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tv   Comunidad del Valle  NBC  May 26, 2013 3:30pm-4:01pm PDT

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hello, welcome to comunidad de valle. i'm damian trujillo. we'll have the bravo band in the studio, plus wine country comes to the silicon valley. this is "comunidad de valle". >> it's called wine country coming to the silicoicon valley. when you say wine country comes to the silicon valley, are you not kidding. you have been doing it a few years and not only to bring wine country to silicon valley, but also a way to give back.
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tell me. >> we have vineyards from napa, murphy, lodine, cena sew cena sd it is basically a fund-raiser. we have three recipients, a women, teen, and children center, and we have been two years in lajaca and extended it to four or five years. >> an easy way to not realize when you attend, you are actually giving back. such a fun, festive wine drinking affair, and may say it's a good party. >> i'm happy to be on board, going into the fourth year, and
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the event is growing, getting out there, being more visible, and the charities giving back locally and globally. >> when you think all of the latino vintners out there, it's surprising to see -- for me it, maybe to them it's not. surprising to see that many there producing high, top-notch quality wine like the one have you here. >> award winning wines. they are. just -- we go and do the wine tasting, you know, they have to qualify -- they have to be god for a fellow to buy it. we had over 450 people there last year, but, again, a lot of fun, it is being a business -- how would i say? a business mixer. >> um-hum. >> you see a lot of people networking.
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networking event is what it ends up being. >> are you surprised when you attended and saw -- i mean, virtually is wine country coming to silicon valley. >> yes, these great vintners coming from the whole area and showcasing wines for tasting and the food pairings with great restaurant from san jose area. showcasing their food, and the music and just a nice event and a nice summer evening and a great locations, for everybody to come out,an joy, as well as give back and support these great charities. >> and great musicxd also. >> tortilla soup, glad they are on board. playing for your listening enjoyment and dancing as well. >> would you have this if it didn't include the community giving component? you would get a lot of people to go, even if it was just about -- >> probably would, but it wouldn't have the same effect.
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i really believe you have to have a cause and reason to do fund-raisers or do events. if it's just to have a party, you know, but when you bring in -- it's for the community and the international community, it has more of an effect. people -- we have an event tomorrow for -- prereception for potential sponsors and talk about the recipients, they go we're there, we're there. >> um-hum. >> but like i said -- >> what message are wexd sendin? are people trying to model this? >> i think they are. we see that and it's a compliment to us. and the more that are doing it, that's great. they are able to reach out, where we can't, and it helps. a win/win situation. >> are you amazed? you just had your own fund-raiser recently. amazing at the level of giving
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that this community, year in, year out that kind of devotes itself in making sure that these charities are taken care of? >> yes, the community comes together to support great causes, fantastic work out there to make our community -- to make them stronger, whether it's the youth, like the jose valdez institute we're supporting this year, rhodaplast international and the allen center up on alamac avenue. people want to give to great causes, see where the money is going, and the effect of change they are creating as a result of giving. we are trying to make an impact in the community and continue the process with great wines, vintners and the foods and music. all come together on one evening in kelly park. >> the restaurants, six restaurants last year and they weren't appetizers. each restaurant had enough food
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for 100 people. >> a challenge to perform the other one. >> and now in the words of my friends, it is happening july 12th, and more information, find out who is coming and which wines will be poured at this great event. any final thoughts before we get rid of you, dale? >> we're still looking for sponsorships. anyone wants to come out, support the great cause, we'll welcome them as well and many other restaurants or wineries that want to participate in the wonderful event, please give us a call. >> all right. we're going to stay here and get rid of a phil. keep ray here and be joined by our latina vintner on "comunidad de valle." [ wind howling ]
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[ female announcer ] it balances you... [ water crashing ] fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley... delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. nature valley. nature at its most delicious. she is the owner of a vineyard, adee sanchez ordineri
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and back also is ray. tell us about your vineyard, your wines, what you produce? >> well, i am a migrant farmworker's daughter, my parents from texas, my grandparent from mexico. followed crops from texas through arizona to california. cott cotton, grapes, and i come from a family of 14. my parents were obviously catholics, and i was number 10. and i was fortunate enough not to have to work in the fields, but all my older brothers and sisters had to, so in 2008, that led me to plant a vineyard. we are in a little town outside of murphys, california, a new wine industry, and it's a new wine area. a beautiful climate on the
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peninsula. great fruit. in 2001, we planted the vineyard and sold to local winemakers and in 2010, we decided to put our own label on our wine and submitted it to the san francisco chronicle, our first barbera, we're well known for barberas, and won a bronze metal in the san francisco chronicle wine competition. the largest wine competition in the world for american wines, so the fact that we won a bronze, we knew at this point in time, it validated our fruit, the winemaker, a beautiful match. >> and you brought some samplings for us here. what does that say about the quality of the wine you produce? >> we're a high-end winery and manage our field. we control everything. we do not buy fruit from anyone else. it's all from our vineyards and hahn sort 100% of we use grape barrels, a lot of french barrels, especially for
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grenache. we hand sort, which means we touch every bundle that comes from the field. remove any raisins, green grapes, bugs, leaves. very california style, very fruit forward, higher in alcohol, because we pick it later, and our wines are stellar. and we have these two wines here that we're promoting today, and, again, i'm all about my mexican culture, and all my wines are dedicated to my parents and hard work and dedication to their family of four 1 4. love of god, love of country, love of family. here i have a this wone here isa biothel. my mother's favorite album growing up is biothel. loved him, gorgeous, like an
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elvis presley, that's what i tell my caucasian friends. and my mother would play this album, over and over again so i created the blend of grenache and sirah. made it for her, of course, she didn't drink. so this is biaso for my mother, and this year, we made a blend, and this is for my parent who passed away. mother and father married six weeks short of 73 years when she passed away. and my father shortly thereafter followed her and this is about their love for each other, and that is a ballad about two people that are so close to each other, that they carry a part of each other with them, so my parents are now together again in heaven and this is a tribute, plus this is the most beautiful love song in our culture. >> it is. >> here we are. >> this is -- when are you
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talking about top-notch, high-quality vintners, we're witnessing one here. >> definitely is, in fact -- my friend the editor of "vision" mag magazine. central valley publication. i looked at it, and i said i'd like to meet her. drove up there, met her, tasted her wine, down in murphys, but they are high end. >> how high do we go? we'll talk about that in the next segment. sabor del valle. back and talk more about this beautiful wine and the fabulous vintners that contribute to it. ♪
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♪ if loving you is wrong
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♪ i don't wanna be right [ record scratch ] what?! it's not bad for you. it just tastes that way. [ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal -- heart-healthy, whole grain oats. you can't go wrong loving it. bee happy. bee healthy. with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean,
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the owner of villa citas is my guest. why it was important for you to keep your wines high end? >> because i am picky about my wines, about what i drink and thereaft therefor, if it's something i will drink, it has to be something that i like. it's about my family and culture. to showcase we're not just farmers, we can be vintners and have businesses and it -- it's part of our culture and i felt like i needed to promote that, and it's something i'm proud of, my parent were very proud of, and i love good wine. >> how important was it to dispel that myth that because you come from an immigrant family background, farmworker background, that -- that is where your legacy would be, is in the crop picking? >> well, it's fairly easy, i
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always promote the fact that i'm hispanic and migrant farmworker's daughter, they look at me, say you are? and i say yes, because i'm a little lighter skinned. what it does for the gringos. the whole grape growing and wine making in a different light many really positive for us, and, of course, the hispanics, they are all over it, yes, somebody that made it. and it's important, because one of the things we don't real well in our culture, our culture being the hispanics, we don't promote ourselves enough. >> you are right. >> this is -- comes very natural to me. >> talk about this partnership. why is this one of the events you said, not only do i want to participate, but i want to donate auction items. >> donation is easy for me.
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i'm a born-again christian and that's what it's all about. you give back, because we get so much, we need to give back, that's number one, and this is all about the hispanic culture, not only good -- not an am i blessing ray and his organization, but i also get blessed. that was a piece of cake, a no brainer for me. >> tell us about the auction item donation? >> one side over looks the lake and the other side her vin yards, absolutely beautiful. going back to her wine, we met at the capital club six weeks ago, and her wines another month will be available there at the capital club. that's a very prestigious club. that's the quality of the wine and i know she will do a private tasting, will throw one in
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there. >> but does it bring this up a notch? >> yes. and that is -- that's the whole idea. i mean, we have some other vintners from napa, that have been given to our rotary donation and they are highly rereceived, you know, u.s. making them aware of not only the wines, but the restaurant -- there are four or five right downtown san jose, but definitely it does and these are the types wines we see come out from the latinos and around here, also invited. >> no one has ever heard of them. >> and is it a competition between the latino vintners or familia, and let's help each other out and promote each
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other? >> it's familia. i'm kind of new in this, we just started making wine in 2010, and i'm the mark yemarketeer, the s everything. i'm just getting my feet in the door, but it's really,ith a family. we all need to raise each other up and make sure that everybody knows that we're not just farmers. >> yeah. and ten vintners, how many will you have this year? >> probably 12 or 13. more, but we want to make sure they all get the right exposure. we could have 30 or 40, but it wouldn't be fair to them. >> it's outdoors at history park. >> we did these like latin america and europe. we set it up like a plaza, wines around, and silent auctions too, and the restaurants up front.
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we have tomato times, creek grill. and they love it, it's gotten competitive. we are in last year, we want to part a this. >> and judges and attorney there and doctors and community people, folks rolling up the sleeves and tasting great wine, saying we want to give back. there is information on the screen, sabor del valle. any final thoughts? >> i'm excited. >> very good. seal you there at sabor del valle. bottoms up, see through. thank you so much. up next, the music of the bravo band. stay with us. [ wind howling ]
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[ female announcer ] it balances you... [ water crashing ] fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley... delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. nature valley. nature at its most delicious. here is what's happening in
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your communidad. and our felicidades. celebrating a special day.
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and here is e-mail address for next week. pick up the newspaper and support bilingual weeklies and follow me on twitter twitter, @newsdamian. thank you for sharing part of your sunday us with. we leave you with the old sounds of the bravo band. ♪ ♪ ♪
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