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tv   Today  NBC  August 18, 2013 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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good morning. growing stronger. that massive wildfire in idaho, the nation's largest, getting bigger this morning. new evacuations, thousands more people being warned they, too, may soon have to get out of harm's way. we are live near the frontline. the death of diana. scotland yard looking into newly uncovered information about the princess' tragic end in a paris car crash 16 years ago. could it have been more than just an accident? and hoop dreams. this college freshman takes a half court shot with a semester of free tuition on the line. the thrill of victory or the agony of student loan debt? a shot to remember "today," sunday, august 18, 2013.
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from nbc news this is "today" with lester holt and erica hill live from rockefeller plaza. and welcome to "today" on this sunday morning. i'm erica hill. >> be and i'm lester holt alongside jenna wolfe and dylan dreyer. i noticed you said, live, from rockefeller plaza. there's no stewudio 1-a. >> it doesn't exist right now. >> we didn't pay the rent. no, that's not the truth. >> lester's check bounced again. >> we're doing a big renovation. >> that has never happened in his life. >> oh, yes, it has. but, anyway, we got kicked out for a few weeks whale doing a major renovation, makeover of studio 1-a so we are the first ones out here and discovering a roof wouldn't be a bad idea. up until 15 minutes ago we were getting drops. >> just a couple little drops. i think the rain will hold off
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until we're done with the show. >> thinking. >> thinking. this whole system was supposed to stay out over 0 the water so the fact it's even here right now is bumming me out. >> well, shame on that storm system. >> we'll have a stop with that storm system later, dylan. a lot to get to this morning including olympian and double amputee oscar mipistorius headi back to a south rf african courtroom where he is charged in the shooting death of his model girlfriend. the court battle that lies ahead. plus, we've seen plenty of evidence lately of bears, more and more bears. they seem to be leaving the comfort of the woods, popping up in residential neighborhoods. so the question, what's bringing them out of hiding? is it something that haw mance are doing like filling up a dumpster with something yummy. >> looking for the picnic basket. and this is jenna's last day before she starts her own family. she is going out on maternity leave so we have a few pieces of advice, i'm talking like you are not here. >> i am here and i am coming
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back, right? >> no, no, no. >> planning on it. >> a collection of advice that could be helpful or could be ruinous but we'll let you decide. >> if you want to i gnore it, we're not offended. >> i will take it all with open arms. looking forward to it. thousands of homes are in harm's way as that raging wildfire in idaho continues to grow. crews have been working around the clock to try to tame the blaze but, so far, the fire is the one with the upper hand. m miguel almaguer was on the fire lines. he is live right now near haley, idaho, this morning. good morning. >> reporter: erica, good morning. firefighters have made some progress. this blaze has gone from 6% contained to 10% contained but late last night they had to order thousands more people to evacuate. this place is active and aggressive. it's also out of control. growing larger, ripping across forest land overnight, idaho's beaver creek fire, the most threatening blaze in the country.
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>> this is an extremely fast and dangerous fire. >> reporter: at least 2,300 homes are in danger. a wall of flames marching to three resort communities with plenty of dry fuel in its path. this inferno is moving in multiple directions, hundreds warned late last night. >> it's a beast. if they tell you to evacuate, go. >> reporter: with 700 firefighters on the ground, c w crews are building containment lines and mopping up hot spots. meantime, a steady air attracted drops retardant where ground teams can't reach. some 100,000 acres here up in smoke, miles of rugged terrain and acres of dry brush the perfect fuel. but it's wind that worries is
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is. >> the canyon presents very much of a challenge to the firefighters. >> in utah outside salt lake city at least ten homes destroyed. flames leaping a highway used as a fire break. the fire season across the west kicking into high gear with no end in sight. >> reporter: here in idaho there are ten major fires burning out of control, the national guard has been called in to help evacuate. the good news, no significant amount of homes have been lost here. bad news, the winds will kick up once again today. erica. >> yeah. miguel, thanks. >> let's learn more about the weather fueling the wildfires. dylan is here now with a look. dylan. >> lester, it is hot, it is dry and it's windy in the idaho area. they're also facing moderate to extreme drought. so when you have temperatures up around 92 degrees, winds gusting at 30 miles per hour and humidity at around 20 to 25%,
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this is the type of environment these fires need to spread. there are 34 uncontained fires out in the west between idaho and northern california, but it is the peak of fire season. and the biggest threat are these thunderstorms, with humidity around 20%, there's not a lot of rain with these storms. so you get the lightning. and that helps to spark these fires. so these dry thunderstorms, the hot temperatures and the low humidity, it's a combination that sticks around for a while. and it's going to stay in the 90s without much rain out that way. it is something we will be keeping an eye on for at least the next several weeks. erica. >> dylan, thanks. the news that britain scotland yard is taking another look at the death of princess diana came as a surprise to many. that investigation prompted by new information recently given to them. is that information credible or just speculation as the anniversary of her death later this month approaches. >> good morning. scotland yard said it only
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received this new information about the death and assessing its credibility, but didn't elaborate on what new clues they're investigating. she died 16 years ago, but diana princess of wales still makes headlines. the announcement from scotland yard came in a flurry, and it was brief. they were examining new information about the deaths of diana and her boyfriend in a paris car crash. the claim splashed across the british papers shocking. allegations the two were murdered by an s.a.s. soldier, a member of britain's elite special forces. these new allegations were brought by family members of another former s.a.s. soldier and were passed onto police. skeptics were quick to respond to the latest news. >> you'll get this every single year prior to the anniversary of the death of diana princess of
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wales. i think police came up with the same conclusion. >> reporter: this year's claims come weeks before the movie opening of the life and loves of diana. conspiracy theories and claims of murder have continually dogged the death of the princess and her boyfriend. his father always insisted the couple were murdered. he fought an unsuccessful battle in the british courts to prove that diana was killed by the british establishment because she was engaged to marry his son, a muslim. repeated investigations have determined that their driver was drunk when he lost control of the car and hit a cement pillar in the paris underpass at 80 miles per hour trailed by the paparazzi. police sources last night dismissed claims as being without serious or supporting evidence, but said they have to investigate every tip. scotland yard stressed they have not reopened the investigation. erica. >> man di clark in london for us
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this morning. man di, thanks. in egypt there's an uneasy calm this morning as the violent clashes and attacks we've seen over the last few days seem to have quieted down, at least for now. eamon is live in cairo with the latest on the scene. good morning. >> good morning, lester. 24 hours after that tense standoff took place outside of a cairo mosque, the situation there remains calm but definitely tense. and it was after a brief gunfight between security forces and people inside the mosque that they ultimately moved in and were able to evacuate hundreds of people who had taken refuge and barricaded themselves inside there too afraid to come out. on the other side, the government here has been going on the pr offensive. over the past 24 hours several press conferences demonizing the muslim brotherhood for what it says is terrorism activity and cascading a lot of western media for the way they've been covering the events here in egypt. nonetheless, the muslim brotherhood says they are not deterred by the crackdown on
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their organization, that includes the arrest of senior leaders, the killing of its members and more security crackdowns. they say they will go ahead with their week-long demand of protest that is supposed to start later today with marches to the courthouse and other key government buildings. while it is calm right now, egyptians are still bracing themselves for more protests and possibly more violence in the days to come. lester. >> thanks. david gregory is moderator of "meet the press." we understand the washington has been working behind the scenes trying to find a solution here. how critical is it for the u.s. that this gets solved fast? >> well, i think it's really important. and just imagine how things have changed here. i mean, we're back in 2011. and the united states is pushing for hosni mu babarak to get out the way. now you have the muslim brotherhood, no big fans in the united states government, and yet they are now arguing,
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looking you can't keep these people in jail. you the egyptian military can't in effect become the new strongman of egypt. that's why the debate here, lester, is whether we cut off aid to the military to get more leverage in the fight. >> the u.s. does offer a lot of aid to egypt, $1.3 billion is the terms we keep hearing in terms of military aid, but isn't there a lot of cash coming from other countries? so is it really a question that we may not have as much influence as we think? >> there's cash from other places. certainly the figures in the united states, members of congress and the administration say, look, if the u.s. stands up and says we're cutting off aid, you shouldn't invest in egypt if you're a company or other government or shouldn't travel if you're a tourist, that's a big blow to egypt. and only the united states can send that kinds of message. but here's a bigger issue. the united states government and egyptian military have a very tight relationship. and even as they're crushing protests in the streets, the egyptian military is still backing up the united states'
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national security concerns, peace in the sanai desert making sure the camp david accords are upheld. these are the things that really matter as well as the fight against terrorism. so it's national security interests and democratic values and the president's got to try to balance those two things. >> the president by the way coming back from vacation, this among a number of things he's got on his plate, correct? >> absolutely. he's got to deal with congress on health care, but he's going to have to focus on this issue. what's playing out on the streets right now in cairo are going to be a big issue in congress as they try to make another run at suspending aid. >> david, thanks. jenna is here with the morning's top stories including new developments ntd aftermath of the jerry sandusky trial. >> good morning, everyone. that's right. penn state university settling its first lawsuit stemming from the sex abuse case of former football coach jerry sandusky. a lawyer for the man known only
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as victim number five said he could not reveal details but did say compensation was fair. penn state still faces 30 other suits and has set aside $60 million for pay out. the death toll rises in the philippines as divers pull more bodies from the wreckage of a sunken passenger ferry. 34 are dead and many more missing. divers are also working to plug an oil leak in the wreckage. officials say some 800 people have been rescued since friday when the ferry collided with a cargo ship. major league baseball taking another hit on saturday when it handed down its third largest suspension. kansas city royals infielder miguel admitted to using aderol with permission from baseball but that expired in baseball. he said he could not stop using the drug because he suffers from attention deficit disorder. quite a sight following a track race in russia after the country took gold in the women's 4 x 400
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relay, two of the women athletes kissed. this comes just days after a russian pole vaulter spoke out in favor of the law. the legislation makes it illegal to give information about homosexuality to people younger than age 18 in russia. if you think back to your college freshman year, besides the 15 pounds that we all gained, two things stick out for a lot of us. it was a little bit of an awkward year, what? and a slightly expensive year. marcus avoided both with o one half-court shot that earned him $11,000 for a year of tuition. i'm the one that made that half-court shot, so you want to go out with me or what? >> still awkward. >> still awkward. you're right, dylan.
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>> but actually ball state has been doing that for years. this is the first time anyone has made it. >> good for mark. >> a free-throw. >> yeah. >> jenna, thanks. dylan is back with a look at the rest of the national forecast including a soggy southeast, right? >> very soggy southeast. they've been seeing one of the worst summers on record with the rain and the cold temperatures. that moisture continues to stream in off the gulf of mexico. the heaviest of it right now through mobile, alabama, and also through the western panhandle of florida. torrential downpours on already rain-soaked ground means we have flash flood warnings and watches in effect all across the southeast in georgia and florida, parts of mississippi and alabama too. it's this stalled front and that moisture coming in off the gulf. it is going to try to make its way in the mid-atlantic. a couple light spotty
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>> and that's your latest forecast. lester. >> dylan, thanks. up next on "today," oscar pistorius, the double-amputee accused of murdering his high-profile girlfriend making a court appearance tomorrow. that's right after this. i like a clean kitchen.
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i don't do any cleaning. i make dirt. ♪ very, very heavy. i'm not big enough or strong enough for this. there should be some way to make it easier. [ doorbell rings ] [ morty ] here's a box, babe. open it up. oh my goodness! what is a wetjet? some kind of a mopping device. there's a lot of dirt on here. morty, look at how easy it is. it's almost like dancing. [ both humming ] this is called the swiffer dance. softens the enamel so it can potentially erode. once that enamel is gone, it's gone. my dentist recommended pronamel. pronamel protects your teeth from the effects of acid erosion. i don't have to cut out the things that i love in my diet. you know you could just use bengay zero degrees. medicated pain relief you store in the freezer.
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brrr...see ya boys. [ male announcer ] bengay zero degrees. freeze and move on. to fly home for the big family reunion. you must be garth's father? hello. mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because you can fly any airline anytime. two words. double miles! this guy can act. wanna play dodge rock? oh, you guys! and with double miles you can actually use, you never miss the fun. beard growing contest and go! ♪ i win! what's in your wallet? the south african olympic athlete known as "the blade runner," oscar pistorius, will be back in court tomorrow. the double-amputee will be formally charged in the death of his model girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. and it comes on a day that would have marked an important milestone for her. the latest now from ron allen in
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south africa. >> reporter: oscar pistorius on a recent outing with friends. the picture's taken secretly. some of the few images of the former olympian and accused killer while free on bail since his last court appearance in june. facing charges he murdered his model and reality tv star girlfriend reeva steenkamp. her supporters want him behind bars. >> personally, i think he deserves the same. >> reporter: on monday what would have been steenkamp's 30th birthday, pistorius' lawyers say they expect him to be handed a formal detailed indictment. prosecutors have said previously in court they intend to charge him with premeditated murder. a conviction could send the once-golden boy of the london olympics who competed against able-bodied athletes to prison for 25 years to life. steenkamp had arrived at pistorius' gated home the night before her death. hours later pistorius allegedly
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fired four bullets through a locked bathroom door killing her. in court documents he has said he thought an intruder was hiding there. i felt a sense of terror, he said. >> in this case, the accused very willingly admits he killed the deceased, he's just saying he didn't have the intention to do so. that it was an accident. >> reporter: analysts say the defense may try to show police mishandled the investigation and perhaps say that pistorius made a mistake, but did not commit murder. monday may also see a trial date set for early next year. ron allen, nbc news, pretoria. >> still to come on this sunday edition of "today," approachments of the bear kind. why are these animals getting so bold? first these messages. with new all natural lean cuisine honestly good. it's frozen like you've never seen. with juicy whole chicken filets, farm selected veggies and whole grain medleys. ♪ and it's undressed. just add the pomegranate sauce yourself.
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with taste this good, why hide? ♪ why? what were you thinking? new lean cuisine honestly good. au natural, oh so tasty. in the natural frozen meals section. nestle. good food. good life.
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still to come on "today," a bargain hunter's dream. >> and it's jenna's last day before maternity. she's coming back. don't worry. >> but we are sending her off in style with a little friendly advice before we let her go. i don't miss out... you sat out most of our game yesterday! asthma doesn't affect my job... you were out sick last week. my asthma doesn't bother my family... you coughed all through our date night! i hardly use my rescue inhaler at all. what did you say? how about - every day? coping with asthma isn't controlling it. test your level of control at, then talk to your doctor. there may be more you could do for your asthma. [ girls ] good. ♪ thank you. [ package crackles, footsteps depart ]
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♪ phew. [ ernie ] we make our cookies the way only keebler elves can: with a little something extra. and now, introducing keebler simply made cookies, made with the same ingredients you find in your kitchen. they're simply scrumptious. and oh-so-uncommonly good. and safeway's ten percent back to school program, now there are two ways to earn cash for your kid's school. from august 14 through september 10,
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look for products marked with the 10% apple tag. and earn even more by signing up for ebox tops at almost tastes like one of jack's cereals. fiber one... ah, forgot jack's cereal! [ son ] what's for breakfast? um... try the...number one. yeah, it's pretty good. [ male announcer ] over a third of a day's fiber. fiber one.
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good morning to you. taking a live look at a beautiful start to the day toward mt. diablo from our camera high above the mountains. i'm kris sanchez along with rob mayeda. a lot of kids went back to school last week. some of the san francisco kids going back. it's going to feel like summer. >> yesterday, highs in the 70s and 80s. today, things are heating up. right now, 50s and 60s. that's about the same we started yesterday morning, but the sea breeze is weaker. southwest at 14 degrees in fairfield, and in addition to the increase in temperatures, we'll see an increase in mid-level clouds coming in tonight. in the meantime, 80s to 90s inland today.
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even 70s today in san francisco. overnight tonight, a chance of lightening above very dry air below. that's going to bring up a red-flag warning tonight for dry lightning that's going to kick off the work week. >> thank you very much. >> new this morning, the chp is asking for the public's help in finding the driver of a truck that killed a man in san jose. it apenned near alum rock and harriet avenue. witnesses describe the truck as a late model full-sized ford pickup with oversized tires. possibly light in color with a red stripe down the hood. the chp says the truck likely will have damage to a headlight. anyone with more information is asked to contact the california highway patrol. and a developing story in oakland where it has been a violent and deadly weekend, and this morning, police are investigating yet another shooting in which one woman was killed and a young child was injured. officers responded to reports of shots fired near the corner of
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macarthur above and 73rd avenue last night. police say a man and a woman had been shot while sitting inside a car, and the woman died at the scene. the man was rushed to the hospital and is expected to survive. police say the 4-year-old child who was in the vehicle was cut by shattered glass but will be okay. so far, there are no suspects and no motive. the owner of a popular surfing school in santa cruz is behind bars this morning, accused of lewd acts with some of his students. 38-year-old dylan greiner is being held on $500,000 bail in santa cruz county jail. greiner is scene here on a youtube channel. he teached surf lessons to students at the santa cruz surf school. authorities say he secret lly taped girls changing into their wet suits. he would lure girls with free surf lessons and then make sexual advances. people in the community are
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shocked. >> he's definitely a predator. a predator. he's sick in his mind. yeah. so if there is proof of it, he deserves to be put away. >> the two girls identified by police as victims were just 13 and 14-year-olds at the time. investigators now sifting through more than 1,000 images of potential victims and they say they expect more girl said will come forward. >> still ahead, we hear from a group of horseback riders who first saw 16-year-old hannah anderson deep in the idaho back country wrarb that and the day's news for you in 30 minutes.
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we're back on a sunday morning. it's august 18, 2013. a nice crowd joining us or maybe, i should say, we're joining them because this is kind of our temporary home for a few weeks. we are going to be broadcasting outside, rain or shine, preferably shine, while studio 1-a gets a renovation. still to come, reading about and seeing pictures of all these bears showing up in people's homes and yards and start wondering is it because everybody has a video camera or something that's bringing them out? maybe it's a little of both. they're popping up in neighborhoods everywhere. we'll take a look at why it seems to be happening more and more. >> and then we're going on a hunt. not a bear hunt. if you have that book at home. at the flea market where you can really find some treasures. the key is knowing how to spot
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them. what better way to do that than to get advice from the experts. we hit the flea market with some fanatics to feigned out how to find the hidden gems. we are sharing some of those tips and taking a look at some of their treasures as well. and also ahead, "america's got talent" next round will feature two kids, two amazing dancers. they really are. ages 9 and 10. this morning they're going to show some of their moves as they prepare again for the next round of "america's got talented." we're anxiously awaiting being entertained by them. >> they haven't been together very long, by the way. less than a year i think. >> no, not very long. and her brother is also in it. family rival. this is your last day temporarily. you are coming back. >> please always finish the sev sentence that i'm coming back. >> you'll probably be back next week right after you pop out the
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baby. >> we're going to try to give you some advice. but first dylan has another check of our weather. a lot of expensive equipment out here so really hoping the rain holds off. we have this woman over here. she's a trooper. everyone else she is with is sleeping. my brother is here from seattle and is sleeping. his one chance to see me and he's sleeping. thanks for coming on down here. a couple of light showers in the northeast today. nothing too heavy about but it's in the southeast where the heavy rain is and the clouds and all that cloud cover keeping temperatures only in the 70s. it has been extremely below average by about 15 to 20 degrees. atlanta should only hit 70 today. normal highs up around 88, 89 degrees. so that moisture still streaming in off the gulf of mexico, along that stalled front. because of that we do have flash flood watches and warnings. could see some strong storms across the northern plains into
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northwestern minnesota. the biggest threat for hail and for gusty winds and then tomorrow still raining in the southeast. it tries to make its way up into west virginia and pennsylvania. those showers should be off and on and light throughout the day but in the middle of the country gorgeous. lots of sunshine and temperatures in the and today's top spot coming to us from parkersburg, west virginia, from our affiliate w it tap. they're enjoying the parkersburg
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homecoming festival, the three-day festival wraps up today with its annual bluegrass entertainment show. america will be the headliner. if you're in the neighborhood be sure to stop by. it sounds like a lot of fun. lester? we're seeing a lot of bears lately, the critters leaving their natural habitat, getting a little too close to comfort for people in homes and neighborhoods. is it something we are doing? michelle franzen takes a look at why they're leaving their homes and heading for ours. >> reporter: imagine walking into your home and seeing this, a black bear sleeping on the back patio, a frightening sight for mason in naples, florida. >> you don't really think when you see something like that, so we were all just freaking out. >> reporter: the kids were with a babysitter. mason quickly texted his mom who rushed home. >> this is the closest i've ever come to a bear let alone a seven to eight foot bear sitting on my back porch. >> reporter: the bear eventually wandered off and the family was fine but others haven't been so
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lucky. on friday northern alaska, air rescue crews reached a hunter in a remote area near the gates of the arctic national park. officials say he'd been mauled by a brown bear similar to one like this. and in michigan earlier this week, a bear attacked 12-year-old abby while she was out for a run. >> she had suffered two deep lacerations to her thigh. >> reporter: experts say there could be several factors for the recent attacks. first, we're living closer to their natural space. >> you really want to exhibit a lot of respect around bears. sometimes bears bring the wild into their own homes. >> reporter: bears are in search of food before winter sets in this bear was on the hunt in colorado springs. security cameras in an alley behind a restaurant captured it on its hind legs carting away a dumpster. >> think of a bear as a stomach with teeth and clausws, always hungry, always looking to pack
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on weight and follow their nose to a ready meal. >> reporter: close encounters that have some residents on edge the. for "today," michelle pran zen, nbc news. up next, we're bargain hunting with some pros who share their secrets to getting great deals coming up right after these messages. ♪
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♪ [ male announcer ] breathe easy in your home, get a two pack of filtrete micro allergen air filters for only 18 dollars at lowe's. with venus and olay. olay moisture bars help lock in moisture for less dryness while five blades get venus close. revealing smooth. and goddess skin begins. only from venus and olay. revealing smooth. and goddess skin begins. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate ♪ we, we chocolate cross over ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over ♪ [ male announcer ] fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal.
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♪ chocolate with clusters, flakes, and o's. oh, ho, ho... it's the honey sweetness i...i mean, [ female announcer ] and with all these great cheerios flavors, the love just keeps on coming. this morning on "today's consumer" finding the best deal at a flea market. anybody knows how to find a deal, it's janice lieberman. we sent her to the largest flea market in the country to see what she could find at the lowest possible price. >> oh, so much fun. we have to go shopping. this is the season to get down and dirty, really search for
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bargains. so i decided to challenge two other professionals and go shopping with them to see who would get the best deal. these flea market fanatics are highly skilled at hunting fortress urs. their mission, to find a real gem at the lowest price they can negotiate. >> you have $85 on it. what can we do? >> reporter: can a novice do the same. we asked an antique junkie to meet us at the flea market in massachusetts, one of the largest flea markets in the country. >> here is where you can find the statement one of a kind piece. >> reporter: they shared their scavenging secrets. >> go for the architectural and unusu unusual. really look at condition and thoroughly inspect it. >> and buy what you love. you may be keeping this for a long time. >> $50. >> reporter: can you haggle? >> haggling is the most important thing you can do, but you have to do it with respect
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to the dealer, too. don't be afraid to ask where did this come from? who made it? is it unique? >> reporter: our challenge for them $100 and 30 minutes to find the best deal possible. >> oh, anybody can do it. >> reporter: i decided to take them on myself to see how an amateur can do. here you go. doug, miller and me. let's go. first, miller took to the aisles. >> i like the old egg beaters. okay, would you take $10 for this? >> i couldn't take $10. >> any way we could do $12 on th this? >> sure. i can do $12. i love all the neat lamps you have. do they work? had. >> i believe they do. >> this is important to do at flea market because if it doesn't work you don't want to pay to have it rewired. >> true. there you go. >> yes. we're in business. >> reporter: the lamp pair was $50. she bought a vintage pitcher and ice crusher. >> this has been a lot of fun. >> reporter: next was don. >> how cool is this?
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an i love ike tie. what would it take to talk you into $20 for the tie? >> i couldn't do that. >> what can we do? >> i could do $35. >> $30. let's do $30? how is that? >> $30? >> for me you'll do it. >> will you wear it? >> i will definitely wear it. are you kidding me? >> reporter: he always bought a side table. >> i look for something unique and decorative. >> reporter: don talk her down from $150 to $70. this is beautiful. look at that vase. amazing. $1 $125? >> yeah, well, we can do better. i can make you an offer of, say, $50. >> reporter: this looks like a corkscrew. >> it's like a swiss army version. i think $15 would be a good starting point. >> reporter: i got a silver plated dove for $15 and a match strike which was unique and vintage from france discounted for $20. i love it.
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time to show our goods. okay, guys, how did we do? >> looks like everyone did pretty darned well. >> reporter: all this for $300? >> you got some really great stuff. >> we did. if you're not an expert, you have to fall in love with what you're buying because you don't know the total worth until you get it home and appraised. you have to love it and get a bargain. >> you got all these things apprai appraised. >> we did. this egg beater is made out of a resin made in the 20th century. a lot of jewelry, is very collectible and it still works so she did nicely with this. this turned out to be about $25 to $30 and she paid $12. so she doubled her investment. the lamp very cool. >> i like the lamp. >> our appraiser said if they would have been signed by the original artist it would have been worth more but she paid $50, so she was between $50 and
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$60. >> about on target. >> this is the bar friend, very mad men-esque. >> the ice crusher. >> she paid $8. $30. very nice. >> they used to make these to fit in the fridge. >> it's in good shape and it would go right in the fridge. i wish they still made them. these are my finds. >> how did you do? >> this vase was worth $50. not bad. we have a silver plate pitcher. i paid $15. we got it for $30. the match striker, we love that, that is worth a lot of money, too. let me tell you how i did. i got a total of $175. miller got $165. >> janice, you beat the expert. >> yeah, but don was the winner at $250 because he bought this i like ike tie. >> yes. which he says he's going to
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wear. >> and i have a lot of takers here who really want this now. would you wear this? i don't think so. this cool book case. >> how much is this table? >> he paid $70, $125. he was the winner. >> i think i may take you up on your invitation to do a little shopping. >> that would be fun. just ahead, as you know, jenna is leaving us for a short break. also to have of a little baby. we're not going to let her go without a few words of wisdom from the "today" show family. >> erica, quick question for you, i know i'm new at this and all but do they come out this big? i feel this big. >> they do dishes and vacuum. >> you know what, i should have had kids a long time ago.
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[ man on radio ] there's an accident on the freeway that hasn't been cleared yet. ♪ uh! i just want to celebrate [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette you celebrate a little win. nicorette gum helps calm your cravings and makes you less irritable. double your chances of quitting. but do you really? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. can your makeup remover do that? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover.
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okay, okay, first stop on the couch. anyway, we're in the final countdown here. jenna has about 15 minutes until she goes on maternity leave. >> we couldn't let jenna go without a little mommy advice as she gets ready to embark on this exciting new chapter in her life. >> jenna's daughter should know and she will know that her mother has an incredibly big heart. and she kind of hides sometimes behind this rough and tumble and sarcastic and just funny person, but beneath all that is a very sensitive, very kind and a very warm person. >> she's so much fun. she has so much exuberance. and i think any little baby
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would be so lucky to be in her presence. >> i feel the wind blow. >> the sense of humor that she shows is like one of the greatest traits you can have when it comes to being a mother. >> i want jenna's daughter to know that when she hears barry manilow songs, it has a special meaning to her mother. and she's going to hear a lot of that growing up. >> i'm jenna wolfe. just say jenna wolfe. >> her child is going to be laughing from the moment it comes out of her womb. >> being alone in a room for the first time with my family that we worked so hard for and we were so excited to meet this little person, and those are the moments that still get you choked up. >> she'll cry and laugh a little bit, soak up that moment. the first few moments are as close to a religious experience as you will ever have in your life.
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>> it takes your breath away. it is the most precious few seconds of your life when you're first introduced to this little child and you look at it and then you're like now what do i do? >> this is the most control you will have over your child for the rest of your life. as she lies on your chest and you feel that heart beating with yours from the outside for the first time, it is the most wonderful feeling in the world. >> the thing that was great about my mom is she really always supported me. no matter what i was trying to do, she'd say go for it. when your mom believes in you, that's how you learn to believe in yourself. >> the most important thing i learn from my mother is to talk to your children. obviously as an infant the conversations are going to be pretty short and may be misunderstood, but really talking with your children and keeping a dialogue with your children. >> my mother's a social worker, so she always taught me to empathize with people, to put myself in other people's shoes. it remains from when i was a
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small boy the greatest advice i ever got. >> lesson that my mom taught me, when in doubt, call your mom. they always know. they always have the answer and they're always right. >> don't be hard on yourself, you know? don't say, oh, i got to be working out or i'm missing too much work. the only person that matters in the world right now is that little girl. and she needs you desperately. >> just go with your gut. you have got this. you are going to be fantastic parents. you are incredible with your nephews. you love that. they love you. and that's all you have to remember. >> let me just tell you, jenna, i don't think 100 burpies for an infant is probably a healthy thing. i'm not a pediatrician. i don't think 50 squats with only a ten-second rest behind them, i'm not thinking that's probably a healthy recipe for a poor child. just throwing that out there. >> but we're strong. so, i mean, if you can bench press 600 pounds or whatever you can do, you can definitely
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handle this baby. >> i've seen you, okay? i've seen you with those jet ski things on when you went flying through the air with water. she's done everything. burps the baby, change the baby, put the baby to bed. i mean, how tough is it? >> we can't wait to meet this little girl. we know you're going to both be amazing parents. and we know that in 17 or 18 years we get an intern, which is fantastic. free labor. >> i love seeing how happy that has made you. it's the most amazing, miraculous thing in the world and i'm so excited that we're now in the mommy club together. knock em dead. >> go into this whole thing with the confidence you have every single day. you are going to nail this. i'm sure you're nervous. i'm sure you're scared. but as soon as she's in your life, you are going to be such an amazing mother. >> jenna, take care of our littlest fan. congratulations. we'll see you soon.
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>> are you joking? everybody's so sweet and i'm so appreciative of this incredible "today" show family. but barry? >> i said something really nice right before he came on. and it really, really got to him. >> can i say i very rarely take time to just stop and get emotional. this is the most unbelievable thing i'm going through, steph's going through. but to be able to share it with you guys and this family who's been -- the "today" show family has been really wonderful, really means the world to me. you have been so wonderful and i can't thank you enough. >> we can't wait to hold your little girl. i wish i knew her name. >> lesterina is not an option. >> oh thrks is really sweet. >> look at the little peacock. >> everything is so little. >> and that's probably too big. you look at that and you think, oh, it's, you know, it's probably too big. >> this might change me.
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so brace yourselves. i may come back a little more sensitive and a little bit softer. >> it's for the best. >> but as my executive producer said, that's never going to happen. i don't think so. >> i'm not seeing it. anyway, we're going to miss you around here. hopefully we'll see pictures very soon. >> come visit. come say hi. >> thanks so much. >> more after this messages. [ male announcer ] the original salon genius changed hair design forever.
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have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] switch and add a wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles rethink possible. check out that duo 9 and 10 years old taking over the "america's got talent" stage hoping to dance their way into the studio. >> they are out on the plaza with us. nice too much you both here. congratulations on your success so far. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> did you expect to make it to the quarterfinals? how are you doing with all this? >> i'm really excited because i didn't expect to make it. i wanted to but i didn't know if i would make it and i'm really happy today. >> it's so great. you are so impressive. this is a big deal for your entire family because your brother is also competing. is that hard on you guys?
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>> it's a little hard. there are two couples in the quarterfinals, but i think both of us can make it to the semifinals not just me and jonas but he and amanda, also. >> you are going to give your parents a heart attack. this is fantastic. >> some people think because you are so young you don't feel the pressure. do you get nervous? >> we get nervous sometimes. but we just let it go. >> great advice. let it go and dance, lester. >> i want to see you dance so let's see it. >> we'll get out of your way. ♪ and it goes like this take my by the tongue and i love you ♪ ♪ kiss until you're drunk and i'll show you ♪ ♪ the moves like jagger i've got the moves like jagger ♪ ♪ i've got the moves like jagger ♪ ♪ i don't need to try to control you ♪ ♪ look into my eyes and i own you ♪ ♪ with the moves like jagger
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>> so great. great to have you here. keep dancing. these two are on 0 "america's got talent" tuesday and wednesday at 9:00, 8:00 central here on nbc. >> that's pretty awesome. >> it is impressive. let's check in with david gregory and find out what's coming up. how do i compete with that? coming up on the program the crisis in egypt and the washington debate, senators jack rooetd and kelly ayotte on the future of u.s. aid to egypt. plus, the stop and frisk program rejected by a federal judge in new york. i speak with police commissioner ray kelly. and race and justice in america, with trayvon martin's mother all ahead on "meet the press." david gregory, thanks. we'll see you shortly. >> that will do it for us. thanks for watching. jenna, we are all cheering you on and can't wait to meet your baby girl. >> thank you. i will see you in about eight weeks. >> a little bit thinner. >> a little bit. just a little bit. >> i'll see you tonight on
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"nightly news. "thank you so much.
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right now at 7:00 on today in the bay, dramatic new video just in to our newsroom. an elderly woman narrowly escapes serious injury when this truck goes crashing through the front of a home in petaluma and the driver takes off on foot. >> plus, more violence in oakland and police this morning busy as ever, investigating several shootings, the latest in which two people were killed. and the popular owner of a surf school in santa cruz is in jail for allegedly secretly videotaping his young students while they were changing. today in the bay starts right now.


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