tv Today NBC August 5, 2013 7:00am-11:01am PDT
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court. the good news, no one was hurt. the cause of the fire under investigation. >> that is a wrap today. that's a look at the crash. we'll see you tomorrow. good morning, shut down, the u.s. government extends the closure of embassies around the world and adds new ones to the list based on a terror threat that is significant and real and being called the most serious since 9/11. decision day, major league baseball set to suspend alex rodriguez through 2014. the announcement coming in just a few hours. so why will he be back on the field tonight? and the $332,000 burger. it's the world's first beef created entirely in a lab. but would you eat it? the man behind it tells us how it tastes today.
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monday, august 5th, 2013. from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. and good morning. welcome to today on a monday morning. i'm matt lauer. >> i'm savannah guthrie along side natalie morales. >> clearly the u.s. intelligence officials are taking these threats very, very seriously. this morning we're learning more about where they're coming from. >> let's get right to richard engle in cairo for us this morning. richard, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. the u.s. embassy behind me is closed today like so many embassies in this part of the world because of this terror threat which is described as specific enough to be credible yet too vague to know exactly where an attack might take place. the u.s. has extended the closures of 15 diplomatic posts
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and added four more. all to remain shut, at least until the weekend. until the muslim holy month of ramadan is over. >> the announcement itself may also be designed to interrupt al qaeda planning to put them off stride and put them off the bat foot and let them know we're on to a portion of the plot line. >> reporter: intercepts credited about al qaeda militants have been discussing what a senior u.s. officials described as a single significant event or a series of simultaneous attacks. most likely in the middle east. no specific threat to the united states but officials couldn't rule one out either. president obama gathered his national security team. congressional leaders given classified briefings. >> there's been a lot of chatter out there. chatter means conversation among terrorists about the planning that's going on. very reminiscent of what we saw
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pre-9/11. >> this specific threat that we have been briefed on over and over again has reached a new level. >> reporter: senior intelligence officials say the plot originates with yemen with al qaeda in the arabian peninsula, the same group that mailed explosives in a printer to chicago. the group has a uniquely skilled bombmaker and is seeking revenge after its commander was killed last month in a drone strike. the group's leader was once bin laden's secretary and is well connected to al qaeda's top leadership. >> in many ways it's more dangerous. now we have 2.0 or 3.0 which is widely dispersed a younger generation coming up with new ideas. not necessarily repeating what they did in the past. >> reporter: among those new ideas and new tactics, savannah,
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we are told that al qaeda militants in yemen have been experimenting with surgically implanting explosives inside a bomber's body to try and avoid airport security. richard engle with the latest in cairo. thank you. let's turn to the former cia deputy director of counter terrorism and national security at the fbi. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> i think "the new york times" had a good way of describing it, they said it's a threat that appears to be specifically and maddeningly vague. you understand what it means when the u.s. government said something is specific and credible enough to warrant the closings yet we don't know what, when or where. >> you have to look at both the information. does it give you information on time, place, and the source. i would focus more on the source. is the source an intercept, an informant in the organization credible. if the source is credible, regardless of whether the information is vague you'll take it seriously. >> but now what? this was gotten from an nsa
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intercept. wouldn't those folks who are planning this kind of operation then go underground? >> i think there's a possibility they will. look, the only resolution to a threat like this is taking the operatives off the battlefield. we may throw them off their game. maybe they'll delay for a month or a year but as long as terrorists like this started a plot, they will conclude it at some point unless they're taken off the battlefield. i'm sure of it. >> do you assume at this point that operatives may be in place for whatever is being planned? >> i wouldn't assume that. i would assume, though, if the operation is underway, they're at least thinking about putting people in places like, let's say cairo or jordan but i wouldn't assume they're there yet. >> some lawmakers on the sunday shows yesterday said this intelligence information reminds them of the situation prior to 9/11. you were there. what do you make of the comparison. >> i think we ought to settle down a little bit. we have been at this 12 years.
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we faced a major plot in the summer of 2006 when we had operatives in britain trying to explode planes over u.s. cities, we had major plots in new york city well publicized. i haven't seen the intelligence on this but we developed a lot of expertise in 12 years. let's handle it and settle down. >> always good to get your perspective. thank you. now here's matt. >> all right. savannah, thanks very much. alex rodriguez, after weeks of build up major league baseball is set to suspend the yankee slugger in a matter of hours over his alleged use of performance enhancing drugs. a lot of other players involved in this as well. nbc's ron mott is at yankee stadium. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. the yankees return home here friday night, but it's a mystery whether a. rod will be in the line-up as his future is still up in the
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air today. >> reporter: on a day when baseball's top executive is set to suspend the game's all time top earner, sources tell nbc sports, a potential $35 million strike -- >> a fly ball and the ball is up and gone. >> reporter: alex rodriguez is expected ironically to make his yankee season debut tonight in chicago. the no big deal approach of his manager and star teammate sunday -- >> he's in there. i'm going to play him. >> looking forward to seeing him. >> reporter: contrast the drama in the baseball world. in his final games over the weekend he leveled what some saw as a swipe at the league's front office and more clearly yankees on the hook for nearly $100 million on his contract. >> when all the stuff is going on in the background and people are finding creative ways to cancel your contract and stuff like that, that's concerning for me. >> reporter: rodriguez and other players stand to lose mightily. for a. rod, the stakes are enormous.
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for his fragile baseball legacy for the role model, he plans to stay at home. >> i plan to set my girls down and we're going to have a lengthy conversation and i'll have an opportunity to tell it all at some point. i'll have that platform and when the time is right i'll tell my full story. thanks, ed. >> reporter: an announcement from major league baseball is expected to come down about noon eastern time today, matt. all right. ron, thank you very much. we're joined by bob costas of nbc sports. bob, good morning to you. it's like watching an accident in slow motion over the last couple of weeks. you know when the event is over somebody is going to be hurt, and you don't know if it's just a-rod, the yankees, major league baseball or all of the above. what's the most likely scenario today? >> first of all i think baseball made a wise move because they took the distractions off the table. it was widely assumed by all of us that bud selig would suspend
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a-rod under the terms of the joint drug agreement and the collective bargaining agreement through the integrity of the game clause. it will close the possibility of an appeal and that would have created sympathy for a-rod because his camp would claim he s treated unfairly and being denied due process. now he takes himself out of it as a distraction. he removes the criticism that this is all about the contract and the yankees recooping as much of the money as possible. he says, look, go ahead and play. we'll try to expedite this and get it in front of an arbitrator as soon as possible and you'll get a fair hearing. it's possible that they could drag it out. that a-rod's side could drag out the preparations long enough that he could play in the 50 or so games in this season and the arbitrator would decide in the off season to uphold the suspension for 2014. that seems like the most likely outcome. >> since this term best interest of baseball is being thrown around so much, look at the scenario. a-rod stays on the field and
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plays during an appeals process, but, bob, what happens every time he takes the field in every city around the league and what happens when they put microphones in his face after every game? isn't all the talk going to be about steroid scandal and a-rod? >> there's no question about that but baseball didn't want to open up the possibility of being sued outside their own disciplinary process which includes an arbitrator and proceedings in front of an arbitrator are confidential. let's say if a-rod's camp declares an all-out war and they might have an appeal, it gets messy, and a-rod, if he is smart about this, his comments are going to be as conciliatory as possible and he'll keep saying we'll let the appeal play itself out. i'll tell my side of the story during the appeal and that will, hopefully, at least from his
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standpoint take some of the circus atmosphere down a notch. >> you already answered my question about the response you expect tonight in chicago when he takes the field. >> a wild booing. >> when major league baseball announces the suspensions today will they also be asked to reveal some of the evidence against a-rod is other players? >> they did not in the case of ryan brawn. if the other players do what ryan brawn did which is accept the penalty rather than appealing, baseball will not reveal the evidence, at least not at this time. and they're not required to even if there's an arbitration hearing. even if there is an appeal they're not required to reveal that information. so what they have said is that they have what they believe is a that includes not only his use of performance-enhancing drugs, but he tried to recruit some
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other players to biogenesis and for all those reasons his penalty will be more severe than the others expected to get 50 game which is is the remainder of the season at this point. >> we'll know a lot more by the end of the day. bob, good to see you. thank you so much. we have new information this morning on a deadly accident at the venice beach boardwalk over the weekend. a man is now in custody accused of intentionally driving into a crowd killing one woman and injuring nearly a dozen others. miguel almaguer has details on the story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the venice beach boardwalk is one of the most popular tourists destinations in southern california. over the weekend it was packed when the car plowed through a group of people. >> reporter: the moment of impact caught on tape. look again at the top of your screen. a car plows through an unsuspecting crowd. moments earlier, the driver was seen entering the car and speeding away. >> i heard the noise and
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screams. >> reporter: pedestrians jumped for their lives and a dozen people were hurt. >> there was a blue car coming straight for us. >> reporter: witnesses say the driver was targeting the crowd accelerating swerving directly into the group. >> he was speeding and pushing more guests and hit a couple of people. >> reporter: a 32-year-old italian woman celebrating her honeymoon was killed. >> i saw a girl go over his roof and another girl ended up over there who passed away. >> never going to forget the moment but i'm thankful that we are still alive and surviving. >> reporter: hours later the dented sedan was found abandoned. a 35-year-old man turned himself into police. >> detectives in my division have booked nathan campbell for a murder that took place. bail is $1 million. >> reporter: this morning campbell remains in custody. the boardwalk is reopened but police have no motive for this deadly collision. no reason why.
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this story is making headlines not just here in the united states but all over the world. the 32-year-old newly wed that lost her life here was the daughter of a well-known executive. her family arrived here in los angeles late last night. miguel, thank you. natalie is here now with new developments tied to the crash of asiana airlines fight 214. good morning to you. >> good morning everyone. dramatic new pictures surfaced showing the moments following that crash of asiana airlines fight 214 in san francisco last month. it sheds new light on the death of one of the passengers. they come from a video camera mounted on the helmet of a battalion chief. according to the san francisco chronical, the city's fire department was not alerted by firefighters on scene that a 16-year-old girl was found lying near the plane. she was alive covered with foam when she was then run over by a foam spraying rig. the video was turned over to investigators.
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well, the man that was the face of iran and all its hostility toward the united states was officially replaced sunday by a new president who is talking about more dialogue with the west. ann curry is in iran with more on the shift in power. >> reporter: those men smile for the cameras. in the market it's clear much is expected of him. the pressure of sanctions has the economy in shambles. prices for food out of control. that and deep unemployment is devastating for the young in a country where nearly 70% are under 30. many like miriam are dissolutioned. >> how much hope do you have for the new president? >> nothing. >> no hope? >> no hope. >> reporter: still they voted and because of them iran has a moderate president promising sweeping change. >> right now my people i can see happiness. >> reporter: she is a
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pharmacist. >> it is compromise between iran and the u.s. the compromise to have a better life than having nuclear power. >> reporter: a student supports the call to end sensorship of the internet saying we built the republic to get out of the dictatorship. this country should be different from north korea. we're meant to have freedom. >> would you like to see the presidents meet? >> it's a good idea, yeah. the u.s. and iran. >> reporter: but as high as the hopes are in this moment in this country the odds against real change are even higher. ann curry, nbc news, teheran. and now to wall street and what is moving the markets on this monday.
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mary thompson joins with us the latest. good morning. an index tracking activity in the industries rise from more than a three-year low in june. "two guns" topped the weekend box office and the powerball jackpot stands at $200 million given there were no winners over the weekend. thank you. prince william got out of diaper changing duties for a few hours yesterday to play in a charity polo match with his brother, prince harry. he was presented with a minipolo mallot for his son. he needs to pick up diapers on his way home. >> make it seem like he was on an errand. >> i can see him entering the piggly wiggly. nappies. >> thank you. >> good to see you.
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today did a good job this weekend responsible for all the great weather. i don't answer. what's wrong with kansas? why did you make it rain so much? >> that's mean. i love kansas. it's bill's fault. >> not al. just mine. just shifted it right away. they picked up 5 to 10 inches of rain, and the rain is not over with, and we are stuck in the weather pattern, if it's hot where you are, it's staying hot, and if it's raining it will keep raining. we are expecting another 3 to 4 inches of rain in the next 72 hours in the same exact spot, and it has not been pretty there in the central plains. that's your national forecast.
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good monday morning to you. i'm meteorologist christina loren. mostly cloudy conditions here over the golden gate bridge. flight delays out of sfo at about 1:15. you want to check ahead. we should see those lifted by about 11:00 a.m. when we expect the fog to burn off. 75 in san jose today and 59 degrees in san francisco. a little cool in the city and the big news in the weather department is temperatures drop off as we head deeper into the week. then we warm up as we get into the upcoming weekend. and matt, loo and matt, looks like forecast across the country this
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week is more of the same. >> all right, bill, thank you very much. >> coming up, the fishing tournament taking a new approach to deal with a serious problem facing sharks. >> and we'll remember our dear friend and long time today news anchor john palmer. they're here to share their memories, but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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ask your dermatologist about humira, today. clearer skin is possible. good morning. it's 7:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. that breaking news, we continue to cover, the bay bridge, a big rig blocking the entrance on the bridge into san francisco after it caught fire just after 6:00 this morning. our own bob redell live near the bridge with when the mess is expected to be cleaned up. bob? >> reporter: good morning, laura. commuters probably thought, hey, we avoided the b.a.r.t. strike, it should be easygoing coming into sf. turns out something else came up. this big rig caught fire. we're on third and harrison, that's just before the fifth street on-ramp. the fire is out but the fire department is still out there trying to quell any smoldering
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remains. then it's the issue of removing this mess. that could be at least a couple of hours. so right now you've got two westbound lanes, the right lanes of westbound 80 sky way coming into sf are shut down. traffic is at a crawl. as far as the condition of the driver, the fire department tells us that he or she is okay, no ambulance had to be called, and it does appear this was als a solo vehicle accident, solo big rig accident. it looks like it careened in the wall. not clear if it had a blown-out tire or if the driver lost control for some other reason. as far as how this is affecting the backup, here's mike inouye. >> great job being right there, right spot, right time covering that. we have the backup on the upper deck getting into san francisco. i'm not sure if our camera has frozen. we have a slacked-down traffic flow because of westbound 80 getting into san francisco, the upper deck has two lanes blocked. it's causing a big backup even though the fire :j!ñsought, a distraction as well.
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backed up all the way across from treasure island. qu coming down the berkeley curve as you head to the toll plazas. christina, we also have low clouds in the area. >> we certainly do. 83 degrees in livermore, 76 in santa teresa, 81 in gilroy. temperatures cooler than average. we continue to drop off as we head deeper into the week. down into the 70s wednesday and thursday, up to 82 on saturday. finally the 90s return on sunday. hope you have a great day.
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7:30 now on this monday morning, the 5th of august, 2013. there's a pretty shot of manhattan from our camera on top of the rock. down below we have a great crowd kicking off their week in our corner of rockefeller plaza. good morning to them. good morning to you inside studio 1-a. >> we are going to honor nbc news correspondence and today news anchor john palmer. had he shared the desk with bryant gumbel and jane pauley. they are here to share their memories. >> a lovely person with an incredible legacy. >> everyone uses the same word,
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gentlemanly. >> exactly. something that could change the way we eat, the world's first test-tube burger made from lab grown meat. we'll meet the professor behind it and find out how it tastes. who is going to volunteer to taste that? >> luckily it's in the netherlands. millions of time warner customers missing out on cbs programming this morning. under the dome, the big bang theory and big brother maybe your favorite cbs shows but if you're a time warner subscriber, since 5:00 p.m. friday, instead, you may have noticed this screen. the black out comes after time warner dropped cbs in 8 top markets around the country. the two media giants are at war after failing to come to an agreement regarding fees to rebroadcast cbs shows. >> time warner cable doesn't want to have to pay higher costs to cbs which means they either have to pass along the fees to
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consumers or eat the higher fees and have lower margins themselves. >> consumers are upset about the show down. >> they do it because they can. >> i have no choice in the matter. >> forget about watching it on time warner's website either. blocked the streaming of their shows replacing it with this add. >> say no to time warner cable. >> cbs says this is hardly a sign that they care about their customers as they claim. we remain ready to negotiate in good faith while they are. while time warner says it's become clear that no matter how much time we give them, they're not willing to come to reasonable terms. meantime, the iconic movie "jaws" created a generation of people desperately afraid of sharks and nearly 40 years later attitudes are only now beginning to change. kerry sanders ask in montauk,
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new york on the eastern tip of long island. good morning to you. >> good morning. the largest shark ever caught was caught right here off of montauk. 3,427 pounds. that's bigger than the average nascar race car. you can see a mock of it over there. this is the birth place of monster shark fishing. this is why jaws like these are quite common here but here for the first time, they're not just catching the sharks, they're releasing them. >> reporter: 175 pound shark hooked in the atlantic waters off of montauk. but the trophy photo of the monster catches here maybe a thing of the past. in part, because the pose on the dock is giving way to a reality. evidence show there is are fewer sharks today than ever. 20 years ago, captains say they catch up to 30 a day in these waters. a week ago in this tournament
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fishermen caught on average only three a day. >> want to tag it? >> reporter: the coastlines are beginning to calculate shark populations. they don't know how much they once we are. just that catches reveal there's fewer. it's why for the first time in montauk, this tournament was catch and release. >> why did you release it? >> got to have them out there to make more. >> reporter: in the man versus shark wars, that is no small shift in attitude. the movie jaws established this predator as the enemy, to be killed. unlike the traditional shark fishermen here they're using a circle hook. it doesn't rip the guts of the shark. rather it catches it right there so when they release it, more likely to live. >> beautiful fish. normally this shark would be killed to eat and we're going to learn from her.
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>> reporter: learn from her because here marine biologists are along for the ride. >> she's breathing fine. >> reporter: attaching satellite tags where the shark has no sensation. the fishermen nicknamed this tag shark princess. >> you're going to track her? >> absolutely. >> you want to know where she goes. >> we're the first to put on tag on her. we made history today. >> reporter: this catch and release tournament out of the montauk marine basin was with a purse. they always have money at the end of the tournaments. the guy harvey ocean foundation gave 10,000 to the winner. but most have purses of $100,000. so catch and release is in the infancy. >> but it's a start. the scientists started tracking princess on july 30th. about 35 miles off the coast of montauk.
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this is the track she has taken since they started monitoring her. she is headed to bermuda. >> can you blame her? >> they're going to use that information to better understand migration patterns and survival rates. >> that's cool. we want to get a check of the weather from bill who is in for al. today's weather is brought to you by advil. make the switch to advil. >> maybe the shark will draw letters out there on the map. as far as the forecast goes it's a little chilly out here. i knew i'd find folks with jackets out here. is it cooler here than texas. >> uh-huh. >> yeah. >> a lot. >> what grade are you heading into little lady? >> second. >> is the teacher ready for you. >> yes, sir. >> we'll see. we'll see. troublemaker. well, let's see about your forecast as we go throughout the day today. now this weather pattern has been stuck for awhile now. it's sizzling hot in texas but the temperatures are cool. i'm starting to wonder has the
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beach season ended in the great lakes. temperatures are still well below average up there. remember the heat wave from you a few weeks ago? at night we have been in the 50s. it's like a taste of fall in new england and the great lakes but texas and the deep south and southwest summer is in 7:37. happy monday morning to you. i'm meteorologist christina loren. we have low decks spanning all the way inland, school ocean air transported off the pacific today. it means beautiful conditions. more of the same. if you liked yesterday, you're going to like today. 76 in santa teresa, 75 degrees on the way to san jose. if you're missing the hot summer days, we are going to see the heat return, but not until the second half of the upcoming weekend. hope you have a fantastic workweek. i'll be hanging out with cindy and lee here the rest of the day. we're doing pbr and cheese on a
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monday morning. back to you. >> bill, thank you so much. >> when we come back, we'll remember the life and career of john palmer, a long time member of this "today" show family. we'll do that with bryant gumbel and jane pauley right after this. ul ridley. to benefit cancer research i rode across the atlantic. crossing an ocean with your body as the motor, it hurts. so i brought advil to help me stay strong during the toughest journey of my life. [ male announcer ] paul ridley had a choice of pain relievers, but he chose advil. because nothing is stronger on tough pain. nothing. not tylenol. not aleve. [ paul ] when people are counting on me to come through, my answer is advil. [ male announcer ] real people. real pain. real relief. advil. relief in action. to help pay for the road trip... before they earned 1% back on all purchases -- everywhere, every time -- and 2% back at the grocery store... even before earning 3% back on gas, with no hoops to jump through...
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good choice. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. right now, this abbey vanity combo is a special buy. just $299. we're back at 7:42. with a heavy heart we remember a dear friend and colleague this morning. john palmer, a fix tour after nbc news for four decades died saturday after a brief illness. john worked as a correspondence and was the long time news anchor here on the "today" show. a reporter whose gracious presence helped all of us usher in a new day. >> in the news this morning -- >> reporter: his warmth and reassuring delivery were fixtures on today. >> good morning to john palmer. >> thank you, jane. >> reporter: for seven years, nearly 2,000 mornings, john
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palmer guided our viewers through moments of triumph and tragedy. >> there was an explosion in the air. >> reporter: in 1986 he anchored the first hours of nbc's coverage of the challenger disaster. >> his presence was felt when he wasn't there at all. >> i was watching you guys from my ver ran da. >> it was delightful. >> he took his work but not always himself seriously. >> mr. palmer, where are you. >> good morning, bryant, jane, i can see how tough it's been for you guys all week long. >> on the pool deck. >> reporter: a native of kingsport, tennessee, john spent nearly 40 years at nbc. a career news man that covered wars. a voice of reason in unreasonable times. >> john palmer, nbc news. >> see row, damascus, the eifle
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tower. >> his experience landed him at the white house where he would go on to cover five presence. john loved fishing, golf and was a sucker for old blue eyes. but his greatest love was his family. john met his wife nancy in nbc's washington bureau in 1979 where she worked for nightly news. they raised three daughters, molly a producer here at "today," carter that works in the entertainment industry and hope, a budding journalist at the nbc washington bureau. he never missed an opportunity to boast about his beautiful daughters. >> she was born on december 10th and now she is proudly with the "today" show. >> john's legacy lives on in his family and ours. bryant gumbel and jane pauley are with us. >> how are you. >> great.
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seven years were were a team with john gumbel. >> we were a family with john. >> you hit it right on the button. john was a gentleman with a capital g. you always knew what you were getting. john was the adult of our family, you know? jane was the kid sister, i was the troublesome brother and we had two uncles and then there was john. john was the adult of the group. >> i got the news from a test from tom just telling me the news and he finished it with such a sweet man and it struck me. i thought about that all day with such respect for his professionalism and yet without hesitation tom would describe him as a sweet man, and he certainly was. >> was a viewer during those years. he made it look so effortless. he delivered the news in a way
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that made you feel like he was sitting in your room talking to you. he took it very seriously. >> i would love to have his legacy. i remember him covering the challenger from standing outside my own kitchen. it was, you know, the teacher. he was on television reporting it because he was still in the building. and then i remember desert one, the horrible aborted attempt to rescue the iran hostages. my husband woke me up, midnight, 1:00 to tell me john broke the news because he happened to be going by the white house and saw a light on. >> that's what people forgot about john as your piece pointed out. john had travelled the world and had been a war correspondence and had a number of notable achievements before he settled down to watch over us. he was just such a wonderful gracious man. i mean, jane and i were talking about yesterday, i had come in from walking the dogs and i see
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this headline and it says nbc news anchor dies suddenly. i'm thinking oh my god. this can't be. there's no way in the world this can be good. i was stunned. i didn't know john was ill. it's just -- it was a shock. >> just in terms of humility, we all got together for the 60th anniversary of the program, we had the big party, there was one part of the party where the photograph set the whole group up for a picture and john was standing off on the sidelines and i said john. >> he said they don't want me up there. >> i said of course. he never thought he was as big a deal as he was. >> he took me aside one day after the show and he said, he says jane, don't take this the wrong way but does it ever amaze you that kurt douglas knows who you are? and i think a guy from kingsport, tennessee, he always pinched himself. what am i doing here? but thank god he was. >> but we had an opportunity to
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talk by e-mail with with his wife nancy last night. and she said that he died the way he would want to, you know? he had his family around him. his girls around him and they told stories and he died peacefully. >> he will be missed and we love you all. we'll be right back. thanks, guys. [ female announcer ] the best thing about this bar
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with freshly bakedeve in whole grain bread.right then we add all-natural eggs... lean antibiotic-free ham... and vermont white cheddar. get 16 grams of protein and 23 grams of whole grain in the breakfast power sandwich. new almay cc cream is kind of a it covers, corrects, clarifies. it's makeup and skin care in one. it's my look good while doing good for my skin make-up. ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats. today is going to be epic. quaker up. thto fight chronic. osteoarthritis pain. today is going to be epic. to fight chronic low back pain. to take action. to take the next step. today, you will know you did something for your pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a pain reliever
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fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. anti-depressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not for children under 18. people taking maois, linezolid or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions like blisters, peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores to address possible life-threatening conditions. talk about your alcohol use, liver disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. take the next step. talk to your doctor. cymbalta can help.
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was it fair, the typo that cost a 12-year-old boy a hefty wager in the final round of "jeopardy." the piece of history being served up this morning. the world's first burger made from lab-grown meat. then, looking and feeling fabulous. the women who say beauty truly begins at 60. first, your local news. then i better use the capital one purchase eraser to redeem my venture miles for this trip. purchase eraser? it's the easy way to erase any recent travel expense. i just pick a charge, like my flight with a few taps, it's taken care of. impressive baldwin. does it work for hotels? absolutely thank goodness. mrs. villain and i are planning our... you scare me. and i like it. let's go what's in your wallet? yep. how'd that happen? um... [ female announcer ] some things are hard for kids to digest.
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we also produce natural gas. that's how we make our living and that's how we can pass the land and water back to future generations. people should make up their own mind what's best for them. all i can say is it has worked well for us. when your allergies start, doctors recommend taking one non-drowsy claritin every day during your allergy season
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for continuous relief. 18 days! 12 days! 24 days of continuous relief. live claritin clear. every day. okay, a? b? b. a? that's a great choice. let me show you some faucets to go along with that. with the latest styles and guaranteed low prices, you can turn the bath you have into the bath you want. good choice. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. right now, this abbey vanity combo is a special buy. just $299.
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good monday morning to you. it's 7:55. i'm laura garcia-cannon. the b.a.r.t. strike is on hold for now. late last night governor jerry brown stepped in to delay the strike for a week while a state team investigates the stalled talks. depending on the findings, he could block the strike for two months while negotiations continue. nearly 20 u.s. embassies an consulates will remain closed for at least a week because of terror threats. san francisco police are on heightenedn"fñ alert though no direct threat has been made to the bay area. san jose police deployed the new gang suppression unit overnight. lit be used during peak hours to reduce violent crime including a spike in homicide. let's check the forecast. nice one on tap, christina. >> good monday morning to you. 7:56. a live look at sunol where we have mostly cloudy conditions
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throughout the day. as we head throughout the afternoon, highs will be comfortable. 9 on tuesday, 71 wednesday. we have a traffic alert. we'll send it over to anthony slaughter. >> we're still talking about the excellent that occurred earlier, the fire, the big rig, is keeping things really backed up. we're talking major slowing from the eastshore freeway through richmond and it continues as you get over the bridge. you can see even in to san francisco very slow going where just a few lanes are still getting by because the big rig is actually still on the overpass once you actually get in to san francisco. 880 southbound tint san mateo bridge is slow. you can see that on our maps. let's take you outside. it is a little foggy out there. might run into a little drizzle over the bridge. make sure the headlights are on. there you can see. make sure you keep both hands on the wheel. and in the palo alto area, things are moving smoothly. a quick check of the peninsula shows things are going well there. >> thank you for joining us. another local news update is
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we love today. >> we're3 c3 >> estamos en el today's show! it's the 5th day of august, 2013 and it is a perfect 10 here in new york city. a spectacular morning weather-wise and a nice crowd gathered in the plaza. all waving to the folks back home. it feels almost, dare i say, because i don't want summer to be over, almost pre-fall.
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>> it does, a nip in the air. >> it's actually really nice. matt lauer with savannah guthrie. have you ever had someone hand you a bottle or jar and say can you get it open? i can't get it open? >> all the time. >> how do you do it? >> bang it on the floor. >> it can be tough to open bottles even if you're ridiculously cut like this guy that struggled and struggled at a baseball game recently. he is trending because of this. i'm sure he's not happy about that. >> more bicep curls and you'll get it. oprah is opening up about her legacy, the trayvon martin case and a lot more. and then, would you be willing to eat it? science and cooking history being made this morning as the world's first lab-grown beef burger created by stem cells from a cow is unveiled and tasted. we'll meet the inventor. no? >> i don't know. i'd have to be convinced. >> test-tube steak or chicken?
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>> i don't think so. also, have you ever found yourself overinvolved in your children's lives? they call these people helicopter parents because they hover constantly? we'll meet a recovering helicopter parent. we'll find out exactly how she made the change. >> but first, we want the day's top stories. natalie has a check of the headlines. natalie, good morning to you. >> good morning everyone. the state department added to the list of u.s. diplomatic posts shut down by a terror threat and extended the closings. nbc news white house correspondent peter alexander joins us with the latest. good morning. >> good morning to you. president obama will be briefed on this threat again this morning. the u.s. has now extended the closures of 15 diplomatic posts, its also added four more to the list to be shut into the weekend until the muslim holy month of ramadan is over. intercepted communications show al qaeda militants have been discussing what a u.s. senior
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official described as a single significant event or a series of simultaneous attacks. most likely in the middle east. there is no specific threat to the u.s., but no officials could rule that option out either. senior intelligence officials say this plot originates from yemen with al qaeda in the arabian peninsula, and one of the biggest concerns is that is the same group, natalie, that's been developing new techniques, including implanted, surgically implanted bombs, bombs in terrorists that could possibly avoid detection. meanwhile, a worldwide travel alert remains in effect for u.s. citizens through the end of this month. >> peter alexander, thanks so much, peter. a u.s. military helicopter with four people on board crashed this morning inside a u.s. marine base on the japanese island of okinawa. smoke could be seen rising from the apparent crash site. no word on any causalities. the driver accused of hitting a dozen people this
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weekend on the famed venice, california, boardwalk is being held on suspicion of murder charge. nathan campbell surrendered about two hours after the deadly driving spree. detectives believe he sbepgsally hit the pedestrians, killing an italian woman on her honeymoon and injuring 11 others. >> narrator: an elevator accident claimed the life of a missouri musician on saturday. the 61 year old was moving into a building when he walked into a freight elevator thinking the car was there. he then plunged down the shaft. reuter was a well-known singer and guitar player in the st. louis area. embattled san diego mayor bob filner is said to enter a clinic for two weeks of behavioral therapy. nine women accused him of sexual harassment. he refuses to step down from the mayor's office. an investigation is under way for a planned building implosion saturday in bakersfield, california, that left several spectators injured. more than 1,000 people watched from a parking lot hundreds of
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yards away. chunks of debris can be seen flying from the site. officials say one man who was hit with a large metal fragment lost part of a leg. two vehicles, including a police car, were damaged when the old power plant came down. it is 8:05 right now. let's go back outside once again to matt and savannah. hey, guys. >> thanks, natalie. >> let's go to bill who's in for al this morning. good morning again. >> good morning guys. we want to meet the wright family from iowa here. down here, let's hold these up. a hot mess all morning. who's frosty? >> our dad. happy birthday frosty. >> how old is dad? >> 83. >> congratulations to dad. here savannah. >> yes. >> this is savannah, bucket list. meet today show host. >> check. >> done. >> what's your name? >> it's her birthday. >> we had to include that. >> that's big. >> well, let's take a look at your forecast as we go
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throughout this monday. let's start at texas where it was a hot weekend. temple, texas, 97 degrees today. it's been near 100 for the last week. we're going to take you out to thursday with 100-degree heat. it will improve slightly. if you're in the chicago area and heading out this morning, you'll be dry for your morning commute. after the morning commute, the rain coming down now, that will be swinging through chicago. there's going to be airport delays today around midway or o'hare it will happen mid-morning. and then later today, chance of storms coming out of the rockies, nebraska, south dakota, and central portions of kansas where we do not need any more ra 8:06. good monday morning. i'm meteorologist christina loren. no rain, just a little bit of drizzle. this is san rafael. do want to point out we have the sfliet delays 1:15 at sfo.
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that will likely be the case. back to business monday finding delays out of new york city for the time being. 81 in livermore, 59 on the way to san francisco. seven day outlook shows you we cool down as we head through wednesday and thursday. just the 70s. and of course a3 c3 >> su bisabuela que cumple 90 >> alma aldridge. >> your great grandma, 90 years old. >> happy birthday alma. bill, thank you very much. coming up, the 8th grader that says he was cheated on jeopardy because he misspelled the final answer. then the $325,000 burger, it is grown in a test tube. is this the food of the future? also ahead, move over, "sex in the city," it's time for love in the heartland. the new dating site that is targeting a very specific crowd, right after this. targeting a very specific crowd. right after this. way to stay focused! and then i'll become a scientist and change the world! the world? now you're talking!
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[ female announcer ] packed with whole grain fiber and a taste kids love, frosted mini-wheats helps keep them full and focused. and when they're full and focused every day, who knows what they may become some day. that's what i call chemistry! [ female announcer ] kellogg's frosted mini-wheats cereal. help feed their full potential. now with kellogg's family rewards, you can get even more from the products you love. join today at ♪ ♪ new jif whips -- whipped peanut butter, ma'am. oooh. [ store manager ] fluffy, dippable, and oh-so-delicious -- people love it. i got one! [ female announcer ] give your day a lift with new jif whips. we can't keep them on the shelves. i got one! over the age of three have gum disease? but not happy. happy eats dentastix® as part of her oral care routine. dentastix® treats are clinically proven
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to reduce up to 80% of tartar buildup. smile, it's dentastix® time! to reduce up to 80% of tartar buildup. the moment my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasiss. started getting in the way, that was it... it was time for a serious talk with my dermatologist. this time, he prescribed humira-adalimumab. humira helps to clear the surface of my skin by actually working inside my body. in clinical trials, most adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis saw 75% skin clearance. and the majority of people were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b,
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are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. make the most of every moment. ask your dermatologist about humira, today. clearer skin is possible. so ditch the brown bag for something better. like our bacon ranch quesadillas or big mouth burger bites, served with soup or salad, and fries. starting at just 6 bucks, at chili's. ♪ ♪
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back now with what's trending today. trending on the l.a. times, becoming a mother later in life. according to new federal data women in their 40s are more likely to have babies now than in four decades. among women ages 40 to 44 birth rates hit their highest point since 1967 and many are first time mothers. what is behind the numbers? some delayed the child birth because of busy careers and others said because they hadn't found mr. right and others said all of the above. >> it makes sense when you think about it? >> of course. people are work more and getting married later in life. >> i was wondering if my mother was selecting the trending item. >> good thing with modern medicine that more women are able to have. >> yeah. trending on the daily beast, i was cheated. that's what an 8th grader from connecticut was claiming after having trouble on the final question on jeopardy last week.
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his answer is generating controversy online. was he treated? you decide. >> abraham lincoln called this document which took effect in 1863 a fit and necessary war measure. let's go to thomas. he had 9,600. he wrote down what is the emancipation -- well, because he misspelled it badly. that's unfortunate. the judges are ruling against you. 3,000. >> it all came down to the spelling error as thomas walked away with $6,600. but it hadn't softened the blow for him or others venting their rage at jeopardy. still producers are standing by the host. they say if jeopardy were to give credit for an incorrect response, however minor, the
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should would effectively penalize other players. on one other note, even if thomas spelled emancipation correctly he still would not have gotten the top prior. he put a t in there. it was a typo. only he wrote it. >> exactly. >> i wonder when they started cracking down on the spellings? he's 12. >> give him more money. >> trending on huffington post. can i borrow your wallet? come on. well, chances are i can actually guess your pin number. so i could use your card. the new study is ranking the most common pin numbers. here they are. the top three. 0000 in third. 1111. and then the top of the list, what do you think it is? it's 1234. so people actually are using these. >> who would do that?
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>> it seems with all of these 10,000 different possible combinations, people still two for the easiest ones. almost 11% of us still go for whatever seems most easy to remember. >> it's because we have so many different passwords that you have to do something you can remember and spelling your own name, which is not mine -- >> i was going to say, what is your password. >> what's your social security number also? while we're at it? >> does it start with a 1 and 19 because that's also -- >> no one guessed it about you. >> it makes no sense. it links to nothing. >> that's the safest kind. that's the perfect password. >> trending on youtube, man versus bottle. have you ever had someone ask you to help them open a water bottle. it's simple. you twist the top and it comes open. >> because we're strong. >> he had sweaty hands. >> apparently, even if you are ripped. if you go to the gym all the time it doesn't always workout well. take a look at the video. here's what was happening as the cameras were rolling on a guy at
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a baseball game he tried and tried and tried to open that water bottle. look at the biceps on this guy. >> this guy has guns. >> guns blazing. >> does he know the camera is on him the whole time? he finally hands it to the little kid. >> he gave it back to the vendor. >> they ended up losing that game to the royals. and that's what is trending today. meanwhile, straight ahead on our 8:00 block, the new twist in the online dating world. the new match making website, it's devoted entirely to farmers and oprah speaks out on what she wants her legacy to be. we'll be hearing from her. >> first, the world's first lab-grown burger is unveiled this morning. the question is, would you eat it. keir simmons is in london with the details.
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keir, good morning to you. >> good morning. just to reassure you, this is a normal every day burger but inside the building behind me, a group of brave people are preparing a burger that cost $325,000 to create. while the patti inside looks just like this one, it's not as we have known it. the all american hamburger. it makes you think of herds of cattle, family run farms and laboratories? it may not look appetizing at first, but beef from test tubes could be the future. scientists have been busy proving that beef can be grown in a lab from cattle stem cells. beet juice, saffron, caramel and bread crumbs are added and a burger is gone. today they want to show that people can eat it. >> very good. >> reporter: in new york over the weekend, folks weren't convinced. >> i think it's disgusting. >> maybe it could be cheaper. >> it's awesome that they can do
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that. >> reporter: it's been estimated that every american spends around $270 on beef each year. eating 61 pounds of the meat annually. but all the steaks and hamburgers popular around the world, too, are costly. it could be a food that could feed people and cattle produce a lot of environmental damage. in some countries forests are cleared for cattle to graze. they're working to convince the world that a more environment ally friendly meat can be made. >> so a vegetarian with a hummer is better for the environment than a meat eater with a bicycle. >> reporter: mass production could be a decade away but america's beef farmers may not welcome the deal? they already have to sell cheap.
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and cattle farming adds billions to america's bank accounts. right now this artificial meat is rare. some call it frankenburgers but one day we may all be eating it. >> savannah, just in the last few minutes they have begun cooking and eating this laboratory made burger. how does it taste? that's the question. it matters how it tastes. >> you have to get the taste right. keir simmons in london. thank you so much. we talked to mark pots, the man behind the newburger early this morning. he's a professor at a university in the netherlands. i asked him how does it taste? >> it tastes like beef. it's not quite there yet but it's a very good start to improve afterwards. >> this took years. this is a milestone we're seeing this morning. what is your goal? is it to show that this can be
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done? >> yeah, that's exactly what the goal is. it can be done. we have now proven that we can grow meat outside of the body of the cow using the same cells and using regular culture principles that we took from the medical field. >> this burger is worth $325,000. you have an anonymous donor. i expect that you would think the price would come down and you could get it at a competitive price? >> absolutely. of course it's our goal to provide an alternative solution to meat production right now and to be able to produce meat in an ethical environmentally friendly way and we're pretty positive that we can make this also cost effective once we scale it up and improve it further. >> this is not a meat substitute. it's meat. >> no, it's meat.
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it's not a meat substitute. we think that people will continue eating meat and global demand is going to increase. >> professor, i have to ask you, for some people there's a certain gross out factor. they'll think it's disgusting to eat something that has been created in a test tube. what do you say to them? >> well, you know, if we are producing meat and it's exactly the same. it's just produced in a different way. so you have to ask yourself the question, 20, 30 years from now if you see this in the super market. you see the exact same products they taste the same, they feel the same, they smell the same. one is made in a factory and the other is made in the cow. you know the environmental issue with the cow produced steak. there is a tax on it and maybe even a label that there is animal welfare issues with it. what are you going to choose them? a lot off people will then choose for the alternative. >> our interview earlier this
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morning with professor mark potts. now here's matt. thank you. now to a new website. 40 million americans tried online dating and there's specialty sites for all kinds of interests. well, as kevin explains, the newest one is aiming for the heartland in more ways than one. >> love has come to farm country usa. just ask morgan and jason, oh and baby elliott. >> if i could picture my life perfectly i think i would probably drop myself here over and over again. >> it's all thanks to those talking farm animals. >> where's jill? >> she's out lonely and walking the cornfield again. >> we used to be lonely. >> until we met on farmer's only. >> it joins other dating sites like christian mingle and ivy date for ivy leaguers. >> i would much rather listen to birds singing in the country
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than a bunch of taxi cabs blowing their horns at each other. >> good-bye city life. >> so far more than 1 million farmers, ranchers and those in search of their own green acres joined up. >> do you think you would have been able to find someone like morgan on just a regular dating website? >> i think it's just a good place to meet good down home folks. >> it's where morgan and jason met. she drove all the way from indiana to south dakota to take the relationship from the internet to the alter. >> he is my best friend. that's what works for us. >> jason was born and raised on his family's farm. there's nowhere else he'd rather be with his bride. >> i go visit the city but i'm always ready to come back home. >> for her part, 26-year-old morgan who didn't grow up on a farm now blogs about her new
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life and has fallen head over heels with the farm and her farmer. >> you wanted to be a farm wife. >> that was my dream but i never imagined it would happen. >> reporter: but the website isn't above a little cheek t. adds even toss a little manure in city folks direction. there's freaky fran, crazy carl and sally spa. and viewers are all reminded that. >> city folks just don't get it. >> people from the city say what do you mean we don't get it? what don't we get? i said a lot of you think chocolate milk comes from brown cows. >> what do you mean? it doesn't? but as they say in these parts, love is a mootiful thing. nbc news, coleman, south dakota. >> all right. >> all righty. >> shifting gears, oprah is
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making her return to the big screen in the butler next friday. she recently sat down to talk about that role and touched on other subjects including the trayvon martin case and what she wants to leave as her legacy. >> it's so easy during this time. trayvon martin, parallel to e t emitteal. you can get stuck in that. >> how do you want to be remembered in history. >> what i do every day is try to be -- to allow the truth to speak through me and to open people's hearts and to let them see the greater possibility for themselves. that's what i do. that's what i did every day on the oprah show. that's what i do in my magazine. that's what i do. i think that the work you have done speaks for you. i remember when i opened my school in south africa and i said this will be my legacy. this school is going to be my
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legacy and maya said you have no idea what your legacy will be. your legacy is what you do every day. it's every life you've touched. it's every person whose life was either moved or not. it's every person you harmed or helped, that's your legacy. so i don't think about it. i just try to live it. >> a good way to look at it. >> yeah, that was oprah talking to chris witherspoon. she had a goodyear after critics counted her out last year. >> never count out oprah. you can catch the whole intervene this afternoon. and coming up, 60 plu confidence at that age after your local news.
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>> announcer: you're watching today in the bay. good morning, 8:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. they deployed their new gang spregs department. it's part of the department's effort to increase police presence and visibility in san jose. we're told the gang suppression unit will be deployed during peak hours seven days a week. the plan is supposed to be evaluated at the end of the summer to see if the program is working and whether it should continue. we're continuing to take a look at that morning commute. anthony slaughter in now for a look at it for us. >> earlier we had a fire, a big rig caught on fire earlier this morning. that's continuing to keep things slow. this is video from cell phone footage. you can see it's coming in from
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the bay bridge into san francisco and it's on the san francisco side so really the bridge itself and all the way, every really highway leading up to the toll plaza is still very slow. 80 east shore freeway, slow all the way through richmond. can you see on our traffic maps, lots of red on the maps. if you have to use the route, b.a.r.t. is running. >> laura, back to you. >> the strike averted for now. good news for today. another local news update coming up in half an hour for you. hope you have a great morning. hi. i'm jan. welcome to toyota's once-a-year clearance event.
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8:30 on this monday morning. it's the 5th of august, 20136789 it's a picture perfect summer morning here in rockefeller plaza. we have a great crowd out here. a chill in the air but it's great. i'm savannah guthrie along side matt lauer and natalie morales. coming up, feeling beautiful at any age. we'll meet a 60-year-old woman that wrote an honest essay saying she proudly feels she looks great.
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she feels better at 60 than she did when she was 20 years old. this struck a nerve with a lot of readers. we'll get into that. >> also, if you're a parent, are you a parent that might consider yourself overly involved in every aspect of your child's life? the helicopter or hovering parent? we'll hear from one mom that decided it was time to loosen up the reigns a little bit. one of the things she said, she had to ditch the cell phone. >> tracking device. >> exactly. >> also we'll learn new uses for common gadgets to help you save time, money and space. >> what is that? >> it's a power drill and pepper mill. first a check of the weather. bill is here for al this morning. good morning to you. >> good morning to you savannah. who do we want to say hi to. >> my dad. >> chief summers. >> i love your sign. >> my dad deserves better skype
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connection. >> he's been on tour since february. she coming back in november. you're getting closer and closer to seeing dad again. >> counting down the days. >> he is counting down the days. so are we. hope he gets back safe and sound. not enough attention is going to our friends in fairbanks alask. it had 32 80 degree days this morning. the temperatures are back in the 80s tomorrow. if you're wondering who is shattering records, areas of australia, russia and our friends in alaska. a lot of heat down there in texas. it's still chilly. areas of new england. this morning, one of the codest spots in little international forecast. thanks, bill. 8:32. i'm meteorologist christina loren taking a live look at the bay bridge. still a little bit of traffic
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there. earlier crash headed westbound. glassy conditions out on the bay. it is going to be a beautiful day. 71 degrees on the way to fremont, 75 in san jose, 81 for gilroy. san francisco it will be a little bit cool for you today. we'll jump back up as we head into the week into the upcoming weekend. heat returns come sunday. overall looking at a cooler than average week. if you got big plans like my friends from missouri and illinois in here, you can go to and get your hour by hour forecast. back to you. thank you very much. coming up next, are you happy in your skin. what it takes to feel confident at any age. but first, this is "today" on n nbc.
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ladies over 60 years old to weigh in on what beauty means to them and what it takes to be truly beautiful. >> i am beautiful. >> i am beautiful. >> i am beautiful. >> when i was 20, i thought it wasn't pretty enough. i wasn't smart enough. >> i used to think that beauty was about the booty. >> i always wanted to be more beautiful, tall. >> perfection is boring. you find the things about yourself that you love and you make the most of them and celebrate that. >> my legs. because they take me on adventures and journeys that i never ever thought i would go on. >> six weeks ago i got me a brand new hip and it's the best thing i ever did. >> if i walk down the street i try to smile at everyone and believe it or not they smile back. >> when i laugh, it's pretty loud and it comes from way down deep. >> my love is my beauty. my mom is the sweetest, kindest person in my life.
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>> i feel beautiful when i look into my daughter's eyes. when i look into my son's eyes and i see reflected back their love for me. >> now i just kind of jump in. >> i fail sometimes and sometimes i don't. >> i own my failures. i look for the lessons, dust myself off and go at it again. >> what i've been through makes me strong and will always make me stronger. >> i had to face the loss of my husband and i had to face the loss of my children's father and i'm beautiful because i chose to keep going and keep living. >> beauty is to have a young spirit. i always invisioned that some day i would be a dancer. now i'm 60 and teaching zumba. >> i was 58 when i completed my first marathon. i can not be sore the next day. >> i'm 88 and i can still get on
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a dance floor. >> why not at 57? age is only a number. >> this is my time. >> i just enjoy being in this world. it shows on my face that i'm happy. >> i'm totally cool with this chick. like, she's cool, yeah. >> i feel more in touch with what's truly important to me than i ever did before. >> we are only here for a short amount of time folks. love who you are and that is true beauty. and we are surrounded by a group of beautiful 60-plus women from our crowd along with a 60-year-old humor columnist for the new york sometimes and huffington post and the author of a column at ease with the body, fighting gravity. it's good to see you. >> this article really caught our eye. it wasn't just us. what you say is i'm 60 and i feel great about how i look. what does it say about us that that was such an eyebrow raising statement? >> i don't know. i think the interesting thing is
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that it turns out there are a lot of people that feel just like i do. there's a lot of women either in their 60s or older who have gotten to the point where we feel terrific about who we are. >> you write in this piece that you feel better now about yourself than you did when you were 20 years old and you did have that hot bod. >> i would tryon bathing suits and looked in the mirror and said if the person i was at 16 could see what i look like now she would say shoot me now. and yet i felt more comfortable in my skin than i ever had in my life. >> how did you get to this place? every woman i know over 50 or 60 or 40 or 30 feels that way about herself but it's actually all too rare. >> you have this to look forward to. when you're 60, maybe you'll see, it comes with the territory. i think by the time you have gotten to be a certain age you have a certain perspective on where looks fit into everything and if everything works and you're confer comfortable and strong and healthy that's
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beautiful, if your life is work that's beautiful. you're less inclined to see your flaws. >> you're not comparing yourself to these unrealistic goals. when you're 20 you think you're supposed to look like a swim suit model. when we get older we realize it ain't that bad. >> they look gorgeous for a living and that's terrific but even those folks are photo shopped a little bit. >> is there also something of a stigma for women to say i feel good about myself as though there's something about being confident that almost impolite? >> that's an excellent question. i hope that isn't the case. i think we tend to internalize this idea that we're all supposed to be perfect and perfectly beautiful at all times and as you get older you start to say to yourself, that's not necessary. if i look good to myself then i'm confident and happy. >> you're somebody who is in the pool all the time. you wear your swim suit every day and you tell a great story about how you went swimsuit
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shopping with your sweetie. >> i did. i didn't intend to. i found bathing suits and i was going to try them on and there was no place for him to sit so i said can he come into the dressing room with me and they said why not. so i talked to him on the bench and i was trying on -- i was just trying to put on a bathing suit but he was having the time of his life. >> guys don't judge us as harshly as we judge ourselves. >> exactly. >> they're just happy you have no clothes on. >> exactly. exactly. >> well, it's a very thought provoking piece. love it. ladies, you look great. thank you for being here. we're back after this. coming up next, are you a helicopter parent? we'll talk about that. but first, this is "today" on nbc. so... [ gasps ]
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these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? maybe. rich chocolate chips... i just wanted you to eat more fiber. and then the awards started coming in, and i became addicted to the fame. topped with chocolaty drizzle... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. fiber beyond recognition. try new fiber one peanut butter protein bars.
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we are back at 8:43. every parent wants to be the best for their kids but if you're an overinvolved helicopter parent, it can be time to land the chopper. she the founder of free range kids. a movement to help give kids more autonomy. jennifer is a contributor to real simple family. morning to both of you. how are you? >> nervous. >> don't be nervous. you help people kind of back off from being the hovering parent. is it really possible to change parents? isn't some of this in our dna. >> parents worried. i'm a worry parent. i make them wear helmets. but this new worry is different. the idea that they're in constant danger. your parents probably let you walk to school and play outside, right? >> right. >> that's what i am trying to get us back to. we are overworried about everything. >> i know hovering parents and almost every one of them would
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say i'm not a helicopter mom or a helicopter dad. i'm just concerned for the safety and wellbeing of my child. where's the line? >> i think for me the line is going back to remembering what my parents let me do. they were aware that there was danger in the world. crime today is lower than when we were growing up. >> so 10-year-olds not being able to cross the street alone, that's hovering. >> i think you can teach your 10-year-old to cross the street and you made him safer than making him think he has to have you with him every time. >> you were guilty? how guilty? >> i was pretty guilty. i like to think i was a good mom. a loving mom. but i was an overprotective mom. >> gef give me an example. >> last summer i had a 6-year-old that would say can i visit my friend across the street. i used to do that when i was a child. and i would say no.
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mom, i am going to go into the backyard. don't two into the woods because of the tick. mom, can i play in the front yard? no, not without mommy watching. >> you asked for help. >> i did. >> was there a 12 step program here? was it easy to loosen the reigns? >> well, the first thing she said was you have to come to terms with the fact that while you can limit some risk in your child's life, you can't eliminate all risk. that's the reality. >> you actually say open the door. what do you mean by that. >> what we did with jennifer, kids want to be outside. they thrive when they're outside. open the door and let them go out. you don't have to be with them all the time. once you teach them the rules. no running in the street, no going next door, stay in your front yard and that's what her kids did. >> you also want parents to lose the cell phone. that's easier said than done, i would imagine. >> yeah, luckily my 7-year-old doesn't have a cell phone.
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>> but you did so you could check up on parents where ever he or she went. >> this is true. one of the tips is to please leave the cell phone at home. >> it acts like an umbilical cord. it makes sense to say don't touch that and don't eat the cookie yet and let me hold your hand but we get so used to never stopping that because we have this cell phone communication all the time. kids are smarter than we think. >> what's the impact. what's the negative impact on our children when we're overprotective parents? >> well, that always sounds like it's our problem and we're creating these children's problems and parents are wrong. i don't want to say that. i just want to say what's good about letting your kid go outside. they get fresh air. they get creative. they have to come up with something to do. they become problem solvers because they don't have a game so they have to invent one with whatever is around. all the stuff nature intended for kids to be playing with each other and not always handed an activity and they rise. they become the people we want
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them to be. >> i'm going to see how your recovery is doing. i'm going to put you to a test. yours are 7, 6, and 2. >> yes. >> the 6-year-old wants to jump off the high dive this summer. >> she's a good swimmer. i would let her do it. i probably wouldn't watch. >> she wants to cook on the stove. >> my 7-year-old cooks on the stove now with my super vision. >> you don't have to be restrained? >> that was one of my challenging. i state that i had my band-aids in my pocket and i didn't say anything -- >> you're partially recovered. >> i'm working on it. >> crossing the street alone, is that okay? >> he does it but he has to tell me before. and i peek through the window. >> that's one of the things we practice. we had them playing on the front lawn and i kept jennifer in the kitchen and she realized they could play and when we came back we said look both ways and he learned how to cross that day. he's been doing it since. >> he's cautious.
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he looks he looks. it's an exaggeration. >> one question for jennifer is what is he doing this summer that he wasn't doing last summer. >> he's playing outside. he's really happy. >> that's all i want. i just want them to have a childhood. >> thank you very much. up next, new uses for kitchen gadgets to save you time and money. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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we are back at 8:50 with today's double duty. this morning, creative uses for kitchen tools to help you save time and money. he is the editor of cook's illustrated. good morning. >> how are you? >> a list of unconventional items for use of things you wouldn't associate with them. >> i'm here with unconventional tips. we publish these every two months. people send in tips. some are stupid and some are great. these are the great ones. some of our favorites. >> the first one is a quick thaw. >> these are small cuts and we suggested put them on an aluminum pan. takes about an hour to warm up because it conducts heat so well. we have a new method which is take chicken or steak or pork chop. put it in a ziploc bag and just
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submerge it and the chicken will be thawed in about 8 minutes and a steak will take about 12 minutes. if there's any bacteria in the food it's not going to have time to multiple. >> and hot from the tap is hot enough? >> hot from the tap. >> if you want to pound out your chicken you do whatever. >> whatever people do wax paper and put it over the chicken and cutting board but it gets all wrapped up so we use these flexible cutting boards which are very inexpensive. and i like to use a skillet or sauce pan. it works better. >> it has more space. >> are you stepping back? >> that seems like it might be fun. >> like whack a mole. >> i could do that all day. >> and then it's nice and even and doesn't crunch up. >> that's a great idea. what's next? >> this is one of my all time favorites.
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this is a drill bit. if you have to use a lot of pepper for something, you just take the top off, which i did, there's the little metal piece. you insert that with the drill and do that. >> it's a power drill. >> do it right on something or a whole bunch for a steak rub or barbecue rub. >> it would work for salt too. >> it would. >> you get a lot out. if you really need a lot of pepper or salt. >> and also because old guys buy this stuff and don't know what to do with it. finally you have a use for this sitting in your closet. >> what about this one? >> this is great. you want to take a knife with you. you're going away from the weekend and you're going to cook or something. take a paper towel holder and put the knife in and it holds it in nice and safe. it's safe. if you don't have a professional knife holder it works great. >> would you put it in your suitcase or something.
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>> yeah. >> you have to check that bag. >> potato ricer. i didn't know what that was which won't shock you. >> this is a potato ricer. it's fairly inexpensive. it's plastic oddly enough. if you want to juice limes or lemons, put them in like that and just juice them. >> that's nice. >> it works well. >> do you have to be strong? >> it's good. >> hi chris. >> you guys are here just in time. >> do you have a potato ricer at home? >> i do not. >> but not everybody has a potato ricer. >> if you have one you can use it for this. >> it's better than lemons in the lemon things. >> or have someone else do it for you. >> what's the next one? >> what's next. this is odd. if you have a hot soup or cold soup you can use an ice bucket and serve it right out of the bucket. >> oh. so it keeps the temperature --
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>> well, it works for hot. >> i'll never use the ice bucket for ice again. >> now my brother actually does this. if you want to grill there's an alternate use. >> you take a little headlight thing and put them on and put the light on like that. there we are and when your head moves and looks -- that looks great. >> it looks cool too. >> there you go. it works great. >> you never want to use one of these in the house though. remind people of that. >> good point. >> thank you so much. we're back with much more of today but first a check of your local news and weather.
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>> announcer: you're watching "today in the bay." good monday morning to you. 8:56. i'm laura garcia canyon. there's a new millionaire in the bay area. a pretty big winner. no one won last weekend's powerball. it goes up to $400 million. someone in the bay area won a $1.1 million prize. the ticket was bought in me mel pedes. the win ner has yet to come
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forward. christina loren, it's a winner. cooler. >> spectacular. good morning to you, laura. at home taking a live look. this is of course sonoma. we have clouds spanning all the way inland. that means that natural ac stays on. we're going to kick it into high gear wednesday and thursday cooling off a bit more. a beautiful weekend ahead. hope you have a great day. look at 'em.
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living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] add a wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month
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with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. welcome to today on this monday morning, august 5th, 2013. nice crowd outside. >> do you know why they're so happy and so thrilled? because willie geist is back. >> back in business along with natalie morales. al is off today. we were just doing some carbon dating to go back how far we have been apart. >> it really was. >> july 12th. >> you have that marked in your calendar somewhere. >> yeah. >> you went to london. >> yeah. gone for two weeks. al was gone before that for about two weeks. so i think it's been overall about five or six weeks that the three of us have not been
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together. >> the three of us will be back together tomorrow. we're going to stage an 80s sitcom reunion. >> you almost missed making it in this morning. >> yeah, that's a true story. >> what happened. i do another show called morning joe across the street. that starts at 6:00 in the morning. i have been doing that show for 7 years. this morning the volume was all the way down on the ringer and at 5:45 my wife said willie and i was like it's fine. we're still on vacation. so i missed the first segment of morning joe this morning. >> thank you christina. >> there's a lot going on in the news right now. this is the front page of the new york papers. alex rodriguez being asked just go. >> from the fans wanting him
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out. >> the back page of the daily news, you're a disgrace. suit up. talking about alex rodriguez and pretty soon we're going to hear about a suspension for alex rodriguez. he's one of baseball's biggest stars over alleged doping and obstructing baseball's investigation into it. sources believe the suspension will not be just for this year but through 2014. she 38 years old. >> two hip surgeries. >> coming off of a lot of injuries. the commissioner is expected to allow him to play through the appeals process. that could be 30 games or the rest of the season. >> which could be the rest of his career. >> he remained defiant though. he had a press conference. playing minor league baseball, had a press conference on saturday. here's a little bit of what he o to say. >> i plan to sit my girls down and we're going to have a lengthy conversation and i'll have an opportunity to tell it all at some point. i'll have that platform and when
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the time is right i'll tell my full story. thanks. >> that's a tough conversation to have with your kids. >> it is. he could get a shorter penalty. but the bottom line is alex rodriguez was the biggest star in baseball. before we knew about all the cheating and the alleged doping, he was going to be babe ruth. he was putting up numbers like baseball had never seen before and now it's just a fall. >> half a billion dollar contract. that's unheard of. >> signed 10 year, 200 $52 million about t -- $252 million ten years ago. on the role model thing, he gave that up a long time ago. he was a guy to look up to and great talent and great baseball player. >> but as an asterisk by his name now. >> everything he does. meanwhile, the oscars making
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news. ellen is going to be the host. >> this is great. >> she'll host the 86th academy awards. she confirmed in a tweet, it's official i'm hosting the oscars. i'd like to thank the academy and my wife portia. >> second time she had the gig. she did it in 2007. let's go back to our history here, the departed won best picture. >> look at you. >> that's because it was right up there in front of me. >> somebody did the research for me. last year we had seth macfarland. it's a tough gig. that's the hardest job in the world. >> billy crystal is the master at it. >> but ellen is universally loved. she has 21 million twitter followers which puts her in the league with lady gaga and justin
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bieber. she is a huge star with broad appeal. >> that's the key, i think, for the oscars is that perhaps less controversial than a golden globes hosting. they tend to be more of the old school, old hollywood. >> you didn't hear much criticism of this choice. it's a good pick. meanwhile -- >> this is the story everybody is talking about. >> did you see this clip? kids week on jeopardy last week. one moment from wednesday's episode very controversial. this is an 8th grader. he is saying now that he was cheated by jeopardy and in particular by trebec. >> take a look. >> abraham lincoln called this document which took effect in 1863 a fit and necessary war measure. let's go to thomas hurly now. he had 9,600. he wrote down what is the emancipation -- well, because he misspelled it badly, you put a p
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in there, proclamation, that's unfortunate. the judges are ruling against you. >> alex sort of misspelled that. he said you put a p in there. you would have a p in there. the extra t is what he meant. >> he didn't misspell that badly and that was him putting the screws to an 8th grader. it was not misspelled badly. >> he got the answer correct. >> he got the answer right. >> he knew what he was doing. >> jeopardy producers put out a statement about this saying if jeopardy were to give credit for an incorrect response however minor the show would effectively penalize other players. >> i go for the intent of the rule here. the kid had it right. >> he's a 12-year-old. >> he's 12. >> 8th grade. >> even on the adult version, sorry. >> somebody was telling him in his ear, though. >> yeah. >> and they have gotten -- we tried to look up exactly what
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they have gone with in the past. i remember watching jeopardy and seeing some spelling errors and not even being able to make out the words that people wrote and they seem to have let things pass in the past go forward but in this case they have been cracking down more and more. >> it's a pattern of abuse. >> it's a good thing you'll never get an invitation on jeopardy. >> so kocondescending. >> the kid walked away with $2,000 and he went to california and down the road he could always go back if they let him back. >> and got taken down by trebec, it's ugly. >> he did okay. >> would you ever run with the bulls? >> it's interesting because having lived in spain, our town used to have a running of the bulls, like where we lived. which is of course the one that earnest hemingway made famous in
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the sun also rises. it's become a big deal. americans go there the past year. we saw a lot of americans there again. a couple got injured but now they're talking about bringing that here. there's actually a couple of different cities going to do their own running of the bulls. >> that's right. we got a couple. august 24th, i love this, at a drag racing strip, south of richmond, virginia. which is slightly less romantic, the drag racing strip in richmond. others in california, minnesota, illinois, and pennsylvania. >> let's do it as a show. come on. >> there's certain things like if you go bungie jumping and sky diving there's a element of safety and predictability on that. i don't need to role the dice. >> they're going to make it safer than the one in spain where it's cobblestone streets and you're fenced in with nowhere to go and the bulls are
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coming right at you. here they plan to allow areas where people can duck and hide. >> can bailout. >> duck and run. >> that's a death trap right there. >> it's crazy. the appeal is going there and doing it. >> exactly. >> 5,000 people signed up for the one in richmond. so there's definitely a lot of interest and nowadays, think, we are so into all of these -- you loved climbing that wall. >> my favorite. >> there we go. >> any excuse to show video again. >> it was an elaborate set up for something. >> how many times does it take for willie to get up the wall. we'll keep talking. >> i think it was 6. >> where's the help right there. >> i tried. you weigh 200 and what pounds? >> 200 and change. eventually i made it to the top. we didn't show my triumph at the end. >> so you would run with the bulls, then?
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>> no, we'll send you, our roving reporter, natalie morales. >> i would do it. i think i'm on vacation then. >> oh. >> don't get to the drag strip race. >> we'll do it another time. how about that? some people talking about this photograph of jennifer anniston. make up free anniston. >> she's gorgeous. >> is that make up free? that looks good to me. that's her long time hair stylist. he captioned this pick, best friends, no make up, girl time. she looks fantastic. >> she looks great. any time you see a celebrity with no make up -- lady gaga had one and that one, melb. was not a fan of that photo. >> mel b. has strong opinions. >> she does. but i think people are curious to see what they look like and she looks amazing. no surprise there. >> there was one a couple of weeks ago of jessica alba. >> wow, surprise.
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>> let's get a check of the weather now. bill, what are you looking at? >> welcome back from vacation. you need a little nice weather out there. a lot of us did see a nice weekend. as we go throughout this week we're wrapping up the summer weeks here. not long for a lot of people in the southern half of the country go back to school. this last week we had horrible flooding out there in kansas and missouri. it's cooler to the north and that's why we're getting the rain. it hasn't changed. we have more flash flooding likely going on during the day. already a little bit around independence and outside springfield. going to get another three to five inches throughout the next 72 hours. heavy rain tonight and another one as we go through wednesday and wednesday night. texas is hot and it's chilly in
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quick birthdays. sisters out here, 8 and 10, and you tonight will turn 21. just like the rest of us you'll be spending it with mom. that's what i did too. i'm sure willie and natalie did the same. 21st birthday with mom. >> happy birthday. >> you were. >> exactly. at a bar with my mom. >> doing mud slides with your mom. bill, thanks so much. coming up next, mark your calendars from the must see movie. >> to big time concert tours we movie. >> to[ male announcer ]tours we there's a story behind the silver of philadelphia cream cheese.
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it always begins with fresh local milk blended with real, wholesome cream. going fresh from the farm, to our fridge, in just six days. because we believe in fresh taste. that's the way we set the standard for intensely rich, luscious flavor. so our story of fresh taste always ends, deliciously. when it comes to taste, philadelphia sets the standard.
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back now with our series must mark your calendar. if you're looking to pack in last minute fun as the summer winds down, we have all the entertainment you don't want to miss. >> here with the dates we should circle, jessica shaw. thank you. good to see you. >> morning, you too. >> let's start with the one underway. maroon 5 and kelly clarkson on tour. >> yes, the reality show gods came together and put this together. kelly clarkson who won the first american idol ever and adam levine who is one of the judges on the voice. it's amazing. these two have been around for more than a decade and are still popular. his single love somebody did amazingly after the band performed it on the voice and she, her song stronger went multiplatinum. they're doing fine. >> i wonder who opens for whom on that tour? >> it's tricky. it almost seems like maroon 5 is the bigger act and with kelly clarkson. >> maybe they share it.
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>> they're sharing. all stars share. >> this friday a movie a lot of people are excited about. starring matt damon, jodi foster. great cast. >> this is a movie about healthcare, immigration and class warfare packaged as a futuristic sci-fi action movie. matt damon play ace guy on earth year 2054ment it's where the have not lists. it's a dump. they shot it at a land fill and he is sick and has to get to a space station run by jodi foster. so it's about him getting there. it's great. >> really cool concept. any time you can make it about healthcare reform. >> it reminds me of wall. >> all right. sunday night, august 11th, breaking bad, final season. >> yeah, the final 8 episodes. this is a beloved show about walter white, a high school
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chemistry teacher who turned into a international drug lord and everyone is pretty much watching right now to see how are they going to end the series? it won so many emmys. people still talk about endings like the sopranos and did it do right by the show. the creator said he cried when he wrote the final scene. read into that what you will. >> looking forward to it. selena gomez kicked off her tour. she is headlining now. her own tour. >> yes, she is a former disney channel star. she is kind of in the news now of is he dating justin bieber? is she not? but she is an adult now because she is 20. her song if you want it come and get it. >> sure. >> spoiler, she is not singing about cookies and milk. >> she's grown up a lot. yeah we see pictures of her. she looks very different. >> that's true. >> moving toward the end of the
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month, the vmas in brooklyn. >> they'll be at barclays in brooklyn for the first time. mtv still has the vmas. but justin timberlake, and lady gaga is going to be performing. >> can't miss the one d movie coming soon. >> directed by morgan spurlock. >> he did that movie? >> he did. >> you're going to go see it. >> i have 6-year-old daughters. we'll be there. >> all the news you need before you leave the house. a little bit later, some of the news hottest online searches. but first these messages. john, it's over. don't punish yourself, it's my fault. of course it's your fault and i'm not punishing myself. i'm having dannon oikos zero per cent fat yogurt; twice the protein of regular low fat yogurt. that's what makes it so thick, rich. oh,.. this is kate...
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already? my sister... and that was my mother. dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt, too delicious to be so nutritious. and try new rich creamy dannon oikos dips. so dippin' good. ♪ dannon. that's 3 moves, 5 jobs, 2 newborns. it's no wonder i'm getting gray. but kate -- still looks like...kate. with nice'n easy, all they see is you -- in one simple step, nice'n easy with colorblend technology, gives expert highlights and lowlights. for color that's perfectly true to you. i don't know all her secrets, but i do know kate's more beautiful now, than the day i married her. with the expert highlights and lowlights of nice 'n easy, all they see is you. to benefit cancer research i rode across the atlantic. crossing an ocean with your body as the motor, it hurts. so i brought advil to help me stay strong during the toughest journey of my life. [ male announcer ] paul ridley had a choice of pain relievers, but he chose advil.
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because nothing is stronger on tough pain. nothing. not tylenol. not aleve. [ paul ] when people are counting on me to come through, my answer is advil. [ male announcer ] real people. real pain. real relief. advil. relief in action. has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. there's a new way to fight litter box odor. what's the rush? introducing tidy cats with glade tough odor solutions. two trusted names, one amazing product. it's amazing. lots of tough, greasy messes to clean. [ male announcer ] scrubbing bubbles heavy duty cleaner with fantastik cleans tough greasy soils two times better than clorox clean-up. scrubbing bubbles with fantastik. [ female announcer ] sc johnson.
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millions of time warner cable subscribers in new york, los angeles, dallas and other cities are still without cbs programming this morning because of a dispute over fees. cbs says there's no negotiations taking place with time warner which stopped carrying the network in select markets on friday. >> california's fwov nor stepped in at the 11th hour last night to overt a strike of the rapid transit system easing the minds of hundreds of thousands of anxious commuters. he called for a seven day inquiry into the contract disbeauty that would shut down the 5th largest airline.
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children are more likely to smoke in their parents were smokers too. researchers study more than 200 parents and 300 children over age 11. a third of children whose parents were smokers tried cigarettes in the past year. kids whose older siblings smoked were six times more likely to pick up the habit. >> do you lose your cell phone every once in awhile? well, google has a new service to help you track it down. the android device manager will allow android users to find the device on a map and ring the phone. it will also give them the option of remotely erasing stored data to help you protect your personal information. the service should be available by the end of the month. and action and star power, the winning combination at the box office this weekend. "two guns" pulled in $27.4 million. the wolverine was second with
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$21.7 million and rounding out the top three the smurfs 2. ♪ na na na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ i'm gonna use my two hands ♪ i'm gonna move a mountain ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] kraft singles have no artificial flavors and they're always made with milk, so you can be sure there's no single thing better when you're grilling up a burger. ♪ life is amazing ♪ with the love that i've found ♪ ♪ [ ding! ] losing your chex mix too easily? time to deploy the boring-potato chip decoy bag. then no one will want to steal the deliciousness. [ male announcer ] with a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix is a bag of interesting. [ male announcer ] with a variety of tastes and textures, and it's not exactly therwhat you might dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt is packed with 12 grams of protein in every 5.3 oz cup.
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sink your teeth into that. dannon oikos. the new protein. ♪ dannon >> announcer: you're watching today in the bay. that's right. it's 9:26 right now. i'm laura garcia-cannon. an 11th hour reprieve. b.a.r.t. train is running after the governor stepped in to avert a potentially crippling strike. they left negotiations in oakland last night still with no contract in place. governor brown called for a seven-day board of inquiry. that means a five-member board will be assembled and b.a.r.t. management and negotiators will present their cases about the negotiations today. then it will be up to the board to determine if a cooling off period is necessary. firefighters are looking into the cause of an overnight apartment fire in san jose. that fire started in an apartment building on waterbury court near williams and san
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thomas expressway. they had to call in backup to prevent the fire from spreading. 16 people were forced from their homes including three children. luckily no one was hurt and the cause of the fire is still under investigation. we're going to have a look at a terrific looking forecast and the morning commute after this break.
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welcome back. good monday morning. meteorologist christina loren. this is the golden gate bridge. needs no introduction. these low clouds still forcing flight delays out of sfo, about an hour. we'll keep you updated on the temperatures. nice comfortable 64. 56 in gilroy. heading through the noon hour, temperatures start to warm up. 74 in concord at lunchtime and 74 in livermore. that means temperatures will only end up in the low to mid 80s today. getting spoiled. the envy of the nation here in the bay area. not just today, we keep on dropping off thursday into friday. slight warming as we get into the week end. let's check the drive, anthony.
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good morning, christina. we're still talking about major slowdowns. an earlier fire, the san francisco side of the overpass, still causing delays. two lanes closed. they won't reopen that until about noon. on the traffic maps lots of congestion getting into san francisco. really that's our only trouble spot. 880 is smooth. laura, lots of bling on the map in the south bay. >> green is good. not green, green. thank you very much. i'll have another local nooseew update. hope you enjoy your monday morning.
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welcome back to today on this monday morning. it's august 5th, 2013. just a beautiful day outside here in new york city. i'm willie geist with natalie morales. al has the day off and will be back tomorrow. that song, release you. >> i love listening to our music selections because it makes me go home and download new tunes and update my play list which is so outdated. >> makes you cool with the kids. >> yeah. makes me cool. >> speaking about what's cool with the kids, we'll talk about shoes for women in a few minutes but there's a new thing going on here. >> it's not so new. suri cruz had the heels. >> yeah. there's suri cruz. so more and more designers are
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creating heels for children. there's gap sandals sold out apparently. there's wedgers from michael kors kids selections. so they're making kids heels. >> that's a bit of a wedge. that's like a three inch heel right there. >> we have to set the age. what's okay. >> you have a daughter. my boys, they're not into heels. >> not into heels? that's a good start for you. as a mother, you're doing your job. my daughter last year got a pair from a dear friend whose friendship and relationship we treasure so very much, bought her a pair of wedge heels. >> and you're okay with it. >> she was five and not yet in kindergarten. >> you're okay with it? >> not really she loved it. it disturbed us a little bit. they were that close to a stripper heel and you don't want your 5-year-old rocking that
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lock, right? >> definitely not. >> but these are still dear, dear, friends. >> dear friends. >> and you would never out them on national television like. >> and they weren't gross. they were age appropriate but it was her first heel. >> i remember sticking my feet in my mom's heels and every little girl wants to look like mom some day. and it's sweet but there is a time and an age and they're going to get to wear those heels later in life and be paying for it because their feet are going to be killing them when they're 20. >> right i. could hurt their feet. >> exactly. >> at least that's what i'm going to tell my daughter anyway. let's get a check of the weather. bill is in for al. >> i'm not looking at the one with the goldfish in the bottom but i wear the lifts. >> it's bookmark day. natalie and al and -- wait a minute, geist. where did you put willie? you got it in your book already? i know how that goes. let's talk about a pretty nice monday across the country. a gorgeous morning in the
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mid-atlantic. low mu. what an august it's been after that july around d.c. and all the way up the east coast. out west it continues to be dry. salt lake city around 96. this weather pattern, call it like a broken record. what you see is what you get. not a lot is going to change. it will remain very hot up in texas. still a chance of more storms today and tomorrow and tomorrow we'll shift it upwards up into iowa and portion of the midwest. a few spots could get strong storms. not looking at tornado outbreaks or anything hey, good monday morning to you. i'm meteorologist christina loren. mostly cloudy. kind of a dreary sky over the bay bridge. let's show you what it looks like in sonoma. you'll see the same clear blue sky. you'll have to wait until noon today. that will keep your temperatures at 59 degrees in san francisco. meanwhile, beautiful conditions in san jose. 76 for us.
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83 in livermore. 83 in santa theresa. temperatures continue to drop all the way through thursday. this is how it works. they're from l.a. you're going like this. i like it. i like it. be aggressive. we'll send it back inside to natalie and willie. >> bill, are you attacking the guests? this summer is all about shoes that make a statement. whether you like bold booties or embellished sandals. many of these hot footwear trends can take you into fall. >> man, do i love a bold bootie. great to see you. >> great to see you. >> you have put me in my comfort zone. >> surrounded by shoes. >> you been waiting for this all morning. >> what's the key to making the transition from summer to fall. >> basically you're looking for shoes that can do double duty. all shoes we pulled today you can transition easily.
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you can add tights and look for shoes that have multipurposes. >> i've seen lots of bold colors. any colors we should look for as we go into fall? >> the snakeskin look is popular and colors like blush and pastels for fall are everywhere. >> interesting. good to note. let's bring out our first model cassidy. this is the trend we're seeing everywhere. the lace up booties. >> you just like saying bootie. >> this is one of the trends we're seeing on the red carpet and celebrities everywhere. it's a sexy look so we like to temper it with a boyfriend jean so it's more casual and a cute sweatshirt which is one of the hottest trends of the season. >> do you do it with a tight. >> you can do it with the tight. the rule of not wearing tight with open toed shoes, that rule is gone. if you pair it with a shift dress instantly it's ready for date night. >> cassidy looking good. let's bring out megan. this is a men's inspired look. >> cute. >> now flats do not have to be
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boring. they can be statement shoes on their own. megan who is lucky's associate beauty director is wearing them but we paired it with a miniand jean jacket. the perfect weekend look. >> do you go formal with that and dress it up more? >> definitely because it has a metallic element to it, it has a little pop. >> thank you, megan. >> next, we have meredith and she is wearing an embellished sandal. >> is this something you can wear in the fall months. >> you can wear it through september. i'm going through wedding season right now. every weekend there's a different wedding and how often have you been at a wedding in heels and at the end of the night you can't stand them. so my point on this is that flats can be comfortable but also super sheik. we paired it with a great shift dress and if you add more jewelry it becomes a kind of major statement. >> look at the jewelry too. >> i like that. >> bold. >> layering it on.
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cool meredith. thank you so much. let's bring out francis wearing the pointed toe pump. >> pointed toe is everywhere. if i had to save one shoe to buy for fall it would be the pointed toe pump. she told me earlier that they're comfortable. she has been wearing them all morning. they're a return back to lady-like glamour. we like it with a black skinny pant which makes it appropriate for work and at night you can wear it with a cocktail dress and you're all set. >> is the double platform thing in? >> we're going back to no platforms. a cleaner silhouette and my point of view on these kind of shoes, if you're ever deciding, i can't decide what size i am, size up and put insoles in. >> kwyeah, your toes are jammedn there. >> no jammed toes. >> next, is kate wearing an open toed bootie. >> i call this city urban and it
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is a shoe that will transition you from summer into fall and winter. you can get three seasons of wear out of this. match a pair of tights and find them. you can find them at every price point. every designer is make these boots right now. >> all of these shoes at great price points as well. >> yeah. >> job well done. >> thank you so much. >> thanks so much. coming up next, what had everyone running to their computers? the weekend's hottest stories are right after this. [ female announcer ] new dove go fresh,
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now with blue fig & orange blossom scent. when freshness meets care, your skin will sing. bright, rich. new blue fig & orange blossom. it's fresh at its best. they're about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. polident kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains so dentures are cleaner, fresher, and brighter. [ male announcer ] polident. it also repels most ticks before they can attach. the leading brand kills, but doesn't repel. a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. get veterinarian recommended k9 advantix ii! younnot giving a thought to sacrtheir own satisfaction. doll, you're sacrificing seamless color for the perfect wave? i mean surf's up. stop with the sacrificing, start here. light & fit greek nonfat yogurt.
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thick, creamy, and dude twice the protein and 80 calories. tastes satisfying right? it's awesome. hey, you wanna go surfing? light & fit greek! ♪ dannon! oh! something bit me! it seems our angels stronger than ever angel soft®. with two softshield™ layers. it holds up better than ever. all wrapped up in a value you love. angel soft®. the softness you want, the strength you need. wherever your sutwist the ride... with twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. [ female announcer ] only aveeno daily moisturizing lotion has an active naturals oat formula that creates a moisture reserve so skin can replenish itself. aveeno® naturally beautiful results.
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[ female announcer ] another newtonism. into every life, a little fudge must drizzle. new banana drizzled with dark fudge fruit thins. real fruit, real fudge, whole grains. newtons fruit thins. one unique cookie. newtons fruit thins. why didn't they think of this sooner? you see, the smart tube reaches the bottom so you can spray every last drop. absolutely magnific... my bottle! my eagle! introducing... (clears throat) re-introducing smart tube technology. vamanos dusty! the fans await! roger that. so, el chu... what do i do? i've never done this before! just smile and be yourself! oh! it's dusty crophopper! over here! dusty!!! hey! aaaaaagh! wow! so many fans! dusty my friend, don't let it go to your head. you have to stay humble... like me! aaaaaaaah-ha-ha-hiiiiiiy! fly into target for everything planes.
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whether you're checking the powerball numbers of the hottest slebtd news a lot of you were scrambling to your computers this weekend. >> here to break down the serges is daniel. good morning to you. >> good morning to you both. >> these are searches that saw big spikes in the traffic over the weekend. >> we call them trending searches. >> first one being megan fox and she is obviously searched for for a lot of different reasons. why is she trending now. >> most recently? she is married to brian austin green. they have a son already. 10 month old noah and she was spotted at jfk at the airport recently, what looks to be a baby bump and she is pregnant with their second child. a lot of searches around that. she is generating buzz. >> so covering the baby bump. >> irish twins. 10 months later.
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our next one is raven symone who grew up before our eyes and her girlfriend. >> yeah, she was on she's so raven. she posted something online that said and i'll read this, i can finally get married, yea, dpovrnmedpovr government. this caused people to say is she saying she is a lesbian. her reps denied she is getting married. >> sexual orientation? >> she is really private and they're sort of down playing it a little bit. >> next one, barrack obama and this is because the president is celebrating something special. >> yesterday, happy birthday to the president. 52 years young. he went to camp david and spent time there. he went golfing with friends from his chicago days. michelle obama posted something online as well. there's a picture from a few
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years ago, let's say and she mentioned he maybe has a few more grey hairs than he used to. >> that's a cute photo. >> they look good. they don't look that far from that today. >> that's true. no mystery to the next one. people are searching powerball results. >> have you bought a ticket yet? >> after the show. >> $400 million is the estimated jackpot for wednesday. that doesn't break the record of 5 $590 million but it's the 4th largest in history. people are thinking what can i do with the money. even the odds of winning are tiny. they're 175.2 million to one and it doesn't matter how many people buy tickets but that doesn't stop people from thinking about what could happen. >> and now wednesday one. >> yeah. >> we'll buy our ticket before then and shark week is upon this. we love this week. >> yeah, a scary creature that lived million of years ago is
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believed to be extingt. we have seen searches around shark week up 47% in the past week. people are fascinated. it's scared but curious. we've seen this going back to jaws when it came out in the summer of 1975 and this discovery week special generates a lot of buzz online. >> 26th shark week. >> megladon, 70 feet was the size of it back in it's day. >> one of the anthropologist was saying a lot of people think the t-rex was the baddest beast on the planet of all time, not even close. >> megladon. >> yeah, it's going to happen. >> i like it. >> daniel, thank you. coming up next, if you were looking up recipes over the weekend, we have a great one for you to try. we have pasta. it's simple but sophisticated ♪ [ female announcer ] what if breakfast was set free? ♪
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where might it take you? ♪ where might you go? ♪ introducing kellogg's® to go. ♪ the power of protein and fiber all bottled up in a delicious breakfast shake. get up -- and go. kellogg's®. from great starts come great things. its triple cleaning formula delivers brilliant shine that finish gel can't beat. it even helps keep your dishwasher sparkling. new cascade platinum is cascade's best. ziploc makes fresh lunches better than ever. for a limited time only get two box tops for your school. so this year's lunches can be the best yet. sc johnson.
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[ horn honks ] kevin! toaster strudel, yah? ♪ warm, flaky, gooey toaster strudel. warm, flaky, gooey i dbefore i dosearch any projects on my home. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. the new samsung galaxy s you about. it's got a front and back camera so you can take pictures at the same time. seriously! yeah - and it's on verizon's network. sweet! we can stay in touch when we go to school next year. that's so great! get the samsung galaxy s 4 for only $148 on verizon - america's largest 4g lte network. walmart.
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with new roc® multi correxion® 5 in 1 proven to hydrate dryness, illuminate dullness lift sagging diminish the look of dark spots and smooth the appearance of wrinkles high performance skincare™ only from roc® people have been daring them to clean up tough messes. my fans think a paper towel can't handle this. ♪ that is tough when wet. [ peggy ] grab viva and break the rules on all your tough messes. [ peggy ] grab viva and break the rules and it's not exactly therwhat you might dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt is packed with 12 grams of protein in every 5.3 oz cup. sink your teeth into that. dannon oikos. the new protein. ♪ dannon
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when you think pasta you maybe think italian cooking but this morning we have a light spaghetti dish for summer with a light twist. >> he is the owner of the restaurant here in new york and is sharing his recipe. andrew, good morning. >> good morning. >> this all begins kind of with tomatoes and this is a great time of year for those. >> tomatoes amazing right now. sun gold tomatoes, the tiny yellow ones, those are good. otherwise, the tomato on the
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vine or grape tomatoes are awesome. >> so you're going to use tuna, right? >> tuna, i mean, i like to use the one. it's good to spend a little more money and go to your local italian place and get, you know, get that really good -- i like the one in the can. traditionally that's what you'll see. you'll see the one in oil or in water. it's got a really good tuna flavor which is what you want. >> you start by roasting the tomatoes. >> i just put salt and peppered on and you can put it on a baking sheet and then i roast them in 350 degree oven. you can dump them over the top. >> spread them out. >> 2 seconds. you can do this before too and then after five minutes in the oven they get caramelized and the sugar inside and they get really, really yummy on the outside. >> five minutes? that's all it takes.
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>> really quick. >> all right. so we have the spaghetti going here. we make fresh spaghetti at the restaurant. you can use dry pasta. it's great. in the pan, i started with just sauteed onions. i like the red onions because they have a sweeter flavor and look really great. anchovies, the south of france, summertime, i love anchovies. >> i like the saltiness. >> yeah, that kind of flavor and adds a really good depth. i like to use the one that's all chopped up already and i put some inside. >> squeeze some in there. >> if you have them, i like to use a fork and squash them in there a little bit for french cooking anchovies are the base of all of that. >> toss everything in there. >> we have olives. we have some roasted peppers, capers, you can put tuna inside there. >> oil and all. >> how much tuna did you put in
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there? >> for like a pond, i put like a pond of tuna. maybe two jars. >> okay. >> now, i let you use the pasta water to make the sauce. really important. >> the starchiness. >> you just take it out. >> it goes right inside. >> italian technique. >> and right into the pan. >> right into the pan. just a quick toss. >> okay. >> you know, after grilling all summer it's nice to do something a little light and fresh and kind of -- i like to put a little lemon zest inside or squeeze a lemon. >> delicious. >> then you add bread crumbs on the top. >> for crunch. a little bit of that stuff on top. >> wow. >> looks delicious. >> it's like summer in a bowl. >> thank you. that is beautiful. >> thank you so much. >> andrew, thank you so much. delicious. >> thank you for having me. >> we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. [ female announcer ] new nature valley soft-baked oatmeal squares.
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hearty oatmeal now softly baked with a drizzle of cinnamon. it's a brand-new take on a morning classic. soft-baked oatmeal squares. new from nature valley. with simple, real ingredients, like roasted peanuts, creamy peanut butter, and a rich dark-chocolate flavor, plus 10 grams of protein, so it's energy straight from nature to you. nature valley protein bars.
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depending on the findings, he could ask a judge to block the strike for two months while negotiations continue. in other news, almost 20 embassies and consulates will remain closed for at least a week because of terror threats. san francisco police are on heightened alert though no direct threat has been made to the bay area. the san jose bay police department deployed its gang suppression unit overnight. the unit will be used during peak hours seven days a week to help reduce violent crime including a spike in homicides. a brand new work week is here. let's look at the forecast with meteorologist christina loren. thanks, marla. we have a beautiful day shaping up. wine country. 78 degrees heading your way in places like napa. 75 for san rafael. 75 degrees in san jose. it will stay comfortable. as we head throughout the week temperatures drop off even more so. we'll be in the upper 70s in the
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warmest inland cities both wednesday, thursday, even friday. then getting into the weekend,v finally staying seasonal averages return but not until sunday. let's check the drive with anthony. good morning, christina. approaching the bay bridge plaza. this has been the way since the big rig fire around 6:00 this morning. that big rig that's caught on fire on the san francisco side is actually still having two lanes blocked. if you're headed this direction, my advice to you is try to use public transit. the backup goes all the way to richmond on 80. use some alternate routes. once you get into san francisco, things are moving smoothly. >> once you make it there if you can make it there. anthony, thank so much. we'll be back with our next local update at 10:26. we'll see you then. the thing is bee,
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i got my mom wrapped around my little finger. do you? yeah, i do. huh. i said i want honey nut cheerios uh huh. and she just totally caved. it's all about psychology buzz. psychology? as long as i don't tell him the cereal is healthy -- he can't get enough. sad, really. i kind of feel bad that i tricked him. was easy.
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surprise... uh, ha ha ha. ♪ >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hey, everybody. you probably aren't too thrilled about it but we are. it's fun day monday, august 5th. hope you had an awesome weekend. >> how was your weekend? >> not good. no it was great. iffy weather back and forth, but, you know, good. we celebrated cassie's birthday on friday. frank, i don't know if we have a picture at all, frank and cody were off in canton, ohio, for the 50th anniversary of the hall of fame. >> oh, my gosh. >> which one is frank?
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>> the skinny one. the skinny one. >> but that's very, very -- that's slouchy behavior. >> sit up, cody. >> and then codes, yes. so they were gone -- >> that's great. >> -- most of the weekend. it was nice and quiet. i had the bed and bambino all to myself. >> you like to spread out? >> yes, but i was really proud of him. a lot of people -- they know frank not just from football but from monday night football. frank is one of those guys if you say his name in any circle, you say frank gifford, all the men especially take notice. there are a bunch of guys. every time you say frank gifford's name, it's a whole -- >> but anybody under 20 has no idea. if you know who justin bieber is, you don't know frank. >> let's look at this picture. let's live here. >> as i say every time i see that picture, my timing sucks. >> how old was he there? >> in his 20s. >> every time i say that he
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looks at me and says, mine, too. >> i love it. >> with each other until -- when is it time to call it quits? >> why don't you -- >> i have no idea. no plans. well, he might. >> he's not going to. >> he put ups with me. >> i had a pretend birthday. >> i was going to ask you about you. how was your weekend? >> my birthday isn't this weekend, but -- >> this friday, everybody. >> i have other plans. so this was all of us sitting around at go fish having -- >> which is one of your favorite places. >> we did -- that was the birthday dinner night. >> both irwins are here. >> yes. >> she calls her brother and sister irwins. >> we sang "happy birthday." because you aren't allowed to show it -- >> you'll just have to take their word for it. and we dubbed in other music. ♪ happy birthday
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happy birthday to you ♪ >> that's even better. >> your favorite kind of cake? >> it was delicious and had trick candles. >> anna, go help her. go help her. >> one of those kinds. good for ella. where the heck is ella. they light again. they light again. >> did that just -- they just kept lighting. everyone was so excited. my sister is here with some of her friends. >> irwins. >> irwins in the house. >> hi, sweetie. they've come to see new york. we're happy that they are all with us. >> actually, they came to see if history is going to be made and bud selig at the major league baseball is going to suspend ten players today. maybe a-rod for lifetime but they're saying maybe -- >> here's the headline in new york. this is all you really need to know. new yorkers are over it. they are over him. here's the thing.
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major league baseball, today, at noon eastern time is going to announce what everyone expects to be the suspension of alex rodriguez. the weird thing is immediately when they -- if they suspend him, as people are speculating, he will file an appeal and that means -- >> ready to go. >> he can immediately play tonight against the white sox. >> he can play as long as the appeal is in process. >> that means he can play for a little bit. >> which means he can get paid. >> poor baby. >> if he -- >> let's talk about what he's getting paid. he signed in 2007 a $275 million ten-year contract. let's just say it again. that's $275 million. if he's suspended, he'll lose $34 million. >> that's okay. the wpowerball is at $400 millin and he might win that. $241 million he still gets.
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well, he's got some of it because he signed it in 2007. he's probably spent all that. i don't think anybody is feeling sorry for him at this point. and it's interesting. the appeal thing is maybe just to keep working. just keep playing. >> you know what he's going to go through every time he steps up. and now from the dugout -- he's going to go through such harassment. >> he'll be booed everywhere he goes. this is what he said at a press conference when he talked about telling his kids about the controversy. take a listen. >> i plan to sit my girls down with cynthia and we'll have a lengthy conversation. and i'll have an opportunity to tell it all at some point. i'll have that platform. and when the time is right, i'll tell my full story. thanks, guys. >> okay. he must have said something on friday that really irked the officials at mlb because -- >> he said a series of things. he doesn't trust the yankees. he comes out every now and then
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and says things. >> he doesn't trust the yankees. how can the yankees trust him? there's no taking ownership of anything except for the money. and that's the problem with a-rod is people, for some reason, people don't like him. and andy pettitte -- >> jealousy about the money? >> i think andy pettitte, they said, had an arm injury. took some drugs. wasn't supposed to. admitted to it and stopped using and went on the field and everyone loves andy pettitte because he's a loveable guy. >> i love him. i've actually met him. they are adorable. >> we had them on even. >> that's right. but at another event when he was being honored. salvation army honored him one year. this guy for some reason there's this arrogance, hubris, this whole other vibe going. people don't like him. that's part of it. they're not rooting for him. >> if he comes back after the season and a half of being banned, he'll be about -- he'll
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be 40. and his career will be basically over at that point. he'll forever have an asterisk after his -- it's really, really sad. >> it is. let's turn to the mets. not baseball but this unfortunate guy this happened. there's a muscle bound guy trying to open a bottle of water innocently at the mets game. >> it can be hard. >> one of the cameras was panning and caught this guy trying to open a bottle. it sounds like a nothing but let's watch. >> oh, come on. hey, all that working out and you can't open up a water bottle? oh, come on. sir? i think you got the wrong workout program. >> oh, my god. >> are you kidding? he's still after it? >> he had to ask for help. >> maybe it was a joke and somebody had superglued it or something. >> poor guy. >> that's not nice. >> that wasn't fair. >> probably gave it to his girlfriend.
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there you go, honey. >> so good news if you love ellen dejen reregeneres, she wi hosting the academy awards for the second time. she's always a fan favorite whenever she hosts. >> she's so natural. such a natural. and, yeah, so we would love to hear from you. which host -- she was emmy nominated last time she did it. we know she's good at it. it's interesting, seth macfarlane last year. he was controversial and brought in a younger demographic. you know with ellen you'll get a nice rating because people love her. she'll not be so controversial. who was your favorite of all time? >> i loved when neil patrick harris hosts anything. >> he's never done that. >> i wish he'd do the oscars. >> who do you like? >> i adore billy crystal. in his real prime, and i used to love it when johnny carson did. i am an old-timer. >> you like george clooney. >> i'd tlof see george clooney
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do it. and i would love to see hugh jackman do it. i'd love to see hugh jackman do absolutely anything. i was going through my closet the other day cleaning out because there's just too much stuff and getting a big salvation army thing ready to go to give. and there it was. shall i bring that in so you can take a whiff? >> do you guys remember -- do you remember? we were at a broadway show, at his broadway show. he had a sweaty white form-fitting t-shirt drenched. and after the show was over, he held out the drenched shirt and said who wants to bid on it. someone stood up like a crazy person and waved her arms around. >> it was going to broadway cares. equity fights aids. >> that's not why you got it. >> it was part of the reason. it was deductible. >> do you tomorrow was a bid-off between you and that other lady. >> some woman had the gall to stand up and i looked at her and
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i said you're going down. >> and you went -- and then -- >> we went backstage and he added another one. so he gave it to her, too. i got the real one drenched in real sweat. >> you got the real one. >> yes, and he signed it, and i have it. so if you want a woof and a whiff. >> how does it smell after? >> it smells just like him. oh, yes. even his sweat is pleasant. if you know what i mean. i love him very much. i love him for the exact opposite reason. i love him because he is incredibly talented and he doesn't -- he's so modest. to me, modesty is the sexiest thing alive. let other people tell you how fabulous you are, you know? learn from that, hoda, because, really. >> i'm going to tell you how -- why am i on this show? >> the lady walking down the steps. yes, in rehoboth. >> i was walking down rehoboth. there was this woman that looked a little wild. she goes you look just like that
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lady on tv. oh, thanks. i had two kids in hand. what was her name? she kept scream iing. what was her name? i'm yelling hoda. people were like, look at her. no, that other one, kathie lee. i like her. >> here's my favorite thing. you have to look at this closely. hannah drew me a picture for my birthday. hold on. anyway, she drew it with ladybugs and it's my birthday picture. i stained it. don't look here or here. but minus the stains. and she wrote my name on the back. ♪ i wanna hoda on your kotb >> see, it's catching on. >> nobody likes that song. my favorite thing is i adore, of course, reg and joy. regis and joy philbin. but they have two very, very talented daughters. and this is joanna, their oldest daughter's fourth book already.
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>> my gosh. >> a terrific read. "tales of summer." she's really, really talented. the other one, j.j., is a producer on, i think it's "new girl" or "two girls that are broke" or -- >> "two broke girls." it's a big hit. >> very proud of her. coming up, are you our biggest fan? >> probably not. >> not usually. >> don't walk away from your fan though. we'll ring you up. i am already missing sara. >> in case you missed all the hot celebrity gossip, we've got it all covered in today's buzz. mom, dad told me that cheerios is good for your heart,
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is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. ♪ [ dad ] jan? ♪ l'eaorl miracle blur instant skin smoother. it erases my lines and wrinkles. my skin looks airbrushed. a true miracle! miracle blur. in seconds it erases the look of lines. and wrinkles. and pores. see it, believe it, try it. l'oreal miracle blur. and didn't know where to start. a contractor before at angie's list, you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare written by people just like you. no company can pay to be on angie's list, so you can trust what you're reading. angie's list is like having thousands of close neighbors,
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where i can go ask for personal recommendations. that's the idea. before you have any work done, check angie's list. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. i love you, angie. sorry, honey. ♪ shield...sneeze...swish ♪ this back to school, there's a new routine ♪ [ female announcer ] kleenex tissues with sneeze shield are now thicker and more absorbent. in this lab demo, they help stop moisture better than the leading competitors. ♪ the next day, we sprayed febreze air effects and led in real people. i'd say it was very pleasant. flowers everywhere. oh! [ chuckles ] febreze did a really great job. impressive. febreze air effects eliminates tough odors for good. and try febreze stick & refresh. designed to stick to eliminate odors anywhere. simply click, peel off the strip and attach to surfaces in your house. febreze stick & refresh, another way to breathe happy.
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younnot giving a thought tos sacrtheir own satisfaction. doll, you're sacrificing seamless color for the perfect wave? i mean surf's up. stop with the sacrificing, start here. light & fit greek nonfat yogurt. thick, creamy, and dude twice the protein and 80 calories. tastes satisfying right? it's awesome. hey, you wanna go surfing? light & fit greek! ♪ dannon! oh! something bit me! ♪ today we are back with "today's buzz." we're filling you in on all the juicy celebrity gossip you may
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have missed over the weekend. >> from new details and simon cowell's baby drama to the biggest box office hits, brian balthazar. >> i am liking the beard a lot. i'm into it. >> real mountain men. >> looks like the alec baldwin commercial where he goes, men grow beards like cave men. >> that's the first thing she said. >> talk about simon cowell. >> he has a little bit of a baby drama. maury povich style. he's apparently reportedly the daddy to a married woman's baby. >> he has not confirmed it yet. he put the thumbs up, so he must have confirmed it. there are some things he'll clear up when the time is right but he's trying to be sensitive because there are feelings -- >> like a current husband that is not his. >> if that baby is born with a little v-neck shirt and british accent, we know it's his.
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>> the pr war has begun. andrew silverman, the current s husband, and lauren silverman, the woman in question, are launching these -- they're not saying things publicly. she's apparently saying he knew all along this was happy. >> and then, of course, andrew is saying, of course not. he's trying to get sole custody of the child. >> who is trying to get sole custody? >> andrew is trying to get sole custody of their 7-year-old. >> i read in the paper today, it's alleged, she said he knew about it all along and she thought she couldn't get pregnant. how about us knowing all that information. >> i can't get pregnant, you know -- >> neither can i. >> neither can you. but -- >> this is -- >> it ain't over until it's over. >> weird, weird, weird. >> move on. we're done with that. leah remini. >> left scientology. >> and that is a big deal. now she's said she's going to write her story, her memoir. and now it's being reported she's going to get big bucks,
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like in the millions for it. not only is it a celebrity story. scientology is very secretive, they are saying. tina fey got $6 million for her autobiography, which was very funny, but she is going to probably fetch upwards of that. >> she has to drop a lot of secrets for that kind of money. >> there's a big risk because there's a process in scientology called auditing where they confess everything. >> and they have everything on her. >> right. and there are maybe some concerns they'll say everything you've ever thought and confessed. it could be an issue. >> this is her opportunity. >> that would also make people lose any credibility in scheentolo scientology. >> when katie holmes left, she came out smelling like a rose. >> katie holmes wasn't a lifetime scientologist. >> it's weird how they shut down. all the people turn off from you. i did a whole "dateline" on scientology. when you hear about the e-meters
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and what they have to go through and once you are out, you are completely out. >> several celebrity friends are being told, she's done. cut contact with her. >> how about russell brand making fun of katy perry. >> this is not nice. >> as you know, russell brand and katy perry were recently divorced. he was performing in london recently. he said a couple things. he said after he divorced her, he considered becoming a monk because monks can't have sex with anyone. marrying someone you have sex with someone. not too bad. and then he said when he was having the relations with her he'd say, think of anyone, anyone else. and that's his idea of being funny. >> we liked him when he was on. >> he has a great charm to him but that's always also -- >> hugh jackman wouldn't do that. >> maybe in the context of a comedy stage, people were drinking. everything seems a little more suitable to say. >> it's a big world. >> internet, baby. >> what have i told you.
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brian, thank you. go get it shaved, buddy. one of our biggest admirers is about to get a huge surprise. >> we're dialing up our fan of the week after this. talk about the incident. it was awful. a boy band concert and 10,000 screaming tweens. it was terrifying. then... we were autographed against our will. yeah, i woke up stained... in the dryer! ink washed and dried? i was ruined. it was all over. but you made it. clorox 2 gave me a second chance. save stained clothes. pre-treat to remove tough stains... even after they've gone through the dryer. are so soft, chewy, and filled with their fruity selves... they think this world isn't big enough for the both of them. but we assure you - it is. bites. little greatness.
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because apparently i'm raising some sort of junior stylist and it's the only place i can get the brands she needs, like total girl, and it's totally affordable. so when she says, "moooooom, can i get this ruffly skirt or that denim jacket or those arizona skinny jeans in like every color?" i can be like, "yes, yes, and no. not every color. but pick a few, they're on sale." [ female announcer ] this weekend, get $10 off when you spend $25. style. quality. price. now at jcpenney. there's a new way to fight litter box odor. style. quality. price. introducing tidy cats with glade tough odor solutions. two trusted names, one amazing product. you know, "what are you thinking?" oh, i had a knot in my chest. i didn't really want her to go but...i knew she could do it. i felt like there were bigger and better things for me to do. [ mom ] she took what she was doing seriously. [ hosmer ] my self-confidence just went through the roof.
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[ dad ] it was awesome to see her transform from a girl, in a small town, to a soldier. [ male announcer ] you made them strong. we'll make them army strong. talk to your son or daughter about joining the army. find out how at it's monday. you know what that means. >> we get to announce our fan of the week. >> who is it this week, hoda? >> we'll spin the globe and find out. drum roll, please. our winner is jenna elkins from jacksonville, florida. >> stop it. >> she watches it on wlv on channel 12. are you with us? hey. >> hi. i'm here. >> oh, my god. are you excited? >> you don't sound excited. >> i am very excited. thank you guys so much. >> i don't believe you, jenna. >> i don't either. >> would you like to hear why you love us so much?
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>> yes, please. >> all right. this is why you love us so much. and if the prompter will roll, i'll tell you. you try to avoid taking conference calls while the show is on. so you can watch the full hour without being interrupted by rude people. >> ourunderscore this part here. her favorite part is when hoda plays a song from her ihoda play list. >> she feels like we're her good friends and she gets to drink coffee with us every day. check out the glasses she made. jenna and her hubby even took a trip to new york to see the "today" show before he left on deployment to japan. are you excited to hear where you're going? >> i am. >> she doesn't give a rip. nongets at all. >> you and a guest are headed to the beautiful gateway canyons resort in colorado. it is gorgeous. where you'll enjoy a three-night, four-day stay. you'll also receive a $500 adventure report credit for activities like whitewater rafting, rock climbing and horseback riding plus a dining
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credit for the paradox grill and restaurant. >> now are you excited? restaurant. >> now are you excited? >> it's furnished by the sobut my spots... i just had to lose.. garnier clinical dark spot corrector. a daily moisturizer... powered by pure, potent, vitamin c. it breaks up dark spots, lifts them away, prevents new ones from surfacing. 82% saw spot reduction. dark spot corrector. and now, another skincare innovation from garnier. new dark spot treatment mask. the 1st 10-minute tissue mask for an intense boost of radiance plus 24-hour hydration. only from garnier skincare. [ female announcer ] another newtonism. into every life, a little fudge must drizzle. new banana drizzled with dark fudge fruit thins. real fruit, real fudge, whole grains. newtons fruit thins. one unique cookie. newtons fruit thins. [ male announcer ] not all toral-b pro-health toothbrushes have crisscross bristles that remove up to 90% of hard to reach plaque.
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feel the difference. oral-b, trust the brand more dentists and hygienists use. oral-b. [ hero mom ] oh, yeah. we're gettin' cereal. 'cause over 40 general mills cereals are 130 calories or less per serving. just look for the g. boom! that's how nutrition is done, people. it is 10:26. good morning. i'm marla tellez. there is a new way to fight crime in san jose. the san jose police department deployed its gang suppression department overnight. it's part of the department's effort to reduce the number of
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violent crimes and reduce police presence and visibility in san jose. we are told the gang suppression unit will be deployed during peak hours seven days a week. the plan is supposed to be evaluated at the end of the summer to see if the program is working and whether or not it should continue. we'll look at weather and traffic after the break.
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we're seeing clear skies here in san jose. you'll have to wait for it in the city by the bay. only 359 degrees in san franciso until 1:00. temperatures continue to cool down as we head further into the week. second week of august. >> hard to believe. the backup is hard to believe. we've been looking at this all earlier this morning. it caught on fire about 6:00. the backup continues all the way through richmond. if this is your route, consider alternate routes because things are very slow. the big rig is on the overpass moving into san francisco and the two lanes are still blocked so that actually won't be cleared until noon today marla. >> anthony. thank you. coming up at 11:00, we'll have the very latest on the last-minute action taken by governor jerry brown to stave off the b.a.r.t. strike. we'll tell you what governor brown's next move might be if the two sides can't reach an
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agreement. christie smith will bring us the report. that's coming up at 11:00. jon kelley and i hope to see you then. ♪ hoda says i'm supposed to read this. we're back on this monday fun day with more of "today" it's certainly a fun day when actor mark foyerstein is here. >> he's back. playing hank lawson. he's always giving his patients one on one attention, if you know what we're talking about. >> stop it! >> one on one. i just joined hoda when we first had you on the show because it was the dawn of the new series. >> you helped launch us. >> the very beginning. >> did you even fathom then you'd have such a hit on your hands? >> oh, no. i could never imagine i'd be in
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my fifth season with expectation to have a sixth season. >> you guys really hit the jackpot on an episode that you, mark, directed. >> yes. >> that had to feel pretty good. >> it felt great. >> well, last week, wednesday night's episode, which i was very proud to have been able to direct that episode, we had our highest ratings of the season. i was very proud of myself and taking credit. then i remembered last year when the episode i directed, the ratings weren't the highest of the season. everyone said, no, you blame the week before because the week before determines whether people come back. but i'm taking full credit. >> good for you. >> tell us about your role for this for people who aren't aware of this. you play a doctor in the hamptons. >> my character, dr. hank lawson, was an emergency physician in brooklyn and when he decided to treat both the poor kid and the rich patron of the hospital at the same time against the wishes of the hospital. he got fired and his brother brought him out to the hamptons where they've set up shop with hank med and we have my brother.
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and to watch the characters evolve over five years. the writers do such a brilliant job. my brother's character is married and dealing with his first year of marriage. >> what about your character? >> my character? >> i was like jason bourn at the beginning of the season and went to budapest running through the streets of budapest. this season i've been dealing with a little chemical dependency issue, which we're going to resolve in the upcoming episodes. >> imagine that. a doctor with one of those. >> just a little. he's still very responsible. >> do you shoot any of this in the hamptons or in l.a.? >> once in a while we get to go out to the promised land, as i call it the hamptons. but other times we shoot more in the middle of long island. but beautiful homes and always great people. italian families, jewish families. they always welcome us. >> and your family still lives in l.a. so on weekends you are still doing the commute thing? >> yes. i fly back like every weekend. >> look at that group.
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i love that. >> my wife and three kids. they are all coming on friday, and i will be -- my wife is running a tv show called "friends with better lives" which will be on cbs this coming season. she's sending all the kids to me and i'll be mr. mom for the next two weeks. >> so you won't have to get on a plane. >> i'll just be running around the city with them. >> do your kids want to get in the showbiz? >> i don't know if any of them is necessarily going to be in show business but they are all quite active. lylea just did three different roles in "annie" in her summer camp. so who knows. that's lylea right there. and frisco is a ham. and addy is just 4 years old, running around like crazy. >> we're really happy for you. >> i like it when nice people as opposed to some others that will be nameless. >> thank you. >> you have one of the greatest smiles. >> oh, thank you. well, you guys make me smile because it's always -- >> there he is. "royal pains" airs wednesday
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nights at 9:00, 8:00 central on our sister cable network usa. now we find out for better or for worse. >> but how worse does worse have to be before you call it quits in a relationship. coming up after this. [ female announcer ] enjoying breakfast together is a pretty wonderful thing. but when you have a picky eater... won't touch this. it can be a bit of a dance. ♪ won't touch this. ♪ won't touch -- stop. eggo time. [ female announcer ] eggo waffles can win over the pickiest of eaters so everyone can enjoy breakfast...together. can't touch this. ♪ [ girl ] l'eggo my eggo™. >> baby: my brand-new skin is ten times more sensitive than yours, mom. but somehow you just know it's best to use johnson's baby head-to-toe, the really gentle stuff. you're good, mom, and by good... i mean great.
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check it out -- a new way to clean, from windex. get outta here! [ female announcer ] introducing the windex touch-up cleaner. dab it... clean it... done. it's a one-handed clean from windex... ♪ ...that stays out to kill 99.9% of bacteria... ♪ ...and quickly clean so you keep moving. what do we call this new dance move? the windex tush-up. [ female announcer ] the all-new windex touch-up cleaner. sc johnson. a family company. you're always on, so we're always ready. tyson grilled & ready chicken. made with all white meat, 98% fat free, and fully cooked. we'll take care of dinner, you take care of everything else. you know, from our 4,000 television commercials. yep, there i am with flo. hoo-hoo! watch it! [chuckles] anyhoo, 3 million people switched to me last year, saving an average of $475.
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[sigh] it feels good to help people save... with great discounts like safe driver, multicar, and multipolicy. so call me today. you'll be glad you did. cannonbox! [splash!] ait's revolutionary.m. almay's first ever liquid lip balm. quenches lips with moisture and drenches them with color and shine. ten luscious colors. try new almay liquid lip balm. it feels great on my lips. only from almay. you got to try it ♪ shield...sneeze...swish ♪ this back to school, there's a new routine ♪ [ female announcer ] kleenex tissues with sneeze shield are now thicker and more absorbent. in this lab demo, they help stop moisture better than the leading competitors. ♪
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this week's "people" magazine takes a look at the married couple that's been in the spotlight. anthony weiner and huma abdean. >> when we walk down the aisle we promise to love them for better or for worse. for some, those vows can be a constant challenge. >> here is sandra and with hal runkel. a little insight, i guess you guys have, into huma and what is motivating her to stay with anthony weiner. what do you think? >> i was there last summer, july
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2nd when we did the big photo shoot of how they'd gotten over this problem. and you saw then a genuine attraction between the two of them. she really fell in love with seeing him as a dad. so fast forward a year, or actually at that point it was september, from july to september, she confessed in september that he'd fallen off the wagon and she didn't know if she was going to stay. she was telling friends, she told her closest family she was out of there, she was packing bags. she talked him into going into therapy. it was the idea she couldn't pick up that little boy and walk out the door with him. >> who decides then to drag his wife and child into the spotlight again. he could have disappeared, gone to work for some charity and earned his way back. but something as public as running for mayor of new york? >> that's going to make his recovery infinitely more difficult, right? and that may be the issue.
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choosing to stay, well, no therapist was surprised when you hear he continued the behavior even after negative consequences because we've all done that. but willing to go back into the fray, like you said, to have that microscope on you. i don't know how many marriages can survive that. >> what about staying for the kids. a lot of people say, i want to stay for the kids but does that set a bad example for the kid if later on you realize what had happened? i mean sometimes don't you have to sort of stand up for yourself and say, because of my children, i am not going to tolerate this kind of behavior. >> sure. here's the difficult -- obviously, marriage is difficult. news flash. but the difficulty is i'm going to commit for life and at the same time i'm going to have some deal breakers. and i encourage couples. spouses. >> nonnegotiable. i know i raise a fist to my wife, i'm gone. >> unless you are going -- which i've seen you do. >> i have done. >> that is weird. >> on the flip side, hoda, one of her friends said huma told her, i didn't want to ever have
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jordan say to me, why didn't you give dad a chance. why didn't you help him when he needed you. so, you know, it's what kind of example she wants to leave for him. >> but it all depends on what chance you are actually giving. >> are you just enabling them? >> right. and are you -- whether or not he falls off the wagon is not the problem. it's how your working the program? are you going to therapy? >> did you say he didn't really go to therapy the last time? >> can therapy unring that bell? is it one of those -- >> sure. >> i'm a therapist. i know and believe in my profession. >> she's always told friends it's ongoing and she expects it's going to be work for a very long time. >> what do you think is going to be the end story? >> i think he fades off into political oblivion and they remain a family. >> that's what you think is going to happen. >> you'll hate this answer boo my ethics prevent me from speculating on a couple that's
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not my client. >> ethics? somebody tape this moment because i think -- thanks, guys. >> we appreciate that. >> i guess you have none at all. >> thanks, hon. she went from never exercising at all to running a 5k. our newest joy fit club member tells us what motivated her to lose 137 pounds. >> wow. good for her. >> right after this. ♪ oh, hey, ladies. in the mood to make something special? ♪ i sure am. ♪ you know, once you go italian, you'll never go back. [ sniffs ] mmm. ♪ [ steam hisses ] steamy. let's get zesty.
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part of a lineup of unstoppable skincare! start fresh and finish sparkling with s'wipe out wet cloths. va-va-vivid for a 400% better clean. from new olay fresh effects. it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the fiber one caramel nut protein bar. the new samsung galaxy s you about. the fiber one it's got a front and back camera so you can take pictures at the same time. seriously! yeah - and it's on verizon's network. sweet! we can stay in touch when we go to school next year. that's so great! get the samsung galaxy s 4 for only $148 on verizon - america's largest 4g lte network. walmart. there's a new way to fight litter box odor. introducing tidy cats with glade tough odor solutions. two trusted names, one amazing product.
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♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats. today is going to be epic. quaker up. today is going to be epic. now mega lash volume goes mega plush! bye, bye brittle! volum' express mega plush from maybelline new york. our first gel-mousse mascara! for mega lush lashes, soft to the touch. mega plush mascara ♪maybe it's maybelline
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first let's listen to gail's story. >> my name is gail, and i used to be a compulsive eater. i didn't always struggle with my weight, but, like many college students, i put on the classic freshman 15 and then some. after college, i lived alone and worked a desk job which made me even more sedentary. my eating activities consisted of watching tv and overeating while lounging on the couch. i even made a permanent dent in my sofa. eventually i became tired. i was tired of getting winded walking up one flight of stairs. i was tired of buying the same shirt in five different colors so i wouldn't have to go shopping, and i was tired of avoiding all my friends. my turning point came from a photo taken in 2010 at an easter party. seeing a 272-pound picture of myself was my wake-up call. i came across an online advertisement for jenny craig and decided to give it a try. i met with a consultant who taught me what a true portion
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size looked like and how to be more active. after 18 months i slimmed down to a size 6. and three years later, i am now the fittest and most confident that i have been in my entire life. and it's true. i always feel better after a workout. i feel honored that i can share my story and hopefully i motivate others to get off the couch, too. >> good for her. and joy bauer is here. she's today's nutritionist and the leader of the joy fit club. >> this is a remarkable story of determination and self-discipline. i think like so many people struggling with their weight, gail's achilles heel was eating gigantic portions. she hates cooking. two, she lives alone. so she'd make the effort to prepare a recipe. it would yield four to six servings and then she'd eat the whole entire thing. thousands of calories. so she has mastered it now that she's down 137 pounds. this is what she does. she finds a low cal slimming delicious recipe. this is from hungry girl called
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their funk adelic chili mack. she portions it into the appropriate size. puts them in single serving containers and stockpiles it in the freezer. there are a lot of things that freeze great. a healthy meal. the right amount. but stockpiles future meals for busy nights. >> let's meet her. let's take one last look at gail before. >> all right, gail. come join the joy fit club. >> oh, my god! wow. >> i am sorry. oh, yeah. she knows it. wow. >> of course she does. >> that's amazing. good for her. >> jenny craig worked. was that the key for you? >> yes, definitely. they helped with portion control, which was my biggest issue. >> and how did the running start? >> very slow. >> one step at a time. >> you didn't like exercise in the beginning. >> i didn't exercise at all in
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the beginning. i started with walking and just building up to it. and a couple of friends talked me into a 5k. the first time my goal was just to complete it. >> we're happy for you. she looks awesome. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> congrats. terrific. are you still waiting for those last-minute back-to-school sales. we'll tell you where to get amazing deals. >> i like how you said that. >> amazing. they really are. ♪
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[ horn honks ] kevin! toaster strudel, yah? ♪ warm, flaky, gooey toaster strudel. faster than kenny can dodge a question. honey, how'd that test go? [ female announcer ] in just 60 seconds, you've got snack-defying, satisfying mmmm. totino's pizza rolls. mmm hmmm. mmmm. [ female announcer ] zero to pizza. pronto.
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start of a new school year is just weeks away. parents are getting ready to do some back-to-school shopping with their kids. but all those new clothes can cost a fortune. >> "teen vogue" is celebrating its second annual back-to-school saturday. it's when major stores across the country offer the huge discounts on all the hottest trends.
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here with sus is teen vogue's editor in chief. >> tell us what stores are offering these. >> all the stores you love in every mall. aeropostale, top shop, american eagle, h & m, macy's. great stores. huge savings. 15% off, 30% off. >> just for this day? >> just for that saturday. >> it's going to be a mob scene at all those stores. >> they are getting back-to-school clothes this saturday. >> if we have lucy. lucy has an all-white look. >> this is a great look. white is not just for summer anymore. get these great jeans and a lot of wear out of them, spring, summer and into the fall. pair them with a little sweatshirt. this is an express sweatshirt which this weekend goes from $50 to $34.90. h & m jeans. they are offering 15% off. and her aeropostale little wedge sneaker gives her a little wedge
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but is appropriate for school. lucy told me she wants them. >> they are comfortable. >> let's bring out haley. she has a cute skirt going. >> a little skater skirt. it's a fit and flare. it looks good on all body types and is body appropriate. >> don't roll that up. >> that is teen vogue for m style at macy's. the macy's discount is 20% off. goes from $40 to $32. we paired it with keds and a pac sun sweater which went from $33 to $17.95. can't beat it. >> very cute. >> let's bring out victoria. >> victoria has the necessary motorcycle jacket. every kid loves it. victoria herself told me she loves this piece. it's collection b. normally $68. it can be yours for $54 on
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saturday. victoria wants it. she is wearing an h & m tank. h & m is 15% off. pac sun leggings. $19.50 to $4.50. >> nice. >> everyone likes this. >> the way it's styled on her, it's very cute. >> thank you, hon. >> let's bring out michael. michael is coming out with a grunge trend. >> it's back. it's so cute. >> you have seen bieber wearing this. >> michael is school appropriate. and michael told me also he'd love to have these pants. and he should have them because they are going to go from $60 to only $48 this weekend. >> i love that shirt on him. >> yeah, he's wearing a shirt that's h & m. h & m, it's a great discount, 15% off. >> thanks, michael. >> and now dante.
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>> oh, yeah. >> dante normally has to wear a uniform in school so he's rocking it today in his camo. camo not in green. you don't want to look like a soldier. >> that's cute. >> i thought those were fish. it's just my eyes. camo. >> camo. take notice of the vans. they go from $55 to $35. >> all right. big round of applause. coming up tomorrow, susan lucci is going to be with us. and how to deal with separation anxiety with your dog. >> every time [ female announcer ] when you asked us to remove
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high fructose corn syrup from yoplait original and light, we were like, "sure. no problem!" and you were like, "thanks, but what about thick & creamy and whips!" and we were like, "done and done! now it's out of everything yoplait makes." and you were all, "yum!" and we're like, "is it just us, or has this been a really good conversation?" and you were like, "i would talk, but my mouth is full of yogurt."
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♪ >> announcer: nbc bay area news starts now. good morning. thanks for being with us. i'm marla tellez. >> welcome back, miss tellez. we missed you. >> thank you very much. >> i'm jon kelley. top story today, bay area commuters dodging a serious bullet here that b.a.r.t. diverted. at the last minute, governor jerry brown kept the trains rolling. christie smith has the latest update reporting from the b.r.t. station. >> good morning. a real sense of relief from commuters who sai
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