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tv   Today  NBC  August 15, 2013 2:05am-3:01am PDT

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>> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> yes, look at the party! it's getting bigger and bigger in anticipation of friday. >> it's wines day wednesday. usually i'm happy. >> what? look, two days to go. the balloons are annoying. >> it's like a horror movie except it's not called "the birds," it's called "the balloons." very irritating, hoda. >> yesterday, we should point out, every time i said the word
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"60" -- >> oh! >> i had to do a shot. okay, now, in all truth -- >> in all fairness. >> there are a couple of real vodka shots mixed in here. that happened to have been water, which is just great. anyway, we asked you guys for new ways to say -- >> 60. >> please don't let this be vodka. >> you know it isn't because you saw me stick my finger in it. nobody can trust you. this is how you lose your reputation, one shot at a time. >> what reputation? >> here's some of your responses. >> we asked for new ways to say 60. jaynie says i turned sexty, not sixty. how about four decades short of a century? >> that is just horrible. that really is bad. >> one lady tweeted me, how about three score? >> oh, seven years ago!
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>> don warwick jr. spent a lot of time thinking about this, he said you're a sexogenarian. >> how do you know? he's one of the few i missed. >> 40 years to go before willard wishes her happy birthday. turning three score. we're celebrating she had scored three times. >> he spent way too much time on this. >> only five years away from mandatory medicare. and she is three times the age when she was at 20. but she's ten times the woman. >> oh, he made up for it. oh, my gosh. you got a big one next year. not a 60. >> can we talk for one second when al roker walked into the dressing room today? >> he's nothing but a troublemaker and i want him to be destroyed. >> he walked in and you said, oh, 60, 60. he said, look at you, you're 60 years old, you look fab, you're
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on top of your game, you're working at the "today" show. i mean, your life is rocking. >> he was -- how do you like it? he could not have been sweeter and i love me some al roker every day. sometimes you need him. >> it sort of hit me, but thank goodness somebody came up with a brand new way to make grapes. do you believe these? we are enjoying today, these are called witch fingers. aren't they awesome? they are like a hybrid grape. i don't know if you can see. >> you can. >> and they look like a witch finger. >> never seen anything like those. they are grapes, get them on fresh direct online. >> created by a company in california called the grapery. out of makers field bakersfield, california. >> they crossbred native american varieties from the east and came up with the fingers. >> i got to take these home to
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cass. she's a grape freak.have ever o? >> you guys, this is delicious. >> seed that makes it an elongated berry that makes it a flavor that suggests plums. when gives a rip? they just want to know if they are delicious, and they are. >> they are weird looking, a little freaky. >> fun at halloween. >> good one. >> i have friends here today i want to say hello to, hoda woman. >> yes. >> i held up a few months ago a book called "angels in our midst" by a woman i didn't know at the time. but i just fell in love with the book. ann nielsen, we became friends. it's a beautiful book, she's an extraordinary artist. she's here today visiting from charlotte, north carolina. look at those beautiful girls with her. welcome, honey. thank you for that gorgeous book. fantastic. >> all right. >> we're not really going to talk. okay. >> sorry. we should point out we did talk about your birthday and the funny things, but people are leaving you tons of great messages and here's some of them. >> okay. >> louis friedman wrote, happiest birthday, girlfriend, like fine wine we only get better.
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>> lois. >> her name is lois. this picture of a street zone, she giggles every time she passes. >> oh, my gosh. old nip lee. that is me in more ways than you know. i like to nip, but i have old nips. that is me, baby. >> all right, so i know a lot of people are going to be excited because we have a huge cast on with us today. >> talk about interesting. >> it is the cast -- >> i am so excited to meet them. >> it is the cast of "duck dynasty," a&e's show. they are from west monroe, louisiana. they are these incredibly wealthy guys who became wealthy because they came up with the duck calls for hunting. and these guys, there's a period of time during duck hunting season where they never bathe. >> how long is that? >> i think it goes weeks. >> they are out there with the ducks and one another, everybody stinks, they don't come home. >> they do come home.
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they hang their clothes, leave them dirty and soiled and leave them and put them back on, because the warmth of all of that stuff -- >> that has collected over the -- >> yes, and they keep wearing them. >> what? yes, i shall remain nameless. >> i rewear my dresses, is that what that means? >> do you get them dry cleaned in between? >> yes, and i like to wear clothes. >> we're going to play a game called "who's older." >> this is in honor of your birthday. >> what birthday would that be, hoda? what birthday would that be? >> that would be the three score birthday. ha-ha. who's older, someone in their 50s, someone in their 60s. who is older? >> i think liam is in his 50s. >> i'm going with steve. who's older?
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>> i said it. liam neeson. >> liam neeson is 61. >> he looks good, doesn't he? >> he looks great. steve is only 55. here's another one. >> sorry, steve. >> who is older? >> i'm going to go with sigourney because jamie lee curtis was a baby girl when frank was holding her in his arms at tony curtis and janet lee's house and she wee-weed on him. >> she did? i'm going with sigourney weaver, because i don't believe that story. >> they were doing a movie. >> what is the truth? >> it's a true story. >> she's 63. >> they were doing a movie called "all american" at usc and frank was in it and he was at their house. why would you doubt me? i'm not the liar in the group. what's next? >> here's the next one, jeff bridges versus denzel washington.
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>> jeff is older. >> definitely denzel. let's go. oh, jeff bridges is 63. denzel is 58. there's no more? >> america was enjoying that. we could have done that for a long, long time. >> anyway, here's an interesting tidbit. a new study came out and it said that children who grow up with multiple siblings have a greater chance of having a marriage that does not end in divorce. in other words -- >> less likely to be divorced the more siblings you have. 20% more with each sibling you have. >> you get that, it makes you realize you have to share the bathroom, you can't have the tv on whatever channel you want. you have to compromise. the more siblings you have, the more likely your marriage will last. i think that's true. it's true only children think that the world -- >> except you and i both had two siblings and we're both divorced. >> so much for that. >> but i have been married almost 27 years this time. making up for a mistake, although i'm still friends with
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my ex -- >> you okay? >> -- my ex-husband, i am. >> that's good, that's good. i am not. anyway, we did ask you about the today's app. there's a great new app that's easy to see our show online and things on the app. so we got some pictures of you guys looking at our app. okay. here's kim. she's watching it from a spa. >> good for her. >> christine is at the dentist. >> good for her. >> romanita is watching in her shower. >> isn't that cool? >> i wonder if that ruins the ipad. >> i don't know. >> heather is with her daughters and she watched us from the beach and they got creative and decided to spell our name in the sand somewhere out there. >> okay, yes. in la-la land. it was there. thank you, everybody. people are liking that, i think. >> send us pictures of you guys with our app and we'd like to put it on tv.
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>> we'd like to hear from our college friends, college students, now that you've organized your schedule around kathie lee and hoda, we love you for that. coming up, they came all the way from the bayou to the big city. >> everyone's favorite family of quacks, "duck dynasty" stars are here. >> plus, you know who's turning you know what? special ambush makeover after this. ♪ you're not made of money, so don't overpay for boat insurance. geico, see how much you could save.
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mike's being healthy and chewing like a man. with one a day vitacraves for men. it's a gummy multivitamin with more b vitamins, which help convert food to energy, and help mike do manly things, like wrestle bears and take out the garbage. one a day vitacraves for men. >> with hotwire's low prices, i can cross even more places off my travel wish list. this year alone, i hit new york and texas. see, hotwire checks the competition's rates every day so they can guarantee their low hotel prices. >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e, ♪ people switching to finish are experiencing amazing shine. quantum with power gel delivers brilliant shine, which cascade can't do. take the finish shine challenge and see what it can do for you. has motionsense activated by your movement, the more you move the more it protects. ♪ do more. ♪ degree. it won't let you down.
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♪ easo why do you feel exso tired afterward? instead of refueled and focused, you're foggy and sluggish. it's that 2:30 feeling again. so how do you get your clear, alert feeling back? have a coffee... then another? do this instead. take one 5-hour energy. in minutes foggy and sluggish is gone... hello clear and alert. 5-hour energy. take it after lunch. be clear and alert for hours. we are back now with our special plaza ambush makeover for kathie lee's age, the over and over again. your birthday is this friday, every day two lucky ladies are plucked from the plaza for a whole new look. >> contributor and stylist to
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the stars, louis licari and "today" contributing editor for people "style watch," jill martin. thanks for being here. >> every day! >> it's okay. this is the best week of our life. >> of course, it is. sparkling day today, beautiful in new york. >> finally, the sun was with us. >> felt like a little fall nip, too. >> it did. >> speaking of nips, let's start with sherry newman, 73 years old from queens. she just started throwing her hair back in a ponytail and hasn't stopped since, so she jumped at a chance for a new look. let's listen to her story. >> hoorah, three generations of newmans here, because you all want this for grandma and for mom. came down just for this. why is it so important for you? >> because she's 73 years old and she looks amazing, but she needs some help, so we're hoping we can step it up for her today. >> well, we have the help. you want to step it up. what do you think of this? >> i think it's a great idea. i want to step it up, too. >> she's so cute. >> sweet.
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she's here with her daughters, lisa and jody are there and four of her grandkids, okay, guys, please keep your blindfolds on. here is sherry newman before. all right, sherry, let's see the new you! ♪ >> okay, wow. are you ready, kiddos? take off your blindfolds. >> sherry, sherry, you ready? turn around. put those glasses on. >> wow. look at that! >> you look great. look right here at camera 12, please. >> can you imagine? >> louis, tell us about the hair. >> the first thing i did was sherry colored her hair over and over and made it blacker than black. once your hair is not dark anymore, it has to be a little softer. i sped up the process, we've made her much lighter, much quicker. also gave her fine hair, which was too thin looking a much shorter cut.
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>> which makes it thicker. beautiful. >> what do you think? >> she looks amazing. so pretty, mom. >> beautiful. >> gorgeous. >> that dress is perfect. >> i love that dress. >> isn't it so pretty? >> you know what, it's this brand nue we started working with, n-u-e, and has built-in undergarments. it's so great, it's two for one and i love the long lines and the earrings are kendra scott. >> adorable. >> big round of applause. >> thank you. our second lady is barbara baker, she's 64 from springfield, virginia. watches our show every day but never dreamed she'd be picked for the makeover. she was on cloud nine when we approached her on the plaza. let's hear her story. >> we're holding hands very tightly, because barbara's flipping out. she just found out five minutes ago she's getting a makeover. what do you think? >> i'm speechless, really. i don't do anything with myself and i'm kind of a mess, so i'm very happy.
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i watched hoda and kathie lee every day, so i'm just, like, in shock, i think. >> all right. in shock, we're going to take care of you. >> thank you. >> you ready? >> i'm ready. >> she's going to have to get her act together. she's here with her niece, willow, and friends and her husband, robert. let's take one last look at barbara before and bring back the new barbara baker. >> let's see, barbara. >> oh, wow. >> all right, everybody. take off your blindfolds. >> quite the change, huh? barbara, you want to look? >> get ready, girl. >> look at you. >> oh, my gosh. >> you look amazing. >> oh! >> what did she say? >> looks like her aunt esther. >> we don't know her, but she must be a fox. >> haircut at its best. bangs straight across, pushed
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them to the side, made that bob really work. little bit of color, she started to go gray, so we just erased it away, and, of course, the most important thing to make yourself look more vital is color and all the makeup was done by enid o. >> look at your hubby. >> fantastic. >> yes. >> want to marry her again? >> absolutely. >> oh. >> you can give her a hug. tell us about the dress, jill. >> this is actually one dress that comes with a belt also from that company. and this was for you, i gave her a little leather. >> never hurts, always helps. >> leather and lace never hurts. all right, get ready to laugh, whackiest internet ads you've ever seen, what's that have to do with my birthday, i have no idea. >> it does, everything does. >> right after this.
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it's not every day you can find us trolling craigslist, but turns out you can find just about anything online, and we mean anything. >> including crazy ads, some of them made us laugh out loud, others had us scratching our heads, so we wanted to share a couple with you. >> the first one was written by two brothers who sat down with matt. >> we're looking for wedding dates for our cousin's wedding. we've been told by the bride bringing dates is mandatory so we won't harass all of my friends all night and stay under control. >> apparently there's a problem there. >> if you were wondering what's in it for me, they tell you, an excuse to get dressed up, open bar and food all night, eccentric, downright dangerous brothers, two brother dance moves and adventurous. there's a reason to stay home.
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they ended up taking their childhood friends. they were going to take us, we said no. they were sweet boys. >> they were. >> from vancouver. >> it's titled "can we borrow your dog." that doesn't seem unusual, but the reason why they want to borrow the dog is a little weird. >> we bought some bacon and some coffee this morning, but due to being drunk we seem to have misplaced it. we bought some coffee and bacon but due to being drunk we seemed to misplace it. we're drunk. >> we're 93% sure it's in our house somewhere, but where? if you have a dog that likes smelling and finding bacon, we would love to have him over. >> apparently this story ended up after several hours and moments of hard thought they found their coffee and bacon in the couch. >> in the couch. that's very funny, joanne, why don't you come on camera? >> good thought out segment. is it over? >> i'm loving this one. here's one you don't see every day, hoda. the headline reads, did you leave a prosthetic leg on the
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bus this morning? >> this is what it says, i found a prosthetic leg wearing a cowboy boot on the bus this morning. i hope you don't mind, but i went ahead and tried the boot on, magnificent. >> every girl can appreciate a comfortable shoe, can't they, hoda? the person posted the ad, hopefully we can meet for lunch some time and i can give you your leg back. >> if you have three that are way better than that, which you do, we'll see you right after the break.
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and we are back with more of "today" on this wines day wednesday and we're ready to play who knew in honor of kathie lee's birthday, we have trivia from 1953. just do the math, the year kathie lee was born. she's across the street at the nbc studio experience store. she's ready to hand out $100 to those who get the answer right, for those who don't, the "scandalous" cd.
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here with me, "time" magazine's executive editor. very fancy, are you ready? >> i'm ready. >> we have a very special guest here today, he is from pennsylvania and his name is alfredo. are you ready, alfredo? >> yes. >> what transformative technology first became available to the public in 1953? color tv sets, cassette players, light bulb, or c.t. scan? his family is going to help him. >> light bulb? >> no, but that's a great, great guess, but alfredo, it's your happy day, alfredo gets a "scandalous" cd! >> yes, he's got it. alfredo's lucky, the correct answer, tv set. >> the color tv, and it was an expensive proposition back in 1953. it cost about $1,000 for a 12-inch-wide television. >> did you have a color television at your house?
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>> no. >> let's move on. >> we didn't have a house. anyway, we lived in a cave, hoda. this gentleman is from kansas, right? i was born in 1953 in what city? was it new york? norman, oklahoma, paris, france, or bowie, maryland? >> let's try norman, oklahoma. >> that's a great city! i was born there. >> but he gets my -- everyone has a story has a cd! >> i know you don't care about where kathie lee was born. kath, what were you doing in paris? >> my father was on the staff of general eisenhower in paris and my mom and dad are very much in love and i'm a product of that. thank you. >> all right. >> where are you from? >> northern michigan. >> northern michigan. what was my given name, katheryn lee martin, katheryn lee epstein, katheryn lee abramowics or philbin? >> epstein!
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>> oh, well, you don't get the cd, oh, well. >> does your parents have any other names in mind for you? >> no, you know, and the lee is from my daddy's middle name. i'm delighted to be named after my daddy. >> aren't you glad you came? let's go back to kath. >> why is she here? anyway, i keep going? all right. what famous advertising character debuted in 1953? the morton salt girl, captain crunch, the pillsbury dough boy, or the coppertone girl? >> the coppertone girl. >> yes, how did she know that? >> the company had been around for decades but really took off when the girl arrived in the ads and did you know jodie foster got her start in a coppertone ad in the '60s. >> i didn't know. >> i didn't know that either. which magazine was founded which magazine was founded in chicago in 1953? "ladies' home journal," "life," "playboy," or "chicago" magazine?
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>> "playboy." >> and they've never called me! >> happy birthday to you. so "playboy." >> "playboy," you know who they did call? marilyn monroe, she was the first centerfold in "playboy." >> she was? we learned a lot. time for one last one. >> ft. lauderdale, florida. >> which audrey hepburn film was released in 1953? "funny face," "sabrina," "roman holiday," or "breakfast at tiffany's"? >> "breakfast at tiffany's"? >> that's all right. he's going to get a lullaby album. >> "roman holiday." >> they meant the role for elizabeth taylor, but audrey hepburn was so awesome in her screen test, she got the role and won an academy award. >> amazing, amazing. time for one more because it's your birthday. >> i don't know what it is, but a little girl named lana, she is from -- where are you from, honey? >> louisiana. >> let's do our take our picture shot, ready? here we go.
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here we go. sassy girls. >> adorable. kath, come back across the street. thank you so much. do you wish your guy would show more emotion? get him to open up to advice for relationships, matthew hussey is going to be here after this and so is the group from "duck dynasty." eating lunch isn't exactly hard work. so why do you feel so tired afterward? instead of refueled and focused, you're foggy and sluggish. it's that 2:30 feeling again. so how do you get your clear, alert feeling back? have a coffee... then another? do this instead. take one 5-hour energy. in minutes foggy and sluggish is gone... hello clear and alert. 5-hour energy. take it after lunch. be clear and alert for hours. you know it's not always the machine, it may be the detergent. add finish power up to boost your detergent and you'll see a huge difference. cloudiness, spots, tough stains, even dishwasher buildup -- gone!
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so don't give up. add finish power up. oh. ♪ [ female announcer ] stress sweat smells the worst. and secret clinical strength gives you four times the protection against it. secret clinical strength. for digestive health? yes and did you know that trubiotics is a daily probiotic that helps in two ways? it supports digestive and immune health by working in your gut where 70% of your immune system lives. try trubiotics today.
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oh, we are back with the other view, when we get a guy's perspective on relationships, you know, those things that make you wonder but you don't want to ask your guy? i'm just breaking into a southern accent because i'm hot as hell. >> you don't have to wonder anymore, because relationship expert matthew hussey is here. >> why should we be the only ones? three hussies here today. >> ready, hussey? >> do it. >> i'm a big planner, but i often feel like i'm waiting for my guy to do his plans to make mine. should i tell him how i feel or go ahead with plans not worrying
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if he should join? >> it's a great question and a common thing between men and women where very often women are more detail oriented, men are spur of the moment, like to plan last minute. a woman thinks about what she's wearing a week in advance, guy is not thinking about it the day of. it's a common frustration. the guy, first is positive reenforcement. first time he plans anything, no matter how small, show him, i love it when you do stuff like that, it's so sexy. that will change his mind. >> pavlov's dog. >> the other thing you can do is value your time more. say you want to go on holiday with the guy and say, look, i want us to go away in august and he says, well, i don't know. i'll think about it. say to him, okay, look, you've got until this time to think about it. after that, i'm going to go on holiday with my friends otherwise. >> make him feel he's getting left out. >> leave, do it. follow through. leave him out. actually do it. >> look at matthew hussey for
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one second. i did not know you were that built. honestly. >> wasn't the last time he was here. >> look at him. >> this is really off topic. >> you were talking and -- >> let's talk about other men. >> i can't even believe what i'm seeing. mindi says this, what is a good ice breaker to find out if a guy is single without making it awkward? >> okay, so there are a number of ways to find out if a guy's single, you got the playful way, the moment he does something charming or funny, say to him, how many girlfriends do you have? now, although it's a funny question, it requires a serious answer, because he's going to be like, well, actually, i don't have any, i'm single. you're going to find out being playful. >> or i have three girlfriends but i'm also married. >> which is worse. the other way of doing it is to be indirect about it but assumptive. say to a guy on the phone, how long have you been single for? say that, it's assumptive.
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the third way is to be direct. the moment he makes the move, asks for your number, say to the guy, you know what, i have to ask, because so many guys are crazy, are you single? >> or is your wedding ring in your pocket? >> so many guys are crazy, are you single? that actually raises your integrity, because he sees you're the type of woman that doesn't pursue someone who's not. >> he'll lie to you and say, no. >> here's the other thing i would say to all women out there who are thinking about this before approaching a guy, don't even worry about it, because ultimately when you go in with that intensity of are you single, immediately you put that intensity on the guy. it should never be an excuse not to talk to someone, not to be sociable. >> you don't know until you find out. thank you, hussey man. he's darn cute. guess who's here. >> could it be the first family of duck calls? >> how'd you know? we're going to meet the robertsons of "duck dynasty" right after this. >> loving it.
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good morning to you. we have your seven-day forecast. things are getting closer and closer to the weekend. in the southeast, the same, showers and thunder storms. he we will watch for storms, possibly through the southern states. 80 in d.c. upper 70s and gorgeous for new york and boston. 110 in phoenix. 76 in seattle. and tomorrow we will watch for rain showers in parts of southern plains, and texas. in the southeast, looking at rain hours and we are watching for more of that soggy weather as we head into the upcoming weekend as well. 71 the high for atlanta tomorrow. it is going to be a chilly end to the week. saturday, we'll keep showers in the southeast. rest of the country or at least
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most of the rest of the country will stay on the dryer side. chicago at 79. 77 in boston. 72 for san francisco. western half of the country, relatively quiet. could see showers into parts of colorado. but again the southeast where we see things very soggy. temps in the 70s for areas like atlanta also w now monday we get these areas back into the low 80s to mid 80s. rain showers will stick around. new york city, we'll start the new week off with highs around 82, 84 in louisville, kentucky. by tuesday, orlando, at 88. upper 90s and dry in dallas, texas. we have a trio of 80 on tap for kansas city, chicago and minneapolis and then we are going to be keeping the showers in the southeast for the middle of next week. don't forget, "wake up with al" each weekday the morning
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starting at 5:30 a.m. license and registration please. what's this? uhh, it's my geico insurance id card, sir. it's digital, uh, pretty cool right? maybe. you know why i pulled you over today? because i'm a pig driving a convertible? tail light's out.. fix it. digital insurance id cards. just a click away with the geico mobile app. has motionsense activated by your movement, the more you move the more it protects. ♪ do more. ♪ degree. it won't let you down.
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♪ two chicks from the city go duck hunting and leave their tweezers at home. >> not pretty. >> who would have thought that a reality show about a family that sells duck calls -- >> hit it! >> -- could turn into such a hit. >> apparently somebody was very, very smart about the robertson family of "duck dynasty" attracted nearly 10 million viewers for last season's final episode. a lot more than we get. >> a lot more. they are back in tonight's premier of season four. in that, their kids throw their parents a surprise wedding in honor of their 40 -- is it 49th, you guys? anniversary. take a look. >> good job. looks awesome. >> yours look too --
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>> snug? >> here comes the cake. >> somebody say cake? >> hey, babe. >> where have you been? >> i had to get dressed. >> you look nice. >> you look like an idiot. >> i'm wearing the same thing you are. >> but i make it look good. that's the difference. >> all right, here we are. >> women with whiskers are not a deal breaker. >> with us we have phil, willie, jase, jeff, and uncle si. in the back we have jessica, missy, korie, and kay robertson. look at y'all. what a family. >> wow. >> what doesn't fit? we think the four in the back doesn't fit with the group in the front. >> congratulations on having one of the biggest, probably most unlikely hits that television's ever had. >> we were as surprised as everyone else. >> wow. >> you didn't think it was going to go, right?
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why would they be interested in red necks like us? >> that's me, exactly what i said. >> agreed. >> who thought it was a good idea? raise your hand? why, willie? >> i'm a business guy, i thought it would help our business to promote our duck calls more. this family is odd, to say the least. >> in a good way, though, in an adorable way. >> one thing that's caught a lot of people's attention, not only are we all turned on to duck hunting, but there's a segment you guys don't shower, which is one of my favorite times to read about. how long do you go during duck hunting season without bathing? >> we do it for a few days just to get in the spirit of the wild. >> get a little crusty. >> my dad does it the whole season. >> how long's the season? >> 60 days. >> 60? >> kay, what's that like for you? >> i do make him wash his beard. >> you do? >> he won't tell y'all, but occasionally he does. >> ladies in the back, do you guys like the beards? you do? what is it about them that you like?
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tell me. >> i feel safer with the beard. >> why? >> well, if we're out and go to a movie late at night or to eat, nobody's going to mess with him. >> they might ask for his autograph. >> is it weird, you guys, with all the attention? uncle si, when you walk down the street, are people mobbing you for pictures? >> can't walk down the street. >> do people come to your house and stuff? >> all the time. >> tell us about that. >> i'm asleep, okay, my wife gets up, so i wake up and i hear -- i look at the clock, it's four minutes after 12:00, midnight. >> yeah. >> i said, something must be wrong with my hearing, i know i didn't hear that. >> oh, my gosh. >> no. >> do you let them in? >> you don't have body guards yet? >> no. >> just don't answer? >> didn't answer. >> you need a big dog. >> i'm going to get a fence, a sign on it, and a big dog behind
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the fence. the sign says i'm not responsible. >> what do we have to remember? >> we have dogs that alert us to whoever's coming and you have to admit in our part of the country, lots of weapons, so if you are into robbery, rape, or mayhem, wrong house. >> i don't think so. >> faith is a big, big part of your whole family life, isn't it? >> we'd rather have a bible study with you, but if you want to rape our women -- >> we get it, we get it. i'd love to come to bible study with you. no intention of hurting anybody. >> we took a weird turn. >> he's invited smith and wessen to the bible study. >> we'll have a bible with you or shootout with you. >> okay! >> congratulations on your tremendous success, you guys, and thanks for coming to see us. you can catch new episodes of "duck dynasty" starting tonight
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at 10:00/9:00 central on a&e. ready to kick up your workout a bit? >> these women are going to show off their signature moves. >> first, this is "today" on nbc.
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they are some of the fittest women in the country, women's health magazine recently went on a search for the next fitness star and the five finalists are here to show us their signature moves. >> before we crown the winner, we'll find more about the search from michelle, editor in chief of "women's health" magazine. you're on the hunt for the next jillian michaels? >> exactly, we needed some fresh talent, so we launched the next fitness star search and got thousands of entries. these five stood out from the pack.
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>> each one of the five is going to show us one move. now stacey's first. from minneapolis, minnesota. you've had two kids? >> two kids. >> shut up. show us your move, girl. >> we're going to do the sumo spot with the twist. take it down. i specialize in functional training. what i love about this total body move is you're working your legs, your seat, your core. you just squat, lift, and twist. >> all right. let's move on, got to go through it quick. let's go to tarah lee, 31 years old from aurora, colorado. obese most of her life, she lost 91 pounds. can you believe that? >> show us your moves, girl. >> i love to do a lunge to squat combo because it works every muscle group in your legs. i also like to add something to it, get the calories burning. really get those calories burning. >> next up, girl, jam and jelly murphy. she's our next contestant, 26
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years old, lives here in new york city. your move is more aggressive, it's a high kick? >> i'm going to be honest, i changed it last minute because i heard you guys say yesterday you wanted to work the backs of your arms, so my favorite move is a reverse plank, goes just like this and works the back of your legs and back of your arms and you're holding it asymmetrically. >> looks like a table. eat off your stomach she's so flat. >> kit is 30 years old, a pilates instructor from l.a. show us your move. >> this is my pilates fusion move. you take your legs out wider than your hips and come down. this is stretching out the legs while working the legs, stretching the side body, but i'm also holding a jump rope, so you can do 30 seconds of jump rope in between. >> oh, my god. final one, she's 33 years old from houston, used to be a financial analyst but said to heck with that. anyway, show us your move, sweetie.
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>> this is inspired by surfer bodies because it's incredibly healthy, fit, and super healthy. what you do is go on a seated position, put your hands on your side, knees bent, and go ahead and crunch in. >> crunch in. >> in and out. >> michelle is going to announce the winner right this second. she's got the envelope, please. you do it, michelle. >> the winner stands to be featured in a dvd series for women's health and featured in the magazine. >> and gets a crown. >> and the winner is stacey clarke! >> oh, my god. >> stacey! stacey! >> tiara. >> i don't know why there are wine glasses, nothing to do with anything. >>ongratulations! >> this is a gift for you. >> congrats to everybody. >> you're all adorable. tomorrow, country star luke bryan. >> and actress and author danica
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mckellar and used to be whitney cooper on tv. >> anyway, almost your birthday. see you tomorrow. one of reality tv's biggest villains. >> my mama is in the front row. to be on my best behavior. pierce lking about morgan. >> you're right. i did help spark it. tragic loss of her clarke duncan. >> i miss him. you're trying to make me cry. jeff: hello, hello! roll it! all right. a little about me. married.ntly i work with my wife on this show. and i'm learning how to be a dad kids in a blended family. i'm hosting a talk show 'cause there's a lot to talk about.


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