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tv   Early Today  NBC  November 11, 2013 4:00am-4:31am PST

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good monday morning. coming up on "early today," the devastating scene in the philippines is just ginning to revealtself as thousands a feared dead and u.s. relief efforts are under way. we honornd thank the members of our military and families. many of whom are working on efforts around the world. and bizarre as miley m have better days ahead. and incognito reveals his side of the dolphins bullying saga. this special edition of "early today" starts rit now. >>nnouncer: this is "early today" for monday, november 11th. good morning tyou. i'm bet nguyen. we start with devastation in the
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philippines. right w, there say humanitarian crisis of gigantic proportions with thousan fearedead. wis of 200 miles per hr battered islds for 48 hours straight. nbc's ian williams joins us from manila with the very lest. ian,ood morning. >> reporter: rescueorkers are still struggling to reach some of the isolated communities that were worst-hit by the typhoon. they have arriv in tacban. authorities estimatehat perhs 10,000 people died. it's hard to say for sure. the official dea toll is still just over 250, but that is certain to rise, as officis, as rescue works, start to reach me of she's outlying areas. huge storm surges,aves many feet high, 1 15 feet high coming in fro the sea when the typhoon swept hore. many people have lost their
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homes, the death cou we're still not certain about. local officials say perhaps 10,000 peopleave lost their lives. the officialount remains at a littlever 250, b that seems certain to rise as weet more information from the outlying communities. in taclotacloban, people are wt at the rport. one sight we saw athe airport was the birth of a baby, which caused a little bit of relief to a cmunity which otherwise is suffering enormously. now, as i say, relief eorts are starting to get in. t it is very, very ow, very little water new yorcity food, and very little communication in that area, betty. >> ian, thankyou. let's talk about the relief effort. the reaction from washington has been swift. nbc's tracie pot is the with that part of the story. we've just learned that the first u.s. aid plane is heading
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towards the hardest-hit area >> some of the needed relief is already the. a c-130 head to the coast wit generators and a bottled water and a couple of forklift trucks to get through the area to see where the roads have completely flooded out. has me on e way, 55 tons of food a emergency shelter and hygiene suppls for 10,000 ople. it's reall just arop in the bucket when you considerow many people were affected. but help is on the way. 've got a couplef survllance planes that were stationed japan, they're gog down to helpith what is going to be a massive search-and-rescue efrt. the u.s. government has pledged $100,000. and all over thi country, we saw it over the weekend, pple are pitching in, commuties providin food, and clothes and donations.
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r these disaster victims. >> it is enormous efft under way much needed. >> well at the vatican sunday, pope francis led tens of thousandin silentrayer for the typhoon victim th philippines has over 80 million catholics. the largt number of catholic in asia. did y see anything fall from the sky last night? check this out, the european rearch satellite pnged through earth's atmosphere late sunday, but the eopean space agency says it caused no known damage. experts say i should have scattered about 500 pounds of debrisver an area spanning hundreds of miles. its fuel ran out lt month after afour-year scientific miion to understand ocean circulion, sea level and much more. on this veteran y, a thanyou from restaurants ound the country, including
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freebies, veterans can head to denny's for a buttermi pancake breakfast. starbucks ll pour you and your ouse a free cup of joe and you can head to any of e nation's 100 nationalarks free of charge walk into eat clips for a free hair cut. veterans can goo hooters for lunch whe any meal under 10.99 is free or calendar pizza kitchen. or golden corr offering a free buffet or drink or redobin for a free tavern burger. you are goingo be stfed. >> that's a whole day. >> a who day full of free food. >> i want to know if there's anyone out tre that's going to ge pancas, goo the national park, t your cup of coffee, get your haircut and go to dinner. >> they deservehat for their seice. >> gat that compani are stepping up andoingit. >> as far as the forecasts you're heading out, we have rain
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in the pacific northwest. mostly coastal aas, it's going to be later on today, at the top of the show showed youhe big hugetory andll the devastating pictures that we were so afraid we were going to see out of the philippines. the sto has dsipated over china. it moved in as a tropical stm yesterday, but now it's gone. we have a largetorm spinning there off the northwest coas a lot of clouds streaming from the south. it's not going to make too much progress inland. warm front has kked up to the north. onshore fl, for southern california nohward. rainfall amounts, won't be anything spectacar. british columbia wil get more, vancouver, bellingm lucky to get a quarter of an inch. portland up to seattle. monday'sforecast, it should be dry, the rain for the bigger cities on i-5 will be lat 79
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degrees. >> we' take a look at the southern californi forecast for the rest of the week coming up. moreomen in america getting ahold of big guns and it's may not be what you think. plus, chris christie, do he make the cas of what republicans must do to connect?
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well, goodorning. welcome back. some stories making news this morning now. suspended miami dohins guard richie incognito said that he wasn't bullying andhat he made teammate jonathan martin sent him a threatening text message, but he knew it was a joke. incognito told fox sports that he was not bullying rtin. >>f you go by just all the knucklehead stuff i've done in the past, you' sitting in your home and you're thinking this guy's a loe cannon. this guy's a terrible person, this guy is a rast. we, that couldn't be fthest from the truth. if i was a racist and bullying jonathan martin and the press
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would have asked tm questions, th locker room would he said, listen, we saw ts and that >> incognito sd he regrets the language he used wh martin and woe apoloze. >> new jersey governor chris christie made the roundsf the sunday tk shows as speculation runs high as to whether or not he would runor president in 2016. christie said there are ways to expand the reach of the republican party tblack and hispanicommunities. >> you go and you show up and you listen. d you start to make your argument about your pocies. and ihink the results of the election show that thas the kind o engagemt thate need as republicans all across the country. >> t start of the hunting ason means more women are going outn the woods with guns the census bureau said women make up 11% of thenation's 13.7 million hunters.
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up from 20. on this veteran's d the nation pauses to tnk those. joining now from washington, vietnam veteran colonel jack jacobs. yoreceived the cgressional medal of honor. we you able to find any peace whenou went back to the battlefield, a trip tha many vetens are making to fin some kind of closure. >> it's difficult to find closure 40 years after the fact. there's nothing like being in war, it's such a cruble that it changesnybody who participates in it, it changes them forever. those are days thayou go, you cat get them back. when i wept ck, i w able to go down to the place where had fought and get answers to some of t tactical questions that i had. i was with a vtnamese unit that got ambushed. it turnedut that the vietcong
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had had three days' tice, had haa spy in the province chief'sheadquarters. ew we were coming, kn when we were coming and were able to set up an ambush. i got answe to ls of tactic questions whe i went down there and investigated. >> that's important, my father served in vietnam. i was born in saigo ashe war was coming to an end. ar soldiers returning from iraq and afghanistan getting a warmer weome that those thareturned from the vietnam war. >> they certainly e. but in my view, i don't think we would like the answerhy they are getting a betrreception. >>hy is that? >> well, in vietnam we had a draft and an unpopular war tt lasted a long time. and there was a great dl of consternation among the public, less about the r, i think, than about the facthat people had to serve. we have an all-volunteer army no we love the troops. anwe lovehe troops at least partially beuse we don't have to be the oops.
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i ink if we had had a draft, during the lt decade, you would have had riots in the streets. the same time as, se as in 1968 and i think the american blic would have beeness receptive to returning soldiers. we haveo understan that we are being defended by a very small number of very brave young men and women, and unless and until we hav some sort of naonal service for example, we will continue to view militar service at a great distance and willing have the completely wrong view of what it's all about. >> well l me ask you this, what needs to be done t support the veteran populatn in the suxgt? as you know there are mg issues, including unemoyment, homelessness, even car provided at va hospitals. >> you're quite righ the department of veterans affairs is doing a better job of taking care othe claims, i think they've been reduced by 30%n the last couple ofonths or so. the bigger problem will occur in
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the future, wn a very lge number of people 15 a 20 years fr now, are gng to show up who have served, are going to show up wit pblems that need toe solved then. we bter be ready for that the other thg is to change attitudes. we view giving jobs for example, to veterans, a charity. nothing could be furer from the uth. these are people who have had an ormous amount of authority, responsibility at a very early ag giving veterans jobs is not arity. these are the best people you canind in america. >> they're highly skilled indeed >> on this veterans day, what's the bt way to honor a veteran? >> say thank you. say thank you to a veteranf you know one. say thank youn your heart for the fedom that we ve. it's because of th that we have it. >> from the botm mifeart, i thank you d all the veterans out there, i tha you. one of the best highlights on the footbl field all weekend, you have to see this. that's nex
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justn time for veterans day, a special homecoming at the un/virginia football game. duringalftime, shar viggler's wife and kids were expecting a overseas video greeting. but insad they got the real deal. viggler on board the "u.s. rry truman" is retiring from the navy after 20 years
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service. we have a lot to tell you about, we're going to begin witthe saints dominatg my dallas cowboys. what happened? drew brees finds marquis coton. who breaks theackle to darren sproles who brzed through the defense. saints up 28-10 at the hal breepiles on with this lg pass, saints win it 29-17. 49-17. the detrt lions in a big time win against the bears. string for first in the nfc north, the game tied 7-7 in the second with secondleft, qb jay cutler's throwut the t.d. is tipped by ndamung suh. and deandry levy gets it. mahew stafford connects for his cond touchdown of thday, the me was beautiful. ons win 21-19. >> the bengals with the luckiest hail mary ps of the season.
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check this out. yup, tt right there, my friends, forced overtime. but the ravens win with a 46-yd field goal by kicr justin tucker. they sayetter late than never, righ the jaguars hold off the tennese titans and get their firswednesday of the season, -27. and san diego, denver broncos over thechargers, 28-20, peyton manning had three touchdown sses, but hurhis leg. he'll get an mri today. major upsets, first, the rams dmolgish the colts, rs ricky tavon-austin with this touchdown. and the panthers beat the9ers with their dominating defense. the fifth straight win for carolina. we're still talking about it,
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. welcome back, aoist flow out of the northeast causes some excessive rainfall throughout some of the hawaiian islands, a flash flood warning in effect for maui. the western mountains are seeing the worst it, there could be some high rivs and streams, you can se them colored in with a flash flood warning in orange. the foreca willeep the rn showers there during the day. no problems in the weather to start your work week in the southern portions of california. it looks ready to stay that way all week. san dio, l.a., enjoy.
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>> aice week, thank you so much. celebrities are show ing thr support for the viims of the typhoon. mike tyson tweeted my heart going out to eryone affected by the horrible typhoon in the ilippines, i'm sendi my thoughts to you. olivia munn said mthoughts go out. i hope everyone is able to fd each other. ladyaga literally took flight in a drone-like dress. >> she got someir there. and "thor: the dark world" took inirst spot at the movs hammering home $86 million. "b grandpa" second, "free birds," "last vegas" and "ender's game round out the top five. >>at the european music awards on sunday night, miley cyrus accepts an awa and then sparks uphat looks like a handrolled -what is that,
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bill? >> robin thicke was asked about performing with miley again. he said, quote, no, no, definitely no, definitely not. >> i thi a lot of us feel that way. and charlie sheewith chuck lorre during the hastag tweeting phrase sayi, "hey, chuck, i have an idea you that need to hear after iake amends with you andours which i will do in person. xoxc." >> is that how you make an apology thesedays, on twit cere. >> w is he trying to bring this up again? >> winning? we'll see. i'm betty nguyen and this is "early today," we hope it's just your fir stop of the day her on nbc.
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leadinthe news in "the washingt post," in afghanistan, interpreters who helped u.s. in warenied visas. u.s. says they face no threats. the interpreters w worked alongside troops say they faced taliation from the taliban. and in "the new rk daily news," new jersey deer with arrow in its head saved after a nine -- day stakeo the deer aptly named steve martin was tranqlized, given antibiotics, tagged and released back in the wild. that is remarkae. and some sries that you may have missed now, oregon's wildcasanctuary said the zookeeper killed saturday was alone i t wildcat cage. the head keeper for eight yes beforehe was reportedly killed by a cougar. thsanctuary rescued caive
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wildcats and has strict safety measures for employees and volunteers. the ranking house republicans sa there's not enough time to dl immigration. majority w.h.i.p. kevin mccarthy tells migration advocates 's committed to immigration overhaul next year. e senate passed a bill in june that wou provide a path to citizenship for e 11 million undocumented immigrants in the ited states. halloween may long gone, but it's alws the perfect time of the year for llamas play dress-up. check this out. upste new york llamas we showstoppers as they parad arou in a, array of costes. the llama and alpaca association put on thevent to educate the public. from an elfo beautiful blushi bride. to educate the public on the taulg mammals who the say are gentle, easy to train and inexnsive to care for. do they bite,spit?
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>> it doe't matter. that's a negative this is the fun thing. the question is what would w dress our llama up as? >> i have no idea. a weherman? >> the n peacock. timeor lookhead and a look back. the u.s. postal rvice decates two new stamps, the world war ii medal of honor for the army and navy plus nine recipients who died cently. on thisay in 1918, the end of worlwar i, veterans day armistice was signed by the allies in germany ending t fightingn what they called the great war. happy birthday to leardo dicaprio, he's39. demi moore is 51. stanley tucci turns 63. keep it here for more news, weather and sports, i'm betty nguyen. thanks for watchin "early today," enjoy your verans day.
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>> good morning. live the peninsula whe t re department reports major prress on this metalire burning since yesterday. that story coming up. >> thousands of ppleeared dead this morning after poweul typhoon rips through thephilippines. we'll let you know how the bay ea isteppingp to help out l the ctims. >> e. coli outbre is forcing a company to recall many of its products. we'll te you which to look out for. >> a live lookoutside, an early look at the golden gate bridge. few cars flowing b we have more on this monday, veterans


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