tv Today NBC April 23, 2014 2:07am-3:01am PDT
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from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hello, everybody. welcome to booze day tuesday, april 22nd, 2014. happy earth day. >> oh, yes. >> we are recycling today with danny seo. should be interesting. >> we're going to help you drop a dress size by memorial day. we're all trying to do that. >> yeah. i don't ever want to do anything madelyn says to do. and 31 days to become a happy wife.
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you can still take the test on and press the connect button. >> you have about 15 minutes. >> this person is a happy wife. >> in knoxville, tennessee, something funny happened on our nbc affiliate. we love everybody in knoxville. wbir. they got a surprise. they brought some rabbits on the set. it was easter. rabbits do what rabbits do, don't they? >> they can be up here but -- you've got to stop that. let's go to the -- >> we will announce the third rabbit's name in nine months. >> it is a weird -- bambino likes that position too. i got to be honest. but -- i love it, the animal on the receiving end never seems to care. >> doesn't care, yawning. and stretching. >> we can't tell if this is -- >> it is for real. no, it's real.
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we have confirmed it. >> okay. >> this is real. you're not going to believe this. how many times have you seen is it an ape or baboon, the coolest ape, roasting marshmallows. >> we know he's a primate. >> called primate clank of the kingdoms. this ape started a fire. >> named kenzie. >> lit the match. of course he did. look how calm. and kenzie has a trainer. so this is all documented. now, oh, yeah. okay. and then the fire. >> i know. people are cynical. >> the trainers say this is what -- look at his lips. already has the marshmallow on it. >> he knows to be careful because it is hot. you know what i wanted so much -- can i just say, i wanted -- what? >> no, go ahead. >> i wanted him to pull back and have two other apes, one of them playing the guitar and one of
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them -- the music was, like, they're all in this together saying kumbaya. >> it is real, though. we keep saying -- it is real. it is totally real. the trainers say this is not first time kenzie has done this. he often skewers marshmallows, puts them on a fire and -- >> he's been able to light a campfire and roast marshmallows without assistance for a while now. but i don't think it's good for his teeth. >> i don't either. and also for the forest fires. >> you can't have apes just going around starting forest fires. >> i bet you're right. >> there is a style war. >> it is bad. >> smackdown between kate middleton, the duchess, and mindy -- >> kalin. kate was spotted in an lk bennett dress. just so happened that mindy wore that dress on her show "the mindy project". >> first. >> yes.
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so mindy decided she was going to instagram it. this was the caption. miss duchess, whoever, i wore this dress last week. what's next? my doughnut print pajama bottoms? come on. >> she's adorable. >> mindy, yeah, yeah, yeah. we haven't seen any of these. this is fun for us to see them when you see them. >> miss america's got talent, china has their own version. prince george, who we love -- >> we don't have video of him today. >> he may have competition. a 3-year-old, this kid is just 3, showed off some cool dance moves. let's take a look. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> hard to believe he's 3. >> who was the guy from south korea who had the huge hit? i wonder if he was like that as a kid. >> this is very gangnam style -- yeah. this is very sophisticated choreography for a 3-year-old. the reason he changed it up is that the judges had remotes in their hands, every time they were done they would click it and the kid would have to do another -- >> look how fast his mind worked. >> he was adorable. have you ever had a dollar in your hand and then you picked up a bag and picked something else up and you just wanted to -- you didn't have an extra hand to keep your dollar so you put it in your mouth. >> i can't remember doing that. my mother put the fear of
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everything when i was little. money is the dirtiest thing on the planet. >> money is dirty. while you've been at the checkout counter and trying to find an extra ten and reach in your bag and -- anyway, 3,000 types of bacteria on $1 bills. you know what they can cause? >> acne. >> gastric ulcers, pneumonia, food poisoning and staph infections. >> that is so -- >> that's by noon. >> microbiologists found that about 6% of english -- >> at levels of e. coli on it that is comparable to a toilet seat. >> not american money. >> her's the thing. you're holding it your hand, you're putting your hand on your eye, you're getting it all over you, anyway. whatever is on there. >> why are we talking about this? >> wanted to let you know it's gross. >> i already knew this. crazy facts about sleep. sleepies is educating us on crazy sleep facts.
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>> as a new parent, new parents lose in one year's time almost 44 days of sleep. in one year. think about how many hours. and this is interesting. most people dream in color, but there are 12% of the people who actually dream in black and white. >> you know what, i thought -- >> yeah. >> you look good, hod. >> so do you. >> i like black and white. >> i look younger. >> skinnier. >> you know the crazy thing that nobody tells you and nobody warns you, that that's not going to be your worst time for sleeping. >> when is your worst time? >> now? >> my kids have been home for the easter holiday. they sleep just fine. they're off, they're great. now that frank and i are at a certain point in life, i probably lose three months of sleeping now between the snoring, which i thought was all solved but it's not. and the getting up for the bathroom that happens a lot more as you get older, babies are
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easier than husbands. >> so what do you do? what happens when he snores? >> i would have gotten up and gone into cassidy's bedroom but cassidy was there. >> i think a lot of people sleep separately. >> that signify it's over. >> no, it doesn't. it signifies you need rest. >> oh, i really did have a fantasy a couple months ago of taking the extra pillow and smothering him. i did. i admitted it on my podcast. i was so mad. i admitted it to him the next morning. >> wanted to cover up his face with your pillow? >> well, women, by the way, need one extra hour of sleep than men do. >> we need more. nothing's fair. >> some people, though, no matter what's on their mind, they can close their eyes, turn it off -- >> and get up, go to the bathroom, do whatever, and come back and right away. >> here's another reason why you are losing sleep according to another study. people are binge watching tv.
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now you can watch on netflix all of the -- >> that's what i should do. >> you should. they have all the great shows on. "veep" is on. >> hoda can't stop talking about it. >> i can't repeat any of it. it is so funny. you have to watch tonight. i watched three episodes yesterday and rewound them and was watching them again. i thought i should watch nightly so i can be smart for a minute. and i went back. i couldn't stop. it was so good. 82% admit binge watching late at night is keeping them up because -- >> that's what people do. >> -- that's what happens. >> yesterday we discussed the open letter that kim novak wrote ant being bullied. we asked you what you thought. >> you remember her picture before and her picture after. people hadn't seen her in many, many years, she called it bullying and the majority of people on the facebook page agreed, they said yes, it was bullying. >> so we wondered what the actual dictionary version is, to
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frighten, hurt, or threaten a smaller or weaker person. >> smaller or weaker. >> back to that one more time. that's interesting. to frighten, nobody tried to frighten her, i don't think. to hurt, yes. cruelty hurts. or threaten. one of them. one out of the three. i guess smaller or weaker -- i always thought it was over a period of time as well. but that doesn't mention that. and i think cruelty -- >> yeah. i think when you are -- i think people see it -- they have difficulty seeing a movie star or a celebrity being bullied because they're not weaker, they have power, they have a bigger voice than everyone else does, if someone says something terrible, it is like, so what, but i feel bad for her. they really hurt her feelings. >> yeah. the world changed so much as we talked yesterday from the time she was a big movie star, when there was a few magazines out that, you know, airbrushed all kinds of things and stories and social media changed absolutely everything. and not one person whether
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you're famous or not should ever go out of your own home without thinking you're going to show up some place, some how. >> i know. and i think you have to kind of harden yourself around it. i think if you ingested every single thing that somebody said that was unkind -- >> thicken up. >> it is green week. >> you know what this is? >> an eco bone. a environmentally friendly way to play with your pets. >> don't do that. you know why? the tv is on at my house. and blake -- it makes him crazy. honestly, it makes him crazy. don't do it. he'll be barking up in his crate. he hears that sound -- >> oh. that one? >> stop it. >> they're made of 85% reengineered, recycled fibers. >> the squeaker is in the middle. it is bambiko. >> $9.50. that's adorable. >> do you want to drop a dress size by memorial day? >> get in your thong. >> yes. >> we'll get you fit in five weeks so join in. and a happy wife is a happy life.
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more and more women are doing it all and having it all, or are they? a successful career, a couple of kids, great husband. >> in the hustle and bustle of it all, it is easy for your marriage to take a back seat and you have to stop and ask yourself -- >> are you happy? >> arlene pellicane is the author of "31 days to becoming a happy wife." >> we asked her to bring along her apparently fantastic husband to weigh in. so nice to have the two of you. >> 15 years of marriage, three children. and you're happy. >> i am very happy. yes. >> and are you happy, james?
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>> i am happy. >> early on in your book you talk about how you had to learn your happiness is not going to come from him. >> right. >> explain that a little bit. >> many times we think, i married the right guy, he'll make me happy, he'll say the right things, he'll comfort me when i need it, he'll do everything perfectly and he doesn't do those things and you're so disappointed because you didn't marry a mind reader. so what are you going to choose? how much responsibility will you take for your own happiness? >> i can only imagine it really was that way, you were that man, that knight in shining armor. did she explain to you something was changing? >> we figured it out like every other couple. one thing we did right from the get go is we fought fair. >> you did? >> never raised your voice, you said, never wanted it to get out of hand. >> you said that didn't work. >> it didn't work. i didn't see it very productive. i decided to do it a little bit different. >> you're pointing out some
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things that i think are unique in your book. what was the biggest takeaway your readers said, wow, i didn't think about that. >> one, there is no ceiling on joy and happiness. i had people pick it up and say i'm happy, should i still look at this and then read it and realize, i didn't -- i've been underappreciating that about my marriage and there is more joy to take away there. and i think the thing to look at is, hey, this isn't as bad as we think it is. many times we're complaining and we look at the negative things instead of looking at what is right about this relationship. >> and what you think is what you do and what you are. you talk a lot about control issues. and that's always a little bit of a -- a red herring because people -- women don't want to be door mats. don't want to be -- word submissive sets people off like crazy. >> who drives? >> he drives. it's no fun if i drive. do you see the red light. why are you accelerating to the red light? he drives.
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>> and what about in most things? >> exactly. i would say primarily james, but the way i view it is the driving allegory really works, if you're on a freeway and yielding to the traffic and it is not because that car is better than this car, we want order. we don't want chaos. and so he's a very good listener, so i feel like i'm heard, i'm understood and can move forward on our decisions. >> something you also share is a spiritual basis for your relationship. and so that gives you a place, always something bigger than you that you're accountable to. how important is that for the two of you and how important is it to most people, would you say? >> being -- having a faith in god is huge for us because we can go back to say, hey, what -- not just how are you acting, but i'm doing this to god, and i'm accountable for my own actions, not just his. that gives a lot. god gives you hope and strength when you really need it. >> there are basic things too that couples can do.
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a lot of us are on our mobile devices. you have basic stuff, like put those away. >> have more face time together. i would be on the computer after the kids are gone to bed. turn it off. >> do you listen to each other when you say that? >> we do. you're, like, you're right, that's good for the marriage, i need to turn this off. >> and be more playful in intimate situations is one of them. can't do that unless you turn off your mobile device. >> hello. >> and what are a couple more? >> stop comparing yourself to other couples, don't look at the other person, well, he did this and she seems happy. you don't know. don't compare yourself like that. and be creative. have a plan. do something purposeful as a wife. many people have goals in their career, with their kids, what about your marriage? what is new on your marriage resume in the last three years. >> a great book. easy to read, great takeaway, you know, little prayers at the end of each chapter. it is a great read.
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>> sweet. congratulations. >> thanks. thank you for coming to see us. any day without a mug shot in the family is a good day. grab the second cup of coffee. we have a full -- actually, fun brain teaser that will perk you right up. will you be able to guess the answer? i got it wrong. and from curb appeal to home inspections, the three rules to follow if you're buying and three rules to know if you're selling a house. first, these messages. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know bad news doesn't always travel fast? (clears throat) hi mister tompkins. todd? you're fired. well, gotta run. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. avthis is megan's gym. for those who believe serious exercise doesn't have to feel so serious.
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>> that's right. >> here's how it works. we're about to put a sentence on the screen. once it appears, you have five seconds to count the number of fs in the sentence. >> okay. start the clock. the sentence is brain game for improving functions of the brain are the result of scientific study combined with years of experience. count the fs. >> that's it. >> all right, want the answer? wait until after the break. >> how many fs were there? coming up, also, rules to live by. if you ever plan on selling your house. and the one thing you need before you buy one. >> and madelyn fernstrom helps you drop a dress size by memorial day.
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correct. if you answered four or five, it's because your brain likes to take short cuts and probably took the fs that sound like f and ignored the ones that sounded like v. a lot of people didn't count the ofs, that's why they didn't get the fs. >> you can find more brain teasers at we found two ladies who want to get fit, beverly kelsey is here. >> 36-year-old mother of three who says she's ready to lose the baby weight once and for all and wants to lose those sweat pants. >> that's right. and luanne yost is a 51-year-old real estate appraiser from pennsylvania who is ready to get her diet in check. after years of yo-yo dieting. coaching them along is madelyn fernstrom. >> so, ladies, it has been an up and down road for both of you and you're done, you're ready.
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>> yes. >> motivated. >> you got your slickers on. which is very flattering. >> and the goal of this is, we're not talking so much about weight. it is more about getting into the dress. doesn't take a lot. it is a reasonable goal. so beverly brought along this lovely dress she is trying to get into. and luanne brought what everyone has, little black dress. >> love it. >> so this is really our goal the next two weeks. everybody knows what to do. people don't know how to do it. we're going to -- >> what are we talking poundswise? >> a dress size can be anywhere depend upon your size, anywhere from 6 to 10 pounds. are these -- were these in your closets or did you buy them and you want to get into them? >> i had mine for three years. i wore it once, so i would really like to get back in and have it look presentable. >> i'm a mom of three little ones, so i didn't have dresses anymore. i noticed for the segment i didn't have dresses anymore i got a nice one i really want to
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try to fit into. >> that's cute. >> we're going to team up. i'm team beverly. >> i'm team luanne. >> we start with some things that are trigger foods for these two ladies. it is always the things that are harder for us to resist that can bring us down. we'll test your knowledge. >> where are we -- >> you stand by your girl and we're going to go from start to finish. >> okay. >> we're ready. >> question one. focus on candy. >> come here. >> you guys are here. i'll sit on the side. >> there's an idea, madelyn. which one must be beaten because it has more fat for the same size serving, the two fun si peanut buttercups or caramel nut bars? >> we won! >> 20% more fat. >> okay. all right. >> i can't see with these things.
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>> now, the baked goods. >> these two. >> these two. >> which one must be beaten because it has the highest sugar? >> oh, okay. >> the cupcake got it because the brownie has more fat. >> which one of these snacks must be beaten because it has more fat per serving. >> get in here. get in here. it is the egg roll! >> yea. >> i wanted one of those. >> what the heck? >> frozen treats. which one of these frozen treats must you beat because it has higher calories than the other? ice cream sandwich or two of these popsicles? >> two of them? >> two of them. it is the ice cream sandwich. >> thank you. >> these fun pops are a good snack.
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>> who doesn't like this? >> we have cheese puffs and corn chips. which one must be beaten? it has more calories for the same serving? cheese puffs or corn chips. it is the corn chips. kathie lee and luanne are rocking today. which one must be beaten because it has higher fat, the fish sandwich for the cheese burger. the sandwich has more fat, about 50% more. >> so we have time for one more? >> how do the breakfast meals do you have to beat because it has more calories, the pancakes or the -- luanne, you would be right. this has more calories. and the winner is -- >> who won?
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>> we did. >> no. it was a tie. >> it was a tie. >> a tie. >> all right. we're going to be doing that for five fun weeks. and if you're ready to drop a dress size and want to go along, go to >> we're celebrating earth day with fun ways to make sure your party is a total up cycle. >> and never a second chance to make a first impression. >> the rules to live by when it comes to selling and buying a home. low prices,
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we can afford to take more trips this year. -hit the beach in florida. -and a reunion in seattle. [man] when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. [woman] so we got our 4-star hotels... for half price. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ jim's hair is perfect. so's his serve, and his mandarin [speaking mandarin] xieúxieú, hou chiú but like up to 90% of americans, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. making jim more like us. add one a day multivitamins, rich in key nutrients you may need.
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so if you're in the market for something new, there are some really good rules to live by. >> here with the top three things you need to know before you sell and before you buy is real estate expert and host of hgtv's "power broker," mike aubrey is here. hi, mike. so how is the market right now overall in the country? >> interestingly, about 30 minutes ago, they just released the existing home sale numbers. and we're up right now. >> good. >> a little bit. >> which i think is great. but i think as we see inventory come up, we're going to see that that big pricing that we have been seeing over the last four months is probably going to begin to cool. >> house construction and house buying is a real leading indicator of where the market is going. >> right now, we can't build enough houses. i think builders are pretty happy. >> let's talk about some rules. if you are a seller, you say the first impression, of course, is, like, the most important thing. >> absolutely. i think buying a house is sort of like dating a woman. if you don't like how she looks,
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the first minute, you're out of there. and i can tell you that you have -- >> that's cold. >> i know, right. >> cold but accurate. >> i think that, you know, that first 30 seconds, you pull up to a house, and it does not look good, you don't even want to go in. >> you wasted your time, yeah. that's what they call curb appeal. >> absolutely. curb appeal is hugely important. >> you walk inside the house, what is the first thing? looking at the walls, looking at things like that first? >> i think probably when you come into a house, it is going to be walls and floors. that's the first thing you see. walls and floors have probably the biggest impact in making your house sellable. if you have sort of new carpet, if you have freshly painted neutral walls, i think that's going to appeal to most buyers. remember, you're selling to the herd, not to a zebra. >> if you -- price is such a huge issue, obviously. how much -- say you got a price in your mind, but all of a sudden curb appeal is so great, how often can you change that person's mind to spend a little
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bit more money just because of the curb appeal? >> i think that depends on the agent you're working with and certainly depends on where your own head is at. for me, i tell my clients up front, we're going to decide what our line in the sand is because if we get to that point, we're done. there is always more fish in the sea. >> let's talk about buyers in the market. what is the most important thing that a buyer should have in mind? >> i think right now one of the biggest things out there is getting a precommitment letter. not a preapproval letter there are so many buyers in the marketplace. over the past year, a third of the market has been catch buyers, investors back into the marketplace. getting a precommitment is when you put everything in and you have the loan underwritten all the way, except for an appraisal. meaning is as good as money. that makes you more competitive in what has amounted to be a pretty tough marketplace. >> people want to move -- they'll go that guy. >> you got to have the right real estate agent. that can be a real problem.
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>> real estate is so local. having a local expert is a big, big deal. as an example, i still sell and not everybody is going to like me. having good chemistry with your agent, making sure that agent is going to be somebody who wants and does the things you want, that's a big deal. >> who doesn't like you, though? come on. >> no shame in changing. you're not going -- it is going to be a bad experience otherwise. >> we got to go. their video has 2 million views. >> a grammy nominated band mercy me gets you shaking with their big new hit. >> and a party that will save you money and help the environment too. >> with danny seo. >> right after this . sfx: car unlock beep.
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they're new pringles tortillas. so good, they don't need dip. mmmm... not bad, right? i'll have some more! that's a double dip! you... double dipped... new pringles tortillas. you dip 'em or don't. pringles! athis is paul's office. for those who believe a serious job doesn't have to feel so serious. one a day men's vitacraves with key nutrients like b-vitamins. all the fun of a gummy that's a complete multivitamin.
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>> of his own called naturally danny seo. >> very fancy. >> coming out in july, thank you very much. >> what are we doing here? >> we're having an earth day birthday party. you take your old cereal boxes and make a little hat. make a cone shape like this and curve it to make your party hat. you take a little bit of craft glue along the edges and painter's tape. so it doesn't stick. it sticks but doesn't leave a mess. you have fun little party hats. >> and added a little -- >> how did you maybe the poof? >> little newspaper. little string and -- >> i want to give you one. >> i don't understand how you made newspaper do that. >> it is just a couple of scissor, twists and a turn and you get little poofs. very simple. >> okay. >> all right. >> check this one out. old garden hoses, do you love these little baskets?
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>> that's cute. >> so easy to make and no special tools. a hose and zip ties. >> oh, my gosh. >> these turn out great. >> isn't that fun? >> you can demo this, have -- you have old bandannas, kids' t-shirts, you're making fabric bowls. >> what are we making? >> you're covering it with saran wrap and you just coat the whole thing with a lot of modge podge group or thick craft glue. >> right on there? >> literally -- >> just pour it. >> you can pour it on. >> trying to be nice. >> see what happens. >> sorry. >> a lot of cleanup here. >> the more you do, the better -- you want it to be really, really thick. >> hoda should be doing really well. >> careful.
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jerry has to clean it up. >> that's a lot. but -- >> then what happens? >> wait for it to dry, peel it off and you have beautiful fabric bowls. check out this. this is a great party favor bag. take a shopping bag, paint it in chalkboard paint and write happy birthday on the front, put your gift inside, don't have to buy a bag to do it. >> that's good. >> this i really love. check this out. if you take an old zipper. >> oh, my gosh. >> it is a little tote bag. >> that's cute. >> oh, my gosh. that's adorable. >> clever, clever, clever. >> and now check this one out. >> if those are kathie lee cds, i'll be very angry at you. >> i saved my kathie lee cds and they're in a vault. you take your old cds and we're going to make mosaic with them. and you glue them on the inside of the tray. and you take the mosaic mix, and you just smear it on. >> smear it. >> like this. >> you wipe off the excess and
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the band members are here. barry, robbie, bart and miles. >> congratulations. did you know when you recorded this one that it was going to shake up things? >> no. we're not big dancers, so, yeah, we just dance for our kids and that's about it. just kind of funny that we have this song. >> how are the concerts? are the fans going crazy? >> they're awesome. we took time off to release the single, didn't tour much. we started a few weeks ago and were blown away by the response. >> can't wait to hear it. >> we have our camera guy who already bought tickets. he's excited. here they are, mercy me, singing "shake." ♪ ♪ i just can't believe where my life was at ♪ ♪ all that i know is that my heart was broken ♪ ♪ and i don't ever wanna go back
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♪ ♪ ain't no explanation how i saw the light ♪ ♪ he found me and set me free ♪ and it brought me back to life ♪ ♪ blame it on the transformation changed down to the core ♪ ♪ his love is real and i can't sit still ♪ ♪ cause my name's not shamed no more ♪ ♪ great god almighty gonna change me ♪ ♪ great god almighty he changed me ♪ ♪ you got to shake, shake, shake like you're changed, changed, changed ♪ ♪ brand-new looks so good on you so shake like you've been changed ♪ ♪ come on shake, shake, shake shake like you changed ♪ ♪ maybe he came to you when everything seemed fine ♪ ♪ or maybe your world was upside down ♪ ♪ and hit you right between the eyes ♪ ♪ no matter when it happened
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♪ at 7 or 95 ♪ move your feet because you are free ♪ ♪ and you've never been more alive ♪ ♪ you got to shake, shake, shake like you're changed, changed, changed ♪ ♪ brand-new looks so good on you ♪ ♪ so shake like you've been changed ♪ ♪ come on and shake, shake, shake like you're changed, changed, changed ♪ ♪ brand-new looks so good on you ♪ ♪ so shake like you've been changed ♪ ♪ come on, shake, shake shake like you're changed ♪ ♪ shake, shake shake like you're changed ♪ ♪ shake ♪ great god almighty gonna change me ♪ ♪ great god almighty he gonna change me ♪ ♪ great god almighty he done changed me ♪ ♪ no matter when it happened, at
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7 or 94 ♪ ♪ move your feet because you are free ♪ ♪ and you've never been more alive ♪ ♪ you got to shake, shake, shake like you've changed, changed, changed ♪ ♪ brand-new looks so good on you so shake like you've been changed ♪ ♪ you got to shake, shake, shake like you've been changed, changed, changed ♪ ♪ brand-new looks so good on you so shake like you've been changed ♪ ♪ come on, shake, shake, shake like you're changed ♪ ♪ shake, shake, shake like you're changed ♪ ♪ shake ♪ great god almighty he done changed me ♪ >> yeah! >> that was awesome! >> thank you. >> that was really great. >> really great. >> coming up tomorrow, find out who made the cut for people's most beautiful. >> and how to stop the overwhelmed and handle stress better.
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