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tv   Today  NBC  May 29, 2014 2:07am-3:01am PDT

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from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockeller plaza. hey, everybody. so glad you're joining us today. it's winesday wednesday. it's may 28th. and it's a sad day for all of us who loved this lady very much. maya angelou has just passed away. she was a great soul. >> she certainly was. >> every time she was here, she just lit up the studio. >> she's a great, as you guys know, american author and poet. a lot of people remember her because at president clinton's inauguration, she was the one who read that beautiful poetry,
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and i was reading somewhere that she was the only poet other than robert frost who spoke during john f. kennedy's inauguration to ever speak at a presidential inauguration. and you're right, she was here so often that she was so lovable. and there was something about her, like she always took the time to listen. >> yes. she remembered everybody's names. and she just -- every time i'd come up and she was always in the little room there, of course maya's back. why wouldn't she be? you listen to the last tweet, you guys, that she did. on may 23rd, she tweeted, "listen to yourself. and in that quietude, you might hear the voice of god." >> that was the last tweet. >> she gave a lot of joy to a lot of people. >> there will be a lot of tributes to maya. >> i think we're all her family. she made us feel like we were. >> she sure did. we're moving on. there's some interesting news that comes out of the west coast. there is a man, he's an anonymous donor. >> he's a good guy.
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>> he has decided that by giving clues on twitter, he's going to give cash away, thousands of dollars. so he guides people where to go to find hidden cash. he's given away thousands. >> that's his twitter handle, @hiddencash. >> he puts clues out and people are posting pictures of themselves, like, with all the money. most of it's been in the san francisco area. >> but he's coming to new york, i hear. >> yeah, he's hidden money in trees, under park benches. he's calling it a social experiment. and he wants to promote acts of kindness. >> he's been talking to reporters on twitter. >> look where the dough is. >> yeah, look at this. >> hidden cash. >> he or she, we don't know for sure, is between 35 and 45 years old, has made millions from real estate deals. so you know what we're playing in the studio today, you guys, we have hidden some money right here. >> our staff has. we don't know anything about it. so here's the clue. if your wallet you want to fill
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full of big dollar bills, look up, then look down. then under and around. and in an envelope, there's cash to be found. >> what? >> what does that mean? >> it means it's anywhere. >> up and down. >> so don't get in a snit, it's near where you sit. oh -- >> what is it? how much cash is it? >> $1. $1. hey, times are tough here. >> you got one, too? how did that feel? that was like getting waxed. another dollar. >> that's as close to a brazilian as i'll ever get. okay. >> all right. we've got more -- i'm taking a little sip. >> yes. don't say what kind of wine it is or where you get it. >> it's a gift. kim and kanye. >> okay.
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>> they're putting out more photos. again, they're on the cover of "people" magazine, which we've shown you that photo. and there's some other ones, beautiful pictures of the two of them. out on their instagram account, she's got a couple of more pictures of her and kanye. >> that's one she released, right? >> yeah. and they also did something -- i didn't see that one yet. >> i can't see. >> pretty, pretty dress. >> oh, it's beautiful. >> everyone's in black. >> except for the bride. >> everybody wore black except for the bride. they have just married leather jackets. i wonder if this is going to be a trend. >> i think that's cute. >> that's cute. anyway, kim did write something nice to the paparazzi on twitter. this is her quote. "so nice and respectful to where i felt comfortable bringing north out. thankfully no one yells and scares her." >> good. i'm glad. >> so they're on their honeymoon. >> they're in italy. no, ireland. please tweet us a picture of them if you see them. okay? you know, i just did a podcast recently with nia vardalos. >> talking about "my big fat greek wedding."
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>> there are certain sequels that people would really like to see. fans, brace yourself because there are plans for the sequel to -- >> "my big fat greek wedding." that was such a great film. it was terrific. nia and john corbett. i love that scene. i could watch that scene over and over. >> so much fun. tom hanks and rita wilson are going to return. >> i say bring it back. i say bring it on. i would love that. >> she's a wonderful writer. and she was saying something like of course certain members of the press will say they're doing it because i need the money or i just want to kiss john corbett again. and she goes, one of those is true. >> one of those is true. >> she made a load of money on that, and she deserved it. and she's going to write the screenplay for the second one. >> remember the windex? i loved that movie. >> i was win decision --
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windexing on memorial day because we had friends coming over. >> yeah. >> and every time i'd pick up windex, i think of it. >> i know. you put it on cuts, they said. remember? >> he'd put it on everything. i'm surprised he didn't clean the wedding cake with it. so what's the next thing, sweet girl? >> let's see. okay. now, this is going to be a shocker to you. we're going to ask a question. what has more sugar? a twinkie or yogurt? this is going to be surprising to you, but there's a study out that says the american heart association recommends no more than 36 grams of sugar per day. >> for men. and for women, no more than 20. some yogurts have between 20 and 26. this is what a twinkie looks like. this is what -- i'm going to put it on the plate just so you can see it. look. look what's happening. you can't see it because it's white on white. let me do it on the paper. >> put it on the beijing subway line. >> look how much sugar that is. look how much sugar is in a yogurt. >> lowfat.
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>> that's what happens sometimes. >> you're confused. >> what they do is when they have lowfat -- >> 99% fat free. >> when they do lowfat or no fat, they add sugar. so it tastes good. so i think it's better to get full fat and eat less of it. >> of course you do, and you do it a lot. you do. >> that is not nice. >> but look at you. you work out and you can eat anything you want except for yogurt. we reached out to dan in stonyfield, and they got back to us. they all point out that sugars occur naturally in the milk used to make yogurt, as well as the fruit. so "america's got talent" was on last night. and there were a couple interesting acts. a 93-year-old man has a hidden talent. not so hidden among his friends. he actually pulls entire cars with his teeth, his real teeth. he's 93. look what he's doing. he's yanking the car -- the old station wagon with the wood
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paneling. with his teeth. it's a 3,500-pound car. >> he's got a baby brother, 84, and sister-in-law who are seated inside the car. >> i just love that a baby brother is 84. >> and there's a woman there, too. and he goes, that's his lady friend. 93 with his own teeth. you know what? >> what? >> frank still has his own teeth, too. >> having your own teeth is valuable. it's important. you don't have your own. >> no, he doesn't. i take it back. not the front ones. those are care of dr. rosenthal. >> there's also another great act, and it's an 18-year-old singer named jacob. had everybody in tears. take a look at his performance and what he said after. ♪ everything's gone wrong with the world ♪ ♪ we just feel like we don't have the means ♪ ♪ or to rise above and beat it ♪ so we keep waiting ♪ waiting ♪ waiting on the world to change ♪ [ applause ] >> not yet.
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not yet. >> you sang with so much soul. >> me and my sister both were in and out of foster homes. it started when i was 5. when i met my mom and my dad and they wanted to adopt both me and my sister, it felt just like this, knowing that i would have a family that loved me. and this is awesome. >> you know what? "america's got talent" has now adopted you, and america loves you, too. >> there you go. >> wow! oh, my gosh. beautiful. it's so hard for these kids that aren't adopted as infants. for an older child, it gets harder and harder. god bless those wonderful people. >> before he said a word and then you hear the story. >> they didn't break them up. >> okay. anyway. it's national burger day.
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>> you're not on the "forbes" most powerful women in the world, i just wanted you to know. >> we do have the most powerful list. we're going to have a snack while we read them. number one is angela merkel. she's the chancellor -- >> not angela. it's angela. >> also in the top 20, melinda gates. cheryl sandberg. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> marissa maier. >> all the usual suspects. >> bonnie from our very own network is in the top 20 -- well, top 40. >> she's 42. >> whatever. >> and once again, we're not in it, but it is national burger day. >> oprah made it, beyonce, sofia vergara, ellen degeneres. >> how long is the list? >> another one that's not you. lady gaga. gisele bundchen. >> thank you, jerry. somebody loves me. >> it is national burger day. let me get rid of this because it's very important. so this newspaper -- just take a look at this, you guys. pretend that you are waiting --
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this is a line to get on the subway in beijing. okay? they put in security because there was some kind of a shooting around there. are you eating when i'm talking about something serious? >> mm-hmm. >> all right. anyway, so they decided to put security in. can you imagine going on your morning commute and having to stand in this line to go through security? >> that is so good. >> to go through all of that. and that's what they're doing. anyway, i wouldn't -- i don't know how long i could wait in a line like that, but they're doing it in certain subway stops. it's the busiest subway system in the world, by the way, and they're trying to keep people safe. did you take off half the bun? i do that. it makes me feel better about myself. >> these are from smashburger. they can be found in 30 states across the u.s. we have to give a shout-out because we're going to change up a little bit. our everyone has a story for next month. okay? chef hung -- >> there are two different things. >> what has he got to do with
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"everyone has a story?" >> wait. hold your everyone has a story because everyone's waiting with bated breath. first, this is the cooking thing. chef hung will be here next week. we need you to help choose what he should cook. go to and hit the connect button. vote for sea bass, chicken lettuce wraps or chicken stir fry. now we should talk about -- do you want to talk about "everyone has a story"? >> you go ahead. >> all right. anyway, that's it. we'll be back. we're going to take a commercial break. >> no. a shout-out about "everyone has a story." >> all right, well, do it. ♪ everyone has a moment >> no one put it up. i don't know. what is it? >> instead of there's a moment, life-changing thing, we want to write "everyone has a story" about your love story. if you think you have an amazing love story when you fell in love, send it to us, the connect button, "everyone has a story," and maybe david
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and i will like your song button. probably not. >> everyone has a love story. you know them, matthew and e.j., battle of the sexperts. >> and actor lee pace. oh, my gosh, i didn't even recognize him when he walked in. he's in this new -- well, it's a series on amc. he's creepy. >> we're going to talk to him after this. >> he is so nice in person. we'll be right back.
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ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. saffect over 1 million homes a year and can cost thousands of dollars to repair. thankfully, rid-x has enzymes to break down waste and time-released bacteria to reduce tank buildup. rid-x. #1 in septic maintenance. and now for rvs too!
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jim's hair is perfect. so's his serve, and his mandarin [speaking mandarin] xieúxieú, hou chiú but like up to 90% of americans, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. making jim more like us. add one a day multivitamins, rich in key nutrients you may need. you probably know lee pace best as ned, the lovable piemaker with the unique ability to bring back the dead on the critically acclaimed tv show "pushing daisies" that scored him nominations for an emmy and a golden globe. >> now he's back in the new series "halt and catch fire." he plays joe mcmillan, a former ibm exec who's determined to beat them at their own game with the help of a brilliant engineer. >> this puts the future squarely
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in the hands of those who know computers not for what they are but for everything they have the potential to be. >> what? >> you know who said that? >> no. no, i don't. >> you did. page 36, closing paragraph. computers aren't the thing. they're the thing that gets us to the thing. >> that's good. what a great line, lee. >> i watched this -- welcome, welcome. >> hi. >> thanks for having me. >> i watched this this this morning. and i just thought, oh, computers. i was riveted. it's really well done. congratulations. >> thank you so much. and thanks for having me on. it's not really about computers so much. >> no, it isn't. >> it's about culture. >> set it up for us. it takes place in the early '80s. >> it takes place in '83 right after ibm has pretty much dominated the market with the ibm xd. and before the apple macintosh comes out, so it's a moment when everyone's trying to get into
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the business and make something significant. >> but they're all terrified of ibm because of lawsuits and patents. >> basically what we are doing is building a clone that can compete with the ibm. that can use all the software in an ibm that's cheaper, faster, smaller than the ibm. >> but you have weird ways of getting what you want. >> yes, you do. you are weird in this. >> take that as a compliment. >> just motivated. motivated. >> he's very motivated. so when it was over, i was mad. where's episode 2? >> it's on amc, right? >> it's on amc. we'll be on sunday nights, 10:00/9:00 central. >> who's the young lady that plays the whack genius? >> lindsay davis. she's the one who sent me along with a gift for you guys. >> so she's not crazy? >> what is it? >> i think you'd like her a lot. she sent me with some moonshine from atlanta for you. >> is she a homegrown girl that makes this in her spare time? >> no, she didn't make it, but she got ahold of it.
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>> that's kind of scary. >> it's good. it's a breakfast moonshine. >> is it sweet? >> it's sweet. look. >> peach. >> peach moonshine. >> you've got to do it, too. >> of course. of course. >> to great success with your new show. >> okay, go. >> is it strong? >> no, no. >> that's good. try it, kath. you'll like it. >> no, i don't drink on national television in the morning. regardless of what you've heard. >> or seen yourself. there's this great little tape that shows kids now reacting to old computers of the '80s. let's just watch a little clip of that. >> what is that? >> go ahead. turn it on. >> hello? >> it's in the back. >> where's the mouse? >> where's the mouse? >> everything is just done with a keyboard. >> what? >> there was no internet back then. >> what? >> how do you look up homework? >> you've got to go to the
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library. >> who wants to do that? >> from five brothers entertainment. isn't it fun to see how far we've come? >> oh, it's incredible. look at the size of that computer. and like the switch is on the back to turn it on. >> right? >> that's why i never got into them. >> exactly. >> well, we wish you great luck. >> it's an amazing cast. it's so well done. "halt and catch fire" premieres this sunday night on amc. we're going to play a very special "who knew" edition. should you love them or leave them. advice from our sexperts. it's going to be a smackdown after this. what's my advice for healthy looking, radiant skin? a good night's sleep... and aveeno®. [ female announcer ] only aveeno® positively radiant face moisturizer has an active naturals® total soy formula... one of nature's most effective skin tone correctors. it helps reduce the look of brown spots in just four weeks. and for stubborn spots, there's new aveeno® targeted tone corrector,
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with vitamin a added for faster results. [ jennifer aniston ] aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™. [ marge: you know, there'so®. a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips fiber good gummies. they're delicious, and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. wife: mmmm husband: these are good! marge: the tasty side of fiber. from phillips.
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it's almost time for "who
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knew" so here's a question to get you started. >> it's a fun, fun game. in 1981, daryl hall and john oates sang "your kiss is on my blank -- is it my time? my lips? my mind? or my list? don't give it away. >> stick around. we'll have that answer and more fun questions for our crowd across the street in just a few minutes. and don't wait till the last minute to get your dad a gift. we'll show you affordable father's day ideas. >> getting hitched without a hitch. we'll solve your wedding day emergency. plus, those crazy kids will answer your relationship questions after your local news. >> uh-oh, she's getting frisky. >> oh, no, back away, matthew. back away.
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we're back with more of "today" on this winesday wednesday. we're ready to play our weekly trivia game we call "who knew?" and the 2014 rock n roll hall of fame inductees are this weekend.
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we're going to test your knowledge of all things rock 'n' roll. kathie lee is right across the street at the nbc experience store. she's ready to hand out 100 bucks to those who get the questions right. and to those who don't, so sad, they get one of her fabulous cds. oh, they're cheering. that's nice. here to help me out in studio is greg harris, he is president and ceo of the rock and roll hall of fame. welcome. how are you? >> i'm thrilled to be here, hoda. >> we're glad you're here. >> thank you. >> before we went to break, help us out here. in their number one 1980 single daryl hall and john oates sing a song called "your list is on my blank -- what is the correct answer? >> the correct answer is my list. ♪ because your kiss ♪ your kiss is on my list good song. great song. >> some philly guys, where i'm from, they were inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame a few weeks ago. the ceremony will be broadcast this saturday night on hbo. and we have an exhibit opening
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at the museum that's this weekend with all the new inductees. >> we look forward to that. let's head across the street to kath. >> you know what we really look forward to? when neil sedaka is inducted. really big oversight. you're from ohio. what rock city did kiss sing about in 1976? chicago? detroit? new york or san francisco? >> "b." "b." >> what did i say about cheating? >> she's very cranky, clearly. a lot of crank going on across the street. the correct answer is detroit. >> it is detroit rock city. and kiss was inducted, and the kiss army. that's what their fans are known as, will be invading the museum this summer. we're thrilled. >> you were about to answer the neil sedaka thing. you had a response. you can't just slam someone and then leave them in the dust. >> you know he's eligible. to be eligible, you had to have made a record 25 years ago. so kathie, you're eligible. >> here's the big difference, though.
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i'm not deserving of it, but he is. >> all right. >> well, kind of, but he really is. but thank you. okay. where you from, honey? >> colorado. >> that's right. okay. peter gabriel became an mtv staple in 1986 with the music video for this song, which was famous for its stop-motion animation. what is the title of this song? can we hear it? ♪ you could have a >> is it in your eyes, sledgehammer, don't give up or mercy street? >> "sledgehammer"? >> she knew it without even hearing it. >> it is a classic. >> it is a classic. think about those videos. "sledgehammer," there's madonna videos, prince videos, there's tom petty videos. the videos were the thing. >> oh, they were. i loved when that was the thing. >> they're showcased, we have an mtv exhibit at the museum, and they're full in the exhibit. >> terrific. back across to kath. >> finish the lyric of this 1977 linda ronstadt cover of roy orbison's hit.
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you might not know it. trouble over here, you guys, with audio. can you play it again? ♪ i'm going back ♪ come what may to >> oh. >> oh, so sad. >> i can't. >> yes. ♪ >> you know what i'm going to do? i'm sorry, in a case like this, i'm giving her everything. that's the way i rock and roll. >> that's the way she rocks and rolls. "blue by you." >> linda ronstadt, another inductee. she was not at the ceremony, but in her honor, bonnie raitt,
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sheryl crow, stevie nix, glenn fry all performed for her. you had goose bumps when they were on stage. >> congrats for this weekend. we appreciate you coming, greg. thanks again. do you want to show him you love him with a special gift? we've got five ideas for father's day. and they're back. your favorite bickering relationship experts, e.g., carol and matthew right after this. hey, let's talk probiotics. for digestive health? erin andrews?
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yeah. and did you know trubiotics is a daily probiotic that helps in two ways? it supports digestive and immune health, by working in your gut where 70% of your immune system lives. now in chewables.
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yes, it's time now for a battle of the sexperts. our relationship experts are back to answer your questions. dole out some really good advice, whether you like what they have to say or not. they're not afraid of you. >> matthew is a love strategist
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and she's an advice columnist. >> they don't often agree. >> no, but they have their own cartoons. sara says this. my husband is always joking around about sexual things. sometimes it's funny, but other times it's very annoying. do i tell him that this is something that bothers me? should she or should she not? >> well, the easy route to go down would be to assume that he's just got a different sense of humor from her. they say when sex is good, it's 20% of the relationship. when it's bad, it's 80% of the relationship. >> or 100%. >> or 100%. and if you want my honest opinion, i think he's talking about it in a humorous way because it's on his mind. either because he's not getting it enough or because he's not happy with the type of sex he's getting. >> so it's her fault. >> it's not her fault, but they're not communicating. not in an effective way. and i think that she can look at it just in terms of he makes crude jokes that i don't like, or she can say there's something underlying that i need to get to the root of.
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>> she did say she laughs some of the time, right? >> i like a man who tells jokes. instead of a man sitting in front of the tv with a clicker and grunting. but there's two ways to go with this. the sweet and the harsh. and the harsh can kill a man. so let's just get rid of the sweet and do the harsh. when i was a writer at "saturday night live," i learned the funniest joke in the world was a man taking off his pants. right? >> right. >> the unfunniest is when a guy keeps his pants on and makes a bad joke. the writer and the actor quickly learn -- they quickly learn what works and what doesn't. what is better than silence or laughter? >> what is she talking about? >> if he tells a joke, don't let the blackness go over your face. don't react. >> that was interesting.
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something about snl and dropping pants. initial says i met a nice man and our communications were frequent, several times a day through texting. we went out several times and a text telling me how amazing i am. he's a sports psychologist and often flies out of town on a moment's notice. our communication now is a couple of times a week. while i realize things have changed in the dating world, i'm over 50, whatever happened to dating etiquette? i was always taught if a man wants to date you, he'll go out of his way to. i'm seriously considering telling him good-bye. am i wrong? >> when people say times have changed, i always think it's dangerous when somebody has bought into the current epoch we're in where guys don't call anymore. they just text. we don't go on dates anymore. the moment you buy into that, you've lost. because the woman who demands more respect, she's different from everyone else. firstly, a big tip for women is you've -- if you want a guy to
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call you more, say to him, in a text message, you can do it in a playful way and say, listen, your voice is so sexy. i never get to hear it. give me a call later. i'm bored of texting. call him out it, but do it in a positive way. the other thing is she talks about the fact that, you know, he only contacts her a couple of times a week. i would be saying honestly -- two things. go out and meet more people at the same time. right? because clearly he's not monogamous right now. go out and meet more people. and at the same time when he does text you, say, listen, i'm a little busy this weekend, but it seems like you're busy in general right now, so why don't we catch up when you have a little bit more time to devote to whatever this is. >> that's a good one. e.g.? >> i love that answer. i love it. i think we should do that. but let's look at the good side. she's lucky. he's a psychologist. so just in case he is cooling off, she won't have to pay thousands and thousands of dollars to a couples therapist because this guy is breaking them up for free. >> what? >> okay, then. you know what? >> oh.
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>> i think. >> yeah. all right. that was interesting. thank you both ever so much. >> if you have a question for these two, go to our website and hit the connect button. those sticky situations that pop up on the big day. and whether dad's a sports fanatic or a grill master, jill martin has your ultimate father's day gifts right after this. >> that was funny. you kids are crazy! as a kid, i made a list of all the places i wanted to visit.
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i'm still not going to make it to mars, but thanks to hotwire's incredibly low travel prices, i can afford to cross more things off my list. this year alone, we went to the top of the statue of liberty... and still saved enough to go to texas-- to a real dude ranch! hotwire checks the competition's rates every day... so they can guarantee their low prices. so we got our 4-star hotels for half price. next up, hollywood! ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪
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save big on car rentals too, from $11.95 a day. saffect over 1 million homes a year and can cost thousands of dollars to repair. thankfully, rid-x has enzymes to break down waste and time-released bacteria to reduce tank buildup. rid-x. #1 in septic maintenance. and now for rvs too!
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it is almost june, and that means father's day's going to sneak up on you before you know it. >> contributing editor for "people" stylewatch, jill martin. she did stumping and has gifts for every kind of dad. hi, sweetheart. we're excited about this. >> okay. so this is the ultimate, there is something here for everyone. let's start with breakfast in bed for dad.
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>> genius. >> i don't cook and you make one dish. >> i make two. >> tilapia. anyway, this is to make the ultimate breakfast sandwich. it's from amazon for $25. i just show it had right here, all the things. you make the egg, then you make the ham, then you make this, and it just smushs into a sandwich. >> so you put everything in here? >> everything in there. >> that's fantastic. >> so really easy, breakfast in bed and something they can keep. my dad, marty, likes to barbecue, but everything is always a mess when you go from the kitchen to the barbecue. this is from quirky. we have two items here. this, you marinate everything, but everyone has a home. so everyone stays separate. and then underneath you could store the meat or whatever else you're getting. and then look at this. you chop the vegetables. >> there's a drawer. that's fantastic! >> so we're honoring my dad but also your brother. and also frank. now, this is an apron. i know a lot of people don't wear aprons, but it comes with a glove. and it also comes with an opener.
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>> that's cute. >> for beer. attached. and a place for the beer. >> oh, no. it's a side pocket. >> did i get it on you? >> no. but you got it on you. >>, beer tasting for frank and al. >> cute. >> and then look at the napkins you can have made. keep calm and grill on. king of the grill. >> adorable. >> you can make coasters in the state where you live. connecticut for the giffords and then virginia -- i made it from hanna and ella so they could give it. >> sweet. >> very sweet for them. >> let's move on to the sports dad. this is major. it's called the pill, okay? the and this is the ultimate golf ball. you see it's shaped a little bit differently. >> yeah, like a tire. >> right. it's for training. so when you swing at it, it will roll in a certain way that will give you instantaneous feedback as to what you're doing wrong. so "golf digest" just rated it editor's pick.
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so for a golfer for $12.95, if your dad's a golfer, it's a perfect, perfect tool. i know. >> we don't know what you're talking about. >> right. for golfers, though, they know. because a lot of pro golfers are using it now. the $5, always a great gift. also if you're having a party for father's day. pottery barn, $12.50. favorite sport, baseball, football to hold your beer. now, this is very interesting. i'm going to tell you about it because you can't see. this is patent for each of the sport, an artist researches them and then tells you how that specific sport and item came about. >> oh, that's cute. >> that's just like an interesting gift. father/son shave set. obviously this one's rubber for the little boy. it's cute to do together to teach your son how to shave. and the son is always grabbing things. $30 to $45., inexpensive gift, $16. look. cody and dad. the whole family. here you have adul.
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you can take them right off facebook for someone. >> fantastic. >> this is virginia, right behind you. now, this is from hanna and ella to your brother. it's a 400-piece puzzle, north and south of where you live. and on the lid, you can put a message. and it says "i love you, dad." >> that's adorable. >> something fun to do together. we're a big scrabble family. i put two sets and i put all the words that associates my whole family. michigan, boats, john, jill, dad and gave it to him. this is something you can make at home. >> good job. you did it again, baby. it takes months to plan but only minutes to ruin. >> how to prepare for those unexpected wedding day emergencies. this is a good segment. >> but first, this is "today" on nbc. i love.
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it's supposed to be one of the happiest days of your life, but wedding day is not always. despite months of detailed planning, there's one thing you can never plan for, and that's last-minute emergencies. >> so here to help the brides and grooms handle some of the hitches of getting hitched is the founder of >> hey, carly. >> hello. >> we have some scenarios for you. first of all, what happens if you're going to a wedding, you're an invited guest, and your baby-sitter calls in sick or something happens and you can't attend. should you call? what should you do? >> okay. wedding no-shows and people bringing kids to weddings are the two biggest pet peeves. so if you get sick at the last minute, call the closest person in the bridal party that you know but not the bride and groom. they do not want your text messages and explanations.
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make sure to rearrange the seating. but do not under any circumstances bring your babies. divide and conquer. send your husband. send your wife. and then at least you're making a showing at something like the ceremony. >> or you made a suggestion on one of the cards, you go to the ceremony, let him go to the party. >> at least it's honorable. and if you don't go to the wedding, you still need to send a gift. you have to send twice as big a gift. >> let's pretend this. you're the girlfriend of the bride's father. the bride decides she wants to sit her parents, her divorced parents, together at a table, and you're stuck at some weird table with some strangers. >> okay. >> what should you do? >> there is only one solution here, hoda. it's to suck it up. this is a day with so many complicated family situations going on. it's impossible to do the seating and have everyone be happy. so no matter who you are, if you're unhappy with your table, you only sit there for a short period of time. >> that's just it. nobody stays seated very long. >> yeah. just dance the night away. that's your job. >> and the tension's always so high.
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everybody's on edge. >> what else would the bride do in that situation? maybe the mom has no one to sit with. you always have to try to understand the bride. >> if you're the bride, okay, and you get a stain on your dress, you're putting your dress on and you get makeup in the collar or you're having a glass of wine for the nerves, and splash. what should you do? >> this is every bride's biggest nightmare. first of all, do not let red wine anywhere near you and your wedding dress. and so there are some quick solutions. one, you want to have a bridal emergency kit on hand because it has things like talcum powder or chalk in it. and those are secrets. >> cover it up. >> first blot it, obviously. >> don't rub. >> don't rub. you know, girlfriend. and then you can put talcum powder over it. it will hide it. >> what about makeup on the collar? >> once again, talcum powder is the best. it absorbs grease like if it's foundation, then dust it off really lightly like with a stocking or something that can
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take off the talc. i promise you no one will notice. >> don't point it out the rest of the night. >> people aren't going to care. >> if it happens during your event, i promise you the best thing is just forget about it. you can't ruin your wedding over a stain. >> here's one that comes up. it's time for the toast and there's one groomsman who's trashed. he gets the mike and says weird, gross jokes and strange stories. >> that's always my favorite time. >> what should you do there? grab it? >> if you think you have a groomsman who's going to go, you know, haywire, you need a buddy system. so always have one straight guy on the bridal party. and on the bridesmaid party, too. those bridesmaids can be just as bad. >> i've seen that movie. >> yeah. you'd be, like, oh, man, have somebody who can take it away or cue the deejay. crank it up. time to. >> thank you so much. >> thank you so much. tomorrow, actors harry hamlin and leah thompson stop by. >> elvis duran. and don't forget, "ambush makeover."
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have an awesome winesday wednesday. we'll meet you here tomorrow for thirsty thursday. >> when is this? >> i'm here to help. you and i will get through this together. ♪


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