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tv   Action News 630a  NBC  June 27, 2013 6:30am-7:01am PDT

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here in the bay area, including san francisco. thank you, gentlemen, for that bell signaling friday eve. it's thursday, june 27. this is "today in the bay." happy thursday everybody. it is 6:30 on the nose. i'm jon kelly. good morning. >> i'm laura garcia-cannon. there are conflicting reports surrounding the health of nelsoñ mandela this morning. these are live pictures this morning of well-wishers gathered outside the hospital in pretoria. south african officials not confirming early reports that mandela is on life support. we have confirmed he s however, using a ventilator to help him breathe. the south african president's office describing him as critical condition. president zuma saying the anti apartheid leader is much better today than he was last night. his family says he's still responding to touch and that's
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giving them hope. also this morning, the senate now on track to take a very crucial vote on immigration reform. but that effort could end up hitting a wall in the house where republicans are in control. "today in the bay's" tracie potts live on capitol hill. tracie, we're hearing that senate vote on immigration could come as early as today. >> reporter: it could. they have said they want to get it done before the july 4th break. we could see it happen today. that's key because the senate is actually making pretty good progress in getting democrats and republicans together to agree on one immigration plan. the key to that was adding more border security. that passed by 69 votes yesterday. so they're doubling the number of agents at the border. they're doubling the amount offensing and other things like e verify for employers that would have to be fully implemented before the country started handing out more green cards to immigrants on a path to citizenship. that got more republicans on
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board. it's very likely to pass. but it is not likely to get anywhere in the republican-controlled house. speaker boehner has already said they're not going to vote on the plan, republicans are coming up with their own. that is not likely to happen any time within the next few weeks. the time on that is more likely later this j2ksummer, maybe eve fall. there are big differences with how the two houses are looking at dealing with immigration reform, especially the path to citizenship. we could see a final senate vote today. >> tracie, thank you for the update. let's check the forecast with meteorologist christina loren. we're talking about how we saw rain earlier this week. >> seen a little bit of everything. >> well, if you can see out there this morning. >> christina, are you out there? are you hidden in the fog? >> i'm here, guys,[ñ way back here. there's the fog horn this morning. 6:32. i'm a woman of many trades. south effects is not one of them. let's start at the golden gate bridge. you can see mostly cloudy
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conditions out there, and you can see these commuters charging through nonetheless. a lot of the fog is drifting around. the thickest the north bay. your visibilities overall are actually okay. you can see the fog is being forced right to the surface. coit towers still visible. you cannot see alcatraz any longer. the fog won't stick with us all day long. we'll lose it at about 10:00 a.m. highs will easily reach the 70s in san francisco. 62 degrees in gilroy. taking you through your hour by hour detail. w throughout the day today. lots of sunshine in the city by the bay. temperatures bay side will be in the 80s. 82 degrees. 90s inland and 70 degrees at the coast. if you can, pack up a cooler, a beach towel and enjoy the day at the beach. that's the place to be. it's going to get really hot, even better beach weather as we get through the next couple days. i'll show you where we're
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expecting the hottest weather and how long it will last. the heat is on. >> i'm not going to continue that, otherwise we'd have to pay royalties. we're looking toward the bay folks are paying over here money out-of-pocket, equally waiting in the fog that has drifted down toward the deck. eastshore freeway, visibility affected as well. pretty standard flow across the bay. the map will show you no drama as you're heading down toward the zmaze. it is slow around university avenue. getting into the city, you're all right. an earlier issue with debris around vermont has cleared from 101. farther south we have reports of a crash on 280 at 101. both north and southbound 280, calls to chp. i see slowing in both directions. you do see it is there north of the 101 interchange. we'll sort out what lanes are blocked, if any, over the next few minutes. be careful. looking toward the other view as
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well as we see things in san rafael very brightly lit as folks head southbound. pretty sparsely populated. not a problem. slowing through novato and patches of fog around parts of the north bay including across the golden gate bridge. that's a big deal, bigelow visibility point. another live look outside. we'll show you fremont where the sun is lighting up. not a problem for volume of traffic. i should zoom in. as the light comes up, it's tougher to see the roadway and it's moving slowly into milpitas. >> we call that visor weather. we should find out new details about the death of a professional tree trimmer in san jose. police say the man was working on private property onbl- the 0 block of mclaughlin yesterday afternoon when he was apparently electrocuted. officers say the rope or cable he was using touched a live wire and that proved fatal. when police got to the scene he was already dead, hanging about 40 feet off the ground. officers have not released his identity.
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it is 6:35. today pg&e crews will be in san carlos updating equipment on its natural gas pipelines. crews will install new automated valves for pipes at commercial street and old country road near the san carlos airport. pg&e says natural gas will be vented during that operation which is normal. people living in the area might smell a gas odor in that air. work is expected to be done throughout the day. the time is 6:36. still ahead, this is an interesting and very unusual story. an innocent man's dna winds up at the scene of a murder. we'll tell you how a trip in an ambulance nearly sent this guy to trial for a crime he did not commit next. finally free. we'll tell you how an american ìá& his own factory finally made it out. we're going to find out if we'll make it out of all those clouds out there. look at this from our san bruno cam, off in the distance, a lot of low-hanging clouds for you. christina loren will be talking
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about what that will do to the weather as we get another back in minutes. you're on timeout leo! some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will. living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] add a wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month
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with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will. the air force is trying to figure out what caused an f-16 fighter jet to comejgdç crashin down in arizona. the fighter jet which was on a routine training mission crashed in and open field near the luke air force base before 7:00 last night. both pilots on board were able to safely eject from the plane.
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also new from outside the moscow airport, the fight continues this morning over the man who leaked u.s. surveillance secrets. edward snowden believed to be at the airport after leaving hong kong. hong kong officials say it didn't hand snowden over because the u.s. government got snowden's middle name wrong in the documents it submitted to back up a request for his arrest. hong kong also says the u.s. did not provide snowden's passport number. the u.s. says it handed over all the necessary information under the terms of the expedition treaty. an american boss is free this morning after being held for nearly a week by his chinese factory employees. chip starnes was safely released this morning from a factory on 9
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starnes says he's sad denned by the experience. it is 6:40 light now. coming up, taking a turn for the worse. we have new details about nelson mandela's health coming up next. an innocent man's dna winds up at the scene of a murder in the south bay. the shocking reason he was almost sent to trial for a crime he didn't commit. wall street reacts to bad news in very strange ways. we'll take a look atl/ the strae market coming up. what a sighte$yñ to behold, start out this thursday morning, just the tip top of the bay bridge peeking out. th the clouds will vanish by about 10:00 p.m. your seven-day outlook is coming up next. it's my job to take you below the clouds, into the darkness where you do see traffic moving through oakland. we have spots where that fog is a problem and we have a couple of crashes to update you coming
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we want to bring you breaking news from oakland. police investigating a deadly shooting that happened about near 98th and international. that's when an officer got to the scene. they found a man suffering from a gunshot wound -- actually gunshot wounds. he was pronounced dead at that scene. officers right now are looking for the shooter. this morning, well-wishers and media from across the globe descending upon a hospital in pretoria, south africa, where nelson mandela is still in critical condition this morning. large crowds there. "today in the bay's" marla tellez joins us live in the newsroom this morning. there are reports mandela is on life support. so far no official confirmation
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coming from the family or doctors. >> good morning. that's true. nothing official just yet. nbc news has confirmed nelson mandela is now using a ventilate tore help him breathe. still the president of south africa who visited mandela just yesterday is saying he looks much better today than he did last night. regardless, mandela's family who was buy his side at the hospital in pretoria says the anti-apartheid icon is, quote, critical, but in stable condition this morning. his daughter broke away to do an interview with a local television station and says her father is still responsive to sound and touch and that gives the family hope. she spent a good portion of the interview talking about her disappointment with the onslaught of media her father is attracting. >>;n the fact that my dad is a global icon, one of the 25 influential people of the 21st century does not mean that people cannot respect the
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privacy and dignity of my dad. it's like truly vulchers waiting when a lion hasy/6 devoured the buffalo over the carcass. that's the image we have. >> she went on to say her father is set to turn 95 on july 18 and she hopes he makes it to this monumental day. if he does, she says they will celebrate as they do every year. in light of the sad news about mandela, i wanted to show you these images. this is mandela in the bay area in 1990 wrapping up his tour of the united states. he spoke to almost 60,000 people at the oakland coliseum. look at him there. he was a young 71 years old and had just been freed from prison months earlier. meanwhile our own president is in africa today, specifically the republic of senegal. this is day two of his tour in africa. force one with his wife and two
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daughters by his side. he is expected to visit south africa tomorrow. the white house is closely watching the mandela situation and if it needs to,krjñ will ad the president's itinerary accordingly. so far, laura, that has not happened. >> as you mentioned, laura, they are in senegal this morning. and overnight the president and the first lady were welcomed to theñ" presidential palace in th capital city of dakar. president obama and the first lady traveled to gori island, the largest slave trading post from the 15th to 19th centuries. san francisco's pride celebration kicking off today. it's being made all the more special by a supreme court ruling making same-sex marriage legal right here in california once again. we take a look at market street in san francisco where rainbow flags are flying all along the sidewalks there. tonight a pride kickoff party is taking place at the w hotel over on third street. of course, those celebrations
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over the supreme court's historic rulings, they carried on through out the night. san francisco police, they say they are one/+ hand for all the events and they have good news. the crowd was well behaved, very positive out there. so far no reports of any arrests overnight. california's economy could certainly get a big boost when same-sex marriages officially a research center says there will be a $492 vz million boost revenue for california businesses which, in turn, would boost tax revenue for our state. >> the excitement shifts there. 6:48 right now. christina loren is back. what else can you tell us beside h-o-t, hot, hot, hot? >> we had record rainfall. it was raining men on monday. >> hallelujah. >> the heat is on. hallelujah. changes, summertime in the bay area. it has certainly arrived. you probably noticed it yesterday. you may have been able to get b without that air conditioner.
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it was really humid yesterday. today we'll cut that humidity in half. i wanted to start with this awesome live picture at 6:48 in san francisco. it really tells the weather story of the day. high pressure moves in. it compresses remnant moisture that we picked up over the early you can see also it clears from the top down. that top layer warms up. that is how fog actually burns off. we're also getting this cool imagery for you on the bay bridge this morning, just the tippy-top tower. you can see part of the bridge impacting your drive, the low clouds here. part is nice and clear. we'll get to that drive with mike in just a minute. want to get right to your forecast. we have thick low clouds hugging the coastline. that will be in the forecast until about 10:00 a.m. flight delays at two hours out of sfo. no other major airports across the nation reporting delays right now. here is what we're working towards to stop the clock. at 9:00 a.m., maybe fog at that
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point over the san francisco bay hugging the coastline. look what happens, between 9:00 and 10:00, all the fog vanishes. that's when the sun, to warm up. high pressure has taken control over the forecast and will gain energy as we head through the next couple days. as a result, our temperatures will soar. we'll be in the 80s as of tomorrow in santa cruz. today, 78 degrees at 4:00 p.m. that's going to be the warmest beachity ziti. really comfortable conditions to get out there, do kayaking. you can do that in santa cruz. you do want to play it safe. but the winds have calmed down. we're not worried about any strong rip currents or any rough seas. this is a good day to do kayaking. 72 in san francisco, triple digit heat arrives sunday, kicks into high gear by monday. 103 degrees inland on tuesday. elevated fire danger if you are going to be camping this weekend. make sure your stay close to that campfire. don't leave it until it's completely out. a lot of people will be camping, mike. what are you noticing? any lighter drive with school
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out? >> definitely. we have the summer time shift that kicks in as the first of the schools let out. then six weeksm-m later, for my kids, the last of the schools got out, we've seen the traffic flow shift. we still have a commute, but it's condensed throughout the later hours this morning. we're looking over here, just kicking in for the northbound routes through the south bay. this is a crash also north 280 at 101. we had a crash reported. sounds like it's cleared from lanes. 101 shows slowing as well as 87 and 85, all coming through downtown. in the fast few minutes, 280 approaching 880, the volume is really building. watch for police activity still as they clear that completely out of the roadway. we'll track to for you as well as over here southbound w3[ñ68 reports of a hit-and-run crash. the person who did the hitting, they ran, thereby, the hit-and-run. we do have activity because of
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them filing the; report and distractions in the area causes more slowing south 680 off the dublin interchange through pleasanton and sunol. north of there on 680, reports of three cars in the center divide and eight or ten people hanging outstanding there because they were in those cars and presumably everything is these people. distraction toward the walnut creekbs= interchange, typical southbound direction to and from highway 24 as well. the bay bridge, let's get a look at the toll plaza over here. eastshore freeway and the approach to the berkeley curve. also more fog along the span as you head toward or from san francisco. farther south, a much different situation. a clear view of the san mateo bridge all the way over to the high-rise. the peninsula moves smoothly at the limit from palo alto. 6:52, a court appearance is sent for the man accused of
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kidnapping and killing 15-year-old sierra lamar. it is possible garcia torres will enter a plea during today's hearing. ráh!ody has never been found. investigators say they found garcia torres's dna inside the teenager's purse. garcia torres could face the death penalty if convicted. we have a followup in a high profile murder case in the south way. santa clara prosecutors dropping charges against a prostitute linked to the murder of multi millionaire kumra.ó dixon did plead guilty to two unrelated charges of prostitution and drug possession. this interesting. for weeks we've known another person once charged in that case was able to go free. this morning we know why. lucas anderson was freed last
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month after prosecutors determined he was drunk and unconscious in a hospital when kumra's murder took place. prosecutors say the reason anderson was linked to the case is because the paramedics who treated him were called to kumra's mansion and likely transferred his dna to kumra's body. >> what a bizarre twist there. b.a.r.t. workers out at stations all across the bay area warning riders of a strike that could come as early as monday morning. "today in the bay's" christie smith is live in san francisco with how riders there and businesses are getting all ready for the looming strike. good morning, christie. >> reporter: good morning to you. a couple of changes within the last couple minutes, jon. b.a.r.t. union?1f workers arri at the embarcadero station. they're handing out flyers to b.a.r.t. riders letting them know about this labor dispute. ridersc/ telling us they're taking the advice of transportation leaders and getting prepared with a plan b
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in the event of a strike. we shot some video downstairs inside the embarcadero station this morning, commutershñ hurryg to get around within the city. they're telling us they will probably walk or use bicycles. beyond that they say that will have to jump in the car or telecommute as b.a.r.t.'s two largest unions have authorized a strike. =9 the freeways, ferries, trains, even though they would be beefing up services. on caltrain riders tell us they are preparing for a crush of extra riders just in case. i spoke with a daly city b.a.r.t. rider this morning about her alternate plans to get around. >> what are you going to do if the b.a.r.t. workers go on strike? >> that's a good question. i'll probably drive. i have no choice all the way into the city. >> how much longer will that take you? >> driving, it takes about 20 minutes.vbp
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>> reporter: ac transit would boost serviceok operating shutts and buses, but they also have an issue of their own. their union contract expiring june 30th as well. the mtc authorized spending millions of dollars to try to help boost services. they're talking about $18.7 million spent on buses, $1.2 million for ferries and about $100,000 for enforcement. b.a.r.t. hauls about 400,000 riders each day and the union on its letter here asking riders to go ahead and call the b.a.r.t. board of directors and urge them to keep talking, bring about a resolution. that one lasted six days. reporting live in san francisco, christie smith, "today in the bay." 6:56. the stock market opened to the positive this morning pushing the dow back above 15,000. >> good news there. scott mcgrew, another ipo as
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well. >> yeah. good morning to you. the ipo was tremor video out of new york city. they're a high-tech company dealing with online advising. there you see them on the right-hand side with the nyse. that stock barely moving after pricing at ten bucks a share last night. a rare ipo that didn'tz create buzz. dow industrials right now up 142 points, the nasdaq up 26. chicken chain chick fim lay trying to walk back comments made on twitter by its founder and president. shortly after the supreme court struck down prop 8, chik-fil-a's dan cathy tweeted out america'so founding fathers would be ashamed of the decision. that was quickly deleted but not before the "wall street journal" caught it. chik-fil-a waded into this controversy, but the company saying its president has a right to his own opinion. of course, he also owns the company. it's hard to divideófe the two. >> controversy there. thank you, scott.
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6:57 right now. a lot of clouds out there, high temperatures on the way. christina loren with one final look. good morning. >> good morning to you. two-hour flight delays out of sfo. we'll keep tabs on that throughout the "today" show. i'm here with you until 11:30. temperatures at about 11:30 to noon will be in the low 80s inland, 93 degrees to round out the day. a much warmer afternoon headed our way. 82 bay side. at the coast today 70 degrees. that heat cranks even more so. we'll taug all about4hñ it when meet back here tomorrow. let's check the drive with mike. >> looking to palo alto, remember when i told you i would call this in to chp. did. today they sent the crew out there -- i got respect there. there's water at the on-ramp for university and north 101. also north 680, sounds like two lanes closed in the northbound direction. that's causing all the slowdown
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for the walnut creek interchange. 6:58. a final check of today's stop stories. the funeral for james gan doll fi any gets underway in about five minutes. the 51-year-old actor died last week of a heart attack while vacations in italy. res hospitalized, his daughter describing his condition as critical and says anything in imminent. white house officials say his familykq will decide if he's up for a visit from president obama who is in senegal today. the senate could vote on today. the bill would offer citizenship to about 11 million people living in the u.s. illegally. the senate needs at least 60 votes to pass that bill and send it to the house. our next newscast at nbc bay area news at 11:00 the suspect in the disappearance
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of morgan hill team sierra lamar. he's expected to enter a plea. also back at 7:25 with a live local news update. leaving you with this beautiful live look outside this morning. good morning. new details on nelson mandela's condition. family members arriving at the hospital along with south africa's president. crowds gathering outside. we'll be there live. he is free, the american ceo held nearly a week on a flight home right now. what he is saying to us about his release overnight. >> and supreme speed. his sprint helps pete williams become first with the supreme court decisions. we'll talk to the intern who is taking the internet by storm today thursday, june 27, 2013.


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