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tv   Today  NBC  March 21, 2014 2:07am-3:01am PDT

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from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hello, everybody. it is thirsty thursday, march 20th. and yes, don't adjust your sets, this is real. finally, the first day of spring! officially today, at 12:57 across the whole country. >> i'm so happy. now, i have to say, i woke up this morning, it was still like 39 degrees, but so what. >> and drizzly and not great.
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>> things are going to turn around. >> when is it coming? >> i'll tell you how things will turn around. you said matt will never shave and i said, yes, he will. >> i've been dying for him to shave. >> first day of spring. people had very, very distinct opinions on the subject. >> look closely at the two photos. the bearded one and the other one. >> the sigmund freud and the one on the right is matt. >> we decided to put a poll out to ask our viewers, how do you think -- which way did matt look best, with the beard or without. >> you voted -- >> i think that it will be overwhelming, overwhelming without the beard. nobody liked the beard. >> a lot of people liked the beard. i think it is going to be 52/48, clean shaven 52%. >> no, let's see. 78% said they liked him better clean shaven. he said he might grow that thing back again. next year. >> that's relate really very, very disrespectful. calling it a thing. >> congrats to matt. >> yes. matt is still mad at hoda.
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i don't want to bring it up, but it is a funny story. tell it. >> okay. we were at the hotel in phoenix for savannah's wedding, and the hotel is an hour and 45 minutes from the airport. >> you were in tucson. right? basically around tucson. >> right. so we leave the hotel, 5:30 in the morning, guy's downstairs with the car. i said hi, i'm hoda. he goes, i know, come on. we're with my friend. he and i hop in the car and we drive the hour and 45 minutes to the airport. >> great. >> so we're there, and all of a sudden, unbeknownst to me, five minutes later, matt comes downstairs for his car. and they say, your car's not here. he says, where is it? and there's a car with my name on it. and he said is hoda still here? and they said yeah, she's still here. she hasn't come down. he waited for an hour and they wouldn't let him in my car and i was already gone in his car. >> and almost to the airport. >> almost to the airport. so we hopped in a rental car with jake tapper from cnn and had to drive an hour and 45
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minutes with him and his wife all the way to the airport. and so -- >> then you get to the airport. >> i see matt -- >> but before that. >> oh. then he had to drop the rental car off and almost didn't make it to the flight. >> i love this story. >> so i'm waiting in line at the airport for the plane, and i see matt. he goes hi, you stole my car. i didn't know what he was talking -- it is day seven of the feud. stop hating me. i took the wrong car. i apologize. >> it wasn't your fault. it was the car driver. >> i sent him a toy car to his house. >> didn't work. >> still not over it. >> i love it. i love a good feud. "wheel of fortune" apparently -- i forgot how many years pat sajak's been doing that show with vanna. but apparently, they've never seen anything quite like this. a guy named emill made it to the final round. >> it is a thing. you're a good puzzle solver but i don't know. you have ten seconds. keep talking, maybe the right thing will pop out.
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>> it's got to be new. >> new lace dress. >> new year -- >> new lace dress. >> new. >> maybe not even -- net. >> net gains. >> we don't know. >> so the other letters, can't even see that part. no other letters. >> e. >> it is a thing. >> it's a thing. >> yes. >> net gain. net -- new. new lace. >> there is a w there. >> she didn't pick it. >> i can't see. i'm sorry. >> what's the answer? >> what is the answer. >> let's go. >> new baby buggy. new baby -- new baby -- >> what? [ cheers and applause ] >> put your hands up. >> wait a minute, you got to be wired for something.
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you got to be cheating. he's teasing the guy. >> new baby buggy. that doesn't even make any sense. >> well, there are old ones too. but i mean, i couldn't -- who could know -- >> new baby buggy. >> how much money did he win? >> $43,000? $45,000. >> well, good for him. he looked as shocked as pat did. he was like i can't believe i got that. maybe he just got a new baby buggy and it was fresh on his mind. >> who says buggy anymore? do they? baby buggy. >> i bet savannah does. she's thinking that way. >> i thought it was -- all right, whatever. >> boogie. a baby's boogie. >> no. stroller. who says buggy? people say buggy? >> yes. a baby buggy. anyway, this actress is shocking some people. at the "divergent" premiere. >> this is one of those things. she's an actress in "divergent" and she decided she was going to wear this dress. >> or part of it. >> okay. >> anyway, she's 34 years old. >> maggie chu. >> when she showed up in that dress, she stole the premiere, basically. everyone was focusing on her and not on the other stars in that movie. >> yeah.
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>> she has a smaller role apparently. this is sort of like "twilight." several books. three books, i think. it's a trilogy. and she gains -- her character gets bigger as the books continue. however, hoda thought it was just outright mean to take anything away from shailene woodley, who's the real star. >> i guess -- look, i think it's -- look. i think it's a little weird. >> yeah. well, you took matt's car. so, i mean, you know. you're one to judge. >> it's a little weird. sometimes when you know that it is somebody else's movie, and you're in it, but not a main character yet, she's building, and then suddenly on the front of every website, every paper, is the other girl and not the main character. >> i don't know. i don't know -- we love to know how you all feel. i've been in a couple of movies. i stole "first wives club." >> what if you would have worn the short dress to "the first
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wives club" and goldie hawn, when it's her movie, would have looked over and said, oh, my god, you got every headline and it's my movie. >> so sad. no, goldie, goldie would have said awesome dress. >> she would have. >> she would have. it depends on the person. maybe shailene is like that too. i've never had the kind of body that that girl has that she can -- maybe for two minutes in 1942. >> do you remember when i accidentally wore a white dress to bobbie's wedding? >> it wasn't accidental, hoda. no one accidentally goes to a wedding and forgets not to wear white. >> i'm just saying i didn't mean to steal anything -- >> not that bobbi should have been wearing it either, if you know what i'm saying. just saying. >> people were mad -- >> actually, nobody at that wedding had the right to wear it. >> people were saying what do you think you were doing taking away from her day? i wasn't taking away from her day, i just wore that dress. >> she doesn't take things away from people. unless it's matt. she takes his car. >> there is this deejay and he's -- they're known for doing pranks. they're known for doing pranks. usually really funny. they decided to do something much more touching.
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there were people who either they believed were homeless or on the street or in need, and he decided to dress like a waiter going around l.a. and serving people -- >> a nice waiter from a fine restaurant. >> yeah. and find people who looked like they could use a good meal. let's take a look. >> how are you doing, sir? >> good. >> got some chicken, green beans, mac and cheese. fancy here. >> very nice. >> how's it going, sir? i've got your chicken plate right here. and some water. with everything you need. and if you need anything else, let me know, okay? >> okay. d.j. >> nice to meet you. >> nice to meet you too, man. >> i brought you some chicken. >> do i need to pay anyone? >> no, this is all you. >> i appreciate it. >> yeah.
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>> awesome, man. i'm glad. >> oh, that's sweet. >> yeah. >> yeah. that was great. >> well, today is international happiness day, isn't it, hody? >> yeah. so we want to inspire everyone to go out and spread a little joy. and do hashtag happy something. >> happy act. it is time for our happy act. it's time for my ihoda playlist. this is a group that happens to have been on the show last week. this song put me in the mood for spring. it's called "hell, yeah." >> oh, yeah. >> remember them? >> oh, yeah. they were -- >> they were elvis's pick. fell in love with them. they performed on the show. >> i like this song. >> mid mid-night red. ♪ we rock the party we got it locked down ♪ ♪ call your friends so we can take this town ♪
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♪ go all out hit it like a leader ♪ ♪ tonight we'll keep it beckham two ♪ >> clever. clever. beckham. >> you and two rhymes. good. >> here we go. come on, come on. midnight red. here we go. i like these guys. ♪ now with are graduating from the school for cool ♪ >> here it comes. ready? ♪ hell yeah ♪ like you don't care ♪ whoa, whoa ♪ hell yeah >> it puts you in a good mood, doesn't it? >> sure does. it's almost over. no, i like those guys. it's cute. >> okay or not okay. >> is it okay or not okay to get into a feuding war on twitter? here's what we had to say about it. >> no. hoda, i'm a big believer in reconciliation and diplomacy works best behind closed doors
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because when you're angry and you know this, you're too apt to say something, you end up being sorry for it later. how many times have i told you? >> that's such a bore snore. here is the correct answer. of course it's okay. >> no. >> how else would we know there is a feud going on? >> hoda, think that through. >> pass the popcorn. >> we got to tell you guys, don't forget our brilliant -- >> they're getting better. >> in the daily news. >> every week they get better. >> yesterday we went to a fun lunch for our jo jo. >> joanne lamarkka. >> her birthday is coming up. she doesn't want to say which one. she likes to call it forever 31. >> we had a lovely lunch. >> there she is. >> aw. our girl. >> love her so much. and afterwards hoda and i went to see what i thought was an extremely funny show. "a gentleman's guide to love and murder." tony award winner jefferson
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mason plays eight different roles at the walter keir theater. the other gentleman is hysterical and great. the two ladies are making their broadway debuts. it is terrific. it has a creative team i never heard of before, but certainly worth the price. broadway is expensive. this is a show worth -- >> absolutely. worth, you know, going to. spending a great afternoon. >> such fun. >> hodi had a little problem. she had to leave, so -- >> my god, the show has no secrets. can we say a quick hello? we have a couple of ladies in the back, you guys. they came to us from maryland. hi, ladies. >> good to see you. >> how are you? they're great. they came to us -- they're on tv. they won us in an auction at a charity event in maryland. they won us. we're glad they're here. coming up, two ladies on our plaza get a new look for the new season. don't miss our "ambush makeovers." and the housewares you can't believe you lived without. >> plus a couple of drop-dead divas. margaret cho and brooke elliott are here. >> they're crazy. >> we'll talk to them right after this. incredibly low travel prices, i can afford to cross more things off my list.
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this year alone, we went to the top of the statue of liberty... and still saved enough to go to texas-- to a real dude ranch! hotwire checks the competition's rates every day... so they can guarantee their low prices. so we got our 4-star hotels for half price. next up, hollywood! ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ save big on car rentals too, from $11.95 a day. ♪ see what's new at compared to a dry duster, a can of pledge picks up more dust and cleans 100% of messes. pledge multi surface. dusts better. cleans more. plays a key role throughout our lives. one a day men's 50+ is a complete multivitamin designed for men's health concerns as we age.
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with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day men's 50+. with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. geico motorcycle. see how much you could save.
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the lifetime series "drop dead diva" is back for a final season. if you haven't been able to tune in for the last five years, we're going to get you caught up right now. >> brooke elliott plays deb, a shallow model who dies suddenly in a car accident and finds herself reincarnated into the body of a brilliant attorney named jane. i hate it when that happens. >> with the help of her assistant terry, played by margaret cho, jane begins to accept her new life as a lawyer. now, margaret and brooke are both with us. >> hey, ladies. good to see you. >> how are you? >> great. >> your final season, that's been determined. >> we think so. i mean -- >> we had an amazing history with the show. we were canceled two years ago. and then -- >> yeah. >> and then we somehow resurrected. the fans love it. >> they do have a voice. >> we have an international following.
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they love brooke. they fell in love with her acting and her beauty and -- >> stop it. >> you were a well-known actress and comedienne at the time. i love your story of how you got this role, brooke. tell everybody a little bit about -- you thought you were practicing. >> yeah, you know, i went to the audition and i was really wanting to transition over to tv and film. so i was just taking auditions and taking classes and classes and classes and classes and classes. and so when i went in for the audition, i really just thought i was practicing. i was, like, i'll just do a good audition. that's what i'm working for. and then they said, well, we would like to test you. i was like, i'll practice what a test is. >> you had never done one. >> i was, like, i'll just practice this for my real job. and then i get my real job, i'll know what i'm doing. >> when they called you, did you freak? >> i was, like -- you got that job. i was like, time out. i called my parents, i'm like, hey, so i booked that pilot. i was so shocked that i couldn't
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even be anything more than shocked. >> the chemistry that you guys developed over the course of six seasons, was it there from day one? >> i think it was there. i think what it is with brooke is you approach everything with such humility, that you don't expect things and that's why people love you, because you're just, like, one of us, you're totally down to earth. we're all having fun on the set. we all moved out to atlanta, peach tree city to be exact. >> oh, really? >> great town. nice secret, big city stuff but a little city feel. >> yeah. perfect way to say it. >> when you walked in, both kathie lee and i looked at you and said oh, my god, what happened? >> you went through several reincarnations. >> i'm sucked in so hard. i mean, this is a full-body spanx. >> what is the secret of the success? is it the chemistry between the two of you? the concept of somebody that comes back and has got to deal with a whole new life? or is it a combination? >> i think it's brooke and -- i think jackson hearst, who plays a beautiful grayson.
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it's a romantic story. don't you think? >> i think it's the romance of it. i think the idea of does love stand the test of time? does it -- i think it does. >> you do? >> and does it survive different circumstances, different situations, different experiences, can love be that deep of a soul love? and i don't know. i think we're all kind of wanting that. >> and adorable. >> i love her. >> you get why this show works internationally. love is one of those things that -- what other countries are you big in, by the way? >> france. >> hugely popular in france. also in north africa they have, like, satellite dishes that pirate it. they love the show. >> they do? >> morocco and korea. >> you play a lawyer. and the assistant. so we're going to see how much you've learned through the years. >> we're going to play a game. it is called music group or fictional law firm. >> okay.
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>> get ready. here we go. emerson lake and palmer, a fictional law firm or musical group? >> musical group. >> yes. >> wow. >> yes. >> did you really know that? >> yes. >> she's going to kick ass on this. >> she didn't just say that. she said donkey. >> donkey on this. >> cage, fish & associates. is that a fictional law firm or music group? >> that's a law firm, don't you think? >> sure. >> yes again. >> on a roll. cho on a roll. >> paris and parker. fictional law firm or music group? >> i like music group. >> no, law firm. >> all right. mumford and sons. if you don't know this, everyone's leaving. >> they're more of an americana rock group. rock and americana. so yes. >> crane, pool and schmidt. fictional law firm or music group? >> law firm. >> from "boston legal." >> yeah. >> you're smart. crosby, stills and nash. >> oh, please. even i know that. >> you might not know. >> okay. >> musical group. >> and the last one, lockhart
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gardner. fictional law firm or -- >> this is it. this is it. >> double or nothing. >> for the new baby buggy. >> law firm. >> oh, my god. they did it. >> from "the good wife." congratulations. >> final season of "drop dead diva" premieres sunday on lifetime. good luck, you guys. >> thank you. >> can't wait to see their hot new looks and neither can we. >> "ambush makeovers," but first, these messages. the silver lotus is so rare... it only grows in one place on earth, channel islands national park in california. now you can experience the fresh pristine scent anywhere. perfected by the fragrance experts at air wick. fresh coastal waters and silver lotus is a part of our limited edition national park collection. air wick. the craft of fragrance. the making of a bombshell
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starring new bombshell volume with the bombshell boost system. extreme volume meets intensifying topcoat and tada. 10 times more noticeable lashes. new bombshell from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl.
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imagine this, a glass that will never break, even if you drop it. >> really? >> amazing finds in housewares that are going to change your life. >> sissy biggers is here. >> and then need an idea for dinner tonight?
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we've got an easy one. pot vegetable stew. >> don't walk away. or you're going to miss the big reveal of our "ambush makeovers." >> i love those. >> that's right. coming up right after your local news. >> i don't want to wait. >> sissy.
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♪ all right, we're back on this thirsty thursday. and it is time for "ambush makeovers." >> if you haven't heard, that's when two lucky ladies get plucked from the plaza, whisked into our studio and head in for head to toe makeovers. >> hard at work as always, our crack makeover team, "today" contributor and stylist to the stars, everybody sing -- ♪ louis licari, la, la, la, la, la ♪ >> and "today" contributor and contributing editor of "people style watch" and author jill martin. >> hi, kidos. >> hi. >> how were the pickings out there? >> spring! can you believe it? finally. >> decorated so nicely. >> beautiful. it was a beautiful day. >> big crowd, huh? >> it was completely filled every inch. we had many to pick from, an easy job today. >> carol burt was first.
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35 years old from nova scotia. tara is a second grade teacher, three young kids of her own. she would love to do her hair more regularly but doesn't have time in the morning. she's excited for her husband to see the reaction to her brand-new makeover when she gets home. let's listen to her story. >> first of all, mom, i thought you guys were sisters. you look gorgeous. >> thank you. >> but i know you're so excited for your daughter. >> i can't believe she's going to get a makeover. i can't believe it. >> why do you want this for her? >> well, i treated her to new york. it's our first-time mum-daughter travel together. so she needed a break. she's got three kids, a husband. i just want her to have a good time. >> and i know you're saying hooray. >> i'm so excited. this is amazing. this is going to be awesome. hi ross. hi hannah, grayson and max. >> you're going to be surprised. >> this is going to be awesome. >> so cute. all right. please keep your blindfold on for a second, okay? >> just beaming. >> here is tara's before shot. all right, tara, let's see the new you. come on out. >> oh, yeah.
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>> all right, mom. >> all right, heather. are you ready? take off your blindfold. take a look at your daughter. over here. >> oh, my god! >> are you ready? >> yeah. >> spin around, sweetie. right here. >> oh, my god. looks awesome. >> so pretty. >> you look beautiful. >> fantastic. >> spin right around and look at camera 12. >> tell us about the hair. >> i just wanted to make tara feel like cinderella on her first trip to new york. what i did was i kept her hair color very close to her natural color. some highlights that warms it up but still nuances of color. and today we had igor, who gave her this great haircut. >> nice job, igor. >> she had all this hair that was doing -- too much hair. and he layered it, shaped it, and now we can see her beautiful face. she is gorgeous. >> heather, tell us. >> she's absolutely beautiful, but i knew that always. >> that dress -- >> i know.
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>> she just whispered in my ear, said i always wanted her to have red hair. >> beautiful. >> great. >> the dress is new. it has built-in control panels, which is always great. and self-tanner on your legs. if you're not going to wear hose, which we're in the spring. >> that looks good. >> all right. big round of applause for tara. [ applause ] >> all righty. our second lady is carol fristic. she's 50. from ringrose, new jersey. carol lives on a farm, gives riding lessons, she tends more time tending to her horses than to herself. she's always wanted to change her look but never worked up the courage to go for it. let's listen to her story. >> so you're here to celebrate the national day of happiness. and this is a happy thing. >> wonderful. very excited. >> you told me you've always wanted something like this. so i know it's a dream come true. >> yes. see it on tv all the time. tell my husband all the time, love that to happen to me. very exciting. >> will he be surprised? >> yes, very excited.
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very surprised, yes. >> i'm going to make you sexy and hot. >> okay. sounds great. >> absolutely. all right. she's here with her friends april and kelly. please leave the blindfolds on. let's look at carol. bring out carol now! >> wow. >> great. >> she looks great. all right, ladies, take off your blindfolds. >> what? >> i'm going to -- >> it's pretty stunning. stunning. >> want to turn around, carol, and take a look at what they're looking at? >> you look so beautiful! oh, my gosh. >> don't you -- >> are you okay? >> oh, my god. >> let's start here. we should start here. what do you think? >> i've known her for 24 years and i've never -- >> aw. >> you look awesome. >> she's either really happy for you or really jealous.
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>> no, happy. >> oh, my god. >> wow. >> you look beautiful. >> you do. >> tell us about it. >> there you go. she's going to be -- this is the epitome of chic. it is high but more connected to the sides. softened her base color again. her hair was just turning a little bit too dark and she was just the beginning of a few grays to make it look a pinch dull. >> just beautiful. the bangs. >> she had a little bit -- her skin color was a little bit red. so enid oden neutralized a little bit and kept it natural-looking. >> that dress. >> that's adorable. >> i love this best friend situation. we all have a friend like this and it is so nice. >> lace, another big trend for spring. adriana pape lp. and just a beautiful --
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>> love it. let's bring tara out. tara, come on out. big round of applause. good job. >> beautiful job. >> thank you. igor and enid and everybody. don't miss the coolest new trends in housewares. >> and we'll help you solve tonight's dinner dilemma. but first these messages. thyou can do ing ianything...y. ...if you keep a good head on your shoulders. my son knows it. my cousins know it. and of course, mami. that's why we use head & shoulders shampoo and conditioners. they keep me 100% flake free. so i just have gorgeous hair. i use it... whole world uses it. you mean you don't? head & shoulders. the world's #1 shampoo.
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down to a science. you're the reason we reformulated one a day women's. a complete multivitamin that now has extra b vitamins, which help convert food to energy. energy support for the things that matter. that's one a day women's.
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now to today's kitchen, get out your ingredients. because it's time to cook with us so you don't have to worry about it later. >> today we are ushering in the start of spring with a light vegetable stew you voted for. here to show you how it's done is the host of the food network's "worst cooks in america." >> she's one of the best cooks around. she's actually a chef, anne burrell. >> how are you?
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>> in honor of spring, you'll do something beautiful for us. what are you doing? >> what are you doing right now? >> we're doing a little spring veggie stew. >> chilling that asparagus. >> i'm shocking it. >> take it out of boiling water. >> right. we blanch -- >> what does that do? >> what this does is we blanch our asparagus in salty boiling water and then put it in salty ice water and it stops the cooking instantly and keeps the beautiful green color. >> keeps it nice and crisp. so we are -- we have a lot of veggies we're putting in this stew. look, we can do it all in the same pot. so every time you're blanching one veggie, you don't have to start new water. >> that's good. >> it saves dishes. >> okay. i like that. >> then we're moving over to here. i have some spring onions that are sweating away with a little bit of crushed red pepper, spicy stuff. even though this is a veggie dish, it doesn't have to feel like i'm eating something --
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good for you but doesn't have to feel diet. >> don't have to sacrifice taste. >> no. that's the big -- >> thank you, hodi. >> we have some asparagus and sugar snap peas that we have blanched and shocked like this. we have red bliss potatoes. >> all raw, not cooked? >> those are not cooked, right. it gives it a little bit of texture. >> crunch. >> we have a little bit of chicken or veggie stock we put in, just to kind of bring everybody together. so we cook this for three or four minutes and then we move over here. >> reduce. >> a little bit. we finish it with a tiny -- >> what's this stuff? >> that is escarole. that's this kind of stuff. you add that guy in. we have a little bit of butter and a little bit of parmesan cheese. so it's kind of like vegetable risotto only without the rice. >> this looks really good. >> doesn't it? >> it gives the -- the butter and the cheese, a little -- >> i didn't see that. >> we did. >> so there we go. and then we finish it up, like
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that. and this can be a side dish, this can be a lunch, this can be, you know, an entree, whatever you feel like you want to do. >> bit of a diet dish, too, if you wanted to -- not a whole lot of calories in there, right? >> no. >> except the butter. >> it's one pat of butter for like six servings. and just a little bit of cheese. so it is healthy, and it is delicious and springtime which we need some green now. >> i love your hair. >> i can't stop. >> i need to know what product does that? >> it's just hairspray. >> no, it can't be. >> i promise. i promise, it really is. >> eventually i'm going to get a bite of that, right? >> i know. i got distracted by my hair. >> talk to us about the drink. >> mm. really good. >> great textures, not -- i know you girls like to roll this way. so this is what we call the chef burrell sparkler. it's aperol and prosecco on the
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rocks. >> what is that? >> it's an italian liqueur that's orange and rhubarb. a splash of that in there. >> mm. >> refreshing. >> refreshing. that's why i call this big girl's soda. they get a little dangerous. we have to drink this at the end of the show. >> cheers. >> and a pound of hairspray, look what can happen. >> thank you so much. >> absolutely scrumptious. the recipe's on our website, coming up, these gadgets will make cooking and your life a whole lot easier. the best new items in housewares coming up right after this with sissy biggers.
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2:49 am
anybody have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three types of good bacteria. i should probably take this. live the regular life. phillips'.
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if you want to make your life a little easier around the house, and who wouldn't, we've got some ingenious new products you've got to see. >> from two in one gadgets to virtually unbreakable glassware, sissy biggers has the best finds from the year's international home and housewares show. that has to be fun. >> it is fun. when i walk the floor, it says hoda and kathie lee on my press pass. so everybody -- >> they want to show me their stuff. >> or the door.
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>> the first thing i saw this is the spread it butter knife. go ahead. this transfers body heat to the edge of the knife so you can now get easy butter -- go right across the top. >> like that? >> there you go. frozen solid butter, but -- >> it takes the heat to the edge of the knife. i call this kind of the breakfast game changer. >> i love that. >> you don't have to put it in the microwave. >> that was gold when i saw it. >> this was -- you know the squish brand, the collapse -- we had these on before. this is the new double over the sink colander. go ahead and pull the arms here. these go over the sink. >> oh. >> genius. >> now you can prep two things at once, no cross contamination, which i know you worry about. >> i do. i think about it daily. >> this is genius. >> so you can store it and -- it is very affordable. like $25. >> and you put in the --
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>> in the dishwasher, absolutely. >> next up, this is hamilton beech, they always give the consumers what they want. they wanted a two in one appliance. brew your single serve coffee and before you go to work, none of those expensive baristas, go ahead and yourself a smoothie right there. so same footprint as a coffeemaker or a blender, but you get two. the java blend brewers. >> and what is that? >> this is about $39.99. next up, isn't this beautiful luster, this glassware? >> it is -- >> unbreakable bar lux barware. >> you've got to get this, kathy. >> it looks like glass. it has the luster -- >> i can't. >> i have a gift for you. >> it is made of cool polyester which has yet to be broken. >> are you kidding? >> isn't that gorgeous? >> it looks like -- >> doesn't it? >> it really does. it goes in the dishwasher
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because usually plastic doesn't live through the dishwasher. this is the wine cork. you know oxygen is the enemy of storing wine and spoiling. >> no kidding. >> so now this wine cork, air cork, will fill the bottle at any level, so no matter what level is left in your bottle, the air cork will keep the oxygen out. come on. >> and it's societily. >> isn't that -- >> then you take it out. >> isn't it fun? >> i don't know. >> don't say anything. don't. don't say anything. >> okay. >> she gives me that look. it's like i'm trying to help you. >> i'm trying to save us. i want our show to continue. >> this one, they dragged me into the booth. >> what is that? >> it's a wine glass bottle. >> what? >> now you can say you only had one glass, kathie lee. >> oh, my gosh. >> isn't that brilliant? >> it is a bottle with a glass on top. >> that's bad.
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>> but ingenious. >> i only had one glass. >> down front here, this is an umbrella stand. this is amazing. it's architectural design brought into a houseware. you know how you have stupid things in your front hall where you put your umbrellas. >> i know. nothing matches. >> it's architectural design that is also highly functional. >> okay. >> i begged tammy and joe to let me show an iron because this iron, of course it's turned off. it has the automatic -- >> oh, cutoff. >> it has the automatic cutoff because it's such a safe product. >> what would it do -- >> what it would do, 30% more steam and i don't know why -- see, this is the magic of television. >> that's all right. >> i've already burned jerry. okay? trust me, this has 30% more steam and steam to get a vertical steamer, and you get an ironing with all the functions l.e.d. lights. it's by rowenta. >> it's cool-looking. i love it. >> don't burn yourself. >> is it getting hot? >> let me see --
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>> it's scaring us now. >> get that away from me. >> away from hoda's hair. please. >> i have hair issues. >> for more information on these products, go to >> all right. >> a webtastic video that's bound to wake you up. >> that's the hint. >> first this is "today" on nbc. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn.
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we found some incredible video of a musical artist, comedian, and radio dj, mike bustos, singing inin ining avic me up." >> mikey recorded this in
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manila, philippines where he lives. the challenge is to recreate songs using only his mouth and voice. ♪ wake me up when it's all over ♪ ♪ when i'm wiser and i'm older ♪ all this time i was minding myself ♪ ♪ and i didn't know i was lost ♪ ♪ >> that is amazing. >> wow. >> took 7 1/2 hours to record that song. he played every instrument with his mouth. that's unbelievable. >> that's fantastic. >> he used to live in canadan 2003 he was a finalist on the first season of "canadian idle." >> wonder how he got to manila. >> i don't know. but that was excellent. >> we're out of time. we thought we had a little extra
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time. we'll tell you that tomorrow actor theo james from "divergent" is with us. >> also the best bags for >> i'm here to help. you and i will get through this together. ♪


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