tv Today NBC May 13, 2014 2:07am-3:01am PDT
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♪ from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hello, everybody. it is fun day monday, it is a beautiful may 12th here in new york. we hope everybody had an awesome mother's day. >> we certainly do. we are starting the week off right. >> we are. >> we have a fantastic guest in the house. her name is -- >> sara bareilles. >> she first came on our show, like three years ago, the same we felt when adele came on, we never heard of her, really, really early in their careers in terms of national exposure and
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we were both blown away. since then you've been able to go to a gazillion concerts. >> she thinks i'm a stalker which she might be close. >> and blake. >> and sara. >> how was your weekend? >> not good. no, it was good. most of it was good. thanks to you, you had to tell the whole world i was having a couples colonoscopy with frank. >> people were wondering why you weren't eating and drinking on the show. how was it? >> i highly recommend colonoscopies every five years if you're nice and clean. every five years because it is just so important because colon cancer found early is so, so treatable and curable. i do not now, though, after the experience of it, ever recommend couples colonoscopies every again. in fact, because of it, i called ashley madison this morning and things are going to change, which is our next story.
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but, you know what, the preparation alone -- >> drinking the stuff and -- >> but it is all different. i've done four of them now and each time they think there say better system. as i walked out, dr. smearing and that is his name, who is a world renowned gastroenterologist, said to me, last time i was there, he said you have the cleanest colon at nbc news. i was thrilled. this time, this time -- >> what did he say? >> you have the cleanest colon in television. >> what? >> oh, yeah. he said, i've seen them all. >> he's seen mine. >> including yours. >> i'm bummed. that's a bummer. >> how was mother's day, though. >> mother's day was great until we come back from church, and i -- nobody home, but -- i left the dogs in a room, so we let them out and i made -- always make the mistake of going, go, lola.
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lola is an 80 pound golden doodle and she went and -- kathie lee went down again, too -- i am now going to change my twitter handle. what should it be? let america decide. either @clutzyleegifford or @lousylucklouise. >> i like both. i like the clutzy one, i think. here is who worried about you. here is somebody worried about you. we have her on tape. i went to a cyndi lauper/cher concert. >> i know you did. >> and cyndi lauper was very concerned. let's take a listen. >> hey, kathie lee. >> kathie, i heard you fell. take it easy. >> take it easy. >> no running. >> about to go on stage. >> we're about to go on stage. we're backstage at the cher -- hoda is here. >> we can't wait. it is going to be big. >> going out like a wrestler. >> that's how you do. yes! yes!
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>> get strong, stay strong. peace out. >> peace out to you too, sweetie. that's so nice. >> she sang "girls just want to have fun." we were backstage for a minute. joanne is there, a crazy cyndi and cher fan. and cher got on stage and she looked amazing. and she said, a quote to the crowd, i'm 68 years old. what's your grandma doing tonight? and she rocked it. >> what a fantastic -- did everybody just go crazy. >> crazy. they went wild. >> she is one of the greatest -- she, bette midler, they're just great, great. >> amazing performers. >> and dolly who will be here with us tomorrow. >> yeah, we have her tuesday. i thought that was the peak of my mother's day, but then something else happened. >> oh, my. >> so my sister is in dubai and my brother and wife and kids had other plans and i wasn't going to be able to go home for mother's day because -- but i decided my mom was going to a restaurant with her friend
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jennifer and decided to do a sneak attack. so i flew in on sunday morning, i love surprises, i flew in sunday morning, hold on. let's watch the videotape. >> oh, my god! >> no, no, no. i got to show better video. no. hold on. hold on. that was crazy. hold on. >> such energy. >> wait, wait. >> i want to show you here. this is better. can we zoom in. >> never shows up well on television. >> this is good. >> did your mom freak? >> totally freaked. >> you went down yesterday morning and came back last night? you're -- >> zoom in. hold on. it is going to show it better. hold on. hold on. wait, wait, watch. watch. >> oh, my god! >> now is a good time to do
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that, hoda. >> wait, look. hold on. >> zoom in a little more. come in. >> hoda -- wait, no, look. it is so worth it. here is the best part. the guy who drove -- >> is she at a sports bar? >> no, she even screamed for the guy who took the video, look. >> that's sweet. >> anyway, it was -- that's my favorite thing, by the way. it was such, such fun. so much fun to do that. >> should i do my favorite things? >> sure. >> i was going to say, it is ice and ace bandages. >> right. >> but then i remembered that i have found these beautiful, beautiful little bracelets. they are from nelly or nell. i'm not sure. nell, nell and, they run between 50 and -- look at how delicate they are. one says cody, one says cas. and the other bracelet with the round little charms is about $75
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from they're both small little businesses that these ladies have started. i wanted to give them a shoutout. >> i like when you do that. >> i do too. that's the way i roll. >> in addition to sara bareilles, we have another guest on our show there say show called "i wanna marry harry." there is a guy who is a ringer for harry, but he's not harry, pretending to be harry. >> 12 young women believe he's harry and are -- >> we hear he's pulling up. >> he'll be with us in just a moment. we're not sure. here comes -- that car looks official. >> his name is matthew hicks. but let's see if he can fool our crowd. >> we need to learn about timing around here. >> uh-oh. >> let's see what happens. okay. let's see. >> starting to get it. oh, my god. >> somebody they're familiar with. >> wait, he'll get closer. look at them trying to escort him.
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>> if it was baby george, they would be going crazy. don't you think. >> i think they're respectful. our fans are crazy. look, can i say a selfie? oh, my god. all right. >> thank you. >> he is making his way through. >> i would fall for that, wouldn't you? you wouldn't? he looks just like him. >> if we didn't know he was doing a series -- >> but i'm saying, it looks like him. >> you know what is sad, you guys, the day after mother's day, which is today, ashley madison signups increase. you know what that is? that website where people -- married people go to set up adulteress liaisons, shall we call them. >> that's what we call them. >> folks at, the website that encourages that, say they see a spike in signups today, the day after mother's day. they call it the day of neglect because they're all so disappointed that -- >> nobody did anything nice for them. >> the guy never got off the couch and made an omelet. didn't do anything. it is the second biggest signup day after valentine's day. >> on an average day, 25,000 people sign up to cheat on their spouse.
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on this website. on mother's day that quadruples. oh, my god. that's awful. >> all right, so we have a big, big show. we're going to catch you up on the latest buzz you may have missed over the mother's day weekend. >> tim stack is with us. she's not going to write us a love song but will sing us her latest hit, sara bareilles. >> the best. >> we love her. >> after this.
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rich in key nutrients you may need. one of our favorite performers is back with us today. singer/songwriter sara bareilles whose cd "the blessed unrest" was nominated for album of the year. >> a lot going on from news about her upcoming summer tour and the music video for her single "i choose you" to a
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special project she's working on with me, i'm so excited. hey. >> hey. >> she roped you into this. but for an excellent cause. >> an easy yes. >> here's what's going to happen. sara's anthem "brave" and cyndi lauper's anthem "true colors," they'll do a mashup, make a music video, involve kids who were fighting pediatric cancer, and make a video and then end up with a concert on the plaza. and, by the way, we mentioned it at 8:30 this morning, twitter exploded, they all want to be part of it. >> this is a great idea that hoda had. she didn't have to do much, but it is a great idea. >> you were at a concert in orlando, and you pulled a young boy -- >> joshua. >> you remember. up on the stage, it must have been a moving moment for you. >> they reached out ahead of time before the show and i think he's maybe 4 or 5 years old and he's fighting cancer and
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fighting leukemia and got to meet him. and he is, you know, it is amazing about kids who are struggling is they don't know. you know, so -- it is all he knows and he's so vibrant. all he cared about was the microphone. let me have that. >> is he doing -- >> he's doing well, as far as i know. >> did you know that song would be an anthem for so many people, for so many different types of people. >> and being used in the commercial so you hear about it in the -- is it verizon, i forget. >> microsoft? >> microsoft. >> yeah. >> it has captured so many people's imaginations, hasn't it? >> i went to the piano to see how high that note is you're hitting. is it a c? >> it is a d -- it is an e flat. that's a d. yeah. >> you've got a lot of other projects going on. your "i choose you" music video came out. tell us about that. >> that was such a fun sort of experiment.
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i really -- this song is about, you know, the love -- making that choice. and i really wanted this to feel like it belongs to the fans and my manager came up with the awesome idea of doing real engagements, so we did a call to action and asked people to -- were they willing to let us kind of let me implant myself in your really special moment. i would like to be filmed while you have a moment. but they -- they were so genuine and so sweet. and i just -- it was a really fun project. >> where are they from? >> so matt and chelsea are in marina del rey and the others are in denver, colorado, where gay marriage is not yet legal. it was really beautiful for them to, like, step out and have that moment. >> and because you've got a concert tour coming up, starts in july, and you have a musical. tell us about "waitress," the musical.
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>> is it the movie -- is it a stage version of "waitress", the movie? >> stage adaptation of the movie "waitress". >> with kerry russell. >> yes. it was such a sweet, quirky, full of heart, just like a really sweet film. >> how did you know how to write the songs for it? how did that work? did they say -- >> i don't. >> they told you before, earlier in your career, we want you to write a love song, you knew exactly what to do. >> you go the opposite. i grew up on musical theater. it is a love -- it has been amazing to be here in new york and acknowledge. the talent here is -- >> crazy, huh? >> unbelievable. >> when is that going to come out? do you know? >> it is supposed to go up next summer in boston. i hope i'm not jinxing anything. >> you can't jinx broadway. it jinxes itself, trust me. >> is there an autobiography in the works too? >> i'm writing a book of personal essays. and that has proven to be very difficult.
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writing, you know, it feels like it is supposed to be this really cathartic -- >> organic. >> i'm finding that it is really a struggle to sit down. maybe it is, like, you know, digging into some of the stuff. >> because you have lots of issues. >> i'm a mess. >> you have a past that is not to be believed. >> we love you. we can't wait for this music video. in june we're going to work on the song and send it out to -- >> great idea. >> thanks, sara. >> thank you. >> don't go away. guess what, sara is going to stick around and sing "i choose you" for us. >> and he has these girls convinced he's the real spare heir. >> the star of the reality show i wanna marry harry." >> he has some explaining to do. as a kid, i made a list of all the places i wanted to visit. i'm still not going to make it to mars, but thanks to hotwire's incredibly low travel prices, i can afford to cross more things off my list. this year alone, we went to the top of the statue of liberty... and still saved enough to go to texas-- to a real dude ranch!
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hotwire checks the competition's rates every day... so they can guarantee their low prices. so we got our 4-star hotels for half price. next up, hollywood! ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ save big on car rentals too, from $11.95 a day. ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief.
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all right, romance is in the air in london after 12 american women crossed the pond to look for love in the new fox reality dating show called "i wanna marry harry". >> there they are. prince charming isn't exactly who they think he is. all is not what it seems in camelot. he's british, he's really matthew hicks, an actor pretending to be prince harry. >> oh, my word. you got some explaining to do. >> yes, you do, matthew. we saw you walk in and we saw you were greeted by some nice well wishers outside. >> that was nice. >> what did they say to you? what do they say to you, the people outside? >> they thought i was him. >> oh. >> that's been what's happening everywhere, especially in memphis. >> yeah. >> harry sighting there because of the wedding. >> we went to memphis last week and it was crazy. i didn't know what to expect. they just sort of threw it in on
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the end of the trip. >> look at you. >> we got dropped on beale street, the music festival. >> and you walked away with no security and all of that. >> two camera guys and a soundy and the producer and we walked along. i just got absolutely -- i made it about 20 meters, i think, i got mobbed. >> he had those pictures taken in las vegas, he has quite the following. >> you certainly have. did you think maybe you would find love on the show? >> i came on it for a bit of fun, but with hoping i could maybe find a romantic interest. >> and what -- did it feel weird? you had to keep your lies straight? were you constantly trying to figure out what to say? >> the week in the run-up to it, i had harry school. i got trained to, you know, had to -- >> all things harry. >> all things harry. his hobbies, scandals, ex-girlfriends. >> what was the question that they asked you the most. >> i love watching you dance. >> the real harry can too. what was the question they asked the most, these ladies? >> they wanted to know about vegas. >> they did?
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>> yeah. that was quite fresh then. this was all done last year. >> there are some ladies in our orange room who -- hi. >> what do you guys think of him? >> good morning. >> we were easily caught up in it. we thought he was the real thing. >> they thought you were -- >> why not? outside the "today" show studios, that makes sense. >> your hair is not normally red. you had to do that. >> i had to dye it. i'm normally blonde. >> it is very natural. >> yeah. >> do you like being famous, fake famous? >> fake famous? i haven't really experienced it much yet, but it is all good fun. >> i feel sorry for the guy who has to be the real thing. >> it wouldn't be fun, would it? i wanted to enjoy the music festival and you wouldn't get the chance if you were really him. >> do you feel like you're going to break some girls' hearts because if they fell for you? >> how can they fall for it, hoda? >> i don't know. >> you explained to me
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beforehand, this made more sense, we find it hard to believe that the girls couldn't figure this out before even coming, you were somewhere in england and that you got -- it was for a short amount of time and all of their social media was taken away. >> no cell phones, no anything. >> they didn't even know who they were meeting. they weren't told they were meeting harry. they were just told they were meet an eligible bachelor -- >> there is hope for civilization. >> we wish you good luck. thank you for coming to see us. >> you're actually quite adorable. come back and see us when you're blonde. the latest members of the joy fit club drop a lot of weight right after this.
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okay. we're back on this fun day monday and it is time for our "today's buzz". >> here to fill us in on the latest hollywood scoop is "entertainment weekly" senior writer tim stack. >> we love our stackable. >> we're so ready for whatever you are to say. >> kerry washington, mother's day, obviously, and kerry
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washington, she doesn't really acknowledge -- she's been very secretive about her personal life and her marriage, and her pregnancy. and she gave birth like two weeks ago. it was a big surprise, but she sort of acknowledged everything on mother's day and said she still -- she won't talk about her personal life on here, but i see her tweets and i'm filled with gratitude, so happy mother's day. >> there wasn't a baby born at cedars-sinai, same place where angelina jolie went through all of her surgeries, in the heart of los angeles, paparazzi city. it is amazing. good for them. >> like olivia pope. it is handled. >> done. >> next, eminem -- >> yes, eminem. >> releases a video, it has a lot of bleeps in it and things you can't talk about. >> yes. >> this is different. >> he released this for his new single called "headlights" on mother's day because it is a song about his mother. he and his mother debbie had a very cantankerous relationship. he grew up in detroit. he sort of accused her of many things, criticized her. so the video is directed by spike lee and all from the pov
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of debbie, an actress playing debbie. she's not stalking him, but trying to reconnect with him and eventually they hug at the end. it is touching, but it portrays debbie as not -- she's drinking a lot and smoking a lot. it is kind of an apology, but also kind of -- >> some mothers do. >> that's true. that's true. it gets to -- >> has she said anything about -- >> i don't think so. i don't think she said anything. i think he -- it is a step forward for him. >> any kind of reconciliation. >> not a warm and fuzzy fellow. >> no, you don't have tea with eminem. >> no. >> kim k. is having a bridal shower. >> kim k. had her bridal shower at the peninsula hotel in beverly hills. >> you missed it by a week. >> i love that hotel. >> you can just roll down, you know, during breakfast. hey. >> not having anything at the beverly hills hotel anymore, the bel air. >> i know.
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but the wedding shower and her sisters were there, her mom, sierra, who is like crazy pregnant still, i don't know why she's still pregnant. she's been pregnant for like 12 years, but they took photos and -- more photos. and basically put kim and kanye's wedding invitation was leaked and it was, like, put online. so we know they're getting married memorial day weekend, unless it is a huge hoax. >> and in paris. >> in paris. are you going? >> i'm not going to this one. >> she's already been to one. >> you've been to enough. >> no, no. not that. i'm not going to this one. i wish them well. >> there are a lot of shows that are renewed and some that get canceled and a lot of people are really upset about community. >> yeah. "community" got canceled. >> had a great run. people loved it. >> the joke was that they wanted to go six seasons and have a movie and so they don't get that. >> sometimes you have to go before you're in -- >> syndication.
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>> five seasons, 22, need 100 episodes. >> so the fans are really ticked. >> yeah. fans are -- >> they should have made their neighbors watch. it is over, hoda. >> it is no one's fault. >> bummer. >> exactly. all the networks have been trying to clean house to make space for new programs. >> better than a colonoscopy. >> so impressive. >> every couple of years. >> more impressed by you. >> tim stack -- >> it is like all that gift wine. >> we're not allowed to talk about it. >> but thank you from the bottom of my muzzled mouth. thank you. >> keeps you regular. >> oh, god. >> grammy nominated artist, we love her, sara bareilles sings her latest single for us. wait until you see them now. the latest inductees to the joy fit club used easy access apps to drop the pounds. you can hide uneven skin tone from here. and here. but what about here? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® visibly even daily moisturizer
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call 1-800-dentist today. ♪ ♪ go. it is time for "the joy fit club" and the induction of two of the newest members. >> between them, they lost more than 260 pounds and here to tell us all about them is "today's" nutritionist, joy bauer. >> we have two superstars for you today. first is 43-year-old denise greenen from littleton, colorado. she's at her heaviest in this picture, 275 pounds. she realized when she was a teenager she had this obsession with food. that's when the weight gain really started. after she had kids and she's a stay at home mom, the binges got horrific. she was a closet eater. didn't have anybody home with her so the food got out of control. her big wake-up call was within a two-year span, she lost four family members and her mother
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was diagnosed with diabetes. so she decided that was it. and she's going to show you when she comes out in a couple of seconds that she used facebook to actually motivate herself and one thing that is really cool is she not only jotted down her food and her exercise, but she was so smart because she tracked her sleep and her water intake and those two things are so important when it comes to losing weight. if you get less than seven hours a night, you're in trouble. in that picture, she's 275 pounds. she lost 126 pounds and she's unbelievable! >> oh, my god. >> wow. >> oh, my god. >> she's got the moves. >> amazing. >> how did facebook help you? >> well, they were my support group. my friends and family, a lot of them live out of state and so i would track my progress and they would encourage me to be my cheerleaders, they really inspired me to go. >> these are actual posts.
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she -- every ten pounds she would mark down her progress, and then jump in with all of these cheers of support. >> way to go. you can do it. how awesome. >> you're inspiring me to get up at 6:00 in the morning and work out. >> i don't get up at 6:00 to work out. >> what was the exercise you were doing? >> i did zumba. >> every loves zumba. >> it is so fun. it is not like working out. it is fun. >> let's move on to our second guy, second girl. >> mark rucker from lexington, kentucky. 45 years old. at his heaviest, he's 385 pounds. the real turning point for him was they had a family vacation coming up. and he was looking so forward with his daughter to riding the roller coasters at dolly wood. when they got there, sheer excitement, they sat down on the roller coaster and the bar would not fit over him. he was devastated. his daughter was devastated as well. with the help of an ex-joy fit club member, she supported him through. he lost over 130 pounds.
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>> i want to see him. >> not only did he lose 135 pounds, this guy is a triathlete. >> of course he is. i can't wait to see him. >> he runs, he bikes. >> come on out here! >> wow. fantastic. >> congrats. >> thank you very much. >> yeah. your daughter must be so proud of you. >> she really is. it is great to be active in her life again. it is wonderful. >> how terrific. social media was helpful with you too. >> very much so. >> how so? >> well, twitter and facebook were two of the big things for me as well. but i also used an app called ease into 5k. i didn't know how to run, how to be a runner. this app i used was able to help me -- >> trying to -- there it goes. >> able to help me go from a couch potato to a 5k runner in a matter of nine weeks. >> amazing. >> shows you exactly what to do each and every day. now, another one that he downloaded is something called cycle meter. tell them about this. this is very cool. >> it allows you to track your workouts you can create routes, create routines, and it allows you to track where you're going, what you've done. every time you go back out, you know what your previous workout
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was. >> these are all free. he sunk this to something called daily -- >> daily mile. >> congratulations. both of you. >> well done. good job. >> coming up, a live performance by singer/songwriter sara bareilles. >> and the military spouse of the year for the support of her family and our country right after this. the comforting scent
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of snuggle fresh linen you love, again, he's sitting in my chair. uh-huh! anytime you want it. part of the air wick familiar favorites collection. also available in cinnabon classic cinnamon roll and baby magic clean baby. is it a bus? a bicycle? two chinchillas? a skateboard? fuzzy coconuts? it's a flower. air wick. the craft of fragrance. jim's hair is perfect. so's his serve, and his mandarin [speaking mandarin] xieúxieú, hou chiú but like up to 90% of americans, jim falls short in
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military spouses make major sacrifices for their families, when lakisha coles' husband was deployed to okinawa, japan, their fifth relocation in 12 years, she didn't let that stop her from pursuing her passion. >> lakisha is a thriving entrepreneur who spends her time teaching and mentoring other military spouses how to start and run businesses of their own. >> last night she found out she was named military spouse of the year by "military spouse" magazine and she is here with her husband, gunnery sergeant deonte and 8-year-old daughter
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caylee who is precious. >> she has it all going on. >> so, first of all, happy mother's day. >> thank you. >> not only the award last night, but you're also expecting your second baby. >> we are. >> that's awesome. >> the moving from place to place, the bonding and severing, though it is definitely part of your job, but it can't be easy for a family. how do you keep the family unit together that way? >> we have a lot of tool and resources for us to help us with that transition period. but we have been fortunate enough to get stationed places where we have actually wanted to go and live and experience. so we just do our research before we go, and we always seem to have friends wherever we're sent to, that makes the transition easier as well. >> it is more difficult, though, once children are introduced to the scene because then they make friendships wherever they're living and they're in a school they like and how do you tell your child, look at it as an adventure, this is going to be cool. >> yeah, well, we tell her just that, we're moving to another country, you're going to get to
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learn a new language, new culture, meet new people, make new friends and we'll eventually see your old friends again once we come back to the states. they adjust pretty quickly. >> you're pretty proud of your wife. >> adoring you. >> i love that. you have a terrific relationship. is it hard to say to your spouse, we have to pack up and go again, honey? >> we have done it quite a bit. however, she's been exceptional. she's been able to handle things really well when i'm gone. i almost think better when i'm gone than when i'm at home sometimes. >> so you're the problem. >> exactly. >> so this is something cool you're doing. you figured out a way to start a business, which is -- i would imagine would be difficult with all the transitions. >> very difficult. most families move an average of two to four years so we're not in one place very long. it is hard to find a job when you move so often because you have so many gaps in your resume. so what i decided to do five years ago was to find something i enjoyed doing that was portable, that i could pick up
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and take with me every time the military told me to go somewhere else. so i started this little boutique, it is a pop-up shop called she's swank too. and we are based out of okinawa, japan. >> best little model in the world. >> your daughter -- >> so adorable. i want to eat her up. >> one of the neat things about the boutique is not only do i sell from some of my favorite designers, but i also sell items that are handmade by other military spouses as well. so i give them an opportunity to start their business and to, you know, make a little extra money as well. >> congratulations. you guys are terrific. >> god bless your family. and your new little one coming along. >> thank you. >> thank you for your service to our country. she's nominated for a grammy five times. we're about to hear why. >> sara bareilles sings her latest single. but first, this is "today" on nbc. she's performing "i choose you."
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the song "brave" was a huge hit for sara bareilles with more than 25 million views for the video on youtube and grammy nomination for best pop solo performance. >> now she's back to perform her latest single off her grammy nominated album "the blessed unrest." we're so excited it is you and the guitar. >> that's how you roll. >> you solved the mystery, you think it was a c and you go honestly, that's a c. >> what -- you're going to sing for us. >> i'm going to sing "i choose you," my latest single. >> as you're listening to this,
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go online and google the video. it is awesome. >> okay. all right. sara bareilles. ♪ let the bough break let it come down crashing ♪ ♪ let the sun fade out to a dark sky ♪ ♪ i can't say i'd even notice it was absent ♪ ♪ cause i could live by the light in your eyes ♪ ♪ i'll unfold before you would have strung together the very first words of a life long love letter ♪ ♪ tell the world that we finally got it all right ♪ ♪ i choose you
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♪ i will become yours and you will become mine ♪ ♪ i choose you i choose you ♪ oh, yeah ♪ there was a time when i would have believed them ♪ ♪ if they told me that you could not come true ♪ ♪ just love's illusion ♪ but then you found me and everything changed ♪ ♪ and i believe in something again ♪ ♪ my whole heart will be yours forever ♪
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♪ this is a beautiful start to a life-long love letter ♪ ♪ tell the world that we finally got it all right ♪ ♪ i choose you ♪ i will become yours and you will become mine ♪ ♪ i choose you i choose you ♪ we are not perfect we'll learn from our mistakes ♪ ♪ and as long as it takes i will prove my love to you ♪ ♪ i am not scared of the elements i am underprepared ♪ ♪ but i am willing and even better ♪
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♪ i get to be the other half of you ♪ ♪ tell the world that we finally got it all right ♪ ♪ i choose you ♪ i will become yours and you will become mine ♪ ♪ i choose you yes, i do i do, i do, i do ♪ ♪ i choose you >> beautiful! >> wow! >> that's music. >> that's music! >> that's music! that was awesome. >> thank you, darling. >> love you, love you. >> download that -- >> download that video. tomorrow, dolly parton. >> two of our favorite ladies. >> okay, everybody. have a great day.
3:00 am
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