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tv   Today  NBC  January 29, 2014 7:00am-11:01am PST

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more fog for morgan hill. >> that's what's happening "today in the bay." back 7:25, live update. >> see you at 11:00. good morning. southern discomfort, a rare snowstorm brings the south to a standstill. thousands stranded on roads and in schools overnight. the national guard mobilized and the worst may not be over. with or without you, presidenama calls out congress in his state of the union address vowing he won't wait for lawmakers to act on his agenda. >> america does not stand still and neither will i. >> but how much can he really accomplish? we'll ask vice president joe biden about that, security concerns in sochi, and whether he plans on running for president himself. confrontation at the capitol. the question that led a
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congressman to threaten a reporter and why the lawmaker is standing by his action. and breaking his silence. the nfl player who says he was bullied, jonathan martin tells his story publicly for the first time in an exclusive interview. >> comments of a raceful nature, aggressive, sexual comments were related to my sister and my mother. >> will he ever play in the nfl again? today, wednesday, january 29th, 2014. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. >> and good morning, welcome to "today" on a wednesday morning. i'm savannah guthrie alongside carson daly and natalie morales. we've got al roker in washington, d.c. this morning. matt's got the morning off, and boy, do we have a weather story.
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>> the news is the weather, and especially down south, the storm is so devastating. they don't have enough salt or plows to deal with this weather. >> they're not used to it like we are up north. things are so bad, a number of school districts issued shelters in place. nearly 2,000 students had to spend the night inside their schools, 600 in birmingham, alabama. 850 in marietta, georgia. >> six states from louisiana to north carolina have declared a state of emergency. and in georgia alone, crews have already responded to more than 900 accidents. >> what a day. well, our weather team is al, dylan dreyer, sam champion, have it all covered this morning. we're going to begin with sam down in atlanta. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. the snow shutdown at 8:00 last night. here at 17th street bridge overpass. that is 75/85.
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the interstates get together. look at sky shot. the look at the road surface. the trucks pulled over to the side. a lot of the cars overnight have actually been moved or are gone now. look at folks trying to drive on that road. it is basically untreated. let me give you a closer look at that. this is the sidewalk on the overpass. let me take you over to the road surface here. forgive me, but come right here. you can see all this still on the roads. even that glassy, icy layer right there, it is on the roads. it is not just the roads in atlanta, but every road in the south. snow and icy roads paralyzed atlanta after the quick onset of a midday storm that even though well forecast took the city by surprise. interstates completely gridlocked as drivers clogged the icy roads to get home early. for some, it turned into an endless commute, hundreds of drivers stuck in traffic for up to 18 hours. >> the cars just stopped moving. and this is where i've sat
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from -- for about the last five hours. >> as a result, some parents couldn't get to their kids left stranded at school. hundreds of marietta high school students in atlanta were even forced to spend the night. one concerned parent tweeting, my daughter is stuck, she's run out of food and it's cold out there. somebody needs to do something asap. georgia's governor nathan deal addressing the issue. >> we have several major areas of concern because some of the schools had not released their students early enough. >> the same thing happening in other southern states. look at hoover, alabama, where dozens remained in school overnight. >> let them have some technology time. we've also encouraged them to do their homework. >> and more trouble on the roads. in jackson, mississippi, an 18-wheeler on its side. in alabama, a truck jackknifed on an icy bridge shutting it down. hundreds of accidents and abandoned cars. up to 50 million feeling the
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rare winter blast, conditions that some areas of the country wouldn't think twice about now causing the south to nearly shut down. the reason, fewer resources to cope with the snow and less experience driving in it. >> nothing that we see very often. >> reporter: and clearing the roads is the major issue. temperatures barely getting to the freezing mark. tomorrow, the area will get to the freezing mark. savannah and carson. >> nice to have a light at the end of the tunnel. sam champion in atlanta. thank you so much. 375 miles to sam's northeast and dylan dreyer in north carolina, good morning to you. >> good morning, carson. you are going to be seeing a lot of trucks like these across the southeast through the day today. as of midnight, there are still
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7,000 people without power. and joining me now is sidney hinton of secure power. a lot of people need their power back on. they want, they need their power back on. why does it take so long sometimes? >> dylan, utilities are prepared for these situations. they focus on powering the hospitals and community centers first and then the hand to hand combat of restoring residential customers. >> reporter: so it's a process? >> yes, ma'am. >> reporter: but it's a process in place as the southeast and southwest dig out from about 5 inches of snow. that is a record for some areas of the deep south. we even have reports of up to 1/2 inch of ice as far south as the shores of the gulf coast. the one good thing, though, about a snow and ice storm in the south is it doesn't take as long for temperatures to get above freezing. so naturally, a lot of this snow and ice will melt away. al. >> all right. let's show you what we have
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going on. the area of advisories and warnings and watches has shrunken a bit. from the panhandle of florida up into the carolinas. winter weather advisories and winter storm warnings and watches. we still have frozen precipitation through the panhandle, southern georgia and coast at south carolina. as you move up the coast, it moves away. that's the good news. we're finally going to see the tail end of it getting out of here and really now just about out of coastal massachusetts as well. any residual accumulations, 1 to 3 inches from charleston to virginia beach. the big story is going to be the retreat of all this arctic air that has been the culprit here. that pol polar vortex coming ac the country and the ridge has built up and pushed warm air
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into alaska. the vortex retreats and the seasonal flow is more apparent. warmer winds coming from the pacific. that will warm us up into the weekend. for today, temperatures get up into the upper teens and low 20s. 33 in charleston. atlanta, 33. by the time we get to thursday, warming up into the 40s in the south. 30s to the north. by saturday, boom, you have temperatures at or above normal and that's the good news. savannah. >> all right. al, thank you. we will check in with you and our other story is coming out of washington. president obama's state of the union address. in the hour-long speech, the president vowed to act on his own without congress if necessary to move forward on issues that are important to him. let's go to peter alexander, nbc's white house correspondent. peter, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. president obama was trying to do something a little bit different with this state of the union, laying out a more modest agenda, less about the lofty goals, more
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about achievable ones. president campaigning on hope and change and now trying to get things done. >> reporter: facing a deeply skeptical country, he first tried to turn on the charm with a nod to john boehner. >> the son of a bar keep is the speaker of the house. >> reporter: president obama vowed to combat income inequality with or without congress. >> america does not stabbed standstill and neither will i. >> reporter: the president announced plans for a series of executive actions, like raising the hourly minimum wage for new federal contract workers. and pushed lawmakers to revive stalled legislation on immigration reform and to extend emergency benefits for the long-term unemployed. to make a serious point about gender equality, the president turned to pop culture. >> it is time to do away with workplace policies that belong in a "madmen" episode. >> reporter: he argued obamacare is working.
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he urged the uninsured to enroll. >> call your mom and walk her through the application. give her some peace of mind and she'll appreciate hearing from you. >> reporter: one consistent theme expressed by congresswoman cathy mcmorris rodgers. >> republicans believe health care choices should be yours, not the governments. >> reporter: turning to foreign policy, the president insisted america must move off a permanent war footing, punctuating his speech by singling out the army ranger cory remsburg, nearly killed in afghanistan during his tenth deployment. >> and like the army he loves, like the america he serves, sergeant first class cory remsburg never gives up and he does not quit. >> reporter: that ovation lasted nearly two minutes, a rare moment of unity in a chamber marred by deep division. like most presidents, president obama will take his state of the union message on the road today and tomorrow. he hits four states. first stops maryland and pennsylvania.
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>> peter alexander, thank you very much. and vice president joe biden joins us now. good morning. thank you for being with us. >> good morning. happy to be here, savannah. >> last night's speech where you see big ideas in the states of union addresses, this one was different. i thought we saw more of a laundry list of modest proposals. is this the president who has scaled down his ambitions? >> no, this is a president who wants to finish a job. you know, everybody talks about a lost year that we had. well, truth of the matter is, cut the deficit in half, energy prices are down, we're moving toward energy independence. but the big deal here is now how do we open the aperture for the middle class to get them back on their feet the way they were before this great recession? so he talked about all those things that can do that. >> of course, if he's going to act without congress. and i think that was a big thrust of the speech last night, isn't he limited in what he can accomplish? the "new york times" put it
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well, without working with congress, he can't raise the minimum wage for most workers, can't overhaul the social security system, grant legal status to millions of undocumented immigrants, reorder spending taxes or even fix the healthcare law. so is he limiting himself by saying i'll act without congress? >> no, that's not what he said. he said i'll work with the congress, i want to work with the congress. and i think you're seeing more cooperation with the congress this year than you have the past five years, number one. number two, he said there's a lot of other avenues i can move, as well. for example, on minimum wage, he pointed out all the states that moved ahead on minimum wage and not waiting around for the congress to act. but we want the congress to act. he talked about a need for us to go out there and deal with early education and pay equity for women. we're ready to work with the congress. and i think we're going to be able to work, for example. i sat there with speaker boehner last night and we talked before the president spoke. and i think we're going to be able to get movement on immigration. >> let's change topics a little bit.
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i wanted to ask you about sochi. the president gave a shout out to our olympians last night in the speech. security is a major concern, as you know. do you feel the russians have been fully cooperative with our u.s. officials in making sure these games are safe? >> well, the russians are doing everything to make the games safe. they're using every tool at their disposal to make it safe. we always look for a little more from whatever the host country is. but there's been a travel advisory put out by the state department which apparently says, look, keep your eyes and ears open. if you're going to the games, let the state department know you're going to be there, any change in circumstances occurs so you can be notified. and just keep your eyes open. but i was thinking about it last night when he said that. i remember right after 9/11, all the concern about the games in athens and whether or not the greek government was cooperating, et. cetera. i think it's a state of play these days when major, major
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international events are staged. we feel good about where we are right now. but we've got to stay very vigilant. >> really quickly on that before i leave this topic, would you send your own family to sochi? >> sure, i'd send my own family with the same caveats. make sure they were very vigilant, kept their eyes open, listen -- register with the state department and pay very much attention. >> i wanted to ask -- >> -- to their surroundings. >> i wanted to ask you about former defense secretary robert gates' recent book. he had some choice words for you. and said among other things he thought you were wrong on most national security issues for the past 20 years. and i'm not sure we've gotten a chance to hear your response to that, sir. >> well, i haven't publicly responded. look, i like bill gates, the part i focused on in his book, he said biden's a man of great integrity. i think he's a man of integrity as well. the fundamental problem here is bill gates and i-- bob gates and i have disagreed on almost every major foreign policy since vietnam.
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we had a different view in vietnam, different view on bosnia, we had a different view on iran-contra, that's one of the reasons i voted against him on the cia. and we've had a different view on afghanistan. and, you know, the president stated our position clearly last night. it's time to end that war in afghanistan. bob gates and i disagree on almost every major issue, and i'm very comfortable with my position. i let the american public judge who's been right or wrong, bob gates or me, and history will judge ultimately who was right or wrong. but he's a fine man. >> very quickly, i won't ask you if you're going to run for president, even when you'll decide whether you'll run. i'll ask a different question. in your heart, sir, in your heart, do you want to be president? >> in my heart, i'm confident that i could make a good president. it's a very different decision to decide whether or not to run for president. and there's plenty of time to do that. i've not made a decision to run, not made a decision not to run.
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in the meantime, i've got a job. and coincidentally, everything that i'm about, the assignment the president gave me to help move employment in america and infrastructure and all these other things are the very things that would be -- i'd be doing whether i was running for president or not running for president. >> well, vice president joe biden, always good to have you here, sir. come back and tell us if you have any news on that, okay? >> okay, savannah, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> good questions. >> yeah. >> counselor guthrie. >> natalie's here with more on the scandal tied to the nuclear program. well, we have new developments this morning in the cheating scandal surrounding the u.s. air force. dozens more officers have been implicated in the investigation of cheating on missile launch proficiency tests. the number has roughly doubled now from the original 34 officers, meaning about 14% of all launch officers are now sidelined.
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the officers involved in the probe are based in montana, which oversees 150 nuclear missiles. well, it'll finally be home, sweet home today for a cruise ship packed with hundreds of sick passengers and crew members. royal caribbean's "explorer of the seas" returns to new jersey's port two days early after 600 passengers and crew members fell ill. u.s. health officials boarded the ship to investigate the illnesses, but tests have not confirmed the cause. the ship's medical team has said the symptoms were consistent, though, with the neurovirus. two cantaloupe farmers linked to a deadly listeria outbreak in 2011 were sentenced in court tuesday. the two pled guilty in october to misdemeanor counts. the charge, introducing adulterated food into interstate commerce. they were sentenced to five years probation and six months home detention. the outbreak killed 33 people and sent 147 others to the hospital.
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a massive fire has caused millions of dollars in damage at an australian marina. this morning's fire destroyed three luxury yachts and badly damaged another in the gold coast. officials say it could have been much worse if it weren't for a couple of boat owners who jumped in to help put other boats away from the flames. still not clear, though, what caused the outbreak of the fire. the super bowl just four days away now. countdown is on. and a couple in seattle have taken their love for the seahawks to a whole new level. meet their brand new baby girl. her name is cyndee leigh 12th mann. twelfth is her legal middle name and mann her last name and named after the diehard fans in seattle, one of the most intense fan bases in the league. something tells me all she has is a wardrobe that's going to be seahawks. >> isn't she so cute? >> that's the nickname. >> i don't know, twelfthy. >> how will they explain to her
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if they lose? >> they won't. she's too young. >> yeah. thank you so much. let's go down to al. he's in washington with the rest of our forecast. >> along 285, there was a baby born. she is doing fine. we will have more on that story coming up later. savannah will have an interv you're saying i can get at&t's network with a data plan and unlimited talk and text for as low as $45 a month? $45 a month. annual contract. no annual contract. no long-term agreement. no long-term agreement. really? really. ok, so what's the catch? there is no catch. ok, i'm obviously getting nowhere with you. i'm gonna need to speak with the supervisor. i am the supervisor. oh, finally someone i can talk to. [ male announcer ] it's not complicated. new smartphone plans starting at $45 a month, with no annual contract. only from at&t. good wednesday morning to
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you. i'm meteorologist christina loren. happy to show you an active radar this morning. only showers tracking now northern sonoma county. all of this activity presses to the southed through midmorning. later this afternoon, showers across the bay area with the main event arriving tonight into tomorrow. but temperatures are going to be mile. really mild out there now. still going to hit the 60s. mid-60s on the way to places in the east bay, peninsula looks good. at in san francisco. it's been a wide-reaching system. >> still cold up here, al, so keep your hat on. we'll check back in with you in a few minutes. tamron, it would not be state of the union speech without something weird happening after or during. we have another one this morning. >> you couldn't make this up in one of the political dramas from aaron sorkin. this was crazy, and it's the big
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talk on social media. basically a new york 1 reporter michael scotto was interviewing new york congressman michael grimm. at the time, this is following the state of the union. the reporter asked congressman grimm about an investigation surrounding campaign finance violations. and that's when things went in an awful direction. take a look. >> just finally, before we let you go since we have you here, we haven't had a chance to -- >> this is only about the president. thank you. >> all right. so congressman michael grimm does not want to talk about some of the allegations concerning his campaign finances. >> let me be clear. no, you're not man enough. you're not man enough. >> so just a short time ago, i spoke with the reporter, michael scotto and asked him what was going through his mind when the congressman told him he would break him and toss him off that
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balcony. take a listen. >> you know, i was not expecting that response. i was expecting him maybe to say, i was disappointed you asked that question or something to that effect. or even when we were on camera him to maybe say this is not something i want to talk about tonight. you know, typically when i deal with congressional members here, it's a very -- on a very professional basis. so that remark did take me by surprise. >> the understatement of the morning. i was not expecting that response. i'd say. well, speaking of responses last night, the congressman released this statement. he said the reporter knew i was in a hurry and was only there to comment on the state of the union but insisted on taking a disrespectful and cheap shot at the end of the interview. i doubt i'm the first member of congress to tell off a reporter, and i'm sure i won't be the last. obviously this is a social media fodder, guys. but the other question i posed to some people, if this was a female reporter, would people have jokes behind it? or would they see it as a more serious situation? a lot to discuss and we'll see
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what congressman grimm has to say later today. >> tamron, thank you. >> incredible. coming up, a big interview. the nfl player who left his team claiming he had been bullied tells his side of the story for the first time. >> what am i doing wrong to be treated like this? >> the exclusive interview with jonathan martin straight ahead. and look who's turning 60, everybody. how oprah is redefining the age.
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coming up, a first the creamy taste of almond breeze almondmilk makes everything good even better... from the bowls of cereal you make... to all the delicious recipes you bake. because inside every carton is the goodness of blue diamond almonds.
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so grab a carton of almond breeze. almondiciously good! a very good wednesday morning to you. 7:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. police were forced to shoot and kill a pit bull and another's on the loose following an overnight attack in golden gate park. police say the dog's owner left them with a friend when he went to run an errand. that's when the dog attacked the friend. he's still in the hospital. the owner, who came back to help, was bitten in the leg. hundreds of uniformed law enforcement official ld stand at attention this morning in honor of fallen b.a.r.t. officer tom smith. shot and killed by a fellow b.a.r.t. officer at a probation search last week. the funeral will start around 10:00 at neighborhood church of castro valley. 2 million people in the
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south bay asked to cut back on their water usage this morning. the santa clara valley water district asking people to cut back usage by 10%. it offers financial incentives and rebates to people who buy water efficient appliances and replace lawns with drought tolerant plants. mel of rain, i keep saying it. >> it's coming in. good morning to you. a lot more on the tail of what you're seeing moving into sonoma county. give yourself extra time as you are headed north from sonoma. the next couple of days we see showers. we're looking really good for some impressive rainfall totals. right now 50s. headed towards the mid-60s across the board except san francisco. you'll have upper 50s today. a gray day. and temperatures all across your microclimate showing you cooler than yesterday, seven day shows you cooler throughout the rest of the week. >> tougher to see than
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yesterday. drizzle around the bay, slick conditions from those offgrounds. fremont, traffic volume bottom of the screen and low clouds around the top. can't make out the block, the shopping center. the map shows you the same area, slow through fremont. off the castro valley y. will. a slow drive. crash. >> thank you very much. back with another local news update in a half hour. enjoy your wednesday morning.
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7:30 now on this wednesday morning, 29th of january, 2014. people are not going anywhere fast in atlanta this morning. drivers were stranded for more than 18 hours in some cases yesterday by the ice and snow, which they are just not used to down there. schools and businesses are closed across the region. nearly 2,000 students even had to spend the night in their classrooms. i can't imagine that for them and for the parents. my goodness. even on buses in some cases because the roads were too dangerous to drive. going to check in with al and sam on the storm coming up in a few. president obama delivered his state of the union last night. a series of initiatives he plans to enact without legislative
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approval. you may have noticed during the president's speech that dr. jill biden's left arm was in a cast. well, we hear she broke her wrist in a fall last week and she'll have to wear that cast for the next five weeks. and a cruise ship that cut short its trip after hundreds of passengers became ill is expected to return to port in new jersey today. also ahead, the world premiere of one of the commercials that the folks at budweiser hope you'll be talking about for years to come. and we even have one of their famous clydesdales there to help us. there's jack. the clydesdale, can't wait to meet him. >> we're going to begin this half hour with more on the storm down south, we'll get to al who is in d.c. hey, al. >> hey, guys, thanks so much. here's the deal. so far around the country, there are more than 3,000 delays, there are over 1,200 cancellations, and look at this, look at the winter storm warnings, winter storm watches, winter weather advisories stretching from the panhandle of florida all the way to coastal
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massachusetts. and here's the latest on the system, you can see, we've got frozen precip now, brownsville, texas, southern louisiana, panhandle of florida, charleston, south carolina, wilmington, snow still along the outer banks, and that snow goes all the way up, coastal new jersey on into long island and coastal new england. snowfall amounts, another 3 to 6 inches of snow. sam champion is in atlanta right now, and sam, you know, the mayor yesterday, the governor saying, oh, my gosh, this was unexpected. we weren't prepared, which i say to them, bulldinky. >> i've got to say you're right to that. i know that people really didn't take it seriously. but this storm was well forecast. and we were on the weather channel yesterday, last night, all night long telling the
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stories. and i just want to show you quickly, though, look at the road behind us. you can still see there's an icy glaze over all that. that's a major interstate. that's 75, where 75 and 85 get together here. we're at 14 degrees. if anyone's counting on nature to warm things up today, we'll barely get to the freezing mark. it's really going to take people to get these roads working. it doesn't look like this hour of the morning about rush hour it's going to be happening today. temperatures get up in the 40s during the day tomorrow, and that's why every official is saying, basically, stay off the roads. a lot of cases they're untreated. they're not going to be able to get to them. and nature will take care of it by the time we get to tomorrow. another thing i've got to say, last night, there were a lot of stories coming in about school kids. one of the things happened is everybody left work and school at about the same time. about 1:00 in the afternoon. that flooded everybody on the roads in the middle of the snow situation, by the way at the same time. we've had reports from the
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assistant superintendent of atlanta schools this morning that there are no longer kids on school buses, they've all been taken to safe locations at this point. but we do know that two kids did spend some time on school buses overnight with a bus driver. >> yeah. for the kids, probably a bit of an adventure for the parents harrowing night. sam champion, thank you so 7:34. finally, bay area, rain on the radar. we're only picking up light cells in the north bay. nonetheless, it's going to be cool out there. grab your umbrella, expecting activity to ramp up throughout the second half of the day. today's our last day of unseasonable warmth as we progress throughout the week. into this weekend, temperatures are going to drop like a rock. back to seasonal averages. and your futurecast tells that story. showers arriving by 1:00 a.m. for the great bay area. >> hey, guys, we're looking at the pacific northwest. a lot of rain coming in. that is great news.
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we're going to take a look at that coming up in the next half hour. >> all right, al. thank you very much for that. and up next, an nbc news exclusive, jonathan martin's first interview since he left the miami dolphins after allegedly being bullied by a teammate. his surprising take on hazing in the nfl. then, cue the clydesdales. you want to see that and meet the clydesdale we have on our plaza. [ female announcer ] how do you eat your eggo? ♪ you can start with the syrup, pour it on top, maybe not ♪ ♪ apple chunks and cinnamon and honey if you got ♪ ♪ bring on the chocolate spread ♪ ♪ somethin' green, somethin' blue, somethin' orange, somethin' red ♪ ♪ ham and egg, tomato sandwich ♪ cut it nice and do some damage ♪ ♪ cream cheese, pomegranate ♪ make it look like jack or janet ♪ ♪ x's and o's and a tic tac toe ♪ ♪ you can fill in the holes, let the syrup flow, yeah ♪ ♪ stack it, snack it, maybe you can bend it ♪ ♪ you can slice it up and dice it up ♪ ♪ and big it up and friend it [ female announcer ] there are millions of ways to eggo! try one of our fun recipes on facebook... and eggo your way! ♪ just l'eggo my eggo
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he actually told me that a lot of the foods that i thought were really healthy for me can do damage to the enamel on my teeth. i am a healthy girl, i love salads, i love fruits, and it's not something i want to give up. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel twice a day as my daily toothpaste. pronamel will help protect the enamel from future erosion. it's just so great because all of those foods that i enjoyed so much, i didn't want to give up, and now i can continue to have them. and we're back now at 7:39 with an nbc exclusive. jonathan martin the nfl player who said he endured bullying, speaking out for the first time since leading his team. he sat down for a candid conversation with tony dungy. >> tell me the first thing that happened that caused you to feel uncomfortable.
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>> the comments of a racial nature, aggressive sexual comments that related to my sister and my mother. i've spoken to my teammates on other -- former teammates in other locker rooms across the nfl. i said is this normal rookie hazing? and the consensus was this is not normal. >> a lot of what i'm hearing centers around ritchie incognito. >> there was more than one. i think it was the culture. i don't think there's a place to disrespect people in a professional sport. offensive line men are like a brotherhood. >> this started your rookie year. did you feel like you were singled out? do you think you got it more than other guys did? >> there were other people that got it, too. i can't say why. i may have gotten more -- you know, like i said, i have no problem with the normal hazing you see in the nfl, get a
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haircut, you know, stuff like that, little pranks. but of a personal, you know, attacking nature, i don't think there's any place for that. >> did you think about things? or did you talk to anybody after your first year before you started your second year? >> i did mention the organization knew i was struggling. >> who were you talking to? >> i had conversations with my coaches above me. i didn't get into specifics. you're not supposed to, you know, quote unquote, snitch on your teammates. i didn't see it as my place to go above leaders on the offensive line and talk to coaches about my teammates. >> you mentioned there was no one specific incident. but at some point during this past season, you started thinking about leaving the team. tell me what led up to that. >> extending past my rookie season and got to the point where a lot of things were changing. >> did you ever talk to the coach about this? your head coach? >> i did not. i worked hard with cog nincog ae
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and others. >> i see the story, the text messages going back and forth, seemed friendly, seems like he's sending you texts, you're sending him a bunch of texts, is that not a send of friendship? >> it is. like i said, i was trying with all my being to do whatever i could to be a member of this culture. >> have you talked to anybody from the dolphins since you left? >> no. >> what are you looking for in the next situation? what will be different for you so it doesn't end up like it did in miami? >> well, opportunities in the nfl are fleeting. hopeful i get another opportunity and make the most of it this is what i love to do. >> do you think you're ready to come back in this environment? >> i don't think there's any
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question i'm ready. >> how can you assure me? >> i'm telling you, i'm ready to play. i'll be ready to play on sunday if my team is in the super bowl. >> we reached out to the dolphins, the team has declined to comment until it gets results of the nfl's investigation. and after those allegations surface, ritchie incognito was suspended from the dolphins. tony dungy joins us now. brought in as an outside adviser by the dolphins in this situation. coach, good to have you here. i know you did this interview. you have talked to many players at different points in their career. being a head coach in the nfl, what struck you most about jonathan martin? >> well, jonathan is very much like a lot of players i coach. he's intelligent, passionate. i didn't see him as any different. and the thing that maybe didn't come across in this was just how personal this was for him. not the normal things. i listened to some of the voice mails and saw the text messages.
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and it was as he said racial, personal, attacking his family. and it was a tough, tough situation. >> this was beyond hazing you've seen in your time in the nfl? >> yeah. i couldn't picture anything like this going on in the locker rooms i was going on in. >> if you were still coaching, hearing from mr. martin, would it change any of your coaching tactics today? >> i think we've got to be sensitive to what's going on in this whole environment. and, you know, i don't know how it started, but it definitely escalated into something more than you would want in your locker room. >> at the end there, seemed like a young man who really wants to play football. does he have a shot to get back in the nfl? >> he does. i talked to three general managers i know really well. they said he's a good player, he'll get the opportunity, but they're afraid of the scrutiny that comes with it. he's got to get to the right environment, not a place like the miami locker room. >> happy super bowl week to you, coach. you can see the coach's full interview with jonathan martin tonight on the nbc sports network at 6:30 eastern. coming up, why oprah says
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she's not sweating turning 60 today and why she canceled her birthday bash. but first, these messages. this is for you.
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♪ [ male announcer ] bob's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor and i had like this four wheninch band of bumpsles it started on my back.
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that came around to the front of my body. and the pain from it was- it was excruciating. i did not want anyone to brush into me to cause me more pain than i was already enduring. i wanted to just crawl up in a ball and just, just wait till it passed. [ female announcer ] there's an energy crisis, alright. a human one. ♪ and the world... fight it with the good energy of quaker. quaker up. [ rock music blaring ] and after we get sarah some headphones, it'll be perfect. honey... thank you for making our home his home. our home is his home. [ jane ] behind every open heart is a story. tell yours with my open hearts collection at kay jewelers. celebrate your family and those we embrace in our lives
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with my open hearts family designs. keep your heart open... and love will always find its way in. ♪ every kiss begins with kay ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around, barbara ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ [ female announcer ] fiber one. it's almost too late. or is it? introducing new, fast acting advil. with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core™ technology, nothing works faster to stop pain in its tracks. new fast acting advil. for aveeno® positively radiant face moisturizer. [ female announcer ] aveeno® with soy helps reduce the look of brown spots in 4 weeks. for healthy radiant skin. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results. try our delicious new fresh mex bowls
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with chipotle or margarita chicken. all served with a bowl of soup, like our new southwest chicken. chili's lunch combo starting at 6 bucks. more life happens here. [ all ] bigger! now let's say a friend invites you over and they have a really big, really fun pool. and then another friend invites you over who has a much smaller, less fun pool. which pool would you rather go to? does the big pool have piranhas? i believe so. does it have a dinosaur that can turn into a robot and chop the water like a karate ninja? yeah. wait, what? why would it not? [ male announcer ] it's not complicated. bigger is better. and at&t now covers more than 99% of all americans. ♪ all right. we're back at 7:49. tamron, what are people talking about in the orange room? >> this will put a smile on your face. we all know selfies, savannah, we're familiar with them. but kids selfies are all the rage. the associated press recently reported on children grabbing
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their parents' phones, carson, natalie, i'm sure you understand and taking selfies like this. the nose knows, say ahh. so we've asked some of our viewers to go on our facebook and show us selfies their kids have taken. this is hilarious. jasmine's daughter took 72 images, all of her combover, which is by the way, fab. this is jeff rossen's cutie sloane, who at the gym, i'm not sure why that kid's at the gym, but i love this pout look. my nieces decided to show me the conditioning treatment i gave them. gianna and laila. so come on to our facebook page and show us the kids' selfies out there. and speaking of check out our facebook page and like the "today" show, tell us why you like the show, and you could end up behind the scenes on the show. yes, you at home. so send a selfie of the kids, go on and like and i've put you to work before your day has started, guys. >> tell us why you like us. why you really, really like us. >> then if it's good, we'll put you to work. >> right.
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>> making copies and collating papers. >> super. coming up, the latest on the storm that is dealing a crippling blow down south. and an '80s flashback. the airline video you will enjoy watching. then look at the budweisers super bowl ad. this will melt your heart. after your local news. during the day, we generate as much electricity as we can using solar. at night and when it's cloudy, we use more natural gas. this ensures we can produce clean electricity whenever our customers need it. ♪ they weren't looking at me.
7:52 am
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in your mouth, bacteria forms in layers. listerine® penetrates these layers deeper than other mouthwashes, killing bacteria all the way down to the bottom layer. so for a cleaner, healthier mouth, go with #1 dentist recommended listerine®. power to your mouth™. also try listerine® pocketpaks to kill bad breath germs on-the-go. uh-huh? ♪
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[ female announcer ] this valentine's day, spend less time communicating... happy valentine's day. [ female announcer ] ...and more time...connecting. [ gasps ] [ female announcer ] discover the new diamonds in rhythm collection at kay jewelers. a shimmering center diamond is always in motion, continuously catching light from every angle. and, right now you can save up to 30% on diamonds in rhythm at kay, the number-one jewelry store in america. ♪ every kiss begins with kay
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good morning. 7:56. i'm scott mcgrew. police in hillsborough looking for a man robbed a home after claiming he was a utility worker. take a look at sketch released by the police the suspect described as i clean-shaven white man, early 40s. he told the person living in a home on sheldon way he worked with the water department and was checking for broken pipes. when the person let him in, the suspect stole several items. in san jose, the city's rules committee is expected to discuss a new crime fighting proposal today. this was introduced by the council member last week. he wants to create a central database where people can voluntarily register personal security cameras with the police department. let's check in with christina and get some weather. good morning. >> we need this weather, scott. good morning. 7:56. it's coming in, but we'll have to wait for it, which is good
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news. we want the system to slow down because the more it lingers over the bay area the more we accumulate. we're running a significant deficit at this point. zoom you in, show you where the showers are coming down. north bay, and we'll continue to see showers press to the south and east throughout the next couple of hours. make sure you're ready, bring the umbrella. highs will clim out of the 50s into the 60s for the second half of the day everywhere. 66 in san jose. let's check the drive, mike. >> oakland, we have changing conditions for the road itself. we had a track on the southbound side, a crash, wasn't clear who was handling it. whatever happened a break in traffic. northbound side, a distraction would cause the backup. look at that, through the foggyi foggying area, through the castro valley. 880 slow, between the bridges than we typically see wednesday.
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back to you. >> thank you much. more local news in a half hour. pompeii... let the games begin! [ man ] slaves that live earn their freedom. ♪ only death is freedom for a gladiator. [ crowd cheering ] [ man ] can you feel that? ♪ shields up! ♪ we have to get to the harbor. whatever is happening here, perhaps the gods spared us for a reason. ♪ [ male announcer ] "pompeii." rated pg-13.
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♪ it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, a major storm cripples the south. kids stranded in schools overnight, thousands without power, and it is not over yet. plus, oprah owns 60. the media mogul marks a milestone today. what she's saying about it and how she's celebrating. and blast from the past. >> okay, be sure all carry-on items are securely stowed in an overhead bin and place smaller items under the seat in front of you. >> the airline safety video that can only be described as totally rad, today, wednesday, january 29th, 2014.
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>> sisters in new york city! >> hi to everyone back home in michigan! >> hi to the windy city. >> go broncos! ♪ >> we just got engaged! >> gather around the fire, everybody. >> good morning, everybody. >> the marshmallows out there. where is matt now when you need him to say who really burns my mind. >> thank you. >> that's right, i cleaned it up. good morning, everyone. nice to have you along. i'm savannah guthrie with carson daly in for matt, tamron and nat. coming up, the man who learned the hard way you do not mess with the weather channel's jim cantore. that's right. or if you do, you'll pay for it. >> years of live tv right there. >> he just started running faster and faster.
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we want to get the latest on the storm that, actually, jim was covering at that time, and nbc's dylan dreyer is in snowy fayetteville, north carolina, and you don't say that every day. dylan, good morning to you. >> that's right. good morning, savannah. we are in snowy fayetteville, north carolina, and all across the southeast, we ended up with about 3 to 5 inches of snow, a quarter up to three-quarters of an inch of ice in some areas along the gulf coast states, but it was atlanta that was hit so hard. it was just an inch of snow, but because everyone was still at work, everyone was still at school, everyone tried to get on to the roads at the same time. we had reports at one point yesterday in one metro atlanta school district with 50 kids still on a bus, and they did end up getting home safely, but two of those kids ended up sleeping overnight on the bus with the bus driver. they are safe now. everyone is safe, and 2,000 kids all across the south ended up just staying at school through the night. a lot of teachers said this is what we do, we take care of kids, we keep the kids happy,
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and they certainly did that. but you know, an interesting night for those kids, for sure. just because there was this point where the roads were too bad, the snow came down, there was too much traffic, and it just wasn't worth sending those kids home. we also have lots of power outages all across the south. this area is not as prepared for the snow and ice like we are in the northeast, so we ended up with 7,000 power outages still at this point, as of midnight last night. and obviously, these trucks will be out all day long. they've got crews from all over the country here working on this area, so, hopefully, power will be restored very quickly. but that being said, the south doesn't take long to warm back up. we should get back into the 40s at least by the end of this week. >> she had better be ready to fix the power lines. tied to this storm, a couple was on the way to the hospital but couldn't make it due to the treacherous conditions on the roads, so a police officer helped them deliver their baby.
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his name is tim sheffield. he is on the phone with us this morning. officer sheffield, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> well, i guess it wasn't a regular day at the office for you. what happened? you got the call and how far down the road was this mom in labor? >> actually, i pulled up to an accident and i saw the vehicle on the side of the road, and they didn't look like they were stuck, so i pulled over to check on them and i said to the dad, are y'all broke down? and he goes, "no, we're having a baby." he was very calm. so, i went over to let dispatch know that, you know, i was out with someone that was having a baby, and he was on the phone with 911. and you know, she did amazing. i mean, she did -- that baby was coming no matter what, so, she did about 99% of it and the father did a lot. i mean, they were both calm, they were troopers. >> so to speak. the dad was calm. how was mom? i mean, she sounds like she kept
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her cool. >> she did. i mean, like i said, she was a trooper. when she was, you know, she didn't have any, you know, anesthesia or anything, or any medication or anything. it was 100% natural, but she did amazing. she really did. >> well, officer, what was your role? you obviously had an important one calling for help, making sure the paramedics arrived as quickly as possible, but did you have to take part and did you have any training for that? >> well, you know, i've had several occasions where this has happened to me, but when i got there, you know, the dad -- it was just happening right then, so i had the time to get the gloves and then the baby had, you know, when the head come out, you know, the father started to pull. i said, no, no, no, don't pull, and then the baby came out. and i mean, it just happened quick. it just, i mean it was beautiful, and it was on my birthday, which made it better. >> happy birthday. >> aww. did you tell us if they had a girl or a boy? >> it was a girl. >> so, no chance she'll be named
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tim sheffield then, i guess. >> no chances it will be named tim sheffield, no. >> well, happy birthday to you, and most importantly, congratulations on your good work and pass on our best to this couple, the new family and new little girl. thank you. >> thank you. >> how cool is that? >> it is cool. >> so calm. >> it's like the dad to be like pull. and officer sheffield has to say, no, just hold on, slow down. >> dad's like, let's wrap this up. >> let's get out of here. >> he says it's happened several times before. i don't want tim sheffield coming to my house because that means you're having a baby! >> definitely knows what he's doing, so, amazing. >> natalie's here with a check of the morning's other top stories. good morning, everyone, once again. president obama's visiting a steel plant near pittsburgh and a wholesale store in maryland today to push for a higher minimum wage, job creation and other measures outlined in tuesday night's state of the union speech. the president asked congress to work with him but said he will use his executive powers to act alone, if necessary.
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>> america does not stand still, and neither will i, so wherever and whenever i can take steps without legislation to expand opportunity for more american families, that's what i'm going to do. >> the president also challenged republicans to stop fighting his health care law, but in their responses to the speech, republicans said health care choices should belong to americans and not to the government. vice president joe biden isn't showing his cards when it comes to the 2016 presidential race. during an interview this morning with savannah, savannah asked mr. biden if he wants to be president. >> in my heart, i'm confident that i could make a good president. it's a very different decision to decide whether or not to run for president. and there's plenty of time to do that. i have not made a decision to run, i have not made a decision not to run. >> meantime, the vice president is promoting president obama's education initiative today during a visit to a community college in rochester, new york. jonathan martin, the nfl
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player who says he endured bullying in the miami dolphins locker room, is speaking out for the first time since leaving his team. he sat down for a candid conversation with sports analyst tony dungy. >> i turned the microscope back on myself, what am i doing wrong that i'm being treated like this, you know, what makes me different? and i'm not different from any other football player. the texas teenager who survived a sky diving accident in oklahoma has been moved out of intensive care. she's expected to make a full recovery, but her parents say it never should have happened. here's nbc's janet shamlian. >> reporter: makenzie wethington is out of intensive care, but in a full body brace with a shattered pelvis and half a dozen broken bones after surviving a fall from 3,500 feet on a sky diving trip her mom says she didn't want her to take. >> they talked me into it, because of course, they said it was going to be safe, she'd object somebody's back, wasn't
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going to be her responsibility to do anything. so, i did give her permission, because she was very excited. >> reporter: it turned out to be a solo jump. the texas teen had always wanted to skydive, and the trip was a 16th birthday gift from her dad, who jumped first and then watched in horror, he says, as his daughter's parachute tangled and makenzie plunged to the ground. >> it's traumatic to see someone in that position coming down like that. >> reporter: while wethington signed a release allowing his 16-year-old daughter to make the jump alone, he blames the sky diving center. >> i shouldn't have been able to authorize that at all. it shouldn't have been put in my hands. went to the class, which was inadequate. the equipment is inadequate. >> reporter: the pegasus air sports center disagreed, telling nbc news this is a static line jump where the parachute opens automatically and that makenzie
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did not follow directions once the chute started turning. "she didn't take that corrective counteraction. as a result, the parachute did not stop turning. next case is the emergency drill. she was instructed by radio on helmet to run emergency drill, and she did not complete the emergency drill." for now, the focus is on makenzie's recovery, a teen whose survival has been called a miracle. janet shamlian, nbc news, houston. well, there's nothing like a wild animal to teach kids a lesson in safety. two visitors to a park in south africa leaned out of their car window to take pictures of lions, but then one lion felt his turf being threatened and let out a mighty roar. that would stop you right there. kept the kids to keep their hands and their heads -- >> let's go, that's a lion. >> -- inside the car. let's go. get back. >> whoa. >> that's what a lion looks like. >> that's all you need. it even threatened the lioness. >> like what's wrong with you? >> where are we going? >> his bite isn't as bad as his
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bark. >> yes, it is. >> be careful. let us go down to al, in washington this morning covering that rare winter storm down south and chilly temperatures there, too. >> hey, guys, by the way, i noticed that we have a pretty good crowd outside, and yet, you're all inside. >> well, we wanted to make sure they have, you know, their best access to the fire pit. >> that's right. >> there they are. >> so, there they all are. >> bulldinky! >> what is bulldinky, al? >> i think you know what it means. >> yes, we do. >> actually, the clydesdale left some out there on the plaza, but that's another story. >> that's why you didn't want to go out there. okay. all righty. what? give up show business? anyway, let's show you what we've got. good news. finally, we are seeing a change in the jet stream pattern. and so, we're getting much-needed moisture making its way into the pacific northwest and northern california. look at this. great news. so, we're going to see a couple of systems all lined up, coming in, bringing in much-needed rain
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and snow pack. look, from colorado, from the rockies all the way into the sawtooth, bitterroot, the cascades, we are looking, and the sierra, finally getting some snow pack, up to 1 to 3 feet of snow. that's good news. and rain along the coast. so, we're finally starting to see some breaks in that terrible drought out there. that's what's going on around that is right, al, it has only just begun. raining right now in sonoma county. in the morning hours this moisture will press south and east. we're expecting decent totals from a half of an inch to an inch of rain in the north bay. that's great news. we'll see all of those rainfall totals tallied up as we meet back here tomorrow morning. we'll let you know how much we accumulated. ou'll the north bay. ike this. it's a reversible hat. >> it is now.
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>> let's see it. let's see it. >> oh! >> i like it. >> wait, that's the front, right? >> no, this is. >> that's perfect right there. >> a little elmer fuddish. >> it's cute. >> all right, al, thanks. >> all right, thank you. coming up next on "trending," big music news. the super group that's getting back together and one, unfortunately, that's breaking up. all right, and then celebrating aging. oprah's opening up about turning 60 today, and we'll going to find out why she is not having a big party after all. and get the tissues ready. an exclusive first look at the budweiser super bowl ad that's going to melt your heart, right after this. ♪ [ male announcer ] new vicks dayquil severe. helps relieve your ugliest, nastiest, roughest, toughest cold symptoms. new dayquil severe. with maximum symptom fighting ingredients. ♪ new vicks nyquil severe. helps relieve your ugliest, nastiest, roughest, toughest nighttime cold symptoms.
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new nyquil severe. with maximum symptom fighting ingredients. ♪ [ female announcer ] there's an energy crisis, alright. a human one. ♪ and the world... fight it with the good energy of quaker. quaker up. [ female announcer ] any moment can be made better with the latest amazing creation from mccafe:
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the new chocolate covered strawberry frappé. enjoy. [ female announcer ] another way to love mccafé. ♪ [ female announcer ] another way to love mccafé. almond breeze almondmilk makes everything good even better... from the bowls of cereal you make... to all the delicious recipes you bake. because inside every carton is the goodness of blue diamond almonds. so grab a carton of almond breeze. almondiciously good! ♪ well, i wear my clothes like this because i can ♪
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[ female announcer ] when it comes to softness, shapes and styles only kleenex brand has it all. find your style then flaunt it at ♪ all right, we're back at 8:16. we've got "what's trending today." the ladies are all here, but we seem to be missing carson. >> yeah. >> sorry, guys. sorry. ♪ get lucky sorry, sorry. i've got a special delivery. didn't mean to be late there. okay, where are we? "what's trending today," everybody. >> what's with the hat? >> what's that? >> what's with the hat? >> oh, this? this is the new lucky hat. >> i thought you had a new suit or something different. >> this is the hat that everybody's talking about. you don't have one yet? >> no. >> no. >> well, here. they come in many different colors. >> oh! >> there's one for you. >> nice. i like how it's so small. >> i've never felt sexier.
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>> this is designed by -- >> you could be curious george's handler. >> i do? >> oh, that's hilarious. >> i think you look like buzz lightyear. >> it makes me want to eat arby's. that's all i want to do. it's a hat that comes in the colors i mentioned, the camel one that pharrell wore, black. how much do you think these cost? >> i thought it was going to be a lot, like 500, 600 bucks, but i was surprised. >> it's a bargain. >> $157 and this look could be yours! >> does anybody look good with a giant hat like this? >> you probably do. >> oh! >> look at her! >> oh, my gosh, it's cute. it's cute. >> think of the news awards you're going to win now wearing that lucky hat. >> really? >> who feels confident enough to wear this hat for the rest of our "trending" segment? >> no problem. >> pharrell -- >> no. >> hat off. >> okay, let's do our "trending." >> let's do it. >> "rolling stone" magazine, obviously known for putting rock stars on its covers, you've seen everybody from 50 cent and kanye west to jim morrison --
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>> what did you say? >> fiddy. some people call him. >> fiddy. >> anyway, let's stay on topic. look who's on the cover now. >> oh! >> pope francis. a lot of people think he is a rock star and "rolling stone" says the times are a changing. they say his tone is a breath of fresh air and his message is a real wake-up call, so, there he is in a place many people may not have expected to see him. >> it's very cool. >> i think in some ways, we have a pope who's reached the young people, and that's something that trends in to everything. i mean, all of us -- well, me, i'm old, but they're reaching out to young people with religion and social consciousness and i think that's a wise choice. >> a rock star from the cover of "time" magazine, now "rolling stone." >> very cool. speaking of music, music fans, we have good news and bad music news. let's start with the bad news. unfortunately, after more than three decades together, the crew's breaking up. motley crew says they are no longer, the rock band announcing the split with the message, "all bad things must come to an end."
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i disagree with that. >> oh, no! >> i'm a big fan first. the guys will hit the road one last time for a big summer tour. >> the final tour. >> so you've got to see that if you're a motley crue fan. >> isn't there like a fan sign? there you go. all the seventh grade boys -- >> let's go together, we'll bring the cameras and rock out. >> love it. all right. >> we'll have to do another show, then, because motley crue i love, but this group i adore. the reunion is in the works. fleetwood mac. yes, mick fleetwood confirming that christine mcphee will return to the road after leaving in 1998. various members have come and gone over the decades, but for the first time in nearly 30 years, the band will start recording music again. >> that's awesome. >> i think one of the best "behind the musics" ever on vh1 is the fleetwood mac. >> i can't wait. >> oh, all of them with each other, like, it's a web of love and lust. >> fabulousness.
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>> and then. >> yes, all the "behind the music." >> we have to have that. speaking of the '80s music we've been talking about, this sort of goes with the '80s theme. the airlines are always trying to find new ways to get us to watch the inflight safety videos. now the friendly skies are about to get a lot more rad, or totally tubular. delta air lines out with this new video that pays tribute to the '80s. there's, of course, mall hair, madonna wannabes, and then there's this, the worm, cabbage patch kids, too. >> teddy ruxpin. >> best with the exit as necessary. >> yes. >> no. >> if you're unable to perform these functions, please let us know, and we'd be happy to find you another seat. >> oh, my gosh. >> that is awesome. >> it is awesome. >> so good. >> of course, no tribute to the '80s would be complete without acknowledging alf. >> alf. >> the tv star making a cameo, as well as "airplane"'s star. i love it!
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you can watch the full video at >> can i just tell you -- >> spectacular. >> it's five minutes long. take the time today. >> it is worth it. >> it makes me want to take a trip just to see that. >> it's awesome. >> we should do like the practice, the wave. >> i like the wave. >> let's wave over to al in d.c. what have you got? >> yeah, delta's been doing these and they are terrific. they really are. all right, we've all done live shots, right? and we've all had those folks who want to get on camera. >> yeah. >> okay, well, my man, my weather channel colleague, jim cantore yesterday was doing a live shot from a college campus in charleston, south carolina. watch what happens. cat-like reflexes. >> but not an ice and snowstorm, which is what we're expecting. we have not gotten into the worst part of this storm yet -- >> ahhh! >> that is to come a little bit later on tonight. >> boom. >> ow! >> yes! that is the best! >> that is so good. >> and now there's a vine of it out there. so, this college student takes it in the -- >> yes. oh, yeah.
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>> got it. >> every time, it just keeps going. i mean, it's really fantastic. jim, i mean, had this spectacular response. >> he did. >> he was right on it. i don't think i could have been that fast. >> no. >> that was pretty good. >> i think we all learned a thing or two from watching that. >> i think he's spending a lot of time in yoga class doing the tree pose, you know, the way that knee stuck out? namaste, get out of my way! by the way, you can see the video -- >> more to come a little later on tonight, so -- >> his knee is in the perfect position. >> and later on tonight -- >> good every time. now, we have an exclusive look at one of the super bowl commercials we think everybody's going to be talking about during the big game. we are going to show you budweiser's puppy love ad in just a moment, but first, nbc's joe fryer has the story of how it was made. >> reporter: 35 miles west of hollywood's bright lights, on a picturesque horse farm tucked in the valley -- >> all right, let's pull out. >> reporter: -- filming is under way for budweiser's high-stakes
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super bowl commercial which could be seen by 100 million people. >> we have three days to get it all right and to tell that story in just the right way. >> reporter: the stars of the ads are, of course, the budweiser collides dallydesdale year they've got co-stars. these majestic, iconic horses which have appeared in bud super bowl commercials will share the screen with these guys, forming an unlikely friendship in an ad called "puppy love." >> the whole story is about connection, you know? it's connection of heart, connection of spirit, connection of soul. ♪ i took my love, took it down >> reporter: it's a sequel of sorts to last year's spot, which chronicled the connection between a rancher and his clydesdale, separated, then reunited in a heart-tugging moment. it was named ad meter's super bowl commercial of the year, putting plenty of pressure on the creative minds from anomaly ad agency to repeat their performance. >> if you win first place last year in the track meet, you're kind of expected to win it again the next year, or you're a
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failure. >> it's critically important. it's safe to say that it's the most important day in our year. >> reporter: planning for that day started nearly a year ago. >> puppies on set, guys? >> reporter: now, director jake scott's team is once again bringing the vision to life. what are you hoping for this year? >> better. better. >> reporter: perhaps the greatest challenge, showcasing the connection between puppy and horse when they don't always want to connect. >> let's roll, please. >> reporter: but they'll spend as much time as it takes to get that one shot. >> that's good. >> aww. >> reporter: when the crew reacts like this, they know, connection complete. for today, joe fryer, nbc news, thousand oaks, california. >> oh, he's so sweet! >> let's see it. here's the exclusive premiere of the super bowl commercial "puppy love." ♪ [ barking ]
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♪ ♪ ♪ only when the lightning's running low, only needs the sun when it starts to snow ♪ ♪ only know your lover when you let her go ♪ ♪ only know you've been high when you're feeling low ♪ ♪ only hate the road when you're missing home ♪ ♪ only know your lover when you let her go ♪ ♪ and you let her go ♪ you let her go, oh, whoa, oh, no ♪ ♪ when you let her go [ barking ] >> oh, i want a beer so bad right now! i'm so thirsty. >> that would be your reaction.
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>> made me so thirsty. budweiser, you're amazing. >> horses, puppies. >> i want to see that movie. that was a great movi good morning to you, 8:26 now i'm laura garcia-cannon. in about 90 minutes hundreds of uniformed law enforcement officials will stand for sergeant smith. he was shot in a dublin apartment come election last week. private security guards will patrol b.a.r.t. stations and other areas. >> because of sergeant smith's funeral, we have a lot of processions going into the area. in oakland right now, tough drive north, and southbound there was a little break.
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let me show you the stretch of roadway. the commute is exampled up. this is where the char much is just in the castro valley area. avoid the area if you can. they may shut downca castro valy boulevard for the morning. another local news update for you in half an hour. we hope to see you then.
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♪ 8:30 now on this wednesday morning, it's the 29th of january, 2014. and natalie and i are making our way over to carson and tamron. >> hello, everybody! >> i love it. everything going on. >> the wind's blowing this way a little bit. a little bit of heat back here. >> do we get to keep this? >> who wants marshmallows, anyone? >> no. >> a little bit of snow over the
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night here, nothing like what they've had down south. that's our big story this morning. we continue to follow it. we'll check in with dylan and al as the morning goes on. what did you guys get oprah for her birthday today? >> she has it all. but this giant hat. it's $157. >> oprah, if you can believe it, turned 60, why she says her life couldn't be better. >> and we'll be catching up with the man who was planning oprah's big birthday bash, but apparently she decided to pull the plug last minute. but he's going to give us scoop, as well, on how to organize. >> and what do you do with all the stuff once you plan a huge party? >> we'll take it. but first, also, the best-selling book is now being made into a movie. and we have an exclusive sneak peek. >> what's your full name? >> hazel grace lancaster. why are you staring at me? >> because you're beautiful. >> what's your story? >> i was diagnosed when i was
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13. >> no, your real story. >> i am quite unextraordinary. >> i reject that. >> you know he talks about you all the time. >> we're just friends. >> i hope you realize you're trying to keep your distance from me in no way lessens my affection for you. >> opens on june 6th. >> i love that book. i cannot wait to see this movie. it's great. let's head to al in washington. we've moved outside, are you happy? >> i am thrilled. you guys have really shown your manliness. >> arrr. >> all right. let's see what we have for you. again, it is awfully chilly. the storm system moving away. that's the good news. we've got icy conditions in the pacific northwest. that's going to be bringing some rain also along the coast. sunny skies, texas into the southeast, warming up a little bit into atlanta with 35 degrees. and then it turns cold again
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right along the mid-atlantic states. frigid in new england. snow across the great lakes as another clipper comes across and another one moves into the pacific northwest. but the good news is, after tomorrow, temperatures finally start to warm up. and we're going to take a look at the super bowl forecast coming up in the next hour. but all in all, it's not too bad. it's going to be cloudy, temperatures in the upper 8:33 now, good morning to you, i'm christina loren. happy to vshow you the changing pattern we're getting into. showers increasing in sonoma county and starting to press into napa county. the bulk of the moisture arrives tonight into tomorrow morning. very early tomorrow morning. look at these totals. looking really good for half an inch in napa and santa rosa. the weather's this crazy, you need the weather channel. go to the weather channel on
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cable or online, 24/7. guys? >> all right, al, thank you so much. well, meantime, some well wishes are in order, right? >> yes, oprah winfrey celebrates a milestone today. she's 60, and she's taking it, of course, all in stride. >> all right. open your boxes. >> she won us over on the small screen. >> everybody gets a car! >> dazzled us on the big screen. >> everything you are and everything you have because of that butler. >> has a magazine named after her and her own network. now oprah winfrey is facing her next chapter, the big 6-0. >> this is a special month. not only the beginning of a new year but it's the month i turn 60. and what a transformation that is. >> the queen of talk shared her feelings about the milestone with our own al roker in august. >> it's the only age i've ever been that i had to like -- the
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60s, 60. >> it's the new 30. >> i don't think it's the new 30, al. >> but as the big day arrived, oprah doesn't seem to be sweating 60 writing in her magazine i'm more secure in being myself than i've ever been. and posting this pre-birthday workout celebration to her instagram account. >> i just had the best birthday ever, ride baby, ride! >> at 60, oprah is really younger than a lot of 30-year-olds i know. and the reason i say that is because she is the least complacent person i know. she is a searcher and a seeker. and is excited about life as i'm sure she was decades ago. >> it's been a busy few months leading up to the milestone, complete with red carpet, award nominations for her role in "the
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butler" along with some award snubs. even receiving the medal of freedom from president obama. >> oprah's greatest strength has always been her ability to help us discover the best in ourselves. >> but there's also been some moments of candor telling the "hollywood reporter" if i had kids, my kids would hate me. something in my life would have to suffer and it would probably have been them. >> because she's not like any 60-year-old we used to think about, she's what the new 60 is. and i think that it will make people really realize that, you know, their best years may be ahead of them. >> and this new phase, oprah's letting the world in, showcasing her handyman habits via social media and showing everyone what it means to own 60. >> so in addition to oprah, other fabulous women turning 60 this year, christie brinkley. and we were talking about the fact that 60 really -- how do you define it today compared to in the 1950s and '40s?
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men and women look so great. but breaking news, developing news, oprah has canceled her birthday. well, reportedly according to e! our friends over there say she felt the guest list was getting out of control. but i'm thinking, you're oprah, you are the epitome of control. >> you get to go and you get to go. >> come on. >> you can't go and you can't go. you're off the list, too! >> there you go. >> well, you know who might have some scoop on this, the guy that was planning the celebration. he happens to be here, perhaps you guys could get the scoop from him coming up. when did he get the call that the party was off? but up next, the american snowboarder who could challenge shaun white for gold in sochi. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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back now at 8:39, "today's"
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countdown to sochi. the competition begins in just eight days. and a member of the u.s. olympic snowboarding team appears ready to go. he spun his way to gold at the winter x games over the weekend. danny, good morning. congratulations. >> thank you. thank you. >> well done. what did it feel to win that competition and be named to the olympic team? >> it's always nice to win a contest. and over the last few weeks, i got named to the olympic team and never had the chance to go to the olympics, i'm really excited. >> you were this close to going to vancouver. in fact, you had been named to the team and, unfortunately, got into an atv accident right before. >> i sure did. >> this time's the charm, right? >> yeah. this is my little comeback here. and i'm excited to go to russia, you know, it's fun, it's further away. vancouver was a little closer to home. this one will be fun. >> are you concerned at all about security and the situation there in sochi? i know a lot of athletes are
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having some concerns. >> i think where we are up in the mountains, we're pretty safe. and i'm going to let that just be something that we don't worry about, and i'll just focus on shredding and having a good time with my family there. >> what kind of tricks are you working on? what are the big moves we should be watching for? i know you're going to be up against shaun white, your teammate, as well. >> oh, yeah. teammate, but you know at the same time, he's a competitor going against me and snowboarding as an individual sport. we'll be going head to head. the trick, you know, the double cord where you go upsidedown twice. that's the big tricks right now, those are the scary ones. >> shaun white was focusing on his training for sochi so he wasn't at the x games there. are you all packed? ready to go? >> i am not. i am -- >> you're not? >> i need to go back -- i leave saturday, so i need to go home tomorrow, drop some stuff off at my house in california, repack and then off to sochi on friday.
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>> got to pack more hats, right? >> more hats. maybe something furry. >> got to get the pharrell hat. we've got an extra one for you. >> i'll take it. >> danny davis, thanks so much. and a reminder, the olympic competition begins next thursday, the opening ceremony the next night. coming up next, is the record cold making flu season even worse? a survival guide now it's peak season right here. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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or how to find big savingsdeals on the things you need. just make a straight line to safeway. you'll find huge club card deals perfect for the big game. pizza's a football favorite. digiorno pizza is $3.99.
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get your snack on. wheat thins and other nabisco crackers are just $1.50 a box. and dreyer's ice cream is only $2.88. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. ♪ "today's cold and flu" is brought to you by kleenex. when it comes to softness, shape and styles, only kleenex has it all. >> oh, please win gold. please. and wear the hat, as well. back at 8:44 with important information to make it through flu season, it typically peaks
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in january and february. and 31 states are reporting high activity. dr. sam davis is an emergency room physician. good to have you here this morning. >> good morning. >> we'll start with the record temperatures. it's so cold throughout most of the country right now, how do the cold temperatures affect flu season in general? >> well, people would think that with the cold season that you're more likely to get the flu, but it's actually not the case. it's transmitted from people to people. so if you have the flu, if you're coughing, sneezing, talking even, germs can travel up to 6 feet. and that's the only way you can catch the flu. >> seems like annually we hear there's a particular flu strain that's bad or a flu season can be mild. what are we at right now? >> i think it's peaking at its right time. january and february is usually when the flu season peaks. like in 2009, we saw h1n1 very bad strain of flu. keep in mind that 36,000 people a year die from the flu. and over 200,000 people are
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hospitalized from the flu. it's a serious thing. >> let me walk you through what happens with my physician. i say let me get this straight, doc, you're going to inject me with the flu to keep me from getting the flu. explain that for people. >> so people think the flu shot can cause the flu, which is not true. the flu shot that you receive is an inactivated strand. usually they were already infected with the flu and it's just bad timing they received the shot at the same time they developed the flu. >> what about timing? is it too late to get vaccinated? do you recommend people do it? >> i would. the flu can run all the way until may. now is the perfect time to go out, especially if you're of age, if you're a mature population -- >> care giver. >> health care provider. any sort of medical issues, as well. >> can you be a carrier and not have the symptoms? can you have the flu and potentially give it to somebody and not quite know it? >> surprisingly, no.
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up to 20% of people who carry the flu don't realize they have it. they can pass it on to others. >> it's cold everywhere for most people, i've got a little upper respiratory thing going. break it down, cold or flu, what are the symptoms? >> cold and flu, it's tough. almost can mimic each other. but flu tends to be a little bit more violent, headaches, fever, joint pain, muscle ache. >> chills. >> you feel like you were hit by a mack truck. the cold, cough, congestion, runny nose. >> people love to pop pills. i'm sure you see it all the time in jersey. people come to you panicked, they think they have the flu. when are antibiotics appropriate? >> never appropriate for a viral infection. and flu is a viral infection. the only time that you need an antibiotic is if you have a bacterial infection, like laryngitis or sore throat or pneumonia. those are the only times you
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need an antibiotic. the flu can be impacted by a bacterial infection. your immune system is weakened by the flu and then the bacteria can cause pneumonia or ear infection. and at that time, you do need an antibiotic. but the danger with the antibiotic, it kills the good bacteria in your body and makes you -- >> only go in if you really, really need to go in and get that antibiotic. >> and only if it's a bacterial infection. >> over the counter for virals. if you get sick, are you immune to all this? >> i've been lucky. hand washing is the trick. >> thank you, doctor. up next, what it takes to throw a party like oprah. but first, this is "today" on nbc.
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♪ back at 8:50 right now. we mentioned earlier, oprah celebrating a milestone birthday, one of more than 4 million americans turning 60 this year. >> and if you want to throw a party like oprah or a rock star, entertaining and lifestyle expert colin cowie has planned oprah's parties for many, many years. good morning. we've got to start by saying, though, oprah's party has been postponed. >> we spent seven months planning this amazing party and when the guest list was north of 450 people, she decided not to go ahead with it. >> oh, no.
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>> but her best friend threw her 50th birthday party, throwing an 80th birthday party. >> maybe you'll take some of this design. >> this is quite lovely. >> tell us about this theme. i notice the colors are gorgeous. >> the color scheme here is nude champagne and oyster, which is very beautiful. >> elegant. >> and i think the big take here is the runner. i think it makes it elegant, very inexpensive to do. i found these at home depot. less than $12 for the entire table. >> the tiles here. >> and it reflects everything so beautifully. >> you line them in the middle of the table. >> right down the middle of the table. >> and you layer with the flowers. >> layer with the flowers. all the flowers are very low and see very clearly across the table. there's one flower per vase and each vase has a vintage collected feeling. this is a signature one.
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>> that's gorgeous. is that an orchid? >> so you put it inside of a very beautifully -- >> what flowers do you like this time of year? >> roses are not very expensive, tulips are not very expensive. the roses. >> perfect. >> and it's all very low and lots and lots of candles. >> lots of candles. >> and you want to be able to have a conversation with someone across the way. >> always lower than 12 inches. >> now, tell us about the place settings. >> the place settings are gold and i wanted everything to be transparent and very elegant. so all of this is rentable. the glasses and the flatware. one thing we love to do, and oprah's a stickler about making sure that every guest is sitting next to the right person. >> nice.
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>> and i've seen her spend literally hours in a room over a guest list agonizing making sure the right person is seated next to the right person. a sign of a great host. >> it is. when you have 450 people you're planning on inviting. that's a lot of organizing. the other thing i think we have to dim the lights we can get this special effect. this is a really cool idea. >> goes under the table, i put these common lanterns. i found these at home depot, you can use them year round and gives the table a beautiful, wonderful soft glow. >> that is lovely. and adds such an intimacy. >> it is. and makes it look very glamorous. >> and there's always a colin cowie signature cocktail. >> i do take credit for introducing oprah to tequila. this is the breakfast version of a wonderful cocktail we like to serve at the parties. >> wow. what is that? cocoa? >> chocolate.
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chocolate. i'm going to put these over here. we actually walk around the dance floor with these just like this. >> oh, cool. >> and this is the morning version. there's no tequila in this one. >> come on. >> it's guaranteed to keep you dancing for hours. >> alcohol? >> there's no tequila in this one. >> i'm sorry. i didn't mean to walk into a segment. >> this is the mock version of it. >> absolutely. >> this is so lovely. >> this is great. >> it's nice. >> this will buy you another two hours on the dance floor. >> the beautiful decor and the decorations, the flowers, i believe there's somebody -- >> yes, helping us put together flowers. that's the pieces we made. look how beautiful. >> oh, that's tasty. just inhaled it. thank you. >> happy birthday. >> happy birthday, oprah. thank you, colin. we are back with much more on a wednesday morning. >> interesting.
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>> that's good. >> thank you, colin. >> we're back after your local news and weather.
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you're watching today in the bay. good morning, everyone, it is 8:56, i'm scott mcgrew. giants fans are packed into at&t park right now to be extras in the giants commercials. the commercials will air throughout the 2014 season. a great day for fake baseball. >> and the fan fest is on saturday.
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hopefully you'll be out there this year scott mcgrew. a little over four hundredths of an inch. this front will stay organized as it drops to the south. make sure you're ready for that. it could measure between a quarter of an inch to half of an inch.
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from nbc news, this is "today's take" with al roker, natalie morales and willie geist live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today" on this wednesday morning, january 29th, 2014. i'm willie geist along with natalie morales, al is down in washington, d.c. keeping an on that frigid weather. we're going to check in with al in just a couple of minutes. natalie, you've been gone for a couple of days. >> yeah. i understand you had about a 20-minute interview with the guy and you stayed for three days. >> i was on the "fifty shades of grey" set, the movie comes out a year from now in february of 2015. but we're already in the behind the scenes. i got a little behind the scenes look. i can't say much except that it's steamy. >> yes.
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>> they were great. dakota johnson doing a good job, i think, everybody's going to be pleased. this is the poster that universal is putting out, by the way. >> okay. >> the official poster already out. >> and you say jamie, shall we say fills out the role nicely. >> yeah, he is christian grey. he is as you would expect. there's a reason they call him the golden torso. they do. >> that's a great nickname. the golden torso. >> although i don't think he wants to be known for that. he's got great acting chops. >> you had fun? >> we did. had fun with the whole cast. >> it's good to have you back. there's a lot going on, the state of the union address was last night. among other things, the president talked about income inequality. something we've heard a lot from this white house and talked a lot about what to do about it. he announced plans also for a series of executive actions like raising the minimum wage for new federal contract workers. that's one subset of the economy he says with the stroke of a
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pen, he can do that. he also pushed lawmakers to resolve stalled legislation on immigration reform. that's one place he thinks and some republicans think they can get something done this year. and he wants to extend emergency benefits for the long-term unemployed. that's something he's also been talking about a lot. >> i think the moments that everybody tweeted about, there were a lot of great moments, i think, last night, but one of the moments when he made reference to the gender inequality issue. he said, you know, we are no longer in a madmen era. i think if you want to take a look at this, you'll get a sense of what he was saying. >> it is time to do away with workplace policies that belong in a "madmen" episode. this year, let's all come together, congress, the white house, businesses from wall street to main street to give every woman the opportunity she deserves because i believe when women succeed, america succeeds. >> standing ovation in the room
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and the single most tweeted moment of the night from people watching. >> 33,000 tweets, i believe. something i think a lot of women are saying it's about time. we earn 77 cents to the dollar, i believe that a man makes. let's make it happen. >> i think most people agree in a bipartisan way that the moment of the night, though, came when the president was talking about afghanistan and foreign policy. said america must move off a permanent war footing. he singled out his guest, army ranger cory rensberg, hit by a roadside bomb during his tenth deployment. >> my recovery has not been easy, he says. nothing in life that's worth anything is easy. cory is here tonight. and like the army he loves, like the america he serves, sergeant first class cory ramsberg never
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gives up and he does not quit. >> great moment of the night. i think that right there pretty much said it all. standing ovation for more than two minutes after that moment. incredible. sergeant, as i said, ten deployments in afghanistan. this happened on his tenth. he was in a coma for several months. he came out of a coma, doesn't have use of his arm. >> blind in the right eye. remarkable. >> there he was getting a standing ovation. >> and gave the president a thumbs up at one point during the speech. >> a wonderful, wonderful moment. >> not such a great moment -- did you see what happened? this is a new york reporter was asking a representative after the state of the union speech there at the capitol building and getting a chance to do an interview with him. and representative michael grimm from new york, he was caught on camera actually threatening the reporter there at the u.s.
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capitol building right after the state of the union address. and really serious threats that were made. >> yes. >> if you take a listen. >> the backstory, he's a congressman from staten island, a new york city republican. and there's been investigation into his campaign finance. after talking about the state of the union with this reporter, the reporter tried to ask a question about that issue. here's what happened. >> just finally, before we let you go, we haven't had a chance to kind of talk about -- >> not anything off topic, only about the president's speech. thank you. >> all right. so congressman michael grimm does not want to talk about some of the allegations concerning his campaign finances. >> let me be clear here. you ever do -- >> why? i just wanted to -- >> why? why? it's a valid question. >> no, no, you're not man enough.
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you're not man enough. i'll break you in half. >> i will throw you off this balcony, i will break you in half like a little boy. >> oh, my. and he's the former fbi agent as well as former marine so he tells you i'm going to break you in half, i'd be scared. >> he can do it. congressman grimm put out a statement saying, quote, the reporter knew i was in a hurry and only there to comment on the state of the union but insisted on taking a disrespectful and cheap shot at the end of the interview because i didn't have time to speak off topic. i told him off because i expect a certain level, get this, of professionalism and respect. he wants that from the reporter. >> nice. >> especially when i go out of my way to do that reporter a favor. i doubt i'm the first member of congress to tell off a reporter, and i'm sure i won't be the last. >> but here, congressman, you've got to remember, you're in front of a camera with an open mike, as well. and talk about bullying, that's a classic example right there. >> the reporter michael scotto of new york 1, we talked to him
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earlier. and he said what you couldn't see out of the frame, there was no physical contact. he wanted to make that clear. the congressman didn't push him at all and not going to pursue this any further than he has. >> you do get the sense, he got in his face and told him straight as we saw in that clip. >> and congressman grimm is up for reelection this year. certainly going to hear about this clip. >> that's not going to go over well. >> the other big story -- al, what do you got? >> here's the congressman said i don't have time -- i didn't have time, i was in a hurry. he took the time to threaten the guy. >> right. >> and then, he walked away and then he came back. >> yeah. >> well. >> just to make sure you understand you're not a man, i could break you in half -- >> right. >> -- like a boy. so he had time for that. >> yeah. >> he had time to say, i'm going to pick you up and i'm going to throw you off this balcony. >> yeah. >> he had time for what he wanted. >> exactly. >> it'll be interesting to see
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if the congressman walks any of this back today given the fact it's out there now. he didn't yesterday. >> i don't get the sense he's going to apologize. >> it's a hard thing to walk back, now that i think about it. >> and the reporter from new york 1 says he doesn't expect an apology. i think, you know, come on. >> yeah. >> that's crazy. that is crazy. al, let's keep you right there because this southern storm, boy, just gripping the south in atlanta, a state of emergency has been declared. they got 2 1/2 inches of snow. in fact, some parents could not get to their kids. thousands of them stranded at school, hundreds of school children. >> scary. >> spending the night in their schools. atlanta public schools confirm all but one of the students reported on buses had been transported safely back to their homes. atlanta schools have children in place at schools in the north and west parts of the city. i've got a couple of buddies who live in atlanta, one of them texted me and said i have to sleep at work tonight.
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the commutes are five, six and seven hours for a short distance. it's kids sleeping in schools, grown-ups sleeping in their workplaces. >> they're not prepared for that weather, right, al? >> here's the problem. they have -- they could be prepared, they -- the mayor and the governor got on tv yesterday and said, oh, this wasn't expected. and that's not true. we were talking about this monday, that this was going to happen. they took a gamble. they didn't want to pretreat the roads. i don't think they wanted to spend the money and do what they needed to. and then they told everybody -- everybody started going home right around noon. by 1:30, i-285, i-75, i-85 was a parking lot. and this was poor planning on the mayor's part and the governor's part. pure and simple. they were warned about it, they were -- they should have been prepared for it. and people are still suffering. the roads are still gridlocked. it's a shame. it really is.
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>> you cannot leave kids sleeping in schools. you can't do it. >> and 2.7 inches of snow, which seems unheard of. >> this happened three years ago. they got 4.4 inches of snow and the roads were gridlocked and they said we're never going to do this again. and in fact, they said they were ready for this, but they weren't. they didn't pretreat and then it was too late. >> hope they learned the lesson this time and next time they can handle it the right way. >> i lived in atlanta for a long time, it's a great city, does a lot of things well, handling snow is not one of them. i can tell you from experience. >> good thing they don't get it a lot. >> al, we want to play a preview here. super bowl ad four days out now from the big game, cheerios has pre-released its first ever super bowl ad. it uses the same family from last year's just checking commercial. ad prompted some criticism because it was an interracial couple. here's the new ad from cheerios. >> hey, gracie, you know how our
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family has daddy and mommy -- >> and me. >> that's right. pretty soon, you're going to have a baby brother. >> and a puppy. >> deal. >> i love it. >> she's making deals. >> so cute. >> she's going to be an agent some day. great ad. >> that's terrific. >> all right, al. let's take a look at the forecast. >> let's go a little more in-depth, show you what's going on, we still have winter storm watches, winter weather advisories and winter storm warnings throughout the southeast, much of the rest of the country it's done with. but you can see from brownsville, we've got rain, we've got some freezing precip just along the southern tip of louisiana, and still along the southeastern coast, we've got a freezing precip mix, some snow
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now moving away, it's off the long island coast, new jersey coast, just the tip of massachusetts, so that's the good news. we may pick up another 1 to 3 inches from virginia beach down into charleston. but the really big story is going to be the change in the pattern. we've had the polar vortex, that arctic air, a western ridge out west. we've had the winds from the north pole coming right into a good portion of the country while out west it's been dry and there have been unusual warmth all the way into alaska. well, good news is, the vortex moves to the north, that ridge breaks down, the jet stream now moves west to east, and that's more pacific moisture and warmth coming across. and so temperatures will start to moderate. look at what we've got today, it is still bone-chilling cold with windchills that make it feel 20 degrees colder, but then thursday, look at this, atlanta, you're up to 43, 19 in d.c. by saturday, 36 in portland, 52 lexington, tallahassee back to normal with a temperature of 73
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degrees. 9:12 now, good morning, i'm christina loren. i want to start with this live picture from palo alto. you see all of these cars charging to work on wet roadways. highs will be unseasonably middle. more rain is on the way as we head into tonight. make sure you're ready for that and we could pick up between one and two feet of snow in tahoe. >> hey, guys, by the way, there was a baby girl born yesterday on i-285. a sheriff, tim chatfield helped out with the delivery, mom, dad, baby girl doing well. maybe they'll name her leona because this winter storm is called leon. >> nicely done. al, we'll see you in a little bit.
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coming up next, what are these two saying about their self-esteem with the way they're carrying themselves? how you use your body language to boost your confidence. how you use your body language to boost your confidence. yes, al, janeane driver is back. with a smartphone from straight talk wireless. we replaced sue's smartphone she'll get the same great nationwide coverage for half the cost. let's see if she notices. you bet she did. francois!! deux! ah, o!i he's french. she saved almost 950 dollars. that's enough to hire a french pastry chef for the pta bake sale! bon appetit , sue. the world needs more straight talk. same phones. same networks. half the cost. get a samsung galaxy s3. unlimited everything, just $45 a month. only at walmart. delicious, but say i press a few out flat, add some beef, sloppy joe sauce and cheese, fold it all up and boom! delicious unsloppy joes perfect for a school night. pillsbury grands biscuits. make dinner pop. pillsbury grands biscuits. blur flaws away. new garnier 5-second blur.
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our 1st instant smoother with light reflectors. it blurs away lines, mattifies shine, and reduces pores. for a complete smooth finish... why wait? new garnier 5-second blur. [ woman ] i always eat it all... but just not all at once. [ female announcer ] celebrate every tiny win like delicious low calorie crystal light. a sip in the right direction. what makes olive garden'sie rich, irresistible parmesan! the star of our new 2 for $25 menu. choose two melt-in-your mouth entrées topped with decadent parmesan like tender new parmesan crusted chicken or creamy new parmesan crusted tortellini. two appetizers. two entrees. unlimited salad and breadsticks. our best 2 for $25 yet! olive garden. we're all family here. get together for unlimited soup, salad, & breadsticks lunch just $6.99.
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so through february 15th, buy a box of cheerios and we'll give you one free to share with family. only 1 million coupons available. visit to print your coupon and for other restrictions. you raise her spirits. we tackled your shoulder pain. you make him rookie of the year. we took care of your cold symptoms. you take him on an adventure. tylenol® has been the number 1 doctor recommended brand of pain reliever for over 20 years. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®. we all know people who exude confidence and command attention. >> it's usually their body language does all the talking. how can you give your self-esteem a boost? janine driver is president of
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the body language institute. janine, good morning. >> good to be back. i love you guys. nice to be back. >> can we really own body confidence? >> yeah, i was talking to your producer here a second ago and i said the last thing you want to do is do something like this and grab your throat. i'll take care of this really on monday. you want to say, i'll take care of this on monday. when you grab your children, you're about to win. >> it's how people perceive us. i'll take care of this on monday, boss. this is called vulnerability. this is you're a pain in my neck. grab your chin, think of it, oprah winfrey turned 60, chin grabber, george clooney. all the chin grabbers. i'll take care of this. when you grab your childrn, you about to win. >> talk about not hiding my thumb. >> a lot of people hide their thumbs or they'll put them in their pants. when you -- what do newborn babies do with their thumbs? suck them or put them inside their fist. when you hide your thumbs, you're literally giving the message, i need reassurance.
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i need reassurance. instead, you want to do the james dean, would always have his thumb sticking out of his pocket. jfk. >> yeah, always right here. >> so you stick out that thumb, it sends the message, i'm ready to take action. >> the other thing is freeze the fidgeting. people who are fidgeters -- >> i'm a fidgeter. when i was little going to church, my foot would move, my mother would grab my leg, stop shaking the pew! i'm a doer. we're doers. >> exactly. how do you fix that? >> a job interview, meeting with a parent/teacher meeting, on a first date, you want to come across as confident. instead do what i call ten toe push-ups. inside your shoes, crunch your toes, one and two and three. feel the burn? four and five, feel that burn? >> my toes right now, wow. >> you have the strongest toes in the business. we don't see the anxiety coming out but it's hidden in your shoe and you get to release that stress. >> how about this one? walk the walk.
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you say it's less about posture and more about stride. >> you want a bigger step. when we have a bigger step, you're seen -- >> i'm going to do what you tell me to do. >> no john travolta. >> that's good. >> that's delicious. >> walking in slow motion. >> walk small steps for me. walk small steps for me. little, small steps. >> so when you walk. you like doing the moonwalk, right? >> i can do that, too. sorry, go ahead. >> little teeny steps are seen as people who are manic and anxious. long strides are seen as people who are confident and getting the job done. so you want a nice wider stride as you're going. i think sandra bullock -- sandra bullock was in some movie where they taught her how to walk. remember that? where she was an undercover police officer? >> yeah. >> beauty pageant one. >> "miss congeniality." real quick, pat on the back. >> pat on the back is back.
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however, willie, touch natalie's shoulders like this. >> inappropriate. >> on her shoulder. >> this is considered like touching a woman's breast. so you never want to -- your wife might not be happy. >> today, if a man is touching a woman on the upper shoulder, palm up. >> can i get you a cup of tea? >> is that better? is that weird to go up to someone at work? >> no, stop like this. i don't want you to knock her over. >> hr will visit when this is over. >> i'll take a cup of tea. >> don't do this. >> can i get you a cup of tea, natalie. >> a little too sexual. >> yeah. >> help me. janine driver, thank you. i'm going to get you caught up on the news you need before you walk out the door. >> and we'll be checking in with our six months to a six pack contestants to see how they're coming along. can they stomach our latest challenge right af ♪
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dear armpit... in the lottery of life, you drew the short stick. people shave you. pour hot wax on you. and your name... is armpit. people don't treat you like skin. because, frankly, they don't think of you as skin. [ female announcer ] new dove advanced care. the first antiperspirant with nutrium moisture. so you can be a softer, smoother, more beautiful little armpit. you deserve our best care ever. and don't you ever forget that. ♪ i do it too. i do it and my husband loves it. [ female announcer ] do it. bring out your beauty from within with nature's bounty® hair, skin & nails. it's a vitamin supplement that nourishes from the inside. with biotin for healthy hair and nails.°
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and vitamins c and e for healthy skin.° i do it. it makes me feel beautiful. [ female announcer ] nature's bounty® hair, skin & nails. because beauty starts on the inside. in delicious gummies too. he loves me. he loves me not. he loves me. he loves me not. ♪ he loves me! that's right. [ mom ] warm and flaky in 15, everyone loves pillsbury grands! [ girl ] make dinner pop!
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[announcer]...if you think the everbest bed for one of youands! might be a compromise for the other one... [woman]ask me about our tempur-pedic. [announcer] they're sleeping on the newest tempur-pedic bed... the new tempur choice... [man]two people.two remotes. [announcer] firmness settings for the head,legs,and back... and with tempur on top,that famous tempur-pedic comfort comes any way you like it! [woman]ask me about the lumbar button. [man]she's got her side...and i've got my side. [announcer] tempur-pedic.the most highly recommended bed in america. [woman]don't touch my side! taking a look at the headlines, federal health officials say the pain reliever in aleave may be safer on the heart than other anti-inflammatory drugs. the key ingredient in other generic pain pills may have a lower risk of heart attack and stroke than rival medications. a new study suggests a link between the economic recovery and divorce that found fewer
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couples splitting up from 2009 to 2011 during the height of the recession. perhaps, experts say, because they couldn't afford to get divorced. but as the economy began rebounding, the number of divorces went up. the same thing happened in the 1930s during and after the great depression. well, google is apparently taking steps to make computers think like humans. it bought a british company called deep minds that is in the business of artificial intelligence. combined with other recent purchases of companies that make smart products for the home and robots, some are wondering if google may want to work on robots for the home, which we would all love. well, there is a new super hero near the vatican. there's an artist who has created this super pope and it shows pope francis flying in a white cape, his fist clenched in classic superman style. and it says valores which is the spanish word for values.
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i like that. coming up, from "american horror story" and "12 years a [ female announcer ] skin looking tired? research shows that as you age, skin cells lose energy, making skin look tired. wake it up with olay regenerist. formulated with a skin energizing complex, it penetrates 10 layers of the skin's surface, revving up surface cell regeneration and bringing out younger looking skin. ♪ because energized skin is younger looking skin. the latest, from olay regenerist. ♪ [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. [ m'm... ] great taste. [ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.® can help your kids' school get extra stuff. they're the only cereals with box tops for education.
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you can raise money for your kids' school. look for this logo. only on big g cereals. you can make a difference. every cereal box counts. this is a breaking news update. good morning to you at 9:26, i'm laura garcia-cannon. that breaking news is in san jose where a neighborhood has been evacuated after a gas leak. it is in the area of hostetien road and frost drive. homes in the area have been evacuated as a precaution. something we're keeping our eye on. in the meantime, ann mall control officers have captured a second dog involved in a overnight attack. the man that was attacked is still in the hospital this morning. the owner was bitten in the leg but it okay. >> hundreds of law enforcement
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officials will stand at attention this morning for tom smith. sergeant smith was shot and killed by a fellow b.a.r.t. officer during an apartment search last week. we'll take a quick break and we'll look alt weather and traffic right after this. weath right after this. a weather and c right after this. t weather and traffic right after this. [ wind howling ] [ female announcer ] it balances you... [ water crashing ] fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for
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to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley... delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. nature valley. nature at its most delicious. welcome back now, time is : 9:28. in the north bay, look at what's headed our way throughout tonight and tomorrow morning, potentially measuring up to a half inch in the north bay, could be a little better than that, we'll keep you updated as the system comes in and we see those changes. temperatures will be comfortable, but you need a sweater or jacket or something to protect your clothes because we have that steady drizzle out there. let's check that drive. >> can't see a lot out there. some spots have some haze.
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look at this north 880. heading through downtown oakland. very slow for 880. 580 has recovered. southbound 80 also slow, but sedding toward castro valley boulevard, it is slow, and that funeral for sergeant smith, those stretches will be crowded. back to you. >> thank you very much, thank you for joining us, another local news update in half an hour. we'll see you tomorrow morning early at 4:30.
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♪ welcome back to "today," wednesday morning, january 29th, 2014. hope you're staying warm wherever you are. i'm willie geist along with natalie morales. al is down in washington, we'll check in with him in a moment. the president of the united states gave his state of the union in washington. but we have a real address now from the kid president. >> kid president. >> 11-year-old robby novak, youtube sensation, he's interviewed president obama and beyonce. now a message where he offers life lessons to newborn babies. >> today over 360,000 babies will be born, and you are one of them. welcome, this is the world. it's a pretty cool place. there's lots to see, smell,
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there's corn dogs. i'm getting ahead of myself. there's so much to do. singing and dancing. oh, and rapping. rapping's the best. it's great when you laugh and milk comes out your nose. >> it is great when the milk comes out of the nose. he's right. you're right. has almost 2 million views on youtube right now. >> he's adorable. robby novak. that's a great state of the union right there. >> it is. great message. talk about forgiveness and everything. >> and corn dogs. >> and corn dogs because we all love corn dogs. let's get a check of the weather from mr. roker. you love a good corn dog too, right? >> let me tell you. there was no higher praise, indeed, as far as a joke was concerned at my dinner table. if i could get my brother andrew to laugh and make milk come out of his nose. that's like the oscars to a 10-year-old. >> exactly. >> anyway, here's what we've got
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for you. okay. let's start off with today. we are looking at icy conditions still along the southeastern atlantic coast. a mess in the pacific northwest. they need the rain, they'll take it. snow in the cascades, sawtooth, bitter roots, tomorrow, more snow there. clipper coming across the great lakes, frigid conditions in new england, sunny and warm through the south, cool along the gulf coast. and for super bowl sunday, cloudy, northwest wind at about 10 miles per hour, temperature about 34 degrees, still on track to probably be the coldest super bowl game ever played. but still, it could be a lot worse in the area. they're going to slowly start to warm up on the east coast as the storm track comes into the west coast. you see right now plenty of moisture just to the north of the bay area. just spottitivi spottitivity ac.
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it will press south though. mike will be along with your traffic report in just a moment. >> and that's your latest weather. guys? >> thanks a lot. now to our six months to a six pack challenge. helping you get those abs of steel by summer. and today we have the things you can eat. >> joy bauer has great tips, also our three participants. looking great. >> look how good they look. >> i know. they've come a long way, joy. how far have they come? >> remember, it's only been four short weeks. and they're not doing well, they're doing phenomenal. we're going to start with beautiful kelly. she weighed in at 177 at the first week. she's now 159 pounds. >> all right. >> she's down 18 pounds. >> wow. >> oh, my gosh. good for you. >> awesome. >> then we have stunning tamara. she started at 178 pounds now
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weighs 169, she's down 9 pounds. >> all right. >> oh, my gosh. >> and hunky ralph over there. >> he is getting hunky. >> started at 200 pounds, now weighs 187 pounds and he's down 13 pounds! >> all right. >> whoo! >> ralph, do you ever wear a shirt anymore? just walk around like that? >> trust me, i need a shirt. >> we devised a little game. we're going to have you to be our contestants here. our first question. which of the following fast food items is under 500 calories and will help blast belly fat most effectively? is it, a, wendy's chili baked potato, or burrito bowl with chicken, beans, cheese and guacamole. a, b, or c? >> made me hungry is what it did. >> "b" and "c." >> the answer is the wendy's, it's "a." it's a small chili and a baked
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potato. guess what, only 450 calories. and thanks to the beans in the chili and the skin on the potato, you have a lot of filling fiber to keep you feeling satisfied. >> all right. >> sorry, guys. >> okay. next question, which exercise will help you burn off belly fat faster? is it, a, squats or, b, planks. go ahead, make your guesses. >> "b" across the board. >> okay. so? >> the correct answer is squats. >> wow. >> why is that? >> the reason is, there's no such thing as spot reduction. the only way to spot reduce is by doing liposuction. the best way to really target fat loss overall is to do big movements. like a squat. and the best way to learn how to do a squat is to set up right alongside a chair and we all do this all day long. part two is standing back up and make sure the knees track
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correctly, straight in line with toes, fold your arms over your shoulders, keep your chest up, just like that. >> just a body weight -- >> rinse and repeat. >> you can add weights, too. >> there are world class lifters who do the exact same movement but with 800 pounds on their back. >> you guys doing squats yet? >> question number three, which of these condiments can boost your metabolism. a, hot sauce, b, hummus, or c dijon mustard? >> all right! >> what's great about hot sauce, it contains an ingredient that helps to suppress your appetite and slightly rev your metabolism. put a few dashes on everything from egg whites to stews to casseroles, even in your salad. >> they got that one. here's another exercise question, guys. ready? what move makes your abs stronger? is it, a, crunches or, b,
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medicine ball? okay. let's see what we've got here. jeff? >> jeff step to the side. "b" and an "a." >> so the medicine ball slam will be your best friend when it comes to abs. the reason for this, when you do a crunch, it's the equivalent of doing a biceps curl like this. you're really not working the muscles that much. much better choice is using a medicine ball. i know it makes it sound icky, but it's awesome. you're going to bring the ball high overhead and slam it. i'm not going to do it right now, forcefully down. i'm sorry? >> go for it. >> well, i don't want to slam it. the most important thing is to make sure you get your whole body involved. it's not just this, it's getting your hips and everything involved as you slam it back down. >> we've got time for one more question. this is a big one. the super bowl's coming up on
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sunday. you're at the super bowl party, looking at the spread, which one is the best snack to indulge in? a, a plate of chicken wings with blue cheese dip, or artichoke dip or two small slices of pizza? what do we think? a, b, or c. >> okay. full disclosure here, i don't want them to indulge in any of these three options. but if it's calling for you, you're going for the pizza! because two small slices is only 650 calories and honestly, the other things you keep eating and eating and eating and the calories are through the roof. >> i think ralph's our winner. >> oh. >> workout gadgets for you. >> lots of great workout stuff. >> everybody wants that. >> keep it going. looking great. couple more weeks to go. thank you. >> congrats, guys. >> well done. and we posted, by the way, three
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recipes on coming up next, rolling stone calls her one of hollywood's most talented and promising actresses. film, tv, stage star sarah paulson right after this. that's a man interviewing for a job. no. not that one. that one. the one who seems like he's already got the job 'cause he studied all the right courses from the get-go. and that's an accountant, a mom, a university of phoenix scholarship recipient, who used our unique --scratch that-- awesome career-planning tool. and that's a student, working late, with a day job, taking courses aligned with the industry he's aiming to be in. ready to build an education around the career that you want? let's get to work. try our delicious new fresh mex bowls with chipotle or margarita chicken. all served with a bowl of soup, like our new southwest chicken. chili's lunch combo starting at 6 bucks. more life happens here.
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this is the creamy chicken corn chowder. i mean, look at it. so indulgent. did i tell you i am on the... [ both ] chicken pot pie diet! me too! [ male announcer ] so indulgent, you'll never believe they're light. 100-calorie progresso light soups. you'll never believe they're light. in seconds it erases acle blur, the look of blur eye. lines, crow's feet, and bags. more than an eye cream, it's an instant eye smoother. see it. believe it. try it. new miracle blur eye from l'oreal. in her favorite color? diamonds that capture her look, her style perfectly. kay jewelers presents the artistry diamonds collection. genuine diamonds, in vivid blues, greens, blacks, yellows and purples.
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and right now save up to 30% off artistry diamonds in a palette of colors, at kay, the number one jewelry store in america. artistry diamonds. they're diamonds of a different color. ♪ every kiss begins with kay you're saying i can get at&t's network with a data plan and unlimited talk and text for as low as $45 a month? $45 a month. annual contract. no annual contract. no long-term agreement. no long-term agreement. really? really. ok, so what's the catch? there is no catch. ok, i'm obviously getting nowhere with you. i'm gonna need to speak with the supervisor. i am the supervisor. oh, finally someone i can talk to. [ male announcer ] it's not complicated. new smartphone plans starting at $45 a month, with no annual contract. only from at&t. emmy and golden globe nominated actress sarah paulson has appeared in more than a dozen tv shows and film. she's currently playing cordelia
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fox on the cult favorite "american horror story." >> we've also seen sarah recently on the big screen in "12 years a slave," nominated best picture along with many other academy awards. so great to see you. >> thank you for having me. >> what an exciting time for you. you're in this film "12 years of slave" and some people think we'll win the big one at the oscars. is this a fun time in your life? >> no, it's the worst time i've ever had in my life. no, it's extraordinary. i've been doing this a long time and never been in a movie that's been on track to hopefully have the end game that would be really great, to win best picture. >> seeing you as mrs. epps and you're a nice person, but mrs. epps. wow. >> i know. >> how do you shake that when you're done with the scene? >> it wasn't easy but at the same time, i'm an actress, it's my job to try to get inside the mind of that woman. and i was able to kind of do it and leave it at home, take a hot
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bath and shake her off. >> thank god. you don't want to be her. >> you haven't made it any easier on yourself, the big premiere is tonight. i've heard you say you get scared just by the opening credits. >> yeah, i don't want the opening credits of the show. the show -- the great thing about the show, every year it reinvents itself. and this year it's campier and lighter than last year. i can watch the show this year. tonight is the big finale and the big reveal about who is the supreme. i think a lot of people are excited. we're not doing that terrible thing where we promise you you're going to find out and tease you. i'm guaranteeing the reveal is happening tonight. >> "american horror story" watch it tonight. can you give us an idea in are you guys all returning? >> jessica lane is coming back and a bunch of people are coming back. i am on track for that. >> so you don't die? >> well, the next year the show is an entirely different thing. it's a new story, entirely new thing. >> if people who haven't seen it
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and want to do a little binge watching, it is a different mini series. >> every year, this is the third season of the show, you do not have to watch season one or two to be -- to enjoy season three. you can start with episode one of season three and watch it through in two days and be scared and eat popcorn and, i don't know, take a valium or something. >> maybe. you always look amazingly well put together, just gorgeous. >> thank you. >> and your fashion -- your awards come, as well, when we see you on the red carpet, you look equally as great. i wanted to go through some of your fashions. the golden globes, i think -- i think we have the dress. the golden globes. >> beautiful marcasa. >> and s.a.g. awards, you were on the best dressed list. >> and i know some people were like what is your dress? you look like a cupcake. but for me --
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>> how do you go about picking the fashions? >> someone dangles something in front of me and i'm like, that one. it's not sophisticated. >> i'd love to live in that space for a day. >> sarah, it's great to see you doing so well. it's an exciting time and good luck with the rest of awards season and the big premiere tonight on fx at 10:00. coming up next, don't call that handyman, we've called one for you. carter shows you how to repair a leaky shower head and save time and money with quick household fixes. ♪ [ woman ] i always eat it all...
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but just not all at once. [ female announcer ] celebrate every tiny win like delicious low calorie crystal light. a sip in the right direction. to cover up flaws and make skin look pretty. but there's one that's so clever, it makes your skin look better even after you take it off. neutrogena healthy skin liquid makeup. 98% of women saw improvement in their skins' natural texture, tone, or clarity. does your makeup do that? neutrogena® cosmetics. recommended most by dermatologists. it's not the "limit the cash i earn every month" card. it's not the "i only earn decent rewards at the gas station" card. it's the no-games, no-signing up, everyday-rewarding, kung-fu-fighting, silver-lightning-in-a-bottle, bringing-home-the-bacon cash back card.
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this is the quicksilver card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere, every single day. so ask yourself, what's in your wallet? ♪ [ male announcer ] don't wait for awesome... totino's pizza rolls gets you there in just 60 seconds. ♪ i do it too. i do it and my husband loves it. [ female announcer ] do it. bring out your beauty from within with nature's bounty® hair, skin & nails. it's a vitamin supplement that nourishes from the inside. with biotin for healthy hair and nails.° and vitamins c and e for healthy skin.° i do it. it makes me feel beautiful. [ female announcer ] nature's bounty® hair, skin & nails. because beauty starts on the inside. in delicious gummies too.
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have you been putting off calling a handyman to fix those problems around the house because you know it's going to cost a lot of time, a lot of money? >> carter has easy diy fixes for us this morning. a contributor to "men's health" magazine. always good to see you, man. >> thanks for having me. appreciate it. >> start with one particularly annoying. you've got a five-minute fix for a creeky door. >> five minutes maybe two minutes. creaky door, whether it's a bedroom door. simple things. the culprits are usually the hinges. go after those first, get some wd40. basically just put a little bit -- you don't actually even have to loosen the hinge a little bit. put a little on the hinge. if that doesn't do the trick, and again, there's only three or four hinges at the most, take a simple hammer and a smaller screwdriver, tap this pin out, which will come out pretty
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simple. and get any of that gunk or corrosion on there. you can get that off, use a wire brush or a rag. and once you get that off, usually that should take care of it. simple, five minutes, and then you won't hear it. >> keep some wd40 around. >> the other thing annoying is the drip, drip, drip. the leaky shower head, right? you got a fix for that, too. >> about 80% of the time the shower head drip comes from where the pipe comes out of the wall on to the shower head. you want to get the shower head off. usually put a little bit of vinyl tape around the shower head itself before you apply the wrench to it just like that. and then you use the wrench so you don't scuff up your shower head. and get your shower head off. and usually there's an o-ring right inside here. you find that ring and pop that out with a little screwdriver and you want to get, again, the corrosion, the crud off that o-ring. if you need to replace it, take this o-ring back into the hardware store, find another one, put it right back in, and
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simply screw it back on. now, before you put this on, you want to use teflon tape, as well. put it on to the thread, get this old teflon tape off and screw it back on. and -- >> really seals it. >> so it really seals it. and before you know it, that will do the trick. like i said, about 70%, 80% of the time, the leak comes from this connection. >> keep it in the bathroom, cracked or peeling seams around the sink or bathtub. >> it's a gross and problem with hygiene, right? >> one thing is bad bacteria can live in here. and of course, mold can live in here, too, and we don't want to have that growth. because, of course, health problems, asthma, what not. these cracks in seams whether it's where the faucet or the vanity meets the back wall or whether it's where the faucet -- i'm sorry the faucet itself is where it meets the sink. what you want to do is just get caulk, you can use silicone, as well. and run a bead of caulk on the
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backside from the vanity to the wall. and what that is going to do is going to seal up so water can't penetrate behind the sink itself. and then, if there's any excess, you wipe off, go around the house because everybody puts holes in the walls where there's mirrors or little cracks just like on this frame we have here and then you can simply seal those up. there's always excess caulk when you do these jobs. >> the mirror is a way to add to the look and putting a frame around it. >> yeah. so lots of times people have mirrors in their bathroom, their vanity, they just don't have a frame around it. have them cut up four pieces of simple molding, paint the backside of it black and simply add a little bit of what is called liquid nails and add it to the backside just like so. thank you. and then you can simply apply it to the mirror itself and
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literally maybe put some tape around it so it stays up there, let it sit for 24 hours, you have a nice frame around your bathroom mirror. >> very cool. got all that? >> got it all. >> there'll be a test later. >> carter, thanks so much. we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. well i drove grandpa to his speed dating this week, so i should probably get the last roll... yeah but i practiced my bassoon. [ mom ] and i listened. [ brother ] i can do this. [ imitates robot ] everyone deserves ooey, gooey, pillsbury cinnamon rolls. make the weekend pop.
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[ angelic music plays ] ♪ toaster strudel! best morning ever! [ hans ] warm, flaky, gooey. toaster strudel! [ female announcer ] try new pillsbury heat-n-go mini pancakes.
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coming up next, kathie lee and hoda. >> yes. >> what do you ladies have coming up? >> one of our favorites
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good morning, everyone. it's 9:56. i'm scott mcgrew. crews are trying to cap a gas leak. this is in the areas of frost
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drive. nobody is hurt, but some homes in the area have been evacuated as a precaution. in san jose, the city's rules committee is expected to announce a new crime fighting proposal today introduced by this man. he wants to create a central database where people can voluntarily register their personal security cameras with the police department. let's check our weather this morning with christina. good morning. we're looking so good right now, scott. finally showers on the radar, and not just showers we're watching, we're watching heavier precipitation right now starting to push into sonoma county. as we head throughout the morning hours we're looking pretty good. what i can tell you, based on the scenario so far, the rain is coming in earlier than projected, and it looks like it will linger longer than projected. so that means we're still fair game for half an inch.
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and maybe the hills are picking up two to two inches. we could be talking three feet of snow in tahoe before is all and done. >> you know, because of that first rain, that first drizzle of the season, we're seeing right now, causes that increase to rise up. have not seen any major can as it -- catastrophes, but there is the san mateo bridge. a big group of people slowing on 237. sky clear for westbound 580. >> thank you, we'll have another local news update for you in half an hour. ♪
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too big. ♪ too soft. too small. ♪ mmm! ♪ too happy. ♪ [ male announcer ] at progresso, we've got a passion for quality. because you've got a passion for taste.
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♪ from nbc news, this is "today." with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb, live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. >> other than that -- hello, everybody. oh, guess what day it is, it's wines day wednesday. january 29th. and i am extremely happy because guess who i ran into downstairs and gave a hug the likes of one he won't forget. >> like the one you gave met -- meatloaf yesterday. >> jeff garland.
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>> he had so much fun the time the last time he came on. >> i said, what took so long? he said l.a., you should be here more often. >> we have a fun story about professional football players who are teaming one a couple of kids who had been bullied. these football players know what it feels like, so -- >> they were bullied too, right? >> yeah. it answ it's an interesting union. so jimmy fallon is about to embark on his -- >> isn't he too busy for this? >> every other day. >> we make it into one of his sketches. >> or monologue. >> let's listen. >> tonight we'll be taking a look at the pros and cons of the super bowl coming to new york. pros seeing peyton manning getting blitzed. cons, appearing on "today" show with hoda and kathie lee. >> oh, funny.
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>> there's a tragedy in the making. of epic proportions. everyone knows how awful this drought ask on the west coast. they're saying it's the worst in 100 years. it's risen to our attention that california's record dry spell could affect the vineyards sending wine prices rising, soaring into the stars. >> i know. we're concerned. we are trying to be more mindful of it. anyway, we have to be careful. we have -- we advise you to stock up. >> all right. >> so jennifer lopez spoke to glamour u.k. she has been in different relations. you know, they have all been very public. one was in her music video with ben affleck and with p. diddy, she was with marc anthony. and now she's with a dancer. here's what she says. without a spark, that conflict brings, life would be so boring. she said a bit of chaos in a relationship she likes. she does want safety and order. but she talks about how you have
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to have conflict to have that passion. and that juice. and all that. what do you think of that? >> well, how many times has jennifer been married now? her third marriage? >> i think three. two or three, yeah. >> yeah. i don't know. at some point, and she's a beautiful woman, very talented woman. at some point when relationships cease working, you've got to start looking at yourself and saying what am i -- what have i contributed to the lack of longevity in a relationship? so we have the wonderful people on the other day saying love is not something you feel, but something you do. if you stop feeling certain feelings, that doesn't mean your love is dead. it could be dormant you have to work at it. i'm not saying this about jennifer, but a lot of people work far harder on their careers or bodies or everything else than they do on the most important relationship in their life which is their lover. >> but there are a lot of people and i know some who have to have that crazy conflict, that
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push/pull. but so much so that it's very volatile. that's where they get turned on. if a relationship is -- they come home and everything is copacetic and i think you have to have a little bit of fun and teasing in a relationship that is -- that is healthy. >> yes. >> not the kind where you think he's going to walk out because he's angry is he coming back, what's happening? >> she says she wants both. i'm not sure that's possible. i'm not really sure. i remember saying to marla maple, she was so madly in love with donald trump. but she -- we lived out in the country and -- in greenwich area, with the beautiful, you know, fence -- picket fence around it. just very bucolic. she goes, but i want to live in place like this with donald. i said i don't blame you, but you're not going to get that life with a man like donald. >> right. >> you know -- >> yes. exactly. so i think it's sort of the same thing. >> i wonder if after a while,
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after you get to the certain point where you don't want the drama anymore. like you're done. like i have had many, many relationships that have been high and low and you're always riding the roller coaster and it is exciting but at some point you want a life. >> it does happen. it does happen. it did to me. i never liked the drama stuff but eventually i was in a relationship nine times in two years we broke up. >> there's something about that is exciting. >> i didn't like it. >> nine times? >> i was invested. i was trying to work at it. >> nine. we're breaking up again. >> yes. it was frank, a friend of mine said, you're going to hang out with me until you're over him and look what happened. >> look what happened. >> i'm going the stay love you, baby. >> all the super bowl ads are out. that's terrible. budweiser comes up with some good ones. we love the ones -- >> clydes dales.
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they're great. >> they decided to add a puppy. >> that would do it. >> let's watch. adding the puppy. let's watch. ♪ ♪ only know he's been high when you're feeling low ♪ ♪ only hate the road when you're missing home ♪ ♪ only know you love her when you let her go ♪ ♪ and you let her go ♪ ♪ and you let her go oh, whoa, whoa ♪ ♪ when you let her go
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>> oh, my god. the best commercial ever. >> we're already picking it as a favorite. >> like the football player from the seahawks or something we saw a couple of weeks ago. remember him, who was deaf. yeah. what's his name, derrick coleman. those two. >> that was the most beautiful thing. >> puppy love. i loved it so much. >> all right. what else do we have? california wine, glamour. budweiser. after that, women find men who drive trucks the most attract tich. did you know that? >> yes, i believe that. >> a guy with a little meat on his bones. >> wait a minute, wait a minute. we do have to point out drew brees is a paid spokesperson for verizon. >> this is your surprise, hoda. look who's here to say hello to you today. >> that's not the real him. >> it is.
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>> oh, my. >> oh, yeah. >> are you surprised? >> wait a second. >> look at the size of her gaping mouth. wait a second. i'm looking up at the prompter. i saw something about verizon, i didn't understand what was happening. and then someone with a mask on. >> who is this? >> hello. >> so you're sadly not playing in the super bowl this year. >> yeah. >> but you here for another reason, it's a good one. tell us what you're doing. >> to hang out with you guys. >> you are? >> yeah. i'm here for a lot of reasons, but today i'm here with verizon. we're promoting a who's gonna win, #who's gonna win. all the tweets will be strewn across the empire state building. >> to determine the color. >> to determine the color it will be lit up. >> we're encouraging everybody to do that. they'll see it live on nfl mobile. >> are you excited about peyton?
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>> yeah. i'm excited about peyton and russell wilson. i'm a big fan of his. >> look at you. you're go go into politics next. >> you're one of the great ones. >> when you came on the last time, you're either the kind of guy you want your daughter to date or marry or your son to grow up to be. >> either one won happy with me. i know you're taken, say hi to brittany. >> thank you. >> i'm officially told you must say you're a paid spokesperson for verizon. so good for you. so you're sticking around. he's going to do "who knew" with you. >> today is my favorite day ever. >> thank you. >> thanks so much. >> oh, my what a thrill. how fun. >> do you drive a truck, drew? >> what's that? >> do you drive a truck? >> not currently, but i have. >> you know how.
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>> yes. >> that's all we care about. he knows how to drive a truck. >> surveys do say that women are most attracted to guys who drive trucks. what just happened? i'm totally discombobulated. >> men like to see a woman who is driving a convertible. that's a sports car/convertible. anyway, they surveyed a bunch of people. you like guys -- i like your description is good. what kind of car should he be driving? >> a clean one. that's important to me. >> you said a jeep. >> i like a guy with a jeep with a surfboard coming out the other side. you know what i'm saying? >> i know what you're saying. that was weird. >> what happened to meatloaf yesterday? what are we going to do about mr. meatloaf? i hope he's okay now. >> if you haven't seen it, just go online, on to our website, or wherever it is. >> you need to see a doctor. you're going to want to see meatloaf yesterday.
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by the way, don't drive a minivan if you want women to be attracted to you. only 2% of women were attracted to that. okay. you thought it was somebody in -- >> well, he hollywoad a mask on. and jerry said before the show, what are we doing with this drew brees mask? i said i don't know. >> between you and me, jerry is losing it a bit. nobody tells jerry anything because he's in charge of everything. >> so here is something that you're either going to love or dislike a lot. >> we told you about this yesterday. but we didn't go into detail. >> so there's a bra -- a prototype, not a real thing yet and apparently when you get turned on, your bra automatically pops open. >> you're obviously not wearing one or it would have popped open when drew brees came in. >> details. >> it has a built-in heart rate sensor that sends it to a blue tooth rate. i think it should be called the
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test rate. flirting, and jogging or receiving a surprise gift like drew brees. >> year. you know, can you imagine if your husband is standing next to your husband's best friend and you -- >> without true love. >> and then the rest is in japanese which we don't understand. >> we muted it. so it pops right open. can you even imagine -- can you imagine -- you're with your husband or the person you're supposed to be madly in love with and somebody else comes up and says, hey. and -- >> did i just say that? did i just say that a minute ago? >> i'm agreeing with you. >> all right. hoda will be a lot of fun today because she's verklempt right now. >> we have a special message for your kids. what does football have to do with this guy?
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>> love him. we'll do some roasting, yep, right after this. hilarious. love h [ male announcer ] digiorno? or delivery? ♪ digiorno? or delivery? taste for yourself why the shortest distance between you and a delicious, fresh-baked pizza, is your oven. thankfully, it's not delivery. it's digiorno. if it doesn't work fast... you're on to the next thing. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week.
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neutrogena®. to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. all the goodness of milk, all the deliciousness of hershey's syrup. to get a smoky eye look just right. that is until i discovered this... almay's intense i color collection for my hazel eyes. almay intense i-color in four color collections. so simple. so me. you have to try it for yourself. [ female announcer ] aaah, the amazing, delicious cinnamon and sugar taste of cinnamon toast crunch and cold milk. ♪ cinnamon toast crunch. crave those crazy squares.
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jeff garland is a comedian, producer, director and actor. probably best known as larry david's manager and best friend on hbo's series "curb your enthusiasm." >> it's no surprise that former nfl quarterback boomer esiason chose jeff to be his roast masters at the friars club annual roast. and you're back. >> hello. >> you promised to come back. >> this is it. this is it. this is all. >> you know, we what know what the roasts are like. those things are legendary. >> they get brutal. >> but boomer is a sweet, normal guy. what are you going to roast boomer about? >> that's going to be my question. no, no. literally, that's literally what i'm going to say. why am i here? >> yeah. >> because it's boomer, who gives a crap.
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>> have you ever done one of those before, a roast. >> i did, i hosted the denis leary roast. i did a little thing on the bob saget roast. >> i heard that was the filthiest thing. >> i filled in at the last minute for artie lang and everyone had their jokes on him. i don't do drugs. >> what's your vice, your naughty thing? >> oh, i'd love to share with you. no, i like napping. that's like my -- i'm a big -- >> napper? >> oh, i love to nap. >> like we were supposed to talk today about the fact that napping is so good for you. between 10 to 20 minutes or 90. it can't be anything different than the two. >> by the way, that's pretty much what i fill in.
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10 to 20 or 90. i also do tm. transdental meditation. that usually wanders into a nap. pretty great. >> so you show up with your camera -- >> yes. my monochrome camera. >> now why -- >> why? i love photography. i love -- by the way let me ask you a question. has anyone ever sat in this chair and take pictures of you from this perspective? >> only one person. >> i think it was jeff -- >> the last time you were here. >> i brought my film camera. yes. no, it was me. >> it was you. >> by the way, i have the pictures and they're great. >> what do you do with them? you leave them in the camera? >> my wife yells at me when they're all in the computer because this is digital. last time i used a film camera and they're great. >> let's talk about your wife. where did you meet her? >> at a gentle love making seminar and i was there because i'm a rough love maker, but
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thoughtful. they wanted to sort of get me to be more gentle and we hooked up. and it was fantastic. >> how long -- >> she by the way, gentle, but very selfish. >> but that's the way you like her. >> i like her anyway. >> do you have any kids? >> yes, two boys. 13 and 17. >> all right. so twice it worked. >> by the way, that's it. just twice. >> what do the kids think of you when they see you in one of the movies or "curb?" >> they're not really impressed to be honest. which is cool by me. they never mention my career. i think -- no. they just don't. yeah. they don't care. >> it's normal to them? >> right. >> do they think you're kooky? >> yeah. they laugh at me, but at home. >> how is it doing, "how are the
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millers?" >> i'm not on that show. you know what was funny, i let the one time go. >> you always correct me. >> i always do. i heard from people that it's not nice. but you you can make all the mistakes out. >> the goldbergs, it's a hit, and it's a pleasure to talk about show that's good. no offense to the millers. >> that was a movie. >> that was a movie. and the millers is the name of the other show. >> stop talking about the wrong show. let's play one round of spin the bottle. >> okay. >> one round for you. >> am i going to make out with somebody? >> yeah, baby. >> oh, it's me. >> so what happens? >> i'm going to read a question. here it is. only one. >> lamest version of -- >> have you ever manscaped and if so, what? >> no! and let me also talk about that for a second. i was backstage at the comedy store with a bunch of comedians. i'm 51. they were all -- the oldest
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person there might have been 35. every one of them choppy chop chop. i'm not talking about bare, but does the whole thing. mine is not out of control. it's all good. i could not understand. i thought that was like the lamest thing. i had ever thought. you're men! you're men! what are you doing? and then one guy does his tush, yes. >> oh, my. >> yeah. the only time where i saw it where it made sense, swimmers. >> yeah. that can slow you down in the water. >> but it really does make a difference. in their head i guess. i don't know. >> thank you so much. >> manscaping is perfect. >> did we talk about what you wanted? >> we talk about what you wanted? i'm here with you ladies. that's my whole agenda. >> okay. tomorrow night, friars club. and the goldbergs. can you please say -- >> can you please stay forever?
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well, we're getting you ready for sunday's game with quarterback drew brees. >> who dat? >> who dat? no hoda, it's who knew? >> oh, this is a good day. has the most coverage? this isn't real difficult... pretty obvious to me. i'm going to have to say verizon. verizon. that's right! the choice is obvious. verizon's superfast 4g lte is more reliable and in more places than any other 4g network. now get one-hundred, two-hundred, or even three-hundred dollars off a new smartphone depending on the smartphone you trade in on america's largest, most reliable 4g lte network. that's powerful. verizon. act now and get the samsung galaxy s4 now just $99.99. trying to do their own taxes. oh, here it is! get your billion back, america! ♪
10:23 am
[ male announcer ] don't wait for awesome... totino's pizza rolls gets you there in just 60 seconds. ♪ totino's pizza rolls gets you there in just 60 seconds. we never plan on a full house. it just...happens. like my ranch dip. two cups of sour cream, a little this, a little that, and a packet of hidden valley original ranch. ranch dip. hidden valley it. i took medicine but i still have symptoms. [ sneeze ] [ male announcer ] truth is not all flu products treat all your symptoms. what? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus severe cold and flu speeds relief to these eight symptoms. [ breath of relief ] thanks. [ male announcer ] you're welcome. ready? go. fella who gets his salsa from new york city.
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new york city? uh-huh. [ male announcer ] pace has that big, bold kick. anything else just ain't right. pace. grab the southwest by the bottle. plus the skin-perfecting color of a bb cream equal? introducing the newest trend in beauty. olay total effects cc cream. c for color. c for correction. [ female announcer ] fight 7 signs of aging with the flawlessly beautiful complexion instantly. we call it a phenomenon. you'll call it possibly the most exciting skincare since. olay. cc for yourself. see what the beauty pros are saying at . we are about to ready to play a game of "who knew" with the great saints quarterback drew brees. >> boom, boom, boom. >> we've got a teaser question to get you started. go ahead drew. >> who or what did i hold up on
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the field after my super bowl win in 2009? a the lucky sweaty towel i used all season. b or c. >> i wanted to hold up hoda and the sweaty towel. >> what was it? >> we're going to reveal in a couple of minutes when we come back. ♪ kiss today goodbye ♪ ♪ the sweetness and the sorrow ♪ ♪ we did what we had to do ♪ ♪ won't forget, can't regret ♪ what i did [ horn blares ] ♪ for lo-o-o-o-o-ve [ sirens wail ] [ male announcer ] kraft macaroni & cheese. you know you love it. [ sneezes ]
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[ male announcer ] you may be an allergy muddler. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. zyrtec®. love the air. [ sneezes ] so i should probably get the last roll... yeah but i practiced my bassoon. [ mom ] and i listened. [ brother ] i can do this. [ imitates robot ] everyone deserves ooey, gooey, pillsbury cinnamon rolls. make the weekend pop. good morning, everyone. i'm scott mcgrew. crews expect to have a gas leak in san jose capped in half an hour.
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families have been evacuated. nobody has been hurt, but homes in the area have been evacuated as a precaution. hundreds of uniformed law enforcement officers are honoring fallen officer tom smith. he was shot and killed by ta fellow b.a.r.t. officer during a probation search at a dublin apartment complex last week. we'll have lots more about the funeral coming up at 5:00 and 6:00. weather and traffic after this break. is good for your heart, is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. [ dad ] jan? ♪
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welcome back, we have soupy conditions out there and we're expecting more rainfall throughout the eight half of the day. our last day of unseasonal warmth as we progress in the next five days. another shot of rain late sunday into monday. so count on those showers that start to ramp up throughout the overnight hours. here is mike inouye and your morning drive. a smooth drive right now in the last few minutes, 880 southbound, smote through fremont and milpitas. heading towards alviso and santa clara, all is moving slowly. we have a good number of cars on the roadways still.
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westbound from heyward on the right over toward the peninsula. now back to the today show where the answer to the quiz is c. we are back with more on this wednesday. we're here to play our weekly trivia game we call "who knew." we're about to find out if you're a true football fan. kathie lee is across the street. she's going to give $100 to anybody that gets the questions right. if they don't, they win a kathie lee cd. >> okay. why don't you say she's with jeff garlin? no jeff garlin mentioned? >> you're not in the prompter. here with me, i'm excited to help me out, my favorite football player and yours too, drew brees quarterback of the new orleans saints. hi. >> hi.
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>> we asked the question, when you won the super bowl what did you hoist up in the hair? >> my son baylor. >> i have my picture in my phone. look at him with little cans on. how is he now? >> he was one then. he's now five, just turned five. >> oh my gosh. we're going across the street to kathie and company. >> and company? what's going on? >> judy from oklahoma. >> judy, here's the question. you're happy to be here right? >> i am. >> don't touch me. >> how many footballs are expected to be used during this sunday's super bowl? 75, 100, 120, 140? >> 75. >> she yelled. by the way you're not right.
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>> the correct answer is 120 footballs. they go through that many? >> i remember the week prior to the game they basically give each team probably 75 to 80 balls each. it's like break these in before the game. they literally rotate them in every play. they want a lot of them to be given to the winning team, fans, sponsors and everything else. >> good enough. back across the street to jeff. >> is it true? are you a gentle or rough love maker? okay. what's your name? >> judy. can you believe it? >> i can't. what are the odds? two judys. >> today is my birthday. >> today is not your 60th birthday. today is wednesday. happy birthday nonetheless. in football, what does the term 12th man signify? a, a substitute player, b, fans in the stadium, c, strong safety, d, when the kicker plays
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defense on return? >> c? >> i know the answer. >> no darling. look at the wonderful party animals you got. there you go. >> the correct answer is all about the fans. >> it's all about the fans. the seattle seahawks have embraced this 12th man philosophy. they hoist the 12th man flag. fans go crazy. it's the extra element. >> you feel it in the dome when fans go crazy? >> absolutely. every stadium has the 12th man. none quite like them. >> drew is wrong on that. everyone with an indoor stadium has a 12th man. >> by the way, what's your name? >> rich. >> i do rich's hair in the off season. >> here we go. which two -- you do this one. >> which two musical acts perform during this year's super
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bowl halftime show? a, b, c, d. >> c? >> big day for kathie lee. big day. >> all right. the correct answer bruno mars and red hot chili peppers. >> do you remember who performed at your super bowl? >> the who. >> bedon't get to enjoy that. our coach said you're going to be in here 40 minutes. take your pads off, eat a turkey sandwich, take pads offer and relax. >> you can't hear it through the walls or anything? >> no. you're so locked in. >> okay. back across. >> thanks hoda and drew. i've never said that. what's your name? >> i'm beverly from portland, michigan. >> well welcome to town. what are you in town for? >> to see keith urban tonight at madison square garden. >> fun. >> i thought she said she was going to get creep therapy or
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something. i swear. here's your question. true or false. there's never been a super bowl game that's gone to overtime? >> that is true. >> finally right. wow. >> so never a single game? >> lots of super bowls have gone to the final drive, but never into overtime. that would take it to a whole different level. >> who is going to win? >> i don't make predictions especially when it comes to the super bowl. both teams are playing as well as you can. >> we've got time for one more. >> okay, this one is one i like. what's your name? >> anna from illinois. >> from peoria, illinois. >> how many chicken wings are fans across the country expected to consume on super bowl sunday? 1 billion, 1.25 billion, 1.55 billion, 2 billion or 90
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million? >> 2 billion. >> i added the 90 million. >> the correct answer is 1.25 billion. >> what doing of that? >> is that real chicken? >> we don't really know. drew, thank you so much. i want to give you a hug. thank you for coming. i really, really appreciate it. >> love being here. >> kat is going to come back. jeff is going home. and nfl players come together to help kids understand why being different is s ♪ ♪ stacy's mom has got it goin' on ♪ ♪ stacy's mom has got it goin' on ♪ ♪ stacy's mom has got it goin' on ♪ [ male announcer ] the beautifully practical and practically beautiful cadillac srx. lease this 2014 cadillac srx for around $319 a month with premium care maintenance included.
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under their wings to help them build their confidence. take a look. this is really special. >> weird is different but it's kooch cool. you're one of a kind. it makes what you do even better. >> kind of surprises me that you say you've been in trouble. you seem like a really, really smart kid. >> everybody says that. >> that lets me know you are really smart, you just made knuckle head decisions. >> mark and randall are here along with elijah williams an y andty tieson. >> when i found out what was about, i thought back to times in my life when i felt different. feeling different now days is not a good thing. i think being different should
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be a good thing. elijah is an amazing example of how something is a little different, but he accepts it. >> you have cerebral palsy. kids make fun of you at school and tease you. how is your experience with this big guy helped you get through that? >> it was fun. it was nice. >> you got on a horse? >> yeah. >> that was really fun. >> his smile was just huge all day. wasn't it? >> yeah. >> that's a great shot. >> randall, to move onto you. you felt like the two of you connected. what was the bond about? >> i think i could see myself in tyson. he's a very smart kid. he knows right from wrong. he's letting people influence him to do the wrong things. i was trying to give guidance to make the right decisions and make the choice for himself.
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>> kids pressure you to do something bad and you went along with it? yeah. >> how have things changed since you had the relationship? >> i changed my group of friends. >> was that hard? >> yeah. >> smart. wow. >> that's what it takes. >> elijah you look up and see someone that had difficulties. >> i had bone cancer. they told me i would never walk again. i was walking with a limp for a long time. i told elijah. what did you think about that? >> it is like -- >> it was motivating right? >> yeah. >> you were told you might never walk again. you kept doing your thing and did the same thing. >> you're both doing so great. sometimes that's all it takes one person mentoring you saying you know what buddy, i went through that too. look what you can make of your life.
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good for you guys. very proud of you. proud of you gentleman taking time out of your lives. it's so important. >> you can catch the nfl characters unite on the usa network this friday at 7/6 central. we this is a cell tower from one of those major carriers. straight talk wireless uses the same cell towers they do. but we don't build or maintain them. so we can offer you the same great, nationwide coverage for half the cost. out here, and here, and here. well, not here. that would be weird. the world needs more straight talk. same phones. same networks. half the cost. get a samsung galaxy s3. unlimited everything just $45 a month. only at walmart. can help your kids' school get extra stuff. they're the only cereals with box tops for education. you can raise money for your kids' school.
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[ angelic music plays ] ♪ toaster strudel! best morning ever! [ hans ] warm, flaky, gooey. toaster strudel! [ female announcer ] try new pillsbury heat-n-go mini pancakes. ♪ [ male announcer ] don't wait for awesome... totino's pizza rolls gets you there in just 60 seconds. ♪ we just heard the story from
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two professional football players and two wonderful men working together for the characters unite. >> how are you darling? >> i'm great. >> you're from brazil originally right? >> i was born there. >> you are the voice of this campaign. why did you want to be involved? >> i can relate to everything in this song. it resinates around the world. it's important to give back. >> you're going to be singing "i am." >> his mom is watching. >> hi mom and dad. >> here he is. ♪ so you can say what you have to say ♪ ♪ i am complete and you can't take that away ♪ ♪ we are who we are, we are
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♪ we are who we are we are ♪ we are what we say ♪ we live. i am ♪ ♪ i am blessed beyond belief ♪ i am perfect i am i am i am what i say i am ♪ ♪ yeah where i'm from ♪ slow it down give it up ♪ i got my feet on the ground and my head in the clouds ♪ ♪ nothing can keep me down ♪ i am worth it ♪ i am blessed beyond belief ♪ i am perfect ♪ i am, i am, i am what i say i
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am ♪ ♪ and you are too ♪ every stranger in the crowd is living proof ♪ ♪ hey, so let it fly ♪ like a red balloon ♪ i got my feet on the ground and my head in the clouds ♪ ♪ nothing can keep me down ♪ i'm worth it i am blessed beyond belief ♪ ♪ i am what i say i am ♪ i am blessed for the truth ♪ i am, i am, i am ♪ i am, i am, i am
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♪ worth it ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ we are who we are we are ♪ we are who we are we are ♪ we are what we say ♪ i am, i am, i am what i say i am ♪ ♪ i am thankful for the truth ♪ i am worth it ♪, i am, i am, i am what i say i am ♪ ♪ i am blessed beyond belief ♪ i am worth it ♪ i am, i am, i am what i say i
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am ♪ ♪ what i say i am ♪ ♪ >> wow. what a great song david. thank you so much. thank you everybody. don't go anywhere everybody. we've got unbelievable suprises next. >>
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we're back with nfl players mark and randall cob as well as elijah williams and his mother. and tyson and his mother nicole. >> we have surprises. hi there. thank you. >> you're going to announce some gifts? >> i am. so on behalf of gmc and characters unite, we want to celebrate everything you have done. never say never attitude and
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perseverance. we want to surprise you with a couple of things. so randall? >> nicole, we know that you've been having car trouble. we want to do what we can to help you out. on behalf of gmc and characters unite, we want to give you a new car. >> wow. >> here's the keys. >> it's a beauty. look at it. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. you deserve it. >> i know how much you need it. you have been going through tough times. >> yes. >> that's great. >> thank you. >> what about you sir? >> what did you tell me the first day we met about your math test? >> i got an a. >> you got an a. elijah you've been excellent in school. on behalf of gmc we want to help you continue your education. four year scholarship to
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college. >> oh my gosh. >> you deserve it buddy. >> wow. >> mom, what doing? >> thank you. i just started college myself. this really means a lot. i wanted to show him that school is like everything now days. thank you. >> you're welcome. >> do you know what you want to study? >> i want to study like algebra and stuff. wow. so happy for both families. you work so hard. we feel this is such a big day. >> this has been the best day ever. we had jeff garlin drew brees and all you guys. >> all these rock stars. and the band. you did terrific. thank you to the band. tomorrow billy bush is here. ambush makeovers. come on down. >> oh great.
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have a great wines day wednesday. tomorrow is thirsty ♪ ho ho ho
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[ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant tomato florentine soup, it took a little time to get it just right. [ ding ] ♪ but finally, it happened. perfection. at progresso, we've got a passion for quality, because you've got a passion for taste.
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right now at 11:00, remembers the first b.a.r.t. police officer killed in the line of duty. we're live as thousands gather for sergeant smith's funeral. not quite a winter wonderland in the deep south. a snowstorm causes pile ups and thousands of students have to stay at school overnight. good morning, everyone. thanks for joining us. i'm scott mcgrew. >> a somber morning this morning for law enforcement in the bay area. right now they're paying their final respects to a


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