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tv   Today  NBC  April 3, 2014 2:07am-3:01am PDT

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live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hi everybody. it's "winesday wednesday," april 2nd. hoda is losing it. we're all wearing blue to support autism awareness day. >> we have breaking news on our program. it's going to be heartbreaking for a lot of people out there especially in the washington, metropolitan area. the meat market. >> yes. another wedding on our today family. willard scott and his longtime
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partner paris tied the knot. isn't that lovely? >> they dated 11 years. married in fort myers. when asked what honeymoon plans are, she says our whole life has been a honeymoon. >> he spoke about his wife that died in 2002. he loved her. it's so terrific when you've had a great love in your life and at 80 years old you announce it again. >> first time i was ever on television it was with willard scott. i was nine years old in washington d.c. >> remember when you came up to him recently in the makeup room? >> it's not a good time to tell that story. people think we're feuding about yesterday. >> i finally said something after six years. >> and sent my mother to the hospital. >> i went after her. >> thank you.
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>> that was not me. >> yes, it was. >> i don't know if my mom has a tv on. she was rushed to the hospital last night. i send you my love. if you need me, i'm coming. better take good care of my mother down there or you'll hear about it. if you enjoy the "lion king" you'll love this. imagine sitting on a flight and get this treat. the entire cast of "lion king" break out in the performance of circle of life. take a listen. ♪ ♪ ♪ it's the circle of life ♪ >> where is he? apparently there's one guy that
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wasn't into it. >> he's in the back. >> that would be -- i would love that. by the way, speaking of music, i went to see beautiful for the fourth thyme. that's the carol king musical. they're like, what are you doing here again? i can't help it. >> i had a guy come nine times to see one. we were there ten days and he came nine times. happy 92nd birthday to jimmy speaking of broadway. couldn't make his birthday the other night. i've got the neck from [ bleep ] right now. >> some people have it. tell them. >> are you a member of the mile high club? >> if you know what it is, you might be. it's something that happens when you're up on a plane, with someone -- you don't have to
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love them, someone you care about sort of. >> i always had to. i don't know about you. >> any way, how many times have you done it up there? >> here's the thing. an la entrepreneur decided to make money off this concept and created the love cloud. it's an airplane specifically made for people to have their mile high moment. okay. so they have a bed. and it's all equipped -- >> that's cheesy. >> what are you talking about? >> that's pretty. any way they have music. i guess the pilot wears noise cancelling headphones when flying. >> how do we know that? >> i don't believe it. >> $799 for 40 minutes. here's the thing about the mile high club for those of you who are in it. the whole point of the mile club is the -- >> danger. >> secretive, no one knows it's happening. that's the magic. >> supposedly this guy is booked through may. >> if you're in the air and everybody knows that's what is
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for, what goes on? >> i don't know what the thrill is. it's beyond me. there's a market for absolutely everything. this guy has given a half dozen flights so far. i bet he has. this is important. there's a professional cleaning service after each trip. >> all right. let's talk about "the voice." this is always fun. battle rounds were last night. battle round one from blake. ♪ this is a man's world ♪ ♪ but it wouldn't be nothing ♪ this is a man's world
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>> no she's about to prove it's a woman's. >> she just proved it's a woman's world. >> who did blake pick? >> blake picked sisaundra. biff went home. >> he was very good too. why didn't he pick biff -- >> because you pick -- >> i know. morgan versus stevie jo. stevie jo is in the red pants. ♪ story of my life ♪ i spend her love until she's broke inside ♪ ♪ the story of my life ♪ story of my life
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♪ story of my life ♪ story of my life >> okay they sound exactly the same. >> i can't see who's in the red pants. >> stevie joe is in the red pants. >> the one that looked more like a rock star than the other guy. >> i pick the guy with the pony tail. you picked the other one. who won? >> i pick stevie joe. >> stevie moves on to playoffs representing team usher. >> which is stevie? >> in the red pants. >> morgan is available to steal. >> morgan everybody.
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best of luck to you. >> he wasn't picked? i still want to know what's with usher's hat. >> something is about to happen. >> can you do that after the time is up? okay. that was exciting. >> they're milking it aren't they? >> that's the feeling of it's over and then not over. excellent. like willard is feeling. >> it's now hence forth to be known as a willard moment. we have a big thing happening. >> we do. american express is sponsoring everyday moments. the kickoff to an american express contest for the epic get away. >> you submit photos of your mom inspired everyday moments. >> what does that mean exactly? >> photos like this one when your child -- when you give your child bananas and he uses them as hair gel. >> today is peanut butter and jelly day. what can a person win?
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>> a trip to new york city with your best friend with lots of events like a private maroon 5 concert. >> private? go to our website to find out. >> this is a big day. peanut putter and jelly day. this is also national child abuse prevention month. today is child health national day of hope. i used to go every year. it's when we remember that now five children a day die of either abuse or neglect. when i first started working with sarah, i think there were two for children -- these statistics go in the wrong direction. they've been doing child care, child health for 55 years. they think it's 9 million children they have saved in that amount of time. so just get involved if you can. if you see something, do something about it.
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coming up, he hit number one with his latest hit. he's sing for us. frankie is here. are of people's stressful lives starting to stress you out? >> we have that and how to avoid it. >> maybe that's what's wrong with my neck. i'm not stressed.
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hey kevin...still eating chalk for hearburn? yea. try alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heart burn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. alka-seltzer fruit chews. enjoy the relief! all right. does this sound familiar? your husband comes home from work complaining about his job. your friend calls you just to vent. >> while you're lending an ear, you know stress is contagious.
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they could be spreading theirs to you. >> take a look at this scene from friends when rachel starts to stress about planning monica's shower. >> we can't do this by friday. we have to find a place, invite people, get food. we cannot do it. we cannot do it. >> rachel, calm down. >> you're right. i'm sorry. >> calm down woman. >> i already did. >> then i need to calm down. >> i love that show. it's true. >> here our stress management expert and jonathan alpert author of "be fearless and change". >> it is contagious. >> joy is, the opposite. >> that's a good point. it is totally contagious. we are programmed for that because it saves us. if one of us is stressed we need
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to feel that to know how to protect ourselves. >> here's an example. you're at a dinner table at a restaurant. one person realizes how late the food is. everyone is just talking. suddenly everyone gets jacked up going where's the waiter, what's taking so long? >> that's a good point. this winter, everyone talking about how cold it was and start add asking when is the winter going to end? >> that's a chemical thing in people. i have it. it did last much longer than usual. so how do we counter act dr. >> bringing attention to it is part of the problem. bring attention to things that make you stronger and build resilience. i call it space suit you put on when around people that are toxic and bring you down. make your boundaries and keep yourself whole inside there.
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>> i feel if you see someone in stress you immediately stress for them. >> that's how we're programmed to do that. that's how we relate and connect to people. if you're with someone who's complaining about their job or relationship, listen, be em pathetic but try to direct them to a more positive place. they don't want to hear it, but they're reinforcing the negativity. >> what if it's not a friend you can avoid but a family member? you're basically stuck with that individual. >> family is different. redirect them, be em pathetic, be supportive. maybe ask, have you thought about doing xyz. by doing that you show support and love. >> should you push -- you can't push family members out -- but other people constantly stressing you out. is it best to say i'm shutting this down because i know how i feel around these people?
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>> there's a point of surrounding people that support our life. if you have a choice, if it's not your best family member or someone -- your boss or someone you have to encounter, there's a point to limiting activity with that person. proactively set your boundaries and say i know this person triggers me. i'm going to take a breath, take care of myself. >> they say you attract what's in you. >> people most vulnerable can't take care of their own needs and put everyone else's ahead of their own. these are people pleasers. >> i just pray. i find that works. >> that's important. that's going to the bigger picture. >> it's too big, and i can't deal with it. here you go. >> that's one of the best stress management tips. >> thanks guys so much. thank you.
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from sewing to folding. now i'm starting to feel stressed. home ec basics you should know. we have the talented song writer and singer roslyn streisand right after this. >> yea. a relaxing trip to florida. you know? just to unwind. but we can only afford one trip this year, and his high school reunion is coming up in seattle. everyone's going. then we heard about hotwire... and realized we could actually afford to take both trips. [woman] see, when really nice hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so we got our 4-star hotels for half price. i should have been voted "most likely to travel." ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ save big on car rentals too, from $11.95 a day. the girl's field hockey practice was a mudfest. the showers get trashed, let's bubble! mega shower foamer stays where you spray with ultra cling technology. wide angle spray covers more of the mess! that's nice teamwork! we work hard so you don't have to.
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roslyn got the performing bug early. just two months after high school she recorded her first album. >> she's been entertaining every since and joined her sister barbra streisand. the first time the siblings ever sang together publicly. >> now she's back in new york on a solo tour. >> she's going to be in the great room called 54 below. used to be studio 54. >> exactly.
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>> so nice to meet you. >> you're adorable. >> you're gorgeous. does everybody know you're barbra streisand's sister? >> most do. people hit me up on the street and say my god you sound just like her. this cute waiter came over to me and said you look like streisand. i noticed with the check he didn't charge me for my vegetables. i said sweetheart you didn't charge me. he said i didn't because i felt like a fool. when everybody came in earlier they were told you were going to be here. they were prepped. he didn't know because he was late. i said that's nothing to be embarrassed of. >> that's an incredible compliment when someone says you sound like barbra streisand. for once i would love that. have there been times it was frustrating for you?
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you are uniquely beautiful and talented on your own. >> the beginning was stressful. you want to be successful for who you are. even though you're a sibling, we are unique to ourselves. >> you are very similar to your singing. your mannerisms and your nails. >> the important thing. >> your mom was a singer right? >> yes, our mom had a beautiful voice. she never went after it. >> she didn't encourage you either? >> no. i was supposed to go into the school system. my mother was a school secretary. i was going to be a math teacher. in seventh and eighth grade i used to mark the teacher's papers. >> do you have purple in your hair? >> yeah. >> look how cool.
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roslyn is not just kind, she's cool. >> what kind of songs are you going to sing? >> many things. standards, show tunes. >> going to mix it up? >> yeah. >> you've got to. >> inside of me i'm more than one song, one person. >> do you like happy days? >> i like it, but i'm not going to sing it. >> that's a famous duet she did. >> trying to get you to sing something. i know. >> she saves her voice. she's wise to do that. can't blame us for trying. see roslyn at 54 below here in new york april 26th. >> thank you for coming on the show. >> glad to be here. thanks for having me. we're going to play a mad
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version of "who knew." that's coming up. >> are you excited? >> no, i'm mad.
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we are back with more of "today" on this winesday sassandra ready to play our trivia game we call "who knew." we are getting in on march madness. even though it's april. testing your knowledge of all things mad. okay. kathie lee is across the street at the experience store. she's going to hand out $100 to anyone that gets the questions right. to those that don't, they get the kathie lee cd. how lucky are they? >> here to help me, michelle tan. >> this is this adorable boy's 13th day boy. this is his mom. this weekend marks the culmination of march madness.
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which of the following teams is not playing for the championship? the florida gators, connecticut huskies, michigan state spartans or kentucky wild cats? >> c, the spartans. >> yes. >> yes, indeed. $100 for her. they are out out. >> university of connecticut took them out. uconn takes on florida. they have not lost a game since december 2nd. rounding out is connecticut versus wisconsin. >> that's exciting. a cinderella story there. let's go across to kathie. >> another birthday girl, this time from tennessee. what were the that i means of the characters played by paul reiser and helen hunt? >> i'm going to say d.
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>> oh stop it. >> that is a tony nomination baby. enjoy. >> the answer is paul and jamie. >> mad about you was a popular series. it chronicled the recently married couple here in new york city. it has won four golden globes. >> back across to kathie. >> the tv series "mad men" is set in the late 1960s and centered around -- you tell me. >> a television network. >> no. not everybody watches "mad men." okay. >> so sad. all right. the correct answer is advertising agency. >> that's right. mad men is returning for it's final season on sunday april 13th. fans are anxious to see what happens. we've been focussing on this ad agency.
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fans are anxious to see what happens in this final chapter. back to kathie. >> anoth tennessee lady. in 195, leonard stern created the word game "mad libs" while he was -- >> who would know this? probably not you. what do you think? >> a? >> yes. >> oh my god. that was unbelievable. >> all right. so the tv show the honeymooners-- >> this is a great story. who doesn't love "mad libs" ? he was coming up with a word to describe the nose on the show. his friend was throwing out random adjectives. >> another birthday? yes, she's 18 today. in "alice in wonder land" what kind of party does the mad hatter throw?
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>> tea party. >> yes. >> kat, i bet i can guess her name. her name is meg. >> how do you know that hoda? >> i know everything. >> all right so that was the right answer, tea party. >> that's right. the original novel in 1865. it's been a huge and timeless classic. that was the animated movie in 1950 and recent movie in 2010 that starred johnny depp as the mad hatter. >> you want to know how i knew her name was meg? >> how? >> i saw her on the plaza and already sang happy birthday to her. >> you get around baby. >> thank you everybody. we've got the best selling author. the things you learn on our show like how to fold a fitted sheet. all right. another simple skill after this.
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hey kevin...still eating chalk for hearburn? yea. try alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heart burn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. alka-seltzer fruit chews. enjoy the relief!
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all right. home economics may bring memories of high school. if it's been that long, you're about to get a refresher course. >> we asked where you needed to brush up on skills? we found it for you. >> stephanie is real simple negotiate. >> so these are basic things we might need a refresher course on. shall we get started? >> absolutely. i'm going to show techniques to mend your garments. first place to start threading the needle.
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it seems simple but is sometimes challenging. the trick is to cut. >> without my glasses it doesn't matter. i've sewed all my life, have sewn all my life. >> cut the thread at an angle. lick the thread. put it through the eye of the needle. >> it's unsanitary. >> there are also tools you can use, basic supplies at sewing supply store to help you thread it threw. >> buy glasses before you try. >> understand you have the needle threaded -- you want to replace a button. the key is coat your thread in bees wax. look for a gadget like this. take your thread, run it through. >> what does that do? >> puts bees wax on your thread more stability so your button
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won't fall off. you can use a candle at home if you don't have this. >> or lip gloss. just kidding. >> next you cut off tags on your shirt and accidentally cut the fabric. you have a hole in your shirt. this is called interfacing. one side has a dried glue. put that on the wrong side of your shirt. the iron activates it it stays in place. then you can do a zigzag switch to keep it in. next is hemming pants. keep the distressed hem on you're jeans. flip your hem up. you've got the fold. sew around the inside. >> then pull it back down.
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once you've flown, you have that original hem. >> so good. i wasn't for this segment, but now i am. >> this is something everyone has been asking about. how do you fold a fitting sheet? it's not easy. the lady at people's magazine asked me. i said i don't know. >> it's about the corners. fold your sheet horizontally. put my finger in, stick it in the bottom. make a pocket. do that with both corners. if you have the gathered edges, tuck those under. make a square like a sheet. bring this side up to other corners. >> wow. >> what are you talking about? fitted sheets look like wads in your closet. >> my father was in the navy. he taught me to do sheets.
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>> that's awesome. >> very well done. let's do the pink one now. >> now for towels, save up to 30% of your drawer space by rolling towels like t-shirts. >> also when you pack your clothes. >> as we're rolling we have to scoot down. thank you so much. >> all right chef. >> we are learning to measure things correctly and follow recipes right. first thing, people don't know how much pasta to make for how many people. we have this intention you open it upper person. you stick it in there. >> one of those is a real pig. >> what i do, it's good. >> so rice. a lot of people get nervous about how much rice to do, cooked before or not. if it says cooked before the rice, cook it then measure it. if it doesn't, measure rice or pasta, anything dry, just raw like that with a cup. okay?
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so if you have an egg and want to split in half. you first crack it. how do you split in half if the recipe calls to measure it. whisk it up. look at it and eye it. >> we've got to run. thank you so much. okay he's graced the stage with taylor swift and kenny chesney. >> now he's taking our stage. frankie ballard is right after this.
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hey kevin...still eating chalk for hearburn? yea. try alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heart burn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. alka-seltzer fruit chews.
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enjoy the relief!
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imagine spending your whole life living in fear the man that killed your husband would be back for you and your child. that's a taste of what's to come in the latest thriller by best selling author mary higgins clark, of "i've got you under my skin." >> good morning mary. is this your 33rd? >> 45th total. >> 33rd thriller? >> five with the memoir and other things. >> did the ideas keep coming by the way? >> fortunately. >> you like to write about the city called manhattan very much. you always have our favorite restaurant in it, jimmy's. >> jimmy's is part of the book. there's always at least a two
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page scene there. >> this one is shorter. i did read this book. it is fun. he got the short in this one. you'll make it up in the next one. >> he's in. the waitress is in. a plot point is in. >> there you go. where do ideas come from? you're such a nice human being. how do you come up with these plots? >> i read a lot of crimes. >> real life ones. >> real life crimes. i've gotten several from the post, page three. just the dna of it. not about those people. >> dna has change everything in a sense. so many crimes are solved that would otherwise be a mystery. >> i've never had a series except in the series carol and i do together.
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>> i see. every time we turn around you have another book. how quick do you write these? you write quickly don't you? >> my contract has been to do one a year for years. the minute i get this out of my soul -- >> you start the next? >> michael says let's have lunch and talk plot. >> do you write them long hand or on the computer? >> this year i had shingles and my hand was weak. i wrote them long hand. >> wow. >> that's a little harder than it used to be. >> no kidding. >> she keeps turning them out. this is so much fun. hate to say this, i had my shingles vaccine yesterday. over 60, you have to get it apparently. >> i had it two years ago. >> that's not good news. >> mary, thank you. >> it was only about 65% of people with the shot don't get shingles.
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>> good luck with that kathie. >> thank you so much. more good news. suspense is over. frankie ballard sings us a hit. >> this is "today" on nbc. ♪
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the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. >> he has toured the nation with super stars like kenny chesney and taylor swift. he has a new single about the story of hoda's life. >> it's called "helluva life." ten years you were playing in honky tonks. you don't look old enough. >> how old are you by the way? >> 31. >> all right.
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now that you're a country star, how does that feel? >> i'm still working on it. i'm so blessed to have this song we're going to play for you. >> when you first heard it, did you know this was going to be you're number one? >> i hoped. people made this song their own. the lyrics, attached their own stories and journeys. >> sing what you know about honey. with whisky and women. let's hear it. ♪ saturday night and a six pack girl ♪ ♪ big stars shining on a big town world ♪ ♪ it's a helluva life ♪ it's a helluva life ♪ kc lights on a dirt road dancing ♪ ♪ it's a helluva life ♪ it's a helluva life
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♪ buy gas and long neck bottles ♪ ♪ barefoot country girl swinging ♪ ♪ a song playing on the radio station ♪ ♪ bad times make the good times better ♪ ♪ look in her eyes and you're gone forever ♪ ♪ on a helluva life ♪ something about the night girl ♪ ♪ you got the right girl sitting beside you looking at the sky ♪ ♪ here we are all i know is ♪ pennies make dimes and dimes make ♪
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♪ buy gas and long neck bottles ♪ ♪ the song is playing and the world start as fading ♪ look in her eyes and you're gone forever ♪ ♪ on a helluva life it's a helluva life ♪ if you got the right girl sitting right beside you looking at the sky ♪ ♪ thinking about why we're here and where we're going ♪
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♪ all i know is pennies make dimes ♪ ♪ dimes make ♪ song that's playing ♪ perfect combination ♪ bad times make the good times better ♪ ♪ look in her eyes and you're gone ♪ ♪ it's a helluva life ♪ it's a helluva life ♪ ♪ it's a helluva life ♪ >> whoa. thank you. good for you hun. >> tomorrow guess who we've got? >> idina menzel >> is that her real name?
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have a great winesday wednesday everybody. see yo here to help. will get through this together. ♪


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