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tv   Today  NBC  October 30, 2013 2:05am-3:01am PDT

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>> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza, oh, hey, everybody. it's booze day tuesday. kathie lee is enjoying a little more time off. guess who's here, everybody, with his bourbon. the way we say it in new orleans. >> it's actually tea. >> it's not. >> if you watch the "hurt locker" i know you did. oscar-winning movie, this was the man. here's what's crazy. >> is that because we're working
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together. >> we were looking at the film, not over your whole career, over the last year, do you know home films you did? >> three. >> five. you did five, including "runner, runner" with ben affleck and justin timberlake. are you guys pals? >> we are home boys. we are home boys. >> you are? >> yeah. yeah. >> we hang out. >> what's it like working with guys like that? >> we're not really friends. it's cool. they were really nice guys. we shot the movie in puerto rico. so what can go wrong in puerto rico. >> a lota mafungo. >> what is that? >> don't get it wet. don't worry about that. go to puerto rico and get some mafungo. >> you are in "captain america." you, my friend, are falcon. >> yes. >> okay.
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now, it's got to be a little weird. you're a superhero. you've got to look the part -- ooh! was that you? >> watch it, watch it! brothers, be blind, yes! brothers be blind, yes! [ laughter ] >> now, look, i can feel by your bicep you're in good shape. what kind of shape did you have to get into for that role? >> chris evans is built like a greek statue. so i showed up in shape. that's when i saw him. i thought i need to get in real good shape. i got in possibly the best shape i've been in since high school. >> and -- >> pretty good shape. i even had the underwear muscles that all the women go, oh, my got -- i had those. no mafungo. >> what happened? what outfit were you wearing in the movie? >> well, i play the falcon. basically, a military tactical expert that's brought in by captain america to help take down a soldier. that's my gear. my look. that's what i do.
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>> we like the gear, but we would like to see you in this much better. it's a present. >> ooh. can i open it now? >> yes, please. as a falcon, we wanted you in this. >> i hope this is spandex. >> we didn't want you in this. we wanted you in falcon red. >> wow! i'm going to be right back. >> it is a falcon -- because that's -- >> i like it. >> ooh, and then there's a zipper. >> there's a zipper. >> happy time! >> let's do it. >> isn't this nice? >> i'm putting this on right now. >> you are not going to -- >> all right. fine. i thought you wanted to play. >> let me ask you this. when you're in the film, clearly, did you do your own stunts? >> some of them. i had a great stuntman named aaron tony. friend of mine, we worked on four, five movies together. and i would always tap him in. i don't believe in that tom cruise stuff. no. he gets paid really well. when they hooked him up on a crane and dropped him 300 feet, i was like, tap in. go ahead. good luck. not me.
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good luck, jack. >> speaking of stunts, a crazy guy riding away. were brazilian surfer. 100-foot wave off the coast of portugal. you have to look at this to understand what's going on. it's the world's largest -- >> the name, 100 foot -- the largest -- >> then the surfer before him that almost died doing this, and he saved her. got up on the wave -- >> and rode it. that is -- >> that's grown-man business. >> wait a second. that looks like it's a boat, but i think it's the dock. >> that's the dock. that's the lighthouse. >> the lighthouse. >> yes. >> look at him. look at him blazing through. >> yes. and he's all the way out in the ocean. >> i cannot even comprehend that. >> why would you -- >> are you a thrill seeker? would you jump out of a plane? ride a wave? >> when it comes to water? no. no, no, no, no, no. i feel like in water, you die instantaneously. in the air, you can figure out a way to, you know -- hit a tree or something. >> my biggest fear, by the way, of dying -- this is a good subject. my car going in the water. >> not being able --
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>> can't get out. >> remember everybody, those crazy ladies used to keep the window breaker in their car? >> yes. >> do you have one of those? >> no! >> we got to get you a window breaker. >> i know that feeling. you're trying to breathe and water goes in -- >> i can't do it. >> i can't think about it. >> wait. you're shivering. three seeker, pass that. >> this is your favorite topic. >> with soup. the gate's opening. uh-oh. >> here is the story. there's a new study out. >> yes. >> and the new study says. >> yes. >> the question is, does sex -- >> yes. >> -- burn enough calories to be a workout? >> i didn't request that. >> come on. ♪ come on, baby whew ♪ >> that's my karaoke song. i don't want to make it weird. go ahead. ask me to play ♪ let's get on >> during sex, calories burn, women, 3.1 calorie in a minute. >> i don't know how many minutes. i don't know what they doing,
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but i've read that you burn more calories during sex than anything else. maybe that's just in the hood. that's that fifty shades of grey thing. >> they say it's not as good as jogging but it's better than walking. >> you know who does these studies? >> who? >> people who don't have good sex. that's what it is. >> they said that the average -- get this. >> average, average. >> do you know this answer? >> no. i'm not looking at it. >> the average person has sex for how long? what's the average length of time -- >> at one setting or -- over -- >> one setting. one evening. average length. >> average? 3.5 minutes. >> the average is 24 minutes. the quickest is 10. >> so who's having sex for 48 minutes? >> i don't know, but people are. >> that's bananas! you'll throw out your hip doing that. >> the longest is 57 minutes. >> you're out of more mind. no, there's not. no. get outta here. >> we don't know when they're clocking it. >> is that foreplay?
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>> probably. >> that would have to be dinner, ride home, conversation, shower. you got to shower before. you know, that would be all that. yeah, yeah. got to, got to. >> i didn't realize -- first of all, anthony is a really neat, a guy, smells great, but i like walking in the makeup room a few minutes before the show, maybe 15 minutes before, you know what this man was doing? cutting his hair. >> that's it. got to. got to. >> he said that we didn't have a barber. >> how you have a brother on the show with no barber? that's like going chick-fil-a and they ain't got no chicken. got to have a barber. one go with the other. >> al roker is bald. >> al roker just putting nar on his head and wipe it off. i got the fro. i'm bringing 1968 back. >> what's your favorite length of hair? >> no. usually a short caesar -- it's short hair to your head even all the way around with a nice
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defined hairline. it frames your face really well. >> ever do a part, or not for parts? >> not since i was about 12, but i think i'm going back to the part. >> are you? >> because my nephew has this whole thing, i am caesar man in this head. when i was a kid, i had two dice with my initials on the back of my head. it was short all around. >> you like that look? >> you like that? >> i like that. >> sometimes in life. >> uh-huh. uh-huh. i'm listening. >> sometimes in life you don't see things coming. >> oh, you see them. >> all right. well, let me see if you see this coming. there's a salesman. a car salesman. just check him out. his name is joe barzale. take a look. >> oh, joe! getting it! look at his booty. get it, joe! >> ooh! >> that was a 57-minute dude. that's what joe is.
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that's what joe. >> ooh, ah! oh! >> oh! >> oh! >> oh, my god. you're right about the behind. >> joe went to urban high school. he was on the dance team. that's what it is. >> by the way, from alabama. at the hyundai dealership. >> i would buy a hyundai. >> can you imagine? they started shooting -- >> i would buy a hyundai. joe, show me, and he do that, i'd buy a hyundai. >> he might hold you to it. >> right here. >> they were just shooting a commercial and he broke out with the moves. >> that makes me nervous. i don't know what to do with that, but this is the most important. >> what? breaking news. >> breaking news. hot off the press. >> got it. >> give it. >> got it. >> the jonas brothers split up. >> they did. >> now, the jonas brothers. >> we had them here. >> now, three weeks ago they announced they were cancelling their tour due to a rift in the band. >> we wondered what that was. >> now they've confirmed with "people" magazine, that they've broken up. >> that is -- first of all, they're great guys.
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they've been on the show countless times. i love this song. can you crank it? ♪ one, two, three baby put your pom-pom downs for me ♪ >> are you serious? >> ♪ baby put your pom-poms down ♪ you don't like it either? >> something about me saying, i wouldn't like this song. i don't think it's the demographic. maybe it's the sweater. i don't know. >> a little bit of a bummer. anyway, they've been talking about a conflict they've had for a while. >> actually, it's kind of catchy. >> right! >> aren't they too old to be singing about pom-poms? >> no! they are not. >> i don't know. ♪ yeah every time feels like ♪ >> doesn't that feel like new orleans. >> you're good! >> you know it's good if they got a gospel choir. >> anyway, nick says, this is what nick -- he said in "people" magazine. >> not nick? >> he said, i was feeling kind of trapped. >> brothers as in siblings.
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some brother, you know there are consequences and repercussions. you ain't breaking up my group. >> joe says the breakup was a unanimous decision. decision. >> no. that means nick said, we're no longer together. and i ain't going on tour. that's what that means. >> you ready to play a little game? >> nick saved his money. everybody else broke. everybody like, we need this tour! >> we're going to do a little bit with "the voice." you're going to guess who the winner is. let's go. >> cee lo's back on "the voice." >> i'm so good at this. ♪ to deny me you, you, you, ought to know ♪ >> right. >> here are the other one. ♪ baby, don't you treat me this way ♪ back on me feet some day ♪ >> she lost. ♪ if you do come >> she lost. ah, look at christina. >> okay. >> oh, look at adam.
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>> we are going to pick. we are going to pick. >> i love adam levine. >> who do you think won the first or the second? >> this is the thing. because it's "the voice" i know the second girl won. i'm pretty sure. >> why? >> they always pick the person you say, there's no way she'll win. >> the first girl won. are we right? >> we are correct. the girl in the black leather pants. she drops to her knees. >> that will do it. that will make you win. >> we have a big show coming up. what did you say? >> i said, she won. >> we have a big show. guess who is here? >> who is it? >> blake shelton's mom dorothy shackleford is here. >> dorothy! >> and guess who else is here. i'm so excited. >> i know, i know. >> oscar-winning actress, the fine, mary steenburgen. >> i got it for her. >> she's a singer. we're going to learn a lot about her. >> she still look the same way she did in "back to the future." that's crazy. >> i know. but first these messages.
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the oscar-winning mary steenburgen is one of hollywood's most charming actresses but you may not have known she also a musician n. her new f film "last vegas" playinga vegas lounge singer who meets a group of men of a certain age from a certain time. therefore, bachelor party. >> vying for her affection. take a look. >> what brings you boys to vegas? >> i'll tell you what brings us to vegas. big, fat lie. i just wanted to come over and tell you how much i enjoyed your performance. >> oh, thank you. >> you're not spring chicken but you deserve better than being around these low lives. >> wow! prince charming. is that you? you're so much shorter than i thought you would be. >> ow! mary, first of all, welcome. >> thank you. >> what a cast. let's make sure we get everyone right. michael douglas, morgan freeman, kevin klein, you, all oscar winners.
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>> all five oscar winners. >> and all guys that i had dreamt about working with. one of them, and, boom, there they all are, and fighting over me. so, like, wow! what just happened? >> you play a lounge singer. >> yes. >> you're an empty nester, kind of a difficult life and now you're spreading your wings basically. >> i do. i sing in this sad little lounge with basically like two people in there on ventilators, but i sing my heart out. so that's all that matters. >> there's a scene with you and michael douglas where you guys go on the stratosphere. >> yes. i hate it. >> tell us about it. >> no. i hated it. it's real, first of all, what you look at there, is not -- not -- >> why would you do that? >> no. i shouldn't have done it. >> you got to read the script. >> oh! >> oh! >> never again. >> no. you're hanging 100 stories above the ground. >> and -- that actually happens on the ride? >> that actually happens, and it's not our doubles and it was crazy and michael and i were up there and the director later
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said, well, by the way, it was 29 mile-an-hour winds and they close it at 35. >> i'm like what? >> oh, my god. >> are you serious? >> i guess they didn't really value me and michael douglas. i'm not sure. they stuck us up there. >> we have to talk about the party that i just learned about. on cbs sunday morning i saw a beautiful piece on you. in this film you sing. >> right. >> i have to say, first of all, i was so fascinated to hear you sing and number two to know that you write your own songs? >> first of all, the singing is very knew. that was really for the movie. but very quietly about seven years ago i started writing music, and i never talked about it publicly, because it meant so much to me to earn the right to be in the room with these amazing writers in nashville that i write music with. i didn't want to shoot my mouth off about it and brag on tv. so i never talked about it. we got a tim mcgraw cut the other day and i write with these
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beautiful, amazing people. jeremy spillman and i wrote "cup of trouble" that's in the movie. it was fun to write for myself. >> "cup of trouble." >> you've got to go see the movie. what's funny, too. ted danson, your husband said, when you write music or when you sing, he said, you're in heaven. >> when i write. i go to heaven. yes. when i sing, i'm learning to go to heaven. it was scary for me to sing. i had a tremendous fear of that, and working -- i worked with a vocal coach and we worked hard for this movie, and i'm -- i'm proud that i conquered my fear. >> this movie, being in vegas. do you gamble at all? are you a bacharach girl? >> you no what we? i'm an arkansas girl. like a train conductor. no. i'm like so -- i'm not -- i'm cheap when it comes to gambling. i cannot throw money away. no. >> what if you win? that's like getting money thrown at you? >> i did. the other day i gave my kids.
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we were all in vegas. i said, here's $100 each. big spender. i said, you know, see what you come up with. the girls immediately lost their money. my son charlie doubled his money. and then so i said, okay. then charlie and i both played and we doubled the money, and then i walk away. i'm like -- insane. you know? >> mary, you are so sweet and it's so fun to learn new things about you. you've been on the scene a long time and it's always fun to learn more. nice to see you. "last vegas" hits theaters on friday. and we have a special lady coming by. and she's blake shelton's mother. i'm so excited. >> and she happens to be an accomplished songwriter herself. >> yes, she is. we're going to meet dorothy shackleford, but first, these messages.
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were actually a mistake? uh-oh. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. i've got a big date, but my sinuses are acting up. it's time for advil cold and sinus. [ male announcer ] truth is that won't relieve all your symptoms. new alka seltzer plus-d relieves more sinus symptoms than any other behind the counter liquid gel. oh what a relief it is.
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than any other behind the counter liquid gel. macke, and do you know what time it is? >> game time. >> announcer: it's time to play "spin the bottle." >> look at your -- so pretty. >> and i'm tired of looking at that big, bulky chair in the tv room. we're going to find out how -- >> whoa. >> forget. wait. we're spinning the bottle. are you ready? are you ready? >> spin it for real. use those arms. come on. spin it! the other way. >> my god, there's a lot to worry about. excuse me. >> here we go. >> there it is. >> are you ready? are you ready? >> all right, all right.
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>> here's your question. >> does that mean it's for me or for you. >> for you. they're all for you. have you ever man staked, and if so, where? >> are you serious? >> that's a good one. have you -- look at me. have you -- i can tell if you're lying. >> of course i have. >> and where? it's a two-parter. >> everywhere. oh! but i don't cut all the grass off the lawn. i just make sure it's tidy. you know? i don't -- i just like my yard to be like a golf course, nice and tight. >> you are so lucky that that's your only question. [ laughter ] >> you lucked out. all right. coming up we're going to find out about design taste with the pros and guess who's here? shelton blake's mom dorothy. we're excited.
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we are back now with more of "today" on this tuesday, and anthony macke is here helping me out while kathie lee enjoys the day off. we're excited to welcome the mother of my all-time favorite
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country star. and i think she's scared of me. her name is dorothy shackelford and she's blake shelton's mother. >> yes. yeah! >> so exciting. >> no surprise. you're a songwriter, too. right? >> i'm a songwriter. >> right. penned her first novel for the holidays called "time for me to come home." >> first of all, can we just make a toast to you for raising such a wonderful son? >> your daughter's not too bad either. i just saw her. i like the spiral curls. >> that's blake's sister. we have his sister and mother here. >> this is my second favorite day, next to the day when blake's here. but, anyway, just want to run a little clip, because your son did have having to say to show you off before we started your segment. >> hi, mom. i just wanted to say congratulations on your book. "time for me to come home". and i hope it sells a million -- i hope it sells 10 million copies and i hope you have fun in new york, and kathie lee and hoda, please, don't get my mom too drunk.
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too drunk. [ laughter ] >> oh. >> is there a story there? >> then it gets real. >> now, tell us about this book, because this is such a great, new adventure for you. there's a main character in your book. is it based on your son or someone who came to you in your imagination? >> there's many similarities. sawyer, he's like blake. they both like to drink a lot. >> of course they do. >> that's the main thing. >> okay. >> and -- he's a country singer. >> right. >> just coming off tour. tired, warn out. just wants to go to a deserted island but he has to go home because it's christmas. >> have you enjoyed writing? i know you enjoy writing music, but writing books and that kind of thing? is that something you always -- >> this is my first book, but i've wrote hundreds of songs. nobody will record them. but i have. >> we're going to record one of
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your songs today. the book follows heath on his journey and him wanting to come home. the idea. so what was blake like when he was a kid? like, christmas and stuff like that? all the gifts and wanted so much for christmas? >> you know, he never really wanted that much. he already had everything. >> look at this picture. okay. i'm dying. >> he always -- >> do you think -- >> i have those jammies. >> of course you do. can i ask you a personal question. do you think it's weird that i named my dog after your son? >> i think it's awesome. >> you do? >> yes. >> not a little weird? my mom thought it was strange. my own mother thought it was strange. i told her, look, it's no big deal. >> he calmed you that morning and said, do it. you remember? >> yeah. so it's all okay. >> yeah. >> i didn't name my dog blake. i was -- same dog. different name. >> you should name your dog dorothy. >> done. changing -- my dog's name is kathie lee, but i'm going to containing her name to dorothy.
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kathie lee dorothy. that's her new name. >> oh, yeah. oh, yeah. >> are you surprised -- when you watched -- look, your son was very famous obviously in country music circles and then after "the voice" he sort of exploded across country. are you surprised at how much people have taken to your son and they're just so enjoying watching him evolve? >> you know, even when he was young, people took to him. he has been like that all of his life. just a jokester, cut up. crazy. >> uh-huh. >> bug you to death. pester. i mean, that's him. >> does he have your sense of humor and personality, or where does it come from, do you think? >> i think he got some from both me and his dad. >> okay. what about his sister? [ laughter ] sorry. is that too much? too forward. i'm sorry, i'm sorry. >> he probably didn't get much of that fun stuff from her. >> she always makes me jealous. i'm trying to make her jealous. >> we want to wish you the best of luck with this book. congratulations. tell your son i said, hi.
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you can read an excerpt from dorothy's book on klg and it's time to get rough and ready with hockey. >> anthony and i are going head-to-head with two members of the women's ice hockey team. >> i'm taking them down. >> they're going for gold. >> i'm taking them down. >> oh, nice! in your dreams!
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all right. we are back with the countdown to sochi. 100 days until nbc heads to the winter olympic games.
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>> after taking home the silver medal one year ago in vancouver, the u.s. who can women's hockey team has its eyes set on gold once again.women's hockey team has its eyes set on gold once again.women's hockey team has its eyes set on gold once again.women's hockey team has its eyes set on gold once again.women's hockey team has its eyes set on gold once again.women's hockey team has its eyes set on gold once again.women's hockey team has its eyes set on gold once again.women's hockey team has its eyes set on gold once again.omen's hockey team has its eyes set on gold once again. >> and returning, two women hoping to make that happen. hillary knight and megan duggan. hey, guys. >> megan! >> yes. >> all right. we're going to play in a little bit. but this is a big year for u.s. women's hockey. isn't it? >> huge. >> tell us about it. >> we're gearing up. we're out of boston now, training hard every day and just getting ready to hopefully head to sochi and bring home a gold medal. >> are you working around the clock? eating veggies, doing all the right things? >> everything. yeah. >> what are you looking forward to most to in sochi? what are you most excited about? >> getting on the ice. getting out there again and playing. >> last time we won a silver. what are your goals? >> approaching sochi to win a gold medal. we want to bring a gold medal back to the united states. we came up a little short in
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vancouver. we're doing our best now. >> when was the last time you got into a fight? i feel we're going to get into a fight today. >> recently, actually. it's a tough sport. >> who were you playing? >> about two weeks ago. against team canada. >> friendly? any friendly advice? >> never friendly. >> you're going to teach us a few skills, and hillary, i'm teaming up with you. anthony is teaming up with megan. >> let's do it. >> what's the game? >> show me how to check her. >> okay. so -- slow down. okay. slow down. >> okay. so are we racing? >> yes. let's race. >> going this way? >> you're going this way. >> so what's the goal? >> you've got to go through the cones. >> through the cones. >> around the outside. >> around the outside. >> can you do that? >> i don't know how to do it. how do you hold the stick? like this? >> here we go. >> ready? >> hold the stick like this. >> i don't have the gloves! >> do you want to put my gloves on? >> can i have your gloves? >> while you're putting gloves on -- >> stay right there. >> anthony, you're going to wish
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you -- >> smells like christmas in here. let's do it. >> on your mark. >> what are we doing? >> just around. >> i'll follow you. >> on your mark, get set, go, go, go! go, go! >> ah. man. wait a minute. wait. no, no, no, no, no! [ buzzer ] >> good one. >> i got it. i got it. yeah! score! >> oh, wait -- >> wait, wait, wait. >> you guys -- >> ooh! oh -- anthony -- anthony -- anthony. >> thank you. i'm joining you. >> it was great. [ laughter ] great having you filling in for this very last time. when did you guys start playing hockey? when did this become your sport? how old were you? >> i was 5 years old. >> did your parents have you on the ice? >> i initially was on skis then we moved to the midwest and skis weren't really available. >> hockey is a big sport in your world, but how big is it nationwide? >> it's big.
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it's growing. i think the growth of the game has been incredible, especially on the women's side. it's just going to continue to grow. >> we're excited. we're going to be cheering you on in sochi, best of luck, and thanks for coming. >> lesson learned, don't know go top corner. >> never, ever. coming up, ideas to help you turn your family room into his, her and their space. and finally, that other space, the family's gathering in. the kitchen. and some gushy goodies from the halloween bash. >> but first, these messages.
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fall is finally here. >> and for every season there's a reason to watch "wake up with al" weekday mornings on "the weather channel." >> it's just right. all your local weather and travel updates. the top stories. >> the front will move through. it will change the temperature. >> you can't beat this weather. >> everything you need to know first thing. >> here's the picture. >> we're kind of like a killer app in the morning. >> tap into us. >> announcer: "wake up with al" weekday mornings at 6:00 and 10:00 only on "the weather channel." well, did you know that old macdonald was a really bad speller? your word is...cow. cow. cow. c...o...w... ...e...i...e...i...o. [buzzer] dangnabbit. geico.
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fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know. i have a big meeting when we land, but i am so stuffed up, i can't rest. [ male announcer ] nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. they don't? alka seltzer plus night fights your worst cold symptoms, plus has a decongestant. [ inhales deeply ] oh. what a relief it is.
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it is time to take you into "today's" kitchen. scaring up fun finger foods for halloween to impress your guests. >> here with ideas you can whip up in no time, chef on "live well." >> what do you have today? >> i'm excited. halloween is around the corner literally. i want to do my version of bat wings. chicken wings with the whole
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wing on it. don't eat the habanero. you're going to hate me. >> key thing. you want the dark molasses color. naught inside there. >> i like that. >> they call me pomegranate in the hood. weird. it's weird. i don't know why. i don't know why. go for it. >> what we're going to do here, habanero. it's spicy. do the spicy dance. >> yes, i am. >> can you do the spicy dance. ♪ do the spicy lady i like that. yeah. >> you don't know that. sorry. take it back. take it back. >> sin in there. >> habanero. >> yeah. only on tuesdays. >> only on tuesdays. >> lemon juice. garlic. >> still holding me when i do that. i got one arm. got one arm. hold it. what's going on? >> i don't know. >> and this is -- a little cilantro. >> you want to mix this guy in here, but only half.
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>> here. a little -- >> in the dish now. what we do, marinade it. you're still holding me. rub it in. that's my arm. just rub it in. we're going let that marinade. you're going to hold me the entire time. >> i am! it's exciting. >> sear them and then put the sauce on top. >> more sauce. >> more sauce! >> so now, here, here -- >> don't you feed me. it's getting weird. getting weird. >> eat it. eat it. just do it. on your shirt. dry cleaning on the "today" show clean. >> in my mouth. >> how was that, anthony? >> ah, umm. party in my mouth. >> party in your mouth. >> so -- ah, ah -- it hurts. it's all good. >> so we go from bat wings -- >> then a fondue bar. >> fondue me. don't be fonduing me. >> look here. >> don't you do it. >> this is bacon. peanut butter and chocolate. hold on. let's just do this.
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go, just do it. why is my face in the middle? why did i just do that? >> hmm. >> that's my version of -- >> this is caramel goo. my version of spooky goo. try that. white chocolate and pumpkin. ready? catch it. come on. can you do it. you're a big boy. you can do it. yeah. put out anything you want -- it's wednesday, right? >> awesome. >> what you do, any kind of fruit, any kind of pretzels -- you're still holding me? what in the world? i need a walker. >> i'm sorry. i'm so excited. >> so the last thing -- >> what's the last thing? >> the last thing, my trick or treat-a-tini a little vodka, a little pineapple juice and a little love. >> cheers! >> no kissing. >> coming up -- hmm. >> isn't that good? >> i love it. >> man. >> nice job. recipes on our website, gang.
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>> last time i'm coming back. >> we're going to make this for everybody. >> this was great, man. >> loved it. let's facebook each other. it's so weird it's fun. we're best friends. >> first, this is "today" on nbc.
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okay. whether it is your spouse's beat up lounge chair that doesn't go with the decor or the lamp you want to throw out, it's hard to make a living space that suits all.
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>> here's an idea for a family room fit for him, you and them. here they are. >> i went to high school with this guy. the parents of seven children. >> seven. >> seven. and the authors of "home by novagratz." nice to see you. start with what's behind you. people are trying to figure out thousand display good family photos. >> we're all about shared space because we have a lot of kids. >> seven kids. that's a lot of kids. >> one thing we love to do, in the shared space is mix photographs. there's a great way of doing it. take your old pictures, your old high school photos. >> did you see this? what do you think? >> please tell me that's you. >> okay. >> any chance of updating this? >> no. hoda was homecoming queen, by the way. >> anyway, you can take your family photos, bring them digitally, to a company like
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shutter fly and make these amazing decals and put them on the wall. >> is that just one -- that's great. >> you can get a 4xwhatever wall. a great way to display something personal. >> we brought something about, your husband, boyfriend has a crummy chair that you don't love. >> a nice chair someone is making you get rid of it. >> what should you do? >> anthony, this is not your everyday recliner anymore. >> no. >> they have come a long way. >> i can't sit on -- can't watch football in this. >> lean on back. >> lean back. >> it's nice and comfy. >> oh -- >> and we like it. women like it. it's not big and ugly anymore. >> you need more funk! >> you no what we? look at the side. beautiful nail heads. >> compromise. >> it's come a long way. >> okay. >> i like the furry ones. >> people want your advice. you know what you're talking about. donna asks -- okay. let's see, missouri -- okay. here goes.
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my husband captain tony won't let me get rid of these deer heads, and whitetails. they're white tail deer heads. here's the picture of them. therapy scary. what can she do about those? >> you have to embrace the kind of taxidermy or, you know, any animal -- listen, we have cow rugs here, in this design. >> okay. >> but you can embrace it with chandeliers. bring them into a season -- >> i thought you meant the deer head into a necklace? >> that might a little heavy. but you can throw garland around it for the holidays. do, since halloween's coming up, put a mask on the deer head. >> quite nice. >> embrace it and have it become part of your house. >> okay. karen moore said something. she asks this. she said -- >> the butt-ugly lamp. looking for -- it looks like it's made for a car. okay? is that -- been living with her for 25 years. what do you do? please help with the lamp. >> the lamp is not nice.
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>> i think it's kind of -- great decor. >> we'll paint anything. we'll take old things. like this lamp here, and paint is a cool blue, and then you've got a modern looking lamp. so you can -- >> we saw this for hardly anything. it was old, beat up, had no life. we painted it and brought it back to life. it's great and fabulous, and we bought new shade for it. >> on a personal note, how do you do everything? >> drink a lot. >> i turned on the tv and shaw you guys on the bravo show. books are out, seven kids. all of these things going. how do you two manage it all? >> we make the kids work. >> we do. we put them to work. we love what we do. not everyone enjoys decorating, but we kind of do. >> lots of coffee, red wine. >> you guys are great. >> i'm going to give you a hug. it's great seeing you again. >> good luck with the new movie. >> thank you. >> i'm going to hug you. >> of course you do. a big thank you to anthony. kathie lee comes back tomorrow. the very funny tim conway with us and announce our teacher of the year. anthony, you rock. thank you.
3:00 am
>> once again. hmm -- >> i'm here to help. you and i will get through this together. ♪


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