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tv   Today  NBC  September 19, 2013 7:00am-11:01am PDT

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. the stock market is soaring, not necessary good news for the economy. what does it all mean for you? we're live on wall street. nbc news exclusive. in his first interview with the western reporter, what the new president of iran is telling ann curry. >> can you say now categorically then that iran will not build a nuclear weapon under any circumstances whatsoever? >> the answer the whole world is waiting for. and one in a million. someone is $400 million richer this morning after one winning ticket is sold in the powerball jackpot. we'll tell you where it was bought today, thursday,
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september 19th, 2013.3 f2 del jueves soy savannah guthrie. good morning, everyone. welcome to "today." good morning, south carolina. >> you're $400 million richer. >> should we make friends now? >> exactly. that is where the one ticket was sold. it could be 20 people who chipped in for one ticket. but, again, it's just one ticket, which is pretty cool. >> more on that in a few minutes. we want to start with our top story this morning. all eyes on wall street after mixed messages on the economy. on wednesday the dow jones soared 147 points closing at a record high. traders celebrated the jump, which came thanks in part to a surprise decision from the federal reserve chairman ben bernanke. let's go right to cnbc jackie
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deangeles on what it means for the markets and for you. this surprised people because for months the fed has been saying we may back down on some of the stimulus, now they're saying, no. in fact, ben bernanke said we have been overoptimistic. what is the impact? >> good morning, matt. a big impact on wall street, as you said. the market surging yesterday on this news but really on the effect that bad news is good news for the market. when we look at what chairman bernanke has been saying, he indicated there may be a pull but, of course, the chairman never promised that and he mentioned that yesterday. meantime, what he cited in terms of his reasoning for the decision the tightening of financial conditions and also concern over how pulling back on the stimulus could potentially impact the economy and, also, employment. he was making a very big point there. the take away from wall street that the fed was concerned about even pulling back the slightest bit here which means we have to focus on data as we go forward and we're going to be looking
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for the quality of that data to show that the economy is really improving. so, if, for example, for the next unemployment report wall tick down because more jobs are being added. not necessarily because less people are looking. >> let's just break this down for the average person out there. is this good news in the short term that signals perhaps bad news in the long run? >> for the short term it is good news. you can see that how the markets reflected yesterday. your 401(k)s, your mutual funds will rise with the markets and also probably see interest rates continue to stay low, which is good for businesses in terms of low cost of borrowing and also good for people who are out there looking to buy homes with their mortgage rates. but in terms of the long term, you're going to be watching the fed very closely in that market. there could be more volatility to come because when the taper
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does happen, you could see a pull back in the market. >> jackie deangeles of cnbc, thank you. appreciate it. now, we've got that exclusive interview with iran's new president. he is speaking out for the first time in eight years to nbc's ann curry about a wide range of topics, including nuclear weapons, his predecessor and the sensorship of iranians. ann, good morning to you. >>i >> reaching out saying now is time to make a deal and when asked about the very touchy issues of human rights and israel. mr. president, these are benjamin netanyahu words, not mine. he said about you, his strategy is to be a wolf in sheep's clothing and smile and build a bomb. can you say now categorically
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then that iran will not build a nuclear weapon under any circumstances whatsoever? >> translator: firstly, an occupier who does injustice to the people of the region and brought instability to the region with its warmongering policies shouldn't allow itself to give speeches about a freely elected government. we have clearly stated we are not in pursuit of nuclear weapons and will not be. about iran isfluenced by your predecessor and statements he has made. let me ask you, president ahmadinejad said the holocaust is a myth. do you agree? >> translator: i'm not a historian. i'm a politician. what is important for us is that the countries of the region and the people grow closer to each other and that they are able to prevent aggression and injustice. >> president ahmadinejad had people believing that he wanted to wipe israel off the map. do you agree with this?
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>> translator: what we wish for in this region is rule of the people. we believe in the ballot box. we do not seek war with any country. we seek peace and friendship among the nations of the region. >> mr. president, upon your election and you've seen these images of young people cheering in the streets, looking for change. you've said that the government should interfere less in the private lives of people. what exactly do you mean? will the government stop trying to sensor the internet in iran? >> in the near future, the government will set up a commission for citizen's rights. we want the people and their private lives to be completely free and today's world having access to information and the right of free dialogue and the right to think freely is the right of all people, including the people of iran. >> does that mean that people in
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iran will have access now to twitter and to facebook? >> translator: the view point of the government is that people must have access to all information worldwide. our opinions based on the protection of our national identity and on our morales. >> as for that part about the holocaust, while president rouhani did not deny the holocaust as president ahmadinejad had done, his nonanswer will likely raise a lot of eyebrows. savannah? >> could be telling. ann curry with an exclusive interview this morning. thank you so much. new information on the navy yard massacre and what really happened inside that building. today national investigative correspondent jeff rossen is in washington with more. jeff, good morning to you. >> matt, good morning. investigators are trying to figure out what made aaron alexis snap and this morning new clues about his troubled mind. he scratched two phrases into the shotgun he used.
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one said better off this way. the other said, my elf weapon. they don't know what that means. now there are bigger questions looming. why was he allowed on the base in the first place? aaron alexis was free to come and go at the navy yard. granted special security clearance, despite his past. including three run ins with police and recent struggles with psychiatric issues. >> there were some red flags, of course, there were. and should we have picked them up? why didn't we? how could we? all those questions need to be answered. >> reporter: just last month alexis complained of hearing voices. it was reported to the local navy officials, but never went up the chain of command. the gunman's mother breaking her silence wednesday off camera. >> i don't know why he did what he did and never be able to ask him why. aaron is now in a place where no can no longer do harm to anyone and for that i am glad. >> reporter: back at the crime
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scene investigators have a new account of what happened. based on surveillance video and eyewitnesses. alexis entered building 197 carrying a shotgun in a bag, opening fire from the fourth floor. he then dashed back to the entrance, shot the security guard, took his handgun and kept shooting. until police killed him. >> in watching that video, any rhyme or reason to the madness? >> just sheer. >> reporter: you have fought hard for tighter gun control and yet here is somebody who is clearly mentally disturbed but still able to legally get a gun. what's wrong here? >> here in the district for firearms registration we require a background check that includes mental health but there is that gap. >> reporter: where he can get it somewhere else. >> where he can get it somewhere else. and in this case, literally, a ten-minute drive away you can purchase. >> reporter: she wants the loopholes closed. >> you start thinking about the
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12 people that went to work the morning before and didn't come home. heartbreaking. >> reporter: one other interesting note here. law enforcement officials tell nbc news that alexis created a website but never did anything with it and gave no indication that he was interested in jihad. authorities say it is a complete mystery why he did that. >> jeff rossen in washington this morning, thank you so much. natalie is here and has more on the winning powerball ticket. >> if you heard by now, for those of you in it to win it. one winning ticket in the latest powerball drawing and it was sold in lexington, south carolina. gabe gutierrez is outside the spot where someone there bought the $400 million winning ticket. gabe, good morning. >> natalie, good morning. there is a sense of jubeulation and mystery here. now, here's what we know. the winning grand prize ticket was sold at the murphy express behind me here in lexington, south carolina.
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a town of 20,000 people just off the interstate. now, in case you missed them, here are the numbers 7, 10, 22, 32, 35 and the powerball of 19. now, what we don't know is the identity of the winner. in fact, we may not know for a while because south carolina does not require the lottery winners to come forward publicly. this is the fourth largest powerball jackpot in history. the odds of winning was 1 in $175 million. if you're waking up this morning and you didn't win the jackpot, you may want to check your tickets, again, because several other prizes. three tickets nine other tickets won $1 million. lottery officials here scheduled a news conference for later today and what everyone wants to know, who won this thing? was it one person, a family or group of co-workers. >> gabe gutierrez making lots of friends. thank you. the first estimates are in following the devastating floods
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in colorado and some $2 billion in property losses. meantime officials have lowered the number of people unaccounted for for a high at 1,200 to about 200 now as rescuers reach more victims who had been stranded. a massive cleanup is still under way. a week after russian president vladimir putin wrote that scathing op-ed john mccain has answered back. today in an op-ed published on a russian news site under the headline russians deserve better than putin. accused putin of corruption. he, himself, is more prorussian than the regime that misruled you today. an ohio man faces up to eight years in prison after pleading guilty to aggravated vehicular homicide making good on a promise he made in a video confession. pled guilty to operating a vehicle under the influence when he struck and killed a man. former heavyweight champion ken norton has died. best known for his epic bouts
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with muhammad ali including which he broke ali's jaw. he had been in poor health for years after a series of strokes. he was 70. some amazing video we wanted to show you. this was shot by a camera attached to a bald eagle as it soars over france and the glacier known as the sea of ice. this incredible eagle eye point of view is flying high on the internet with well over 1 million hits in three days. some remarkable video there. wonder if he minds the camera on his back. >> what about the cameraman. >> derek, if you're watching, tip of the hat to you. >> what are you talking about? >> he was -- >> he's a little -- >> it was a huge personality.
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>> all right. making friends. >> want to call derek right now? >> let's show you what's going on. acapulco and mexico still suffering from the double hit of storms over the weekend. people still on their roofs. in fact, in the city of acapulco, there are some 400 americans who are stranded and look at what we're seeing now making its way into the streets of acapulco. yeah, you don't want to run into this. a crocodile, this giant croc was terrorizing folks as they had to deal with this flooding. i mean, this is insane stuff. they finally subdued the croc, but he is not happy. not happy. all right, let's look at the tropics and show you what's going on. we have another disturbance that we're keeping an eye on. right now this one is what we call an area of investigation. the bad news is, it's going to be getting itself together and it looks like it's heading into this same area. not so much as far as problems with the southern u.s., but we
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are going to be seeing more activity. we're also looking at a lot of heat that is going to be developing in the midwest. chicago, st. louis, green bay, little rock, temperatures 10 to 15 degrees above normal but then tomorrow front moves through and temperatures take a bit of a dip. 75 chicago tomorrow, little rock 77, st. louis looking at a high of 76 degrees. slight risk of strong storms today up through the upper midwest as that cold front comes in and drops temperatures. we're going to get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. s. there are cameras, police, guards... but who looks after us online, where we spend more than 200 billion dollars a year. american express can help protect you. with intelligent security that learns your spending patterns, and can alert you instantly to an unusual charge. so you can be a member of a more secure world. this is what membership is. this is what membership does.
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>> we're going to see an interesting temperature swing through the day. 40s and 50s heading into the afternoon numbers near 85 in san jose. upper 70s in san francisco, 80 in oakland, low 90s inland tor the tri-valley. tomorrow more clouds and cooling and get ready for a chance of showers. this will be friday night into early saturday. cooler start to the weekend clearing skies, breezy and mild as we head into sunday and monday. >> and that's your weather. >> we are getting a look at that costa concordia, that cruiseship pulled upright off the coast of itly. we have some amazing pictures. michelle, good morning. >> reporter: hi, savannah, good morning. as we speak, divers are
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preparing to go back inside that ship. now we know they're going into the engine room and other areas looking for key pieces of evidence in the case. a top priority right now is to look for the remains of the two victims who have never been found. approaching the costa concordia, that side of the ship submerged for so long gives away the crushing force of the rocks below. shredded balconies, missing windows, half submerged state rooms, ships once so grand and that clear line almost on the center for some that night was the difference between life and death where they were on board. it was held down on an enormous under water platform t. port side still gleaming white. you know, as many times as we've seen it, you get up close and it takes your breath away. the size of the ship, the scale
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of this disaster and now the salvagers. many of them american. >> it must be absolutely terrifying for the passengers because we had built a series of walkways, ladders, stairs, when you think about all the women and children and elderly trying to get out of it. it must have been hoshlg. >> reporter: his wife maria is still missing. he was not on the trip nearly two years ago, but his teenage daughter who survived was too emotional to speak about it. they are grateful to those who helped give them a chance now to finally bring maria home. the salvagers who gathered for a final pick and to give one another a hand. basically, this is now one big crime scene. in the custody of prosecutors, only once those doifrs are finished will the salvagers be able to go back, finish working
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to move the ship out of here. >> that likely won't happen until next spring. matt, savannah, back to you. >> michelle, thank you very much for that. i want to swing over, check in with carson, back with a little swing through florida yesterday, back in the oregon room. >> back in the action. thank you sars, have aen na for the cause. good to have you guys. so imagine this, you are watching your house get trashed in real time. that's exactly what happened to brean holloway an exnfl er's he saw if disgust teens trashes his upstate new york home and they were posted on social media. now he is using those posts to track down those responsible. it was these photos that blinded five time nfl pro bowler ryan holloway. >> they were standing on top of the table. >> reporter: he was on the labor day weekend when holloway's son spotted twitter reports about the million dollar vacation
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home. one read, busted or not, it was the best party in the 518 of the summer. another tweeted hashtag best party ever. he was stunned to see the estimated 300 kids dancing on his table and clutching cups all over his house, even in his bathroom. the 6' 8" lineman flew from florida to assess the $20,000 in damage. now he is fighting back. >> if you slap that pitbull, you better be prepared to run. >> reporter: holloway began collecting photos showing the destruction and those responsible. -se hosting a bar-b-que for volunteers who want to help repair damage to his property. there is one request. this time, no alcohol. >> well, there you go. if you can imagine that. he is throwing a bar-b-que that has a dual purpose to raise money to fix the house and give back to the military guys out there. a crazy story. can you imagine that? he didn't bust the kids. he didn't turn them in. he used their social media to
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get back at them and get back to the parents. >> the specifically ies will come back to bite you. coming up, that missing teen girl in georgia has been found alive. we will talk to the men who helped to find her. and before you buy that dress for a special occasion that you plan to return the next day with the tags on, beware. we will tell you what one big store is doing to stop that practice. but first this is "today" on nbc.
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. >> plus, . . . . [instrumental]
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who willingly take on the day. [ screaming ] [ male announcer ] to make it better for someone else. the same way the smooth, creamy taste of coffee-mate makes coffee and your day better. coffee-mate. coffee's perfect mate. now try new girl scout cookie flavors. nestle. good food, good life. the instantly slimming dress. it shapes you up and shows you off in an instant. wear what works. the instantly slimming dress. only from white house -- black market. [ male announcer ] with new smucker's natural fruit spreads, every day can be truly extraordinary. ♪ spread a little sunshine with naturally delicious smucker's natural. ♪ i'm watching you. ♪ you're knocking me out tonight. ♪ ♪ tonight.
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♪ oooooooo. ♪ it's 7:26. good morning. i'm jon kelley. los gatos cracking down on gun shops. the council approving regulations restricting where gun stores operate. the rules state gun dealers must get an annual permit and stores must be at least 250 feet away from youth oriented businesses, schools, churches, parks and government buildings. these rules are the result of december when templar sports opened shop. their current location does not comply with the new rules. templar has four years to either change locations or stop selling guns. parents in the south bay, a south bay neighborhood furious this morning after the city
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removed a crosswalk from right in front of a local middle school. months ago san jose decided to remove the crossing at second and heading even though it runs right up to burnett middle school. in may 12-year-old daniel was hit by a truck after school in that area. he was thrown about 145 feet. still has a limp and scars from the accident. the san jose councilman is trying to push the department to put the crosswalk back in to action. right now let's check the weather. christina is off. rob is in to talk about our thursday forecast. >> it looks pretty nice. mostly clear, hazy skies over downtown san jose. this is why you want to dress in layers. it's chilly, 40s and 50s for now but we're going to see these jump by 30 to 40 degrees warmer by the afternoon, 85 in san jose. 80 inj oakland, 78 in san francisco. low 90s inland for one more day. the warmest of the seven-day
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forecast. we begin the weekend with a chance of showers. >> looking toward fremont where the volume continues to build. south 880 the trend. a good amount of traffic. both sides slowing. the south bay t northbound routes kicking in for 280, 85 and 101. 87 looking pretty good today. south 880 into fremont. slow through union city and hayward. toward the san mateo bridge. >> mike, thank you. we'll be back in one half hour from now with another local update.
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justin timberlake is probably at the top of the entertainment world right now. he has a brand-new album coming out. he has two new movies. he's been on some great tours as well. i spent a little time with him in las vegas on wednesday. coming up, we'll have the first part of that interview. 7:30 now on a thursday morning. it's the 19th day of september, 2013. i'm matt lauer along with is a van a guthrie, al roker and natalie morales. >> we love justin timberlake. >> he has everything firing on all cylinders. >> and i know you loved him since his boy band days. the top headlines this morning, all eyes on wall street after yesterday's record close in the markets. the federal reserve unexpected
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decision to continue its current levels of bond buying stimulating the economy has spurred a global rally in stocks, but it may not necessarily be good news for the economy. >> then in his first interview with a western reporter, iran's new president talked to nbc's ann curry about a wide ranging group of topics and said that country is not in pursuit of nuclear weapons and will not be. and if you're waking up in south carolina, somebody's happy. one winning ticket was sold in wednesday's powerball jackpot. excuse me. i'm speechless, i'm so excited. $400 million. it is the fourth largest in u.s. lottery history sold in south carolina, as i mentioned. no word yet on who it belongs to. and coming up, all right, admit it, have you ever done it? bought a new outfit, worn it, then returned it to the store? tell the truth. watch out. some retailers are starting to crack down. matt, let that be a lesson to you. >> i'm not trying to be discriminating, that's more of a thing that women tend to do. >> a lot of women.
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>> a tie, wear it to an event and then take it back. >> or a suit, yeah. >> well, we'll get into it. it happens. and a programming note, tomorrow on "today" amanda knox will be here for her first live interview about her upcoming retrial in italy. it will be the third time. that is amanda knox tomorrow live only on "today." and now to good news for a family near atlanta. their teenaged daughter is back home after a frightening kidnapping ordeal. nbc's andrea canning has the story in ellenwood, georgia, with the latest on the arrest in the case. andrea, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. 14-year-old perez was held captive for 34 hours, taken from her home here on this street. police have arrested two men but the fear for the family may not be over. there are more men at-large.
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a happy homecoming for 14-year-old perez, finally back home and safe late wednesday. >> she looked very happy to be back home. >> reporter: the break in the case came wednesday morning. >> she is safe. >> reporter: investigators say she was dropped off at a home in conyers, georgia, about 20 miles where she was kid that happened. they won't reveal details how they found her. >> the people i just mentioned worked tireless hours to make sure this young lady was safe. >> reporter: they arrested two men in can connection with the kidnapping, but still on the loose the men in these sketches police say broke into the house early tuesday and kidnapped avney. >> i won't comment at this point in time. >> reporter: jackson, who has a criminal record that includes four drug convictions, has been arrested. he now faces a federal charge of conspiracy to commit kidnapping. also under arrest 40-year-old juan alberto contreras rodriguez
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who is being held on federal immigration charges. there's a connection between contreras rodriguez and avney's mother. court records reveal they were both arrested in the same 500-pound marijuana bust last year. all charges were dismissed. according to "the atlanta journal constitution" a judge ruled the search warrant was unconstitutional. in this small community, still a heightened police presence. but also a sense of relief now that she is home. and the good news police say she was evaluated yesterday and she was not injured. a police car now sits outside of her home as the focus of this investigation is centered on finding these two other men. savannah? >> andrea, thank you so much. we're joined by fbi agent m maxwell and porter who are more than a little bit relieved with the safe return.
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good morning to both of you. how is she doing this morning? >> good morning. >> did you hear my question? i was asking how avney is doing. agent maxwell, has she been able to give a full statement to investigators? >> we were able to talk to her last night. >> are you anticipating
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additional arrests? >> yes, we are expecting additional arrests. >> what is the involvement of the men who were arrested? what to you allege here? >> i'm sorry. i'm not able to comment on their involvement in this particular point. the investigation is still continuing. i believe that those details will come out in probably the first court hearing. >> sure. "the atlanta journal constitution" has reported ayvany's mother was arrested with a suspect arrested yesterday. are you examining that link? can you tell us anything about that relationship and how it fits into this case? >> yeah. you know, i really can't comment on that link. we're not really focusing on that. we're focusing on the kidnapping and the safe return. >> i know it was a great deal of investigation, a lot of can he ordination with by all the various departments. thank you both for being with us
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this morning. we appreciate it. >> thank you for having us. we want to get a check of the weather now. the grand canyon is awe-insparing on its own. >> absolutely. >> show us what you've got the. >> these two pictures are unbelievable. this is from last month and catching multiple lightning strikes. i just posted these on my twitter if you want to check it out@alroker. but this is amazing stuff. you don't see much of mother nature in a better display than this. unfortunately, we're seeing a rough display of mother nature down in florida where, again, a stationary front, moisture out of the gulf, and we are look in at more heavy rain. look at some of the rainfall totals we have seen so far. pensacola, 58 inches of rain. jacksonville almost 38 inches of rain. ft. lauderdale, without a tropical system at all this season, almost 60 inches of rain
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and we're keeping an eye on the tropics because there's more going on there. we do have a risk today of strong storms especially strong storms up through the upper midwest. we're looking at a slight risk of these strong storms making their way from the u.p. of michigan all the way from the arrow head down into missouri. we've got more coming up. >> we're seeing a nice start to the morning across the bay. mostly clear skies, morning haze with 40s and 50s. highs around san francisco upper 70s to near 80 around oakland, mid 80s san jose. low 90s inland for one more day. for the east bay and south bay valleys before tomorrow we see the cooling arrive. more clouds, the morning fog will be back tomorrow morning. then a chance of showers especially for the north bay friday night early saturday. partly cloudy and breezy on sunday. . >> and that's your latest weather.
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>> coming up, are one of the ones that does this, buy something at the store, leave the tags on, wear it, then return it. you may not admit it. a lot of people do it. guess what, a big major retailer cracking down on that. we'll tell you how. >> all right. plus, coming up in trending was a "wheel of fortune" contestant cheated out of a big win because we went out and asked people a simple question: how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed much is the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. [ woman ] finally, clearer skin for more than a few days, weeks, or months. enbrel works for me. ask your dermatologist if you can have clearer skin with enbrel. . >> all right. we got a simple question to start off right now. are you someone who takes clothing back after you've worn it? some retailers are cracking down on those practices. nbc's kristen dolgren. i'm pointing to everyone. i'm an equal opportunity person. kristen dolgren is here with more on this. >> take a look. this is a little something i picked up at plumeing dales yesterday. here's the new tag. i did pay for it.
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once i take this off, i can't bring it back. there is no going out with this on it. bloomingdale says that's the point of their new policy. it's a practice so common retailers have given it a name. wardrobeing. >> people go into a storesh they buy the merchandise, they wear it maybe once or twice and return it. what people don't realize is it's an illegal process and also known as return fraud. >> reporter: in the pleevent survey from the national retail federation, 65% of retailers say they've had commerce return used clothing. >> we're losing almost $15 billion a 84 to return fraud. >> reporter: it's a cost passed on to consumers. >> it's not good for the economy. >> when stuff like that happens the prices go up. >> i'm pretty sure people do it too often. >> you can't wear it and return it. it's not right. >> reporter: now bloomingdales is saying no more adding what it
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calls a b-tag a. three-inch black plastic tag on dresses that cost more than $150. sales people put the tags on when shoppers check out and they explain the dresses can't be returned once the tag is taken off. >> that's it. >> yes. >> reporter: in a statement, bloomingdale says these b tacks are in place to reenforce the fact that bloomingdales will be unable to accept merchandise worn, washed, damaged, used, and/or altered think attrition is naturally going to happen with customers. quite frankly, who wants to deal with an annoying return policy. >> reporter: some shoppers are already complaining on twitter. the tag news is turning me off. analysts say in the long run the change will save customers money and outside the chain's flagship store in manhattan, many welcome the move.
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>> i wouldn't want to get a new outfit from the store and a lot of people wear it. >> a lot of people wear it once to a party and return it. it isn't fair to the person. >> nordstrom says they don't have any plans to institute the same policy. some have tracking return patterns, a database and all trying to limit what is this very expensive fraud. i think if you wear it on national tv, you are committed to keeping it. so let's show you how easy it is to trak it off. >> they tell you how to. it's hard to do you. >> you have to turn and brake elt. give it a little muscle. did that work? congratulations on your new dress. this breaks apart and no putting this back on. >> i think it makes sense, though. this is a form of shop lifting essentially. if you wear something and try to return it. i don't think any of us have ever done that. >> you think it's shoplifting in. >> it's on the edge. >> it's buyer's remorse. >> that's true.
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if you have worn it,ist a little too late. >> we were saying, honestly, i have done it in my lie. i never set out to buy something. >> for the purpose of returning it. >> if you didn't like it. >> by the way, the little tag has your photo on it. >> bloomingdale security is going to load me off in cuffs. >> coming up at 8:20, the multi-talented actor, singer, super star, justin timberlake hangs out with me in vegas. >> we join carson in the orange room. we will check in on therapy big night las
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i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? [thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. whether you're just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement, we'll help you get there.
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hey college girl. hey mom. i just got your package. great. yea, mom you're the best. i thought you would like it. so, how are your classes, are you enjoying them? (announcer) it's more than just that great peanut taste, choosing jif is a simple way to show someone how much you care. we can't wait to get you home. i love you mom.
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i love you too. we'll see you soon. choosey moms, choose jif. well, i hear, there's this orchard... where michael bolton serenades the trees. it's called bolton-izing. it creates the juiciest flavors in the world. okay... [ female announcer ] starburst. unexplainably juicy. doorbusters this friday 3:00 p.m. to saturday 1:00 p.m. get 40% off arizona kids tops and jeans, and royal velvet bath towels are just $5.88. plus, for 4 days only, starting friday, get $10, $15, or $20 off with your coupon. jcpenney. ...amelia... neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't create the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything from the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history...
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we're making it. see who does good work and compare costs. it doesn't usually work that way with health care. but with unitedhealthcare, i get information on quality rated doctors, treatment options and estimates for how much i'll pay. that helps me, and my guys, make better decisions. i don't like guesses with my business, and definitely not with our health. innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. . >> it's time to check in with carson daly in the orange room. it looks like the orange room has been infiltrated. i found the thirsty thursday gals here. the pride and joy, the real winners of the season finale of
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agt. you were great. >> it was fun. >> showing a little help. let's take a look. roll some of the highlights. >> something to do for "the voice." >> we were helping colins key the young magician. >> we loved him. >> he had two sexy assistants and he got it. >> oh. >> what did you think of collins? he is the largest 17-year-old, is he not? >> he is 6' 2." we met his whole family. they are the sweetest family. >> it's too bad hoda couldn't get a plug for her book. >> that was rude. >> have you turned to page 96? >> we turned to page 96. he asked to read the first word on the page. sucking. it happened to be. he did a great magic trick. he ended up pulling that piece of paper out of an envelope. it was crazy. >> the one i was
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my asthma's under control. i don't miss out... you sat out most of our game yesterday! asthma doesn't affect my job... you were out sick last week. my asthma doesn't bother my family... you coughed all through our date night! i hardly use my rescue inhaler at all. what did you say?
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how about - every day? coping with asthma isn't controlling it. test your level of control at, then talk to your doctor. there may be more you could do for your asthma. she can't control herself around chocolate. she'll devour you. really? yeah, uh, thanks for introducing us. anything for a friend. ooh, strong grip! ow! ♪ the perfect form pant. it keeps its shape, flatters yours, and behaves in the wash. wear what works. the perfect form pant. only from white house -- black market.
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[voice] hu-rry up, it's cold in here. [jelly bear] relax. we're checking the manual. [jelly animal] whoa,this minivan is loaded! available forward collision warning,pandora compatibility, available lane departure warning and what!?! [jelly animal] this sucks. [announcer] we understand life in a minivan. introducing the first minivan with an available built-in vacuum. start something special in the redesigned odyssey from honda. eat tomato sauce on my spaghetti. the acidic levels in some foods can cause acid erosion. the enamel starts to wear down. and you can't grow your enamel back. i was quite surprised, as only few as four exposures a day what that can do to you. it's quite a lesson learned. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel. because it helps to strengthen the enamel. he recommended that i use it every time i brush. you feel like there is something that you're doing to help safeguard against the acid erosion. and i believit's doing a good job.
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>> it's 7:56. i'mb8ñ jon kelley. an upscale neighborhood now back to normal following a standoff with a man who refused to leave his foreclosed home. that sheriff's office says two @ deputies, a lock smith and property manager went to the house in the norris canyon estates in sané> new security measure goes into place at the a's games, starting tonight fans have their bags searched and pockets emptied before walking through a metal detector. the a's recommend fans allow themselves plenty of time to enter to get inside the park for that first pitch. rob is in for christina checking our weather. let's say good morning and what's happening? >> pretty nice forecast for the
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a's game later on. should see low 70s around game time after 7:00. right now hazy, fog-free view from san bruno mountain. oakland around 3:00 close to +. the sea breeze turns on, 85 in san jose. cooler tomorrow, then a chance of showers early in the weekend. >> san jose we have northbound 101 slowing at the 680/280 interchange. south 280 we don't see it on this live camera but around the area another crash is clearing. slowing from all directions, 880 slow down to 280. north 101 has been slow from 85 up to capital expressway. the slowdown causes a ripple. through the drive across the bay t dumbarton bridge, an earlier stall. slow 880 from hayward into union city. >> mike, thanks. that's all for now.
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coming up at 8:26.
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it's 8:00 on "today." it's 8:00 on today. coming up, meredith vieira and valerie harper as the actress turns the corner in her battle with cancer. and michelle bundchen teams up with a chef. and a bromance is born. today, september 19, 2013. >> rockin' some iowa pride. >> teachers, we finally have time to have fun. hi, new york! >> we wanted al roker to check off our bucket list. ♪ >> good morning.
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good morning. >> rockford, illinois, is rockin' "30 rock." >> and good morning. welcome back to "today" on a very pretty morning here in rockefeller plaza. we say hello the our crowd outside. alongside matt lauer, al roker and carson daly. we're listening to justin timberlake. rockin' out here. >> i have nothing else to say about that. he's a cool guy. >> i've known him forever. >> he's a young man now. 32 years old. >> he's been acting, working on his acting. >> now for he girlfriend cher. she'll be here monday. live performance on the plaza. >> wow. >> it is going to be amazing. get here early and often because we'll have a huge crowd. >> look forward to that on
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monday. but first, news, we have more on ann's exclusive interview with the iranian president. >> good morning, everyone. in an exclusive interview that aired earlier on "today," the new president of iran told ann curry his country is not pursuing chemical weapons, even though the u.s. suspects he is making the bomb-making? walls. here's more of what he had to say. >> we do not seek war with any country. we seek peace and friendship among the regions. >> the president's tone has many saying he's seeking a saw with the west. and the navy yard reopened for the first time since monday. however, the building where the actual gun fire took place will remain closed.
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investigators have revealed that gunman aaron alexis had two phrases scratched into the shotgun, including one that read, better off this way. a follow-up on a story we covered wednesday. starbucks' decision to run ads advising customers guns are no longer welcome in the cafes. starbucks ceo howard shultz says the time after the navy yard shooting is coincidental. he said a key move is because of states where it is legal to openly carry a gun. >> when people walked into our stores with a gun, you can imagine mothers and customers at large were jarred by that. because they did not realize that in fact that is a legal right of people in open carry states. >> starbucks stopped short of an outright ban on guns. ceo shultz said customers who legally bring a gun into
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starbucks will be served without confrontation. caroline kennedy is testifying in front of a panel that's considering her to be ambassador to japan. she is an attorney and author. a woman who loves her garden called police on wednesday when she spotted two billy goats munching in her backyard. a security camera captured the chow down. the police officers arrived at the same time as the goat's owner. the neighbor who apologized and took his pets by the way named savannah and willie. she took the pets home again. cute names for goats. let's go outside now to matt, savannah, carson and al. sorry, carson, al and matt. i see the likeness. >> yeah. >> looks like you. >> all right, how about a check of the weather? >> got some nice friends over here.
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a run coming up on the 22nd. let's show you the pick city, knbc los angeles. a beautiful day today. as we look at the 3-d view of los angeles. you will see temperatures today getting up into the low 70s with plenty of low sunshine. rest of the country, a risk of strong storms from the upper great lakes into the central plains. along the east coaste it's that's
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>> and that's your latest weather. >> all right, al, thank you so much.3 f2 hola. >> hi, hi. come on. >> can i get a hug. hi. come here baby. 3 f2 recuerdas a jasper y a mí.
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a propósito la última vez >> why does it say except not matt? >> last time we redid the studio -- >> right when i was starting. >> right. >> but actually you're here 3 f2 en realidad estás aquí that's coming up in a little while. >> great. >> okay, the important lesson about proper pronunciation that a wheel of fortune contestant will probably never forget. >> and then he promised big things this year. he is not disappointing anyone. i'm catching up with justin timberlake at 8:21. but first, these messages.
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♪ i'm watching you tonight. ♪ it's in those blue eyes. ♪ sweet surprise. ♪ that everything feels right. ♪ tonight. ♪ oooooooo. before mike could see his banking and investing accounts on one page... before he could easily transfer funds between the two in real time... before he could even think about planning for his daughters' future... mike opened a merrill edge investment account and linked it to his bank of america bank account to help free up plenty of time for the here and now. that's the wonder of streamlined connections. that's merrill edge and bank of america.
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the intense ache made it hard to do the things that i wanted. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia -- thought to be the result of over-active nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. so now, i can do more of the things i enjoy. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i'm feeling better with lyrica. ask your doctor if lyrica is right for your fibromyalgia pain.
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it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the fiber one caramel nut protein bar. the triple-groove wand combs through for clump-free length. while a potion with strengthening proteins drenches lashes for spellbinding volume. do you believe in magic? dare to be revlon. ♪ le freak, c'est chic ♪ freak out ♪ aw ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] elevate your style. introducing the all-new corolla. ♪
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. >> all right. we are back at 8:11. something trending on the huffington post. do beauty pageants over hypersexualize young girls. this is a topic spurred in this country by reality shows like todd lers and tiaras. over in france, some could be banned. in a surprise move the country's senate voted to end the contest for girls younger than the age of 16. now the legislation now heads to the lower house of parliament violating the law could get you two years in jail and a fine of $40,000. >> wow. that's very harsh. >> keep an eye on that one. meantime, trending on youtube, the million dollar error on the popular game show "wheel of fortune," as the contestant was trying to solve a puzzle. was he cheated?
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take a look inside. >> you have $2,350. spin or solve. >> i'm going to solve. >> all right. >> corner curl cabinet. >> huh? >> louis, your turn. >> i'll solve. >> corner curio cabinet. >> yeah, that's it. >> it just didn't come out the way you wanted it to. >> a mispronounced word cost him his victory. so far "wheel of fortune" producers, when he was solving another puzzle, he made sure to slowly and accurately pronounce every single syllable. he pronounced the b right, cab yes. it was the curio. >> i guess. >> i wonder what they say about that. also trending this morning is throw back thursday. remember these guys?
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cassette tapes. they're 50-years-old this year, if you can believe it. they are 50. they still make them. we thought it would be fun to ask you all, i'm from the cd era. let's start with you. >> i had my older sister's cassettes. >> matt, what was your cassette tapes? start with the old guy. >> a cassette. >> oh. >> my first cassette type might have been elton john's "good-bye yellow brick road." >> that is a good one. >> savannah. >> mean is a little embarrassing. >> journey, "escape." my older brother made fun of me. he was 18. i was 11. >> you should mention the cassette became so popular they had the sony walkman. >> that is 34-years-old. >> after i bought this tape, my brother made me listen to led zeppelin and the doors. >> that's why you are the cool lady. >> a little more embarrassing,
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air supply. >> that's a good one. >> don't do. that's more embarrassing. >> hey, i will own it. >> i go back to the phoneograph. stevie wonder for for once in might have life." >> that's a cool one. >> mine is frankie goes to hollywood in 1984. my sister would put yogurt and lemon in my hair. she said, you need to lighten it up. we would listen to "over and over" in palm springs. >> you'd take them out of your device and the tape would come off. >> you use a pencil. >> spin it around. >> even how many mixed tapes did you make to make these? >> let's get one more opinion on this. >> come over here. >> jazz el, come in. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> you can tweet us using the hashtag tbt if you want to get in on this. giselle. >> i'm very bad at names. i used to love boyz to men. it was very romantic.
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i'm sorry, it was so nice. >> you had a cassette tape, giselle? >> yes, i did. i left my parents as a teen, 14-years-old, please. >> hold it. >> absolutely a. lot of guys running out, buying this tape. >> i lins to boyz to men, mariah carey. >> her first english word were "i'll make love to you"? . >> in your dreams. >> you are here because we are going to do a little cooking and talking about an important topic. jazz el, nice to see you. >> that is what is trending today. >> matt sits down with justin timberlake. later, actress chris hemsworth talks about his new movie "rush." . let's talk about valerie harper. she has been going through incurable cancer. we will talk to her in a moment.
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first, meredith viera spent time with valerie and her daughter on mother's day? today is mother's day and christine is coming over. >> the very best thing i had done in my life is adopt christina. >> oh, honey, it's beautiful. oh, i love it. i know just where i'll put it. >> every minute with her is definitely a miracle. at this point it is definitely a miracle. >> the impatients like to jump the ship. >> they do. >> they like to hang out in one pochlt oh, lock, there is a spot over here and jump. they take over like a weed. >> or cancer. junk going on tour. they're not wanted. >> it was mother's day, i was going to be easy on you. >> oh, honey, no, i'm doing well. i'm doing very well. please. >> are there things that you are not saying to your mom right now? >> how afraid i am. you know, i don't let her know that i cry, that i think about her all the time. i don't want her to be grieving because i'm grieving.
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>> because let's face it, this is the day to celebrate us. >> you are the best of the best. here's to another day of being together and to next here. >> oh, hone, that's beautiful. thank you. >> i love you so much. >> i know things happen and that's all i can do to prepare. it will happen and hopefully not today. >> and valerie harper is with us this morning. meredith is here with us as well. valerie, good morning, it is so good to see you. i was at your house in march. i a him so happy to see you looking so good. how are you feeling? what are the doctors saying about your health right now? >> oh, it's really positive news. it's incurrable but we're moving in the right direction, savannah, since i saw you at my house. you were there in march. i, each ascent brain scan has been an improvement. they don't expect that with this
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meningenerial carcinoma. >> you use this word incurable and you signed up to take part in "dancing with the stars," people say, how ould could that possibly be? why did you make that decision? >> i did it toanter that question because there is so many people living with cancer and even dying with it but not of it. and you got to get the message out there. lung cancer, in particular, a terrible zev devastating disease and greatly misunderstood. so i wanted to take this opportunity to share that 60% of the new cases are non-smokers and they've stigmatized the disease. it kills more men and women than all other cancers put together. so i thought this is a good chance to do it. do "dancing with the stars," since my doctors have told me to
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exercise and not to worry, you know, about any physical problem with the kind of cancer i have. i thought, why not do it? go back. 50 years ago, i what was a professional dancer. but, you know the problem i'm having is my knee. >> yeah. so are we. >> not the cancer. they're 74-year-old knees. i'm just hanging in. but i decided, my husband tony said, val, because you have cancer, get out there and show people that it's possible and they got to keep moving, like my old dance teacher luigi always said, never stop moving. i think that's god. live your life while are you alive and while are you well enough. take each day as it comes and live it fully. >> when i noticed when we were doing the documentary, vam, she's the one with the illness. yet, she got most emotional. you know this during the times she was talking about her husband tony. >> that often happens with couples.
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>> he's wonderful. right by her side. i bet a pretty god trainer for your dancing as well. we love seeing you doing so well. thank you for being with us. we really appreciate it. >> and pleads i love my meredith. >> yeah, we do, too. >> girlfriend. >> thanks, valley. >> see you tonight. >> see you tonight. it is of course i wrote it. if you have a chance to see it. meredith will continue tomorrow on her goingle hangout leave on friday. can you see valerie's story. 10:00 eastern, 9:00 central time right here on nb tr. we will take a turn now. matt was in las vegas. discuss. >> a quick trip. i had a boys night with justin timberlake. right now he is hotter than ever. two movies coming out, a new album and about to go on tour. despite his busy schedule, he was able to find time with us. we caught up with him at caesar's palace before his new movie "runner runner."
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. it's if world according to tim bherlake. >> the entertainment industry right now seems to be giving you anything you want. what will you do with the luxury this. >> you owe it to yourself to don't speak until have you something to say. i owe it to myself to, to, you know, to seize the moment. >> i don't deserve this award, but i'm not going to give it back. >> the man who won an mtv lifetime achievement award at just 32. >> i'm only 32, but i worked for two-thirds of my life. >> a mousketeer at 11 and front man for in sync. before moving on to a breakout solo career. and building some serious acting chops. >> you didn't bring down the record company. they won. >> yeah. >> you want to buy a record in. >> i think it comes with experience that you really say, working with these ray mazeing actors and this amazing director, i corroborated with this amazing musician.
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>> that becomes the thing you hold on to. >> he's run late night. saturday notice. ♪ >> and now he's taking it back, yet again, on his upcoming album. you made that leap through that kind of dangerous landscape between child star and adult star very well. i'm sure you've watched a little bit of what's going on with miley cyrus right now. do you think the press and the public are treating her unfairly in. >> i don't know that i have a definitive thought in one direction or the other about it. i think she's really smart and i think she's really talented. i'm not saying agree with the presentation, but i also feel like every 10 to 15 years we pick somebody that this is what we're going to do with them as we're going to make them the model of who we want our daughters to be or not be. i have been three tableing --
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>> in his latest film "runner runner," he's trying to beat the odds. and play income sin city with j.t. means doing it up right. ♪ who let the dogs out? who who ♪ >> after all, it's vegas, baby. ♪ who let the dogs out? ♪ >> you are not going to wear that. >> right? >> what? >> the man purse. you are just screwing with me? >> this is where i keep all my thingsch i get a lot of dplimts on this, besides, it's not a man purse. it's a satchel. indiana jones has one. >> yeah, so does al roker. >> and here's what's happening in your neck of the woods! >> so unpack that suit and tie. and maybe even some blue suede shoes. >> by the power vested in me as the king of rock 'n' roll, congratulations! . >> i can't believe we did this.
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>> whew! >> thank you. >> come on. because who knows what can happen in vegas. >> wow! >> i don't remember any of it. i love the tuque. he's got a tattoo. >> anyway, that's only the beginning of what we talked about. i will have more of our conversation coming up early next week. coming up, a food challenge from super model gisele bundchen and dhef ray leg repair. but first your local news.
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>> breaking news at the san jose airport right now. that's where a small plane with landing gear problems just made an emergency landing. you see it here. san jose fire trucks staging near the runway just as a precaution. four people are on board that plane. the plane was actually doing circles to burn fuel before making that successful emergency landing. we're told everyone on board is okay after the safe landing. very good news there. let's see if there's good news when it comes to the morning commute, mike. >> thank goodness they're safe. a lot slower than that plane driving through the air. another way over the water. this is the road route, and it is very slow westbound as you head towards the peninsula. some earlier debris reported.
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some fabric actually across the lane blowing around. that may have been enough. even worse, froo the peninsula where 101 is tied up in both directions. very slow north of san mateo you all across the san mateo bridge and the hayward side and the dunbarton bridge. that hasn't quite recovered. you have a slowdown on both of those routes westbound. slower northbound throughout the south bay. things are really jamming up. starting to move better at the 101. the freeway. right near the parkmore and moore park area. >> i'll have another local news update in half hour. hope to see sw háhen.
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. >> it's 8:30 now on a thursday morning the 19th day of september, 2013, as we assemble here on the plaza. a beautiful morning here. a nice crowd. we thank them for coming down. coming up, super model gisele bundchen and great chef eric repair.
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we will talk about wasteing food. >> we have one chicken, we will prepare it three different ways and chris hemsworth is here, he has the need for speed in his new movie "rush." except making a short pitstop in our studio. natalie, remember the last time chris was here? >> yes, i do. he actually did file a restraining order. >> do you think you will look like your dog? we'd like to see proof. today is looking for the best doggy burgers. >> oh my goodness. thetop dogs and their owners will appear on "today" subject to terms of submission. go to to find out the details. you have until monday to get your pictures in. it's true what they say. she's too blond. >> and we got something else big coming up next week. our special about what it's like to be born today. we want you to be a bart of that conversation. can you head over to for more. >> it doesn't matter.
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show those pictures. mr. roker. how about a check of the weather? >> looking ahead into the weekend, we will show you basically starting for tomorrow, we got a slight risk of strong storms in the upper mid-west. nice along the eastern seaboard. friday, i should say saturday, lock for wet weather making its way towards the east. more rain in the pacific northwest. nice everywhere else. sunday, sunday, rain along the eastern seaboard. we got showers out right now things looking awfully nice across the golden gate bridge. as can you see there, mostly sunny skies. no low clouds right now. we're going to start to see changes here over the next 24 hours as we look at clouds in the gulf of alaska spilling closer our way later tomorrow. today, 78 san francisco. 85, san jose. low 90s inland, and our warmest vaul valley. today the warmest day of the seven-day forecast. cooling tomorrow. then the chance of showers increases early on saturday. partly cloudy and breezy on sunday.
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. >> that's right t. weather right there. if you want your weather any time of the day, it's fan taft ec. go to the weather channel on cable online. now, let's head on dawn to washington, d.c., say hello to uncle willie. . >> oh the birthday bell is ringing. they're all coming in to get their goodies, especially little jimmy brown from stockton, california. a nice place. 100-years-old today and he is a happy man, loves to play golf and he loves to watch golf all over the tv. i like to watch golf.
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. >> actor chris hemsworth may be best known for playing "thor." he had to fit into a race car. he stars in the '70s world of formula one racing whose rivalry with a fellow driver extends beyond the track. >> to complain on the noise leaned on the authorities. now we had to rebuild it and become a monster. >> at least it's a legal monster. >> so you had to resort to cheating. >> it's pathetic. rules are rules. yes. >> rats are rats. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> i really enjoyed this movie, chris. er know what, sometimes i was rooting for you and sometimes i was not. is that what was interesting about the role, there was not a good guy, bad guy? >> i think we all ask the same question about where our
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allegiance is supposed to lie here who is the real guy the villain, who is the bad guy. that was what was interesting. the true story of these guys was on and off the track they are incredibly contrasting and contradicting, pulled and tugged at the hearts. >> he is still alive, your character passed away. did that make it more challenging to try to understand where he was coming from? >> yeah. in some ways, yeah, it would have been great to obviously have him there. i would have loved to have met the guy. bur it's been sort of from a distance i can do my research and look at many interviews and what have you and create my version of things. >> i think i read you did a little handwriting analysis. >> i had a letter someone had given to me that james had wren and brought it to a handwriting analysis. he said it was very indicative of his personality a. lot of flair, the sharp edges he had at times pointed to a darker side of his character.
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>> this character is fast. i don't mean on the ais racetrack. he was a bit of a scoundrel, a playboy. was that fun to explore? >> it was an interesting world to step back into, his exploits on and off the track were unrivalled. >> we see a lot of new this movie. no, keep rolling that video. we know you from playing thor. bur you had to lose a ton of weight to fit into the car. >> the first thing that ron said to me, thor will fit into the race car. i went from 215 to 185 to fit in t. character i played was about the same heart. they had a tough time getting in there as well. >> i was going to say, you lost that weight, it was mostly hair and neck. you, of course, are 21 of the many hemsworth brothers. what was it like growing up in that family? your mom said you were created in the hollywood star making factory. >> we lived all over, australia, and had plenty of fun, kind of
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entertaining ourselves and getting up to mischief. it was good. >> it's great to have you here. thank you so much. the movie is great. it's called "rush." it's from our sister company universal pictures. it opened nation wide september 27th. coming up, cooking for a cause. super model gisele bundchen and chef eric repair. first,
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back at 8:40. education nation, one man's mission to help guide kids who want to transform not only their communities but those a world away. >> the man behind the idea is jim. his book "walk in their shoes" he writes about why he wanted to leave behind to create the nonprofit, build on.
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>> we are going viral. >> this is a 17-year-old high school senior described by some as dynamic and driven. he and these kids live in south bronx, new york where many residents live below the poverty line. still they are proud and work towards a brighter reality with the help of one after school program. >> you started build on some 20 years ago. did you imagine then when you started your organization what the reach would be? >> no. i definitely didn't know it would become the movement it is. >> he backpacked through some of the world's most impoverished countries. he devised a grand slam. he found his way back to his dream. >> it took me a little over a year but i got the courage up. >> wanting to escape a future
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that he felt was otherwise predictable he started build on. >> we are working to break the cycle of poverty through service education. >> he was at first reluctant to take part only to change his mind. >> in order to help people i have to be a part of something that is bigger than myself. >> students contribute direct service and we take these same kids overseas to build schools in other countries. just a few of the countries where they have helped to build schools. 85,000 children, parents and grandparents have learned to read and more. it's a process that took these students from their south bronx high schools to haiti. >> i realize i want to become a teacher, myself.
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>> and 16-year-old marlena says she found herself. she says she now scores high marks on her report card and is excited to be present in the classroom. >> i started coming to school more and getting more as and doing more work. >> did build on sort of help you make that change? did it help you improve on your life? >> it gives you a push to do better. >> 95% of the kids we work with not only graduate but go to college. truancy goes down by over 70%. >> by being able to help their neighbor it empowered them, then. >> it does. >> and jim told me he chose the title of the book to show his admiration and respect for these kids. it is a great organization helping the kids in their communities and they are able to go to other communities and help build schools.
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thank you very much. gizelle is here along with a great chef to team up and help us fight world hunger.
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>> in today's kitchen, you might want to think twice before you get rid of some of your food, two celebrities have joined together to talk about food waste. >> super model gisele bundchen is with think, save,.org. eric repair is a chef an owner here in new york and the co-chair of city harvest. guys, good morning, nice to see you both. we talk about carbon foot print. you know that 40% of the food produced in the united states is
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thrown away because it doesn't look a certain way. it's crazy. because the apple is not the right size or the carrot, it's crazy because it doesn't look a certain way it gets thrown away. none of us here look the same. you know, like we are parts of nature. everyone is wonderful. in my garden like all my carrots look like -- they're really crooked but taste delicious. >> we have to learn to use things to their fullest. >> we'll make the whole chicken and use every last bit. start with the roasted whole chicken. >> of course, so you can break a chicken very quickly like that. and we are going to do three meals for four people. so it costs about 30 cents a meal. it's cheap, very quick to cut the chicken. >> yeah.
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>> the best part of the chicken we go, for example, in rice -- >> what are you serving it with there? >> chicken. a little bit of soffrito and you can shred it and giselle is going to show us -- >> we have apples and onions and mayonnaise and mustard. >> and curry, if you like that. >> by the way, you're a good cook. >> um, i like to think so. >> no, but i hear you are. >> i really love food. here it is. ready. all you have to do is that. >> take a little pocket -- >> if you have lettuce or tomato, avocado. whatever you like. >> there are parts of the chicken left. so you'll use even the bones. >> everything. >> when you have the bones from the chicken, put them in the pot. some water. then you're going to boil the
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bones and the water for an hour. >> get a lot of flavor out of that. >> and then add in some celery and make with noodles a nice chicken soup for four people. we did rice and chicken, pizza, sandwiches, and now soup. >> no waste. >> no waste whatsoever. >> there's so much going on when you're a mom and you have to rush through things. you can also freeze the soup and you can eat it like later. you know what i mean? so it's actually better -- i like food after it's been frozen and delicious. it's almost like it has more flavor in it. >> yeah. good ideas. giselle, thank you so much. always nice to have you here. a pleasure. by the way, giselle is not going far. she's hanging out with carson in the orange room. coming up next, 5 for fighting.
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. >> with a name five for fighting you might think of a band, it's actually the name of one man singer, songwriter, john andracek. john, good to see you. we mentioned you always surround yourself with great musicians as
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well. >> i have great friend right here, i do. >> six studio albums. not bad for a guy with a piano. >> it's a miracle, a minor miracle, when i started this at 15-years-old, struggled 15 years to get a record deal f. you would have told that man we would be standing here, i'd say you are crazy. >> did you have a back-up plan in case it didn't work out? you seem to be able to get rid of that, now. >> the back-up is still the point guard for the lakers. i don't know if that will work out. >> thanks, matt. >> but you did. you had some other things in mind if it didn't work out. >> we have a family business. it's my dad's birthday, happy birthday. we have a manufacturing back, small business. kind of the heart of americana. two days i write songs. wednesday i go sweep the floors. i'm sure i will be doing that long after i do this. >> it's working out for you. five for fighting, john, take it away. workers to.
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workers to ♪
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♪ [ music playing ] good morning to you. 8:56. a new america's cup champion could be crowned today in the bay. emirates team new zealand just needs one win to claim victory. two races are scheduled for this afternoon. you can watch them right here on nbc bay area. want to check the forecast now with meteorologist -- no, christina is off. i should say rob. welcome. >> good to be here today. probably the warmest day over the next seven days.
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highs inland will be soaring into the 80s and even some low 90s south of downtown san jose. 08, oakland. 78, san francisco. enjoy the warmth while it lasts. cooler temperatures and a chance of showers start this upcoming weekend. we'll have another local news update coming up in 30 minutes. right now let's send you back to the "today" show.
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♪ [ female announcer ] wherever morning brings you, bring the energy you need. new nature valley soft-baked oatmeal squares. softly baked. made with hearty oatmeal and a drizzle of cinnamon. they're nature valley's brand new take on a morning classic. because when you keep going, the morning can bring you to brand new places. ♪ nature valley. nature at its most delicious.
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"today" live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. ♪ >> welcome to "today" on this nurse thursday morning, september 19th, 2013. al, we have some talking from yesterday in there you have some 'esplaining to do. >> paula patton was here yesterday talking about her new film. a little about her husband, robin thicke and milely cyrus and the twerking. >> she continued to show some moves. >> al going, hey, hey, ha i. >> hey, hey, hey.
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[ music playing ] >> willie and i were sitting there, no, this is not happening. >> he went out and had a cigarette. >> somebody had to. >> so we want to know, because debra happened to call you shortly after. >> completely out of the blue. >> she didn't even see it. she was coming out of the doctor's office. i said, listen, will you hear from some friends that perhaps there was something inappropriate on the program. >> she's used to it with you, though. >> it's like when am i not inappropriate? she could care less, lila on the other hand, dad, mom, why would you let him do this? you know. so, my kids were embarrassed. >> how guilty did you feel in the moments of that commercial break when you saw debra's name on the phone? >> i didn't feel guilty. >> uconn fessed. >> i have what's called the debra cringe factor. when i do something, i think, how much is she cringing? >> apparently lila now. >> lila criminal hims.
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>> that normally happens with a teen ager. >> this was an eye roll. >> what else is new. >> good for her. >> i'm a twerking purist. >> that wasn't a classic. >> she docked that up. >> what does it take, does this mean you visit a lot of strip clubs in your day this. >> no, i saw the vma. >> no, of course not. >> just wanted to check. >> bible study for me on the weekends. >> bible study, it makes you a twerking purist. >> it was something, not a twerk, but it was something. >> she's very talented actress 123w4r she really is. she is fantastic. i got to ask you a question. i don't think al and i have ever done this. have you ever purchased a dress? >> yes, and returned it. >> but knowing before you left the store, you were going to return the dress, just for a night? >> listen. i think a lot of ladies boy something. they maybe feel a little buyer's remorse. >> you never worn something on the air? >> yes. because in our job, they wore something on air and realize it
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doesn't look good on camera. i think i have returned it. a lot of stylists do that, too. >> you don't do it on purpose. >> not on purpose or with the intent. within i buy, i boy with the intent to keep. buy with the intent to keep. >> with the intnt to keep. >> you are on your honor. >> yes. a lot of ladies do not and, therefore, bloomingdale's -- >> they are cracking down. >> i wanted to keep it. i swear. >> they are cracking down. >> bloomingdale's is starting for the crack down. they are putting these tags. this one has been removed f. dress kristen dolgren was wearing earlier. they attach wit this tag there tells you, by the way, remove with caution. it's usually attached like this very visibly on the front. so you will not wear this out or on the air or anywhere else because people are going to see that. in the process of removeing the tag, yes, i had a bleeder. it's like a nasty cut.
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you can't really see it. i got a little warning, we move with caution is not for the clothing. it's for your finger. >> i go es the idea for bloomingdale's is the dress is $150 bucks or more they're putting this on. because there are women who go in. they see the dress and wear it to a party this weekend. i'm going to wear it once and return it gently used. >> the stores loads about $15 billion a 84 to this. >> kiss ten doll friend said she bought a dress once and there were armpit stains. there are people out there using it maybe more than once. >> that's a whole term, they call it wardrobeing attors. >> i agree, there seeds e nodes to be a crackdown. perhaps this is a way to solve that. >> by injuring people? >> maybe a little. you learn how to open these things, but i got to tell you, it's not easy. >> honestly, i don't know how you feel, i'm too lazy to return things. something doesn't work out right. i put it on a high shelf and hope it goes away.
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>> i've donated stuff. >> yes. >> do i that a lot. >> i think that's what most of us do nowadays. >> guys do not go in with the intent. we boy it, it's done. >> my husband will be if i by it, does it work? i'm going to go return it for him. >> you get the credit? >> then you boy something else. >> that's a store that i like. >> the cycle starts all over again? >> no, no, no. >> we spend a lot of time in new york city. people spend time in big cities all over the country in cabs. they have a rep takes for being shall we say. >> odifferent russ. >> -- odiferous. >> odiferrous. >> do you remember the episode on "seinfeld" when jerry is overwhelmed by the b-o in his cart. >> this is b-o. this is unbelievable b-o. i was at the car wash this morning, a guy told me 38 years in the business he's never seen anything like this. >> this is bond b-o. it's bbo.
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>> it's shrike trip them out, wash them down with a big soapy drush. >> he's talking about the big valet stunk up his own car. in new york city now new cabs will include an odor-killing system that can help us escape those smells. it will be a filter put in the fabric of the ceiling made with charcoal. so it soaks up the odors. >> so can you bar-b-que. fantastic. >> cab drivers will often have their lunch and dinner. >> they spend a lot of time. you know what i miss? remember the beads that they used to have? those massage beads? >> they still do. >> i haven't seen them so much. >> those new cabs will make their debut october, october 28. they will apparently have sun rooves so you can see the big buildings in manhattan. >> in case the filter doesn't happen, you can stick out your head. >> you come out smelling fantastic. >> the scam that you see in some of these cabs in, no.
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especially on a hot, summer day, they roll up with the windows closed. so you think the ac is on. >> oh, ye. >> you get in, it's bad. >> it's not working. >> it's a sauna. the guy has been in there about 12 hours. he's been manner nateing. you know. and -- >> lovely. >> hope before you get out of the cab. >> while we're complaining, the shrinking leg room in the back of the cab. >> please. it's roufr for me. i can imagine. >> i'm 6' 4." i have to turn sideways like this. >> i love london cabs. don't you love, even like facing each other like that. that's brilliant. that itself the way the cabs should be made. >> there is this new thing out that's even better. a little more room. it's called a bus. >> yes. or the subway. >> there you go. >> all right. so we are all in the news business. we all have our moments. no question about it. one guy anchor simon mccoy was introducing a new story wednesday. typically, he carries an ipad with him on the air. >> don't give it away.
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>> let's watch. >> good morning, welcome to bbc news. plans for privately run drunk tanks to tackle alcohol fueled disorder have been backed by police chiefs. under the proposal, drunk trouble makers will be taken to private firms and have to pay for it once they've sobered up. the association of chief police officers says problem drinking is on the increase and action is needed to deal with it. but the police federation which represents rank and file officers. >> oh, that's fantastic. >> he is holding a ream of paper. >> thinking it was the ipad. he holds his ipad. that's his thing. he reached apparently for ream of paper and didn't realize the weight difference. >> how many pints did he have before the newscast? >> simon, simon says, duh. >> it must be a thing. >> at what point do you think he realized? it looks like he goes on flawlessly. there he is.
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making copies. >> this guy should have been a dunder mifflin. >> that's pretty great. there is a thing when you stand up on tv, what do you do with the hands? his thing was the ipad. >> apparently except when you have a ream of paper. >> cereal box, whatever. >> i like his tweet. after, it says, stay classy, united kingdom. >> nice. >> we couldn't let this moment pass without showing you what natalie's favorite moments here on "the "today show." request itself. >> the worst. >> promising new research in the fight against alzheimer's. scientists have discovered a pattern of 23 proteins in a patient's spinal fluid that seems to identify the presence of the disease t. study is being published in the inals of neurology. >> you who, where did they pull that publication from? >> i still, i'm shocked i'm still here. >> were there two nns or the one
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n in. >> anals. but in my head, i don't know, thinking body parts. >> wow, you made a jump from the brain to -- >> remember how you and matt would not let me live that one down. >> oh, the memories come flooding back. >> priceless. >> almost reminiscent of the guy running into the shortstop. >> the anals of sports history. >> come on. you've had moments. >> i had a couple. remember couple springs. let's go out now to miguel in klowado springs. >> you silly, wabbit. >> i missed it. i said in colowada springs. both the east and west coast got to hear that. fantastic. >> thanks, el elmer. >> on live tv, there is nothing
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by it. >> one time i combined warm air mass and it didn't come out right. i lost a word. >> you too. >> that was good. >> you do enough tv. >> that one haunts me every time. >> how about a look at that weather. >> luckily, i don't have any warm air masses to talk about. let show you what we do have. we have a lot of wet weather down through southern texas. moisture there, locking at more rain down through southern florida. they're going to continue to get soaked. sun schein along the west coast, looking pretty good. we do have a risk of strong storms in the upper mississippi valley a. cold front pushes through. we're enjoying mostly sunny skies. a haze across the bay right now. a stronger sea breeze will pick up for the afternoon, but san francisco starting off m morning in the 60s. pretty warm start by september standards. we'll see the numbers climbing quickly to get into the
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afternoon. highs eventually climbing into the 70s around san francisco, and closer to the upper 80s to low 90s inland for today. 85, san jose, and weekend cooling with showers for saturday. >> and that's your latest weather. >> all right, al, thanks a lot. coming up next the million dollar winner of "america's got talent." it happened hours ago, late last talent." it happened hours ago, late last a writer and a performer. ther, i'm also a survivor of ovarian and uterine cancers. i even wrote a play about that. my symptoms were a pain in my abdomen and periods that were heavier and longer than usual for me. if you have symptoms that last two weeks or longer, be brave, go to the doctor. ovarian and uterine cancers are gynecologic cancers. symptoms are not the same for everyone. i got sick... and then i got better.
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is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. ♪ [ dad ] jan? she can't control herself around chocolate. she'll devour you. really? yeah, uh, thanks for introducing us. anything for a friend. ooh, strong grip! ow! ♪ ooh, strong grip! ow! real ly? ooh, strong grip! ow!
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you're sacrificing that real gorum... it's the playoffs!s? enough with the sacrificing. start here... light & fit greek nonfat yogurt. thick, creamy, twice the protein and ps 80 calories. light & fit greek. ♪ dannon! with simple, real ingredients, like roasted peanuts, creamy peanut butter, and a rich dark-chocolate flavor, plus 10 grams of protein, so it's energy straight from nature to you. nature valley protein bars.
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he was a matted messiley in a small cage. ng you. so that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. from contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers, you can find it all on angie's list. we found riley at the shelter, and found everything he needed at angie's list. join today at >> check out the orange room, cashson daily is in there right now interviewing our friends right there. check that out at go to hashtag orange room. >> we got a new millionaire, not the powerball winner, the winner of the nbc show "america's got
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talent". >> last night the big finale in the end it came down to these two.... >> the winner of the $1 million and the star of a headline show in las vegas is... kenichi ebina. congratulations! >> and here he is! the winner! boy, they sure kept you waiting long enough. what were you feeling in that moment, kenichi? >> i don't know. it's -- >> did you feel leak you had it for youtu really in.
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>> so when i got into the top two, i was like, oh, what am i going to do? >> had you begun to think before you even won about what winning would mean for your life and your career? had you thought about, well, now i will go on tour, go to vegas, by the way, get a million bucks? or did you have for the wait until you won? did you think about it? >> yeah, i thought about it, of course. i try not to think about it. >> smart. >> yes, i tried to focus on my performance. but sometimes, like, you say. >> have you even slept? has it sunk in? >> this last couple weeks, because i need a lot of preparation for my performance. so i had all this thinking, what i do. you know, thinking about the routine, how i could put it together. so. >> you are not just a dancer, are you an illusionist.
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are you a performer of all kind. i know you will teach us all some moves. >> natalie. >> no, are you going to teach me? >> look at this. >> i move the jacket move, incredible. >> my son last night is mom, does he take his head off? i'm like, no. >> but only once. >> okay. we missed it on the tape. >> okay. here's the mover. you will show us the move. >> okay. >> so here's the move. >> okay. >> this is the step moves that i started with. it's the basics. okay. >> okay. go ahead. >> ready. >> oh. >> we got that. >> we can do this. that's easy. what's up, what's next in. >> okay. next. >> oh the wave. >> okay. >> no, no. >> what do you do the robot? >> he did it sort of poppy, right? you want to pop it.
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>> yes. >> have you ever met three less cool people than are standing here right now? >> kenichi, thank you so much. >> we can't wait to see your act in vegas. >> all the moves you need before you head out for the day. >> and later. the three of us got to work for a worthy cause to help make one child's life a little b ♪
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♪ that people are finally getting together. ♪ ♪ i think it's wonderful now ♪ that people are finally getting together. ♪ backflips and cartwheels.mile? love, warmth. here, try this. mmmm, ok! ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. ♪ the joint is jumpin' osteo bi-flex® helps strengthen your joints.° just like exercise is important for your health... osteo bi-flex® is important for joints.° osteo bi-flex... also in joint & muscle and joint & bone. also in joint & muscle (dootrick or treat! mmm! thank you! mmm! mmm!
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ait's revolutionary.m. almay's first ever liquid lip balm. quenches lips with moisture and drenches them with color and shine. ten luscious colors. try new almay liquid lip balm. it feels great on my lips. only from almay. you got to try it [ ding! ] losing your chex mix too easily? time to deploy the boring-popcorn decoy bucket.
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then no one will want to steal the deliciousness. with a variety of tastes and textures only chex mix is a bag of interesting. [fuzz pile] we sure have it great here.s [curly fry] i know, right. [fuzz pile] movies,music,space as far as the fry can see. [bubble wand] ha.good one. [jelly animal] a great storm comes. we're all doomed. [bubble wand] that guy isn't all there. [fuzz pile] come on,it's a honda,they're built to last... [announcer] we understand life in a minivan. introducing the first minivan with an available built-in vacuum. start something special in the redesigned odyssey from honda.
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. >> interest rates are expected to stay low for now, thanks to wednesday's decision. the federal encouraging the jobs group t. decision is good for people buying homes and borrowing money. new census numbers, education and race, not all segments have been seeing an economic turn around. usa today says u.s. workers may get a pay raise in 2014, averaging 3% over what they make this year. >> that number comes from a survey of 900 companies. the increase is about the same that workers got this year and last year. honda is recalling more than 400,000 vehicles in the u.s. and three other countries because of a computer chip glitch that could case airbags to deploy ened a veteranly the recall covers odyssey minivans from the years 2003 and 2004 t. 2003 acura mdxs are also involved in that recall. a tennessee judge on wednesday gave his blessing to a mother's decision to name her
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8-month-old son messiah. the judge overturned the judge saying it is a title only held by jesus christ. the ruling wednesday called the earlier decision unconstitutional. and one winning ticket in last night's big $400 million powerball lottery drawing. it was sold in lexington, south clone t. jackpot was the 4th biggest in powerball history. here's a great story, a meeting decades in the making two, women, one from arizona the other from australia, became pen pals in a class project that started half a century ago. well, they have stayed in touch since then, but never met until recently. american linda martin said simply meeting her life long pen pal was awesome. look at that hug, so heart warming. back over to willie and al. >> by the way, we are fwlad to see little messiah keeps his name. common sense prevails in that one. the hottest transfer where wardrobe and your hint. al and i will be wearing a lot
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of leopard prints. al and i will be wearing a lot of leopard prints. [ woman ] dear chex cereal, i've never written a fan letter before, but you've done the impossible. you made gluten-free cereals in a whole bunch of yummy flavors. cinnamon chex and honey nut chex are two of our favorites. when my husband found the chocolate one, we were in cereal heaven. the only problem is, with so many great flavors you're making it very hard to choose. your fans, the mcgregor family. 'cause we love chex. well, i hear, there's this orchard... where michael bolton serenades the trees. it's called bolton-izing. it creates the juiciest flavors in the world. okay... [ female announcer ] starburst. unexplainably juicy.
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>> cracking down on gun shops. new regulations that restrict where gun stores can operate. the rules state gun dealers must get an annual permit and stores must be at least 250 feet away from use-oriented businesses, schools, churches, parks, and government buildings. the rules are the result of public outcry that started back if december when a shop opened on university avenue. the current location does not comply with the new rules. templar has four years either to change locations or stop selling guns. parents of the south bay neighborhood furious after the city removed a crosswalk from right from front of a local middle school. months ago san jose decided
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remove the crossing at second even though it ran right up to burnett middle school. back in may 12-year-old daniel was hit by a truck after school, and he was thrown about 145 feet. he suffered scars from that accident. he will try to push the department of transportation to put the crosswalk back in. we'll take a quick break and have a look at weather and traffic right after this. [ slurps ] [ laughs ] ♪ [ female announcer ] hey ladies. you love it. you've got to have it. cinnamon toast crunch,
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'cause that cinnamon and sugar is so irresistible. everybody craves those crazy squares.® made gluten-free cereals in a bunch of yummy flavors. like cinnamon chex, honey nut chex, and chocolate chex... we're in cereal heaven. so thanks. from the mcgregors, 'cause we love chex. >> we start the morning in the 50s and 60s reason. ooeflt we'll climbing into the 90s. a stronger sea breeze. 85 in san hose ray. 80 in oakland. low 90s. downtown san jose. own joy it while it lasts. more clouds and a chance of some showers.é looking over here with traffic is still slow, southbound at
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fremont south 880. back to the map. moving slowly into the south bay. northbound moving much more smoothly now, but 101 had a problem. we had a crash in the last half hour blocking freeways and north 101 at blossom hill. it cleared quickly and now you are okay on 101 at 58 for the alternate. dunbarton bridge and san mateo bridge crawled on the east bay to the peninsula. taking a look at much more now. back to you. >> that's good news. thank you very much, and huh for joining us as well. another update coming up in half hour. farmers presents: fifteen seconds of smart. so you want to drive more safely? stop eating. take deep breaths. avoid bad weather. [ whispers ] get eight hours. ♪ [ shouts over music ] turn it down!
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and, of course, talk to farmers. hi. hi. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum ♪ >> welcome back to "today" on this thursday morning. we are listening to a little kesha. we have so to show you this video. this is a 3-year-old little girl attempting to blackmail a toy out of her father. you got to watch this. >> if we get them tomorrow, i'll be mad at you. >> it's time to go. >> i can't. >> why can't you go? >> i can't without my little pony. there is something about these other horses. >> these hoshss, so you want these horses? what if i told you we're not
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getting anything today? >> if i don't get any horse, i won't be able to love you any mover. >> you won't be able love me any more, that's it? >> i will only be able to love my mom. >> that's it? after all those special times we've had together? >> oh, wow, she knows how to play him. >> she is hard door. >> i got to tell you that, though, i hear that all the time at home. my luke is the exact same way. >> christine and i call it negotiating with terrorists. you cannot let george get the upper hand. >> you are done. >> i got the i won't love you. i have. oh, yeah. you are like, wow. >> george. he says i am never going to be in this family and he crosses his arms and walks away. with ekind of blow him off. >> adele la. do you think dad caved? >> no, i don't think so, i don't think he did. >> i also love the instinct. we do this too, your kids have a tantrum. you record it.
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i have no respect for your anger right now. i'm going to record it. >> i'm going to show it to your girlfriend some die. >> on youtube shortly. >> all right a. check of the weather. >> over to the weather wall. hold on a second. i want to do that. all right. thank you very much. >> and we've got showers, thunderstorms. work, their way across the upper mid-west also some heavy rain down through texas. we're looking at showers and thunderstorms, hey, out of there! what do you think this is? a tv studio? why, we do look for a risk of strong storms especially up as we get into the mississippi river valley. with relooking at those storms firing up today. it may cause some problems, talking about isolated hail, damaging winds an maybe even an gorgeous across the bay. golden gate bridge. you can see it clearly. fog-free for now, but 24 hours
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from now, it changes. pretty nice afternoon. 78 degrees, san francisco. 80 in oakland. upper 80s and low 90s inland. 85 in san jose. tomorrow we'll see the cooling and the low clouds coming back in. bigger changes friday night into saturday. especially north of the golden gate. that's where we'll see the best chance of showers on saturday. >> that's your local weather. we met up with the non-profit group special spaces. >> we joined the incredible volunteers at the gentile home to pull off a surprising makeover for deserving kid who is battling an illness. >> we found out the group does so much more than remodel spaces. >> reporter: special spaces has a simple mission. to brighten the lives of children with difficult medical
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situations. it started with one woman who just wanted to help a boy plagued by cancer. >> we heard of a little boy who was nursed this his room. he wanted to have his friends over while he was going through cancer treatment. >> she realized by reinventing a sick child's bedroom, she could make a huge difference in their quality of life. >> i will never find the cure for cancer, maybe i can make the journey softer, a safe place to go, where there is no needles. >> this morning the special spaces team descended on the home of jiani gentile diagnosed with childhood leukemia. mom gina was overwhelmed when she heard her son was selected. >> it's awesome. we only had a couple days to be a way from it. i can't believe it. i can't wait until he sees it. >> as she put him on the bus for school, the dedicated team to have volunteers began the remodel inspired by his love for
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super heros. >> when he woke up from his sport input. he woke up and told me and his father, look, mom, i'm ironman. >> that took off with being he's an avenger. >> hold on. >> reporter: al, willie and i joined the team of volunteers and jen my immediately put us to work. >> what about the mural? i heard you love to sew. so we put you over there, huh? >> try to give am good room. >> are you comfortable with power tools? >> we'll put you in with the girl's showing. it will get crazy an hour before reveal time. just bear with us. >> reporter: we hit the ground running, sawing, sewing and sketching. >> do i keep going down here? >> reporter: that was just the beginning. next al and i work on window treatments, oh, there's al's finger. willie used his natural born talents to install a ceiling fan. as we hammered away the special
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spaces group arranged to have him picked up from school in a stretch limo and the gentile family spent the afternoon playing video games and racing go carts. a nice way to pass the time before the big reveal. back at the house, our crack squad started assembleing his new bedroom furniture. >> some of them have three. we had to move fast as the reveal time was quickly approaching. >> finishing touches. all those pillows that you love, al. your favorite thing. >> no one cares about these. >> reporter: the whole crew banded together to get it top. as the correct, al final piece was put in place, the limo pulled up. >> we have been working really hard of my team of about 20 people to create that very special space for you today. you have to close your eyes, one, two, three, open up. >> oh. >> look at that. >> oh. >> your name. >> this is how you get up and down in your bed, a special
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slide. >> whew! >>. >> reporter: even his older brother ian, a special forces manner, deployed in an undisclosed location made time to let his little brother show off the new digs. >> wait, there is more. >> since this group won't let anyone feel left out, they made some upgrades to each of the other three kids' rooms. >> so what's your favorite part in your room? >> the slide! >> so cute. well, special spaces started nearly ten years ago. they have 35 chapters around the country. they have done 40 rooms so far. they help children in need. head to our website there were members from eight chapters of special spaces there from all over the country. so it was really great. >> they deploy where they are needed. a bunch went in a u-haul and drove to tennessee to get this job done. it was nun fun to do the other kids' rooms as well and show
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them what we have changed. >> they have a sense of spirit and humor. >> we really loved it. so seen us up. >> you bet. coming up next, why we are mad for plaid ♪ i feel like dancing and singing ♪ ♪ and leaping ♪ and flying through the air. ♪ i feel that music and magic ♪ and sunshine and color everywhere. ♪ ♪ i'm gonna seize the day ♪ i tell ya alive multi-vitamins. made with 26 fruits and vegetables, plus high-potency b-vitamins for energy. ♪ it's so good to be alive! doorbusters this friday 3:00 p.m. to saturday 1:00 p.m. get 50% off worthington and 60% off stafford dress shirts. plus, for 4 days only, starting friday, get $10, $15, or $20 off with your coupon. jcpenney. [ horn honks ] kevin!
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toaster strudel, yah? ♪ warm, flaky, gooey toaster strudel. with a fresher bum. can i talk to you about... bums? your nerves kick in, you've got to go. is toilet paper enough? no you want that. and you want that in every port-a-let. you need the dream team. combo! imagine how great it would feel on your bum. mmmm... yeah that's the face, isn't it? mmmmmm... [ cherry ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine. so let's talk about your bum on facebook. off to my next destination. so, if you're sleeping in your contact lenses, what you wear to bed is your business. so let's talk about your bum on facebook. ask about the air optix® contacts so breathable they're approved for up to 30 nights of continuous wear. serious eye problems may occur. ask your doctor and visit for safety information and a free one-month trial. [ bump ] ugh. i'm the horseless headsman.
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i think you mean the headless horseman? no. have a snickers®. why? because you get confused when you're hungry. lp$'
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♪ i'm watching you. ♪ i'm watching you. ♪ you're knocking me out tonight. ♪ ♪ tonight. ♪ oooooooo. ♪ real ly? ♪ you're sacrificing that real gorum... it's the playoffs!s? enough with the sacrificing. start here... light & fit greek nonfat yogurt. thick, creamy, twice the protein and ps 80 calories. light & fit greek. ♪ dannon! the kitchen? it's amazing. lots of unexplored surfaces and tough, greasy messes to clean. oh. wow! [ male announcer ] scrubbing bubbles heavy duty cleaner with fantastik has a spray that easily cuts through grease so it cleans those greasy soils two times better than clorox clean-up.
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let me at that grease. [ male announcer ] scrubbing bubbles with fantastik. we work hard so you don't have to. in the kitchen. [ female announcer ] sc johnson, a family company. >> back now with common sense strategies to teach your kids about money. it's never too early to start. new research shows kids are absorbing financial lessons much younger than thought. >> gene shatzky is here to tell us. >> this new study from the university of cambridge, kids are absorbing lessons as young as age 7. 7. hand the they're watching what we do. so we have to be really careful. >> so we have broken this down by age group. we will start age 5 to 9. how do you talk to them about
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money? >> the first lesson is money is a limited resource. the only way they will learn this is by having some money, spending it, preferably on something they regret and you as the parent cannot bail them out. they have to learn, once it's gone, it's gone and there are no do-overs in many, many cases. all right. they also at this age node to learn the importance of saving. the only way most kids will do that if if you force them to save part of their allowance. i'm a fan of allowance and you can also match what they're saving so they can get to the bigger reward faster. so if they want to save for an expensive american girl doll, if they want to save for a gaming system. match what they are doing. >> let's move next 9 to 11. >> so at this wage, kids can get the concept of value. so when you take them to the grocery store, have you this ongoing conversation with them about things like unit pricing and things like when post is on
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sale, kelloggs isn't, vicar is sa. get them into the game by making them the coupon clipper for your family. give them half of what they save you and they'll be totally into it. >> we end up showing them the generic brands. >> proprietary. >> versus the name brands. >> also a great lesson, within they taste it, they can't tell the difference. >> i buy one name brand, replace it inside with a generic. >> you are father of the year. >> all right. let's go age 11 to 15. now, kids are starting to earn their own money. >> kids are starting oearn their own money. when kids work ages 11 to 15. they actually get to be much better financial managers as adults. so you want to encourage them to go out, to baby-sit. you want a list of things at home that they can do that you will pay them to do if they have trouble finding employment outside. this is the age where we teach kids about credit and debit. i started my kids on debit card around age 12 or 13 and started
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giving them their alounts electronically. they can put the apps on their phone. you pay have to be the bank before they drive. they can then watch you transfer money back into yours. if you link an account, you don't have to worry about the men mum balance as long as you keep it in one place. >> high school into college. >> kids need to understand how much they will have to borrow. i think it's really important for them to understand how much they'll have to pay back on a monthly basis once they fwraut. so help them run the calculationts. then sit down with them with books like these. physical out, this is the value. this is what it will cost. this is how much you the child are in for. let them help make the decision on that basis. >> let them know they're probably not going to get a free ride. >> no, absolutely not. if they're going to be paying back student loans, they need to know how much money they will have to earn in their job in order to make these payments and not come home to live with you,
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which no one wants. >> we are back in a moment. in is "today" on nbc.
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♪ [ female announcer ] wherever morning brings you, bring the energy you need. new nature valley soft-baked oatmeal squares. softly baked. made with hearty oatmeal and a drizzle of cinnamon. they're nature valley's brand new take on a morning classic. because when you keep going, the morning can bring you to brand new places. ♪ nature valley. nature at its most delicious.
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>> the stars of "america's got talent." >> you guys are amazing. >> oh, yeah. >> is this a twerk? >> give us a little something. >> hey, hey, hey. >> keep my hand in tight. hands up. >> hey, hey, hey. >> did you shave your pits
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. >> good morning to you. 9:56. i'm laura garcia canon. an upscale neighborhood in san ramone back to normal after a standoff with a woman who refused to leave his for her closed home. the lock smith and property manager went to the home in the
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north canyon estate in unincorporated san ramone. the man allegedly locked himself missed and fired a gun through the door, according to deputies. property manager was hit in the leg. the homeowner is now many jail. new security measures go into starting tonight4 fans will hav their bags searched and pockets emptied before walking through a metal detector. the a's recommend fans allow themselves plenty of time to enter the park for the first game, since it's something new. check the forecast now with meteorologist rob in for christina. >> a sunny finish to the day. a very summer-like day with highs in the 80s and low 90s inland. 85, san jose. low 90s around the tri-valley. upper 70s to near 80 across the inner bay. cooler temperatures with more clouds and eventually all this is going on set up for a chance of some showers as we head into the weekend. big drop in temperatures as we approach saturday and sunday. at this point sunday looks to be
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the dryer of the two weekend days. now, for a check of your thursday commute, once éñagain here's mike. >> you know, a look ahead. over here past the coliseum, slow after work. the a's are playing again. tonight it's at 7:05. we're looking over here towards the coliseum. right now, though, we see the slower traffic starting to move a little better than the northbound side. problem.better than the hasn't been for a half hour hour now. moving very nicely there, but slow through the valley. still, early morning problems at the castro valley y don't clear in until after the commute is over, and that is the pattern. no problems. just a little slower drive. fremont, and downbkt in toward petersboro. back to you. >> thank you very much. another local news update coming up in half hour. have a great thursday morning. mom?
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did nana ever give you cheerios when you were a little kid? yeah, she did. were cheerios the same back then? cheerios has pretty much been the same forever. so...when we have cheerios, it's kind of like we are having breakfast with nana... yeah... ♪ yeah. you're so smart.
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>> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today," with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. >> hello everybody. it's thursday. we have been working up a thirst. it's september 19th. we're glad you're with us. i worked late last night and then we went out clubbing. >> we did. we're busy. here's the thing we were on america's got talent last night and i woke up thinking how did he do that trick. >> yes, this darling kid. if you didn't see it, we were his muses basically in helping him do his magic trick. >> here was his trick. he took a book, my book --
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>> yeah. >> i had no choice but he picked yours. >> i selected page number 96. he asked you to pick a page. >> any page. >> and you out of the blue said -- he was flipping and said just say stop and i stopped on the page and it was 96. >> okay. >> and then he said read the first word on the page and i opened it and it said sucking so i said the word is suck. the first word on page 96. meantime, before that he handed kathie lee an envelope and sealed it and asked her to sit on it. >> which i was happy to do. >> of course you were. there it was 96, sucking. shut the book. then he asked her to pick a $1 bill out of a series of bills and he said read the serial number of the bill. then he said hand the envelope over. the same envelope she had been
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sitting on. watch what happened -- don't watch what happened. we'll tell you. it's better when we tell you. so he snipped the envelope open and do you know what -- this came out of the envelope. >> the word sucking on it. >> it was written on there. >> that's right. >> we pulled it out. it was written on one side and on the other side was the serial number of the bill she had chosen. >> this one. >> yeah. >> it was that bill. >> it was unbelievable. >> where is 96. here's the other part. i want to show how it fits in exactly. okay. look. >> it's crazy. >> it's crazy. how did it happen? >> oh my god. >> is it your missing page. >> one word on it. sucking. >> are you kidding me? >> is this the serial number?
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what the number. >> k 13805733 h. >> yeah. >> yeah. he is an adorable kid. he came in fourth. we were pulling for him. the winner was a brilliant performance artist. i guess he is also a dancer. he's an -- >> an artist. >> magnificent. >> it was fun. congratulations to him. we should point out that our good friend meredith viera is going to be doing an interview with valley harper. >> that's coming up tonight on nbc. >> isn't today the anniversary -- >> the mary tyler moore show debuted in 1970. can you imagine? >> no. i loved that show. >> one of the finest ensemble
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casts ever, ever assembled and mary was the perfect lead for it because she just let it all happen around her. she was brilliant. we're all brilliant. >> any young girl going into journalism looked at mary tyler moore and thought she has her own apartment and works in the news business. you thought it was possible. >> it might be the one show in television history -- i could be wrong -- but had the most spin offs. >> rhoda. >> phyllis. >> lou grant. >> lou grant. >> betty white should have had her own. >> and betty does now. >> i know how to do now, l la la la. frank is upset about it. we go down to all the places where we used to look into each other's eyes. >> now you're on your -- >> when i used to go crazy about
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who was that actress on the mary tyler moore show? i used to go through the alphabet and picture her and exercise my brain but now i google it. he doesn't like it. >> so you're busy googling things. >> frank likes to be adored. >> well, he is adored. >> he likes to be adored -- most men -- by the way, how many of you guys love to be adored? every hand went up and some other things. well, they're raising all kind of things. >> any who, let's move on to bromance. >> who doesn't adore him. >> justin timberlake and matt lauer has a bromance. we were minding our own business not paying attention to what was on the tv. >> because we don't care. >> we look up and there is what we saw, matt -- oh, elvis. >> as the king of rock and roll, congratulations. >> we did it.
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>> thank you. come on. >> because who knows what can happen in vegas. >> i am happy for them but i don't think it's going to last, you know? >> how cute are those two? >> you know it's sad when these things happen. we so feel for this guy. did you see this guy on wheel of fortune? >> there's a guy that could have won $1 million. it landed on the sliver of a million. all he had to do was get the puzzle right. it's up on the screen. you can almost read it. there's only one letter missing. you watch because they said he fumbled it and that's part of the rules. >> you have to pronounce properly. >> pick that up and turn that around. see that million bucks right here. $2,350. spin or solve. >> i'm going to solve.
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>> corner curio cabinet. >> i'll solve, corner curio cabinet. >> yeah, that's it. >> heartbreak. >> that is ridiculous. >> we'll take a look at it. >> he lost 1 million. >> shell shock. >> but he got $2,000. >> he's fine. >> he should be grateful. 2,500 more than he had >> look, he was looking at curio and he said corno. >> can you imagine the nerves? >> he was so upset. >> a guy lets a guy go in front of him at the grocery store, congratulations, you're our millionth customer. the guy is going crazy. yes, that's me. the guy behind him is going, what the heck.
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what they don't say is that guy turning around, saying you know what, here's half a million because you were nice enough to let me in the line. where's common decency. >> i don't know. >> speaking of more than decent, clint eastwood has a son. do you know -- i just gave it away. >> whatever. >> sometimes you blow a moment. i just did. >> let's start all over. forget i said that. >> who do you think this picture is? who does it look like. >> it looks like my son, cody. >> that doesn't look like clint eastwood. >> okay. >> wow, what a great-looking kid. >> he's 27. he is cute. his name is scott. >> oh! >> it really does look like him. >> that's clint around the same age. >> yes. >> very handsome. >> clint who's been around the block a few times, which one is the mom. jacqueline reeves. she was a former flight
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attendant. >> yes. >> please go back. >> okay. >> anyway, that was that. then you got to see him. i think it's time for a little music. you're going to love this. >> no, no, no, this will put you in a good mood. this is a gospel song. >> i'm going to like it then. >> this is a song i chose. it's by donnie mcclerken. >> i know him. >> of course you do. >> crank it, please. i had a rough day yesterday, hodi. >> yes, you did. ♪ when can i call you ♪ when can you answer ♪ when can i need you ♪ how can i reach out ♪ when can you hold me ♪ you console me once more >> let's get to it. ♪ every time i turn around >> nice.
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♪ the most amazing thing i found ♪ ♪ you're there to pick me up ♪ the time when i fall down ♪ we fall down >> i love this song. >> one of her moves. >> i have more. i'll show you at another moment. >> you're in "us weekly." . there it is. and there it is. >> hasn't jennifer aniston been pregnant for two years now? that's what i thought. >> someone else is in it. >> you know you're being photographed because you look fantastic. hoda hearts blake. today's hoda named her cockapoo after -- la la la la. where is your cover for "dog and life" magazine with blake. >> look at jimmy fallon's dog. he's cute. >> his name is paul or brian or george. >> gary. >> that cracks me up.
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>> is it okay or not okay to take the ex on vacation with you? here's what we had to say about it. >> it's weird but if you're okay with it, who am i to judge? >> it is not okay. he is an ex for a reason. hello. >> be nice about it, hoda. >> he's not coming on vacation. >> okay. can i? >> yes. >> that's lame. anyway, yes, i would -- i am friendly with my ex-husband but i cannot imagine in a million years -- >> going on vacation? why. unless you had kids. >> is that terrence howard. >> i believe it is. he has his guitar going. >> he has an unbelievable new movie called "prisoners." there's a me low side to this man, too. he's a fine musician. maybe he'll be interested in having a thirsty thursday strawberry basil smash cocktail.
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would you like that? >> i'd love that. >> we'll be right back, right, hoda? is that all the business we have. >> it is. >> yep. this movie is intense. we'll talk about it, then we'll lighten up a little bit. >> yes, we will. >> we'll be right back, after this. [knock] no one was at home, but on the kitchen table sat three insurance policies. the first had lots of coverage. the second, only a little. but the third was... just right! bear: hi! yeah, we love visitors. that's why we moved to a secluded house in the middle of the wilderness. just the right coverage at just the right price. coverage checker from progressive. [ male announcer ] you say mango. ♪ old el paso says mango salsa stand 'n stuff steak tacos. ♪ you say what's for dinner? old el paso says start somewhere fresh. old el paso says talking about delicious breakfast choices. check out walmart's huge selection of cereals.
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my kids' favorite! and more than 100 of them are under 130 calories or less per serving. so you can feel great about serving it to your family for breakfast. walmart has over 100 cereals with 130 calories or less per serving. backed our low price guarantee. walmart. (it's alive... it's alive!) make your halloween come to life. twizzlerize your tricks and treats with twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. for digestive health? yes and did you know that trubiotics is a daily probiotic that helps in two ways? it supports digestive and immune health by working in your gut where 70% of your immune system lives. try trubiotics today. by working in your gut where 70% of your immune system lives. boredgive it a color boost! with l'oreal healthy look crème gloss haircolor. go from mousy to glossy! l'oreal healthy look haircolor lasts through 28 shampoos. so boost the color you've got - a little or a lot. go from mousy to glossy with l'oreal healthy look.
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this is the creamy chicken corn chowder. i mean, look at it. so indulgent. did i tell you i am on the... [ both ] chicken pot pie diet! me too! [ male announcer ] so indulgent, you'll never believe they're light. 100-calorie progresso light soups. real fruit plus real nuts plus real multigrains equals real delicious! quaker real medleys, your on-the-go burst of goodness! quaker up. ♪ [ female announcer ] we lowered her fever, you raise her spirits. we took away her ear ache, you kept the midnight watch. we reduced his teething pain, you turn up his smile.
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infants' tylenol® reduces fever and pain while being gentle on the tummy. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. infants' tylenol®. thank you. >> we have been seeing so much of oscar nominated actorer the address howa
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-- terrence howard. >> he was in the butler. so good. >> now he is saring along side hugh jackman in the big screen thriller opening tomorrow called "prisoners." i watched this film yesterday. this is a tough -- this is every parent -- you have three children. >> three children. >> every parent's worst nightmare. >> then as a grandfather you think you make it through it when your children get older but now i have a 9 month old granddaughter. so have to go through the same fears again and again and again. but as frightening as it is to the human heart, it kind of reminds you to teach your children how important discipline is. when you tell them don't go play near something they need to understand that and they need to listen to that little voice inside of them that tells them when something is about to go wrong. >> spectacular cast. >> hugh jackman. what is it like working with him? >> viola davis plays your wife.
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>> she is so strong. i wish i had a real wife that was that strong. >> no reason to get into that. >> she is strong. >> she says more with her face -- she doesn't need words. >> she doesn't. i feel like i was so creative around her and hugh jackman, the nicest person in the world. everybody says that. every friday he bought 300 lottery tickets and passed them out. >> are you kidding? >> every friday to everyone in the crew and we could all scratch out and maybe win $5. maybe win $20. >> that makes it huge when somebody notices you and says thank you, it's a huge thing. >> was it tough dealing with that heavy subject day after day. >> it would have been tough but jake kept us laughing. >> did he? >> he's very good. >> he's so funny. >> as the police detective who is also very timely in the fact that it seems like one guy is working on this whole case. >> yeah. >> so many of these police departments have had to cut back like crazy. >> but it takes one person that's really committed to
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finding it. >> but also, hoda, because you didn't have a chance to see it, it also is very, very human about what would you do in order -- if you had a chance to help find your child, what extent would you go to and where would you cross your own moral lines. you have a line in there that's unbelievable. >> what do i say. >> i don't want to give the whole movie away. but you moved us deeply. >> the point about being human is maintaining that hue of god in us. you can be man which is just animal but that human aspect is our morals and principleprincip our divinty. >> the butler. >> i haven't seen it and hoda loved it. >> i'm crazy about that movie. did you respect such a response to that movie? >> not at all. >> amazing. >> we jumped in and ran out so quickly.
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no one got -- everyone got paid scale. there was no money for the budget. so for it to be such a great hit it is just a testament about the artistry and what people really want to see. >> beautiful movie. you all love that director. >> lee daniels. >> he's if phenomenal. you got to work with oprah and viola. wow. >> you have a guitar over there. >> you play a little music. >> this is a little portuguese. [ music playing ] [ singing in foreign language ] >> don't start twerking. >> i can't help it.
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>> i have no idea what he is singing but i love it. >> do you speak portuguese or just sing it? [ singing foreign language ] >> oh, i love it. >> and you play piano as well, right? >> yeah. >> you do it all. >> thank you for coming to see us. >> it is great to see you. thank you so much. "prisoners" is in theaters nationwide tomorrow. "the butler" is already out. >> thank you for letting me do that. >> you're welcome. >> waiting outside for their chance to get ambushed. >> two women from the plaza show ♪ sometimes all you need is the smooth, creamy taste of werther's original caramel to remind you that you're someone very special.
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now we're bringing our smooth, creamy caramel to popcorn. discover new werther's original caramel popcorn. ow! why do i do this? [ female announcer ] some things are hard for kids to digest. rice krispies are easy. because they're made of rice, which is gentle on tummies. you missed one. it's simple as... ♪ snap! crackle! pop! ♪ rice krispies! [ male announcer ] prep your lawn this fall. get store-wide deals like 50% off scotts ez seed grass mixture at lowe's. ggo olive gardeneals for new lunch combinations starting at 6.99! create your favorite combination like new chicken parmigiana sandwich. paired with unlimited soup or salad. even more lunch combinations starting at 6.99. go olive garden! that's all it takes, to help make a kid's wish come true.
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join straight talk wireless at our "give a minute. help make-a-wish" event, and help make more wishes come true for children with life threatening medical conditions. this saturday from 10-4 at your local walmart, take a minute to learn more about straight talk wireless and we'll donate a dollar toward our goal of one million dollars to make-a-wish. straight talk wireless. same phones. same networks. half the cost. available only at walmart. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate ♪ we, we chocolate cross over ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over ♪ [ male announcer ] fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate doorbusters this friday 3:00 p.m. to saturday 1:00 p.m. get 50% off worthington and 60% off stafford dress shirts. plus, for 4 days only, starting friday, get $10, $15, or $20 off with your coupon. jcpenney. we need a new recipe. hmmm.
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let us consult the scroll of infinite deliciousness. ♪ oh! perfect. [ wisest kid ] campbell's has the recipes kids love. like easy chicken and cheese enchiladas. so good! can i keep this? you already have it at nice. [ blows ] [ gong ] m'm! m'm! good!
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all right. we're going to be playing madeline's mad food challenge with four people from the crowd outside. it's about the liquid calories hoda and i are so fond of. >> we are. >> do you know how many guys make up five for fiveing? >> 8? >> we have a performance coming up. >> and we're out of hair and make-up. ready to see themselves in the mirror for the first time. >> two ladies from the plaza get mirror for the first time. >> two ladies from the plaza get inst and i'm colleen a walmart mom blogger. and i'm going to show becky some delicious breakfast choices that will make her family happy. let's go! ok. so does your family like cereal? they love it! oh, then i got some great news for you!
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ok! check out walmart's huge selection of cereals. oh, wow! my kids' favorite. and more than 100 of them are under 130 calories or less per serving. really? so you can feel great about serving it to your family for breakfast. nice! walmart has over 100 cereals with 130 calories or less per serving, including these cereals from general mills. and walmart's prices won't be beat with our low price guarantee backed by ad match. walmart. imagine a new level of refined, perfected. at pixel level. new l'oreal texture perfector. refine texture reduce pores diminish lines even close up, skin looks remarkable.
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new youth code texture perfector. only from l'oreal paris. with simple, real ingredients, like roasted peanuts, creamy peanut butter, and a rich dark-chocolate flavor, plus 10 grams of protein, so it's energy straight from nature to you. nature valley protein bars. i in hey, good morning. it is 10:26. i'm john kelly. los gados cracking down on gun shops. this week the town council approving new regulations restricting where gun stores can operate. the rules state gun dealers must get an annual permit and stores
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must be at least 250 feet away from youth-oriented businesses, schools, churches, parks, and government buildings. now, these rules the result of public outcry that started back in december when templar sports opened a shop on university avenue. the current location does not comply with these new rules. templar has four years to either change locations or completely stop selling guns. we will have a look at your weather locally and traffic coming up right after this break.
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>> climbing hopefully into the 60s and low 70s inland. nearing 70 in san jose, and 23450erg 70 already in san francisco. a warm day around the bay. upper 70 toz near 80 in oakland and mid 08s san jose. low 90s inland for the east bay and south bay valleys. all this goes weigh, though. the clouds start to fill in. a chance of some showers. especially for the north bay. >> rob, let's take a look at 101 south at the -- it's a little slow there. the last of the peninsula commute through palo alto. still slow in san mateo. southbound passed the truck there at tesla. no problems there as they're gathering in the yard over there. the bay bridge toll plaza, aye maty, as you go over the water. the backup off the berkeley curve is clear. heading back to you. >> i'm disappointed you left your eye patch off too. maybe next year.
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coming up more than 20 hours away hands on the new iphone. we'll have it for you coming up at 11:00 a.m. hope to see you then. we're back with more of "today" on this thirsty thursday and time for our plaza ambush makeovers when two ladies from our crowd get new looks. >> all at the hands of today contributor and designer for the stars. >> and today contributor and contributing editor for people style watch. >> jill martin. >> yes. >> what about back up singers. >> they won't let us in. >> we'll accept it. >> a beautiful day out there. >> great day. >> it's a perfect day. i know it's still summer. we found two great ladies. >> sally kennedy is our first lucky lady.
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she told us her hair has a mind of it's own. she was nervous but she was excited to try something new. >> all right. so we're little a freaked out in this area because you just wake up on a thursday morning and then this. >> very freaked. >> a woman of few words. what do you think about this? >> i'm excited. but nervous. didn't plan on this. >> it will be great. >> are you excited to see a whole new wife. >> sure. sure thing. >> we're going to take good care of you. >> okay. thank you. >> so she is here with her husband, dan. all right. dan, please keep your blind fold on until we give you a green light. here is sally kennedy before. let's see the new you. come on out. >> wow. >> wow, sally. >> take off your blind fold. >> oh my god.
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>> all right. sally, are you ready to turn around. >> all right. turn right around here. >> oh my god. >> it's really you. >> are you sure? >> yeah. >> you're gorgeous. >> wow. >> turn right around here and look at camera 12. tell us about the hair. >> of course i had to keep her blonde. just made it a little darker. it's deeper at the roots, keeps it natural looking. this great hair cut from bridget. >> love bridget. >> she can wear it curly or straight because of the long layers. >> what are we thinking? >> i didn't recognize her. she looks like katie couric. >> obviously one of his fantasies. >> okay. moving on to the dress, look at this hem line, this is the new hem line for fall. >> below the knee? >> a little longer.
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and this is a great pink for fall. not too bright. a little magenta. >> beautiful. >> all right. our second lady is marilyn. she is 65 from michigan. and she told us the last time she wore heels was in 1996. so she was thrilled for the chance to get a glam new look. let's listen. >> so another surprise victim i should say but i know you're really excited. >> i am. i am terribly excited. we came down here today just for this hoping to get picked. >> what are you hoping for? >> a new style. a new look. a new look. you know, i have worn my hair this way for 100 years and something new would be nice. >> okay. so we can do whatever we want. >> well, my boyfriend doesn't like short hair. but other than that, you're okay. >> all right. lewis, that's your only thing. no short hair. >> well, the boyfriend is going to love it if it looks great. that i happen to know. she is here with her friend barb.
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let's take one last look at marilyn before and bring out the new marilyn. >> oh, yeah. >> wow. >> okay. take off those blinders. >> oh. >> do you want to turn around marilyn. >> yes, i do. >> okay, hon. >> it's beautiful. >> oh my gosh. oh my gosh. >> it's long, see. >> it's still long. >> turn around sweetheart and look at camera 12. tell us what you did. >> this shows that you always have to keep making small changes. at least every couple of years. the change here is she had one long line around the face and it made her face just down. the layers added depth to the color and, again, the make up is minimal. >> yes. >> and that dress. >> it's a maggie london. >> beautiful. >> beautiful and such a
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beautiful hour glass shape and this highlighted that and i love the booties. >> oh, yeah. >> very cute. >> and they're very comfortable. >> let's bring sally back out. a big round of applause. >> good job for everybody. >> all right. thank you everybody. >> more fans from the plaza are coming inside this time to play a game with us. >> they are? we're going back downstairs. >> the food challenge you guys. >> thank you, jill, love you guys. >> beverages and calories, if my name is mike and i quit smoking. chantix... it's a non-nicotine pill. i didn't want nicotine to give up nicotine. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. [ mike ] when i was taking the chantix, it reduced the urge to smoke. [ male announcer ] some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic
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or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. it feels wonderful. i don't smoke. i don't smoke. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. real fruit plus real nuts plus real multigrains equals real delicious! quaker real medleys, your on-the-go burst of goodness! quaker up. [ ding! ]
10:37 am
losing your chex mix too easily? time to deploy the boring-potato chip decoy bag. then no one will want to steal the deliciousness. [ male announcer ] with a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix is a bag of interesting. [ male announcer ] with a variety of tastes and textures, the triple-groove wand combs through for clump-free length. while a potion with strengthening proteins drenches lashes for spellbinding volume. do you believe in magic? dare to be revlon. dare to be revlon. go! olive garden's never daending pasta bowl. it's all unlimited just $9.99. and even unlimited meatballs, sausage or chicken for $2.99. go olive garden. and now get your exclusive buy one entrée get one half off coupon at
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yep. how'd that happen? um... [ female announcer ] some things are hard for kids to digest. rice krispies are easy. because they're made of rice, which is gentle on tummies. it's simple as... ♪ snap! crackle! pop! ♪ rice krispies! shop early with kmart sneak free layaway. ♪ snap! crackle! pop! and even (shop your way) member priced... items can be put on layaway. kmart. get in. get more christmas.
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it's time for another round of madeline's mad food challenge. today is all about beverages which we may know a thing or two about. >> our game show host is nbc news health and diet editor madeline and four people off the plaza were chosen to our teammates. on team hoda we have patti and mark from florida. >> and on team kathie lee i have
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sisters-in-law from orlando. >> this is all about beverages. i'm going to read a question and give you the answer. anyone on each team can buzz in when you think you know the answer. if someone gets it wrong the other team can buzz back in. let's get started. >> we're ready. >> we need about 60 grams of protein a day at least. three glasses of days of one of these kinds of mill k provides half of this [ buzz ] >> hoda. >> almond milk. >> you would be wrong. >> let's go. >> cow's milk. >> the answer was already up here. >> on the screen. i saw it. >> that's not fair. >> well, chrilax. >> which one of these is higher
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than 300 milligrams. two 16 ounce mugs of coffee or two shots of expresso. >> expresso. >> which one is it? >> red bull? >> no. there you go. >> that can't -- that's just wrong on every level. no, no. >> okay. let's move on to soda. so about how many pounds would you lose in a year if you cut out just one 12 ounce can of soda every day. >> no pressure. >> 3, 7, or 10 pounds. >> 10. >> you are right. >> 10 pounds. 150 calories a day. you get 10 pounds in a year with one soda. >> your little victory is dance -- >> this one is a little tougher. which one of these could you eat
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for the same calories as a 16 ounce glass of cranberry juice in scrambled eggs, piece of canadian bacon, rye toast. six cups of popcorn, or cantaloupe. >> we are going for the big one people. we're going for a. >> you would be right. >> we got that one. >> that was double or nothing, right? >> that's 260 calories. >> it's a tye. >> can you believe the canberry juice you can have a whole meal for that. >> how many glasses of champagne will equal the calories in a large strawberry margarita. >> four. >> four. >> we were going to say that. >> you were going to say that. >> i have a little trouble seeing this. >> oh. >> hello, i'm going around.
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>> when the tide turns. >> no, that's fine. for the next time we do it. >> so. there is one difference between club soda and seltzer and what is it? the calories, the sodium content or the b vitamin content. >> there's more calories but it also has more sodium. >> c. >> b, sodium content. no calories. >> okay. double or nothing. >> okay. >> now, think on this one. how far would you have to walk to turn off the calories in three regular beers? a mile is about 100 calories. how far would you have to walk. >> 4.5. >> 50 calories. you are right. >> i told you. >> and the winner is -- >> it's us, double or nothing.
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>> everybody wins. >> everyone is a winner here. >> thank you very much, jerry. >> thanks jerry. >> for one more lousy mug. >> awe. >> just kidding. she wanted to find herself and travelled 10,000 miles to do it. >> wait to hear what she found. he imagine enough plastic to cover mt. rainier. what if we could keep that much plastic waste out of landfills each year. by using just one less trash bag each month... we can. and glad forceflex bags stretch until they're full. so you can take them out less often. it's a small change that can make a big difference. and for continuous odor neutralization... use new glad odorshield with febreze.
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new l'oreal magic nude. our first liquid powder. just shake... this delicate liquid magically transforms to an airy, powder finish. flawless un-makeup look, no-makeup feel. new l'oreal magic nude. (it's alive... it's alive!) make your halloween come to life. twizzlerize your tricks and treats with twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. about layaway backed by ad match here's what they had to say. if walmart lowers the price they automatically give... you the lower price. knowing that i can get the rollback price... on my layaway gives me total piece of mind. walmart's layaway is free with no opening fee. and it's backed by ad match. get started today. walmart. [ mom ] in my family, so we just look for this g. 'cause general mills makes over 40 yummy flavors that are 130 calories or less per serving. and they're packed with vitamins and minerals.
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from lucky charms to cheerios. over 40 cereals. 130 calories or less. [ laughs ] ♪ [ female announcer ] hey ladies. you love it. you've got to have it. cinnamon toast crunch, 'cause that cinnamon and sugar is so irresistible. everybody craves those crazy squares.®
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most of us have gone through a period when we feel we need to find ourselves. well, mindy was no different. while she was waiting to get into business school she felt the urge to change her life. >> she did. she packed her bags, grabbed her red nail polish and she headed to kenya because what else would you bring with you. she writes about it in warrior princess. and she made it out of the bush and she is here with us today. what a -- you didn't intend to
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go become the warrior. that happened when you got there. >> along the way. >> it did happen. >> tell us how that happened? >> i was 27 years old. i was lost trying to find my purpose and i went to go volunteer in kenya to build the clinic. i was close with some of the warriors and one of the chiefs and went on a hike and said how many women are ware yors. and he said none. women aren't strong enough or brave enough. >> i said i have to fly around the world to hear the same thing i hear in this country. i said what does it take? he tells me you can only eat what you can kill, you have to live in the forest and you have to protect your tribe. i said that sounds like something i can do. >> she set out to do it. >> this is how you describe it. i examined my hands. they looked like they belonged to freddie krugers sister. all that was left was blood and dirt but in a strange way i
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enjoyed the pain. >> you liked the grueling experience. >> there was many times when i wanted to wave the white flag. i was almost swallowed by a hippo hole. hi to climb a tree. >> he was protecting the tribe. >> what was your come away from this thing? what will somebody come away with if they read it? >> dig deep. find your passion. never let no get in your way. if you hit a road block, bulldoze it. >> this is a great read. you are an inspiration. we have an excerpt on our website klg and >> we're cheering you on. >> a brand new song from five for fighting. but first this is "today" on nbc.
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>> the toyota concert series on
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today, brought to you by toyota. >> a big day tomorrow. plus how to get your kids moving and how to dress without spending a lot of money. >> first he grabbed your attention selling millions of songs like superman and 100 years. >> now he's out with bookmarks and his new song called stand up. [ music playing ] ♪ if you write a tragedy ♪ where you can't be saved ♪ if your dreams put you asleep ♪ ♪ cause your bed is made ♪ stand up, stand up ♪ stand up, stand up ♪ cause you're falling down
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♪ if you have to paint your face ♪ ♪ and you're not a clown ♪ if you're naked lost in space ♪ ♪ and all you wears a frown ♪ stand up, stand up ♪ stand up, stand up ♪ cause you're falling down ♪ stand up, stand up ♪ stand up, stand up ♪ before you hit the ground ♪ there is no perfect man, we are just who i am ♪ ♪ if you don't understand ♪ well don't give up ♪ cause one and one is two ♪ enough to get us through ♪ if i can count on you ♪ to just stand up
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♪ can anybody out there hear me? hear me? ♪ ♪ stand up stand up ♪ can you anybody out there hear me, hear me ♪ ♪ stand up, stand up ♪ cause you're falling down ♪ stand up, stand up ♪ before you hit the ground ♪ stand up, stand up ♪ cause you're falling down ♪ stand, up stand up ♪ before you hit the ground ♪ if you have to paint your face ♪ ♪ and you're not a clown ♪ if you you're naked lost in space and the world lets you down ♪ ♪ if you write a tragedy where
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you cannot be saved ♪ [ mom ] in my family, we're big cereal lovers.
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so we just look for this g. 'cause general mills makes over 40 yummy flavors that are 130 calories or less per serving. and they're packed with vitamins and minerals. from lucky charms to cheerios. over 40 cereals. 130 calories or less. [ laughs ] ♪ [ female announcer ] hey ladies. you love it. you've got to have it. cinnamon toast crunch, 'cause that cinnamon and sugar is so irresistible. everybody craves those crazy squares.®
11:00 am
>> good morning, everybody. i'm john kelly. marla teye sfwl has the day off. here we go again. a new america's cup champion could soon be crowned on the waters of that san francisco bay, and it could happen as early as this afternoon. now, despite being just one single race away from elimination, the skipper aboard for team usa said it is not over. it is a long way from over. got to love the eternal optimism. nbc bay area christy smith live along the san francisco waterfront this morning with a preview of that race, and matter of fact, can you watch it right here on nbc bay area. how does it look out


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