tv Today NBC March 22, 2014 5:00am-7:01am PDT
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good morning. breaking news. is this a piece of malaysian airlines flight 370? just moments ago, a new image released by chinese government tv. a satellite image of something big floating in the indian ocean. it all came as an unexpected announcent in the middle of a planned news conference. >> the news i just received is that the chinese ambassador received satellite image of floating object in the southern corridor. they will be sending ships to verify. >> could searchers be closer to finding that missing jetliner or is it another false alarm?
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saturday, march 22nd 2014. lest erica hill live from studio welcome to "today" on this saturday morning. i'm erica hill alongside carson daily, jenna wolfe. >> nice to have you here on the weekend. >> thank you. >> at 6:58, carson said are we starting? i said, no, we start at 7:00 every day. >> i'll be right here. thank you. >> we get it. we get it. >> weekend hazing, get it out of the way. now we can move on. >> a little rehearsal. thank you very much. today's top story, the breaking news in search for the malaysian jet. in the past hour and a half, it's taken a big turn. here is a look at that image that we talked about released by chinese government channels.
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it's about 22 meters long, 13 meters wide. chinese authorities say the images were taken about four days ago. >> this is the second time in a week that degree, which there is some speculation that could be from the plane, may have been spotted on a satellite image. this news coming in the middle of a planned press conference. the malaysian transport minister was giving his daily briefing. he was handed that note in the middle of the news conference. at which point he said the chinese may have found something. what is all of this? what could it mean? kerry sanders is following it all. he joins us from washington. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the pictures we're looking at from the chinese state television are somewhat similar to the satellite images we have already seen. let's look again at that picture just released by the chinese state television. it shows a piece of what could be debris from flight 370. it is 72 feet by 42 feet. it is a large piece of something floating out there.
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now, interestingly, this image from satellite matches up similar to the images taken and released by the australian government. and as we look at these images, this is the area where the search is taking place. which is about 1500 miles southwest of perth. now, the image that's chinese are looking at are right here. which is not too far from where those australian images were taken. so, as i'm talking to you right now, there are aircraft in the air circling in this area. while they have some technology to look down, the aircraft have lowered their altitudes and they're using eyes on. people are attempting to spot to see if they can find this debris that's floating out there. the sea state, we're told, has calmed down a bit. so you no longer have the nine-foot seas.
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even at 3,000 feet or 5,000 feet, traveling at 400 miles per hour looking out the window, it could be very difficult. in addition to the australian aircraft and the aircraft from new zealand, you also have seven ships from the chinese navy that are also headed to this area. it will take them several days to get there to assist the australian navy, which is already on scene, plus the merchant ships that have already made their way there. the u.s. antidepressant, the p-8 is grounded today for routine maintenance. it's likely to be back up within 24 hours. >> kerry, you pointed out these are images, it's important to keep in mind, released by chinese government television. but these were taken four days ago. >> yeah. they were taken four days ago. there's been a lag every time the pictures have been released. part of that may be is that they're analyzing the images. the other part is that it takes a while, even when a picture is taken to go through them and find what might be a piece of
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debris out there. if we look at that picture again, imagine as you look at this, that's just little dot on a big picture. it takes people a lot of time to review, analyze, hone in and then say, well, is that something or not? it passes through a lot of levels. again, this image here released by chinese state television. >> so many eyes, as you mentioned. so many people working on this around the clock. kerry sanders, thank you very much. carson? >> now more on the search by air in australia. pilots have been out for the third day concentrating efforts over the southern indian ocean where the debris was first spotted on satellite several days ago. now there's a new object to look for. bill neely has more. good morning. >> reporter: carson, good morning. the search area has expanded. the number of planes and ships searching that area has increased, but not great news here from today. today, the third day of searching has ended. six planes went out. three have come back.
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the crews are reporting terrible visibility. very low cloud. underneath the cloud sea fog, making spotting anything on the surface of that ocean very, very difficult. let's look at the positive side for a moment. reinforcements are arriving. the chinese in particular. remember, two-thirds of the passengers on the plane were chinese. the chinese throwing resources at this. they have three planes. they have three ships, plus an ice breaker that normally works in the antarctic. they will be joined by two planes from japan, by ships from australia, from the uk, and the crews confident that they will find something. but the big question is what will they find? australia's prime minister yesterday damping down expectations saying these satellite images could be a shipping container. and the deputy prime minister, the acting prime minister came here today and said we'll continue to search until we feel
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more searching is futile. if we find nothing, we'll have to think again. australia damping down expectations, and with good reason. remember, even the expanded search area is the size of the fifth biggest state in the united states, new mexico. so imagine each one of those planes just drawing a tiny, fine line down that grid. you get some idea of how incredibly difficult this search is. so we're now entering the third week of the search. so far no debris has been found. we have a new satellite image, a glimmer of hope, but the riddle of this missing plane remains. carson? >> bill neely, thank you very much. john cox is an nbc news aviation expert and former airline pilot. robert hager was long-time aviation correspondent for nbc news. good morning. >> good morning. >> i want to start with this new image released by chinese government television. bill just pointed out, australia
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trying to temper expectations. but it does give a potential bit of hope to some people. as you see this image and we learn more about it what does it say to you? >> it's large. it's very large. for there to be this large of a piece still floating after this long, i'm not real optimistic about this one because of the size. >> because of the size, meaning it would be too big to come from a plane? >> it's too big. it's larger than the wing span of the airport. so that says -- to be that large t would have to be part of the fuselage, to get it to float is questionable. >> if it's not part of it, here we are two weeks out, found nothing so far from the images or wreckage so far. is it possible we are looking in the wrong area? do we have the search area wrong? >> we have looked where the airplane is not. there's a debris field out there. we will find it, i'm confident of that. but we are doing this by elimination. we go to one area, search it well, move to another.
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these are very, very professional searchers using the best technology out there. i'm confident we'll find it. we haven't looked in the right place yet. >> we all get spoiled because we tend to learn things so much quicker nowadays. there's always a big focus on, when we find the black box we'll know something. it's set to release pings for about a month. we're halfway through that, what happens at that point? if we don't find the wreckage or the black box? if we don't find the black box, that's harsh for this investigation. that would be really bad news. going back to this piece, the measurements they have given out, 75 feet by 100 feet roughly. that's a big chunk, as john says. i think it's the size of a baseball diamond it could be a piece of this plane. a big roll of fuselage, maybe the dimensions are not exactly right and could be a piece of wing. we will be in a state of suspense for some time.
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you can see in that report from perth, it's now nighttime over there. they won't get a good look at it. for another 12 hours, here in the u.s., until nightfall tonight before aircraft out there will get close to it. >> we saw the image there. the pingers on the black boxes t will have battery life for another couple weeks. what happens when that expires? we know in air france 447, once the battery went down there, it took two years to find it. they said it was like looking in the rockies for two shoe boxes at night. >> you have to have an idea where to look. you hope you find some wreckage floating on the surface, even if it doesn't say anything about the investigation. then you calculate out the currents, try to figure out where the main body of wreckage might be, then look there in the time after this pinger runs out. you have to have sophisticated ships with ocean floor mapping sonar. if you happen to see objects that look like the main debris
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field, you send down unmanned submarines with cameras and see if you can see black boxes. but they did find them in air france. two years, they found them. >> why don't they make the batteries last longer? considering when we find it how vital the information is. >> they must be talking about that at this point. as you pointed out, thing also just be developing probably as we're going to bed tonight. so a lot more to talk to you both about tomorrow morning and throughout the day. thank you both. the other news overseas, russia's annexation of crimea. if you think what happens there doesn't affect us back in the united states, you might want to think again. kristen welker is outside the white house. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. the united states, as you know, is linked with all of europe economically and politically. that means what's happening in ukraine actually does and could ultimately hurt the united states and its economy, all this is the back drop as president obama heads to europe tomorrow to meet his allies.
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president obama heads to the netherlands tomorrow for a nuclear security summit. but now his more pressing goal, dealing with the escalating crisis in ukraine. this week russia annexed crimea, once a part of ukraine, a move the white house calls illegal. >> the president will be mobilizing the international community. >> reporter: on friday, national security adviser susan rice said the u.s. could impose more sanctions if russia continues its provocations. today russian troops at the order of vladimir putin are amazing along parts of the ukrainian border. >> the russians have stated they are military exercises. given their past practice and the gap of what they have said and done, we're watching it with skepticism. >> reporter: in russia, fireworks as they celebrated the return of crimea, 60 years after the soviet union gave it away. the white house says it won't resort to military force, only
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more sanctions. >> further escalation will result in further isolation and higher costs. >> reporter: foreign policy experts warn further conflict could have an impact at home. if what happened in the ukraine becomes a precursor to more moves, more instability, the potential for escalation and conflict that will affect the united states sooner or later. >> reporter: from wall street to main street, americans are keeping an eye on a conflict impacting nations and those too young to understand. now, ambassador ross also says while neither the u.s. nor russia are looking for a military fight, a miscalculation on either side could lead to one, and if this conflict continues tsh continues, it could hurt the united states standing abroad. back to you. >> thank you very much. i know you're also following the first lady's trip to china. what's on the plan this weekend? >> she usually avoids thorny
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issues, while speaking to a group of college people, she said open access is a part of rights. she also touched on the missing malaysian airlines flight saying the u.s. is offering as many resources as possible. the first lady is on a week-long trip to china. she brought along her two daughters as well as her mother. on friday, mrs. obama met with china's president and first lady. white house officials say her trip is really aimed at focusing on education, person to person outreach, not as much on diplomacy, but it is clearly a prelude to president obama's meeting with china next week in the netherlands. michelle obama and the first lady of china have been getting big and positive reviews for their fashion sense in china. carson?
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>> thank you very much. kristen welker, appreciate it. >> thank ffully, the fashion is all right. >> let's get a look at other top stories this morning. the investigation into the cause of a deadly fire at a jersey shore motel is intensifying. investigators focusing on the top floor of the point pleasant beach motel, where survivors say there was a lounge area used by smokers. new details about the news helicopter that crashed in seattle earlier this week killing two people. a preliminary report from the ntsb says the chopper began rotating counterclockwise during takeoff before pitching forward and crashing. the report did not pinpoint the cause of the crash. it could take up to a year to get a final report on that. >> some same-sex couples in michigan will be able to get marriage licenses this morning. a federal judge in detroit struck down the day marriage ban
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on friday saying it's unconstitutional. michigan is the 18th state to allow same-sex couples to wed. if you heard a very expensive sigh of relief last night, it sounded like this. ah. dollar sign dollar sign dollar sign. it was probably warren buffett after the ncaa challenge he put out. as of late friday night, not one of the 9 million people who entered his $1 billion basketball contest was in it. not one. the biggest bracket buster was ohio state, and mercer's win over duke which shattered the little hope left of winning the grand prize. as i said earlier, i think even mercer picked duke to win that game. it's been three decades, but kevin bacon has still got it. >> it's official. it's a bummer, but rules are rules. shut up!
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>> bacon appeared on "the tonight show" to celebrate the 30th anniversary of "footloose." omg, i'm so old. he danced out of his dressing room, into the hallways of 30 rock. he ended up on stage, forcing fallon to what else? rip up his no dancing decree. thankfully we have one on this show as well when lester is not here. >> kevin bacon looks the same as he did 30 years ago. >> he does. >> i can't believe it's 30 years. >> 30 years. 30 years! we're so old. dylan has a check of the forecast. good morning. >> it would be nice when spring starts if we could flip a switch and it be spring, not so much. it's bitter cold across the planes. temperatures will be running 15, 20 degrees below normal. the high in minneapolis 23
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degrees. some of that cold air will spread eastward going into monday. we are looking at snow showers early today through central and northern new england. about one to three inches, across the rockies, more snow. we could end up with 3 to 6 inches in the higher it feels a bit like winter this morning in the north bay. 40 in san rafael and upper 30s around santa rosa this morning 48 currently in san jose we do have some patchy fog that will stick around san francisco and the coast throughout the day. a little bit of a north breeze during the afternoon may try to clear some of the clouds at times. sunshine inland and highs in the low 70s in san jose. low to mid-60s near san francisco. and that's your latest forecast. erica? >> all right dylan. thanks. this next story is incredible. the flight against the flu is getting help from an unlikely
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person. a teenager making waves in the scientific world and giving hope to anyone that's battled the flu. >> walking to his southern california high school, 17-year-old eric chin is a science celebrity. >> you can only imagine what he's going to do. we know it's going to be great. >> it started early in life. eric was obsessed with legos and any other toy he could take apart and put back together. >> he was a very curious boy from a very young age. always asking why. >> a couple years ago, that curiosity matured into a passion for fight flu outbreaks. i thought we have this urgent need for new medicine. >> eric needed a lab to do research. at his age it wasn't easy but he eventually found a place here at the university of california san diego. >> with help from trusting professors eric developed an
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innovative approach that marries computer based research with good old fashioned lab work. before long he made an impressive discovery. >> this is the protein. i found the small molecule. >> the molecule when bound with the protein can stop the virus. >> we have a good start in what could be potential new treatments for influenza. >> eric showed off research at google's i science fair where he beat out thousands for the grand prize earning a scholarship and grand price. >> it was pursuing the science. he was so passionate about what he did. >> eric hopes his search can expand beyond the flu. >> diseases killing lots of people. if i can speed up measures of live saving measures, that's a hope of mine.
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. eric won two more contests earning $200,000 in scholarship money. a prodigy turned science celebrity now fighting the flu for everyone. joe friar, nbc news, san diego. still to come, from the big screen to broadway. we sit down with james franco in the play of "mice and men." first this has "today" on nbc. [ female announcer ] it balances you...
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it fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley. nature at its most delicious. wow! ♪ [ female announcer ] with 10 grams of protein and real fruit, they're right at home in the land that inspired them. ♪ greek yogurt proten bars. from nature valley. we know the saying, a picture is worth a thousand words. in this next story, the pictures may have been worth thousands of. >> jenna is in the newsroom and can explain this. >> carson, you having identity crisis now? >> you want to switch at any moment, i'm down. >> i'm good. we're in the middle of tax season, making sure financial
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matters are in order. hopefully the irs is not watching. selfies come into place. andrew jarvis lives in philadelphia, works in new york and has a home in new york city. he checked tax rules and in order to avoid taxes in new york, he has to live in philadelphia more than half the year. andrew did not want to tempt the irs. he took pictures of himself in case he was ever audited as proof that's where he was. his daughter anne recently found the photos and figured the irs isn't watching. let's hope they are. she started instagram with internal revenue selfies. it has gone viral. the irs has yet to look into andrew. speaking of which, have you filed your taxes yet?
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>> oh. nice. >> irs watch out. >> i'm good. all good. >> none of us have done our taxes? >> not at all. >> i've thought about it. >> that's half the battle. >> i have a pile. >> i have a pile somewhere. >> you think about it and then come to the conclusion you're going to do it. then you do it. >> step one. we're at step one jenna. >> that's slightly before step two. still to come, bringing home baby, baby, and baby. and more babies. quintuplets. wow.
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good morning to you, looking live at emeryville and the bay bridge and it looks very pretty this morning. it's a chilly start to the day, though, thanks so much for joining us i'm kris sanchez along with meteorologist rob mayeda and is the chill going to stay? >> we'll see. it will be until 9:00 in the north bay, 48 in san jose and it's the south bay right now not too bad. mid to upper 40s around the peninsula temperatures mostly in the mid-40s there, too. notice in dublin 50 with some patchy low clouds inland. let's take you off to the north bay what you'll see temperatures in the 30s and near 40s around petaluma to novato this morning that's a cold start but by the time we get to the afternoon we
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should see the numbers warm up by 30 degrees getting us closer to 70 for the afternoon. sunshine inland what's left of the low clouds start to break up inland but hang out during the afternoon hours out near the coast. low skills around pacifica and mid-60s out towards santa cruz and 70s inland. not too bad. san jose near 72 degrees. low 60s toward san francisco and the north bay will see highs near 7294 santa rosa and 75 in pleasanton, kris? >> thank you very much, rob. a developing story out of san francisco this morning where officers are on administrative leave after an evening walk in the park turns deadly. known for its scenic views, bernal heights park was a crime scene after people reported a man with a gun around 7:00. a spokesperson said when officers arrived they encountered the suspect and that's when the shooting happened. >> we're not absolutely sure what occurred up here but it does appear that he drew that weapon and officers responded and shot him.
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he's dead at the scene. >> police were able to recover a gun at the scene and we are told chief greg sir will hold a community meeting next week in the bernal heights neighborhood addressing this officer-involved shooting and any other concerns that residents might have. was it a prank or was it a dare? at this point no one seems to know. dublin police arrested a 14-year-old student for calling in three bomb threats this week to schools in montana. police say the 14-year-old made three bomb threats starting monday. in all three cases he left messages, one of them saying, hi, i just left two backpacks with c-4 at the elementary school and i'm about to blow them up, who's laughing now? staff and students were evacuated yesterday after the threat. the dispatcher was able to capture a phone number which led police to the fbi and then back to magic jack a computer generated telephone service. the 14-year-old was arrested at high school in dublin on friday.
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score one for the underdog. a san mateo neighborhood is claiming victory this morning after forcing the closure of a 7-eleven store. the store on north san mateo drive opened two years ago but neighbors say it was located too close to homes and brought traffic and crime to the area that led to a nearly two-year legal battle. it was later revealed the city had mistakenly approved the permit. this area is not zoned for this time of store. coming up later on "today in the bay" emergency response faster and changes coming to pe nine sue la cities getting emergency help to you sooner.
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♪ we are back oven this saturday morning, march 22, 2014. nice group of folks out there in rock feller plaza enjoying the spring temperatures we're enjoying in new york. you're looking forward to getting out there soon. i won't believe it until i get out and feel it. >> it might be colder in here right now. >> it is definitely colder in here. >> i like it. >> you're running late. as we talk about happy hour, we are to say spring is here. we're going to say good-bye to winter in a special way. stay with us for that. we're used to seeing pictures of president barack obama with his beloved
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blackberry in hand. he may be parting ways with his smart phone for something else. we'll hear about that and the shower curtain. i'm intrigued. now that nicer weather is here and we can't stop talking about it. maybe you're itching to get outside. a great way, take a talk. as 30 days to our better you challenge, jenna shows us how we can be tourists in our own town. 30 days to a better you and shrine the light on baltimore. >> it was freezing that day. we were all bundled up. we went outside. there's something for everybody everywhere. >> love it. >> look forward to that. we begin this half hour with the story that will have you saying aww five times over. a texas family grew three to eight in a mat over minutes with the birth of quintuplets.
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we have that story and a look at doctors and nurses that helped bring the adorable babies into the world. >> they say everything is bigger in texas. at least one hospital thinks so after a big delivery. >> i love little babies. now that i have five, you know, my hands will be full. >> michelle and stephen are now the proud parents of quintuplets. the first set ever delivered at the baylor university medical center in dallas. two dozen doctors and nurses were on hand tuesday. >> this was new territory for us. we're used to multiples but organizing for five requires a lot. >> grant, gracie, rayleigh. all weighing under four pounds. adorable babies born at 29
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weeks. >> i'm happy we got as far as we did. that's really a milestone. >> all are in the neonatal al icu and expected to stay a few more weeks. >> looking forward to ball games and taking kids to different events. i think we'll have a wonderful and fun filled life. >> the couple had trouble conceiving and turned to fertility drugs. mom had been on bedrest the final seven weeks of her pregnancy. >> right afterwards i was very sore. >> they now have six kids. they have another boy brady. no word how he'll react. >> i don't know how to prepare a 2-year-old for something this big. >> looks like mom is still getting use to the idea. >> we're not prepared. we'll have a lot to do. >> how you feeling?
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>> dad obviously has a lot on his mind. > >>s clothes, cars, prom dresses, college tuition. we'll take it one day at a time and see what happens. >> nbc news atlanta. >> good luck to them. >> congratulations. >> and good luck. >> mainly good luck. >> mainly good luck. let's go out for another check on the weather with dylan. >> good morning guys. i thought i knew all my states. apparently we have a 51st state. wiscon. short for wisconsin i assume? >> yes. >> did you run out of time? >> i didn't have enough room. >> we're going to squeeze this in. the state of sin. we'll head further south for today's forecast where it's a little unsettled. scattered showers from texas to carolinas. along the cold front, moisture
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from the south, cold air from the north. it is going to create off and on showers. nothing severe. it is cloudy and gray just a little bit unsettled through montgomery to atlanta as we head through the entire weekend actually. we have snow showers in the rockies, light snow through central and northern new england. as we go to sunday, even though mild in the northeast today, it cools off quite a bit tomorrow. we're still looking at showers to move i and it's a very chilly start in the north bay right now. 38 degrees in san rafael. as we get towards the afternoon temperatures should rebound pretty nicely 60s to low 70s inland. the microcli comat forecast shows you 72 in san jose and low to mid-60s in san francisco and the north bay temperatures rebounding after the chilly start. low 70s around the tri-valley. if you are heading to the coast could have drizzle at times around monterey. yosemite 67 degrees and lake
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tahoe 56 with sunshine. and what announcement on the "today" show. where are you from? >> wellington, florida. >> you're whole family is watching? >> everybody is supposed to be watching. >> congratulations on your little girl. >> that's nice. we'll talk about their >> that's nice. we'll talk about their starring role in the if it doesn't work fast... you're on to the next thing. clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it targets fine lines and wrinkles with the fastest retinol formula available. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. one week? this one's a keeper. rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®. i've been claritin clear for 6 and amazdays. ots rapid tone repair. at the first sign of my allergies, my doctor recommended taking one claritin
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chris takes on the role of lenny. >> this is a career first for each actor. >> all are making your broadway debut. is that exciting? >> terribly exciting. >> how you feeling about it? i feel great. i feel very excited. it's amazing. we were at the theater yesterday. >> is it nerve racking at all to think broadway? >> i always feel like if you have a good pilot, you know, i don't get scared. we have the best director ever so -- i'm not nervous at all. >> terrible is not bad. >> you should be. >> i'm just, yeah, blissful ignorance. obviously i'm screwing up all over the place. >> the show is weeks from opening night. the co stars are working
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together to bring the classic john steinbeck novel to life. >> did you dream of bringing this role or others of john 's o life? >> that's a good question. there's a lot of movies made. i felt there was territory that had been done, but in fact this play hasn't been done here in so long. it really feels like this is fresh. it's great. we are going to reach audiences that don't have other productions to compare to. >> the last time this play was on broadway, my part was played by james earl jones. i feel nobody is going to mix us up. i have a fresh take on it. i feel confident about that. >> you're playing lenny, someone
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with a mental ldisability. how do you prepare to play a role like that? >> it's open to interpretation. it definitely feels to me, having looked into it a lot, he's got what is characterized now as mild down syndrome. i kind of just tried to watch as much stuff to make it as specific as possible. >> how is it different as actors to be on a stage, live audience, versus movie set? >> live performance aspect is something we'll find out. >> you've done it before. >> well, not with you guys. i've done a lot of theater before, but never on broadway. it's terrifying. i would be -- i would have done cat if they asked me to. i'm happy to be here. >> anyone worried about stage
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flight? >> probably beforehand, the day of. once we're in the scene, all that goes away. >> james, chris and layton. it opens april 16th. carson? >> all right this morning's mario's top three. white house could be cutting ties with blackberry. how about high-tech organizing your to do list? mario arm john strong has more. good to see you. >> let's talk about news coming out of the white house. blackberry, we all see president barack obama with it, allowed to use it. what's the latest with that? >> the white house is testing android phones. word on the street it's sam sung and lg. >> what's wrong with the blackberry? >> maybe he wants to have other things he can do maybe he can't get done on the blackberry or
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could be broader than just him. could be the whole office wants to move to android. >> if he switches to android, blackberry is on their last leg. users are down to less than 10%. they're almost most famous because the president is holding them up. if blackberry goes from the president, who's holding them up? >> you're making a good point. the government is a spot the blackberry is strong, great inkripgs, great features f. that goes away, that opens other opportunities. >> why not the iphone? is it too proprietary? >> it is too proprietary. they can custom mize the android phone the way the president needs it. >> less likely to get hacked. >> what else you got for us? >> i'm tired of writing down to do list.
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i use an app called wonderous. >> that's not how you spell wonder? >> it is no. on the left hand side, work, personal, new york move, book launch, grocery shopping, stuff for my wife, stuff for my kid. >> headlines for your to do list? >> click into in one. it's like i need your dates for the month. over on the right, i can have sub lists. see check boxes? i'm always looking at a to do list. you are like what about the smaller steps to get those checked off? >> can you e-mail the dates? >> it will e-mail and take care. it keeps me on track for everything. notifications, reminders, share
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this with my wife, team. >> let's move to the shower curtain. i'm dying to know. >> this is a water proof shower curtain. this seems like water proofing your device. i'm going to get it wet to prove this works. i thought it was cheesy until i set it up in my house. in the shower, i'll watch pet talk. >> are you kidding me? >> no. >> i can wait until i get out of the shower i think. >> you can stay in longer. >> look at previous episodes from the voice. check out brackets for your ncaa game. >> might want to get that higher up. that's good stuff. mario, thank you very much. ♪
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[ female announcer ] now your best accessory can be your smile. with colgate® optic white toothpaste. unlike the leading whitening toothpaste colgate® optic white goes beyond surface stains to deeply whiten teeth. it whitens over three shades. that's more than the leading express whitening strip. so the only accessory you need to look fabulous is your smile. colgate® optic white whitens more than the leading express whitening strips. and try the new collection for whiter teeth in one day! firming + lifting makeup and try the new collection our multi-benefit innovation. skin feels tighter. expression lines look more relaxed. 3x hydration... ... beautiful coverage. 93% of women saw noticeably improved skin. radiant. rejuvenated. revlon. there are 16 fresh-picked oranges squeezed into each bottle of tropicana pure premium. and absolutely no space for added sugar, water or preservatives. tropicana. we put the good in morning.
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[ male announcer ] tim and richard smucker grew up knowing that with so many delicious varieties, it's tough to choose just one favorite. apricot pineapple... [ male announcer ] for five generations, with a name like smucker's, it has to be good. back now on this saturday morning, first saturday of spring. if you're ready for spring and warmer weather, you've got nothing on dylan who's been out more than anyone in the country. >> you're right. the past few months she's crisscrossed the country to battle the relentless cold and so much more. >> let's go to chicago. dylan has been home maybe 12 hours this winter. >> it is coating absolutely everything. >> we already have 18 inches of
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snow on the ground. >> i can say with 100 certainty i've never experienced cold like this in my life. >> is the fur working? >> you don't understand how many of these are taped around my jacket. >> we're here at mini falls. this is no joke here. look how they're completely frozen over, naturally shut off. >> we are in it right now, three to four inches per hour. good morning erica. don't let the sunshine out here fool you. it is absolutely freezing out here here we are in march in the middle of yet another winter storm. i want to put the snow in chicago in perspective. maybe something we can stomach. we have 75.5 inches worth of
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pizza boxes. >> i don't even remember half those places i was in. >> we wanted to say thank you first of all. you've done an amazing job. we know how good you are at your job. you've taken one for the team all winter long. we wanted to give you something to help usher in spring. >> vacation? >> well no. >> we did ask to send you to miami a weekend. oddly enough they said no. here's goodies for you. to get you ready for spring. i hate to say it, i know there's a chance of a storm this week. here's hand warmers. >> fantastic. just smelling this is going to -- >> don't forget your cocktails. >> an umbrella drink. >> this is fantastic. thank you. >> you think you get used to snow and cold after a while. you never adjust. it's always equally as cold as
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the storm before. >> you did one in new york. dylan said i drove through every element. rain, hail, sleet, snow. >> that's the hardest part of traveling. you can't get in and out of the places. weather is so bad. >> we're happy you're home. here's to dylan and the concept of brain freeze. >> yes. >> there you go. we'll be back with much more. you're watching "today." >> there's something special in that.
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good morning. san francisco waking up in the dark if you are out of bed this morning. maybe you are lacing up your sneakers going out for a run, you might want to wear something warm. i'm kris sanchez. thanks for joining us. meteorologist rob mayeda has a look at the weekend forecast. you need a shell if you are headed out. >> you do need a jacket. mid to upper 40s in san jose and the santa clara valley the pe nine sue la roughly the same temperatures. san francisco a bit more wild at least 50 degrees temperatures closer to the water. east bay we're seeing patches of low cloud for dublin and livermore. 41 walnut creek. look at the numbers in the north bay where the temperatures have dropped down with the mainly clear skies. maybe a patch or two of fog. 37 this morning in santa rosa.
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as you get into the afternoon, the coast will still see the low clouds at times. sunshine inland and despite the chilly start a nice afternoon ahead and the low clouds weave back in heading towards tomorrow morning. we'll see highs in the low 70s in san jose. low to mid-60s around san francisco, but, again, it's the pollen count which is extraordinarily high. we could use some rain to knock this down and i know kris sanchez would appreciate that. tuesday we think we'll get some rain back to the bay area. kris? >> i hope you can do that. thanks, rob. a developing story out of san francisco this morning where officers are on administrative leave after an evening walk in the park turns deadly. bernal heights park was a crime scene last night after police reported a man with a gun around 7:00. a department spokesperson said when officers responded they encountered the suspect and that's when the shooting happened. >> we're not absolutely sure what occurred up here, but it does appear that he drew that weapon and officers responded and shot him.
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he's dead at the scene. >> now police were able to recover the gun at the scene and we are told that chief greg sir will hold a community meeting next week in the bernal heights neighborhood addressing the officer-involved shooting and any other concerns ra s residen might have. dublin police arrested a 14-year-old student for calling in three bomb threats this week in a school in montana. police say the 14-year-old made three bomb threats starting monday. in all three cases he left one message one of them saying, hi, i just left two backpacks with c-4 at the elementary school and i'm about to blow them up. who's laughing now? 9,000 students and staff were evacuated yesterday after that threat. the dispatcher was able to capture a phone number and that phone number left police to the fbi and then back to magic jack a computer gentlemen rated telephone service. the 14-year-old was arrested at dublin high school on friday. score one for the underdogs.
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a san mateo neighborhood is claiming victory this morning after closing the closure of a 7-eleven. the store on san mateo drive opened two years ago but neighbors say it is bringing crime and traffic to the area. the store will close next week. the city has agreed to pay $150,000 final to 7-eleven for issuing a permit they weren't supposed to. coming up this morning on "today in the bay," emergency response times are getting faster on the pe nine sninsula. more local news in 30.
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good morning. it is saturday, march 22, 2014. here's a look at today's top story. breaking news in the search for the missing malaysian plane. this image was released by chinese officials on chinese tv. the claim from china is this could be debris from the plane. measures 22 meters by 13 meters, 72 feet by 14 feet. china is now sending ships out to investigate. for now the search by air is over for the third day in the south indian ocean. it's been concentrated in that area since the first satellite image showed possible debris earlier this week. as the overall search for the missing malaysia airline flight
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370 now enters the third week, more ships and planes are headed to that area to help in the massive effort and the hope to find anything at this point. good morning. nice to have you with us on a saturday morning. we want to take another look at the image. this came on after we went on the air this morning. released by state chinese government tv. released on twitter. china says it was taken four days ago. a lot of speculation as to whether it could be debris. that came in the middle of a planned press conference. the official was holding up the note he was given during the press conference. it seems to be a never ending search for a clue as people look for what happened to flight 370, where it may be. kerry sanders begins our coverage. good morning. >> it could be a clue and nothing more at this point. certain a lot of hope.
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let's look at that image released by chinese tv. it is 72 feet by 42 feet. take that image and now look at these two images shot two days prior to those photos. these are satellite images taken and released by the australian minister. perhaps this may fit in the same general measurements of the one in the photographs just released today. the area that's being searched here is here compared to where perth, australia is. that distance is under 1,500 miles southwest. as we get closer and take a look here, the items found on the images taken by the australians were here, about 79 miles away
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there is where the photographs taken by the chinese show up. it's in is same general area. the hope is this may indeed be a clue to suggest where flight 370 went down. >> the new satellite image released by china state run telle vision measures 72 feet by 42 feet. it was a phototoe taken four days ago. like the other satellite images released by the australian government, there's a race to confirm what the debris is and if it's still there. this newest lead was revealed by malaysia's transportation minister handed the news on a piece of paper during a news conference. >> the chinese received satellite image of floating object in the southern corridor. they will send ships to verify. >> so far, there's no visual search of the debris.
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based on the australian satellite photos, it's four hours from land. today the grounded maintenance, pilots from australia, china have been in the air reporting with poor visibility. >> we have a lot of hope. conditions remain as they are, hopefully we'll find something soon. >> south indian ocean is notorious for the most violent oceans with high winds and waves feeding off weather patterns. the scientist kathleen doughan has tried to see where it may have traveled. >> how far it could go. it could potentially go hundreds of miles like 500 miles. >> which means it will be that much more difficult to find this
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item, the so called black box. as we look at it, this is the area called the pinger. if that black box went down in the ocean like that, the signal is sending down and not out which could make it that much more difficult to eventually, if they ever do, locate it. erica? >> kerry for us this morning. thank you. let's take a turn what's happening on the ground and in the air off the coast of australia this morning. bill is covering that from perth. good morning. >> yes, good morning carson. yes, a new satellite 23photo. more ships, more plane, but not good news from the third day of searching which is now over. six planes we want out today. crews reporting terrible visibility, low cloud and below the cloud, some sea fog which makes trying to spot anything on the surface of that ocean very difficult indeed. let's look at the positive side.
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reinforcements have arrived particularly from china. three more planes, three more ship, an ice breaker. those are heading into the area as well as that two japanese planes, an australian naval vessel. crews are optimistic they'll find something. the question is what? the prime minister damping down expectations saying this could be a sea shipping container. the active prime minister says we'll search until we feel searching is more futile. we're in the third week of this search and still nothing. carson is this. >> bill, thanks very much. dylan is tracking the weather conditions in the indian ocean and how that could impact the search. good morning. hello. >> good morning erica. we're watching the weather in this e.r.a. which earlier
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saturday in that region was okay because of the area of high pressure. there are reports of low level clouds. that's going to reduce visibility a little bit. you can see the satellite here in the area where the possible wreckage is located. that's where we do have fairly clear skies minus low level clouds. we're going to keep an eye on the wind. in the northern hhemisphere you clockwise winds. that's the way the winds go around the area of high pressure. this is good news for search efforts in that region. what we're going to notice over the next two days is the high pressure is going to slide east. we are going to get into a windy pattern, area in the 40 degrees latitude. that's nick named roaring 40s because it tends top get windy conditions. that's going to rough up the surf and make things difficult for search in that area.
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saturday up to tuesday, winds are extremely gusty. >> thanks. the news for the plane and 239 on board is in the third week. family members remain on pins and needles. we continue to follow that story. good morning. >> reporter: hey carson. good morning. all news from australia and chinese is increasing stress on the families. when while we're hearing insurance payments are being triggered now. it's not a reflection on what might or might not have happened to flight 370. it's part of regulations it has to happen. it does nothing to lessen the anxiety and anger felt by relatives. frustrated, furious, families vent anger on malaysian representatives accusing them on
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concealing the truth. >> we are here. we want to know what happened. >> the families felt they hadn't been allowed to ask all their questions. in kuala lumpur, malaysia's transportation minister pledged to do better. >> wherever they are, we will do everything in our power to keep you informed. >> this week, painful scenes as a mother tried to talk to reporters and was dragged away by security. families have been provided with counselors. >> some of them emotionally this will outburst and feel -- then just crying very loudly. >> relatives wait to hear news from the search thousands of miles away. >> they are preparing for the worst and praying hard hoping their family members are still a
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live. >> meanwhile carson, we have confirmed on the ground a group of relatives were moved from a hotel in order to make space for a team for a motor racing event that's going to happen here. clearly those would have been booked well in advance. it adds to the sense the relatives aren't being treated quite as well as they could be. >> we're getting that sense. thank you for that. too bad. >> tough for them. we want to get you caught up on other top stories jenna is following. >> good morning. hi everyone. we begin in ukraine. observers will be monitoring the security and human rights situation in the nation six months. the european security organization is deploying 100 member team. they will not go to crimea now that that is part of russia. mrs. obama played ping-pong, dabbled in math and delivered a
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speech to students. she says freedom of speech should be universal rights. the first lady is in china with her daughters through wednesday. the new jersey teen who snuck by skoouecurity and made o the top of the building apologized on twitter. quote, i seriously apologize to anyone who may have been injured. he climbed the stairs to the 104th floor of one world trade center and made his way to the antenna. he's charged with trespassing. a pleasure cruise turned into a rescue mission off the coast of south florida. passengers on the norwegian pearl spotted a sinking boat of refugees on board. they sent out a lifeboat and brought them onto the ship. a coast guard spokewoman citizen the refugees are held on a
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cutter until they're interviewed by border patrol. finally this morning, what are the benefits to having famous musicians as friends? for one, bring your famous musician friends to work day. that's a real day. no, it's not. billy joel was playing when acdc singer brian johnson made a surprise appearance. next week maybe he brings on barry manilo. a girl can dream. >> kid rock in the orange room after this. >> really? >> why not. my connections with barry aren't great. >> what was that stumbling in that sentence? my, my, my -- >> let's check with the weather.
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what do we have next week? >> more cold. it is the first weekend of spring. we have the dip in the jet stream that's going to move in. this is going to set the stage for the cold air in place for a possible storm tuesday into wednesday. we've got the cold air and area of low pressure from the south. a closer track means more snow. a closer track means less snow. that's something we have to keep an eye on. time track tuesday and and the only storm we're seeing around the bay area unfortunately is the pollen storm which continues as the breezy and dry conditions kick off the weekend. toils and wednesday we'll see a chance of showers coming back to the bay area but the weekend forecast a chilly start this morning, noise finish to the day. 70s around san jose. mid-60s closer to san francisco and to the north bay highs in the low 70s. mid-70s around pleasanton and for the coast today patches of
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clouds and some drizzle at times around monterey. 50s and 60s out towards lake tahoe and reno. >> that is your latest forecast. erica? >> dylan, thanks. turning to the hopeful recov recovery and life changing surgery for a girl. we showed her last year. she was in a state of constant hunger. she had important surgery friday. doctors are encouraged. here's gabe gutierrez. >> this morning, alexis has a fresh start. >> hope has been the only thing that's gotten us through. >> friday in cincinnati, the 12-year-old was wheeled into the or for long a waited gastric bypass. an hour into the surgery, the unexpected, her liver too large
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to expand. >> what we do is remove just about 80% of the stomach. >> growing up near san antonio, alexis' smile used to be what people noticed. two and a half years ago she had a tumor removed that damaged the part of the brain that regulates wastes and hunger she always felt hungry. >> everyday life is a challenge for her. >> at 4'7", alexis weighed more than 200 pounds. doctors said she put on two pounds a week unless she had a gastric bypass. when the insurance company denied the request, alexis drew support from around the world. $84,000 raised online. >> the support has been amazing. >> perhaps more amazing, tri
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care reversed the decision. the spokesman said the initial request had no information indicating this patient had a rare kdisease. >> i hope this surgery will be a life changer for her. >> alexis is recovering. doctors expect her to lose most her weight over the next year. >> i think she'll have a new normal. >> hopeful news for the girl most hungry for the life she once had. >> for "today," nbc news atlanta. still to come, they call it march mad nness for a reason. if you're living with chronic migraine, your life is a game of chance. but what if the odds could be in your favor? botox® is an fda-approved treatment that significantly reduces headache days for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more.
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it's proven to actually prevent headache days. and it's injected by a doctor once every 3 months. the effects of botox® (onabotulinumtoxina) may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't take botox® if you have a skin infection. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. the dose of botox® is not the same as other botulinum toxins. put the odds on your side. visit and talk to a headache specialist. the intense ache made it hard to do the things that i wanted. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia -- thought to be the result of over-active nerves that cause chronic, widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief
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from fibromyalgia pain. so now, i can do more of the things i enjoy. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i'm feeling better with lyrica. ask your doctor if lyrica is right for your fibromyalgia pain. we need a new recipe. let us consult the scroll of infinite deliciousness. perfect. [ wisest kid ] campbell's has the recipes kids love. so good! [ wisest kid ] at [ gong ] m'm! m'm! good!
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well the first weekend of march madness isn't even over and the tournament is living up to its name. >> madness indeed. if you have a bracket, chance as are you see red lines through teams. underdogs proving the slippers still fit. >> you say good-bye to ohio state, duke and other top seeded teams. oh and because of upsets no one will win the billion that warren buffett promised for a perfect bracket. >> when the mercer university bears got the invitation to the big dance, few bracket watchers thought they'd put the moves on duke, sending the blue devils home of their first game. >> they're an outstanding team. >> man, what an amazing accomplishment they were able to get done today. >> while duke fans were
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heartbroken -- >> i feel my first love just broke up with me. >> i'm a carolina fan. today was so beautiful. i'm buying my family drinks. >> then headlines like this in the new yorker. millions of brackets were shattered on the opening day of the tournament when six seeded ohio state fell to 11 seed dayton. cinderella team harvard school cincinnati ended the bear cats championship dream. other notable upsets rks virginia common wealth lost to stephen austin, north dakota state sent oklahoma home from the dance. back at mercer, the fans were celebrating. in the tv studio, sam mitchell was in the dancing spirit too. >> this is what march madness is about really. >> celebrations are sweet.
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check out kevin doing a little dance to commemorate the win over duke. he's subtle. i like his moves are subtle. it's called the nana. moves off and on the court. you don't know carson was doing this right before we started. we were like so embarrassing, don't want to do that. >> i'm excited about being here as he was to win. >> it's the same level. he's done that before. still ahead, for movie "divergent," could it be the next
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transferred money from his before larry instantly bank of america savings account to his merrill edge retirement account. before he opened his first hot chocolate stand calling winter an "underserved season". and before he quit his friend's leaf-raking business for "not offering a 401k." larry knew the importance of preparing for retirement. that's why when the time came he counted on merrill edge to streamline his investing and help him plan for the road ahead. that's the power of streamlined connections. that's merrill edge and bank of america. good times happen] with100% naturally. and they're never, ever watered down.
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welcome to the art of fun, not the artificial. so grab a gogo, and enjoy the squeeze. we are gogo squeez. and we are more than just applesauce. we are awesome sauce! gogo squeez. 10 varieties, 100% fruit, applesauce on-the-go. suddenly you're a mouthbreather. well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than cold medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right.
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good morning to you. looking live at san jose and the skies starting to lighten up as we aroach the 6:30 part of the morning. thanks so much for joining us i'm kris sanchez along with rob mayeda who has a forecast that is cool to start and nice to finish. >> should be pretty nice. 47 degrees in san jose and around palo alto but chilly in the north bay. we'll start off in the south bay where you see numbers in the fri 40s. cold around atherton, and woodside 39 and closer to 50 as you get into san francisco. forest hills, though, about 45 degrees. east bay temperatures in the tri-valley with patchy low clouds, 47 in dublin. coolest locations in the north bay valleys waking up to some
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30s in petaluma and santa rosa. as we go through the day sunshine inland and low clouds hanging on from the shore line south towards santa cruz and the low clouds once again will be filling in this time tomorrow morning. the temperatures today pretty nil nice. close to 70 around the peninsula and mid-60s for san francisco and more 70s in the north and east bay valleys this afternoon. a developing story out of san francisco where officers are on administrative leave after an evening walk in the park turned deadly. known for its scenic views bernal heights park turned deadly, after a man was reported with a gun. when officers arrived they encountered the suspect and that's when the shooting happened. >> not absolutely sure what occurred up here but it does appear that he drew that weapon and officers responded and shot him. he's dead at the scene. >> police were able to recover a gun at the scene and we are told
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that chief greg sir will hold a community meeting next week in the bernal heights neighborhood addressing this officer involved shooting and any other concerns that residents might have. new this morning, another shooting in san francisco overnight has a man fighting for his life. police say they found a man shot in the torso at least once near the art academy at the intersection of sutter and taylor streets just after 2:00 this morning. they say he was shot by another man that jumped out of a silver mercedes. the victim who is in the hospital is in serious condition. no arrests so far. score one for the underdogs. the san mateo neighborhood is claiming victory this morning after forcing the closure of a 7-eleven store. the store on north san mateo drive opened two years ago but neighbors say it was too close to homes and brought traffic and crime to the area. and that led to a nearly two-year legal battle. it was later revealed that the city mistakenly approved a permit. the store is not in a properly zoned area for that kind of
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business so the store will close next week. coming up this morning on "today in the bay" emergency response times are getting faster. the changes coming to some peninsula cities to make sure that people get help when they need it. we've got all the rest of the day's news coming up at 7:00. right now, though, here's more of the "today" show.
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>> great trip to new york city. >> hey y'all. from louisiana, we want to say happy birthday to cocoa and jason. >> we sauw her there. march 22, 2014, spring is in the air. you can see couldn't be happier right here on rockefeller plaza. we're checking out great pictures all morning long. great looking crowd. >> that's quite the crowd there.
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>> a lot of requests for selfies with carson this morning. >> i'm going to go take some more. the next half hour, the important story for parents to pay attention to. we talk about dangers of kids posting everything on social media. a story this morning will have you thinking twice and monitorinmonito monitoring more. we'll tell you more. >> that was okay to post. coming up, have you seen this couple? that's the question justin timberlake is asking in the quest to find the man and woman that got engaged as his new song was playing. and i'm going to make you think about taking a walk around town in a new way. it's on the 30 days to a better you challenge. i'm going to have lunging,
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jumping, all that in no time. i always take about fitness. we're almost done with the 30 days. i've heard from people that have really got into it. >> you've inspired a lot of people. >> it was a lot of fun to do. >> we even heard from one of the anchors at our affiliate in kentucky siaying she loved it. >> i loved one tip a day. it's great. >> thank you. >> there you go. first let's get a check of the final weather with dylan. >> actually a beautiful day in new york city. temperatures get into the 60s. enjoy it while you can. it is not going to last. look at this cold plunge that's going to take hold in the northeast. 62 new york, 69 washington d.c. then watch what happens as we go into tomorrow. that cold air is going to start working in. we'll drop down by 10 degrees. monday, we'll drop down another 10 degrees. chicago should be 36 monday. 41 washington d.c., only 26
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degrees in buffalo. this cold is slowly easing in that cold air also bringing scattered showers to the southeast and snow showers back through the rockies. we will see the rain spread to the carolinas to sunday. that's behind the cold front cold air starts to settle in as well. snow showers in montana. it is bitter cold through the upper midwest and into well, at least by our standards a little chilly 30s and 40s in the north bay and the afternoon looking at highs in the low 70s from san jose south heading into morningen hill and mid-60s in san francisco and 72 in santa rosa and the warmest temperatures we'll see likely towards sunol and pleasanton with the highs in the mid-70s. for the coast low clouds and drizzle for monterey. chilly at 60. 67 in yosemites and 50s and 60s around lake tahoe. today's a top spot is
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perfect for this first weekend of spring. it comes from our affiliate wgmt. the annual cherry blossom festival with 300,000 cherry blossoms in full bloom. the overall theme, love, beauty, international friendship. speaking of that, benjamin, i hope you're watching. you're now officially invited to prom. carson and erica? >> great. awesome. thank you very much. now to the story about the dangers of social media and the lasting effect it could have especially for young people. >> a group of teens in loiall l land. >> it's not joust pareust pareng
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at these. what could have seemed like a good idea at the time could cause problems. we blurred the images but some you may still find disturbing. >> these are tweets from at li party stories. teens behaving badly, passed out, puking, not exactly what you want employers to see. >> the teenage brain is not developed. they're impulsed driven. everything is about the now. they don't term to think in terms of cause and effect. >> the account has been disabled. it wasn't hard to find photos still online. >> once it's there, it's there forever. >> it's a reality not all teens seem to understand. good and bad they're living their lives on the internet. >> everyone is in a pattern of documents what they do. it's like if you don't document
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it doesn't exist. >> long island teens aren't alone. a group of students in san diego were suspended after posting this twerking video. remember these images? former nfl player brian holloway caught 300 teens having a party in his house when they took to social media to share the photos. >> there were dangerous stuff going on up here. >> in that case, it was the homeowner and police that saw. others are looking too like potential employers or colleges. according to a 2012 study by kaplan, 27% of college admissions do google searches. 35% found posts and pictures that reflected poorly on candidates. posting pictures like these out there for eternity. >> you might think reaction to
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the scandal would be embarrassment. the teens were retweeting proud of the publicity. this is what i talk to my step kids about all the time. >> it's a dumb thing to do. they don't think about the future. >> i get that as robby said in your piece, it's hard for them to wrap their head around it. when people tell you about it literally everyday. how do you not get it? >> we were all young and dumb. >> they're proud of it. that's the sad part a. as you mentioned with the retweet. >> thank you very much. retweet. >> thank you very much. and up next, for paul ridley there's no substitute for advil. it's built to be as fast as it is strong retweet. >> thank you very much. and up next, and fights pain at the site of inflammation. and made for people like paul, who believe nothing should stop you from achieving your goals. not doubt. not fear. and definitely not back and shoulder pain.
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more than 50 times a day? so brighten your smile a healthy way with listerine® whitening plus restoring rinse. it's the only rinse that makes your teeth two shades whiter and two times stronger. ♪ listerine® whitening... power to your mouth. listerine® whitening... you see the "mini" ion my chest? funny, yes? no. i'm huge. flavor? i'm bursting with it. creamy? i ooze it. rich. creamy. and 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. we are back on a saturday morning with today's hollywood headlines. the new movie to hit theater this is weekend hoping to reach goals. will >> it might be an understatement
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to say expectations are high for "diver gent" the thriller to catapult careers. >> maybe your whole lives will change. >> it's hard really. >> diver gent is set in the future where society is divided into five factions based on traits like honesty and intelligence. the movie stays true to its source, a series of best selling books aimed at adults, a much more desired demographic that's hard to please. >> just because it's a best seller doesn't mean it automatically translates to movie franchise. it has predecessors, two mega hits. the "hunger games" movie earned
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$150 million in the first weekend and "twilight" also set the bar high for divergence. >> the studios are now officially green lighting a sequel which means hopes are high that diver gent won't divert from the path from the box office. >> diver gent has competition this weekend from the monuppets. we have that and other hollywood headlines. >> good to see you. >> they're both in the family drama ra. money mets most wanted $25 million. not really. four muppets have been pushing it everywhere. diver gent signs up for two more
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movies. they want this to be like a twilight franchise or hunger games. it's in the media blitz. miss piggy was here. we interviewed her. they've been everywhere. which do you want to see? >> i want to see diver gent. >> i'm going to see "frozen" for the 9 millionth time at my house. >> that's not a bad thing. >> "twielight" did $66 million. "hunger games" blew everything out of the water. it's getting compared because it started like jennifer laurence and independent role. next starts filming in may. let's get to the oscar moment with john travolta where he said her name quite off. he put out statements apologizing, sent her flowers.
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we're hearing from her what she had to say. >> she's on the cover and billboard. she is saying all is forgiven. before this, she wasn't necessarily a household name. now everybody is talking about her. she's going through a divorce now. people are talking about. >> ellen came out at the end of the performance and was like idina menzel ten times. >> she said i benefitted from it. everyone is saying my name. >> she benefitted correctly. justin timberlake is trying to track down a couple? >> he's trying to track down a couple using the #have you seen this couple. >> it appeared on a music video on ellen. a couple was proposing on the train to his song. >> the guy played the song holding it up.
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>> it's not a bad thing. he has film makers trying to find them. ellen is like, have you seen them? apparently it really happened. >> you think the couple would come right out. >> everybody is saying, was it a stunt? >> maybe they're waiting to get him to agree to sing at their wedding. >> something is happening. smart couple. speaking of couples. kid and c-- kim and can youkany cover they wanted. >> this couple does it. maybe he didn't beg anna personally. he told ryan seacrest to give her everything she deserves. she deserves the cover. this is a whole different level. when you've been on the cover of
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vogue, you're crossing over. >> she couldn't get in the vanity fair party. kanye was upset about weather. >> she was on the cover of vogue. that was the video of parity. they shot behind the scenes with their daughter. when she went there, it's next level. >> not too shabby. nice to see you as always. catch e news 7/6 central. erica, thank you. we're celebrating a big birthday from houston texas. i'll let you take it away. >> still to come on "today." 30 days to a better you. exercise in your own town could be good experience
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we're back now with 30 days to a better you. we're talking about how a tour at home can get you up and moving. >> for us, new york city is full of tourist attractions. time square, rockefeller plaza. >> there's a lot of places. i took a tour. >> what's the name of that building? a little geography earned and calories burned. the perfect offering in baltimore, one of the most physically inactive cities in the country. >> baltimore. >> big arms. >> this outdoor gym class is a city tour, elite city tours. >> keep pushing. perfect. >> for every landmark, there's a lung. >> erica, is this tour for
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mainly out of towners that want to get fit? >> absolutely not. you can be a tourist in your own town. >> a shuffle or crab walk. the mind and muscles working together in baltimore. 31% of the adult population is obe obese. one in ten is diabetic. >> my kids grab two bags of cheese chips because they're 50 cents. raspberries are $4. >> she makes a point to incorporate fitness into her daily curriculum. >> some give out jolly ranchers. i give out burpees. >> a group of teachers are getting ready to tour and test
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their vertical leading by example. >> this is the first structure in the inner harbor. anyone not know that? >> showing their students that same fit can be a good time. being a tourist in your own town can bring both a little zen and a lot of zest. >> all right. you can do a workout tour in your own town. start by taking three landmarks within a five block radius. library, ice cream parlor, who cares. do quick exercises at each stop. lungs, kicks, whatever it is. get your heart rate up and get a workout at the same time. i gave these guys the assignment to be a tourist in you're own town. did you do it? >> usually after dinner we
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retire to the couch. we decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. we've taken one walk after that photo. >> this will inspire you. >> yes. >> having a dog forces us to go out more. in central park you can go off leash before 9:00. i do the lungs while he is walking. i do lungs around the park. there's our little girl. >> we live not far from the dog beach. we took the scooter, skate board and took j man down for activity, four legs and two legs. >> we're back ♪ [ cellphones beeping ] ♪ [ cellphone rings ] hello? [ male announcer ] over 12,000 financial advisors. good, good. good. over $700 billion dollars in assets under care.
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[ rattling ] wanna see what's in it? yeah! whoagasp! whoagasp! whoagasp! you wanna make these? you put it in here? yeah, put it in there. ok, just press. i'm gonna give you some m&m's® to put in there. ok! ready? and then you wanna take this... ...put it together. shake it. [ giggles ] are you making them for the easter bunny? no, you. ahhhhh. [ female announcer ] this easter... bring a tradition... out of its shell. rice krispies®. i did it! you did! us on this saturday morning. tomorrow on "today," very important six seconds of fame.
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we're taking on vine. trying it. >> carson, nice to have you. >> thanks for having me. good morning, i'm kris sanchez. coming up next on "today in the bay" a deadly shooting at a san francisco park what happened between police and a suspect that led to gunfire. and the suspected child abuse of three northern california children by their own guardian. and bomb threats the school more than 1,000 miles away and how officers found the suspect in the east bay. [ female announcer ] it balances you...
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good morning to you. waking up in the south bay with a little bit of breeze you can see the trees swaying. it is a kind of chilly start to the day. thanks so much for joining us i'm kris sanchez along with meteorologist rob mayeda and chilly to start but you say nice to finish. >> should be pretty nice. and downtown san jose and you can see the hazy skies from the east bay over towards san
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francisco and some locations downright chilly, los gatos to 41 degrees and 46 in san jose and east bay temperatures mostly in the mid-40s. dublin, 47, but the north bay waking up to some 30s this morning from lacks spur up towards santa rosa and calistoga for the morning. and the coast low clouds mist around at times and the clouds will spill inland by 7:00 this evening. and your travel forecast the coast is chilly, and yosemite 67 drotion and snow is back in the seven-day forecast for the sierra and the rain coming back. and we'll let you know the timing in the full forecast. we begin with a developing story out of san francisco this morning where officers are a administrative leave after an evening walk in the park turns deadly. bernal heights park was with a scenic view became a crime scene after people reported a man with a gun around 7:00.
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