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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 19, 2013 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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thousand pounds offed moaammoni. area hospitals have treated over 150 people. >> we have seen what would you expect from blast injuries. a lot of skin, soft tissue injuries. some small ones, large ones. >> the death count remains uncertain as chemicals on the ground make retrieval of the bodies dangerous. firefighter perry calvin was one of those killed at the scene. he believes behind two young sons and a pregnant wife due at thanksgiving. captain kenny harris of dallas fire rescue also died. he was off-duty at the time but responded to the call. a moment of silence was given in congress thursday for all those impacted. meanwhile, here on the ground the town gathered to share a prayer for their fallen angels. >> i've been crying a lot with a lot of people. i've been praying a lot with a lot of people. >> standing by the firehouse a
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few moments ago when the trucks pulled out because the guys wanted to go get their own. >> yep. yep. >> a beautiful spring on the texas prairie scorched in an instant by tragedy. and tommy muska is the mayor of west, texas. also a volunteer fireman. good morning. thank you for joining us. can you help me out on the numbers here? we're still hearing we don't know exactly how many people have died. i heard the number 15. i heard it could grow to as many as 30. what can you tell us? >> we got debriefed a moment ago from our incident command. we had 100% search. we recovered one fatality. we have not done the apartment complex. that's going to be done today. >> you recovered the body but you know more people than that have died. >> we recovered one fatality on
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the blast site except for the apartment. we did go in last night and recover our firemen. our first responders. and the emts as well as the employees and other people that were in the plant itself. those were recovered last night and brought out due to the chemicals they were brought out last night. >> you said two of the firefighters were brothers. this is a personal tragedy for the people in this building behind us right here. >> they were the first ones to get on those trucks and they were the first ones to go in that house and probably the first ones to go in that building a couple days ago. >> we were speaking to someone recently to talked about this fertilizer distribution facility. said it had been here so long it was like a tree. you drove past it all the time and never thought about it. did you ever worry that it could present a problem like this? >> you saw it. you worried that -- like i told
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you, the trains come through here and carry chemicals at 40 to 50 miles an hour. we live with that stuff all the time. that plant has been here forever. we're a rural community. that's part of our life. it's the crops and fertilizing crops and you have to have that. you don't pay second mind to it until a tragedy like this happens. >> you're a rural community. small community. less than 3,000 people. everybody here knows somebody who has been impacted either by the loss of a loved one or loss of property. how does this town go forward? >> one, we're going to finish the recovery process hopefully today. i want to get the people back into their homes to find out what they have. we don't know what is in our homes. i was fortunate enough to at least see my house. my house is unfortunately very open air now type house. my clothes are okay. i want to appreciate all of the donations.
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if i could tell you right now we don't need anymore donations as far as diapers and so forth. back here you see our truck. we lost three of our vehicles in that explosion. we are down to two trucks. we need possibly monetary donations if you want to do something to get our equipment back in order, the people need to see what they have. they may have stuff. they don't have a house. we may need plywood instead of diapers. that's what we'll focus on today and moving forward. we'll get houses rebuilt. this is a wonderful community. we'll get everything back to order one of these days. >> west, texas, mayor tommy muska, also a volunteer fireman. our condolences to the people here in the fire company. you have suffered a terrible loss. have a good day. >> mr. mayor, thank you very much. that's the situation here in west, texas. we'll have more in a little while. let's go back to new york and you. >> we continue to follow the
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breaking news out of boston. let's go to pete williams, our justice correspondent. good morning to you again. >> we know a little more now. we believe about these two. as we've been saying they're brothers. the first one who they are still seeking this morning, the one wearing the white hat, the one that they believe planted the second bomb, his name is dzhokar tsarnaev. he's the one who is 19 years old. we're told that his brother, the one, who died is 26. became a legal permanent resident in 2007 and was born in russia. we're told that they both came to the country with their number in 2002 or 2003. they've been in the u.s. for nearly ten years it would
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appear. we're certainly very familiar with the united states and certainly comfortable moving around here. you may remember when the police chased them into watertown, they stopped the suv that they carjacked. the older one wearing the black hat at the photographs in the boston marathon was strapped with explosives and police shot and killed him and i'm told by authorities now that when dzhokar, who is the one they are still looking for, when he drove away, he drove over his brother to get away. >> pete williams, we have more information about these two suspects. terror suspects in the boston marathon attacks. dzhokar tsarnaev. an interesting piece of information that they have been
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residing in the united states for a period up to ten years according to pete's latest reporting. we'll continue of course to follow this and remind you that in watertown, massachusetts, a huge manhunt is under way right now as authorities try to find this fugitive. we'll take a turn now and get a check of the weather from al who is here with me in new york. >> as we take a look at chicago live right now, they are dealing with floodwaters. a lot of infrastructures have been damaged. the water has not started to recede because we have runoff going. over seven inches in some areas pouring into rivers, streams and lakes. we're going to continue to monitor this situation. as far as your weekend is concerned, good news is rain is over. that's good. no more rain falling into the tributaries there. look for mountain snows. rain in the pacific northwest. sunny and hot through the southwest. on sunday you expect to see more sunshine along the east coast. we will be looking at more rain and thunderstorms through
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florida. rain and snow in the upper midwest. bad news for our friends in the dakotas and the red river valley. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. erlan. >> that's your latest weather. >> thank you so much. we'll be back with more on the manhunt unfolding in boston as we speak but first these messages. the boys used double miles from their capital one venture card to fly home for the big family reunion. you must be garth's father? hello. mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because you can fly any airline anytime.
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the search for suspect number two in the boston marathon attack. let's get to lester holt in watertown this morning where this manhunt is unfolding. what's the latest? >> reporter: the police continue to tighten their grip on this area in which they believe suspect number 2 is holed up. a short while ago we saw two city buses full of boston police officers being brought in. that followed a parade of state police cars. they continue to add law enforcement here to really seal off avenues of escape based on the belief that the suspect is still in this area. i'm sorry. okay. it was a police officer yelling at a citizen on the street there. they basically have tried to cut off any avenue of escape. they've prevented traffic from coming in or leaving this area. also all of the other neighboring suburbs are in this lockdown situation. we're talking over 300,000 residents essentially sheltering in place. businesses have been asked not
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to open. it's one of the special operation vehicles here. part of the boston pd s.w.a.t. looks like a bomb disposal unit coming by here. one of the issues is getting unexploded ordnances off the streets because during this case when they chased the suspects into watertown, they were throwing out -- some people describe them as grenades. explosive devices of some kind. that's one of the dangers here. trying to get a hold of where those are and render them safe and the neighbors have been reporting s.w.a.t. teams moving through their backyards perched on rooftops. whether they have a specific idea where this man is or just blanketing the area is a little unclear. they seem to be targeting specific areas. we continue to watch and wait and we're not allowed to go anywhere. we'll send it back to you for right now. >> we'll check back in with you. let's bring in don, former special agent with the fbi part
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of the joint terrorism task force. as we've been getting more information this morning, the fact that we now believe they have resided in the united states for a period of ten years or perhaps more, that significantly muddies the water in terms of whatever their motive may be. >> one of the things that we'll be looking to do is find out what is their travel history? we've seen in other cases where people have been here for a long time or born here and then they have traveled overseas to attend training camps and then come back. we'll want to know what their travel history is and if it looks like that's a possibility, that may help determine if there was foreign involvement in this or this was purely a plot hatched by these two brothers. >> i think at this point we are certainly no better position to know what may have motivated them although we are learning more about their background and investigators looking into that. we'll have you stand by. we're continuing to monitor the situation unfolding in watertown, massachusetts as police try to find their man.
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we await a news conference on the situation in boston any minute from officials and we'll bring it to you live. matt? >> also here in west, texas. a couple religious leaders of this community will join us to talk about how this town moves forward after the devastation they suffered over the last 36 hours. savannah, much more ahead from both locations. first, your local news and weather. [ male announcer ] so you used the wrong flea killer.
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good morning to you. it is 4:56. i'm laura garcia cannon. a former livermore high school teach ir is likely headed to prison for having a sexual relationship with a student. marie johnson pleaded no contest and denied felony charges. sentencing next month. she faces up to nine years behind bars. she taught math at granada high and had a six-month relationship with a student beginning in late 2010. a teenage boy. >> cuesed of shooting and killing an off-duty paramedic will be charged as an adult.
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the 16-year-old was the trigger man behind the killing o 34-year-old quinn boyer. five other teens were arrested and have been charged in connection with that killing at 4:56. want to get a check of the forecast with meteorologist, christina loren. good morning to you, laura. good morning to you at home. we have a really good-looking weekend shaping up. a little bit on the warm side. make sure you are ready for that. the winds have substantially dropped off. they are going to stay calm. they have shifted offshore. your temperatures right by the beach are perfect all weekend long. today, warm inland, 82, livermore, 83 san jose. your seven day outlook tells the story of that heat wave. we are going to be really warm monday into tuesday. 4:57. let's see if there is anything going on on the roads with mike. we had one lane blocked over the last half hour. things have cleared up. you may find some slowing as crews continue to clear up toward the 23rd avenue area.
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on the peninsula, a smooth drive. lots of lights but a lot are twinkling because they are city lights. both are smooth to and from san francisco along the peninsula. we will travel your morning commute as it goes along. >> we are expecting a special report from nbc news as well as news conference this morning from massachusetts concerning the search that continues for the second bomber right now. in fact, let's go in progress right now. them, about wh their activities have been and whether they were students at one time. the family came together. their father worked in chechnya. from that part of the world living in the united states for at least a decade. >> all right. pete, we'll ask you to standby. let's get to lester holt in watertown, massachusetts, which is really the center of this manhunt. it's where a violent shootout took place earlier this morning.
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lester, good morning. bring us up to date. >> savannah, we are witnessing a dragnet unlike any of us have ever seen. not only this community but five other western suburbs of boston boston under a lockdown. residents told to shelter in place. we're talking about over 300,000 people right now whose lives are on hold. it extends beyond that. most of the major college campuses have shutdown. they shutdown the transit system in boston. everything they can do to ward off any avenue of escape for this suspect number two. they believe he is still in watertown at least the reinforcements we've seen seem to indicate that. more and more police from other cities including boston, state police, have converged here. they sealed off at least a 20-block area. residents are encouraged to stay inside because police are actually moving in some cases house to house as they search for the suspect. right now, back to you,
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savannah. >> we'll join massachusetts governor deval patrick's news conference in progress. >> good morning, everybody. a couple points that i want to make and then i'm going to ask commissioner davis from boston and colonel alvin from state police to make a statement. we're not going to take questions this morning. we've had a very rapidly developing situation in the course of the night. i've been briefed throughout the night. i think you know the basics that suspect one is dead and suspect two is on the run. we have an officer seriously wounded in surgery right now. we have an m.i.t. security officer who has been been killed. there is a massive manhunt under way. a lot of law enforcement involved in that. to assist that we have suspended all service on mvta, our public
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transit service and that will continue until we think it's safe to open all or some of that. we're asking people to shelter in place. in other words to stay indoors with their doors locked and not to open the door for anyone other than a properly identified law enforcement officer and that applies here in watertown, where we are right now, also cambridge, newton, belmont and at this point all of boston. all of boston. this is a serious situation. we're taking it seriously. we're asking the public to take it seriously as well and to assist law enforcement by following those simple instructions. we have every asset that we can possibly muster on the ground right now. they are doing a terrific job and working in concert with each other. we are going to need the public to help us help them stay safe.
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where are you, commissioner? >> right behind you, governor. thank you, governor. this is a rapidly developing situation. within the last half hour we received information that i have communicated to mayor menino and he asked me to come here and to tell you the shelter in place recommendation has been extended throughout the city of boston. there's a lot of information coming in. we're working very closely with federal authorities in washington. we are examining all data bases. all potential leads and there are officers that are moving around the city right now. please be patient with us. work with us. if you see anything suspicious, let us know. we are trying to make this safe as quickly as possible. this is ongoing situation. i want to stress this. this is an ongoing situation. >> colonel timothy allen. i want to start by saying thank you to each and every one of you. you have


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