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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  May 8, 2014 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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we're going to tell you which freeways to avoid on your drive home. he's going to be headed towards the bay area we're not expecting much shower actevty for today. showers in the north bay, we crank up the heat this weekend and then we're talking about a hot stretch for next week, triple digits in the forecast. we'll take you through the changes in moments. and your commute is on. those metering lights are on and the bay bridge toll plaza is filling and what else is slowing down for your thursday morning commute. a live look outside at the bay bridge. today is thursday, may 8th. and this is "today in the bay." and a very good thursday morning to you. thanks so much for joining us, i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> i'm scott mcgrew. update to breaking news this morning. a growing fear, their mobile home erupt under to flaed into overnight. they are no where to be found.
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that fire broke out at 2:00 this morning at the cape cod mobile home village. not far from highways 101 and 237. christie smith looking into this story and find out more about what happened and where these people might be able to be found throughout the morning. there will also be a heavy police presence at all schools in danville this morning in response to a couple of threatening messages. the latest found right on campus. it was found in the boy's bathroom at baldwin elementary and referenced to hurting people on may 8th. that's today. the principal sent out an e-mail saying even though the staff does not think the threat is credible, they contacted the danville police department and increased supervision. several parents we spoke with said they're so concerned they're not letting their children go to school today as a precaution. last week that prompted officials to cancel some school activities. this morning, president
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obama's worldwind trip to california continues. the president is waking up in los angeles, but he'll arrive in the bay area later this afternoon just in time for your evening commute. >> that's right. team coverage mike inouye is looking at the motorcade impact as he comes down the peninsula, again, at 6:30, that is a tough one. unless you have a motorcycle escort. let's begin, though, with peggy bunker and, peggy, this is mostly a fund-raising stop for the president. >> yes. for the democratic party. the president will be arriving later this afternoon in the south bay after an event that took place last night. he was honored with ambassador of humanity award. the president accepted that award from the organization created by steven spielberg after he directed "schindler's list" for the sole purpose of protecting testimony of survivors. samuel l. jackson and liam
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neeson and conan o'brien hosted that event. many people say he did a spectacular job and bruce springsteen, the boss, to most of us certainly showed up with a cool factor. ♪ >> i mean, this guy just gets better with age. the slow republicanidatindition "dancing in the dark." air force one will land at moffett and the president is expected in los angeles hills where he will hold a roundtable discussion with 30 people. each one of the 30 people paid about $32,000 apiece to attend that roundtable. you might remember this previous visit in february of 2011 when the president sat down with the who's who of silicon valley. larry ellison, mark zuckerberg and steve jobs who you can see in the black turtleneck was very ill at the time of that dinner. the president will head to the
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fairmont hotel for a dnc fund-raising reception that starts about 6:30 tonight right in the middle of rush hour. tickets for that event range from $1,000 to $32,000. that's the president's schedule for today. on friday, the president will visit a walmart in mountain view. that's where his focus will be all about the importance of energy efficiency. he may face some opposition there as people are very divisive over walmart. that company employs 1.3 million americans and many say they don't pay their employees enough. shake hands with 100 walmart employees during that visit tomorrow. back to you. traffic was so bad that l.a. drivers had a hash tag on twitter obamajam. >> can we expect our obama jam here in the bay area? >> i prefer the slow jam with obama that jimmy fallon did. the president's arrival, just
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before 4:00 right when the commute hits the south bay. see it just off of 101 and possible to take a helicopter from there. he will end up for the first stop. but if he travels by car, a look at how your commute is impacted. live look at moffett field. air force touches down there at 3:50 this afternoon. roundtable meeting and you see the little triangle on the map and highway 101 and highway 85 and over towards surface streets where they have to take the rest of the route over towards los altos. later the president leaves los altos and now we've highlighted this route along 280. interstate 280 is probably going to be that route all along the way and some time between 5:00 and 6:30 tonight. yes, that is right in the very middle of the rush hour and that's going to be an issue that is the commute direction, as well. highway 85 might be impacted if he doesn't take 85, at least the interchange will be a problem
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slow coming out of cupertino, as well as mountain view. current traffic as we look at the roadways and right now we have to deal with this getting trow the morning commute. the bay bridge toll plaza backed up because the metering lights are on and a smooth drive approaching and the backup which continues to build past the 880 ov overcrossing. smooth flow of traffic coming out of the maze a little slowing underneath university avenue and nothing dramatic and a smooth drive on the approach towards san francisco off the peninsula, as well for 101 and 280 north. easy drive across 92 and slowing on the hayward side typical for southbound 880. they hit pretty hard and then held steady over here at the dublin interchange and not a real problem for the tri-valley and heading down into the south bay and san jose, that does show the slow down northbound and this one will hit and stick for the rest of the morning commute. a live look out here and you'll see all the headlights coming towards the camera and there we go, we do have that live camera
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as traffic starts to build and a cloud cover on the top of your screen and low clouds hovering around. christina does talk about the changes in the weather, coming up. we can check in with christina right this minute. we'll give you a live look at san jose first. just check out the window. sun is coming up as it often does. good morning, christina. >> good morning to you and mike is right. that's where you get to drive to work under just lovely this morning. temperatures mostly in the 50s to kick off your thursday. we have the rose colored glasses of thursday on getting so much closer to the weekend at this point. might have been a hard workweek for you. so far the weather has been really nice. a good-looking day shaping up south of highway 9 2. little bit of shower activity on the north end of the bay area today. those microclimates definitely making an impact in your day. temperatures in the 50s and want to show you the difference between south bay and san francisco because definitely getting a couple clouds here in san jose and otherwise we're seeing mostly cloudy conditions
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in san francisco and temperatures are already mild out there. easily hit the upper 60s to low 70s for today and look at the difference between san jose and san francisco. mostly clear here and mostly cloudy here over the bay bridge and those clouds will thicken up all day long and showers expected in the north bay and expecting the activity to ramp up for the second half of the day. right now still mostly dry. 70 degrees in the south bay and 69 for the peninsula and 69 degrees for san francisco. a mix of sun and clouds out in the trivalley today and 69 degrees for you. meanwhile 65 for the east bay and changes to take you through and today is going to be nice, a couple showers, plentiful sunshine and big warming this weekend and then 100 degrees possible by thursday of next week. we'll tell you where coming up in a little bit. back to you, scott and laura. update to breaking news. growing fear this morning for an elderly south bay couple. their mobile home erupt under to flames overnight and now no where to be found. the fire broke out around 2:00
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this morning on boregas avenue not far from highway 101 and 237. christie smith joins us live by the fire scene and, christie, what are neighbors saying? >> neighbors are saying they thought this couple was at home but no one has seen them since the fire broke out. but it does look like fire investigators are finally starting to get a look at it. i mean, this unit was so badly burned that they basically had to take a defensive posture and were spraying water on it, even when we arrived maybe 30 minutes ago. so, now, they're getting a chance to at least have a look after a huge fire at this cape cod village mobile home park. started around 2:00 this morning and tore through one unit. neighbors who had to evacuate and a second alarm was called because these homes are just so close together. some say that they even thought they heard an explosion, possibly a water heater and there was some exposure to another unit. now that elderly couple, i'm told, had an adult son who lived
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there and made it out. there has been some communication issues with him and investigators still want to locate this couple. >> we're checking cell phones and making phone calls and see figure they're on vacation or at a friend's house and then once it gets a little bit lighter out, we will conduct our fire cause investigation and see and determine if there was anybody else in the residence. >> now, i asked firefighters if they know what started this and they said at this point they still don't know because they need to take a closer look inside. apparently mentioned something about cooking and that information was passed on to firefighters, but they say they, again, still need to take a look inside. they also tell me, though, that this couple's car is in the driveway. so that the key to this is getting inside and, of course, taking a look. and it looks like they're getting closer to doing that now. reporting live in sunnyvale, christie smith, "today in the bay." >> okay, christie, thank you. it is 6:10. still ahead on "today in the
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bay" draft day hype. how bay area teams are stacking up. and i'm bob redell and take you live here to the south bay with an exclusive look at one of the ultimate fan experiences here at the levi stadium. that story coming up. got a story for nbc bay area investigative unit? call the tip line at 1-888-996-tips. or e-mail us at who are you?
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[whispering] i'm the breakfast fairy. what are you doing? leaving you a few bucks. that's all you need for my - sourdough breakfast melts, with your choice of ham, egg and cheese, or bacon egg and cheese, both on toasted sourdough. right now they're 2 for just $4.00. there's no such thing as the breakfast fairy. woah, woah - you're right. uh, i'm jack. i just put these wings on and broke in through your window to leave some money under your pillow ohh, good. cuz for a minute there this wasn't making any sense. most people don't know how to choose a new dentist. that's where we come in. we've helped over 8 million people find the right dentist, and we can do the same for you. call 1-800-dentist today. ♪
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[ female announcer ] it balances you... [ water crashing ] fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley... delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. nature valley. nature at its most delicious. welcome back now. believe it or not, we have light showers on the radar this morning. we are expecting more activity as we head throughout your day, especially areas north of the golden gate bridge. then the heat cranks triple digits just around the corner. we'll give you the timeline for the changes where you live in just moments. and with a slow timeline
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here for that willow avenue east off ramp and it is fine finall cleared of that disabled big rig. another crash on 280 coming up. here are today's top stories. right now fire investigators combing through of what is left of a burned out mobile home looking for the elderly couple that lived there. flames poured out of the windows of the home in cape cod village park overnight in sunnyvale. officials say the couple's car is in the driveway, but they have not found the couple yet. a heavy police presence in all schools in danville in response to threatening messages. the latest found in a boy's bathroom at baldwin elementary and referenced to hurting people today. the other was found near charlotte wood middle school last week. president obama heads to the bay area today. land at moffett field and then a fund-raiser at san jose tonight. today is day one of the nfl
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draft. sports fans ready for all that hype. today teams will pick players that could become future stars and hopefully future super bowl winners. >> here's how the draft stacks up for our teams in the bay area. raiders start their day with the fifth pick overall. then they get the fourth pick in the second round and the third pick in the third round. >> the 49ers give the 30th pick overall and then the 24th and 29th picks in the second round and the 13th pick in round three. got it all straight? >> some of those new 49ers will get to play in a brand-new stadium. >> with brand-new draft. this morning we're the only station allowed inside. bob redell has exclusive access you'll only see here on nbc bay area. where are you taking us now, bob? >> who is it? who -- >> you guys. you want to come in? come in. i'll show you one of the new suites here on the brand-new 500
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level of the levi stadium. this is something that some people who want to spend a little extra to enjoy the 49ers game will get to enjoy during the games here. check this out right here. you have your own hidden storage and your hidden subzero fridge, freezer. your own sink area. of course, they got a mural of -- i didn't recognize that thing and trying to remember what they call it. come to me in a little bit. it is a lovely space and warming space over here. people will have their buffet of food, hot, cold and, of course, they have the view. as you walk out to your own private balcony and seating for two, four, five, six, eight, ten people on these lovely, i want you to take a look at these lovely seats. with the sf insignia and just such a nice, comfortable, i'm not sure what it is. very cozy and you get to sit here and enjoy. looks like we're on the 35 yard line and enjoy what will be the 49ers first season here later
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this year and you're looking at the beautiful expanse of the brand-new levi stadium. 68,500 seats. yes, these club level seats right here are very cozy. they come with their own cup holders and i also want to point out if you look down below at the red seats for the rest of us people who aren't going it be sitting in the club seats, you do get, you can see you do get your own cup holders and nice, hard plastic. hooks for the purses and what not. if you look around, it is remarkable. most of the seats are already installed. it looks like they've got a few sections over there on the other end of the stadium that still need to be installed. they are promising they're going to have this ready in time. the first event is august 2nd. when the san jose earthquakes soccer team will be playing here and then, of course, the 49ers season kicking off here. now, of course, we're giving you a tour today and you at home will take a tour of levi stadium and just the past week the 49ers
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announcing they will offer tours of the stadium 29 bucks a pop and they will start doing that in august, as well. you look at these large tv screens. one on each end zone works at levi stadium and that looks like it's under construction. 48 feet tall and 200 feet wide. the largest of its kind in an outdoor arena/venue as this place is. just quite a spectacle to see what this place is when it's fully up and running. i would argue putting the finishing touches on. they still have to install some seats. generally, the stadium, $1.3 billion a couple years in the process and just near completion there, scott and laura. >> just add fans, really. that's fantastic. >> 3 >> 58,000 of them. just amazing. what is next, bob. give us an exclusive look all day. what do we have next? >> 500 level we'll go up one, two, three, four levels and get
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to the tippy top of the section that we're at right now to show their green roof. we'll take you up there for the end of the show and get a nice view of the south bay and, of course, looking down into the bowl here. >> good climbing, thank you, bob. >> we'll look forward to it. starting next week two light rail stations closed temporarily so crews can make track improvements near the stadium. getting ready for all those riders. what did we say, 68,000 for the grand opening that is less than three months away. starting next friday riders cannot use the sienna stations in sunnyvale. crews will build a pocket that will help and that track will be ready by the first preseason game. >> they will no doubt be busy. time to check your forecast right now and take a peek outside san jose and san francisco. look at that, the glorious sun coming up over the bay area and
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making way for a pretty nice day. let's find out checking in with christina. >> one of the microclimate days north end showers cloudy, kind of cool and breezy, as well. the south end we're talking about kind of lovely conditions. mix of sun and clouds and turn cloudy here in the south bay before the day is done. but, yeah, just a lovely sunrise this morning. 51 degrees right now in the south bay and getting a live picture here in san francisco with you can notice at this point that those clouds are increasing. they're going to do so even more as we head throughout the next few hours. and then by about noon in the city by the bay, mostly cloudy sky oirve heverhead. nothing too heavy and bring your umbrella with you, and in san francisco we might even get a little activity along the peninsula later on tonight. i'll show you that futurecast coming up in just a bit. like i said, slice the bay area in half. look at your wind speeds right now. we cut you off right here just to the south of the bay bridge. really in the single digits to
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no wind here in the south bay versus 14 miles per hour sustained in places like concord, oakland and san francisco feeling the impacts of that storm system coming in. so, we'll start to see the breeze increase here as we come into the morning hours, as well. low clouds at the coast and turning cloudy by this afternoon and on and off showers to the north and then by this evening that fog is going to settle in at about 8:06. we're going to start to see a nice, nice clear sky by tomorrow morning. and gorgeous conditions for your friday. so, today, just a couple showers out there. 70 degrees in the south bay and 65 degrees in san francisco and 69 in the north bay as we get into your mother's day weekend. look at the two sides the weekend. saturday versus sunday, much warmer on sunday. close to 90 degrees. we keep on climbing into the century mark. take you through that forecast and right now we'll check your drive. let's do it together, it's thursday, with mike inouye. >> we're looking at both the drive and the beautiful sunrise
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and low clouds drifting around and there's the traffic and the weather together. the metering lights are on and slow off the berkeley curve and we'll see the break down, not so bad and traffic is moving smooth through berkeley and the east shore freeway past albany and all the way towards the bay bridge toll plaza. where the backup starts coming towards the maze as well as northbound 880 just in the last few minutes. smooth flow of traffic through the caldecott tunnel. little slowing southbound 880 and new crash as you're heading towards that san mateo bridge and in lanes right now should clear quickly. but i will track that very carefully e. 280 and 101 moves smoothly. farther south from the peninsula south and heard about a deer that was hit and unfortunately killed. crews should be out there around 6:30 when they should be arriving and stay over to your right because it sounds like one of your left lanes. no big drama for the rest of the bay. southbound 101 and end with a look at there dublin area and
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west 580 still slow coming in towards the dublin interchange. back to you. >> thank you, mike. still ahead on "today in the bay" a fire chief accused of murder and on the run. we'll tell you why the avid outdoorsman has special access that could keep him one step ahead of the law.
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happening now a statewide manhunt under way of a battalion chief accused of stabbing his
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fiance to death. orville fleming killed sarah douglas in sacramento last week. after looking for him in that area, authorities expanded their search statewide saying fleming is an avid outdoorsman and keys to fire gates and trails and cal fire facilities. a spokesperson said those keys would give him access to hundreds of miles of back roads and other state supplies and facilities throughout california. officials say fleming has spent a lot of time in the santa cruz mountains. he is believed to have two guns with him and considered armed and dangerous. 6:26 this morning. we are expected to get an update on the circus accident. the hair-hanging stunt that crashed to the ground injuring nine performers. investigators believe a steel clip holding up the chandelier-like platform failed. since that incident, the show moved from rhode island to hartford, connecticut. that's where a news conference is held today. coincidental coincidentally, tonight is the first performance of the show
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since that accident. still ahead, capitol hill calls for a special investigation into the deadly attack in benghazi, but democrats could boycott. we'll tell you why, next. plus, texting 911 is nearly a reality. but the state says it will cost billions. we'll break down the cost. a new effort to arm your smartphone with a kill switch. but will it have a chance of becoming law?
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it is a quest for the truth or a political ploy? new details about a controversial call for a new investigation into the attacks in benghazi. more big swings coming to your temperatures. i could tell you right now, bring your umbrella in the north bay, even san francisco and showers in the forecast for today. big-time warm up getting into your mother's day weekend and then we settle in for a hot stretch of weather next week. triple digits, your forecast in moments. and here's fremont southbound 880.
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you're picking up a lot of company for this portion of the n nimitz. more slowing for the san mateo bridge. a live look at the opening bell. cheetah mobile moving from hong kong to the nyse. over the nasdaq we have group holding. today is -- >> may 8th. >> yes it is. 6:30 thin the morning. this is "today in the bay." and a very good morning to you. thanks so much for joining us, i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> i'm scott mcgrew. four americans killed on september 11th, 2012, including our ambassador chris stevens who grew up here in the bay area. "today in the bay" tracie potts joins us live on capitol hill. tracie, republicans say they try to get to the truth but
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republicans saying this is a political ploy for mid-term elections. >> comes just a few months before elections and democrats are concerned about the makeup of the committee which proposed is seven republicans and five democrats and they think it should be even nancy pelosi from the bay area put in the request on that. republicans say they really believe there was a cover up here that the administration kept pushing this idea that it was a video that people were upset about when they knew, in fact, there were and they want to ask some questions, subpoena some people and documents and get to the bottom of this. >> pelosi the minority leader, she is really vocal about this. just demanding this investigation be scrapped. will the democrats boycott? >> they might because they think that it is really sort of a witchhunt that it is going in unfair because there are going to be more republicans than democrats on this select committee. this investigative committee. way that they set it up and, yes, they are considering it, but they said they're not going
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to boycott it or make any announcement about whether or not they'll boycott it until after the vote today. >> then the white house, of course, the white house is going to cooperate? i suppose it really has no choice. >> it's a good question, though. we don't know. they could pull executive privile privilege. some e-mails that lawmakers, republicans here have subpoenaed. they said that the e-mails were available, you know, back in 2012 just last week. they get a hold of these e-mails and accusing the white house of being very slow about turning over information and certainly the white house depending on what they ask for could claim executive privilege and not pass along any information and not send anyone to testify. we'll see. >> tracie potts live in washington, thank you much. let's go live and taking a live look out asked side at the bridge and hazy start and something for everyone. depending on where you go in the bay area. check in with meteorologist
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christina loren right now. >> you have to love the variety that microclimates provide around here. as we get into the stretch of heat especially next weekend into next week and escape the heat and today one of the rare days where we have showers on the way for half of the bay area and that is the north end and stay mostly dry to the south of the golden gate bridge. show you what we're working with right now. live to our radar not for really good reason at this point. you can see there is not a lot of happening at this point. believe me as we head throughout the day today, we'll see that accident intensify. as we head through around 11:00 a.m. by our mid-day broadcast we'll track some showers and looks like the steady rainfall will arrive in the north bay. continue and press to the south by about 6:00 p.m. not making its way to the south bay, though. santa cruz mountains, as usual. but, again, fair game for some showers this evening along the peninsula great news because we want our hillsides to stay nice and green for as long as
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possible. hot stretch just around the corner and 70 degrees for the south bay and 69 in the east bay and 69 degrees in the north bay, as well. as we head throughout the next couple days, this is what you can expect. today overcast and cool by mother's day weekend a big warming and a few 90s and next week a triple digits. take a look at the heat coming up in my next report. right now, let's check our drive. >> mother's day at our house, a lot of cards being made. you're not getting a card, what are you thinking about? bay bridge toll plaza and a smooth drive backup here but look at the fastrak lanes are moving as the sun continues to come up and clouds continue to move around. we are looking at the map and a smooth drive on the approach and nothing really unexpected and the tri-valley and now the leading edge of the commute heading south on 680 through pleasanton and moving closer to the speed limit by the time we get to 680 and southbound 880 the earlier crash as we approach
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92 and moving to the shoulder and starting from 238 and folks shifting over to the right to the san mateo bridge and the rest of your approach and the lights moving very smoothly and over in the north bay, smooth drive and 101 across in towards san francisco. calling for help without ever saying a word. you'll soon be able to text 911 in an emergency. starting next week, california's emergency dispatch centers could apply to provide texts to 911 service through the county's four leading wireless carriers. a program designed for those with hearing and speech problems and provide everyone with another way of getting emergency help. >> let's say if someone was following me or something down the street, i might not be as inclined to call the police or dial 911 if i don't want that person behind me to know that i'm calling the police. so, i might be more inclined to use the text message-type system. >> i would probably get faster
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by texting than calling. >> it could still be years before texting 911 is widespread throughout the state. that's because emergency centers don't have the necessary hardware to support it. also this morning, a bill designed to protect your smartphone from thieves. we'll have another shot in the state senate today. the kill switch bill failed to pass in sacramento a few weeks ago following strong opposition from the cell phone industry. mark leno will push it forward today. one thing in his favor apple which was once opposed to the kill switch bill is now not taking a side on the issue. running ios7. 6:36 right now. still ahead, your orange and black update. amy g. talking all things giants just ahead. speaking of the giants. live lookoutside. the beautiful mccovey cove. if you're lucky enough to have a
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boat catch a wild home run out there. check in with amy g. coming up. playing against the rival dodgers. 6:36. got a story for nbc bay area investigative unit? call the typeline at 1-888-996-tips or e-mail us at
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good thursday morning to you. we're taking you live inside at&t park this morning.
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all quiet right now. that's because our good old g-men are down in los angeles gearing up for a four-game series against the rival dodgers. >> comcast sports net amy gutierrez has our orange and black update from the giants dugout? >> good morning, everyone. i'm amy gutierrez coming to you from at&t park. your san francisco giants on their final leg of a ten-game road trip. and after sweeping atlanta, they ended up dropping the series to the pirates, 2-1. they need a big bounce back win this evening as they begin a four-game series against their division rival, the los angeles dodgers. matt cain who cut his finger last week actually went on the disabled list this week. it is, however, retroactive to april 24th, which means he's eligible to come off the d.l. tomorrow and said he is confident that he'll be able to make his regularly scheduled start on saturday. the dodgers got clayton kershaw back off the disabled list. the two-time and reining cy
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young award winner will likely go up against the giants on sunday and he'll face tim hudson. that's going to be a game absolutely you do not want to miss. i'm amy gutierrez. that's your giants update for "today in the bay." 6:41, coming up president obama coming to the bay area just in time for your evening commute. we'll tell you which freeways you'll probably avoid. an update to breaking news and that couple missing after their home caught fire overnight. christie smith is live with details, coming up. good morning, i'm bob redell and take you live to the south bay with an exclusive look at a brand-new rooftop garden in the darnedest of places. yes, we'll take you atop levi's stadium. that story coming up. >> looking forward to that view. we have a gorgeous day shaping up for the south bay. meanwhile, showers for parts of the bay area, especially up in the north bay as we head throughout your mother's day weekend.
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the 90s move in and then by next week, we jump into a heat wave. temperatures in the triple digits and we're going to be in the thick of it. hot weather for a while. we'll detail that forecast for you today when "today in the bay" is back in moments. you can either have high-end or low-price. or you can go to t.j.maxx and you can have it all for up to 50% off department store prices. t.j. maxx.
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this morning, president obama's whirlwind trip to california continues. the president waking up. >> he'll arrive in the bay area just in time for the evening commute. we have team coverage this morning. mike inouye looking at the motorcade impact. let's start with peggy bunker. >> this is mostly a fund-raiser stop for the president. >> the president will attend two fund-raisers for their party. pricy plates for those meeting with the president while he is visiting. air force one will arrive at moffett field and from there the
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president is expected at the home in the los altos hills where he will hold a roundtable discussion with about 30 people. each of those people paying about 32,000 bucks to attend that event. the president has remained very interested in the tech industry here for obvious reasons. you might remember this february 2011 picture. this is his visit to silicon valley when he sat down with a virtual who's who of businesses in the bay area. larry ellison and former ceo and also steve jobs was in that picture. later tonight, the president will head to the fair mont hotel in san jose for a dnc fund-raising reception and that starts at 6:30 tonight. those tickets cost between $1,000 to $32,000 apiece. he will then spend the night in san jose at the fairmont. that is his schedule for today and tomorrow the president will visit walmart in mountain view. the importance of energy efficiency and tonight at the fairmont motel last night,
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though, pretty flashy at the beverly hilton in los angeles and for more on that we want to turn to kate larsen and any obama sightings this morning? has he been up for an early jog? >> we have been up for several hours and, unfortunately, no president obama sightings. we wonder if he's watching us here in los angeles this morning. we know he is here, though, because a very heavy security and police presence here at the beverly hilton and later on this morning here at the hotel, the president will preside over what's being described as an intimate roundtable discussion. tickets more than $32,000 bucks a pop. the pricy breakfast benefits the democratic and national committee. now, last night steven spielberg presented the president with a humanitarian award at a star-studded event in century city for the 20th anniversary dinner of spielberg's usc foundation which gathers video testimony from holocaust
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survivors and other witnesses. the president spoke about the holocaust and also the importance of awareness and activism against injustice occurring in the world today. now, president obama is scheduled to take off from l.a.x. just after 11:00 this morning. he'll head to san diego where he will spend a few hours before heading up north to you to san jose. so, for now, reporting live in beverly hills, i'm kate larsen for "today in the bay." peggy, back to you. >> before we let you go, we understand it was a who's who of who attended this. barbra streisand and liam neison and any other news who was there? >> we know bruce springsteen performed and liam neeson. attended another dinner event at
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the chairman of disney's house, as well. plenty of celebs out and about last night with the president. >> a lot of fine dining there for president obama. thank you, kate, from los angeles. we really appreciate it. and i also want to send it back to you. a big traffic jam in los angeles due to that visit. what will we expect with that, mike. >> i think they started a hash tag. #obamajam. >> sounds like a concert at shoreline maybe. >> that's what traffic is going to be like, actually, when there is a concert at shoreline, that is what it is like for the evening commute and president obama arrives at moffett field at mountain view and take the helicopter there from los altos. traveled by car and show you how this will shake out for your commute and comes in as the evening commute will start in that area and live look at moffett field. air force one touches down there at 3:50. just before 4:00 this afternoon and then the president heads to los altos for a roundtable
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meeting. show you the map 101 will likely be affected right near moffett field and a live shot at the bottom of your screen. highway 85 and 237 complete the triangle right there on the bottom of your screen and los l altos and the city streets and the fairmont in downtown san jose. 280 highlighted here in the orange and red and maybe on that route all the way into san jose 5:00, 6:30 around that time and the worst of the commute in that direction. big headache. highway 85 impacted and at least it is going to affect folks heading into the area. coming out of cupertino and into the rest of the south bay. that's this evening and show you how it is shaking out right now. instead of southbound 280 northbound where the commute will be kicking in. not yet. too early for a thursday. now, look at your morning commute. capital expressway all the way up to the airport, that's where
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we see the build for the morning commute for thursday. 85 starting to build in that direction, as well. reverse for the evening and that's why we're concerned about the presidential motorcade traveling out of los altos. no problems across the bay and over at the san mateo bridge we did have a crash reported and heading towards 92 that moved to the shoulder and you see things coming out of san leandro and coming into hayward. a quick look at the commute direction westbound is a concern. you have company, but not a big deal and good, smooth flow across the flat section of the highw high rise and the peninsula. not right here, farther east as you're coming out of the altamont pass and now the build continues south of 680 and no drama into fremont. overall, the slowest stretch. a smooth drive over towards the bay bridge toll plaza and at the toll plaza and the approach off of north 880. and then north bay, no drama. good stuff and we'll show you a
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live look out there and show you how things shape up. heading towards the north bay and that's smooth traffic and just a minor backup. >> watch for the presidential molter cade ee eer motorcade. san francisco and the san mateo bridge. the president says things are warming up long term and let's check on the short term. >> i'm going to stay away from that one. you can take it many different angles. 6:51 now. nonetheless, the president will see nice conditions here in the bay area. nice, comfortable weather for us. as you know, they had that brutal winter on the east coast and now they're getting hit with some pretty severe heat. now, for us, today is going to be nice. shower activity mostly north of the golden gate bridge and rain is a good thing, as you know, we're still in a drought. we will take every drop we can get. south bay at 51 degrees and we want to show you the difference between the sky in the south bay
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versus what we're getting this morning. in san francisco you can see turning windy, turning cloudy and the changes are going to continue as we head throughout the day today. we're going to have a cloudy sky for the greater bay area before the day is done holding off on the showers for the most part until mid-day. we stop that clock for you at 11:00. that's when we're expecting most of the activity up in the north bay and then things start to improve getting more moisture to the south by 6:00 p.m. as you start to make your way home from work. that's the good news. nothing heavy but enough to keep our skies nice and cloudy for today and our hillside nice and moist as we head throughout the weekend because i can tell you right now, my friends, our cool days are numbered. 70 degrees for today in the south bay and 69 degrees in the east bay and temperatures for today about two to four degrees below average. as we get into this weekend, that heat really cranks saturday into sunday and we're already up to 87 degrees in the south bay for mother's day. if you want to take mom to a cool spot, hit the beach. san francisco mother's day 77 degrees and then we keep that
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climb going as we head into next week. we're not even going to stop climbing until thursday. so, triple digits on the way and going to be hot around here for a while and, yeah, those 70s you're going to be wishing for them likely as we get into next week. here tracking it for you andic tragthe records, as well. right now back to you, scott and laura. >> thanks so much, christina. breaking news that we have been following for you all morning long. an elderly south bay couple unaccounted for after their mobile home erupt under to flames. the fire started around 2:00 this morning at the cape cod village mobile home village not far from highways 101 and 237. "today in the bay" christie smith joins us live by the fire scene where the couple's adult son was able to escape. >> yeah, he was able to get out. but no one has seen this couple since before the fire started. so, that's the big question right now. but what firefighters are doing is they have been pulling back metal from their burned unit and putling down plywood so they can walk around because their mobile
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home unit is so badly damaged they don't want to fall through the floor. they are trying to confirm whether this elderly couple is inside or not after a huge fire ripped through their mobile home around 2:00 this morning. neighbors tell me it sounded like an explosion, possibly a water heater. firefighters arrived and quickly called a second alarm because the unit at the cape cod village are so close together. that adult son did make it out of the burned unit but some communication issues with him. the red cross is now helping him out while the couple remains unaccounted for. one neighbor told me that the woman who lived here used a cane and may have had mobility issues and trouble getting out but they say these type of units burn fast. >> when things go so fast, i can see where you can get trapped. the new ones are made out of sheet rock and it's like the regular homes. but these they are just paneling, no insulation. the ones that are real old like that. so, they'll burn up real fast.
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and it doesn't give you much time to get out. >> and neighbors tell us that that adult son did mention cooking before the fire. firefighters say, though, they still don't know how this started. neighbors tell us the couple's car is here and they are almost always home. but the husband works as a crossing guard. firefighters tell me that this morning they've been trying to call their cell phones to reach them, but haven't had any luck. now, before we went on, the battalion chief that we have been speaking with was called over to the scene to take a closer look and he said that he will be providing the media an update in a couple of minutes as soon as we get that information we'll try to bring it to you. reporting live in sunnyvale, christie smith, "today in the bay." also new this morning a small earthquake shook southern california last night. no reports of any injuries or damage. happened a few miles south of downtown los angeles. the magnitude 3.3 quake hit just before midnight. no injuries reported and damage but thousands posted on social
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media saying that they felt that strong jolt. the nfl draft and sports fans are all ready for the hype. the raiders the fifth overall pick in the draft and the 49ers the 30th overall pick. >> some of the 49ers will get to play at the new stadium in santa clara. bob redell live inside santa clara, inside levi stadium and on top of it with exclusive access you'll only see on nbc bay area. >> scott, laura, i'm actually in the backyard garden of a friend in livermore or am i? >> my this take. >> but the strangest thing. they have this rooftop garden on top of levi's stadium. their brand-new solar terrace. they have all indigenous plants that go down from one end zone to the other. you notice the fences over there, that's actually an entertainment area. select members, people who are
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suite club members will be able to come up here and enjoy the game and have a party. if you look at the white steel structure on top, panels 1,150 of them. according to what we read, they will produce enough electricity to power each home game. a beautiful garden area making this the first nfl stadium to have been built with the green standards in mind. now, this is still an active construction site. you guys need some help with that? you okay? go ahead, sorry. wow, that looks really heavy. still an active construction site. these guys are going to be actually going over the ledge here and are going to start caulking some of the windows down below. but this is the view of what you're looking at. if you come up here during a game, if you're privileged to come up here and you get a look down below, what a view to see this brand-new stadium. you're looking at 68,500 seats. almost all of them are
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installed. you have the brand-new turf down there. look how beautiful that is. we were out here three weeks ago and wasn't as green, but now it is clearly taking its roots and we know the caretaker here, the groundskeeper is doing a good job of getting that field ready because august 2nd. that's when the san jose earthquakes are going to be the first team out here to play and then, of course, you have the view of the tv screen over here. with the sun, i don't know if you can see it, but the monitors on each end zone, 48 feet tall. 200 feet wide making them some of the largest video screens of their type at an outdoor arena. this right here, this beautiful rooftop garden as we get the sun coming in. one of a kind in the nfl and something you'll only see here at levi's stadium. they will start tours. they just announced. come here and get a tour and don't want to pay the full price for a football game. 25 bucks you get a tour of different areas that we have been showing you throughout the morning. scott, laura. >> what a view. >> phenomenal reporting, bob.
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fun to be in there exclusively. time now 6:58. investigators combing through of what is left of a burned out mobile home in sunnyvale. looking for an elderly couple who lived there. flames poured out of the windows of the home in the cape cod village park overnight. fire officials say the couple's car is in the driveway, but they haven't found the couple. heavy police presence at all schools in danville this morning in response to threatening messages. the latest message found in a boy's bathroom at baldwin elementary and it referenced hurting people today. the other was found near charlotte wood middle school last week. president obama heads to the bay area today. he'll land at moffett this afternoon before heading to los altos for a roundtable meeting and then go to a fund-raiser at the fairmont san jose. that happens tonight and all of that happening much during the commute hours. that's what's happening "today in the bay" and back at 7:25 with a live local news update. >> of course, join us for bay
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area news at 11:00. have a great thursday. > buenos días, una ola de good morning. murderous rampage, the same group that attacked girls in nigeria, attacked an outdoor mosque killing as many as 300 people. what can be done to stophem neighborhood, donald sterling's wife says she is trying to keep the clippers as her husband tries to sell the team. does she have a leg to stand on neighborhood, fires intentionally set by former owner tennis star james blake. an investigation now under way. and i wish them no ill.


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