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tv   Today  NBC  March 5, 2014 2:07am-3:01am PST

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from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hey, everybody. it is tuesday, march 4th, also known as fat tuesday. jenna bush hager is in for kathie lee. kathie lee flew back on the red eye after doing a great job in l.a. she'll be back with us tomorrow. >> one day off, which she deserves. >> one day is all she's getting. by the way, i love today. >> is this your favorite? i want to ask you, is this your favorite day of the year? >> when i left new orleans, every fat tuesday i missed it so much.
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we use ed to do live broadcasts all day. that was first time i drank on air in new orleans. they gave you drinks. i remember going, but we're on the air. they're, like, it's mardi gras, everybody does it. >> that's when new orleans made this. >> thank you new orleans. we have great pictures of what is happening as we speak right now in new orleans. amanda avery is one of our producers here. oh, my god. >> those are the biggest necklaces i've ever seen. >> that's her. it is mardi gras new orleans. she caught a little b roll. these are the lazy boys. they're going down the street in lazy boys. >> i love this. this is a club i could be part of. celebrating the art of relaxation. >> for beads, you've got to, you know, apparently amanda knows this because she's from there, but the bigger the beads, the more you have to -- >> that's what i was wondering. what -- and there you are with the large beads. >> you know what, let me explain
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something. >> what is that? >> that's a guy called the moss man. i can't believe you found that picture. on first mardi gras in new orleans, i was doing a live shot. that guy picked me up. i came back to work, i was apologetic. they said, we love it. we keep reracking it. i said, you do? >> again, new orleans made you. but i was going to ask you what is the craziest thing you've ever done for a bead? >> no, i don't do that. i am very, very self-conscious about stuff like that. >> obviously you're not going to yell out anything? >> i just screamed and begged, yeah. what do you do? >> i'm not going to lift my shirt. nobody wants to see that. >> king cake, one of best bakeries in new orleans, terrific. whoever finds the baby gets another -- has to buy the next king cake. >> you promise it is not whoever finds the baby has a baby, because i just had a baby.
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i can't have twins. promise me that. >> you were gone for a long time during the olympics. >> three weeks and i was desperate. >> that little cute thing. >> i feel like when you're gone from a new child, you learn the meaning of longing. i longed for her. i never longed for anything like that before. >> what was it like when you saw her and she saw you? >> henry kept her up and held her by the elevator and the elevator opened and she just giggled. and later henry was, like, she loves the elevator. i'm like, geez, thanks a lot, honey. >> by the way, in case you're wondering -- >> are we not trying to find the baby? >> all right. >> it is going to take a long time. >> dig in there. >> oh, yes! oh! no, you didn't -- don't eat it. >> i'm not eating the baby. i'm eating the cake off the baby's head. >> if you find the baby, you have to buy the next cake. now it is your responsibility. >> next year. >> i can't believe you found it
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right away. good job. >> thank you very much. >> it is national pancake day. if you go to i-hop today, free -- >> it is over. >> that baby -- we don't have to eat this part of the cake, but that baby wanted to ride on the cake. >> you sucked on it and put it back on the cake. >> i sucked on the baby's head. i did tell you i was feeling a little sick. >> they're trying to raise money for the children's miracle network, great hospital that helps kids. >> i love it is from 7:00 to 10:00, who doesn't love a pancake for breakfast. >> all day long. so brian williams, first of all, our show loves brian williams for many, many reasons. but there is a piece of video floating around out there that i don't know if brian likes or thinks is funny. anyway, he was on with seth meyers and seth decided to show brian the piece of video that shows not everybody is a brian
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williams fan. take a look. >> you watching the news without brian williams. uh-oh, there he is. there is brian williams. dude, what's wrong? uh-oh. it's brian williams. >> you're not appealing to the younger demo. what happened? >> it is disturbing. as a father of two, first of all, he's being goaded by the dad. >> right. >> and unless diane sawyer put a baby in front of the tv and is using a low voice. >> that would be beneath her. >> he's a terrible anchor, isn't he? >> i love that. i have a friend whose son is obsessed with brian williams. >> how old? >> 2 years old and he stands and he's like -- >> he does? >> would you ask your friend to shoot video? >> yes. >> we want to -- i want to put it on tomorrow. that's just not fair.
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>> kelly, shoot a video. >> so "the voice" was on last night, blind auditions, just getting used to the voice being back on. so we're going to show you a couple of people and we'll try it guess which judge they selected. first is ryan white maloney, he kicked off the night. take a look. ♪ when the lights go down in the city ♪ ♪ and the sun shines on the lake ♪ >> by the way, i just want to say, usher always turns last. >> he likes the drama of it, right? >> then maybe it is like --
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maybe they want him more. he's playing hard to get. now they want him. i think -- i think he went with blake. all that being said. >> because you're obsessed with blake. >> i am. >> i say adam. >> the winner is blake. >> oh. >> right again. >> every time. >> okay. let's do the next one. this is cassandra lewis. here is another standout. ♪ ain't no way for me to you won't let me give all of me ♪ ♪ and if you need me to love you ♪ ♪
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>> usher held out. >> no, he hit it. >> i mean, again, with the last turn. >> i love it that he knows there is one note left -- >> she picked -- you know why she picked usher? because she's -- she picked -- >> i thought she picked shakira. that voice was amazing. >> and blake? >> what? >> blake is going to win. >> with a voice like that -- >> in the beginning, i was, like, uh-oh, he doesn't have anyone. >> you know why? he goes like this. our fingers don't work that way. >> adam and usher both have seven on their team. shakira has six. blake only has four. but we just saw two of blake's. >> two amazing ones. here is a piece of video that every now and then you come across something and it warms you heart, makes you feel so good. there was one of those 10k races
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and it benefited pat tillman. this is a 95-year-old world war ii veteran, joe bell. a guy came over and shook his hand and then came a girl, and then one by one the runners shook his hand. he came out just to cheer them on. and you saw this wave of people. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> i love this so much. >> and every person is thanking him. you can watch that video and it goes on and on and on. >> and every single person stops. >> and says thanks. it is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. >> i love it so much. >> anyway, okay, so let's go on. this is our pop the question contest. we have been asking you to send videos. we found our finalists. these are the four best ones. >> this is stephanie pace and jason kelly. they have been dating two years when jason decided to pop the question. >> this is what he did. he rigged it so she would be
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surprised during a homecoming pep rally. she's a high schoolteacher. >> stephanie led the school in a cheer. she was asked to stay on the court for a very, very special cheer. >> take a look at this. >> here it goes. there she is. she's an art communications teacher. and jason is a firefighter in kansas. >> let's watch this. >> so sweet. my favorite part -- >> so happy. >> are you crying? >> yes, because i'm so happy. i love stuff like that. >> the best part -- there they are. the best part is when he went like this, like i did it. >> that was awesome. >> the whole school watching. >> anyway, yea. go to our website,, watch all four
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pop the question finalists and vote on them. go to our connect button and, anyway, we're going to show you our next finalist tomorrow. do you want to know if the guy you're dating is really serious about you? >> find out when our handsome hunks tell all. >> and finding happiness in otherhood. how modern women are embracing their futures with or without kids. first, these messages. [ bubbles ] [ giggling ] again! again! [ giggles ] again! [ mom ] when we're having this much fun, why quit? and new bounty has no quit in it either. it's 2x more absorbent than the leading ordinary brand, and then stays strong, so you can use less. watch how one sheet of new bounty keeps working, while their two sheets just quit. [ bubbles, baby giggling ] again! [ mom ] why use more, when you can use less. new bounty. the no-quit picker-upper.
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laura's being healthy and chewing her multivitamin. with one-a-day vitacraves for women! it's a great-tasting gummy multivitamin designed for women with more calcium and vitamin d. it's gummies for grown-ups. get $2 off at it's gummies for grown-ups. ♪ isee what's new atrown-ups. yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews.
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they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief! if you're a woman in your late 20s or mid-30s and not settled down with kids, you may feel pressure with family and friends. >> if you're 45-year-old jennifer aniston, not only do you have a great body, but you might feel pressure when the whole world is pressuring you into having kids. >> there are a lot of women of child bearing age that are childless by choice. melanie notkin explores this trend, a new book, very fascinating called "otherhood: modern women finding a new kind of happiness". >> and janet taylor is a psychiatrist who deals with this issue. >> i think the thing out of the
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gate that we were shocked about was the sheer percentages of women who either by choice or not do not have children. tell us the numbers and how that is. >> gallup survey in september of all americans, 90% are mothers or want to be mothers. 50% are. 40% want to be. and a small minority, 6%, are child free by choice. i defend that choice. but there is a silent majority of women who by circumstance are -- >> what is the percentage of that group? >> 40%. >> 40% of all women are in child bearing years but don't have kids. talk to me about who these women are. >> we look at women who are generation x and in their 30s and 40s who expected to have the social economic and political equality our mothers didn't have, but naturally we get married, have the husband and kids they did, these women got a college degree, they are financially independent, and yet
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as their fertile years wain, they remain single and childless and these are women who won't settle for a lesser -- >> there is a stigma attached to this. people feel comfortable. i know this personally, what is going on, what's the story, they feel comfortable asking. >> there is a stigma. having it all doesn't just mean you're a working woman that is a mom. the majority of women who are single and childless or childless are still happy and feel fulfilled. and in fact, the number one demographic of people who do not feel happy and are childless are unmarried men over the age of 65. >> you said most women, only 6% don't want kids. sometimes through circumstance, you know, for me you have a divorce, illness and suddenly you find yourself ahead where you didn't want to be. but i think you make do. that's what a lot of women find themselves doing, right? >> they do make do. these women persevere and they
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have hope and they have strength. these are -- this is a new class of women who didn't expect to be childless this late in life. and sometimes we're called career women as if we have a choice, as if we don't have to pay the rent or we're called delayers, u.s. census called us delayers. >> that is very -- >> a negative connotation. it is more than just making do. in fact, i think it turns into it is your individual choice and the sense of personal control. and that's the whole point. you can be happy and successful, like melanie, and childless. it doesn't have to be this stigma. >> melanie what have you done? what have both of you done to embrace this life without kids? >> well, there is this momopia focused on mom. i began to feel as if every magazine cover and blog post is about the next baby bump. i thought, i know i have so many wonderful things in my life, nephews and nieces, there so much more meaning in my life.
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i decided to start my own business. i made a step forward and that's what i want women who read "otherhood" to do. don't care what the choice is, but move forward. take a step forward. and so many are stuck in this -- what i call this -- this borderline regret over, you know, maybe not having a child on their own or having a child on their own or marrying a man who doesn't want children. make a choice and move forward. >> choose to be happy. >> womanhood is defined by who you are as an individual, how you make people better. >> happiness is learning to love what you have. if you can do that, you'll be happy. thank you very much. we appreciate it. country's eli young band is here with us. >> and finger foods for your fat tuesday feast tonight. >> the boys are back. they'll tell us all what your man is really thinking. >> right after this. as a kid, i made a list of all the places i wanted to visit.
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i'm still not going to make it to mars, but thanks to hotwire's incredibly low travel prices, i can afford to cross more things off my list. this year alone, we went to the top of the statue of liberty... and still saved enough to go to texas-- to a real dude ranch! hotwire checks the competition's rates every day... so they can guarantee their low prices. so we got our 4-star hotels for half price. next up, hollywood! ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ book with our app for an additional... $25.00 off your next hotel. powered by hydrogen peroxide action introducing finish power & free. to give you a sparkling clean with less harsh chemicals. because these are not just glasses. they're what your family drinks from. finish power and free. sparkling clean. less harsh chemicals.
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it is time for "guys tell all" and our panel of very handsome men tell you everything you ever wanted to know about love and dating. >> back to answer your berning questions are kyle martino, sports analyst for the premier league. >> little bit of news. >> what's the news? >> pregnant. i'm not but my wife. >> next up, comedian rick younger married with a son. his show march 21st here in new york. he always has a new project. >> that's right. >> got to feed the baby. >> up next, it is a married father of three, comedian chuck nice. >> i'm pregnant. >> and finally, the single guy who writes, another funny guy,
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his name is jared free. you're new, jared. are you scared? >> i'm a little afraid. i'm happy for chuck having a baby. >> let's start off, here is a question from catherine, viewer mail. how can you tell if a guy is into you? i've been dating a guy for a month now. things have gotten intimate, but it feels like he's backed off from initiating another conversation or spending any time together. >> oh, gosh. >> we talk every day, but lately only because i start it. what is the verdict? >> as you're going through the question, you could hear collective moans. >> how do you know a guy into you. that's how i know he's not, if i ask the question. >> you give it more than a month to decide. give it some time. it is, like, a lot of times are -- they want to know they're in at the beginning. >> doesn't know your last name at this point, it is probably too late. and the chase, guys love to chase. if he's not chasing you, that's a little bit of a worry. >> you know what you always say about that, guys don't run for a bus once they're already on it.
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>> once they're already on. >> no man runs for a bus once he's already on it. and so here's what i'm thinking. i was surprised you have become very intimate with this man, he's now backed off. that's weird. i mean, that should bring you together, right? here's what you do. this is my advice to every woman. after you become intimate, do not call him. disappear on him. preemptive strike. >> in essence, once he gets on the bus, throw him off the bus and make him chase it again. >> that's right. >> that's it. >> double his fare. >> i got your bus money. what you going to do? >> do not get -- you pay for every ride. >> every ride. >> across the street for the next question. >> hello. >> hi, my name is amy. i'm from denver, colorado. i have a 22-year-old son. he's been in a relationship for three years now. he doesn't want to get married
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until he's 30. but how do i talk to him to let him know he could be letting the one go? she's a wonderful girl. >> okay. what do you think? >> i'm confused. are you trying to marry your son? what is going on? what is happening here? what are you talking about? >> the only thing is he's not ready, he's just not ready. you can't make a guy be ready. sometimes, you know, you got to let it go and if it comes back -- >> what about the numbers? i don't want to get married until i'm 30. >> bad idea. >> i don't see that. someone told me, this say good one, when a guy says i don't want to get married, he doesn't mean in general, he means to you. >> what do you think? >> he's waiting for the better bus to come down the road. this isn't it? >> looking for new girls. >> you know what, i think that he's -- he's 22 and he's just not ready to get married right now. >> okay. >> maybe it is about the pressure. >> that's not going to help.
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>> we'll come back. don't go anywhere. they'll be back again. more questions. >> and eli young band sings us a song.
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and we're back with more of "today" on this booze day tuesday. and more "guys tell all" panel. back with us today, jenna bush hager filling in for kathie lee. >> we don't have much time. we have to get straight to -- we have plenty of time. we have. we have to get straight to the question. kyle martino, rick younger, chuck nice and new addition jared free, a comedian, very funny. >> i don't want to waste time. we need to introduce you. we have a question from sandy. a viewer. she says -- sandy, my husband worked 70 hours a week, how do i get -- when all he wants to do is sleep? >> got to be the better option.
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>> the short answer is nudity. obviously most of the time is spent on the job. i would say the butt naked run through. put on butt naked, put on an overcoat, go down to his job, lock the door, run butt naked through the office. >> hopefully he will be able to get unemployment insurance after that. >> is it butt naked or buck naked? >> it is butt naked. >> it is rick naked. >> we have someone across the street. >> hi. my name is alana from allentown, pennsylvania. if your man has a crush like on jennifer lawrence, and you don't look like them, how do you teal deal with that? >> tell him, you're never going to meet them. get over it. >> that's the thing about -- >> you're in bed and --
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>> we don't know about that. >> what just happened? >> he has you in his head. >> in his head. >> yeah. >> and if he's -- >> the other girl on the couch. >> a lot of people, their crushes don't look like think of wives or girlfriends. i have a number of crushes. rita moreno is my -- i don't care how old she is, if she comes around, i'm going to have a conversation with her. >> with the kardashians, you'd have to be in that family and deal with that. >> your crush. >> looks nothing like my wife, george clooney. very much. >> let's go back across the street. i bet you there is somebody there with a question. >> hi. i'm rory from west virginia. how do you feel when a woman approaches you on the street? >> me personally? i feel like i'm getting robbed.
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because that's the only reason a woman would approach me on the street. what do you mean? >> what about the question of when women approach men and say, hi, and want to get to know you. you like that? >> the married men like it. >> you an ego. that's great. how does it feel for a woman to get approached? >> what is the right approach? what should she say? >> that's it. seriously. if you say, just make small talk, a guy knows, like, wow, she's opening up. going to feel awkward. you're like, hi. >> women are way smoother than guys. women realize they don't need a line. guys talk, like, did it hurt? women don't do stuff like that. they realize you don't need to do that -- >> don't approach rick on the street. >> we have to walk side by side. if you did approach chuck and say, rick, i will rob you. >> i'm the one who goes to jail.
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>> we have more questions to get to. >> i wish we could. but we ran out of time. >> jared, was it worth it? >> absolutely. >> okay. all right, guys, thank you so much. they have played in 10,000 small towns before hitting the big city to play for us a performance by the eli young band. >> and he's known for flipping out. >> i know he that guy. >> jeff lewis, he's crazy. he'll head spruce up your space after this. [ sneezes ] [ coughs ] i've got a big date, but my sinuses are acting up. it's time for advil cold and sinus. [ male announcer ] truth is that won't relieve all your symptoms. hmm? [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer plus-d relieves more symptoms than any other behind the counter liquid gel. thanks for the tip. [ male announcer ] no problem. oh...and hair products. aisle 9. [ inhales deeply ] oh what a relief it is. ♪
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for six seasons, bravo reality star jeff lewis has been doling out design advice in his improvement series called "flipping out". >> tomorrow night, jeff kicks off season seven is here to offer tips for anyone hoping to make improvements on their own
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time. >> we'll learn from jeff. >> pay attention. there will somebody takeaway. >> first of all, lost show. zoila, i'm obsessed with her, the cleaning lady, the housekeeper. >> yes. >> she's been promoted in the show? >> she's now house manager. so she runs a staff of three. she is doing a terrible job at it. it has become, like, small version of really "downton abbey," yes. >> in your own home. >> she has an ego, doesn't she? >> she has a huge ego. and, but you know what, she's been with me for a long time, so she has a lot of leeway. i think i give her too much leeway. >> i love this. so i read that andy cohen said to you, you know, this show, most shows don't last three seasons. >> the docu-series. >> season seven. >> everyone underestimated the show, including me. i think what happened is my life
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has taken a lot of twists and turns over the last seven years and it just has been interesting. and -- >> you can tell you guys are really friends, though. that's the cool thing about your show. >> absolutely. there is real chemistry, real love. and the other day i was watching shahs of sunset, i'm embarrassed to say that, but they really work, they really like each other. >> you have design tips. what are you going to show us? let's look at the first photo. what is it? >> these are homes i just recently worked on. what i find when i go to my clients' houses they have more furniture and art than space. here is a way to display the art. we did a collage here. i wouldn't recommend you do this on every wall. but this room was actually just kind of a boring box, and so we went ahead and painted the accent wall a dark charcoal and we did -- we took -- i took the photographs. i actually washed a few of them in a sepia tone and brought in a couple for color. and then i continued the color in the orange pillow and also i added a pattern rod for
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interest. >> you also -- i see you don't have a traditional coffee table. these are ottomans, baby friendly. >> yes. >> also you say that's a new trend? >> not necessarily a new trend. but this room, what you don't see, there is a television on the other wall. so when you're watching tv, you want to relax, i like being able to put your feet up. >> where do you put your coffee or wine? >> two side tables there or a tray on the ottoman. >> what happened here? >> this is a book shelf? >> that was originally full of books. and not nice books. like novels, like -- >> whatever you read. >> like jackie collins rock star. but you don't want people to know you read that, "fifty shades of grey", that's something you keep on your night stand. she had all kinds of accessories she wanted to display. i think i lost you already. >> no.
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i was going to say i'm a little hurt, but go on. what else do you do? >> she wanted to display her accessories. we took the books off, lightened up the shelf. she also had a couple of photographs. we hung them on the frame of the book shelf. also you can -- what i do, i'll take photographs and lean them inside the shelves. but what you don't know is we decided after this to paint the book shelf a glossy black, which actually ended up being very dramatic and black is really one of the biggest accents people are using now in 2014. so we brought that -- that's what we did with the shelves. >> jeff, thank you so much. you'll have fun this season with zoila, jenni and you. >> you're in the flipping out as much, right? you're more -- >> i'm always flipping out. >> the season premiere tomorrow night at 10:00, 9:00 central. get your beads ready. we're throwing a mardi gras party. >> that's right after this. and we have great music coming up too. >> yeah. >> hot band after this.
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we're celebrating mardi gras. fat tuesday marks the end of carnival season. nobody knows how to celebrate better than our friends from new orleans. >> yes. >> so excited to be here. >> you bought me a bead. haley bittermann, corporate executive chef from the ralph brennan restaurant group. >> one of the finest restaurants in new orleans, the whole chain. what are we making today? >> we're going to get our mardi gras on. >> of course we are. >> and make some crawfish spring rolls. >> you almost exploded. >> show us the right way. watch how she does it. >> cut the top off. the top. >> suck the head.
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>> and then you -- you pinch the tail, you peel it a little bit like this. >> you don't have to peel it. >> going for it? >> hoda knows how to do it. >> you pull it with your teeth, right? >> oh, i just ate that. okay. you're sick, you're sick. >> oh, my god. where am i supposed to put the bottom? where does the bottom go? >> we'll go ahead and make this filling, for the spring rolls. we have onions and crawfish tails that have already been sauteed down. we're going to add a little bit of cabbage. we're going to add some shredded carrots, some cilantro, a little salt, a little pepper. and you're going to toss all this together. >> that's the filling? >> that's the filling. these are great, you can makes they a day ahead, roll them, freeze them. >> you were saying you're going to teach us how to actually do this. >> that's right. >> we're ready. >> we're going to make one of these. this is an egg roll. >> egg roll wrapper. you can find these in the produce section in the grocery store. >> brush three sides of this. >> three sides. >> i already -- >> you're all right. you're all right.
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>> take some of the filling here. and you're going to put a little filling -- >> right in the middle. >> right in the one edge, in the center here, okay. >> and then some of this? >> no. go on the side. you get your filling in there. you're going to put the sides up, right? and after you do this a couple of times it goes really quick. >> what about this? >> roll it right up. >> good. >> yeah. >> you go like this. >> after that, you go ahead and you freeze them, do it the next day or go ahead and deep fry them in some vegetable oil. we have some already made here. >> what is the dipping sauce? >> that's a chili garlic dipping sauce and serving it with a roasted corn relish on the side. >> asiany. i love it. >> come on back here. >> i didn't want to leave my egg roll. >> we got a great to go drink. it is a who dat lemonade. we'll make this with a little bit of bourbon, simple syrup, okay. and then we have got some lemon juice and triple sec. >> wow.
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>> and give it a little shake. already have some -- >> cheers. >> a little soda water. >> the crew, these shoes that were made especially by them, they are gorgeous. they throw these like they throw coconuts. >> correct. >> off the -- >> they all make their own. >> we have corn fritters. >> also some corn fritters with a creole mustard dipping sauce. >> i can't. >> and one of my favorite ones in the world, banana foster cupcakes. >> i love that i have something in each hand. i don't know what to do. >> hats off to brennan's. thank you for coming. happy mardi gras. food for the party. now we need some music. >> eli young band is here. >> yes. >> but first, this is "today" -- >> on nbc.
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the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. >> eli young band has three number one hits now. >> their new album "10,000 towns" dropped today and they're about to perform one of the latest singles. here they are, michael eli, james young, jon jones and chris thompson. >> you're texas boys. i like it. >> it is good to be in new york. >> how did you get together first place as a band? >> we were all students at university of north texas in denton, so just north of the dfw area.
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>> you don't go like this? i went to texas. >> i love who how you did it the old-fashioned way. you went on the road and did it old school, didn't you? >> yeah. i'm not saying that one way is better than another, but for us, that was the right way for the way we wanted to -- >> i love the "10,000 towns," all the towns you toured together. >> what are you going to play today? >> a new single, a song called "dust". >> take it away. the eli young band. ♪ she's sick of this town she's sick of that boy ♪ ♪ she's sick of dreams that never take flight ♪
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♪ there's got to be more than the same old story ♪ ♪ so she's gonna turn the page tonight ♪ ♪ and turn the radio up roll the windows down ♪ ♪ she got a full tank of gas and ain't no stopping her now ♪ ♪ she's got the pedal to the floor in a hand me down ford ♪ ♪ yeah the only thing that's left to do ♪ ♪ is catch a couple green lights and those baby blue eyes ♪ ♪ are leaving nothing in that rear view ♪ ♪ but dust nothing but dust ♪ she's fighting back tears she's fighting back years of the only life she's ever known ♪ ♪ there's a future that's bright in the dead of this night ♪ ♪ and all she's got to do is go ♪ ♪ turn the radio up turn the radio up ♪ ♪ roll the windows down she's
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got an open road ♪ ♪ ain't no stopping her now ♪ she's got the pedal to the floor in a hand me down ford ♪ ♪ the only thing that's left to do ♪ ♪ is catch a couple green lights and those baby blue eyes are leaving nothing in that rear view ♪ ♪ but dust nothing but dust ♪ she got the radio up she got the windows down ♪ ♪ no she won't look back ain't no stopping her ain't no stopping her now ♪ ♪ she's got the pedal to the floor in a hand me down ford ♪ ♪ and the only thing that's left to do ♪
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♪ is catch a couple green lights and those baby blue eyes are leaving nothing in that rear view ♪ ♪ but dust nothing but dust ♪ dust nothing but dust ♪ >> that was so fun. that was fun. all right, you guys, thank you so much. we love you. tomorrow, sicily tyson is here. >> plus, celebrity photographer
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nigel barger. >> thank you. >> so fun. want summer to come. >> i'm here to help. you and i will get through this together. [applause]


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