one.
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a san jose firefighter who nearly died while fighting off flames, heading back to work for the first time in seven months. "today in the bay's" bob redell is live with the latest on a very happy ending. bob, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, jon. in four hours, fire station one here will commemorate his return with a special breakfast to celebrate the return of firefighter, frank ryan. >> franky. >> how you doing, buddy? >> welcome back. >> thank you. >> there he is seen visiting his buddies there at the station. today is his first day back on the job in seven months. >> during that time, he was recovering from a heart attack that took place while responding to a call. ryan was fighting the st. patrick's cathedral fire back in august. when we spoke with him exclusively on friday, he told us that what happened was he came outside for some air, it was really hot. he was exhausted, really
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naushcionaus gnawciougna naushcious. >> my heart stopped three or four times, two at the scene and two at the hospital. if it happened somewhere else, the outcomme be a little different. >> reporter: san jose's fire chief credits his firefighters and the staff at regional medical center with saving his life. that kind of medical training that ryan himself is very familiar with. we mentioned he was a firefighter. he has been at this station, with the department for 17 years. he has also been a paramedic during that time as well. reporting live here in san jose, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> his heart stopping four times, that's incredible. >> so happy to see back in good spirits and back in work. >> christina loren. welcome back. it is coming down pretty steadily right now. look at this.
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headed toward the bay bridge. san mateo got hit pretty hard. all of this, yellow, red. light to moderate, heavy periods of rain as you make your way out the front door. take it easy this morning. we want to zoom in on the east shore and show you where the heaviest rainfall is coming down. we have steady rainfall. it is all pressing toward the tri-valley on its way to walnut xreek in 39 minutes. still dry where you live in the tri-valley but not for long. 68 degrees. bayside, 61. by about noon, light showers. by 4:00 p.m., those showers lighten up. more rain just around the corner. i'll show you when and let you know how much we picked up. 6:07 now. on the nose. we'll check that drive. >> you were just saying about the bay bridge report. you can see from our cam rarks the lens is getting wet. traffic is starting to back up to 580. you can see here at the bay bridge toll plaza, cars are
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stopped and a lot of those folks are going to have to keep the windshield wipers on. let's take you to the east shore freeway. you can see that slow-going, really all the way back to university. that's where we have an accident report. we show you that on our traffic maps, on the westbound side. you can see it slows all the way through the bay bridge approach. another accident that's really causing some major slowdowns through antioch. this is on state route 4. it slows about half a mile back through antioch. if you take 4 into the city, you want to make sure you go slow or try to find an alter rat route there. we have an accident on military. causing a slow-go. typical slowdowns happen at the altamont pass, 101 through palo alto and 880 through fremont. back to you guys. b.a.r.t. officials will meet tonight to talk about the veent
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bike pilot program. earlier this month, they launched a week-long test program allowing bikes on the trains at all times including busy morning and afternoon commutes. tonight, members of the b.a.r.t. bicycle task force will discuss findings from that program and the next step for bikes on b.a.r.t. they will preview their accommodations on new train cars as well. tonight's meeting is open to the public. >> on the subject of bike's construction, alpine road in menlo park getting underway. a 250-foot section of the road near the stanford golf course isn't currently wide enough for wide lanes. menlo park wants to fix that. major traffic delays expected. the process will be impacting motorcycle and bike routes using this route. the process started after a deadly crash on alpine and interstate 280. 6:09. coming up, new threats from north korea prompt action from the pentagon this morning. plus, the injury that haes
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everybody talking about this. university of louisville basketball player, kevin ware, shares a picture with the world overnight and has an update on his broken leg. good news coming out of tesla this morning. we'll take a look at the stock market ahead as we get back to work after a three-daybreak coming up. > what google did that has some users threatening to switch to bing. hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! ♪ wow. [ buzz ] delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time...
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what's the rush? bee happy. bee healthy. with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean,
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you're taking a good live look at the san jose pavilion where the san jose sharks play. >> intentions continue to rise
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on the korean peninsula. kim jong-un meeting with leaders one day after top party officials announced building nuclear weapons would be a top priority. recently, pyongyang vowing to strike south korea and the u.s. with nuclear weapons. in the meantime, the u.s. continues to hold military drills with south korea. today, it sent f-22 stealth fighter jets to take part in today's drill. it is 6:12. time for a quick check of the day's top stories. a man behind bars in san jose after police say he crashed his car through the front of a walmart store and starting attacking people. police say at least one person was seriously hurt. three others were also injured law enforcement in texas on high alert after a district attorney and his wife were both found shot to death in their home over the weekend. the death of kaufman county district attorney mike mcclelland comes two months after an assistant district
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attorney was also shot and killed near his office. a new plan for immigration reform is moving forward on capitol hill. negotiators agreed on a deal last week that would allow tens of thousands of immigrant workers into the country and pay them fair wages. a final bill is expected to be presented to congress as soon as next week. next story here, a big talker. did you hear about this? google upset a lot of users after deciding to honor caesar chavez's birthday in its doodle instead of choosing to celebrate easter. a slew of responses came in threatening to switch to microsoft bing website. people are offended that the search engine did not recognize the resurrection of christ. they say they are featuring those that they have not in the past. east bay tesla is finally
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profitable. good morning to you. tesla's ceo says he has another big announcement coming tomorrow. this isn't the big one and this is hunl. he is posting that tesla is on track to be profitable in the first quarter. sales are better than expected. people prefer buying the most expensive version of their new model s as well. so many people it is dropping the cheaper, lower range version of its sfrm"s" sedan. the cheap one is just $57,000. the s&p 500 will open at its highest level ever as we get trading underway after a three-daybreak. american markets were closed for good friday. no markets in europe today. they are closed for an observation of easter monday. today marks the start of the second financial quarter. look can back at the first three months, you see all the good news. the dow grabbing the headlines in the first quarter, up 8%.
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nasdaq, up 5% in the first three months. the s&p 500, 7% higher so far this year. now, looking at individual stocks, jon and marla, nobody did better than netflix, 106% to the positive. what's that about rising tide lifting all boats? two examples of submarines, apple and facebook. apple sinking 17%. facebook down 7%. facebook does have an announcement on thursday where they are expected to show off new android operating systems. maybe that will help. >> netflix for a while looked pretty doomed. doom and gloom. >> keep in mind, yes, if you bought at the netflix high, you are still even up 106%, you are still not out of water yet but things have gun to turn around. netflix just gets traded all the time for such a tiny company. it is a very popular site. >> very good, scott. thank you very much. as they say, the show will go
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on. members of the san francisco symphony could vote as early as this morning to end a two-week strike. they have reportedly reached a tentative agreement working out a brand new 26-month contract with the board of governors. musicians expected to keep the sweet music going and return to the stage at davies symphony hall tomorrow morning for a nice children's concert. >> you can sing in the rain. plenty of it coming. >> you should hear it when he hits that high note. >> you know what, maybe you are not the american idol but you are certainly the "today in the bay" idol. wouldn't you all agr with me? 6:16 now. we are looking pretty good out there this morning. we have a good-looking day shaping up. i wanted to talk about some of the positives from yesterday. 1.5 inches of rainfall over a 24-hour period in oak toland. we needed the rain. rain is still coming down.
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we have flight delays. we told you this was probably going to be the case. it certainly is, sfo reporting about 50 minutes for lowered ceilings. fog is thickening up. i do want to point out, we are doing okay everywhere else. the only other airport across the nation with delays is d.c. we are looking pretty good. we are looking pretty good. trying to get into washington, d.c. count objen some delays. i set this back for you just 12 hours. one more time. i just want to show this to you. it is very rare to have this much lightning in california, northern california specially within about a six to ten-hour period. that's why we picked up quarter size hail in the central valley. not too far from black hawk. we have a central thunderstorm warning. pretty significant along the east shore. it is headed toward the tri-valley. count on slick conditions there.
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right now, the steady rainfall. from oakland out to san leandro and castro valley. your futurecast tells the story of the day. we have that clock for you when we meet back at 11:00. still tracking showers, mostly in the south bay at that point. we will get a nice break between 3:00 and 7:00. you can see here showers continue to clear out of the bay area as we progress throughout the day. 68 degrees. that subtropical flow that keeps temperatures around average for this time of year. close to 70, just about everywhere inland. 65, fremont. 61 degrees in san francisco. as we get through the next couple of days, we are going to get a couple of dry days. close to 80 on wednesday in places like gilroy. by thursday, our next round of rain, maybe another quarter, half an inch at that point. better chance for the weekend. maybe another inch, inch and a half saturday into sunday. let's check that drive. it is slick the there. good morning, anthony. >> it is slick. the heaviest stuff moving through oakland as we are speak. the favorite lights are on. look at all this congestion going back to 580.
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let's get you another perspective. in oakland a little bit. this is headed south. lots of lights on. traffic is starting to pick up. another perspective. a little farther south down into fremont. traffic still moving steadily there. we have an accident off of 880. let's show you our traffic map. it is a car fire. it is not actually on the highway. it is on his spasparian and sycamore. look at how far back the slowdown goes on 238 all wait through the castro valley at woodrow avenue. that's a good backup there on 580 getting over to 238. that's because of that car fire off the highway. this accident at texas street and antioch on state route 4. you can see it slows all the way, at least a half mile through antioch. if you have to use this route, definitely want to consider an alternate route here this afternoon or this morning. the winner goes to the south bay. look at all the green.
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folks taking it easy. it is dry for the moment in the south bay. christina will have more on the rainfall and we'll have more coming up in a few minutes. that's all we've got for you right now. marla, jon, back to you guys. 6:20 right now. doctors say university of louisville's kevin ware and his game-stopping injury last night will not be a career ender. this is ai little bit of good news here. he hurt his leg during the ncaa midwest regional. the injury was so graphic we are not going to show you video of it. the sophomore guard, he jumped up to block a shot by duke in three-point land. he fell awkwardly. the leg literally snapped to a 90-degree angle. the bone came through the skin. teammates and coaches and the opposing players as well, literally, physically shaken up. they were crying out on the court as he was stretchered off and rushed to the hospital. louisville ended up ending that game. he underwent surgery. the leg broke in two places and was reset with a rod inserted
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into his right tibia. ware will remain in an indianapolis hospital until at least tuesday. louisville did go on to beat duke by 85-63, final. on the women's side, how about this, cal taking a shot at the final four tonight. the very first time in team history. they beat lsu saturday to make a very first elite eighth ever. in the final four, they take on the georgia lady bulldogs, the very same team that knocked off stanford saturday night. tonight's tip-off, set for 6:30 in spokane, washington. >> moving on to baseball. the world championship giants step on the field. they start the season in los angeles against the dodgers. matt cain will start the team's defense of the world's title at 1:00. just because the team is away does not mean you cannot watch the game with those giants fans. comcast sports net will post a free season opener viewing party
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at at&t park. the a's, across the bay, they start their season at home against division rivals, seattle mariners. gametime, 7:05 at odotco. >> they are both tied for first place. 6:22 coming up. a change in women's health care here in california. the new information doctors now have to provide on mammogram results. ♪ alright, let's go.
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♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ we, we chocolate cross over. ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate. ♪ the one and only, cheerios
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welcome back. 6:25. starting this morning, women getting a routine mammogram will see a big difference in the information they receive afterwards. the new law requires doctors doing mammogram screens to inform their patients if they have dense breast tissue and let those women know that the dense tissue makes it harder to spot tumors and correctly evaluate results. doctors say an ultrasound after a mammogram may be a more effective screening option in some cases here is good news for our lungs. the reason, spare the air program, is, in fact, working, the bay area, air quality management district says during the most recent winter season, there were ten spare the air days and just one had unhealthy air quality. back in 2000, 2001, there were 39 days of unhealthy air.
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the spare the air program started five years ago in 2008 banning wood-burning stoves on days where the air quality approaches unhealthy levels all that bad air being washed out by the rain we are getting. let's take it right to the live radar. we want to show you the wide view. not the whole bay area getting wet at this point. steady showers overnight have left a mark. you are going to find plenty of puddles and ponding out there. i want to zoom in and show you where the heaviest rainfall is coming down mostly over the san francisco bay but you can see the batch extends to the east towards oakland, san ramon and the showers are pressing towards the tri-valley. we head through the next hour. stick with us. we will show you where the rain is coming down. right now, let's check your drive with anthony. we are tracking a few accidents right now. the east bay is seeing where we
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are seeing more treacherous activity. we still have a car fire off of 238 and hisperian. half a mile backup on state route 4 and 101 northbound at hellier. starting to see some slow going. more coming up 6:27. still ahead, a breakthrough for immigration reform. we'll tell you about the deal struck in washington that could allow tens of thousands of migrant workers to stay here legally. here you go little man.
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[ humming ] [ babbling ] the cheerios bandit got you again? [ both laugh ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios ♪ the one and only, cheerios a live look at wall street. opening bell, 2013, off to a very strong start.
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we will see how things bounce after a three-day holdy monday, april 1st. this is "today in the bay." they were giving high-fives on the stock market. i'm marla tallez in for laura garcia cannon. i'm jon kelley. good morning, everybody. a big-time breakthrough in the nation's results to reform our immigration laws. the big hurdles the negotiators have crossed and what's left to be done to bring republicans and democrats together. tracie, good morning. >> reporter: nowhere in the country is this a bigger issue than in california. you know that. in terms of the number of immigrants, the proportion. students whose temporary visas
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have run out or undocumented workers working on farms across california or other parts of the country. here is what's happening in washington. a breakthrough on the guest worker program that would allow these undocumented work kers er stay in the country. not a path to citizenship. to continue to work legally. up to 200,000 of those visas, tied to employment numbers. when there are more jobs, more visas would be available for those workers. they wouldn't start until 2015. that's not the entire baggage but it's a big part of it. a big hurdle. the rest expected to come together in writing ready for review sometime this week. it is 6:32 now. right now, we have new video to show you, a massive pileup in virginia involving more than 100 vehicles near the virginia/north carolina line. three people died. at least 25 more were hurt. the pileup was actually 17 separate crashes all happening
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within a one-mile stretch along interstate 95. the cause of the initial crash is under investigation. but, virginia state troopers say they think fog is likely to blame. >> today marks ten years to the day for the rescue of american pow, jessica lynch, who was taken hostage in iraq. she was just 19 years old in 2003 when u.s. special forces rescued her from an iraqi hospital. critics, including lynch herself, later claimed the u.s. government embellished her story to boost patriotism and help in the war. she received a medical honorable discharge in august, 2003 and later testified before congress she had been falsely portrayed by the u.s. military as a little girl rambo. now, lynch will be on the "today" show to talk about what her life has been like ten years after that ordeal. you can catch that interview starting this morning at 7:30. >> the first family is hosting
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the 135th annual white house easter egg roll this morning. more than 35,000 are expected to participate in the games, stories and the egg rolling fest tiffths. jordan sparks and characters were sesame street and danica patrick will attend. be healthy, be active and be you is the theme for this year's event. >> what a cool event for little kids. they won't realize how cool it is until a little bit older. 6:33. checking in with christina loren. get another update. all they care about is the eggs at that age. rainfall coming down steadily. i wanted to show you all the lightning across northern california yesterday. it was a really active day.
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the thunder was not visible. you couldn't hear that thunder where you lived. we had severe thunderstorm warnings around the corner from where you live in concord. we had reports of hail up to quarter size. it was a significant day in the weather department. we still have those showers coming down, an aftermath from yesterday. take it easy out there. it was also very gusty at times. you might find some debris on the highway. oakland to san leandro, the heaviest rainfall. the showers will deteriorate as we head throughout the day. it is going to take a while. not until this evening are we going to clear the radar. 54, livermore. 55 to start the day. one good thing is, we have comfortable temperatures, not just right now. all day long. nice and warm by the end of the day. 60 degrees inland, 64 bayside, 61. three more days of rain ahead. i'll show you when those come to play. some outlook is ready to go in my next report. maybe you are like us and you don't have the day off.
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let's check that drive with anthony. >> you got called in, because somebody was sick. not complaining. have to be here always. a little face time here. 6:35. you can see, the plaza toll plaza is lit up. there is still a car fire on the traffic map at 238. that's causing slowdowns through castro valley and woodacre road. this is also a very common slowdown on 580, the altamont pass. you can see lots of red as you head into the east bay. very slow-going this morning. even through antioch at highway 4 at texas. still seeing the slowdown from an earlier accident about an hour ago. still trying to clear that away. in the south bay, we just had an accident reported at blossom hill on the southbound ramp. this is blocking the ramp. not causing any slowdowns on the highway. if you take blossom hill, that
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won't al won't allow extra time. still ahead, the court ruling overseas that could insure better access to cancer fighting drugs worldwide. we'll show you not exactly the brightest criminal out on the streets here. a purse snatcher ends up face down in a pile of glass. guess what? it doesn't stop his getaway. we will show you the not-so-smooth escape next. we take you live outside. a really nice shot. a little bit different perspective. all lit up. some rain comes down. meteorologist, christina loren, has her work cut out for her today as the rain comes down throughout the bay area. 6:37. stay with us. [ wind howling ]
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[ female announcer ] it balances you... [ water crashing ] fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley... delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. nature valley. nature at its most delicious.
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you are watching "today in the bay." >> i give you a live look from the south bay. a nice shot there. the sun slowly starts to come up over the horizon and clouds dancing out there with the raindrops coming down. grab an umbrella heading out the door. make sure you don't get too wet. 6:39. drugmaker, novartis turned down in india for a new pattern of a cancer drug. it needed that to protect its investment in the drug called glive. health care activists are
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praising the supreme court decision to shut n var it is down so poorer patients have access to the life-setting medicine. it has global implications setting a precedent that will prevent international companies for maintaining new patents for medicine used in the developing world. an 80-year-old man from japan will soon try to become the oldest person ever to race to the top of mt. everest. yuchiro miura will attempt to climb the mountain with a nine-person team. he has raced to the top twice in 2003 and '08. the climb will be dangerous, not only because of his age but he has had heart surgery four times. as of now, the oldest person to make the climb was 76 years old. >> go yuchiro. take a look at what happened to a purse snatcher in australia. this man, bam, was running after
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taking a purpose from a woman at a mall in perth and suddenly crashes in and goes face down right into that on to the ground. people there didn't realize he had ripped off a purse. so they actually ran to help him. his accomplice didn't like that. he threatened those two people. then, those two took off in what police say was a stolen car. that criminal got a nice face full of glass. >> all for what, $100? >> who knows what's in a woman's purse. >> shows how you really feel. 6:41. coming up, a manhunt underway in texas for the killer of a district attorney and his wife. what led to the shocking discovery. a bizarre attack at a south bay walmart. we'll let you know what police say. imagine the shoppers there moments after crashing his car into that store. >> a new record set this morning on wall street. we will take a look at the business news coming up. hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios
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has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! ♪ wow. [ buzz ] delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? bee happy. bee healthy. with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean,
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a texas community stunned after a shooting death over the weekend that killed a district attorney and his wife. kaufman county d.a. mike mclelland and his wife were found shot to death inside their home near dallas on saturday. a neighbor went to their house and discovered the door had been kicked in. this coming two months after the assistant d.a. was killed in a parking lot near his office. investigators have not yet confirmed whether the murders are connected. authorities do say they are ramping up security for elected officials in that area. the accused colorado theater shooter will find out if he will be facing the death penalty. prosecutors expected to announce the decision for james holmes in court last week. prosecutors rejected a plea deal that would have sent holmes to
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prison for life instead of getting the death penalty. the 25-year-old stands accused of killing 12 people and injuring 70 others last july at an aurora movie theater. 6:45 this morning. we hope to learn more about a bizarre crash at a south bay walmart in which a driver drove his car into the store and got out and started attacking customers. "today in the bay's" arturo santiago is live at the wall smart store with the latest details. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the store is open. customers are coming and going as usual. the only thing that is a sign that something chaotic took place is the wood paneling put if place. just after 11:00 yesterday morning, a man drove into the parking lot and crashed into several vehicles. then, he headed for the entrance of the walmart, ran through the front window in between the automatic sliding doors, drove inside about 30 feet, hit a beer
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display and then came to a stop. then, in the middle of all the fear and confusion, witnesses say the suspect got out of the car and started attacking customers in the store. four people were hurt and taken to the hospital. one had serious injuries. >> he pulled out a pole of some sort, a metal pole bar and started hitting folks. there were people that came and tried to hit him, put him down with belts and things of that nature, couldn't get him down. eventually, they did. >> those people who fought back held the suspect until police arrived and arrested him for assault with a deadly weapon. his identity has not yet been released. stort was evacuated for several hours yesterday while investigators interviewed dossens of witnesses. police are still trying to figure out why this suspect lost control of his car and drove into the front of the walmart. they believe that drug may have been involved. live in san jose, i'm arturo
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santiago, "today in the bay." >> thanks, arturo. >> 6:47. let's get a check on the weather. meteorologist, christina loren is back. the raindrops are falling. >> coincidentally, you are back as well. coincidence, i think not. jon kelley knew we needed that rain. boy, oh boy, we have got it out there this morning. if you only knew the kind of power he had. doppler radar tells the story right now. it is hayward that's getting hit the hardest. from hayward to oakland. travel cautiously. steady rainfall. the heavier stuff is located along the east shore pressing toward that bay bridge. if you want to take it easy. also, the golden gate bridge starting to get very slick as we speak. all this can activity is pressing toward the east bay as we head to the next 15, 20 minutes, keeping tabs, tracking these showers for you. by the minute, we'll continue to do that for you throughout the "today" show. 55 minutes away from steady
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rainfall in pleasant hill. 55 from pacheco. 35 from walnut creek and 20 from lafayette. a little bit of showers lingering. a little bit of ac in action in marin county. by 4:00 p.m., showers break apart. our air quality is going to be top-notch. crystal clear. we stop the clock at 7:00 p.m., mostly dry conditions. they will persist through tuesday, take you into wednesday on a wider view. month are rainfall and quite a bit of it. you see yellow and orange embedded within the green. looks like the system is going to lose i alittle organization before it moves onshore on thursday. nonetheless, we could be measuring rain in inches yet again. we need that at this point. 68 in livermore. not too bad temperaturewise. when we do clear out of here by
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about noon, you can get the little ones outdoor. count on them tracking in a little bit of that mud. it is still going to be wet. 66 in san jose, 68 in los gatos. those puddles will have an opportunity to dry as we take you through your tuesday and wednesday. the rain arrives late thursday. friday, another dry break and more rain as we head into the upcoming weekend. >> let's check the drive. any accidents out there? >> we do have a few accidents, 101 at 280. you can seaway back off in the distance. we are starting to see things slow down. this is a very typical area that starts to slow. we have a few more accidents on our traffic accident map. there is a slowdown on 101 as we just showed you our camera. blossom hill road, off ramp, starting to see some slowdowns. car accident that hit the center divide and also keeping things very slow nt on the on ramp. slow for the past hour and a
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half and it will continue to remain slow as the accident continues to get clear at texas. another at 280 northbound. this is approaching 1801 01. that has an ambulance on the way. crews start to get that clear. i would imagine this starts to slow back towards daly city. that's all we have got for you. more updates in 25 minutes during the "today" show. back to you. >> keeping things on the road, the chp cracking down on distracted drivers. increased enforcement starts today and will last throughout the entire month. april marking national distracted driving awareness month. this is aimed at letting drivers know about the dangers of distracted driving. not worth a hefty fine or potentially deadly crash. a recent survey revealing daily commuters are the worst offenders. nearly half, nearly half of them say they do text while driving
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compared to 43% of tepe aenager. a 19-year-old was killed early saturday morning in the mission district. the gunman is still on the loose. family and friends are leaving candles and flowers as you can see at the site of the shooting. police say valdevee a zoe wiazo the hospital after a man shot him whether asking if he was involved in a gang. if you are headed out to buy anything, sales tax is going up in three counties across the bay area. starting today, sales tax increases go into effect in santa clara, san mateo and marin. several cities, including campbell, san mateo, half moon
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bay, marcinda will pay extra taxes for schools, health care and road repairs stockton is expected to get a ruling from a federal judge. they filed for chapter 9 bankrupt is he protection tex after the financial crisis devastated tax revenues. the decision follows a three-day trial last week where the city says it is $26 million in debt. historically, municipal bankruptcies have been rare but this ruling could set a precedent for other troubled u.s. cities. san bernardino has also filed and some expect detroit to be next. now, to a story you will only see right here on nbc bay area. in just a matter of hours, a san jose firefighter who nearly died battling a fire seven months ago will head back to work this morning. such a great story. "today in the bay's" bob redell is live at fire station one for the big welcome back party. good morning. >> that party, if you want to
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call it, is going to happen in a few hours from now. at 10:00 this morning, san jose's fire department will hold a special breakfast to welcome back one of their own, a firefighter who was almost killed in the line of duty. >> firefighter down. >> that was the radio call to save firefighter frank ryan who had collapsed while fighting the st. patrick's cathedral fire. he spoke with us live and recalled for us what happened. he tells us that day was really hot. he came out for air, started feeling really sick, thought he could walk it you have a, ended up laying down and then blacked out. doesn't remember the heart attack that followed and almost killed him. he tells us his heart stopped three to four times. it got so bad, some of his colleagues thought he was a goner. >> not all family members get along but when things like this happen, everybody comes
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together. >> it is amazing. for me, an incident that hasn't ended. i think monday will be a day where we can all say that the incident is finally over. >> back on the job in just a few hours from now. san jose's fire chief credits the firefighters and the staff at regent medical with saving his life. ryan has been a firefighter for the past 17 years and a paramedic as well. reporting live outside san jose fire station number 1, bob redell, "today in the bay." 6:54. your world champion giants step out on the field to officially start defending their world series title. they start the season down in l.a. against the rival dodgers. great way to start the year. matt cain will be up on the hill to start the defense of the world title. the game goes off at 1:00. just because the team is out on the road, it doesn't mean you nearby here at home can't watch the giants with a bunch of giants fans. comcast sports net hosting a
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free season opener viewing party taking place at at&t part. might want to get over and check it out. that's for the a's across the bridge. they start their season at home. the mariners in town. game time set for 7:05. the a's last week looking pretty good against the giants too. >> a good way to get their season started. for the giants, their fans may have one less opportunity to see the man they called the beard. that's right. representing the team out on the field at at&t park. >> the chronicles reporting they invited brian wilson to the ring ceremony this sunday. they asked wilson to come but they haven't heard back from him just yet. he became a free agent in december and he is rehabbing from his second tommy johns surgery. >> he is waiting until he can throw 100% before he tries to negotiate a contract with another team. >> see if that elbow will he'll up and get him back in business. >> the markets back to work after a three-day holiday.
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good morning to you. the s&p 500 opened at its highest level in history. so there is your new record this morning. general hospital opening the bell. they are celebrating 50 years on television. can you imagine? the s&p 500 dipping a little bit to the negative. dow industrials up 10 points. looking ahead on friday, we get the latest jobs data. the monthly unemployment number. remember, john and marla, jobs are the most important number there is. inflation, the second most important bit of data. we oftentimes squish those together. the stock market and jobs. stock market and the economy, jobs, that's where things matter and we will find out more. back to you. >> like having our own personal economics professor in the house. 6:37 right now. let's get the weather. christina loren is here to fill us in on that. >> i major with economics and he
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still duds it with the touch we like. i learn more from scott mcgrew than i learned in all four years of college. doppler radar tells the story. we have it pretty much dried out in the north bay. that goes for the south bay as well. however, the east bay, the end of the peninsula towards san francisco getting slammed with light to moderate showers. we will head throughout the next few hours. highs will be comfortable. 68, inland. 64, bayside at the coast. 61. the seven-day outlook. no worries. we will have it for you every 15 minutes. let's check that drive. he is tracking. hi, anthony. we still have the accident in antioch. you can see the slowdown continues through 4. just take it easy if you have to use 4. pack that patience. 280 in san francisco at alameda boulevard. this is headed to the bayview district. otherwise, things are good to go. the typical slowdown in fremont and palo alto, we will keep you
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posted coming up every 25 minutes here on nbc bay area. back to you. >> thanks so much. time for the final check of the day's top stories at 6:58. new rules for california doctors. they must now tell mammogram patients if they have dense breast tissue. it makes it hard to spot tumors and correctly evaluate the results. >> police still looking for bay area man in this surveillance video that managed to rip off more than $1 million in gold, jewelry, and artifact from a historical collection in yreka. a driver crashed his car into a san jose walmart and started attacking customers. police say he crashed through the front entrance, got out and started hitting people with a metal object. the man is in jail. police think drugs were involved. get ready to get silly. the 35th saint annual saint stupid's day parade kicks off in
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san francisco. we have a look at video from past celebration. it starts at noon at the embarcadero plaza stopping at the pacific stock exchange and the federal reserve headquarters. >> it might be an excuse for you to break out the iraqi outfit you wore. >> it celebrates stupiddy and celebrates from the church of the last laugh. silly costumes are strongly encouraged. >> saint stupid's day. has a nice ring to it, right? >> i guess so. thank you so much for being with us. that's the theme at "today in the bay." we'll we'll be back at 7:25. good morning. doing better. good morning. an encouraging image of keving
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ware tweetd overnight following surgery to repair one of the worst sports injuries. norprank alert natalie take the seat in our green room. and gets the april fool's surprise of her life today. april 1st, 2013. >> from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning. welcome to "today" on monday morning. >> everybody here is asking the same question, did you see it. during the louisville duke game
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yesterday, one of the players badly injured on the court. i couldn't believe my eyes. >> if you did see it you will not soon for get it. the injury was so severe, we're not going to show the injury. the emotion on the court, the fans, the coaches, basically tells the story. willie has more on his condition. good morning. i have covered sports and not a seen anything like it. not because of the injury but the reaction. well wishes are pouring in as he begins his recovery and his team moves to the final four. an encouraging image of the louisville sophomore posted overnight with his team's pro fi in his hospital bed. >> kevin ware just took a shot, oh, my goodness. it i was the break seernd the world. images too disturbing to show this morning. >> t


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