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tv   Today  NBC  August 20, 2013 7:00am-11:01am PDT

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a warm one out there. dreps accordingly. enjoy it. we'll see you tomorrow. good morning. breaking news overnight, new a key muslim brotherhood leader we're there live. biden family healthcare, vice president joe biden at his son's side in texas this morning as doctors try ttermine what caused beau biden to become disoriented and weak. we'll have the latest. and freeway scare. a car burst into flames on a los angeles road. inside, the legendary actor dick van dyke. >> it just startsed making a noise. i thought it had a flat first and then it started to smoke and then it burned to a crisp. >> now he has a used car for sale real cheap.
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"today," august 20th, 2013. >> good morning everyone. happy tuesday. i'm savannah guthrie. >> i'm matt lauer along side al roker and natalie morales. dick van dyke keeping that trademark sense of humor. could have been a really scary situation. >> the imagines are so scary but if he is smiling about it and making jokes then it's okay for to us smile, too. so happy he's okay. >> we'll have more on that in a little while. meantime new developments tied to the ongoing saga tied to yankee star alex rodriguez. his attorneys are preparing a lawsuit now against the team doctor. we'll have details on that in a moment. but let's begin this tuesday morning with developments on the tense situation in egypt following the violent crack following the violent crackdowns. richard engle is in cairo. richard, good morning to you.
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there is an article on the front of the "new york times" here's the headlines" egypt in tumult as court orders mubarak freed." he's free but the article goes on to say that may not actually ever happen. what are you hearing? >> yesterday when we spoke to legal analysts after they said that mubarak should be released after that court order, they said it was unlikely, never happen. today, people are saying, well, it is possible, in fact we just got off the phone a short while ago with mubarak's lawyer who said he is 99% sure his 85% client will get out of jail. there are growing calls in this country for mubarak to be released. he's been in prison since he was overthrown in 2011. he was charged with a variety of crimes from stealing state funds to killing protesters. he has been acquitted of almost all of them and he still does face some charges but his lawyers say there is no reason
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to keep him in jail while the legal process continues. this could be resolved tomorrow when a court will decide on a petition for release. >> richard, a couple of other key points also fueling unrest and uncertainty as the arrest of the spiritual leader of the muslim brotherhood, mohammed badi. what are you hearing about that? there's been imagines on tv. >> look at the contrast here. we're talking about the possible release of hosni mubarak and arrest of the muslim brotherhood spiritual guide all within about 12 hours. >> this is the sign the country's new military-backed government does not want to bring mubarak back to power, nobody is talking about that, but reimpose a mubarak type system that while not democratic, was stable. they want to settle scores against old enemies like the muslim brotherhood. >> richard engel in cairo again for us this morning, thank you very much.
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savannah? here at home beau biden is undergoing medical testing in texas today after becoming weak and disoriented and the vice president has made that trip to texas to be by his side. nbc's cheese white house nbc's chief white house correspondent chuck todd has the latest. what can you tell us about this? >> he will be undergoing these tests and this is all diagnostic. the bottom line is they don't know what's causing these episodes. he had an episode while driving on a family vacation through indiana of disorientation and weakness. he checked into a hospital in chicago. from there he went to his home hospital where his doctor treated him for a minor stroke back in 2010, and that was in philadelphia, and from there, they still can't figure out what it is, and there is some experts down in houston at md anderson, savannah, that they're hoping that can figure out what is causing these episodes.
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the most recent one is one of disorientation and weakness. but over the last few days he's been feeling fine. i'm told last night he had dinner with his father, the vice president, but now they're hoping that they can get answers from doctors at md anderson. >> we know you'll continue to follow it. chuck todd in washington thank you very much. natalie with breaking news out of pakistan overnight, good morning to you. >> good morning guys and good morning everyone. in pakistan the former president was indicted in connection with the assassination of benazir bhutto. pervez musharraf arrived in court and pleaded not guilty to murder and other charges. former prime minister benazir bhutto was killed in 2007 after a political rally. this is the first time any former army chief in pakistan has been charged with the crime. in india a passenger train plowed into a group of hindu pilgrims monday at a crowded station. at least 37 people were killed. a mob attacked the engineer and set fire to the train. the pilgrims were crossing the tracks when they were hit by an
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express train. a rail spokesman said the train had been given clearance to pass through the station. more fallout this morning after the partner of an american journalist was detained at the london airport on sunday. london police held david miranda, the partner of glenn greenwald, under anti-terror legislation. the white house says the british government gave them advanced notice of the plan but the u.s. government did not request miranda's detention. greenwald is the reporter who exposed the details of the nsa surveillance program. now to idaho, where authorities are allowing evacuees to return home. miguel is in ketchum, idaho. >> reporter: this is one of the most iconic most historic towns in this region. today because of the work of firefighters it and thousands of homes in this area are safe for
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now. not far from the heart of idaho's massive inferno, today firefighters are gaining ground, containment lines protect communities in the path of the fire. only one home lost, thousands saved. the "x" factor here, wind. worried flying embers will spread fire, a fleet of 30 aircraft have pounded the fast-moving blaze. the fire fight in the air is just as dangerous as it is on the ground. pilots face thick smoke and stiff winds, but their role in this firefight is critical. the aerial assault protected towns like sun valley but the community is now a ghost town. this man opened his restaurant doors last year but the fire has crippled his business. >> right about now, this time of year, streets would be packed. it went literally from 100 miles per hour to zero to full close. >> sparked by lightning and nearly two weeks old, the 105,000 acre beaver fire burns on a day firefighters remember
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well. august 20th, 1992. the foothills fire in boise charred over 250,000 acres in in the yellow stone national park pir 25 years ago today, 67 structures were burned causing over $3 million in damage. near sun valley this morning, the fire fight is far from over. >> it's been hot. it's been dry. it's a perfect fire storm. >> reporter: though this morning thousands of homes remain evacua evacuated, firefighters are making progress. the blaze is roughly 10% contained. it's still actively and aggressively burning but it's not making those big runs. natalie. >> miguel almaguer, ketchum, idaho, thank you so much. actor dick van dyke escaped a car fire on monday that left his jaguar a charred mess. we showed you this a little earlier. take a look at that home video. it happened on the los angeles freeway. officials say a passerby pulled the 87-year-old actor out of the
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car, thinking he was trapped inside, but van dyke said he was just calling emergency crews. his wife shot this video after she came to pick hip up. he escaped, and later tweeted used jag for sale real cheap. if your vehicle does catch fire on the highway here is one way to put it out. look at this video with more than half a million hits on youtube. it was shot in newfoundland, canada. vehicles crashed causing a fire. instead of calling a fire truck, in swoops the fire bomber and puts out the flames. if only it was that easy to call one in. >> here comes one now! >> don't turn around, al. breaking news, mr. roker, it is your birthday. >> yeah. >> thank you. >> what do you get for the guy that has everything? a vine. i'm going to tape a vine and tweet it to you. that's the thing you love more than anything. >> i do like the vine. thank you.
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let's show you, boy, we have had really serious weather in the philippines. we're talking about three feet of water in the streets of manila, up to 60% of the city has been submerged but folks just keep walking along like nothing is wrong, nothing is happening. we have a lot of wet weather in the southeast. it's going to continue raining again. more heavy rain through the southeast today. one to two inches generally, and this rain has been all summer long. we're talking about rainfall amounts, miami, take a look at how much rain they've had so far this year, we're talking over 40 inches of rain. atlanta has had more than 50 inches of rain and that's just -- we still have half the year to go and then as we make our way into north carolina, asheville, we're looking at almost 60 inches of rain for the year so far. we'll get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds.
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♪ back to school for the moreland district. in sunnyvale. this is sunol. a little cloud cover, not a lot. another warm day. we have showers this morning. over the santa cruz mountains, we'll ke atting the forecast as well. seven-day outlook looks like this. bay side 80 degrees and 70 degrees at the coast. mountain thunderstorms going to continue for tomorrow. not quite as humid on thursday. dry heat back saturday into sunday. h. >> all right, al. thank you very much. the future of san diego's mayor is at a tipping point this morning in the wake of numerous
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sexual harassment allegations against him. nbc's joe friar is on the story at city hall in san diego. joe, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. mayor filner was supposed to return to city hall yesterday but there was no sign of him. insteaded sources tell our san diego station that he was in a different building in a closed door meeting with city leaders and a mediator. after weeks of twists and turns the saga over san diego's mayor landed in an all-day closed door mediation session. attorney gloria allred, who represents some of the women accusing bob filner of sexual harassment eventually emerged with one of her clients and a mess acfrom the entire judge who has overseen the meeting. >> he asked us not to comment except to say that the mediation is ongoing. >> due process! due process! >> reporter: this comes as filner supporters pleaded with the public to hold their judgment. >> he is not being tried in the court of law.
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he is being tried in a kangaroo court. he is being tried by the media. >> reporter: they dubbed it the stand behind the filner rally. >> bob must go! bob must go! >> reporter: and it came just one day after the so-called freedom from filner march, where opponents started collecting signatures for their recall efforts. >> now is not the time to stay on the sidelines. removing bob filner from office is a fundamental test of leadership for all san diegans. >> reporter: calls for filner's resignation are growing louder with 16 women accusing him of making unwanted advances. >> and he ran his finger up my cheek like this and whispered to me, "do you have a man in your life?" >> reporter: in response, filner promised to seek therapy during his last public appearance in late july. >> i must become a better person. >> reporter: but his opponents still want him to resign or in the words written across san diego sky, to surrender. filner's car was seen leaving yesterday's mediation session.
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there is no word on what was specifically discussed during that meeting or whether any agreements were reached. matt? >> thank you very much joe friar on that story. there is also new fallout this morning surrounding yankee's star alex rodriguez and his alleged use of performance-enhancing drugs. nbc's stephanie gosk has the latest on this. good morning to you. >> good morning, matt. this is a time of year when fans are supposed to be talking about the pennant race and playoffs but these days it's all about alex rodriguez and his growing feud with major league baseball and the new york yankees. alex rodriguez and the new york yankees are fighting to make it to the playoffs, but the real battle is taking place off the field. this morning, rodriguez's lawyers are reportedly preparing a medical malpractice lawsuit against the yankee's team doctor for failing to properly diagnose a hip injury last fall according to espn. >> nobody told alex rodriguez that he had a hole in his left hip.
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nobody. >> reporter: rodriguez's lawyer joe tacopina gave nbc news a mri he says was taken lost october. a-rod's camp says it proves there's a tear in the soft tissue around the hip. 'half dozen doctors consulted from a range of institutions says the image on its own was not enough information to make a diagnosis. facing a 211 game suspension for using performance enhancing drugs the former mvp and his legal team won't answer the question they keep getting asked. did he do it? >> he shouldn't serve one inning of a suspension, let alone 211 games. >> reporter: taco pinot went on to explain he can't say more about the case siting major league baseball's confidentiality. but on monday the league agreed to waive that policy, including all documents records communications and instant messages relating to rodriguez's treatment by anthony bosch. the man that sold performance enhancing drugs to more than a dozen major league players.
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>> if you'd like me to sit and read this right now. >> reporter: but later tacopina released a statement saying the letter a publicity stunt and trap that could require approval from the players union before he could sign. >> you've got the most storied franchise in the game of baseball. you've got the highest paid player in the history of the game and you have this steroids problem that just won't go away and a player that seems to lawyer up day by day. >> a-rod's legal team says it is working on providing us with more medical information, but it is still unclear what this has to do with the doping allegations and new york yankees vehemently deny withholding any medical information from rodriguez. >> that's a story that will continue to develop. stephanie gosk, thanks very much. the first family is larger this morning. the obamas are welcoming their second dog, named sunny. nbc white house correspondent peter alexander has the story. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning.
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the grass doesn't get greener than moving in here in the white house. a sweet pad sitting on 18 acres right in the heart of the nation's capitol and from the look of things, sunny obama is fitting right in. ♪ move over bo, there's a new dog in town and for our inaugural play date, the white house released its own music video. ♪ a pair of presidential pets frolicking on the south lawn. that will get tails wagging. the first lady tweeted "so excited to introduce the newest member of the obama family, our puppy sunny." just 14 months old, sunny is a michigan native named for her cheerful personality, the family says. a portuguese water dog just like bo because malia has allergies. >> he doesn't know how to swim. >> president obama fulfilled his campaign promise to his daughters. >> you have earned the new puppy that's coming with us to the white house.
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>> reporter: sasha or malia must have sweet talked him this time around. . >> i'm so proud but for now one dog is probably enough. >> reporter: in 4 1/2 years, bowe won the nation's affection, helping out with duties and boarding air force one and gracing the cover of the "new yorker" but always stealing the spotlight. >> this is exactly what he does at home. >> reporter: these days the obamas are celebrating their newest fetching addition to the family. in honor of sunny the obamas are making a donation to the washington humane society. guys, one thing is for certain for the foreseeable future the white house press corps is going to be doubly careful to watch where it steps. >> yeah. treacherous area there. peter thank you very much. do you know who could not be reached for comment? >> who? >> bo. >> depressed. preemptive strike with my kids, one dog, two cats, and a rabbit are enough. >> and no secret service. coming up the new ban on big
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purses and bags at nfl stadiums that has some fans, especially women, crying foul. and why would companies hire violent felons to do work inside your home? an eye-opening "rossen reports" on a tuesday morning but first this is "today" on nbc.
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coming up, the newly released official photos of prince george. we'll hear more from his dad about the newest royal. fan appreciation week on the plaza rolls on. first your local news and weather. [ girl ] by the way, this is not what back to school looks like. the only thing anyone really cares about is that first day.
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investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. read and consider it carefully before investing. risk includes possible loss of principal. the time is 7:26. good morning everybody. i'm jon kelley. a tripping shooting at a restaurant in east san jose turns deadly overnight. police say three people were shot at the hoang hon restaurant on alum rock near north capital avenue. one of the victims later died. this is san jose's 31st homicide of the year. detectives right now are looking for the shooter. police in pittsburg on the hunt for two suspects who broke into a second story bedroom and severely beat a woman. the woman's husband telling our photographer on scene his two children were asleep in the bedroom when the robbers climbed in. when they÷.ñ ran into the woman they attacked her and ran out
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the front door. you may have been awakened by thunder and lightning this morning. strirks happening all over the bay area. we have video from overnight. these photos were from the wed road shores area. one of our photographers got photos of the lightning all over alameda. let's check the forecast with meteorologist christina loren. we're getting showers this morning over the santa cruz mountains. as i widen out, we're still getting lightning strikes offshore. more of the same as we go into the latter portion of the bay area. the heat is going to be a factor yet again. 63 in livermore, right now at 83 by noon. you'll round out the day at about 92 degrees. it's going to be a warm one out there. getting into the weekend though, finally back to average, that dry heat comes back. mike has been a busy man on a
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traffic tuesday. >> not as busy as these folks. fremont police still doing the investigation that may continue until 10:00, as late as this for it to reopen. auto mall parkway is closed between fremont and technology crash between the acura coupe has resulted in the closure. use mission boulevard if you can to is south. it's clear right now. northbound 101 is slow from 85 past oakland road. we're back in a half hour with another local update. see you then.
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7:30 now on a tuesday morning. it's the 20th day of august, 2013. what a pretty morning down in miami, florida. sun coming up over the skyline there. also a beautiful morning here in the northeast, new york city. there is one world trade center on southern manhattan, the tip of southern manhattan. pretty morning here. temperatures going up into the upper 80s. on the plaza, we have a great group of people here. a fan appreciation week. we have some surprises in store. by the way, you don't have to be here to get involved, just tweet why you love today using #love
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fan. we are alongside al roker, the birthday boy. >> i was asked if i'm going to do a mime routine because i'm wearing black and white. we love you, too. >> good. just ahead, we will take a serious turn. a warning before you hire someone to do work in your home. are you sure the company you are dealing with does proper background checks on employees? two families who let criminals through the door hear disturbing stories. a new controversy story in the florida stand your ground law. the psa that re-enacts it killing of trayvon martin using the actual 911 calls from the night of his death. let us begin with a new rule of football. large bag nos longer allowed at a stadium.
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we are at fedex feelt where it was put to the test last night. good morning. >> reporter: hi, matt. women's purses kind of look like weekend bags these days. many of us wouldn't dream of leaving home without it. if you are headed to an nfl game anytime soon, this is going to have to be your new carry on of choice. the nfl has new rules this season. they are being enforced not on the field by referees, but at the stadium entrance by security. this one is too big. yes. >> reporter: it's a ban on almost every type of bag from backpacks to camera cases to diaper totes. that includes all but the tiniest of purses. >> i know, i'm sorry. >> reporter: fans are scrambling to comply. at the monday night game, many turned away. >> i found out about it online before i came to the game.
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i thought my bag was the right size. >> reporter: a page from the tsa play book, freezer bags are allowed. a clear tote no larger than this is okay. >> i'm not going to carry around a zip lock bag. >> the ban follows the boston marathon bombings and applies only to football, not major league baseball or the nba. >> this is predictable after an event like boston. it's important to have increased measures of security. on the other hand, this is more extreme than we have seen elsewhere. >> reporter: it comes as the nfl is focused on the female fans. almost half of all profootball viewers and the one who usually controls the checkbook. >> most fans when they understand what we are trying to do, create an enhanced safety environment and speed entry, once they understand that, they are supportive of the policy.
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>> reporter: it could be a tough sell. a woman's purse is her world. even the guys get that. okay, if you are bringing a camera or binoculars, that's okay. this is the largest bag you can bring in. it has to be see through. they sell them for $8. it strikes a fashion merit. >> we are learning more. >> i don't think it's a fashion thing. i think they should make them available for less money than that, maybe as part of their fan appreciation maybe give some away to the first 1,000 people who show up or something like that. >> good rational. as women, the horror of having what is in your purse -- >> what about our murses. >> you have to see the spoof on youtube about the women and their outrage on this policy. take a look.
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>> squinting your eyes in the sun because you don't have any of your sunglasses. living with sweaty bangs z because you don't have a bobby pin on you. >> our rights to access items such as -- >> gum. >> my aviators my cheap sunglasses. >> a smaller purse. >> a luna bar, a rewards park. >> gum. >> every woman can relate to that. the guys are like what? when you have kids, too, there's a lot of kids stuff that goes into that purse. >> a diaper bag. >> clear bag. >> now we know what to get you for your birthday. >> thank you. let us get a check of the weather from mr. roker. here we are as part of the fan aproshuation week, we are trying to help people out. you want your sister to call
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you? >> i want my wife's sister to call her. >> that's confusing. >> they haven't talked in a year. why haven't they talked in a year? >> i don't know. >> okay. >> we are going to get dr. phil down here. itis best not to know. sorry i asked. thanks so much. we are going to feel like summer again. it has been so cool in the east the jet stream took a dip to the south, but for this week, that jet stream is way up to the north, high pressure dominating so much of the country going to see above normal temperatures, hot and humid in the northeast. it's going to feel more like summer. look at the high temperatures today, it's going to get into the upper 80s in parts of california and also into the upper great lakes. 90s in florida. from the upper midwest, all the way to texas, temperatures will be in the 90s. look for more wet weather making its way to the southeast.
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7:36 on a tuesday morning. good morning. i'm meteorologist christina loren. taking a live look out towards oakland. you can see we have quite a bit of low cloud cover and we have flight delays as a result this morning. temperatures are nice and balmy. starting the day at 60 degrees in san francisco. count on the flight delays to continue until about 10:00 a.m. we should see a nice sunny sky. the daytime heating along with instability means possible thunderstorms this morning. cooler tomorrow, but we keep the chance of thunderstorms going through thursday. s was a question i was just asked myself. is it awesome out here, or is it just me? is it awesome out here? >> yes. >> it's official. >> she is a little awesome also. thank you very much. coming up next, the warning about the people that do work inside your home. why some could have violent criminal records. you would never know it. >> and do you keep a secret shoe stash beneath your desk? but first, these messages. [ bats squealing ]
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we weren't really morning people. we're vampires after all. then we tried this nutri-grain fruit crunch bar. it's so crunchy. crunchy granola, mmmm... made with real fruit, 20 grams of whole grains. now, we love mornings. it's amazing what we're getting done. [ laughs ] whoa. slow down, boy. mornings. who knew? kellogg's nutri-grain fruit crunch. love the morning. my turn daddy, my turn! hold it steady now. i know daddy. [ dad ] oh boy, fasten your seatbelts everybody. [ mixer whirring ] bounty select-a-size. it's the smaller powerful sheet, that acts like a big sheet. look! one select-a-size sheet of bounty
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is 50% more absorbent than a full size sheet of the leading ordinary brand. [ humming ] [ dad ] use less with the small but powerful picker upper. bounty select-a-size. and try bounty napkins. eat tomato sauce on my spaghetti. the acidic levels in some foods can cause acid erosion. the enamel starts to wear down. and you can't grow your enamel back. i was quite surprised, as only few as four exposures a day what that can do to you. it's quite a lesson learned.
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my dentist recommended that i use pronamel. because it helps to strengthen the enamel. he recommended that i use it every time i brush. you feel like there is something that you're doing to help safeguard against the acid erosion. and i believe it's doing a good job. to help safeguard against the acid erosion. there are lots of jamie"jamies" out there,... huh? but that doesn't mean we're all the same. just like greek yogurts. that's why i prefer activia greek. you got that right jamie, there's nothing like it! exactly, because activia greek is the only greek with exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis, and it helps regulate your digestive system. i love its thick creamy texture! mmm! the greek nonfat yogurt that helps tummies smile! activia greek... like no other greek yogurt. ♪ dannon
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this morning on rossen reports, a new warning about the companies you hire to do work inside your home. who are these guys we welcome? and could they be dangerous? today national investigative correspondence jeff rossen found frightening results. >> good morning. we don't think twice about it. need the tv fixed you call the company and need your deck cleaned, you call the company. we trust them to send safe workers but some of the workers are violent felons that robbed and even attacked customers inside their own homes. >> reporter: this little girl
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was just four when it happened. chased around her own living room by a sexual predator. he was here to fix the family's fireplace, sent by a company the girl's mom trusted. >> it was a well-known company that did work in homes across seattle. >> so you figure the worker they're sending to you is safe. >> i had no reason to stop and think differently. >> reporter: all seemed normal. he came in wearing a uniform and started working. but while the babysitter was in the next room, james warning turned his attention to sally's daughter playing just feet away. >> he said to her let's play a game. i want you to be as quite as you can. he exposed himself to her and started to touch himself. he wanted her to take off her clothes. and she managed to keep the couch between herself and him so he wasn't able to touch her. >> as a parent, what was this like for you? >> it was terrifying. it's a feeling of total loss of
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control. >> reporter: even more terrifying, he had a criminal past. a violent felon who spent 15 years in prison for attacking another little girl. that reputable company that sent him in never did a criminal background check. >> i have his rap sheet right here and it's scary. convictions for kidnapping, attempted child molestation and attempted murder. >> and we let him into our living room. >> reporter: he was caught and thrown back in prison. while cases like that are rare, it's happened from chicago, to memphis, to new york. all convicted criminals sent to work inside people's homes. >> it was the most horrific thing anyone should ever go through in their lives. >> reporter: she runs an organization fighting for tougher regulations and it's personal. her sister sue was murdered by a florida contractor sent to work in her home in 2001.
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turns out he was a twice convicted sex offender on parole. >> like so many consumers, she assumed that the company that she hired would be sending safe workers into her home. >> how many of these companies are doing criminal background checks. >> we don't know. not enough. >> and that's the danger. >> exactly. >> reporter: believe it or not, many companies don't have to. there are no federal laws and only spotty local laws requiring service companies to do background checks. checks that may have protected this little girl. >> if the law isn't changed it's going to keep happening. >> there needs to be federal legislation requiring proper criminal background checks. legislation that is strong and has teeth in it and would protect consumers. >> victims are hoping all of those cases will get the attention of federal lawmakers because right now there is no pending legislation to fix this. important, they say, because background checks are expensive
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and many companies won't do them unless they're forced to. if you're having work done in your home today, here's the takeaway for you. ask the company about their policy. do they screen workers? also invite a friend over so you're not alone in the house with that worker. if a friend can't come over, call someone in front of the worker. get on the phone and say, look, john smith from so and so company is here that way the worker knows someone else is aware. of course important to note, many workers are perfectly safe but victims say you should never let your guard down, savannah. all right. jeff rossen, thank you so much. coming up next, the duke and duchess of cambridge show off little prince george. the unexpected story behind these photos, right after this. [ music playing ] say so long to touch-ups.
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revlon colorstay makeup. breakthrough time release technology keeps skin balanced for a continuously fresh look. 24 hour wear. flawless results. maybe we could read together? ♪ what the?! is that halo? i did not see that coming. ♪
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you have outlook? and full office? ♪ wow you are a real pc. let's just go back to reading. ♪ actually, don't read that. ♪ one may measure it by the thickness of its glass. the integrity of its high-strength frame. the amount of stitching in its interior. the power of its torque. or the sheer number of its safety systems... including collision prevention assist, standard. but the true measure is how it protects those inside of it. the 2013 m-class. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. ♪ but i won't do that ♪ or that ♪ or this definitely not this!
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it hurts but i kind of like it! ♪ when i first felt the diabetic nerve pain, of course i had no idea what it was. i felt like my feet were going to sleep. it progressed from there to burning like i was walking on hot coals... to like 1,000 bees that were just stinging my feet. i have a great relationship with my doctor... he found lyrica for me. [ female announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery
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until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. having less pain -- it's a wonderful feeling. [ female announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. to hear more of phyllis's story, visit we're back now at 7:49 with the first official photos of four week old prince george. >> yeah. >> michelle kosinski is at buckingham palace. michelle, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, matt. in true william and kate diy style, these are no professional photos. in fact, they seemed almost designed to show that william and kate are doing okay as well as the baby prince. >> they could almost be anyone's family photos. kate still looking radiant. william gallantly taking the
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brunt of bad back lighting and there, that tiny face, yes, proof that prince george is adorable. but they could hardly be blamed for not trying to wake up the little guy. these official pictures were taken at kate's parents place by kate's dad. even the dog is in there. in fact, william said this about kate -- >> she is doing a fantastic job. >> how is she? okay? >> yes, very well. >> he is doing all right. taking time to adapt. but he has been all right so far. he has been slobbering around the house a bit. he's perfectly happy. >> and william, the first ever futu is wearing a badge of honor. >> he's growing quickly. he's a fighter. he wiggle around a lot and doesn't like his seat which is a little bit of a problem. >> so you get up at night.
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>> not as much as catherine. >> sometimes they were serious and sometimes the most nervous person in the room was the photographer. >> you couldn't actually talk to them in anyway shape or form. direct them in anyway shape or form. you had 7 minutes to capture these world shattering photographs or so we hope for. >> william and kate, the picture of modern parents calling their future king a bit of a rascal. >> i am actually quite looking forward to it. >> and in further proof that the grass is always greener, of course when you're born royal, yeah, you just want to be normal. they could have all the help in the world but william says he and kate like to do things themselves whenever possible and it seems, at this point at least, they still have not hired a nanny. matt? >> all right, michelle kosinski. it cracks me up that here are these pictures saying here's our family and people are online criticizing the photos. back lighting. >> they look just like our pictures. >> i love that it was taken by
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michael middleton in their backyard. >> no one has red eye. let's focus on the positive. >> exactly. >> no honor of these photos we decided to ask our viewers if they wanted to share baby pictures they love. >> oh, cute. >> katie is three months old. >> evelyn barnes is, that's minutes. 8 days old. that's a good one. >> here's baby sky coming up. cute and the last one, jackson. >> maybe not a morning person. >> kind of looks like us in the morning. >> but a little bit of a shadow across the face there. >> we are back right after a check of your local news. with beautiful and durable. let's head to the one place with the flooring we want, the know-how we need, and low prices that won't trample our budget. then let's do some simple placing, locking... and admiring. a better-looking floor is just a few steps away.
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and... they're affordable steps. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. saratoga hickory laminate is a special buy. just 99 cents a square foot. backflips and cartwheels.mile? love, warmth. here, try this. mmmm, ok! ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. explaining my moderate to severe so there i was again,
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chronic plaque psoriasis to another new stylist. it was a total embarrassment. and not the kind of attention i wanted. so i had a serious talk with my dermatologist about my treatment options. this time, she prescribed humira-adalimumab. humira helps to clear the surface of my skin by actually working inside my body. in clinical trials, most adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis saw 75% skin clearance. and the majority of people were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms
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such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. make the most of every moment. ask your dermatologist about humira, today. clearer skin is possible. [ female announcer ] resisting the magical taste of silky smooth dove® chocolate is difficult. but choosing which one is even harder.
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good morning everyone. it's 7:56 on the nose. i'm jon kelley. we're set to learn new details of the labor day construction on the bay bridge. the existing bridge will shut down at 8:00 p.m. next wednesday and photographic will flow onto the new span early on september 3rd or sooner if that work is finished. at 10:00 this morning, the bay bridge toll authority will give an update about planned construction during closure. they will unveil newerly completed work on then$ eastern span. meantime, the new santa clara county stadium is more than halfway done. construction two weeks ahead of schedule, on track to be ready at the end of june. that's more than a month before preseason leaving time for concerts and other events to be scheduled before the 49ers officially kickoff in their strong new digs. right now speaking of strong,
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that weather still very hot outside. christina loren is here checking it out for us. >> good morning, jon. so cool in the south bay where we have our station, nbc bay area, we cover the whole bay area. this is san bruno, taking live look. already seeing clearing. flight delays out of sfo at about an hour. plenty of 60s to go around. you're starting the day out at 65 degrees in livermore. plenty of lightning offshore. throughout the day isolated shower activity. later this afternoon the thunderstorms come back. temperatures work like this, 80s and 90s inland. let's check on your drive with mike. >> south bay continues to drag. 101 at 880 moving better over the last few minutes. it's jammed and has quite a bit of recovery. 87 also jammed coming into downtown. 280 was recovered. a new crash at race tree. still have that closure at auto
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mall parkway at technology. thank you very much. back in a half hour with another local update. see you.
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i love the "today" show. >> hey everybody in tennessee. >> okay, 1, 2, 3. >> nice to have you all here. good morning. >> did i get it? >> for the "today" show. >> happy birthday, al. 8:00 now on tuesday, the 20th of august, 2013. we have a beautiful day and a happy crowd out on our plaza. maybe they're just a little bit happier, more happy than usual because it's fan appreciation week out here on the plaza. we have lots of surprises for the people that are here and for you here at home as well. >> it's also, as part of fan
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appreciation week it's al appreciation day because it's his birthday. a lot of people fired up about that. >> 59. >> 59? >> i thought you were 50 and matt said no, he's way older than that. >> you're surprised it's only 59. >> exactly. as part of fan appreciation week we have surprises for our crowd all week long and behind the curtain this morning we have -- drop the curtain, 1, 2, 3. boom, we are holding spinning classes for lucky or unlucky members of our studio audience this morning and after they get off the bike, we've got massages for those people right here on the plaza. and some of them are going to need those massages. >> that looks awesome. work up a sweat and then a massage. >> spinning class. >> yeah, i did it once. never again. >> then we're offering showers.
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>> they're going to be pooped. a lot more coming up. you can get involved by tweeting with why you love today by using the hashtag todayheartsfans. >> we can't get enough praise. tell us why you love it. >> you actually like us. >> exactly. also coming up this morning, kind of a new wrinkle in the old lean in. a new survey that shows why women are reluctant to ask for raises and why high positions in the company are held by men. it's very surprising. >> how about this question. you're driving in your car, does the song you're listening to on the radio make you more or less of a dangerous driver. >> i think it can. you get a pumping song and you look down and you're doing 90. >> so when your driving to queen
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boheimianrhapsody. >> yeah. >> good morning everyone. bo biden, the son of vice president joe biden is in a hospital this morning being evaluated for symptoms of weakness and disorientation. he experienced the symptoms on vacation in indiana. the vice president travelled to texas to be with his son. this is not bo biden's first health scare. three years ago he suffered a mild stroke. and nancy snyderman is here. what can you tell us about the latest episode. >> we have to remember that his father had an aneurysm, two in 1998 and those were successfully taken care of and in any familiar you worry could there be vascular anomalies that a father and son could have. we have to think by now he has been seen at northwestern hospital in chicago and hospital in philadelphia. things like sugar, calcium, potassium have been ruled out.
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you're looking at a leaky blood vessel or one blocked. and now they're looking at neurologic symptoms. >> that's the specialization of the hospital. >> yeah, it's one of those great big medical center in texas and they'll have specialists there that will be able to look at him. this will be a lot of scans, ct, mri scans, neurologists, neurosurgeons and internists looking at him. hopefully this is a rule out all the pad stuff and we certainly wish them all the best. >> dr. nancy snyderman, thank you so much. texas republican senator ted cruise is renouncing possible canadian citizenship. questions are popping up about whether he is able to run for president because he was born in canada but mostly raised here in the u.s. he appears to have dual citizenship but is making it
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clear he's all american. bob filner is said to be in mediation talks to settle a sexual harassment claim against him. 16 women are accusing him of making unwanted advances and the entire city council is calling for his resignation. police are investigating a death at the home of singer olivia newton john. a 42-year-old contractor is expected of shooting himself at the star's mansion. the palm beach post reports contractors were seen working at the home monday and one of them was crying. people in oregon are waiting to hear if they have to evacuate ahead of a wildfire near the columbia river. meantime, reinforcements are making progress near the fire in idaho. there is deep concern today that thunderstorms could trigger flash floods in the burned out landscape. finally, jumping into new york's hudson river could be risky at best but only a champion cliff diver would jump out of a helicopter 70 feet
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above the swirling river as lady liberty looks on. he hit the water at 50 miles per hour. he did it to promote red bull's cliff diving world series. fantastic and a perfect entry. i give him a 10. it's 8:06. back over to matt and savannah. >> i smell our next team adventure. >> the cannon ball. >> perfect. natalie, thank you very much. he is 59 but he is still nimble. he moved to another side of the plaza. al has a check of the weather. we have another birthday here, who's jeff? >> my uncle. >> happy birthday to him. i'm probably older than uncle jeff too. older than anybody at this point. let's see what we've got as far as your weather is concerned. fire weather dangers from central california on back into idaho and parts of montana and for all of those firefighters, those thousands of firefighters, they're not going to get much relief from the weather because not only are the winds going to
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be gusting upwards of 20 to 30 miles per hour temperatures in the 90s and low humidity and we look for dry lightning storms to develop later tonight. the rest of the country, look for wet weather through the southeast. gorgeous day in the northeast. temperatures do start to warm up. sunny and warm from the plains all the way down into texas and oisture making i 8:07 on a tuesday, good morning, i'm meteorologist christina loren, taking a live look here at the golden gate bridge. you can see we have plenty of low clouds, hard to believe with this scenario, we are still tracking lightning strikes just offshore, starting to get closer and closer to the marin county coastline, i zoom in, you can see most of the bay area is nice and dry for the time being, the best chance for the thunderstorm is going to come in this afternoon and evening, overnight hours, just like yesterday. 29 in livermore, 67 today in san francisco. that chance of thunderstorms through thursday.
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al, thank you. when we come back, a story a lot of women are going to relate to. dour have a pile at your office? why so many of us keep shoes under our desk. >> then did you even know it still exists? we'll talk about the resurgence of electroshock therapy. >> and we're so excited for the kick off of the today book club. we have an author that might just be the next j.k.rowling. but first, these messages. gas. that's how we make our living and that's how we can pass the land and water back to future generations. people should make up their own mind what's best for them. all i can say is it has worked well for us.
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hearty oatmeal now softly baked with a drizzle of cinnamon. it's a brand-new take on a morning classic. soft-baked oatmeal squares. new from nature valley. ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around barbara ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ a blt with best foods is the best. ♪ ♪ bring out the unmistakable taste that can only be best foods. bring out the best.
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[ villain ] well mr. baldwin... it appears our journey has come to a delightful end. then i better use the capital one purchase eraser to redeem my venture miles for this trip. purchase eraser? it's the easy way to erase any recent travel expense. i just pick a charge, like my flight with a few taps, it's taken care of. impressive baldwin. does it work for hotels? absolutely thank goodness. mrs. villain and i are planning our... you scare me. and i like it. let's go what's in your wallet?
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show-stopping glamour. a little leopard, a lot of roar. our most fabulous jacket collection. only at chico's and iand we're talkingl time with diane about the walmart low price guarantee, backed by ad match. you got your list? let's go! look at that price! i like that! they need those for school. wow! that's the walmart low price guarantee backed by ad match. save time and money getting your kids ready for school bring in ads from your local stores and see for yourself. served on a toasted pretzel roll, our new bacon avocado chicken sandwich comes with fries and your choice of soup or salad. it's just one of chili's delicious lunch break combos. more life happens here.
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we're back now 8:11. time for what's trending today as our audience members spin behind us. we begin this morning with stand your ground laws. trending on youtube, the ad recreates the night trayvon martin was killed and includes 911 calls from george zimmerman and a witness to the shootings. >> are you following us? >> yeah, we don't need you to do that. >> all right. sir, what is your name? >> i think they're yelling help but i don't know. >> does he look hurt to you? >> i can't see him. i don't want to go out there. i don't know what's going on. >> so you think he's yelling help? >> yes. >> there's gunshots.
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>> clearly it has impact. the ad is called stand up to stand your ground. the group behind it hopes it will end or end the controversial laws that are now in place and have been in 26 states. >> as we know george zimmerman was acquitted in trayvon martin's death. in reaction his brother tweeted this about the ad. this pick, george zimmerman was also part of the trial and so was the inability to retreat while mounted and tumelled. a spokeswoman for trayvon's mother said the ad was too much for her to discuss but is also trying to repeal the laws. we already know that fumbling with buttons while driving to find a good song was linked to greater accidents while people are disstratracted. we learned the song itself could have the same effect.
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teenage drivers that played their own music created more traffic violations than those that picked songs randomly. they also decreased the songs played for him. speeding and one handed driving were among the most common violations. but it makes sense. >> of course it makes sense. >> especially if you're savannah and doing the side clap as you listen. >> yeah. >> 10 and 2. >> that's right. >> well, trending from new york magazine the secret beneath every woman's desk. >> yes. >> you know that. >> i've looked under women's desk. >> women have a secret stash of shoes underneath their desk. >> that's what you were talking about? >> exactly. we toured our offices here today to find out. >> welcome to my shoe collection. as you can see, it's -- i can't
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pull it out. >> i have one, two, three, four, six pairs of heels. >> i have, i don't know, ten pairs under here as you can see. >> you've got the flip flops just for lazy days. >> it's more efficient to keep your shoes at work because you never know what you're going to need. >> you got a pair of wedges. >> heels for when i get to the office. another pair of flats. and you can't go wrong with nudes. >> you can pick any color, any height, every style. gives you everything you need in the office. >> don't tell my husband i have this many in the office, though. >> this way at least she can buy more. >> she can say i only own 10 pair. >> but she actually has 15. we outed you. >> that's crazy. >> this doesn't get into the medicine cabinets in our desk drawer. >> and snack drawers. >> the snack drawer is big. >> we also asked you to send us
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your photos and we got quite a response. wow. >> look at this. >> that's crazy. >> i don't think guys do that. >> no. we're not hoarders apparently. >> it doesn't have anything to do with hoarding. it's about being comfortable. >> versatility. >> this is fan appreciation week and al got started a little bit early last week and he made a special friend on our plaza right before our story on work place humor. >> my name is liza joseph. >> you're due today. >> i am and on my prebaby bucket list is to meet al roker. >> there you go. >> my sister, my mom. >> hey guys, who will this be? well, i don't know, it's a girl. i can't tell you. it's a surprise. i'll tell you next time. >> okay. >> you're my good luck charm. >> we hope so. wait, there's water down there. >> yeah, that joke doesn't get better with age. >> yeah. >> but we have an update because
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we're happy to report that she delivered a beautiful baby girl over the weekend. named elle. >> she came in 7 pounds, 10 ounces. congrats. she held off a couple more days. >> and speaking of birthdays, mr. roker. >> thank you. >> we have to give you a toast. >> i would like some toast. >> would you like jam on that toast. >> that's awfully nice. thank you. >> what is it? a momossa? >> couldn't share it with with a nicer group. >> happy birthday. cheers. >> to all the birthday folks out there. >> there you go. meanwhile, that is what is trending today. meanwhile, coming up in our 8:00 block, when's the last time you asked for a raise or spoke up at a meeting? a new survey that's adding an extra layer to the lean in debate. and first, on today's cover story, electro shock therapy.
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one seen as a barbaric procedure. mara schiavocampo has more. you maybe surprised to learn that an estimated 100,000 americans undergo the procedure every year and for many the experience is much different than what you might think. these are the imagines often associated with we electroshock therapy. portrayed by hollywood as painful, violent and archaic. but for denise stewart the experience was life saving. >> there would be voices in my head that would sit there and see denise, see the knife in the kitchen, cut your wrist. see those pills over there? take all the pills. >> reporter: when antidepress t antidepressants made her condition worse her doctors turned to ect. >> if it hadn't been for the
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electroconvulsive therapy i wouldn't be alive right now. >> reporter: they're transforming it into a widely accepted treatment for depression and bipolar disorders. >> ect is now recognized as an effective treatment as opposed to something barbaric and invasive and has damaging effects to patients. >> reporter: just last week simon winchester spoke out on our show about his own ect experience. >> electroconvulsive therapy sig sig sigmatized as it maybe does work. >> it lasts a few seconds each. patients are debated and don't feel a thing and doctors say it's sometimes more effective than antidepressant medications. >> 70 to 80% of people respond favorably and in some cases have a complete remission of symptoms. >> reporter: but there's
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negative side effects such as memory loss. something stewart admits struggling with. but still the therapy brought her and her family a sense of hope. >> i'm showing my kids the way life should be. i'm showing them that there is recovery from mental illness. life is much better. i have life now. i didn't have life before. >> ect is backed by the american psychiatric association, the american medical association and the surgeon-general and experts also say that for some patients it could be the difference between being institutionalized and leading a normal life. good morning to you. >> hey, matt. >> there's people that just watched that say it's effective and can be life changing but i still can't get past the stigma. >> we can't get past the stigma of the visuals from movies and the fact that you consider modern medicine. but time and time again if you look at patients with severe
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depression that don't respond to medication, they'll tell you that ect works. it's not something like the american medical association is keeping in just to dig it's heels in. they're saying it works, it's safe, therefore we should still do it. >> is it a one time thing or do patient versus to keep going back? >> it depends. most patients will have a series of a few and see how they do but mara pointed to the most important thing which is short-term memory loss is real. some people will have that. >> but you will regain the memory? >> sometimes yes, sometimes no. you won't lose the memory of who you are or what you have done in life but you may forget what you had for dinner. >> but that can be a major side effect for people. >> but then you have your days activities to come and replenish it. i give it. there's nothing that we give them in the psychiatric world that doesn't have a side effect. medications included. >> forget the diagnosis. you say it work with bipolar and depression. what about the patient in terms
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of age, gender? does that matter? >> well, increasingly we started looking at preadolescents, adolescen adolescents. for years it was just adults. but as we try to figure out obsessive compulsive disorder and bipolar and depression. when medications don't work, we talked about medicinal marijuana in the past. i think the whole body has to be stretched. i'm not pro ect. i'm pro using things correctly when nothing else works. >> in specific circumstances. >> doctors will always try medication first but if it means institutionalizing someone versus a real life i say yes. >> this is a last resort. >> it's never a first line resort but does it work? yes. i've seen it work. >> thanks. savannah. >> now to a new survey getting a lot of attention for what it reveals about women in the work place. it was conducted by elle magazine and the center for
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american progress. good morning. >> good morning, nice to see you. >> a lot of interesting figures in this. it's a mixed bag. one of the things that leapt off the page, 58% of women executives you found had asked for a raise but 53% of lower level female workers had never done so. what does that tell you? when you first start out working women are afraid to ask for that raise? >> the more power you get the more you start asking for things. one of the things that happens is you move up in the work place and get more responsibility and people depend on you more and you're much more capable of negotiating things the way you would like them to be. >> one of the results that surprised or shocked some of the researchers has to do with this one. the same amount of male and female leaders said women don't reach executive level positions because they're not tough enough. it's amazing not only that that's the view but that people were willing to admit that. >> right. and i think it's unfortunate because, you know, you work in a very competitive environment and
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i do too and we are tough enough. i just think that's part of the perception and perception of women in general that we're not tough enough. >> we talk about discrimination in the work place. 55% of women executives say they face discrimination. 31% thought they would be paid more if they were a man and 2-thirds of women and half of all men think women are skrut ni -- scrutinized more harshly. but younger women say they don't feel they face discrimination. >> isn't that interesting? one of the things we did was an older worker wrote to a younger woman and said as you move up in the work place you'll find that more and more women are discriminated against as you move up. why is that? and we're interested in the fact that so many women have reported this. but one of the reasons has to do with the wage gape. it's a real thing. it still exists. another has to do with the fact
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that women opt out once they have their children. women are leaning in and leaning in hard. >> and very quickly, you have working dads also surveyed here. 50% said they sometimes leave their work to deal with family obligations. only 34% of moms say the same thing. >> we work harder, we work better, we work faster? but we're all working hard. >> there's a lot of interesting information in this survey. thank you so much. great to have you here. appreciate it. still ahead, we'll have more fun with our fan appreciation week out here on the plaza. but first, your local news.
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good morning to you t is 8:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. newly elected santa clara supervisor cindy chavez will be sworn in today, ceremony 569 p.m. at the county government center later on today the labor leader will be the first woman to joint five-member board of supervisors since supervisor liz smith termed out in chan. chavez replaces george shirakawa junior who resigned in march and pled guilty to felony charges, including people, earlier, a tough morning commute. check in with mike. >> generally heavy flow of traffic in the south bay now. northbound ramps like 101, a slow down here, fremont, 880 into the area, bogged down around mission boulevard.
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let's show you the map. still on slower speeds into the upper 50s, travel past dumbarton bridge and toward mission, which moves smoothly, you will take that to the parkway, has the closure between fremont bowl swrard and technology drive, early-morning crash involving a big truck, a dump truck and a coup basically there, the investigation continue there is with some injuries as a result. they have been transported from the scene. still the closure there. the northbound routes from 101, 87 and 85, all still very slow, 280 starting to move better. back to you. >> sounds good. i will be back with another local news update in half an hour. hope to see you then. have a great morning.
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it's a tuesday morning, august 20th, 2013. it's fan appreciation week here on the plaza. look what we have going here. we have a spinning class for some members of our audience. most of them seem pretty happy about this. they're getting direction from instructors from fly wheel and after they get off the bikes they're enjoying massages from the folks at bliss spa. so we thank both of them.
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are you enjoying this? >> i am, very much. >> would you have done this had we not asked you to do it. >> are you a spinner? >> i used to be. >> you used to be. well welcome back. >> what's your name. >> tara. >> nice to have you. >> this is her daughter. are you looking forward to the spinning or massage more? >> massage. i need a break after this. >> you play basketball in kentucky. >> middle tennessee state. they're watching me making fun of me. i'm supposed to be on vacation. >> she is working hard. >> yes. >> thank you for that. >> we'll let you have that because it's your birthday. good morning everyone. coming up we'll have a story from bob. it's about a swimming coach teaching more than swimming, she's teaching the keys to the a happy life. >> we have creative and delicious dishes with our good buddy. >> i love zucinni.
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>> first a check of the weather. >> first of all, starting with today, we're expecting plenty of sunshine in the northeast. looking good but wet weather in the southeast. rain as it makes it's way into the southwest. up and down the west coast we have gorgeous weather. tomorrow, still dealing with that pesky rain that makes it's way up into the upper ohio river valley and a risk of strong storms and wet weather back into central nevada. hot weather making it's way from the gulf coast, texas 8:32. happy tuesday morning to you you i'm meteorologist christina loren. nice and clear here over san jose now, but we are expecting the cumulonimbus towers start to develop. we head throughout the afternoon, humidity out there and the lightning offshore. zoom in and show you the bay area at this point is nice and dry. keep you updated every 15 minutes, tracking those showers and thunderstorms as they develop, expect most of the
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activity late this afternoon into the evening, 92, livermore, 85, san jose, a drier pattern friday through sunday. and we've got one more moment of appreciation, besides our fan appreciations. there's few people that can say they worked at the same place for 45 years. well, jean anderson can. she has been an anchor at king 5 in seattle since 1968. >> i think we have some seattle fans back there. >> that's great. you have seen all of these changes. what's been the most important thing that's happened for you. >> in terms of broadcasting, i think there's so many other devices that people get their news on, not just television but things have changed a lot from that picture. >> so you worked with your own share of ron burgandys. no i had great anchorman. i was the first female. king 5 is a great tv station.
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>> yeah. >> and we have been able to do a lot of firsts. i think you have some video, we have gone to china. first local tv station in china. first local anchor of a russian tv station that ran a show much like today and i got to cohost that. >> that's terrific. >> congratulations. >> got to cohost today and fill in for jane pauley which was a little bit like sun bathing naked i would say. >> okay, look at the time. it's been so fantastic. >> i can just say one thing? >> sure. >> happy birthday. >> thank you so much. i know everybody in seattle and that area appreciate you. >> thank you very much and you, bring your whole gang to seattle. we'd love to have the "today" show in seattle. wouldn't we seattle. >> yes. speaking of fan appreciation we have all the spinners. take a look at some of our interns. they have lotions and gatorade and shirts. all sorts of neat stuff for our fan appreciation folks all
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hanging out. now, let's check in with uncle willard. >> hey, it's birthday time. california, we love that town. and that's the hometown of catherine reichert. she loves roller coasters. she rode them all afternoon. that's a roller coaster fan. 100 years old. happy birthday to you. also we have charles carroll. that's a great name. from delray beach, florida. 100 years old today. loves sports. watches and listens on radio. participat participates. he is a real winner all the way down the line. >> from seneca, south carolina. vada headerson. loves chocolate chip cookies. but who doesn't?
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he not only eats them, she makes them. a quarter of milk and hot cookies. who can ask for more? >> ethan shelton, niles, michigan. beautiful fruit country up there. 110 years old. taught himself to play the fiddle when he was 108. he can do fire on the mountain. happy birthday to you. lois yontz from peoria heights, illinois. she loves to do needle point and she is 100 years old today. we wish her a happy birthday. columbia, missouri, one of the great towns in america. he is 100 years old today and he enjoys, loves to talk politics. don't get too, you know, you can get fired up over that. especially with family get togethers.
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you might deck somebody. that's our birthday group today. now back to new york city where they always have fun. >> willard, thank you very much. up next, we will reveal the book pick for today's book club and we'll meet the promising author but first, this is "today" on nbc. look at 'em.
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living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] switch and add a wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles rethink possible. [ hero mom ] oh, yeah. we're gettin' cereal. 'cause over 40 general mills cereals are 130 calories or less per serving. just look for the g. boom! that's how nutrition is done, people. [ laughs ] ♪ [ female announcer ] hey ladies.
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you love it. you've got to have it. cinnamon toast crunch, 'cause that cinnamon and sugar is so irresistible. everybody craves those crazy squares.® all right. we're back now with an exciting new chapter, so to speak, for today, the start of our own book club. >> we're excited about this. we'll have something for everyone whether you're a fan of the classics or looking for the next big thing. >> this is a brand new experience for book lovers. you'll have the opportunity to directly connect and interact with us and our featured author via a google hang out moderated by one of them. >> are you ready to kick it off? >> yes. >> here's our first pick for the "today" show book club. it is the bone season.
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this is a different book experience. just out today. it's book one in a series about a courageous young woman fighting for freedom against a repressive futuristic society. does it sound familiar? well, hunger games fans, this one maybe for you. i sat down with samantha shannon at oxford university where much of the book's action takes place. and a 21-year-old with a six figure book deal and talk of a movie, this has all been a dream. >> she's more than meets the eye. meet samantha shannon. two weeks ago she graduated from oxford university. this week she is debuting her novel, the first of seven books from the same publisher behind another series you may have heard of. >> you're a wizard harry. >> so of course there have been a lot of comparisons already that you perhaps maybe the next j.k. rowling. what do you say about that? >> i admire her.
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i don't think we should be looking for a next someone. i'd rather be the next samantha shannon. >> what does it take to be the next samantha shannon? an early start. she began writing stories at age 13. >> most teenagers are going out with friends and hanging out and playing video games. but you were writing. >> yeah, pretty much. i would be writing pretty much all day. >> her self-described addiction to writer caused her mother to worry she wasn't getting out enough but shannon was determined. at 17 she sent her first manufacture to 10 agents. 10 rejections came back. >> it was pretty heartbreaking at the time. >> still one of those agents, david godwin saw promise and hired shannon as an intern. >> i think it shows intelligence that she can address what was wrong from the book and learn from it and then turn it into something extraordinary. >> little did he know shannon was already hard at work on her
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next book inspired by godwin's own offices in the heart of the seven tiles district of london. >> there's a lot of shops around there that felt like taro cards and crystal balls and stuff. >> the bone season think action adventure but the action is all in the mind. the year is 2059. a repressive government called scion. our young heroin is a hunted processing a special power to enter people's minds. paige commits a crime that lands her in a colony in oxford where she forms an alliance with her captive. a man that could lead her to her freedom or downfall. the book was sent to the editor and chief. >> i literally had to read to the very, very end -- when that happens to you, which happens once every ten years, you know you have to run after it and do
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everything you can to get it. >> she immediately bought the book, along with the next two in the series for 6 figures. >> when you were that kid of 13 years old writing your short stories did you ever invision that you would be living your dream? >> i guess i hoped for it. i didn't ever imagine it would be quite as amazing as this. so i do feel like it's a dream come true. >> a dream that keeps getting better. the film rights have mr. been sold to imaginarium. he is gollum from lord of the rings. >> we picked your first to be our first today show book club book. >> awesome. wow, thank you so much. that's -- wow. i never imagined it would ever get to that kind of level. >> samantha shannon, remember that name. she is a remarkable young talent
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with a bright future ahead of her. she is front page of the usa today life section already. as you read the book, if you do have any questions i'll have a google hang out with samantha next month. log on to today for more details and all of you guys are fans and are getting books. >> so you're going to assign homework? >> you must read and you have a month to digest. >> how did you get hooked up with this book? >> i discovered her reading an article on her while i was in london. >> that's right. plenty of time. >> great expectations and war and peace and then tackled this one. >> still ahead, healthy options to curve your cravings. but first, this is "today" on
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do you see the 10% back in points, aw baby, i'm seeing triple again. plus another 10%, plus free shipping? yeah. you're good. this is the member triple play deal. this is sears. ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around barbara ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪
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♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ 90-calorie fiber one lemon bar. and we are back with today's
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american story with bob dotson. this comes from north carolina where bob found a swimming coach that cares more about kids than a winning team. >> fwoorngood morning. the coach is teaching more than how to compete. the coach is teaching us a lesson in life. >> ready sunshine. >> reporter: you might sit on the sidelines of life. pat believes you don't have to stay there. in this city surrounded by sea, pat wants every child to learn how to swim. she has taught thousands. >> remember. i'm old and i'm -- >> tired. >> tired, take it easy on me. >> reporter: she helps the children that were overlooked. lindsey still remembers the ms. pat look that got her into the
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pool. >> show them the look. >> reporter: she was a stubborn 7-year-old with down syndrome. >> ms. pat wanted the kids to learn the stroke, do it correctly, and do the best they could. >> practice makes permanent. >> reporter: lindsey did better than all right. >> this one is my favorite one. >> are you any good? >> i'm good, yeah. >> reporter: she has won 78 state and national championships. >> ms. pat doesn't do that. she never took one of them to the side and like oh you're different. >> reporter: kristen wall now trains dolphins. she learned how to swim with lindsey. neither was treated like thin glass. >> okay, you get the middle right there. do like a 100 free style kick and warm up a little bit. >> reporter: pat knows the pain of life turned inward. your ribs and now you're going to push forward and backward.
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>> reporter: multiple sclerosis put her in a wheelchair years ago. >> i can't imagine living my life without ms. you learn a lot about who you are. >> reporter: like any winner, ms. pat doesn't give up. >> kick, kick, kick. >> reporter: but perhaps the finest lesson she teaches is how to handle loss. in 2012 her husband jim was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. the boy she met at 16 and married at 18 was given just a few months to live. >> i don't see a 61-year-old man. i still see that 16-year-old kid. >> who still sends her cards signed with a short hand message. >> i am madly in love with you and can't live without you. >> reporter: over the years they learned that a successful marriage requires falling in love many times with the same person. >> it never mattered to you how much i weighed or even if i could walk.
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>> reporter: together they raised a house full of kids. >> and there, there's you with the two of us and the look on your face says what did i just do. >> reporter: and all those swimmers. >> hey mr. joe. how are you? >> reporter: the children who had once been overlooked did not overlook them. >> we would come home from radiation and the lawn is mowed. >> reporter: they taught them the heart of living. three days after this tender moment, jim died. >> he's around me always. always. >> reporter: the best of jim lives on in her. life can be frightening. >> my little cannon ball. come on. >> reporter: pat believes it's up to us to make it beautiful.
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all these lessons from a woman that had never been to a swim meet before she started teaching at 37. she was busy learning about life. >> very nice. thank you. we appreciate it. >> we are back with much more of today in a moment. but first, this is "today" on nbc. [ female announcer ] when you asked us to remove
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high fructose corn syrup from yoplait original and light, we were like, "sure. no problem!" and you were like, "thanks, but what about thick & creamy and whips!" and we were like, "done and done! now it's out of everything yoplait makes." and you were all, "yum!" and we're like, "is it just us, or has this been a really good conversation?" and you were like, "i would talk, but my mouth is full of yogurt." yoplait. it is so good!
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today's kitchen is brought to you by chili's new bacon avocado chicken sandwich. >> it's all about zucchini and ways to enjoy it. mark, welcome back. >> matt. >> zucchini doesn't get a lot of respect. it's everywhere right now. >> for a month or six weeks you can find it almost everywhere. it's cheap. people are trying to figure out what to do with it. >> you go to the store. what don't you want? >> generally smaller is better. these are not the best kind of zucchini but they're still useful. if they feel kind of soft you can actually scoop out the inside seeds and make good use of the outside flesh but these are -- >> they're great. >> yeah, firm and crunchy when
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they're raw. they cook up beautifully. >> you're going to make barbecued zucchini and use an indoor grill. >> you'll make barbecue sauce which is ketchup obviously. >> ketchup. >> no cooking here. brown sugar, chili powder. powdered mustard. rice vinegar and a little bit of white wine. and just easiest way to do this -- and see these are the seeds that, in a bigger one than this if they feel soft and cottony you can cut them out but these are okay. >> you don't want to cut them too thin, right? especially for the grill? >> no, we're just cutting big wedges like this. >> i got the sauce done. >> excellent. >> you're going to brush that on? >> i don't see a -- >> i have a brush. >> i would like to turn them. >> too brave, sorry. >> so brush this on -- >> hang on a second. okay.
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we'll brush them on there. >> what you wind up with is a really nice plate of -- i mean, i think it's really unusual barbecued zucchini. >> serve it hot or. >> room temperature is great. >> next what are you making? >> this is classic pasta with zucchini and sausage. so you cook your -- it's a one pot dish, well, with the exception of bowling the pasta. took your sausage with garlic until it's brown. >> that will happen quickly. >> very quickly. >> we were just saying, you have to win her over. >> i'm not a zucchini fan. >> but that meat looks good. >> yeah, well. >> sausage makes everything better. >> well, zucchini, garlic, sausage, pasta. >> if you didn't want the sausage could you use another protein. >> bacon.
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>> bacon. >> you could use shrimp. >> here's the finished product. >> that looks amazing. >> and these. >> ricotta cheese and oil and lemon juice and zucchini. >> come on savannah, take a bite. >> how could you not like something that's so bland. >> finally for dessert sweet savory dishes and good morning, 8:56 now you i'm laura garcia-cannon. los gatos' town council voted to ban plastic bags. the new ordinance would ban all retailers, except dry cleaners, restaurants and thrift stores from providing free plastic grocery bags. recycled paper bags will be sold for 10 cents. los gatos bag ban goes into effect in february. check the forecast now with meteorologist christina loren. >> hey, thank you, laura.
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good morning to you. a good-looking day shaping up inland, 92, 82 at the coast, 70 headed your way, interesting as we head through this afternoon into the overnight hours, more thunderstorms headed our way. tomorrow, going to keep that humidity going, not quite as humid thursday. then friday into the upcoming weekend, back to average.
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>> announcer: from nbc news, this is today's take with al roker, natalie morales, and willie geist. live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. pretend you don't know. >> yeah, pretend you don't know because we have all of these surprises planned for al on this tuesday morning, august 20th, 2013 because it is al roker's 59th birthday. you don't look a day over 49. >> you look good. >> thank you. i look good for a guy that's 67. >> meanwhile i think the crowd has been rehearsing. >> yeah. >> guys, come on. >> i like that hat. >> very nice. >> very nice. >> look at that. all for you. >> very nice.
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>> the birthday boy. >> meanwhile, you have a good day planned but surprises in store for you. before we get to that just to make you feel really young today, did you know that when you were born, apparently, it was just the beginning of all of these inventions, including bubble wrap invented in new jersey in 1957. apparently they were trying to make textured wallpaper. >> actually they started -- they invented it in 54b'54but for th years they were just doing this. >> yeah, just a minute. the noise. >> you are older than a hand held calculator. >> wow. i'm older than a blackboard. >> the first calculator was developed by texas instruments in 1967.
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it could do all the things that calculators do nowadays but it was on paper tape. >> you don't look 59. you just don't. >> thank you. >> not at all. >> you have gotten better with age. >> i think so. i certainly don't feel like what i thought 59 would feel like. >> right. we do have a bunch of treats for you. come on in. >> look at this. >> we know how much you love bacon around here. >> who doesn't love bacon? >> this is bacon soda. >> you have to try some of these. >> bacon lip balm. >> that has to be delicious. >> that's a lot of bacon. >> bacon lollipops. >> bacon coffee. >> bacon tooth picks. >> wow and yet no bacon. >> your favorite saltwater taffy. >> but no bacon. >> wait. i have a gift also for you all the way from the uk. especially for you, al. >> all the way from the uk.
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>> wow. >> wait, wait. >> check out my union jack. >> they would go down -- >> something would go down. >> thank you very much. >> you don't want to break out your -- >> that's right. and the mast goes in front. thank you very much. >> we have your favorite drink. >> i do like it. >> we know how much you love it from the olympics and since mel b. is here. >> yeah. >> cheers. >> happy birthday. >> you look better at 59 than you did at 49. >> that's all right. love it. >> that is a good drink. >> all right. and these. >> i love that we all made an effort for you today. >> i know. and all the folks wearing the hats. >> i know. >> and over here, my accountant
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is here. he's been working on my latest set of books. all the fine follks from the ne york renaissance fair. they have been entertaining the crowd. >> september 22nd. >> yeah. >> we're also looking at the first pictures of little prince george. >> i just love this family photo. >> i do too. >> it's the best. >> it's so -- it was taken by her father michael middleon the in their back wrayardbackyard. >> just like all of us. i love this. >> the lighting is good. it makes them look pretty all of them. >> very angelic. >> yeah because they don't look that good normally. this is a gorgeous family. >> look howell behaved george is. >> she is stunning i think. >> the dog is good. >> he has his profile shot. >> yeah, they're good-looking and well behaved. >> it's very proper english that
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picture with the dog involved. >> i think we take pictures with the dogs. do you take pictures with your dog? family photos. >> yeah but pepper never seems to cooperate. >> yeah, that's the hard part. we took a picture with my kids and the dog too. she's a member of the family. >> yeah. >> you want to include them. >> but i love the picture of the royals. it just shows you how casual they are. >> there's your guys. >> yeah, these are my kid with the dog. >> your kids. they're gorgeous. >> yeah. >> i have all girls. all girls. >> there you go. >> your girls, my boys. yours are a little older. >> i have 2-year-old, 6-year-old, 9-year-old and 14-year-old. >> how do you look as good as you look after all of those kids. >> i have to workout. it's a bit of a commitment. >> you do it. everybody does. speaking of dogs and pets, the president of the first family got a new dog. >> they did. >> sunny.
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nice weather related name. >> same kind as bo. >> the royals have their dog and now he has gone and got another dog. >> he's trying to outdo them. >> he has seen their dog and raised them one. >> i like that. >> bo needed a play mate. >> are there secret service dogs? is there a dog with a collar, all right -- >> there are. [ barking ] >> yeah, exactly. >> wrestle that squirrel to the ground. >> we've got your picture, pepper actually has a little bit of the -- yeah, i tweeted pepper would like a play date. >> there she is. >> she kind of looks like bo and sunny. >> yes. >> there we go. here's a new study out that confirmed that red lipstick, as seen on mel b. is officially the sexiest color. >> really? you needed a study for that? >> when you have the total package like mel b. you don't
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need a study to tell you, though. the scientists at the university of manchester spent a lot of time researching red lipstick. >> that has to be true, then. >> all right, bloke, let's see, and then putting lipstick on each other. you don't look so good. let's not do that. >> come on, al. >> come on. it's my birthday for god's sakes. >> just a little bit. >> come on. >> oh. >> gorgeous. >> wow. >> see i think you look sexier already. >> wow. >> instantly sexier. >> i don't know. is this red? it looks pinker. >> it's a russian red. >> russian red. this is the one vladimir putin wears when he goes out to the clubs on saturday night. >> it is mac red. >> what's more red than that.
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>> have you ever worn that before. >> i have not. actually on halloween when i went as oprah, which i actually looked more like weezy jefferson. >> you did. >> i felt so bad about that. i really did. oprah is a far, far, far, prettier woman. >> here's reason for you to wear red lipstick, if you were a waitress and wore red lipstick, a french stuty said you get tipped 50% more from male customers than those wearing other shades of whatever color lipstick. >> so ladies need to get their red on. >> we have three different photos of mel with a variety of lip colors. >> look at this. >> not so sexy. >> no, is that pink? >> pinkish. >> then next one. >> i like that. that's the nude lip. that's very sexy. >> that's just your lip color. >> and then -- i'm not sure what
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that color is. >> peachy pink. >> but the red you're wearing today -- >> this is where it's at. forget the dress that you're wearing. >> let's look at natalie's lip colors. >> okay. >> i don't know what that is either. >> kind of a reddish, i guess. >> that's red. >> yeah. >> and then that. >> yeah. >> very nice. >> the other time you wore red was when you flashed the first lady wearing that red dress. >> yeah. >> that was nice too. >> that was embarrassing. >> you flashed? >> thanks for bringing that back. >> that's what i'm here for. >> drink more. it's the real deal. >> let's talk about the weather. first of all, we're looking at more wet weather around the gulf coast. southeast, again, more wet weather. can't get rid of it. fantastic weather today in the northeast, into the upper ohio river valley. the heat continues in the southwest and pacific northwest. more wet weather from the
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southeast into the lower ohio river valley. go 9:09 on a tuesday morning. lots of lightning surrounding the bay area but just want to kind of zoom in and show you nothing happening just yet. we are expecting some of that action as we head throughout the second to half of this afternoon, into the evening and overnight hours. temperatures will be warm, plenty of 90s headed our way, 92, inland, 80 bay side at the coast today, 70 degrees, keeping that humidity going wednesday into thursday, finally, see some dry heat and back to average friday into saturday. and that's your latest weather. >> we're still popping it. >> yeah. >> coming up next, need some fast financial advice? our money expert answers questions from our crowd. right after the break. [ female announcer ] is your conditioner doing the job? ♪ ♪
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dry hair needs a daily dose of effective moisture. new dove daily moisture has pro moisture complex that goes deep down to hair's cellular level. it moisturizes to give you up to 5 x smoother hair in one wash. dove's most effective conditioner yet. new dove daily moisture. ♪ [ male announcer ] not all toral-b pro-health toothbrushes have crisscross bristles that remove up to 90% of hard to reach plaque. feel the difference. oral-b, trust the brand more dentists and hygienists use. oral-b. [ ding! ] losing your chex mix too easily? time to deploy the boring-potato chip decoy bag. then no one will want to steal the deliciousness. [ male announcer ] with a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix is a bag of interesting. why didn't they think of this varietysooner?tes and textures, you see, the smart tube reaches the bottom so you can spray every last drop.
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absolutely magnific... my bottle! my eagle! introducing... uhh.. re-introducing smart tube technology. this man is about to be the millionth customer. would you mind if i go ahead of you? instead we had someone go ahead of him and win fifty thousand dollars. congratulations you are our one millionth customer. nobody likes to miss out. that's why ally treats all their customers the same. whether you're the first or the millionth. if your bank doesn't think you're special anymore,
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you need an ally. ally bank. your money needs an ally. olive garden's never ending pasta bowl is back. unlimited breadsticks and salad, plus never ending combinations of pasta and sauce just $9.99. and even unlimited meatballs, sausage or chicken for $2.99. it's all unlimited when you go olive garden. we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. this labor day, don't invest in a mattress until you visit a sleep number store. once you experience it, there's no going back. oh, yeah! at our biggest sale of the year, every bed is on sale. queen mattresses now start at just $599. and save an incredible 40% on our limited edition memory foam mattress sets. only at a sleep number store. sleep number. comfort individualized.
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today's money is brought to you by bank of america. back now with today's money and we're taking a minute to manage your finances. >> we're challenging sharon to take questions from the crowd and answer them in 60 seconds of less. good to see you. >> why is it important to think about your finances. >> you need to do it every day? take a minute for your money whether it's paying a bill or contacting your lender. that financial check up is the way to build financial strength. >> are you ready for the challenge. >> i'm ready. >> two ahead, mel b. is working the crowd. >> hey.
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>> my question is pay into a special education account. >> there you go. >> well looks like you're trying to decide between a 401(k) or a 529 cle 529 college savings plan and if you're saving for education make sure it's earmarked for education. the great thing about a college savings plan is you put that money in after tax dollars but take it out tax free to pay for college and many states offer you a state tax deduction as well for the money you put in. it's a great way to save for college. you don't want to raid your 401(k) or retirement in order to pay for your child's education. there will be no scholarship money for you for your retirement. if you don't reach your goal in terms of college savings your child can get scholarships and borrow and work and they need to be engaged in the process along with you. it's a family affair in terms of paying for your child's education. >> you did it in 60 seconds.
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>> there you go. >> perfect. >> mel b., who is next. >> what's your name. >> leslie and i'm from connecticut. my question is that i'm in my early 30s and that i want to make sure i'm putting enough away for a retirement. how much should i put away for a month. >> a lot of people wait until a lot later and they have to save a lot more. what you can do is think about how much you want to have in retirement. there's a lot of calculators out there. you can go to as well for information on retirement. think about how much you can put away every month and from every pay check and the best rule of thumb is to put away at least 10 to 15% of your income, of your monthly income into that savings. at the least, if you have a work place plan and i offers a matching contribution, put in enough money to get that free matching contribution and you want to think about not only putting money into the work place retirement plan but also putting it into an ira.
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you maybe able to get limits on some of these plans. for a 401(k) you can put up to $17,500 and ira up to $5,100. >> that's what you want to think about. >> mel b., who is next. >> my name is nick and i'm from lexington, kentucky and all indications are the housing market is improving. what does that mean for our economy going forward. >> well, the housing market and in lexington maybe doing well but they said the strong housing recovery is the key to economic growth. they also want to see the job market start to recover as well. we still have a ways to go there. we want to see the unemployment rate down to about 6.5%. that's what the feds say. that's when they will say the economy is starting to pick up and where they want it to be. we're away from that right now. last month it was 7.4%. so i want to see the job market
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pick up before i'm going to say we're really in the middle of an economic recovery but a strong housing market is a positive sign. multiple bids on a home you'll love that. >> mortgage rates going up, what do you think? >> if you want to buy now, they're still historically very low. >> lock in now. >> lock in now. >> yeah. >> sharon epperson as always, great job. >> thank you. >> coming up next, all the stories to watch to start your day. plus how one simple switch could save you this much in fat in a year. we'll tell you how to make these simple swaps, but first, these messages. to help pay for the road trip... before they earned 1% back on all purchases -- everywhere, every time -- and 2% back at the grocery store... even before earning 3% back on gas, with no hoops to jump through... the garcias hit the road with their bankamericard cash rewards credit card
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and shortened the distance between each other. that's the majesty of rewarding connections. apply online or at a bank of america near you. younnot giving a thought to sacrtheir own satisfaction. doll, you're sacrificing seamless color for the perfect wave? i mean surf's up. stop with the sacrificing, start here. light & fit greek nonfat yogurt. thick, creamy, and dude twice the protein and 80 calories. tastes satisfying right? it's awesome. hey, you wanna go surfing? light & fit greek! ♪ dannon! oh! something bit me! ♪ shield...sneeze...swish ♪ this back to school, there's a new routine ♪ [ female announcer ] kleenex tissues with sneeze shield
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are now thicker and more absorbent. in this lab demo, they help stop moisture better than the leading competitors. ♪ every day we're working totter and to keep our commitments.. and we've made a big commitment to america. bp supports nearly 250,000 jobs here. through all of our energy operations, we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world. in fact, we've invested over $55 billion here in the last five years - making bp america's largest energy investor.
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our commitment has never been stronger. but lately she's been coming in with less gray than usual. what's she up to? the new root touch-up by nice'n easy has the most shade choices, designed to match even salon color in just 10 minutes. with the new root touch-up, all they see is you. yep. how'd that happen? um... [ female announcer ] some things are hard for kids to digest. rice krispies are easy. because they're made of rice, which is gentle on tummies. it's simple as... ♪ snap! crackle! pop! ♪ rice krispies! ♪ snap! crackle! pop! imagine a new level refined, perfected. at pixel level. breathtaking. new l'oreal texture perfector. advanced skincare with two powerful ingredients that work with skin. refine texture reduce pores diminish lines for every skin type. even close up, skin looks remarkable.
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new youth code texture perfector. only from l'oreal paris. texture perfected. we're worth it. taking a look at the headlines this morning, lime disease is much more prevalent in the u.s. ticks spread the disease which can cause fevers, headaches, skin rashes and other severe symptoms. now a report for the centers of disease control and prevention finds 300,000 americans are diagnosed every year and that's 10 times higher than what's usually reported to the cdc. >> college students are receiving more federal financial
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aid than ever before. 42% of students received federal grants in the 2011, 2012 school year. that's up from 28% from 4 years ago and 40% received federal loans. that's an increase of 5%. state and institutional aid remains flat. >> the iphone has been as good as gold for apple and now there's word they may be making a gold colored phone. up until now it's only be available in plaque and white as you know but tech sources are saying that apple is going to launch the gold version next month. take a look, this is drawn up by apple blog and one possible reason apparently the chinese market, gold is considered good luck in china. another phone about to hit the market will be a tough one to lose. samsung's galaxy mega measures 6.3 inches diagonal. they call it a hybrid. a smartphone with the benefits of a tablet.
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at&t will start selling it on friday. >> disney cruise lines are going casual. the usa today reports the floating mouse house is allowing shorts in the main dining rooms of it's four ships. they have been banned since disney's cruise line set sail. >> and actor dick van dyke escaped a car fire on monday that left his jaguar a charred mess. look at this home video. it happened on a los angeles freeway. a passerby pulled the 87-year-old actor out of the car thinking he was trapped inside but he said he was just calling emergency crews. his wife came to pick him up and he escaped uninjured and tweeted used jag for sale real cheap. it's burnt to a crisp. >> thank goodness he was okay. coming up, healthy food swaps to cut the cravings and the fat way to stay focused! and then i'll become a scientist and change the world! the world? now you're talking! [ female announcer ] packed with whole grain fiber
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and a taste kids love, frosted mini-wheats helps keep them full and focused. and when they're full and focused every day, who knows what they may become some day. that's what i call chemistry! [ female announcer ] kellogg's frosted mini-wheats cereal. 't test test test test test mmmm. totino's pizza rolls. mmm hmmm. mmmm. [ female announcer ] zero to pizza. pronto. mmmm. doll, you're sacrificing sfor the perfect wave? surf's up. stop with the sacrificing, start here. light & fit greek nonfat yogurt. thick, creamy and twice the protein and 80 calories. light & fit greek! ♪ dannon!
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good morning to you you 9:26, i'm laura garcia-cannon. a triple shooting in east san jose turned deadly overnight. three people were shot at the wong kong restaurant in alum rock. one of the victims died from his injuries. this is san jose's 31st homicide of the year. detectives now looking for the shooter. pittsburgh police on the hunt for two suspects who broke into a second story bedroom and severely beat a woman. the woman's husband tells our photographer on the scene his two children were asleep in the bedroom when the robber climbed in. they ran into the woman, they attacked her and then ran out the front door. as students head back to school, san jose police department reinstating a program looking for kids skipping class.
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the tabs program was dropped last year to put more officers on the streets. starting today that program is back in business with the opening of a tabs processing center at palace stadium near san jose. one full-time officer and one to two additional officers per police division will work out of that center. those officers will be charged with the sole task of tracking down students and getting them back to class. we are going to have a look at weather and traffic right after this break. ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪
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♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around barbara ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ 90-calorie fiber one lemon bar. welcome back now. the time is 9:28. still seeing quite a bit of lightning strikes right offshore. what i can tell you is today, we are expecting more of the same, just like last night, we are expecting those lightning strikes right over the local mountain, some could be dry and red flag warning persists through wednesday at 5 p.m. as a result, highs on the warm side you 92 in livermore, 87 in concord, 81 today in fremont. getting into the next couple of days, we keep that humidity going through wednesday, not quite as humid for thursday and then temperatures drop back to average as we get into this weekend.
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check that drive with mike. >> look at this, over my shoulder, north 880 heading past the coliseum? one of your slower spots throughout the east bay. map not showing a whole lot of problem, get over there if we can, approach to the bay bridge, nice smooth slow down, eastshore freeway, one concern, west 580 at 24, commute direction, getting less and less right now there is a crash just happened over the last few minutes, maybe slowing there. also 880 showed you past the coliseum there is a good slowdown past the coliseum, southbound side clearing for an earlier stalled ups truck that cleared, palo alto, 101, standard there. back to you. >> another local news update for you in half an hour. hope to see you then. enjoy your tuesday morning.
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♪ welcome back to more of "today" on this tuesday morning, august 20th, 2013. i'm al roker along with natalie and you're listening to "meant to be" by parachute. >> happy song. >> is it. interesting article on things you hated as a child but love now, such as your siblin siblings, being banished to your room, bedroom and being mistaken for younger than you are. >> that is a good thing. >> who would mind that? back when you were a kid not so much but now, yes! >> yes! >> i didn't like naps and bark
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chocolate. >> now you like a nap. >> i like a nap and i don't mind dark chocolate. >> try this dark chocolate for your palate. >> i sent a setup here. i saw a rabbit. you can't fool me! smells like carrots! >> what did you hate? >> i didn't like being sent to bed but now i would love to go to bed. >> any time of day. >> yes. >> i didn't like dark chocolate and now i love it. naps, i love naps. back then it used to be a fight and haircuts and exercise. this is me yesterday. the short do. >> the little pixie i love it. >> looks great on you, spec clack collar.
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>> no. >> oh my gosh. >> when they showed me this picture yesterday i was like that's jennifer goodwin, that's not me. >> you looked terrific. have you shown joe that? >> no, he likes long hair. yes. >> just in general? >> on you. >> you see him walking up to fabio stroking -- "i like you." wow! >> your face do handle a shocker. >> i didn't like exercise then and i hate it now. it stinks! >> but do you it. >> no, i'm done. i'm always thrilled when my trainer doesn't show up, you get stuck in the subway, yeah! yeah! i didn't have to lie and say oh i can't make it. i have an update. >> i don't mind exercise. i like the feeling afterwards.
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it's the afterwards we love. what will the weather, mr. roker? >> i loved doing the weather and i love it now! beautiful weather through the great lakes and great plains and pacific northwest. wet weather through the southeast and mid-atlantic states. tomorrow it extends into the ohio river valley. risk of strong storms. pacific northwest still sunny 9:33. look at how clear it is at this point over the san francisco bay. you can see that we do have a little bit of a shake to our camera here, the skies are clearing nicely, expecting those cumulonimbus towers to form over the local mountains, the afternoon, the lightning taking place offshore. best chance of thunderstorms over higher elevations, 1,000 feet in particular. starts up about 3 p.m., lasting the overnight hours, 92, livermore, 68, san francisco. temperatures are going to finally start to drop off and we
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will see a drier pattern this weekend. >> and that's your latest weather. >> boy, it's happening. thank you my lovely, al. now do you crave certain foods like crunchy chips or creamy peanut butter or do you despise certain food textures? like you. take a look. >> here is an interesting fact about al that you did not know. >> i don't know if this is interesting. >> i find it fascinating. you do not like gummy foods. >> no, i don't like gummi bears, gummi worms or anything. >> swedish fish. >> i could live on swedish fish. >> what part of "i don't like" do you -- i don't like the texture. i'm getting some support because experts say how a food feels is nearly as important as how it tastes. whether you crave chips or mac and cheese we have healthy swaps to save pounds of fat. carrie is a contributor to "women's health" magazine. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> i don't like it. >> i don't like gummi bears.
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>> i love them. >> all right. we have to get off of you. >> sorry, sorry. >> how important is it? >> well, it's important because we all know we crave certain tastes like chocolate or salty foods like french fries but texture also we crave. the way a food feels in our mouth when we chew, sip or swallow affects our craving. think about it. when we touch something like cashmere or a baby's tushy or sandpaper, our hands feel that. we have finely tuned organs and that affects what we crave. >> so what foods? >> creamy foods like mac and cheese and sugar and peanut butter, risotto. those are things we might crave and we crave creamy foods when we curl up in a blanket, when we're maybe sad. so these are better swaps. we have fresh mozzarella or a butternut squash soup. instead of the risotto. if you make a swap like this every single day, if you crave, instead of the mac and cheese you go for one slice of
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fresh mozzarella you could save 34 pounds. >> that's disgusting. >> wow! >> i want to say this is symbolic. >> i see. >> we know that it's not just calories here. >> that's right. and what is this? >> hummus. >> that is yogurt mixed with peanut butter so you get the creamy flavor but not as many calories. >> drinks. >> drinks. okay, fluid. the more fluid something is, the faster we consume it. it comes in less contact with our taste system so it doesn't register with our brain and our gut and we drink faster. that's how we can throw back a lot of beers or sodas or juice. or something like slushies like this. >> swap out. >> a seltzer instead of the soda, we could save even 14 pounds. >> wow! where do you go to get this fat? >> what's in it? >> the "today" show producers they find some great fat. >> woo! i picture our producers running up behind people and
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sticking a needle in people and drawing that stuff out and putting it in there. >> no one is ever going to eat any of this again after that image. >> you're going to save even more. >> you just saved so many calories. >> greasy. >> no surprise that fat actually triggers a place in our brain that registers pleasantness. so we feel more pleasant when we eat certain fatty foods, which is why we eat more and more and more. so if you go for somhing like baked sweet potato instead of french fries again could you save about 34 pounds. >> but also -- >> and then the pizza? >> the pizza also you're going to save. obviously if you go for something with more vegetables and whole wheat crust but more nutrients and fiber. >> they're better for you. chewy candies. >> when we crave chewy foods -- this is a good sign for you, al. you don't like chewy? >> i don't. >> when you crave chewy you have a feeling, combination of maybe tension and stress and maybe anger. so it's maybe a good sign.
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>> i'm angry! >> so instead of a candy bar you go for a healthier bar that's nuts with a little dried fruits, you'll save about 7 pounds. >> oh. >> it's your birthday. >> i'm so angry! >> it's your birthday. you can't be angry. >> crunchy. >> crunchy foods. actually, unlike the creamy foods that are more like curling up with a blanket, crunchy foods you may crave when you're angry, kind of like slamming a door. go for a better option like popcorn, a lot less calories and caramel popcorn you'll get a little fiber also and you'll save a couple of pounds. >> it's like groundhog day. don't eat angry. >> always know your triggers and have controls and be prepared with them and exercise too. >> carrie, thank you so much. when talking about healthy eating we'll start a new series today called "too good to be healthy." we're looking for healthier versions of classic recipes. this month we're looking for healthy cheeseburger recipes.
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>> go to to enter and three finalists will be flown into new york to show us that food creation live. >> that's right. >> i can't talk right now. the winning recipe will be featured on our website -- i'm just angry. >> chew it off. >> carrie, thank you so much. still ahead, we're honoring the memory of a fallen hero with a ride from the police, right after this. married to morty kaufman. [ lee ] now that i'm getting older some things are harder to do. this is not a safe thing to do. be careful babe. there should be some way to make it easier [ doorbell rings ] let's open it up and see what's cookin'. oh i like that. look at this it's got a handle on it. i don't have to climb up. this yellow part up here really catches a lot of the dust. did you notice how clean it looks? morty are you listening? morty? [ morty ] i'm listening! i want you to know ♪ check off your school list, and theirs too.
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now through august 24th, buy one, get one 50% off all jeans, at target. [ female announcer ] hey, ladies. you love it. you've gotta have it. 'cause that cinnamon and sugar is so irresistible. cinnamon toast crunch. crave those crazy squares.® cinnamon toast crunch. it seems our angels stronger than ever angel soft®. with two softshield™ layers. it holds up better than ever. all wrapped up in a value you love. angel soft®. the softness you want, the strength you need. [ female announcer ] introducing the windex touch-up cleaner. dab it... clean it... done. it's a one-handed clean from windex... ♪ ...that stays out to kill 99.9% of bacteria... ♪ ...and quickly clean so you keep moving. what do we call this new dance move?
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the windex tush-up. [ female announcer ] the all-new windex touch-up cleaner. sc johnson. a family company. but there are foods that i had no idea had so much acid in them. my dentist said that the acid in fruit, or fruit juice or fruit teas softens the enamel so that then it can potentially erode. once that enamel is gone, it's gone. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel to help harden that enamel so that it's not brushed away. pronamel protects your teeth from the effects of acid erosion. i don't have to cut out the things that i love in my diet. i can have the best of both worlds with pronamel. discover nexxus hydra-light. hydra-light's formulas with light, deep-sea minerals give up to 80% more moisturization that won't weigh hair down. nexxus hydra-light. raise your standard. that won't weigh hair down. doll, you're sacrificing sfor the perfect wave? surf's up. stop with the sacrificing, start here.
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light & fit greek nonfat yogurt. thick, creamy and twice the protein and 80 calories. light & fit greek! ♪ dannon! ♪ ♪ this morning on "hope to it"
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one group's mission to honor fallen police officers. >> the charity ride for cops provides support for the families and friends of heros that lost their lives and creates awareness about the risks our police take every day. it's a sunny saturday and boston's mit campus is filled with police officers and their supporters. they're here to remember their fallen brothers and sisters. including sean collier, the young mit police officer who was shot and killed by the alleged boston marathon bombers. 200 officers from more than 75 departments are riding. >> and i am very, very sorry for your loss. >> they stop at the site of officer collier's death to pay tribute. the procession continues to the state house. for a memorial service honoring all of the fallen officers in massachusetts. ♪ o say can you see -- >> your service is what makes us safe and your sacrifices protect our freedom. >> reporter: leading the charge, harry harrington, a former
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police officer and the founder of ride for cops. >> the mission for ride for cops is simple. it is to raise support for families of fallen police officers and raise awareness of the dangers of law enforcement. 100% of the money we raise goes back to support law enforcement and almost all of it back to support the families of our fallen heros. >> reporter: and for the friends and families of the fallen officers. >> today's event meant to me that my brother is not forgotten and the 300 other names on the wall in this park are not forgotten. >> it shows me that people still do care and that they don't forget about our fallen officers or the survivors, the families. it means a lot. ♪ >> the most rewarding part of all of this are the family members. i was unprepared for the emotion that they give. they are so grateful that somebody remembers their fallen hero and remembers them as a person. ♪ >> and the goal of ride for cops is to organize rides in every state's capitol.
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saturday's ride in boston marks 24 out of 50. next ride takes place tomorrow in concord, new hampshire. of course, the main reason here is to remember. because every time a police officer steps out the door, their loved ones don't know if they're coming back. >> absolutely true. >> they deserve even more credit. >> absolutely. >> thank you, al. coming up next, some of the most talented child artists in america. we're going to crown the winner in "today's quest for the best." pint sized picassos right after this. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] it's time healthy gets a dose of happy. new yoplait greek. bye-bye, stir. so long, sour. hello, happy. it's time to lick the lid again. ♪ it's time to lick the lid again.
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tabrilliant...sparkling...n like a jewel. that's superior preference by l'oreal. preference's light-reflecting color is never opaque. always brilliant. it shines and sparkles for weeks and weeks. l'oreal superior preference. a blt with best foods is the best. ♪ ♪ bring out the unmistakable taste that can only be best foods. bring out the best. backflipwheels.r family smile?. love, warmth. here, try this. mmmm, ok! ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. [ female announcer ] only aveeno daily moisturizing lotion has an active naturals oat formula that creates a moisture reserve so skin can replenish itself. aveeno® naturally beautiful results.
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and then another. and another. and if you do it. and your friends do it. and their friends do it... soon we'll be walking our way to awareness, support and an end to alzheimer's disease. and that? that would be big. grab your friends and family and start a team today. register at ♪ shield...sneeze...swish ♪ this back to school, there's a new routine ♪ [ female announcer ] kleenex tissues with sneeze shield are now thicker and more absorbent. in this lab demo, they help stop moisture better than the leading competitors. ♪ olive garden's never endingter than the leading competitors. pasta bowl is back. unlimited breadsticks and salad, plus never ending combinations of pasta and sauce just $9.99. and even unlimited meatballs, sausage or chicken for $2.99. it's all unlimited when you go olive garden.
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for a strong bag that grips the can... ♪ get glad forceflex. small change, big difference. yep. how'd that happen? um... [ female announcer ] some things are hard for kids to digest. rice krispies are easy. because they're made of rice, which is gentle on tummies. it's simple as... ♪ snap! crackle! pop! ♪ rice krispies! [ female announcer ] enter a world of clean inside the only 3 chamber laundry detergent. ♪ now, here you go, let it go ♪ 'cause we're gonna go ♪ go to a place that we never, ever know ♪ ♪ ooh, ooh ♪ 'cause it's a bright light ♪ when i look in your eyes ♪ doo-doo-doo-doo-doo doo [ female announcer ] tide pods... three chambers. three times the stain removal power. so that all your clothes pop!
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♪ this morning on "today's quest for the best," we sought out the most talented pint-sized picassos. >> you submitted photos of your child's masterpieces and three of our finalists are here to compete for "today's best." >> they are hannah walton from alexander city, alabama, and josh spundren from california, and hailey from massachusetts. one of the fastest portrait painters in the world, rob serett is here to judge the contest. good morning to you. >> thanks for having me. >> you're going to demo with us first what you do with the speed painting. >> take it away. >> here we go. >> get fancy. >> ole! >> wow, that was fast. >> we're just going to do the finishing touches. >> wow! >> how long did it take you to do the official portrait? >> 45 minutes. >> wow, that's amazing.
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>> do i really look like that? >> yeah. >> i love it. look at you. 45 minutes? >> getting into it. >> crazy. are you highlighting there? >> yeah. >> does that mean she has a lot of gray because i don't see any gray. >> they're highlights. >> okay. >> i love that. >> all right, rob. well, you can perfect it later on but let's get to our young talent here. first let's start off with hannah. hannah, is it true your mom thought you were tracing when she first discovered your talent? >> yes, ma'am. >> yeah? >> it was very shocking because, you know, a lot of moms don't realize what the children think, if they're tracing or drawing. >> yeah. let's see what you have done. you put beads on your painting. sorry, rob, i'm going to step over here. what made you think to do that? >> well, i was painting one day
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and i just thought of a really cool idea to do beads. >> i little three-day. i like it, very creative. rob, what do you think? >> i can tell without even knowing her that she loves color. it reflects her personality. she has a bright personality. i think she is full of sunshine and she's optimistic. can't you see that? >> yeah. >> that says a lot about the kind of artist she is. >> it's beautiful. >> thank you. hannah. let's move over here to josh. and josh, you entered our contest with this sketches. robert downey jr., looks like a photo. wow that's really impressive. >> that's amazing. when did you get started? >> i started when i was 8 years old, in second grade and i just -- i picked -- i had nothing else to do so i just picked up a pencil and paper and started drawing. >> and is this you as a baby? >> no, i copied off of a picture and it just kind of -- >> that's amazing. they really do look like photographs. they're gorgeous. all right. good job. we'll let rob judge at the end.
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and over here ariane and really cool pictures. you have a little bit of everything from oil paintings, looks like water colors and drawing. is there one you prefer to do over the other? >> i like doing graphite and water, my most favorite. >> is this michael phelps right here? >> i'm not sure. >> kind of looks like him. >> they're very good. look at the detail. >> and does it take you a lot of time to do one of these pictures? >> yeah, usually takes me about a month. >> a month. wow, you spend a lot of time. rob, you have taken a look. we didn't get a chance to talk about josh or ariane's art. >> hannah's are beautiful. josh is a serious artist. i can tell just like he has great power inside him. magnificent and then arian, it's not about the competition because you're all fabulous artists. congratulations for being here. the winner is arian because her artwork takes me to another place.
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i feel like i'm under water looking at this. it's just all of you are spectacular. i told them earlier, you all have your own gifts and you shine so bright but if i was to choose a winner and it's so hard because i don't like competition for art work but this brings me to another place. >> you heard, ariane, you get appropriately a supply of art supplies here, so for you, but everybody gets one of these special pictures that rob, you drew just for them. so great job guys. congratulations. >> well done. >> and by the way, we should tell you that we are launching our next "quest for the best." this time around, we're looking for the best trained pet in america. be sure to enter a submission on a video submission. we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. ♪
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♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ try new fiber one peanut butter protein bars.
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oh my gosh, surprise.
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do you see the 10% back in points, aw baby, i'm seeing triple again. plus another 10%, plus free shipping? yeah. you're good. this is the member triple play deal. this is sears. good tuesday morning to you, 8:56 now, i'm laura garcia-cannon. we are set to learn new details about labor day weekend construction that will close the existing bay bridge before that new span opens. the existing brim will shut down at 8 p.m. next wednesday and
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traffic will flow onto the new span early on september 3rd, or even sooner, if that work is finished. at 10:00 this morning, the bay bridge toll authority will give us an update about planned construction during that closure and also unveil newly completed work on the eastern span. the new santa clara stadium now more than halfway done in construction, two weeks ahead of schedule. on track to be ready at the end of june. that's more than a month before the brie season starts, leaving time for concerts and other events to be scheduled before the 49ers start to play. check the forecast now with meteorologist christina loren. >> hey, thanks, laura. good morning to you. we are still watching all these lightning strikes, nothing right now over the bay area, but we do have quite a bit of activity offshore, later on today, we will see that action inland. we are expecting the most over our local mountains, keep that in mind, muggy subtropical feel, dry lightning continues, keep the red flag warning in place, due to high fire danger all the way through 5 p.m. tomorrow. 94 on the way to fairfield, 92,
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livermore, still going to be warm out there san jose, 85 degrees, 88 in gilroy. the dry heat back to average, headed our way but not until this weekend. check out the drive, a rough one earlier, mike. >> it was. things calmed down quite a bit, heavier volume of traffic, talked about this as school get backs in session, in the south bay, save a couple of school distri districts, have resumed session, why we are seeing a heavier flow of traffic and lasting a little longer into the morning as some folks are staying home, if you are lucky enough to see your kids off to school f you don't have kids, you can beat the rush by adjusting your timing, watch for that changes the next few days, you will adjust. northbound route starting to simmer down. north 680 around the ben into sunol, watch out, a stalled big rig around the bend. catch you by surprise. >> another local news update in half an hour. hope to see you then. ♪
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too big. ♪ too soft. too small. ♪ mmm! ♪ too happy.
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♪ [ male announcer ] at progresso, we've got a passion for quality. because you've got a passion for taste. . hey! hi. well, well, well. >> hi. ♪
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>> so cute. i love it. oh, the party. ♪ >> what a party it is. >> hi, everybody. thank you. it's our last day in l.a.. >> how is it possible? >> it went too fast. it went too fast, my darling. how are you all? >> my dress is way too short. so i just want to apologize. >> it's not age appropriate, but it looks nice sort of. >> anyway, we want to thank everybody. we've had a fun, fun, fun two weeks. the l.a. tourism board has been off the hook terrific to us. and the folks here at universal city have been great, too. and there is a reason we have a
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mariachi band. because you know what today is? national margarita day. of course it is. so we have a margarita. >> these are our personalities. >> what? ? one of them is sweet and one is a little saucy. >> yeah, yours is jalapeno because you're spicy and mine is a love pinella because i'm sweet. >> i think they got them mixed up. >> i don't think so. anyway, the mariachi band is from comachi cantina. and if you're local, you know tom, one of the city council members of los angeles. wave your hand.
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>> how are you, baby? this is beautiful right here. everything good is in that hot dog. tell them i sent you. they're a very special family. >> thank you. what else you got? >> this is from the hollywood sign. let's give to the monastery. and officially here, a certificate of welcome, hoda, right there. from the mayor and city council. >> oh, my god. thank you. >> our sister city map. but this is special. go to discover los let hear it for the tourist
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board. and here, the authentic star from the walk of fame. this is it right there. they're special. you got to shine it every day. >> you rock, tom. >> we appreciate it so much. but wouldn't this have been nice on the first day as a kickoff? >> we've been a little besst bu. but come back. we love you. let's hear it for these two great people. >> okay. we have a -- >> i'll never get one, so i'll carry this. i want to thank the academy. >> we have a couple of special guests. do you guys like lmfao? do you know the song? i'm sexy and i know it. well, the brains behind it is going to be with us today. red fu is in the house. >> i heard that. >> he's got the signature
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glasses, the signature lid. >> you know what i love? red fu brought his mother. even red fu has a mother and loves her. and she is here. hello, mama. >> oh, yes. >> mama fu. >> so every friday, you do a friday funny. >> usually. >> and we thought it would be funnier if it wasn't kathie lee doing it. so we decided to -- >> had to bring in an expert. >> jon lovitz. >> what you got, baby, for us. who is this? >> this is my dog, he's a rescue. he's a tea cup great dane. his name is jerry bruckheimer the third. one of the biggest producers in town and my dog. >> how long have you had him, jon? >> almost a year. >> tell us your joke.
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>> he does his own comedy club right here. >> yeah, it's at the other end above johnny rockets. we do shows every weekend. it's a great club. >> and you perform there yourself. >> yeah, i'm there. >> so what's your joke? >> oh, okay. a couple in -- are you ready? >> ready. >> a couple in their 60s wake up in the morning and the wife is looking at herself from the mirror completely nude. and she turns to her husband and said look at me, i'm fat and ugly. give me a compliment. and he says your eyesight is perfect. >> love it. >> i have more, but i can't tell them. >> we should point out jon is a very good tennis player. i do the chris evert charity event and he is a rock star as is red fu who by the way played the junior circuit. there is a lot of tennis going
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on. >> yeah, he was on the junior. >> we'll bring up bobbie thomas. is that all right? >> sure, bring him up. thanks for coming to the show. >> well, the oscars are this weekend. i know that you're getting ready, prepping. >> yeah, for lincoln. daniel day-lewis was sick that day. >> i have some fun stuff to help you get red carpet ready. so if you want to trim your bangs, anybody who has jumped on that bandwagon, this is a great way to maintain them at home. this clip gives you a dv sdchd figure out how to do it yourself. >> thank you. >> you might actually like this next one better. this is my favorite way to get in shape. get fit from bed. >> oh, yes. >> so this is actually believe it or not a book that will help you get this shape and exercise from bed.
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>> so for fat lazy people. >> yes, like me. and then if your bling isn't rule or if it is and you get that funky black mark, this is jewelry shield that's great if you're allergic to any metals. and last but not least, this is and you awesome invention by crystal powder, these are called paw pallets. so when you're putting your makeup on, you can blend the perfect concealer. just tap the excess. >> a paw pallet. my dog would love that. >> and michelle in the audience, she waved me down earlier. if you hold your wrist up, it's an i.d. holder and bracelet combined. a cool cuff. >> smart. >> so i'm going to put her information online, too. >> very cool. >> so you're red carpet ready. >> thank you.
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>> stay here for one second. we'll pick our most creative sign, so let us see your signs. >> okay. >> don't go away. >> i love that. >> who do you like? >> i have to say it's slim pickings today. you're as exhausted as we are. >> shout out, please, to my sister courtney. >> over here. >> keep coming. keep it coming. should we go with california dreaming? >> well, they tried three days in a row. >> i think it might be time for california dreaming. >> all right. and where is the monkey lady who has been here the entire two weeks? she gets an award. >> she gets an award, too. >> she's coming up. give her the bread. >> here, sweetie. you get the bread.
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thank you. we'll get you that, too. >> thank you, guys. >> all right. we have a big show, you guys. lmfao is with us. we'll dance right after this. iand we're talkingl time with diane about the walmart low price guarantee, backed by ad match. you got your list? let's go! look at that price! i like that! they need those for school. wow! that's the walmart low price guarantee backed by ad match. save time and money getting your kids ready for school bring in ads from your local stores and see for yourself.
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glass on floors. daily chores. for the little mishaps you feel use neosporin to help you heal. it kills germs so you heal four days faster. neosporin. use with band-aid brand bandages. [ male announcer ] there's something magical in store for those who know where to look. a world of wonder and whimsy inside each and every nook. so be on the lookout. let your imagination soar. if adventure is what you seek, all you a door. [ door closing ] ♪ hey hun, remember you only need a few sheets. hmph! [ female announcer ] charmin ultra soft is made with extra cushions that are soft and more absorbent. plus you can use four times less. charmin ultra soft.
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creates the perfect smoky eye plus you can use four times less. l'oreal voluminous smoldering liner super intense pigments smoldering it doesn't get more smokin' than this! bewitching voluminous smoldering liner from l'oreal paris a blt with best foods is the best. ♪ ♪ bring out the unmistakable taste that can only be best foods. bring out the best. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate s. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate ♪ we, we chocolate cross over ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over ♪ [ male announcer ] fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate
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with clusters, flakes, and o's. oh, ho, ho... it's the honey sweetness i...i mean, [ female announcer ] and with all these great cheerios flavors, the love just keeps on coming.
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grammy nominated red fu is sexy and he knows it. >> he's part of lmfao and they're currently taking a little bit of a break which will give us time to teach us some of your favorite dance moves at the end of this little segment. so get ready. >> hope you had your wheaties this morning. >> oh, i did. >> so for people who don't know, gary gordy is your dad. >> yeah. >> the legendary barry gordy. >> yeah, we call him dad fu. >> and there is a big show coming up on broadway, motown the musical. >> kre. >> yes. >> so the grammys must have been a thrill. >> it was amazing because it was our second nomination. and we went out there and i hooked up with jay leno. >> of course you did. >> you did not hook up with jay leno. >> i didn't hook up with him
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in -- >> choose your words wisely. >> i corresponded with him. >> how was that working the red carpet with him? >> it was amazing. because i couldn't get the celebrities attention, you know. i know i'm sexy and i know it, but if they didn't know it, all i had to say was i'm looking for jay. >> i'm so into your hair right now. i have the same hair when i don't -- when was the last time that you cut it? >> i like that. i cut it last mf-probably like 16 years ago. i haven't cut my hair -- >> look how long it goes when you pull it. how come it's not out to here if it's 16 years? >> because it breaks off. when i roll around and stuff, it gets all, you know -- >> i have hair like that, but i
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put keratin in it and a pound of gel. >> it's his look, his image. >> why are you taking a break from one another? >> i hear there are problems. >> well, no. >> word on the street. >> word on the street, you can't trust everything that's on the street. >> no kidding. is. >> it's just that we're two strong individuals. >> but you're the uncle and he's the nephew. you have jurisdiction. >> but then when the nephew gets older and bigger and stronger, messing with ufc, choke hold and stuff, i say hey! he can make his own decisions how. >> how old is he? >> he's 26. >> he's old enough. will you show us some of your dance moves? come on. you and your fashion andicon se.
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>> i have a couple moves. the shuffle. which is like the charleston. >> we'll get on either side. ♪ >> put your hands out. yeah. >> what else? >> and then the wiggle. ♪ >> yeah. >> and i have a new one. >> what's the new one? >> the new one is i'll award you with my body. it's just this to you. ♪ >> yeah, baby. ♪ i'm sexy and i know it >> oh, yeah. are those the only three moves? show the last one. we have another move.
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>> call it the turn around booty pot. >> i like it around. >> you go and you just -- like this. ♪ >> all right. we'll be back, you guys, right after this. what makes your family smile? backflips and cartwheels. love, warmth. here, try this. mmmm, ok! ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching.
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show-stopping glamour. a little leopard, a lot of roar. our most fabulous jacket collection. only at chico's and the rich dark chocolate. york peppermint pattie get the sensation.
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♪ shield...sneeze...swish ♪ this back to school, there's a new routine ♪ [ female announcer ] kleenex tissues with sneeze shield are now thicker and more absorbent. in this lab demo, they help stop moisture better than the leading competitors. ♪ they help stop moisture better than the leading competitors. i don'without goingcisions to angie's list first. with angie's list, i know who to call, and i know the results will be fantastic! find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. she can't always move the way she wants. ♪ now you can with stayfree ultra thins. flexible layers move with your body while thermocontrol wicks moisture away. stayfree. available at walmart. while thermocontrol wicks moisture away. younnot giving a thought to sacrtheir own satisfaction. doll, you're sacrificing seamless color for the perfect wave? i mean surf's up. stop with the sacrificing, start here. light & fit greek nonfat yogurt.
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thick, creamy, and dude twice the protein and 80 calories. tastes satisfying right? it's awesome. hey, you wanna go surfing? light & fit greek! ♪ dannon! oh! something bit me! redfoo is staying with us.
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sara has a few questions that will just blow our minds. >> we do. first up is katie. >> i was wondering what is your guys' favorite thing about california. >> can i tell you what my favorite thing about california is right here right now, this sunshine. this sunshine in february, this sunshine. >> remind yourself you're in the dead of winter here. that exactly. also the fact that my children are out here. you want to be where your kids are. >> next up, we have julie. she has something age or time of day. >> time of day. what's the earliest in the morning that you drink? >> that is very personal. >> sorry. >> we got you a drink. >> okay. now. now is probably a good time. our earliest is 10:00.
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that's when our show starts. we don't have our first sip until the show begins. >> well, sometimes we're on the earlier hours and they have wine tastings and things. but that's not our fault. that's just our job. >> we're doing what we're told to do. >> and born do. >> and redfoo has a question for the ladies. >> who is the better dancer when nobody's watching? >> oh! >> who has had the most practice because she's older? >> let's have a vote. okay. >> who thinks hoda is a better dancer? [ applause ] >> who thinks kathie lee?
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] >> i save my best moves for certain people. >> really, that will be in our next segment. come on up here, michael. >> as an avid runner, have you chad a chance to take the sun? >> our hours have been crazy, but when i was looking at the beautiful area right along the beach, all i wanted to do was run, so i wasn't able to. hopefully in the next couple days. >> all those hot dogs you've eaten. >> i've eaten like a hog. can't help it. >> we'll be back and tell you you thousand get a sun kissed california tan without being in the sun. >> without doing any damage at all. and we'll hear a little eddie gomez. >> yeah, eddie gomez. >> take it. one of our street performers.
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♪ all the drama with new l'oreal million lashes excess mascara. now l'oreal's legendary volumizing brush is bigger than ever - multiple bristles... for a multitude of volumized lashes. millionized... to excess l'oreal's clean-sweep wiper system removes extra mascara for no clumps lashes are instantly defined... dramatically volumized new million lashes excess from l'oreal paris i want it all. i'm worth it. it seems our angels stronger than ever angel soft®. with two softshield™ layers. it holds up better than ever.
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all wrapped up in a value you love. angel soft®. the softness you want, the strength you need. [ female announcer ] hey, ladies. you love it. you've gotta have it. 'cause that cinnamon and sugar is so irresistible. cinnamon toast crunch. crave those crazy squares.® good tuesday morning to you, 10:26 now, i'm laura garcia-cannon a triple shooting the a restaurant in east san jose turned deadly overnight. police say three people were shot at the wang hung restaurant on alum rock avenue near capital
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avenue. one of the victims later died from his injuries. this is san jose's 31st homicide of the year. detectives now looking for the shooter. we will have a look at weather and traffic right after this break. do you see the 10% back in points, plus another 10%, plus free shipping? yeah. you're good. this is the member triple play deal. this is sears.
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welcome back now, the time is 10:28. camera from san raffaele looking southwest toward mount tam, nice and clear for now, expecting some of those thunderstorm towers to start to build up over our local mountains, we head throughout the afternoon. look at all the lightning still taking placeoff shore. head through the 11:00 hour,
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talk about who has the best chance of seek the thunderstorms when finally, we are going to get a break from the very humid weather. first, a look at your drive with mike inouye. >> finally getting a break from the bay bridge toll plaza traffic. still have cash lanes off to the right, still slow as folks come off of both 880 and 580, head over toward the area, the maze itself looking pretty good. our maps show a similar situation, the flow of traffic around the area, a crash heading away from the bridge toward ashby, a little distraction off the berkeley curve. slow 880 north through downtown, the crash oak street, behind the 880 sign now. off the freeway, continued recovery for the nimitz freeway. peninsula, southbound through san mateo for the 101. back to you. about to learn new details about the labor day weekend construction that with close existing bay bridge before the span opens. the existing bridge would shut down at 8 p.m. next wednesday and traffic will flow onto the new span early september 3rd or sooner if that work is finished. bay bridge toll authority giving
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an updated plan about that construction during the closure. right now, going to show you the progress coming up at 11:00. i hope to see you then. and we are back. our very last day at universal city walk. >> the competition that's called top chef masters is in it fifth season here in l.a.. while the list of chefs is still under wraps, you know who would get info out of curtis stone, you. >> he took me under his wing and he had me taste things that never in a million years i'd put in my mouth. and i learned a they think or two, i have to admit. hello, curtis. >> i'm so excited you came to see me at work. >> usually you come see us and we put you to work. >> and who would have known i'd
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find you at the bar. ♪ >> i have to be honest, i don't get this. i don't know what's going on. i know this is huge, huge following out there for us. what appeals so much to people? >> top chef masters is the kind of show where you take people that are at the peak of their career, cooking the best food in the country and we throw them into this crazy competition and have them fight it out. they have two hours. >> wow, that's impressive. >> you're going to eat with us. >> i love everything you cook. >> 24 hours ago, there was absolutely nothing here.
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to watch how they turn it into chicken dumpling is unbelievable. >> and everyone will get a taste. >> so are you excited about the food you'll eat tonight? >> we're so excited. >> they're salivating. so you lovely ladies could be out clubbing in los angeles, but, no, you're here at a pop-up place this downtown los angeles for top chef masters. why, what's going on? gr becau >> because it's fun. a wednesday night, why not. >> it's never just what's on the plate. >> it that it all sorts of directions. >> draw blood. >> where do people get the idea that certain food critics are snobs about food? that's what i'm saying. i'm hanging out with you guys
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and i haven't met a snob yet. >> wait until they start eating. >> we're not snobs. we're picky. there is a huge difference. >> discerning. >> have a little nub at the end. >> see, it's delicious, right? no, no, it's -- >> it's delicious. >> somebody cleaned their plate. >> so you're looking for an organ or things? >> i'll keep an eye out. >> you're almost like trekkies. right? seemed like to me. a trekky convention here. >> i had to taste one of the dumplings. it's delicious. i don't think i'll ever eat a shrimp head again. the eyes and all that. never going to order chicken feet. i know that. but i'm a better person because i came here to downtown los angeles.
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because i tasted something new in life. because i went out of my comfort zone. but i still wasn't going to eat the heart. and while you have to wait a few more months for top chefs masters, you can catch them not only top chef seattle -- we see you, jon -- that would be wednesday on bravo. >> coming up, we'll talk about spray tans. you don't need to get it the old fashioned way. [ male announcer ] there's a story behind the silver of philadelphia cream cheese. it always begins with fresh local milk blended with real, wholesome cream. going fresh from the farm, to our fridge, in just six days. because we believe in fresh taste. that's the way we set the standard for intensely rich, luscious flavor. so our story of fresh taste always ends, deliciously. when it comes to taste, philadelphia sets the standard.
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discover nexxus hydra-light. hydra-light's formulas with light, deep-sea minerals give up to 80% more moisturization that won't weigh hair down. nexxus hydra-light. raise your standard. that won't weigh hair down. mommy! i went potty! that's great, honey... where? for life's bleachable moments. of course i had no idea what it was. i felt like my feet were going to sleep. it progressed from there to burning...
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to like 1,000 bees that were just stinging my feet. [ female announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. having less pain is -- it's a wonderful feeling. [ female announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. [ female announcer ] every baby can have the freedom to move their way, in pampers cruisers. they adapt at the waist, legs and bottom, with up to 12 hours of protection, for our driest, best fitting diaper.
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pampers. for our driest, best fitting diaper. iand we're talkingl time with maria about the walmart low price guarantee. you got your list? let's go. if you find a lower advertised price they'll match it at the register. really... yeah, in a "jif". you ready? what?! that's the walmart low price guarantee backed by ad match. bring in receipts from your local stores and see for yourself. is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. ♪ [ dad ] jan? but if your skin feels tight and dry it could be a sign of damage. [ female announcer ] get a healthier clean with neutrogena® ultra gentle cleanser. unlike ordinary cleansers that can over-penetrate and damage skin's healthy barrier our breakthrough formula cleans gently without the damage, yet removes dirt, oil, even eye makeup. so clean really is healthy. [ female announcer ] ultra gentle cleanser. neutrogena®.
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#1 dermatologist recommended skincare. ♪ we have been in l.a. for a number of days. and we couldn't score a real tap, so why not fake it. >> in this case faking it is actually a good thing. here to show you how to get a gorgeous glow is jenny from sun
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pierced by jenny. >> is it true that people look thinner with a tan? >> yes. completely. 100%. more defined, kind of slim lines your legs. >> but you have to be worried about the orange -- a lot of people when they have those tans look orangey. in awful. less is more. you do not need a lot. >> let's mix jesse up. here is jesse's before picture. tell us what's wrong with jesse. >> nothing. >> nothing. exactly. all right. show us what you'll do now to jesse's abs. >> we'll contour his abs. just make them pop out. a little more defined. >> you can touch them if you'd like. >> you're right. that looks so much -- wow.
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okay. do you see the difference? >> but the minute you go to touch him, it will -- >> no, but it will dry. >> it has to dry first. >> you can make it darker if you want. >> but that only works if you have abs to begin with. >> could i draw them on even if you didn't have them. >> but we would notice. >> he looks great. but you looked fine this is non do at home? >> you could buy the machine, but it's difficult. >> let's look at sara's before. she looks adorable no matter what. her before picture. and what did you do to sara? >> i evened out everything. we can do a little contouring, as well. >> step out of the black tint. >> you don't want to go too much. you just want to streamline
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right here. >> right where the natural -- >> go deep. go deep. make it happen. >> feel the burn. >> sara has very, very impressive cleavage. >> thank you, mom and dad. >> how long does it last? >> anywhere from five to ten days. >> so you can shower and everything and it doesn't come off? >> eight hours you spray, and then you're good to go. >> how much does it run? >> $60 in salon which ranges anywhere from $50 to $75 in salon. house calls, $100 to $200 depending. >> and what can you do for this? nothing for flopping? >> yeah, you can just do a color darker here, darker on top. >> do it as we go out. >> get under there. oh, yeah. how is that? that looks good. you don't even need. i didn't know you had that muscle. oh, my god.
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two trips to the gun show. >> thank you, jenny. thanks so much. coming up next, we'll have oscar predictions right after this. whatcha got there, duke? jay and duke talking action figures. my idea. love it! let's see what i say... roll that beautiful bean footage! [ jay ] bush's country style baked beans are slow cooked according to our secret family recipe with specially cured bacon and extra brown sugar for a thicker sauce and richer taste. the secret family recipe starts with beans and... batteries not included. aw, you're no fun. [ jay ] enjoy bush's baked beans... still made from our secret family recipe. [ ding! ] losing your chex mix too easily? time to deploy the boring-popcorn decoy bucket. then no one will want to steal the deliciousness.
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with a variety of tastes and textures only chex mix is a bag of interesting. creates the perfect smoky eye and textures l'oreal voluminous smoldering liner super intense pigments smoldering it doesn't get more smokin' than this! bewitching voluminous smoldering liner from l'oreal paris ♪ shield...sneeze...swish ♪ this back to school, there's a new routine ♪ [ female announcer ] kleenex tissues with sneeze shield are now thicker and more absorbent. in this lab demo, they help stop moisture better than the leading competitors. ♪ they help stop moisture better ththe rich dark york peppermint pattie get the sensation. for our so slimming jeans. meet our instantly slimming, secretly shaping dresses, skirts and pants. slim, smooth, flatter.
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the so slimming collection. only at chico's and backflips and cartwheels.mile? love, warmth. here, try this. mmmm, ok! ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching.
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want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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while movie critics are trying to pick the big winning movies, the fashionistas are all about the glamor. >> and kevin hall is here to tell us what trends we'll be seeing and more importantly what we'll be wanting. welcome. >> thank you so much. >> big day coming up. >> oscar is the holy grail. >> will there be a lot of color, a lot of skin? >> all of it. you'll see metallics, beautiful shades of red, green, strapless
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and bare backs. a lot of trends happening oscar night. >> certain celebs always take risks. >> jennifer lopez one. like the time when she wore the beautiful plunging neckline. but she took a risk and that moved her forward in terms of the fashion people looking at her. >> let's bring out our first model. jena is wearing metallic. >> this is the trend. and what i love about this is this taupe background with the metallic in front of it. it's all dwgeometric cut. this has a great back and front. so you look good going and coming. >> you can't just be seen from the front. you'll be walking away from everybody, too. >> very old hollywood. >> like jean harlow from the '30s.
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>> next up, you said this jewel color is very trendy. >> right. the trend right now is emerald green. that will be the color you're seeing a lot of. this is a beautiful siren, again, 1940s almost joan crawford in this effect. and this is an angela dean dress. and you have to wear your gear for this kind of dress. >> how many pairs of spanx? >> two or three. whatever it takes. even size two will spanx it up. absolutely. you have to be seamless and smooth. >> all right. thanks. and the '40s retro style silhouettes. we have amanda with the sleeves and all. >> this is a flowy idea. i love the idea of sleeves, too. and that's kind of a trend. girls are going mad for sleeves. >> the girls that can actually
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show the arms are covering them up. >> it's all about a sleeve. >> what wiabout the color red? >> michelle obama wore red and i think we'll see that on the red carpet more. and i love the length. >> it's tea length. >> kind of tea length. >> very pretty. >> feminine look. >> thank you. all right. and now we have what you call architectural drama. >> and when you wear a black dress sometimes, it can disappear. you better give them something to look at. >> let's give them something to talk about. >> i knew she was going to sing. >> they love it when i burst out in song. >> this is great because it has that architectural neckline, plunging slit in the front. a beautiful sweeping train. and this is lloyd klein.
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he trained in paris so this gives the hollywood feeling. >> it almost wears itself. >> it's very architecturaarchit. this is for the girl that wants structure. she's not afraid to show she's confident. >> like a cate blanchett. >> this will be amazing on a lot of the girls. >> is it possible to have too much detail? >> not in black. this is great. i love the stitching, all the detail. it's about the detail. >> it's quite beautiful. like atuxedo. >> that's exactly what it is. >> we've had a terrific week. coming up next, we'll take a look back at all the fun we had. >> this is "today" on nbc. [ male announcer ] with at&t,
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10:53 am
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we want to give a big thank you to the l.a. tourism board for everything that they've done. and thanks to universal for handing out freebies to every. bye from l.a.. >> we are so in love with southern california. we've had a fun two weeks. ♪ >> looks like a little -- ♪ >> the star from the walk of fame. >> i want to thank the academy. >> who doesn't love him? nobody. >> i'm here at howie mandel's malibu beach house. >> want me to show you the place? >> i want to see everything. >> you are the hottest
10:55 am
grandmother in the world, by the way. >> come in. i want to make up. >> this is where i take all my dates. this is the griffith observatory. look at this place. >> the l.a. tourism board has been off the hook terrific to us. >> let's hit the beaches! >> we have a spectacular looking crowd. ♪ i'm sexy and i know it ♪ >> this is for flo. i don't know why we can't be together. ♪ i heard will you were a wild one, wild one ♪ ♪
10:56 am
>> turn around. >> oh, my god! >> you can evcan you even belie just happened? edgar got a brand new car. >> by oig. ♪ all right, let's go
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♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate ♪ we, we chocolate cross over ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over ♪ [ male announcer ] fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate with clusters, flakes, and o's. oh, ho, ho... it's the honey sweetness i...i mean, [ female announcer ] and with all these great cheerios flavors, the love just keeps on coming.
11:00 am
and breaking news is going on in georgia, where there are reports of shots being fired at an elementary school this is in decatur, about seven miles east of atlanta. the chopper above the scene has been showing us images of children actually evacuating that school and police officers on the campus. police do have a suspect in custody. we are told no one has been hurt. again, reports of shots fired at an elementary school near atlanta and police do have a suspect in custody. good morning, thanks so much for joining us, i'm laura garcia-cannon. jon kelley and marla tellez have the day off. police in san jose are on the hunt for a gunman who shot three people at a restaurant, killing one of


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