tv Today NBC June 14, 2013 2:05am-3:01am PDT
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>> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. liverom studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. okay. >> we're not talking. >> kathie lee says we shouldn't speak this fine morning because something is missing from our table. >> we go on wine strikes. >> for some reason -- >> we won't do this show unless there's wine. >> there's no wine. it's just sad what's happened here on this table. >> oh, jerry. >> how about a mojito instead? >> jerry, we love you. >> now we can celebrate. it's thirsty thursday, june 13th.
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welcome, everybody. >> it is also a special day for my little niece ella. >> she's 3 years old today. so you guys, just a little happy birthday to -- come on, girl. >> she is adorable. >> she's three! happy birthday to little ella. >> i think 3 was my favorite age. >> was it? >> yeah. yeah. >> that was 20 years ago. >> why was it your favorite? >> kids are so edible. they're always great. they're learning. they really go on a tear at 3. >> they're singing. >> and funny. i love it. >> i think that's the age cass was when we had a gentleman playing piano for us at christmas and he was heavy, quite heavy, and cassie went over to him and said, "you had too many hot dogs." i was very, very upset with her. >> kids tell the truth. >> i said, "cassidy, that is not nice. you go back there and tell him
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you are sorry." she goes over, "i sorry you had too many hot dogs." but i love that about them. they are so innocent. keep her that way as long as possible, hoda. >> we have to talk about kanye west. because we talked about him yesterday. and we talked about this woman who claims to have been his mistress. we don't know what's true about that. but we did learn a couple of things today. number one, she was paid allegedly for the alleged story, supposedly. >> we're trying to be fair here. yeah, yeah, yeah. is the word mistress, anyway, isn't that a very different thing than somebody that hooked up twice with somebody else? a mistress is something that's an ongoing relationship and is kept in a sense, monetarily, it seems to me. >> it does. >> okay. so that's also alleged but that's the wrong word for us to be using. >> i don't know if you guys read "the new york times" article where kanye was interviewed about his new music. he has an album called "yeezus." >> which i have a particular gripe about. but anyway.
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>> okay. anyway, this is what he compares himself to a bunch of people in this article. one of them is steve jobs. and he says this -- "i think that kanye west is going to mean something similar to what steve jobs means. i am undoubtedly, you know, steve of internet downtown fashion, culture, period. by a long jump. i honestly feel that because steve was passed, you know, it's like when biggie passed and jay-z was allowed to become jay-z." okay. anyway, here's another one. this is when he compares himself to michael jordan. he said, "justice could just be clearing a path for people to dream properly. it could be clearing a path to make it fair within the arena that i play. you know, if michael jordan can scream at the refs, me as kanye west, as the michael jordan of music, can go and say, this is wrong." >> meaning as in when he's like stood up at the grammys grabbed the -- or whatever. >> here's his thing about the taylor swift grabbing the mike incident. this is very profound.
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"it's only led me to awesome truth and awesomeness. beauty, truth, awesomeness. that's all it is. if anyone's reading this waiting for some type of full-on flat apology for anything, they should just stop reading right now." okay? so there you have it. >> i want to be awesomeness. i want some of that awesomeness. i don't get it. >> people tell you you're wonderful. let other people tell you you're talented. and if you indeed are, there will be no need to discuss it. i find that -- >> i don't like when people call themselves by their own name. >> regis did it and it didn't bother me. >> but regis is different. >> regis and yeezus, they are very different. you know, it was adorable when reege did it. regis is here. regis would like a cup of coffee. >> that's different. that's different than kanye feels. yeah, no, it's gross. >> because you know what? because there was always with reege and there still is a sense of humility, i can't believe i get to live this life.
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>> that's it. >> as opposed to i deserve this life because of my awesomeness. nobody likes that. >> if you're wondering when jennifer aniston and justin theroux are getting married -- >> it depends on who you read. >> "people" magazine, which is usually sort of right on almost everything, they claim the wedding's on hold because of a couple of things. one, some films that they're both shooting. and number two, because their home needs renovating. they are in the middle of a renovation. it takes a lot of time and energy. >> "ok!" magazine says the date is set. hold it right here. so you've got to consider the source. since neither one of them are saying -- they've been engaged about ten months. i don't think that's -- you know, what it always seems to me a little strange when people that are older take long engagements. i don't know. it just seems to me that that's something that young people are still learning what they want, who they are. maybe they take a little more time. i don't know. i'm so out of it about everything these days. >> but when it comes to like if
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it's a housing renovation or something, like that seems a little unusual, i would say. don't you think? to put off a wedding. >> frank and i have been married almost 27 years and we've been through about 30 renovations. here's the thing, i think. if you want to get married you get married. you go do it, you know? >> doesn't matter what's ahead of you, what kind of issues you have. >> and yet i wish -- everybody is different, hoda. i've tried to tell you that. >> but i thought you said everyone was the same. okay. >> no. >> if you like -- this is interesting. so finally there is a movie coming out about princess diana. naomi watts -- >> there have been a couple of television ones. right? >> this is the latter part her life. near the end with dodi fayed and all that stuff. naomi watts is playing princess diana. >> she's an excellent actress. they've just released a trailer. let's take a look and see what we think. ♪ ♪
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>> just video. naomi watts was reluctant initially to play that role. >> yeah. i see why. i think there's this basic decency about her. she said she's got two children, will and harry and, you know, is it too soon to be making a film about her life, the end of it. i guess it's true. so much of it is true and there are things that are never flattering about anybody's life if they tell the truth. except for -- >> you. >> yeah. so anyway, she approached it very delicately. but she waited. she read the script and she said the writing was just so fantastic. so the movie's going to be released later this year. i really admired princess diana so much. even learning things later about her later that were -- may be disappointing. it didn't matter. it didn't change the admirable traits she had and the admirable things that she did. >> i feel the same way. for her holding the first aids baby and getting that picture changed the perception of aids around the world.
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we were at the same time trying to build a home for aids babies in new york city and it changed even our battle. because people said oh, you're not going to get aids from holding an aids child. it was huge. and the whole thing -- all the stuff with the mines. >> yeah. the land mines. >> she left an incredible legacy. >> she did. let's talk about something trivial. so anyway -- legacy. anyway. >> that's my cue. >> okay. so yesterday we told you about all the things you can stuff in your bra. >> not all the things. >> well, but -- >> lip gloss, credit cards. >> right. so people chimed in. >> you also had a sweaty 20 in there at times. >> sweaty money is nasty. it's lived there for a second. you go running and you have money in your little zipper pocket of your running shorts. and you stop to get water and you pull that sweaty 5 out and you even hate to hand it to the guy. you're like, i am so sorry. but you've got to -- you know, sweaty money ain't great. >> there is something worse. during the season with -- like
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we've just been through with everybody allergies and stuff. i'd go walking, running with kleenex. but by the time you're ready to blow, that stuff is so soaking wet. >> the wad. gross. >> that's disgusting. >> we asked you what you keep in your bra. people chimed in. amanda keeps her cell phone in there, especially when she uses the bathroom. >> okay. >> and on facebook pamela wrote us to say she works in retail and has seen few people pull out their sweaty 20s. >> that's your word. but we have something you don't need to shove stuff in your bra anymore. kath's got something. it's a garter. >> it's a garter belt. it holds up to three pounds and you can fit your -- who walks around with hundreds? >> i don't know. >> and your credit cards. and your jagermeister. >> that's great. >> and your phone. and this was a present from jerry. >> what is it? >> jagermeister. >> more. so how does it work? >> and vodka. >> i think you wrap it.
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the thing is -- it's going to have to -- you can't do anything but stand there for this not to come off, right? >> it's velcro. it holds. look. pull it. do it. not like that. like this. see? >> i don't know. i think it would slide. >> it is time for a song that's going to -- >> what about me giving my necklace away? >> oh, yes. this is important. yesterday fantasia was on the show and kath did something. fantasia admired her necklace. and she said -- kath took it off and gave it to her. so fantasia yesterday posted on instagram "thanks, kathie, for this pretty little necklace. i enjoyed talking to you ladies. so classy." what you don't know about kathie lee -- >> no, that's fine. >> i want to say this. because kath, if you say you like something that kathie lee's wearing or has on she often takes it off and will give it away. if you own it you will. >> if i own it.
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a lot of times things were borrowed from us. i wish i could give it to them. >> in the makeup room we said it's so funny. it didn't even strike us because you do it so often but because you did it on the air, people on facebook talked about it. >> can i say one thing before the music? >> no. >> yesterday i was the happiest person in the entire world, and so was frank gifford. went down to the point and what had just arrived was my flexible hose. how often do you order something and it's exactly what they said it was going to be? i go down there. i ordered four. i set it up. it takes me three seconds. it is like carrying around a piece of paper, hoda. it waters beautifully. i am -- and frank, i gave him for father's day the best binoculars in the world. if you want to see the two happiest old farts in the world, it's me with my hose and frank with his binoculars. >> don't say hose. >> don't say hose or don't say farts? >> we've got to play this song. it's so good. it's worth waiting for. this is by the jonas brothers. it will get in your head.
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it is called "pom-pom." you're going to love it. get ready. ♪ ♪ drink the whole thing hear him saying yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ every time feels like a revival so get up ♪ >> it's about a cheerleader and the guy. >> of course it is. >> get ready. ♪ when your hands are free baby put your pom-poms down for me ♪ ♪ come on shake it up one, two, three baby put your pom-poms down for me ♪ ♪ make me fall to my knees put your pom-poms down for me ♪ >> how old are you? ♪ baby put your pom-poms down for me ♪ >> when was the last time you held a pom-pom? ♪ you want to see me put my pom-poms down ♪ >> "rolling stone" calls her one of the greatest singers of all time. just when i thought this song couldn't get worse.
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>> we have a great chat with darlene love. >> who's a real musician. >> we love her. >> and ambush makeovers. it's that time of the week. >> we'll be right back. we consume over two billion cups of coffee every week without a second thought. 5-hour energy has less caffeine than some starbucks coffees, plus it has vitamins and nutrients. it's simple... caffeine with vitamins and nutrients. it's the combination that makes it so great. before you make a decision, get the facts. try a sip and find out why so many people love 5-hour energy. gotta work those arms. [ child laughs ] [ grunts ] [ child screaming ] [ laughs ] [ wade ] dove men+care. care for what matters. how was it? good.
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geico, see how much you could save. ♪ if you are of a certain era you probably remember this song. when music was music. it's from 1962 and it's called "he's a rebel" and it was sung by darlene love. >> today darlene can be called a chart topper an author and actress. her road to success wasn't easy, including her stint as a housekeeper just to make ends meet. between songs. >> her story is told in a new film called "20 feet from stardom." take a look. >> my christmas record came on the radio while i was cleaning this bathroom. ♪ they're singing deck the halls ♪ >> and i just looked up and just said, okay, darlene. this is not where you're supposed to be. you're supposed to be singing. there's a whole world out there who wants to hear you sing.
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>> oh, yes, there is. so good to see you. >> how are you? >> great to be back with you guys. >> so great to see you having the career you always deserved. >> i love the title of this. "20 feet from stardom." you're just right there sort of knocking on the door. and you've sung backup for some of the greats, haven't you? >> yeah, and bruce said it best in the film. it's 20 feet but it's a whole lot of inches in between those feet. well, you know, i mean, it is. and i have had a wonderful career because all the people i've backed up respected me. >> like who? >> well, bruce. >> springsteen. >> elvis presley, sam cooke, luther vandross. >> but anybody known? anybody who's absurdly talented? >> was it frustrating to be -- because you have one of these angelic, terrific voices. was it frustrating to watch someone kind of take the spotlight while you were on the side? >> not unless it was somebody like my friend sonny bono or
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my friend nancy sinatra. >> uh-huh. >> okay. >> but it was fun. >> it was okay because we were meant to make them sound good. and that's what we did. >> and a lot of people would see the bad dark side of that notoriety the stars had to face. you know what? i'm making a really good living. i don't have to put the fannies in the seat. >> i still wonder about that today because i was making a good living but it gets too comfortable and i always wanted to really sing by myself. and i can understand when people are in a group. they can only do so much. you get by yourself. you are freer. and that's what i wanted to do. i wanted to be freer with my singing. >> they always talked about how the backup singers are kind of like the chorus in church. >> yes. >> and the preacher was the lead singer. >> preaching, honey. yeah! >> started out like so many great singers do. you started out in the church. >> my father was a minister. so it was easy for this. my sister and three brothers. you have that many in your family --
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>> what songs -- >> and vacation bible school. uh-huh. i know. >> what songs do you love to sing? what do you sing in the shower? >> i sing gospel. the old singers like mahalia jackson, the caravans, james cleveland. >> give us a little something. ♪ i hold to his hand ♪ god's unchanging hand ♪ hold to his hand ♪ yeah ♪ god's unchanging hand ♪ build your hopes on things eternal ♪ ♪ i tell you got to hold ♪ to god's unchanging hand >> and i am so happy. >> you're still doing it. >> and i love it. >> it's a beautiful movie. hoda was really blown away. >> and phil spector.
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two seconds. just in a word describe him. >> power hungry. if you notice, he never made any of his recording artists stars. it was about him. >> it was about him. well, we are thrilled for you. one of the all-time greats. "20 feet from stardom" opens tomorrow in new york and l.a. and across the country in the coming weeks. >> it's so worth seeing. we've got a hot video coming up. >> it's webtastic, whatever that means. >> you are so unbelievable. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep, and lunesta eszopiclone can help you get there, like it has for so many people before. do not take lunesta if you are allergic to anything in it. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving or engaging in other activities while asleep without remembering it the next day have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur.
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♪ it is time for web taftic. where our own sara haines digs up video. >> this week it's a globetrotter who hit the beaches of the jersey shore? >> yes, basketball player handles franklin took his routine on the road to 13 different locations spreading the word that the jersey shore is open for business. this is really cool. now wait. keep watching. absolutely no green screens were used. this is 13 different locations meshed together.
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first of all, hoda can do that. >> exactly. kind of. >> and they did this in honor of "stronger than the storm" campaign. they are doing that to remind people there are a lot of businesses and it's getting back on its feet and people need to come out and support. >> nice. >> and they are in jersey right now for the summer games happening in wildwood august 7th to the 10th. they've also been visiting schools in the area to support the cause. >> that's great. that's really great. >> look at how spotless the edit is. it really looks like it's fake but no cheats. >> that's unbelievable. all right, sara. thank you, sweetie. all right. you're invited. we are throwing a birthday party. isn't your birthday party coming up? >> no. and two lovely ladies -- yours is, though. >> two ladies have been ambushed. the results of their makeovers right after our break. >> and relationship pro matthew is back with answers to your burning questions all about girls and stuff.
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♪ hands up they're playing my song ♪ we are back on this thirsty he thursday with more of "today" and our plaza ambush makeovers where two very lucky ladies get plucked off the plaza by our amazing beauty pros. >> they are contributor and stylists to the stars. ♪ louis licari ♪ la, la, la, la, la, la >> and "today" contribute and contributing editor to "people style watch" and author. a little rainy. a little dreary. >> you beat the rain. >> we beat the rain. jill had us on a timer. she said louis, we have to do this fast. and we did. >> you found some good folks? >> we found two great makeovers. >> laurie olive is the first lucky lady. 47 years old from florence, alabama. she's here to celebrate her daughter's graduation. so they begged us to give their mom a glam new look. let's take a listen. >> well, it's a girls' weekend. whoo-hoo.
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everyone's in a state of shock here. but i know you want this for your mom because you say she's always in the same thing. >> yeah. she's always in blue jeans and t-shirts and she never wears heels. i just want this for her because she always does stuff for us. >> oh, that's so nice. and i know you just graduated. congratulations. and your dad is not here. where is he? >> he's at home paying for this trip. >> all right. well, we are going to send you home glam to thank him. what do you think? >> oh, i think it's great. this is going to be wonderful. >> oh. >> she looks like a teenager. >> she does look like a little kid. here her two daughters, kaitlyn and hailey. keep your blindfolds on. here's laurie olive before. ♪ pretty woman walking down the street ♪ >> wow, laurie, you look great. >> all right, kids. are you ready? take off your blindfolds. that's your mama.
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>> hello, mama. hot mama. are you ready? laurie, turn around. >> oh, my god! >> i love it. >> you look amazing. >> look right at camera 12. louis. very dramatic haircut. >> yes. that's a great haircut today we had bridget jenny do all the haircuts. >> love bridget. >> which she updated the haircut by shaping it, again, giving it these little peekaboo bangs. a little hair on the face. then i darkened the hair. which did a tremendous thing. it changed the texture of her hair. >> really makes her eyes pop. >> it made her eyes pop but it also makes her hair look in better condition. as hair color will. >> girls, what do you think? >> i think she looks amazing. >> i have no words. >> that could be really good or really bad. >> tell us about the dress. >> i love turquoise obviously in accessories but also a great dress if you already have your little black dress. this is from maggie london. a beautiful cutout in the back. she hasn't worn heels in 20 years. >> how do they feel? >> good. >> you could get used to being
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an uber model, couldn't you? >> uh, no. >> all right. big round of applause. >> lovely, lovely. >> all righty. our second lady is carla carrington. she's 43. she's also quite young. westlake, ohio. never colored her hair before. and leaves her house every day with this soaking wet. so she jumped at the chance of getting a brand new style. so let's hear her story. >> another ambushee in a state of shock but a birthday state of shock. what a great gift. >> yes it is a great gift. i'm very shocked and happy and speechless. >> speechless. >> what do you think about this for your daughter? >> it's great. i think it's going to be a fun day for her. >> everyone is a little speechless here. so i know it's your birthday. i know you're single. so are you ready to be totally glam and fabulous and new york city ready? >> yes. i'm definitely looking forward for the opportunity. it will be fun. >> all right.
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she's adorable. she's here with her mom carolyn. let's take one last look at carla before and bring out carla farringdon now. oh, yeah. >> oh, yes! right there. okay, mom. carolyn, you want to take off your blinders and see your daughter? >> oh, my god! >> that's a good reaction. >> turn it around. carla, look right here, hon. >> ooh. fancy. wow. oh, my god. >> you know, that is such a good sign when they start putting their hands in their hair like that. >> she feels like the sexy woman she is. >> carla, you look gorgeous. >> if you can get away from yourself just one second. >> thank you. >> of course, i lightened the hair and added a few brighter pieces around the face. >> i know. she can't stop. it's adorable. >> bridget denny's haircut. and all put together with the maggie levine. >> i like the color of it, too. >> the color is so beautiful. >> the lipstick goes with the dress which really works well. >> you can put your glasses on
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if you want to see a little better. >> and the dress is adorable. >> i think we got her contacts? is that right? >> we did but -- >> oh, they're not in. i'm like, why isn't she putting her glasses in? >> wait until she puts her contacts in. she can't believe how stunning she is. >> the dress is maggie london incorporating the peplum and the exposed zipper in the back. and also navy and red, a good combination if you're looking for something other than -- >> mom, you like? >> oh, she's beautiful. she looks wonderful. >> let's bring laurie out here. a big round of applause for both of them. good job. thanks so much. >> do you know your man, do you know what he's actually thinking? >> this guy's going to tell us. matchmaker matthew hussey. he's going to answer your questions after this. about caffeine? we consume over two billion cups of coffee every week without a second thought. 5-hour energy has less caffeine than some starbucks coffees, plus it has vitamins and nutrients.
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it's simple... caffeine with vitamins and nutrients. it's the combination that makes it so great. before you make a decision, get the facts. try a sip and find out why so many people love 5-hour energy. >> with hotwire's low prices, we can afford to take more trips this year. hit the beach in florida... >> and a reunion in seattle. when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. >> so we got our four-star hotels for half price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e, ♪ [ female announcer ] new fruttare frozen fruit bars; the taste of delicious strawberries and creamy milk, bursting together and perfectly frozen in time. you've never tasted anything like new fruttare. fruttare. it's all good.
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claiming that they're just good friends? >> hate that. yeah, right. matthew hussey, relationship expert and author of "get the guy" has the answers to all your burning questions. >> hello, hussey. we like when you come on the show. >> one of the few who i actually like. nice to see you again. >> i feel privileged. your inner circle. >> let's get to our first question. hey, sara. >> hi, guys. the first one's from anna. "i've been hesitant to start online dating but a lot of my friends have had success. should i try it? what is your advice on online dating?" >> online. yea or nay? >> try it. don't rely on it. that's the key. >> that's wise. how are you so wise? so young. >> sometimes i say good things. >> it's true. you shouldn't rely on it. the problem is online dating, even if her friends have had success on it, when you go on it, don't expect success. it's like being in the worst bar and the best bar all at the same time. >> that's a good way to put it. >> they've had success. it ain't over yet. you may meet somebody and have a great couple of first dates but it's not all over. >> people go on online dating and they forget like -- oh, i'm meeting more men.
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everyone forgets when they get on a date they have to still be charming. and people are really not good at that these days because they are on the computer all the time. >> you're right. i like him more all the time. >> all right. go ahead. >> matthew, that's the best analogy ever. jamie asked, my boyfriend stays friends with his ex. should i be upset about that? >> that's a good one. are you allowed to be friends with your ex? >> everyone has a history. everyone has a past. >> end of story. different as night and day. >> answer the question. >> when they are on -- let's say you've got an ex. the thing about that, i'd be more -- listen to me. i can't do anything on this show. >> yes, go on. >> so -- >> yes, yes. >> when you have an ex, here's what you have to be careful of. i'd be more worried if the person that hates all of their exes and is really in a bad place with them because that person has a consistent issue.
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>> that is such a great point. >> next question, everyone. >> no -- >> if somebody hates everybody, it's all their fault, the chance is it's her fault. >> here's the only thing to watch out for. if they are going on more dates with their ex than they are with you. >> but here's the thing. i wouldn't want my husband, boyfriend, whatever's ex communicating with him a lot. you know, because sometimes you become the shoulder cry on. if it makes your partner feel uncomfortable -- >> so this is what you have to do. you have to decide your standard for what that communication should be. just saying communication is wrong is ridiculous. decide what the standard is. what constitutes too much flirting or too much time? >> it makes me feel uncomfortable when she calls. can you please not have that happen? >> that's fair enough. but my husband, god love him, and i adore you, sweetheart. but he's had a huge problem with that since day one. and it's ridiculous. i've with him. we've been married 27 years. stop it. >> still he's jealous. can we do one more quick one?
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look at the seating position. just one more shot of this. can we? >> next question. >> what is it? can we just have another question. >> don't be jealous, frank. it's silly. >> next question. >> go ahead, sara. >> "my guy is a terrible dresser. how do i change his look without offending him?" >> easy. just go shopping with him and when you're out say your body looks great in this type of shirt. but make it really specific. the compliment has to be specific. it can't be i love these types of shirts on guys. don't say that. say it looks great on you. on your shoulders this is going to look beautiful. can you please wear it, turn me on? now he's wearing it all the time. >> then how do you get him out of it to try something else? never mind. that's a good reason to have matthew back. actually, he's going to stk asxround answer even more questions. not because hoda wants him to but because i do. >> i feel like i'm on someone else's date. anyway, go to facebook/kathieandhoda. do you spend more time throwing your child's birthday party? how about yours? we're going to swap those juice boxes for a little something.
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something good right after this. good morning to you. i'm weather channel meteorologist alex wilson with your seven-day forecast today. we'll watch for that threat of severe weather to return to the northern plain states. still watching for some soggy weather into parts of the northeast. new york city, make sure you've got the umbrella. same for boston. also chance of severe storms in the northern part of florida. so watch for that in areas like tallahassee and jacksonville. highs for orlando will be around 93. upper 90s for dallas and houston. a little cooler up in the northeast with the rain showers. and on the other side of the country phoenix is hot at 107 degrees. now, during the day tomorrow we'll see that storm chance shift a little further east so areas like chicago we'll be watching for that threat. also some showers and storms back into parts of new mexico and texas as well. atlanta, highs in the upper 80s. near 90 in kansas city. low 80s for minneapolis. by sunday you can see into the
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northeast, ohio valley back into the midwest. some showers. also some thunderstorms. temps reach the mid 80s for washington, d.c. upper 80s in kansas city and denver. on the other side of the country, upper 60s for san francisco. 70 in los angeles. on monday a few showers up into the pacific northwest. seattle highs around 72. 95 for salt lake city. 80 in billings, montana. we'll keep the low 80s for new york city. low 90s in orlando, florida. by tuesday some showers drape all the way from the northeast down close to the gulf coast. but it will be dry for new orleans with highs around 89 degrees. albuquerque, new mexico you're at 95 on tuesday. wednesday brings some showers down around the southeast. so parts of alabama. also mississippi and georgia. watch for some of that storminess. 82 in louisville. 83 degrees for atlanta. upper 70s, or rather mid 70s for new york. don't forget, each weekday morning you can wake up with al and stephanie. starts at 5:30 a.m.
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do you spend more time throwing your child's birthday party? how about yours? we're going to swap those juice boxes for something. in you've ever plan your child's party. what about your party? nathan turner author of "nathan turner's american style: classic design and effortless entertaining," is here to help you get started. >> are you back? >> nathan is here. >> i'm back. >> good to see you, buddy. >> thank you. >> let's come to the drink section, which we like already. >> like you said, it's grown-up for the big people. i love starting off with a simple inexpensive fabric like men's shirting fabric and then running with it. we just covered simple party hats. >> you take your shirts -- >> you can cut up old shirts if you have any around. and then i followed the theme through. little bow ties. >> very cute. >> you can put them on. little bow ties that can act as -- there you go.
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>> i know. but it's going to be hard to find one that fits hoedy. >> then we made little cocktail napkins and place cards. here's a fun idea. a placemat made out of what happened the year you were born. the beatles. >> 1970. wow. >> that was a while ago. and because it's for adults i made a whiskey bar. you can do any kind of liquor you'd like. >> people still drink whiskey. >> people do. it's old-fashioned and it's fun. and you put out all the accouterments. >> and let people make their own. >> little labels for recipes. >> you are cute, nathan turner. >> so balloons. they're fun. they're festive. but make it your own kind of chic grownup way. i took plastic table cloths. they're really easy. and cut them into strips. and tie them on these big modern-looking round balloons. they're easy. >> what about -- >> now, the big thing that separates a regular party to a birthday party for me is
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decorations and cake. you have to have an amazing birthday cake. >> what do you have? >> i got all of these from magnolia bakery and decorated them very easily myself. little water balloons tied at the top. this is from it's little camouflage paper. they have all kinds of different patterns. you just wrap it around there. >> oh, that is really pretty. >> and then i carried over the shirting theme on this one with a little mini banner. >> aren't you clever? >> and sprinkles. what adult doesn't love sprinkles? >> inside the sprinkles is a huge surprise. >> do it. >> what is it? >> it's called a pinata cake. >> what? >> yes. but wait, there's more. >> oh! >> i wish you could see that. >> there's like an explosion inside. >> there are m&ms in there. how did that even happen? how did you do it in the baking process? >> no, you cut it out. >> oh. >> there are real m&ms.
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>> wow. >> pinatas, they're not just for kids. this is a really chic easy pinata that i made at home out of cardboard. >> no one's doing that. >> on a whole lot of levels. >> bad. >> no. and then we have a ping-pong ball game. so who's going to do one? >> you've made up for it. >> what are we doing? >> what do i do? okay. >> oh, no. a blindfold. >> you're used to those. >> that's a whole other show, okay? >> now what? >> i'm going to tie this around your waist. this is going to be one of those. >> stop groping me. >> i told you that dress would do it. >> wait, kath. you can't even see. >> here's the stick. >> what's happening? >> i got the stick. >> oh, my god. over here. over here.
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start whacking. >> why do we have these backpacks on? >> oh, my god. she's violent. >> you knocked it down. >> is it over? >> it's over. it's over. nice job. all right. well, it's down to three -- >> cheaper than a psychiatrist. i'll tell you that. i feel great. wow. >> we're going to be back with the latest cast-off from "the voice." sasha allen is here. but first, this is "today" on nbc. >> you let it have it.
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from the moment she belted out her first note during her awed-i sasha allen turned heads and chairs on "the voice," causing all four coaches to fight for her attention. >> absolutely. but sasha's journey sadly came to an end tuesday night just a week shy of the finale. we're so happy you're with us today. >> how are you feeling since then? >> you know, i feel good. everybody, i think, was expecting me to feel really bad. and -- >> only because of your talent. >> yeah, that's the reason why. >> but you know, i found something else for me to do. >> you gave it everything you had. >> yeah. >> so there wasn't a note you thought, i could have sung it a third higher -- >> if i didn't get to do it i would have had regrets. >> been disappointed. >> and that is one of the hardest songs in the world to do. and it's so iconic. everybody knows it and they know how they felt with that modulation. >> do you find yourself pulling for one of the remaining singers when you watch it? >> well, i haven't had a chance. it's just been --
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>> is there anyone you are hoping for? >> you know what? i do think that danielle will probably win. she's so sweet. and her mom is an angel. so -- >> so you'd be -- that would be a good choice? >> that would be a great choice. >> and you spent time away from your kids because you were busy on this. how tough was that, and how do you feel getting back into your life? >> it's horrible. i mean, we do it for our children. we do it so we can open new doors for them. but in the process, you know, lots of tears. lots of "mommy come home." >> what's next for you professionally? >> besides a good night's sleep. >> yeah. >> what's next? i mean, i just hope to be a household name and continue to work hard and do what i love to do. >> well, we're rooting for you. >> you're a sweetheart. >> and you're so great. >> thanks for coming. >> thank you. one of the hottest actors around, john stamos is going to visit us. >> we are going to reveal the hottest dad in the entire country. >> guess who is singing?
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>> besides frank gifford. >> matthew morrison is going to sing a special song for us. >> bye, everybod a fake life? >> you really think about everything you say and do. jeff: she kidnapped her own son. >> i couldn't process what was going on. jeff: jeweller to the stars. >> i was certainly not trying to make a name for myself. jeff: then a former lawyer turned lego maker. >> it was no longer about a toy. it was about art. jeff: a simple invention with a big reward. >> i couldn't believe it didn't exist. [ applause ] jeff: hello, hello. roll it! all right. a little about me. i'm recently married. i work with my wife on this show, and i'm learning how to be a dad to two amazing kids in a blended family. i'm hosting a talk show 'cause there's a lot to talk about.
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