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tv   NBC Nightly News  NBC  October 2, 2013 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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>> perfect. >> yes. >> thanks for joining us here at 5:00. hope to see you at 6:00. >> good night. . on our broadcast tonight, high stakes, a late meeting tonight at the white house. the president and congress face to face. fatal crash. a church bus has collided with a tractor-trailer. there are many dead and injured. the take down. a major bust by the fbi. heroin, cocaine, all available on one easy to access website. and the chase, new video and how's gone all and the country. the death of one of the best selling authors of all time. nightly news begins now.
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from nbc world headquarters. good evening. they talked into the night tonight in washington, but nothing's moving. the shut down continues. so does the anger across this country and the frustration with congress. earlier today, the president expressed his exaspiration at the defiance in washington. it's where we begin tonight with nbc's chuck todd. >> reporter: good evening. what was a glimmer of hope, a meeting that lasted more than an hour between the president and the four congressional leaders, it seemed maybe something would break. speaker boehner, though, after the meeting ended came out to the cameras right outside the west wing and appeared very frustrated. take a listen. >> the president reiterated, one more time, tonight, that he will not negotiate. we've got divided government. democrats control the white house and the senate. republicans control the house.
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we've sent four different proposals over to our democrat colleagues in the senate. they rejected all of them. we've asked them to conference, to sit down and try to resolve our dips. they don't want to -- they will not negotiate. >> reporter: well, the will mott negotiate is about the issue of health care, not opening up the government, not the debts ceiling. this is all about health care. that's what house republicans want to negotiate on. we heard from nancy pelosi and harry reid, they followed speaker boehner out there, and essentially reiterated that yes, that is right. they're not going to negotiate on any of those points. so brian, day three of the government shut down begins tomorrow, because the house and senate are officially have gone home for the night. we're going to be here a while. >> chuck todd at the white house. this is where we sit tonight. the impact being felt all across this country by millions of americans in all walks of life.
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nbc's john yang with mea few of many of the examples. >> reporter: callers to a call-in show did not hold back. >> i blame this on the republicans. >> i blame this on the democrats. >> reporter: on day two, anger around the country rises as the impact spreads. at the national institutes of health outside washington, nearly three quarters of the staff is on furlough, that means turning away 200 patients a week for last resort medical treatment, including about 30 children, most of them cancer patients. the pain is being felt by more than those who depend on programs but by employees. it's also affecting government contractors. josh and laura hale have five girls and zero pay.
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both of them are on furlough from wright-patterson air force base. they're still trying to recover from losing six days pay each because of the sequester. >> even if we end up getting reimbursed for the time off, it's too late. we need money now. >> reporter: something like 7 month old harper's $300 emergency room visit for an ear infection could be a financial disaster, a hard reality they'd like congress to understand. >> i have to pay the price because you don't agree. >> reporter: frustration growing in families paying the price for gridlock in washington. nbc news, chicago. >> the white house is still trying to fix a lot of glitches people are experiencing trying to sign up for online exchanges. there is been a traffic jam in 36 states where the internet is
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the only option. 6 million people have tried to log on so far. we don't know how many have managed to enroll. we do know a lot of them have seeing the same frustrating screen message that reads we have a lot of visitors on the site right now please stay on this page. the white house is promising they're adding more capacity. there's been a terrible accident involving a church bus on tennessee's i-40. the bus filled with seniors crashed into a semi and a suv. at least eight are dead, more than a dozen injured. we get a late report tonight from nbc's tom costello. >> reporter: on i-40. smoke, fire, and miles of back up. state troopers say a church bus blew a tire and crossed the median, slamming into a semi and a sport-utility vehicle. >> it was a large boom. and i was several miles away. >> reporter: at least eight people are known dead, at least
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six on the church bus who had gone to a jubilee. they've seep a lot of crashes lately. >> in the last six months, there's been quite a number of them in this area. >> reporter: after a series of more efik bus crashes in recent year, the department of transportation began cracking down on bus operators. >> we've got to do an inspection. >> reporter: the focus, the busy i-95 corridor from new york to florida. in all, the dot put roughly 40 companies out of business. it's not clear whether the bus was hired by the bus or owned the bus. >> in many cases they don't operate to the same standard that professional bus companies do. >> reporter: tonight, i-40 is expected to remain shut down well into the night. tom costello, nbc new,
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washington. the fbi shut down what it is calling the most it sophisticated internet site in the business of selling hard drug, including heroin, cocaine and lsd. it was a robust and completely illegal business on the web. our pete williams following the story for us. good evening. >> reporter: february agents say they've been closing in on this operation for two year, even making over a hundred purchases of illegal drugs from the site and having it all shipped to them in new york. anyone trying to log on to the website today found this notice, shut down by the fbi. when it was running, the web seethe known as silk road was the biggest bizarre for illegal drug, an international marketplace with a sideline in illegal hacking software. prosecutors reveal today that they arrested the man they accuse of running the site.
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a 29 year old with degrees in engineering and physics. >> he was very technically adept, and he was able to hide both the websites that he put together and the actual sales of illegal drugs that the drug sellers would make on his website. >> reporter: investigators say in the two and a half years it was operating it generated roughly $1.2 billion in sales with nearly 960,000 users, both buyers and sellers in the u.s. and more than a dozen other countries worldwide. court documents say the site urged sellers to vacuum seal packages to avoid detect by canine sniffers and urged buyers to have packages sent to someone else. it was an online market for virtually any the illegal drug imaginable. the fbi says this ad offered
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high quality heroin conveniently vacuum sealed. a reporter for forbes magazine wrote in august about buying mare juana off the silk road website. >> it was very professional and sort of seamless experience. >> reporter: he called himself dread pirate roberts after a character in a movie. they also accuse him of offering money to have a user of the site killed who was threatening to expose it. but investigators say that was never carried out. as you may know, for days now benjamin netanyahu has been warning the world that the new president of iran is a wolf in sheep's clothing with his conciliatory talk about peaceful nuclear program. he is keeping up the pressure in an interview with our chief
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correspondent andrea mitchell. >> everybody knows that iran wants to destroy israel, is trying to build atomic bombs for that purpose. you don't want to be where this regime has wild ambitions and they get away with building the weapons. >> reporter: two leaders with radically different visions on the world stage. netanyahu warning that rouhani cannot be trusted. >> i want a diplomatic solution, but one that absolutely dismantles iran's nuclear program. >> reporter: why not test him. >> we are. the important thing is not what he says but whether we get a full dismaptsling of his nuke can clear program. >> reporter: why not give this man a chance?
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>> if they had a free go, are you kidding? they'd toss out this regime, these people, the iranian people, they don't have, they're governed not by rouhani. they are the governed by the ayatollah. >> reporter: even with the u.s. government on the brink of shutting down on monday, the israeli leader spent hours with president obama delivering the same message to him. >> andrea mitchell here with us. thanks. we have late word to us at the michael jackson wrongful death trial. after five months of testimony, the jury has just found that aeg live, the concert promoter of jackson's concert tour should not be held liable in the singer's death.
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jackson's mother and his three children had filed the suit alleging that aeg had negligently hired dr. maurray. he was convicted of giving jackson that powerful dose of propofol that caused his dechlt. and the video that's causing so much talk. and later, the unbelievable sign that folks in one city woke up to this morning. the submarine sticking up through the pavement.
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it is a scary and grisly piece of video, and if you've ever been driefgs a car and found yourself in a swarm of motorcycles, but what happened this week took an ugly and violent turn. it's repeated all across this country. >> reporter: as motorcycles chased a family with a small child, 911 calls flooded in to report the terrifying scene. but before police could reach the black souf, the riders smashed the business executives windows, pulled him from the car and beat him. his wife and child were unhurt. one of the alleged motorcyclists was arraigned in court today,
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charged with reckless driving and unlawful imprisonment. cruz and the other motorcyclists chased the suv after his bike was bumped when he stopped short in front of the vehicle. >> he had absolutely nothing to do with the beating. >> reporter: the family of edwin, another rider severely injured when he was run over by the suv defended the group. but law officials say these groups are growing in number and aren't easy to stop. videos are posted on line like trophies. in dallas, riders taunt police in pursuit. motorcyclists breakthrough a block aid. ? st. louis they take over the highway. >> there have been several incidents where several of them were severely injured.
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>> some of them go out to cause havoc. >> reporter: they brace for trouble from motorcycle groups every weekend when the weather's nice. how powerful are they as a group? >> they're very powerful, depending on how many there are, their motorcycles can hit speeds of 150 plus. >> reporter: in new york city more arrests are likely for a confrontation so frightening it's shedding a light on a nationwide problem. nbc news, new york. when we come back here tonight, the controversy over what's happening on some of the n nation's most hal owed ground.
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there's controversy among some of those with families buried at arlington national cemetery after a forced clean up of area 60.
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until recently, it was full of mementos of many of the grave sites. as one washington post writer described it, a living memorial, a raw, messy burial ground of wars still being fauchlt the cemetery has now embarked on a full-scale cleaning, saving some mementos in storage, but it was decided it had to be kept to the same cleanliness standard as the rest. cemetery. the government shut down has also shut down u.s. cemeteries overseas, including the vast d-day cemetery in normandy. southwest airlines has announced it fired a pilot of an airline that landed nose first this july. the now former captain was a 13-year vet ran with the airline with over 12,000 hours of flight time. we now have the first pictures from space of the
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newest island on earth, this was the one we told you about formed in the weak of that violent earthquake in pakistan just over a week ago. the island is about 70 feet above sea level. it appeared from the ocean floor offshore. but geologists say these islands are often formed by surging mud, and they often disappear over time because they get eroded by the constant action of ocean waves. an extraordinary sight visible on a small barrier island in alaska, the dark area between the snow and the water, that would be solid walrus. it's been called the great walrus hang out of 2013. an estimated 10,000 of the animal, and remember, they are not small. some of them grow to weigh as much as a car. the speculation is they've gathered on that beach because of dwindling ice options in alaska this time of year. and a shocking sight in milan italy as people in the old
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section of the city woke up to find that a submarine had surfaced in the middle of the street, crashing through the pavement, narrowly missing a car. sailors were seen scurrying out of the tower, but when you stop and think about the fact that there's no ocean beneath the streets of milan, you realize what an artful hoax it was, an elaborate publicity stunt for an insurance company. when we come back tonight, remembering a master, one of the all-time great names behind the stories of suspense.
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for anyone who has ever passed by a bookstore, say nothing of his millions of fans, tom clancy's name has always been sin on muss with a good gripping form. over the years he used his vast royalties to buy a tank and to buy partial ownership stake in his beloved baltimore orioles. he died today at the age of 66. we have a look back tonight. >> reporter: from shawn connery and alec baldwin, harrison ford,
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ben affleck, their roles would include movies in tom clancy novels. but his pulsating yarns were always the real star along with his spy tactics. >> i read books. i try to keep them current. >> reporter: current or prescient. clancy used a smart bomb in clear and present danger to take out a meeting of drug cartel leaders. and in patriot games, his jack ryan hero took us to the cia's inner sanctum. often many wondered if he was writing from classified
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information. >> it seemed that he was righting from inside the military, he was very smart, extremely well-read. and i was a great plot twister. >> reporter: clancy wrote over two dozen best-sellers. several were turned into action-packed movies that helped secure his reputation with fans worldwide. he told matt louer, he at any time worry about bad reviews. and was unapologetic about his political views. his latest novel is due out in december. dead at 66, survived by his wife and five children. and as any author would want, his blockbuster stories, too. and that is our broadcast on a wednesday night. thank you for being with us. i'm brian williams. and we hope to see you right back here tomorrow evening. good night.
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right now, a $1 billion black market for drug, busted. and the king pinch arrested. >> cocaine, heroin, acid, all available within a few clicks of your mouse. tonight, the mastermind is behind bar, busted in all of all place, a san francisco public library. we're live in san francisco with more about the man accused of being an onlieng drug lord of
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sorts. >> well, jessica, his name is ross william eulbrich. he appeared here in federal court about 10:00 this morning. he's young, some might say clever, and accused of using the internet as his financial playground. >> he looks like the innocent boy next door, but fbi documents explain why he may not be so innocent. he was arrested year at the glen park public library with tuesday afternoon. he had a laptop in his possessio possession new york senator charles schumer said he brought the website to the fed's attention. >> he was able to hide the website that he put together and the actual sales.


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