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tv   NBC Nightly News  NBC  November 18, 2013 5:30pm-6:01pm PST

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>> wll see you back here at 6:00. >> on our broadcast night, it's all gone. entire tns wiped out by a ferocious outbreak of midwest tornadoes just 11 days before thanksgiving. tonight our am is there as the scope of desuction becomes clear. >> family feud. the two cheney daughters in a puic fight over same-sex marriage. and tonight their pares have weighed in. and moment by moment the motorcade in dallas, the firsto react when the shots were fired. tonit his return to the sce for a chilling account of what he remembers. "nightly news" begins now. good evening. as w wched it play out almost
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in slow motion from west to east across theidwest on a sunday afternoon in november,t was hard to believe really. a wild outbreak of tornadoes. what the weather forecasting business calls a second season outbak in a placwhere they assumed the danger h psed for this year. so far dozensf tornadoes have been confirmed yesterday along withight deaths, mt of the in illinois. after roh weather that stretched across 12 statein all and all in the space of one strangely violent day. we bin our coverageonight with nbc's kevin tibbles i illinois >> reporr: good night, brian. tonight in pecon, the shock of wh this massive storm has don is only now beginning t set in. large areas of washington, illinois, look like a moon scape today. as stunned residents picd through the wreage of wt used tbe their home >> right there you can see tha
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blant in thattree, our house was right in fnt of that. >> reporter: andrea bers like soany others huddled inhe basement. she held ontoer 3-month-old daughter with all of her might. >> the windows blew out. we huddled together and laidn top of our daughter. everything started falling in. >> reporter: by the time this massive storm rolled through illinois, sipeople weredead. among e vikts,my tippen's andmother francis houy and her great grdfather joseph houy. >> she kept saying want out of here. >> reporter: but the farmhouse could not withstand the strength of the storm. afte surveying the damage up close, i got t see it fm above. i've never sn the aftermath from the air like this before. it's almost as if a bulldozer has run fm one end of town right through the otr. and as far as the eye can see in the other direction. en of course there are the power towers which are just o the groun and twisted ulike
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pretzels. these things are made out of steel. e storm moved so quickly, residents only had minutes after the siren went off. including the anchors at this peoria station. >> i am hearing things. we may need to te sheer rit now. >>yes, we do. >> we need to go off the air. we will be back when we can. reporter: as the giant twisters approached, weary prayers areeard in this video. >> it's coming fast. >> reporter: and for those on the road, a desperate rush to safety. >> go, go, go, go. >> reporter: in neighboring indiana, phyllis rollins says she's still i shock. >> this is where the home was anding. e roof was completely taken out, and there is nothing, as you can see, left. >> reporter: nothing exct for this christmas ornament with her la husband's photo. he passedaway last year. >> iad a great loss when lost him. now this is anoer loss, but i
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will make it with god's help. >> reporter: they may have lt l their worldly possessions, t they survived. >> look athat. it's miracle that anyby woulwalk out of that alive. >> reporter: schools and urches have now hastily been turned into emergency shelters for those whoave had everything stolen from them by this storm. >> kevin tibbl starting us off tonight. thanks. this bears repeating. a string of tornadoes 11 days beforethanksgiving. a very rare occurrence in the world o ather. weather channel meteorolist mike seidel who was out in it last night c underscore this tonight. he's in kokomo, indiana, tonight. good evening. >> reporter: hey, brian. good evening two tornadoes rolled through th koko landscape yesteay afternoon. they had winds as hh as 135 miles an hour. e of those came right ross here moving at 60 miles an hour. that's interate speed. it blewhis house to
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smithereen e house behind me in part her on the railroad tracks of all places. this is usual to see twisters this lat in the season. we usually see them in the de south in november. yesterday was not your typical november day. in the midwest it was the 60s. then you throw in that roaring jet strea aloft 150 mile-an-hour winds fe miles up and a mile above the surface the winds werelowing at 60 to 70 mis an hour. but from a different direction. you've got the twisting and turning an those unusual ef-4s. in fac illinois had two of those. they've ner seen those on record since 1950. back to you. >> mike seidel amid the wreckage inokomo tonight. anks. now to the other disaster we've be covering as we coinue to closely follow developments in the phippines where the strgle continues there to get theid to those who need it. th means across huneds of islands over a vast expanse, remote villagesut off since
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the stm hit including one of the philippines' eastern most islands that too a direct hit. nay snyderman has mad our way there. >> reporter: damage from this typhoon was so wide and so extensiveeographically and beuse there's so man islands that make up t phippines, the concern is that some islands may be missed, which means that some people may have gone now for a week without havingny lief. i see a small community at 1:00. i think we've idenfied the area we' coming into. it looks lik a schooard that los safe. but arod us, sheer devastation. people are coming out of their houses nowo greet us. if you look to the rht, oh, my god. written in the grass is the word lp. help has arrived for this remo devastated comnity of homanham. thanks to u.s. navchoppers. they've brought inupplies and a doctor, the first one this village has seen in a year.
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is dr. pernav shetti. he is using the newly stocked pharmacy. since you've been here in this one ho, what have you seen? >> mostly what we'veeen seeing is a lot of complications of wounds. >> reporte he's in a race against ti. people on otheristant islands are waiting for him. are you going tbe the drop-in doctor for every village every day you'r going to pvide emergency care? >> we can only provide emergency servic >> reporter: it' an enormous challenge in thisast island nation. in ordero see a doctor, you have to take a boat across? >> correct. it's about a four-hour boat journey across. >> rorter: could you d this without thu.s. military? >> aolutely not. they've been more than helpful and very critical in their operations. >> repter: relief is comin late t many of theseremote communities, but the people re remain strong and resilient. ey have to be. dr. nancysnyderman, nbc news,
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homanham, the philippines. this country, officials a princeton universi have approv an emergency vaccine for a potentially deadly outbreakf meningitis on campus. sevecases have been confirmed. therare fears it cld spread in closed i environment. there is noaccine in this country for this tbreak. a version that haseen proven safe ovseas will be available campu startg next month. now to the public fight among o daughrs in a prominent american family th is ming waves from d.c. all the y west. the subject of sa-sex marriage is at the heart of t conflict in the cheney family. one sister who's gay, the other who's running for aenate seat, and their parts caught in the middle of this. we get the story tonight from nbc's andrea mitcll. >> reporter: they we a picture perfect sister act campaigning for their dad when he first ran for congress. in the office when he bame ief of staff. just an l-american political faly. conservativeepublicans who
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seemed to happily embrace mary cheney's longtime ptner and eventual spouse. senator in t gop primary knowledged their difrences over gay marriage. >> listen, i love mar very much and her family. this is just an issue we disagree. >> reporte they were stunned and struck back on facebook. ma wrote, liz, this isn just issue on which we disagree. you're just wrong. an onhe wrong side of history. heathe wrote i c't help but wonder how liz would feel as she moved from state to state she discovered her family was protected one butot the otr. dick cheney has alwaysupported mary icechoice. >> people should be able to enter any relationsp they want to. >> reporter: buteems to take heather to task for going public about the family dispute which could ht liz's senate campgn.
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the cheneys wrote thiss an issue we have dealt with privately fo year liz has ways believed in the traditional defition of marriage. liz's many ndnesses shouldn be used to distort herposition. >> what you're seeingn the cheneyamily is emblematic on discussions that are happening in households all around the country right now. >> reporter: savannah guthrie recently asked the former vice esident about the issue. >> is this causing rifts in the family? >> if itwere, i wouldn't be talking about it. that's aamily matt. >> reporter: andrea mitchell, nbc news, washington george zimmerman is back in the news tonight. he's bn arrested after an leged domestic dispu in florida. poce say his girlfend accused him of pointing a shotgun at her during an argument, then pushinger out of the home they share before rricading himself insidesing furniture to do it. zimmermamaman n has berged with aggravat assault, battery, crimal mischief. authorities say he did not have a weapo on him when he s
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aid, though they have requested a warrant to search th house. he's expected to appear in court tomorrow. still ahead for us tonight, savannah guthrie in dallas with the secret service agent that jumpedonto the president'car ter the shots wer fid. tonit what stillaunts the mind aala century.
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>> we are ck. and tonight we begin our coverage of the0th aiversary coming up this friday of the assassinatioof president kenny in dallas. tonight the story of a man who witnessed it up close. former sret service ant clint hill. still haued by the eves of at day described in a new book "five days in november" wch comes out tomorrow. night agent hill returns to dallas with savanh guthr for a rare and personal look back on that day. >> here comes a forceumber one. >> reporter: 50 years a this week, the kennedys came to dallas. >> and there's mrs. kendy stepping from the plane wearing
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a bright pink suit. >> reporter: and dallas turned out for them. >> he's reaching across the fenc shaking hands. reporter: but it all changed in an inant. >> something is wron mething is terribly wrong. >> reporte chaos, consion -- >> it appears as tugh something has happened in the motoade route. >> reporter: and for the men willing to take a bullet for the present, utter desperation. >> there's secret service spad eagle overhe top of the car. >> reporter: that agent w 41-year-old clin hill, a man still suggling with what might have been. >> it was a tragic siation, and something tha never goes away. it's always eang at me. >> reporter: we first met hil in 2012. he td usow he was right by mrs. kennedy's sides the nation mourned. that must ha broken your hear >> it still do. >> reporter: now fiveecades later, we return to dallas to retrace the final fateful sts.
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>> it wa usual practice in those ds to have open air morcades. t we traveledhat way at request of the presint. >> reporter: he didn't eve like you to hang onto the backf the car. >> no. >> reporter: is this whe the crowds were rely thick? >> this is where the crowds were starting to build and build. they were enthusiastic and friend. >> reporte but the crowds began to thin the morcade began to turn to the plaza. you turn this corner not knowing lee harvey oswd was right up. >> ias on the backf the car when a of a sudden as we got down here a little bit farther, there was a loud explosi noise that camever my right shoulder. as i turned towards my shoulder, my eyes passed theack of the car. i saw him grab at his throat like this. i jumped off my positio on the car andan toward the
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presidential vehic. >> someone in the limousine might have been hit by gunfire. >> reporr: and it hits t president in the head. when that turned swb she got up on the back the car. >> reporr: that fous moment when she reaches acrosshe trun no one knew what she was doing. >> sheas trying to gather material off the president's head. i got up on therunk and p her in the back seat. that's whe i looked down and sa the president's right side of his face was up and his eyes were fiked. >> reporter: you knew in that moment it was fatal. it was my assumption it was a fatal shot, that he was dead. and i turned and gave a thumb's down to the follow car to let them knohow serious the siation was. >> reporter: mrs. kenne said something in those moments. >> oh,he said jack, jack, what have they de to you? then she sai i have his brains in my hands. and then she said, jack, ck, i
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ve you, jack >> it's official now. the president the united states is dead. >> reporter: it was a moment that changedot just a nation, but a young man forever. you know in your head there was nothing you could haveone. >> yes. >> repter: but yourheart? >> that's the problem. it's thatching sensation of, if only. >> how about that after all these years like it was yesterday. savannah gutie with clint hill. tomorrow night as our week-long coverage, tom breaokabrok's intw with marie tippett, wife o the police officer killed that day. when we come back, a security measure tha may prove to btoo much for some air traveler
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weearn more today about an american sdier who died over the weekend in afghanistan while supporting the operation the pentagon calls enduring freedo
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was staff sergeant alex veoli from heller, texas. his unit was attacked by an i.e.d. while patroing in kandah. it shows a near-vertical di into the ground. the crew had repted problems on landing. they were ming a secd attempt. all 50 on ard werekilled. the weher was clear. it was a 23-year-old boeing aircraft. we'lbe covering this i eater pth, buthe airport in syracuse, new york, has installed new exit portals. meaning you're not aowed to just leave the airpt. you have to enter into a glass pod, wait for it to closeehind you, then wait for an automated ice and a green light. that's just t leave the building and walk out of the terminal. wheritics say it's the official rival of the police state, the airport saythey're
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in lieu of human security. and they do not contain rays. well, the train wre continues in torontohere mayor rob ford today got into a heating argunt with the city council and spectators in the gaeryho were chanting "shame" at one point. he also charged toward the gallery and knocking over a councilwoman since he has refused to sign from office after admitting to smoking crk anduying illegal drugs. an awful scene in buffalo during the jets/bls game yesterday. witness including a life television audience feared the worse when fan who was sliding down an upp deck railing fell to the deck below. he was injured as was the fan he fell on top of, but neither was injured severely. and just a quick update o an incredible weeke of footballn this country
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benning with auburn trailing georgia fing fourth and 18, they throw a hai mary. the receiver just keeps going acting like t play was designed that way. auburn wins 43-38. bestatch of the weekend, one of the greatest cches ever. this is how we catch is pass in ourdreams. j. warden, university of central flora over temple. at is how t catch a football with one hand. and how about thembears. yesterday's game was in the news because it was delayedy the threat of tornadoes. when the gotack to playing a day game slowly became a night game in the cold and the mud ter all that rain inovertime. th bears slugged it outo win home 23-20. when we come back here tonight, because good people have come forwd, there igood news to found in the storm zone tonight even after so much was lost.
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finallyere tonight, let's go back to the midwest where as we said a lot of good people are coming forwardonight in a very bad situation. me of them happen to be players and cches helping out where the need isreatest. te snow has our report fm washington, illinois.
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>> reporter: washington community high's varsity football players were supposed to have workouts this ek, but not like this. insteaof running offensive drills, coach darryl crouch was helping his players sift through the devastation of theirown. was just saturday when the panthers tk their recd to 12-0, a ctory that would sen them to the illinois state semifinals. you guys were ring on top of the world. >> very much so. our town, a huge week to get back t finals for the first time sin '85. bi huge day that day. theny 11:00 the next day, that's . >> reporter: one assistant coach d eight of his players have lost their homes. includg his starting quarterbk. casey danly is the startg quarterback. this afternoon he was helping a thankful homeowner recover clothing now you're coming out for them. >> we've got to ce out for them now. it's the right thing to do. >> rorter: this is your house? >> ts was our house, yeah. >> repter: jeff econ on
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hitting the basement with his wife and childn. >> g the biggest things. ich was my family. we'll ta care of the rest. >> reporter:ut the players were here to help him uncover buried keepsakes. >> how you'r going to handle things when it gets difficult, how are you going to handle things when you have a maj disaster. >> reporter: tomorrow they'll start practicing again, preparing for saturday's big game. a reason to cheefor this battered town. kate snow, nbc news, washington, illinois. >> we'll keep all of them i our thoughts andrayers tonig as we wrap up our monday broadcast. i'm brian williams. we, of cose, hopeo see you right backere tomorrow
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evening. good night. good evening, thanks for joining us on this monday. our top story tonit, wet weather rolling into the gbay area. it's been a while since w dealt with rain on the roads. th's what's going to happen that a few hours. to give you a lk outside of san francisco, where the clouds are starting to roll in. chiemeteorologist jeff ranieri joins now live, tracking this developing weather. >> definitely th rain to pick up. it's been sce september the 21st sce we had a half inchf rainfall across the bay area.
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look like the storm stem lining up offshore is going to val that. take you in cler. see across the north y, moef of the consistt rainfall is point. santa rosa at this as we put a storm tracker on this, what you're goi to be able to see is to the south of point ara, see showe make it across the north bay. we think as we head throughout 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 for tonight. it's going to be a slowmover. eventually we'll get rainfl across the bay area. as we get a look at the live doler scan, see showers offshore, the lower atmosphere ben beginning to moisten up athis point. early look of the totals o the firs round of rainfall. rth y, firstn tap with the rain drops where we could see a quarter to potentially a half inch of rainfall we'll talkore about san jose's rain cnces and whenhat's ing to increase coming up in the full recast. >>ee you in a little bit. we continue the coverage of the new storm on our website. click o that weather tab.


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