tv Early Today NBC November 15, 2013 4:00am-4:31am PST
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go friday morning. cong up on "early today" -- a floridpilot tells the faa a passenger fe out of his plane and into the ocean. the search continues. toronto mayor roford's moh and unsavory behavior coinue to shock the masses wait until you hear the late. health care whiplash. the esident's latest plan to fix the system. pl -- more aid aives in the typhoon-ravagephilippines. also, florida's sihole oblem is getting dicier by the day. and bett triple check the tunnel height next time. "early today" starts rht now. good morning. happy friday. i'm betty nguyen. a bizarre incident is brewing inhe waters off miami,
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florida, whe a man is lost at sea after reportedly plunging 2,000 feet from a private plane. the search is now underway for the man who ll from an open door with no parachute on thursday. e mayday call revealthe tense moments. >> mayday, mayday, maay. i have a door ajar, and i'm heading toward tamiami. a passenger fell dow >> you said you have a passenger that fell out of your plan >>hat's correct, sir. he opened e back door, and he just fall down the plane. >> isounds almost surreal. the coast guarhas not confirmed whether thpilot's emergency call was legitimate. anit's not clear where the flight originated or how many ople were onboard the piper plane. were onboa the piper plane. the missing person's ne has not been released, and police ve not indicated any foul play. t there is more foul play from tonto mayor rob ford, and
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his latest meltdown was all caught on li tv. speaking toeporters thursd, the yor denied he asked a female to perform sex from a -worker. he later held a news conference to apologize withis less than happy wife standing by hiside. >> i've been under tremendou tremendoustress. the stress largely of my own maki. i have apologized and i have tried to move rward. this has pron to be almost impossible. let's take y to florida now. several homes have bn abandoned as a giant sinkhole forces many to evacuate their neighborho. the massive crater swalled portio of two homes as it panded just before dawn. th sinkhole has grown 70 fee
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wide by 50 feet deep, and officialfear more homes could be allowed. meanile, the white hou is trying to dig itself out of a hole. many wonder about t health care lauer and if the move can ve his credibility. tracie potts joins us le from shington. good morng, tracie. we're all aing, where do we go from here? >> reporter: well, first we've got to figure out what to do withhese 5illion peoe whose insurance polics have been cancelled or are being cancelled. do they get to hd on tohem forever? for a ye? as t president suggested. do ty get to hold on to them atll or have to try to find a new weren't on the troubled health website that may cost more this has been a rky llout for the president's health re plan and he apologized again for that on thursday.
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>>e should have done aetter job getting at right on day one. not on day 28 or on y 40. i am confident that by the time weook back on this next year, that people are going to say, thiss workingwell, and it's helping a lot of people. >> reporter: and to g there the presint is suggestshat people that had tse plans canceled can hold to them for a year but insurance companies would have to compare and contract what they would good unr obama care. not enough time, plus if those peopletay on cheaper planshe insurance say they may haveo charge others more. today a hou vote expected on the republican plan to allow people to hold on toheir insurance indefinitelywhether or not tse plans have been cancelled. >> a lot to consider there. okay. thank you, tracie. we appreciate . moving now to e philippines where typhoon haiyan's death tollopped
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4,500. and the aid theyesperately need is finally arriving. nbc's harry smith re with u.s. marines as they delived supplies. >> reporte aid is starting to pour in from all over theworld, at the airport i the planes from t united ara emirates. behind me, one from israel. there's plas here from asia, from australia. the world is sponding. t in the storm zone,ittle of the response is being felt. orm victims by the hundreds wait in lines at the taclon airport, lines that don't se to mov >> the people like us, very ordina, we're just suffering from hunger, no water. >> no medicine >> no medicine. >> reporter: and so the u.s. marines are throwing everything theyave at the problem, including the osprey. it can fly like a plane,ut take off le a helicopter,
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makingt an ideal bridge between the aid that iso despately needed. and the long term nes may be just as signicant. reoring power, restori water will take a long, long time. harry smith, nbc news, tacloban. now with that international aid pourg in, we have learned of disparities. china, the world second largest ecomy has pledged less than $2 million, mpared with ikea, they pledged $2.7 million. anwhile, the u.s. isroviding $20 milln. stay classy, washington, d.c. a new exhibit dedicated to ron rgundy opened at the museum displaying ctumes and props from the "anchman" movie. the display also features very real stories on h fale anchors gotheir start in the '70s. well, is guy dn't get his start in the '70s. 's a whole lot youer than that. >> i d. >> in thi business.
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>> oh. i thought you meant my start, start. >> we all knew that. how's the weather looking for e weekend? >> the pacific northwest, an active flow. snow in the high elevations. in the passes, tse people won't. 's 30 in boe. spokane not much better where the areas have aest chance of getting snow a lile whammer than you suspect. doesn't look le much. usuallytorms come in from the west. this is coming inrom the northwest. you see the clouds dropping down. that time is easte time. you can see the rain showing in green, thelue is the snow i the cascades. snow continues tonight into boisand still inhe cascades, rainfall along i-5. geing to saturday afternoon, it begins to clear out. how much snow are wealking about? 6 to 12 inches in theascades and als portions of the northern roces there, including the areas just to the north there of boise. so your friy forest, fine is california, but a lot of that cloud and rain causing travel
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issues in the northwest. a mix. i've got to think shove are eded. over the weekend, it won't as bad as what we're dealing with today, but not rfect. >> get through today, then. okay. ank you, bill. the parents of casey anthony may fi themselves homeless, and venezuels leader promises a flat-screen tv f everyone plus, a texas-size gasoline explosion. and that truck driver who is wishinthat he di not take this shortcut. yikes. you're watching "early today."
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have two ildren, if one parent an only child. leaders say the move is to promote long-term balanced velopment of the populationn china. authorities say 348 people have been arrested in a worldwide child porn stinghich led to the rescue of 346 children. police say schoolteachers, actors, even doctors, among those arrested. > the home where cey anthony's pants live is facing foreclure. the orlando sentinel repor anthony's pares haven't made a mortgage payme since january 20 and owe $128,000. casey anthony filedor bankruptcy earlier this year. a fir istill raging in northern texas after a drillg crew puncted a gas pipeline triggering an explosion on thursday. nearby residentsave been evacuad while the gas burns off. inhiladelphia now, a bnd man andis service dog were
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foed off a u.s. airway flight amphey say the dog relieved mself and two passeers say, telling nbc 4 new york say that didn't happen and don't think thean was out of line in any way. and a truck cshed into the roof of a tunnel in sydney, stralia. e driver was reaching for his glasses when he aidentally hit the ver. authorities y the truck mpany can expect aefty repair bill. and stocks kicked off i record territo yet again. e cost of that turkey dinne is down about 1%, good news, or 44 cents. the average cost to feed ten people this years $49.04. all rit. let the games ben. playstation 4 is officially on sale. ps 4 hit store shelves this morning and sell for $349
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and miosoft's xbox wl sell for $499. > first lady michelle obama spoke in disney world about hiringeteranses as part ofer force initiativ an. >> veterans have higy transferrable skills and chances are, you won't go wrong ifou hire a teran. >> how does this sound? a flas scree tv for evybody. every skin. a tweet fm venezuela's leader. "we grantee everyone ma a plasma televion." sounds lika ettyood de. we're not smoking crack, says say the mayor hoping to cash in on the torto mar's crac charge. just ahead, all your sports ghlights, including, check it out, a dirty head butt during thursday night football. we have that and so much more. yestday house speaker jo
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football. colts and titans. the lebacker ripd the helmet off the head of titans'ight end delanie walker and a nasty confrontation follows. you seet right ere. walden still wearing hiselmet head butts walker, ouch. walden was given a penalty, but you can almost ctainly expect a hefty fine from the league. late. colts quarrback andrew luck fake asassnd runs it in for the "today" himselt td himselan ge the titans and celebration in the stands. onathan martin i scheduled toeet with the envelonfl's independent investigator looking into bullying allegations. and ig cog ne ncognito tryi appeal.
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meanwhile richie incognito h filed grievance to try to t reinstated the union contract limitthe teamo a four week suspension. clemson pounded unranked geoia tech lt night. the tigers tajh boyd concted on four touchdown passeso set a hool completion record and the most td passes in acc history. but boyd had to leavthe game with a bised collarbone. the fil 55-31. the kickofff the marshall university ge with tul was delayed to remember 75 marshall ayers andoaches and others killed in a plane crash back in 1970. a moment of silence was obrved at the precise moment of t crash years ago. and three-ti indy 500 winner dario franchitti has decided to retire. you can see why. the 44-year-old suffered a broken back and ane in the cident on october 6. detroit tigers third basem miel cabrera was voted the most vuable player for the second year in a rowand andrew mccchen, pittsburgh pirates center fielr, was chosen at the national league mvp.
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welce back. get preredor a wet and kind of wild day in t northwest especially if you' traveling through any elevations. denitely rain especially during thefternoon hrs going fromeattle to portland. mountains getting snow. really one of the first significant snows, too. up to a foot in the higher elations. if you lik to do early season skiing over the thanksgiving holiday is is just what you wanted. saturday and sunday continues a flow out of the northwest. rain is not heavy but showers in california the syst again miss you, california. thank you, bill. seeing superdiva mariah carey is catchin serious fk fo his biting description for woing as a judge on "ameran idol" i. ha idol". >> i hated i randy jackson wille there. used to pla bass. this won't be a big al. this will be nothing, but it wasn that. it was le- it was like hell goin to work every day in hell
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with satan. >> and how much did she get paid toork in hell ashe claimed? a whole l of money. harry connick j responded saying, "it must hav been hard to judge in hell," and his time in "american idol" has been just heaven. then sent a second tweet apologizing to carey sayinge is sorry that cey feels that way. alec baldn's stalker, found guilty and wl serve 210 days in jail, prohibited fro contacting balin or h wife for five years. omedian john oliver is leaving jon stewart and"the daily show" he'llost a comedy show on sunday starting next year. >>and bruce dern d will rte, starts this weekend. also with a movieith terrenc ward. and charlie shee tweeted
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toronto mayor rob ford offer to help him with the "media cesspo cesspool." >> yesit's always our fault. >> with the media hs dealing with. >> i can't figuret out. >> showing martial arts exrtise. van damme is calling this the most epic of all. seems pretty -- i don't know. weee him do this before. >> you don't think is real? >> think he can still do the split. the driving backwards tng gets me. how can the trucks stay in a straightine going backwards. >> it's seous, too. one wrong move and, boom it's all ov. >> i'm sure he had wire suppt. the odds of it-ish d. >> it's stilcool-looking. >> that will bother me all day. > all right. i'm bty ngun and this is "early today," just your first stop of the y here on nbc.
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in the news thisorning in th "mwaukee journal ntinel," a felon shot at the children's hospita after he fled officers. the 22-year-oldustained non-fe-threatening injuries. and in "usa toda" six tons of seized ivory ushed in denver. a pile of ivory 10 feehigh coiscated by feder agents over the past 25 years was destroyed. > and now stories you might have missed. washingtontate woman is due in court todaafter she left a mb a car parked outside of a spital. ficers searched her home only to find another bomb. the woman s being driven to an e.r. when she told thdriver e had a bomb. cross securities say they
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will not file chaes against the taxi driver who slammed into a brith tourist causing heto loseer left leg this past summer an attorney for the -year-old says they are shocked and disappointedy the news. and the food and drug administrationants you to cut back onive foods like french fries and eve bnt toast. they're re likely t contain a chical calledacrylamide that may lead to cancer. experts say no rean to panic, just another reason to cut back on fried foods. well, oy the greatest challenges were expected for guinness world record day, and some participants we able to spin an impressive 264 hula hoops at the same time. in japan, a new cord for the 100 meter dash on all fours. i guess you got to get in se weigh-s. these guys did. e man in germany attpted to eak the record for walking acro the most upright champagne bottles.
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and inarizona, thunder and the harlem globetrotters, the longest-ever basketball shot. 109 feet 9 inches. that, my friend, is incredible. timeor aookback. 5-year-old myles, who has leukemia, he wants to be bat k for a day and ove 10,000eople will hp hisish come true batkid saves city. captures and rescues. and onhis day in 1956, the release the first elvis s ♪ love me tender, lovme sweet, never let me go ♪ also we say happy birthy to sam waterst, ed asner, and judge wapner. i'mara schiavocampo. thanks for watching "early today".
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w this morng a man is found shot to death in san jose overnight. what sheriff deputs areaying about the crime this morning. >> and confusionver the new b.a.r.t. contract, we'll tell you about the new sticking point that b.a.r.t. says could be a >> what are you doing here in san fransco? >> going toe batman. >> yeah,he's going to be batman all ght. bat kido the rescue. thousands of volunteers pitching in right now to make a little boy's dreamome true. >> that's right. san franciscoransformed into gotham city. i can tell you as you look over the ty it looks like it need as super hero. can't wait to see that full
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