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tv   Today  NBC  May 30, 2014 2:07am-3:01am PDT

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♪ from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> okay. hey, everybody. it is thirsty thursday. very happy to have you here on may 29th. my brother dave's birthday. wishing him a happy one. >> happy birthday to him. also from "mad men" actor harry hamlin is here. he's causing quite a ruckus over there. >> that's what he does. also actress lea thompson. lovely lady. >> and elvis durant, katy tiz, the artist of the month. elvis hits the jackpot time and time again.
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"people" magazine -- >> country's sexiest men. >> "people country" has its own magazine. >> yes. >> luke bryant stole the top spot from the clutches of another man. blake shelton. tim mcgraw. anyway, a lot of very, very sexy country guys. look, there's something about all of these guys -- look at blake. look at all of them. >> they're men. they're real men, baby. >> even the boys look like men. kenny chesney, brett eldredge, they're even in there and remember the swan brothers, the two kids from "the voice." remember, like, what happened? >> swan. >> there they are. this is great news. it's not good news. it's great news. >> awesome news. >> so we told you the story of frosty the little baby goat. remember we showed you a picture of frosty?
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he was in a walker. he was in a walker and he was actually going -- walking around with like wheels, remember? >> they had him in a little cart because he wasn't fighting the infection. and he couldn't figure out how to walk. and then he learned. it's the sweetest little thing. and they said if he got off those legs, it would give the medicine he was on the time to really help and kick in and fight that infection. >> well, guess what? >> guess what? >> frosty can walk. look. and he can -- >> look how cute he is. >> he's smiling. >> there's no video. >> there's no -- oh, well, he's almost as cute as prince george. i mean, the two of them. it's hard to make a choice. anyway, it's nice when things work out like that. >> congratulations. >> yes. >> so brad pitt, this was a weird thing, brad pitt was on the red carpet with his girlfriend -- >> fiancee. >> i almost want to say wife, angelina's premiere. >> his fiancee. >> the kids were all there. there they were walking the red
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carpet. even maddox, the oldest son. he posed solo for some pictures. anyway, out of nowhere it seems a member of the paparazzi, paparazzo, whoever he was, jumps over the barricade, goes up to brad pitt, and reportedly hit him in the face. >> i think that's called assault. >> it's funny, he's a 25-year-old guy from -- he's ukrainian. they call him a prankster. but he's -- there he is. he's done a lot of things we have seen. he was the same guy who allegedly crawled on the ground and shot up the skirt of america ferrera. >> and also slapped -- tried to kiss will smith. >> actually i think -- there's the america ferrera moment. and then if you remember a while back will smith was doing an interview with this guy. and look, he tried to kiss him. look at will. he's pushing him away. what are you doing? >> what is your problem, man? >> that might be a little assault too.
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>> guy's climbing all over him. >> but he's fine. >> here's a question for everybody just to kind of bring in front of all of us. when something happens in front of your children, how do you react? what do you do? because all those kids were with angelina and brad. >> it's the first time they'd all been on the red carpet together. several of the kids make a cameo in the movie. that little vivian, she plays ariel? what's the name of the little princess? >> aurora. >> aurora. she plays little princess aurora. that face. oh, my gosh. >> so what happened was this guy, allegedly, slapped brad in front of those kids and the question i was wondering is how did he react? because your initial reaction without thinking is to, i would imagine, either strike back at the guy or do something. >> or make sure he doesn't take on the children. >> so what do you do when your kids are present? when you're in a sticky situation and your kids are there, how do you react? it sounded like he kept working the rope line. he went on with his business.
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>> you know what? they're pros. they've been at this a long, long, long, long time. obviously he wasn't -- my hair is really bad today. >> no, it isn't. it looks good. >> enough about brad pitt. let's talk about my hair. anyway -- >> it looks good. >> so anyway, he -- he didn't get hurt badly enough to need medical care. and obviously i guess security came fast enough to take care of the problem. if he then started to go after angelina or the children, then i think brad pitt would have been in full bear mode. father bear mode. but you know, you learn that, you know, stuff happens. i've had all kinds of weird things happen through the years. what i want to know is why isn't that guy in jail after two other assaults? why aren't they on the lookout for a guy like that? >> well, i guess when he was kissing will, i don't know whether you call that an assault. >> it's unwelcome attention. >> advances. and the thing about crawling under america ferrera's, like -- >> i know. who lets him get that up close to begin with? >> and how is he maneuvering his way into that situation? gross.
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anyway, he was arrested in this case and held on battery -- or on suspected battery, suspicion of battery. >> well, i've been told, not that i know, but people learn all kinds of good lessons if they're actually sent to prison. >> hmm. >> enough said. use your imagination. >> okay. here's the question. dog people versus cat people. think about what you are for a second. a dog person or a cat person. okay? carol university found distinct personality traits that differ between the two. dog lovers are lively, energetic, outgoing and are rule followers. cat lovers are introverted, but more often open minded, sensitive and tend to be nonconformists. i believe that dog lovers are a little needier. >> emotionally? >> emotionally. than cat lovers. because the cat is minding his own business. >> i think it's the dogs that are more needy. they give more affection. >> oh.
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>> i like cats from afar but you can't cuddle a cat. first of all, if he doesn't want to be cuddled or if you're allergic in my case. a lot of people are allergic to cats and allergic to dogs as well. you've got to get the -- >> guess who's more intelligent? cat lovers or dog lovers? >> or people that are smart enough to realize they're allergic? >> the answer is the smarter of the two are cat lovers. >> that's what they say. >> they scored higher in overall intelligence. whatever. >> speaking of kittens, we have a photographer named wendy robins who takes pictures of kittens dressed as iconic movie characters. we haven't seen these yet. >> dorothy from "the wizard of oz." that's cute. princess leia from "star wars." oh, my gosh. >> hamburger buns. >> and gandalf from "lord of the rings." >> darling. >> okay. >> try this new peanut stuff today. >> these are reese's peanut buttercups in oreos. they're only available -- they're going to be available on june 9th in stores. i'm going to wait to eat that
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for a second. because let me tell you something, nothing gets in your teeth like oreos. >> that's true. in the meantime why don't we say hello to a friend of mine who is in our audience today. ann nielsen from -- she's from charlotte, north carolina. >> wave, ann. so we know which one you are. >> she's here with several friends from charlotte. ann is the one i told you about who is the magnificent artist who does the angel paintings i just, just love. tonight we are -- she has a gallery in charlotte called ann nielsen's fine art. but if you want -- look at this painting. this she's giving us today. tonight, guess what's going to be at my house? >> who? >> kenny loggins. kenny loggins -- >> he's going to sing in your house? >> he's coming to spend the night with me. not with me but at our house with his girlfriend and frank. anyway -- >> okay. >> we're having an event tonight. and tomorrow night the big dart concert that kenny's going to be headlining. >> great. >> so we're going to -- >> we'll talk about it on monday. >> yes, we will. >> i want to hear about it. i want to tell you about an
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event i went to last night, simon & schuster celebrated 90 years. so a bunch of authors came out. it was kind of fun. mary higgins clark was there. >> has a book a week. >> look at michael strahan. >> he has one coming out. >> yes, he does. >> long day for miss hoda. >> anjelica houston was there. >> with her 18th book. >> everyone had a lot of books. so con gratsz grats to everybod. and to jonathan carp, the publisher. we have to do ihoda. here's why. do you see the man on the cover? when i pick them, i pick them. guess what my ihoda was. not even knowing this would be on the cover. it's the new luke bryant song. "play it again." ♪ jumped up and cut me off ♪ she was like oh, my god this is my song ♪ ♪ i've been listening to the radio all night long ♪ >> you've already done, this hoda. >> i haven't. ♪ and here it is ♪ she was like i want to dance
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♪ she's taking my hand >> it's a good song. but i thought we already did this one. ♪ she gave me a kiss she said play it again play it again ♪ ♪ play it again >> come on. >> she's from charlotte, north carolina. ♪ play it again, play it again ♪ play it again >> wasn't that the one that was going to be considered -- going to be one of the big songs of the summer? >> which i predicted. >> which you used last week, hoda. that's all i'm saying. i remember that i predicted it. >> is it okay or not okay to lecture poor justin bieber? here's what we had to say about it. >> okay. >> i think everyone is seriously concerned that he's wasting a really blessed life, but no one likes to be lectured, hoda. >> you know what i say about that? >> what? >> sure, it's okay. everybody's entitled to their opinion. it's up to him whether or not he wants to listen. so there. >> all right. >> okay.
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>> so we give a shoutout, we want to celebrate an amazing woman in your life. if you know someone who is gentle yet powerful, who deserves to be honored, go to our website and tell us all about her, she could win a trip to come see us. >> and still go to for all the details. and we also want you to cook with us. is it tim love? what happened to chef hung? >> don't say hung. chef tim love will be here next week. and we're going to need you to choose the dish he will be cooking. go to the website, hit the connect button. we want you to decide what he is going to cook. >> all right. is that all the business we have? >> yes. >> now tell me what you think. yeah. okay. two women on our plaza celebrating graduation, but they got the surprise of the week, they will get an "ambush makeover." >> and we're mad about this buy, the very handsome harry hamlin's with us again. >> oh.
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>> he's got the glasses on. he's got a story about that. and we're going to talk to him right after this. keep eating, hoda. go for it.
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if you're a fan of the emmy-winning series "mad men" you're going to have to hold tight until next season for the final episode. >> harry hamlin is one part of the amazing ensemble cast. he received an emmy nomination for playing ad exec. jim cutler, a performance which one critic called "nothing short of outstanding." hello. >> and he's not impressed by the dashing don draper at all played by jon hamm. take a look. >> your agency was involved. we'd always be so intimidated. what was that man up to? such a cloud of mystery. now that i've been backstage, i'm deeply unimpressed, don. you're just a bully and a drunk. >> finally, somebody tells it like it is. >> yes. and he got no lines. we loved it. >> oh, man. i got so much hate mail for that. >> did you? >> oh, yeah.
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people love don draper. he is beloved. >> he is. >> i told the truth. i did. the guy is a drunk and a bully. so -- but people do not like that. >> did they not realize you were an actor reading somebody's lines, acting? it's a script. >> you know, some people don't get that. but that's okay. i'm actually -- >> it's a compliment. >> it's a compliment. >> were you a fan of the show before you joined it? were you -- >> no, of course i was. yeah. i saw it from day one. there was a break in there for 18 months when i kind of stepped back a little bit, but then i went back to it and, you know, it's one of those shows that you can binge right through from beginning to the end now. and now you'll be able to do that. >> your character -- how did your character come to be in the show? >> i was asked to do one day on the show. i have met matt weiner the producer. i went in to read for another character, not this character. and i was wearing my glasses which i can't really see that well anymore. >> the lighting was really bad when you were trying to learn it. >> the lighting was -- you only
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get the script a day in advance, you know, and so i went in and i met matt weiner and i had to pull these glasses out, which are my glasses. and i had to put them on to read the script. and he saw the glasses, and i guess at that moment he had the idea that i would end up playing this guy who ran the agency and i would wear these glasses. >> they are kind of retro, aren't they? >> they are. lisa got these for me. now i can see. you guys are beautiful. >> you and lisa are tearing it up on andy cohen last night, we heard. what happened? >> i can't say on this kind of television. no, it's too scandalous. >> but you also can't say anything that happens in the next season, right? because you are sworn to secrecy. >> if i told you anything about what goes on next season before i got outside the door i'd be killed. they've got people all around the world. >> is it going to be surprising? are people going to be shocked by what happens? >> i think people are always surprised by the show. no one will be disappointed. >> and what's next for you?
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that you also can't talk about. why are you with us? >> i have a project i'm starting soon that is shooting in vancouver. but i have a movie called "the erotic fire of the unattainable." but i did it in the fall. now, it's not x-rated. it sounds like it. it could be good, as far as that goes, but it's a beautiful film about a woman trying to find herself in her art. and it's a gorgeous film. so i would check that out when it comes out. >> since you have those glasses, we're going to play a little game with you. >> oh, no. i'm terrible at games. >> look at the picture and tell us who you think is wearing the glasses. okay, here is the first one. >> woody allen. >> yeah. >> ding, ding, ding. perfect. got one. all right. here's the next one. >> you know, that could be anybody. it could be -- i don't know. >> tina fey. >> okay. >> all right, and here's one that you know. >> harry potter. got that one. >> well, actually, daniel radcliffe, but you get that one. >> you said you weren't good at games and you won. >> i got two out of three.
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is that winning? okay. >> on this show. no parting gifts, though, but thanks for coming. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> all righty. it is webtastic. a divine dinner that left some tongues and tails wagging. >> wait tim you see this, guys. this is the sweetest, the sweetest. and two ladies get ready to face the mirror. don't miss their reactions when we reveal their "ambush makeovers." right after this. we really wanted to take a relaxing trip to florida. you know? just to unwind. but we can only afford one trip this year, and his high school reunion is coming up in seattle. everyone's going. then we heard about hotwire... and realized we could actually afford to take both trips. [woman] see, when really nice hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so we got our 4-star hotels for half price. i should have been voted "most likely to travel." ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ save big on car rentals too, from $11.95 a day. jim's hair is perfect. so's his serve, and his mandarin [speaking mandarin] xieúxieú, hou chiú but like up to 90% of americans, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone.
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making jim more like us. add one a day multivitamins, rich in key nutrients you may need. do you have something for pain? i have bayer aspirin. i'm not having a heart attack, it's my back. i mean bayer back & body. it works great for pain. bayer back & body provides effective relief for your tough pain. better? yeah...thanks for the tip!
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oh, my god. there is a lone sign left abandoned. all right. it is time for webtastic when we dig up the next adorable video that will have you hitting send all day. >> a friend of mine, neil sedaka's beautiful wife sent it to me, leeza.
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this is one you're going to love and you're going to want to share it. a woman in taiwan filmed her dogs bowing their heads for grace before dinner. >> what? >> take a look at this. it's unbelievable. watch this. >> [ speaking foreign language ]. amen. >> amen. oh! >> okay. >> it's just the cutest. >> i just saw it. it was amazing. >> it's not finished. >> it's not finished? >> the dogs have done this before, by the way. >> yes. she shot this just for fun. i wish i could have heard what the prayer was. >> the poodle has its own facebook page with 55,000 likes. >> they pick up their -- >> oh, my god. >> they bring them back to her when they finish. >> does bambino do that? >> bambino gets fed by hand. >> of course he does.
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>> such a diva. >> oh, my god. that was genius, guys. i love it. >> how sweet is that? >> i love it. >> her latest role takes her back to the past. lea thompson is here. >> we're ready to reveal our "ambush makeovers." >> she's a breakout british singer on the verge of superstardom. elvis durant with his artist of the month. katy tiz will sing for us. look at elvis.
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we're back on this thirsty thursday. >> ready to reveal our "ambush makeovers" for two lucky ladies who were whisked off the plaza and into our makeup room for a brand new look. >> guess who did the whisking? "today" contributor and stylist to the stars -- ♪ louis licari ♪ la, la, la, la, la >> we need to freshen that. >> i know. >> and "today" contributor and contributing editor for "people style watch" and author jill martin. >> hi, guys.
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>> hello. >> how was it today? >> pretty day finally. we scored. we scored. we had fun. a great day. two great makeovers. >> the first lucky lady is maureen brungart, 51 years old from downington, pen. she prefers focusing her time and attention on her son rather than herself. we decided to take care of her for a change. let's take a listen. >> well, maureen, you didn't come here for this. but when we surprised you, you did say yes. so why did you say yes? >> i said yes because i've been really working hard, i worked my whole life, my son just graduated from college and he's here with me, we're on a mother/son trip and i haven't really pampered myself at all and the offer is too good to be true. >> i love it. and you told me that chris, your son, is sleeping in the hotel. so get up. we have a surprise for you. >> thank you. >> got him up, right? >> chris is up, all right. jostled from his bed. chris, just keep your blindfold on for just a couple seconds until i give you the green
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light. >> all right. >> here's maureen before. all right. let's see the new you. come on out. >> love that haircut. >> oh, my gosh. >> all right, are you ready, chris? look at your mama. >> oh, yeah. wow! you look great. >> all right, mom, are you ready? turn right around. >> whoo! >> wow. >> you look awesome. >> isn't that fantastic? >> look at our camera 12. thank you. oh, my god. >> isn't that amazing? >> like lisa rinna. >> this is a -- as you called it out, this is the perfect modern update for fine hair. >> wow. >> of course what i did was i made her hair color a bit deeper so it helps her skin tone. the whole trick, it makes your
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skin look beautiful. >> chris, can you believe what you're looking at? >> that's the best she's ever looked. i mean that in a good way. >> in a good way. >> that dress is perfect. perfect for her. >> maggie london and then the jewelry is from kohl's, under $25. look at this great ring. >> that is adorable. i love yellow and gray like that. >> big round of applause. wow. >> good job. >> you look great. aw. i wish my son loved me. our second lady is elizabeth, 52 from mineola, new york. her cousins told her she's had the same look for as long as they can remember. so she was thrilled for the opportunity to get a brand new look. let's listen. >> well, we surprised your cousin with this. but lauren and rachel, i know you are psyched. >> yeah, we're so excited. she's always looked -- i've always known her to look the same and she always wears two different shoes. so maybe that will change just for today. >> footwear needs a makeover. let me see. why do you wear two different shoes?
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>> it's just a little something different, you know, and you can take them off when you don't want them, unlike a tattoo or something like that. and this brand comes, you know, in these twins. so i can even have dress shoes that are two different shoes. >> i may not stick with that trademark today. are you okay with that? i will make you look fabulous. >> i'm okay with wearing shoes that match. i can handle that. >> all righty. she's here with her cousins lauren and rachel. let's take one last look at elizabeth before. and let's see what she probably looks like today, miss elizabeth. >> oh, yeah. >> all right. you okay? take off your blindfold. >> oh, my god! >> you're going to love it, elizabeth. turn around and look. [ laughter ] >> are you all right?
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>> what happened? what did you do? >> okay. here's what i did. cut the hair. look at that. changed the shape of her face, made her hair brown. all the colors came together. of course with makeup. >> you look fantastic. >> and the dress -- >> she's amazing. little black dress from maggie london, didn't have one. and now statement jewelry from kohl's. >> and two beautiful black shoes that match. >> oh, yeah. >> let's bring out maureen. come on out. these are awesome. wow, wow, wow. >> all right. west lovely lea thompson on her feel-good movie of the summer. >> and the song you'll want to download for your play list. from elvis durant's artist of the month, katy tiz after this.
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hey, let's talk probiotics. for digestive health? erin andrews? yeah. and did you know trubiotics is a daily probiotic
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that helps in two ways? it supports digestive and immune health, by working in your gut where 70% of your immune system lives. now in chewables.
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it is time for elvis durant's artist of the month, when national radio host elvis durant introduces us to the next big thing in music. >> and this time it's the hot young singer-songwriter from the uk, katy tiz. she's been named on the verge artist by iheart radio. >> her single "the big bang" is climbing up the charts and she'll sing some of it for us. >> you can tell by looking at katy, she has no energy, no personality whatsoever. >> i know. >> i'm so excited to be here. >> what is it about her?
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>> you know what? her energy. even if she came in and sang awful notes, you would love her. but she's got energy. she's got the package. she's beautiful. and her music is fantastic. >> thank you. >> and she's shooting her new video here in new york tomorrow. >> you are? >> tomorrow. >> you're kidding? >> you should come. be in it. >> we could be extras? >> you need a postmenopausal woman in yours, i know. hoda is not quite there yet, but yeah. who fits that bill more than i do. >> she's about to perform "the big bang." >> let's hear it. >> and you're going to love this. wait till you hear this. are you ready? >> thank you for having me. >> "the big bang." >> katy tiz. ♪ i don't wanna lie i'm gonna take what you're giving ♪ ♪ cause i know you're willing to take me all the way ♪ ♪ you got me right here impossible ♪ ♪ and i can't wait to finally
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explode ♪ ♪ the big, big bang the reason i'm alive ♪ ♪ when all the stars collide in this universe inside ♪ ♪ the big, big bang ♪ the big, big bang ♪ the big, big bang ♪ some people like to talk but i'm into doing ♪ ♪ what i feel like doing when i'm inspired to ♪ ♪ if we take a walk down the beach tonight ♪ ♪ i bet that we could light up the sky ♪ ♪ the big, big bang the reason i'm alive ♪ ♪ when all the stars collide in this universe inside ♪ ♪ the big, big bang ♪ the big, big bang
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♪ the big, big bang ♪ take it for me i don't wanna be mummified ♪ ♪ sometimes i feel so isolated ♪ i wanna die ♪ the big, big bang ♪ the reason i'm alive ♪ when all the stars collide in this universe inside ♪ ♪ the big, big bang ♪ the big, big bang the big, big bang ♪ >> katy tiz. >> yes, yes, yes! >> i love songs about scientific theory. >> you are awesome. such fun. when do you go on tour? when's all that going to happen? >> i would have done it yesterday but apparently we have to plan things out. >> by the way, atlantic records very smart picking her up. >> we're excited for you.
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>> survival tips that will come in handy before you take that family camping trip. >> and lea thompson takes us back in time. she's going to fill us in right after this. ♪ the big, big bang
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i'm on break sweetheart. you know you don't have to put up with this. ...those annoying period symptoms. general pain relievers, like advil, only treat cramps, but midol has three active ingredients to take care of that... ... and fatigue and bloating. because you deserve better. jim's hair is perfect. so's his serve, and his mandarin [speaking mandarin] xieúxieú, hou chiú but like up to 90% of americans, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone.
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making jim more like us. add one a day multivitamins, rich in key nutrients you may need.
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back in the '80s and '90s, you couldn't watch a movie or turn on the tv without seeing lea thompson. >> who can forget her as the various incarnations of lorraine mcfly in the "back to the future" trilogy also starring michael j. fox. and later as a successful cartoonist in the 1990s sitcom "caroline in the city." >> now lea takes us back to the '80s in a new coming of age film. it's called "ping-pong summer." >> how are you? you look fantastic. >> you guys are very beautiful. >> going back to the future with you now, you look exactly like the first time i interviewed you probably 30 years ago. what's your secret? get it out of the way. >> i don't smoke or drink. >> i know. smoking is so bad for you. >> "ping-pong summer," this is an interesting concept.
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it really does take you back to the he a80s, right? >> yeah. it's a really fun movie. i've been playing mothers in the '80s for 30 years now. but this is a really fun movie. and it's so -- it's so square it's hip. i mean, it went to sundance and it went to south by southwest. and it's a really sweet coming of age comedy about ping-pong. >> and that's why susan sarandon is in it too, right? >> absolutely. i was so thrilled to work with her. >> this young boy, he's adorable. he's such a nerd, and he loves hip-hop, and he wants to be good at ping-pong, right? >> yeah. it's really funny. when i read the script, i was like, wow. but then when i saw it at sundance the audience just really laughed. because it's kind of like a throwback movie. >> yeah. >> which can either be be soul fulfilling or so not working. >> yeah. >> very fine line to walk. >> yeah. and this one is just really hysterical. these independent movies is it's really the director's vision. >> exactly. >> it's exactly what he meant to
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make. >> of course you also have a day job. tell us about that. >> yes, i'm on "switched at birth" and we're having our season premiere on june 16th. i had to learn sign language for that. that's why i called you guys beautiful. this is beautiful. this is handsome. >> okay. >> and tell us about your kids. >> 23 and 19? >> yeah. they're both actresses. singers and account actresses. and on my birthday, which is saturday, we're all going to sing together for a breast cancer event to raise money. >> awesome. what are you going to sing? >> we're going to sing "i believe" from "the book of mormon." we're going to waeear the littl suits with the little -- >> you mind if we play a game with you? >> sure, sure. >> we're going to quote lines from your movies or tv shows. and see if you remember -- >> you have to remember which character said them. >> here we go. >> i'd rather be with someone for the wrong reasons than alone for the right. >> "some kind of wonderful" where i met my husband. >> yay. >> and for my next trick, i'm
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going to make my boyfriend disappear. i say the magic words, opera. >> "caroline in the city." it must be. >> yes. >> i'm almost 18 years old. it's not like i've never parked before. >> that is "back to the future." oh, my gosh. do i get a prize? >> yes, you do get a prize. the prize is -- >> no. you don't get a prize. you don't drink. >> for you guys, i would. >> all right. great movie, "ping-pong summer" hits the theaters june 6th. >> and it's on video on demand too at the same time. >> that's so smart, by the way, the way they do it now. >> it is. >> great to see you, lea, thanks so much. the adrenaline junkie who knows no limits. champion wrestler eric young teaches us a thung ing or two a hooks us up with summer survival tips. >> but first this is "today" on nbc.
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if you're looking for a real rush of adrenaline, then you'll want to check out animal planet's "no limits" where tna world heavyweight champ eric young takes you to the edge and back of the great outdoors. >> eric's motto is no boundaries and no fear. he's here to share some of his survival tips that will come in handy for your next outdoor adventure. >> yes. >> nice belt, by the way. >> yes. >> i just found this, actually. tna world heavyweight championship. i won it about a month back. and it's heavy. but it's really -- >> how heavy is it? >> all right. you ready? >> is it? is it really? what is that, like 20 pounds? >> 20, 25 pounds, i think. >> you're going to give us some survival tips. a lot of people are spending time outdoors. let's talk with the fish hook. some people go fishing. >> a lot of people go fishing. >> and it gets stuck, in you. >> if this is your hand, your
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hand looks like this, you've got problems already. we don't need to talk about that, though. in my experience, the fish hook will go in, get stuck in and the barb gets hooked. we pulled it out on the show, i use a piece of fishing line, but we've got pliers, carry these around too. you're going to line the barb out so it's going to come straight out through the skin and just pull right out. >> ooh. >> if it sounds like that, it's probably not good. >> and if it goes too far in, you just go to the doctor? >> yeah. probably best not to have me do it. go to a doctor. >> i feel good having you around at times like that. >> how do you go from wrestling to this kind of stuff? >> animal planet contacted me about doing off the hook extreme catch catches, the fishing show and i did that and went all over north america, puerto rico, doing all this crazy stuff. sharks on the paddle board and free diving under the ice and all kinds of -- >> did you love all of it? or did some it creep you out?
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>> the only one i didn't want to do is hand fishing for catfish. but it's really fun, actually. >> tell bus tarantulas and spiders. if you get bitten by one, what should you do? >> live. try to live. that's the most important. i learned something interesting about tarantulas. they're not aggressive. the only time you really -- they bite you, you step on them or they're in your shoe or something. they actually use these quills, like tiny little hairs on their butt basically. and they flick them and they go in your eyes. >> i hate it when that happens. >> that seems terrible. like that's the worst defense ever. >> what do you do? >> don't step on them. that's my best advice. yeah. they don't want to bite you. they're not interested. >> if you see it, flee it. >> yeah. you're best to stay away. >> what about snakes? how do you know the bad ones from the good ones? >> this is a good one because it's not real. this is the best kind. actually, i'm not afraid of snakes, but i don't enjoy them. yeah. there it is. >> so you -- what do you do? you're just dragging it.
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okay. >> the most important thing, you hold it by the tail and don't let go. until it gets away. that's apparently the most important. >> and what if it bites you? >> now, what this guy said. the guy i was on the show with is an expert. he said if they bite you, they have these backwards teeth that go in. first instinct, what i do, i'm strong, i'll pull it out. >> don't do that. >> leave it in. >> i probably would do it anyway. >> we just want to give -- thank you so much. really great. we want to give a quick shoutout to a friend of ours, carly siegel -- >> she doesn't want to be on air. >> it's okay. but we love her. she's one of our producers here at the "today" show. today is her last day with us. moving on to better things. she's in the kitchen but she's hiding. >> yes. >> come on, carly. >> we want to let her know we love her. >> we love her so, so much. >> all right. thank you very much. >> "no limits" premieres tomorrow night on animal planet. >> and tomorrow is a great reunion story that's going to warm your heart. >> you're going to love it.
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plus bobbie's buzzing with some fun accessories. i see carly. >> yes, yes. >> have an awesome thursday >> i'm here to help. you and i will get through this together. ♪


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