tv Today NBC November 14, 2013 7:00am-11:01am PST
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good morning. w overnight secret service scanda help at least. the u.s. reaches what y be the most dangerous place in th world right now,urvivors in the philippines at a breaking point. new image, we e seeing just how powerful that orm was. and headg south, prin harry gets a little bit ofelp from the queen. as he launches his nt great venture, a 200-mile trek to the south pole today, thursday,
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nomber 14th, 2013. >> aouncer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and vannah guthrie, live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning, everye, welcome totoday." i'm savann guthrie. >> i'm matt uer alongside natalie morales. now we kw prince harry calls the queen grammy. >> what did you call yr grandmher? >>randma. >> i'm glad we had ts little chat. >> anyway, more on tt story coming up. two hi ranking secret service supervisors under investigion for allegedly sending sexuallyuggestive texts to aemale coworker. nbc's kristen welker is in washington. what c you tell us? >> reporter:ell, matt, i can tell you the who thing started here at thhotel behind me.
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this is a pular d.c. hotel. it's rht across the street from the white house according to a source familiar with the incident, this happened last may with wh a supervisor wi the secret service met a womahere. he was off duty. he went up to her room by stake. hepparently left a bult from his gun in her rm. he lefthe hotel. once he realized his mistake, asked if he could retrve his llet. that's when a source familiar with this incidentthe hotel ntacted the white hoe. that sparked ainvestigation. that investigation found that he had sent inappropriate text ssages to a fellow fale subordinate. "t washington post" is repoing that a second agent was also sending inappropriate text messages to that same female subordina. both have been removed from their current potions. this all comes a want a ye
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after more than a zen agents re punished when somof them solicited ostitutes in combia just days beforthe president would rive for a diplomat trip. matt, we tri to contact the two agents involved in this latest incident and did not hear back from them. >> all right. kristen welker in washington. we'lbe hearing more abouthis stor krisn, thanks very much. we'll stay in shington. a new poll has t president's approval ratg hitting an all-time low as the administrati is forced to talk about health care enrollnt numbers that are embarrassingly low. peter alexander is at the whe house this morning. good morning. >> reporr: those enrollment numbers arbadly disappointing, both to the presidenand senate democrats who toy have summoned white house officials, including the president's own chief of staff, to citol hill. theyl vent frustrations and talk about ws to fix the mess. for a better sense of how few americans signed up for obama
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care in the first month, 10600 total,onsider that's barely enough to fill a large football stadium anonly one-fifth of what goverent officials had projecte the breakdown, 26,000 people signed up through the crippled fedel website. the rest, more than ,000, in those states where their own exchans. the most in california, e west just 42 in north dakota. reblicans quickly tookim. house speaker john boehner callg the entire law a rolling calamity that must be scrapped. others have decided the new signups eql only a small fraction of the millns whose plans are being canceled despite the present's repeated assurances. >> thiis what happens when you base a campaign on a fdamental lie. >>eporter: even senate democrats are getting anxious, especially those facing tough re-electio next year. many now backing senator mary ndrieu's proposal. >> it doesn'surprise me that something need to be fixed.
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we need to g about fixing it d continue to fight r health insurance that you can never lose. >> reporter: still to be swered, whether the administration can have the website running smooly by itlf next deadline, november 30th. >> the american peop lost a month ofny effective, real ability to sign up. this website was dead at launch for all practical purposes. >> rorter: the botched rlout is taking a toll on the president's popularity and his job approval ratings, now hovering at or below 42%. nearly identic to those of president bush after hricane katrina. health and han services secretary kathen sebelius tried to cast e enrollments in positiveerms. she said the website is rking, people a enrolling. democrats are losing patience. one calling it a complete embarrassme embarrassmen insisting it doesn't matter wt party you are, the foc right now needs to be how do we get is right? >> peterlexander at the white house.
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thank you very muc uck todd is nbc's chief political correspondent. good morning to you. >> good morning, sir >> politicians will tell you they don'tare about approval ratings. they all do. so do eir opponents. you can almo hear the ads the gop is cooking up for e midterm elections. this is the democratic party that brought youbama care. how's that worki for you? wh's the fallout goingo be? >> right now you have democrat on capitol hill in a full nic. th've been nervous about this rollout. they've been ups about the website. now it's a full-on panic. even befe they rolled out the official eollment numbers, a ole bunch of them ha been ventin going to the white hoe saying, you know what, enough of yoguys promising fixes. we want do this. we want to vote onomething. yes, you apologized. yes, you have done this. but ough already. let do this. so as much as thwhite house is ying to avoid gettincongress involved in, for instance, dealing with fulfilling this promise, if you like your plan
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you can keep it, they nt a vote on it. theyant to show, you know what, weught to force the president. >> and senate democrats say they nt to bring that to vote, a plan that would allow people who might lo their plans under obama care to keepheir existi plans. the president says he's working a fix. chuck, can you tinker with a part of the program annot imct the viability of e entire pgram, numberswise? >> i've talked tone of the architts of this plan, jonaan gruber, the m.i.t professor. heelped put together t massachusetts version of this and the national version. he essentially argued no. if you start messing aund with is and trying to grandfather in some of these folks, you dermine the whole prise of the law. the ole way insurance companies can make iaffordable for somebody w has a pre-existing condition is if they are forcing these younger and healthier pele essentially to pay a ltle bit more. you know, at's the way -- and th goes to the problem the president brought upon himself when they didn't make this clear,here are always winners
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and sers in any piece of legislation. there is a smallumber of losers in re, if you want to count losing as in having to pay more for your healthnsurance. healthy peop are going to pay more. that was always the intention. that was the only way you uld make the law work if you wanted to bring down the cost for sic people. >> chuck todd in washington on this story. chuck, thanks so much. meantime, we're followin breaking news out of the philippines. here's nbc'sarry smith. >> reporter: good rning. good news ined. a lot of people thought those ships,he uss george washington and other navyhips, were going to be delayed cause of bad weather. well, now th're sitting right off the coast of the philippis. as aid and aid workers begino pour into this country, storm survivors are waitinin endless lineat the tacloban airpt. from the air you can see the va scope of the damage mile after mile, the storm took its ll. this as increasily desperate
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people scram tobl get a c-130. the injured are helped on board. women with babies. more able-bodied people ha been turneaway. people waiting aost a week for help. emerge from e storm. >>t was like tsunami a earthquaket the same time. >> reporter: phaps the most powerf storm ever to hit land. u.s. marines he been on the ground caring out assessments of the colossal scale ofhe damage. in the midst of the anguis here, there is also joy. a baby girl born ia church, now serving as a shelter. one of the bigst problems is geing to these remote areas. earlier today weent on an expeditionith u.s. marines. u'll see that story tonight. ma, savannah? >> that was nbc's hay smith porting. if you want to lend a hando those in need, we have posted resources on our website,
7:10 am natalie's hereow with a deadly tragedy for a group of service members inalifornia. >> good rning. a sad loss for the u.s. military. four u.s. marines were killed wednesday during a training cident at camp pendleton. marines were clearg a range of unexploded aillery when the explosiooccurred. their identities have not yet been released. the cause of the accident is under investigation. e strange death of a british spwhose body was found curled up inside a sports bag was probably an acdent. that is the latest wd from london police. gareth williams was foundead in august of010 inside his london apartment. thbag was in a bathtub. it was padlocked, t the keys for the lockere inside the bag. w, this is a change om last year when coroner said it was likely williams had been unlawfully killed. > a 16-year-old boy is in jail this morni accused of shooting students as they left a pittsburgh high school. he is charged with four counts of attempted homicid
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pittsburgh police say he went to ashere high school a shot three students as they started to walk home. the school was put in lockdown. police say they belie he shot the teens in retaliaon for an earlier assault. all of the victims were described as stable or in good conditn. in alabama, a poce officer is out of a job th morning for a drag racg incident caught on camera. the viderepocord on a motorcycle helmet shows the officer drag racing. the officer acceed the challenge at two consecutive stoplights. montgome montgomery's police chief says he's embarrassed by the indent. the man who s racing the officer says the two never reached spee of over 60 miles per hour. an australian truck driver learnethe hard way to keep his eyes on the road. offials say the driver was bending down to pickp his glasses en he accidently knocked the controls and activated the truck's tipping chanism. that's what happened aa
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result the raised container slammed into the roof of a sney tunnel. the incident snarled traffic there, as u can imagine, for hours and caused extensive damageo the tunnel. fortunately, though, in all of that, no one was hurt. > and caught ocn camera, a photographer gettoo up close and peonal with his subject. take a look athis. the photogpher was shooting an elk from a safdistance in the great smokeyountains national park when the elk approached him. he decided to stay put a protect himself. lalow there. in hopes the elk wouldose interest and walaway. he continu to poke and prod him. th went on for more th seven minutes until eventually the photographer got up, finally, and slowly walked away. thelk just left him there. he was not hurt. the elk s fine. all was good. >> he realized whehe got up he was siing on a baby elk. >> can youmagine? your heart would be in your throat. >> don't you eyeball me.
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>> toohim seven minutes toet up. six minutes longer than i would have waited. >> exactly right. >> that's for sure. we have a neat piece of vio to show you. check this out. this is called a rolcloud as opposed to roll tide. this basically is a cloud that kind of sis down from the base of a cumulonimbus oud. th is down in texas. reallyretty. let's show you what we have going on right now. it ctinues to be cold from texas all the way to the carolinas. have freeze warnings in effe once again. here's what's happenin we've got that pesky are high prsure. it is dominating right now. we'll continueo send those ld winds from the north. however, o friends in the west are going to be warming up look for these temperatures today. only getng up into the low 50s in indiapolis. ill below normal. thgood news is they're starting to moderate. look at what happens out west. mperatures today, saamento,
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. laer getting up to 49. that seven degrees above normal. we'rgoing to get to yourocal forecast comg up in the next 30 seconds. for a limited me, get 0% apr financing for 60 months on a new 2014 camry se. there arplenty in stock. drive one home today. [ man ] tota camry. let's golaces. we have really thick fog out there this rning. ly a quarterile in santa rosa. a half me availab to you in napa this morning and livermore pockets you can s for 200 feet is travel cautiously.
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overalthough we' looking good for a sun finish to the day. temperates are going t climb from the 50s into about the0s and 70ss we getnto the afternoon. around7 in the peninsula. ight, . thanks very much. we have new delopments this morning in that scandal involving tonto's embattled mar. new court documentreveal allegations of more drug use by rob ford and abusive behavr towards staffers this in the wake of heated face-off with city councilmembers. here's nbc's stephanie gosk. >> reporter: the crack-sking mayor of tonto got grilled by his cityouncil and revealed for the first time hbought illegal drugs in addition to taking tm. >> have you purchased illel ugs in the last two years? >> reporter: itakes ford a full eht seconds to answer >>es, i have. reporter: there were those who rose to his defense, like s brother, councilman doug ford, accusing others on the council of taking illegal drugs. >> he you ever smoked marijuana?
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reporter: the breach of decom, the speaker struggled to get control. >> the only two people in this room who really wanted aight were mayor ford and counselor ford. >> reporter: the cncil has no authority remove the mayor, althoughany have asked him to resign. >> i'm humiliated by it, but i cannot change the past. >> rorter: but the past what t city is struggling with, including this damaging video. the mayor says he was very drunk at the time. >> people who live in is city wille paying for the damage caused by terribleudgment, serial dection and rampant ego. >> our mayor is certainly taking the ca on embarrassing politics for sur >> i think toronto h a lot more to ofr in terms of attention an rob ford. >> reporter: the council proceedings were streamed li online. one vieweralled it the best reality tvver.
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>> today the whole world is wahing. what will they see? >> reporter: whathey saw was at times ugly drama >> i really "f'ed" up. >> reporter: entertaining to watch, perhaps, long as it's noyour city. nbc news, stephanie sk. >> congratulations, toronto. u're on the political scandal map in a big way >> it'reality tv, but you t thfeeling it could endadly. >> there's no segue here, so we'll just tl you prince harry is gearing up for his ne challenge atharity race to the south pole. kier simmons has the story from london. good morning. reporter: hey, savannah. good morng. prince harry is here to launch the south pole challenge. he's he amongst the crowd behind me. the challenge is a race wounded warriors to the south pole, more than 200 miles. the u.s. tm have even had the chance to meet the queen. haven't seen her more relaxed
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in years, king with them and with her grandson harry. sharing a joke with the queen, war heroes whoe already been in training for an icy trek to the south pole. >> have you been? >> of course n. >> reporter:hey'll be joined by prince harry, himlf a veteran of afghanist and previous expeditions with wouwound edoldiers. ivan castro, bas in north carolina, who lost his sight in iraq, has been dermined not to lose his sense ohumor, telling the een he doesn't like e cold. >> i hate it. i don'know how they're goi to get me out of the sleeping ba >> reporter: he told me in the gym he hasnown true pain. >> the blast had bron my nose, shattered my right cheekbone, blew o my right eye. >> y are lucky to be here, my
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frie. >> i am, i am. i'm just one story of many. >> reporter: oth members of team usa -- both injured and lost friends in baghdad. and mark wise om fourth infan industry division lorado. his body broken by a bb in afanistan. >> at first it was being ae to push my own pa medicine button. i coul't even do that. now it's, can walk 15 miles in a day, 20 miles in a day. >> doing sff that's active, it helps me. i'm always going to be in pain. >> reporter: now theare supporting each otr, laughing togeth together, and soon they'll be pulling together, facing a new allenge. >>ood luck, good luck. >> reporter: together. and there prince harry is live amongst e crowd launching th event. there are reports hereguys,
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that he's meeting the family of id-to-be girlfriend. we knohe's met her before, but apparently they' getting friendlier and friendlier. meanwhile, what about him addressing the que as granny, guys? >> wlike that. we thought that was eat. >> mt importantly drawin attention to these incredibly courageous soldiers. kier, thank you so much. >> tamron halls in the orange room right now filling iwhile rson is away for a while. she's got some stuff to ta abou >> hello. good morning. >> a new hairdo. wow. >> yeah, we'll dcuss it later. al roker said i look le clark kent, but i digrs. since when did1 billion become an offer you can refuse? that'sxactly what the big buzz is over the internet world today. these young n who started snap chat, they're 23nd 25 years old. here's the picture of them this is a 23-year-old. his na is evan. his buddy, 25-year-o bobby rphy. they'rfraternity brothers om stanford. ey started this sitealled
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snap chat. all the ki know about it. basically, you put a picture online, onheir app, and then thin minutes, second or 24 hours, it disappears. a lot of people put naugy pictures up, others put embarrassing photos. bottom line, "the wa street jonal" is reporting these guys we offered billions fr faceok, and they turned down. they say they could make billions morin the future. so just by the numbers, 26 miion users on snap chat. 350 million messes per day. and now one extra from us. wee opened a snap chat account. orange room. go on. our pictures will be nice,ot naugy. a lot my haircut and explanations behind it. anyway, proof that blions, somebody can turn down like austin powers. billions. >> a lotf money in pictures that self-destruct. all right, tamron. thank you. >> hair looks good. i like it. >> cute. >> coming up, w drama at trial of alec baldwin's accused stalker as she'semoved from
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including tuberculis. serious, sometimes fatal ents, such as infections, lymphoma, or oth thave happened., blood, livernd nervous system pblems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have ourred. before starting humira , yr doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if y live in or haveeen to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doct if you have h tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infecons, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. yoshould not start humira if yohave any kind of infection. ask yo doctor if humira c work for you. this is humira at work. i stted part-time, noi'm a manager.lan. this is humira at work. my empyer matches my chitable giving. reall i get bonuses even working part-time. where i workover 400 people are promoted every day. healthcaretarting under $4a month. i got educatn benefits. work at walmart. i'm a pharmacist. sales associate. i manage pduce.
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i work in logistics. the's more to walmart than you think. vo: opportunity. that's the al walmart. good morning.7:26. i'm jonkelley. dozens of people waking up without power in hayward. this is after a van crashes io a pole and takes out a the driver ran from the scene last night but was taken into custy nearby. pg&e crews say the lighton't be back on until later on this morning. >> cal oshanvestigating the industrialccident at tesla. hospital.ree workers to the la night tesla ceo elon musk telling reportersutside a medicacenter in san jose the accident was caused by an equipment malfunctn. sheriff deputies, good news here, tweetin a missing teenager has been found safe. 17-year-d emma pickett
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disappeared on the way to high school on tuesday morning. no word on exactly wre or when she was found. we're happy she was. crab sson officiall kicking off tomorrow but this morning commercial crabbers are hard at it hitting the water dropping the big traps. they will be able to pull up trap the crabs a tasting, the traps aremeta crab wl cost you about 5 bucks per pound. >> indeed.y cent. definite something you don't want to spare any money on. we're lking good, half mile visibili in parts of e bay area bute're starting to see these creep up except for in livermore you are dropping off ere you see f 200 feet. out in livermore quarter mile visibility, gilroy travel cautiously. we head througho the day, all this fog that you see over the grter bay area, it' going to turn over to beaiful sunshine. remember,our seven-day recast is here at the bottom of the scrn. san fransco later on the mid-60s.
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he is mike inouye. >> fog i one of of your traff stories. they are tryin t clear this rig off of the shouldeand the hillside west 80 at pinol valley roa we have an update. they say 9:30 from ch look at the map howlow it is. sier at the tl plaza and there is the slow drive. a n crasht 92 around the san mateo brid. >> tnks for the update.
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>> back now. 7:30 on a thursday morning. th day of november, 2013. th a pretty sun dz rise. >>. and if you want to share the sunre in your neighborhood. send tous. >> good moing. let's get you caugh up on what's making headlines this morning. two servisors from the president's secret service detail have been removed from their post of the they're under investigion for allegedly sending sexually suggesve messages to a female subordinate. >> the officia deatholl has nowopped 2300 people in the
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philippines. >> and the white house is ming with frustrated democrats. so far, fewer than ,000 people have been able tenroll through the ferd website. >> now who inspires you today? >> i picked somebody that everyone is going t know. it's a man i lookedp to as a chil as i've grown older i have come to appreciate him and admire him even more. >> and also a programming note, all next week o "today," the assaination of john f. kennedy. we're going to go back t people and talk to people who were there. and how that fateful day changed the course of history. >> but first i this half hour, after another day of f works cour a verdict could come as early today as t trial of alecbaldwin's alled stalker. we're at the courthouse. good morning. >> reporter: good morning.
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closing statements are scheduled to begintoday. which means a verdict could come as ely as this afternoon. this aft yet another explosive day in cot. one where the cused stalker was led away in handcuffs. the drama started immedtely as she walked into court telling reporters she was being bullied. >> i'm the victim since day one. >> reporter: as officers ted to eort her in the buding, she cried out ainst the legal system. they're going to use their fce agait me again? that's how i've been treated for two years. >> reporter: inside, she repeated interrupted tesmony an even her own lawy. ultimatelyorcing the jge to make good on his warni holi holg r in contempt. sh described the night she says she spent with baldwin in
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february 2010. we went to my room until the next morning. the way he kissed me confirmed we were very compatible. addi, he vow vowed to make her elettes for the rest of her li every day. d then she sai he dumped her after onenight. and she explained that all she did was she was entitled to ask for closure. face toface, yes, she explained. but is that threateng? no. this is surveillance video leased in thebaldn's matt has not apartment ilding. she's trying to ghet in to see him. baldwin was not in court wednesday, but testifi that when s showed up at his house, iteltike something out of hitchcock. but the end the day the prosecion and defen both had reed. she is charged with 23 counts of
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harassment and one kound of stalking. she has pleaded not guilty saying she is persisten and annong but not aggressi. when asked for comment, baldwin's sposman told me yesterday that what happened in court speak forist. >> thanks verymuch. >> i thought she was going to say what happens in court stays in cour >> let hoos show you what we've got gng on. it's a pretty quiet day throughout much much of the country. a few showers makin their way through the ain states. a little weteather in the pacific northwest and down in texas. cleveland, ohio. good mornin sunny skies. temperatures upo about 44 degrees. clearing out later on tonight. nohere's a big area of arctic air that's in t east. mild air to the west. and by the time saturday rolls
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away, the jet stream takes a bit of a dippen. and that beces more zone alloying more norl temps to above normal. by saturday, boston u to 55. 60 in washington. atlanta, little warmer than usual, 66. new orleans, a temperature of 77. we're going to it'slmost friday good morning to you. temperatures right now mostly in theid-50s. every microclimate across the bay area swing you how foggy it is. this is san francisco. we have pockets you can only see foa quarter mile. take it easy in t south bay. thiss one of the places we don't typically get this thick fog. 64 degrees by lunch time. we head throughout the aftnoon we're going to see a 68 degrees by 4:00 p.m. and just like at home when
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you p your star on the top of your tree,ou use a fork lift, right? >> yeah. >> the sr is going up on the tr later today. >>00 pounds or somethi like that. craz >> which is how much i'll way afr christmas dinner. >> that's ather fork lift. >> exact. >> tnks very much. a sierhood of spies. ann curry on t sister hood she's uncovere at the cia. the tsa proam that's supposed to tck terrorists at may be nothing more than a billion dollar weight. billion dollar waste. but first, these msages. people don't have to thi about where eir electricity comes from th flip the switch-- and the light comes . it'sur job to make sure that it does. using natural gas this power plant can produce enoughnergy for about 600,000 hos. generating electricity that's cleaner and reliable, with fewer emissis-- it matte. ♪
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jcpenney. we've learned w to stretch our party budget. ♪ thonly downer? my bargain bra towel made aess of things. so goode so-called bargain brands, hello bounty basic. the afforday priced towel that's an aual bargain. watch how one seleca-size sheet of bounty basic is 50% stroer than a fullheet of the rgain brand. it takes a strong towel to stretch a budget. bounty basic the strong b affordable pickerpper. andry charmin basic. . >> we ar back at 40 with a revealing look pence the cia. toy women make up half the
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ency. >> we were the girl they paved the way for us. we wouldn'te here if it weren't for you. >> reporter: deep penc cia headquarters, a speal room a. command pt the night seals killed osama b laden. >> on a given day, there are many womenhan men. >> at the table? at this table. >> reporter: more an half of the cia is female. among them, fn moore the director of intelligence, in chge of the president's daily brief and sue gordon the dictor of support for america's global network of spies. in fact women now hol five of the top eight jobs at the cia. even the deputy director, a heartbeat away from the tough job for the first time man. >> our depy director, our executivedirector, our cio, our director of support, our
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dictor for intellence. if anyone told you if it uld look like this or you would have the job that you have, wt would y have said? >> that i would hav the job that i hav i would say, are you kidding? >> reporter: for decades, intelligence work wa an all boysclub. most of the jobs women could get were as secretaries. world war ii allowed some patriotic young wom to work as spies in the then called office of strategic services, including doris bohr,ho analyzed troop photos and faw concentration camps,nd betty mcintosh, to damage the japanese war effort and pass along explosis that blue up a train. >>ere are dog tags. >> reporter: she is 90 and mcinto 98 remember well the way it was. >> we were always referredo as the girls. there were two of us. >> what did you think about
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that >> we di't like it very much. i was doing t exact samehing as majors and lt. col.s. here i was the girls. >> the girls. >> and something still hasn't changed. i understand you don't talk a lot abouthis particular event. >> no. >> i can't ask any questions? >> no. >>sorry. >> ill, today, you can't tal about it? >> no, sorry. i wish i could lp, but, no. >> afterhe war, battle hardened spice returned home to square one, when doris noded a deputy. >> they said, are you the best qualified, i am addingou cause you are married now and you could get pregnantnd lee. >> evein the '90s, barely any women were from management. >> i spent 12 years as an anyst. i never had the sort of cap on the shoulder, we think you are capable of actually running a team. in 1995, after hundreds of
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fema cia employees suedor gender discrimination the agency real ietzed it had to change. today cia director tells u in his first intview in the job, the agency's leaders are picked foretheir abity, gender not thstanding. it was his decision to fame woman as hisumber two. >> are the qlities that women bring that men metro detrt not be able to bring? >> i am very surpred at how per septemberive and insightful women cane about how a man is acting. theyave the opportunity to see the world through i think those very important eyes of a woman. >> reporter: the eye of a woman zeroed in on osama b laden. the team behind his capture was led largely by female officer, one still unnamed became the subject of "zer dark 30." >> andhose individuals had be working the issue at that time i am not confidente uld have been successful. >> rorter: we gathered in one
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om the agency past and present. any advice? >> ty've done all right an their own, theyertainly have. >> it certainly wasn't on our own. >> reporr: as for future ashley hurtss one othe if youest recruits. >> wve had it eas compared to them. there is no question about geer or whether or not i can't do anythinn the cia. >> reporr: it would appr seeing a woiwomen director of thcias no longer a question of if but when. anne curry, fbc ne, walk. >>nd you c s more of anne's reporting tonight on fbc news and coming up, we will reveal the man matt is inspired by someone he idolized since he was 7-years-old. what has taon plang in the orange room is morning? right after this. get paid to do something you really love, what would you do?" ♪
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[ woman ] i'd be a writer. [ man ] i'd be a baker. [ woman ] i wanna be aie maker. [ man ] i wanna be a pot. [ woman ] i'd be an architect. what if i told you someone could pay you and wt if that person were you? ♪ when you think aut it, isn't that what retirement should be, paying ourselves do what we love? ♪
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which is why he'investing in his heart health by eating kellogg's raisin bran®. not onlys kellogg's raisin bran® heart healthy it's a delious source of potsium. ♪ mom make you eat that? i happen to li raisins. [ le announcer ] invest in your heart health. now that's what i'm tkin' about. with kelgg's raisin bran®. [ female annncer ] now with kellogg's family rards you can get even more from the products you love. join today at w...look at you. i've always trie to give it my best shot. these ays i'm living with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregur heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve pblem. at first, i tok warfarin, but i wondered, "could i up my game?" my door told me about eliis. and three important reasons to take eliquis instead. one, in a clinical tria eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of roke better tn warfarin. two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin.
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and three... unlike warfari there's no route blood testing. [ male announc ] don't op taking eliquis unless youdoctor tes you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a roke. eliquis canause serious and inrare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an articial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while takig eliquis, you may bruise moreasily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeng to stop. seek immediate medical care r sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. iquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medines. tell yr doctor about all planned medil or dental procedures. i've gothree important reasons to up my game with eliquis. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you. [ corbett ] if you haven't checked your medice drug plan this year,
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you coulbe at the corner of 'm throwing away mon" and "i had no id." well, walgreens has your back. our expert pharmacists can help you find a plan thatould save you more with our free comparisoreport. so you can keep your money where it belongs. check your plan at wgreens. and you could save up to 75% on prescription copays. at the corner of happy and healthy. chicken quesadilla, like burger bites, sawiches, and more, served with fries and your choicef soup or salad. chi's lunch break combos, starting at 6 bucks. mo life happens here.
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>>ust provi al roker is the luckie guy in the world. >> i am luckyo be with al. we are looking at the best dishes of 2013. al has this wireless carhat if you don't operate, you can sit and watc it or use your iphone or ipad to wh it wirelessly. >> like the slot car of the future. >> it's cool. you can corol the speed, the diction rate >> h many cars can you have? >> you run one, somebody else ca run the other. also mplgs we have this three dimensional doodler. i use it so much tt we have run out of doodles, but the bottom line, thiss the tree i ma, savannah, this is for you. this is the little rose for fatty and some hr for your bear thise have thisyear,hich is
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my favorite i ha toadmit, thi is a lens you can add to your iphe to inease the intensity of your pictures. isn't that cool? sn it on, snap it off. >> doesn't tha make it kind of hey? >> i don't know, to be hest with you. this allows, ow, a wrap around experience when you play video game so it' like a surround sound but for your eyes. but i can see. so, guys. >> don't do that, last but not least here, tomorrow, puppy party in the oi room. we are trying to get 4,000 more people to follow us,f you follow us, 4,000 o you, we're having a puppy party. now i asked if we couldo big or go home. i asked for 20 puppies in the orge room for a puppy party. we're up t five. follow us so i can win a puppy party. it's theittle things in life at please me.
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>> we are getting a little more like romper room every day. [ female announcer ] what if you could give h diamonds in her favorite colo diamonds that caure her look, her style perfectly. kay jewelers presents the artistry diamonds collection. nuine diamonds, in vivid blues, greens, blacks, yellows and purps. the beauty of genuine diamon in aalette of colors that express "her" perfectly. kay, the number one jewelry store in america. artistry diamonds. they're diamonds of a different colo ♪ every kiss begi with kay it's not the "limit the cash i earn every mth" card. it's not th "i only ea decent rewards athe gas station" card. it's the no-games, no-signg up, everyday-rewarding, kung-fu-fighting, silver-lightning-in-a-bole, bringing-home-the-con cash back card. this is the quicksilver card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash ck on every pchase,
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7:54 am
then we help create aersonalized healthcare experience that works for you. and you. and u. with 50 years of know-how, and a dedicated networ of doctors, health coaches, and wellness experts, we're a partner you carely on -- today, and torrow. we're going bend insurance to become yr partner in health. humana. to become yr partner in health. i started partime, now i'm a manager. my employer matcs my charitable ging. really. i get bonuses even working part-time. ere i work, over 400 people are promoteevery day. healthcare startingunder $4. got education benefits. i work at walmart. i'm a pharmacist. sales associate. i manage produce. i work in logistics. there's more to walmart than you think. vo: opportunity. thas the real walmart. colgate optic white dual action shines and wtens over 2 shades more tn
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a leing whitening toothpaste. and whiten even more, with optic white moutash and the whole colgate optic whi line. and whiten even more, with optic white moutash and theslittle angels bud in strength. and that little angel says, "weeeeeeeee!" % more sheets than crmin. everything youant and the value you love. angel soft. what can i do with my $7 a month andremail the school. ne? call the doctor. what can i do with my $7 a month andrtext the groomer. ne? find gear for socc. send invites to a party. post karate pics. help sean th history. battle ohastings... 1066. all at with my android om tracfone... now with three tim the talk, text and data for as low as $7 a month unbeatable nationwide coverage without contract. the w huawei glory. unbetracfone.tionwide co everything for lessact.
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it's 7:56. good morning. i'm jon kelley. tonight th first team of nurses from here in the bay area will beeavingor the philippines to hp with the typho recoveryefforts. more than 1500 voluntee, nurses women fly to manila. many have eitherersonal or profession tieto the area so they are getting on board to help out. they all repli to a call from the registed nurse response in 2004. time asian tsunami back investigators are there trying to figure out h a muni bus ended up rolling down some tracks without a driver. we look at the top center of the screen. thedriver, there we go, ends up walking out to check out a problem with the ors, then train starts moving away. this happened yesterday morning at the ctro station.
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you can see the action. a passenger pulled the emergency brake, quick thinkg there, good news, nobody was hurt. right now take it outside, not too painful. later on.goingo see a lot go morning to you. there are pockets up in t north bay down to auarter mile, santa rosa a napa a sanjose. lesshan two miles visility. travel cautiously the thickest fog is in the tri-valley. livermore only 100 feet of visibility in parts so take it right now tempetures are mostly in the 50s, pretty good looking day shapi up as we head throughout the afternoon and the east bay tperatures in the 60s. let's check the driv >> very foggy drive. wanted to show you palo alto. even worse visibility in daly city so use that as a caution. the south bay we also have the ild and around the bay t maps show you things are moving but weave orange arod the south bay,nusual to have foggy conditions in san se.
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> it's:00 on "today." apying blind. the multi million dollar airrt security program the government now admits rks no better than a ge of chance. plus, wallber rant. >> my job >> in the militaryhow [ bleep ] dare you. >> why he's lashing out at >>nd batman for a day. a young boy'special wish granted. thanks to a real life superhero. >> are you ready forour mission? >> yes. today, thuday, november 14,
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2013. >> today my 16th birthday. >> celebrati my daughter's 30th birthday. >> celebratingy 60th birthday. >> celebrating my birthday on the "today" show. ♪ >> chicas from new mexico. >> hey, we're all the way from and for the "tod" show. what a show! and good morning, everyone. a pretty day on roefeller aza. i think it's a plaza made l the more pretty this morni because we have finally,t will be revealed on top of the tree. >> nice to stand next to four ars over here. who's getting upn the steps, you al? >>h, yeah. >> is it straight? is it straight? >> yeah. >> a little tohe left. >> good morning, i'm savannah
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guthrie and alongside al roker, tamr hall and matt lauer. >> we have a lothead, but we wa to go inside. natalie is wheret's nice and warm and not win. >> yes. good morning. the aircft carrier uss george washington arrivedn the philippines overnight toelp with typhoon relief efforts. the philippines are struggling to provide food and elter to half a million peoplleft homeless by the stor humanitarian supplies are trickling in to hard hit areas but a fuel shortage and daged roads e hindering distribution efforts. the official death toll om the typhoon has soared above 2,300. evacuations near tampa, florida, after a sink ho ened up. a tree and a small boahave fallen in. white house ofcials have been summoned to capitol hill today toxplain what is being done to clear up the obama care mess. on wedneay the administration acknowdged that only about 106,000 americans signed up in
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the first month of the rollout. that is falower than expected and only one-quarter those are able to enroll throu the troubled website. >> the american peopleost a moh of any effective real ability toign up. this web side was dead at launch for all practical purposes. >> it doesn't surprise me that somehings need to be fix. we need to get aut fixing it and coinue to fight for health insunce that you can never lose. >> meante, many democrats are now backg senator mary landrieu's proposal that would allow people's insurance plans who have been cancelled to keep them. president obama'nominee is stifying today before the sena banking committee apart of her confirmatioprocess. net yellen is defending the fed's ecomic stimulus policy and the licy, critics say, increases the risk of high inflation. former mster james whitey bulger was sentencedo two consecutive lifeerms plus five
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yearfor murder and racketeering. e judge said the scope, callousness and depravity of his crimes was unfatmable. he was a fugive for 16 years before he was capturedn 2011 in california. closing arguments day at the trial of alec ldwin's elected stalker. nevieve sabouri nsaithat baldwin dumped h after one intimate encounter. baldn has denied it. i think you can scratch giant pinkiamond off your list because somebody already bought it. it was sold wednesday ght for $83 million. that's a worldecord for a gem
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stone according to sotheby's. it's more than 59 karats. pure perfection the. the buyer bought theock for a client he did not na. that is just stunng. it is 8:05 right now. let's go back outse to al at the tree with a special est. yohave some bling out there, al >> o yeah. muchigger bling here. thanks so much, natalie. jeif jennif jennifer hinkel is from swarovs arovski. whats it made out? >> it's made out of swarovski d l.e.d. lights. >> how has the tree lighng changed ov the years? >> the major changes was the l.e.d. lighting syem, we went to green and other than that it's been the same for ten years. >> sis the star going up today? >> the star will be cran up later today and thenhere's a replica star that sits on the plaza throughout the season. that's erected tomorw. ople can take their picture wi it. >> like a stunt star? >> exactly. >> all right.
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jenner, thanks so much. and of course, we'll light this bad boy coming up on decembe h right here on nbc. starting at 8:00. all my pals here at the oday" show. we've got matt, vannah, natalie and all lighting it 8: on thursday morning. od morning. loren.orologist christina still quite foggy across most of the bay area. you can see that from all your microclimate. plenty of low clouds tgo around. nonetheless, whave a nice fini to the day. lots of sunshineeaded ouray. we'll see temperatures in the 70s in the south bay, the peninsula. 67 degreesn belmont. safrancisco, 67 degrees for you toy. we're lookingretty good in the north bay as well. plenty of 70s headed your way. hayward, 66 grees. hope you have a great day. guys back >> guys, back insideo you. >> all rig, al, thank you so much. comi up next on "trending"
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what set him off? why mark wahlberg went off on some ohis fellow acts. then we'll contied our "inspired by" seri and i'll tell you about a guy who's inspired me for the better part of 50 years. at 8:34, we'll meet the newly crowd miss universe. but first these messages. work at walmart. i'm a pharmacist. sales asciate. i manage produce. i work in logiics. there's moreo walmart than you think. vo: opportunity. thas the real walma.
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you get your coffee here. you get yourair cut here. you find that rtain thing you were looki for here, but actually you get so much more. when youhop at these small cal businesses, you support althe things that make your cmunity great. the money you spend here, stays here. in this place you call small business saturday is november 30th. get out and shop small. colgate optic white dual action shines and whitens over 2 shades more tha a leading whitening toothpas. and whiten even more, wih optic white mouthwh and the whole colgate optic whiteine. and whiten even more, wih optic white mouthwh it's holiday time, and no fruit is as versile as our ocean ray cranberries, which is why were declaring the unofcial official uit of the holidays! the fig's gonna be so bummed. [ laughs ] for holiy tips and recipes, go
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of providing a free wld-class education for anyone, anywre. if you look at a khan academy vid, ey cover everything from basic arithtic to calcus, trigonometry, finance. you can really just get what you need at your own pace. and so, bank of erica came andeached out to us and said, "we are really interest in making sure that eryone really understands personal fince." we're ke, "well, we're already doing that." and so it was kind of a perfect match. explaining my morate to severe so there i was again, chronic aque psoriasis to another new styli. it was a tot embarrassment. and not the kind of attention i waed. so iad a serious talk with my dermatologist and not the kind of about my treatment options. this time,he prescribed humira-adalimab. humira helps to clea the surface of mskin by actuay working inside my body.
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in clinical trials, most adults with moderate to severe plue psoriasis saw % skin clearance. and the majority of people were clear or almostclear in ju. humira canower your ability to fight infecons, including tubeulosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancerave happened. bloo liver and nervous stem problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or wsening heart failure have occurred. befo starting humira, your doctor should te you for tb. ask your docr if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungali. ll your doctor if you havead tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infectis, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if make the most of every ment.on. ask your dermatologist about humira, today. clearer skin is possible.
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we're back we are back at 81 with at's "trending today is an expensive program, a tsa prram, designed to keep us safe at the airport essentially usels? that sobering conclusion i coming from the government itself thso-called spot progr is supposed to flag spicious behavior amongravelers. it cost about $1 billion to operate. >> well, the goverent accountabilityffice wants part of thafunding to be cut. it ss the program produces resultthat are the same asr sig slightly bettethan chance. they're lling it a key part the screening proces this is where the officers look at the travelers to see if they're dog anything suspicus. >> bettethan chance, not a good thing. >> not a vote of confidence there. wellmark wahlberg's explicit nt is getting a lot corage this morning. but was he talking about a fellow movie star? some are saying is goes back
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to comments tom uise made in a court case and cruise seem to compare his wo on the film set to serving in a war. and uise clarified sayinthe two jobs are very, very different. in comes mark wahlbg. he was at a q&a for his new film "lone survivor." when he was asked about the challenges of filmmaking he went off. >> somebody in the military -- [ bleep or you sit in the makeup chair for t hours. i don't give a bleep ] if you get -- you get to go home at the end of the d. >> so mark never mentions tom cruise by name but some are making the connection. mark wahlberg later apogized, saying he was swept up in the emotion of t film. up to you to decide if he was spking about a person or speaking in general. >> a film about navy e.a.l.s d what they go through.
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>> we got the message. no qstion. >> we move along. our friends at cnbc courtn reagan was in the middle of a sty on engagement rings. guess what, she was surprised by her boyfend. >> what abouthe middle level jewelers, jarr, i'm thinking of them. do they ha any deals? >> yeah, they have deals. jared, hi. oh, myosh. >> are y marry me? >> yes. >> wow. that'sust wonderful. courtneynd jared have been going together foreven years. so congratulationso them. >> you see tyler matheson. he pushed the tissues.
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>> tyler had a little something to do. >> i see it twice now. >> everyone thinks that was staged the lighting would have been bter. >> a shadow on her face. everyone knows is no shave november, so we' look at our favoritetashes of the past. i was going to guess them. i'm not putting that up on me ymore. >> too late. it's billy dee williams. >> oh, a good stash. >> nody better. >> mine is a popular one. i thinyou're thinking of ts persontom selleck. >> of course. >> i don't think anyone rocked it better than tom sleck. >> well, so bushy. >> it's giant. >> it vers my mouth. >> you look like aalrus. >> you look like wilford brimley. >> there he is. well, nalie, since you chose tom selleck, i hado go out of the box. i don't think you'll guess who i
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chose. >> i do -- that's cat in the hat. >> it'snoopy's brother, spike. remember? >> from arizona. >> yes, lived in the desert. there is. that his name, spike. yeah. i have a lot of snoopy knowledge. it's disturbing. >> needles, californ. >> wow. >> wow. >> you went with selleck, i d to go with -- >> mark spitz. >> absolutely. who wore one better than mark? >> nice. okay. then i went with -- old school. my man, richard round tree. >> yeah. >> good one. >> tried to get that look in the '70s. i didn't quite manage it. >> the you are. >> i hear >> shuyour mouth. >> all right. that is what is trending today.
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w, we'll take a sharp left turn and talk abt matt's inspiredy story. >> yes, we a. this is a guy i have idolized since i was a little boy. he may very well be the most famous athlete oall time. he's known as the greatest. but what inspires me about muhammad ali is not at he's done in the ring, it is his greatness outsidthe ring. >> who's the heavyweht champion of the worl >> i d't have a mark on my face and'm just 22 years old. i must be the greatest. >> was 7 years old when muhammadli won the heavyweig championip of the world. i was a huge sports fan. even at at young age. he was theiggest thing in the world of sport >> i'm young, i'm handsome, i'm fast, i'm pretty and c't possibly be be. >> he was chiseled out of ste and he had that personality. and that's whagot me. it was magnetic.
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itas mesmerizing. you couldn't tn away from the guy when you watch him. >> i'm going to float like a butterfly and sting like aee. he can't hit wt his eyes can't see. >> so here i've gothis idol and along come1967. i'm 10. and muhammad ali refuses to be incted into the milita in this country. i didn't know the religious reasons. i was too young to understd the politics of it. what i uerstood at 10 years old was thaty idol, the heavywght champion of the world, was doing something that was going to make him no longer the heavyweight champion of th world. so i went to my dad one day. and i said to him, dad, do you ree with what ali isoing? and my dad was a world war ii veran, he fought in th philippis in world war ii. he said, i d't agree with what he's doing and it was devastating to me. my dad was basically telling me he didn't agree with whamy
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idol was doing. but he paused a cond. i'll never forget it and he looked at , and i will tell you i admire him for standing up fowhat he believes in. and it was like, double light bulbs went on. i learned a lot about my dad at that ment, that this world war ii veteran cou see things in layers, that he couldisagree with ali's actions, but admire him as a man. t then i really got the bug d started following muhammad ali because now head the stamp of approval from the guy that meant the most to me in my life, my dd. the fact of the matter is, that when ali bece the most famous man in the world, he didn't just treat it as being celebrity. he felt a responsibility. >> people look for miracles. people look for surprises ofll kinds. yet, the gatest wonder, the eatest miracle, the greatest surprise is to bfound in one's
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heart. >> and he helped people who were hungrynd poor and oppressed and illiterate and he gave them hope and insration and he stood for something. it leads to that night i atlanta, the opening ceremony of thatlanta olympic game i'm sitting in that stadium with bryantumbel and on to the platform out of the shadow comes ali. he carrying the torch,ut he's shaking. imagine the messe it sent to people all around the rld that e once heavyweight cmpion of the world, the gatest, was comfortable stding there in that world's spoight, trembling, holding that rch, busending a message that i am still powerful. i we in that stadium. when you're used to being seen in that incredibly physical
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ste, that chiseled body and next thi you know you have something like parkinson's disease, it would be vereasy to run from e spotlight and say i don't wa to be seen this way. this is t the way i want to be remembered. can't be easy for him to travel around these days. do you know this man here? >> oh, yes. >> but the fact that he is sll willg to go out and findit's still important go out and inspire other people at his parkinson'center -- >> thiis also for my mother who had parkinson's for years. >> you'ran inspiration, god bless you. >> h many people do you ow in your life who ban to inspire people when they we 18, 19 yrs old and have continued to inspire millions of people all around the rld, pa their 70th birthday? it may be unequa i mean, this is perhaps the most
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famous man in the world. and he could easily stl make all about himself and yet, he chooses to live his life in a way that makes it all about others. >> i've still t the world! >> yea he certainly has and he still does. i haveo tell you one of my biggest regrets in my career, since i have had thijob, for almost 20 years, i have not been able to sit down a really interview my idol because parkinson's has taken his voice away largely. and also i want to tl you that he and his amazing wife have been kind me and my family over the years that just think the world of him. >>ut he's still speaking volumes in so many ways. incredible he's going out and visiting with people. it's beautif. >>e touched the world d left his mark. >> if you'd like some mo
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information on the parnson's center, ad to " we'll give you informati there. >> it's been a great week of inspirations. >> carson is going to sharhis story of insration in our next half hour. hey,arson. >> hey, guys. that was a gre story, matt. how you doing? >> we're doi well. >> long time, noee. >> well, y did the west coast swing. did "the voice," lenand ellen. i love that piece, it cameut grea i think there's some ribbing ing on. i have been hearing that you don't think i'm growing enough for ouno shave today movemt, t as you can see it's coming in nice. >> i have not ribbed you at l. i think you have one of the nicest beard growing of the whole group. >> i have to check with willie then. >> okay. willie talking trasabout no shave november. >> hs jealous. >> a little hint as who you'll talk about inerms of
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spiring you? >> i wld love to. my mothe mainly because i fear her wrath had i chosenomebody else. as you can see tough all of these great pieces that we're doing this week, you know, courage seems to be just a great running thad. peop have been courageous like ali and in diffent ways, but for me, my mom andur family, her career as thmatriarch, she continues to inspire me a parent. the adversities she's overcome and m looking forward to sharing her storwhich is our story a ttle later this morning. >>ow. that's nice. we look forwd to it as well. keep the beardoing. yolook great. we'll talk to you in a little while. all right? >> awesome, thanks, guys >> i tnk we need some hollywood styling. it looks really good. >> it looks a little t perfect. >> rig. >>also ahead, we have dr. oz here. >> this is another part of no shave november. we'll talk about a potentially life saving test.
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>>good morning to you. 8:26 right now. i'm laura gara cannon. supporrs of sacha fleschma plan to march through the streets of oaklan today in honor of the teenager who was 5:30 tonight athe corner of park bouleva and mcarthur. that love is stronger than he.ow 16-year-old richardhomas is accused of setting cha's skirt on fire aboard an ac transit bus. sacha identifi as a-gender thomas has been arnled as an adult with a hate crime enhancement. > time to check that morning commute with mik hows it looking out ere? >> it'sard toee because o all the fo that's the big issuen many patches across the bay. unual for the south bay. also, we have the slowdown for noh 101.
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actually, 101, 280, 608, the inoir interchange bogged down after a few earlier crashes. those areave all cleared from the area. a recoveryontinues from the south y. the orange painted around, tougher to see especially north 85 heading up to saratoga. looks like it should be cleing from the 29 interchange. watch the san mateo bridge. west , still the 9:0 a.m. keen from the last of the slo lanes bogged down. back tyou. >> thank you vy much. i'll hav another loc news update for you in half hour. have a great morning.
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♪ >>we're back now at 8:30 on this thursday morning. it is a brisk morning here in new york city. temperatures hoverg around the freezing mark. at least the sun is ining so that helps t people here in the plazout a bit. i'm matt lauer with savannah guthrie, al roker, natalie morales and mron hall. >>e'll meet a fresh winner of the miss universe contest.
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is is her first tripo new yo. we'll meet her cing up. >> then the real reason behind our no shave novemr beards. as you know we're drawing attention men's health issues. dr. oz is showing us guys how screen f testicular cancer. >> oh, comon. >> hbrought props. >>t isn't dirty. absolutely. >> all right. plus, an uplifting story abo a man who turns wishes into reality by letting ks become batman for a day. >> so great. >> kids who really needethat. >> ao we'll learn how toake our favorite cake with the help from martha start. she'had a lot of cooks out, but never a cake cookbook. i know. >> we get to pk the cake. >> our cakes say a lot about our personality. >> b first, i was on the set of "e voice" earlier thi week. rocker johnny gray didt make e final ten. how you doing? >> i'm dng good. how you doing? >> i'm doing all rig.
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>> weryou disappointed? >> no, it was great ride. it was a dream come true. >> well, people said somreally ni things about your voice. >> and you he been making your mark on the ene. greamusic scene in austin. do you plan continuing with it and how has "the voe" helped with th? >> it's changed everything. i can't wait to t back home and get back into performing for everybody and playing. yeah, "the voice" has ki of takeit to the next level. so i'm excited about it. >> you spent time with tm. so do you like? >> i like caroline. for sure. definitelyhe front-runner. >> so are we thinking anotr team blake win tn? >> no, that's am cee lo. got go with him. >> considering blake has won three times, are the other judges ready to knock the crown off? >> for sure. i think everybody is giving him a hard te. i ink cee lo -- it's h year. >> is he a good coach? >> yh. he like an older broth.
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>> i kw you've made people proud at home. go back and do great things. thank you. we appreate it. >> you can catch "thvoice" nextonday, 9/8 right here on nbc. we should mention adam levine will be here tomorrow on "today." >> a right. a chk of the weather. >> i he some folks chanting down her come on over here. and say hello. so wherere you guys from? where is tha >> michigan! >> wow. i hope you didn't see e movie "the godfather." doesn'end well for you. good to see you. >> thank you. >>ou have what? can we have a selfiwith you? >> i'll give you a selfie. oh, check it out. let's see what wve got for today. we are looking at illy conditions as we sta off the weekend. rain in the pacific rthwest. wet waitlong the southeast coast.
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turday, sunny in much of the rtheast. rain down through florida. rain in thgreat lakes into the central mississippier valley, sunday, more rain and windy conditns down the in the gulf coast. nice and mild in the northwe. expectain and showers in the pacific northwest. 8:. good morning to you. i'm meteorologist christina loren. it's chillyut there. mperatures mostly inhe 50s. we still have a lot of l cloud cover. make sure to give yourself extra ti morning. trel cautiously. the highs in t 70s in t south bay. the peninsa. see a nice day. upper 60s headed yr way. san francisco, kind of sweater weather day with temperatus mping up into the mid 60s. as we head throuout the rest of the bay area north b looks good. east bay, comfortable conditions. 6 degrees on the way to alamed tri-valley, 72 forou today. and that's your last weather. >> thank you, al, so much.
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d now we want to say hello to the newly crowned miss unerse 2013, she beat t 85 other women over t weekend and won the veted title. wehould mention the miss univse pageant is a joint venture between donald j. trump and nbc iversal. >> good morning. good morning. i'm so happy to be here. >> what was it likin that moment when u realized it's me, i won? >> well, i ner told this story before, bui couldn't hear my name. because they telus the craziness, so i was -- was it really me? you can't tell by my face, like what happened? >> oh. >> i didn't know what happened and i realizedhen olivia came with the crown, oh, it's me. so it was a funny moment. >> then you put the crowon and it kind of started to tumble a
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little bit. >> yeah. it was a funny story too. because olivia is more petite and i'm taller put on the crown, okay, t down. fix my crown. >>t kind of fell a lite bit. >>ut right now they fixed me obviously. >> it's beautiful. >> wow. >> quickly. >> vernice. >>ery hard to keep thion your head. i can see where that would be a proble >> oh, wow. >> get glue gun. >> try it. >> here, you try it. >> so wh's the focus of your -what's the focus of your year gng to be like? >> oh, my. >> what do you want to ncentrate on during your reign, to talk about a things like tt.
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>> durinyour time as miss universe. >> oh, they gave me an opportunitto do the things i really love. first of all, i cabe a role model for the girls, and after that work with cldren, with sick kids. and before i was working in differenterritories in venezuela, so feel really blessed to bhere in this part of -- in this organization. >> it's ur first time in new york city. so if you let me keep this i'll show youll around. it is really heavy. >> it is. >> well,ongratulations. you're beautiful. you have a great personali. >> thank you. >> and you wear well. thank you so much and congratulatis. >> thank you. up next, dr. oz will show n how to perform a vy simple test that could save their lives. then at 8:45, an unforgettable experice for a little boy. he wanted to be batman f a day. his wishame true. but first, this is "day" on
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we're back now, 8:3with our no shave november campaign, drawing attention and awareness to men's health. this morning, testicular cancer. the average agef somne who's diagnosed i only 33. out 8,000 men in the u.s. will diagnosed wh it this year. the good news is, it is treatable with a survivalate of over 90% if it's caut early. . oz is here. he's brought along some ops. good morning. nice to see you. >>ou look le a rabbi like that. >> yeah? i'm glad you like it. all right. let's talk about risk factors. we talked about the ag. 15 t 35. what increases the risk? >> being a white male, having a family history, which is probablyrue for most cancers. interestin if your testicles
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didn'tescend norlly as a child,hat's a risk factor. it's almost alys treatable no tter what the risk factors are if youan find it. >> men have got tdo a self-exam. that the message you're trying to convey today. weeoing to sho this. there is almost no wo show this without eing up on all the late-night shows. you kw what? talk to people about what they ne to know. >> first lesson, everye knows what an avocado . the interesting thing,he word avocado ces from an aztec root that means testicle it's tr, actually testicles are usual a little ma aligned. one is below the other. just like avocado when they're going. it gives the room so theyon't ba into each other. ey have a gritty feel on the tside like a testicle does. it's very analogous. since i could not exam you le on air, i made you a model. how often do you think men need to do this? once a year? >> this is once a month endeavor. do it in th shower when your testicles are more relaxed. when they warm up, that
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naturally happens. in t shower, by urself. won, please, guys aren't going to do ts no matter what i say. you have to remind your men to do this. gently grasp then. gently, matt. begin to tak your thumbnd your third dit or second digit and slowly wk your way up. what are you loong for? >> you're looking for somethin imagin if these are the thicess of a hard-boiled egg. you're looking for something like a marble in there. you have one in urs. here. take my sticle. oh, matt. >> i'm not going to be ae to read my twitter page for abt sixonths after this. >> i've gen you the larr set of testicles. you'll feel them i there mor readil it'll feel le this. u can sort of see it. you can imagine. if you look at this illustration it's oside the body in der to let the sperm mare. those lumps that you see there.
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>> you feel somethi like that, go to a doctor immediately. >> immediaty. now, aot of times you may not feel is, but something that looks a little different. >> so tre are other things you could detect that don't nessarily mean you have cancer. >> we're going to sw you the three most cmon ones >> real ickly, ok. >>old that for a second. if you feel them,ne feels a little different from the other. take a flashlht. normally you cannotut a flashlight and see anything through a testicle see how this lights up? that's because there's fluid in the. that's the firsthing you're going to look for. >> not ncer. >> not cancer. if y feel this, yocan sort of appreciate it. describe that. >> that's got aumpy feel. it's irregular. >> like bag of worms. you canee it maybe onhe cara a little bit if you get a close-up. that's becau the veinsave enlarged. it cause infertility. it heats up the testicles too much. >> need to call doctor on that? >>ot a problem unless you'r tryingo have kids. this wl hinder that ability.
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>> all ght. >> ts is a big one you need to knowabout. look athis testicle, it feels normal. as you cough- that's why t ctor has you cough -- it'll push out something. that called a hernia. >> okay. >> you c actually feel that with your fingers when you cough. if y do get a hernia a that bowel getstuck outside the body, it c twist and that can rm a strangulated hernia and it can kl you. if y feel that lumpetting bier and you cough, call somebody. >> all right. bottom line, 8,000 men a year diagnosed with is. some will die, but if you catch it early, it is extraordinarily treatable. >> over 90%. worth the examinatn. >> you're brave man. thank you very much. 're going to have much more ahead. we're going to haveartha stewart joining us in just a coupleminutes. but up next, aery touching story. a boy' dream of boming batman for a day comes true thanks to a real life super hero. first, this i "today" on nbc. er. first, this is "toda on nbc.
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few. >> we are bac with a great story. when charles was a kid, he was a huge batman fan of the tv show. now he has turned that foness and the famous batman mobile for kids to feel le superheros. yeah, let's give it up. >> he started with a venre not realizing he is onone. this 4-year-old has become a replica for the 1960sult classic. hol ibatman. >> there is a signature batmobile,wned by a phoenix man with anbsession with the televion show ofis youth. >> i didn'tant tbe the guy who owned a batmobile and i hav one and you don' >> atfirst, keller offered rides in the batmobile for
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rminally ill children, then took it further, sinking his own money into a bat cave. hundre have visited. but ezra is the firstho told ke a wish he wantedo be batm for a day. >> jer sighted, reported in proximity of bat cave. >> oh. >> it's a chi's fansy com to life. he and hisad must step in as batman and robin. >> that's me,batman. >> batman, are you ready for your miion? >> yes. >> we'll gethem all. look at them all, holy smokes. ohoh, oh. >> reporter: whe the batmobile reacs the stage,e needs to save a girlcout troop from the ker. it's now more an onean's x. o has come to cheer him on? in a classic dual of good versus evil. chances are, he has never seen one episode of the cult classic.
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it doesn't matter, for a little boy fighting foris life, today he gets the chanc for the fight for someone else. >> i just wanted to help. >> reporter:or his parents, watch his son wage h own battle, this is a ft. >> know the amazing effort is it happened to my son. i feel really blessed. >> reporter: for a le prank, his generosity plays for somethg money can't buy. i saw you wching ez. >> deaf,ou bet. reporter: there is joy on your face. >> i learned thingsearly, i can't cure cancer or bui a hospit. one thing i can do is create a memory. >> it's likely to be a long term one. ezra is in remission. he mit fill batman shoes again, in a time when we could all news another hero. >> thank u, gotm city. >> for oday," nb news, gotha city. >> oh. >> a cool guy, a coo little
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>> martha stewart h it all. her new go-to guidis call "martha stewart's cake" good morning. nice to see you. we're already inrocess here. everybody's picke a great cake. i've gone with red velvet. >> why? >> i just love it. i love the frosting. i love the cake. i love everything. >> and is a very moist cake. the rson is becauset is canola oil wh sugar. that's the first step. you start beating that. add your -- y can do all of this. >> will. >> you can a your eggs. >>ight in there now? >> yep. >> okay. >> and your food coloring. >> that' very important. >> it's a lot of fd coloring. it's the safe food colong, natural. >> and a little flavor fro the vanilla exact. >> save t buttermi. yoll add that alternatively with cocoa powder, salt, and cake flour. this is a sifting meod. >> it makes a gat batter. >> instead of using the
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old-fashioned sifte you can sift with a whisk or through a sieve. once you line your cake pan with some parchment and butter it, use cocoa to keep it --'m going to continue here. you've got a lot to do. >> d't forget the vinegar and baking da, which giv that lightness. after you add thi with the butter milk. >> that's a margata chsecake. do you like margaritas? >> yes. >> i do too. and we have a nut and -- for us. and make sure, it's -- cheesekes call for spring form paps. and they have a clasp right here. but always then wrap with foil. >> why? >> because you'r goingo put in a water bath. if your pan leaks you would have
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water in your cake and you wouldn't have cake. before you put it in the water bath in the oven, you ct did with oil. then you have t same kind of mixer goin >> should i put the eggs? >> yes. and thenour cream, sugar and salt. and use a reb you are scraper. >> do we put tequila i it? >> youut that and gra manner yea and triple sec. and loss of wine. that's the favorf the beautiful rgarita. >> while i continue this, we go visit . >> this is whatt looks like. and it releases so nicely. see howreat that looks? salty limey pretzeling crust. >> iove it. >> i love t iceb. >> you have a no-bake cake. >> right. >> this is sime.
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layering, layering, layering. first tng you do is put a laye of graham crackers inhe boom of you prepared pan. thenou have to brea them up and fit tm in neatly >> like a puzzle. >> ye. andou're good at that. then layer of chocolate. then a lay of graham. then -- ay. >> and banana. >> a top it off with t ocolate ganache. and then you put tha in the fringe rar and get it nice and crispy. serve it with whipped cream. >> and mavorite strawberry chfon cake. >> and look how pretty this is. >> is this a ndt? >> no. it's a tube shape. and this is h you cool . you have to loosen the cake with a ife. whh i guess we can use -- >> on t edge. >> -- we could use thisknife. >> here, we'll do this. >> no, no, no.
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that won't work >> okay. >> you have to loosen it all the way around. d you get the ce out of the pan and it looks like this. >> i like the toothpick tric this is s you can cut the layers? >> yeah. do you want to y? >> yeah. and thiis a special sar rated knife >> my hands are clean, i prome. >> we don't care about that. >> oh, y we do. >> oh, yes we do. >> and in a matter of minut bay area companies will take part in a career fair. organizers arencouraging nt college grads to come ou the event last night held at the nopeda embsy suit. >> good morning to you. now. temps moly in the 50s right now. plen of low clouds still
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wow! wow! and in a perct world, what's delicious would beealthy too. wish granted. dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt. sounds too good to be true... it's thick, creamy but 0% fat and ice the protein. huh..! where did stamos go he's here, e oikos are on him. this really is too good tbe true! nnon oikos greek nonfat yogurt. too delicious to be so nutritious. ♪ dannon. to those whoworried...... poked d prodded... taken risks... and lived in a ste of "what if?"... welcome to a new state... of health. welcome to coved california. the place to fd quality,.. affordable coverage. financial help for those in need. and nody can be denied beuse of a pre-existing cdition. enroll nowt or call 1-800-752-6631.
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from nbc news, this is today's ke with al roker, natalie morales, and willie geist, lee from studio 1an rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today"n thi thursday morning, november 14, 2013 natalie, you challenged us yesterday. i did. the challee was 12,000 steps, rit? >> you said we shou have 12,000 steps yesterday. >> right. ho did we do? checked in around 2:00 p.m. all of us. >> it wn't pretty fore at least. >>t 2:00 p.m. i was at -- almost 10,000 steps. 9,995. al, you were at -- >> 800. i was at 1,500 because immediately after work i went to my office, and sat there. i was writing a magazine piece until 3:00 in the afternn.
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no, no, . i want you to see how i caught up. that's at 2:00. 3:00 so i'm leaving the office. i'll wk to the subway. i' go one more op. i walked all the way home. >> all right. >> which is abo 60 ocks. something like that. >> about three mis, right? >> yeah. abou three miles. then last -- so y would s theoal for us at 12,000. i was jus under . as we were walking out of dinner with the kids i turned to going back on a promise offer repeated tt if you like
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your plan, can y keep it. let'set to nbc'shite house news correspondent a political director chuck todd. what can you tell us? >> well, savannah, this is an issue thisppears to be a vontarily fix where apparently the federal gernment is saying they're t going to fl insurance companieshat they cann offer these plans anyme, but there's no -- aprently there's no incentive. if you have a canceled policy, it's not clear how they incentivize the insurance companies to suddenly say, okay, we're goi to offer this policy it's now going to be -- the onus is going to be on the insurance if you want to look at this cynically, savannah, it's a way of saying insad of blaming the presidenor the new health care law for tse canceled policies, the onuss now going to be on the insurance companies. again, wt's not clear is this fix, if it's simply a voluntily fix, regulatory, and there's no way that actually compels inrance companies to
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suddenly reoffer is. >>ere whave thepresident. chuck, thank >> today i want to update the american people on the affordable care act, and i'll take a couple ofour questio, but before i do i wa to say a few words abouthe tragedy that's unfolded in the philippines. over the past w days i think all of us have beenhaken by brought by the typhoon haiyan. it's a heart-breaking reminder of how fragile life i and among the dead are several americans. our prayers are with the fippino people and the americans across our cult that are ache shus abt their family and friends back me. one of our core princles is when friends are in ouble, america hes. as i told t president earlier this week, the united states will continue to offer whatever assistance we can.
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our mility personnel and u.s. a.i.d. team d this better than anybody inhe world, and they've been already on t ound working tirelessly to deliver food, water, medicine, shelter, and to help with airlift. today the aircraft carrier u.s.s. grge washington and other sps arred to help with search and rcue as wel as supplies, medical care, and logistical suppo. more help i on the way. america's strength, of course, has been more just about what our gernment can do. it's ao about what our sit sfwlenz can do. it's about t big-heardness of the americapeople when they see other folks in tuble. today i would encourage everybody who wants t helpo that's white that will offer you links to organitions that are working on the groundnays thatou can support their efforts. our friends from the philippine
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will face a long road ahead, but they will have a friend and partner in the united states of america. it's now been six weeks sin at fordable care act new marketace is ope for business. i think it's fair to say that the ro-out has been rough so fa i think everybody understands that i'm not hap about the fact that the roll-out has been, you know, wrought with a whole range of problems that i have been deeply concerned about, but today i want to talk about what wenow after these firsfew weeks, andhat we'reoing to implement and improve thelaw. yesterday the white house announced that in the first monthore than 100,00 americans successllynrolled in new insurance pls. is tt a high a number as we like? absolutely not. it does mean that people want affordable health care. the problems of the website have
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from pleatin the enrollment process, and that's on us, not onthem. there's no question that there's real dand for quality in the first month nearl a million peopleuccessfully completed an application for thselves or their families. those applications represent more than 5 million people. of those 1.5 million people, 106,000 of them have successfully signed up to get covered. another 396,000 have the abili to gain access to medicaidnder the affordable ce act. that's been less reported on, but ithouldn't be. you know, americans who are having a difficult time who are poor, many of them working, may have a disabili. they're americans like everybody elseand the fact that ty are now able to get insurance is critally important. later today i'll be in ohio expanded, and more th 275,000
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ohioans will be better o because of it. if every governor follows st could gain access to health care next year. so bottom line is in just one month despite all the problems that we've seen with the website, more than 500,000 americans could know the security of health care by january 1st. many of tm for theirst time in their lives, and that's life-changing. it's significant. that sti leaves about one million americans who suessfully made it through the website now qualify to buy surance, but haven't picked a plan yet. there's no questn that if the website were working like it's supposed to, that number would have actuay enlled.ople who that'sroblem machine one. king sure that the website works the way it's supposed to. it's gotten a lot better over the lt few weeks than iwas
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on the first day, but we're working 24-7 t g it working for the vast majority of americans in smooth, the otherroblem that has ceived a lot of attention concerns americanshoave received letters from their insurers that they may be losing the plans they bought in the old individual market often because they no longer meet the law's requirements to cov basic or doctor's visits.ption drugs now, as i indicated eaier, i completely get how wrup setting this can be for a lotf assurances they heard frome that if they had a plan that to those ericans, i hear you loud and clear. i said that i would do problem, and today i'm offerg an idea that will hel doit. already people who have plans that prede the affordable care
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act can keep those plans if ty havet changed. that was alrea in the law. that's what's calle a grandfather clause. it was included in th law. today we're going to extendhat principle both to people whose plans have changed sce the law tookffect and the people who bought pns since the law took effect. state insurance cmissioners still have the power to decide wh plans can and can't be sold inheir states, but the bottom line is insurers can extend current planshatould otherwise be canceled into 2014 and americans whose pranz hav been canled can choose to enroll in the same kind of plan. we're also requing insurers to extendurrent plans tonform their customers about two things. e, that protections- what protections these renewed plans dot include. numbertwo, tthe marketplace offers n options with better coverage and tax credits that might help you bring down the cost. letters, i would encourage you
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to taka look at the marketplace. even ifhe website isn't working as smoothly as it should be forverybody yet, the plan mparison tool that lets you browse costs for new pns near you is working just fine now, thi fix won't solve every problefor every person, but it's going to help a lotf people. doing more willequire work with congress, d i have said fr the beginning i'm willing to wor with democrats and republicans to fix problems as they arise. th is an example of what i was talking about. we can always make thisaw work better it is important to understand, though, that the old indidual mark was not working well, and pretendhat somehow that's a place worth going back to. too ofn it worksine as long as you stay hethy. it dsn't work well when you are sick. year after year amecans were
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routinely eosed toinancial in or denied coverage due to minor preexisti conditions or dropped om coverage algether even if they pd their premiums on time. that's one of the reasons we pursued this reform in the first place, and that'shy not iill not accept proposals that are a freezen attempt to undermine and repeal the law and bring us back into a broken system. we will continue to mak the case even to folksho choose to keep their own plans that they should shop around m new mrashgt ple because there's a good chance that they'll be able to y better insuran at lower costs. we're going to do everything w can to help the americans w veeceived these cancellion notices, but i also want everyby to rember there are still 40 million americans bho don't have health insurancat all. i'm not going to walk awarom million people w he a hands to getealth insurance for the first time and i'm not going to walk away from something that has hped the
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cost of hlth care grow a its owest re in 50 years. we're at e opening weeks of thproject t build a better health care system for erybody. system that will offer real finaial security and peace of mind to millions ofericans. it is a complex process. there are all kindsf chalnges. i'm sure that there will be additional challges to come up, and it'smportant that we're honest and straight forward in ter of what we come up with a problem with these reforms and these laws, that we addressthem. but wve fwot to move forward on this. it took 100 years for us to even get to the point where we coul start talking about and implementing a law to make sure everybody got health insurance. my point to the american pele is that we're going to solve the problems that are there. we're going to get it right. the affordable care act is going to work for e american people. with that i'm going to take your questions, and i'm going to
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start with julie pacef a.p. >> thank you. the cbination of the website problems and the concerns over th poly ccellations has caused a lotf worry within your ownarty and polls also show that you're taking some hits wit the public on both your ovall job approval rating and also onactors like trust an honesty. do you feel as though the flawed alth care roll-out has led to a breach in the public trust and confidence in government, and if so, how do youlan to resolve that? ou pl to resolve that? >> there's no doubt that people are frustrated we just came out of a shdown and the possibity of it -- for the first time in over 200 years, we wouldn't pay our bills. people breathed a sigh of relief when that finally done next thing theknow is that the president's health care reform can'get the website to work. and that there's the other problemsith respect to cancellationotices. you know, i understand why folks
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are frustrat. i would be, too. becae sometimes, you kno people look at what is takg place in whington and they say not enough is getting do that helps meith my life. you know, regardle of what congress does,ltimately i'm the president of the united states. the they expect me to do something about it. so -- in terms of how i intend to approach it, i'm ju going toeep on working as hard as i can around the priorities the erican people care aut. i think it is legitimate for themo expect me to have to win back some credibility on this health care law inarticular and on a whole range of these issues in general. that's on me. i mean, we fumbled theollout on this health care law. there are whole bunch of things about it thatre working
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reallyell which people didn't notice. all right. cause they weren't controversial. so making re kids could stay on their parts' plans up to the agof 25. making sure seniors got more discounts onheir prescription drugs. there was a whole buncof stuff we did well overhe first three year but we alwayknew that these marketplaces creating a place where people can shop and lou competition gea better deal for the alth insurance their families need. we aays knew that was going to beomplicated and everydy would be paying lot of attention to. we should have done a better job getting that right on day one. not on day 28 or oday 40. i am confident thaby the time we look back on this next year, that people are going to say th is working well.
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it ihelping a lot of peoe. but my inttion in terms of winning backhe confidence of the american people is just to work as hard ai can. identify the problems that we ve got. make sure that we are fixing them, whether it ia website, whetheit is making sure th folks o got these cancellaon notices get help, we are just going to keep onhipping away at this until the job is done. >> thank you, mr. esident. you said wle the law was being debated, if u like your plan, you can keep it. after the law was implemented or signed, you said iyou like your plan, you can keep . the americans believedou when you said that them over and over. do you not believe, sir th american people deserve a eper, more transpare accou accountability from yowhen you said it over a over and when your own statistics erted your policy staff, presume you the fact that millns of americans
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would, in fact, probablyall into the very gap you are trying to adminisatively fix now? that's the first questn. ing the second questio you were informed or -several people in th building were informed two weeksefore the launch of the website it was failing the mo basic tests internally. yet, a decisn was made to launch the website on october 1. did you, sir, make that test and do you regret it? >>n the website, i wasot informed directly that the website would not be working. the way it was supposed to. had i en informed i wouldn't be goi out saying this is going to be great. you know, i'm accused of a lot of things but -- i d't think that i'm stupid enough to go arou saying this is gointo be like shopping on amazon or travelocity a week before th website open it is i tught that i wasn't gointo work. so clearly we and i did not ve engh awareness about the problems in the weite.
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even a week into it. ththinking was -- theswere were glihes that would be fixed with pates. as opposed to some broader systemic problems that took much nger to fix and we are still rking on them. you know, th doesn't excuse e fact they don't work. but i think it is fair to say that no -- we would t have rolled out something kwing very well that it wa't going to work the way it was supposed to. given all the scrutiny we knew was going to be on the website. g with respect to the pledge i made that if y like your plan, u can keep it, i think -- you know, i have saiin interviews that there no doubt that the way i put at forward unequivocally, ended up t being accurate. it was not because of my tentions not to deliver on thatommitment, that promise.
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put a grandfatheredlause into the law. but was insufficient. keep in mi that the -- the individual market accounts for 5% of the population. so -- when i said thatou can keep your healthare, i'm looking atolks who have employer-based health care, i'm looking at folks that ha medicare, medicaid. that accounts for thvast majority of americs. and then foreople that don't have any health insurance at all, obviously that didn apply. my commitmt to them was you e going to be able to get affordable health re for the first time. you have an individual market that accounts r about 5% of the population. our working assumption wasmy working assumption was, that the majority of those folks would find better policies at lower costs or t same costs in the marketplaces andhat there --
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the -- the universe of folks who potentially would not find a better deal in the marketplaces, grdfather clause wouldork sufficiently for them. and it didn't. again, that's on us. whicis why we are -- thas on me. that's why i'm trying to fix it. as i said earlier, i guessast we, i will repeat, that's something i eply regret because is scary getting a cancellation notice. noit is important to undersnd that out of that population, typically there is constant churning in tt market this market is notery stable and relile for people. so people have a lot of complaints when theyre in that marketple. as long as y are healthy, things seem to be going pretty good. and so a lot of people think i have pretty good insurance. until they get sick and then suddenly ty look at the fine
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print and they have got a $50,000 out-of-pocket expense that ty can't pay. we know that on average overhe last decade, each year premiums in that individual market would go up an average of 15% a year. i know that because when we were talking abouhealth care reform one of theomplaints was i bought health care in the indivial market and i just got a notice from the inrer they dropped me after i had an illness or my emium skyrocted by 20% or 30%, w aren't we doing something about this? so part what our goal has been is to make surehat that individual market is stabland fair and has the kind of consumer protections that makes sure the people don't get a rude surprise when theyeally need health insurance. but if you just got a cancellation notice and so far you are thinking mprices are prty good, you haven't been
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sick and ifits your budget and now you t this notice, you are going toe worried about it. if thensurer is saying the reason you are gething notice is because of the affordable care act, then you are goingo be understanbly aggravated about it. now for a big portion of those people, the truth is they might ha gotten a notice saying that we are jacking up your rates by 30%. they might have id from here on o, we are not going t cover x, y and z illnesses. we are changing -- these were all 12-mon policies. the insurance companies were under no obligation to renew the exact same policies you had before. t one of the things i understood when we decided to reform the hlth insurance market, pa of the reason it hasn't been done before and is vy difficult to do, is that -- anythinghat is going
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on thas tough in the health care market, if you -- initiate ad refor it can be attributed to your loss. so what we want to do is to be able to say to the folks, you know what, the affordable care act is not going to the reason why insurers haveo cancel your plan. now, what folks may find is the insunce companies may stl comeack and say -- we want to -- charge you 20%ore than we did last ye. or we are ing -- not going to coveprescription drugs now. but that will -- tt's in the nature of the mark that existed earlier. do you find, sir, a simple declaration was sothing the american people uld handle but this new one -was something they couldt handle and you didn'trust the american people with the truth? >> no. i think, ai said earlier, major, my expectation was that for 98% of the american people, either it nuinely wouldn't
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changet all or they would pleasantly surprised with the options in the marketplace. and that the grandfatherlause would cover the rest. that proved not to be the case. and that's on me. and thamerican people -- those that got canceation notices do deserve anhave received an apology from me but they don't want just words. what ty want is whether wean make se that they are in a better place and we meet that commitment by the way, i thk it is very important for me to note that there e a bunch of folks up in congress and others who made this statementnd they were entirely scere about it. ing the fact that u have got is percentage of people who have had ts impact, i want them to know that their senator or congressman, they were -- making rresentations based o
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what i told them and wt this white house and our -- administration have staff told them. it is not on them. it is on us. but it is someing that we intend to fix. steve carlson. >> do you have rson to believe th iran would walk awafrom nuclear talks if congress draws up new sanctn snst with a diplomatic bakdown leaving no options for milita action? how do you respond to your critics on the hill who y that it was tough sctions and tougher sanctions will make it -- >> let me make a couplof points. number one, i said before ani will repeat, we do not want iran having nuclear weapons. and it would bnot only dangerous to us and our allies but it woulde destabilizing to the entire region and could trigger a nuclear ms race that could ke life much more dangerous for alof us.
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so o policy is iran cannot have nucle weapons. i'm leaving all options on the table to make surehat we meet that goal. point number two, the reason we have got such vigorous sanctions is because i, and my administration, puin place when i came to office the ternational structure to have the most effective sanctions ever. and so i thinkt is fair to say that i know a little bit aut sanctions since we set tm up. and make sure that we mobilize the entire international commity so that there weren't a lot of loopholes a they really had bite. the intention in setting up thossanctions always was to bring the iranians to the table so we could resolve is issue peacefully. because that's my preference. at's my preference because any armed confct has costs to it.
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it is also my eference because the best way to assure that country does not have nuear weapons that they are making a decion not to have nucle weapons and we are in position to verify th they don't have nuclr weapons. so as a consequence to the sations that we put in place and i apprecia all the help -- bipartisan help weeceived from congress in making that happen, iran's economy haseen crippled. they had a native 5% growth rate last ar. their currency plummeted. they are having significant proble in just the day-to-day economy on the grounin iran. the president made a decisio that he was prepared to come and have a conversation th the international community abou what ty could do to solve is problewith us.
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we have now had a series of nversations and it has never been realistic we would resoe the entire problem all at once. at we have done is seen the possibility ofn agreement in which iran wouldalt advances on its program, that it would dite some of the highly enriched uraniumhat makes it's easi for them to potentially produce a weapon, that they are -- subjectg themselves to much more vigorous inspections so tt we know exactly what they are doing and all their - at all their various facilities and that that would then provide ti and space for us to test over a certain period months whether or not they are prepared to actually resolve this iue tohe satisfaction of the international community.
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making us confident that, in fact, they are n pursuing a nuclear weapons prram. in return, theasic structure of what has been talked about, although not completed, that we would provide very modest relief the margins of e sanctions that whave set up. but -- importantly, we would leave in place the core nctions that are mos effective and have the most impact on the iranian economies. oil sanctions and sanction was respect to banks and financing. what that gives us is the opportunitto test how serious are they but it also gives uan assurance that p turns o six months fronow they are not seous, we can crank -- we can dial those sanctions right back
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up. so my message toongress has been that let's see this shore-rm phase one deal cabe completeto our satisfaction where we a actually certain that while we are talking with the iranians they are not sy advancing their prram. we c buy some additional mont in terms of their breakout capacity. let's test h willing they are to actually resolve this diplomatically andeacefully. we will have lt nothing p at the d of the day it turnout that they are not epared to provide the internationa commity the hard proof a assurances necessary for us know that they are not pursuing a nuclear weapon. if tt turns out to be the case, then not onlis our
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entire sanctions infrastructure stl in place, not only are they still losing money from the fact that they cancel the oi and get revenue from their oil -- as easilyeven throughouthese talks, but other options remain. but what i sd to members of congress is that if in ft we are seriouabout trying to resolve is diplomatically, because no matter w good our military is, military options are ways messy, are always difficult, aays have intended consequences, and in this situation, are never complete in terms of making certaithat they don't -- than go out and pursue ev more vigorously nlear weapons in the future. if we are serious abt pursuing diplomacy, then there month need for us to a new sanctions
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on top of the sanctions that are already very effective and that brought them to the table in theirst place. now if i turns out they n't deliver, can't come to the table in a sious way and get this issue resoed, the sanctions can be rampeback up. we have that -- we have got that option. ror. it is roger's birthday by the way. that's not the reason u got a estion. t i thought it was important to note that. happy birthday. >> back to health care. can you guarantee fothe americ people who have the health care websitis going to be fully operationalor all peop, not just the vast majority, by november 30? second, more broadly, this is yourignature -- legislation. you hear criticism othe hill that you and your white house
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team are too into it. is that how this ms came to be? >> well, i think there's going to be lot of -- will's goi to be a lot of evaluation of how we got to this point. i'm -- i assure you that i have been asking a lot of questions about that. the truth is thathis is, numb one, very complicated. the website itself is doing a lot of stuff. there ar't a lot of websites out there that have to help people compare their possible insurance options. verify income to fd out what kind of tax edits they might get. communice with those insurance mpanies so they can purchase. make sure that all of this is verified.
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there's a bunch of pieces to it that made challenging. u combine that with e fact the federal government does a lot of things really well. one of the this it does not do well is information technology procurement. this is kind of a systemat prlem we have across t board. it is not surprising then that there were going to be some problems. now, i think we have to k ourselves some hard estions inside the white house a opposed to why we didn't see moref these problems coming earlier on. a, so we cou set expectations. b, so th we could look for different ways for people to end up applying. so -- ulmately, you are right. this is -- ts is something that's really important to me and its really important t millions of amicans who had been waiting for aeally long time to try toet health care
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because ey don't have it. you know, i very frustrated but i'm also somebody who i fumbled the ball, you know, i'm going to wait until i get the xt play and then i'moing to try to run ahard as i can and do right by the team ultimately i'm the head of this team. we did fble the ball on it. what i'm goingo do is make sure that we get it xed. in termsf what happens on november 30 or december 1, i thk it is fair to say at the improvement will be marked and noticeable. the website willork much bett on november 30, decber 1, than it worked certainly on october 1. that's pretty lobar. it will beorking a lot better than it is -- it was last week
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it will be working better than it was ts week. whicmeans that the majority of ople who go to the website will see a website that's working thway it is supposed to. i think that it is not possible for me to guarantee that 100% of the people 1, 00% the time ing on this website ll have a perfectly seamss, smooth experience. were going to have to continue to impro it even after novemb 30, december 1. but the majorityf people who use it will be able to see it operate the way it was supposed to. one thing that we discovered, though, that i thinks worth noting, a lot of foc has been on t website and the technology. that'sartly because that i how we initially identified it. these are glitches. whate are discovering is that
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partf the problem has been technology. hardware and software. that'seing upgraded. bueven if we get the hardware d software working exactly the way it is supposed to with relatily minor glitches, what we are also discoverg is that insurance is complated to buy. another stake that we made, i think, was underestimating the difficulties of people purchasing insurance online and shopping for a lot of optis with a lot of cos and a lot of different benefits and plans and somehow expecting thathat would be very smooth. then they alsoave to try to -- tax credits on the website. so -- at we are -- what were doing even as we arerying to solve thtechnical problems is also what can do to make the
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application a litt bit simpler? at can we do to maket in english as opposed to bureaucrac are there steps th we can skip while still getting the core information thathe people need? pa of what we are realizing is that there a going to be a certain portn of people who are just going to need more help and more hand holdg in the application process. and so -- so i guess -- part of the continuous irovement that i'm looking ats not just a technical issue. it is also -- can we streamline the application process? what are we doing to geteople more assistance in the application process? how -- the call centers and the people who are helpi folks in pers, how are they train so that things can go more smoothly? because the bottom line
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ultimately is i st want people to kw what their options are in a clear way. buying health surance is never going to blike buying a song on itunes. it is just a much more complicated transaction. t i think we can continue to make it better. all of which ito say that on december -- dember 1, november 30, it will be a lotetter. but there will stille some oblems. some of those will not be because of technolical problems. althgh i'm sure that the will still be some glitches in a ha to be smoothed out. some of is going to be -- h are are we making this application press more user friendly f folks? one goodxample of this, by the way, to use an analogy, when we came into office, we heard a lot
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of complaints about e nancial aid forms th milies have to fill t to get federal financial aid. i actually remember applying f some othat stuff and remember how difficult and confusing it was. arne duncan at education worked with a team to see whawe could do to mplify it and it made a big difference. that's pt of the process we ve to go through and ---ing in fact, you know, if we can t focugroups and sit down th actual users and see how well is this working, what would improve it? what part of it didn't understand that's all i thinks part of the -- what we are going to be working on in the weeks ahead. >> what about the criticm that yohear? >> you know, i -- i have to say, i -- i meet with an awful lot of folks. i lk to an awful lot of folks ery day. i have -- lunches wi ceos and
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i.t. venture capitalistsnd bor leaders and -- you know, pretty mh folks from all wal of life on a wle bunch of topics. if you looked at mschedule on any given day, we are inract wag whole lot of people. i think it is fair to say that we have a prty good track record of working with folks on technology and i.t. fromur campaign where bh in wait and 2012 we dia pretty darned good job on that. so it is not -- you knowthe idea tt somehow we didn't have access owere interested in people's -- people'sdeas. i think that -- what is true is that, as i saibefore, i.t. stems, how we purchase technolo in the federal government is cumbersome, complicateand outdated.
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this isn't a situatn where on my campaign i could simply say who are the best folks out there,et them around the table and figureut what we are doing and we a just going to continue to imove it and refine it and workn our goals. ifou are doing it at the federal government level you are going rough 40 pages of specks, this and that and there are l kinds of laws involved. itakes it more difficult, it is part the reason why chronically deral i.t. programs are over budget, hind schedule, and one of the -- you know, when i -- introduce the monday -- when i do monday morning quarterbacking melf, one of the things recognize is that since i knothe federal govement has not been good at thistuff in the past, tw years ago, as we were thinking about this, you ow, we might ha done more to make sure we are breaking the mold on how we were going tbe setting this
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up that doesn't hp us now. have to move forwar >> thank you, mr. president. you annoced -- state insurance commsioners and insurance compies to ultimately dede whether to all policies to be renewed for a year. how coident are you that ty will do that? secondly, how concerned are you that the collateral -- may hurt democrats chances next year's mid-term elections and your ability advance other priorities such as i amgation reform? >> on the first qution, traditionally, state insurance commissioners makeecisions about wh plans can be or cannot be sold. how they interact with insurers. what we are essentially saying is the afforble care act is not going to be e factor in at happens with folks in the indidual market. my guess is right away youre going to see a number of state insurance commissioners exerse
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it. part of the challengof the individualark receipts different inifferent states. there's so states that have individual insurance markets that already have almost all of the consumer proctions that the affordable care agendoes. they match up pretty good. it is nosome big jump for lks to move into the marketplace. in oths, they are low standards. you can sell pretty sutandard plans in those markets. that's where people might see a bigger jump in their premiums. i think thers going to be some atus by state evaluaon on how this is handled. t the key point is that it allows us to be able to sato the folks that reive these notice look, you know, i, the president ofhe united states and the insurance -- the insurance model of the affordable care act not going
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to be geing in the way of yo shopping and the individual market you used to have. as i sd, will are still going to bfolks who over time, i think, areoing to find that the marketplaces are better. one way i described this to -- i met with a group of senars when this issue rst came up. it is not a perfect analy but, yoknow, we made a decision as a society that every car has to have a seat belt. r bags. soou pass a regulation there's some additional costs, particularly at the start of increang the safety and protections but we make decision as a society that the costs are outweighed by the benefi of all the lives that are saved. sohat we are saying now is that if you arbuying a new car, you got to have a seat lt.
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well, thproblem with the -- grandfather clause we put in place is it is almost like we said to folks you have tbuy a new r even if you can't afford it right now. soonerr later folks are going to start tradi in their old cars but, you know, we don't need -- if -- their fe circumstances are such that for now least had want to keep the oldar, even if thnew car is better, we should be able to give them that optio that's whawe want to do. by the way, that's what we should have been able to do in drafting t rules in the first place. again, you know, these arewo fumbles on somhing -- the game isot over. with respect to the litics of it, you know, i will let you
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guys do a lot the work on projecting what this means for various political enarios. ere's no doubt that r failure to roll out the aca smooth has put a burden on dem t democrats. whether theyre running or not. because they stoodp and supported this effort through thick and thin. i feel deeply responsible for making iharder for them rath than easier for them tcontinue to promote the core vaes i think led themo support this thing in the fst place which is in this country as wealthas we are everybody should be able
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to have the serity of affordable health care. that's why i feel so strongly about fixing it. my first and foremost obligaon is tthe american people make sure thathey can get what is there if we can get the darned website wking and smooth this thing out which is plans that are affordable and alw them to take advantage of the tax credits and give them a better deal. but i al do feel an obligation to everybody o there that supported this effor when we dot do a good job on the rollt, we are letting them down. you know, i n't -- i don't like doing that. so my commitment to em is we are going to just ep doing bet every day until we get it done. in terms of the impa on me, i addressed it when i lked to
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julie, you know, will are gog to be ups and downs ring the course of my presidenc i think i said ear on when i was running, im not a perfect man and i will not be a perfect president. but i will wake up ery single day woing as hard as i cann behalf of americans out ere fr every walk of life o are rking hard, meeting their responsilities, but sometimes they a struggling because the way e system works isn't givinghem a fair shot. that pledge i havet broken. that cmitment, that promise, continues to be -- continues to hold. thprobabmise i woun't be rfect, number one. but also the promise that as long as i have the hon of this office, i'm going to work as hard as i can toake things
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betteror folks. what that means specifally in this health care are is we can't go back to the status quo. i mean, right now everybody is properly focusedn us not doing a good job on the rollout. that's legitime and i get it. will have been tes where i thought we were -- you know -- slapped around a little bit unstly. this one is deserved. right. is on us. but we can't lossight of the fact that e status quo before thaffordable care act was not rking at all. the health care system working fine and everybo had -- high quality health insurance arices have me it a priority. we woun't have been fighti this hard to get it do. which ishy when i see folks up
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on capitol hill, republicans in particular, o have been suggesting repeal, real, let's get rid of this thing, i keep on asking what -- what is ithat you want to ? aryou suggesting that the atus quo was working? because it wasn't. everybodknows that. it wasn't woing in the individualarket. and it certainly wast working for e 41 million people o what we did is we chose a path th was the least disruive to try to finly make sure that health care is treated in is country ke it is in every other advanced country, that i is not some privile that just a certain portion of peoplcan have butt is something that everybody has someonfidence about. you know, we didn't go far left and choose the -an approach that wou have been much more disruptive. we didn't adopt some more conservative proposals that would ha been much more diuptive.
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we tried to choose a way that built off of the existing system. but it is compcated. it is hard. bui make no apologies r us taking this on. because somebodyooner or later had to do it. do make apologies for not havingxecuted better over the lasteveral months. >> bad execution and the flaws in theollout, will that affect your ability to other things? like immigrati reform and other licy -- >> well -- when it comes to immigratioreform, you know, there is no reason for us not to do i mmigration reform. we have strong bartisan support for immigration refo out the senate. you've got -- i met with a mber of traditionallvery conservative crgy who are eply committed to immigration reform.
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we've got the busine community enrely behind immigratn reform. you have a bunch of constituencies traditionally much more -- much more heavily leaning wards republicans who are behind this. so if pele are looking for a excuse not to do the right thing on immigration reform, ty can always find excuse. we have run out of time or -- you know, this is hard. you know, the listoes on and on. but my working assumption is people shoulwant to do the right thing. when you have an issue that would strengthen borders, ma sure that the legal migration system works the way it is supposed to, it wod go after emplers who are doing th wrong thing, when itomes to hiring undocumented workers, and would allow folks who are here illegally to get right with th w and pay a fine andearn english and get to the back of the line. but, you know, ultimely join fully our erican community
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when you have a law thatakes sense, shouldn't be looking for an excusnot to do it. i'm going to keep on pushing and make sure it gets ne. i going to have to some work to build the confidence around somof our initiatives? yes. part of this jobs the things th go right, you guys en't going to write about. the things tt go wrong get promint attention. at's how it has alwa been. that's not uniquto me as president. i'm up to the challenge. we are going to get thisone. all right. thank you,verybody. >> president barack obama speaking for almost hour from the briefing room. acknowledging the obvious, there have been profound probls with the implementation of the health care law. stating severatimes, we fumbled. and to americans who have lost their insurance, had their plans caeled by insurers, the esident said, i hear you loud and clear.
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offeri a potential fix to let surers voluntarily reinstate those plans. we areoing to have a lot more on nbc tonight on "nbc nightly news." i'm vannah guthrie, nbc news, . >> what is happening? >> i don't know. >> we don't know. >> it's not afray. >> what happened? >> jerry. >> it's thity thursd, right? >> does this have to do with the shortage? did they dnk through the
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many say they have personal or professional ties to the bay area to the area, rather. theyll replied to a call from the regisred nurse response network, which h -- which was formed after the south asia tsunami in 2004. inan francisco investigators are trying to figure o how this muni train endeup rolling down the tracks without a iver. take a look at the top center of yourscreen. the driver walks off to che a problem th the doors and then the train just stas moving. happened yesrday mning at the castro statn. the passenger eventually pulled the emergency brake. meteorologist christina loren joins us now with a look at our thursday -- our friday eve forest. >> so closeo the weekend. od morning to you, marla. good morning to you a ho. right mostly in e 50s we've got a pretty good-looking day shaping up. 66 in san 60s. ju a couple more hours before all of this fog starts to clear. let's check on your drive and say good morning t mike. >> hashgs gd morning. the fog has bee an issue for
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drivers as well. folks are able to make their way without too much effort. low clouds hovering arou. the makes things erie and peopl do tend tslow down a bit. we're having 880amming up towards mission boulevard and and coming up through oaklan a, stalled rig just before you get to98th. i did not see it, but maybe they're slowing you down. here west80 we still hav one laneblocked. lo at how it is jammed up approaching the area as we, and weave another hour until chp thinks they can clear that bigig that crashed at 3:25 this morning. it's been a tough drive all morning, and our latest update is hopefully a 11:00 a.m. for the clearing. back to you. >> right now almost six hours later. all right,mike. thankso much. back with our next lal news update at 10:26.
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>> aouncer: from nbcnews, th is "today" with kathie le gifford and hoda kotb le fm studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hello, everybod that means you. >> yes. >> it's thirsty thursday, november 14th. big, big show toda we've got the latestontestant elinatedrom "the voice." we have johnny gray. we love him. >> love, love, love. >> pple tweet their queions d we have ambush keovers. we have lo. >> we he a lot to talk about, hoda. >>ll right. first of all, they're keeping us in the dly news. >> well, i wondered because w are no longer brilliant.
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>> and we're no longer on the front ge. >>e're fading, but we'retill there, okay? , again, there's some interesting and humorous -- >> yes, lik the one about matt. matt was a little later one. >> yeah. that is an ugly man. >> i don't want to hurt her feelings, but mt is an ugly woman. ank was sitting there with me the phone and he said, but he's got great legs. >> he does. all ght. so you were off to lunch without me. >> ristine, it was a littl business lunch. my favorite thing in the world is to introduce people to my farite little -- >> it's too late. >> neary's pub. what's leftf my lamb chop. >> first o all, i like when one eye is open. the cssic kathie lee look. >> ihought she was only takg aicture of the bone. no. >> you got in there, too. >> i get in the car later and i get an e-mai from a gentleman who sai i waited 5 yearsf my
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life for the greatest lamb ops. >> neary's. you ow about the flash mobs that happen. there s a unique one that happened at carnegie li. >>ats deli. >> there's aroup called improv when hry met sally. >> when they're in the deli and they're talking about fakin an orgasm. >> poughkeeie. >> hoda. >> look. take a look at this. >> i can tell. >> oh. are you all right? >> oh. oh, yeah. oh. oh. oh, yeah. yeah. okay. >> oh yeah. >> they all -- look at this.
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>> yes. yes. >> oh,eah. oh, ah. oh, yeah. >> oh, my god. >> i'll have what th're havi. >> oh,hat's great. >> can you imagi if you were sitting there ju having your meal. >>'d start doing the same thing. why not? that's so funny. all right. so appartly miss mariah is not going silently into the night. >> yes. no. she was talking about her time as a judge on "american idol." u remember it was coentious. it made some headlines. she hasn't really spoken about it. >> you never know how much is accurate. the re. whether the's smoke or apparent there was a fire. >> if you listeno what she had to say on hot 97, she spoke about herime on "american idol." take a lo. >> did you like it? >> . honestly, i hated it becaus
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it -- >> really? >> here'shat it was. i was led to believe was the first personho signed on. i don't want to say anything th's going to -- heaven forbid peop look like i'm saying somethingegative but honestly i thought it wasoing to be a the-person panel. they gave me a nice dangling monetary moment and i was just like, okay. this is the ing. randy jackson will be there. known him forever. he used to play bass for me. this isn't a big deal. this will be nothing. but it wast that. it was le -- it was like hell, like going to work every day in hell with satan. >> really? >> wow. >> well, for going tohell wh satan she mad $18 million on "american idol." >> thas a lot of people's idea of heaven. >> she did s she enjoyed working wh the contestants. >> it's unfortunate. she's so blesd. nobo wants to hear -- >> yes,o one likes to hr complaining when you're making
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18 million. >> so, so, so mu. on the other side of that coin. >> what? >> are we going to talk about mark wahlburg? >> yeah. >> he was at an event. >> qnd a for "lone survivor." >> while tom cruise was making -- it' involved. >>om cruise was doing a deposition about suri because he was suinthe tabloids because they said he wasn't a good father. all of this stufis coming out in the deposition. he said something alonghe lines of he has to work long hours and he somehow likenedt to a soldier in afghanisn. >> yeah. >> i'm not sure exactlyhe contt. somewhere he made the parallel. so mark wahlburg heard it. >> everybo heard . >> we -- >> the eire wahlburgamily heard it. they took umbre. i love it when they do at. >>his is whatark had tosay.
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>> my j is difficult as somebody in the military [ bleep ], you know? while you're sitting ithe makeup cha two hours. i don't give a [ bleep ] if you get your [ bleep ] busted. u get to go hom at t e of the day. >> okay. >> yeah. ere it was. >> sometimes it' hard for us to show you these clips. weave to bleep out so much it's just -- >> yeah >> anyway, he apologized for the rant. said he was ept up in the emotn of the film. iidn't see the film going on but, yeah, i mean, comeon. we're all blessed beyond belief in our business. we have bad daysut nobody wants to hear about them. >> i'm wondering if tom cruise has regretted tha deposition. ever sgs he didthat, he's answing forehead lines he didn't want to ke. scientology is back in the spotlight. all of those things, i wonr if he said -- >> he' suing the for $50 million, moneye doesn't need. again, when it sikes that
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chord in you where you live, your pride is, ego, repation d i guess that's it. he jus says, i'm a good father and this is -- yeah. like i told you, sue when it' about your childr, not you. >> we have to talk about these wines because how can we not? we're gog to have a wine drinkoff, okay? there are tw wines on our table. one is from "duck dynasty" and one is from downing ton abby, okay? >> bh of them in the wine business. >> we don't knowhich one's which. >> no. the downg ton abby is called blanc white and it' $14.99 and the "duckynasty" is called wood duck shard d na. it's available at walmar >> of urse it is. >> i can tell you which one i'm going like just from the color of it, a. >> a. >> okay. that was a. and this is
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>> i likeb. >> i likeb, too. i think this one -- i was wrong. thisne i think isduck nasty." >> i think b is "duck dasty." what is the answ? >> b is "duck dynasty." >> oh, mygosh. they beat downing ton abby. >> "duck dynasty." >> you heard it here, folks. >> oh, my d. we have no skin in the game as they sa >> no, wedon't. we were looking outhe window, i don'think there out there now. there werewo women that had signs that said they had been friendfor 70 years. this goes into e i hoda. it's a great song by kenny rogers and dol parton. the title of this song is beautiful. it's called "you can't mak o friend" and iyou have an old friend think about that pern when you're listening to this song. here it is. ♪ >> like it already. music, hoda.
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♪ wt will i do when you'r gone ♪ ♪ who's gonna tell me the truth ♪ ♪ w's gonna finish the stori i art, the way youlways do♪ >> pretty. ♪ when somebod knocks at the door, someone new walks in ♪ >> so much tenderness in his voice. ♪ i wl smilend ske their ha but you can't make old friends ♪ ♪ can't make old friends ♪ can't me old friends
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♪ it s you and meince way back wn ♪ ♪ you can't make old iends >> isn't that beautiful? >> it's beautiful. >> but i don't agree with it. >> knew youereoing toind something wrong. >> i love the song. >> with it. >> you are a relatively new friend to me. >> ah. >>ou feel like you've been my friend forev so -- >> oh. >> i love you like lovey old frnds. >> oh, my god. >> so i disagree wi it. >>me, too. i disagree with it, too. >> so the yougo. >> all right. >> hey, hoda, is it okay or not ok to bear midriff in your 40 >> here's what we had to say about it. >> not ift's driftedoo far. >> i know. liky. if you have a midriff at mid life, it's okay to bear it. >> lk at you. me not so much. >> what are you talking about? >> well, all right. >> oh.
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>> win some, lose some come to mind? >> yeah. >>okay. so the badews we've talked out. jonn was kicked off "the voice." he'sere wh us. here's his twitter hand. jonnygraymusic. hashtag the orang ro. too much to do. he can answer some of your questis. >> setimes life is not fair. >> like when iave to liste to all thether ihoda songs. life is n fair. why do we have a hard time aling with it? >> how do we teach our kid to play fair? we're going t get some answers. >> cee lo greenidn't think it s fair afterne of his feel membs was sent packing from the voice. membs was sent packing from th[ malannouncer ] a new te with pluggable febre. we rentedhis resort, hismelly objects all er each villa and plugged in febreze. then real people we asked to stay for a long weekend. uld they smell anythg? the room itself was like [sniff ahhh. fee like someone has pumped fresh oxygen io the room.
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[ male announcer ] on the last day we revealed everything. [ both ] oouugghhh. wwere sitting right on it. febreze is stunngly effective. [ laughing ] [ male announcer ] pluggable febreze eliminates odors and keeps your home continuously fsh for to 30 days, so you can breatheappy. black friday isling it. back with over and keeps your home continuously fsh 20 1-hour guarantee items. see th at walmart dot com. delicious, busay i press a few out flat, add some beef, sloppy joe sauce d cheese, fold it all up and boo delicus unsloppy joes perfect f a school night. pillsbury grands scuits. make dinner pop. . . .
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10:14 am
... through yonder wind breaks ... it is the east ... and juliet is the sun l'oreal introduces newfect. voluminous butterfly mcara. spread your laes. l'oreal's revolutionaryasymmetry volumizes from the root and stretcs lashes tords the outer corner. volumizes from the root and stretcs lashes for remarkable spread... remarkableolume. ur look... truly captivating. new voluminous tterfly mascara from l'orealaris. bold fanned out volume. catch thbutterfly effect... you're worth it. most of us arerought up to play fair. >> the truth is life isn alwaysair. it illustrated in thes classic movies.
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>> it's not fair. nothing happens to boys. >> t boy's 35 years old. >> it's st not fair. >> lost again. >> it's not fair. you're bigger than i am. 's not fair to win twice. >> ah, but nobodever said life was fair, tina. i'm bigger and i'm faster. >> oh. >> and meaner, too. >>ow do you teach yourids the concept and protect them from being disappointed. >>nd how do you handle them yourlf as an adult. psychologist jennifer hartstein has some advice. lovely to see y today. >> it's something we teach our kids from a younage. you want kids to play ir, be fair, share, all those kind of things. you say metimes we turn into the fix-it mom. >> we do. we turn to the people that jumpn instead of letting the kids figure it outnd fight their own ttles. >> that's it. >> wsaid in the tease that we want to protect themrom being
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disappointed but being disappointed is good thing. it helps them. it teaches them a lot. if we want them play fair, we sometimes have to lethem figure it out on their own. >> yeah. thplayground is kind of like "lord of the fli." going around taking toys and beg mean to each other. your instinct iso jump in and make it okay. that's doi them a disservice. they have to learn that you can't always fix it. they mightot always be able to fix it. that's okay. teach them early otherwise you're setting them up for a world of disappotment. >> you don't want them to feel like everything is unfair, the worlis unfair. sometimes you can overdo it in at department. >> y don't want them to be charlie own with the storm cloud so i tnk what's really important to poi out what it is that they do have, right? if there's t cookies in front of them and a sibling ge the bigger cookie, ty still have a cookie. >> it's not fair. >> that'not fair. >> let the other one give you a bite out of the bigger ckie. >>f we fix it all, howo they learn how to solve their own problems. >> the kid ss, i want a bite of yours.
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>> well >> then th say no and we can let it move on. i think it is so important. we don't want it to be doom and gloom. we have toe realists. the fact is life is not always fair. that is the truth. >> it's also great to teach your chdren that you can make it more faifor other people by the way you live youlife, whh is that second little sub story of the whole thing. it may not be fair, but if you do this ni thing for that person, guess what? now you can impact that. i think that's the most important thing u can teach. >> pay it forward. >> gratitude and impact other people's lives and their self-esteem es crazy. >> my sband and i were reay cused on teaching this whole concept of fairns. we have millions of readers who are paranoid tt they should teach theikids the right thing and be fair. we wanted to teach our kid be fair, even if it's wrongmean, unfair, how would you feel i your friendid that to you? the cond part of that leon has alwa been, when somethin
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happens to him, he runs to me crying, that's notair, i tell him, i don't sop in, i say, you know what, youre old enough to figure this out for yourself. >> it is all about the age of the children. what's right for a 2-year-old is different from a 5ear-old. >> as a grownup, let's say two people work in the same office, one makes more than the other, at's not fair, we work the same hours, do theame thing. we know that this happens with women. we know there's this divide. we know this happens all t time. you have to effective. sometimes you mit have to go and ask for what you want an the environment's too powerful and you still get told no. you have to almost radically acpt that this is whatt is in this ment. could that still change? su. can i nd another place? but if i stay stuck that it's not fair momt, i'm going to stay miserable how wi that help me? >> psych yourself ou >> we all work around people who throw tantrumst work who clearly didn't learn how to cope withhings not being fai wh you can do as an adult, you need to take a sp back. as a friend or co-worker you
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need to tell them, relax >> i told you, hie. >> that's what i thoht you id. >> thanks, ladies. >> we did tell you about the pulaski ewers. if they teach themselves that life is not fair, 92said they do indeed do that. >> his stronvocals and guitar pling weren't enough tkeep him in the competition. >> that's okay. now we geto meet "the voice's" jonny gray. >> two women reveal their ho new ambush makeovers right after this. >> i can't wait. what does that firstspoonk
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ok. honey buncs of oats. ching! mmmm! mmmm! mmmm! wow! mmmm! it's thoats. mmmm! honey. yeah. honey bunches oats. mmmm! it's thoats. mmmm! this is a great cereal. ♪ [ me announcer ] old el paso frozen entré. now in freezers. [ me announcer ] old el paso frozen entré. what can do with my $7 a month anemail the school. acfone? call the docr. text the groomer. fi gear for soccer. send invites to a party. post karatpics. help sean with history. battle of hastgs... 1066. all that with my android from tcfone...
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now with three times the talk, text and data for as low as $7 a month. unbeatable nationwide verage without a contract. the new huei glory. tracfone. do everything for less. the ill of peppermint. the rich dark chocate. york peppermint pattie get the sensation. daisy is made from only 100% natural, 100% pure ingredients with othing else added. als are simply better with a dollop of daisy. ♪ do a dollop of daisy
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the countdown has begun and it's nowown to ten on "the voice." >> this week the fans sent two performers home. one of them was air force veteran jonny gra from team cee lo who is n happy. >> now he gets to be withs and he's not hap about that either. >> very happy. >> glato have you here. >> what a ride that must ve been to be on "the voe." it's beensurreal, the whole experience. i never imagined i would be doing mething like this. it's been great.
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ve been having a good time. >> now you served inaudi arabia. >> and kuwait. >>o you didn't see combat, than goodness. >> no. >> you too your guitar with you overseas. >> i alwaysad my guitar. i sked it and pyed for everybody and boosted moralehe best i could. >> what kind of songs did you sing for the guys? >> a lot of dave matthews. a lot of pearl jam. beetles, of course. >> now you're going to hit the road and play music now that the vois is ov voiss over with? >> i was working on a record before "the voice" started with. >> y're aongwriter, too? >> yes, ma'a >> you were rais in a nice family. you said yes, ma'am to both of us. >> it's e military man in me. >> good. >> finish up the record and hit the roa in2014 and travel aroundnd go see everybody that's been supporting me. >> will you play a little something for us? know you have your guitar with you. little new tune i'vbeen working on. >> okay.
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♪ stayith him one more d >> eight more conds. >> (clock ticking) (alarm bell) this thanksgiving, your tterball turkey's souicy, people will swear you just stepped off the mayflower. yeah, you plymouth rked this dinner fm here to jamestown anit hardly cost you a shilling, because you went to walmart. that's rht mom, you own this season. everythi to make the perfect thanksgiving meal foless. walmart. [ female nouncer ] at 100 calors, not allood choices add up. somare giant. some n so giant.
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when managing your weight, igger is always bett. ♪ hho ho ♪ green gnt ♪ hho ho igarnier invents olia. a haircolor breakthrgh. our first ammonia-free rmanent color, by o olia propels color deep. pure, luminous, vivid color. visibly imoves and restores hair. olia by garnier. and this park is the side of your body. see the special pllium fiber in metamucil actually gels. a that gelling help to lowerome cholesterol. metamucil. 3 amazing benefits in 1 sur fiber. > good morning to yo 10:26. dozens of people woke up without powethis morning in haywd after a van crashed io a pole and took out a transformer. this happened overnigh the iver ran from the sce, bu was eventually taken int
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cuody nearby. pg&e crews say the lights won't be back on uil later this morning. invtigating the strel accident at tesla that sent ree borkers t the hospital. last night tla ceo elan -- one of the workers was released from the hospil last night. we'll check the forecast and the roads after the break.
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the time 10:2 still cold outside. we he plenty of 50s out ere, and plenty of lowlouds across the greater bay ar. now, the sun is on its way. it's going to take a lite ile longer. probably over the next couple of urs we'll start to see sunshi. as a result temperatures will climb from the mid 50s into the upper 60s today in the south bay. upper 60s in the peninsula, and, can't wait to tell you all about when they move in today at 11:00. let's check your drive with mike. >> all right. that fog, the haze, yeah, christina said it's all ove the place still, butot a major problem fordrivers. an issueeeing theroadway. a tough drive in one spot, though. thiss west 580. we still have that slow lane blocks, and the jack coming off of thebridge. we're still looking at 11:00 to op the road after the crash. a buh of stuff had to be off loed and thenhey have to
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right the g. we'll have much more comg up in0 mutes at 11:00. jon key and i hope to see u then. we are back with more on "today" on this thirsty ursday. have two lovely ladies off our plaza. >> worng their hair, makeup mac as alwa. >> you kw the song. sing along. louis lirri. >> author, jill martin. >> so much contributing ing on. >> there's a lot of that ppening. >> it was chillyhismorning, hats and gloves on. >> definitely. we were talkingow we have to definitely get our winter coats out. >> yes. >> oddly enough we found two ladies from upstate n york who are so used tohe cold today wasrobably a spring day for them. >> balmy. >> the first one is pat van
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ormon. she's fromauburn, new york. she wants a, quote, betr looking everything. w thatshe's 65 she wants to turn it on. >> wahoo. >> lisn to her story. >> it's girls' tri and what a treat, ght? >> yes. yes. >>kay. so, first, why does pat deserve this? >> well just today this morning pat wa telling me how her hair doesn't have the curl thatt used to have. and she says, i really need something to be ne. >> okay. >> s this is perfect timing. >> perfect. >> somebody must have ard me. perfect. >> i kno your husband is watching. what will he think? >> he's going to be very happy for me. yes, he will. we've been married 45 years and a newook is good. >> surprise! >> all right. she is here with her friend joanne who'sctually also getting made over andwo others who are here, jan and jenny. >> they are trouble, those two. you can tell. >> ladies, pleaseep on your bldfold. he is pat van ormon before.
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>> pat, let's see you. >> wow! >> all right. are you ready? >> takeff your blind folds. >> oh, my gosh. >> ready, pat? turn aroun >> oh, my god! >> so hip. >> you are hip. >> you're happening. >> spin right around and look at camera 12. >> wow. >> tell us about the hair. >> well, i just wanted toive this upste girlome glam. lightened her hair. bridgette gave herhis great haircut. it accentser eyesnd cheek bones. her two best fial features. you look beautiful. >> what do you guys ink? >> love it! gorgus. >> jill, tell us about the leather. >> oh, my gosh. >>he actually picked this out. >> where are you going? don't go away. don't go away. >> we love a littl leather. this is from andrew ma. it's a great layering piece. you can wear over andhe
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jeans are nydj. you can wear spanx to give you that littlebit. >> like we did. >> a littl bit of extra shape. st sayin'. >> big roundf applause. >> thank you. >> face t wall if you wouldn't mind. >> your her friend is coming out. her name is jnne nschaick. when we asked her what her daily routinwas she said,well nothing. she was thrilled for thi opportunity to get a brand-new style. let's take listen to her style. >> oka it's joanne's turn. pat, you tell me whyou want this for her >> becau joanne is one of the most nicest, most generous people i've ever known imy life and she derves everything. >>t's already a love fest. what do you think about this whole new look? >> oh, my goodness. i'm so excited because i have d theame hairdo for le 30 years. >> i love them. group hug. next time yosee them you are
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ing to look tally dierent. oh, my god. >> oh, my goodness. >> i can't believe it. all righty. she's here with her friends. pat, jane and jenny. all righty. let's take one lt look at anne. an let's bring out joanne vanschaick. >> whew! >> all ghty, ladies. take off your blind fol and you can turn around now, pat. >> oh, my gosh, joanne! i love it. >> wow. >> you want to take a look at your self? there you go. >> lookt her. >> what great laugh she has. >> who is this? >>ook at the difference there. yes. all right,louis. >> this pves that blond isn't always theansw. going darker works so much better onyou. you look so pretty. what we did is we worked wh thecolor,ridgette did. she worked wit it giving her swept away bangs.
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the new llet, all of the soft, warm colo. >> tt dress, that lace dress. >> love that. >> this is great for the holidays. >> love it. this is by maggielondon. if youave a smaller waist, put a thicker belt. beige or gd shoes. >> what do you think? >> beautil. just gorgeous. >> why don't youtep right up here. >> thank you. >> toouis as ual and to jill, thank youo much. if you need somethg to be fixed, guess who's here. if you need somethg to be fixed, guess who's here. >> lou kerri: hey! rri the sparkle® fairy he. are you about to drop some serious in on paper towels? mom: well, i use bouy... rri: ooo! do you really want paper towel thatan hold a bowling ba? eek! here's a bright ea. use sparkle® with thirst pockets®. it's just right for cleaning u everyday little sses thout cleaning out your piggy . sparkle®. the bright way to clean. gottjet!
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manfreni. aaroasks this question, how do you change a lightfixture. >> i know you're nerus about this, but this is something you can do if you ha a healthy respect fo electricity. behind you tt's your existing fixture the wall. you see the knob in the middle of the fixture. that comes off andhat whole fixture comes off. >> that's the only thing keeping on there. >> righ yowant to make sure the power is off. >> so important. >> the switch. correct. you don't wanthese wires to be hot because you will get electrocuted. >>es. >> y will use a tester to make sure they're not hot anymore. then the two wires a going to get connected to your brand-new fixture that ao has two wes on the back. >> thas ? >> i like the other fixture better so don't change it. i derstand. what i want to sho you is there's going to be a whi wire ich is called the neral and a black wire which is the hot. ose corresponding colors, if you see what's coming out of there, thelack and t white, you make sure you do that. you twist those wires together and you use what's called a wire nu to hold it in place and then
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u put it back on there. you tighn it up and you're good to go. >> okay. >> then you put theraeaker on, the switch on. >> you didn' shows how t test. >> thi is the tester you will buy. you take the probes and you'll hold it on the wi, hold it on the box. that does not lightup, the wer is dead >> are they always black and white? >> fixtures are typically bck and white. in the wall it's white and the colo may not black but it's a cor. >> next question is from connie. howo you tell if your dryer pipe, is clogged ? isn't at how fires get started? >> it does. this is big deal. there's thousands of fires that occur here. if you dryer is taking longer to dry the clothes, wow, i h this on for 40 minutes and it didn't work, there's a good chance that this duct work is clogged. this is vinyl duct work. ifou have this, replaceit. ion't lik it. >> why? >> it gets too hot. this, to me, my opinion, is a fire hazar in itself.
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you need a metal piece of dt work. this is connected to the back of your dryer. you'reoing to pull it out. u'll see all this lint in there. >> yeah. >> thiss a flexible brush that actually goesnto this pipe. you work it in with a vacuum cleaner. i have a shop vac in front of us th you take and dry that. is is the vent that's outside. this is where the air blows outse. thers all kinds of lint he and then they also hava brush that's avaable that you can go inside and clean that out. >> once a year should you do that? >>wice a year. here i wan to show y a cool fety device. it's called a lint alert. th product you plug your dryer to. when you take this hose off, you put this senr on. you plug this little hose into this. you plug the dryer into that. then if it gets clogged, if it sees that the air is n flowing, it sounds an alarm to remind to youo it. >> that's great. >>e have less than a minute. andrea asks t water pressure in my shower is teible. is there any w to improve it?
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>> chances are it's your shower head. go ahead and take the shower head off. it tightensnto the showerrm here. a tricks toake some blue pe, wrapt around the shor head and arm, when you use the wrenes, you'll damageit. soak it in a caner like clr. flood itor 20 minutes or so. th take an old toothbrush and clean it out. if that doesn't work, buy a new shower head. you'll be amazed. >> it's not a water problem. >> how do you get a cigarette rn out of carpet? >> you don't. you fake it. this is the greatest product ever. this is a sewing macne in a bottle. >> what? >> it's called hair mender. any piece of fabc that is tor or separated, the hem on a skirt, take this product and g there. it wl go awa if it's on my finger. where thaturn mark is i'll take some scissors and i'll cut fibers from where i don'tsee. i'm going t takehe hair mender and put it on to ts
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porous material. i'll take those fibe. i'm going to stick it on there. attach it. >> what? >> i'moing to work my way around this. i wish i could do this with my baldin head. it would be awesome if it worked. >> yeah. >> you'll put that on there. will not come out. >> oh. >> grea love ourlou. thanks smuch. >> if y've got questions for lou go to klgandhodaom. >> italian dinneror any special occasion. >> if you want to shop, find out howo spend your money. stock or shop? >> theifts that keep up ging righafter
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♪ gives you a long-lasting fresh breath feeng. so you have the courage to jump in... gon for the hug... or make sparks fly. for a fresh breath feeling that lasts up to 5x lonr, get scopoutlast. tmy body doesn't wo lonr, the way it used to. past my prime? i'm a victim of a slowing metabolism i don't think so. great grai protein blend. protein from natural ingredients like seeds and nuts. it helps support healthy metabolism. greagrains protein blend. the big labig-eye glam new falsies bieyes mascara from maybelline new york... with our first eye-opening brush duo. upper brush volumizes. unique lower micro- brush magnifies.
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for 36big-eye glam! new big eyes ♪ maybe it's maybelli ♪ ♪ all the goodness of milk, all thdeliciousness of hershey's syrup. on sale someplace else, so i take my receiptee it d the ad back to walmart. and guess what?ce else, so i take my receiptee it they mched the price and gave me t difference. amazing. right woah! shop early with our new christmas ad match. even if you find aower advertised price later we'll give you theifference on a gifcard. walmart.
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wish granted. dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt. soun too good to be true... it's thick, creamy but 0% fat and twice the protein. huh..! where did stamos go? he's here, the oikos are on him. th really is too go to be true! dannon oikos greeknonfat yogurt. too delicious be so nutritious. dannon. ♪ whether you're buying gt or having a big anksgiving. we're going to tl you how to stretch a dollar in a game we call stock or stuff. >> sharon is here to show us whether it's better to spe on holiday products or invt the same amounin the company that
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sells those products. >> we love this. >> icky, sharon. >> it is a little tricky. a lot ofolks want to know abt this now because n is the time you mightant to buy a gift of a stockor your child or for a good friend. you can do that. you can buy one share of stock and you c go online like a company like or >> give as present. >> $40 and the stock price a u can dothat. it's a pretty easy thing to do. >> so ready to play the game. >> is this about the monetary value of wt that would cost? >> what we're looking at wit all these companies, we're going start down here, is what the sck price would have done in the last six months. why wre loong at that short period o time? stocks are doing well in the last coue of years. we're looking at record highs. some of these companies,ot so good. you have to careful. willms sonoma. what do you think, stock or stuff? >> stock. >> stuff. >> hoda is right. we are looking at stuff. stock price is dn 3% in the
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last six months. >> oh, it is? >> christmas sean will go up. >> retailers very competitive. stock prices can me around. bed, bh and yond. stock. >> stockdefinitely. you arright, hoda, once again. >> i lovehat company. >> we are looking at a company that's benefitng from t housing maet getting better. whole foods, organic natural foods. how many peoe like that? >> i'll just take it and i'll say stuff. >> no. this stock has de really well, actually. the stock is u about 17% in the last six months. aot of folks like this organic naral foods. >> i like it too. >> very competitive. a lot of new companies getting in. >> i'm going to sit down. >> sarah lee is now owned by llshire brands. >> definitely stock. >> well, y actlly would not be rig about that. it hn't done that well. it's down about 9%. this is also a company that owns jimmy dean and ballpark franks. peop need to realize it has
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different procts aswell. >> okay. ke. after thanksgiving youant to work out -- >> stock in nike, plse. >>tock. definily stock. stocs done rlly well the last six months. up almost 20%. and generalmills, pillsbury crescent rolls. thksgiving. >> here you go. here you go. what do you say? >> stuff. >> no. >> oh, yes! >> thistock is up a little bit over the lastix months. it'sot done incredibly zblel winner take all at -- >> stock. >> 1-800-flowers. >> tt's because you kno the brand. it's such competitive market. people getting in. stock down 20%. >> she still wins. >> who won? jane, what did i win? >> no prize "today" on nbc. >> we'll be back after this. >> thank you, sharon. >> sharon, w love you. >> se turkey. >> what else inew? ♪ ♪
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it's time for today's kitchen and a ttle something r your thasgiving tae. meatbas and grav >> a lot of familiesike to celebrate with a meal that reminds them of their ritage. >> like pete. it's the owner o a cafe in fort lauderdale. he'll show us thanksgiving itian style. >> welcome. i'm veryonored to be next to yotwo beautiful dies. >> thank you. >> have some meatballs. >> i want to me an italian thanksgiving the italian americans that i know, we didn't have turke untilate, late, late at night, 11:00. >> okay. >> how we had it, we had o up, then our macaroni, meat, salad. the time f turkey, you were too full. >> all right. what's in yr meat mixture? >> caful. >> veal, beef and pork. you have to have three kinds of meat. >> why? >> it gives it flor. the pork gives it flavor. >> all right. >> m all thatup.
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>> you have two eggs in there. >> two eggs, ground meat. this is stalebread. take a little bit. i want you to moisten that up together for me please. >> get it. >> what i nt you to do take me cheese putt side. >> ah, baby? >> the whole thin >> fresh cloves. >> oh, no. >> no no, no. >> you threw in the meatballs. >> you're in trouble. you're in trouble. >> just watch. just watch. you getthis. go like this squeeze all the water out. come on. come on. we've got to go. let's go! les go! >> she likes gettingelled at >> the bread crumbs. >> are you sure? >> you have that. >> what do you want to do? >> i'v got it out. >> this or no? no or yes? >> yes. >> the whole thing? >> no a lite bi parsy. >> do you cook at home? >> a little. make one ing.
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little bit of salt. >> you know that that doesn't have an s,right? had to get that in. >> come on >> wait, wa, wait. granulated- >> w have a minute. >> mix it up. mix it up. >> take this. >> takthat. take th. >> n roll it. roll it. >> roll it! >> go like this. >> do put i in? >> you put it in here fry it. >> in th hot grease? >> yes, fed meatbas. >> got to have them. listen, i made yous a nice salad. south philly salad. >> come around t back andhow us all you dishes. >> come on >> are you ready? >> oh, that salad is delicious. >> fantastic. >> soups. you have yr macaro. rigatoni. >> sausages. >> you made t sauce for it. >> thank you, sweetheart. thank you, thank you. >> tha you. >> all righty. >> here's your meat balls. you ve to taste itefore we go off the air. >> all right. get in there. get a bowl. >>ome on, w. >>h, my gosh.
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>> eat the meat ball wh the salad. >> on tv. >> delious! [ female announce] now your most dazzling accessory can be your sme. coate optic white al action shines and whitens over 2 shades re than a leading whitening othpaste. and whiten even more, with optic white mouthwash and the whole colgate optic white line.
11:00 am
> good morning. thanks for being with us. i' marla tellez. >> i'm jon kelley. nation this morng saying, re the yeah, he hears amecans are upset about losing their hlth insurance, so now he is offering a fix. . obama annouing if you like the pl, you will be able to keep it inany cases, but not all of them. nbc bay area steve hamilto has the story from washington. >> repter: president obama said he did not mean to deceive the ameran people bh he promised they could keep a plan they liked. 98% of the american people r eier it
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