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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  September 12, 2013 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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new this morning secretary of state john kerry now is in geneva meeting with russian leaders hashing out a plan over syria. we'll have the latest developments. >> keeping things calm, what the seahawks are telling their fans as seattle gears up for the big game this weekend taking on the 49ers. >> video in of a big rig crash, the fuel spill that tied up traffic for hours. >> we head north to another bridge, that one of course being the bay bridge. giving your day starts, we're close to the weekend. it's thursday, september 12th, this is "today in the bay."
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one day closer to that lovely weekend. we always look forward to. >> bright and early, not so bright but early. lots to get to this morning. let's check in with the bright christina loren. >> good morning to you laura and jon. we're so much closer to the weekend. we like to call it friday eve kicking off thursday. temperatures in the 60s. 64 degrees for livermore, 64 in san jose and 63 in san francisco. if you liked yesterday you're going to love what we're serving up today. we have changes ahead for the all-important weekend. i'm going to show you what you can expect. last full weekend of summertime, mike. >> toward the full freeway, the morning, that's what happens or almost always happens north of the coliseum. the construction crews, on the map showing a bigger slowdown, there are spots around fifth
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where you will find slowing as crews start to move approaching 4:30 and 5:00. we'll see both directions showing slowing, the northbound direction so far, eastbound 24 away from highway 13, earlier crash sounds like all of the activity moved off of the roadway, there may be a cruiser on the shoulder and there is a tiny bit of slowing in the westbound commute direction. might be a slight distraction. back to you. >> thank you, mike. 4:32, to the latest on the crisis in syria. secretary of state john kerry is in switzerland meeting with russian counterparts to discuss the next step for syria. sear eighty agreed to surrender its stockpile this week. president obama warned the u.s. is prepared to launch an airstrike against syria if diplomacy fails. russian president vladamir putin is making a direct appeal to the
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american public. he published an op-ed in "the new york times" warning a u.s. military strike will only cause more violence. in the letter titled a plea for caution from russia putin says there is no doubt that poison gas was used in syria. he argues it may have come from opposition forces and not the syrian army. despite that plea to avoid military action russia is sending its own military forces into the mediterranean. russian missile cruisers sailed through the straits of gibraltar on tuesday. the role will be to monitor the situation around syria. two more ships are expected to join the russian naval cruiser later. >> closer to home highway 92 near the san mateo bridge now back open after a crash that just snarled up traffic for hours. lanes on the highway reopening just before 1:00 this morning. the chp says about 8:00 last
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night a big rig was heading up the incline when it hit a disabled car blocking the road. the truck then spilled some fuel out on the road, forcing lane closures. chp telling us there were minor injuries but nobody went to the hospital. at this point they do not believe alcohol or drugs played a part in the crash. >> the man accused of a deadly shooting near san jose stayed jump expected to make his court appearance. prosecutors will likely charge the 62-year-old today. he is expected to be arraigned in the courtroom this afternoon. police say he shot 47-year-old daniel windslow. sources say winslow may have been trying to burglarize cars. they cannot confirm that. >> a strange story all the way around. the man accused of running naked on a b.a.r.t. platform attacking people is expected to be in
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court. he is facing charges of false imprisonment, battery and sexual battery. he is believed to be the man in this cell phone video taken back on may 10 showing a naked man grabbing a woman in the 16th street b.a.r.t. station. he stands accused of attacking a b.a.r.t. employee. >> crews expect to have full control of a fire on mt. diablo by tomorrow. the fire is now 80% contained, a little more than 3100 acres burned. the cause is under investigation but the "san francisco chronicle" reports that neighbors heard what sounded like target practice gun shots shortly before the fire broke out. the community coming together to help out firefighters victimized while they were out battling the mt. diablo fire. we told you yesterday firefighters returned to their station to find a burglar made off with items including ipads and wedding rings. a san francisco jeweler is now
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offering to replicate and replace the stolen wedding bands. the fire district is looking at ways to improve security at its fire stations. >> the undefeated 49ers hitting the road for a big time conference showdown. the seahawks organization sending a special warning to their home crowd to have fun but stay cool. seattle telling fan they fight or threaten a 49ers fan, you'll get booted and have your season tickets revoked. there will be how about this, undercover officers wearing 49er jerseys to try to catch unruly behavior. and any fan caught violating the fan code will have to complete a four-hour online course, it costs about $75, before they will be allowed to return to the stadium. by the way, you can catch that sunday night football game here on nbc bay area. don't want to miss it. >> keep it nice everybody. oracle team usa seems to be
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making changes as it gets ready to return to the water. though it has not confirmed the change the team has reportedly replaced its tactician yesterday with the most successful olympic sailor in history. oracle is losing currently to emmirat emirate's team. race 6 will start about 1:15 today. race 7 will follow soon after. because of today's races, days of our lives will air at noon. >> a heads up. >> i'll print this out. bethany at 3:00, followed by ellen, then of course you can watch nbc bay area as you always do at 5:00, coming up in a half hour we're going to take you out into the water. we'll attempt to do that with our own bob redell. >> when bob is the captain on any story it's going to be an
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adventure you do not want to miss. right. >> let's check the weather. christina loren is here to tell us. >> my captain. can't wait to get to that. hopefully he has the hat on. temperatures are going to be really nice on the water, right now already in the mid-60s. uniform conditions. what's not so great about this morning is we have quite a bit of coastal fog and a steady drizzle right along the coastline. so you want to keep that in mind. give yourself extra time especially if you cross either of our bridges, nice and foggy over the golden gate bridge. 77 as you break for lunch in livermore and 73 in fremont. rounding out the day, highs about 3:30 this time of year, very similar to yesterday. i bumped your numbers up 1, 2 degrees at the most. a repeat performance. we have hotter days ahead as we get into the final full weekend of summertime. i'll have the forecast coming
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up. 4:38, though, let's check in with the captain of traffic, mike inouye. >> here we go. looking to the san mateo bridge, over calm waters, not troubled but a smooth flow of traffic. there was a fuel spill near the high rise but things are clear. there is the westbound commute with the taillights eastbound. for the other side of the bay, westbound with the headlights eastbound with the taillights coming up or over or off of the incline, both directions move smoothly. good stuff out to the peninsula. on the east bay, 880 continues with the bog down thaft high rise or at the high street high rise. you see things bogging down as they continue to move. that will continue probably for 20 minutes. the crews are moving south all the way up to about high street and then will clear. again, that should be done just before 5:00. the golden gate bridge, there are a lot of glowing lights. look at the bottom t sheen on the roadway, it might be slick
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so there are lights coming off in the distance. visibility might be okay. even if they are, it could be slick. back to you guys. >> thank you very much. people trying to get around redwood city. there is a new plan launching a program for people who live and work in that area. they are calling it connect redwood city. this is designed to increase awareness of the city's public transportation options. later this morning at 11:45 a ribbon-cutting ceremony will kick off the program that will be at the redwood city caltrans station. >> palo alto workers have a new way to get to work. san francisco ride pal started a new bus route in the business district. the buses are similar to the private coaches offered by companies like google and facebook except they cater to individuals alike.
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possibly makes it even better. >> wi-fi on buses. smooth. stay connected. 4:40 now. we'll tell you about the new effort to make a church a national landmark. >> how one cool is honoring the u.s. ambassador and bay area native killed during last year's attack on been ghazi. >> getting a fresh start, we'll let you know what this means for your kids.
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we're taking you live with pictures from boulder county, colorado this morning. they are having a problem with massive flooding. so bad that two people actually have died. university of colorado which is there in boulder, has actually canceled classes for today. at least 400 students have been displaced from their dormitories as well. this is after three days of massive rain that they had in that area. prior to that they were having really high temperatures in the upper 90s. something we're monitoring there. we hope to have live reports. >> the bay area man and u.s. ambassador killed in benghazi will be remembered by his alma
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mater. the school district voted to rename the piedmont high school library after industries f christopher stevens. the school will include his life as part after lesson plan in social studies. his mother says he would be pleased. >> i hope in the spires kids to do what chris has done. >> at the football game tomorrow there will be a special tribute to ambassador stevens. stevens and three other americans were killed on an attack on september 11 of last year. >> that is a nice tribute. 4:45 now. wounded military veterans and some of the victims of the boston marathon bombing joining forces tonight for a fund-raiser. they will be in boston for the opener against the new york jets. this one part of an effort to raise money for both groups. before tonight's coin toss veterans and victims will join the players out on the field. organizers, they say they hope
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this event will help teach fans the human spirit cannot be broken by tragedy. >> facebook is in hot water with the ftc. commissioners looking into the company's plan to change its privacy policy. kayla tausche live at world headquarters with details and the rest of our news before the bell. good morning. >> good morning. the facebook privacy seems to get longer and longer and the federal trade commission is looking whether it violated privacy rights when it updated the policies. last month facebook announced a change to its privacy policy removing language that allows users to determine how their names and profile pictures could be used in marketing. the policy says by signing up, users including miners give facebook the right to use their personal information. facebook says it's not violated laws. futures in the market are lower after a mixed close for the markets on wednesday. the dow a triple digit gain and
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the s&p 500 rose for the seventh straight day. the nasdaq fell weighed down by apple after launching its new iphone. data today on unemployment and import prices, the dow jumping to 15,326, the nasdaq slipping 4 to 3725. and jpmorgan, the largest bank, is reportedly close to settling probes by u.s. regulators into credit card practices and earlier this year the california attorney general accused the bank of illegally signing documents or having employees sign off on cases without reviewing them. it is expected to be fined less than $80 million. a case that will finally be closed. >> thank you very much. >> the time 4:47. time again to check in with meteorologist christina loren to find out how nice it is. >> it really is.
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we hit that sweet stride so we're going to enjoy these comfortable conditions. at least for the next five to six days no major changes. 63 to kick off the day in conco concord. 64 in oak town, 64 in san jose and 64 in sunnyvale so almost uniform conditions. this afternoon temperatures are going to be comfortable. we're talking about another day of beautiful onshore flow. a lot of cloud cover hugging the coast and then the cool westerly flow brings it inland. for us today it's going to feel nice. you'll notice the breeze picking up. this is what we expect. high pressure sits to our north. as we head throughout the next couple days we have a cute off low. that's going to drop your temperatures. maybe it was too warm for you. 86 degrees today in livermore. about 77 degrees here in san jose. upper 70s for us, 68 degrees at the coast. here it is, your weekend
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forecast. last full weekend of summertime. we kick off fall next saturday and temperatures are going to not fluctuate that much. the big news is thursday into friday next week look likes we're going to see cooling, maybe a few showers. we'll talk more about that coming up. back to you, jon and laura. >> thank you very much. despite the prospect of losing federal education funding lawmakers voting to do away with standardized testing and report known as star testing. students will transition to a new system called math. these reflect the new common core curriculum in schools just adopted this year. the concord assembly woman who wrote this bill says consistency is the key. >> just going to remove all confusion and mixed messages that we previously were sending to our classrooms, basically
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saying we want you to do it but we'll give you the old test. >> math testing would be a practice run, scores would not be recorded. the secretary of education says no test scores could mean no federal funding. legislators say california could seek a waiver from the obama administration to then go ahead with the new tests. >> a bill to create an early warning system for earthquakes in california is moving forward. the bill passed in assembly and headed for a full vote. if passed it would expand an experimental warning system already in place in southern california. during testing that system they provided a 30-second warning before a 4.7 earthquake in riverside county. coming up at 5:00 how one local university is playing a role in this new early detection system.
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>> a bill regulating the practice of fracking in california is now headed to the governor's desk. senate bill 4 would create a permanent system and would require firms to notify neighbors about the chemicals used. fraccing is a practice that involves shattering shale rock with water and chemicals. the governor is expected to sign that. >> a catholic church can soon become a national historic landmark. the roman cath like diocese nominating the church to the national park service. organizers say the church was frequently visited by caesar chavez when he first started as a community activist. the church is hosting a fund-raiser tonight at 6:00, this is to raise money for restoration project to increase its chances of receiving the
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national historic landmark status. zoe loftgren spearheading an effort in washington. >> mercedes introduces a high end hybrid with something you normally find at a spa. >> and pope francis, guess what, has a new ride. what the head of the southwest church will soon be driving around italy. >> no matter what you're driving looking at the bay bridge, these folks moving smoothly. a little fog. we'll talk about the problems for 880 right now t delays and what's going on for your alternate coming up.
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you want to talk about taking luxury to the next stratosphere. mercedes-benz introducing a hybrid with items. the 2015 plug-in will feature, get this, hot stone massage function in the seats. and a perfume generator that allows the driver to adjust the interior scent to be perfect. mercedes says it will get about 78 miles per gallon while it massages you as you drive. the price, expensive but it's still in the works. >> fabreeze is cheaper. pope francis has a new ride. i think it's kind of cool.
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a priest donated his used car. >> tiny. >> it's a four-door, 1984 renault. >> downsizing. >> it has a manual swhihift. i think that will be hilarious in rome. >> he is a pope of the people. very appropriate. >> if you see it on the roadway, check the sensors. >> make sure we watch. i hope we'd could see him on a segway. looking here, 880, continuing with the slow drive. in fact looks like it's nearly at a stop. traffic stacking up the last couple minutes. they are moving the construction crews and this happens at the end as they come down off the top of the screen, back toward high street so we'll look at the map and see the backup. once you reach fifth you are clor of all of that
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construction. 580 is a great alternate but there is debris here as you approach the warren freeway so watch for activity. you look like you're. there is the tri-valley. no big deal for now. >> 4:57 now. coming up on "today in the bay" a new settlement after a controversial shooting by san jose please. >> plus, police issue a new skach ofsketch of a man. >> a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. another beautiful day in the neighborhood ahead.
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a 30-second warning system that an earthquake is coming, that's what state lawmakers are considering. and uc-berkeley could be helping with the technology. one local company thinks it doesn't go far enough. i'll have the story coming up. >> any warning can be helpful.
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good morning. i'm meteorologist christina loren. temperatures nice and mild. plenty of 60s across the board. temperatures are great. we have some fog and drizzle out there i want to let you know about that and of course that weekend forecast coming up. >> the weather conditions could be affecting the boats in america's cup racing getting ready to get back out on the water. we'll be there taking a look with a live report from the bay coming up. >> look at this. traffic stacking up into downtown oakland, another problem getting out of the city. we'll show you what's going on. >> awaiting the sun's arrival. taking a live look outside over the south bay, san jose, it's thursday, september 12th, this is "today in the bay." a very good morning to you. thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> and i'm jon kelley. good morning everybody. we start with the story you'll see only here on nbc bay area,


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