tv Dateline NBC NBC April 28, 2014 2:00am-2:59am PDT
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. she was sweet and lovely. she's beautiful. >> a young woman on a journey. >> people don't realize all the miracles that are happening in our lives. >> she'd found a teacher, an lama. but what he taught her were the mysteries of tantric sex. >> all his religious sexual partners were in the room. >> here i am like an indian. >> soon dozens of young people were following him deep into the desert. was sex becoming more important than salvation?
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>> there were a lot of beautiful young women in the group. >> it was a cult. >> then she found a younger man. >> sometimes the love is love. >> banished from paradise, she began a dangerous new journey. >> i was like ah-oh. >> i said it was just a matter of time before someone dies down here. >> and in the dark of his desert cave someone did. >> there was a book, hindu goddess of death that was laying on the ground outside the cave. >> i'm lester holt, and this is dateline. here's keith morrison with danger on diamond mountain. ♪ >> deep in the arizona desert, surrounded by kak tie and brush and jutting columns of red rock a mountain rises among the famous area of american history. here is where geronimo finally
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surrendered. and this mountain is the site of his last stand. a haunted place, some say. or perhaps cursed. for those who dare to occupy its silenced sloped. but on a hot, dry, april afternoon in 2012, the mountain was not silent at all. helicopters swooped in to rescue two people holed up in a cave below the summit where something terrible has happened. >> what i didn't understand was why she hadn't called earlier. for help. >> she is this woman. her name was, remember this name, christi mcnally. and her companion was alexander dorson's big brother ian. >> crazy to go off like that. >> is it hard to think of them like that in a cave like that?
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>> it's just weird because it was already so isolated. >> but by then something had gone very wrong with those two bright and promising people. >> they were not in their right mind in my opinion or he wasn't. >> no, neither one most likely. and how they ended up that way is a very strange story about the buddha, the diamonds and the eastern goddess and tantric sex and whatever else the guru decreed out here in the desert. >> the vibe that i got around diamond mountain is that it can turn into a jim jones kind of thing. >> once it was so different for this one. so privileged. ian was a brilliant kid. his parents sent him to the best prep schools in new york city. alexandria was six years younger, and she adored him. >> i looked up to him. i was inspired by him to say the
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least. i wanted to do everything he was up to, followed him and his friends. >> it was really no surprise, rather, it was expected that ian would be accepted at stanford university. >> did he handle it well? >> he did. he may have experimented with drugs maybe too much or partied too hard or joined a frat. >> maybe overdone it? >> i think so. he still graduated with honors but yeah, could have done a little too much. >> as soon as he graduated, ian set out on an adventure, his plan was to travel around the whole world. he went to europe and russia. >> he was researching a book. >> yeah, you could say that. he was also traveling and enjoying his time. and he did have journals, but, yeah. so india was one of the stops. >> yes. amazing, complicated, spiritual india. when ian finally returned to new
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york city, alexandria began to notice changes in the brother she loved so much. >> the most initial concern was he was not pursuing a career as a young person. >> right. >> needs to. it was so gradual, too. at first it was just frustrating. i would fight with him, like, come on. you know, let's do these things that you used to love, surf and different activities. >> the guy you knew wasn't there anymore, somehow? >> yeah. yeah. i couldn't communicate, like it wasn't, we were in a different set of social rules. >> different world, really. >> yeah, so i couldn't share with him anymore. >> but alexandra did get some insight into why her brother had changed so when he took her to listen to a teacher he met in india, a man named michael roach, a sort of guru whose followers seemed to think roach held the key to solving life's
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great problems which he explained in several of home maid videos posted online. >> i travel around the world type offing people about how to make their dreams come true. some people want financial independence. some people want to have a great relationship with a beautiful partner, family. some people want to be younger. >> roach was an unconventional teacher. eccentr eccentric, even, but he also demanded and apparently succeeded in getting, total devotion from his followers. that, he taught them was essential to their enlightenment. and ian believed him. abandoned and rejected all else in his life as he scrambled to obey and serve his teacher. but alexander didn't trust roach at all and began to worry she was losing her brother to a man who, well. >> how would you describe him? >> like creepy, like a snake. like something slithering. >> coming up.
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roach, the offshoot of tibetan buddhism. >> hi, my name is geshe michael roach. i attended princeton university and spent 25 years in a tibetan the buddhist monastery. >> the title is a very big deal, like a highly advanced degree in buddhism. and i got there, said roach, after accepting a challenge from his teacher, to make a bundle in diamonds. >> could you learn to adjust reality itself. could you change the flow of the future and could you prove that you had done it by, for example, starting a business in manhattan. and bringing it, maybe, to a million dollars within a year or something, using the ancient wisdom that we've taught you. >> seriously, said roach. buddhism for profit. and he claimed it worked.
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>> i helped to found a business, a die hond business called ending international. and it became one of the fastest growing companies in the history of new york. it reached $250 million in annual sales. and it was recently purchased by warren buffett. who's one of the wealthiest men in the world. >> roach plowed much of his earnings into the school that trained him. and it was after that that he emerged at a geshe and began to teach. >> if you meditate, you can finish them. >> that exotic accent you hear? >> you are very strange. >> we're not sure what that is because he was raised born in california raised in arizona. >> what was it about this guy? >> super charismatic. he got up and talked. he was riveting, especially at
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first. he just, he had all this wisdom. >> sid johnson was completely taken with the charismatic leader. he was a struggling musician curious about buddhism who had traveled to might roach in the late 1990s. >> i really wanted to be part of this, like something big was coming, and he was going to be part of this. and i really bought into that at the time. >> at first, roach was celebrated as an ambassador of tibetan buddhism for americans, but there was something unorthodox about this monk. >> most buddhists are stuffy older people, but these were all really good-looking young people. >> and many of those were attractive women. >> actually there were two women at the time with him. >> and he disappeared with them at night? >> yeah. >> one of them was that woman
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you heard about at the beginning, the one they were rescuing on the mountain. >> i come from a lineage, a tibetan lineage. >> she had gone to india. then met roach when she got back to new york and quickly became his star pupil. she called him her lamlama, meag revered teacher and very, very close. >> i was actually glued to the side of my lama for 12 years which is a very traditional time for being an apprentice for the lama. >> and ian? ian was equally devoted but was one of the group. >> they called them the ducklings. there were a group of people who were really devoted and wanted to be in close proximity a long time. >> one of them was ian. >> so devoted that along with two other devotees followed their guru out west and roach
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founded what he called diamond mountain university. >> this is where geshe roach called it his holy mountain. he bought a thousand acres here in the arizona desert. one of his followers built that shrine, the one with the tibetan flags fluttering in the breeze. and here they began a kind of buddhism that perhaps hadn't been heard of anywhere else. a type of buddhaism that was at odds with others. he and his female students would undertake a retreat, three years, three months and three days in isolation and total silence. the only communication allowed, handwritten notes, and only to one another. sid built the tent structures where he assumed each would live
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alone. but soon it dawned on him he was not building them for one. >> it's becoming clear to me that he's going to be living here with christi. >> which wouldn't be a big deal but as a monk. >> as a monk. >> it's kind of like a catholic priest living with a girl. >> yes. >> i'm sorry. i don't want to sound suspicious, but really? a guru and his women? >> yeah. it was pretty strange. and a lot of people were starting to ask questions about it. >> to which michael roach had an astonishing answer. he wasn't living with a m would, he said. christi mcnally was the reincarnation of a tibetan buddhist goddes. there would be sex for sure, but sex with an explanation. >> so i'm not a monk having a human consort. >> no. >> i'm a geshe who has ha super-human deity as a consort. >> yeah.
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>> and that's okay. >> he said he'd never had sex with a human woman. >> and no one protested. certainly not ian when the geshe agreed that only women would be allowed on retreat with him. it was as if roach could do no wrong. another follower said he watched as his geshe became increasingly outrageous. >> we were all called into a room. and all his consorts, his religious sexual partners were in the room. and he told us as students that if you want to stay here, if you want to do this practice you have to see all these people as buddhas. >> and when most everyone including ian began to believe, this buddha began to get a bad feeling that this was morphing into a cult. >> the vibe i got around diamond mountain, that it could turn
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millennium, ian and christi why hard core devotees of tibetan buddhism studying at the threshold of michael roach. roach told the l.a. times about the rigorous nature of his three-year vow of silence. >> and you have to say good-bye to everybody, because you don't know who's going to be alive after three years. >> and ian would be left out. as much's wanted to participate, it was only opened to the closest female disciples. so now he was separated from his guru. >> i think it was very difficult for ian because he suddenly didn't have his anchor. >> by thin, ian had been stuck like a shadow to the geshe and the god des. his family hired de-programming
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experts and went to diamond mountain. >> they felt that he brainwashed their son. >> ian agreed to return to the family home on new york's long island. but the efforts to break the spell were in vain. >> he was so much older, he wasn't a teenager, so we couldn't force him. >> how did he react? >> not well. he kept doing his practices that he would do in the mornings and throughout the day. and one time i, i was making fun of him and the group because there were a lot of young women, beautiful young women in the group. and so i made comments oh, they're, you know, what's he doing with them in the desert. >> that joking about sex in the desert seemed to push one of ian's buttons. >> we were in the car at that point, and he like, was like jumping out. my mom had to, like, pull over really fast. we were on our way to the beach
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and he started running. >> he was angry at you and the family for trying to make him stop doing that stuff. >> it was just so sad. >> back in arizona, roach would periodically emerge from his silent retreat to give a teaching, blindfolded. his followers listened with rapt attention. there was an air of mystery about it all. and rumors started to spread about bizarre things happening on the inside. >> we'd hear these, you know, weird sex stories. him being dressed in lingerie and stuff like that. >> nimichael roach? >> yeah. we heard these stories that came out. and they were never really denied or confirmed. >> near the end of the three years, three months and three days, roach and his disciples emerged and roach made an astonishing claim. he had come to understand
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emptiness, he said. noes in other words, he had become enlightened and had done it by living with christi. >> christie's my partner. you're encouraged to have a partner and go further. which you can do with a partner. ian? right now he was back with the group, always a few steps behind his leader and seemingly eager to serve the power couple. not everyone was pleased, especially about the sex. >> that, in itself, a buddhist monk is not supposed to go behind a closed door with females. that's it. you're not a monk anymore. it's over, kid. you broke your vow. >> the stories about sex, roach's grandiosity and his claims of finding enlightenment were finding their way all the way to the top. to the dalai lama himself. >> the dalai lama became
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annoyed. he's always compassionate, but he got an a little fed up, let's say. >> the thurman who happens to be the father of uma thurman studied under the dalai lama for years and took it upon himself to confront roach about his behavior. >> i said, look, just resign as a monk. and he said i'll never give up my vow. and i said you gave it up already. he said i never had sexual contact with any human female. and i turned to her and said are you human? and she says he said that, i didn't. and he says well, she understood emptiness and once you understand emptiness you can do anything you want, and i said no way. >> roach was undeterred. in fact, his unconventional
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style only became more intense, and he increasingly insisted is that his own students study under his consort, now lama christi. >> she started to take over the teachings or they would co-teach or teach on her own. she would do these meditation classes and want people to take a log of their meditation. she could be very rough and critical. she really developed this kind of power that she just kind of took off with. >> did she seem to enjoy that? >> oh, yeah. >> as the power of these two grew, the environment around them became increasingly bizarre, even frightening. this man recalls one night at diamond mountain that sent chills down his spine. >> she is teaching on following your teacher and saying you have to do everything that your teacher says. she says, if your teacher says
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cut off your hand, you have to do it. so michael takes like a ritual dagger out of a bag and slams it through his hand, and everybody in the crowd is, like, ooh and ah. and it's all drama. and i looked around and said this is not tibetan buddhism. this is theater, this is street art. this is like cult. i don't know what this is here. >> after that, the lama began to warn whoever would listen -- >> to live at diamond mountain you have to abandon your own judgment. when i was there, it was a cult. you have to abandon any sound judgment. >> ian did not heed those warnings. in fact, a very human thing began to happen. ian was drawing ever closer to his lama, christi. and she to him. >> so this is ian. >> this is christi. >> as we say, almost
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shakespearen. of course the trouble is coming. won't be long now. >> coming up. a strange ritual. >> ten years of buddhism and here i am like an idiot getting get up. >> and a secret marriage on the rocks as lama christi takes a new lover. >> when a guy doesn't get his way, it's not good for anyone. cleaning his cabin, mr. clean likes to keep things simple. that's why he brings his magic eraser extra power.
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them personal success and save the world. >> by helping others, by saving others we plant seeds for success and peace of the whole world and inner peace. >> but i also demanded devotion from his followers like ian who dropped family and friends to follow him everywhere as he lectured around the country and the world. and when he declared that his consort, christi mcnally was the reincarnation of a goddess, apparently they believed him. >> i think somebody's like me. she went looking for a teacher. she found him. for 15 years she lived in this world where she became treated like a deity, as a non-human. you must know on some level he's manipulating people around him. >> meanwhile, the rituals grew ever more bizarre, like what happened at a special group
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event, he said. something particularly disturbing. ian and the others were blindfolded and one by one were led into roach and christie's tent for a very private and he was told sacred ritual. >> anhear them giggling. they lay me down on this bed and they both lay down beside me. and part of me is like, what are you doing? this is like, i'm a grown man, and this is like something you do in high school. but then there's a part of me like this is some kind of sacred ritual. and perhaps something, you know, really amazing is going to happen. and so i feel christie's hand on my forehid. and my chin and, and she goes all the way down and actually puts her hands down my pants at one proint, briefly. and it was really kind of bizarre. it was so surreal.
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and part of me, again, was thinking ten years of buddhism and here i am, like an idiot, getting felt up. and then i felt her kiss my lips. >> did you kiss her back? >> a little bit. it was so bizarre and so surreal. >> over time, sex seemed to emerge as a dominant theme. disciples started pairing up. relationships broke up in favor of new tantric relationships. even in the house that housed the guru and his goddess. >> sometimes it's quite raffled. sometimes he did things that i thought were kind of mine. >> as christi's confidence grew, her relationship with roach withered. by 2009, whatever it was these two had was over. but in this case, the goddess
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was a lot like mere mortals had always been. before she ended it with roach she got deeply involved with the tall, handsome devo day who was always there, when that news got back to alexandra, she shrank into dread. >> i thought he was in too deep for sure. >> then roach filed for divorce oh, yes, you heard that right. they had been secretly married in a christian ceremony in 1998. roach's explanation, reportedly, that if anything happened to him he wanted christi to be taken care of. but now -- >> so this is ian. >> this is christi. >> now christi was taking care of ian. as far as anybody could tell they were truly in love and wrote a yoga book together. this their promotional video.
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>> once we do their yoga together. the next day when we try to do a series alone, it's really, really lonely actually. >> it's lonely. we decided we don't want to do any other kind of yoga. we only want to do partner yoga. >> then ian announced he was going to marry the goddess. >> they were engaged. they came over to my aunt's house. she did very well with my family. and my family was grilling her. and what's this thing you do and this and that. and she was sweet and lovely. she's beautiful. and was able to just field all the questions. i mean, she comes across pretty well, actually. person to person. >> a wedding date was set. alexandra was less shocked than fed up. >> did you go to the wedding? >> no, i couldn't make it. i had to work. >> and michael roach, what does he do? he hit up nightclubs in new york city, reportedly donning an
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expensive suit. he was linked with two women. >> i'll show you. i'll go to a disco in new york. what did you worry would happen to your brother? >> i don't think i let myself go there with my mind. when the head guy doesn't get his way it's not good for anybody. >> at the base of the mountain, preparations were taking place for a second retreat. this time, both men and women would take part. but geshe roach would not be joining them. instead, ian prepared to spend a very long time isolated and in silence with his spouse he's been taught to believe was his teacher, his lama and his
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goddess. >> we are getting into our great retreat. >> was ian really ready for this? sid johnson had been seeing red flags waving in the wind for some time. >> i had said to somebody, it's just a matter of time before somebody dies down here. >> coming up. two lovers expelled from paradise and lost in the desert. >> that was just crazy to go off like that. >> when dateline continues. make it to mars, m sto but thanks to hotwire's incredibly low travel prices, i can afford to cross more things off my list. this year alone, we went to the top of the statue of liberty... and still saved enough to go to texas-- to a real dude ranch! hotwire checks the competition's rates every day... so they can guarantee their low prices. so we got our 4-star hotels for half price. next up, hollywood! ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ save big on car rentals too, from $11.95 a day. those spots are actually leftover food and detergent
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on december 30, 2010, christi mcnally embarked on her send three year, three month, three day silent retreat. >> everyone here that you see is gathered to celebrate and to see us off and walk us to the very edge of ourborders. >> this time, with her new husband, ian. her ex-husband michael roach would not be joining them. but he was still the guru, still in charge. still outside pulling the strings. >> the retreat will be leaving. walking directly to the retreat where they will stay for a thousand days. >> even though ian had taken michael's place next to christi, all seemed fine, at least on the surface. >> so we would really appreciate
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if everyone listening would participate in a dollar a day food pact to feed the retreat. >> none of them realized of course that the retreat would be anything but peaceful. but perhaps they should have known. how does a man manage three years of intimate but absolute silence with a wife who is also a god. >> this was sometimes hard for him. and he could sometimes get upset with it and frustrated and she was trying to understand. >> as the days of silence lengthened into months, rumors began to leak out, domestic violence. rumors ian sometimes lost his temper. >> i think in those close quarters, it's just, there's a lot of murkiness, but it's certainly possible. it's certainly possible that they had, you know, given the fact that my brother didn't get along with different women over the years. >> but something serious
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happened? a year and a half into the retreat, christi mcnally emerged from her home to give a teaching, blindfolded, as is the rule. and that's when, according to those in attendance, she described stabbing ian with a knife. all playful, she said. she had started worshipping the hindu goddess of death and was practicing martial arts. she didn't realize she would actually injure ian. but followers worried the wounds were real. >> there was a doctor who sewed him up. >> the consequences were grave for ian and christi. michael roach called a meeting of the board he appointed to help run his organization and decided that christi mcnally and ian were to be expelled for one year. and christi mcnally, once a guru's consort, a law ma, was
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cast adrift. >> so those two went off and didn't know what to do. they have somebody who lives in a call for ten years, 15 years. that's the life. >> a statement on roach's website said that the board had received multiple reports of abuse and assault on staff and ian and it was necessary. and to send a strong message that violence of any kind would not be tolerated here. the professor of buddhism, thurman says it appeared roach maid it person-- made it person. >> older man, younger woman, yes. we can find those underlying motiv motives. >> whatever it was, ian and christi made a momentous decision to stay and finish the
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retreat. so like adam and eve managed from eden, they wandered alone through the desert. up the steep slope of the mountain geronimo deemed to be his protection. >> they were off doing their own thick. it was crazy to go off like that. >> the mountain didn't save geronimo, and christi in the end, they found some refuge in some boulders. they had a sleeping bag, a solar powered cell phone and an emergency beacon. before dawn every morning in her meditations, christi commanded the sun to rise over the mountain, and it did. and they sat, silent, waiting for what? >> coming up, a last retreat. >> there was a book, hindu goddess of death that was kind of laying out on the ground. >> and we sit down with michael roach.
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christi's still loyal aten dantss left food and water, but as they weakened, the climb became too difficult. ian's family had no idea he and christi had been expelled from their silent retreat. >> nobody called the family? nothing? >> yeah, exactly. >> they certainly didn't know ian had become desperately sick in that little cave. just about then, april 21, something strange happened to alexandra. >> i had had this bout of dizziness. so it was almost like i was sensing things weren't right. >> and the very next morning, in the pre-dawn hours of april 22, christi could not wake her husband. she waited for the sun to rise and thus charged her solar powered cell phone and called a friend at the group's headquarters. the friend called 911.
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>> we got called at 8:00. a team was dispatched and soon realized that an ambulance could get nowhere near christi and ian up at the top of the mountain. there was no trail. it would be hours of bushwhacking straight up. the paramedics started climbing. the others kept her on the phone. >> she's saying he's unconscious. barely breathing. >> so nolan called in a helicopter rescue team. it would be an extremely dangerous rescue operation on the side of a steep mountain with nowhere to land. the only way in was this way, to rappel down from above. thomas was one of the first paramedics in. he found christi dehydrated. delirious. >> she was still thinking that her husband was sleeping and that we would be able to wake him up. >> but when he saw ian, he knew. ian was emaciated. his body was blue. he was cold to the touch.
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he could clearly see he'd been dead for hours. >> by the time we got there, probably up to about eight hours. >> a dead man, delirious, dehydrated woman. and one more thing in that strange little hideaway. >> there was a book of hindu goddess of death that was kind of laying out on the ground outside the mouth of the cave. >> hindu goddess of death? >> yes. >> calais by any chance? >> like ha woman with six arms and swords. >> christi had begun to worship the hindu goddess of death since her breakup with roach. >> we had a lot of bizarre search and rescue missions. >> but? >> this is probably the most bizarre that we've ever, ever had. >> rescuers hoisted christi and then ian's body into a helicopter and flew them down to the base of the mountain. it was only then that
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alexandra's family got the call that ian was gone. and alexandra said she still had more questions than answers about her brother's demise. >> why did he die up on the mountain? >> i think it's still needs to be investigated further. i think it's still unclear in my mind. >> was he a victim of a cult? >> yeah. >> and was he a victim of any particular person? >> i think the people that he was closest to and the group influenced him the most. >> the authorities deemed ian's death an accident, no charges have been filed. the case is closed. and no one in alexandra's family has filed any kind of lawsuit. >> former roach devo day sid johnson said ian's death was the tragic and eerie realization of something he had feared for years. >> i had no idea that it would
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end up with ian starving in a cave. >> and he placed the responsibility squarely with michael roach for creating an environment ripe for disaster. >> they worshipped. and they served him and he ended up dead in the cave, and she's a rambling mess. we all drank the kool-aid and we all went down the rabbit hole, and ultimately, he's never taken any responsibility for that. i saw behind the smoke and mirrors, but, you know, was it something i had to go through? i don't now. >> well, you're wiser. >> hopefully. >> buddhist monk and former roach student put it this way, a guru must be vigilant about protecting his or her followers. the geshe was more puppeteer than protective. >> we wanted to be manipulated, you know. he was a rock stash.
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>> four days after ian's death, roach published an open letter on his website, explaining that ian and christi turned down an offer of money and airline tickets when they were expelled and the board left it to them whether to decide to contact their own family. he offered condolences but said he'd had no idea they'd gone up to that cave on jugeronimo's mountain. he declined our request for an interview. then one evening in new york a dateline producer caught up with him at a teaching and asked him to answer his critics. >> do you have any responsibility in ian's death? >> i think every teacher is responsible for things. >> there are devo tees who feel like they were duped or conned. what do you say to them? >> you can see, you can see what
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we teach. >> do you still think christi mcnally is a goddess? >> you know, what i was hoping would be to speak about what i believe, my teachings. >> mm-hm. >> what we teach. i really don't like to talk about more sensational things. >> what roach really wants to talk about these days is how buddhism can help get you rich. >> the fastest way to make money should be most pleasant way to make money. >> he's traveling the world, peddling his non-sanctioned brand of buddhism around mexico, eastern europe where he's found enthusiastic audiences in big business of all places. back at diamond mountain, more than 30 people remained, living in silent devotion at the foot
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of geronimo's mountain. their three years, three months and three days ran out the first week of this month. as for christi, she vanished a few days after ian's funeral and is rumored to have gone to india on retreat. she's told friends she still wants to teach buddhism. and alexandra agreed to tell the story for her brother. >> he was a flame for all of us. >> and maybe what happened to him will be a lesson, she said, a lesson for others before they go down some rabbit hoyle. >> i think it's important that people understand that they need to look out for this danger of not just this group but other groups. i miean, i wouldn't want someon to have to lose a sibling in this way. >> that's all for now. i'm lester holt. thanks for joining us.
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on "meet the press" this morning, a developing story. president obama has reacted strongly to another racial flash point in this country. >> when ignorant folks want to advertise their ignorance, you don't really have to do anything. you just let them talk. >> the president talking this morning about those racist comments allegedly made by the owner of the los angeles clipsers basketbaclips e clippers. this morning i'll speak with the reverend al sharpton, lorraine miller and host of hbo's "real sports" bryant gumbel. plus, are we at the breaking nount ukraine. is the u.s. poised to ratchet up its standoff with russia? a key obama foreign policy adviser will be here to discuss that. also, my wide ranging and exclusive interview with the former prime minister ore
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