tv Today NBC April 10, 2013 2:05am-3:00am PDT
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dog. it's the great thing about new york, because people work. you have to -- >> this is quite the business. i think this woman would make an amazing reality series. >> you do? angela the dog walker? >> she's from what, the queens or the bronx? >> she's from new jersey. >> she's got the attitude. you know what today is, hoda? >> what is it? >> perfect day for ben and jerry's 34th annual free cone day at shops around the world. you and you cannot do it. and so look at the young ones over there eating her brains out. >> i can't really afford this either, but -- >> everybody gets a free cone? >> free cone. and today is liz lemon, i believe, is what they're -- >> okay. >> so good for them. sad day for annette funicello's fans and her family. i just loved her, she was my generation, probably not yours. but i grew up watching hayley mills and annette funicello. and thinking what would my life be like if mr. disney liked me, too. and i met her one time and she was gracious and really sweet. we talk so much about people battling cancer.
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i guess there's two ways to battle it, hoda. you can feel bitter about it or let it make you better like it has you. i never saw an ounce of self-pity. and some of my favorite people in the world have been through this. but there wasn't a lot known about m.s. back then. and she literally came out of the shadows with the disease because they were going to go public with the story that it was, that she was battling -- alcohol addiction. >> i do remember that. >> and she said no. you know what, frank's first wife, same thing. >> m.s.? >> uh-huh. and we had another friend, whose wife -- they all thought it was alcoholism and it wasn't, it was m.s. so many of the symptoms are very similar. >> it was weird. i didn't know there was a documentary i guess in canada that her husband at the time showed annette funicello going through m.s. and not being able to walk. i saw clips of it, it's so wrenching to see. >> that's exactly what it was, wrenching. because we don't remember her that way. >> we remember her in her
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bikini, not showing her belly button. >> she always called him mr. disney and he had said, he just loved her innocence and her sweetness. and said please, go on and, with my blessing, but please don't show your belly button. didn't say anything about the -- i'm only kidding. she tried to remain very faithful to him. >> there's an interesting story. we told you yesterday that margaret thatcher passed away and now on twitter there are all the hashtags. now the hashtag was, #nowthatchersdead. if you look at the #nowthatchersdead, if you look at it another way, it can say "now that cher's dead." so people thought cher had passed away. "now that cher's dead." and there were lots of people -- >> one more reason not to go on that stuff. >> people were writing "rest in peace, cher." and good news, cher is alive and well and it was just a misread. >> and joanne, who shall remain nameless, lamarca, that's the
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love of her life, is cher. >> anything to get cher on the show. >> yeah, it really is just a way to get cher on the show. >> anything to get her -- joel osteen, did you see that story? >> i saw that as well. you're getting nothing but trouble on the world wide web. >> somebody came up with a website. >> didn't they go to an awful lot of trouble to do this? >> it looked just like his website. it said he had renounced the church, he is now an atheist, et cetera, et cetera. and i guess people started believing it. they had to come out with a statement. >> somebody went to an awful lot of trouble to do something that's ridiculous. >> what is everybody doing? can we show this putin video? no. it was so -- >> i thought it was vulgar. i didn't like it at all. >> this doesn't show the truth. what happened was, a bunch of girls ripped their shirts off and decided to protest. >> and i do it all the time. nobody cares. >> what you don't see, is here's putin and there's video of him. i want you to go online and look
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at it, not right now, but after the show's over. putin -- he's giving two thumbs up. that's the initial reaction. >> like, yeah. >> that's what he does, right away. >> like frat house, yeah. that's what he was doing. >> that's even better than the video. he loves to take his shirt off, too. but he likes to do it when he's riding a horse. >> you know what's funny. you know when people don't have time to think about their reaction. all they have time to do is react. that tells you exactly -- >> that's the real putin. >> two thumbs up. did you catch "the voice" last night? >> no, because one of my favorite things is to hear you tell me about it the next day. >> two break-out stars last night, okay? one of them was named sasha allen. she sang this dixie chicks song that was off the chain. let's take a look. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> they're all around. wow. >> you know what i love what blake did, he waited until the downbeat just to give emphasis. because he knew on downbeat that it's a cool thing. >> what does it mean -- >> it's a musical term. he waited for that. and he went for the emphasis. >> he waits for a moment, you're right. >> he's a showman. >> he's the best. >> you think so. who is the other one, ryan innes. >> a 31-year-old guy from utah. and he sang that song, it's a beautiful song by sara bareilles "gravity." >> right. >> anyway, everyone swung around. take a look. ♪ gravity ♪
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♪ >> i'm trying to think who he reminds me of? a little michael mcdonald in there. he's terrific. he went with usher? >> yes. >> so there's one spot open for everybody left. >> yes. >> there's still hope for us, hoda. >> watch shakira closely when she's judging. >> what are you going to say? >> she always like she's cheating on a test. are you turning? are you turning? she looks right and left, right and left. what's the answer? is it true or false? is it a, b, or c? >> that's not cheating. she's only looking to see if they're turning around. >> you have to live in your truth. >> oh, really? >> yes. >> alert the media that hoda said that. >> we are the media. >> that, too. >> that's right, we're nbc news. >> we have a big show, don't we? what is in it? what is in it? >> we have mary higgins clark. she's here with her -- >> oh, i love her. yes. >> - 85th book. we have some lovely ladies going
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to tell us about how to get rid of all the stress in your life. as if you need more. >> and this is one for you -- sleep. i know you're not getting enough sleep. nobody is. >> i had red zinger last night. >> did that work? >> the celestial tea. >> it worked? >> woke up at 5:00, and i thought, okay, baby, it's that tea. >> we'll teach you how you can sleep better after this. we know a place where tossing and turning have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep, and lunesta eszopiclone can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. do not take lunesta if you are allergic to anything in it. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving or engaging in other activities while asleep without remembering it the next day have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion.
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is with one a day men's. a complete multivitamin with nutrients to help support heart health. compared to centrum men's, it has more vitamin d. to help support healthy blood pressure. [ engine revs ] [ male announcer ] one a day men's. these days, we all live very busy lives, we work out of the home and in the home taking care of kids or aging parents. and it can be very overwhelming and stressful. >> well, april, if you didn't know this is stress awareness month. we brought in a couple of experts to keep you from losing it. >> it can get ugly. >> psychologist dale atkins is the author of "sanity savers, tips for women to lead a balanced life." and valerie burton is a certified personal and executive coach. >> very important. >> author of "successful women think differently." >> ladies, nice to see you both.
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>> this is one of those things we try to manage. we figure that in a day we have kids and a job, et cetera, and you try to make your way through. >> it comes with the territory. >> in a way it does come with the territory. but one of the things i think that we don't do enough, is to step back and say what are the reasonable expectations that we have for ourselves and for the people who are asking things of us. because we jump right in. we think we're going to do everything at once and we're going to do it all 100%. >> it's not going to happen. >> yeah, i remember my little girl was very little and she was basically saying how come you're there or you're here and i go -- some things are urgent. and she looked at me and said, am i going to be urgent? >> how telling that is? >> you know, that's the question. what's going to be urgent for you? what really matters when you get to the end of your life, what really matters? one of the reasons we have a lot of stress oftentimes is because of what we're thinking. it's really important to notice your thoughts when you're under stress. because you're thoughts, if you're telling yourself, i can't
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handle this, i'm stressed out, that's when you tend to become more stressed. >> one thing that kathie lee says, i'm going to deal with what i have to deal with right now. don't tell me what i have to deal with three hours or tomorrow. it gets to be too much. >> that's a wonderful connection between what valerie said about one's thoughts and what's reasonable and what's available to you. so that you look at the larger picture and you say, this is what i can do now. if i'm worried about what's going on over there, what i'm doing here is not going to get my full attention and i will not feel as if i'm doing it well and confidently. >> and it seems to me that stress gets really out of hand when we're stressing over what we really, truly have no control over. and if i couldn't pray about those things, i would be in a looney bin. >> yes. >> how important is the spiritual life to this sort of thing? >> it's huge. and that's where you get clear about why you're here, what's most important. and one of the best things we can do when talking about expectations is to lower our expectations. research shows that makes you happier, believe it or not. we have -- >> we put too much on ourselves. >> we've got so much technology.
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we're expected to do more in less time. what we have to realize is that sometimes the stuff we think really matters, trying to keep up with what everybody else is doing, doesn't matter. >> keeping your tank full, i think is important. because i think what happens, you end up giving to everybody, you don't work out, you don't do anything, you don't fill up -- >> you have to take care of yourself. when you take care of yourself. you're able to give to other people and you're able to give from your heart not just from your head and you are really very present there. the spiritual life is for everyone very different. and i think what we need to do is pay attention to what works for us. when do we quiet ourselves, how do we look at the larger picture? and we change and other people change. so what we were able to do when we were younger may not be what we're able to do when we're older. and other people who expect things from us may not realize that. we have to know what we can do and do it well. >> one of the weirdest things in my life, was when i realized if i got up one hour earlier and took that time to be quiet and to be spiritual in my own way --
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and i'm not trying to force my faith on other people -- but it -- you remember, hoda, it changed my life. >> one hour. >> the right way. and the right path. >> one of the best things you can do is to have something to look forward to. you start off praying. also, ask yourself, if i don't have anything to look forward to. if i don't have anything, can i create it? when you're stressed, one of the most important things you can do is to have more positive emotions. it expands your ability to deal with the stress. >> ladies, thank you. >> you two are darn cute. >> even though we did all the talking, i like that. thanks, ladies. sara helps one lucky guy make one of the most romantic proposals, ever. >> it might make you a little bit jealous. >> right after this. people have chosen it again and again for over eight years. its key ingredients are also found in every day food like avocados, broccoli and bananas.
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it contains about as much caffeine as a cup of the leading premium coffee. zero sugar. four calories. 5-hour energy is like... coffee with vitamins and nutrients. simple. put them together and it's a great combination. try a sip... then decide. are proven to be effective pain relievers. tylenol works by blocking pain signals to your brain. bayer advanced aspirin blocks pain at the site. try the power of bayer advanced aspirin. you know, "what are you thinking?" oh, i had a knot in my chest. i didn't really want her to go but...i knew she could do it. i felt like there were bigger and better things for me to do. [ mom ] she took what she was doing seriously.
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concierge? >> that's right. i shadowed one of the best waldorf astoria's concierge. as he worked on one of the many tasks in his job, he helped one lucky guy plan a wedding proposal. katie and dave met nearly three years ago through mutual friends. they started off as friends, but soon began dating. they love traveling, bowling and their two dogs. dave, certain that he wanted to marry katie, was planning a proposal fit for a princess. and he was in a new york state of mind. but this man faced just one problem, getting his bride-to-be from the windy city to the big apple. >> i knew i wanted to come to new york and i needed a reason for her to come out here. i thought that would be great to get her all dressed up and get her pampered. she knows everything i do, so i had to get something going. >> a firefighter, dave set up a
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little scenario, a mock banquet honoring him and fellow firefighters. >> she thinks we're here for a fire department banquet. instead of full of people, it will be her and i, her favorite flowers set up on the table. and champagne. and i'm going to get down on one knee and propose and hopefully she says yes, and i can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her. >> if she doesn't, i'm here. >> we'll know in about an hour. >> an hour? >> 50 minutes. >> good luck. meanwhile, katie was happily getting pampered for what she thought was a night for her man to be in the spotlight. >> getting ready to go in the spa where katie is getting ready for the banquet she thinks she's going to tonight. i'm going to have to pull out the inner actress. >> the second we left, i posted on facebook how proud i am and i got 40 comments right off the bat. >> she's been sending me pictures and texts and she told me that they just interviewed me for like 15 minutes, cameras rolling.
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>> katie sure was fooled. but dave wasn't the only mastermind. he enlisted the help of seasoned concierge michael romay. >> some of the most immediate questions i ask, what is katie's favorite color, food, flower, music. that's the foundation of what we can then build on to create something truly special. >> to build an ambience. >> yes. >> i want to be part of this and help you put the finishing touches on. can i come with you now? >> absolutely. let's go. >> with less than an hour, it was go time. >> it's almost 1:45. >> okay. >> so we have about 15 minutes. >> we just put the finishing touches on. we've got about ten minutes. so i'm going to wait in the corner and -- that's when the magic happens. good luck, dave. you got this.
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>> i love you! >> katie, what were you thinking when you walked in and saw all the flowers? >> i don't know. like what a nice reception this was. >> there's actually not a big deal. he's a good fireman, but we're not honoring him today. >> oh, my god. >> and finally, an intimate moment for the happy couple. >> cheers, baby. >> cheers, i love you. >> i love you too. >> i love you both. this is so romantic. can you pass me the goodies? >> yes. >> i love that one. that was sweet. >> we want to extend a huge congratulations to dave and katie and michael and myself. >> may you all live happily ever after.
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>> that's adorable. >> nice job. >> why motherhood doesn't get easier and all the other lies that people tell you. >> plus, the plan to keep you sleeping like a baby tonight, you're going to like this one. >> and how bad is your beauty routine? >> terrible. >> we're going to have a little fun separating myth from fact. ♪ ♪
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♪ we're back with more of "today" on this booze-day, tuesday. if you toss and turn every single night, you might want to try planning out your day so it can help you sleep at night like a baby at night. >> "prevention" magazine's executive editor is here with hour-by-hour schedule you can start following right now. right? >> really? right now? >> a good night's sleep starts as soon as you wake up in the morning. >> you people from "prevention." >> it's true, the first thing you need to do is get some light. melatonin is produced in your
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body when it's dark so you want to reset that clock when you get up. if you're on an odd schedule or you don't have a lot of natural light, can you get a light therapy box available at homegoods store. it's just as good as sunlight. >> go out in the sun when you wake up? >> absolutely. or on your commute or have your breakfast by the window. >> i feel like when i have coffee, i'm awake. >> last call for coffee is about 2:00 p.m. we think that the half-life for coffee is about five hours. for a lot of us, it's about eight. so that means -- >> i never have it past the morning or i'd be -- >> that's smart. and the same with chocolate, sorry, bad news. >> wow, hoda. >> the workout is one of those things, i feel like if i work out later in the day or at night, i don't sleep because i'm so wired. i'm so energized. >> it's bad news. four hours before bed is your cut-off for exercise. it keeps your metabolism revving and it keeps your heart rate up. it's just really hard when you're trying to quiet your body down. >> although i love it when i have a chance to work out in the morning, it's not even best then, it's better in the afternoon? >> it's better when you can get it in. >> that has changed like so many things. >> just be practical about it. get your workout in, five days a
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week, 30 minutes. >> can you walk, a lot of people like to take a walk after dinner, brisk walk. >> but i wouldn't do something like heavy cardio in the late evening. >> don't invite jane fonda over for dinner. >> yes, indeed. all right. what we eat. >> light dinner. we've heard this before. big breakfast, big lunch, and light dinner. a heavy dinner is harder to digest. it keeps your body active. plus if you have a heavy meal, you lie down, heartburn, sleep killer. >> what's the cutoff time for dinner? >> 6:30 is what we recommend. >> how do the europeans do it? >> they're thin, too. >> they nap the next day. >> bedtime snack. a lot of people ask about this, if you are hungry before bed, it's better to have something than not. >> was that supposed to be here? >> no. >> i actually -- >> bedtime snack, complex carbohydrates with a little bit of protein. a bowl of cereal is probably the easiest thing you can do. >> lets get to our favorite subject. >> there's a cut-off point for wine. i told you about that. >> i don't think so. >> yes, there is. >> what is it? there is a cutoff point for wine, it's 7:00 p.m. >> yes.
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>> because it stays in your body, it will help you fall asleep faster. you still have time now if you want to have a sip. you fall asleep faster, but you wake up, which robs your body of r.e.m., which is the most restful part of sleep. >> what about the teas that kath drank the other night, the celestial tea? >> absolutely. those are -- >> they really are lovely. >> you get things off your mind and on to a piece of paper. >> close the book on the day by writing in your journal. dump it, don't reread it, let it go, start fresh tomorrow morning. >> tomorrow is another day. >> another day to be filled with scary things. >> a fresh cup of mercy. >> this is the hardest one, as of, you know, two hours before bed, digital detox. any back-lit screen, which is a computer, a tablet, but also your smartphone, that can reduce the production of melatonin, according to a 2012 study. >> you can watch tv? >> you can watch tv, because it's not interactive. but better to do something like meditation. that's what i try. you can do a simple gratitude exercise. >> end your day the way you now start it. >> i'm already soothed, i think
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i'll sleep tonight very well. motherhood and all the lies your friends keep telling you. >> a very funny book coming up right after this. these mr. clean guys, they're like a clean team. did you see mr. clean disinfecting bath cleaner killing that bacteria yesterday, just flaunting it? and did you see the magic eraser clean up that crazy kitchen mess? it was like super dirty, super clean. how? wish i hadn't. [ sniffs ] what's that amazing smell? it's mr. clean with the amazing scent of gain. wow! you know, if i had a team, you'd be on it. [ gasps ] our mascot could be a cleanosarus rex. you're off the team. [ male announcer ] dirt and grime have nowhere to hide with the mr. clean clean team on your side. went home and fed her family. now she's helping her community. no wonder it's hard to focus on her own needs. but she's got one a day women's, a complete multivitamin with key nutrients women may need all in one pill. because our focus is you.
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all eas or tax attorneys.cpas women may need all in one pill. plus, we've got experts to support you all year round. and they're ready now. turbotax. that's why i take new trubiotics. it's a daily probiotic that helps in two ways. one helps support digestive health, the other immune health. stay true to your health. new trubiotics. from the makers of one-a-day.
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if you're a mom, you know how difficult it can be sometimes. you try to be the perfect parent through all the tantrums and lack of sleep, and when you're not, you feel guilty about it like hoda did being a new mom too. >> everyone tells you, it will get better, but one woman says don't believe a word of it. jill smokler is the creator of the popular blog called scary mommy. her new book called "motherhood comes naturally and other vicious lies." >> you know what you're talking about, you're a mother of three. >> yes. >> what are the ages? >> five, seven, and nine. >> she -- >> i had to think about it. >. you did. >> don't ask me their birthdays. >> this whole thing started off as a blog, which was fun. a place for you to put
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everything down on paper and it really took off. >> to vent a little bit? >> just an online baby book for my kids, i wanted them to have some sort of record of what we did during the day and little stories and it just evolved into this community of moms and parents. >> because there was truth in it, right? >> exactly, people don't always talk about that stuff. >> and the popularity shows that a lot of women didn't feel like their voices were being heard. and then finally when someone like you comes up and says, what's one of the lies, moms stealing, what's the story? >> moms stealing? >> i don't know, it's on the card. >> don't ask us. >> what's the story about moms stealing? moms stealing, i'm trying to think what that would be. >> let's go to the next one. what's another lie, that motherhood comes naturally. >> motherhood comes naturally. i think there's this notion that the minute a baby is born you just have this outpouring of love and maternal instinct. >> exactly. >> all of the answers come naturally. and they don't and it's not always as easy and natural as
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you want it to be. i think the love part is easy. but you know, having the right answers and the solutions, it's not. >> specifically what to do, say what to do if they have a fever, what to do if they fall on their head. >> i had this feeling that i'll know if one of my children is really hurt, i'll know if it's -- >> did you? >> no, not at all. i always make the wrong call. >> did something happen, specific? >> well, like my daughter fell off of the bed last year. i thought, that's nothing, it will be fine in the morning. it wasn't, it was broken. i rushed my youngest to the e.r. for stomach pain and it was gas and we stood there for five hours waiting. i don't always know. >> you don't know the difference between gas and a broken arm? >> clearly not. >> another myth is that moms happily share. >> yes. i will -- >> all the good stuff, not the bad. >> i -- my children know that they are not allowed to drink out of my glass or share my food. it is off-limits.
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even if they're parched and they come up and have a bottle of water, i don't -- >> why? >> because they return it and it has little floaties in it. >> don't you lick your thumb and get the gunk off their face. >> yes, i do it to them, but i don't want them getting their stuff all over me. they can go to the kitchen and get a glass of water. >> what if they can't walk yet? >> then they're not drinking water most likely, they have a bottle that i'm not drinking out of. when they're at the age where they can walk, they can get themselves water. >> i'm into her. i like this. >> hoda likes her. >> let's play a little word association game. we're going to say a word and you're going to tell us the first thing that comes to your mind. the first word is playdates. >> awful. >> really? why? >> well, because then you know -- playdates, once you're at the age where you can drop your child off and go do errands, are beautiful. when they're at the age when you have to stick around and make small talk with the other mom
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and try to fill the time, there are a million things i would rather be doing. >> how about playing tag with your kids? >> pretty bad. not a huge fan at hide and seek. i had a confession on my site's confessional where the mom would play hide and seek with her kids, it was the only way she could steal a nap. she would always hide in her bed under the covers, that i'm a big fan of. but tag -- >> i want to know why you kept having children. >> not smart birth control. >> no. >> your book is very funny. and you are, too, and you're adorable. happy mother's day. >> some daily beauty habits you may want to rethink. >> when we come back. ♪ you know my heart burns for you... ♪
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editor, camille chatterjee. >> hi. >> so what, we're playing a little myth-fact game? >> i'm going to have a little game here to test you on your beauty habit. i'm going to give you a statement and you're going to tell me whether it's a myth or a fact. >> we are so ready. >> number one, you should clean your makeup brushes at least once a month. myth or fact? >> torn. it is actually a myth. that's a trick question, you should clean them once a week. >> oh. >> you're both sort of right. >> well, let's just move on. >> what do you mean, once a week? >> they collect bacteria. they can collect mold. you don't want to get that bacteria all over your face. >> she's got one she's had at the bottom of her purse for six years. >> yeah. >> wash it, please, you'll do your skin a favor. >> how come you're not covered in zits? >> i don't know. that's a nice observation. >> next one. myth or fact, going to bed without washing your face is fine once in a while. >> fact.
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>> you're right. it really is not such a big deal to go to bed without washing your face. and you know you can't be perfect all the time. don't worry about passing out in bed. but if you can wash your face before bed, it's best to get that bacteria off. >> what about eye makeup? >> it can cause inflammation of your eyelid if you leave it on, but that's not going to happen every night. number three, every once in a while it's okay to pop a pimple. >> heck yes. >> myth. >> no. >> of all of these, please -- you should never pop your pimples. >> if they can do it for you -- >> because they're professionals dermatologist. >> how professional are they? >> they have clean hands. they're sanitary. if you're going to do it, make sure your hands are clean. >> that's why i said fact. there's a way to do it. >> we don't recommend it for use at home. >> can you imagine walking around with -- what the latter version is, walking around with that big thing sticking out? >> can you imagine popping it and have the -- >> there's a way to do it properly, like all things, miss chatterbug or whatever your name
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is. >> let's move on to our hair, shall we? myth or fact, there's no harm in blow-drying or flat-ironing your hair every day? >> you know it's a fact. >> that's also got to be done with a lot of care and the right product, but i'm going to say -- you said there's no harm in doing it? >> fact. it's actually okay to put heat on your hair every day despite what you've heard. >> if it's done properly, missy. >> stop saying that. >> people don't know that. they're going to go, okay, i can do it every day and wonder why they look like strawberry shortcake. >> if they're hair is damaged, it will look worse. >> thank you. >> but if it's already healthy, you know, like most of our hair is, it will be fine. >> she's getting on my nerves. >> you'll get the next one, i know it. >> dyeing your hair can actually help enrich your hair follicles? >> oh, lord, these are all -- i'm going to go with -- >> myth. >> -- and say fact. >> it's a myth. it doesn't help your hair.
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>> you have no points. you have no points. i have four, four. >> this is really -- like slapping me on the head. okay. now, it's not so bad if you don't drastically do it, lightening -- >> then it's a fact. >> somehow she's destroying the segment. >> is this the tiebreaker? >> there are two tiebreakers. moisturizer with spf is as good as sunscreen, myth or fact? >> myth. >> i have to say it's better than nothing. >> that's not the question. >> okay, this one hopefully -- it is okay to use the same nail clippers on your feet and your hands, as long as you don't share them? it is totally fine to use your clippers on your feet and your hands. >> myth. >> you have a lot of crappy stuff on your toes so i'm going to say that's a myth. >> i am too.
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>> never do that. never do that. >> i love chatterjee. >> thank you very much. >> i don't drink, but i do -- >> i definitely do that. >> "new york times" best-selling author mary higgins clark exposes a dark secret. >> you know she's got another winner. suspense is in the building. first this is "today" on nbc.
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she's the queen of suspense, releasing a brand new book every since 1975. >> now "the new york times" best-selling author mary higgins clark is out with her 37th suspense novel and 44th book overall. she's such a slouch. it's called "daddy's gone a hunting." it's great to see you. >> it's always fun to be here. >> we love you. >> i'm like a dandelion in spring, i come back. >> and you've been sick and we're so happy that you are feeling better. >> it was just one of those 24/7 coughs that prevented me from all the fun things like jimmy neary's party. >> he has a speaking part. she mentions jimmy neary's pub in every single book. >> this time he has a speaking part. lines. >> tell us about --
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>> five and under. >> your books are so unique and interesting. but often they come from the headlines, because that's where you get a lot of your inspiration. where did the inspiration for this book come from? >> this has -- without going into a long thing, it starts with a family complex, a furniture complex going up in flames. and the oldest daughter, age 30, is in there when it goes up with a disgruntled employee. and the quick reason why i got the idea for that is, years ago when i worked in new york, there was a restaurant across the street, and it was very successful and we all popped in and had a quick glass of wine and then ran to the carpool. he built one on long island and it didn't work. so it went up in flames. he built one on the west side and it didn't work. and it went up in flames. and the cops said -- jimmy, next time have a flood. >> was it arson? >> sometimes it's family
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businesses go up, pardon the pun, in flames for all kinds of reasons. >> because it goes down in profits. >> right. >> so that kind of gave me the idea. but also, if you have someone missing in the family, a 22-year-old girl, musical comedy, breaking in on broadway and disappears. and 28 years later, as the story opens, some things come to light. >> is every single one of your books -- the minute you put a book out, mary, does it wind up on the bestsellers list right away? >> well, the paperback of last year's is number one of the list this year. now this one is coming out and it will break my heart if it's not number one. >> it has to be number one -- >> of course it must. >> danielle steele must just -- >> danielle does wonderfully well. >> not like you, not like you. >> wonderfully. and people say to me, i recognize you. i know who you are. danielle steele. >> they do? how is your daughter doing?
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>> she's great. carol has her own book coming out little later this year. >> i'm sure we'll see her. >> we love you, you're adorable. >> we wish you best of luck with this book. >> it's always fun to be back. >> next year, the dandelion. >> all right, baby. >> coming up tomorrow for the new sci-fi show "defiance," grant bowler and julie benz. >> and celebrity fashions for much, much less. >> and our joyful cook-off. three lucky viewers. remember the recipes? >> lasagna. >> have a great booze-day tuesday, everybody! enjoy the beautiful weather. >> enjoy. peterman. >> this isn't me. hopefully she went to the gym. it all e baby tones got together. you feel like you're living a balanced life. unbalanced?m jeff: not at all. plus, a college freshman. this has got to be one of the
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moments. >> it is the greatest moment. jeff: introducing michael pollack. hello, hello! roll it! jeff: all right. me.ittle about i'm recently married. i work with my wife on this show. a dad to ng how to be two amazing kids in a blended family. 'm hosting a talk show 'cause there's a lot to talk about. welcome to the show. seat, thank you very much. exciting day today for two reasons. i'm personally invested in this various reasons. one is we have melissa peterman she stars on baby daddy. she was on reba. second season r starting up this spring. also the host of a new show roduced by a friend of mine, abc called ong, on
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bet on your baby which is a really funny idea. michael have this kid, pollack. he is a college freshman. this tinyilly joel in q&a if he could play piano with him. viral and it changed his life. and here's the thing. that dude can write and sing and play and he's gonna do it for the first time on tv on our show. and i really think after you see it, like maybe three years from when he's at the grammys ou'll go, i think that was the guy that was on the jeff probst show. ay hello to yvette nicole brown. >> hi, jeff. [ applause ] how are ya? jeff: i have been saving this -- uh-oh. is it good? jeff: yes. this is an e-mail from my mom, be here today sitting in the front row with her friend dee in purple. [ applause ] so you have a lot of friends.
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