tv Today NBC September 12, 2013 2:05am-3:01am PDT
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from nbc news this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hello, everybody. it's wednesday. it's september 11th, 2013, a day of remembrance for all of us and a day to rejoice in the lives that we were touched by before they were taken too soon. and hoda and i want to welcome you during this difficult day for everyone, i think, especially new yorkers, especially those of us who did lose loved ones on that day.
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i'm sure you knew some people, hoda. >> you know what's funny? first of all, it struck me this morning when -- i mean, you know whts coming, obviously, when you live in new york. but when you think a dozen years, we talked about like every 12-year-old child, 12 or younger, did not experience 9/11 and didn't know really what it was like. they're just learning about it from family and friends. and i have a -- it's funny when you think of your memory. i remember -- this is weird. i remember coming into work like everyone was. everyone was racing in. and they asked me to go on the roof and do a live shot and there were security concerns and asked me to go down stairs. it was one of those weird sort of up and down the stairs things. i remember sitting in makeup for a second and a woman doing makeup was panicky and she said, "i have a loved one in the towers." and we were watching the towers. and one fell, and i remember i watched her, and the phone rang in the makeup room. right then. i watched her pick up the phone. her back was to me and her shoulders were heaving up and down.
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and i said, oh, my god, this is like a moment -- and she turned around and she said, "she's okay." and like you know what's funny, what comes into your mind and into your memory when something -- and it was st -- for her it was relief and for so many families, about 3,000 -- >> that's just it. if you were a member of that family, of the 3,000 or so that were lost -- my -- i'll never forget it for a couple of reasons. i was at home in connecticut. those planes came right over our house. they were flying obviously very low. and i was down in our gym. i couldn't believe they were letting the planes fly that low. >> right. that was what -- >> what is going on? so i get up to the house and i realize what's going on. and we realized that my assistant taryn, who was almost eight months pregnant with her first child then, her husband, tom, was in the north tower and ultimately was lost with so many. he had been in the world trade
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center in 1993 and had actually saved some people's lives during that attack, but this time he didn't make it out. and, of course, her child was born. he will be 12 years old in just a couple of weeks. and every time i see that child i just -- i remember that day i went in and wrote this song for him called "little baby." >> wow. >> little baby, you're still unborn, too young to cry, too young to mourn. >> we should point out a moment of silence. 10:03 is the moment the plane went down in shanksville, pennsylvania. there is a moment of silence in the country. >> anyway. here's a beautiful story, though. my friend, who lost her husband, now has not only a beautiful 12-year-old little boy, but she did marry again and she has a gorgeous little girl now, too. so as much as it's been painful, there's healing.
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you can't rush healing. >> you really can't. >> everyone has their own schedule for it. mourning takes a long, long time. but god can bring beauty out of ashes, too. >> yeah. you know, when you look at the reflecting pools that they have down there now at ground zero, when you look at that, it's really very -- there's something very serene about it. >> you know, hoda, i have not been down. i started to go down three times and have never -- i've always turned back. and i don't know why yet. >> like you said, healing comes on its own. >> i look at it and it makes me joyful to know something beautiful is being made out of it. but i still personally can't. and i don't know why. >> and there is a museum that's going to open -- >> early next year, i think. >> early next year. and it's been sort of in the works for a while now. willie i think took a little -- a tour of it. got to see some of it before it was open to the public. they have all sorts of things from that day. they have tributes.
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they have obviously just twisted metal and things there. and there is also -- they were saying there is a room that you have to actually make a turn to go into that shows you -- >> a destination room. >> yeah. the more difficult things to watch. >> that was always the dilemma. wasn't it? how much do you show of this horrifying day? how sensitive you want to be to the victims' families and everything else. but at the same time we don't want to forget this horrendous, horrendous attack and the physical and human cost that it brought. >> right. >> you know, so i think that is a wise way -- that is very solomonic. i think that's great. >> if you need a little inspiration, there was a woman, and i thought this was terrific, there was an inspirational obituary. and this is not connected to 9/11. but a woman from wisconsin. and her name was mary agnes mullaney.
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>> you love her already. >> she was nicknamed pink. she had lots of kids and grandkids. and when she passed away they decide write down her words of wisdom. things they remembered. >> 17 grandchildren. >> yes. so here are a few of them. let a dog or two or three share your bed. >> thanks to frank letting our dogs out at night we have three where we once had one. >> here's another one. never throw away old panty hose. use the old ones to tie gutters, childproof cabinets, tie toilet flappers, or hang christmas ornaments. >> see, that's what i love about this woman, because there's really nothing much uglier than used panty hose but she was willing to put it all over the place. proudly hang it from her gutters. and i want to know what one thing is. what is a toilet hanger? >> flapper. >> flapper. we don't know. is that the handle? oh, the plunger. >> why would you tie -- >> you know what? apparently she knew something we
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don't know. >> thank you. >> take magazines you have read to the doctor's office for others to enjoy but do not tear off the mailing label because if someone wants to contact me that would be nice. >> all right. invite -- hello. invite new friends over to thanksgiving dinner. bonus points if they're from another country. >> my daddy used to do that. we were always late for thanksgiving it seems like to me because he would be doing the "washington post" rounds that morning. even if it's a holiday he had to work. and he would be late. and he'd usually bring a little old lady that -- >> oh, how sweet. >> yes. and never say mean things about anybody, hoda. she says there are poor souls to pray for. >> and lastly, give to every charity that asks. i like this. choose to believe the best about what they do with your money no matter what your children say they've discovered online. >> that's good. >> i want to give a shout out to dennis basso real quick. dennis basso is a fashion guy. >> he's a designer. >> he's a designer. >> and a bigger than life personality. >> he is. he's big. he's got a booming voice. he was there.
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your buddies were there. neil sedaka was there. >> yes. >> jim miller, carol alt were there. another bunch of people. it was fun for dennis. he rocked. his stuff rocked the runway. >> apparently there was a picture posted on instagram, insta stop with you, with the message, hoda kotb with her own clutch design. there's nobody like you. >> ziplocs work fine. one of my favorite things that you said today was -- first of all the elections in new york are finally over. >> well, sort of. >> two people got rejected. eliot spitzer and anthony weiner. >> yep. >> so what would have been a good headline? >> well, i had a suggestion. are we going to show it? did we mock it up? >> there it is. it was up there. and they were seeing it at home. so --
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>> so schlong. >> so anthony weiner came in fifth. >> right. >> by the way, while he was at his -- >> it was supposed to be a celebration party. a concession party. >> the girl who was sexting him -- >> the last one that we know of. >> that we know of. what was her name? >> sydney leathers. >> of course. she was there. she crashed the party in her best. when asked why she was there she said, "i feel like it's my obligation. i mean, i will only be 23 years old once." >> what does that have to do with anything? >> nothing. nothing. she also told -- said that anthony weiner should have left the race long ago because he's such an embarrassment. "people say i ruined his marriage but he ruined his marriage." >> she should know a little something about embarrassment. i think -- yeah. >> yeah, she's ridiculous. and eliot spitzer -- >> but she is 23, as you said. we cut her a little more slack than we do for anthony weiner.
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>> eliot spitzer's race was tight. >> 53%. now, diana nyad, we were talking about it yesterday. we were sort of standing up for her for this 64-year-old woman who finished this 110-mile race from cuba all the way to the keys. >> she swam all the way. and then there were these naysayers saying oh, diana nyad, blah, blah, blah. >> so for 3 1/2 hours yesterday she was on a phone conference call with these swimmers that were questioning her. >> well, she actually spoke. >> yes. >> why don't we listen to what she had to say? >> okay. >> don't i deserve a little luck after i've had so much bad luck on my previous four tries? i had at least the persistence to keep trying until finally we got a little luck on our side. when you set a huge world record like this, you've got to vet it. you've got to ask every question. you've got to put the swimmer
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under a microscope and make her answer all these questions. i did the swim with my own body and my own mind fair and square, squeaky clean. >> good for her. >> good for her. >> you know, the trouble with anybody that goes through this is we have too many representations of the other, people that swore they never took performance -- we have our lance armstrong situation and all these others. where people swore they never did anything. and i want to believe diana nyad. >> i do believe her. >> i do, too. but i'm just saying people are cynical now in this world because it seems like everybody is cheating. >> you know what? well, there are a lot of people who do that. i just don't like the people who sit in their big chair and say really? you did that? prove it to me. well, why? she's 64. she had boats with her. this is her umpteenth time to do it. she finished it. >> it's documented. give her credit where her credit is due. >> i thought it was crazy.
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>> i totally agree. >> we have a lot. coming up, the new iphone is out. you are already -- >> i'm already passe. i finally came into this century and i'm already old. over. >> there's a new iphone. this one you can put your thumb on it instead of punching in your pass code. >> i don't want to. >> go like that and then it turns on. you can buy things. >> and what happens when i then say hoda, why don't you look at this picture or take a picture of me, hoda? >> then i'll have to have you put your thumb on it so i'll unlock it and then i'll take it. >> my head is going to explode. >> i think it's going to be a real pain. and i don't want my secret thumbprint being stored in a device. >> well, they already know everywhere you've been and everything you've done. yep, yep. thank you, nsa. >> find out what making deposits into the love bank can do for your marriage. >> and our hulu quiz game takes you on a trivia trip down the catwalk. right after this. ♪ now you're in new york [ female announcer ] you've got finding time for what matters,
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nothing to say. i have nothing to say. if you have ever wondered what the secret to holding a relationship together is, some might argue it's the love bank, hoda woman. >> if you are making more withdrawals than deposits trouble could be coming your way. >> here to help us balance the account. our relationship expert and author of "the break-up bible," rachel sussman. and relationship therapist to the stars, ian kerner. so good to see you both. >> hey. >> you are calling it a love bank. >> absolutely. >> that's the term we are using. what's the general concept here? >> well, i mean, i think you have your relationship. you want to put it -- you have a ratio between positive and negative interactions in your relationship. right? every day you want to deposit positive interactions. you do not want to withdraw through negative interactions. you're sitting with your partner. you're listening to them. you're talking to them. you're smiling. that's a positive interaction. >> and even something like
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teasing could be seen as a negative thing. >> the teasing could be positive if you're making it positive, you have humor, but the point is you want more deposits than withdrawals. all couples fight. and all couples pick at each other. but when you do nice things -- >> is this going to get you through tough times? the fact that you've got a whole bunch stocked in the love banks? >> i think what this encourages people to do is think about their relationships the way they think about money. think about how often we sit down with our partners and we decide are we going to buy something, are we going to invest in something, can we afford this? can we really go on that dinner or go on that date? if you actually took that time to think about your relationship, you'd have a much stronger one. >> have you ever sat with a couple at dinner and watched them kind of go at each other and they don't even realize they're doing it? and it becomes almost part of the normal conversation, like that is -- that sort of negativity can just really take over your life. >> that's what we're talking about. that's the withdrawal from the love bank. you've got to be mindful. if you're someone who tends to be critical or you and your spouse spar with each other,
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you've got to kind of turn it back and say what can i do today that's nice, how can i be pleasant? >> maybe just think before you say something. we just live so spontaneously that without thinking we think -- >> do you think some things are such big withdrawals it's hard to ever turn back like infidelity or -- >> anthony weiner made a big withdrawal. that bankrupted the bank. >> and not seeing her through it and it makes you wonder if that one is over. >> couples that are stuck in sex ruts and haven't been intimate in the last three weeks. that's also -- >> three weeks? >> months. two months. three months. a year. okay. but that's also a withdrawal. and that's a great deposit that you can make. you know? >> yeah, but it's also true that there's all kinds of intimacy in this world. we sometimes i think put too much emphasis on sex. some people can't have sex anymore and yet they are very intimate in their relationship.
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billy graham once said to me so we continue our romance with our eyes. >> mm-hmm. >> and i just thought, there's something to be learned from that as well. >> that's beautiful. and you know what? i think -- i was reading about this. just as you have like a joint account with your partner i think you also have your own individual account with your yourself that you need to deposit into. you need to have your friends, your interests, your hobbies. you know, you can't always just be dependent on -- >> what do you do about a friend? that just always takes. >> always takes. >> what can you do? >> well, listen. i think that can be very exhausting. when you have a friend who is a real taker. sometimes you have to have a talk with them. and you've got to have a balanced relationship. relationships that aren't balanced -- >> you think they don't realize it? >> i think mostly they don't realize it. maybe it's someone who's in crisis or maybe it's someone who's -- >> but some relationships work because one is the giver and one is the taker. >> sometimes they end up working out that way. >> it has to be symbiotic in that way. it's got to be everyone's happy and okay with it.
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but back to friendships, in relationships the friendships are so important. and you're not always going to have sex. when you have that strong relationship, that strong friendship with your partner, i think you can withstand some of the hard times. >> thank you for all of the information. >> we hope that did well in the ratings. okay. talk about relationship makers and breakers, can a modern wife live a happy life if she's submissive to her husband? a fascinating book. >> one woman's humorous look after trying for a year. but first these messages. we weren't really morning people.
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all right. it is fashion week in new york, which brings to mind a question. are you ready to answer this one? >> yes. >> which supermodel was o' valedictorian of her high school? heidi klum, cindy crawford or tyra banks? we are going to answer that question. >> i think i know. am i supposed to say? >> but what if you're right? >> no one's watching over there. cindy crawford.
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we are back with more of "today" on this wines day wednesday. ready to play our weekly trivia game we call "who knew." and as new york fashion week winds down we are taking a look at some fun fashion facts. kathie lee is across the street at the nbc experience store. she is ready to give out $100 for those who get it right. and for those who don't they get a kathie lee cd. here to help me out in the studio is tv host and fashion lifestyle expert louise roe. >> hello. >> are you ready? >> i'm so ready. >> before the commercial we asked which supermodel was a valedictorian of her high school? heidi klum, cindy crawford or tyra banks. and kathie lee, what did you say? >> i said it was cindy crawford.
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>> you were right, as usual. >> very smart lady. >> take it away, girl. >> which brand is behind the first ever pair of blue jeans? levi strauss, tommy hilfiger, burberry, or perry ellis? >> i'm going to say levi. >> yeah, smart girl. levi. >> 1872. can you believe that? i know. it's nuts. it's nuts. he was a german immigrant. came over to america as a dry goods salesman and made a pair of jeans and killed it. >> genius. still killing it. back across to kath. >> lovely lady from illinois. which of the following supermodels is the top paid model of 2013 according to the forbes list? kate upton, kate moss, gisele bundchen, or miranda kerr? >> i'm going to say a, kate moss. >> a was kate upton. you were wrong twice. give her two cds. >> the correct answer -- gisele bundchen. >> seven years in a row now. okay. reportedly. >> let's hear it. >> $42 million. no big deal. >> are you serious?
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>> tom brady apparently got 38. so they're doing okay. >> disgusting. all right. back across to kathie. >> all righty. from ohio. what happened in the "sex and the city" episode when carrie bradshaw was asked to model in a fashion show? did she get sick on the stage? did she -- did her top rip open? did she get in a fight with the models? or did she trip and fall? >> i'll just take a cd. >> okay. excellent. ♪ everyone has a story >> i like when she sings. this is a classic moment from "sex and the city" history. >> we all remember it. she absolutely stacked it. there it is. goner. and then heidi klum who plays herself walks over her and she is deemed fashion road kill forever. >> love it. all right. back across to kath. >> this lady is from the oregon coast. okay. got to do a little singing. finish the lyrics to this 1990 madonna hit. ♪ i know a place where you can get away ♪
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♪ it's called the dance floor ♪ and here's what it's for ♪ so ♪ i'll take the cd >> it's a great day for me. >> let's hear it. ♪ let your body move to the music ♪ >> you got it. >> you've got to vogue, guys. >> vogue. that was such a -- >> 1990. >> no, it wasn't. >> it was. >> it was that long ago. back across to kath. >> also from the oregon coast, when did the first new york fashion week take place? 1939? 1940? 1943? or 1950? >> 1939. >> no. gosh. >> wow. >> did anyone -- has anyone gotten the money? >> no. except for kath. >> she sounded so sure. >> the correct answer was -- >> 1943. eleanor lambert decided to start the week. >> and it's gone -- caught on like wildfire. we have time for another one, kath. >> wonderful lady from south carolina.
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author lauren weisberger's experience aan assistant at what magazine inspired her book "the devil wears prada"? was it marie claire, elle, vogue, or harper's bazaar? >> how about "vogue"? >> yeah. >> that was a great movie. >> meryl streep, anne hathaway. and yeah, we all know. worked at "vogue" as an assistant. a few experiences she wanted to throw out there. >> tell us about your television show. >> at the moment i am filming "star pop." actually, tomorrow it's going to be on style network. it's a trends countdown. >> congratulations. i know you're working hard over fashion week. thanks for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. could you take a back seat to your husband and still survive your marriage? well, one woman has, and she's going to tell us what it's all about. right after this. people across america are experiencing the amazing shine of finish quantum, voting it product of the year, better homes and garden's best new dishwasher detergent,
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and now it has the good housekeeping seal, giving finish quantum more honors than ever before. finish quantum delivers amazing clean and shine, which cascade actionpacs just can't do. take the finish shine challenge and see what it can do for you. for digestive health? yes and did you know that trubiotics is a daily probiotic that helps in two ways? it supports digestive and immune health by working in your gut where 70% of your immune system lives. try trubiotics today. >> with hotwire's low prices, we can afford to take more trips this year. hit the beach in florida... >> and a reunion in seattle. when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. >> so we got our four-star hotels for half price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e, ♪ we weren't really morning people.
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woman who wondered if she could live a happy life while choosing to be a submissive wife and a helper to her husband as the bible commands. >> sarah horn wrote "my so-called life as a submissive wife: a one-year experiment and its liberating results." it's great to see you. >> we should point out you are type a. you like to drive the bus and your husband is a type b personality. >> which sounds like it could be the makings of a lovely marriage and it was. you have a good marriage. to begin with. >> absolutely. good marriage. >> what made you -- i know because i read the book. but what made you want to make this experiment in your life? >> well, my faith is so, so important to me. and this is a big -- this is one of those areas in the bible that i kind of tried to ignore for so long like a lot of women, i think. but i really wanted to see, can you be biblically submissive in today -- in today's age? >> the problem as in so much of the bible is the word and misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the word. tell us what submissive
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biblically means. >> well, it doesn't mean doormat. >> no. >> it doesn't mean putting up with a physically abusive relationship. >> or emotionally -- >> or opinionless or any of those things. >> not at all. for me what i learned during this year is that it is very much being more selfless and putting somebody else first and finding ways that we can show love and kindness. >> tell us particular things you've done that you had to really change. if you're used to being in charge and now you're not, what difficult things did you have to switch in your life? >> i learned how to edit my words. you know, you really want to say something. and maybe it's not so good to say that right now. >> there may be a better time. >> absolutely. >> that is wisdom. >> yes. >> what else did you do? >> i learned to ask a lot more questions. because it was so tempting to say oh, we should do this, we should do that. >> like the house. >> we were looking at a house and buying it. and i gave him more -- kind of the leeway to say okay, which one do you want, honey? all right. we'll go with that one. >> even though it wasn't the
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one. >> we should point out your husband is in the military, so you have to be in control of a lot of things when he's deployed. >> absolutely. which he is. >> that takes a shift. you have to be charles in charge until charles gets home. >> you know what i found, though? this is about the heart. this is about an attitude. and when you're looking at giving towards somebody, that giving comes back too. the more i supported him, the more support i saw that he gave me. >> well, i've seen through life that a lot of men like to quote that scripture at their wives. wives, submit to your his bands. they don't like the one that comes right before it, which is basically, husbands, love your wife the way christ loved his church and gave his life. that's ease dwroer sier to subm. >> biblical submission is voluntary. this is an instruction for the wife to choose to do. men are instructed to love like christ loved the church. so -- >> yeah. let's see how many of them are doing that. thank you. >> it's really a terrific book. thanks for coming to see us. we really appreciate it. >> thank you so much. >> all right.
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if the end of summer has got you bummed out because that fresh summer glow is about to head for the hills we have some good news. >> there are ways to keep that fresh face into the fall. dermatologist dr. janine downey is here -- >> nice to have you back. >> nice to be back. thank you very much for having me. >> you can hang on. we need to get rid of all of your expired products. look at this one. i love this but it's separated at the bottom. 2011. shame on me. >> if it doesn't have the date -- >> if it's separated -- >> it smells funky. >> this smells funny now because this is expired, as well. just the fact that it's brown and yellow on the outside, you shouldn't put that on your eyelashes. >> right. >> this package was curling. expiration date. >> looks like everything that's in hoda's purse. >> look at the bulgari soap. >> what's wrong with it? >> no, no, no, no, no. >> this the expiration date, as shiny and new as it looks you should say no and you should never be putting anything orally
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in your mouth either that's expired. by the way. >> what are you looking at me for? i resent that. >> the next thing is exfoliation. so exfoliation rules during the -- >> look at that. >> it smells yummy. doesn't it smell good, ladies? so we're going to put this on gale, my lovely model patient today. and it exfoliates wonderfully well. >> what are you using? cheese cloth? >> this is actually gauze from our lovely -- and then this hydro mask. so the difference is the body masks stay on for eight to ten minutes. the masks for the face stay on more like two to four minutes. this has 10% glycolic in it. this is readily available at the doctor's office. >> this gets rid of dead skin. >> gets rid of all the dead stuff. >> it beautifully exfoliates. we don't want to leave that on gale. we don't want to be mean to her. >> get your arm in a minute. and then you have to moisturize. exfoliate and then moisturize. >> got it.
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>> and then these are more moisturizers right here. kathie lee, can i borrow your lovely hand? >> yeah. >> you want to see the consistency. you want to see the thickness of it all. >> she has the smallest wrists ever. i have never seen anything like that. >> you want to hydrate because your skin -- you're going to start to get dry now. >> now let's rebronze. let's do it all over again. >> rebronzed. so the bottom line is we can extend that summer glow that we shouldn't have gotten anyway because we shouldn't have been tanning. but whatever. hoda. hoda, hoda. we can extend it with this jergens. so you exfoliate first. >> yes. >> then you bronze and then you moisturize after -- >> not your face, just your body? >> this can be used on face too. face and body. the urban decay has bronzers for the face. and then we want to think about vitamins. vitamins are great for our skin, our hair and our nails. i take a prescription multivitamin every single day. i definitely recommend it. here are some common vitamins and even vitamins for your skin. vitamin c and d. >> yeah.
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>> this evens out your skin tone. it is a fantastic one. not that expensive from skin medico. my patients love it. i'll give you that one after the segment. >> she doesn't wait. >> rock is very popular as well. >> let's not forget about sun screen. 77% of the sun's rays penetrate through the clouds even on a cloudy day. so the bottom line is we still have to sunblock year round regardless of ethnicity. >> use sunscreen. >> when pigs fly, hoda woman. >> coming up, this scandal actress and these other women rupp to no good. >> and you can be too. >> this is "today" on nbc.
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every year "self" magazine honors inspirational women who are making a difference in the world globally, nationally, and in their own communities. >> and we've got some of those amazing women with us. when she's not playing quinn on the tv show "scandal," katie lowe volunteers for the lollipop theater networks, which we'll talk about. >> marla smith necklace okay is the founder of water first helping communities access clean drinking water. >> and lucy danziger is the editor in chief of "self" magazine. and hoda woman will be emceeing your event tonight. >> yay.
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>> by the way, i have to say it's a spect event. lucy puts it on every year. you spotlight really inspirational women. and it makes you feel like you're doing nothing with your life. when you're done emceeing that event. >> i wonder why. >> she walks the dog. >> that's enough. >> katie, you know, you're obviously a busy actress. but you're working with this lollipop theater, which i was just learning about, i have to say, when i was reading through. >> it's a wonderful idea. >> it is an organization that brings movies that are currently in the theater to children who are confined in hospitals, so they can't get out to see the movies themselves. and it's a hollywood experience. we roll out the red carpet and we have hair and makeup stylists come in. that's me and my husband. >> aw. >> and it's something i really believe in. i was a nanny for a long time before "scandal." so i knew when "scandal" came about i wanted to make sure i kept doing something with kids and doing what i love. >> that's the only way you stay real in that business. >> look at marla over here.
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it's so funny. >> you're one of these people, fresh drinking water is the thing that -- we turn on the faucet, we let it run, we leave the room, we come back and don't think twice about it. but it was something that really struck a chord with you. >> definitely. as we're all sitting here, hundreds and millions of women and girls are carrying heavy containers of water home to their families for miles to drink. and the result is devastating. 5,000 children die each and every day. women and children have no time to go to school and take care of their families. >> the whole time is taken up in going to get water and -- yeah. >> it's hard to get people interested. people sit in their cushy living rooms and they see something, that's awful and they turn away and go about their business. how do you try to get people in the tent? >> actually, i think it's really easy when they see -- when they see the issue, when they see that this impacts every aspect of a poor person's life. and so we're able to raise money and we support water systems that communities can maintain themselves.
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>> digging a well in any one of those villages changes everything. >> everything. >> i work with the jars of clay on their organization. the same thing. >> an immediate and transforming effect. and people have described it to me as god touching the earth. >> i love it. >> lucy, you picked some really cool and interesting people. some famous. there will be some familiar faces tonight. and some new faces. >> hundreds and hundreds of women are sent in and we choose the six causes that really have made a difference. but you know, sitting at home in your own kitchen you think how can i make a difference? >> yeah. what am i supposed to do? >> and i work a day. and i think turn a passion into action. the key word is doing. we all think good thoughts. these women do something every day. so any little thing, you know, a soup kitchen or food drive, coat drive, even a bake sale. tell all your friends, get involved, and just jump in. you know, just take one little action in your community and you'll be a woman doing good. >> and you're honoring a bunch of people.
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>> bringing education to colombia and haiti through building schools. and we have padma who's working with end o'meet riosis. and we have a woman who started a charity, girl be heard, where they script their lives. it is a really special event. and i just have to thank you all for doing good and making us feel good just for bringing the spotlight to it. >> it was so teeny. remember? it was like this little event. how many years ago? >> six years ago. thank you for being involved. >> doing it every year. >> you bring awareness to breast cancer every year. and you do good. and what we can do at "self" as a media organization is to allow all of us to know about your work and give to your charity and then try to do good in our own lives. >> lucy, thanks. >> thank you. ladies, congratulations. >> congrats. >> we'll see you tonight. so tomorrow funny man ricky gervais. he's hysterical.
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