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tv   Comunidad del Valle  NBC  November 10, 2013 9:30am-10:01am PST

9:30 am
llo and welcome to "comunidad d valle"ly. i'm damian trujilltrujillo. we have special verans day shown your "comunidad del valle." ♪ we begin today with the parent instute for quality education or piqe. here is a brief look at their progm. the classrooms are always filled with students who have tou questions for the teacher, but these students are different. they're parents. >> i'm participating in this have my kids go off to the to university, and this program offers a lot of resources.
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>> ram villa is takg questions with piqe. >> forver 25 years we've been coitted to connect families, the parents, wh the hool, with the community to engage them inheirchildren's education so that they can become the bestdvocate for their children's education. [ speaking spanish ] >> this won says she's taking the classes so she can lrn how to help ty are children be successful. th model is about to expand in the silicon valley. they were partnering with the hispanicoundation of silicon valley to provideven more parents with the tools theyeed to stay involved, stay connected, and help their own kids. >> and we know that one of the best ways to increase educational opportuties is to educate and engage parents. we know tha the three elements to great student success are an enthusiastic student, a great teacher, and an educated, engaged parent. >> the partnersh with the fountion will help parts in
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the franklin mckinley school district and the rwood city scol district as pt of th fountion's parent education academy giving parents the keys to a promisinguture for their children. and th me here o "comunidad del valle" are those people you saw on ourstory. deen is the executive director in theay area and verica has children who she cares about and is trying to do what's besfor those children. welcome to the show. >> thank you. >> i know there's a chapter in barsfield. how widespread are you and we saw what theremise is, but how vital is that parent involvemen and we srted with one office in san ego, and we have grown regional officeshroughout t state of califoia. we cover more than half of the counties in the state. [ speaking spanish ]
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[ speaking spanish ] >> i havewo jobs, i can't make it homin time. [ speaking spanish ] >> how vital is what s is doing wither children? >> it's true. parents don't just have one job, parents have t jobs and all
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the other responsibilities. a mother has to ce home a cook and can and take car of your ildren. the reality is if you don't provide those necessary tools for your children's education, they're going to get lost in the system. so as a parent, you're never to learn to makehe time, to ve make i a priority, but if you don't have the ols, you don't know where to start. that's whe we come in because teach them where to start. where do you begin? [ speaking spanish ] [ speang spanish ] >> is it a boot camp?
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is it an ongoin program? who n participate a how long is it? >> the program is open to all parents. usually what we dos we'll contract wh the school or school district, and then the parentof that schl are welcome to come or sometimes the school district it a session that goes -- a program that goes on f nine weeks. our parent engagement educaon prram. we have different ograms, but that's our signature progra within that session, you know, they start withone, and tn they get all these core worksp that is really teach tm h to navigate the school system, what is your goal in that school, in the home, in the community? wherere you going to ben? so at the end of theine ssions, they celebrate with a graduation ceremony recving a certificate, going on stage, ceiving that certificate with children as wness to the sacrifice and the dedication you're putting towds their education. >> sacrifice is right. [ speaking spanish ]
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[ speaking snish ] [ speaking snish ] >> what does it say abo rents like veronica who say, no, i'm going to get involved. i want to know and i want to
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learn and i want to make sure i help m kids? >> that goes bk to our philosophy at piqe. it's not that parents don't love thei kids. they lov their kids and want the best for them. sometimes they don't know where to begin. this is what veronica is a testamt to, that parents are willing to support, to hp educate their children's education, to work with the school if they' told how and they're guided through that process. >> they'realled the piqe, and let's giver that you webse. there it is. pretty easy for more information. [ speaki spanish ] [ speaking spanish ]
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>> thankou for what you're doing. we'll be back in our nt segment with another parent and talk about piq esmth, te, the p instite for quality education. ay with us. [ wind howling ] female announcer ] it balances you... [ water crashing ] fills u with energy... and it gives y what you are looking for
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to live a more natural life. in a convenient twbar pack. this is nature valley... delicious granola bars made with the st ingredients in nature. nature valley. ture at its most delicious. we're back on "comunidad de valle" talking about piqe, the parent instute for quality educion. ramon i a parent who you als saw on the video. you brought your two daughters. >> s, i did. >> you talk about parent involvement, this is what we're talking abou talk about wha you learned through qe and what difference it has madeith your family. >> actually, i haveearned a lot through piqe. many, many things tt i didn't know bore about how to prepare them from the elementary stage to t high school sta so ty could stt studyin for the s.a.t., for the a.c.t., a just being more involved with o own
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children from the foundation, which is from pre-k to fifth grade, and it's just very, very formative. >> tl me about these two darlings who we ha here. and wh is it about them that made you say i nd to get involved. >> ts one, her name is adriela and she's going to be 2 years old in december, and this one i aliesh, she going to be 3. and i have also- i have a tells me, you know what?two i have a long ways to go. i have a long way to go because i have two in school rht now, which is a third grader a urth grader. >> and a baby in the studio. >> joshua. 9 months and justeing -- i decided t beore involve in school and through piqe, it gave mhat enthusiasm to say, you know what? i have toalance my life. i can't jt bell the te i need to be more involved in school and what my kids are
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udying andlso my kids are hangin around with what kind of ki. >> whatid this young lady do, what kind of tools did she give you, her and her organizaon? >> sheave me a lot of information. she gave us a binde to store all the information, and a lot ofebsites to go to. and just a dference also betwee scholarships, grants, you know, one y don't have to pay back a one you do. it's very, veryice program. >> do you find that the parents sometimesre a little -- not luctant, butimid about getting involved and once they graduate the end up like veronica and ramon here? >> you notice it in the first session where the parents are veryuiet and you're saying, hey, who c help me? who has the answero this question, and you hear silence, you start hearing their eeks opinions. u start hearing their questions. i wa meeting with a principal last week and her comment was i
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was amazed that those parents had the trust in your organizati to ask the questions they did. they have neversked me these d things. so part of what we do ismpower them so that if youave a question, you can, and we see it. ramon is really active in the school and it's definitely what we want. >> it' more tha just lrning how to hel them dohomework. it's about being involved in thep ta and making sure that t school is doing the right thing, holding them countable. >> that is correct. it giv you more enthusiasm and you want to be involved in the ementary school, pta, and hang other parents get involv. so it helps you network between the parents and throu this prograyou meet a lot of them sometimes a school. see they say where do these parents come fm? their kids arectually attendg the elementary hool. again, tre's the website once againor piqe, log and find out how you can
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learn to be a parent leader a your airman's hool. thank you for the work you're doingnd continuedsuccess. >> thank you. >> up next, honoring our veterans. stay with us. [ wind howling ]
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[ female announcer ] it balces you... [ water crashing ] .it fills you with ergy... anit gives you whatou are looking for to live a more natur life. in a cvenient two bar pack. thiss nature valley... delicious granola bars made with the st ingredients in nature. natu valley. nature at s most delicious.
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in honor of veterans day, w are now airing the msing waiors remembrance ceremo. we feelt's kind of appropriate here is air force veran mike salas. warriors ceremony iedicated in the memory of heroism in lebration of our nation's courage and remembrance of all those captured orost and to the 142 americans, the sons of san jose,ho registed for the armed forces of arica in our great city never to return home from the vietnam war. a place we called nam. the p.o.w./m.a. missing warriors tables reservedn
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memory and in honor of our missing comrades and loved ones, th men andwomen, classified as our p.o.w. and m.i.a. the prisoners of war andissing in actiof all wars. ordinary men and women whoaced an extraordinary call. they a not and will not eve be forgotten. theyre the veterans of the land, the air, and the sea who gave up their tomorrows for o todays. our guardians of freedom, our nation's sword andshield. in the spirit of love,ope, and remerance, let us embrace their spiritual presence. [ be rin ] >> ty were young men and women who converted from school books to helmets. when warhadowed our cntry and fedom was threaten, men and women rolled up the slees and answered thecall. fr gi joe to rosie t r
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riveter. from tractor and plow to jump boots. from ourarmlands and cities to foreign lands. to jungles in e east to ossing the line in desert sands and patrolling the devastating roads of iraq and afghistan. young american warriorsressing forward for freedom, for her majesty, for family, for old glory, one nation under god wh liberty and justi for all. men and women across our great nation stood up, left their homes, and valiantly marched forwd. and bk home a veterans gudian angel remains on eternal watch. god sent a rponsible for our existence the one who would rather light a candle than curse apart is the power o love s her
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embraced within theradle of he heart. she's the unsung hero who stayed at home. the one who had to spe christmas alone. a hug and a kiss good-bye and then y had topart. you left them with an ach and a pain in their hear a be star banner hangs on the window of a place you call home, a mother, a motr or wife weeps in prayer. blue star doesn't turn to gold and haveo live the rest of her life in despair. sh reads from the good book a night by thelow of a dim lit light. and she asks somewhere over there tonight we might have though of home. would you just ge him my blessing and let him know 's not out there alone? then she weeps io sleep, and shedreams. in her dreams she cries. she gave her country a son, a in return recved the stars and
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stripes when the eulogy was done. theystical sound of "taps" echoed in the nht when all w still. she listened to the lone bugler pl and felt a sudden chil startled, trembling, and frightened, sheawakens. she ts pen to per and writes a letter to her loved one in a far away land. always dreading a telegr from the western union man. feeling lonely and ue, her eyes tire and well as a lonely tear drop fell. whe she wrote,ps i love you. she grieves throughout the months and years with heartache d in. tired, stressed, and depressed, chlenged by the test of time, waiting for t day that her son, her daughter, or hband comes home to stay. tell her that life will sll go on. show he lord, that all this darkness will followed by the dawn.
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[ bell rings ] >> athis very moment some are enteri the unknown, experiencing their vy first engagement o war. their baptism of haingire and the perilsf hell and the valley of deat afghanistan war veteran, congressional medal of hor recipit arm staff agent salvatore genta said there were more bullets in the air than stars in the sk d for those who foughtor it and who ar going to fight for it, freedom has a taste the protected will ner know. as greater love has no man than to l dn their life. for he today that sheds his blood for me shalle my for he today that sheds his blood for me shalle my brother. but say i press a fewut flat, add some beef, sloppy joe sau and cheese, fold it all up d boom!
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delicious unsloppy joes perfect for a school night. pillsbury grands biscuits. make dinner pop. [ hans ] toaster strel! [ angelicusic plays ] don't ovthink it. [ hans ] warm, flakey, gooey. toasr strudel! we continue our missing
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warriors remembrce ceremony. here is air force vetan mike salas. >>he american gi known but to god with dignity and referenfe is a triot. is the valiant one who defended the constitution of the united states of america during our finest hour. mission driven and arue inspiration to all who seek theiright to theursuit of happiness. soldi soldier, sailor, airman, coast guard, andarine from all across theand of every race and every eed leaving an unparalleled saga of courage, stand alone as one they did. stand alone one no more. remembrance, protect them, lord, as they protect us until the day they all come home. [ ll rings ]
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the p.o.w./m.i.a. table is set for five representing o missing comrades fm the fiv armed forces of the united states of america. the united states america, the united states marine rps, the united states navy the united states airforce, and the united states coast guard. lives and loves captured, g ssing, orb kiilled, the cry of their spirits continues to be heard, harboring their rage deprived of their pcious freedom, locked upn re, bamboo a concrete cages. oppresseby the enemy in the live spirituallyriven by the red, white, and blue. [ bell rings ]
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the p.o.w./m.i.a. missing warriors tableas many symbols. e tab is rou symbolizi ou everlasting concern for our missin comrades. the table cloth is wte sim boggizing the purity of their motives in answering their country's call torms so that children could remain fre and be given a chance. the single red ros displayed in a vase reminds usf the life of each of the missing and their loved ones and friends w continue the faith awaiting answers and continue the faith awa awaiting their retn home. the vase is tied with a d
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ribbon, sbol of our continued determation to account for our missing. a slice of lemon on the bread ate is to mind us of the bitterate of those ctured and missing in a foreign land. a pinch of salt symbolizes the ars enduredy those missi and the families who wait and ek answer the glasses are inverted to symbolize their inability to share this evening's toast. the bible symbolizes the spiritual strength gained through fth to sustain those lost fm our country found as one nation under god. the candle, the lone candle is the eternal light of hope which prisoner alone ting to stand against his oppressors. the napkinsre black symbolizing oppression by the enemy in the dkness of doom. they are fmed in a triangul
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fold epitomizing highest honor to one's life, god, country, and fami. and,last,he chairs. the five chas are empty. young live barely lived, young ves barely loved. let their hallod memory are the caliber by which our eat nation is measured. remember their bravery, appreciate their courage, and thk god that they lived. and ifears could build stairway and memories a lane, we would walk up to heaven, change their te, andring the all ho again. [ bell rings
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and now in memory o those who paid the ultimat sacrice, we prent "taps"nd the final salute. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> that was air fce veteran mike salas. i can watch that aundred times d still be moved by it. we thank you for sring a par of your sunday once again. you have any announcements, drop us a mail bag. there's our e-ma address or foll me ontwitter. my handle is @news damian. we thank you once again for sharing a part of your sunday with us. we hope you have an enjoyab veterans day weeke.
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10:00 am
man: tree fu, go! [♪] ♪ come with tom ♪ tree fu tom ♪ to a world th's filled with fun ♪ ♪ it's tr fu tom ♪ adventure, magic too ♪ where tom and you ♪ help all of his magical friends ♪ ♪ twigs ♪ squirmtum ♪ aela


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