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tv   Today  NBC  May 8, 2013 7:00am-11:01am PDT

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tonight. tip-off 6:30 tonight. >> go, warriors. go, sharks. go, everybody in the bay area. have a great day as well. good morning. breaking news. this morning, chilling new details on the women freed from a decade-long kidnapping ordeal in cleveland and what they endured, as police face questions about the possible warning signs that could have led them to the victims years ago. savannah's there live. "today," wednesday, may 8th, 2013. captions paid for by nbc-universal television and good morning, welcome to a split edition of "today" on a
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wednesday morning. i'm matt lauer in new york. savannah as we covered this story tuesday it seems you were looking at the tip of the iceberg. we're learning more about what went on with the home and with police over the last decade. >> rickey: yes, matt, this community is experiencing a range of emotions on the one hand joy that these three young women against all odds have managed to survive and escape and also horror as we learn more about the unimaginable that went on in that home you see behind me. the latest this morning, police are expected to question these suspects, three brothers, and file official charges against them today. investigators delayed those interviews until they had the chance to speak with the victims. we're told they did speak with the victims tuesday, at which they're calling a safe, secure location, unclear, matt, whether or not these suspects have lawyers and whether the lawyers will permit them to be interrogated, something we're hoping to learn more about today. >> police are removing bags of evidence from that home where this unimaginable ordeal
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unfolded. they have confiscated several cars from the property and even the front door that had to be broken down in order to let those women escape. >> matt we're going to talk to one of the victims michele knight. and jeff rossen he's here to discuss the details. >> a range of emotions, celebrating the return of the girls but the big question, how did the suspects keep this massive secret for more than a decade? this morning we are learning much more about the suspects and what may have happened inside that house. neighbors say they noticed alarming activity years ago, this man lives just a few doors down. he told us in 2011 his sister saw a woman holding a child in the house and banging on the window for help. >> i called the cops. the cops pull up, pounded a good
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20 times, they was there five, eight minutes, no answer. they shined a light inside the driveway, see the windows boarded up, got back inside the squad car and left. >> rickey: that was it? >> that was it. >> rickey: last july another neighbor noticed another disturbing site. >> my granddaughter told me about the naked lady calling on her hands and knees in the backyard. >> rickey: she said she called the police but they never came. tuesday police were adam ant they've never been called to the house for those reasons. >> we have no indications any of the neighbors, bystanders, witnesses or anyone else has ever called regarding any information, regarding activity that occurred at that house. >> rickey: and we're learning more about the owner of that house, suspect aerii ariel cast school bus driver for the city of cleveland his employment records show he was cited four times for breaking the rules. last november he was fired and there's more. in 2005 ariel castro's ex-wife
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took him to court accusing him of violence. in this position she said castro had broken her nose twice, broken her ribs, knocked out a tooth, caused a blood clot in her brain and threatened to kill her and her daughters. the case was later dropped on a technicality. in a chilling twist the suspect's family is close friends with the family of gina dejesus, the youngest victim. when gina went missing ariel castro's son wrote in the local people "almost everyone feels a connection with the family and gina's disappearance has the whole area talking." ariel castro's daughter was close friends with gina. she appeared even on "america's most wanted" and said gina invited her over. >> my mom said no i can't go over her house and so i told her i couldn't and she said well okay, i'll talk to you later
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and. >> rickey: now police are trying to figure out all the connections here, did the suspects know the other victims or was it complete random when they are alleged to have snatched them off the street. investigators had cadaver dogs on tuesday trying to see if there are other victims in the house they don't know about yet to be found trying to connect it to other cold cases. the suspects could be charged with kidnapping and rape as early as today. >> i talked to michele knight's mother, barbara knight. i started by asking how she reacted when she first heard this news. >> well, my mother, she called me and she told me to turn it to the news and i did and i started crying and i was happy that they
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found her because i've been looking for her and i don't want them to think i forgot about her. >> have you been able to talk to her? >> no. >> what was your relationship like before she disappeared? were you in contact with her in. >> we were living together and had a son. >> she had a little boy. >> yes. >> as we learned about her there was a time when the son was taken from her by the child custody. >> and she was hurt. i was hurt. the person who did it thought it was funny, so i don't know too much about it but i just daughter would reach out and let me know she's there. >> do you feel your daughter wants to see you? >> yes, i know she's probably angry at the world because she
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thought that she would never be found but thank god that somebody did. >> what can you tell us about the circumstances of her disappearance? i know that she was 20 or 21 and some people thought maybe she had run away. >> well, the way i understood it by certain people they told me that maybe she didn't want nothing to do with me. but still in my heart i thought, no, because i know my michelle. >> did you talk to police then? did you file a missing person's report? >> yes, i did. >> what kind of efforts did they make to try to locate her? >> they have told me if she breaks the law or they spot her, they'll let me know but nothing happened. >> did they think she had just left the home, they didn't think it was an abduction? >> well, because she was 20 they figured that she just left because of the upset, because of
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the baby and everything. >> there had been some reports in her file that she may have had some kind of struggles with mental health. do you know anything about that? >> no. i know she did have asthma, but that was about it. >> all these years, did you have a sense of whether she was still alive? i know you said you certainly hoped so. >> well, i had my doubts but then i looked on the bright side, i did go to god and prayed for some kind of thing to tell me at least if she's alive or not. >> have any of your family been able to visit michelle since she was released? >> by my understanding i guess my boys got to see her. >> her brothers? >> yes. >> were able to visit with her? have police been in contact with you? >> there was a detective who called me but he just said it was my daughter and he only
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worked like i guess from 11:00 to some time, and i didn't get a hold of anybody else yesterday so i don't know too much more what's going on. >> if you are able to see her, what do you plan to say to her? >> that i love you and i missed you all this time and hopefully whatever happened between us, if something did, i hope it helps because i really want to take her back to florida with me. i don't want to leave her up in cleveland. >> barbara knight, our sympathies are with you, our hearts are with you, we wish you the best and the best to your daughter. thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> and we want to bring in julio, the uncle and here with his daughter maria castromontes. first question, mr. castro, did you have any inkling these
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nephews could be involved in something like this? >> nothing whatsoever. >> when was the last time you saw them? >> pedro was sitting at the bus station, the bus stop the other day and i passed by and i say hi and good-bye. that was it. ariel i haven't seen in the last six years. >> maria, what do you know about these men? >> i know they're cousins. ariel, beloved cousins. this is an incredible thing to believe but one of the things i want to say on behalf of the castro family we are elated obviously that these girls have been found and that they are alive and our hearts are full of joy for that reason, and at the same time the family is suffering a great sadness to know that these girls have
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suffered at the hands of family members of ours and we would certainly like to say to those three young women that we are so sorry for everything they had to endure and we want them to know if they ever need anything, we are here for them, and we certainly hope that an entire family is not judged over the actions of one person, that an entire community is not judged over the actions of one person or that an entire race is not judged over the actions of one person. >> maria, it's clear your family is going through a trial of its own right now. when you look back on it, is there anything that stands out to you now in retrospect as being suspicious or something that should have raised red flags? >> no, absolutely not. i mean, they always say hindsight is 20/20 and if there were ever anything that anyone had ever told my father, who
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lives in this neighborhood, that they thought that anything was suspicious going on with his nephew or that house, i mean no one in this entire family would have kept anything secret or protected them to the extent of what has transpired here. i know that his own mother, sisters, siblings, his own children would have never condoned or kept any of this quiet. >> you know the dejesus family. >> we know gina's family. >> they come into your store as i understand it. >> yes, we grew up together. especially gina's grandfather who moved to florida years ago but we're still in contact, he was one of the first persons i called who informed that his granddaughter had been found and how happy i was.
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>> very quickly before i let you go, there had been reports that ariel castro had had charges filed against him from his ex-wife that he had been violent. did you know anything about that? >> no idea. i mean, obviously this is a story that is unfolding with the investigation that's happening and we as a family are just as shocked and stunned and we're hearing all of these things for the first time as well. so definitely not anything, because there has been a distance with these cousins for some time and you know it's shocking and very hurtful and very shameful to hear all of this at this point. >> we thank you both for being here and sharing your time with us. appreciate it. >> thank you, savannah. >> matt, we'll send it back to you. another major story we're following this morning, former south carolina governor mark sanford is an elected official once again, four years after a well-publicized scandal the republican won a selection election to fill the palmetto
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state's open seat. good morning. >> good morning. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> here yesterday voters in your district made you a public official once again. do you see this as the completion of your comeback or is there more that you still have to do to repair your reputation? >> well, i mean, i think this idea of redemption at large and political redemption i guess in specific is a process each day at a time. each day you go out and try to earn folks' trust. i let a lot of folks down in 2009 and i've been on a remarkable personal journey since then and hope my life will reflect that going forward. >> for all the talk it would derail your chances of a comeback. is it possible voters wanted to be part of a story of redemption? >> i don't know that i'd read
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that much into the tea leaves. i think i have an incredibly strong track record of watching out for people's pocketbook. i was rated any the tax union in efforts to do just that, i was rated financially as the most conservative governor in the united states of america, first governor to turn back stimulus money at a time when it wasn't popular so i have some well worn credentials in watching out for the pocketbook or wallet and that's something a lot of people care about. at the end of the day people care about how politics impacts their lives and i have a proven record in terms of trying to do something on that front particularly as it relates to financial issues. i don't know i'd read that much into the tea leaves with regard to my personal life. >> if you head back to washington, democrats took shots at you, your own party walked away from you in terms of your support for your campaign, so who are your friends?
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>> my friends are the voters who sent me up last night, you know, the taxpayers of the first congressional district who made the decision they did in the primary and the runoff and now the general election, as of last night and i'll have plenty of friends in washington, d.c.. you know, i look forward to working whether it's republicans, democrats, independents, you name it, a whole host of different folks in terms of trying to accomplish things that better people's lives in the first congressional district and frankly turn the tide with regard to spending in washington, d.c.. >> before you go to washington you have to go to court in an appearance to face your ex-wife jenny over a charge you illegally entered her home on super bowl sunday, one of the stories, governor, reminds people of the past. what will you say in court? >> well, i think that what i've already said it's a much more complicated story than meets the eye. i'm with one of our boys at a
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neighborhood super bowl party. my former wife is out of town. you make the decision as to whether or not you leave him there alone to watch the second half of the super bowl or don't you, so i think it was a much more complex story than meets the eye. >> former governor mark sanford, now a representative-elect, congratulations. >> thank you very much. >> and now here's natalie. to the middle east where richard engel has just been inside syria investigating rebel claims that the assad regime may have used chemical weapons. he's just across the border in antakya, turkey, richard, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, natalie. there have been so many claims of chemical weapons used by the regime or the rebels. we decided to go inside syria and investigate what evidence the opposition has or thinks it has to back up its case. with an escort from the free
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syrian army we returned to syria, driven across the border from turkey to visit a rebel headquarters nearby. the goal was to see what the rebels claim is evidence of chemical weapons use by the assad regime. this young man, maad barish is an activist he says he filmed an attack in a village april 29th. his video is disturbing to watch. several victims appear to be choking, struggling to breathe. among the injured is a 50-year-old woman, miriam al hatib slipping in and out of consciousness and this was the cause, rebels claim, a trail of smoke from a device dropped from a government helicopter. the rebels provided us with two photographs of devices, this one experts say strongly resembles an indian-made burning type riot controlled grenade a kind of tier gas, not sarin. we visited the syrian hospital where the woman was taken.
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dr. kandil treated her personally and took photographs. "the patient was unconscious, sweating, white liquid at the mouth, struggling to breathe and had small pupils." hospital staff showed us urine and blood samples they say they took from al hatib. al hatib died the same day of the incident. rebels claim this was a chemical weapons attack, smoke dropped from a helicopter killed al hatib and made others sick. experts we've spoken to have been skeptical it was sarin or a similar chemical weapon. >> richard engel in antakya, turkey, thank you. >> al is on the road again college grove, tennessee, the very first stop on his "wake up with al" tour. how is it going so far? >> it's going great. we're at the happener family
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dairy, farm been here since 1831. this is how they get the milk out of the cows. first we're looking at wet weather in the northeast, low pressure system, pesky showers and thunderstorms from roanoke to new york city and boston later on and risk of strong storms from abilene, wichita, garden city, mostly hail, rainfall amounts from anywhere from one to three inches in that area. we'll get to your local forecast in a moment but first this message. plus a 50% annual bonus. and everyone but her... no. no! no. ...likes 50% more cash. but i don't give up easy... do you want 50% more cash? yes! yes?! ♪ [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase, plus a 50% annual bonus on the cash you earn. it's the card for people who like more cash. ♪ what's in your wallet?
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why? and we've hit the why phase... 7:21 now. we still have showers and pop-up thunderstorms in the east bay this morning. overall, area of low pressure is pushing off to the east, taking the showers with it as we head throughout the second half of the day. spotty activity. but not much. by tomorrow, we'll clear you out completely of those showers. temperatures are going to be comfortable. in the 70s all the way through friday. we'll hit the mid 80s just in time for mother's day weekend. >> more from the hatcher family dairy farm in the next hour. coming up an exclusive interview with first lady michelle obama as she speaks out about the rescues in cleveland and much more. but first this is "today" on nbc. crash dating!
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coming up from cleveland more on what the victims of this
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kidnapping juror deal will face. we'll talk to shaun hornbeck who survived four years in captivity. and chris christie opens up about his weight loss surgery, after your local news. i'm over the hill.
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so when it comes to getting the most out of your multivitamin, the choice is clear. 7:26 this morning. oakland firestation, firefighters had to run and duck and cover after bullets started flying. investigating whether that gunfire is related in the shooting death of a man just blocks away. new laws to make limousines safer after last weekend's deadly fire on the san mateo bridge. jerry hill announcing legislation requiring fire extingui extinguishers in all limousines and also wants vehicles carrying ten or fewer people to undergo inspections. a fix could soon be under way for the broken bolts of the
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new eastern span of the bay bridge. bay area toll authority will get an update from caltrans on the status of those steel rod that is snapped below the bridge deck. right now, additional rods are being tested to make sure that this problem does not spread. a clamp-like fixture right now has been proposed as a possible solution. the toll authority is expected to approve it at this morning's meeting. i'm guessing it's a pretty good bet that you will approve of this weather coming our way. christina loren giving it an emphatic thumb up. >> that's right. just one. not two. the only reason why are these sfo flight delays, about an hour. we'll see those clear up quickly at about 10:30. at that point both of them will go up. temperatures will be comfortable. little bit of thunderstorm activity to the east now of livermore. we'll see a few of these pop-up cells throughout the day today. i widen out, the greater bay area you can see is mostly dry. 10% to 20% chance of a stray shower. temperatures look good. you can't beat these numbers. 71 in livermore.
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temperatures stay in the 70s. we hit the 80s for mother's day weekend. mike has a traffic alert. >> two thumbs down for the san mateo bridge. full-screen picture. we have the crash over on the right-hand side. let's show this to you if we can. maybe i didn't file it correctly. i didn't file it correctly. that's my fault. just off in the distance, the crash. basically your two outer lanes blocked and partial block of the middle lane. folks are just squeezing by here. it's already slow across the san mateo bridge, use the dumbarton bridge as your option. back to the "today" show.
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my heart just swells up with relief because just imagine first losing a child, and not knowing whether they're alive or dead or in harm's way, and to be holding out hope for a decade, and to finally have those prayers answered is just -- >> first lady michelle obama sharing her reaction to the rescue of those three women who survived a decade-long kidnapping ordeal. good morning again everyone. i'm savannah guthrie live in cleveland. matt is back in new york and we're going to have more of that exclusive interview with the first lady coming up, matt. plus we will talk to cleveland's police chief about the possible missed chances to crack this case sooner, whether neighbors really did call and report some suspicious activity that never
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was followed up on. we'll talk to the police about that, matt. >> savannah, thanks. "today's professionals" will weigh in on what could be a game changer in the gun debate, a plastic pistol undetectable by most security systems almost anyone can make at home using modern technology. first an abduction of a stranger occurs once every three days in this country. as we saw in the city of cleveland there can be remarkable stories of survival. in a moment we'll talk to shawn hornbeck kidnapped and held for four years. here's nbc's tom costello. >> what an amazing time to be talking about hope with everything that's happening. >> reporter: there are a few stories as harrowing as jaycee dugard. she was 11 when she was kidnapped in 1991. for 18 years she lived in the backyard of her abductors, philip and nancy garrido, giving birth to two daughters fathered by garrido.
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today she is resilient. >> i'd like all of us to remember to just ask yourself to care. >> reporter: elizabeth smart was just 14 when she was kidnapped from her home in salt lake city. for nine months she was held and sexually abused by a drifter and his wife. >> i felt crushed. who could want me now? i felt so dirty and so filthy. i understand so easily all too well why someone wouldn't run, because of that alone. >> reporter: last week she talked about the fear that kept her from trying to escape. >> i'd watched them abuse me for so long, what was going to stop them from killing me? what was going to stop them from killing my family? >> reporter: and shawn hornbeck was only 11 when he was kidnapped, rescued four years later when his abductor took another child. nationwide roughly 115 children are abducted by strangers each year. among the hundreds of children
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still missing in america, bryeon hunter abducted inily nation, sidney randall and timmoth timmothy pitzen, 8 years old, his mother found dead he's been missing for two years and there are hundreds more. reunions between parents and children can occur decades before a kidnapping. last year a mother and son were reunited 41 years after he was taken by his non-custodial father. >> we're joined by shawn horn bourque and his parents craig and pam akers. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> shawn it's been six years before you were reunited with your family. before i ask you about what's happening in cleveland how are you doing? >> i'm doing fantastic, working a full time job just living my life. >> you have to obviously have had a strong reaction when you heard the story coming out of cleveland, these three women
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were held for ten years basically against their will under horrible conditions. can you give me a sense of what these first mornings of freedom might be like for those women? >> i mean it kind of feels like a dream, a dream come true. they're just going to have to take every second and just watch it. >> can you flip a switch on? i mean how do you go from years of being held against your will in captivity being a victim to being a survivor living in freedom? >> it's difficult to do, but you just going to have to, you're going to learn how to adapt to it and it's not going to change the life of who they are. >> i'm interested in hearing you say that. i heard somebody say something yesterday and curious your reaction and i heard someone react to the cleveland story yesterday and say these women
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will be scarred for life, and i'm sure there are people who said that about you when you were released or freed six years ago. is it possible not to be scarred for life by an event like this? >> yes, i truly believe that it is possible not to be scarred. i wouldn't say that i'm scarred. you know, i've consulted a personal psychiatrist that i've talked to and just kind of helped me fight my battles within myself and it's just something that they're going to have to go through life and they can't let it bring them down. >> pam, what do parents and family members need to know as they welcome their loved ones back? >> they just need to know to be there, let them know their love is unconditional, keep letting them know none of this was ever any of their fault. don't force questions on them, just be there for them and be patient. >> and craig, is it important not to define your loved one who
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has been away for so long, define their life by what they've been through in captivity but define it by other things in their lives? >> absolutely. you know, it's something that happened to them. it's not who they are. they didn't choose to be there. this was all, you know, something they had no control over. what's going to define their lives is how they pick themselves up from this and carry on with their future. >> a family with a unique perspective on what we're seeing in cleveland. shawn, thank you so much. pam and craig thank you for your time as well. >> you're welcome. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. let's switch gears and check in with al on his first leg of his "wake one al" tour. good morning. >> good morning, matt. we are here at the hatcher family dairy. it's springtime, a lot of calves born. they're big "today" show fans. this one is al and this is matt right there and matt just by the way i've been told has been c t
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castrated. enough of that. this is jennifer hatcher, her husband, chuck, nice to see you both. >> thank you. >> being a dairy farmer that's a lot of work. this is savannah. >> nibbling on your pocket. >> she's ready to eat. >> how many times a day do they eat? >> twice a day. >> how many times do the cows get milked? >> twice a day. >> the average cow produces how much? >> typically 50 pounds. >> what time do you wake up? >> most mornings about 5:00 or so. >> so you've got to feed these, this is a bottle. how much will she take down? >> four pints of milk twice a day. >> sarvannahsavannah, want some? >> she's very hungry. >> just l good morning.
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7:37. tracking a few showers on the radar. a altamont pass, showers moving through. gloomy day to start off the first half of the day. by the afternoon we may see a few peeks of sunshine. 72 in san jose. 62 in san francisco. for the next couple of days, the heat is on once again. not going to get as hot as it was last week. back to the 80s by this upcoming weekend. have a good one. >> and that's your latest weather. matt? >> you're my hero, al, well done. see you in a little while. up next, first lady michelle michelle opens up in a wide-ranging exclusive interview. and they're very popular but are they safe? a new warning about the dangers of false eye lashes. we'll get to that but first these messages. which is why he's investing in his heart health by eating kellogg's raisin bran®. good morning dad. hi, sweetie. [ male announcer ] here's another eye opener.
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because it helps to strengthen the enamel. he recommended that i use it every time i brush. you feel like there is something that you're doing to help safeguard against the acid erosion. and i believe it's doing a good job. back now at 7:43 with a "today" exclusive, first lady michelle obama was out promoting her book "american grown" on tuesday at a book store in washington and following the event she sat down with kelly wallace for a wide-ranging conversation. >> an unbelievable story out of cleveland. three women found after being held in captivity it seems for ten years. as a mother, what goes through your mind when you hear that story? >> my heart swells up with relief because just imagine first losing a child and not
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knowing whether they're alive or dead or in harm's way, and to be holding out hope for a decade, and to finally have those prayers answered is just probably the best mother's day gift or gift that these families will receive. >> much of the nation as for you as well have been focused on boston. i'm curious, how did you talk to malia and sasha about this? >> i assured them that there's no reason for them to live in fear. you know, that they should be proud americans and they should embrace this country and what we should look at is the beauty of what comes out of people in times of tragedy, how people become heroes and they turn into givers and they sacrifice and i want my daughters and all of our children to be reminded of that even in times of tragedy. >> you might have heard news about governor chris christie of
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new jersey who revealed he had lap band surgery. he said he did this really at the urging of his wife and his kids who are concerned about his long-term health. what's your reaction to that? >> well, you know, i think that's a very personal matter, it's something between the governor and his family, and i try not to comment on people's personal choices. i think governor christie is terrific and you know, his family is wonderful, and i wish them the best. the one thing that i will say is that there are millions of people like the governor who struggle with adulthood obesity and that's one of the reasons why i think let's move is so important, because we want to start working with kids when they're young, so that they don't have these challenges when they get older. >> what kind of response have you gotten from the book? >> the response has been really good, because there's a little bit of something in there for everyone. it's a beautiful picture book. there are also wonderful recipes and really great tips about how
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to start your own garden. >> a lot of the book of course is promoting healthy eating, one of your major passions. is there any misconception that was out there in a way about your work and your motivations that you might think has been kind of eliminated or put to rest by this book? >> we talk about let's move and once people really hear what our goals are, they understand that this is about giving parents choices and the information to make the right choices. we talk about simple ways that parents can get kids up and moving. it's really about information. it's not government telling people what to do. >> that was the first lady with kelly wallace. the proceeds from "american grown" go to the national park foundation and will be used to roh motor gardening and healthy eating programs across the country. and coming up next, speaking of the governor chris christie, he's going to tell us the reasons behind his weight loss
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surgery. he talked to brian williams, right after this. i'm here at my house on thanksgiving day,
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and i have a massive heart attack right in my driveway. the doctor put me on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. go talk to your doctor. you're not indestructible anymore. has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. so do tire swings! this is our ocean spray cran-lemonade. it's good, old-fashioned lemonade. only better! whoa! [ splash! ] ocean spray cran-lemonade. a bold twist on an old favorite.
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this! [ female announcer ] introducing the new egg white delight mcmuffin. freshly grilled egg whites and creamy white cheddar. also available on any of your breakfast favorites. it's another new way... mm! that's good. [ female announcer ] love mcdonald's. ♪
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"rock center" exclusive about why he decided to have the procedure. >> i needed to do something. >> the 50-year-old governor told brian williams he decided to pursue the surgery for the sak of his family after other efforts to lose weight were unsuccessful. >> i did not want to take the risk of becoming unhealthy and the ramifications that would have for mary pat and for my four kids and i still have children in elementary school so i got a long road here as a father and i don't want to miss any of it. >> reporter: after years of listening to david letterman poke fun at his weight, christie got in on the joke just two weeks after his surgery. >> i didn't know this was going to be this long. >> reporter: on tuesday there were more late night laughs at christie's expense. >> new jersey governor chris christie has revealed back in february, he had a secret lap band surgery. which explains why there's been so much food in new jersey lately. >> reporter: christie sought advice from bariatric surgeon
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dr. george fielding and consulted rex ryan, the new york jets head coach who had successful lap band surgery himself. >> the biggest thing about it for me is i'm just not very hungry anymore. that's a huge change. >> and you can see more of brian williams's interview with chris christie on "rock center" friday night at 10:00, 9:00 central time on nbc. coming up, talk show wendy williams as a professional after your local news. me. thousands of cancer patients can't afford a place to stay when the best treatment is far from home. a room shouldn't be the difference between life and death. let's make sure that everyone who needs a room, gets one. let's make some noise. let's help the american cancer society finish the fight. text "room" to 41518 to donate ten dollars. that everyone should have access to good nutrition. so they're donating two meals to feeding america
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for every purchase of one a day women's multivitamins. help families across america get nutrition they need. buy one a day women's, make a difference. so do tire swings! this is our ocean spray cran-lemonade. it's good, old-fashioned lemonade. only better! whoa! [ splash! ] ocean spray cran-lemonade. a bold twist on an old favorite. that hasn't been cleared yet. ♪ uh! i just want to celebrate [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette you celebrate a little win. nicorette gum helps calm your cravings and makes you less irritable. double your chances of quitting. ♪ went up the water spout [ grandma ] do this one, this one, and this one. [ notes play ] i love you. bye-bye. bye... bye grandma! simon says... touch your arm. ♪
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look at that. look what you did. [ female announcer ] this mother's day, there's no better way to show your love than with a magic prints card. only from hallmark. gives you 1% cash back on all purchases plus a 50% annual bonus. and everyone wants... ♪ 50% more doo wop ♪ 50% more buckarooooooooos ♪ 50% more yeeeaaahhhh!!!! ♪ 50% more yeah yeah [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase, plus a 50% annual bonus on the cash you earn. it's the card for people who like more cash. ♪ 50% more boogie ♪ what's in your wallet? cashhhhh!!! because four out of five dogs over the age of three develop gum disease,
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and tartar buildup is a contributing factor. [ dog ] or dentastix fresh. clinically proven to fight tartar, with added ingredients to fight dog breath, too. clinically proven to fight tartar, i'my body doesn't work the way it used to. past my prime? i'm a victim of a slowing metabolism? i don't think so. new great grains protein blend. protein from natural ingredients like seeds and nuts. it helps support a healthy metabolism. new great grains protein blend. [ rock music blaring ] and after we get sarah some headphones, it'll be perfect. honey... thank you for making our home his home. our home is his home. [ jane ] behind every open heart is a story. tell yours with my open hearts collection at kay jewelers. celebrate your family, and those we embrace in our lives, with my new open hearts family designs keep your heart open... and love will always find its way in. ♪ every kiss begins with kay
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time now is 7:56. good morning, everybody. i'm jon kelley. investigators right now trying to figure out the cause of an early morning fire at a local landmark near lake merritt. flames breaking out at 2:45 at the merritt restaurant and bakery at lakeshore avenue. this one took crews about an hour to put out. there are no reports so far. good news, no injuries. this is not, though, we can tell you, the first time the bakery has caught fire. back in 20072006 a fire caused about $150,000 worth of damage. initial approval to a plan to create a 25-foot buffer zone around planned parenthood sfwrans branss around the city. it extends that current eight-foot bubble. there will be a vote next week for final approval. christina loren has a break right now.
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anthony slaughter is in to tell us about the weather. >> we have some delays to tell you about. in fact, at sfo right now tracking about an hour delay with incoming and departing flights because of the low clouds and drizzle. that's the case for the next hour or so. two or three hours if you live up near the coast. peeks sun very shortly in conco concord. cool at the coast. 62 in san francisco. it warms up big time in to the weekend with temperatures back into the 80s. mike, what are you tracking? >> tracking a crash. down to one lane. this time, though, the shift over the last half hour, two right lanes blocked. left lane clear. shoulder there with pore for more crews to arrive. the map shows you it's backed up from the hayward side. folks moving the san mateo alternate, dumbarton bridge, great news.
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ear earlier crash in brisbane, secondary crash in the backup. up toward 101 and 280, the interchange.
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♪ 8:00 now on a wednesday morning, it's the 8th day of may, 2013, some local musicians in tennessee playing "cue the band" as al starts his "wake up with al" adventure on a family farm down there, the hatcher family farm and already al has milked a cow. what else can he do? what else will he do? we'll check it out in a couple of minutes. beautiful in tennessee. look at the scene in new york city where it is pouring outside
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and has been for quite a while. our thanks to these brave and hearty individuals who have been sticking it out over the last couple of hours. we'll try to get out if it calms down in the next half hour. i'm matt lauer in new york. savannah is in cleveland this morning covering the remarkable kidnapping case that unfolded in the last 24 hours. savannah? >> good morning, matt. lots to get to here. coming up, what are the three women who are freed now telling police about their ordeal and reports that some neighbors say they raised concerns about suspicious activity at the home years ago. we're going to talk to the cleveland police chief about all of those developments coming up in a few moments. also we have a special guest sitting in with "the professionals" this morning, talk show host wendy williams along with donnie and star. we'll be chatting with them in a couple of minutes. tomorrow on "today" a new on the verge face-to-face with ryan
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seacrest, he'll talk to veronica roth who scored a book and movie deal all before graduating college and veronica will give us exclusive sneak peek at the cover of her next book "allegiant." good morning, everyone. there are new questions about how three kidnapped women found alive in a cleveland house went undetected for so many years. nbc's kristen dahlgren is in cleveland with the latest on the investigation. kristen, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, natalie. the fbi was out here for hours. they could be back later today. among some of the items they took away from the house a truck, an suv, also that door that was knocked down to get the women out of the house. the three suspects, arial castro and his brothers, pedro and onil are expected to be charged sometime today after prosecutors asked for a little more time. as for the women, amanda berry,
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gina dejesus and michelle knight they are in a private place getting reacquainted with their families. they may come home today. i spoke with michelle knight's mother, she put a flyer on the door of that home showing you just how close over the years people came. she had no idea her daughter was inside. >> right under their nose. kristen dahlgren, thanks so much. a southwest airlines flight from orlando to providence, rhode island, was diverted to charleston after the captain declared an emergency. there were three disruptive passengers on board but southwest blames one customer traveling with two others refused to put away a piece of lugga luggage. the flight was met by police but the passenger was cleared and allowed to fly home. scandal tainted former south carolina governor mark sanford won back his old seat in congress tuesday. the republican defeated democrat elizabeth colbert busch.
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the sister of stephen colbert. attorneys for colorado mass shooting suspect james holmes filed to change his plea to not guilty by reason of insanity. judge had previously entered a standard not guilty plea on his behalf. holmes is accused of killing 12 people and wounding dogses of others when he allegedly opened fire on a packed movie theater last july. delaware will become the 11th state to legalize same-sex marriage. democratic governor jack markle signed the bill tuesday just minutes after it was passed by the state's senate and takes effect july 1st. the law will convert existing civil unions to marriages over the next year. now for a look at "what's trending today" our roundup of what has you talking online, cleveland kidnapping hero charles ramsey weighing lots of praise. he interrupted his mcdonald's
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meal to answer a cry for help. professional surfer bethany hamilton who lost her arm in a 2003 shark attack announced on her website she is engaged. fiance adam popped the question last month. hamilton's story was turned into the 2011 movie "soul surfer." congratulations to the couple. there's nothing like a jumbotron to bring out a couple. the kiss cam settled on them, the grizzly's mascot offered a shoulder even to cry on and apparently matthew perry played an awkward moment for laughs at a los angeles kings playoff game as well turning to his furry teammate for a celebrity smooch. okay that's a little awkward. 8:05, back to al with a check of the weather, he's in college grove, tennessee on the farm.
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al? >> all right, thanks so much, natalie, here at the hatcher family dairy in existence, since 1831. you're listen to the music of the band pork and beans, brandon is a hog farmer, and brother is a soybean former and believe it or not most of these people, how many of you are hatcher family members? there's like five siblings who live here with all their kids andtheir families, it's fantastic, truly a family farm, an american family farm. ♪ let's show you what we have as far as your weather is concerned. our pick city of the day just outside of college grove, tennessee, a suburb of college grove is nashville. afternoon thunderstorms and a high of 77 degrees. as you look on the satellite radar wet weather in the northeast a lot of rain there, mid section of the country heavy .hunderstorms from dallas,
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of strong storms later today. another gorgeous day in the pacific northwest, temperatures in the 70s, beautiful through the gulf coast into the southeast. th wha good morning. 8:07. i'm christina loren. talking about low clouds in san francisco. it's going to be a gloomy day for the first half of the day. even showers moving into the viewing area. east bay showers through ju)s&e, even san ramon. keep those umbrellas handy. once again another day of low clouds and drizzle. =91ñ some sun. temperatures warm back into the 70s. here is some of what we saw yesterday and a big warm-up by the weekend. >> back to you, matt. >> thank you, al. coming up new details on the remarkable of the rescue of the three women in cleveland and
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their decade long ordeal. savannah talks to the city's police chief live. then is it a recipe for disaster? "ed to's professional's" on the world's first gun created on a home 3-d printer. and the dog brings her knack for balancing on things to our studio, but first these messages. to fight chronic osteoarthritis pain. to fight chronic low back pain. to take action. to take the next step. today, you will know you did something for your pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a pain reliever fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. anti-depressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not for children under 18. people taking maois, linezolid or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta.
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plus the perfecting color of a bb cream equal? introducing the newest beauty trend. total effects cc cream c for color. c for correction. [ female announcer ] fight 7 signs of aging flawlessly. cc for yourself. richard, why are you wearing grandpa's jacket? i'm not richard. i'm grandpa smucker. [ male announcer ] tim and richard smucker knew that just like their grandfather they too would make the world's best jam. with a name like smucker's, it has to be good.
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they too would make the world's best jam. sometimes all you need is the wow... sometimes all you need is the smooth creamy taste of werther's original caramel to remind you that you're someone very special. now discover caramel apple filled werther's original. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats.
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today is going to be epic. quaker up. we are back now in cleveland with more on the three women who were rescued from captivity from a home here and they are now opening up to investigators about their ordeal. today, police are expected to question the brothers who are now under arrest and we may see charges later today. we're joined by police chief michael mcgrath. good to see you. >> good morning, how are you? >> first let's talk about the interviews your investigators have been able to do with the victims in this case. have they been able to have an extended conversation now? >> they have. the task force, the investigative task force team which is compiled of the fbi and cleveland officers, have been interviewing the victims since last evening, and they'll continue today. >> what have they told the investigators about what they experienced in captivity?
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>> we don't have that information yet. that information is with the investigators currently, and that will not be provided until the total interview process is completed. >> there are a lot of reports out there right now and i'm just going to ask you to do your best to respond to them if you can, there have been reports that the women were physically bound, that there may have been chains inside that home. can you confirm that? >> we have confirmed that. we have confirmation that they were bound and there was chains and ropes in the home. >> is it your understanding that they were kept in that way for most of the time, periodically, infrequently? >> you know, we'll have a better feel for that question once the interviews with the victims is completed later today. >> there is another report out there that not only of course is there a daughter that was born during this time, but that there had been multiple pregnancies during this period of captivity. can you confirm that? >> i cannot and that has not been confirmed yet.
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>> what do you know about these suspects? are they talking to police now? >> currently today we are interviewing the suspects that were arrested here the night before last, yes, they are talking. >> have they confessed? >> i can't share that information with you yet until we are briefed later this afternoon. >> you mentioned the chains, some of the ropes. what were the conditions of the home, what were the conditions of confinement as you understand it? >> i have not been in the home. that home was a crime scene and the fbi conducted the search of the home and processing it as a crime scene they completed late last night and they'll be at the debriefing this afternoon with the investigative team and will have a further information concerning the conditions inside the home. >> were these women ever allowed outdoors, to your knowledge? >> very rarely, they were released out into the backyard
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once in a while i believe. >> what kind of physical condition were they in? were they malnourished? >> no, no, actually their physical well-being was very good, considering the circumstances. >> i have to ask you, there have been many reports in the last couple of days from neighbors, people who lived in this area who said they had called police over the years, one person said they called police having seen a woman naked in the backyard being held on a leash, another one said they'd seen a woman pounding on a window holding a child. do you know anything about calls to police of that nature? >> i do. we checked our record management system, which is our reporting system and also our c.a.d. system, our communication system as far as calls coming into the cleveland police department and we have no record of those calls coming in over the last ten years. >> you have no record of it. does that mean those calls didn't come or is it possible the calls were made and for whatever reason they were never recorded? >> no, we would have a recording
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of those calls. >> do you think those neighbors are in error, are lying? >> i'm not going to say that. i do know that we have no record of anybody calling. we had two calls relative to that residence over the years and one was from the residence, relative to a fight in the street and the other one a 4-year-old that was left on a school bus that the one suspect was driving. other than that, we have no other calls or service or complaints at that particular address. >> this is one of those times when there's a lot of scrutiny on your department for reasons i'm sure you can understand. are you confident that your officers never missed an opportunity to rescue these women? >> absolutely. there's no question about it. you know, when these girls disappeared, all three, well amanda and the dejesus girl, over the years, we had a task force together and it was a unified command between the cleveland police department and the fbi, and there was a lot of agents and a lot of police officers and the detectives
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worked very hard and continued to work very hard over the years trying to solve this case. it was part of their life. >> do you expect the charges to come today? >> i would expect the charging process to be completed today, yes. >> before i let you go, do you expect all three men to be charged or perhaps only one? >> i can't answer that question. that will be determined by the city prosecutor when the facts are presented. >> chief mcgrath it's good to have you here. thank you for your time. really appreciate it. >> thank you very much, appreciate it, thanks. >> that is going to do it for us from cleveland. matt we'll see you back in new york tomorrow. >> savannah, safe trip. see you tomorrow. "today's professionals" star jones, donny deutsch and sitting in for dr. nancy, author and talk show host wendy williams. >> hello, matt. >> we've talked about 3-d printers, the amazing technological devices allows you to make objects in plastic. the downside apparently someone has perfected making a gun, a
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plastic gun that cannot be detected by most security systems with one of these 3-d printers, a 25-year-old law school student named cody wilson says he may release the details of how to do this soon. what do we do about it? >> i know donny this was concerning you but legally you say i'm not sure how much we can do about it at this point other than step up our efforts with gun control but behind the scenes of it. >> this gets around gun control. >> actually if you make the behavior, the penalty for the behavior, the possession of a gun no matter how it's manufactured much more stringent. >> but to get on the plane and kill us all, this is horrible. this is like the process of making this gun is ahead of the gun laws. >> the gun laws are so much behind every part of society. >> what do you crack down on the technology, crack down on a guy like this who might release this information? >> well what about the place that's going to sell it?
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who is going to sell it? it's going to be $1,200. >> the printers can be bought for as little as $500. you can buy one of the printers and do this at home. >> the problem and this is one incidence, i talked a lot about it, almost like a broken record, technology equals terrorism and there is such a dark underbelly to every advancement in technology and i don't think we have a fence to catch up with it. >> we don't. >> i worry for my children going into the future that technology is getting ahead of prevention and we can't catch up to it. >> seems to be a good example. governor chris christie of new jersey revealing yesterday he had lap band surgery for a weight problem, he had it two and a half months ago and kept it secret until yesterday. how do we feel about first the fact that he kept it secret and private? >> good for him. you know, in my opinion something like that and star you would know better but something like that needs a moment before you're sure that you came through it with flying colors. >> that you're going to be successful at it.
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>> right. >> and also that you're not going to slip back into your old behaviors. governor christie, estimated he's lost maybe 40 pounds or so. he's added years to his life already. he's staved off stroke. he has changed the trajectory for heart disease. this man has taken control of his health. he should be admired for it. >> and did it for his kids. >> the image, how does it impact the feel about him with the run for president in 2016? >> great question, obviously for health reasons it's the right thing. i actually think his weight is part of his brand, he's pugilistic, he's in your face and i wonder that a slimmed down christie, does he have that same presence. it's part of his -- >> he has the same mind. >> i didn't say that. >> i get what he's saying. >> i have a friend that had that surgery although he feels better, he felt, and particularly with this man, it is part of his gestalt, i don't
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want the letters. it's wonderful. if obesity is a disease, cancer, diabetes it is open to the public. >> he's also not tall. he's like 5'9", 5'8", he'll now just be a random man in the world. >> i know him. he'll have swagger whether he's 100 pounds heavier or lighter. >> he's got to get out of his head what gave him swagger was being a fat dude. what gave him swagger was his policies and principles, the man that he is. >> the last topic is a little unusual. this is a 12-year-old named jeremy drew out in las vegas, he confronts a police officer who has just gone into a convenience store to buy a drink but parked his motorcycle on the side walk. jeremy drew grabs a camera and confronts him. >> is there a reason for to you park on the sidewalk, is it like an emergency or anything? >> because i can. >> oh, can i see your badge number?
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>> why? >> because i have the right to. >> you do, huh? >> yes. >> what are you a junior lawyer? >> no, i just want to see your badge number. >> all right, i don't have a question, i just want you to react to what you're seeing. how do you feel about it? >> if that were my child in seventh grade they're punished to college. i think there's a demonstration of an entitled young generation with no respect, i know it's not like the crusty old man. >> he was parking on the sidewalk. >> i don't care it's a police officer and that's a child and to me that is an obnoxious entitled child. >> if he was black and 12 like my son he would have been maced. >> you tell black children to be respectful. >> keep your hands out of your pockets. >> take your hoods off. >> come on, matt. >> look into your crystal ball, what is his name? what is jeremy drew going to be doing in ten years? >> he's going to be the wikileaks founder. >> oh, boy.
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>> donny they got you there. >> oh, my goodness. >> star jones, donny deutsch, wendy, good to have you. >> thank you, matt. >> you're sticking around, going to share some advice from your new book later in the show. >> yep. >> first here's natalie. >> thank you, matt. you flip through any pages of a magazine, bright eyes with long, full lashes, they're often, turns out fake. it's a popular trend but is it safe? nbc's andrea canning is here with more. good morning. >> good morning, natalie. i don't know if women, how much they care if they're safe or not if they look beautiful. i wear them on the "today" show, i call them my "today" show lashes but a new report raises questions about the impact these lashes may have on some users. eye lashes, they're arguably a girl's best friend. from stunning 1960s model twiggy to modern day ladies who lash like j. lo, nikki and nicole. great lashes. >> they are the accessory, they
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instantly open up your eyes, make them look more voluminous and youthful. everyone wants a pair of great lashes. >> mega lash volume goes mow ga plush. >> reporter: while mascara companies saw a slight drop, falsies and glue are flying off the shelves. million dollars in drugstores alone in 2012, up over 12% from the previous year. but are longer lashes all they're cracked up to be? kristen chenowitz appeared on david letterman after experiencing swelling and sneezing which she says was an allergic reaction to the formaldehyde in the glue. it's not just the adhesives which can cause allergic reaction but the solvents used to remove them. >> the risks are cosmetic and medical. we've come across infection, irritation of the eyes,
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inflammation and even ulceration. >> even the most temporary lashes can have long-term effects. >> it causes a vicious cycle so that we apply these lashes and they cause our own natural lashes to be thinner or damaged. at which point we feel they have we have to apply more lashes to get that look back. >> an industry representative referred us to the fda which approves the products and reminds users eyelids are delicate and an allergic reaction, irritation or other injury in the eye area can be particularly troublesome and advises checking the ingredients before using these adhesives. >> risk or no risk women will do anything to look and feel more confident. eye lashes are no expectation. >> talk to a doctor if you have a reaction and these are for you, i pick them up. >> not quite my unique talent. visit with matt after your local news.
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in just a few minutes, the house committee will hear from a top u.s. official who says the terror attack of the consulate in benghazi, libya, could have been prevented. four americans, including u.s. ambassador and bay area native christopher stephens died in the attack on september 11th last year. gregory hicks expected to tell congress he asked for help from u.s. special forces after the attack that night, but it was eventually turned down. he claims the deaths of two americans could have been prevented. lets@vx)ck now that morning commute with mike. how are we looking? >> still a mess for the san mateo bridge. this is over an hour we've had this crash. the better news i'm looking closely, i see the tow truck has
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moved over. only the right lane blocked, jammed all the way across the span because of the heavy back-up that started on the hayward side. two lanes open headed westbound. some accidents happening southbound 880 as folks heading to the dumbarton bridge, which is your alternate. that is clear for the dumbarton, 880 slows through the area and northbound. 101, 280, usual suspects. not bad but still slow into downtown. back to you. >> thank you very much.f)g we'll have another local news update in half an hour. hope to see you then. have a great morning.
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♪ it's 8:30 now on a wednesday morning, the 8th of may, 2013, it's a rainy one out in rockefeller plaza, been raining for hours, hopefully starts fairly soon and we get moderate everyone it tours for the spring and a lot of the guests in new york city, some have dispersed this morning. we can't blame them. i'm matt lauer along with natalie morales. al is with his first "wake up with al" family the hatcher family and they're on their farm in college grove, tennessee. al, how is it going?
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>> hey, it is going great, matt. we are here with the extended hatcher family, we've got patriarch of the family here and all the siblings hanging around, nieces and nephews, grandkids and sharon and charlie hatcher, dr. charlie hatcher, actually the state veterinarian, so it's good to see you all here. so this has been in your family since 1831. how hard is it today for family farmers? >> it's really hard, al. there's a lot of pressure on us, financial pressures and so forth but we're really tickled the way things are going here today. >> tickled pink literally. >> that's why i have it on. >> chocolate milk. people forget about the simple pleasure of chocolate milk. >> yes. >> how is your chocolate milk? >> it's awesome, try it, tastes like a milkshake. >> it does, good. you've got a creamery, make your
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own butter and chickens. >> 80 hens. >> and 72 cattle. what time do you get up? >> depends on your task that day, if you're milking, around 4:50, if you're like me and got to feed before you go to the store maybe 6:00ish and i open the store at 8:00 so all of my chores have to be done by then. >> you got the young 'uns here, whose birthie. >> addie. >> sixth generation. are they moving into the family business? >> i don't know, they might. we need the help. >> taking that milk down, even the family business, keeping it running. let's check your weather and see what we've got going on for today a risk of strong storms. beautiful weather here in tennessee, middle tennessee but we are looking at strong storms in the mid plains today, wet weather in the northeast and risk of some strong storms tomorrow making their way from texas all the way to minneapolis, gorgeous weather continues in the pacific northwest with plenty of
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sunshine, along the coast temperatures in the 70s, away from the coast in the 80s, gorgeous from the gulf coast right on into florida with temperatures in central and southern florida into the low to mid 80s and again the showers will linger into the northeast and on into northern new engl at 8:33, i'm anthony slaughter in for christina loren right now. we're talking about low clouds across the bay area, even fog at the coast. a look in san jose, can you see quite gloomy this morning. we also have rain showers making their way into north and east bay towards brentwood and concord. showers moving from the northeast, moving towards san ramon in the next 46 minutes, the next few minutes in3w brentwood and antioch. low clouds for the first half, warming to the 70s, 80s by upcoming weekend. director joe michaels had a question. does chocolate milk come from brown cows?
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>> i had to think about that long and hard. >> maybe it does, you never know. let's go down -- while we figure that out let's head down to florida and uncle willie. >> beautiful florida. how i love it, the sun is up there, the water is out there, who could ask for more. in baltimore, maryland, i worked at with radio when i was in the navy 100 years ago. happy birthday to the lovely and exciting annie woods, she is from baltimore. guess what, she is 106 years old today and loves to sing. sings her little heart out like a canary. here is charles ochs from laewood, kansas. 100 years old today. big michigan fan. he's there watching them. happy birthday. how sweet it is. take a look if you will at the lovely claire sweeney from phoenix, arizona, she's 100 years old today, and she loves
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crossword puzzles. older folks love that and now they like the internet, they're into it. hey, here's a great linden, fabulous name, he should be on television or radio. from torrington, connecticut, he is a giant unbelievable performer and this is belle mccormick, named after the spices made in baltimore from morgan hill, california, 107 years old today. loves the outdoors. i mean loves it. doesn't even have a house. lives outside, loves it. we wish her happy birthday. leo, leo, leo. leo nelsen from crestwood, missouri, 102 years old today, loves dogs. has a herd of dogs. dogs, dogs, dogs. well that's it. now back to those wonderful dog lovers in little new york. >> yes, we certainly are, thank
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you, willard. coming up next, big daddy's role, steve chiarippa what it real
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we're back at 8:38. as parents we can all use a little advice. new book out about raising girls and comes from a rather surprising source. >> don't stay too long. >> steve schirripa is known as the mobster bobby on "the sopranos." this year he's starring as leo on "the secret life of an american teenager." steve reunited with his sopranos castmates in an upcoming movie for nickelodeon and written a book about his personal life, part comedy and part love letter to his two daughters. that book is called "big daddy's
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rules: raising daughters is tougher than i look." steve schirripa is here with his daughters breeja and laura. sit back for a second. i'm happy to meet you two. i've known your dad for a long time. every time we get together you know what he talks about? you two. he is a mush ball when he comes to you. is he like that at home? >> from time to time. >> he can be. >> what's his parenting style like? how would you describe it? >> very loud. >> loud. yes. >> tough? >> intense. >> tough love? >> protective. >> his way or the highway? >> yes. >> yes. >> exactly. >> is this fair? >> absolutely. >> yeah, why? >> because i'm watching out for them. i'm a big daddy. i take charge. fathers don't take charge nowadays. everything you see the father, tv, movies, he's an idiot. i'm not an idiot. >> when you say big daddy you don't mean because of your size. you're talking about a formidable force in the house. >> a big mouth, big heart and a big temper, and "big daddy's
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rules" there are no rules. they're my rules. >> so this is a parenting book, it offers advice on parenting, i've never seen a parenting book that used the "f" word so liberally. is this a problem at home? >> i think at this point in time we're actually very used to it but i mean it's not too much of a problem. >> i don't curse that much. >> it's not like every other word. >> let me go over big daddy's rules, the most important lesson, be there. there's no such thing as quality time, there's only quantity time. does he back that up? >> i believe he does. i believe he absolutely does. >> steve? >> absolutely. listen, it's not just spend the time, oh we got the weekend we're going to do this, this and this. i'm present whether i'm there or i'm not there. i'm in their head, they know how i feel, they know how their mom feels about things. we'll be disappointed. they know what we want. >> how old are you ladies? >> i'm 21. >> 19. >> let me ask this one, this
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impacts a lot of parents who have teenaged daughters, peer pressure, all the things that happen with kids, all right, she goes somewhere where i know there's going to be liquor, for example, i might make an appearance, but i'll let her know i'm coming andity' let her know when i'm gone. has he done it? >> no. >> he never showed up at a party? >> it's all talk. >> it's all threats. >> so far. so far. but i tell you what, she's in college and she went to ocean city and i got, i was talking to her on the phone how are you getting there? i said i'll get in the car and get down there right now and at the time of course i meant it and look, i know there's alcohol. i'm not naive in the least bit. i trust them. that's the thing they'll say, you don't trust me? i trust you. i don't trust other people. >> and finally this one, you say, because i said so. >> the four most underrated words in the world. and you know why it's right, because i said so and there's nothing wrong with saying because i said so because look
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i'm in charge. i'm responsible. i had them. i know better than they do. >> we should also mention you have a very hands-on mom. how does she feel about his style of parenting? is she the same way? >> i think that at times she kind of balances it out a little bit more, i think she sees sometimes it might be a little bit over the top so she does kind of the calm, she's kind of the calmer one. >> most importantly as you two go on and have children, are you going to be like your dad when it comes to parenting? has this worked for you and will you put the same practice into effect? >> on some level i guess we will be with protecting like our children ourselves but the intensity and the yelling, i don't know about that part but. >> they're normal kids. so far i've done a good job. i'm not a parenting expert. i'm not dr. phil or whatever. this is what's worked for me, you know what i mean and if anybody wants to listen, this is work, we did pretty good so far.
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>> just want to reiterate when he talks about you two all the time, he's a pushover. whatever he says at home he's a pushover in public. >> you're giving me away, matt. i got this thing going good. >> it's nice to have you all here. >> thank you. >> and the book again "big daddy's rules." up next, talk from wendy crystal geyser is always
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bottled at the mountain source. crystal geyser. crystal geyser. crystal geyser. then we deliver it directly to you. back now at :45 with always love and opinionated and outspoken wendy williams, for more than 25 years she's been dishing out her advice on everything as a radio and tv host. well now wendy has compiled her very frank words of wisdom into a new book called "ask wendy" advice for all the drama inour life. wendy williams good morning. >> yes, natalie, yes. >> good advice and you're dishing it out which is great.
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>> to take a word from steve, i'm no dr. phil but i'm a woman with an opinion and i like -- >> people trust you. >> i take my advice and give it seriously. >> congratulations, just renewed for your fourth season. do you have favorite moments so far or favorite guests? >> when i say let's get started it's time for hot topics, i love that but i lo of my ask wendy and guests, donald trump he's a comfortable fit, halle berry, met her once and immediately drawn in, she's so down-to-earth. >> i can understand halle berry but why do you say donald trump a comfortable fit? >> he says it and means it and if ask you he'll tell you straight. >> that's true. as you do as well. >> yes. >> you'll help us out because we have a lot of great advice that you're going to dispense which you're known for, starting with
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some questions that you tackle in your book. this is on the online drama section a woman asks wendy i'm furious, my 15-year-old daughter put inappropriate pictures of her and her friends on facebook, skimpy clothes and sexy poses. i threatened to pull her account but she says all kids do this. what should i do? this is something a lot of parents are facing these days. >> we're all going through it. i only have a moment before i go through it. don't threat, pull her account and she'll get her twitter, and you pull everything and that is not going to make these kids stop. remember what it was like when we were 15, sneaky but respectable sneaky. stay on her. >> you pull her by saying take it away from her? >> take it away and, take it all away from her and explain to her the repercussion of putting these pictures online now, at 25, she's going to be scrutinized by future employers. what you do at 15 follows you for the rest of your life and these kids don't understand that. >> they don't think about it at
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all. that stuff lives out there forever. okay, next segment in the man drama category my husband is the breadwinner i'm a stay-at-home mom to my two kids. he thinks this means that he gets to control how much i spend and he's always nickel and diming me on everything and accusing me of wasting money. he even suggests that i get an allowance. i am not a child. so what do you recommend she do? >> but he sounds a bit cavemannish, right? >> very controlling. >> she's home, taking care of the children so perhaps she's not able to go out and work but what you need to do, i told her, is take control of the checkbook. know what's coming in the house and what's going out of the house, balance the checkbook. just because he makes the money doesn't mean that you have to sit back and not know the family finances, and at some point when the kids get old enough it's nice to make a dollar for yourself. that's the way we women get empowered, make a dollar and know what goes on financially in the household whether we're making the money or not. >> this having an allowance. >> how dare him. >> you said it, wendy.
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>> i'm just saying, natalie. >> as you always do. wendy williams thanks so much, the book is called "ask wendy." coming up next the dog that is famous for standing on things, we're going to meet the amazing maddie. can't wait, but first this is "today" on nbc. crash dating!
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three dates in one week! i had to get a designer dress! shop like a fashionista. and i did fall in love... save like a maxxinista. with my new dress. designer brands at t.j. prices. t.j.maxx. we're back now the dog's unique talent that's turned her
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into an internet star and it all started with a cross-country road trip that led to some great photos. soon after humphrey began posting photos of maddie online the dog became an instant instagram star. we had maddie the sweet natured dog with a great personality, and an uncanny ability to balance stop by our studio to take some behind the scenes photos. they are with us now, the book is called "maddie on things" good morning nice to see you. >> good morning. >> she's your first dog. >> yes. >> you rescued her? >> i sure did, in atlanta, georgia. >> you quit your job and took off on a road trip, why? >> i was burned out on corporate life and the biggest catalyst was a broken heart which i think a lot of people can relate to and i wanted to go out to the world and connect with people and tell stories and celebrate
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everyday life. >> then you met maddie and maddie mended that broken heart and little did you know i don't think at the time you had incredible talent on your hands. her ability to pose and pose on things very pretarious doing it. >> she has inherently great balance. the beautiful thing about photography it becomes a document of our lives and ages and become more reliable. i wanted to remember my companion i was traveling with and the pickup truck so i literally put her on the roof of my truck and took a photo, she stood there and looked at me, that's so amazing, maddie and the project grew from there. we went to all 50 states last year and when you're traveling you're always seeing new things and meeting new folks and i'd put her on top of objects i would encount per >> what kind of response did you get when you started putting the
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photos out there? >> right, the beautiful thing about this project is it grew organically over time, started out small. over the course of the year i gained more and more attraction and more people got into it. i learned quickly that people just love dogs because they see and smell the world in a way that we'll never be able to and there's something beautiful about that, that brings us joy into our lives. >> she has an incredible following on instagram and twitter. i don't know how many people follow her. you get a lot of reactions, people come up to you on the streets of new york who recognize her. >> it's been amazing, stopped five or six times, had people take photo s with us. we're shooting another documentary called "why we rescue" telling stories of other rescued animals across the country so we're just grateful to take photos every day. >> she's been around here three days on and off i've never seen a dog more compliant and willing to do whatever you want her to
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do. does she ever have a day where she looks at awe and says not on your life. >> we literally spend 24/7, 365 days together so we built a really special relationship, a great bond. >> she looks like she's wiped out, a little sleepy there. is there anything that she hasn't really been able to master the pose or stand on and balance? you put her on any little thing and she's able to get it down right. >> she's never fallen, never been hurt and lets me know her limitations and we've been doing it so long we've gotten good at it, she's well trained. >> you talked about this project kind of growing organically and helped connect with you people for a number of different reasons. now you're about to be done with this one is there something else this has given you inspiration to try next? >> yes, my biggest thing that we want to do next is i want to incorporate photos of maddie in
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sandwiches. >> why sandwiches? you like sandwiches. >> i love sandwiches. the beautiful thing about this project, it's enabled me to do what i truly love and that's to meet people and photograph folks and hang out with my dog. >> the other thing i know that's important to you is rescue dogs and you're working on a project called why we rescue. as a proud mama of a shelter dog myself it's great to see maddie inspiring so many people to look at the shelter dogs. >> definitely. we're trying to not photograph, she has this great eeyore face, just trying to show how rescuing an animal from your local shelter is a beautiful thing. >> thanks so much. maddie is now asleep on her feet. she has gone to sleep on this little pedestal there. coming up, what moms stress about the most in their lives but first take a look at these messages and your local news and take a look at maddie.
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good morning to you. 8:56. i'm laura garcia-cannon. we just learned the 49ers are set for announce a title sponsor. levi strauss is reportedly willing to pay millions to put their name on the stadium. we'll find out more this morning. first we'll find more about the forecast.
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anthony slaughter in for christina loren. >> talking about cloud cover, showers towards the east bay. this is what we're dealing with for the first half of the day. temperatures warm to the 70s, 74 livermore, 73 san jose. temperatures warm to the 70s, 74 livermore, 73 san jose. a little cooler at the coast/n today. san francisco only going to get to 62 degrees. tomorrow warmer days and even for the weekend we're talking about 80s back into the picture by saturday and sunday.
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♪ snchts welcome to "today" on this wednesday morning, may 8th, 2013. it's an ugly wet day out here. clouds in rockefeller center, new york city. feel like early morning. brave souls behind us joining us in the rain. i'm willie geist. reunite with natalie morales. we're going to get some of that later. >> no. >> you and abba. >> i'm done with the singing. >> london, stockholm, where else have you been? >> not home enough. >> she's back with us today. also joining us, abby, good to have you here. >> welcome back. >> al is on his "wake up with
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al" tour in college grove, tennessee, this morning. we're going to check in with add with just a minute. we begin today's take three with the three women freed from a decade of captivity in cleveland. nbc kristen dahlgren is there covering the story. what's the latest there? >> good morning, willie. i'm here on the outside of amanda berry's home. just a short time ago we watched her come to her sister's home here. she was under heavy police escort. she went passed a crush of media and neighbors who had gathered outside her sister's home. an audible cheer went up in the crowd, something amanda no doubt was able to hear inside of the car she was coming home here to her sister's house. on the front porch of the home, balloons, zines that say welcome home amanda, we missed you very much. another one which said, we never lost hope, mandy. there is also her original missing persons poster on a tree out front with a yellow ribbon.
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something i'm sure that will be coming down soon. her family has no need for that anymore. so she is now home. as to the other two women, we're not sure when gina dejesus and michelle knight will be returning to their families. they're in a private location. as to the investigation, we're expecting charges later today for airel castro as well as his two brothers. so a lot going on, a very happy day. police say they are incredibly relieved to see amanda berry coming home here. i talked to michele knight's mother earlier today. also talked about how she actually once put a flier outside of the home, outside of ariel castro's home who shows you just how close people were there. >> literally on the doorstep. >> kristen dahlgren, thank you.
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natalie, you've been reporting this morning and others, some of the neighbors reported seeing things in the backyard and having called police, the cleveland police chief today told savannah and the mayor has been adamant that got any other besides two that were unrelated to the case to that home. >> it's interesting what neighbors say and what the officials will tell you. you don't know who to believe here in this situation but clearly it sounds like there had been some sort of alert in the past about this house and what was going on. >> it's true and i think they relied on each other to get through it. they had a bond. they've been together for all this time and they'll have the answers that we're all looking for at the end of the day. >> you cannot forget the courage that amanda berry had to make that break for us knowing after ten years what the consequences must have been for her and the other women and perhaps her child, if she'd been caught trying to escape. >> and learning some of the details we just had confirmed if they had been chained for a
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large amount of that time as well knowing exactly as you said the consequences and all of that, and having that just small window of opportunity, amazing that they're alive and well today. >> a true testament of hope. >> story unfolding, we're sure to get more details on what was happening inside in the days and weeks to come. a big turn to our take two and check in with al, down all morning in college grove, tennessee where he's kicking off his "wake up with al" series. you're looking good down on the farm. >> you fit there, al. >> well you know what? this is a beautifully beaucolic scene here the rolling hills of middle tennessee. this is the hatcher family and they've had this farm since 1831. there are five siblings who live on the farm with their families. they start their day like at 4:30 in the morning and it goes until late in the evening. they've got 72 head of cattle, dairy cows, they got chickens,
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they've made butter. it's really, and you know, look, the fact of the matter is, family farmers in this country are really underappreciated. they work hard and they really get the job done for america and you know, they don't complain a lot. there was all this talk about the farm bill and everything like that. well they have to get it done. they have to live this every day, and -- >> so you fed the cows, al. >> natalie, in fact, you are one of five cattle, little calves that were born this past winter. there's natalie, savannah, al, matt and lester. lester we didn't get to see earlier. >> wow. >> a willie snub. >> there is no willie right now, but they tell me with the next crop there will be a willie. >> next spring we'll have to go back and check out willie.
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>> i am honored, let me tell you i am honored. al, we're going to check back in with you in just a minute and not going to let natalie off the hook. >> oh, no. >> yesterday we saw you at the abba museum, how much you loved the karaoke experience there. >> it was amazing. oh, no, again? ♪ time of your life ooh, see that girl, watch that scene digging the dancing squeen ♪ >> focus on the positive. >> i didn't know you had that in you. ♪ friday night and the nights are low ♪ >> natalie, anyone watches this show knows natalie loves to sing. >> i've got passion. especially when it comes to abba, and all those fans that were there, the passion that you have, you don't care if you can't sing, you get on that stage and become the fifth member of abba and i was counting on the audio people to
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sweeten it a little, give me a little mike mixer or something, auto tune. thanks, guys. >> you tried very hard to get a reunion of abba in that interview and just wasn't going to do it. not going there. >> bjorn i think he said earlier to us, nobody wants to see geriatrics on stage. i'm like people pay good money to see geriatrics on stage. >> the stones are still getting it done. >> no abba reunion? >> she did her best. >> the other three would be up for it, i think bjorn is just kind of like we had a good time when we did it and went out on a high note and a great museum to go back. >> the music will live on. >> the music lives on generation to generation, especially with "mama mia" and all of let's move on to take threeh and this is a big political story, former south carolina governor mark sanford is an elected official once again, four years after the scandal of
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his extramarital affair nearly derailed his political career, in june of 2009 he claimed to have been hiking the appalachian trail when he left the governor's office for a few days, went missing, in fact he was visiting his mistress in argentina. last night sanford beat elizabeth colbert busch, sister of stephen colbert. >> this is one of the most remarkable comeback political stories we've seen. people are scratching their heads saying how is this possible but there are a number of reasons why this happened. it was a conservative district. he outcampaigned elizabeth colbert busch. he'd done this before. this was less a vote for mark sanford and more about a vote against the alternative which is a democrat. they're fiscally conservative there and i think you put up a picture of nancy pelosi and that scares them. >> he talked about his track record in an interview with matt earlier. he's been governor, congressman before so people know what he
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stands for when it comes to the issues and i think by and large it seems like they've forgiven him for his past. >> that's the question, have they forgiven him or they'd rather him in office. that's the question i ask myself, is it that we've forgiven and forgotten? >> people like to believe in second chances in this country. he's now engaged to the mistress so i think they feel like he has a new life and -- >> i thought anthony weiner probably slept well last night knowing that he can come back, too. >> i was thinking the same thing. >> it was not close, the polls had it too close to call. he won by nine points which is a big margin. natalie, check of the other stories. >> accused colorado theater shooter james holmes wants to change his plea to not guilty by reason of insanity, according to his attorneys. holmes is charged with more than 160 counts of murder and attempted murder in last year's shooting that killed 12 people and wounded 70 in aurora, colorado.
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a judge entered a standard not guilty previously for holmes. a california cop will get 80% of the $1 million reward offered for his capture. karen and james reynolds managed to reach a cell phone and call police. the remainder of the reward will be shared by a man who spotted dorner and another who spotted his burned out truck. dorner killed four people including two police officers before he was taken down in a fiery shoot-out in january. delaware is becoming the 11th state in the nation to allow same-sex marriage. on tuesday they signed the new law that goes into feskt on june 1st. under the measure existing civil unions in delaware will be converted to marriages within a year. there is a new tool available for men with prostate cancer, it's a genetic test designed to measure how aggressive the prostate cancer is, and it may help men decide if they need treatment or just need to monitor the cancer. the test that goes on sale today is similar to ones now used for
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some breast and colon cancers. doctors say treatment of prostate cancer with surgery or radiation is not needed in many cases and it can lead to complications. a scary moment on the baseball diamond at tropicana field in florida and some fans wondering if pitchers should wear special helmets. take a look at this line drive, hits j.a. happ in the head. paramedics rushed him off the field on a stretcher. he was able to signal to the crowd he was okay. he's in stable condition. after a recent spate of similar incident major league baseball officials are considering requiring protective head gear for pitchers. considering my kid with tee ball they wear all of these special gear. not a bad idea. >> the base coaches have to wear them, first and third. >> i'm surprised it doesn't happen more often to be honest. one more news item sometimes you have to dance like nobody's watching.
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i seem to specialize in that. especially to get over your boredom at the gym. look at this guy using a treadmill for more than walking and running, he dances his way to better health. he shows off some amazing moves, even some fancy footwork there. >> willie you have competition. >> i can barely stay on running. i can't imagine doing that. that's incredible. >> i would not recommend that for most people. you have to be coordinated to handle that. 12 minutes after the hour. let's check with mr. roker in college grove, tennessee, as he's taking care of sheep now. >> it's the sheep dance and willie even though these are ladies they decided to name one willamina or willie for short. >> that's what we call him around here too every now and then. >> very nice. time for them to eat? >> i'll hand you the bucket, you put it down and it gets fast and
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furious. >> there you go, girls, whoa! this is just like when we bring pizza in for the crew. pretty good. all right, let's check your weather, see what we've got for you, and it is raining to beat the band in the northeast and in fact, there's some very heavy bands of rain around new york. there are flash flood warnings in effect right now for parts of the new york area, tri-state area so keep an eye on that, up to two inches of rain falling and as we make our way out west we've got this pesky low pressure system that continues to cause problems there. we have a risk of strong storms today, stretching from central part of kansas on and you're going to see possibility of tornadoes, damaging winds and hail as well, a lot of rain out of this system, we're talking anywhere from one to three inches of rain. that's what's going on in the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. 9:13. i'm anthony slaughter in for christina loren.
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we're tracking low clouds in san francisco. you can see from our skycam, clouds and fog, even some airport delays at sfo, an hour. definitely want to check the airline if you are doing flying today. showers across the east bay, a. brentwood, antioch seeing rain. eventually we're going to see hit and miss activity for the first half. clouds will be with us. temperatures mild in oakland, 73, 62 san francisco, 73 san jose. warm temperatures arrive for the weekend with 80s by then. >> guys, we will be inside getting some cooking lessons in the next half hour from the famous cafe. >> you know tennessee well, went to school there. >> went to school there, have to go for loveless. >> what are they known for? >> breakfast, good southern food, breakfast and lunch. >> now we're talking. we'll check back in, al, in a little bit. coming up next, the happiest seaside towns in america. we'll tell you where they are. >> thanks. excuse me.
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thousands of cancer patients can't afford a place to stay when the best treatment is far from home. a room shouldn't be the difference between life and death. let's make sure that everyone who needs a room, gets one. let's make some noise. let's help the american cancer society finish the fight. text "room" to 41518 to donate ten dollars. [ female announcer ] real fruit flavors. real tea leaves. and real honey. lipton tea & honey, it's all here. ♪ feel the refreshing taste of lipton tea & honey. feel the refreshing taste angie's liat angie's list, i autyou'll find reviews.
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on everything from home repair to healthcare written by people just like you. if you want to save yourself time and avoid a hassle, go to angie's list. at angie's list, you'll find the right person to do the job you need. and you'll find the right person quickly and easily. i'm busy, busy, busy, busy. thank goodness for angie's list. from roofers to plumbers to dentists and more, angie's list -- reviews you can trust. oh, angie? i have her on speed dial. new honey bunches of oats greek yohere we go.ole grain. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek. [ merv ] mr. clean magic eraser extra power was three times faster on permanent marker. it looks like mr. clean has won everything. the cleaning games are finished? and so are we. [ male announcer ] clean more, work less, with the mr. clean magic eraser extra power. these are sandra's "homemade"
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yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. to fly home for the big family reunion. you must be garth's father? hello. mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because you can fly any airline anytime. two words. double miles! this guy can act. wanna play dodge rock? oh, you guys! and with double miles you can actually use, you never miss the fun. beard growing contest and go! ♪ i win! what's in your wallet?
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this morning on "today's travel" america's happiest seaside towns. "coastal living" is out with its annual list of the best places to live. an tonia, good to see you. >> nice to see you. >> the distinction between happiest and best, what is it? >> at "coastal living" we believe in happiness. people go to the beach, they feel happy and it's all about your happy place. >> cool, so get's do the top five but i wanted to start with one honorable mention, la jolla, california. >> a shout out to the west coast, they didn't make it into the top five but number nine. beautiful cliffs and amazing views, it deserves a ranking. >> absolutely let's get to the top five we begin in newport, rhode island, historic, famous. >> totally the vanderbilts had it right here. this is the crowned jewel of rhode island, it's a deepwater harbor so it tracts yachtsman
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and with the yachtsmen come the socialites, fine dining, incredible shopping so you have to love newport. >> it's not purely fancy high end. >> no, it definitely isn't. it's a wonderful place to go with the family, the cliffwalk, the historic mansions. it has the sense of history you want to explore. >> number four, sag harbor, new york, a place i was in saturday, such a beautiful, little town. >> a great place to be for dinner over the weekend. it's a world away from manhattan, only two hours from new york city but it's such a charming and quaint village. it has a unique main street with restaurants and shops and their iconic windmill and a lot of community pride, memorial day parades, at christmastime they do a tree light, santa comes in on a fire truck so this lovely sense of community there. >> legend gear american hotel and with two little kids every ice cream joint i can tell you in that town as well. number three, sanibel island.
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>> this is the happiness we could tent equals natural beauty, white wet sand beaches, beautiful blue skies and millions of sea shells and this is what they're known for, the island's been built on that and there's something called the sanibel stoop, people's posture as they look to pick up the wonderful things. two-thirds of the island is a nature preserve so this is a place that really takes that seriously. there are no buildings that are higher than the palm trees there, and no stoplights. come on, this is a place where you can really kick back. >> a throwback. number two is harwich port, massachusetts. >> on cape cod, so much to choose from. harwich port is one of seven little villages in the city of harwich and it's a step back in time, incredible nostalgia, ice cream trucks, as you said we love the ice cream, ice cream trucks trolling the streets, music, arts and crafts festivals. lot of the seaside towns have great history, this predates the
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american revolution. >> the number one happiest seaside town in america according to "coastal living" magazine is beaufort, north carolina. >> incredible place, it has a sense of history, the second oldest city in south carolina, second to charleston, they take their historic preservation seriously there, antebellum homes, they have pristine beaches, a beautiful view, on an intracoastal waterway in the sea islands and if all that doesn't get you the shrimp and the sweet tea will. >> antonia thank you for bringing us the list. >> thank you. coming up natalie and i will look at sticky mother's day situations. first these messages. [ female announcer ] jcpenney believes mom deserves to get everything she wants. the best deals are at jcpenney, in-store and online. friday through sunday only, get $10 off when you spend $50,
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$15 off when you spend $75 and $20 off when you spend $100 or more. and get doorbuster deals friday from 3 p.m. to close, and saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. we make it easy to find the gifts that mean the world to the woman at the center of yours. the jcpenney mother's day sale. john. loo. latrine. head. bog. the oval office. the porcelain throne. the toilet. no matter what you call it, clorox has been trusted to keep it clean for nearly 100 years. [ female announcer ] real fruit flavors. real tea leaves. and real honey. lipton tea & honey, it's all here. ♪ feel the refreshing taste of lipton tea & honey. a regular guy with an irregular heartbeat. the usual, bob? not today. [ male announcer ] bob has afib: atrial fibrillation not caused by a heart valve problem,
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a condition that puts him at greater risk for a stroke. [ gps ] turn left. i don't think so. [ male announcer ] for years, bob took warfarin, and made a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but not anymore. bob's doctor recommended a different option: once-a-day xarelto®. xarelto® is the first and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem, that doesn't require routine blood monitoring. like warfarin, xarelto® is proven effective to reduce the risk of an afib-related stroke. there is limited data on how these drugs compare when warfarin is well managed. no routine blood monitoring means bob can spend his extra time however he likes. new zealand! xarelto® is just one pill a day, taken with the evening meal. and with no dietary restrictions, bob can eat the healthy foods he likes. do not stop taking xarelto® rivaroxaban without talking to the doctor who prescribes it for you. stopping may increase your risk of having a stroke.
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get medical help right away if you develop any signs or symptoms of bleeding, like unusual bruising or tingling. you may have a higher risk of bleeding if you take xarelto® with aspirin products, nsaids or blood thinners. talk to your doctor before taking xarelto® if you currently have abnormal bleeding. xarelto® can cause bleeding, which can be serious, and rarely may lead to death. you are likely to bruise more easily on xarelto®, and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. tell your doctors you are taking xarelto® before any planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver or bleeding problems. ready to change your routine? ask your doctor about once-a-day xarelto®. for more information including cost support options, call 1-888-xarelto or visit . coming up, al gets cooking on the farm in tennessee. >> and moms and daughters get
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cute and coordinated look. >> first your local news and weather. [ female announcer ] laughing cow cheese infuses creamy mozzarella with the mediterranean flavors of sun-dried tomatoes and basil. at 35 tiny calories a wedge, you're free to indulge in every last bit.
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the laughing cow cheese. have you laughed today? good morning to you. it's 9:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. an oakland fire station damaged by gunfire this morning. firefighters say they had to duck and cover when bullets flew through the garage station 18 overnight. police are investigating whether the gunfire is related to the shooting death of a man just a few blocks away. a bay area assemblyman wants new laws to make limousines safer after last week's deadly fire on the san mateo bridges. jury hill introducing legislation that would require fire extinguishers in limos. q carrying 10 or fewer people to undergo inspections. the bay area toll authority will get an update on the status
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of the steel rods that snapped below the bridge deck. right now additional rods are being tested to make sure the problem does not spread a clamp-like fixture has been proposed as a solution. the toll authority expected to approve it at a meeting set to start in just minutes, one we'll monitor. also monitoring weather and traffic. we'll have more on that when we come back.
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welcome back at 9:28 taking a look outside. low clouds hanging around san jose and even in san francisco. we're not getting rid of this activity yet. we have rain pushing into brentwood, antioch, san ramon. all this activity stay located in the east bay for the next couple of hours. temperatures cool, 62 in san francisco, 73 in oakland. same in san jose. 74 in livermore. keep the umbrellas handy at least for the first half of the day. bit afternoon we break out into sunshine, even warmer temperatures for the weekend.ç÷ 86 by saturday. for mother's day on sunday. not bad, right, mike? >> not bad for mother's day. right now we have more problems for 92.
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the san mateo bridge has cleared crash.nd, czáá half an hour of clearing. very smooth on this side. look at the repercussions on this side. slow 880 down into the area and continuing both directions between the san mateo and dumbarton bridge. dumbarton to the south took a lot more traffic as folks avoided 92. slow there towards menlo park. on the peninsula ño'side, 92 itf heading towards upper skyline. blocking all lines, going to be tough, can't get past if you're heading to half moon bay. we'll follow future updates. >> we'll follow as a,[ñwell, ha another local news update in half an hour. we'll check in with you then. have a great morning.
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we're going to take turns lip syncing sections of well-known song. ♪ you and i will be young forever ♪ ♪ you make me feel like i'm living a teenage dream ♪ ♪ over the rainbow, then why, oh, why can't i ♪ >> that's not even fair. you're not going to outlip sync
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jimmy fallon. >> no competing. jimmy takes it. >> he's so good he looks like he's singing that song. i bought it 100%. >> all in the performance, all about throwing it all out there. as i know i do always. >> as natalie proves almost every morning or she's at the abba museum. i'm willie geist along with natalie morales, just ahead, minding our manners. natalie and i will get schooled in the social graces in dealing with awkward situations. >> first we want to get a check of the weather from al once again who is whipping up some farm fresh breakfast with a lot of his friends there in college grove, tennessee, you're setting the table my friend. >> that's right, we're setting the table, charlie is doing the silverware and i'm doing the plates. we're going to get schooled how to make a great country breakfast from our friends from the lovelace cafe. first let's check your weather and tell you what we've got today a lot of wet weather in
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the northeast. it is going to really come down, risk of strong storms from texas on into the central plains, wet weather stretching back into the pacific northwest, gorgeous as we make our way through the gulf coast into the southeast. tomorrow, east coast mid-atlantic states going to be good morningious, risk strong storms from texas into the plains states and upper ohio river valley. western third of the country going to be spectacular, plenty of sunshine, mild and we're going to see warm weather through the southwest. okay so i think you forgot the napkins. that's what's going on in the country. all right. 9:32. thank you, al. i'm anthony slaughter in for christina loren. we're still tracking showers moving through antioch, discovery bay, approaching livermore, san ramon in the next hour or so. light shower activity. low clouds and fog going to be
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with us for the first half of the day, even for the giants game later this afternoon, 12:45. temperatures around 61. again, low clouds and fog, drizzle at times. 73 in san rafael, 73 in fremont and san jose later this afternoon. >> we've all heard about going to a b&b, bacon and biscuits baby. >> al is doing it right. say hello to my friends at lovelace cafe and my buddy parker bagette who works there and getting married next week in nashville. >> will do. next, social situation with friends and family can be challenging and awkward. phil galanes author of "social q's." good morning. >> good to see you. >> this is how we do it. >> i've got some toughies for you. >> we're in the dark on these. >> i know, i know. the first one is a sad one.
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college admission letters came last week. unfortunately our son did not get into any of his top choice schools. he's extremely disappointed but my husband is acting even more depressed, which is making our son, in his words to me, feel like a loser. what do you think i should do? >> my first instinct is dad, pull it together. >> time to have a tough talk with dad. >> be excited about the schools your son got into. >> that's right. time to be excited, you got to do that privately though because the high wire act here is giving your son some room to process a disappointment. this could be the first big disappointme disappointment he's ever had. >> this is a great learning experience for a lot of kids because a lot of kids are going through this, this time of year. it's important to say, too, you are not defined by the school that you don't get into. >> totally. >> a lot went to state schools and had incredible experiences, if you didn't get into the ivy
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league or whatever school it is that your dreams were set on, doesn't mean anything. >> absolutely. willie's point it's time to be excited for where he did get in, not moaning about where he did get in. do the thing with dad privately and give sonny boy much space as you can. >> i agree we're on the same page. >> all of us. two. i thought i met my dream guy at the gym last month. nervous already. after several nice exchanges, he asked me out to dinner. it went extremely well until the check came, and he produced a two-for-one coupon. i know it's silly, but now everything he does seems cheap. can this relationship be saved? >> you know i think this person needs to get real, because the reality is going out to dinner is expensive and people are taking those coupons and if it's helping them save money that's the way to do it, and she should be grateful that perhaps this
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person is teaching her a good lesson in life. >> obviously if that bothered her that much everything he does from this point forward if that's the kind of guy he is, is going to bother her. she should look elsewhere and find somebody to take care of her the way she appears to want to be taken care of. >> you know something this idea of a dream guy, this is why we've got armies of single friends because there is no dream guy or dream gal. >> that's true. >> and this, if this is the only problem, the biggest problem is a coupon? yeah, time to get real. >> there is a lot more i'm sure they're not saying but yeah. >> give him another shot. >> please give him another shot. >> look beyond the couponing thing. that's not a true -- >> and extreme couponing is an extremely interesting reality show. maybe there's a future for her there. last weekend my husband and i went to the movies. every few minutes the guy in front of me started texting. the phone wasn't making any noise but the light was really distracting. when i asked him nicely to stop,
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he cursed at me. again, nice man. my husband and i ended up moving seats, but we both felt bad about backing down. what should we have done? >> i think the husband could have just applied a nice headlock from behind like that. >> i'm with willie. no, i mean, it sounds like they did what they could. they asked the person politely and the person cursed at them. you don't want to escalate the situation in a theater. >> with aggressive people always back off. we do not want you off in the emergency room. >> they didn't back down, they asked once and moved. >> you can always go out to the manager and blah, blah, blah, but then you're going to miss the movie and your popcorn gets moved. suck it up. it's a hard thing. >> so true. happens more and more. we're out of time, sorry. we'll save those for next time. >> yes we certainly will. >> thank you so much. still to come up next from the farm to your table, alex is whipping up southern breakfast. when we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals:
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help the gulf recover, and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i've been with bp for 24 years. i was part of the team that helped deliver on our commitments to the gulf - and i can tell you, safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge safety equipment and technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, where experts watch over all our drilling activity, twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely.
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safety is a vital part of bp's commitment to america - and to the nearly 250,000 people who work with us here. we invest more in the u.s. than anywhere else in the world. over fifty-five billion dollars here in the last five years - making bp america's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger.
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not giving a thought to their own satisfaction. like this woman here. hello! what's your name? linda. linda obviously sacrificed a good haircut so that her daughter could have a warm coat. it's windy. yeah. now you can help people like linda stop with the sacrificing. tell them about light & fit greek nonfat yogurt twice the proteina. thick... creamy. taste satisfying, right? eat! light and fit greek! ♪ dannon! sometimes all you need is the wow... sometimes all you need is the
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smooth creamy taste of werther's original caramel to remind you that you're someone very special. now discover caramel apple filled werther's original. ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats. today is going to be epic. quaker up. had kraft mac & cheese without me. so this time, i took precautionary measures. [ rattling ] ♪ looking for these? ♪ [ male announcer] gooey creamy delicious kraft macaroni & cheese. you know you love it.
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>> announcer: "today's kitchen" is brought to you by kraft macaroni and cheese. delicious noodles surrounded by creamy cheesy goodness. you know you love it. >> and this morning on "today's kitchen" southern comfort. that's right. when you talk about a farm, farm breakfasts are famous, baby, and there is no better breakfast if you're going to be in middle, tennessee, than the world famous lovelace cafe. joining us jeff goldstein. good to see you.. >> thanks for having me. >> quintessential breakfast in the south besides eggs and bacon. >> biscuits and gravy is pretty much it. our biscuits are a secret, we make 5,000, 7,000 a day and put preservatives and goodies in them but gravy in the south gravy runs through our veins. >> slowly. >> this is sausage gravy so pork
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sausage pattis, brown them, add flour. >> kind of a pork fat rous? >> 100%. you cook the flour out of it and bring it over here so everyone can see a little better. depending on how spicy your sausage is you may want to put cayenne and black pepper. >> in the south you put black pepper on cheerios. >> it goes on everything down here. >> in this is no ordinary milk, the best milk in the land. >> this looks like cream. >> this is hatcher whole milk. we'd cook this out a little bit more but just add a little bit at a time, get it good and thick and keep cooking it to get the flour taste out and cook that sausage taste in. dump in a little bit more. you've been to the lovelace before. >> i have. i can't go too often now, i'll never get out.
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>> those biscuits are mostly air. >> they are light and fluffy but it's not just that. you continue to cook this down and you end up with something that looks a little like this. >> that, exactly right. now, top some biscuits with that. >> wow. i'm going to bring this here, you grab this one and go over to the table here and sharon promised me that when she wrote how i like my eggs, i love my eggs overeasy. so this is pretty good stuff. >> that's right and what al wants al gets at the hatcher house. >> would you call my wife? because that doesn't seem to happen much in my house. this is fantastic. >> we've also cooked up hashbrown casserole, country ham, bacon, a big old mess of grits and i didn't get your kitchen too messy. >> you're good. >> is this how you eat every morning? >> not really. >> nobody would look as good as you do. what is it about a country breakfast on the farm that gets you going? >> the fresh eggs, fresh milk,
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fresh cream. >> coffee. >> i'm going to help myself to a biscuit here, excuse me a second, and coffee. i got to tell you, if this was what i got every day i'd be working on the farm sure enough. i wouldn't last long on the farm but that's pretty good. guys thank you so much for sharing. we're going to have a little bit more coming up from the hatcher family dairy farm and our friends at the lovelace cafe in a little bit. but first these messages right here. we'll be back in just a moment. of this sooner? k oh benjamin, you have an absolute sea of treasures here. but that peculiar contraption there has caught my eye... ...would you indulge me? you see, the smart tube reaches the bottom so you can spray every last drop. that is magnificent. yes it is... isn't it? absolutely magnific... my bottle! my eagle! introducing... quick , get a rodent. uh, re-introducing ...a rodent, benjamin. smart tube technology.
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[ female announcer ] real fruit flavors. real tea leaves. and real honey. lipton tea & honey, it's all here. ♪ feel the refreshing taste of lipton tea & honey. excuse me. would you mind moving your enormous phone? you mean the enormously awesome galaxy? ping! search "one trick pony." [ all gasp ] aren't you a little young to have an iphone? [ all gasp ] whee! [ indistinct shouting ] you think if they knew about the nokia lumia
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they'd stop fighting all the time? i don't know. i think they kind of like fighting. come on! ♪ [ male announcer ] the windows phone nokia lumia 920. engadget's readers choice smartphone of the year. ♪ smartphone of the year. new honey bunches of oats greek yohere we go.ole grain. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek. i'm also a survivor of ovarian a writand uterine cancers. i even wrote a play about that. my symptoms were a pain in my abdomen and periods that were heavier and longer than usual for me. if you have symptoms that last two weeks or longer, be brave, go to the doctor. ovarian and uterine cancers are gynecologic cancers. symptoms are not the same for everyone. i got sick...and then i got better.
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it's not for colds. it's not for pain. it's just for sleep. because sleep is a beautiful thing™. ♪ zzzquil™. the non-habit forming sleep-aid from the makers of nyquil®. zzzquil™. oh so red? oh so not right for this. ok..... chickadee, my chickadee? hmmmm aqua ocean? no. that's it! yes! let's go to lowe's. valspar signature hi-def has amazing quality. just one coat. i like it -- i just... you can't change color like we do. valspar has the love your color guarantee. if i don't love it, i get another color free. i'm thinking more this. yowza! valspar signature, look for it only at lowe's.
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♪ in "today's style" mom and me fashions with mother's day this weekend we thought it would be fun to give you ideas for coordinating outfits with your little ones. good morning. >> good morning. >> we're not talking matchy matchy, like cute and fun. >> cute, not cringe worthy cute. >> let's bring out the classic and classy style combination and for this we have mother and her 2-year-old aidan, we have catherine. come on out guys. >> so catherine and aidan we have color coordinated, coral navy and white. on her the loft dress, a more modern take on the lace in the runways and it's petite. when you're little you have to stick with petites and her son is wearing the coral pants. >> looking good, aidan. >> we're not matchy matchy but plimt tear to each other and the
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little blazer on and pants and bow ties. adorable. >> that sells it and he sells it. aidan you look adorable, thank you and penny loafer shoes, very cute. next are hippies at heart, and we have a mom and daughter, kathy and samantha. samantha is 5 and you can see the hippie here is hot. >> prints are the same and do mom in mini but style differently. these come in mom and little girl versions. the tote bags come in different sizes, a big one for yourself and a little one more the little one and a necklace the head band for samantha and indulge the hippie chic inspired look. >> i love samantha's little jeggings, too. >> and you can wear them as coverup to the beach. >> matching tote bags ready to go to the beach. looking fantastic. finally sporty style ideas for mom's day weekend that i think these are going to seem cute and
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adorable and we have dory along with her, yep, her 8-year-old theo. >> there again the color coordination with moms and sons go with color coordinating. we have the crocs shoes, navy goes well. white shirts, more polished and he has the polo, dress it up with the scarf and backpacks are in for adults and kids. these i love from state, big versions and minis. his is colorful and can he play around with the pins on it and she can hold everything and be hands free. >> i love that backpacks are in, it's the only thing that fits everything. you look great, thank you so much. appreciate it. okay, and then our last group come on out, let's take a look at these edgy but fun ladies as well, and tell me what they're wearing. >> casual cool, boy meets girl
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mommy and daughter versions. age appropriate we added a dan skin tutu, otherwise they're wearing the exact same thing. >> i love the wedge sneakers everywhere, that's on trend, too. >> the wedge sneakers are very much on trend and we gave almariyah sparkle. you don't want a little girl trying to look like a big girl. >> come on out, ladies. and kids, come on out. you all did great. happy mother's day, right? happy mother's day. jen, thank you as always. we're become in a moment. th we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc.
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let's head back to tennessee to say good-bye to al for now. where are you waking up tomorrow? >> well, tomorrow, willie, what we're going to do, we're going to lake trout, louisiana.
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we have a fantastic firehouse family we're going to be meeting and we want to thank everybody here at the hatcher family farm, the band pork and beans. it's all good. we are going to take off a little fast, give it a little gas? here we go. you know, i never thought i'd be driving a tractor. life's pretty good here on the farm. all righty! we'll see you all tomorrow from louisiana! i guarantee the weather's going to be fantastic! so long, guys! >> see you tomorrow from louisiana. we'll be back after your local and news with kat 'lee and hoda. .
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we are expecting warmer days. by the afternoon temperatures will warm in the 70s, more sun and incredibly warm for the weekend. saturday and sunday mid-80s, mike. >> that will be news for folks heading to the city, wonderful weather on the weekend. a burst of traffic and crash as folks head past the toll plaza. you'll see slowing. a lot of activity. sounds like everything moving to the shoulder. we do see all lanes at the toll plaza starting to move again. we'll look over to the peninsula where 92 is not moving at 35, overturned tractor-trailer stilo blocking lanes. a tough drive. you can't make access from half moon bay directly, although traffic control might be in place by now. well as the demz.king slow, as back to you. >> we'll be with the next update at 10:26. udemz. back to you. >> we'll be with the next update at 10:26. mbdemz. back to you. >> we'll be with the next update at 10:26. ademz. back to you. >> we'll be with the next update at 10:26. rdemz. back to you. >> we'll be with the next update at 10:26. tdemz. back to you. >> we'll be with the next update at 10:26. ondemz. back to you.
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>> we'll be with the next update at 10:26. demz. back to you. >> we'll be with the next update at 10:26. . back to you. >> we'll be with the next update at 10:26. join nbc bay area at the willow glen 5 acc walk.
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>> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hello, everybody. it's winesday wednesday, and i asked hoda why does anybody watch our show? >> we were contemplating that, and we want to say thank you. >> thank you very much. tell us why you do. that would be nice. >> we're puzzled. it is one of those days in new york, i know we need the rain, but it's not what one would call a thing of beauty. >> it's been pouring off and on this morning, which i discovered
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at 4:15 when i was taking blake out for the walk. >> he doesn't like it, does he? >> i know you have to walk the dogs, obviously no matter the weather, about you it turned into one of those crazy to referenceal -- >> this was the first time out of it. >> in rain. i was begging him, please. he's not loving his dog food, so now i try a technique, where i mix it with stuff in it. >> what stuff? filet mignon? >> no, chicken broth, but i pretend i eat it, and then put it down and he look at me for a second, and then i do it again. >> eating sounds. is it working. >> it worked yesterday, not today. >> here's the thing -- he'll eat when he's hungry. >> there you go. this is one of those stories, you've all heard about it, but almost so outrageous you
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can't even believe it's true. these three young women were rescued, thank god. so rarely do we have happy endings to these things. >> you wouldn't expect it. >> one of them eight years, one nine, one ten years. >> what makes you so angry -- whenever you see this, you go, how did anybody know? the house has sheets or i don't know what -- >> that's the door after charles ramsey had opened it, god bless him. >> you hear stories from neighbors who said they saw a number of things. they said they called police, police say no one called, but they had they saw a young girl banging on a window with a baby, saw women in the backyard with a dog leash, naked. >> the cops were saying they found chains and horrible things in there. one of the men who was supposedly holding one of women captive had a horrible marriage or common-law -- >> domestic violence history. >> with his wife, like broken
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bones, brain aneurysm, horrible beatings. if police were ever called out and there was ever any history with any of these guys, you wonder why something wasn't done. >> one of the times they were called, they figured it was a prank. so this is a very good reason why you don't do that sort of thing, because then when it is something, you know, they'll pay more attention. it's hard to tell from what we see on television, hoda, is every house in that neighborhood is in such disrepair. otherwise wouldn't you notice a house that has -- >> i think the neighbors said they noticed no windows were ever open except for an attic, and they saw a little girl up there. >> this is one of those things -- i don't know about people knowing their neighbors or not, but our society has evolved into one of those where you mind your business and look down -- >> nobody wants to get involved. >> not as fablely as it used to be, where you would wonder why did these people have every window shut?
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they didn't think that any of the men lived there, they just came periodically to check on the property. they thought no one lived there full time. every now and then something was delivered. >> i thought they said they saw somebody go in every single day carrying mcdonald's in the morning and later at night. >> i guess it depends on what neighbors. >> we're hearing all kinds of different reports. the more we learn about it, the more disgusted you'll become about it. but it makes you aware of how many people are probably in the same situation. people are abducted every day and being held, you know, so maybe if there is any good that comes out of it. people will not know the story and say, wait a minute, there's a house down the street -- >> i'm going to check on it. >> if you see something, say something. >> we want to talk about mark sanford in south carolina. >> we were just? south carolina last week. they weren't talking much about the election. >> mark sanford ran off with a woman he fell in love with.
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>> he wasn't hiking. >> whatever. he was doing something. it got us thinking, because there was an editorial in the times, and it talked about what if these guys were women. >> like anthony weiner here in new york. >> if mark sanford were michelle sanford, let's pretend and ran off with her latin love. >> no, no, no. >> what if mark sanford was a woman? who would have become of michelle sanford? >> if that's her name. >> would she have been reelected in a landslide? >> anthony weiner. what if he was antonia weiner, taking a picture of her junk. >> many pictures of her junk. >> and then posted them all over, would she be running for mayor? if chris christie were kristina and she weighed, you know, a lot and said i'm doing gastric or whatever lad band, what would it be like? would she even be elected?
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are there double standards? >> i think we have come a long way in our country, but i think we still have a long way to go, and there are many, many double standards. >> i think you're right. i don't think we're overcoming those for a long time. >> go ahead. we were going to talk about the guys dancing on his treadmill, but instead kim kardashian has taken over that spot. >> here is kim on the cover of "us." i think she looks pretty good. she's pregnant obviously. she didn't -- not that everybody was talking about. >> you know what? this must be from where they were in greiss just like last week. i think she looks terrific. >> i do, too. >> i think any time a woman is pregnant, it's nasty to talk about their weight anyway. it's just downright wrong to do it when a woman is pregnant. you have no idea what it's like. when your hormones take over and everything else, there's an
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invasion of the best kind, but still so much of it is really out of your control. >> were you self-conscious? >> i was just uncomfortable. i was blessed that i never bloated, from the back you couldn't tell i was pregnant at all, but i just carried in my stomach. my feet never swelled, but i was still uncomfortable and couldn't wait for the baby to be born, but you have to have a little mercy for people when they're going for something like that. it only lasts nine months. >> she looks great. she does. >> she's a beautiful girl. "the voice" was on last name and the competition is heating up. >> tell me, hoda. it was team blake versus team shakira. this was holly tucker ♪ you would take everythingr ♪ good in my life ♪ and tell me now
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♪ how do i live without you ♪ i want to know ♪ how do i breathe without you ♪ if you ever go ♪ how do i ever ♪ ever survive ♪ how do i all right. >> she sounds uncannily like carrie. again, you want to be distinct i have. that's important. >> people are listening going, it doesn't sound like the song i like. you know, some people change the song and you go, why doesn't that sound like the song i like? >> it's a competition for a singing star. you want to be unique. >> let's see if shakira's team was unique. she sang "oh darling."
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♪ believe me ♪ when i tell you ♪ don't ever leave me alone ♪ yeah ♪ when you told me ♪ you didn't need me anymore ♪ well you know i nearly broke down and cried ♪ she sang it her way. >> that's my point. she does not not sound like the beatles. >> i know. >> it doesn't matter she's showing off her pipes. >> this is getting juicier by the minute. >> oh, good. who do you trust? that's a question that "reader's digest" pose. it turns out we trust celebrities like crazy. from fifth to first. >> maya angelou. >> meryl streep. >> denzel washington. >> love him. again, this is celebrities,
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politicians, people, everybody. sandra bullock was number two. the person we trust the most apparently is tom hanks. >> wow. >> i don't know that i trust him more than anybody else. very hard to trust people you don't really know. you've got to know somebody. i think tom is terrific, you know, but -- >> the least trusted actor was also an actor, tom. tom cruise was the least trusted. >> and least trusted actress is kristen stewart. i don't think she would have made that last year. she had the unfortunate little fling with the director. hey, it happens. >> hi, sarah. >> a lot of people are writing on the wall why they love you guys. >> why? >> laughter, giggles. people go, i need one good laugh in my morning. and somebody said field your dog buffalo, hoda. buffalo meat.
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>> oh. >> for anybody thinks -- don't give them buffalo meat. fyi, it's time for our hottest stats contest. the third year. the prize is a week-long vacation for two to the scrub island resort in the british virgin islands. everything from facial hair to single dads, go to to submit. the winner will be announced the week before father's day. >> thank you, punken head. what is your guy thinking? >> matthew is here. something is going on with him. he's here almost every week. from clair huxtable to june cleaver, what you didn't know ♪ na na na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ i'm gonna use my two hands ♪ i'm gonna move a mountain ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on
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♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] kraft singles have no artificial flavors and they're always made with milk, so you can be sure there's no single thing better when you're grilling up a burger. ♪ life is amazing ♪ with the love that i've found ♪ [ female announcer ] pin for your chance to win a weber grill at
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♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats. today is going to be epic. quaker up. and one wedding, 2 kids, 43 bottles of olay total effects and many birthdays later, still looks amazing. thanks to the trusted performance of olay.
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[ female announcer ] special k popcorn chips. 28 delicious chips for 120 calories. freedom to enjoy. what will you gain when you lose? find them in the cracker aisle. they say women are hard to figure out, but most of the time you just have no clue what your man is really thinking.
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>> we're going to get to the bottom of all your burning relationship questions. matth matthew huss is the author of get the gheit." he's here with the other view. >> i came back. >> of course you did. >> like a bad penny, baby. >> you can't get enough of us. the first question is from brandy. how do we show our husbands they are truly and don't say sex. think outside the box. >> easy. let's step outside of sex for a moment. the guy gets home from work, and you give him a massive hug, tell him you missed him so much. or you get home from work and say i missed you so much. the guy feels appreciated and it's affection as well. >> it's the little things. >> another one is tell him to teach you something. one of the sexiest things is teach me, even if it was about some part of his work that
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you've never asked before. >> i told frank how he looked this morning. he stopped and said, really? >> women forget that guys don't get told their handsome very often. they're not used to it. a woman is used to being told she's beautiful. men are not used to that. >> brad pitt is, people like that. george clooney, matthew hussy. >> how many people are married to brad pitt? >> nobody right now. >> but isn't it good to compliment him in front of someone else. say my husband did the nicest thing today. >> let me tell you how to appreciate a man. you're at the dinner table and back him up on something. >> even if you don't agree? >> listen, loyalty is important. >> so is honesty. >> well, c'mon now. >> you c'mon now. >> honesty is another way people say i speak my mind. and you go, no, you're really rude. next question is from amanda -- my boyfriend is not
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communicating when we're apart. how do i tell him i want him to text or call more without sounding needy. >> it's amazingly common. we have different rules about how we fuel loved. is it insecurity? >> no the always. my rule might be that my standard for a relationship is i have to see someone four times a week. that doesn't make me needy. it's my standard is different for the person who wants to see their partner once a week. >> then we've all been in situations like that. what do you do? who compromises? >> firstly, you have to communicate what your rules are to your guy. this is how i feel loved. i know it's different to how i feel loved, because how you feel loved, you come home and you jump me. >> the kinky stuff. >> they said stay away from sex in the first question. >> yes, it's no fun if you continue that way. >> he might feel loved completely differently when you ask advice, or when you say i
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miss you. you have to tell your formula. >> don't expect something if you haven't made it known it's something you need. >> precisely. >> that was genius what you said. you are the expert. i had a baby three months ago, my husband is finding me attractive and wanting to be intimate. i don't feel sexy at all. how do i explain that i'm not there mentally. >> let's go back to the concept of people have a way of feeling loved. he's in this moment, still looking to be the hero in this relationship. just because a baby has come along, he still will be a man with the same needs as three months ago. >> it's lovely he finds her so attractive. >> i think it's lovely. firstly, she has the ability to still feel attractive. she has the ability to still feel turned on, but she has to communicate how that is. >> she's hormonal, and she's lactating, trust me. >> even if she's in a different place, she has to recognize the whole relationship hasn't
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shifted. >> you haven't lactated before. >> how do you know? don't stereotype me. when i come on the show -- every time. >> hussy. what will we do with you? >> what wouldn't we do with you? >> thank you, honey. oh, no. >> the funnies that make you do a double take "what the what?" hi i'm terry, and i have diabetic nerve pain. i worked a patrol unit for 17 years in the city of baltimore. when i first started experiencing the pain, it's hard to describe because you have a numbness but yet you have the pain like thousands of needles sticking in your foot. it was progressively getting worse, and at that point, i knew i had to do something. when i went back to my health care professional, that's when she suggested the lyrica. once i started taking the lyrica, the pain started subsiding. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone.
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it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eye sight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who've had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. to hear more of terry's story, visit it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. sometimes all you need is the wow... sometimes all you need is the smooth creamy taste of werther's original caramel to remind you that you're someone very special. now discover caramel apple filled werther's original.
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[ female announcer ] real fruit flavors. real tea leaves. and real honey. lipton tea & honey, it's all here. ♪ feel the refreshing taste of lipton tea & honey. unman of steel and twizzlers. with an invincible force. feel the refreshing taste the twist you can't resist. see the movie in theaters june 14th. in paradise valley, arizona where, tonight, we switched their steaks
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with walmart's choice premium steak. it's a steakover! this was perfect. it was really good! one of the best filets i've had. see, look how easy that is to cut. these are perfectly aged for flavor and tenderness. you're eating walmart steaks. really? shut up! oh, is that right? are you serious? best steak i'd ever had! i would definitely go to walmart and buy steaks. walmart choice premium steak in the black package. try it! it's 100% satisfaction guaranteed. all right, we are back with the photos that you submitted that made you say "what the what?" >> sarah sorted through the best. >> this one is the caption contest from last week, a photo sent in from paula. whose leg do you have to hump to get a little decaf? i mean -- >> that is so cute. >> he's adorable. >> like mattie, the dog that poses from today. >> might as well live here.
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we'll show you nbc week's at the end. first up from oakland, california. surprised they didn't see that coming. >> i like it. kelly michaels from glenn coffee, new york submitted this photo. chicken poopers, lightly breaded. as they say, they're just breaded on the outside -- >> you're sick. >> never machined. next up, a photo from lisa hall. it's not what you think. they're donkeys in there, really. >> come on, you can use that in the title. >> i like the -- >> indicate from from ohio submitted this photo. finally everyone's capping up with us. that's actually her last name. >> we should have her on. >> she needs to be on the show. for next week, another picture. >> emergency management that
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she's drinkwine. >> that's probably not -- >> look at her. >> next week weft people to go to the website and submit their caption. >> who puts feet in their baby's faces. >> i sucked my baby's toes. >> that's different. >> that was in a shoe all day long. >> we're not going to judge. >> thoser men feet, right? >> let's hope so. >> you just never know, do you? all right. thank you very much. you have a beauty problem? >> yeah. who doesn't? we're going to get you some solutions. >> and we're going to look back at some of your favorite tv moms, a fun mother's day edition of "who knew?" and this mom of three can do of "who knew?" and this mom of three can do it alli've discovered gold. [ female announcer ] the gold standard in anti-aging. roc® retinol. found in roc® retinol correxion deep wrinkle night cream.
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it's clinically proven to give 10 years back to the look of skin. now for maximum results, the power of roc® retinol is intensified with a serum to create retinol correxion® max. it's clinically shown to be 4x better at smoothing lines and deep wrinkles than professional treatments. new roc® retinol correxion® max. nothing's better than gold. new roc® retinol correxion® max. ♪ break the ice with breath-freshening cooling crystals. ice breakers.
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it is 10:26. i'm marla tellez. the san francisco 49ers are set to announce who their brand-new stadium will be named after. the team and levi strauss are getting ready for a big news conference for this huge
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announcement this morning. the naming rights deal is worth millions of dollars. we will carry the news conference live in a half hour starting at 11:00. we'll have a look at weather and traffic after the break.
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welcome back, 10:28, a live look at the weather forecast. doppler weather showing lots of rain in the east bay. a lot of stuff light in nature, moving through the altamont, up and down 580 or 680 you'll find a few sprinkles. that's all we have to talk about. lots of low clouds, 62 in san
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francisco, 71 in fremont, 73 in san jose. warmer days are ahead. in fact, tomorrow we're back to the mid to upper 70s. 80s arrive as we head into the weekend, 87 by saturday and 86 by sunday. traffic? >> we have a slow drive right now. oakland 880, second day in a row, 10:20 something happens downtown and backs up to the coliseum. there's the slow down, starting to recover, cars off the roadway, look at the map, slow drive 880, 580 a great alternate, that's clear as a belle bell. smooth drive. some construction in dublin, that's the problem off the bridge. that is an issue. on the peninsula, 92 is clear now. back to you. >> okay, mike. your bay bridge drivers will appreciate this. engineers have decided on a fix for the broken bolts on the new eastern span of the bay bridge. the bay area toll authority just revealed it will use a steel saddle to correct the problem. the fix is slated to cost between $5 and $10 million. we'll tell you if they think
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they can actually fix the problem in time for the planned labor day opening. that's coming up in 30 minutes. jon kelley and i hope to see you at 11:00. mama milia ♪ time to play our weekly trivia game. in honor of mother's day, we thought it would be fun to see how well you remember some iconic moms from tv and movies. kathie lee haus $100 for those who get the questions right. and those who don't get the questions right? her cd. jessica shaw is a senior writer at "entertainment weekly" and a mom herself. are you ready? >> i am. >> lovely lady visiting from arizona. name the mom that is associated with this tv theme song. ♪ >> clair huxtable?
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>> yes. >> she got it. >> she pulled it out at the last second. >> you can -- >> they always changed the introduction. clair is like super-mom. she's a lawyer and awesome mom, she makes it look very easy, though it totally is not. >> i just saw her on steve harvey today. she's terrific even now. from austin, texas, listen to the following clip and finish this quote made famous by forrest gump's mom -- >> my mama always said -- life was like a box of chocolates. >> you never know what you're gonna get. >> there you go. >> nice. again she is pulled it out at the last second. >> good memory. >> such a great movie. >> great movie. sally field, of course, played his mom. she was ten years older than him. they had been co-stars a few
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years earlier, but she played his mom. back across. >> this lovely gentleman is from australia. carol brady is one of tv's best known mothers. name her six children. >> greg -- i do know them. >> you've got a kathie lee cd in your future. >> just go to the cd. >> there you go. >> all righty. greg, peter bobby, marsha, jan, cindy. >> i love it. >> hello. >> i can just see the -- i also feel like she deserves special points, because she took in cousin olive. >> and alice, who just had the birthday. did you watch "the brady bunch"? >> every day. which actress won an oscar for plays mom leigh anne tuohy in "the blind side"?
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>> san ra bullock. >> she was great in that movie. >> and won the oscar. interestingly julia roberts was offered the role, but she actually turned it down. >> wow. >> oops. back across to kath. >> name the tv mom whose voice this belongs to. >> it's not your fault, grandpa. they're too slippery, see? >> marge. >> marge what? >> simpson. >> oh, all right. >> marge simpson. who does that voice do you know? >> julie caverner. >> marge is based on the creator of the show's mom, and she just passed away. but a great, great character, great tv mom. time for one more. >> from wisconsin, sir, mrs. weasley from "the harry potter" series is a belough moment.
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how many children does she have? >> i'm going to say five. >> no, but this is right up your alley, a guy like you. >> all right. the correct answer is seven. >> she's such an awesome mom. she takes in harry, and has one more kid than mrs. brady, so good for her. >> thanks for coming to see us. happy mother's day. >> thank you. who knew she wanted to be a singer? guess who is back with us? molly ringwald with a brand-new album. sh so... [ gasps ]
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these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. to blueberry raspberry crystal light liquid. for those of us who use the weekend to really let loose. new crystal light liquid. six flavors. zero calories. for every shade of you.
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♪ [ male announcer ] now's the time to perfect your outdoor space. get 2 rose or hanging baskets for $10 at lowe's today. [ male announcer ] now's the time to perfect your outdoor space. of course everybody has secrets. in fact ... you are looking at one of my secrets right now. new revlon nearly naked™ makeup covers flaws melting into skin to even out your complexion. so the only one who knows you have makeup on ... is you. dare to be revlon. invents our ultimatereal expertise sulfate-free system for curly hair. new l'oreal evercurl. free of sulfates. our nourishing formulas with oils deeply moisturize every twist and turn.
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so curls are soft, beautifully defined. new l'oreal evercurl. wow, why didn't they think smaof this sooner?ogy. oh benjamin, you have an absolute sea of treasures here. but that peculiar contraption there has caught my eye... ...would you indulge me? you see, the smart tube reaches the bottom so you can spray every last drop. that is magnificent. yes it is... isn't it? absolutely magnific... my bottle! my eagle! introducing... quick , get a rodent. uh, re-introducing
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...a rodent, benjamin. smart tube technology. molly was a teenage idol, just saying the name molly ringwald counsel injures up the classic movies, and who of course could forget jake ryan and samantha in "six teen candles." >> she's now showing us another side of her. she recently released a new cd, a homage to the great american songbook and her dad, i have a feel. it's called "except sometimes." >> written by hoggie carmichael. >> was it fun choosing the songs? >> it was. it was a bit hard, because i
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wanted to pick standards, but i wanted to pick songs that haven't been recorded add gnawsium by every single alive. so the songs in my album, they're standards, but a bit more obscure. >> tell us about your musical background. your dad was a musician. >> my father is a jazz musician, bob ringwald. he's a bit more traditional jazz, and i'm a little bit -- you know, still not super contemporary, but, you know, i'm not singing betsy smith and louie armstrong like my dad. >> do you wonder what he thinks? >> he loves it. i think he's my biggest cheerleader, so happy i have come back to music. >> there is a song on your album which we are all familiar with called "don't you forget about me." was that an easy pick? >> when i recorded the cd, it wasn't that long after john hues
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passed away, he was very much in thigh thoughts and i thought it was a tribute. >> and what you're doing now it touring with the album? will the band be going with you? >> yes, we are. we are playing in new york city at the uridium, tonight and tomorrow night. we're kind of going all over the place. to australia, new zealand for a month. >> fun. >> what kind of feeling do you have on the stage? is it difficult from acting? >> it's similar to acting, but i would say of all the things that i do, i think it's the most joyful, that and parenting, you know, writing is kind of torturous. you know, acting is easy, but this is definitely the most joyful. >> it's great, discovering all facets of yourself, which is what life is all about. >> your kiddos will be traveling with you. tell us about your kids? >> what do you want to know? there they are. my eldest, matilda is 9 1/2, and
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those are my 3 1/2-year-old twins. >> look at that cute man. >> and that's my adorable husband. >> we're going to see matilda today? >> i would love to see it. i would love to. i'm a bit busy this time. >> sorry, you're the one that put out the cd, you know? a lifetime dream. >> well, we're happy for you. good luck with the cd. >> thank you so much. all right. you asked and we answered. >> all your beauty problems are solved. >> britney doesn't h ♪ ooh, yeah, ooh-ooh, yeah
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[ female announcer ] special k popcorn chips. 28 delicious chips for 120 calories. freedom to enjoy. what will you gain when you lose? find them in the cracker aisle. ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats.
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today is going to be epic. quaker up. behaves like the surface of your skin. now watch what soap does to it. ♪ soap strips your skin. dove is different. with 1/4 moisturizing cream, dove doesn't strip your skin like soap. with 1/4 moisturizing cream, sometimes all you need is the wow... sometimes all you need is the smooth creamy taste of werther's original caramel to remind you that you're someone very special. now discover caramel apple filled werther's original.
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whether you have problems with acne -- >> not that any of these kids do -- >> our you're starting to see the creases pop up on your neck, there are beauty issues at every age. >> to help us. we've brought in behar. >> let ate get right to it.
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a lot of people wrote in questions. i'd like my face to look flawless, but don't want to wear foundation every day. is there an alternative? >> yes, the best alternative is a beauty cream, makeup, skincare and sunscreen in one, and a good bb cream will cover like a foundation, smooth like a primer hydrate like a moisturizers and give you the protection. >> isn't that going to feel like she's putting on the very thing you're talking about? >> no, very, very good sheer coverage. instead of ten different things, one thing in a bottle. >> question number two -- preventing my neck and decollete from getting wrinkled is a priority. >> you don't want to look like a peach pit. >> bust thing is sunscreen every day on your face. >> imagine that concept. >> if you've forgotten to do
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that over the years, a good neck cream can help save the day. this one is from bliss. you instantly feel the tightening sensation, which is good for sagging skin, plus it helps fight against free radicals, that's the stuff causing the lines, saggyness and hyper pigmentation. >> why is she looking at me? >> i don't know. i'm way past my teen years and still suffer from acne. is there anything i can do. >> it's so frustrating when you are an adult and have acne. it's like, are you cudding me? really? the key for products is adult skin is different. it's a lot more dry, it's not as oily. don't use the product that your teenage daughter might be using. instead find a great product like this, this is from murad. i love it's a three-step process, cleanser, toner, lotion in one. no guesswork. >> here's another question -- a skin care tool that can minimize -- >> a professional brush like this one.
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it will help exfoliate. that way all of your creams and serums, everything that you're paying money for will work better and you're getting clean, exfoliated skin, too. >> should you use it every day? >> yes, every single day. just use it very gently. use it in the shower, too. >> what cleansing conditioner and what type of hair? >> think of cleansing conditioner all a low lather sam piano. >> it's a conditioner that will clean your hair, remove the oils and dirt, but you want to make sure -- typically it's best for people with curly hair or very coarse hair. if you have fine or oily hair, you may need something stronger. >> i don't want to strip the good oils. >> it infuses your hair with great moisture. silky, beautiful, for people with curly hair, very, very good. >> i suffer from under-eye circles, thises from a reader, not me -- and crow's feet.
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>> besides preparation h, is there something else you can use. >> using a great eye cream. you're retinol is fabulous. that's the gold standard. sometimes people get sensitivity to retinol. >> if you go out in the sun with that. >> right. you need to wear sunscreen. this is actually made for sensitive skin. >> it's by roc. it has had time-released formula, so delivering the slow and steady dose. >> just dab it under your eyes. >> if you've never used retinol before, this is a product you can start with. >> thank you very much. she's going to be the toast of the town this sunday. >> great mother's day wines, but first this is "today" on nbc.
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it is winesday wednesday. what else would we be talking about today but wine. >> if you're raising your glass to your mom this sunday, you
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might want to go for a bottle that fits her personality. >> or not. leslie is here to help you. she's the author of "wine for women." is it a different thing? hello, honey. it's not the same. >> that's right. men whine, and we know that. what i've taken is taken your mom's personality type, you know, for any wine-loving mom we have a solution for a gift. the wd and crazy mom -- >> that would be me. >> i'm going to give you this, and i call this my 50 shades of grape. so those of you who want to get kinky with your drinky. >> that's kinky. >> chardonnay, forget the cabernet -- it's torrenteza. and this is carmen air, a wine from chile, and this is
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emiliana, and this is natural, natural. so affordable. >> the next mom is the indulgent, they want to go in the path, right, take a break? >> who wants bubbles. >> hody likes bubbles. >> this is sparkling wine from chile. this is called cono sur. beautiful, crisp. >> i like that. >> that's really good. thinks a pinot? >> a blend of great grapes, serenity is a blend. >> it's nice. >> you could do the package, the cand candle, bubbles and that. >> she has to provide her own bathtub. >> i call this my aromatherapy section. you can package it up. and now we have the wonderful mom who is -- and we have no wine in this glass. interesting. >> this is not for me.
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>> it's not open, so you can't have anything. >> this is your music-loving mom. >> that's all right. i'll crack it open with my teeth. >> i know -- >> i do it at home all the time. this is from dave matthews. truth me, it is really good. >> dreaming tree, i've had it, yes. >> a new why called every day. dave matthews works with a wine maker, and andre bocelli has a new wine out. >> that's got to be good. >> this is from tuscany italy, and a beautiful wine, very sexy and seductive, right? >> just like his music. >> they're both on tour in june through september, so you can buy them tickets, dave matthews and bocelli tours. >> okay. then we've got to the food-loving mom. so for mother's day brunch, i do love a really nice pinot grigio.
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it gotten great with fruit salads. >> very nice. >> come on in here. this is lambrusco. this is sparkling red wine. >> i've heard of that. >> it's got beautiful fruit, goes great with chocolate, goes great with ham. >> wow, that's different. >> boy, isn't that delicious? >> a bit of chocolate with that. >> don't you dare stay away this long ever ever ever again. >> i will not. >> we wish you a happy mother's day. tomorrow maxim's hot 100. and ambush makeovers with louis and jill. >> a great one for you. >> we do. have an awesome wednesday winesday.
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breaking news, get ready for levi's stadium. that's what 49ers are set to officially announce in just a matter of minutes. san francisco-based levi strauss will be given the naming rights to the brand-new santa clara stadium. good morning, and thanks for being with us. i'm marla tellez. >> i'm jon kelley. good morning, everybody. lets get right to that breaking news. nbc bay area's bob redell live in san francisco. bob, this one a major league announcement. >> reporter: yes, good morning to you, jon and marla, front-runners won't be leaving sf without taking a little bit of the city with them. we're talking about levi strauss, a country based here for more than 100 years


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