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tv   Today  NBC  August 27, 2013 7:00am-11:01am PDT

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so something we're certainly keeping an eye on for you. having a tough fight. expected to be up there for about 15 more days. another local news update in about half an hour. hope to see you then. good morning. ready to strike. decision time at the white house. president obama weighing u.s. military options in syria. could airstrikes come within days? nbc's ann curry and richard engel are in the region with live reports. developing story. that raging wild fire near yosemite now posing a new threaten dang gerg san francisco's water and power supplies. and state of emergency. that's what hollywood is under according to the mayor of los angeles as more movie and television shows abandon california. what he wants to do to end that trend today, tuesday, august
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27th, 2013. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning. welcome to "today" at 7:00 a.m. on the west coast. i'm savannah guthrie. >> i'm matt lauer and this is al roker and tamron hall. something like 90,000 jobs could be lost. billions of dollars. >> it's a huge deal because for some it is the price of doing business in hollywood has become expensive. we'll have more on that story in a few moments. we'll have more to get to, including this is strange, a growing outbreak of measles of all things. it's tied to a megachurch where the need for vaccinations has been questioned in the past. >> as we mentioned, we have a lot to get to. let's start with the crisis in syria and the options that are now available to the president. nbc's richard engel is in turkey
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near the syrian border. richard, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. this morning's syria's foreign minister accused washington of searching for a pretexts to attack the country. said if any military action does come, syria will defend itself by all means possible. >> reporter: u.n. inspectors in damascus. one of their vehicles shot by a sniper interviewed victims yesterday and doctors and looked for evidence of a chemical attack. but it may be too late. u.s. intelligence officials are convinced the syrian regime used chemical weapons last week on a scale not seen anywhere in decades. so the united states is once again building a case for military action, this time on moral grounds and to discourage others from using chemical weapons. >> the images of entire families dead in their beds without a drop of blood or even a visible wound, bodies contorting in spasms. human suffering that we can
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never ignore or forget. anyone who can claim that an attack of this staggering scale could be contrived or fabricated needs to check their conscience and their own moral compass. >> reporter: while the white house says no final decision has been made, the u.s. has military options for a limited strike without sending in troops. officials tell nbc news to expect cruise missiles from four warships and two submarine in the mediterranean targeting control bunkers, artillery and war fields but not chemical stockpiles. that would be too risky. the leader of the syrian rebel army says he hopes u.s. actions will be strong enough to collapse the regime. >> if there is no action, we are afraid that in the coming days, not coming weeks, bashar will use chemical weapons and chemical materials against very wide areas. >> reporter: in syria many we
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spoke to desperately want american protection. a cotton farmer told us his family is terrified by the prospects of another chemical attack and hopes the u.s. and the world will now act decisively to prevent one. >> reporter: the u.s. isn't alone in considering military action, matt. turkey, the u.k., and france have all also expressed support. matt. >> richard engel, i will take it. nearly 2 million people have become refugees fleeing that violence in syria and more than half of them are children. nbc's ann curry is along syria's border in jordan. ann, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning to you. good morning, everybody. we are inside the biggest refugee camp in this crisis here on jordan's border with syria. it is bursting at the seams with more than 130,000 people. in this dust bowl we found one
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small boy, one of the 1 million. >> reporter: every morning in the sprawling camp 7-year-old jalal fetches water with his brother. washes himself and sits down to a modest breakfast. today it's eggs and pitta bread. a recent arrival, jalal barely escaped with his life. when war came to his hometown, daraa, in syria. he tells us, we were not allowed to leave the house because snipers would start shooting at us, they would slaughter the men and cut off their fingers or arms and throw their bodies into the schools. six weeks ago playing outside with his 10-year-old brother gasam and friends. something exploded. jalal was hit by shrapnel and watched close friends die. one had his stomach cut open, he says. the fighting was as close as you are from us. we crawled on our bellies or ran. we fell and scraped our knees. sometimes we would start shaking.
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even our mother started crying. jalal's mother describes their escape. >> translator: when we heard a sniper was close, we told the children to crawl along the road. thank god they listened to us and they are safe. they walked three days leaving jalal's father, a cook, to fight as a rebel. they've heard from him just once since they left home. now jalal's mother weeps for all their lost loved ones. today safe in the camp jalal gets a chance to be a kid again. but at night he said it's hard to sleep. he dreams of his father and cries. >> reporter: one of the 1 million stories, a tragedy for syria's war for syria's children. now back to you, savannah. >> an, thank you so much. here's matt. savannah, thanks.
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here at home that massive wild fire burning near yosemite national park is burning. there is some good news. crews are starting to make moves on the containment. >> reporter: matt, we've got very thick smoke hanging in the air this morning. the good news, the fire commanders believe this fire is now 20% contained. they're watching a water supply into san francisco as we've been reporting for days. the concern has been the ash in the water, but they think that that's now okay. meanwhile, thousands of homes do remain threatened and some have been lost. >> his father built a family cabin on the doorstep to yosemite national park. on monday he returned to find it was all gone. >> this was the main cabin here. it all comes back to life and
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you remember back when you were -- >> a little boy? >> -- a little kid, you know? >> reporter: the fire burning inside the national forest and the remote corner of yosemite is still out of control. the terrain is dangerous. steep, rugged, and full of dry fuel. >> i've fought fire from alaska to florida, from new england to california, and this is one of the toughest fights i've ever faced. >> the fire, if it comes in this direction, will come north or south. >> reporter: ron labizo commands five engine companies watching over the robin hood road neighborhood. if the fire comes over the ridge it could rain hot embers on the tree tops and homes. >> which houses do we stand and fight and which houses do we have to let go? >> this is a small thing, it's not a bribe. >> try one. >> they said they're going to be there all day. it's really reassuring to have them there. >> reporter: fighting the fire
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deep in the wilderness, say commanders, could take a long time. >> we have very explosive fuels out there unlike anything we've seen before. >> reporter: the priority now, ensuring the safety of the 4,000 firefighters who are on the front lines. >> reporter: fire commanders say the brush is so dry, the terrain is so dry, if you went to home depot or lowe's and you bought a 2x4 that wood would have twice the water in it as the forest here. >> tom, thank you very much. meantime, george zimmerman is making headlines this morning. tamron is here with the details. >> this is another interesting twist here in his life. good morning, everyone. george zimmerman is looking to the state of florida to help pay his legal costs. zimmerman's attorney has told a florida newspaper that he plans to ask the state to cover up to $300,000. zimmerman was acquitted of the second degree murder in the shooting death of trayvon martin.
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zimmerman's request is based on a florida law that actually allows a defendant who has been acquitted not to pay costs, insisting that the liable costs associated with it go over to the state, not to that individual. secretary of homeland security janet napolitano says good-bye today to the post she's held for four years. she's headed to the west coast where she will become the 20th president of the university of california system. no word yet on who will take over as secretary of homeland security. the nation's highest honor of courage went to an army soldier who braved a deadly saved fellow soldiers. president obama awarded the medal of honor to u.s. army staff sergeant ty michael carter. jim mick la chef ski has the story. >> reporter: at dawn october 2009 the taliban launched its most ferocious attack ever. army specialist ty carter knew
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this was trouble. >> the sound of the gunfire was nonstop. >> reporter: carter dodged bullets as he sprinted 100 meters to deliver ammo to his soldiers, not once but three times. more than 400 taliban vastly outnumbered the 52 americans. >> the hills looked like somebody kicked over an ant hill. you could see them moving. >> reporter: as the fighting raged on, carter and his sergeant were wounded, trapped in a humvee. specialist stefan mace was crawling on the ground seriously wounded and pleading for help. braving bullets carter eventually carried mace to safety but he later died of his wounds. >> when i heard he died i believed i was a complete failure not just in combat and the army but in life. >> reporter: he still suffers from post traumatic stress but works with others to combat their ptsd. at the medal of honor ceremony president obama praised carter
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for his heroism on and off the field. >> look at this soldier, this man, he's as tough as they come. >> reporter: and the true american hero. nbc news, the pentagon. >> well, now to wall street and what's moving the markets. cnbc's courtney reagan joins us now on how the situation in syria could affect trading today. courtney, good morning. >> good morning, tamron. worries about the market. investors are selling off stocks, buying gold and oil prices are moving higher at this point. the dow is down more than 80 points 40 minutes into trading. meantime, just weeks after resigning from the jcpenney board of directors, bill ackman is selling his hedge fund's entire 18% stake in the retailer for loss of nearly $500 million or about half of the fund's original investment in the ailing department store. tamron? >> courtney, thank you. a lesson this morning on whatnot to do during severe weather.
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on monday these thrill seekers decided for whatever reason to tempt fate and raft through the raging water since the rain started rescuers have actually had to pluck more than 20 people from the fast-moving flood waters in las vegas. a flash flood watch is in effect in the area until 9:00 tonight. obviously not appropriate behavior. it is 13 minutes past the hour. matt and savannah, from that story we want to give a lot of praise to staff sergeant carter, the medal of honor recipient. what an amazing man. he is a still in the service. >> those ceremonies are always incredibly moving. i don't think there's ever a dry eye. he's an amazing person for sure. >> meanwhile, back to the rafting story. not only do you do something stupid that puts your own life at risk, but now people have to go in and rescue you. >> this happens out in west. i grew up in tucson. there would be flash floods. there's a lot of concerns. almost every time people would want to play in the water and
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emergency crews will have to rescue zblem 6 inches of water will knock you down and a foot of water will move a car. there's no reason to do it. turn around, don't drown. let's take a look today. not only the flooding to deal with, but this is a haboob, the dust storm moving into phoenix, arizona. 60-mile-per-hour winds. this is the time lapse at the airport. just amazing stuff. this is right before it engulfed the airport. still photo. they lost power. some 75,000 people lost power. there were fires started. this was really pretty intense. you can see we're starting to see more moisture make its way into the southwest. this is because of tropical storm remnants, tropical storm ferdina ferdinand. we are looking at dry weather in the pacific northwest. 87 in midland. portland will be 80. as we move further to the south, the temperatures again are pretty toasty. 102 in phoenix. not a lot of good news.
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we'll get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. 07:15 on a tuesday morning. good morning. i'm meteorologist christina loren. a live look at the bay bridge. low clouds moving over the bridge. i'm happy to report we do have mostly clear skies for most of the bay area. 58 degrees in livermore. clear skies, making for a cooler start to the day. at noon temperatures already in the 80s if places like livermore, rounding out in 90
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degrees. 70 degrees in the city by the bay. tomorrow 89, a touch cooler. > and that's your latest weather. matt?texas. janet, good morning to you. >> hi, matt. this outbreak is alarming because we generally don't see cases of measles anyone. now a concentration tied to this church led by a celebrity minister and his pastor daughter, who have been critical of vaccines in the past. this sprawling texas megachurch is the epicenter of the outbreak. >> today, lord, i thank you. 16 cases have originated here. the youngest 4 months old. many home-schooled. officials say 11 had no measles
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vaccines. no records for the others. dr. karen smith at the church. >> this little guy presented to the clinics with textbook symptoms. and i didn't know enough to know that measles should be gone, so i tested him for it. >> a church visitor traveled overseas and returned handling nonvaccinated children in the on-site day care. >> so there's a possibility that any of you or your children have been exposed. >> terry is the church pastor and dr. of kenneth copeland. he's been critical of vaccines in the back suggesting a link to autism. >> you don't take the word of the guy trying to give a shot about what's good and what isn't. >> i church tells nbc news it's now urging members to get vaccinated in the wake of the out break. >> the main thing is staying in
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faith whatever you do, okay? >> cdc reports an alarming spike in cases. 159 this year, almost triple 2012 total of 55. >> measles is the most infectious of all the diseases. as long as there's measles anywhere in the world and there are people traveling back and forth, we are at risk. >> best known for the red rash, the respiratory infection can be prevented. >> the best way to protect yourself from measles and death is to get your children vaccinated. >> the church offered vaccinations 400 times in recent weeks. >> new york city battled measles this year. mostly in orthodox jewish communities. >> thanks, janet. appreciate it. coming up, donald trump taking shots at the new york
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attorney general over trump university. this morning the attorney general's response in a live interview. new fallout from miley cyrus's performance at the vmas. why a leading parents group says heads should roll at mtv. we'll talk about that. but first this is "today" on nbc.
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coming up, they won grand slams but can they compete with us? we're going to play tennis against serena williams and andy murray. it's actually savannah and andy murray versus me and serena williams. at the end does the trophy end up here. >> i don't know how the ending ays out but i'm thinking it's you. >> what about you al? >> i'm going with serena and matt. >> really? why. >> oh, look at that.
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>> can i change my bet. >> we will tell you how it ends up. >> ally low lights are getting in there. >> i didn't have anyighlhts. the duchess of cambridge's first outing after your local news. to get an amazing amount of work done. sanding, drilling, driving, fastening, cutting, and much more. like all ridgid power tools, the ridgid jobmax is covered for life. only at the home depot. this complete jobmax starter kit is now only $79, and this 12pc blade kit for just $49.88. ♪ if yand you're talking toevere rheuyour rheumatologistike me, about trying or adding a biologic.
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the time is 7:26. good morning. i'm jon kelley. a teenager sadly is dead and two others right now in the hospital this morning after a car crash in danville. police say the teenagers were driving near the crow canyon country club when that driver lost control and hit a tree. police say the threexng attend local high school and were supposed to return for their first day of class this morning. we've just received new numbers on that rim fire burning near yosemite. the containment stays the same as last night at about 20%. the flames continue spreading. they've now scorched nearly 180,000 acres. that's up about 18,000 acres since the last update. so the new mbers, about
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180,000 acres. we're getting new images of the people who broke into a tiffany jewelry store in walnut creek. overnight police released surveillance images of the thieves and their vehicle. the images we're about to show you were shot just before the break-in. they show÷k six people meeting a parking lot where police say they removed the license plates from a white chevy trail blazer later used as the getaway car. the thieves managed to only get away with a small amount of jewelry items. let's take a look outside and check your forecast. christina loren is here to talk about tuesday and beyond. good morning. >> good morning, jon and good morning to you at home. this live picture is from high i can tell you right now, san jose, same hazy sky overhead. temperatures are comfortable. about a third as much cloud cover as yesterday morning.
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83 in santa teresa. if you don't like the heat, this is the warmest day of the week. let's check your drive with mike. >> looking over my shoulder. let's look full screen. north 880, the one direction northbound is slow. southbound looking pretty good. traffic building here. /really jammed up because of the crash south 880 at lieu elg. 680 into sun nome as well as 580 through livermore. there's your south bay. >> another local update in about one-half hour. that will be at 7:56.
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heads. is what it's called. >> we always pick tails. >> oh, god. >> tails never fails. >> okay. >> andy murray to serve. >> 7:30 on a tuesday morning. it's the 27th day of august 2013. defending u.s. open champion serena williams and andy murray having fun with savannah and me on the court just a short distance from re. so how did the match turn out? we're going to fill you in in just a little while. i'm matt lauer along with savannah chrissi guthrie and al roker and tamron hall in for natalie. >> you know what they say.
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>> we'll see. >> is someone at your office hosting a labor day pool party and would you be willing to wear your swim suit around your work colleagues or would you be embarrassed? well, this is something i recently faced myself with someone sittingight here. >> this to me is a no brain er. if it's nice and you want to swim, you swim. >> it's a two piece or one piece debate. >> for me it's like a one piece or a turtleneck. >> a lot to do about nothing. >> anyway, we'll talk about that. >> then on trending, if you have been struggling with your weight, maybe it's your attitude t. way you feel and loo your best. >> all right. but we'll begin with the on going war of words between donaldrump and new york's attorney general. we'll talk to him in a moment but first, the latest on this
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feud. >> reporter: donald trump is front and center with trump university. >> success, it's going to happen to you. >> reporter: appearing in the ads promising access to great real estate deals and the best business education from top real estate experts. but new york's attorney general eric sniederman says it's all a fraud. he filed this lawsuit saying it was fraudulent and illegal and a bait and switch. she is mentioned in the lawsuit against trump and was out of work and wanted to learn real estate from the master himself. >> when you hear the trump name you think successful real estate. >> reporter: what started out as a $1,500 seminar ballooned to more than $11,000 in bill. >> i felt foolish. i thought i must be stupid. maybe i didn't see something i should have seen but i wasn't
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the ly one. >> rorter: monday here on today trump phoned in to defend himself and got personal with the attorney general. >> we're dealing with an attorney general who everyone in new yo knows is a total light weight. >> reporter: trump claims he was trying to extort him. >> he asked for money recently during the investigation. he was asking people in my firm, including one of my lawyers for campaign contributions. who ever heard of this? he is asking for campaign contributions while he is looking into trump. >> reporter: then another bombshell with trump suggesting the attorney general and president obama were in cohoots. >> he met with president obama and filed the lawsuit on saturday at 1:00. now, i have been doing this a long time. when was the last time you saw a govement agency bring a lawsuit on a saturday? >> well, the new york attorney general is with us now. mr. attorney general, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> why don't we start right there. did you file this lawsuit at the
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behest of president obama or to get favor with president obama? >> no, i saw the president in syracuse and spoke a little bit. we have more important things to talk about than donald trump and the reason the suit was filed on a saturday is trump's lawyers requested that we wait until after midnight on friday. so once again as with all of the facts relating to trump university which he continues to avoid, mr. trump's statements are false. >> how many complaints did your office receive art trump university or the trump entrepreneur institute as it was later called? >> we received dozens of complaints and they're sti coming in. mostly from new yorkers because i represent the people in the state of new york but as the person you had on earlier indicated, a lot of folks think maybe it's their fault they didn't get anything and now they're realizing that everyone recognized they got scammed and more people are coming forward.
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>> let me ask you about that. at what point is it fraud or not something that's a little bit sleazey but a buyer beware situation? >> the law on this is clear. you can't make false representations. you can't tell people you're selling them a car that gets 50 miles per hour if it gets 10 miles per hour. donald trump's university was phony t. name was phony. wasn't registered as a university. they were being chase around by the new york state department of educion. they kept lying and defrauding them. trump said he was going to teach you his secrets of real estate through his hand picked experts. but trump did not pick one of the instructors and they were not experts. some came out of bankruptcy and some more motivational speakers and there were no secrets involved. >> it's important to realize because you say he is very involved in terms of approving the advertising and marketing
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but at the same time you're saying he promised his expertise but outsourced it to a third person. >> it's interesting because the former president testified trump was interested in the promotional materials and he was involved in luring in students with his celebrity status but was not involved in the curriculum or teaching. the students thought they would get to meet mr. trump but they got to have their picture taken next to a life sized poster of trump to make it look as though they had met him. >> there was an allegation by mr. trump that you sought campaign contributions from him and you were spurned by him and that the reason that you filed the lawsuit. >> trump is -- look, this is very common. prosecutors are used to people making wild accusations. he has still yet to address any of the merits of the claims we sent in. we have testimony by his former president and we have their play
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book instructing teachers how to do the bait and switch. tell the student to get the more expensive product. you need to go to the next level. probably the most dispickable thing, told student to raise their credit limits. call up your credit companies and get more credit and use that to buy more trump programs. there's people that moved out of their homes and went into debt for this. its disgraceful conduct. any attorney general would be pursuing this and mr. trump is -- needless to saye're not really on the same page -- so he is not the kind of pern that would sply support to someone like me. >> is this a difficult case to prove. >> no, our documents probably entitled us to judgment. he wants to fight it out in the press and he doesn't seem to understand the concept of a bad headline. >> thank you very much. appreciate it. >> now we get a check of the weather from al. today's weather is brought to you by quaker. nothing gets you going quite like theower of quaker.
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quaker up. >> got a birthday girl here, at's your name? >> kyla. >> 9 years old today. happy birthday. we have seen flooding down in southern california. this is outside of san diego. well, we have got more moisture to deal with with the reminisces of tropical storm fernand. we'll show you the maps and you'll see we do have flash flood watches and advisories from utah into california. a lot of heavy rain moving through arizona on up into utah. rainfall amounts anywhere from 2 to 3 independence from lands ch all over. it will be gusty with dry thunderstorms so that may cause more fires and it looks like we won't get any relief in sight r our friends fighting the fires out
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7:38. welcome back, al. we sure missed you. taking a live look at the golden gate bridge. socked in with fog. fog at the immediate coast. no flight delays though for the first morning in four days out of sfo, you'll find flight delays if you try to get in to new york city's laguardia airport. highs today are going to be pretty warm inland, 91 in livermore, 90 in concord, 81 in san jose. staying nice and level for wednesday into thursday and a cooler weekend on top. latest weather. let's head back to matt. >> thank y very much. still ahead on trending, the duchess of cambridge steps out fothe first time since giving birth. but up next, miley cyrus facing new backlash this morning over her vma performance, right after this. ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats. today is going to be epic.
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7:41 am
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i know, right? check these out. they even have them in my signature color. that's what i'm talking about. they have so much great stuff. oh, sweet! anyway, what's your first day strategy? [ female announcer ] come find your first day look at jcpenney. we are back at 7:43 with more backlash of miley cyrus's performance at the mtv video music awards. it is growing this morning. mara is here with more on that. good morning. >> good morning everyone. if miley cyrus wanted attention she is getting it. her appearance watched by more than 10 million people still has the internet abuzz and some parents fuming. miley cyrus knows how to make an entrance and an impact. her racy performance at sunday
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night's vmas stole the show for all the wrong reasons. >> that was really disturbing. that young lady who is 20 is obviously deeply troubled, deeply disturbed. >> i want to know who is advising her and why it's necessary. >> reporter: inspiring open letters expressingoncern to cyrus along with with open disstain from parents across america. >> it was disgusting and shocking, apalling. >> reporter: especially to those that grew up with cyrus as disney's hannah montana. >> i was surprised she would be almost naked on stage. >> reporter: i used to want to be her when i was little. it was upsetting to see the way she was acting. >> reporter: with miley growing up so fast how do parents reach out to those that may look to her as a role model. >> it maybe an uncomfortable situation for families but it's our responsibility to put things in perspective and context for our children and ultimately to
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replace the media messages with your own values. >> it was crazy. i mean, we spoke about it. she knows my opinion on that. i mean, she knows that i felt that mey didn't respect herse hersf. >> reporter: and while there are those that don't want her to stop saying miley cyrus is a grown work, twerk on. for others, it's too late. >> i think she is going to lose a lot of her fans and a lot of respect also. >> robin thicke joined her on stagfor part of t performance and his mom is weighing in. the former actress said i don't get what her point was. it was so ove the top as to almost be a parody of itself. the photo that went viral of will smith and his family looking horrified was him reacting to lady gaga's performance and not mileys. >> taken out of context. >> their expression spoke for a
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nation. robin thicke's wife said she wasn't offended and they rehearsed it. they planned every move. >> it was choreographed. >> which is why some parents groups are prompting the call for somebody to be fired at mtv. anyway, the professionals are here in our next half hour and they're going to weigh in on this subject and others. meanwhile, up next, hollywood's state of emergency. the new push to stop a growing number of movie makers from king their business elsewhere. that's right after this. hi, i'm karissa. hi, i'm sherri. and i'm going to show sherri how collecting box tops for education earns cash for our school by shopping at walmart. come on. sherri, look at all these products that you can buy for your family with box tops. and look, four box tops in one box. that's awesome! more cash for our school. only at walmart you get 4 box tops on over 100 items. karissa i got it and you only had to tell me fr mes.
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[ female announcer ] aveeno® with soy helps reduce the look of bwn spots in 4 weeks. for healthy radiant skin. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results. ♪ now you can give yourself a kick in the rear! v8 v-fusion us energy. natural energy from green tea plus fruits and veggies. need a little kick? ooh! could've had a v8. in the juice aisle.
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for shopping that took half e the time. need a little kick? ooh! converse, skechers, nike, and more at famous footwear. victory is yours. goglossophobia, is the fear of public speaking. ♪ ♪ the only thing we have to fear is... fear itself. ♪ ♪ that's why i eat belvita at breakfast. it's made with delicious ingredients, then carefully baked to release steady energy that lasts. we're golfing now, buddy! i got it! belvita. steady energy. all morning long. [ female announcer ] and now introducing new belvita soft-baked breakfast biscuits. made with delicious ingredients and whole grains,
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they'll give you 20% of your daily fiber... and a new way to get nutritious morning energy. available in mixed berry and oats & chocolate. well, is tinsel town losing it's sparkle? the increasing cost of shooting movies is causing a growing number of production companies to abandon hollywood and l.a.'s mayor is sounding the alarm. jason kennedy is there with details. good morning to you. >> good morning. the l.a. mayor declared a state of emergency as films leave for state with better financial incentives. hollywood has always been the home of stars and big budget blockbusters. but these days, l.a.'s run away production costs are causing the film industry to stay hello to places besides hollywood. 68% of the nation'stv and film
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production came out of california. in 2011 it dropped to 59%. a not so hollywood ending for 90,000 jobs and $3 billion in wages. l.a.'s mayor calls it a state of emergency. >> we lost the blockbuster fis. they don't film here anymore. tax credits arod the world and country have takenhem away. >> reporter: and toward georgia and north carolina where they're shooting the next ironn. even battle los angeles was shot in louisiana. the mayor is looking to change that trying to remove limits on the tax incentives that drive productionway. a move he says is more abouthe crew behind the camera than the stars in front of it. >> it's about the person holdi the sound boom and painting the sets. it's the person out there taking care of their family. >> reporter: ted johnson who writes abo the topic for variety magazine notes the trend could be a sign of things to come. >> the more production that occurs in other cities on a
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regular basis, the bigger the talent pool is going to be. los angeles risks not just losing that production on a temporary basis but also permanently. >> reporter: the question now becomes have the final credits rolled on hollywood or i this story one to be continued. >> now the mayor hopes to appoint a film czar in the fall to work on keeping hollywood here in california. we'll keep you posted on this one. >> thank you jason kennedy. >> we were doing the olympics in vancouver. that place is getting a huge amount of movies. >> and new york city where it started it back again. >> i see films being shot all the time. constantly auditioning. >> how is tha going? >> not good. i'm still here. a new approaching to dieting on trending. >> savnah and i take to the court against ten risk super stars serena williams and sandy murray. >> and bathing suit etiquette when your coworkers are around. should you dive in or stay on
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dry land? >> all after your local news and weather. you must be garth's father? hello. mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because you can fly any airline anytime. two words. double miles! this guy can act. wanna play dodge rock? oh, you guys! and with double miles you can actually use, you never miss the fun. beard growing contest and go! ♪ i win! what's in your wallet? ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats. today is going to be epic. quaker up. [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant ♪ ho ho ho
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[ male announcer ] may your lights always be green. [ tires screech ] ♪ and your favorite songs always playing. [ beeping ] ♪ may you never be stuck behind a stinky truck. [ beeping ] ♪ may things always go your way. but it's good to be prepared... just in case they don't. let's go places, safely. the only thing anyone really cares about is that first day. everyone will be stylin' their faves. love that! but i'll be bringing it every day, 'cause i went to jcpney. i know, right?
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check these out. they even have them in my signature color. that's what i'm taing about. they have so much great stuff. oh, sweet! anyway, what's your first day strategy? [ female announcer ] come find your first day look at jcpenney. then we tried this nutri-grain fruit crunch bar. it's so crunchy. crunchy granola, mmmm... made with real fruit, 20 grams of whole grains. now, we love mornings. ♪ now, we love mornings. the most versatile oscillating tool system in the industry. the ridgid jobmax. all these different power tool heads lock into one power base. giving you the flexibility to get an amazing amount of work done. sanding, drilling, driving, fastening, cutting, and much more. like all ridgid power tools, the ridgid jobmax is covered for life. only at the home depot. this complete jobmax starter kit is now only $79, and this 12pc blade kit for just $49.88.
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it is 7:56. good morning everybody. i'm jon kelley. police in palo alto on the hunt for two armed men who robbed a couple in a post office parking lot. the married couple was dropping letters off on east bayshore road just after midnight. that's when a car pulled up next to them and two men got out. one of them pointed a gun at the couple and demanded cash. the husband complied. the gunman then drove off heading north toji6ñ east palo . styrofoam takeout boxes could be a thing of the past in san jose. the city council considering a ban on the containers today. if that measures passes, san jose would be the largest city in the entire state, perhaps xv country, to enact su a ban. supporters say the containers are harmful to the environment. opponents argue other options are more expensive. as we close in on the end of
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summer, one thing is for sure out here, christina loren, we are still blessed. this weather outside is gorgeous. >> it really is, jon. good morning to you. this morning we are running between one to eight degrees cooler. i can point off right off the b bat it's going to be warmer. your hour-by-hour forecast, at noon, getting toasty in places like livermore. 81 at lunchtime. 76 in liver -- 70 degrees in san francisco. 75 in santa cruz and a cooler labor day weekend headed our way. speaking of which, you've got to labor for the weekend, mike is here with the traffic update. >> a little work getting to work. 880 showing slowing to the bay bridge. we have a lot of slowing south from the same area through san leandro. the earlier crash still reported in the lanes. below 20 miles per hour into fremont for 880. there are the northbound routes. bill builds through that area and through the tri-valley, jon.
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another local update coming your way in one-half hour from now. hope to see you then.
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♪ it's my 9th birthday today. >> yay! >> there we go. >> mess up my hair? >> so nice, matt. thank you so much. >> good morning, al. >> how are you? >> thanks for coming early. you got a good sport. >> good morning. good morning. >> hi. >> baby news. good for you. >> the other baby is in new york city. >> 8:00 now on a tuesday morning. it's the 27th of august, 2013. we give a warm hello to the great crowd. nice and early to get a chance to say hello to their family and friends back home. i'm savannah guthrie alongside
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al roker and matt lauer. when is the baby due? >> february 15th. >> like you're wearing a wedgewood dress. >> china, yeah, yeah. >> fine china as we say. >> you guys are in a good mood. >> mm-hmm. >> coming up -- we have been having a little bit of a debate around here. what if you were invited to say an office pool party. >> yeah. >> would you wear your bathing suit in front of your work colleagues? >> would you be comfortable with that? it's an office party, not in the office, at the beach. >> i would, but with a cover-up. >> would you take the cover-up off and jump into the ocean? >> no. >> really? >> okay. >> well, i find this shocking. >> i think it falls along male/female lines. guys go -- what the heck, you know? just avert your eyes.
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>> we conducted an informal survey on line. we'll talk to an etiquette expert about that. >> also on "trending" a modern day problem causing you to get less rest. could you be sleep texting? >> that's frightening. >> we go head to head with serena williams and andy murray. >> nice outfit. >> thank you. >> very nice. >> adorable to this lady back here. >> first, tomorrow is the 50th anniversary of martin luther king jr.'s iconic dream speech. we want you to share your dream with us. just tweet using the hash tag dream day. you can find more on day. >> headed down there tomorrow. >> that's great. look forward to that. >> all right. >> we want to get a check of the top stories. tamron hall is in. >> good morning. more defiance from syria even as the u.s. and allies consider military action there.
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syria's foreign minister said his country will press on with its fight against rebels despite the prospect of foreign military strikes. u.s. intelligence officials believe the syrian regime used chemical weapons last week and an action that secretary of state john kerry condemned monday as a moral obscenity. and crews are making headway against the huge wildfire. and tom costello has the very latest. good morning to you. >> reporter: hi, tamron, good morning. as you can see we have thick smoke hanging in the air today. the good news is that fire commanders believe they have now got 20% containment on this fire. 235 square miles and they hope that the higher humidity sis going to help them today. higher humidity and the winds have died down. they're monitoring very closely the water supply into san francisco.
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about 85% of the city's water comes from the hetch hetchy reservoir. so far, they believe the water is very safe. >> thank you very much. a former flight attendant faces five years after making a series of false bomb threats against united airlines. a german citizen living in los angeles used pay phones to make the threats causing delays and impinge the passenger searches. students at sandy hook elementary are back to school today. they're attending classes in a different building in a nearby town. there's a plan to demolish the former school where 20 children and six adults were killed last december. the pennsylvania girl whose parents had to fight for lung transplants hopes to get her out of the hospital today. 11-year-old sarah mernihan got
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two lung transplants. and all those summers playing basketball in the driveway, well, it paid off for one teenager. the teenager hit the half court shot and he gets free tuition for a year. he beats it! he had three chances to make the shot but only took one. he got the chance from a random drawing. that's called seizing the moment. let's go back to al for a check of the weather. pretty cool, huh? today's weather is brought to you by chico's. your destination for fabulous fashion and accessories. >> oh, that's the second week in a row we had somebody win free tuition with a basketball shot. are you practicing your half court shot? >> yeah. >> all right. maybe you'll win some tuition and save mom some money. all right. mom wishes for that too. let's show you what we've got. pick city, just happens to be
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fabulous yuma, arizona. kyma 11. 103 degrees. we have a risk of severe storms from columbus, and charleston and that moves into roanoke tomorrow on into pittsburgh. more heavy thunderstorms and heavy rain as well. you can see some rain moves into the pacific northwest today. more monsoonal moisture for the southwest. gulf coast looking good. but the heat continues. look for a gorgeous day here in the northeast with a few hit or miss showers and thund good tuesday morning to you, you i'm meteorologist christina loren. the time now, 8:06. this is a live picture come from high atop san bruno mountain. you can see the low clouds below and fog drifting through the area. overall august lot clearer at this hour than 24 hours ago, 70 degrees on the way to san francisco as a result of that sunshine coming in earlier, 81, san jose, 88 degrees headed your
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way in gilroy, the low 90s in the east bay, trivalley warm today, 89, wednesday, temperatures dropping off getting into the labor day weekend. >> and that's your latest weather. >> thanks. coming up, out and about, we're seeing kate for first time since the baby. >> and savannah and i take -- we play with andy murray and serena williams. who wins? we'll find out. and call it a version of the s.a.t., really? but first, these messages.
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♪ show-stopping glamour. a little leopard, a lot of roar. our most fabulous jacket collection. only at chico's and 'it's hard to find contractors with the passion and the skill, and that's why we use angie's list. online or on the phone, we help you hire right the first time with honest reviews on over 720 local services. i want it done right. i don't nt to have to woy about it or have to come back and redo it. with angie's list, i was able to turn my home into the home of my dreams. for over 18 years, we've helped people take care of the things that matter most. join today.
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we've just topped our quarter pounder with even more bold new taste. you love bacon. we added thick-cut, applewood bacon to our new quarter pounder blt. now more than ever, there's something for everyone to love atcdonald's. and? and then go to college and study science. way to stay focused! and then i'll become a scientist and change the world! the world? now you're talking! [ female announcer ] packed with whole grain fiber and a taste kidsove, frosted mini-wheats helps keep them full and foced. and when they're full and focused every day, who knows what themay become some day. that's what i call chemistry! [ female announcer ] kellogg's frosted mini-wheats cereal. help feed their full pential. now with kellogg's family rewards, you can get even more from the products you love join tod at [ male announcer ] with new smucker's natural fruit spreads, every day can be truly extraordinary. ♪
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spread a little sunshine with naturally delicious smucker's natural. [ female announcer ] resisting the magical taste of silky smooth dove® chocolate is difficult. but choosing which one is even harder. when your allergies start, doctors recommend tang one non-drowsy claritin every day during your allergy season for continuous relief. 18 days! 17 days! 22 days of continuous relief. live claritin clear. every day. ♪ ♪ oh yes. you do windows.
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the everyday collection. by target. we're back at 8:11 with what's trending today. trending on live scnce, have you ever gotten up ithe morning and looked at your cell phone an you see a text message that you don't remember sending? well, sleep disorder specialists are sounding the alarm on sleep texting. it's a growing problem according to some now that so many of us sleep with our smartphones right ne to the bed. a study found that figure to be as high as 2-thirds of all americans. so specialists say sleep texting occurs somewhere around two hours after you fall asleephen deep restful slumber normally begins. to ensure you get a good nights sleep, experts recommend shutting off desiess an hour bere bed and removing them
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from your bedom entirely. >> no way. >> i think if i were to wake up in the middle of the night and actually text somebody i would be awake. >> but som people sleep talk or talk in their sleep or sleep walk. >> i got one from you -- it made no sense. >> that was an ambien moment. i don't know about that. >> i think it sounds like an excuse t justify a tt you regret sending. li drunk texting. >> you have to send it at 2:00 in the morning. >> trending on, three words that could be a secret to a successful diet. just don't gain. some people are stressing over shedding the last few pounds only to find no change but maybe you should think about it in a whole different y. scientists at duke found a more successful weight loss strategy was to focus on not gaining weight rather than losing. don't try to lose weight, just
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say i don't try to gain. people that use that method were more likely to avoid the weight creep. that's a pretty good plan. >> that's what i have been trying to do. >> think of it in the reverse. >> i'm not trying to lose anything. i'm trying to stay where i am. d i lost a couple of pounds. >> very nice. trending on the daily beast. new mom kate middleton has been spotteout and about for the first time since giving birth over a month ago. it's been that long? the duchess was doing a little grocery shopping at her local market on theslandn a simple sweater and black jeans. kate rocked a pony -- tail. >> rocked a pony? >> anyway, she showed off her fit figure. she looks amazing. >> she does. >> doesn't she? >> i'm sure that striped shirt is flying off the shelves now. everything she wears. >> probably sold out and they'll reorder a bunch. >> absolutely. trending on the huffington post,
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move over adele. she won for her themed last year japs bond film sky fall but her rendition is getting a little competition from a likely group. a russian's soldiers choir. check this out. [ music playing ] ♪ ♪ vladimir putin is very proud. they took on the tune for a russian morning show. it's a little strange when you consider a lot of the villains in james bond are russian. >> it's bizarre. reading the words off the clipboards. >> i like it. >> that's what is trending today. straight ahead on our 8:00 block, a great debate tied to
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swim suits. would you be comfortable wearing a bathing suit in front of your coworkers? we'll talk about that. meanwhile on today's cover story, the s. open tennis championships are under way a short distance from here in queens and before the action heated up savannah and i had a chance to catch up a play with two of the sports biggest names. >> reporter: defending u.s. open champion serena williams and andy murray know something about the sweet taste of victory. >> serena has done it. >> reporter: ranked number one, sere rena williams has 31 grand slam titles including 16 singles titles. andy murray's recent n at wimbledowas about another grand slam title. it was about history. >> and finally, it's over. >> reporter: but for all of their success the pressure at the top only continues to build.
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>> we just learned something. you do not go to the draw on a tournament like this. you get nervous looking at who you might play. >> i do. i get really nervous. whenever the draw comes out, i just can't. >> at what point do you find out who your opponent is? >> the day i havehe match. sometimes before i walk on the court, i don't know who i'm playing. it sounds weird and silly but 's true. >> i think the real headline here is that serena williams still gets nervous. you have 31 grand slam titles. >> i know, but you know, i think that also shows a lot of the passion i still have. i feel like when i'm playing and i don't get the butter plies and don't getnervous, that's when it's time to stop. >> to come back to the u.s. open as defending champ, does that just take the pressure to a whole new level. >> last year i never won a grand slam before so the closer i got to the end o the tournament, the more nervous i got and more i doubted myself where as this year the doubts all come before the tournament and through a few
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runs i'll start to feel more comfortable. >> we asked serena when you're in an incredibly pressure packed situation, how do you deal with the moment. she said i just relax. >> it's not easy. everyone feels the nerves. you have to try to slow yourself wn and not rush. >> reporter: but perhaps nothing could prepare these champions for the pressure of a high stakes match involving two slightly less gifted player >> i don't want to brag but i did go to tennis camp. >> okay. >> anything here to here, that's mine. >> okay. >> anything else outside of that is -- >> is yours too. >> is yours. >> on a scale of one to ten, how much of an advantage do you think it is to have me on your team. >> well, i've heard you're the better player. we'll see. >> you heard that from me. >> so this is my side, in case you were wondering, okay? this is my side. >> i grew up on this side. >> i understan that. >> i don't think matt is that good. >> yeah.
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>> what should we do? >> let's aim most of our shots toward him. i'll serve. you can be up at the net and you can swat the balls away. >> i'm not really good at the net. >> you said you can't serve either. >> heads or ils. >> heads. >> heads is what it's called. >> oh, wait, welways take tails. >> oh, god. >>ails never fails. >> okay. and it's tails. our first victory. >> your last victory. >> andy murray to serve. >> hi serena. >> hey girl. >> here we are playing tennis like we always do. >> not my forehand. >> so embarrassing. okay. >> well played. >> have i redeemed myself? >> you have but you have to serve now. >> savannah guthrie to serve. >> don't make it worse. oh i hope i can get it over the net.
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shoot sorry. i didn't like that one either. it's a little nerve racking. >> she is on medication serena. >> nice. >> 3-2. >> oh, i have to serve. >> thank you partner. thank you. >> 4-3. she puts spin on it. >> oh. >> 6-4. williams-lauer. >> match pnt serena.
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>> match point. >> oh. >> game, set, match. and the winner is matt and serena. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> you would have been more motivat motivated. >> epic battle. >> i knew it. >> i know. >> i was shocked because you went to tennis camp and so i couldn't believe you didn't win. >> i won't name the tennis ca. >> they're paying you not to name it. >> we get to do neat things on this show. i love tennis. it's the only sport i can kind of play. when serena williams w across e court i choked. she was so sweet and nice, hey girl. >> we didn't get to hit any warm upshots. they put us on the court. first thing thathappened, andy
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murray serves at you. they were great to give us time, especially with the grand slam event just ahead of them. we want to mentionhey also took time to meet with young fans that were affected by hurricane sandy. a group of kids from howard beach here in new york and another from the action center. very nice. >> one other note from the tennis world, serena was in action on monday and she was sodom nating that her opponent actually went and hugged one of the ball boys. apparently it's just not going well and she thought let's get a little love to get me through this match. >> they're not dating. >> pickingut drapes. >> meantime, with labor day almost here you may find yourself at the beach or pool pear but if it involves your coworkers would you be willing to wear a bathing suit. we asked thomas p. farley to
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weigh in. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> we should set this up. thisame up. i was on long island this weekend with my fiancee mike and matt said you should come hang out and i said great and he said the swimming is excellent right now. beautiful day. bring your suits and swim to which i said are you kidding me? there iso way in a thousand years. >> the way we said it we can't say it on the air. >> i was like no way i'm not getting in a bathing suit in front of you and you thought that was bizarre. >> if it's a gorgeous day and i hadn't been there would you have taken advantage and gone swimming in the bay alone and if the answer was yes, why wouldn't you do it in front of me. we know each other very well. that's when i said it's a girl/guy thing. you don't understand. >> thisould be an awkward situation. you're accustomed to being around each other in different attire. you want to make sure it's professional and can have fun but you don't want to be miley
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cyrus the next day. >> but you're not going to be twerking at the pool. >> or anywhere for that matter. tamron what do you feel about this. >> i think it boils down to whether you wear a one piece or two piece. i would never wear a two piece in front of coworkers. put you're still being friendly. you're friends after all. >> i wear it. i would feel bad for the folks watching. but i'd wear it. >> we went out on the bay and it was, i think my 12-year-old son who was with us who finally convinced sannah to actually put the bathing suit on and take a very quick dive in the water. >> which i have now allowed us to show for five seconds and five seconds only. >> that was the skinny dipping shot. >> looks like it. >> and that is it. get rid of it. >> you can't see anything. >> you're in the water. >> you're in the water. >> i anything, mike is showing more skin. >> i know. >> go to the underwater view
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that i took. >> there was a bter shot. you gave them the worse shot. go ahead and show them the shot. >> do you or don't you want people to see -- >> sounds like you do. >> they don't have it. >> there it . >> nice. >> i know. that's the one you should be showing. >> let me tell you, on our website, it was like 70% said they would not wear one. men were more willing. chuck todd tweeted about this. what say you. >> this is what i get for opening my big mouth on twitter? i have to stop. i have to unfollow the "today" show. there was no chance. this is why d invented the swim shirt. there is no way. i put on a shirt the minute my kid's parents come over to pick up kids if i'm watching the group swimming. there's no way. i won't do it in front of them. no way in front of you guys.
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i didn't like seeing you in gym clothes savannah. >> thank you. >> none of that. >> no way i'm taking my shirt off. i'm not doing it in front of lauer and i can't believe feldman did. the guy is 100 years old and in better shape than i am. >> why accept the invite if you're not going to participate. >> i did. >> you have to bring a sense of fun. >> oh, look at that. >> hello. >> te that off. go ahead. >> you have nothing to worry about. if you're going -- the girls are going for a girls day a the beach and t t guys, that's a little bit different but when you have a co-ed situatio especially with a boss. so tryon the bathing suit before you go to the beach and make sure you look okay in it and watch the sun block. don't have your boss applying the sun block. >> she asked my 12-year-old son. >> no, i didn't.
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>> that is a little weird. >> thomas, thank you. >> he'lle out of therapy in six or seven years. don't worry about it is 8:26. good morning, everybody, i'm jon kelley. less than 36 hours, crews will shut down the bay bridge to connect the new eastern span. engineers are optimistic about the reliability about hundreds of at-risk steel fasteners this after 32 rods snapped earlier this year. here is a look at that schedule. the bridge will be closed tomorrow night starting at 8:00 it is scheduled to reopen tuesday at 5 a.m., date after labor day. for more information on how to get you around the bay area during the bridge closure, all you have to do is go to and if you want to know how to get around the bay area right now, all you have to do is check out my man right here, mike inouye has it all. >> get around slowly, jon. take you over here to a live look -- a few minutes ago, our
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chopper was live over the scene here at livermore, bennett, the scene of an earlier crash, you see at the bottom of the screen, overturned truck, looks like it might have been carrying a load of windows there, a lot of glass, whatever the case, an investigation going on, lass pest see the it is a is closed at bent, checking it in the newsroom, what does that mean? we get to the map, use the patterson pass road, through livermore, atypical slow north toward sunol and bernal, slow south of the bay, jon, back ba you. >> we will be back in one half hour with an update. see you then.
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we're back now, 8:30 on a tuesday morning. it's the 27th day of august, 2013. sky is trying to brighte up a little bit after drizzle this morning and overnight. a little muggy in the new york area. hopefully it's nice and cool and betiful where you're waking up. out on the plaza, by the way, a nice crowd of people. if they come back on friday, they will be treated to a coert out on the plaza from grammy award winner chris brown. that's friday morning, 8:30 half hour right here on today.
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i'm matt lauer along with savannah guthrie, al roker and tamron hall. >> coming up we will have our professionals in the house. we have dr. nancy, star jones sitting in today. they'll talk about miley cyrus's performance at the vmas. if only she can tell us what she really thinks about it. and plus hidde deals online will help you cut costs on your family's back to school shopping. very important. >> and then remember marilyn haggerty? it was her honest routine that got worldwide attention. she is out with a new book. we'll catch up with her in a little bit. >> a lot to get to. how about a check of the weather. >> we'll show you what we've got going on for today. we're looking at a risk of strong storms making their way through the great lakes. rain in the pacific northwest.
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plenty of sunshine through the southeast. tomorrow it moves to the southeast. a lot of wet weather into the southeast. rain in the pacific northwest. sizzling through 8:32 on a tuesday morning, good morning, i'm meteorologist christina loren, mostly cloudy here on the golden gate bridge. happy to report we don't have flight delays this is the sky over san jose you hazy, sunshine coming in, a warm day on tap, especially out in the extreme east bay, where we are expecting the 90s, 91 on the way to livermore, the warmest day of the week, 88, gilroy, 70 degrees on the way to san francisco. going to be a pretty day in the city today. getting into the next couple of day we shave a couple degrees off wednesday and thursday, a cool weekend ahead. got nice suffolks from the cleveland area. >> bill griffin and kim griffin. >> steve lewis. >> power house.
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let's head down to beautiful washington d.c. and say hello to uncle willard scott. >> who lik birthdays better than smuckers? nobody. when you get smuckers jam and jelly and biscuits you don't need a birthday cake. that is a party. florence, you're beautiful. florence brown from hagerstown. it's a nice town in maryland wish her a happy birthday. florence, 100 years old today. what a beautiful lady. and we have leon. leon martin. he is 100 years old. and he is from long beach california and he sings. he loves to sing songs for his friends. got a beautiful voice. lucile picket. she is from greenville, north carolina. t south carolina. 100 years old. loves people. she could sit and watch people
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all day long and they can sit and watch her. murray schneider. he is from new york, new york. he is 105 years old and loves to flirwith any woman under 105. i don't ow what to say about that. good luck ole boy. and bella schwartz. 100 years old today. loves holidays. likes to celebrate and be with friends. virgil stienike. he is fm cozad, nebraska. 100 years old today. loves the fresh air. windows open. you can't beat it. that's birthday time. now back to new york. willard, thank you so much. coming up next, would you pay more to sit in a kid free zone on your next flight? we'll ask today's professionals
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what they think but first this is "today" on nbc.
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now we're back at 8:37 with today's professionals here to tackle the hot topics. star jones and nancy snyderman and sitting in for donny this morning -- >> i donny? >> from nbc's morning joe. >> the first topic is miley cyrus and the vmas. you were outspoken. you called the performance disturbing. >> it was. >> let me ask you the next question, parents groups are saying someone at mtv needs to be fired. >> absolutely. absolutely. somebody should be fired. >> it's hard to believe there weren't parents at mtv who couldn't have put two and two together. >> didn't we expect this?
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they push the envelope every single year. did you not expect -- >> there's pushing the envelope and there's raunchy porn that's disgusting and disturbing and seeing a 20-year-old young woman in the process of her undoing and everyone clapping for it and being disturbed by it and showing it, which i hope we don't. i don't want to see it. don't show it here on my segment here with you guys, please don't show it. >> nobody disagrees. but i think it speaks more to young women speaking that being oversexualized is a way to be seen and to be heard. >> but star, that's exactly what we don't want our young girls to be. >> that's what she is -- she is feeling as if in order to be en in america, to be seen in her busine she must be -- >> she is 20. she can't even figure out who she is. >> i agree with star on this. the only thing that surprises me
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is that we're surprised. she is a paid performerrying to bridge the gap between adolescent star and adult star. she's on the most provocative award show of the year. but the fact that we're in the media surprised by it is ridiculous. >> i have my parent head on. i'm not a member of the media right now. >> right now you are. >> sorry. not so. where are the parental guidelines to take her from hannah montana to the next stage. >> matt and star, oversexualized is one thing. is it sexual to stick your ce in the back of a life siz teddy bear and stick your tongue out. we're talking about raunch. >> one is a level of taste and over the line. we all agree on that. the other is the fact that we're all talking about it. instead of getting criticized
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she should get an a plus for accomplishing exactly what she wanted to accomplish. >> there was a party afterwards, why do you think she didn't show up. >> there's probably a lot of other reasons. >> really? >> starting next spring at 200 colleges across the country, graduating students will be able to volunteer to take a test. it's an exit version of the sats and employer perspective employers will look at the score you get on that test and be able to judge how you fair in the work place. how do we feel about this? >> i like the whole idea. when you're looking at what a person's core values are and whether or not they will fit within a particular corporate structure or work environment, that not just your grade point average is the evaluation. i think it's a good idea. >> i knew i wanted to be a doctor since i was in third grade. so whereon what the test would have told me about medical school and residency. my concern is that we continue to narrow the heard looking for
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this person. i'm not sure the core value thin work. >> i'm not a good test taker so i wouldn't have a job. >> me either. i didn't do well on the sats so why would i do well on this. >> look at who you were then and what could a test have told you. >> do you know who shod be worried about this test? colleges. they say we're giving them a great education. if they do poorly they look bad. >> for $50,000 a year. >> your core values don't change. who you are at 20 years old in your core is who you will be. >> let's hope that's not the case. >> budget offshoot of singapore airlines now offering a new thing. for $14 era you can buy a ticket and you can sit on their plane in a kid-free zone. who is up for that? >> i'll take it any time. >> no kids under 12. >> i'll take it any time, any place. >> would you pay more than $14. >> yeah, i would. i don't have any problem with it whatsoever. if it's a long flight and i can
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sit where it's quite. i'll pay it. >> if you want do, walk on with your baby. >> men do not love us when we walk on with our babies i would not do it because i think it's antimother. >> from what i read on twitter i think people wou pay not to sit next to me. whatever. >> by the way -- >> i'd pay $12 to sit next to you. >> it's the front few rows of economy. you pay the extra money you get stuck in the last row of the kid-free zone with kids right behi you. >> and the diaper zone and the toilet. >> tre you go. >> star, dr. nancy, mika, good to have you here. >> thanks matt. >> back to school bargain bonanza. ways to save on your kids supplies. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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this morning we're kicking off a special series back to school today's bargain bonanza. your guide to the most money saving secrets. she is going to help us get started with overall advice on what to buy where and how to save big. >> good morning. >> i was surprised and maybe even shocked at how much americans spend on back to school shopping. >> it is second onlyo the holiday shoppg season. it's big money. if you add back to college and back to school together, we're talkinover 72 billion. so you want to save every penny you possibly can. >> i have seen advertisements for back to school savings. some kids are already in school. >> shop slowly. take your time. back to school shopping started very early this year and that is because retailers are realizing that people are taking much longer to buy things, especially when it comes to fashion. a lot of kids want to get to
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school and see what the fasons are and make sure they're buying the right stuff compared to their friends so you'll benefit by waiting a little bit. >> speaking of comparing, that's the first tip. there's a great website that does the work for you. >> is a fantastic website and itctually compares -- you just get an app. it's free on your phone. lit tell you the best place to buy it. you might be looking for sharpies at tget but you can find them at staples for 5.99. it will save you 15 to 20% on your purchases. >> the next tip is social media sites, the one you like is >> i'm going to say you're crazy if you don't join ebates. i have been doing it for a year and i have received $500 back. >> how does it work? >> you go to ebates and look for
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the store you're shopping. everything from j. crew, to ebay, living social. and they give you a percentage back on what you buy. take for example, graphic tees over there. go to through ebates and get 6% back on what you spend and they'll tell you what the big sales are. graphic tees have a special. you'll get that special and if you spend $50 or more you'll get free shipping. so it all compounds. what it does is a quarterly time you're going to get a check back to u, sent to you and if you're worried about it i want to say it was started by two deputy district attorneys who prosecuted online fraud. so you're going to be okay. >> good site. good to go through. >> four >> it's local. it's going to tell you what the deals are right now. for exame, you can click on and get a discount off of echers. you check into the app and get
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that discount. >> has the cart wheel site? >> if you're a target shopper sign up for cart wheel. it will give you ten slots. go through all the deals. it's like clipping coupons. it's all digital. you take the coupons, these deals, put them into your slots. when you go to check out you sh your phone to the cashier and they read one bar code and all the discounts come off. >> if you're a big target shopper this is worth your while. >>nd the more you sho and the more you recommend cartwheel and deals the more you get. >> if you go for the first time, you're a first time buyer you might get a discount. >> you might not think about shopping there for back to school discounts but a first time shopper there will give you a 20% discount for being the first titi shopper and if you go to ebates you get another discount on top of that. >> you said spend money to save
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money. >> like amazon prime is an example of that where you spend $79 to get freehipping and other free stuff. staples, if you buy their back to school savings card for $10 you get 15% off through september 21st. >> thank you so much. we'll do back to school styles tomorrow on today. >> yeah. >> we look forward to that. coming up, we'll catch
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we're back at 8:50 with the north dakota newspaper columnist who was an instant hit last year with her earnest review of a certain chain restaurant. >> we'llatch up with her in a moment but first, her story. >> reporter: she has been a mild mannered reporter since the early 1960s. but she became an overnight sensation last year with her restaurant review of the new olive garden in town. it's fashioned in tus can farmhouse style with a welcoming entry way she wrote adding the chicken alfredo, $10.95 was warm and comforting on a cold day. some on the internet questioned her taste wit one headline saying old broad goes viral and adding the city is on the culinary map with it's unique brand of tuscan refinery but
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anthony bourdain rhed to her defense. watching internet senation marilyn shaggerty triumph. now she pubbishing her book grand forks. it includes more than 100 of her down home reviews. >> marlin haggerty is with us now. the new group is called grand forks, the history of american dining. it's good to see you. >> thank you. >> tell us how your life has changed nce you had this review kind of heard around the world. >> it has been very interesting. it's been fun and actually very crazy. this is like a dream that started and it just goes on. you wake up and you go back to sleep and there's more. and ahony bourdain decided that my reviews told a story of dining in america.
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>> he is big time. this is a big deal. >> yeah. >> the subtitle is the history of american dining in 128 reviews. what is it about these reviews that teaches us so much aut erican dining? >> well, in the first place, i think it shows that we don't all eat at these restaurants. some of us eat at truck stops and we go to mcdonald's and those places are -- we go there because we like them. we like the food and sometimes in smaller markets it's all we have. and also it shows us that i think that the hometown restaurants, the ma and pa restaurants are fewer now becausthere are more chain restaurants. we're still eating, but we're eating differently. >> true. >> a couple of your reviews that jump out. quiznos was an excelle sandwich. about the soup there, good
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enough but might not have won a blue ribboat the state fair. >> well, i try not to be too harsh but i try to be honest. i try to present a picture, an overall picture of what the restaurant is like. and i check out the restrooms because i think that sends a message. if people are good enough to keep their restrooms clean maybe they do the same in their cooking. >> you even notice when the server, whether or not he tells you the price when he gives you the special. >> yes. >> you look at the whole picture. >> yes. it's the whole dining experience. >> marilyn, when you look back at all the meals you had and written about is there one meal that stands out, please take this the right way, were it your last meal on earth, that would be the one to go out on? >> i never sit down and think of that because i eat so much. i think that we do have one restaurant in grand forks which
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is a very fine dining place and i know joe the chef. and he stands back there and swears. >> itworks. >> wonderful food. >> now we have trendy new york items. we have the ramen burger, the cronut and a bagel hole. >> i've never had that. >> just a small bite. >> a cronut. >>ix of croissant and doughnut. >> give us your 10 second review. >> well, it's very chewy. it's very good. i think that i would like it with a cup of coffee maybe. maybe in the afternoon. >> okay. in the afternoon you can eat
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more. >> yeah. by the way, do you think that would make it in north dakota? would they be big in north dakota. >> i think a cronut could make it in north dakota but we're quite selective outthere, you know. >> not just any cronut. >> great to see you again. congratulations on the book. it's called grand forks and you can take this home and see how they like it back home. >> and the ramen burger as well. we're back afterour local news and weather. the time now is 8:56, good morning, everybody, i'm jon kelley, santa cruz has budget problems, the professional repertory company at uc santa cruz and the current season will end this year after the annual holiday show in december. what won't be ending is more beautiful weather. christina loreson here to talk about what is happening today and beyond.
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good morning. >> hey, good morning to you, jon. that goes on and on and on. temperatures today warm inland, hey, looking for cooler weather, the bay, 80, 71 at the coast, forecasting 70 straight up in san francisco. then as we head through the rest of the week this will be the warmest, we will start to drop off this weekend, much cooler weather headed our way, just in time for labor day.
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>> announcer: from nbc news, this is today's take with al roker, natalie morales, and willie geist. live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. >>welcome to today on this tuesday morning, august 27th, 2013. i'm willie geist with al roker an brooke shieldsack for another day. >> you did not scare me away. >> we learned a lot about brooke shields. >> so i heard. >> hs known me for a very long time. >> i have. >> did you know about her container store fetish? >> yes. >> you did. >> we have seen each other in the container store. >> can ty a cherry stem with her tongue. >> didn't know that. >> and could open a beer bottle with her forearm. >> i could assume that.
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>> got a lot of talent. we were talking yesterday about the rainbow loom. >> your daughter made one for me. >> well, there's a story there. your kids are out of town so they're not able to replenish your supply so i asked my daughter to make one for broo. so she said i'll do that. we heard there would be a blue dressed involved today so she had run out of blue rubber bands. so we went to michaels. >> she didn't stress. >> are you kidding? she lives for this. we went to michaels and got the rainbow loom and our neighbor comes in and says, our next door neighbor says lucy what are you doing. she said i'm making a rainbow loom bracelet for brooke shields. without any context whatsoever and the neighbor said what? you're doing what? she does 75 to 100 a day. >> somebody had to pay for that vation. >> use my first name.
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brooke. that's sort of a hybrid. >> she gets to live for free in the apartment. >> come on. >> here's your rainbow loom curtesy ofucy g. >> that's perfect. it can't be the same color. it's an accent. >> i said you have to make one for al rok and she said i'm just so tired, dad. she had been working a day in the shop. >> i can wait. >> so tomorrow you'reetting yours. >> iwill be worth it. i love them. >> good. so we talked yesterday about the my iley cyrus thing at the vmas. miley cyrus's mother on the show -- >> hannah montana. >> boy it took off, your comments took off. >> there's been controversy, things have not changed. but i do think that she is -- you can't keep her hannah montana forever. she obviously doesn't want to. she is expressing herself. she is not a baby. she can do what she wants.
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i just hope the parents of her younger fans are talking to their children about it because that transition for them, they see her as one waynd it's shocking for them. >> m14-year-old said that was just unfortunate, you know? and i think part of it is not only was it kind of tasteless, but she can't dance, you know? it was a bad performance. >> she can sing, you know? that's the piece that i sort of said -- i just kept saying why. >> just let your talent rough. >> and think it's enough. there's always going tbe people that think it's fine. >> but we're still talking about it. >> and we're still talking about it and also i'm a parent and i have a certain way i feel with my kids. you cut to her mother and her mother is cheering her o so that's okay for them. >> and people ask doesn't mtv have a responsibility in all of this. yesterday the news comes out the ratingss were up 66%. >> the year before they were way down. they were up. people are looking forward to
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the justin timberlake 'nsync reunion but on the other hand people can vote with their television. if they're upset. >> we talked yesterday about robin thicke who was the other guy in this ac s mother, robin thicke mother spoke out yesterday saying i just keep thinking of her mother and father watching this, oh, lord, have mercy. i was not expecting her to be putting her butt that close to my son. the problem is now i can never unsee it. >> did gloria seerobin's video? >> that's true. >> i'm just wondering if she saw the uncut version. i'must wondering. there were more than one -- >> i wonder if they have spoken with him? if she has to explain to momma. >> maybe i was reading tuch into it. but i saw a look on his face in the moment like what am i doing here? miley was online retweeting
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comments from rolling stone that praised her performance. miley w the one star in the room that actually understood what the mtv video music awards were all about. miley stole the night which is why the nation is still in recovery today. thanks miley. >> somewhere they're smiling. >> yes. this one is for you. we're bracing ourselves according to the farmer's almanac for a piercing cold, bitterly cold, biting cold coming winter. it comes out every year. >> they think it's going to be cold. >> chilly. >> that's the point they're trying to make. it's 197-year-old publication. how much faith do you put it as an meteorologist? >> well, there's a reason why farmers hung it in the outhouse. it is a wonderful publication it really is. as far as it's meet roendometr
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concerned. the super bowl is this ye. they're going to call it a storm bowl. it's in february, in the northeast, it might snow. so it's not like you have to -- you're going to be a nius. >> the washington postaid it's baseless and lacks credibility. i think they're being kind. >> are you anticipating it? is there something that's happening? >> no. nobody knows. >> winter is going to be cold. >> it's going to be cold. go with that. >> okay. take that one to the bank. i always feel half bad showing these ings. >> but just half bad. >> there was a magical moment captured at the recent miss philippines us pageant held in california. she was asked among the five senses what do you prefer to have. if you could only have one and why. here is how she responded.
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>> if i have to pick out of five senses i would pick seeing because seeing is the best that we can ever see because see as good believing and it's perfect. and out of all the senses, seeing would really with be wonderful because, thank you. >> thank you so much. >> the camera guy dozed off there. >> oh, god. >> i wish i could lose my hearing right now. >> his sense of seeing was put to the test. >> tipped that botle of jack daniels. i can't believe this is my life. >> have you ever gotten into one of those where you're answering something and you're starting to hear yourself answer and then you're nervous? it is a tra wreck. >> we have all that h that on
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the air. >> i have done it in front of you a couple of times. >> so this got us riniscing a bit. >> you only feel half bad. >> you feel so bad you're going to dig this one up. >> thi is miss utah earlier at the miss usa pa subsequent asked out women earning less than men. >> i think we can relate this back to education and how we are continuing to try to strive to figure out how to create jobs right now. that is the biggest problem and i think that especially the men are seen as the lders of this. so we need to try to figureut how to create education better so that we can solve this problem. >> everything she said is true. it just wasn't formulated the best. >> and it wasn't about the question. it wasn't actually the answer. >> thank you for calling me on
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that one. >> i mean, no, i spent a good portion of my career not answering the question. i was very good at just -- by the time i was done answering people were like oh. >> give them that. >> just walked away with pride. >> they always fl like they have to fill the time too. you can just walk away, can't you? give one answer and walk right away. >> one and done. >> al, i'm interested for your take on this one. a study of the u.k. found young single men change their sheets only -- how often per year would you guess? >> per year? >> i was going to go once a month. >> how about four times a year. they change them quarterly. >> boys are dirty. >> the average woman changes hers every 2 1/2 weeks. >> i took my daughter to sumr camp and gave her three changes of sheets. i said are these the sheets when we got there -- these are the sheets we put on your bed.
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she said yeah. >> i was like oh my god. >> when she came wac were there -- >> i burned them. i just put them in a pile. i lit a match. >> i'm sure also some people think well i took a shower before i went to bed. i got in bed clean. >> the average human being sweats a cup of sweat every night. >> in their sleep? >> in their sleep. >> is that true? >> yes. >> a cup? where does that cup go? >> look it up. >> where does that cup go? >> it goes on your sheets. >> i know, in your bed. >> i'm going to change my sheets. let's take a look at the weather straight from the farmer's almanac. >> here we go. for today, we are looking at a few showers and thunderstorms making their way from the southwest. that's the reminisces of tropical storm fernand. rain moving off the new england coast. we'll be looking at sizzling conditions for the upper midwest into the midwest today.
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95 in chicago. cloudsnd showers. 75 in seattle. ok for a beautiful day in the mid-atlantic. 9:11 on a tuesday morning. good morning, i'm meteorologist christina loren. taking a live look here at the bay bridge, you can see we have a very compressed marine layer, clear sky in the mean time over sunol. going to check on your drive here, a little slow through sip noel. mike's going to be up in about ten minutes. 91 today in livermore, 79, fremont, 81, san jose, a comfortable day in san francisco with all that sunshine coming in so early, looking at 70 degrees straight up. wednesday into thursday, temperatures drop off just a touch and going to warm back up for friday. that's your latest weather. >> al, thanks a lot. up next, is it hot in here? why some of us are always boiling and others are cold. the heated battle over the thermostat. right after this. na na na na na ♪ ♪ i'm gonna use my two hands ♪ i'm gonna move a mountain
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♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] kraft singles have no artificial flavors and they're always made with milk, so you can be sure there's no ngle thing better when you're grilling up a burger. ♪ lifes amazing ♪ with the love that i've found ♪ ♪ oh. ♪ [ female announcer ] stress sweat smells the worst. and secret clinical strength gives you four times the protection against it. secret clinical strength. yep. how'd that happen? um... [ female announcer ] some things are hard for kids to digest. rice krispies are easy. because they're made of rice, which is gentle on tummies. it's simple as... ♪ snap! crackle! pop! ♪ rice krispies! faster than kenny can dodge a question. honey, how'd that test go? [ female announcer ] in just 60 seconds,
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you've got snack-defying, satisfying mmmm. totino's pizza rolls. mmm hmmm. mmmm. [ female announcer ] ro to pizza. pronto. mmmm. pure chocolate goodness that brings people together. when the chocolate is hershey's life is delicious. and it's not exactly therwhat you might dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt is packed with 12 grams of protein in every 5.3 oz cup. sink your teeth into that. dannon oikosthe new protein. ♪ dannon cats are smart. so they deserve new fresh step scoopable litter.
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it eliminates odors with carbon and natural plant extracts. it's the smart litter for smart cats. ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats. tody is going to be epic. quaker up. do you mind grabbing my phone and opening the capital one purchase eraser? i need to redeem some venture miles before my demise. okay. it's easy to erase any recent travel expense i want. just pick that flight right there. mmm hmmm. give it a w taps,'s taken care of. this is pretty easy, and i see it works on hotels too. you bet. now if you like that, press the red button on top. ♪ how did he not see that coming? what's in your wallet?
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now to a debate we know all too well. the battle over the thermostat. >> whether it's long car ride or in bed at night or in the studio there's always one person that wines a little bit. >> i know. >> who is thaty? >> take look. >> it's like a sauna in here. >> it's like a sauna in here. >> not to mention it's 113 degrees outside. >> but it's a dry heat. >> first though we know what the weather is like up here, it's 103 degrs and muggy. >> it's freezing in this area where i'm sitting right now. >> it's 106 outside so we tried to cool it down. >> if you have ever been on a subway platform in new york city, it's as close to held as you can get. >> go 50 miles per hour and just drink it in. >> you are a hot box, aren't you? >> i think we made our point. >> she wrote about this topic as a reporter for the wall street journal and he is a
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psychiatrist, author and lationship expert. fwoor good morni. >> i want to be clear. at home no temperature issues and in the car. ere's just a couple of spots around the studio where it gets warm. is this a real fight that people are having? >> of course. i fod that people are getting less activiticlimated to the he >> but also where they're from? doesn't your up bringing have something to do with how you react to extreme temperates. >> if you grew up in india, she really loves the hea and her ideal temperature is 82 degrees. >> but is there a biological difference between men and women that is precipitating this that wean say, well, this makes sense? >> absolute. muscle mas generates about a third of our body heat and guys have more muscle mass and we're a little warmer and women are typically colder at their core.
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>> for those babies. >> you got it. >> thereou go. >> so we have folk who is tweeted in. for exple, kljewett said he is always cold. i'm opening windows to cool off. car rides are hell. what did you cover when you started writing these? >> the stereotype of wen always needing to warm was fairly true but there were men that really were angry about the fact that their wives were just always hot and wanted to crank up the air conditioning. >> we have a strange one here. this is another tweet from courtney, love to know why my husband radiates heat everywhere except his backside. >> wow. >> which is freezing co. >> listen, the blood vessels carry theeat and fat doesn't have a lot oflood vessels so there's not a lot of blood back there in that area.
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>> i'm so sorry. >> the guy goes to med school and has to come on tv to have me ask a question like that. >> i'm so sorry. >> does this effect relationships? when one partner ces to bed wearing a flannel nightie or jamas or socks. >> that's a guy's biggest complaint. she walking around and wearing her socks to bed and women say it's not that i not unwilling to be sexy i'm just not willing to freeze to death. so they're cold. >> we did a poll, do you and your partner argue about the temperature. 37% says always and onl 15% of people said never. so this is happening. >> this is happenin >> it's a big deal. >> do you argue about it? >> we don't argue about it but sometimes he'll say i can't believe you come to bed in like a cashmere turtleneck and i'm like well, you hav to be more
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creative to take it off. >> that's an entirely different thing. >> thank you so much. coming up, i think we got all the news you need to know, but we got some more coming up. >> later, why size doesn't matter. how to pull off the latest trends no matter your height. but first, these messages. on my chest? u see" funny, yes? no. there's nothing mini about me. i'm huge. ahem. any hoo. even my wrapper has a wrapper. flavor? i'm bursting with it. creamy? i ooze it. quality like this... (muffle:...doesn't come everyday. well technically it does because i'm in the grocery but... ooh, how you doin'? rich. creamy. and 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. [ horn honks ] kevin! toaster strudel, yah? ♪ warm, flaky, gooey
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toaster strudel. served on a toasted pretzel roll, our new bacon avocado chicn sandwich comes with fries and your choice of soup or salad. it's just one of chili's delicious lunch break combos. more life happens here. same grin, same walk. and the same beautiful hair. [ female announcer ] nice 'n easy. in one step get expert highlightsnd lowlights. for color they may just think you were born with. [ rob ] i'm a lucky guy. [ female announcer ] with nice 'n easy, get the most natural shade of you.
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[ telephone rings ] how's e camping trip? well, the kids had fun, but i think i slept on a rock. ♪ the best part of wakin' up what are you doing? having coffee. ohh. ♪ is folgers in your cup having coffee. ohh. [ male announcer ] let's go places. but let's be ready. ♪ let's do our homework. let's look out for each other. let's look both ways before crossing. ♪ let's remember what's important. let's be optimistic. but just in case -- let's be ready. let's go places, safely. so, if you're sleeping in your contact lenses, what you wear to bed is your business. ask about the air optix® contacts so breathable they're approved for up to 30 nights of continuous wear. serious eye problems may occur. ask your doctor and visit
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r safety information and a free one-month trial. made gluten-free cereals in a bunch of yummy flavors. like cinnamon chex, honey nut chex, and chocolate chex... we're in cereal heaven. so thanks. from the mcgregors, 'cause we love chex taking a look at the headlines, a study is suggesting that waivers allowing states to
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not use parts of no child left behind maybe leaving children behind. millions of at risk students may fall through the cracks. those at risk of droppinout of school are not being trackeds closely as before. >> there's an important call effecting people with peanut allergies. the fda recalled krogers 16 ounce packages of break and bake chocolate chip cookie dough cause peanut dough was mistakenly put into the packages. the packages have a use by date of november 24th. more and more win buyers are shopping the internet rather than liquor stores. sales top $1.5 million up 12% from a year ago. frequent drinkers are likely to order from the internet. good news for consumers looking
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for deals but not wine and liquor store owners. >> and the new way to share photos. the new feature allows 50 of your friends to contribute photos into your photo album with each person able to add up to 200 pictures. up until now only an album's creator could add to it. they think this is a good idea for party and wedding albums. do not try at home. a group of daredevils decided to go rafting during a flash flood in las veg. more than 20 people have been pulled from the flood waters since the heavy rains started. more rain expected there today. that is not safe. willie, and brooke, and al. back to you. >> these people are idiots but not only do they put themselves at risk but the first responders at risk too. >> the story about the peanuts and cookies. that's huge for parents. look into that one. your vote for the best jeans,
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kitchen gadgets and more. >> but rst, a look at your local news and weather as we continue on toda come on. sherri, look aall these products that you can buy for your family with box tops. and look, four box tops in one box. that's awesome! more cash for our school. only at walmart you get 4 box tops on over 100 items. karissa i got it and you only had to tell me four times. find 4 box tops on your family favorites like general mills cereals and nature valley granola bars backed by our low price guarantee. and it's not exactly therwhat you mighthink.n town dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt is packed with 12 grams of protein in every 5.3 oz cup. sink your teeth into that. dannon oikos. the new protein. ♪ dannon is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's art healthy. ♪
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[ dad ] jan? the time now is 9:26. good morning, everybody, i'm jon kelley a teenager is dead and two others in the hospital this morning after a car crash in danville. police say the teenagers were driving near the crow canyon country club when the driver lost control and then hit a tree. police say the three attended a local high school and were supposed to return for their first day of classes just this morning. and we have also reviewed new numbers on that rim fire burning right now in yosemite. the containment stayed at same as last night at 20% but those flames they are just raging, spreading very strongly, having scorched nearly 180,000 acres. that is up about 18,000 acres since the last update. we are getting new images of
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the people who broke into a tiffany's jewelry store in walnut creek earlier this month. overnight, police releasing surveillance imams of the thieves and their vehicles. the images were shot just before the break-in and they were show six people meeting in a parking lot where police say they removed the license plates from a white chevy trailblazer and that was later used as a getaway car. the thieves then took off with only small amounts of jewelry. we are back with a look at weather and traffic right after this break. ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪
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♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around barbara ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ 90-calorie fiber one lemon bar. welcome back now, taking a live look at a beautiful day shaping up over san francisco. not very often that you hit the 70s in the city, but that will be the case for today. you can see that fog burping off nicely. take hour by hour changes, 60 in livermore, by about noon in the east bay, about 81 degrees and then we will round out the day about 91, so getting a little bit warm, but this is the warmest day of the week, 79 for fremont and 81, can't beat that here in san jose. getting the next couple of days,
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cool you off just in time for that labor day weekend, so close now, mike, so close. over to you. >> but got to get through this morning's commute. i will say it's yucky, i'm not even in it the folks stuck in this, i don't know what kind of words they are using, north 280 toward 880 jammed across the screen. show you the same interchange rotated on the map here north 80, art rows toward 101 just jammed. look at the entire south bay, crawling at the 20s, red throughout this area. whole peninsula had problems through palo alto as well, slower but recovering through the san mateo and dunn barton bridges. >> checking, yuck ski a technical term for traffic? see you back in a half hour.
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welcome back to today on this tuesday morning, the 27th of august, 2013. i'm willie geist with al roker and brooke selds in all week while natalie is off and we're about toet as extme as one can get in a st and dress shoes. 18-year-old professional skateboarder took gold at the x-games in brazil, spain and los angeles. he won more prize money than any other skateboarder in history. he was named the 2013 best name action sports athlete and he is out here this morning onhe plaza this morning. great to meet you. >> how long have you been on one of these boards, most of your life? >> definitely. started when i was 5 years old and my dad got me into it.
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he skateboarded in his teenage years. >> when did you become a pro? 9 or 10? >> i won the biggest amateur contest in the world when i was 10 and by the time i was 11 i was x-games. i was so small and everyone else was like up there and it was like wow. it was cool. >> what's the best part of being a professional skateboarder? >> the best part is being able to make a living off of doing something you absolutely love. even if i had a normal job i would still want to ride my skateboard every day. >> want to show us moves. >> you'ro not wearing a helmet, though. >> i'm experienced enough, trust me. >> but we should bewaring a helmet? >> if you were going to do it i would highly suggest that. >> and kids getting started shld wear a helmet. >> please i have to go home to my kids. >> all right.
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[ plause ] >> wow. >> you were doing that when you were 5 years old. >> i sure was. >> how big a deal was it to win the espy? >> that was a big deal. honestly the bigst part about it ijust skateboarding and getting to that point because in thlast few years it's evolved so much and it's amazing to see that it's really getting up there into a big action sport. >> you are a super star. as al goes to the weather, do you want to give me something here. >> yeah. >> do you recommend doing it. >> yeah. >> your shoes. >> a little better than those. >> the best trick to try, the
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most basic trick is this. >> do the basic one. >> oh, willie geist loving that helmet, willie. good morning to you, 9:33 now, taking a live look, still socked in with fog over the golden gate bridge, quite the contrary out in sunol, look at the beautiful blue sky, a lot of sunshine coming in early here means we are going to see a warm day 91 degrees on the way to livermore, 79, fremont, 86, wine country, beautiful conditions in san raffaele, 83, a little warm in san francisco at 70 degrees straight up, getting into the next couple of days, stay nice and steady, drop off just in time for the weekend. and that's your latest weather. if you're seeing some of the latest fashion trends for fall and thought you were too short or tall to wear them, we'll show you that height doesn't matter.
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>> and isabelle gonzalez whitaker is the fashion editor of in style magazine. good morning. >> good morning, thank you. >> what's the main piece of advice for folks shopping as far as their height is concerned? >> you don't want to be intimidated by any of these trends. certainly not the ones we are going to show you today. all of theserends are accessible. either purchase them separates or you're going to get them tailored and that's a minimal investment for long-term gain. >> every single item of clothe as good tailored. >> i wonder why. >> well, because i'm 8 feet tall. but we were talking earlier abt dressing for your body type. not dressing for somebody else's body type and wanting to be like somebody else. >> let's start off with a new skirt. the shorter tide and then how to rock it if you're tall. >> that's right. this is a flair skirt. it's a highly feminine look and the key is that you want to pair it with something fitted on top
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so you don't have a lot of volume head to toe. we have a shorter length because that's a more flattering length for a shorter petite frame. and it almost looks retro on caitlin but it has a modern graphic print and makes it more of the moment. >> all right. ladies thank you so much. >> beautiful. >> there's a mens wear trend going on. >> there is. it's a great practical trend for fall becauset's about substantial fabrics, tweeds, wools. >> mixing it with sothing more feminine. >> exactly. so it's not to costumey head to toe. for jacqueline, this is an example of trend you don't need tailored. we haveasical taken a separate, in this case a jacket, fitted it with great skinny jeans to have that feminine kind of counter point and then in our tall model, we have a great
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menswear inspired pant but because of her height she can carry it off and you'll notice sh is wearing a flat shoe. >> yeah. >> as long as the pant hits right at the top of your foot you can wear a flat. >> it los like a bowling shirt. >> a little bit. >> remind me nevero consult with you when i'm trying to get dressed. >> a nice silk button down. >> there you go. she strikes a pose. anyway. >> mad for plaid. >> thank you ladies. >> i love the idea. we love boy jeans and now we -- okay, plaid scares me. i get scared about it. >> it's an accessible trend and not super accessible. on whenty we have a very romant romantic interpretation with this sweetheart neckline and then on mara, she is wearing a
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boxy cut jacket from zara and because of her height she can carry it off and she has a dress on that's a slimming silhouette. it looks beautiful. >> ladies, thank you so much. >> the taller you are the longer -- >> you can go. shorter frame, shorter length. >> this is a taper trser. >> this is a good example of the emphasis needs to be at the ankle or slightly above the ankle. get a pair of pant you love hemmed or, for example, this is by banana republic and they come in various silhouettes. tall, regular, and petite. we love this look because it's more forging than a skinny jean and not a big pleated pant. this is a great look for weekend or work. it emphasizes the narrow part of your leg. >> and also you put a flat on
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with with it in the daytime. you can put a t-shirt - >> exactly. this should be in every woman's wardrobe. >> you know this fashion stuff don't yo >> just a little bit. >> all right. well, let's bring all of our ladies out one more time to get another look. isabelle gonzalez whitaker, thank you so much. >> thank you so much. >> great. >> you look beautiful. thank you so much. >> and coming up, how some young girls are finding beauty in themselves and in their cities. right after these messages. [ female announcer ] enjoying breakfast together is a pretty wonderful thing. but when you have a picky eater... won't touch this. it can be a bit of a dance. ♪ won't touch this. ♪ won't touch -- stop. eggo time. [ female announcer ] eggo waffles can win over the pickiest of eaters so everyone can enjoy breakfast...together.
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can't touch this. ♪ [ girl ] l'eggo my eggo™. ♪ (pop) (balloons popping) i can see the edge of my couch! (balloons popping)
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♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good around ♪ ♪ turn around barry ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ nothing says, "i'm happy to see you too," like a milk-bone biscuit. ♪
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say it with milk-bone. [ female announcer ] what does beauty feel like? find out with venus embrace. every five-bladed stroke gives you 360 degrees of smooth. for goddess skin you can el and feel. only from venus embrace. for goddess skin you can el and feel. younnot giving a thought to sacrtheir own satisfaction. doll, you're sacrificing seamless color for the perfect wave? i mean surf's up. stop with the sacrificing, start here. light & fit greek nonfat yogurt. thick, creamy, and dude twice the protein and 80 calories. tastes satisfying right? it's awesome. hey, you wanna go surfing? light & fit greek! ♪ dannon! oh! something bit me! what are you trying to make?? tryin' to make food, man. are you recording this? can you help me, instead of recording?
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look, it has instructions, did you read 'em? this morning with our series hope to it, we take a trip to camden, new jersey. >> they're dealing with a high rate of crimes, drugs and poverty. >> but one mother was determined to show off the community. >> it's crunch time for miss teen camden pageant organize >> is been a journey. we're going to make the best of it today. >> the mother of two was inspired to revive the pageant after starting a foundation to mentor girls in the community where she was born and raised. >> i was talking to the girls and they're like if you're not pregnant by 15, you know, you're lucky. and i'm like, is that whate're thinking now? things for these girls. elping >> she had a baby herself at age 16 and dropped out of high
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school. no 18 years later and a colle graduate, she has a special handle on the issues facing camden's kids. the city has the highest crime rate in the country and nearly half the population lives in poverty. this summer camden's struggling scho system was taken over by the state of new jersey. >> my heart is in the shape of camden. >> who are we. >> camden rls. >> the pageant had a humble start and included classes to teach etiquette and to build confidence. despite limited resources she and a close team including her 12-year-old daughter continues to practice and plan. donations trickled in. hair and make up services were provided free of charge. >> we made it. we did it. >> five months ago these young ladies barely knew one another. now, before they compete against each other, a moment to reflect on just how far they have come.
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>> i just want all of us to still be together as friends. >> i didn't think i was going to meet nobody out here but now that i'm in the pageant and i really got to know people like y'all. >> i'm glad we didn't get our make up tun first. >> it's finally show time. they show off their talent. show case their evening gowns. and then each contestant sounds off on an issue she is passionate about. >> my is child abuse. >> dropout prevtion. >> drug abuse is the main reason why our city is messed up. >> it's finally timeo crown the pageant princess and queen. >> one queen but many winners in the city of camden. >> what a great story.
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what a great job. she pulled this together by herself. i grew up in new jersey and camden new jersey has had a rough go of it for decades now. that's always welcome. >> this is the third year or fourth year she is continuing. it's a beautiful way to empower the girls and it's ahree month process. so it's not just a one time deal. it's instilling a confidence and mra comra comradery. >> if you change them you change the community. >> good job out there. >> just ahead t winner of ivillage's stu we love awards. but first, these messages. what could it be? honey! we're pregnant! what? we're pregnant! we're pregnant? yeah! you're going to be a m! you're going to be a dad! there's a little baby in there? there's a human being growing inside your stomach? yeah! now what? i d't know? what?
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introducing huggies mommy answers. the best advice in one place. from the brand new moms trust. ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats. today is going to be epic. quaker up. ♪ this story is horrible. jake, have some snickers bites. kind of a buzzkill when you're hungry, man. better? better. [ male announcer ] you're not you when you're hungry try new snickers bites. ♪ i'm gonna move a mountain [ female announcer ] kraft singles have no aificial flavors and they're always made with milk, so you can be sure there's no single thing better when you're grilling up a burger. ♪ when you're grilling up a burger. color that's vibrant. the one and only feria by l'oreal. multi-faceted color that transforms you. triple highlights that shimmer from every angle.
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never dull, never flat. feria. by l'oreal paris. say "yes". yep. how'd that happen? um... [ female announcer ] some things are hard for kids to digest. rice krispies are easy. because th're made of rice, whicis gentle on tummies. it's simple as... ♪ snap! crackle! pop! ♪ rice krispies! i'm me! [ scraping ] hey...dinner. [ male announcer ] of all the things that happen on your wooden surfaces, disinfecting has to be e of them. clorox disinfeing wipes. gentle on wood. hard on germs. daisy is made from only 100% natural, 100% pure ingredients with nothing else added. meals are simply better with a dollop of daisy. ♪ do a dollop of daisy plus the perfecting color of a bb cream equal? introducing the newest beauty trend. total effects cc cream
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c for color. c for correction. [ female announcer ] fight 7 signs of aging flawlessly. cc for yourself. :. . . . [ female anno yoplait. it is so good. [ male nocer ] when you have sinus pressure and pain, you feel...squeezed. congested. beat down. crushed. as if the weight of the world is resting on your face. but sudafed gives you maximum strength sinus pressure and pain relief. you feel free. liberated. released. decongested. open for business. [ inhales, exhales ]
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[ male announcer ] powerful sinus relief from the #1 pharmacist recommended brand. sudafed. open up. back now with the stuff we love. members of the ivillage community voted on their favorite products in ten different categories. >> and she is here to reveal the winners, liz good morning. >> good morning. happy to be here. >> good to see yo ten categories. we'll highlight five of them. the rest you can see on our website. >> that's right. >> can i start by opening the envelope. >> absolutely. this is the winner of our squje category. >> this is like the oscars. >> levi's essential stretch. it's the modern boot cut jean. >> this is taylor. this is from levis. it's available only at target. these fit every shape.
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we have le letters to these jeans on illage. they have a little bit of stretch in them. they're very comfortable and they're 27.99. >> that's my favorite shape jean for sure. >> some of the women writing in had dozens of pairs of these jeans. they're a great buy and that's really one of the great things about the ivillage stuff we love award fan favorites is they were all reasonably priced. everything that won was afrdable. like these jeans. >> keep that forever. >> thank you so much. >> thanks taylor. >> next category is drugstore make up. >> do you want to reveal as i'm doing this. >> maybelline, instant age rewind dark spot concealer and treatment, 9.99. >> available at drug stores all over the country. the cool thing about thiss it's two in one. so it covers each spot. it covers on dry circles and also treats them while it's covering but the super cool thing about this is this cool
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fuzzy applicator thing. so when it actually goes on, it has this beautiful smooth air brush finish. >> and it has vitamin c something it. >> exactly. >> it reduces the appearance of age spots. so this is really a great product. >> can i take a big bath in it? >> $9.99. >> very affordable. >> favorite healthy snack. >> yes. >> do you want to do the reveal. >> the winner is. kind nutsnd spices cashew and ginger bars for $1.99. >> you guys have to try these. >> thank you. >> they have a little bit of sweetness but only five grams of sugar. so you satisfy your sweet tooth without going ovboard. >> i love it and the man that started it, i'm forgetting his name, saw me in a gym one day and said do you like kind bars an i said yes.
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he sent me a box of it. they're very generous and there's so many varieties of them. >> my husband eats them for breaast. they fill you up and only about 200 calories per bar. >> really quickly, cleaning pructs. i need this for my walls and children. mr. clean, magic eraser. >> you beat me tot if you have children and you don't know about mr. clean magic erasers, we're about to blow your minds with this. >> put it in the water. >> okay. >> my kids go down the stairs like rubbing their hands othe wall. >> of course they do and their hands are clean when they do it. >> this gets anything off anything. have gotte sharpie off the furniture and it's great for pencil on the wall and anything. >> gone, gone, gone. >> category of kitchen gadgets. >> kitchen gadgets. >> all right. >> lodge preseason cast iron
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combo cookers. 34.99. >> this is another twofer. you get two piec. >> this is just a replica of this one. you get the skillet and the dutch oven. >> this can be a top, right? >> exactly. it can be a top. you can invert it. you can be bread in it. it heats smoothly and evenly. i hope you didn't fill up on the kind bars because we're making breakfast. >>his is amazing. >> it's $35 and it lts for. sts for a lifetime. the rest of our winners were honored in a ceremony early kie today. >> the rest are on ♪
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♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ try new fiber one peanut butter protein bars.
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by the way, your friend that founded kind
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good morning tour 19:56, i'm laura garcia-cannon. police in palo alto are on the hunt for two armed men who robbed a couple in a post office parking lot, the married couple dropping offers there post office on east bayshore road
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just after midnight that's when a car pulled up next to them. two men got out. one of them pointed a gun at the couple and demanded cash. the husband complied. the gunman then drive off heading north to east palo alto. styrofoam takeout boxes could soon be a thing of the past in san jose. the city council will consider a ban on those containers today. if the measure passes, san jose would be the largest sit in state, perhaps even in the country to enact such a ban. supporters say the containers are harmful to the environment but opponents argue other options are more expensive. let's get a free look at that forecast now with meteorologist christina loren. >> thanks and good morning to you. well, it is going to be the warmest day of the week with plenty of 90s in the trivalley area, see upper 70s to low 80s inland today. san jose, 81 for you 79 in fremont, looking good at the coast, 71 on the way to san francisco. can't beat that into the next couple of days, temperatures drop off a touch and we see a much cooler weekend headed our way. look at the difference between
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friday and sunday from 90 to 79 degrees on sunday. labor day looks good. 82 degrees inland, 74 bay side, 64 at the coast. let's check on that drive with mike inouye. >> those temperatures look great, traffic, yeah not so good. we are looking over here, west 92, across the san mateo bridge, look at that, on the right-hand side that is your commute direction, it is jammed. reports of tarp blowing across lanes as you leave the toll plaza and then across the span, eastbound is reported with the stall but you saw the westbound slowing what it seems like. over here, the trivalley still tied up, west 580, south 680, 84 through livermore, a heavy commute, slow down through sunol and san jose. 880 past the san mateo bridge, we showed you the slowing, northbound routes starting to ease in san jose. >> a busy tuesday morning. another update in half an hour. see you then. ♪
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♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around barbara ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪
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♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ 90-calorie fiber one lemon bar. ♪ it is booze-day tuesday. amazing how it always comes after fun-day monday. august 27th. amazing you're with us -- >> it's raining. we're all happy inside studio 1a because three days and counting. ♪ >> do you know what that means? >> three days until we celebrate kathie lee's big birthday. not a little birthday. a big one. all week long we are going to be celebrating. we're counting down.
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look at how the party's getting larger. today we have two balloons. >> hey, don't put that number up -- >> no, we're allowed. >> what is that number? >> look what's happening -- look at the picture. you're boobs are hanging lower and so are -- >> what about my butt? you got to make that wider, too. if you're going to do it, do it. >> it's close to your birthday. you yesterday challenged me to something. the challenge was that if i s ssay -- if i say the word -- and i'm going to say it once for the rules -- >> okay. >> 60 -- >> uh-oh! >> every time i say that -- >> sorry. >> we have lined up several little mini drinks we like to call them. i'll do one every time i accidently say that word. >> you've already said it. so go. >> no, i was setting the rules. i do want people at home it help me figure out different ways to say that word because it's important that we know ways that we can say it.
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please -- >> please don't say six decades. honestly. you want to throw me under a bus, say six decades. >> decades. look at all these people wishing you well. there are people on facebook who gave you all kind of well wishes. one is from charlene dean. she offered some advice. "we all get old. you can't stop it, just enjoy life. it's not all about looks. but how you live it." >> what in the sdhell does she know? >> another, "i pray i look that good at 60. beautiful." >> she knows a lot. >> jenny kaufman says, "she need to be giving everyone advice on how to look so hot at 60." i knew you'd like this. anyway, please keep them coming -- >> you couldn't do it at all. i was doing very well. now i'm the older one. this one i think is broken. must be broken. i'm in the fitness mode anyway. >> what? >> i am going to just get hotter and hotter all the time. >> don't point it at me.
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>> i'm not. i have lived on the water a long time. very blessed to live on the water. finally i did something yesterday that i've never done before. let's go to the videotape. that's me -- >> in a kayak. >> in a kayak. yes. >> did you row that yourself from. >> >> i was going to get it because i wanted to see what it looked like from the water. something stupid. we had more fun, christine and i. oh -- [ laughter ] >> that was -- >> yes. we did it for over an hour. now i'm going to try the paddle boarding. not in the rain today, but tomorrow i'm going to try the paddle boarding. >> it's great for here. we've been trying to work that. that's something that's hard to work. it's grossing out jake. jake's he, may agent. >> is hoda's deal done yet, jake? all right. we've got it taken care of, jimmy kimmell, everybody -- >> we're very sorry. >> jiminy cricket, everybody's deals are done. >> he works his patootie off.
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>> i bet he gets upset when it rains, what happens to his hair, right, jake? >> the first time i met jake, i have to point out -- >> sorry. >> it was a monsoon in new york. i was sitting in a restaurant. jake walked in drenched from head to toe, his suited drenched. he sat in the chair and held the meeting as if everything was normal. i loved it. i loved that. >> he's a good guy. you're very blessed. >> i know. >> very blessed. >> i know. and you are 60. >> hoda. you just said it. >> we're going to take a brief moment to offer my apologies. >> that's my favorite one. you know what a shot is -- it's all the way down. not that i've ever done one. oh, my gosh. she did it. oh, oh -- >> 60's good! [ laughter ] >> okay, hoda, woman. this is a first for nbc news, by
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the way. oh, my gosh. do you feel like you're back in kappa kappa gamma? >> i wanteded to try it out. we have a great show ahead. this is a reunion show. it's kids and their parents -- stop looking at me that way -- who have not seen each other in years. >> it's going to be very heartwarming. who knows what condition hoda will be in by the time we get to that, but it's going to be awesome. what are we going to do with the beebester? >> justin bieber, he's been having his share of issues. he urinated in that mop bucket, which was gross. he spit on fans from a balcony which was -- >> he also spit, didn't he, on the -- president clinton's picture? >> yeah. that, too. he said he was sorry, the pres tweeted him back. anyway, now new prktsictures of 19-year-old naked only covered by his guitar. apparently these were taken in toronto during a thanksgiving celebration in october, 2012. he overslept, justin did.
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and he heard his family was downstairs in the house awake. he decided something fun and amusing would be to go downstairs naked so he could show his grandmother. and he sang in his birthday suit with his guitar positioned strategically in front of him. >> everybody has somebody in their family that does that. frank, i can't get frank to stop doing it. you know? i mean, it's just something -- do you know what? this was a year ago, october. yeah. that's the canadian -- >> what are you saying? >> that was sorted of the beginning of the bad behavior. i think we're going to -- he did it for his family. obviously somebody in his family, close friends, should not have leaked that. >> right. >> so he needs to either, you know, find out who in his family is not being faithful or find new friends which we've talked about for a while now. >> yeah. >> find some new friends. and gain a little weight. >> yeah. he looks too skinny and boney. >> looks like a little boy. put him over your knee like that -- >> snap. i also think because his antics are cumulative, it's adding up.
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>> once you see it, you go that on top of that on top of that. this is such a great mode of transportation they're coming up with. >> unless you're claustrophobic. did you hear about the new hyper loop? >> if you can make it in an mri machine, this pieb perfemight bt thing for you. this takes you 700 miles per hour from city to city, in its infancy. >> the prototype staging. yes. 600 miles per hour. >> they say you can go from l.a. to san francisco in a blink of an eye. >> they say half an hour. they also say you can go from new york to l.a. in 45 minutes. new york to china in two hours. you get in the tube, you put your luggage in there. you sit there, it runs -- >> take a xanax is what they do first. >> i guess there's no restroom. >> not i. >> i guess it's fast. you might not have to go. >> at least try to take care of that before you go. nobody want the hyperloop -- you didn't think it through and have to go someplace over oshkosh you need to go. don't do that.
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>> keep in mind, you're going under -- it's all under ground and under, i guess, through tunnels under the water. >> if you like going through the lincoln tunnel -- >> i couldn't do it. >> do you know what, think about it. it sounds crazy. but there was a day when nobody believed we'd fly in the sky or a train that could go across the country or a helicopter -- the little birdie. come on -- >> you're right. it did sound "jetsons." but anything quickly, part of the pain of traveling is the whole business of you go to the airport. imagine how quick and easy if you could throw your bags in there, hop in the tube and boom. >> never say never. if there's money to be made, somebody will figure it out. the white house photographer as a challenge on -- he has a challenge on his hands. >> how old is he? is he 59 or 61 or somewhere in between? >> i don't know how old he is. >> no? >> he's snapping photos of -- >> how many of them? >> of bo, the dog.
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bo is 4 years old. >> very cute. >> he's a portuguese water dog. they took this picture, and you could actually see bo -- taking a picture of a black dog, and i know this from mine. sell that bo or my dog? >> bo, i think. your dog has white. >> so does bo. his tummy is white. >> but on his face. >> yeah. his chin. >> look -- look at me. when i try to take pictures of my dog, everything looks the same. okay, that one looks pretty good. that was the flash. okay. and -- >> one eye. >> how about that? >> what is that? >> it's him, okay? you can't -- he's always -- >> looks like a dead bird in the middle of the highway. that's what that looked like. >> no -- >> sorry. >> all right, gang. we have a big show ahead of us because you're turning 59 plus one. it's time for the big reveal. two lucky ladies of a certain age, we won't mention in front of kathie lee, have been ambushed. we'll check the amazing looks right after this. young women are sacrificing so much today
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not giving a thought to their own satisfaction. doll, you're sacrificing seamless color for the perfect wave? i mean surf's up. stop with the sacrificing, start here. light & fit greek nonfat yogurt. thick, creamy, and dude twice the protein and 80 calories. tastes satisfying right? it's awesome. hey, you wanna go surfing? light & fit greek! ♪ dannon! oh! something bit me! does your dog food have? 18 percent? 20? new purina one true instinct has 30. active dogs crave nutrient-dense food. so we made purina one true instinct. learn more at it'sin vivid color sensational the vivids, from maybelline, new york. brighter color from our vivid pigments... ...honey nectar for a creamier feel. color sensational the vivids ♪ maybe it's maybelline.
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i just served my mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. [ male announcer ] disney gummie vitamins, the fun way to supplement your kid's nutrition. don't forget your vitamins. thanks mom. [ male announcer ] disney gummies, vitamin-packed fun in every bottle. and there are more ways to supplement your child's nutrition. you see the gray. try root touch-up by nice 'n easy. just brush our permanent color matching creme right where you need it. then rinse. in ten minutes zap those grays and get on with your day. nice 'n easy root touch-up.
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then we tried this nutri-grain fruit crunch bar. it's so crunchy. crunchy granola, mmmm... made with real fruit, 20 grams of whole grains. now, we love mornings. ♪ made with 100% beef and ad real flame grilled taste that's ready in just about a minute. now, we love mornings. ball park flame grilled patties. so american, you can taste it. so do tire swings! this is our ocean spray cran-lemonade. it's good, old-fashioned lemonade. only better! whoa! [ splash! ] ocean spray cran-lemonade. a bold twist on an old favorite.
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♪ all right. we are well aware, all of us who watch the show all the time, that hoda is a -- likes to tell a false hood on occasion. guess what else? we are discovering that she is a cheat. yes, all of those shot glasses lined up, some have vodka. others have wa-wa. >> water. >> what do you have to say for yourself? >> i want to know what's in that one? >> this is the real deal, baby. >> this is the real deal -- how do you know? >> i smelled it. >> let me smell it. oh, it is. i have a long show. >> my sorry thing, you need to apologize to america. >> i would like to apologize -- wait, i have a question. when but the "ellen" show, do you remember when you chugged that grape juice? >> yes, but i never said it was wine. afterwards i said, "it's grape juice." >> i don't think. that makes -- >> that makes me a liar and a
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cheat, too. >> we have another edition of our plaza ambush makeovers. in honor of kathie lee we're surprising two women in the crowd over a certain age every day this week. give me that. >> contributor and stylist to the stars, louis vicari. snow total. ♪ >> and jill mariner, authtin. >> raining again. >> the weather will be changing. it will be beautiful the rest of the week. we found two great ladies. we're super excited. both are teachers. >> first up is diane schatz-peterson, 63 from long island -- >> you said 60-3. that is the word. i heard 60 -- >> three. no. >> all right. >> she recently lost almost 100 pounds, retired from teaching after 25 years. she wanted a brand new look for this brand new chapter in her life. let's take a listen to her story. >> love this sign because let's
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go through your bucket list. lose weight. lost 90 pounds. amazing. retire, buy a camaro which i can't handle. meet kathie lee and hoda, although kathy's misspelled. this is on your bucket list. why is this so important to you? >> after buying the camaro, i said i needed to have a change in the way i look driving it. >> yeah. you need to look really -- you look good, but you need to look really hot to drive a camaro. are you ready for a total change? >> absolutely. i am so excited. >> okay. day two, happy 60th klg -- >> we have to have a drink. >> we have to do a shot. >> i think we have to do that shot. >> we got 60. >> you can do it. >> i don't know what's happening. okay. she's here with her sister-in-law cindy. hey, cindy. >> hello. >> please keep the blindfold on until we give you the green light. here is diane schatz-peterson before. come on out. here's the new diane. ♪ isn't she lovely
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[ applause ] >> wow! >> all right. >> are you ready? all right. take off your blindfold, cindy. >> oh, my god. amazing. >> are you ready it turn around? all right, diane. spin around here. look behind you. >> oh, my god! oh, my god! oh, my god, i don't look the same. >> you look beautiful. >> oh, my goodness. >> spin around. look at camera 12. tell us about the hair. >> this proves that 60 is young. >> what did you say? >> okay. >> okay. come on, louis. >> excited for it. >> whoa! okay. now 60, i mean, it's working. covering gray. people choose to or not to. if you want to look younger, it is the way to go. this proves it. the haircut was a short haircut. richard danning made it a little
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chiccer. >> what do you think? >> amazing. oh, my god. >> tell us about the dress. >> i love polka dots, but this is more muted especially for fall. this is by maggie london. >> beautiful. >> the bracelet is bauble bar. >> love it. [ applause ] >> all right. our second lady is esther martinez. she is 66. and from new braumsfeld, texas. she's been thinking about changing her look. when we ambushed her on the plaza, she decided to take a chance. >> esther's flipping out. we're going to talk to her husband, ignacio. why do you want this for her? >> it's something different that i -- i would never imagine that would happen. >> right. and it did. all right. esther, can you try to put this into words or still speechless? >> speechless. no. it's a great adventure to be
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here and now to get picked, it's even greater to be here. >> all right. are you ready for a whole new wife? i should say a different looking wife? >> yes. >> he's a smart hubby. he waited on that one. >> okay. she's here with ignacio, her husband and sister-in-law, teresa. >> and a big bunch of people. >> three people that none of us have ever seen before. let's take one last look at esther before. and let's bring out the new esther. yes! ♪ i'm every woman [ cheers ] >> wow! >> i love that. >> love it. >> all right. everybody take off your blindfolds and take a look. >> ooh! >> three of you have never seen you before anyway. [ applause ] >> turn around, take a look at yourself. >> oh, my! >> yes. >> you look hot! >> you look beautiful. >> this is like no -- >> spin around. louis, tell us about it. >> okay. new hairstyle, bridgette. notice it's smooth. it looks younger, fresher. >> uh-huh.
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>> softened the color. got rid of the darkness. don't be what you are, be what you were. make-up always makes everyone younger and more alive. >> ignacio's crying. >> aww. big softie. what are you thinking? >> marry me again. >> aww. >> maybe we can work that out. what about the outfit? it's beautiful. >> i love turquoise even fall. has built-in shapewear which is great. >> fantastic. >> he said, "marry me again." >> diane -- >> round of applause. cheers, everybody. >> big winners of our college counterparts contest after this. ♪ [ hosmer ] i kinda knew their reaction would be a little like, you know, "what are you thinking?" oh, i had a knot in my chest. i didn't really want her to go but...i knew she could do it. i felt like there were bigger and better things for me to do. [ mom ] she took what she was doing seriously. [ hosmer ] my self-confidence just went through the roof. [ dad ] it was awesome to see her transform from a girl,
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in a small town, to a soldier. [ male announcer ] you made them strong. we'll make them army strong. talk to your son or daughter about joining the army. find out how at [ ding! ] losing your chex mix too easily? time to deploy the boring-popcorn decoy bucket. then no one will want to steal the deliciousness. with a variety of tastes and textures only chex mix is a bag of interesting. is that first day. everyone will be stylin' their faves. love that! but i'll be bringing it every day, 'cause i went to jcpenney. anyway, what's your first day strategy? [ female announcer ] come find your first day look at jcpenney. anyway, what's your first day strategy? olive garden's never ending pasta bowl is back. unlimited breadsticks and salad,
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plus never ending combinations of pasta and sauce just $9.99. and even unlimited meatballs, sausage or chicken for $2.99. it's all unlimited when you go olive garden. she can't always move the way she wants. ♪ now you can with stayfree ultra thins. flexible layers move with your body while thermocontrol wicks moisture away. stayfree. available at walmart. while thermocontrol wicks moisture away. my colso i only trust it to one shampoo. l'oreal's color vibrancy. the amazing formulas with anti-oxidant seals and protects color. deeply nourishes week after week. 85% of women who purchased it said they prefer color vibrancy from l'oreal. tabrilliant...sparkling...n like a jewel. that's superior preference by l'oreal. preference's light-reflecting color is never opaque. always brilliant. it shines and sparkles for weeks and weeks. l'oreal superior preference. all the natural energy found in peanuts?
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caramel works. payday. crunchy, roasted peanuts and soft, delicious caramel come together to give you sweet energy. payday. fill up and go. hi, hi, i'm sherri. and i'm going to show sherri how collecting box tops for education earns cash for our school by shopping at walmart. come on. sherri, look at all these products that you can buy for your family with box tops. and look, four box tops in one box. that's awesome! more cash for our school. only at walmart you get 4 box tops on over 100 items. karissa i got it and you only had to tell me four times. find 4 box tops on your family favorites like general mills cereals and nature valley granola bars backed by our low price guarantee. ♪ it's time to announce the winners of our "college counterparts" contest. >> a few weeks ago we started asking college friends who think they're just like us to submit a video of themselves. boy, did you ever.
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>> we received some amazing ones over the past few weeks from students all over the country. unfortunately, we had to choose just one pair of friends as our college counterparts. >> who did we choose, hoda woman? >> drum roll, please. our winners are -- are you ready? this is big. okay, they are shelby doitzman and christine johnson. >> i love them! >> they met freshman year of bradley university in peoria, illinois. i think they're with us via google + hangout. >> hey, girls! >> hi, you guys! >> how are you? >> we're good. how are you guys? >> we're awesome. >> we're awesome! >> so are we. okay, before -- >> they are exactly like us -- >> twinsies. >> yeah. >> before we show what you've won, we want to show a little of your submission, okay? >> okay. >> okay. >> just like you -- >> we -- >> love animals -- >> meet kermit. >> ahh!
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>> we have our favorite things. >> we love music. ♪ >> we have different passions. >> i'm going to be a teacher. >> i'm going to work this corporate communications. those aren't real glasses. >> detention. >> we absolute fools of ourselves. we love food. >> hut -- >> hut! >> yay! >> in the end, we're best friends, too. >> i love it. >> they are exactly like us. >> twins. we love it. >> we hear you call yourselves a frouple. a couple of friends? >> yes. >> we might have to steal that. >> we're going to steal that, kids. >> we have a frumpy frouple. >> we are. >> no, you're beautiful. >> what do they get, hoda woman? >> thank you, sweetheart. thank you. >> pack your bags. you'll spend three days and two nights at the kona kai resort in san diego, california. >> i love it, can we go with
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them? >> the trip includes roundtrip air fare, dinner for two at the waterfront restaurant. >> it's beautiful. >> and complimentary parking. and everything is furnished by the resort and marina, what do you think? >> oh, my gosh. >> we're so excited. >> stay out of trouble. we don't want to see a mugshot of you. >> happy congratulations to us. >> bye, guys, thanks for being part of it. >> thank you very much! >> bye, on. sweet kids. >> so young. get out those tissues, emotional reunions and surprises coming up. >> including a mother and daughter who spent four decades apart. they came together thanks to face back after your local news and weather. ♪ d. so i can't afford to have germy surfaces. but after one day's use, dishcloths can redeposit millions of germs. so ditch your dishcloth and switch to a fresh sheet of bounty duratowel. look! a fresh sheet of bounty duratowel leaves this surface cleaner than a germy dishcloth, as this black light reveals. it's durable, cloth-like and it's 3 times cleaner.
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so ditch your dishcloth and switch to bounty duratowel. the durable, cloth-like picker-upper. show-stopping glamour. a little leopard, a lot of roar. our most fabulous jacket collection. only at chico's and is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. ♪ [ dad ] jan? good morning tour is you it 10:26. police say teens were driving near the crow canyon country club when the driver
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lost control and hit a tree. police say three teens attend a local high school and were supposed to return for their first day of class this morning. one is dead, two injured. the containment of the rim fire stays the same, 20%, the flames are spreading, having scorched 180,000 acres, up about 18,000 acres sin the last update. we are going to have the latest on both those stories coming up in half an hour at 11:00. after the break, we will have a look at weather and traffic, big mess in redwood city this morning.
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welcome back now, headed to the hottest day of the week, a return to the low 90s inland. coming up show, you what we can expect this labor day weekend. i just received a new image of the rim fire from space where the smoke plume now extends into canada. we will show you that today at 11:00. first, mike has a traffic alert. a crash that's been called a sigg alert, means next specht at least 30 minutes, in fact, 30 minutes until this will clear, look at this backup, choppers, 101 at whipple, happened there smashed up vehicles, starting to move them, the chopper moving back down toward the scene or back up, north toward the scene of that crash there it is involving a bus and a few other passenger vehicle he is and there you see that bus that was involved in the crash as well as three others from what we saw on the scene this is only blocking one lane, but a big backup, the map will show you how slow it is 84 to the scene that is the sigg alert section, worse for the peninsula, bridges move smoothly, and the bay bridge, show you the backup at the toll
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plaza as well, a backup out of the maze, laura. send it back to you. >> more local news in half an hour at 11:00 this morning, hope off great morning. ♪ we're back with more on this tuesday. a half-hour dedicated entirely to reunions. the first was 40 years in the making. >> we love these stories. a teen mom felt she had no other choice than to give her baby girl up for adoption, hoping they would find each other again one day. >>'s kyle michael miller, we love him, is here with the remarkable reunion story. >> good morning. good to see you. remind me to grab some tissues for this one. you're about to meet a mother and daughter who spent four decades apart. thanks to modern technology and determination, they finally found each other all thanks to facebook. >> this is your great grandmother. >> janice lebrun is sitting with three daughters, including the oldest, maureen, whom she placed
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up for adoption 41 years ago. >> i'm proud to see my daughter found me after all of these years. it's truly a miracle. >> as a pregnant high school senior, janice believed her baby would have a much better life if a loving family raised her. >> they came in, and they took her away. i remember looking around the room thinking, what am i going do now. where is my life going. >> maureen grew up 30 miles away from her brother mother as an only child in a happy family. janice finished high school, got married, and had more kids, but she never gave up on finding maureen. >> there was never a time on my birthday when i didn't think about her, you know, and wonder, gee, is she thinking about me. >> janice's other daughters always knew about maureen. did you ever think that you guys would meet one day? >> it's something that i always hoped for, but i -- i honestly never really thought it would actually come true. >> 14 years ago, janice wrote a letter to her daughter and placed it in her file at the
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adoption agency. she also left maureen a short note on the genealogy site, hoping one day maureen would find it. maureen went on a document hunt and tracked down her birth certificate from the department of vital statistics. when you looked at the birth certificate, what did you think? >> i have my own identity, and i have my mother's name. took it in my hand and immediately started to cry. >> that led her to find both notes from her mother. on facebook she found her sister jen's page and clicking on photos was like opening an album to the family she'd never seen. in jen's photo, she saw another sister, tracy. on tracy's page were photos of her younger sister, karen. through reading the captions and seeing who was tagged in photos, she finally found a picture of her birth mother, janice. >> i went, oh, my god. that's my mom. >> when you look at each other, you can tell you're related. >> yeah. yeah. it was kind of like -- yeah. i know that nose.
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>> the next day maureen called janice at work. >> she went, "oh, my god. oh, my god." >> after all of these years, it's her. >> 24 hours later, janice reunited with maureen. tracy and karen met her for the first time, too. the only missing piece was another sister, jen. were you nervous, were you excited, scared? >> ecstatic. >> i feel whole again. means peace of mind and a journey with a new family. >> what is better than that? >> nothing's better than that. >> janice and her daughter maureen are here with us. look at you two. >> beautiful piece that you did. >> that was great. >> tell us about the reunion moment when you finally locked eyes and got to see each other in person. >> i opened the front door to my daughter's house, and she was pulling in.
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and i don't think she could park the car correctly. she was so excited. >> jumped right out? >> jumped right out and flew into each other's arms. and -- >> how did that hug feel to you, the first hug in so many years? >> well, as janice said, i -- i had trouble parking the car. my cousin, carol, was with me at the time. i think i told you, kyle, at the time i opened the door, and it was like floodwaters. >> yeah. >> then it was like walking at first as if you were knee deep in water. couldn't feel -- >> couldn't feel the ground beneath you. >> yeah, yeah. it was like slow motion through water. then my brain kind of clicked, and i said, wait a minute. that's my mother. >> yeah. >> instead of walking, started to -- you know, feel the legs go and just ran toward her. >> then the siblings. to have like that whole family must have just so surreal. to have sisters you didn't know about. >> yeah. >> to actually like them, too.
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oh. that's even more good news. >> yes. yes. >> wow. and finding people on facebook, is that easy? are people doing that all the time? >> i think more and more people are doing it. what's unique to their story is that maureen wasn't even friends with her sisters on facebook. so just because their accounts were open she was able to easily find them, see their photos, read captions, see who was tagged, and then ultimately she found janice. >> we're so happy for you guys. >> we are absolutely -- we'll have a little more with both of you, okay? plus another touching reunion and big surprises. >> oh. >> uh-huh. >> when we come back. and hodi might say a certain number. who knows? >> no, i don't think so. ♪ dad they're charged. good evening. (giggle) i am the glow-bot. i will charge you... extra charge for you! extra charge for you! hit the lights queen of darkness. wowwwww! nighttime glow-in-the-dark pull-ups pants with new designs! they're as absorbent as the leading diaper!
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good night! glow bright! we love you! just charge'em up and hit the lights! ♪ i'm a big kid now... ♪ ♪ at night! pure chocolate goodness that brings people together. when the chocolate is hershey's life is delicious. chose prego traditional over ragu traditional. prego?! but i buy ragu. [ thinking ] i wonder what other questionable choices i've made. [ pop muzak plays ] [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. [ female announcer ] hey, ladies. you love it. you've gotta have it. 'cause that cinnamon and sugar is so irresistible. cinnamon toast crunch. crave those crazy squares.® cinnamon toast crunch. ladies, we need to talk... ... about haircolor. it's garnier nutrisse nourishing color creme.
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rich, radiant... ravishing color! nutrisse nourishes while it colors. plus it has avocado, olive, and shea oils. garnier nutrisse. nourished hair, better color you know, from our 4,000 television commercials. yep, there i am with flo. hoo-hoo! watch it! [chuckles] anyhoo, 3 million people switched to me last year, saving an average of $475. [sigh] it feels good to help people save... with great discounts like safe driver, multicar, and multipolicy. so call me today. you'll be glad you did. cannonbox! [splash!] [ female announcer ] today, flintstones means more than multivitamins. introducing flintstones healthy brain support gummies. an omega-3 dha supplement. specially designed to help support healthy brain function. that's the flintstones effect. spedoes your dog food have? support healthy brain function. 18 percent? 20?
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new purina one true instinct has 30. active dogs crave nutrient-dense food. so we made purina one true instinct. learn more at then we tried this nutri-grain fruit crunch bar. it's so crunchy. crunchy granola, mmmm... made with real fruit, 20 grams of whole grains. now, we love mornings. ♪ even though it's the best idea ever. but dress for success right? so we started using tide, bounce and downy together. it keeps our clothes looking newer longer and like a million bucks oh, maybe we could sell our clothes [ female announcer ] tide, bounce and downy. great on their own, better together
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[ female announcer ] tide, bounce and downy. what if we could keep that much plastic waste out of landfills each year. by using just one less trash bag each month... we can. and glad forceflex bags stretch until they're full. so you can take them out less often. it's a small change that can make a big difference. and for continuous odor neutralization... use new glad odorshield with febreze. ♪ and we are back with janice and maureen, the mother and daughter who reunited with the help of facebook after 40 years. >> they were saying during commercial break that they
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discovered they have all kinds of mannerisms and opinions and things that are the same. well, they've been waiting for this day for -- to come for a long, long time. a daughter -- that's later. yes. i -- we're going to lead to what was about to happen. >> you do have mannerisms that you're noticing among each other and among your siblings, is that right? >> that's right. >> what kinds of things? >> we both talk a lot with our hands. >> yeah. >> we're trying to keep it down today. >> when we get going. >> you met two of your sisters, but there's still one that you haven't connected with yet, right? >> right. >> jen? >> jen. >> where does she live? >> right outside of jacksonville, north carolina. >> just a matter of time, though. >> do you want to -- should we speed it up? >> let's speed up the time frame. >> let's bring out jen. >> aw! >> nice to meet you.
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>> hi. >> do you recognize that nose, too? >> yeah. >> i do, too. >> so sorry. >> have a seat, ladies. >> oh! >> yeah. >> we love our show. >> it must be -- this is the first time, right? >> yes. >> what's it like for you, jen, to see her? >> i just -- always wondered if she was okay. and -- it just -- it's surreal. i just -- speechless. >> oh. >> maureen, you have that connect that you seem to have with everyone in your family right here and now. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> oh, yeah. >> and scotty and ryan and todd are so excited to meet you. that will happen next. my kids and my husband. >> whether did -- keeps growing and growing. >> yeah. >> when did you realize that you had another sister? what age? >> i was very young. i was old enough to understand.
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my mom had always been up front with us about it. >> look how emotional mom is with the girls together. >> i'm a mess. >> thank you. >> have a wonderful day spending it together. >> thank you. >> enjoy yourselves. >> congratulations on coming together as a family. >> awesome. >> coming up, a daughter meets her father for the very first time. >> am i supposed to talk now? that's after this. >> baby: my brand-new skin is ten times more sensitive
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than yours, mom. but somehow you just know it's best to use johnson's baby head-to-toe, the really gentle stuff. you're good, mom, and by good... i mean great. lucky charms?! ♪ yer always after me lucky charms! whoa. i forgot how good these taste! [ lucky ] ♪ they're magically delicious whoa. i forgot how good these taste! nthe smoky eye has never been easier. new master smoky shadow pencil from maybelline new york. ultra-saturated pigments in a rich, creamy formula. draw, smudge. whisper:so easy. our most intense smoky look ever. new master smoky pencil ♪ maybe it's maybelline. [ male announcer ] disney gummie vitamins, the fun way to supplement your kid's nutrition. don't forget your vitamins. thanks mom. [ male announcer ] disney gummies, vitamin-packed fun in every bottle. and there are more ways to supplement your child's nutrition. and there are more ways olive garden's never ending pasta bowl is back.
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unlimited breadsticks and salad, plus never ending combinations of pasta and sauce just $9.99. and even unlimited meatballs, sausage or chicken for $2.99. it's all unlimited when you go olive garden. all the natural energy found in peanuts? caramel works. payday. crunchy, roasted peanuts and soft, delicious caramel come together to give you sweet energy. payday. fill up and go.
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when she was just 14 years old, becca curl was told the man she thought was her father was actually her stepfather. >> years later shoe found out her biological father's name and sometime after that sent a facebook message to someone she believed to be her dad. >> two years passed, and there it was. finally, a reply from her father. they've been talking since june, but they're about to meet for the very first time.
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>> hi. >> we're so happy you're with us. >> thank you. >> you have quite the story. your mom out of the blue -- you weren't asking questions. she tells you at 14. what was your reaction then? >> i was really surprised. a little bit shocked, of course. >> uh-huh. >> and then i asked a followup question wanting to know more. and you know, who it was. and she was a little bit guarded with the details. so i just -- i left it alone because i didn't want to push. >> a lot of kids who find out news like that, as the years go on, they have a desire to figure it out. was that health care reform as you were growing old -- was that, as you were growing older, something you said -- i've got to find him eventually? >> yeah. obviously in your teen years, to find out that kind of information when you're already like who am i, what am i doing -- >> you think you know who you are and then you discover not exactly. >> yeah. >> you were a psychology major in college. that had to give you a little pathway to understanding some
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things. >> sure. and i just -- i just wanted to figure out the pieces of who i was. >> you get married, you have kids. and you start reaching out. and facebook is such a huge net. >> it's amazing. >> so you've put out a message. and you never heard back for a couple of years, did you? >> right. i didn't. i sent the message in 2011. and i didn't hear anything obviously until this last june. what was great about it was when i sent the message and i didn't get that initial response, it didn't devastate me. >> it didn't? >> it didn't. >> we don't want to waste any more time. how do you feel that you're going to meet him now? >> thrilled. >> you've talked on the phone, had communication. this is the first face to face. >> yes. >> you wade until we paid for it basically. that's really nice, becca. >> hey, whatever i can do, right? >> she is very smart. come on, everybody. let's bring arounda ou -- randy. meet your daughter. ♪
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>> i love you. i love you. >> i love you, too. >> we'll be right back. >> oh, sit down. sit down. >> gosh. >> oh, my god. randy -- i love randy. >> sometimes there are no words, you know. >> randy, what are you feeling right now at this very moment? >> i waited a long time for that.
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and i guess i got to thank god. >> yeah. >> it was all in his plan for us. it's just -- this has been -- the last month and a half, almost two months, have been so awesome. i think for both of us. i know it has been for me. >> because you were taking a break from facebook, right? or you would have found one another earlier. you had gotten off for a while and came back. >> i got off because i -- i -- unfortunately i jumped in with both feet when i do a lot of things. >> right. >> when i get bored a little bit, i quit. so -- >> really? you, too? >> yes. >> you, too? >> what's it like -- >> genetic. >> what's it like for you finally laying eyes on your dad? >> we look alike. it's great. it's awesome. it's really awesome. it's a little weird. not going to lie. a little weird. but it's -- >> now you're a grandfather to three beautiful children you haven't met yet either.
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>> yep. i can't wait to meet them someday. >> you went to have a family of your own, as well. i guess you'll plan to get together, right? >> we're talking about that. >> don't miss another moment. >> little by little. >> so here's the bill -- >> you guys, thank you very much for sharing this moment. >> the best we could do. god bless you all. >> thank you very much. >> awesome. all right, are you hoping to reconnect with a long, lost relative? >> get advice to get you started. first, this is "today" on nbc. >> wow, that was the best. [ male announcer ] with at&t,
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if you've ever thought about seeking out a family member and creating your own reunion, it's not just about figuring out how to be prepared emotionally. >> we have a private
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investigator and a family coach with us. you have to follow that. if they hadn't done the work of finding them, then that reunion would not have happened. >> they both seemed ready, didn't they? >> they were both ready. >> the key. >> that's the most important thing. you've taken the time to assess your situation. your life is in a place where you can accept this. you're not seeking to fill a void, but you're ready. >> expectations can be crazy. >> heartbreaking. >> as an investigator we see this a lot. we do this for a living. we find people all over the world. reunite families, loved ones. and there's a couple of things that people need to remember. one, facebook is a great tool. you know, with facial recognition coming on line now, it's going to get a lot easier. second thing is -- is i've always found in the over 500, 600 that we've found in the past ten years that -- that people leave a bunny trail. they leave a little bit of -- >> they want to be found. >> i think it's interesting to see that happen. and then see them reunite on
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facebook alone. it can even go further than that. siblings that happen upon each another line. >> we've heard that. >> what if one is very interested in finding the other but it's not reciprocated? that could be the case. >> right. i think before you meet you have to think about all of the possibilities for the relationship. >> right. >> you have what you're hoping for, your fantasy. but realize the other person may not be at that place. it's good to slow it down, meet the person where they're ready, and take the time to build the relationship. >> there can often be shame involved in something like this. they're maybe -- family secrets being held. >> sure, we call the bake story. there's always a back story. always a family dynamics. that's why we always require our clients when they hire us to come in to a counselor such as katherine and get that counseling before and it's so important afterwards. >> so smart. >> things can break down sometimes. >> is facebook the best way? it seems like it worked for both of these guys. but is that the way most people are doing it? >> facebook technology, you know, we have data bases now.
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data mining on your cell phones. there's so much data mining, ancestry is huge. there's so many tools for investigators. then of course, licensed investigators, we have other data bases that we can use that are ten times better -- >> that can be good and bad. >> yeah. >> with facebook, you can literally find somebody instantly. five minutes later, if you have a name, a friend of a friend, and sometimes you need the process to kind of -- >> a minute -- >> take a breath. >> you need to slow down and pace yourself even once you have the name and have the interaction. it's good to slow down. >> out of those 500 or 600 that you've done, what's the ratio of the ones you were thrilled you had a part in? >> i'm thrilled in all of them because it opens doors. it closes some doors and opens new doors. i think it's important for anybody. healthy l the way around, whether good or bad. it's healthy. >> yeah. >> thank you both. >> we appreciate you coming. >> have a great tuesday booze-day. bye.
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and breaking news going on right now in redwood city. that's where lanes on highway 101 were shut down because of a crash involving a tour bus. one other car was involved, one person was seriously hurt. no word yet on injuries to people on board that bus. we can tell you this is on northbound highway 101 near whipple avenue. all rains, they just reopened about ten minutes ago that is good news, as you can see on this map. traffic is flowing. we will keep an eye on this story as things progress out there good morning to one and all. thank you very much for joining us, i'm june kelly. marla tellez has the day off. nothing short of an exceptionally emotional day for reudents and staff as they


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