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tv   Today  NBC  March 19, 2014 2:07am-3:01am PDT

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from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hello, everybody. so glad you're with us today. booze day tuesday. >> look who's back. >> i'm back from sunny, california -- no, florida. >> florida. >> but they were both pretty sunny. one was rocking a little bit, california, but gorgeous in florida. >> we missed you, by the way. >> you had jenna. >> you hit the jackpot in the weather department, as always. >> we have been going down to this place in the keys for over
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20 years and florida can be iffy. you know? we had a beautiful, beautiful weekend. i want to show you -- not that one. >> wait a second. look at you with the sunset. who took that picture? it is not a selfie, obviously. >> no. >> i don't know took that or when. looking wind blown. is that what you're calling our sunset picture. >> this is another one. just the sunset without you in front of it. i saw that one. that is it. >> we were alone all weekend. who took that. there are satellites in the sky. did a fun thing -- had a little reception, we'll talk about in a little bit, friday night at our place down there. the next morning, my dear friend emily wirda -- >> she changed her name? >> no, people go, it is weird that your name is weirda, she's been put ing on something down at ocean reef called feed my starving children and i've never done it before, never been there before when they were doing it.
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there we all are in our lovely -- that's emily in the -- in that beautiful -- >> green. >> sort of an aqua color. that's me way in the back. >> holding up something. >> bunch of us there. we packed over 100,000 meals in a day. i was only there for one of the sessions. my friend emily and her husband craig were there the entire time. >> i like your haircut. >> thank you. they send food to hungry children in this nation and all over the world. and it is a beautiful organization. >> great video. >> yeah. let me tell you what was fun for me. back to me, focus here. i came into work, and we get the newspapers and i read through them, a specific order and i always read usa today because it is the nation's paper. apparently everyone reads it. i went through, here's the first section, i breeze through that, i go to the life section. my favorite. i like to see the gossipy section.
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then i open to page 2, angelina -- who is on page 2? >> yep, sorry. >> let's go ahead and get on in here. kathie lee bottles her enthusiasm. first of all, just look at the picture. have you ever -- you look like you're having your own little party. talks about your new wine line. >> yes. >> and i like that it is called gifft with two fs. the real gift has one f. yours has two, why? >> it is a spin on our name. i'm well known for my love of vino. i decided to -- a gentleman came to me and said i think you need to go down that road. we partnered with a wonderful family, the scheide family in monterey county, beautiful california. and for last year we have been developing it and this is the official launch. >> it is delicious. i was one of the taste testers after it was already made and i loved it. i have to say this article --
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they write articles about us, different times, but this one, i think, who wrote it? >> olivia. she's done us -- enough to know our tone and she's a lovely woman. >> when you read it you laugh, because it reminds me of you, the lines and -- >> we did the interview as usual over at mary's pub. yesterday was the 36th birthday on st. patrick's day. anyway, thank you. chardonnay and red blend, i would love to know what you all think. thank you. now -- >> we have some great music downstairs. a group called well strung. ♪ ♪ since you've been gone >> famous for their mashups and covers. they're all classically trained. i love them. >> they're awesome. they blend like a kelly clarkson and mozart and you're, like, what is that? >> good music. that's what i've been trying to teach you, hoda, for a while. >> the voice was on last night
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for the battle round. the best time when each coach takes two players, pits them against each other and has to choose. we're going to pretend we're the coaches. >> because we'll never ask to be. >> here is paula versus sassandra. let's watch. ♪ if you break my heart my body ♪ ♪ you can't have my heart do what you want with my body ♪ ♪ do what you want with my body ♪ >> okay. i think -- it has got to be sassandra. >> the lady on the left. >> we don't even know, but this is what we think. >> that big note to is going to have the edge every time. and keep holding it. >> we already know, it is on the
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prompter, blake saves sassandra. >> saved her? that means the other girl -- >> no, picked her. he picked her. not saved. picked her. picked her. by the way, she used to be celine dion's vocal director. >> she doesn't need a vocal director. >> battle two. jake barker and stevie jo. stevie jo has the long hair. ♪ i sing my song to dance the night along ♪ ♪ i can light up the night with my soul on fire ♪ ♪ i can make the sun shine with your desire ♪ ♪ let me feel that love come over me ♪ ♪ let me feel how strong it could be ♪ >> again, okay, you go. who do you go with? the first kid, the clean cut
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kid, jake. >> i'm going with the longhaired guy. >> both. >> oh, my god. usher saved stevie jo. >> that means the other one, jake, was picked. >> right. and then the other one was saved. >> let's get our nomenclature down, please, or whatever it is called. >> i don't know. continue to watch "the voice". >> jake is still withed a. >> don't confuse me with all your babble. >> i didn't watch it, but i'm trying to keep it straight for everyone. "the voice" returns tonight. >> usher picked stevie jo, the long hair. >> so stevie jo was picked, the longhaired kid. >> which is what i said, again. i'm right! i love when i'm right about singing things! >> you are right there, baby. what are we going to do about kanye. he has to get his act together. he's about to get married in june. >> he pleaded no contest yesterday to the misdemeanor count of -- something against the paparazzi photographer. there was a scuffle.
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at the airport, it was so funny, we were asking for certain kinds of video, we're, like, should we get the screaming one when he's yelling, don't look at me, or the expensive one -- it is funny there are so many to choose from. >> it seems to be a pattern of behavior. he pleaded no contest. he's got to have -- 24 episodes of anger management, he's got to go to. >> we want to know what goes on in anger management school. what do they do? how do they calm you down? >> i don't know. >> do they poke at you with mean things? >> defined as training for temper control. the skill of remaining calm. >> maybe they yell things at you all day and you have to try to stay calm. >> i can do that at home. why would you have to pay for that? who pays for that too? >> good point. i don't know. >> not that kanye can't afford it, he can.
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but here is what we always hear. the photographer's lawyer -- >> gloria allred. >> it is always gloria. has also filed a civil suit against kanye west. i wonder what she does just to lay back and relax a little bit. where does she go on vacation? does she have a hobby? i'd like to know. if you know gloria, does she knit? she's always with the celebrity clients. >> here is something. pretend this is you. you're on a plane and sitting next to a really cute guy and talking to him. >> and it is going well. >> before you know it, the plane lands and nobody asks for a number and you're like, bye, bye. >> you're waiting for the other person. >> maybe. but nothing connected. this happened to a girl on a plane and she was so bummed she missed connecting with this guy that she decided to go on twitter and she thought she was going to track him down. her name is erica. on american airlines. she tweeted something like at american airlines, met a cute guy on the plane, and tweeted some general things and american airlines responded to her. >> but they couldn't give out
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any personal information. >> yeah. >> but they ended up helping her along the way, anyway, long story short, she found the guy. >> isn't that weird? >> and she said it was meant to be because he was in 2b. a little -- we reached out to erica. >> and we do our own independent reporting. >> like 1%. >> amanda called erica. >> erica said that even though it is a public courtship, she's going to keep the rest private. >> she's already learned a valuable lesson. no further comment at this time. sounds like gloria allred is representing her. now, somebody did that to you, would you find it creepy or flattering? >> i was once on a plane with someone who i thought was really cute and we had a total flirt the whole way. >> nobody puts on their flirt like hoda. >> it was really -- >> you are to see it to believe
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it. >> when it was over, it was over. it was only about the flight, just one of those things. but i have thought about him every now and then. >> just like an occasional -- >> you go, that was such a neat thing, but i didn't reach out and neither did he. he lives in denmark or somewhere like that. wales. it was somewhere over there. >> over the pond. >> anyway. okay. who knows. if you are a furry friend at home, we have the best products straight from the pet expo. >> and hide the kids, everybody. actress kathryn hahn is bringing bad words -- why is she drinking? >> no, terrible. terrible.y acro america, i've learned that when you ask someone in texas if they want "big" savings on car insurance, it's a bit like asking if they want a big hat... ...'scuse me... ...or a big steak... ...or big hair... i think we have our answer.
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geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. ♪ see what's new at nothing will keep you from magnum. made with silky vanilla bean ice cream, rich caramel sauce and belgian chocolate. discover magnum chocolate pleasure. plays a key role throughout our lives. one a day men's 50+ is a complete multivitamin designed for men's health concerns as we age. with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day men's 50+.
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i'm a messy person. i don't like cleaning. i love my son, but he never cleans up. always leaves a trail of crumbs behind. you're going to have a problem with getting a wife. uh, yeah, i guess. [ laughs ] this is ridiculous. christopher glenn! [ doorbell rings ] what is that? swiffer sweep & trap. i think i can use this. it picks up everything. i like this. that's a lot of dirt. it's that easy! good job chris! i think a woman will probably come your way. [ both laugh ] actress kathryn hahn has been in more movies than you realize, from playing kate hudson's best friend in "how to lose a guy in ten days," to christina applegate's co-worker and anchorman with rob burgundy, she made a name for herself in many comedies over many years.
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>> now she can be seen in the movie with jason bateman called "bad words" trying to find out why a 40-year-old man would enter a child's spelling bee. >> it is weird. take a look. >> not now, please. >> guy, i need to work. >> no. >> why at the age of 40 have you decided to annoy educators, parents and children by forcing your way into a kid's spelling bee? >> can't you see i'm trying to sleep? >> guy, i get one answer per tournament. i have three very paltry answers. it is time for my fourth. >> welcome. >> i'm so happy to be here. >> we feel like we know you and yet we don't. >> i know. we're total strangers. but it is fantastic to drink with you early in the morning. >> we don't usually do it unless the guests insist. >> we have to. >> we can't be rude. >> cheers. >> cheers. >> like tuesday. >> we call it booze day tuesday.
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>> i don't, but hoda does. okay. >> so you just keep working and working and working and yet in a sense you get the best of both worlds because you can have an anonymous life too. you never look like you in the movies. we didn't know that was you. so beautiful in person, but they always take you make you look like the girl next door. do they even put makeup on you or a brush through the hair. >> i feel like i keep the bar really, really low on camera, then off camera but there is nothing -- >> and you can work forever. >> leading ladies will hate your guts. >> yes, exactly. >> you know how they get. >> oh, yeah. >> "bad words," i'm assuming this movie has bad words. >> bad word and big words. >> you heard about this movie, you thought you had to be in it. >> yes. he is adorable. i can't believe this is the
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first time -- >> directing and starring. >> his performance is so good in this film. you can't believe this is his first time as a director. >> how was it being directed by a friend? >> i know. and like the sex scene which is always amazing and complicated. we had a bunch of pillows between us so we could go -- >> she snorts. i love it. >> we could go at it and not feel embarrassed. it was hilarious. we had three pillows between us. >> you look so young. i can't believe you have a 4-year-old and a 7-year-old. >> and one of them has a potty mouth on them too. >> i try really hard to compartmentalize, to save it for mommy's job. but sometimes it slips out at home. >> when she says something like that, what do you do in. >> my husband and i, you can't give her power. you have -- you have to take it in and just ignore it.
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but the worst is when it is so -- when it is said so casually, just slips out, oh, sandal. >> what do you do? do you do the soap in the little mouth thing? >> oh. >> i don't know if anyone -- do they do that? >> people still do that stuff. >> i had it once when i was a kid. >> like i'm saying. it worked, didn't it? >> obviously. find another punishment, because it made me want that soap more. in my mouth. >> we wish you -- >> anyway. >> i like her. >> i like her a lot. >> good luck. >> you're sweet. >> you come over here and celebrate with us. >> oh, you guys, this was a dream for me, being here. >> "bad words" playing in selected theaters but opens
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nationwide on friday, march 28th. boomers share what it takes to make their marriages last. good luck. >> that's terrible. as a kid, i made a list of all the places i wanted to visit. i'm still not going to make it to mars, but thanks to hotwire's incredibly low travel prices, i can afford to cross more things off my list. this year alone, we went to the top of the statue of liberty... and still saved enough to go to texas-- to a real dude ranch! hotwire checks the competition's rates every day... so they can guarantee their low prices. so we got our 4-star hotels for half price. next up, hollywood! ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ save big on car rentals too, from $11.95 a day.
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i have a cold with this annoying runny nose. [ sniffles ] i better take something. [ male announcer ] dayquil cold and flu doesn't treat all that. it doesn't? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms plus has a fast-acting antihistamine. oh, what a relief it is!
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time to get boom taftic with the youngest of the boomers turning 50 this year, we decided to turn to them and find out why at any age, some marriages stand the test of time. >> we joined up with the folks at aarp to find loving couples willing to share their wonderful secrets.
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take a look. >> we have been married for 25 years. >> we have been married for 31 years. >> we have been married for 33 years. >> we remain married after 40 years. we share with one another the adventures that have filled our lives. >> we talk about everything, whether it is easy to talk about, and not so easy to talk about. but we're always there for each other. no matter what. right? >> i agree with her. and that's one of the keys also. >> our secret to happiness is laughing together through the good times. >> and crying together through the bad. >> the secret to our happiness is, one, sharing our love of music. >> two, aligning our values. >> three, forgiving one another's faults. >> and last, loving god and each other unconditionally. >> facing challenges together has actually deepened our love
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and commitment to each other. >> add to that a healthy dose of trust, faith in god, a deep love of family, sense of humor, and we may just go on for a real long time. >> amen to that. >> how sweet. >> that was beautiful. what's funny, you don't hear loving couples -- you don't see it on tv that often. it is beautiful to see it. that was beautiful. >> they didn't ask me and frank. >> what would you have said? >> what they said. >> we'll have the best new pet products. >> and 35 and living with her parents, host of extra maria menounos.
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we're back on this tuesday with more of "today." with spring just one day away, i hear it is tomorrow, may 19th -- march 19th. >> someone told me it was the 20th. >> we'll help you add pops of color to your life. >> jill martin here with some
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outstanding ideas. we have drinks to start. how unusual. >> well, we talked about, while you're flirting, i'm looking through the magazine. these have sugar already on the outside. make all different drinks, even kids' drinks in them. >> okay. >> our color me happy with drinks, of course. you look in the front and see all the umbrellas there. >> we would love to, but we can't. >> that's a great accessory to make your outfit pop. >> you like to feel colorful and bright. >> i'm so over this winter. anything that happens. >> and the flowers. i kill everything, so at home i like to have flowers. these are faux flowers from pottery barn. sisters from los, candles and mugs all with different zip codes and cities
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on them. >> that's cute. >> they have everything there. that's really fun. also frisbees and bags. great gifts as well. okay. vests. >> this has you all over it. >> $39.90. i can't open it. it comes in this little bag. >> we believe you, jill. you're also an author. >> it comes out and great for packing. >> mm-hmm. >> fantastic. >> nina handbags. everything on this table is $100, most under $50. these are great handbags, spruce up an outfit. that comes in size. >> you don't need your bag. >> that one matches perfectly. >> shoes. a lot of gladiators, these may not be for you. but these have a lot of pump. >> jcpenney has them starting at $35 and shoe dazzle $49. >> russell crowe has moved on. now noah.
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everybody is still wearing the gladiator and he's so over it. >> i don't wear them around, so you can't see them. >> every pair you buy, they give a new pair to a child in need. >> they have been doing that forever. >> they're a great company. >> i can't stand how -- oh, my god. that starts to make you crazy. >> they grow so fast. >> $32 and up. then a pop of color, we love statement jewelry, always in great colors, whichever you prefer. $48. so affordable, even if you want to get it as a present. for your countertop, beautiful, beautiful from west elm, starting at $24. beautiful jewelry boxes. >> okay. >> okay. >> mac came out with this beautiful line, all beautiful colors and all new trendy colors, mac cosmetics, $17 and up. these are the newest nail polish colors.
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>> that blue would look good on you. you go for the crazy stuff. >> yeah. >>, all different candies. i was in a flea market, this is rees peanut buttercup and this is a cookie. inside of it, a bake oreo or bake snicker or -- we ate these -- >> not enough to have the -- oh, my god. >> mercedes, go online. is that the craziest thing? >> love. >> coming up, you guys, the guys who call themselves -- >> well strung. >> getting ready to play for us. >> maria menounos getting real about her life and taking along her parents on her new reality show. >> we'll hear from all of them right after this. [ garner ] there's a lot of beautiful makeup out there to cover up flaws and make skin look pretty.
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but there's one that's so clever, it makes your skin look better even after you take it off. neutrogena healthy skin liquid makeup. 98% of women saw improvement in their skins' natural texture, tone, or clarity. does your makeup do that? neutrogena® cosmetics. recommended most by dermatologists. anybody have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three types of good bacteria. i should probably take this. live the regular life. phillips'.
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maria menounos is nobody as the host of the entertainment new shows "extra" but now she has a new reality series. >> including her parents because at 35, she lives with them. actually, they moved in with her. they're here too. the show is called "chasing maria menounos" and her parents are costas and litsa. they're greek. so nice to see you all again. >> we met maria's mom and dad when they were doing all the catering on the movie you and kevin produced. this is a family affair, long time. >> yeah. >> what made you decide to put the camera -- get them involved in your day to day life? >> it is scary, obviously, to kind of do this. kevin really pushed me. i blame him.
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but -- i'm a bit of a nerd, so i have to think things through. i had my pros and cons list and there were more pros than cons. the biggest pro was i never get to see my family because i'm always working. i try to bring them along to things as much as i can, but the biggest benefit is i actually get to see them. we're all working together in another capacity, which is so great. >> did you want her to do this or -- >> a little bit -- i didn't want to be on camera anyway. just this is a good opportunity for me. and i want to tell her to get married and have family. >> get married and have family. >> he's using this as a platform basically to let everyone know he's -- >> nothing lasts. she's too young. for family, she's getting old. >> mom, the man has a point. >> go ahead, litsa.
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what do you think? >> i think he's right up to a point. it is time to have a child, yes. you know. i want them to do it when they want to do it. >> and there you have the show. >> you're a traditional greek family, wouldn't you think? those things matter to you. >> it matters. >> you're very proud of her. >> very proud of her. i'm happy. she's doing excellent. she's a hard worker. but, you know, she's -- >> you think it will make her happy? >> exactly. >> let's show a little clip. it premieres tonight. we'll see it again. here it is. this is a typical dinner. >> i'm always, like, well, we feel like we're married. technically we are, common law married, twice over at this point. >> we already have been married in our hearts and our souls. >> oh, come on. you got to take the life -- what does life mean?
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marriage and family. that's what it is. >> done. >> and that's just the beginning. >> here is the thing i say is that there are more women, i think, my age or around my age that are confused at this time. they don't know whether getting married and having kids is the right thing for them at this time. and so i'm not being selfish. i think people think i'm being selfish. i don't want to bring kids in the world until i know i can give them my attention. i'm scared. i want to be best parent i can be. and right now when i barely see my dogs, i look at them and say if they were kids, what would i do? >> his point would be -- >> couple more years, not going to -- >> we got to say hello to you. >> i love i don't have to be over there. >> i love these kids. the truth is, once you do have a child, everything will change anyway and you will be the kind of parent that you have. >> we are rooting for you, maria.
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the show "chasing maria menounos" premieres tonight at 10:00, 9:00 central on oxygen. watch that. >> we'll be back. well strung guys that make beautiful music together. >> i'm sorry. >> and lovely couple -- >> and the best pet products coming up next. [ sponge ] welcome back to "you make a choice."
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meet our contestant. will she choose to help maintain her hands... or to really clean her dishes? oooh, we have a game changer?! [ female announcer ] dawn hand renewal with olay beauty has a specially designed formula that helps lock in your hands' natural moisture while getting dishes squeaky clean. [ sponge ] sparkling dishes and fabulous hands -- she looks happy about those prizes! [ female announcer ] dawn does more. [ sponge ] so it's not a chore. down to a science.
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you're the reason we reformulated one a day women's. a complete multivitamin that now has extra b vitamins, which help convert food to energy. energy support for the things that matter. that's one a day women's.
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all right, you heard of the car show, the boat show, and our favorite, the food and wine show. >> who knew there was also a pet show. >> there is. >> veterinarian heather lenser did, and she returned from the global pet expo. >> she brought along some of her favorite products and a few furry friends for us. nice to see you. >> hello. >> let's see here. >> start with something that passed the big test. >> it did. it passed the crash test rating, the same thing you would test infant and car seats. this is called the pup saver. you put the dog in here, and in
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the case of an impact, this would fold over top of her like this, like a clam shell or a catcher's mitt and keep her from getting hurt in the car. and it can double as a bed. very comfortable. >> how cozy. thank you. what's your dog's name? >> sophie. >> sophie, okay. this is the tugo. it was inspired by a guy who had a bowling ball that he drilled a hole through, after he saw his dogs going crazy with it. >> what do they do? >> they play with it on the floor and you can tell -- >> oh, my gosh. >> they love it. >> great exercise. >> exactly. >> look at you. it can be heavy or light depending what size -- you love your tugo. >> he wants the other tugo. >> let's not forget cats. cats love to play with toys with catnip in it but it is messy. it gets all over the place. this has the small of catnip in them already.
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this has ink in it that has catnip smell in it. >> are those your cats? >> you can give it to your cat and get them excited with catnip. even the paper bag has catnip in it. >> terry, you have cute cats. >> you're cute too. >> thank you. >> aly brought her dog. >> he is eating out of a dog maze, slow feeder. these are very, very popular. and these help you -- help avoid gobbling up your food too much. >> some dogs do. others just very gingerly -- but they go after it. >> that's a great idea. >> put the food in there and they have to work really hard to push the food out at either end. >> that's frustrating. and they're all hungry. >> this is for big dogs. my dog could never use this. >> maybe. just try pushing -- little dogs are smart. >> aly, how is your dog doing?
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>> and we have my own dog jasper, he's wearing great stride and step from kurgo. if you tap on them, they light up, which is great. he needs them to keep his feet protected from the snow. >> and the salt. >> and then all terrain, use them for hiking. >> have you seen dogs walk in those. they don't know what they're doing. >> they look crazy. >> you're a veterinarian. when is spring? >> soon. i thought a veterinarian would know. >> coming up -- >> speaking of spring and spring cleaning, keep their breath fresh as a veterinarian, i'm very much like to have clean breath on all my patients. this is tooth gel, they lick it, they lick it, not you. >> the string quartet next. >> but first this is "today" on nbc.
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the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. >> hodi wants to gloat. >> breaking news, we got a calendar. >> we have to wait one more day for spring. >> hey. >> how awful is that that somebody lied to me. you know what, this handsome group of string musicians have been dazzling crowds all over the world with their combinations of classical and popular music. >> mozart and bach to lady gaga and pink, well-strung is giving audiences something they have never seen before, and their self-titled debut album is just the beginning. >> they are edmund bagnell, christopher marchant, trevor wadleigh and daniel shevlin. what a wonderful idea. all classically trained musicians, right?
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>> right. >> hard to make a living at that these days or what was your thinking? >> it is. >> yeah. you're doing something no one else seems to be doing, right? >> no real precedence for what we're doing. so we're kind of -- >> making it up as we go. >> what is your mashup today? >> today is kelly clarkson and mozart. >> well, take it away. >> i love the two of them. well-strung. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ here's the thing we started out friends ♪ ♪ it was cool but it was all pretend ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah since you've been gone ♪ ♪ you're dedicated you took the time ♪ ♪ wasn't long until i called you mine ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah since you've been gone ♪ ♪ and all you'd ever hear me say ♪ ♪ is how i picture me with you ♪ that's all you ever hear me say ♪ ♪ but since you've been done i can breathe for the first time ♪ ♪ i'm so moving on yeah, yeah ♪ thanks to you now i get what i want ♪ ♪ since you've been gone
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♪ how can i put it you put me on ♪ ♪ i even fell for that stupid love song ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah since you've been gone ♪ ♪ how come i never hear you say ♪ ♪ i just wanna-be be with you i guess you never felt that way ♪ ♪ but since you've been gone i can breathe for the first time ♪ ♪ i'm so moving on yeah, yeah ♪ thanks to you now i get i get what i want ♪ ♪ since you've been gone ♪ you had your chance you blew it ♪ ♪ out of sight out of mind ♪ shut your mouth i just can't take it ♪ ♪ again and again and again and again ♪
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♪ ♪ since you've been gone i can breathe for the first time ♪ ♪ i'm so moving on yeah, yeah ♪ thanks to you thanks to you ♪ now i get i get you should know you should know ♪ ♪ that i get i get what i want ♪ since you've been gone ♪ ♪ since you've been gone since you've been gone ♪ ♪ since you've been gone >> that was great! >> thanks. >> well played, guys. >> awesome, guys. thank you so much. >> tomorrow, kermit and miss piggy. and i have got my ongoing feud
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with miss piggy. >> i can't wait to see the smackdown. we'll see you tomorrow. piece of pork. >> i'm here to help. you and i will get through this together. [applause]


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