tv Today NBC September 5, 2013 2:05am-3:01am PDT
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>> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hey, everybody. you have made it to wines day wednesday. it's september 4th. we're delighted you're here with us today. >> yes. >> we had a lot of comments yesterday. i thought it would be about the man with the mystery feet in the hiking boots, but no, all you really cared about was hoda's fish recipe. >> look, let me tell you something, i never cook, and this is a recipe for anybody who doesn't know how to cook. let me tell you the three things you need. a frying pan, a piece of chilean
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sea bass, and a bottle of this. it's called ponzu sauce. you can find it -- i actually looked for it in safeway and one other place and couldn't find it. >> you can get it on amazon. >> on amazon for $2.15, or what i did, went to a japanese restaurant, do you have a container i can buy, and they said yes and put it in a tupperware. here's the recipe, you take the fish. here's the thing about this piece of fish. this is a beautiful piece of chilean sea bass, but you shouldn't have the skin on the bottom. i don't know how you get it off, but get it off. put it in the pan. okay. then -- >> what, jer? you catch it without the skin. thank you, jerry, that's helpful. >> thank you for that. then you open the ponzu. this is so exciting. then you pour it on the fish and you put it like a quarter inch.
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that's enough. okay, a little bit more. that's it. that's it. >> hodie cooked. >> now we're going to put it in the oven for 30 minutes at 350. >> even with the skin on it? >> i don't know. anyway, then we're going to taste it at 10:32, in 32 minutes. >> thank you, jerry. >> jerry, thank you. >> looks fantastic. anyway, you know what, i give that a like. >> now we feel weird with any foam finger, don't you? >> only if you're doing this. that's the only reason you'd feel weird. however, have you ever heard the expression when pigs fly, hoda? >> yes. >> when pigs fly, something you thought you'd never see in your life. >> yeah? >> i'm going to show you something that's going to rock your world. happens to be in my finger. >> what is it?
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oh, oh, no! >> i texted cassidy this morning for the first time on siri. i know how to do it. i do it, i did it. >> okay. this is an iphone, by the way. let me just say something to you, you tried to text me on sunday and it came up blank. was that -- >> no, i got this yesterday. i went one grade up from my flintstone flip phone had it. christie got me another one, the samsung one. >> you didn't like it either? >> sorry, tried for about four days, hated it. then my friend emily showed me how to do this. >> hold on. got to slide it. >> oh, yeah. >> hold on, wait, wait. >> she'll say -- >> we messed it up. do it again. >> hold on. >> first you slide it. >> i know that, now you've screwed me up. >> push it twice. say something.
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you have to say something. >> siri, text cassidy. >> ready to send it. >> okay, say something. >> cass, i love you, here's hodie. >> cass, i love you, too. send it, siri. >> okay. i'll send it. >> she said, okay, i'll send it. what does it say? something is looking to help you with your something, siri. >> anyway, i did it this morning. i'll work on that. i love it. i'm very excited. >> do you have anything on here? no. >> yes, i do. >> you do have some things. >> chrissy is setting me up. do you have miley cyrus's number? i want to call her and have a little talk with her. because i know her mom, we both know billy ray. her mom's a good lady, very good lady, and i know for a fact she raised miley right.
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>> the vmas you saw, with the foam finger with robin thicke and all of that shenanigans. she did say something, she made some news and she explained that this thing wasn't just thought up at the last second. >> it was choreographed. >> this was choreographed, okay. >> there was a reason behind it. >> she said that she wanted to make history, and here's her quote, she said, madonna's done it, brittney's done it, every vma performance that's what you're looking for, you're wanting to make history. it did get a lot of attention. >> it got a lot of attention, but you got to ask yourself, is it the kind of attention you want? everybody says all publicity is good publicity. that's not true. and if 90% of the reaction you're getting is people saying you're not talented or you look ugly or all the nastiness that's out there, what have you accomplished? you know, maybe her song is, you know, going off the roof or something on itunes. i would be the last person to know that, but i think when
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you're as young as she is, you don't tend to think about the repercussions. she has a small group of friends it seems like she's trying to impress. and if they love her, then she's happy about it. >> she did say she got more tweets than i guess the super bowl half-time report and that's the exact same question, but why did you get more tweets. >> you want to look back and say i had a life of quality, not quantity. we just wish the best for her. she is a talented girl. to me, to be vulgar doesn't take talent. she's talented, she should always ask herself first, is this really expressing my talent? my god-given gifts, or is this to get attention, which she already has a lot of attention, you know, she's a talented young woman. >> she is, she is. we do have -- don't rub your own -- weird. okay, anyway, so good news for valerie harper. >> yes! >> couple of good things. number one -- >> she's on "hot and cleveland"
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tonight. >> she's going to be on "dancing with the stars," she just got that. and she has that brain cancer we were talking about at one point it was three to six months and now she just told a magazine her brain scans are looking better and the doctors are saying there is less evidence of cancer. >> i haven't heard that, fantastic. >> they said something about she's close to remission. >> oh, my gosh. >> this is one of those things, you hear what she went through and everyone was pulling for her and she's such a sweet, sweet woman. her husband, remember? >> she's one of those people you save the word beloved for. she's beloved, not just by the people she's entertained, but people who know her and love her through her career. she is just a doll. she said when asked why she wanted to do "dancing with the stars," when life asks you to dance, you just have to dance. >> wow. >> i think it might be her attitude that's showing up in her scans for brain cancer, because first of all, she said to us before when she was with us, it's a hell of a way to find
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out how loved you are by people when you announce that you have a terminal disease. i mean, the outpouring of love she experienced was extraordinary. >> i do think attitude -- it's funny, i was at a forum talking about how important attitude is when fighting a illness and there was a practical woman at the thing, i can't believe you're saying that. there's science, there's cells, she went through the whole thing. >> she was skeptical about it. >> i said, you know what, i just feel like stress, negativity, all that stuff is like fuel, you know. >> but they have determined that scientifically, as well, that's part of science, too. >> you're right. valerie harper is going to be on this great nbc special on cancer, september 19th, meredith did the interview with her. it's going to be cool. >> she's a doll. you know who else is here, valerie bertinelli is here today to talk about that show that's on tonight. >> never ages. it's annoying. >> i'm sick of it.
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all right, the country's getting swept up in their love story. >> the real-life love birds from the popular swiffer ads are going to tell us how they keep the romance alive. we know valerie is hot. guess what else is hot, my fish dish. >> it's almost ready. >> i can't wait. you're going to love it. >> i love my iphone, la, la, la, la, la. hey kevin...still eating chalk for heartburn?
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yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief! it is a big night for fans of the hit tv show "hot in cleveland" starring valerie bertinelli. >> especially if you were fans of "the mary tyler moore show." >> that's because tonight's finale includes a much-anticipated tv reunion.
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>> as well as a jailhouse wedding that has valerie's character a little choked up. now take a look. >> now these three remain, faith, hope, and love. oh, i love love. i love faith and hope. that's my middle name. it really is, melanie hope. >> is she special needs? >> sort of. >> i forgot about that. we did it awhile ago. >> how are you, sweetie? >> very well. nice to see you guys again. >> the jailhouse thing, what was this about? >> you know, the character has been engaged to allen's character for i don't know their -- i know their real names but not their fake names. it's all trying to get them married and he goes off to jail. >> why? >> something about tax evasion because he wasn't keeping an eye -- his accountant went away with his money. >> he's a pervert. >> no, no.
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>> betty would like that. >> right. >> this "mary tyler moore" reunion is huge. >> what took you so long? >> i know, right? we've had mary on the show, then valerie, we've been trying to get on the show for awhile, but oh, my god, these ladies, nobody went to their dressing rooms, we all the stayed on the set and watched. everyone had their little camera phones out. >> yeah, i have one now. i know how to do that, sort of. just magical? >> magical was the perfect word, it was magical, it was surreal. i remember lying on our living room floor watching this show. >> great, great leaders in our business. they are all such fun women. >> amazing women. and they fell into this really beautiful pattern that you could see they had 30 years ago that just helping each other with lines and cracking each other up. >> who's losing it the most, would you say? >> out of everybody on that set? me.
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>> no, when you see these pros at it, still at it, timings so extraordinary. >> really are amazing women. no one's losing it. >> are you still pinching it over this show? i was reading, i said i'd be happy if i keep going back to studio 19. >> in two weeks we start our fifth season. >> i was blessed to do a guest star thing. i know why she feels that way, it's just so much fun when you're there. you do it in front of a live audience -- >> there you are. >> yes, yes. notice how my career took off after that? nothing happened! not an offer, nothing. regis, i get regis's job, he comes back twice. me, nothing. >> it ain't over yet, we're going into our fifth season. >> wait a second. do you do it all in front of live audiences so you get the feedback? that must be great. >> you have the unfortunate thing, your set was behind the
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audience, it was more difficult for you. they couldn't see her the whole time. no one wants to be in the pit back there. i don't know why they put you there. >> i wonder why. nothing! >> you do a weight loss commercial. you do jenny craig, now they started this thing where they said they weren't going to use celebs as much, they want to use everyday people. what do you think about the change? >> i think it's smart. i'm still their ambassador. i will be whether they are paying me or not. that program changed my life for the better and i will always be indebted to that program. i love jenny craig, but i think it's great. i feel i'm a real person, too, but to see everybody's experiences in it. >> that's why you worked, valerie, because people know that about you. >> thank you, thanks. >> there's a credibility that you have. >> i like seeing people go through that transformation, i love hearing their stories. some of my favorite stories on tv, "extreme weight loss," "the biggest loser." kudos to however they get more people in the door to hopefully save their lives and make them
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more healthy, great. >> kudos to your hairdresser. >> i'm so sorry. >> bruce, looks great. kudos to your cute husband. >> oh, my god. >> we are so happy to see you. >> i'll be back again. >> two episodes of "hot in cleveland." >> on tv land. swept her off her feet 44 years ago, but they are still young at heart. >> the real-life swiffer couple. they have all the secrets to a long and happy marriage. >> first these messages. look at them. license and registration please. what's this? uhh, it's my geico insurance id card, sir. it's digital, uh, pretty cool right? maybe. you know why i pulled you over today? because i'm a pig driving a convertible? tail light's out.. fix it. digital insurance id cards.
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just a click away with the geico mobile app. for digestive health? yes and did you know that trubiotics is a daily probiotic that helps in two ways. it supports digestive and immune health by working in your gut where 70% of your immune system lives. try trubiotics today. where 70% of your immune system lives. easo why do you feel exso tired afterward? instead of refueled and focused, you're foggy and sluggish. it's that 2:30 feeling again. so how do you get your clear, alert feeling back? have a coffee... then another? do this instead. take one 5-hour energy. in minutes foggy and sluggish is gone... hello clear and alert. 5-hour energy. take it after lunch.
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all right. you can call them an overnight success story, now recognized everywhere they go, and if you don't know the kaufmans by now, you probably don't watch enough tv. >> after 44 years of marriage, 90-year-old morty kaufman and his 91, you cougar, wife lee are literally sweeping the nation in these reality swiffer ads. take a look at these.
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>> it's been a happy union. >> he does laundry and i do the cleaning. >> it's only two of us. how much dirt can we manufacture? >> more than you think. >> by the way, we're so happy to have you with us today. >> what great commercials. did you guys know these things were going to take off when you first did them? >> never. >> never, never guessed. never even had a dream about that. >> really? >> really. >> you're the only two people that didn't want to be in show business in the whole world, right? >> i was retired for 30 years, what did i need this for? >> i say that every day. >> did they give you lines for the commercial? lee, say this, morty you say that? what did they do? >> actually, it was very normal. we just sat there and made the usual kind of conversation. >> might be leading direction, but no scripting at all. >> none. >> you do the cleaning, lee, and you do the watching, morty? >> i had to, she couldn't work
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the washing machine. >> too many buttons. >> i know that feeling. you're not technologically inclined. >> not at all. >> now you guys have been married 44 years. how did you two meet? >> oh, i'm a teacher, retired teacher. >> yeah. >> and that summer that i was first retired i decided that i was going to teach summer school to take up my time. >> may i point out that we were recently widowed, both of us in our early 40s, and this was a point that we had in common. >> yeah, so you found that common ground. >> and what did happen, he walked in and actually he referred to scotty, his youngest son, who needed a little help. that was it. >> started tutoring your son. >> i said to her, scotty can't read for beans, what are you
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going to do about it? >> he really did say that. i wasn't going to put it quite that way, but that's exactly what he walked in and said. >> scotty does now, reads very well now. >> thanks to you, lee. >> what's it like when you walk down the streets now, do people know you? >> a little bit, a little bit, in the supermarket, yes, i can see they are looking. >> the bank. >> what do they say, you're cashing your big residual checks. >> you need one person to recognize you and they make a sound and other people then will recognize you. >> and they question us and smile and they are nice. and they wave. >> you make people happy and you give us hope that people can remain happily married for 44 years. >> wouldn't you know they are making us happy also? our popularity is unexpected. >> how did they find you to do this ad? >> to do this ad? >> my daughter myra knew a casting director and they asked
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her if she knew elderly or mature couple over 70 and she said, my parents. >> that's really just how it happened. >> this is going to lead to other things? are you going to take betty white's place on "hot in cleveland"? >> i hardly think so. >> we haven't been approached yet. >> nothing? >> nothing. >> okay. >> but we'll wait. >> what is the secret, you guys, to 44 years of a great marriage? >> you got to love each other. you got to let each other know they are being loved. >> cherish one another, huh? >> i don't go to bed at night without saying, lee, i love you. and she doesn't go to bed without saying, i love you, too. >> you're grateful for one another. >> indeed, we are. >> we're grateful you can be us today. >> you are just the most adorable. thank you for being with us. >> thank you. madelyn fernstrom is going to play beat it or eat it. sorry about that, where's my sorry button?
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and we're back with more of "today" on this wines day wednesday. we're ready to play who knew and we're celebrating the start of the professional football season with some nfl trivia. kathie lee is across the street ready to hand out $100 to anyone who gets the questions right, and to those who don't, they get kathie lee's cd, aren't they lucky? but everyone's a winner, because we're also giving out nfl jerseys to everyone who gets the question asked at all, so helping me over here is our good friend dave briggs, nbc sports network host, very fancy. are we ready? >> i'm ready, are you? >> let's go across to kath. >> very cute lady from cleveland. everybody's hot in cleveland. where will the next super bowl be played? miami, florida, new orleans, louisiana, east rutherford, new jersey, or san diego, california? >> new orleans? >> no.
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>> we wish. >> here you go! >> so the correct answer is, jersey. >> first-ever cold weather outdoor super bowl. the farmer's almanac says it's going to be a storm bowl, so bring your jackets. bonus question to you, who has hosted the most-ever super bowls, miami, new orleans, or san diego? >> miami? >> miami is ten or new orleans, also ten. >> new orleans, okay. >> next year will be in phoenix on nbc. you going? >> i would love to go. back across. >> from atlanta, new england, patriots quarterback tom brady and his supermodel wife recently plunked down $20 million on a new mansion in california. it includes what notable luxury feature, ice cream parlor, tanning salon, golf course, or a moat? >> golf course? >> big day for kathie lee. >> i would have gone with that, too. >> tom plays a lot, but no one
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would have said moat, but it is the correct answer. they have a massive mansion and, yeah, a bridge even goes over the moat. they are a little bit odd, tom and gisele, but they made $72 million together last year. >> they can do what they want. >> number two forbes highest-earning couple behind jay-z and beyonce. >> back across. >> i have found myself an adorable young man from northern ireland who's in his underwear. actually, what are those? >> rugby shorts. >> okay, don't change them. we love it. who's taking over for faith hill, i don't think you're going to know this, as the new singer of nbc's "sunday night football" theme? taylor swift, carrie underwood, kelly clarkson, matt, savannah, al, and natalie? >> "b"? >> did you know that? did you guess? it's because the shorts are so tight. >> carrie underwood. >> matt, savannah, al, and natalie, they didn't make the
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cut. the former "american idol" winner is the choice. it will not debut tomorrow night, but sunday night when carrie's ex-boyfriend, tony romo is the dallas cowboys quarterback will play the giants, that will debut on sunday. >> that's juicy. >> she's married to a hockey player, mike fisher. >> she's a great girl. back across. >> from long island, what nfl tough guy is the face of depends incontinence protection for men? von miller, j.j. watt, demarcus ware, troy polamalu, or frank gifford? >> "a"? >> von miller, wrong. but you're going to love my cd. >> okay. she added frank gifford, he wasn't even on there. >> i feel bad i stumped the audience. troy polamalu does head and shoulders ads, but demarcus ware does ads for adult diapers. wes welker also does these ads.
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they tried on adult diapers under their football pants last year. >> they did? >> yes. >> it's kind of cool, lisa rena did it for women. >> they are raising money for cancer, as well, so it sounds funny, adult diapers, but it is serious. >> we have time for one more. >> from iowa, which nfl team has unveiled an updated logo in the 2013 season? is it minnesota vikings, jacksonville jaguars, miami dolphins, or all of the above? >> miami dolphins? >> no, no, no. she's a winner. >> she's partially right, because it's every single team. >> it is all of those teams. the vikings, jaguars, and dolphins. look at the difference here, kind of when snoop dogg called himself snoop lion. give the dolphins credit, the first two, you do not need to buy new gear. they barely made a change. >> are you pumped up? >> tomorrow night, broncos/ravens. i wore my broncos socks.
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>> i have drew brees, kath has frank. >> i like the gifford jersey. don't forget to catch the nfl kickoff 7:30 eastern/6:30 central on nbc. madelyn fernstrom makes a healthier choice. we're going to play along. and we're also going to try my fish. i can't wait. right after this. over 20 million drivers are insured with geico. so get a free rate quote today. i love it! how much do you love it? animation is hot...and i think it makes geico's 20 million drivers message very compelling, very compelling. this is some really strong stuff! so you turned me into a cartoon...lovely. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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>> with hotwire's low prices, i can cross even more places off my travel wish list. this year alone, i hit new york and texas. see, hotwire checks the competition's rates every day so they can guarantee their low hotel prices. >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e, ♪ [ female announcer ] you've got finding time for what matters, down to a science. you're the reason we reformulated one a day women's. a complete multivitamin that now has extra b vitamins, which help convert food to energy. energy support for the things that matter. that's one a day women's.
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all right. before we play beat it or eat it, we've get to try my fish. this is a fish we made at the top of the show, chilean sea bass in ponzu sauce. come on, get in. >> wow. oh, my gosh, madelyn. >> you're going to die. >> this looks so good, i can't resist. >> wow, hoda, you could have your own cooking show. >> this is great. >> now we're going to play "beat it or eat it." >> idiot? >> hello, if the shoe fits. okay, we're going to try to find
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out which food is healthier and we're supposed to pound the one that isn't? >> we're going to talk about breakfast foods today and we're going to have the better choice. that's the one you want to eat. the one that is the worst choice, you want to beat. beat it or eat it. get it? okay, first we're going to compare -- >> wait. >> oatmeal and grits. all buttoned up here? >> oatmeal and grits? i already know! >> it was a fiber, but you did beat the right things. >> don't get it in the fish, please! >> turn off your mallets, fortify yourself with more fish. >> this fish is unbelievable. what's next? >> what's next, we're going to compare a honey bran raisin muffin with jelly donuts. you're beating wrong, because, there you go, the muffin has 440 calories, guess what the jelly donut has, less than 300. one more bite.
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>> i love the fish. >> take another bite before we move on to another kind of protein. scrambled eggs versus greek yogurt. which is the best protein source and which will you beat? oh! actually, you are both wrong. you are both wrong, because the best source of protein is going to be the greek yogurt. a cup has 25 grams. >> you beat them afterwards. >> zero to zero. let's talk about -- >> we were right about the grits. excuse me, madelyn fernstrom. >> when it comes to fat, turkey bacon and canadian bacon. >> which one is worse? >> which one is worse. and you are right, turkey bacon is a health food imposter. get some more fish and let's go to some -- >> okay. >> shoot, there's more, darn. >> fruits, okay, a lot of people
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want to have some fiber. >> be careful of bones. >> blackberries and a medium banana. which one is the worst choice when it comes to fiber? worst choice, fiber. >> this one. >> that's correct! >> blackberries are full of fiber. >> point for that, 8 grams worth. >> don't beat the pop-tart, i want to eat it. >> toaster pastry and sugary cereal. one has more sugar. which one has more sugar? >> that's the one we would beat. >> give it a whack. >> no, i'm eating it. >> okay, actually that is the beat it because that's got four teaspoons of sugar. >> you can see it. >> this is sugar-coated cereal. let's finish up with -- fat-free cream cheese on a bagel or regular syrup on pancakes. >> okay, okay, okay! >> oh! >> is she right? >> no, you're wrong.
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beat that one, because the fat-free cream cheese fools you, 450 calories versus 300. here's our bonus, reverse beat it or eat it. which one would you eat, is it a 16-ounce skim milk latte or 12 ounce whole fruits smoothie, which is the eat it? >> they are both okay. >> which one has less calories if you want in the morning. >> that one. >> you're correct. who wants a sip of that? the winner is -- who's the winner? you're going to win a big hunk of canadian bacon. >> she won. >> i don't want that. i just want the fish. >> have that with the fish. take this home. coming up, she was up all night judging some of america's most talented acts. >> but she managed to make it in to see.
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instead of refueled and focused, you're foggy and sluggish. it's that 2:30 feeling again. so how do you get your clear, alert feeling back? have a coffee... then another? do this instead. take one 5-hour energy. in minutes foggy and sluggish is gone... hello clear and alert. 5-hour energy. take it after lunch. be clear and alert for hours.
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radio city music hall. >> america is going to decide who moves through, but sizing them up, as always, the four talented judges, mel b., who got up early to see us. >> nice of you, mel. >> hey! >> you are like a fixture around here lately. thank you. >> i love the "today" show, are you kidding me? >> don't you? >> i love it here. >> you're perfect at it, you just don't give a rip, do you? >> i don't. i have tourettes of honesty. >> you do that on your show, too, on "america's got talent." >> i do, i call it how it is. >> is that difficult sometimes, because you're looking right at the person trying really hard. >> it's difficult with kids. that pulls at your heart strings. >> what's the harshest thing you've had to say to a child? >> just that you're not very good and that's so hard. >> you don't want that to stick with them forever. >> hopefully, it makes them tougher and stronger. >> what's up with howie and howard kissing? >> what were they thinking? >> nobody wants that. no, no, no! >> oh, oh, oh! >> do they do it? they did do it. >> let me tell you, they were
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both traumatized after that. in the break they were both going to each other, why did you do it, why did you do it? you made me do it, you made me do it. >> howie is a germaphobe. >> lips, it was quite funny to see them like that. >> lips travel, lips go places and pick up stuff. >> didn't you and heidi do a no makeup deal, what happened? >> we fly in the nbc jet every monday and every wednesday. >> what, there's an nbc jet? >> there is. i bought these eye treatment things, we both took our makeup off and did it. see how she looks so much better than me. >> no, you look good. >> yes, that's the reason why. >> call the boss, where is he? >> tell us about the stiff competition. it's coming down to the wire now. >> it is. the show this season has got so much talent on it, from singers, to magicians, to variety acts, danger acts. it's full of everything. it's going to be really hard tonight to see who goes and who
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stays. >> yeah. >> really hard. >> and you will just trust your instinct again? >> yeah -- >> it's a subjective thing. >> at the end of the day, america votes. we can give our opinions and that's it. tonight, we'll see. >> when this is over, this show, are you going to cuddle up with the kids and go back to your family life? >> i have my show that's just launched last week in the uk. >> what's that one? >> called "stepping up," like a dancing show. >> is nbc's plane taking you to london? >> no, unfortunately. >> call your agent. >> i will. >> you're adorable, a breath of fresh air. >> thank you. >> "america's got talent" results show airs tonight on nbc. thinking about doing tailgating this weekend? >> the gadgets and gear that are making them all right after this.
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all right. the summer's winding down, the days are getting cooler, and football season is just about to start. you know what that means. tailgating! here with the gear to get the party started, steve greenburg. let's start with hoda's favorite, music. >> portable wireless speaker, they are indoor/outdoor, you can put your mp3 player or phone right into it or it can work bluetooth. i have my phone right here, plug it in. it goes -- ♪
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you can add your team's logo or you can take any picture and put it on the outside of it. how's that, ladies? you can shamelessly plug your book the same way. turn it off there. you're learning, you're learning. next you got to have a barbecue, of course. this is a folding barbecue. it's a about $90. >> can you do hodie's fish on there? >> absolutely, you can. >> hodie, we can make your fish on there. >> it's that simple. folds up to nothing. >> where do you put the charcoal? >> underneath, charcoal bags, woodchips, as well. very cool. under $100. next, this is from emmy, which makes fondu. comes out with a football hub, they want to make fondu cool. that's a helmet, $50, kind of upscale, put some food here,
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bread, the fondu, just pop it in. >> that's a great christmas present in the future for the guy in your family. >> the matching thing would be from wayfair, they have snack helmets, a helmet to put in chips or candy or what not. that's good. >> that's clever. >> how much are they? >> $50. >> not bad. >> next over here, this is from true dough, their bottle opener and also a cap catcher. so the way it works, put it in here like this, you guys can try it out, too, and it captures it. >> so you can count how many. >> that's why there's an obesity problem. we can't even pick up our beer can things, you know, our tops. >> mess all over the parking lot, making a mess everywhere, good for the environment. >> how do you do it? >> like this, kind of pull the far end of it and pull back in. got it? >> no. >> come on, ladies. >> do that again. >> put it in like that and give it a -- >> oh. >> you got it like that.
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you capture it. very easy. there you go! >> thank you very much. >> it can only hold 30 caps. more than 30 beers, could be a problem. >> thank you so much. >> wait, there's more. no, no, not saying good-bye. folding swivel chair from sharper image, folds up, 360 fold. >> that i like. >> this to bring over your beverages is a remote control robot, a must have. >> that is ridiculous. >> your favorite company. >> see, again, with the bottle opener and that, no wonder we're fat! >> what is that? >> finally, this is a little disturbing, this is called the wiz dom for men so they can relieve themselves. this attaches to the man at one end, goes through the pant leg, down to the floor so they can relieve themselves. >> no! >> they are $5. they are disposable, but the inventors think some people wash them and use them again, which i find disturbing. >> i find it disturbing to begin with, much less washing it, but i am going to see if it works and take it home.
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>> good-bye. >> bye, everybody. jeff: it's dogs -- >> he is the never one that never betrayed me. jeff: bring out the cats and everything in between. who has the guts to hold that? >> i do. jeff: we're giving the show over the animals. plus, pet experts. >> everyone wants to see the animals but i'm also there. [cheers and applause] jeff: hello. hello. roll it. >> a little bit about me. i'm recently married. i work with my wife on the show and i'm learning how to be a dad to two amazing kids in a blended family. i'm hosting a talk show because there's a lot to talk about. this is the adventure.
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