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tv   Dateline NBC  NBC  January 28, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PST

10:00 pm
male announcer: welcome to hollyw- foing? night... announcer: where each week jane lynch invites six celebrity friends over to play games... - a blank parfait. - chocolate. - you know what? pass. pass. announcer: have some drinks... - that's an order. - he's not hot, but-- - ah! - i need a drink. - ray kelly clarkson. - r. kelly clarkson? - you got the point! - i said ray, but i meant r.! announcer: and hopefully send one contestant home with... - $25,000. - [screams] - you got it, girl. come on. footloose? boxing. pocahontas. - my elbow has a funny one. - oh, "bone." i got a "b." here, fred. take this "b." - no, no, wait. i need mine. - give this to fred. - julie is as high as a kite. - faster! faster! announcer: coming up tonight... - ♪ do-do-do-do-do - are you kidding me?
10:01 pm
- pass! - michael chiklis. - it's not me! all bald guys don't look alike. - do you want to take a guess? - sorry! - yahtzee! - [squealing] - is it... [imitates squealing] - really? really? - i got a lot to prove. - oh, my-- pow! announcer: you're invited to hollywood game night. [up-tempo big band music] [cheers and applause] ♪ - hey! welcome, america, to the newly refurbished jane lynch estates, a house architectural digest calls an "ostentatious monument to the notion of unfettered riches." mission accomplished. now let's it put it together for the five cutest guys on my payroll: dean butterworth and the scorekeepers! [lively rock music flourish]
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yeah! let's see who showed up to this party. starting at the far end of the couch, from reno 911! and sean saves the world, it's comedy genius-- and i do not overstate this-- mr. tom lennon. [cheers and applause] from parks and rec, actress and all-around funny lady, retta is here. drink up, lady. [cheers and applause] and of course frmistresses, it's the lovely and delicious alyssa milano. - thank you. [cheers and applause] now, tom, a lot of people know you as officer dangle from reno 911!, but right now you play sean hayes's boss on sean saves the world. and of course in real life he's your boss and he's my boss. did he force you to do this, or did you beg him to let you? - no, no, no. i'm here of my own free will. [softly] help me. help me. - that's what i thought. okay, america, i want you to meet somebody without their own television show, and that's where our civilian comes in. our team captain is an i.t. salesman from washington, d.c. please welcome cory rice! [lively musical flourish]
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sit down. you're not supposed to get up. sit down! - wow. wow, that was presumptuous, man. - wow. - although i do like the bald head. - i know you do. - hey, we could put our heads together and make an ass of ourselves. - i love it. [musical flourish] - thank you. - cory, i understand that you sell complicated computer software to businesses i've never heard of for reasons i couldn't possibly understand. do i have that right? - yeah. actually, yeah. - oh, good. and also you work for chicago? something in chicago? - i do. i do. - i have a lot of parking tickets that i'd love for you to erase. - we could talk about that. - yeah, we can talk about that. well, let's check out the rest of the house. oh, there's some more famous folk over here. down at the end of the couch, we've got emmy-winning actor mr. michael chiklis. [cheers and applause] from criminal minds, paget brewster. [cheers and applause] whatevs, huh? an actor, x factor host, and brand-new dad, mario lopez. [cheers and applause] right? hey, mario, you host the x factor and you host extra, yet you weren't in tx-men.
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why? - we're working on that for the sequel. usually all things "x." - you got the body for it, though. [cheers and applause] huh? all right, enough with the stars. let's meet your team captain. she's a stay-at-home mom from sandwich, massachusetts. please put 'em together for caroline kramer. [lively musical flourish] now, caroline, i understand you're a bit of a fitness nut. what's your routine? - i get up around 5:30/6:00 in the morning and run, i don't know, 3 to 7 miles. - okay, well, i get up at noon-- sometimes if i need the exercise, i bring in my own paper. oh, you laugh; my driveway is 3 to 7 miles long. so how's this whole hollywood game night thing work? well, i'm glad you asked. tonight we're playing a series of games, and at the end of five rounds, the captain of the team with the most points will win the right to go on to our bonus round where they can win $25,000... [cheers and applause] in cold, hard cash. so let's get this party started, all right? we're kicking it off by answering the age-old question:
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do you people think this is a game? well, it turns out it is, and we got a brand-new game, which we call pieceout. [cheers and applause] okay, what we're gonna do is, we're gonna get two of you up here at the buzzers and show you a piece from a classic board game. ring in and identify the game, and you'll win the point. simple enough? so we're gonna start with cory and caroline, our civilians. come on up here. [lively musical flourish] - let's get it done! - here we go. - here we go. - can we have our first game piece now? buzz in-- yes, cory. - clue. - is it from clue? [buzzer sounds] it is not. monopoly. - is it from monopoly? [bell dings] indeed it is. have a seat. come on. alyssa, mario. all right. - oh, god. - milano, milano. i'm gonna have to take down my childhood crush right off the bat. - here we go. - wonderful. oh, that's great. can we have the next board game piece, please? [electronic chime] yes, alyssa milano. - battleship. - is it from battleship?
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- oh, my gosh, that does not look like a ship! - come on up, paget, retta. - come on. - you got this. you got this. - it's not-- you're not wrong. - all right. - it didn't look like a ship. - it did. it-- battleship. - can we have the next piece for the next board game, please? yes, paget. - chutes and ladders? - is it from chutes and ladders? - no, candyland! oh. - oh. - you might have blown it for yourself. go ahead and guess. hey, retta... - whoo! - what's it from? - i'm sorry, is it frcandyland? - is it from candyland? [bell dings] [cheers and applause] chiklis, lennon. - it's okay, brewster. come on. come on, chiklis. - sorry, paget! [laughter] - fake tv cops. - funny. not so funny. - can i have the next piece from our board game, please? yes, mr. chiklis.
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operation! - is it operation? [bell dings] ♪ operation ♪ because nothing says family fun like open-heart surgery. cory and caroline, come on up here. - oh, my gosh, i'm sorry, guys. i'm so sorry. - you get to redeem yourself. - absolutely. - can we see our next board game piece? [electronic chime] - what? - yes, cory. - life. - is it from life? [bell dings] we're gonna accept that; it's the game of life. have a seat. mario, alyssa. - my last battleship did not-- it looked like a menorah. it was not cool. [laughter] alyssa, don't do your thing on me now. - i'm doing my thing. - don't. don't. - she does this jedi mind trick. okay, go! - can we see our next board game piece, please? yes, alyssa milano. - chess? - is it chess? - no. - mario lopez. - sorry! - is it sorry? sorry? no. - it's not sorry? - no, no, no. nobody got the point. go ahead, tom lennon. what's it from?
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- yahtzee! - nope. - it's not sorry? [buzzer sounds] what is it? - it's from parcheesi. [together] parcheesi? - retta, paget, come on up here. parcheesi? - i got a lot to prove. - can i see our next board game piece, please? - oh-- [stammering] [indistinct whispering] [buzzer sounds] - oh! any--do you have a guess? do you want to take a guess? - [squealing] - okay. is it... [imitates squealing] no? - can i guess? - yeah, you can guess. civil war: the board game? - is it from civil war: the board game? [buzzer sounds] okay, neither of you got the point. michael chiklis. - risk! - oh. oh. - she called on me. - but you yelled it out. risk is correct. nobody gets the point, though. sit down. two more up here. lennon, chiklis. yeah.
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can i see our next board game, please? [electronic chime] yes, mr. lennon. - now it's clue. - dammit. - is it "now it's clue"? [bell dings] [cheers and applause] all right. - yes, indeed. - oh, yeah. oh, yeah. that was pieceout, and after one round, the score is team caroline: 2 points; team cory: 4 points. [cheers and applause] there's plenty more hollywood game night when we return, so don't go away. that is not a suggestion. that's an order! [lively music] ♪ announcer: still to come... - uh... these are-- oh, wow. - hands off, shark tank. - whoo! - ♪ oh, say can you see - yikes. - no! - hey! - oh, my god! - ah! [cheers and applause]
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10:14 pm
[cheers and applause] . - hey, welcome back to hollywood game night. our computer wiz and stay-at-home our locked in a head-to-head battle for the chance to win $25,000 in cold, hard cash, and the score stands at mom: 2; nerd 4. but enough about them. let's talk to my pal retta from parks and rec. retta? - hi, jane. - so, retta, i was told you went to duke university, so you had a backup plan. i did too. what was yours? mine was porn. - mine was neurosurgery. - it was not. - yes. - neuro-- - i was premed. - that's like surgery of... - the brain. of the brain. yeah, but, you know, whatever. they'll be all right. - you're a smarty-pants. - pretty close to porn, though. - now, paget, you've been on law & order, svu, criminal minds. you've gone to the dark side, sister. right? i mean, a good dark side. do you feel like you want to do comedy now?
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- yes. - yeah, i'll bet. - i was like, "i'm gonna go do comedy and try and meet up with jane lynch," and i did it tonight. - oh, see, here we are. [cheers and applause] wonderful. okay, the next game is new, and it will test your ability to work under pressure, which is why we call it clue-boom. [cheers and applause] all right... - clue-boom! - to begin, one player from each team will join me at the clue-boom bowl, patent pending. hands off, shark tank. - [laughing] - thank you. you'll take turns pulling a card from the bowl and getting your teammates to say whatever's on the card. once they do, it'll be your opponent's turn to do the same. when the time expires, the last team to have given me a correct answer gets a point for every correct answer their team has amassed. except here's the thing, everybody. you won't know exactly when your time will expire, because there will be a random amount of time on the clock for every round. and also, the bowl explodes.
10:16 pm
- wow. - okay? so let's mix it up. let's start with cory and michael. come on up here, guys. - oh, do it, chiklis. - let's all do it. - go ahead and put on your safety glasses. - i'm a little apprehensive. - just--you should be apprehensive. michael, you'll be pulling the first card. the hint for the cards in this bowl is animated all-stars. and go. michael, you start. - uh, ooh. yabba-dabba-do! - fred flintstone. - you got it. - [laughing obnoxiously] - beavis and butt-head. - you got it. you got it. - hmm. - [giggling] really? really? really? i'm just gonna have-- gary's with me now. - oh, spongebob squarepants! - oh! - deer. the little deer. - bambi. - there, you got it. over to michael chiklis. - [groans]
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ah... no! - go! - oh, my god! [scottish accent] i can't believe it. - shrek! - you got it. cory. - minnie. minnie's guy. - mickey mouse. - you got it. you got it. - oh, no, no, no, no. hey, hey, hey. - fat albert! - you got it! - yes! whoo! - [chuckles] - popeye! - you got it! oh! - come on, get out! [all scream] - whoo! - yes! excellent job. - that's awesome. - you were clue-boomed. four points for team cory. [cheers and applause] all right. alyssa and paget up here. alyssa and paget. come on. yeah, you. clean this stuff up, and let's fill it up for a new round. oh, my gosh. all right, your category is the internets.
10:18 pm
- yep. - the internets. all right. you start, alyssa. and... go. - this is an abbreviation for when you... [laughs] [together] l.o.l. - you got it. - sorry. - open it. - this is where you look up something... - google. - no. it's the other one. it's historical. - yahoo. - yellow pages. - you want to look at history. - wikipedia? - it's like... what? - wikipedia? - yeah, you got it. wikipedia. - okay, this is like the old-school search engine. - alta vista. - no, no. - yahoo. aol. - yes. - you got it. aol. - oh, no! - go, go, go. - this is a very quick video. it's less than three seconds. - the keek. - no. - vimeo. - it sounds like... - you know those quick videos. - a plant. no, it sounds like a plant. [all scream] [laughter]
10:19 pm
- thank god. - it was a vine. it was a vine. - what was it? - it a plant. - it's a vine. - you, paget brewster, were clue-boomed. two points for team cory. [cheers and applause] oh, my god. retta and mario. - we're gonna hold it together now! come on! we got to turn this around! - i'm so scared. - all right. your category is the olympics. go! - shoot hoops. - basketball. - you got it. basketball. - yikes. oh, oh. i'm not a swimmer, but i... - synchronized swimmer. no. - i go into the pool. - diving. diver. - yes. - olympics. - capital of england or-- - london. - london is correct. - jesus. - ah! oh, my god, i'm gonna kill myself. oh, my god. um, i'm gonna skip that. - okay. - go, go, go.
10:20 pm
- i'm a novice. i'm a... - amateur. - you got it. you got it. amateur. - georgia. - atlanta. - atlanta! - atlanta. that's correct. - it's on... [sings melody] - it's a small world. - nbc! - nbc is correct! - with a 10! i scored in... - gymnastics! - you got it. gymnastics. - i'm a running a... - marathon! - marathon is correct! - [screams] - i pledge allegiance-- ♪ oh, say can you see - the national anthem! - [screams] - dude, you ruled that! [indistinct chatter] - you were clue-boomed. - you were clue-boomed. - i'm okay with it. - five points for team caroline. - we needed that. - oh, my gosh. let's get the next two people up here. caroline and tom lennon, come on up here. all right. - [laughing]
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- your category-- your category is seinfeld. go. - this is the place they live. it's not a house. it's a... - apartment. - apartment. that's right. - oh, it's for the rest of us. - for the rest... - festivus! - yes! - that is correct! - this is what he is. he's a stand-up... - comic. - comedian. - comedian. - comedian. - oh, not batman, but another... - superman! - superman. correct. - these are... there are--oh, wow. in a movie, one of the things you can-- - come on, keep going. - you can buy in a movie. if you're not senior, you're... - junior. - children. - a candy that would be-- - junior mints! - junior mints! - oh! you were clue-boomed! - yeah! - team cory: three points.
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all right, that's it for clue-boom. let's see where we stand with the score. caroline: 7 points; team cory: 13 points. [cheers and applause] - still work to do. - but we're not even halfway done. - don't go away. [lively music] ♪ announcer: still to come... - mario lopez is a liar, but he smells delicious. - alien. - boom! both: king of the world! - [screaming]
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[ man ] yo buzz! drop that beat! remix! ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ ♪ ♪ you got that medley crunch ♪ go! go! buzz! ♪ go! go! go! buzz! ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ ♪ clusters, flakes ♪ that medley crunch, crunch! ♪ clusters, flakes ♪ that medley crunch, crunch! go! ♪ ♪ ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ ♪ hey! you got that medley crunch ♪ ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪
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[live♪ music] you got that medley crunch ♪ . - put 'em together for michael chiklis and the scorekeepers!
10:27 pm
[cheers and applause] oh, welcome back to hollywood game night. that was awesome. so far cory and caroline have risked their lives, limbs, hearing, and eyesight to arrive at a score of cory: 13; caroline: 7. [cheers and applause] - not for long. - mario lopez, you're a big star. you are; you've been on saved by the bell, pacific blue, dancing with the stars. but what i am most impressed with is that you did an episode of the golden girls in 1989. what was estelle getty like? did she hit on you? [laughter] - they were awesome. i played a cuban refugee. i was, like, the original elian gonzalez. - that's what i was gonna-- was it before elian gonzalez? - yeah, it was. - and you had the dimples and everything. - wow, you are real old-school. - alyssa milano, you're here as well. you are on mistresses. - yeah. - yep. [cheers and applause] - thank you. - or as tiger woods calls it, the feel-good show of 2013. [electric guitar flourish] - nice.
10:28 pm
- well, to succeed in show business, it helps if you're good at memorizing dialogue-- or you can be a delightful redneck six-year-old who wins beauty pageants. either way works. but in this game, your go-go juice ain't gonna help you. it's new for season two, and it's called in other words. [musical flourish] all right. i'm going to bring up one player from each team and show you both a famous line of dialogue from a movie. the first person to ring in will have 15 seconds to get their team to recite that line by paraphrasing it without using any of the words in the actual piece of dialogue. you can't use any of the words in the quote-- not an "a," not a "the," an "i" or a "me," and you do and i will buzz you like you've never been buzzed before. for example, if i show you the quote from anchorman, "stay classy, san diego," you might say, "remain elegant, city in california." see? there i didn't use one word from the original quote. if your team guesses correctly, you win two points. if they're wrong or you screw it up,
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the other team gets the two points. - wow, that's tough. - you got it? let's get two players up here. i say caroline and tom. [musical flourish] - come on, carline! - all right. here is your first line of iconic dialogue. ring in when you would like to try. yes, sir. go ahead. - alien, contact us. - e.t. phone home. - you got it! - okay, come on up here, retta. and, mario, come on up here. - rematch. - yeah. here is your iconic dialogue. ring in when you want to try. yes, sir. - no... with the little... in the... [buzzer sounds] - you said "in." you said "in." - no, no, i said "it." - you said "in the." - i said "it." - mario lopez is a liar, but he smells delicious. [sniffs slowly] okay, you lied. now retta gets the points. sit down.
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- i'll take it. - that was "nobody puts baby in a corner," and that is from dirty dancing. - nobody puts baby in a corner. that's why i went in the corner. - come on over here. - looked like you were peeing over there. - okay. you're okay. don't judge me. - all right. here's your iconic piece of dialogue. ring in when you're ready to try. yes, ma'am. - on the rocks, not straight. - shaken, not stirred. - uh, you said "not." you said "not." - oh. - you said "not." you lose the points. sit down. you get the points. it's "shaken, not stirred" from goldfinger. so we got chiklis and cory. come on. here is your iconic piece of dialogue. ring in when you'd like to guess. oh, it's cory. go ahead, cory. - myself... president... globe. both: king of the world! - "king of the world" is right! that's from titanic. attaboy. sit down. - nice work. - sit down. - that was impressive.
10:31 pm
- all right, our next two people. i think it's caroline and tom again. come on. - let's go, caroline. - let's go, tom. - here's your next piece of iconic dialogue. ring in when you want to try. yes, ma'am. - i'm seeing... - i see dead people. - baby child. i'm seeing... i'm... [buzzer sounds] - oh... it's "here's looking at you, kid" from casablanca. you get the point. team cory gets the point. - you were right to get the-- - mario and retta, back up here. - all right, retta. [cheers and applause] - all right. here's your next piece of iconic dialogue. ring in when you'd like to try. - oh, come on, jane. - her light's on. - jane, but i totally hit that first. - you have to stop cheating. do you want to do it? go ahead. - hopefully pressure is... inside self. - [laughing]
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- say it with feeling? - hopefully pressure... [buzzer sounds] - i'm hoping. - oh! it's "may the force be with you" frstar wars. - oh. - have a seat. come on, two more people up here. paget, yeah. and alyssa. - may the force be with you. - stop cheating, mario lopez. here's your iconic piece of dialogue. ring in when you want to try. yes, ma'am. - may... eat... that nice thing. she's... - oh! you said "she's." you said "she's." it's "i'll have what she's having" from when harry met sally. this is not easy. this is not easy. - this is so hard. - michael and cory, come on up here. [cheers and applause] yeah, you know what, you have to concentrate on this and give the essence of the dialogue. here's your next line of iconic dialogue. please ring in when want to try. oh, wow, okay, mister. - um, speak...
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acquaintance. no. - shout friend. yell friend. yell... buddy, pal. [buzzer sounds] - say hello to my little friend! - yeah, too late. that's it, but it's too late. from scarface, "say hello to my little friend." you did not get the point. - oh, my god! - you did not get the two points. - jane, you're treating me like the neighbor's kid. - you're cheating again is what you're doing. you get the two points for doing nothing. - we'll take it. - well, that brings the current score to team caroline: 11 points; team cory: 25 points. - oh, my god. - wow. - but really, truly, it's still anybody's game. don't go away. [lively music] ♪ announcer: still to come... - richard simmons, obviously. - oh! - oh, no! - woot! woot! [cheers and applause]
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[live♪ music] . - hi. hey, welcome back to hollywood game night. if you're just joining us, you should hit the back up arrow on your dvr and watch from the beginning. go ahead. we'll wait. are you caught up? good. tom, you and i were on a short-lived television show back in 2002 called m.d.s where we played each other's love interests. [audience whooping] which one of us was acting harder? [mouthing] - love interests-- i say "lovers." - we were lovers, yes. - sexier. - and two, i believe we had a make out scene, didn't we? - yeah, and let's look at the sight gag right here. this is what made it funny. there you go. michael chiklis, congratulations on your hometown win: the boston red sox won this year.
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i saw several pictures of you on the internet all bruised up and bleary-eyed, and you must be really happy. - to be in fenway park, to win the world series, after 95 years, that was incredible. - i'll bet. - it was incredible. - well, congratulations to boston. you know, as a chicagoan, i don't know what victory means. i am a chicago cub fan. all the way die-hard. our boys of summer let us down every year. well, enough of that. now it's time for the gosh-darnedest, charmingest game in all of television land. what we call lil' picassos. [musical flourish] we ask some of our local third-graders to draw a few of their favorite celebrities. your job is to figure out the subject of each portrait. when you think you know who it is, buzz in. if you guess right, you get two points. if not, your opponent gets the chance to steal. if you're both wrong, i'll give you some clues. let's get two of you up here.
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let's start with michael and tom. come on up. - let's do it. - ow. - did that hurt? i'm sorry. - the hardest fist bump ever. - i'm sorry, dude. are you all right? - aggressive fist bump. i'm a musical theater guy. - [laughing] all right, this is from mateo, age 8. [electronic chime] wow. michael chiklis. who is it? - that's sam jackson. - is it sam jackson? [bell dings] yes, it is. - oh. - sit down. - "sit down." "good job. sit down." - retta, paget. - that me? - all right. this is by shallee, age 8. [laughter] how about a clue? - please. - she plays a pretty politician from pawnee. yes, ma'am. - [laughing] leslie knope? amy poehler? - yeah. - same person.
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- is it amy poehler? [bell dings] yes, it is. - if i didn't get that... - you couldn't go back to work. - if you didn't get that... - alyssa and mario, come on up here. - that would have been tragic. [cheers and applause] - yeah. you have some redeeming of yourself to do. - i beg your pardon. - you have done poorly in the last three rounds. okay. - called out! - this is by-- - thanks for the pep talk, jane. - sure, hey, no problem. lucy anne, age 8. [electronic chime] ooh, wow. yes. - courtney love. - is it courtney love? [buzzer sounds] no, it is not. - she's got the heart here. - take a guess. i'm gonna give you a clue after this, but go ahead. - taylor swift? - is it taylor swift? [bell dings] taylor swift. - it's okay. it's okay. - i saw the heart. - let's get caroline and cory up here, our civilians. - you're fine. it's okay. - all right. yeah. this is by sofia, age 8.
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[electronic chime] wow, yes, cory. - ryan seacrest. - is it ryan seacrest? [bell dings] how did you get that? hold on, mister. hold on. - how is that ryan seacrest? - tell me how you got this. - it was the hair. - it's the hair. - it was the hair. - look at that jaw. - i don't know. i'm just that good. - that's really fantastic. thank you. - clearly. - tom and michael, come on back up here. - i thought that was donald trump. - that was donald trump! - it was obviously donald trump. - all right, this is by finn, age 7. - oh! - that is... um, oh... oh, no--his name just went right out of my head! ah! you know, the-- oh. - i got it. i got it. chiklis, i got this. don't worry about it. i got it. don't worry about it. [buzzer sounds] i got it. - damn it. - simmons. i said it. - go ahead, tom. - it's richard simmons, obviously. - is it richard simmons? [bell dings] it is richard simmons. you get the point.
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it could've-- hey, retta and paget, come on up here. - come on, paget, you got this. - all right. hey, this is by noah, age 8. [electronic chime] yes, ma'am. - katy perry. - is it katy perry? [bell dings] you got it. two points. - woot! woot! - quick in the draw. alyssa and mario. - god, i can't play against alyssa. [laughter] against alyssa again. - this is by zoriana, age 8. - i love her. [electronic chime] - yes, sir. - serena williams. - is it serena williams? [bell dings] yes! - thank you. oh, milano. - come on up, guys. caroline? this is by david, age 8. - ooh. - it's michael chiklis. [laughter] - hit it. hit it. hit it. - it's not me!
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see, this is a prejudice. all bad guys don't look alike. - hit it. - yes. - michael chiklis. - is it michael chiklis? [bell dings] [cheers and applause] - you don't look like that. you don't look like that. - apparently they do. - and that is how we play lil' picassos. after four games, the score is... caroline: 19 points; cory: 33 points. there's just one more chance for caroline to catch up, and it's coming up next. [lively music] ♪ announcer: coming up... - ♪ do-do-do - ♪ do-do-do, do-ooh ♪ - ♪ do-do-do-do - are you kidding me?
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no one says to stop... and touch... ♪ ...or see or taste or hear the roses. they say to stop and smell the roses. glade knows scent makes us feel like nothing else can. inspired by the best feelings in the world. glade. sc johnson. a family company. glade. [ male announcer ] wintcannot take a sick day. [ coughs ] [ male announcer ] so when he catches a cold, he's got to power through it. ♪ vicks dayquil. powerful non-drowsy 6 symptom cold and flu relief. winter olympian ted ligety can't take a sick day tomorrow. [ coughs ] [ male announcer ] so he can't let a cold keep him up tonight. vicks nyquil. powerful nighttime 6 symptom cold and flu relief. ♪
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and thrive.
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[cheers and applause] . - well... - let's go. - welcome back. so this is where we are after four games. the score is team cory: 33; team caroline: 19. and that means--let me see if i can do this in my head-- team cory is winning. - yeah. - but we'll see if they can hold on to that lead in our final game before the bonus round. if you can never remember the words to that song in your head, well, then, this is the game for you. it's called how do you do? [musical flourish] [cheers and applause] in this game, you'll need to sing a pop song only using the word "do." for example, if i were to sing this... ♪ do, do-do-do stop in the name of love.
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- you would be correct, mario lopez. - oh, my god. oh. - we will set the clock for 90 seconds. then team members will guess what song the singer is do-do-ing. when you guess correctly, your team gets five points, and it's your turn to sing. if you pass on a song, you can't go back. cory, you'll go first, and you'll want to send up your best singer. who's that? - uh, let's go with retta. - come on up, retta. [cheers and applause] all right, let's put 90 seconds on the clock. your time begins now. - ♪ do-do-do-do-do ♪ do-do-do-do-do-do-do - 9 to 5. - 9 to 5. [bell dings] - yep. come on up, tom. - go, go, go. - ♪ do-do-do-do - what? - ♪ do-do-do - more. keep going. - ♪ do-do-do, ooh - are you kidding me? - pass!
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♪ do-do-do-do - don't worry, be happy! [bell dings] - oh, my god. i couldn't hear! - ♪ do-do-do-do ♪ do-do-do - funkytown. - yes. - ♪ do, do, do - i want you to want me. - yes! - um, pass. - oh, really? - okay. - ♪ do-do-do ♪ do pass. - you got to keep going. - uh... uh... [buzzer sounds] - time's up. stand by your man. - these are hard. - you know, you would have been better off starting yourself. you're pretty good at this game. but you didn't do that great. you got four right. team caroline, you need seven to win and go into the bonus round. who is your best singer? who are you sending up? - we're sending up michael. - michael, come on up. [cheers and applause] are you ready? let's put 90 seconds on the clock.
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and here's your first song. go. - ah... ♪ do-do-do-do-do-do-do ♪ do ♪ do-do-do-do - you are the sunshine of my life. - that's right, mario lopez. - good job, mario. - ♪ do-do-do-do-do-do ♪ do-do-do-do-do ♪ do-do, do-do-do ♪ - uh, "it's getting hot in here." - yeah, come on up, michael. that's right. - uh, another one. - another one. - no, no, no. that one. ♪ do-do-do-do-do-do do it. next one. ♪ do-do-do-do-do - 35 seconds. - ♪ do-do-do-do-do - "i miss you, baby." i don't want to miss a thing. - you got it. you got it. - nice, nice. - really? okay. - ♪ do, do, do, do ♪ do, do, do, do, do - under the sea? - do-do-do-do-do. - ♪ under the boardwalk - under the boardwalk. - yeah, come on up, paget.
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- go! go! - oh, uh... pass. - okay. - oh, what the? pass. - okay. - ♪ do-do-do-do-do - oh, yeah. let's hear it of the boys. [buzzer sounds] - come on. oh, time's up! time's up. - oh, no! - you didn't do it. - no! - you didn't do it. you needed seven correct answers, and you only got five. - oh! we were two away, chiklis! - so you have a total of 44 points. cory, 53 points. - oh, we were two away. - cory, you're going to the bonus round! [musical flourish] - oh, my gosh. - yes! - of course that means the end of the road for caroline. come here, honey. - caroline. - oh, my god, so close and yet so far. you won't be leaving empty-handed, however. i am pleased to be able to officially offer you a third-grader's portrait of richard simmons. [cheers and applause] that will look great on your refrigerator. now go have a stiff drink. drown your sorrows. oh! [lively music]
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♪ cory, com here. ah, yeah. [laughs] ooh, i like how tall you are. now you get to go to the bonus round for the chance to win $25,000... [cheers and applause] by playing celebrity name game... [musical flourish] with a celebrity. [musical flourish] yeah. now, you get to pick someone you think has a good grasp of pop culture. anybody on either team can help you now. who's it gonna be? is it gonna be alyssa, retta, tom, mario, paget, or michael? - you know what, i'm gonna go with tom. - tom, come on up here! i think that's a strong choice. come on up here. all right, when we come back, cory and tom will have the chance to earn $25,000. there you go. that must feel better. you'll have a chance to earn $25,000 in cold, hard cash, so stick around for the exciting conclusion. hollywood game night, right after this. [lively music]
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they're like music to your nose. ♪ your love ♪ ♪ love keeps lifting me ♪ ♪ higher and higher [ male announcer ] lift your love with new gain flings! more gain scent than ever plus oxi boost cleaning power and febreze. it's our best gain ever. ♪ higher and higher ♪ higher and higher [ male announcer ] new gain flings! [cheers and applause] ♪ higher and higher . - oh, yes. welcome back to hollywood game night. i'm your host jane lynch, or so they say. and i am standing here with cory and with tom
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who are about to play a round of high-stakes celebrity name game. [musical flourish] now, tom, if you don't drop the ball, cory has a chance at $25,000, and you can earn an additional $10,000 for the charity of your choice. and what is that charity? - i am playing tonight for the busted foundation. they are a great charity that helps out people who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. - well, that is a wonderful. that's great. let's make 'em some money. all right, here's how this works. tom, you're giving the clues. we show you the name of a famous person, a living person, and you need to get cory to say that person's name. you'll need to get ten correct answers in 90 seconds to win the $25,000. now, you can pass on an answer, but if you do, it will eventually come back to haunt you. cory, are you ready? - ready to go. - have a seat. tom, take your place. - come on, tommy! - you can do it! - whoo-hoo! - focus up, buddy. - let's put 90 seconds on the clock. go. - this is... "hey, say hello to john-- here's johnny." - jack nicholson.
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- i'm a chef, and i'm mad at you! - gordon ramsey. - uh, this is-- she's beautiful. pass. oh, pass. uh, this is-- from the funky bunch. - marky mark. mark wahlberg. - his real name. oh, this is-- "i'm rick james, bitch." - dave chappelle. - uh, yankees, makes a lot of money. used to cameron diaz. - alex rodriguez. - keep going. the other one. - derek jeter. - yep. - nice. - oh, world's most famous drag queen ever. - rupaul. - [british accent] i own virgin airlines, and i'm-- - richard branson. - seven. - "uh, i made do the right thing." - spike lee! - eight. - really beautiful mexican lady with the greatest boobs you've ever see. - sofia vergara? catherine zeta jones?
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- from dusk till dawn. - salma hayek. - yes. - nine. nine. - i'm a wild and crazy guy. - steven martin. - you got it! [cheers and applause] congratulations. cory, you just earned $25,000. tom, you just earned $10,000 for the busted foundation. oh, man, not too shabby. i want to thank all my guests tonight: michael chiklis, alyssa milano, tom lennon, mario lopez, retta, and paget brewster for showing up tonight and making all this possible. and most of all, thank to you at home for watching. if you had half as much fun as i did, well, i had twice as much fun as you. dean and the scorekeepers, play us out! good night! [lively music] ♪
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. next at 11:00, trouble for a south bay fire department. why there's a push to take millions of dollars from its funding. finally, some wet weather. we felt some sprinkles tonight.
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nbc bay area news starts now. good evening. thanks for joining us. i'm raj mathai. >> and i'm jessica aguirre. we're in the middle of a drought emergency and after nearly two months without rain, it is making a comeback. a live look in san jose where there's a little light drizzle. jeff ranieri is here with more on the storm he's tracking. jeff, it's misty outside.


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