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tv   Today  NBC  June 11, 2013 2:05am-3:01am PDT

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♪ >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hey, everybody. it's fun-day monday. a little damp out there. june 10th. but, boy, it is fun-day on the plaza if you are about 12. for a lot of young women who are out there since saturday waiting for this young man. his name is austin mahone. >> it was really weird. a lot of people walking by heard the screams of the crowd and wondered who was generating all this commotion. and this is him. 17-year-old from austin, texas.
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>> austin? >> austin. what? >> did you say he's from austin, texas. >> i think i did. so he's austin from austin. >> i like exactly what you said. here's the great thing. the kid put his stuff up on youtube and kept getting followers. >> the way bieber did it. >> and look what's happening. some are calling him the next bieber. he says he wants to be his own guy. >> of course he does. these days kids don't have to wait for somebody to find them. they've got the opportunity to go to social media and determine their own direction which is great. just met him downstairs. seems like a sweet kid. hope he stays that way. don't want to see him with his pants dragging around. he seems like a sweet kid. talented. >> it does kind of remind you when there's that moment where you see a performer and you go crazy you could scream. there are girls who are crying. they were freaking, sitting outside all weekend. >> did that ever happen to you? >> you know what's funny? we weren't allowed to go to concerts or anything. i came from a very strict kind of upbringing. there was none of that. i did listen to music and i
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liked two different types of music. >> no kidding. who did you like? >> i loved the jacksons. because i knew every song. ♪ easy as 1, 2, 3 >> unbelievably talented. yep. >> and that would always get me. and then on the other side i had a big poster of barry manilow. >> who didn't? >> everybody did. i was a fanilow. >> you still are. >> but it does remind you of when you go oh, my god, i would do anything. >> you're going to die. >> first time i felt like that was, do you know desi and billy and i'm really, really dating myself, but -- that is not funny. he was the son of dean martin and just a gorgeous kid. and was tragically killed later -- years later. an air force pilot accident. but that's the first time i remember. when your hormones are raging, mine still are, but in a different way, not as much fun now. that's for sure.
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you know, i do remember going to see a hard day's night and i thought -- i said to myself, i'll never be one of those girls that screams. >> and you did? >> everybody else is screaming. so, anyway -- >> and the beatles had that thing. all they had to do was step off a plane and the whole world exploded. >> that's right. >> but our point is it's awesome to have austin mahone with us. but this is nothing new under the sun. i'm sure in cave man days during that -- there was a little guy with a cute face who could sing a good tune. all the little cave girls were going, aaah! >> last night, big awards night. the tonys were last night. neil patrick harris always hits it out of -- >> the quintessential host any >> host of any ceremony. he just has a way of nailing it. he should do the oscars, i think. >> he might as well do the oscars as well. >> he definitely's got it. >> he was terrific. we want to wish all the best
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congratulations to everybody that was there. nominated and winners. >> yes. "kinky boots" was the big winner last night. they took home six of them. big ones. and cyndi lauper won for her score. anyway, it was -- that one took it. pippen did well, too. >> we knew it would. >> you know what surprised me? steven van zandt came out. a whole musical number. i'd never heard of the show. >> what was it? >> i had never heard of it. all of a sudden i'm going, how did we miss that? we were going to everything. but it was lovely when 88-year-old cicilee won. best actress for a trip to bountiful. we haven't seen that yet, but she took her time getting up and being elegant and she was lovely. from what i hear, spectacular performance. to think she's doing -- she's 88 doing that eight times a week is amazing. she looks amazing.
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regal. >> stunning. she waited gingerly. someone helped her up. i said i hope someone is going to help her up. >> she was -- she was absolutely lovely. >> and a big surprise was that tom hanks did not win. >> i couldn't believe it. >> "who is afraid of virginia woolf." sort of swept. >> we should also -- we should point out carolee carmelo was nominated from "scandalous." one of our local reporters was on the red carpet and talked to carolee. >> she was there with her daughter zoe. i didn't know that. >> the idea that i'm standing here is so satisfying because i worked on this project with kathie lee for about seven years. and i never thought we would get to broadway, let alone the tony awards. oh, my god, kath, i love you so much. i wish you were standing here with me. i wouldn't be here if it weren't for you, and you know that, a adore you. >> thank you. that's so sweet. same back at her. she looked beautiful, didn't she? >> she sure did. >> and her daughter zoe was with her. i was very, very proud of her. >> you want more vacation time?
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>> yes! >> you'll have to buy it. >> this is weird. >> i think it's kind of smart. >> so some offices are doing this thing where if you want more vacation time than you have and you want one more week you can actually pay your company bosses and say i'll give you this money. give me the time. >> you take your salary and you divide it by 36 -- how many working days you do. that determines how much you actually are paid per day for your job and then you say, look. i want two days off and i want them next week. here's the money. here's 20 bucks. >> that's kind of cool. i like that. >> they can do it the other way as well. if you don't take vacation and you are like, i'd rather work, i'm going to get that money. it's a cool idea. >> by the time i left the show with regis, i had ten weeks of vacation. i never wanted raises. i just wanted time with my kids. we just took the money, baby. now i wish i had. my children don't speak to me. they don't want to go on vacation with me. why did i spend so much time on them? i don't know.
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i -- if you know, tell me. >> were you down at the point this weekend? >> i was down at the point. you know, we did all that. and getting ready for bobbie's wedding. but i never dreamed my husband -- i've lost my husband to the point. i just want to warn you. if you are anywhere in our vicinity and you are going by in a boat you will be spied on. the nsa has nothing on my husband. he is down at the point with his binoculars. and, the one -- you know who you were. you were topless last weekend. and frank was down at the point with bambino. he's a happy man down there. >> very nice. >> bambino. >> speaking of dogs -- >> and who wasn't. >> so this town in spain got upset because a lot of dogs were doing their business and their owners were not scooping it up. >> a dog cannot clean up after himself, okay? >> so people need to do something about it. so there is some complicated matrix but they ended up scooping up the dog poop --
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>> somebody else did. >> figuring out the dna and taking it to the owner's house in a bag and putting it back on their doorstep. >> or they'd mail it to them. they'd find out their address and mail it to them. and you know what? it's working. they've spotted it happening. they find out where the people lived. mail it to them and errant poo is down 70% in spain. it's a good thing because their economy is not doing well so they have some great news. less poop. >> they would see it happen and go talk to a neighbor. they did a lot of secret -- >> it is the rudest thing in the world. it just is. >> i want to give a quick shout out to a friend of mine. >> sorry, no time today. >> there was a guy in the hospital. he's a friend of mine, named frank davis. he is a quintessential new orleans tv personality. >> look how cute he is. >> he's a chef.
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he is very ill. he's in the hospital. and he is fighting for his life with his wonderful wife mary claire. >> an unbelievable attitude. >> amazing. he says he watches our show. i've loved frank for many years. he says he watches his girls. >> frank, we want to say, hey. and you get better, baby. >> indeed. all right, favorite things. by the way, sara is back with us. i read this book over the weekend. caroline burnett is a beautiful human being who has devoted her entire life, along with her husband matthew to changing the lives of people out in california. i've told you so much about the dream center. i've known her but never known her whole story. you want to be inspired about how to find your purpose and get out of your pity party and start making a difference? you can work miracles in other people's lives if you are just willing. it's a fantastic book called willing to walk on water. >> we've got another one, though. >> yes. and this, i'm sorry. this daughter and her mother were having trouble
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communicating -- they found a common purpose. a young girl said, mom, why can't we design workout wear that also has some protection in it that's really cool and kids will want to wear it. look how adorable that is. it's all shirred like that. it's darling stuff called sunkissed girls. it's pricey but you also can work out without -- >> very cute. >> i'm going to give that to you. >> what? >> i love it. >> now this one, i don't know how i missed this show. it's been on for two years. and i missed it. i didn't see one episode until -- >> you've been raving about this. >> it's called "veep" with julia louis-dreyfus. let's watch. can we crank it up? >> wanted me to come down here and peek the skinny on the negotiation. >> this is a fire hazard. >> oh, they said to talk. it doesn't matter what they are saying. it's a funny show. i'm sitting alone, laughing, crying. julia louis-dreyfus has timing
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out the yin yang. >> and since it's on cable, you can say anything. >> hbo on demand. you can watch them all, one, two, three. you're laughing like a freak. >> when hoda is in, who is in more. >> and you have pop chips? >> you can eat these. i love pop chips. they have this new flavor called katie's kettle corn. you can eat the whole bag for 130 calories which i'm a calorie counter. so like no calories practically for the whole bag and it's sweet and salty and amazing. also two other flavors that taste like doritos. >> so good to see you back. we missed you. >> a couple of people paid money to come watch our show. nancy and lisa are here from chatsworth avenue school in marchmont. thank you for coming. i guess they won us in some kind of a raffle. >> who the heck would want us? >> i don't know. >> also some folks visiting from oxford, mississippi. we'll meet them a little bit later. could it be you? a great surprise for our fan of the week. >> and all the hollywood buzz including the movie everybody is talking about today.
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plus, uh-oh, an attack on simon cowell. not a bad one. >> he's all right. >> he's fine. >> i can't believe this hadn't happened before. [ female announcer ] when did we start thinking that eating a tiny breakfast would help us weigh less? ♪ with the special k breakfast, eat all this, with new, hearty special k multi-grain cereal. data shows women who eat breakfast tend to weigh less than those who don't. so eat right, not less. a new perspective. what will you gain when you lose? ♪
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on his way to a baking convention. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. what's going on ♪ >> it's fun-day monday. that means time for today's buzz and all the celebrity scoop you might have missed this weekend. >> from tony's big night to simon cowell's egging. entertainment weekly senior writer tim stack has it all covered. >> tmz will get all over this. that will be an amazing story. huge, huge, huge. >> oh, i can't do that. >> okay. simon cowell was innocently doing one of his shows and got egged. >> simon cowell was -- it was "britain's got talent" finale. simon cowell was just going about his business. these two gentlemen were performing and this lady, this crazy gal. she's a cast-off. she's smiling and throwing eggs
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at him. look at her crazy face. she egged him. threw like five eggs at him. and one of them hit him. the guys were just singing "the impossible dream." >> that's what's so rude. not to throw eggs at simon cowell, but to ruin their performance. >> crazy smile. >> that's crazy eyes. >> sore loser. >> simon tweeted like i don't really like eggs and she apologized and it's a whole -- now it's a viral video sensation. >> the guys get a chance to finish their song at least, i hope? >> i think they came in third place, though. >> who knows if that was affected by that. >> you know what? >> that's not right. >> how about a little justice? let them start again from the beginning. >> that's true. kathie lee gifford to the rescue. >> oh, stop that. >> stop raising your arms. >> okay. everything is down here. we keep it low. >> justin bieber, what's going on with him? >> justin bieber, it's like if it's not a monkey, it's something else. >> have you heard about this austin mahone? is he a little nervous?
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>> i saw him downstairs. he looks exactly like, like he's a clone. the biebs was trying to get into this club over the weekend. and he was, obviously, turned away because he's 19. >> most of the kids have fake i.d.s but he can't have one. >> because everyone knows who he is. >> the only disadvantage to being a worldwide pop star. >> you can't drink. >> you can't have a phony i.d. anyway, he tried to sneak in and the rapper the game was there. i guess he was deejaying and announced justin bieber was in the room. so then everyone was like, bieber. then he got thrown out by security. >> poor biebs. >> this is what happens when you get a monkey. the thing about michael jackson. it all goes downhill. crazies own monkeys. >> kim kardashian and kanye. did i just read they'll not have this baby in any reality show? >> i don't know about that. >> i read that this morning. breaking news. >> i heard kanye doesn't want the baby involved here.
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>> i would think -- i can understand that. he doesn't really want to be on the show. but -- >> he does have a career. he has his own life. it was his birthday last week. 36-year-old -- his 36th. he was at miss lily's. which is a great downtown restaurant. it's jamaican. it's delicious. i've been there. it's hip. >> who is bigger than you? >> no one. but beyonce came. jay-z was there. i think na was there and beyonce walked out. look how amazing she looks. >> and she's wearing stripes that way. stop it. >> she just ate some jerk chicken. i look like i'm pregnant -- i look pregnant now. >> she's working hard on that core. >> but anyway, kim kardashian for kanye's birthday, they couldn't be together because kim can't fly but she tweeted this collage of images of her and kanye. >> what town was that in, did you say? >> this was in new york. but she was in l.a. look. she's very crafty.
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it's like decoupage. >> she did like a little decoupage. >> she's so much like rosie o'donnell. when i think of rosie, i think of kim. >> they are the same. they are like twins. >> separated at birth. >> rosie -- it's like justin bieber and austin mahone. >> kristin cavallari got married. she married jay cutler, who i think is a football player? wrong -- target audience. >> he has a number on. you have no idea. >> maybe baseball. no idea. no, he's an athlete. they got married in nashville. >> that's nice. they have a child. >> you know who else got married? curtis stone. i thought he got married a long time ago. >> no, he just got married. beautiful lindsey. >> who is on "lipstick jungle." one ever my favorite shows ever. >> we love them both. and they have a gorgeous little hudson. so cute. >> they should keep procreating. good, good, good crowd. >> thank you for all you do. >> not really. >> thank you two for all you do. saving people every day. >> all right. one of our favorite times of the week. >> when we find out who our biggest admirer is.
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we love that. we're going to dial up our fan of the week after this. ♪ what do you think about caffeine? we consume over two billion cups of coffee every week without a second thought. 5-hour energy has less caffeine than some starbucks coffees, plus it has vitamins and nutrients. it's simple... caffeine with vitamins and nutrients. it's the combination that makes it so great. before you make a decision, get the facts. try a sip and find out why so many people love 5-hour energy. to find out we filled this car with trash, attached a febreze car vent clip, and let in real people. it smells good. like clean laundry. i could sit in this all day. [ laughs ] febreze keeps your car fresh. breathe happy. >> with hotwire's low prices, we can afford to take more trips this year. hit the beach in florida... >> and a reunion in seattle. when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. >> so we got our four-star
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hotels for half price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e, ♪ asionaconstipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues... with three strains of good bacteria. [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'.
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for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. that includes access on-the-go to our entire national wi-fi hotspot network, with over 30,000 hotspots. at&t u-verse high speed internet. now on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection your whole house can count on. ♪
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♪ it is time to surprise our fan of the week. >> and sara has the lucky winner. who is it going to be? >> our drumroll, please. our winner this week is -- john steve from glenville, new york. >> stop it! >> he watches us on wnyt out of albany. i think john is on the line. congratulations, john. >> thank you. >> your excited? >> very much. how are you doing, girls? >> how you doing? a little shout out to the ladies. we want to tell everyone a little about you. john works the second shift which gives him an opportunity to watch the fourth hour. he said he -- now that he's confessed his man secret is out. check out his t-shirt. >> he's out of the closet. >> and what a man he is. look at those arms. >> hello. >> john's favorite part of the show is the playlist.
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and kathie lee's friday funny. so diplomatic of you john, splitting it down the middle. so your ready to hear where you're going? >> absolutely. >> okay. get ready for a fun-filled trip to hollywood, florida. you and a guest are going to the seminole hard rock cafe and casino. a four-night, five-day stay with a lot of good times and relaxation because we got you some spa treatments. hotel and air fare accommodations provided by the seminole hard rock hotel and casino hollywood. are you excited? >> absolutely. my wife is going to love that. >> oh, he's married. he's got a wife. >> that shouldn't spoil the fun. >> we're breaking up, john. >> john, we're so happy for you. appreciate that so much. >> okay. she lost 100 pounds and her story is inspiring others. >> the latest member of our joy fit club will inspire you, too. we have great gift ideas for father's day coming up. >> does that mean steve is here? >> uh-huh. >> all right. whatever. and austin mahone stops by. he's going to sing for us. >> he's a hot shot.
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look at him waiting for us. >> all ahead of him. the poor kid has no idea what's going to happen. ♪
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♪ we are back on this fun-day monday with "look at me now, the joy fit club." a woman who was fed up with her weight and decided to get healthy. >> kate chapman took charge. before we meet her, let's take a look at her story. >> hi. i'm kate. and i used to weigh 225 pounds. i didn't grow up with a weight problem, but i did grow up thinking i was fat. the truth was, i was sick. by the age of 10, i had developed ulcerative colitis. which made my belly distended. i thought i was fat, though, and so a lifetime of disordered eating began along with several
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chronic illnesses. by the age of 34, i was also obese. but established in my acting career. i had a resume with five broadway shows and i even played mrs. claus in the radio city christmas spectacular. but i was miserable. my health was continually declining and each time i stepped on to a broadway stage, i wondered, is this the night they cart me out of here in an ambulance? finally, i woke up and i got to work. i made small, fun, gentle changes to my everyday patterns and 2 1/2 years later, i was down 100 pounds. but the real story here is that i have successfully kept the weight off for over five years. not only that, i have reversed all of my previous health problems, too. i was chronically ill for over 25 years, but now, i haven't been sick in over four years. even better than that? i found my new passion. i'm now a health coach.
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and i use my story as inspiration to show you can get well and part of that is being a healthy weight. >> how inspiring. we're here with the leader of the joy fit pack. "today" contributor joy bauer. >> she looks fabulous. she reversed every single health condition that she had. that's huge. >> the eating issues are obviously something we all have to deal with. how did she fix things. >> i'm going to show you this quinoa parfait. she eats the rainbow. she describes it as painting with food. she makes it more visually appealing. >> that looks really good. >> she eats it slower and is satisfied on smaller portions. this is white or light brown and red quinoa, lots of colorful berries and she flavors it up with nutmeg and cinnamon and a drop of maple syrup. i'll definitely tweet this recipe out. it's out of this world. cocktails for you ladies. >> what does she have? >> a friend ended up creating instead of a martini it's called a tini tini.
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ounce of gin, half a teaspoon of ginger juice, maple syrup and eight ounces of champagne. it makes two servings. the recipe i said we made four because we'll toast her at the end. only 130 calories each. you know we'll be tasting this after she comes out. >> yeah, here's kate. >> the before picture one more time in case you've forgotten. here is the new kate. >> oh, my god! >> wow! >> you can tell she belongs on stage. >> she's a performer. >> tah-dah. i'm not wearing spanx. >> now that's saying something. >> now we don't like you. >> no you don't. you love me. >> we're so proud of you, though. >> the thing about the illnesses just melting away, that must have just changed everything. >> i didn't imagine that that was going to happen. i thought i was going to get thin and i'd still manage my illnesses. when they all disappeared, the delight was just doublefold
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because now i look like this and i feel great. >> you can enjoy yourself on stage now. >> yes, i can. >> we are so happy for you. >> how long did it take you to do that? >> 2 1/2 years. i did it very, very slowly and with a lot of gentleness. >> we like that word. because a lot of people think they need to pound the pavement. start out nice and gentle. >> we're going to toast. >> yea. >> here. i've got you. >> thank you. >> to a teeny tini. >> you are teeny. >> and congrats to everybody else out there. you can do it as well. thank you for your inspiration, sweetie. he's the hardest noon shop -- man to shop for. what are you going to get dad this year? >> some very cool ideas for father's day coming up right after this. >> i love ginger. that's good. hey kevin...still eating chalk for heartburn?
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yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief! this is another! ta-daa! try charmin ultra strong. it cleans so well and you can use up to four times less than the leading value brand. and it's four times stronger. charmin ultra strong.
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gotta work those arms. [ child laughs ] [ grunts ] [ child screaming ] [ laughs ] [ wade ] dove men+care. care for what matters. how was it? good.
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♪ father's day is rolling around pretty quickly. just six days to shop for dad. before you run out to get a tie, we've got some cool gifts he might actually use. >> whether he prefers to hit the links or throw back a few drinks.
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some great ideas for father's day. >> dads are hard to shop for. >> we always spend more money on moms than dads. a huge percentage difference. it's just not fair. first up, this is called golf sense. you have one on right there. it goes on your glove. it can track your swing and we'll have her just do one right now. we have it -- >> where your swinging? >> i'm not going to do it because of the lights. >> you're just swinging it. >> careful. >> nice. >> what happened? that information then pops up on to your iphone or android. >> i didn't go all the way back enough. >> you can swing this around. so you can take a look at it from all different angles. if you hit some analytics on the top you can do an evaluation of all the strokes and they'll give you tips and whatnot. it's just a smart idea. golf sense. >> 94.6. you did good. >> you got skills. who knew. so that's golf.
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next this is for the mcguyver dad. this is the task one iphone case. it's got all of these things. it's got 22 tools built into it. >> you can't take it on the plane. >> you can because the knife is removable and you don't have to keep that in there. otherwise you have all this great stuff. scissors, pliers. >> in your iphone case. clever. clever. >> next for the dad that wants to keep a cooler in the back of his car, this is really -- this is called the flip box. you basically, it takes up no storage space. >> oh, i love it. >> dishwasher safe and ice free. >> it's so air tight that you could actually -- >> i can't believe it collapses like that. >> pretty cool. >> sad somebody had to think that up, isn't it? >> it's been invented. >> that's a great looking bag. >> they come in a bunch of different sizes. it's called an air bag. i'm going to have you try it out. this is the air bag.
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>> we've got some beer in there. >> of course you do. >> how many bottles? >> enough to keep you -- >> not enough, ever. >> this is air bladder in the back of this that makes it feel more comfortable. if i take the air out of it -- >> it's so attractive on you. >> do you feel as the air leaves it should feel like it's getting heavier. it's coming out very slowly unfortunately. i'm going to force out of there. excuse me. >> but what your doing? -- what are you doing? >> yes, it's getting heavier. why are you doing that? why would you want it to get heavier. >> to prove the fact that air bag lightens it up. by pumping it up -- i'm proving it by the opposite. >> isn't this cute? >> i feel like i'm going to school. >> you look like you're going to school. i'll take it off of you. i use this. it's great. next, this is the -- sorry about that. this is a brawly. this is an umbrella. it's a really great design because it has this handle so that you can text while -- >> oh, no, no, no. >> in the rain.
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>> e-mail. >> that's going to cause so many umbrella accidents. >> you are walking in traffic. >> for those who want to. these ladies vote no on it. >> great idea but, i mean, maybe to carry it, but texting and walking in the rain, no. >> no. we only have a couple seconds. the 360 power screwdriver. i love it. it has all the bits built right into it. so you just turn to the bit you want and then you push the thing. it's sort of like a revolver. take it out and it's got a light built on. >> that's a perfect gift. great gift. >> 50 bucks from skil. >> that's actually cool. this is pretty neat, too. this is called the iron x action camcorder. little tiny camera. sync it to your phone and it has this wrist thing so you can put it on a helmet, your chest. if you are doing kayaking and want to shoot video of it, it's all done with this little thing here. >> how would anybody ever enjoy life before there were all these gadgets.
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>> look at this mercedes. >> yeah, this is pretty amazing. this is the world's first all electric zero turn -- >> meaning you don't have to go anywhere. you are right on your own circumference. >> ladies, please be careful. >> good-bye, everybody. >> so -- >> you are moving a little bit. we get the idea. >> i'm turning on a dime. this is amazing. first one to be able to do this. >> a very small circular lawn. and with a little dramamine, i could do this all day. >> you are done like that. amazing. >> wow. ooh. wow. >> thank you. happy father's day. you've got the gift. now let's make dad a special meal. the host of "bizarre foods," andrew zimmer coming up after this. >> i'm alex wilson with your seven-day forecast. talking about the heat for parts
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of the cup. also be watching for storms in the midwest. rain showers, rumbles of thunder continue into parts of the northeast as well. the heat will be the story once again in the west. we have triple-digit temperatures, well above triple-digit for phoenix. 110, 100 in albuquerque. near a hundred in denver. we'll see the heat build into parts of the plains as well. dallas at 95. tomorrow, watch for storms moving through the ohio valley, up into the plain states, minneapolis towards d.c., you can see thunderstorms. watch for wet weather into parts of florida as well. orlando, around 94, atlanta and new orleans will also be in the mid 90s. near 80 for new york city. as we get into the day thursday, areas like d.c. watching for rain, same for philly, pittsburgh. louisville with highs around 80. near 80 in minneapolis.
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on friday, rain showers through parts of north and south dakota. also in nebraska, 83 for kansas city. we'll stay in the upper 60s around seattle. for our saturday, dry on the west coast, 70 in l.a., 63 for san francisco. also dry on the east coast, just a few showers and storms up in the middle. 81 for d.c., 85 in atlanta. sunday brings a few showers into tennessee and kentucky. 76 for new york city. 92 in denver. on the other side of the country, look for temperatures around 92, in salt lake city, mid 70s in seattle. wake up with al each weekday from 5:30 to 7:00 a.m. ♪
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♪ all right. it's time for today's kitchen. and a little southern comfort is
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what's cooking with a guy who will eat anything and everything. >> the travel channel's andrew zimmerman is known for trying exotic delicacies all over the world but in his new season of "bizarre foods," she's staying stateside and showing us some of his favorite country southern dishes. >> good morning, ladies. >> the beautiful part of this is that it's traditional low country, southern fare meant to be served family style. super fresh. ultra seasonal. the south is really the italy of america. and so you can use a scissor and take the veins out of these really large shrimp. it's very, very simple to do. would you join me over here and dump those in. >> all of them? >> all of them. >> leave the head or the tail? >> you cook them this way so the sauce gets in there and so much of the flavor is in the shell and the head. marjoram, peppers. throw those in there. you dump the peppercorns and the bay. i'll squeeze the lemon.
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when this comes to a boil you stir it two or three times. now you can smell that marjoram and lemon. the minute that hits the water -- i'm going to borrow this from you. this comes to a boil. stir it three times and pour it through a strainer. the most important thing to do is to remove the chilies, especially if you have kids or people that don't like spicy food. >> so it's the hint of the spice. >> it gives you enough. you can always chop those up and add them. then if you will spill that gently into that big bowl right there -- >> good girl. >> i am going to mix our seasoning. more lemons. and i just give it a squeeze. i add some green onions. we make this every week in my show -- in my house. this is dill sugar lemon juice, oil and we're just going to give that a gentle stir. and it came with the last quarter cup of drippings from the shrimp. and then -- >> look how good that looks. i'm sorry. i'm totally in.
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>> everybody is drooling. it looks amazing. >> you let this sit about 20 minutes at room temperature to allow the pickling effect from the lemon and the sugar and the salt to go into the shrimp. i will give you a piece now. you can eat the lemon, if you care to. >> yep. with the rind and everything, right? >> you can do the whole nine yards. in people find parts of it -- some people find parts of it bitter. depends on what kind of lemon. we serve it with a buttermilk dressing. >> because that's the way you roll. >> homemade corn bread. >> we're going to try it right now. see how it is. >> thank you. this man has 3 million facebook and twitter fans already. felt like they were all out on our plaza this morning. >> austin mahone performs for us. we'll talk to him right after this. ♪ we know a place where tossing and turning have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep,
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♪ you say you're just a friend the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. >> all right. if you have a tween or teenage daughter you already know this young guy sitting besides us. not since justin bieber has a teen boy created such a frenzy. he's 17-year-old austin mahone.
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he's not from austin. he's from san antonio. >> yes. >> he already has nearly 3 million fans on facebook and twitter who call themselves mahomies. and most of these screaming girls were on the plaza earlier lined up to hear some of his music, including his latest single "what about love." >> nice to meet you. >> what a sweet guy. >> you are. >> we don't want that to change. listen to your aunt, okay? >> you're my aunts now? >> we're taking great care. >> are you modeling yourself after the early days of justin bieber's career or going on your own path? >> i think i'm going on my own path. i started out on youtube posting videos to my friends and it blew up. i made it a hobby posting videos every day and it kind of grew. >> you made our plaza just explode. so we're so glad you're with us. >> we are so excited you're going to sing for us. what are you going to sing? >> we'll find out. >> here we go. ♪
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♪ hey, hey, baby you've been on my mind ♪ know you for a long time ♪ i've been thinking that you should know ♪ ♪ hey, hey, baby can we compromise ♪ ♪ i really want you to be mine ♪ got a million places we should go ♪ ♪ i want to be your everything i want to be the one you need ♪ ♪ tell me where you been all my life and i make you mine tonight ♪ ♪ hey baby you you got what i need but you say you're just a friend ♪ ♪ you say you're just a friend ♪ you've got what i need but you say you're just a friend ♪ ♪ yeah you say you're just a friend ♪ ♪ hey, hey, baby you've been on the phone spending time together alone ♪ ♪ but every time we talk the words don't come out right ♪
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♪ when i look in your eyes i can tell you you're holding something inside ♪ ♪ i've been thinking about you ♪ i wannabe your everything ♪ so tell me where you've been all my life let me hear you! ♪ hey baby, you got what i need but you say you're just a friend yeah you say you're -- all the way in the back! ♪ hey, baby just -- you're just what i need ♪ ♪ you say you're just a friend yeah you say you're just a friend ♪ ♪ in carol city spent most of my nights trying to make the world right ♪ feeling good right now ♪ ♪ i remember ♪ ♪ came to me like a song i wrote ♪ ♪ cutting class because you're all that i want ♪
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♪ you got what i need if you're not, i'll just pretend still i can't get your friend ♪ ♪ i'm playing, though ♪ i'm catching eyes and i can see the twinkle i guess not hey baby you got what i need ♪ ♪ but you say you're just a friend ♪ ♪ yeah you say you're just a friend ♪ ♪ and baby you ♪ you got what i need ♪ but you say you're just a friend ♪ ♪ yeah you say you're just a friend ♪ ♪ baby you ♪ you got what i need ♪ but you say you're just a friend ♪ ♪ yeah you say you're just a friend ♪ ♪ baby you ♪ you got what i need ♪ but you say you're just a friend ♪ ♪ yeah you say you're just a friend ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> thank you! thank you guys so much. jeff: six-figure income down to minimum wage. he has dedicated his life to some very special kids. >> the smile that we put on these kids' faces. jeff: they have all weathered some unexpected events. none of them were ready for this. [applause] are you ready for this? hello! hello! hi! roll it. /captioning made possible by cbs television distribution] jeff: a little bit about me. i'm recently married, i work with my wife on this show. i'm learning how to be a dad to two amazing


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