tv Today NBC June 20, 2014 2:07am-3:01am PDT
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>> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. >> hello, erybody. welcome to thirsty thursday, june 19th. delighted you are with us today. >> we are thrilled! jimmy fallon has been in orlando this week. >> yep. >> we thought with jimmy in orlando, we're free. >> no. >> why would he pick on us? we aren't even there. okay? >> apparently we are always on his mind. >> al roker was there. he was part of it and somehow we got tagged on the end. let's look.
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>> the "today" show was here at universal. kathie lee and hoda would have come also but you have to be this sober to ride the rollercoasters. [ cheers and applause ] >> hey,hey! [ fake laughter ] >> al was the one going "ho, ho"! >> he was egging them on? >> yeah. >> oh, yeah. >> you know what? >> uh-huh. >> not cool. >> uh-huh. >> so celebs are finding new ways to deal with paparazzi. we thought this was clever. emma stone and andrew garfield. >> a couple in real life. >> they were having a meal and there were a bunch of paparazzi swarming around. sometimes people confront the paparazzi a la alec baldwin. >> we call that baldwinish behavior. >> exactly. >> these guys decided to try something different. they left the restaurant after breakfast, made signs that read we don't need attention but these wonderful organizations do. they listed charities like
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mentoring connection, worldwide orphans, autism speaks. >> good for them. >> wasn't it clever without being mean? >> yes. they do make their living from taking pictures of celebrities. it's an industry. >> yeah. right. >> the ones that do it respectfully, i don't mind one bit. it's the ones that try to get you into altercations. >> push you. exactly. >> good for them. what else, hoda woman? >> on the cover of "rolling stone" is -- >> melissa mccarthy. fierce and funny. >> she is all those things. >> she says -- you guys see her do those crazy rants where she flips out, flings her body, et cetera. she said she has blackouts, doesn't remember the dialogue she was using. because she was going crazy. i like it. >> she didn't learn that from lee strasburg. you know, the actor -- so who knows who taught her how or
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if that's just -- >> maybe when you're so in the moment -- >> i don't know. i don't know. she said she was a cheerleader in high school. >> yep. >> then she turned goth and dyed her hair blue. >> this is her in the middle. she's on a roll. >> her new movie "tammy" hits theaters in july. >> speaking of pictures. how about jennifer hudson? >> i haven't seen them. waiting for on the air with you, hoda. >> she posted these on instagram said, i work hard, i deserve it. plus i earned it. it's unclear how much weight she lost. some people speculate 80 pounds. i bet that's about right. >> over four years with weight watchers. good for her. >> she looks great. >> my mom always tried to lose weight when i was a girl. growing and up all that. the only thing that ever really worked for her was weight watchers. that was one of the best ones. came back for a short time. but weight watchers because of the buddy system. having to be accountable. >> we used to try all the diets in our house. all of them. does anybody remember pro lean? liquid protein?
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you drank your dinner in a cup. >> yeah, that's not satisfying to me. >> i drink my dinner once in a while. but it isn't -- yeah. >> what? >> we drank for dinner. you would look forward to brushing your teeth. i remember because it tasted like something. we were weird. we tried atkins, we did that one. we did all of them. weight watchers. we tried them all. >> they didn't last for you. >> thanks a lot. >> you tried them all. >> tried. >> do you know what works for you? >> what? >> getting on the treadmill at 5:00 in the morning and running your buns off. >> that does. >> when you become lactose intolerant and couldn't eat pizza, that helped. >> why do you spread my medical issues around? >> because everybody knows. >> all right. so there is a new photo out. if you are a "50 shades of grey" fan -- and who isn't? okay. anyway, this is jamie dornan as christian grey. in case you're wondering that's what he looks like from the front. they have showed him pictures from the back. they released it yesterday
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because it's the character's birthday. so happy birthday to christian grey. all right. the movie's going to be out valentine's day -- >> you do realize at one time you were an award-winning journalist, right? >> what? >> and this is what you do now -- >> i liked that before when i used to win awards, i still liked that. >> because she was a pervert. >> all right. the movie hits theaters on valentine's day 2015. >> we have an update on sandra bullock. this is -- you guys the had heard the story about how a guy tried -- well, broke into her house. >> he succeeded. >> they said he was a stalker and had a gun. in her house. it turns out it was worse than that. >> his name is joshua corbitt. i don't like to give him credit or attention. >> notoriety. >> sometimes they do it just for that. anyway. this is him in court yesterday. in los angeles county. district attorney's office said he had an arsenal of weapons in his home, which included a half a dozen machine guns. who needs those? of course he pleaded not guilty because everybody's got more -- >> everybody pleads not guilty.
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>> a dozen felony charges. >> how scary. it's one thing to know the guy's in your house and he's creepy. that's scary enough. to know he had the arsenal of weapons is terrifying. >> yeah. >> i mean, it's really -- >> they upped his bail an extra $2 million. i hope they stick to that. >> yeah. anyway, we have a couple of guests here. we should point them out. people pay good money to watch our show. >> yes. >> it's free except for your cable. here you have to pay. these two lovely ladies bid on us at auction. >> thank you. >> we don't know why. >> we hope you get your money's worth. probably not. >> we doubt it. >> very doubtful. >> thanks for being with us. >> all right, here's a question already you meet someone who you don't know well -- say your son's girlfriend, your daughter's boyfriend, do you hug them, shake their hand? do you say hello? what do you do? >> well, this all came about because of the "new york times" social sues column our friend writes. a dad wrote in saying his teenage soon, this is where it gets complicated, has a girlfriend, the dad isn't sure how to greet her. the wife goes and hugs the boy --
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>> the girl. >> -- the girl. he feels awkward so he waves. they say he should greet her the same way he greets his son. >> no. >> i usually agree. i'm a hugger. you're a hugger. >> i do think it's maybe a little strange for the dad -- do you think it's weird for the dad to hug the girlfriend? >> depends on how he hugs and how long he takes, if you know what i'm saying. what's the problem with that? that's the truth. >> that is the truth. >> everybody knows a proper hug when you have one. >> okay. >> and you know the opposite when you're getting one of those, too. >> what do you do? >> i push myself away. it happens often. >> it is weird when the hug is over and -- >> it's over for you, but it's not over for him. >> no. he's like this. anyway, really great meeting you. i'm like, ew. >> it's either a guy or an older lady. >> i don't mind the older lady. >> no, when you got a bad neck and they've got you in the hold because they love you, it's -- aah!
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>> kath loves that. when you see kath, hug her. wrap your arms around her and shake her. she loves it. it's her favorite thing. >> don't say that. i'm going to california tomorrow. >> you are! >> i'm going to see a lot of people. be gentle, please. yesterday at physical therapy they put me in the rack. >> what's that? >> that's what i used to be in -- i have a terrible -- a severe herniated disk which acts up a lot. i've been getting pt for two months. just yesterday because it's not going well. put me in the rack. >> what's that? >> kind of liked it. uh-huh! it stretches your vertebrae. [ clicking ] >> time for ihoda. >> you've been waiting. >> i'm boring, girl. >> no, no. this is a good one. >> i just didn't want to go to ihoda. >> this is by ingrid michaelson. it's called "girls chase boys." chase girls, chase boys, chase girls -- >> we have heard this. this isn't new. ♪
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>> i like this song. >> you do? >> i already told you that. >> when? >> like a year ago when it was a hit. >> wow, hoda. some things that are old are new again. okay? it's not that old. it wasn't a year ago. >> it was quite a while. >> it must sound like another song. >> i remember girls chase boys chase girls. and i thought that was clever. >> maybe elvis can sit in -- i forgot. where are you going to be? what are you doing? >> i am going california to be attending on saturday night -- my pastor when i first got to los angeles, wonderful man named pastor jack hayford, gone on to be an international leader in the christian world. he was my pastor when i first came out. he is being honored. 80th anniversary. first off, before i'm with my pastor we'll be at high times wine cellar in costa mesa. tomorrow from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
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>> well, you're going to have a great time. >> please come out. i'll be signing stuff. i can't say what it is. >> we know what it is. >> then i'm going to caramel on sunday. i am going to go on purpose. i'm going looking for doris day. >> okay. do it. >> i'm going to try to find doris day in carmel. i miss her. especially when i listen to your music most of the time. i miss doris day. >> let's give a shoutout to a couple of people. >> oh, yeah. >> one of my mom's dearest friends, gary grismire who is also a dear friend of our show, he watched our show every day. my mom went to coffee with him every morning. jennifer, my mom, and gary were like a threesome. gary passed away and the funeral is tomorrow. i just wanted to know, family and friends, we are thinking of them. >> and dee emerson lost her precious daddy yesterday. in his 90s, had a wonderful blessed life. but still, the pain of that is very tough. very tough. do we have time? >> is it okay or not okay to photograph yourself doing yoga in public? pressing question. here's what we have to say about it.
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>> seems a little narcissistic. either that or i'm just jealous. >> nice answer. all right. since there is planking and whaling, why not yoga-bition. add it to the list. >> don't you think it's narcissistic? i like to say that. >> that's your answer. >> say it three times. narcissistic, narcissistic, narcissistic. >> you are. ha ha ha! >> all right. two ladies from down south headed north and got ambushed this morning. we're going to check out their makeovers. >> don't forget our brilliant column in "the daily news" and sugar ray frontman mark mcgrath plays a game with us after this.
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hey. sugar ray frontman mark mcgrath has been a busy boy. he's getting ready to he had head out on a big tour this summer. he's a doting dad to two gorgeous kids. don't forget "sharknado". >> that's right. co-starring in the much-anticipated sequel coming out called, what else, "sharknado 2." the second one. take a look. >> take a look. >> oh, my god. >> we can't get across that. >> well, we can't stay here. we've got to go across. hey, do you have any rope in there? >> yeah. i've got some tow rope. >> he's going to figure something out.
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>> we can do it. >> you're going to make me go first, aren't you? >> i love it! >> oh, yes. >> i can't wait. >> "citizen kane," the godfather series and "sharknado." >> you were here last week. >> you said, are you back already? thanks a lot. >> we're not happy we weren't asked to be in it. >> last time i left there was talk you two were going to be in it. we got some other guys. al what's his name. >> al and matt are in it. >> we have a clip of them. they had to stab a shark. this is a behind-the-scenes thing. >> it wasn't a shark. >> look at that. >> that's good. >> good job. look at al this helping out. >> what are you thinking in your head when you're playing the role in "sharknado"? >> i get in my daniel day lewis character when i'm doing "sharknado." there's a lot to access in this wealth of stupidity i call my brain, you know? it was a lot of fun.
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i'm on broadway acting with judd hirsch, an academy award nominee. i said, we're doing everything we can to destroy your career. aren't we, judd? >> what makes it absurd is you shot in new york city in january. the movie is supposed to be in the summer. you see the steam coming out of your mouth. >> everybody here on the east coast now -- >> it was the worst winter. >> at citi field where we shot, there was eight inches of snow on the ground. we're trying to watch a baseball game. poor vivica fox couldn't get her words out. she was like, look up, look up! they had to shoot it eight times. she finally percent veered. >> glad we didn't do it, hoda. >> maybe "sharknado" in hawaii. >> were you surprised the second one was so quick to come? >> not when i saw the social media phenomenon. me myself, like everybody else, i was watching on a tour bus at the time. i was blown away. i'm on the twitter, facebook, going, oh, my god, is everybody watching this? i got the call. my friends thought i got a 64 sistersy movie. they're like, dude, you're in
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"sharknado 2," oh my god! yeah, it's more than a cameo, they're trying to destroy this movie having me top to bottom. >> you're a good actor, a natural. >> you're a good actor, too. >> you're right. >> they have me jumping off a cab on a string on broadway. tmz is like, oh, this looks great. know what i mean? has a lot to do with the special effects and they really put together a fun movie. >> have you seen the final version? >> i've seen a lot of it. they somehow -- we all know sequels are -- [ blows raspberry ] >> this one is amazing. >> ian ziering chainsaws his way out of a shark. >> they swallow people alive. >> hoda likes that. >> we're going to play a game. we don't have much time. we have to play this game. we usually play spin the bottle and it's wine. for you it's spin the baby bottle. >> so much fun. >> ready? >> we need advice. fatherly advice. >> i'm here to give it. >> here you go. >> hoda. >> i'm trying to find it. >> wow. >> what is your favorite game to play with the twins on a rainy
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day? >> they love dance party. i put on gangnam style by psi over and over again and we put our party on -- >> do they like your music? >> no. they hate my music. >> do they like doris day? >> doris day, smashmouth and psi. they have a wealth of musical talent. >> you're going on tour? >> we're going on tour this summer. >> you just got off tour. >> you see the twins. i have to feed them. blues traveller, smashmouth, sugar ray. we'll be across the this beautiful nation. all summer long. >> great. >> love to have you ladies. everyone come out. if you love number one songs from the '90s, you will have a great time. >> have a great time. >> i hear you're awesome in "sharknado 2." >> it's amazing. i'm waiting for the academy award. >> two ladies with a lot to celebrate get ambushed on the plaza. we'll celebrate their gorgeous new look. >> find out why 50 women and their best friends packed into our studio. >> there they are. >> it's a party down there right after this. cleaning the home. it often means heavy duty cleaning with bleach.
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but lysol power & free can change the way you clean. it cleans even better than bleach with its hydrogen peroxide formula, and it kills 99.9% of germs without the harshness. a powerful clean, that's family friendly that's what we call healthing. lysol power & free. start healthing. for healthy floors, try lysol clean & fresh. the only cleaner approved to kill germs, even when diluted. ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. people shave you, pour hot wax on you. they don't treat you like skin. presenting dove advanced care. clinically proven to reduce irritation. so you can be a softer, smoother, more beautiful little armpit.
2:29 am
>> announcer: this portion of "today" is brought to you by the new amex everyday credit card. >> i use mine every day. back in april we kicked off the american express epic getaway contest, when moms were asked to bring in pictures of their everyday mom moments. >> 50 winners were invited to new york city for a fun-filled three-day get away and they are all here with us today. [ cheers and applause ] >> all 50 are here. and all of their best friends are outside. [ cheers ] >> here with us first is chantell bore-sheller. you brought your best friend, your husband. >> my husband.
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>> and veronica terry's here too. how are you? is that your best friend back there? >> my best friend is here, too. >> first trip to new york city. >> never been here. live in san diego. this is amazing. >> it's cultural shock. >> yes, it is. >> what have you been doing? >> we went to -- >> we got in at 6:00 last night. we just walked around and went to -- >> i think she's the only one with a mike. >> we went to empire state building. went out to drink -- i'm sorry. >> what? hey, we don't judge. >> we don't, no. >> tell us about your journey here. your trip. >> we came from tennessee. first time flying. first time in new york city. >> how was that? >> it's been shocking. >> what's been the biggest shocker? >> did you see the naked cowboy yet? >> we have not seen the naked cowboy yet. we did attempt the subway for the first time. and we did it. >> you survived. >> what train were you on? >> the e train to world trade center. >> wow. >> good, good, good. >> you guys have great bonds. why did you choose your best friend?
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is that your -- >> she's my best friend. she's been a single mom for a long time, too. now she's getting married next month. so i decided it would be a great trip for her and a present for her wedding. >> you guys are so awesome. >> all kinds of things in new york. have a ball, everybody. >> all the way. all the way. >> all righty. everyone has a story is coming up. >> don't miss the big reveal. our ambush makeovers after your local news. did everybody get on? everybody got on! [ cheers ] ♪ sfx: car unlock beep.
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vo: david's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] there's a simpler way to fluffier eggs. ♪ ♪ i can't believe it's not butter! the simpler way to delicious fluffy eggs. [ chicken clucks ] believe.
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[ chicken wheeeeee! clucks ] the comforting scent of air wick's snuggle fresh linen you love, again, he's sitting in my chair. uh-huh! anytime you want it. part of the air wick familiar favorites collection. also available in cinnabon classic cinnamon roll and baby magic clean baby. is it a bus? a bicycle? two chinchillas? a skateboard? fuzzy coconuts? it's a flower. we're back with more of "today" on thirsty thursday. ready to reveal the ambush makeovers for two lucky ladies swept off the plaza and into our makeup room for a brand-new look. >> having their way with two
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southern belle s are "today" contributor and stylist to the star. >> come on. >> louis licari la la la la la la ♪ >> contributing editor for "people's" "style watch" and author jill martin. >> hello, kids. >> what happened? >> i was having my way. >> i said that. >> it was a great summer day. we found two great ladies. what can i say? it was perfect. finally a sunny thursday morning. >> the first lucky lady is marcia deandre, 37 years old from elizabethtown, north carolina. marcia wanted this ambush makeover so much she stopped by the plaza yesterday and then came back again today. she lost 60 pounds over the last four and a half years and ran her first 5k this year. let's listen to her story. >> good for her. >> this is a big celebration. you lost 60 pounds. congratulations. >> thank you. >> time for a makeover. >> absolutely. absolutely. it's a totally new transformation. sometimes i look in the mirror
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and i don't realize the person i'm looking at. it's a big deal. but i keep it off, so, yeah, absolutely. i'm all for it. let's do it. >> awesome. you must be proud of her. >> i am very proud of her. she's really worked hard to keep the weight off. i'm really proud. >> she's already crying. we're going to take good care of you. >> great. i'm excited! >> oh, my god! okay. mom, linda, keep your blindfold on for a second. >> no crying, mom. >> okay. >> here is marcia's before picture. all right, let's see the brand new you. >> whoo! [ cheers ] >> oh, my. >> wow. >> mom. take off your blindfold and take a look. [ gasps ] >> gorgeous! you are stunning! beautiful. >> isn't she? >> are you ready, marcia? >> i am. >> spin around and look at yourself. >> oh, my god! i love it.
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>> that is awesome! >> look right there in the camera. >> you look amazing. >> tell us about it. >> you look amazing. >> first of all, we gave her a great haircut that goes with her new angular face after losing 60 pounds. i made her color richer. it was highlighted, faded, not the new elegant woman she is today. >> wow. >> you look like a movie star. >> you do. mom? tell us what you think. >> she is stunning. she is absolutely gorgeous. >> i love the way she says stunning. >> isn't it pretty? >> that dress is perfect. it's for her. >> yeah. >> what was cool is when she looked in the mirror she said she doesn't see this incredible body. she's lost five sizes. this is adriana papel in a bright color. >> beautiful. >> big round of applause. you can join your mom over there. our second lady is kim englehart from mechanicsville, virginia. she works at home, wears her
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hair in a pony tail all day. hasn't changed her style or colored her hair in 15 years. she's in nyc celebrating her daughter erika's high school graduation. let's hear her story. >> i know you are busting and we can deliver on your request. because you want to look a certain way. >> yes, i want to be a redhead again. i was born a redhead. i've just faded with the years. i want to look new and fresh again. >> like your big sister. >> yes, like my older sister. my big sister. yeah. >> we can definitely deliver. louis loves a redhead. you got it. i can promise you that. >> thanks. i like it. >> we can guarantee that. all right. she's here with her sister kathy, two kids, erica and austin, and two nieces, hannah and emily. let's take a look at the before and bring out the redheaded kim. ♪ [ cheers ] >> wow! >> oh, yeah. >> all right, you guys. take them off. [ screaming ]
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>> are you dying to see it? >> yes! >> go ahead, turn around. >> oh, my gosh! >> she likes it. we can tell when they like it. >> oh, thank god. >> great. >> that is adorable. isn't that awesome? >> the trick when you color red is to remember it should look like it grows out of your head. the tip is to keep it in the copper family. that's exactly what we did here. gave her a new summer look. makeup tip of the day, keep the makeup translucent so you look natural and summery. and you do. >> you are a natural redhead. are you guys okay? >> so excited! >> going back to the redhead. >> jill, tell us about the fantastic dress. >> i love it. >> we stayed with blue. laundry by shelly siegel. this is a great bold color. >> love it.
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>> let's bring marcia back out. big round of applause for both. great job, louis. >> fantastic. [ cheers ] >> how one lady got her fairy tale ending and found true love at last with mr. wonderful. >> everyone has a story. everyone has a love story. coming up right after this. >> nice! [ applause ] >> you guys look so good! the summer of this. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. where memories will be forged into the sand. and then hung on a wall for years to come. get out there, with over 50,000 hotels at $150 dollars or less. expedia. find yours. it often means heavy duty ccleaning with bleach. but lysol power & free can change the way you clean. it cleans even better than bleach with its hydrogen peroxide formula, and it kills 99.9% of germs without the harshness.
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♪ today we meet our newest everyone has a story contest winner. this time around we're doing something a little different. we're bringing you a beautiful love story. >> lisa risso is a nurse who wrote in to tell us about how she met the love of her life, eddie. she owes it all to one of her patients. we're going to meet lisa and eddie in a moment.
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first, we'll listen to lisa's story from her letter to us. >> my husband and i have a wonderful love story. i'm an oncology nurse and was working in a private physician's practice administering chemotherapy. i tend to get close to my patients. they know about me and i know all about them. i have one very special lady that we were treating for lung cancer. every time she came into the office she would tell me about this wonderful guy that she wanted to introduce me to. this went on for a few months. i kept putting her off until one day i said, okay, i'll meet him. we decided she and her husband would take me and eddie to dinner. unfortunately, she became ill and passed away a few weeks later. i was very upset about her death and really never thought any more about the wonderful guy she wanted to introduce me to. five months went by. i received a phone call from my patient's husband. he told me she had left him a bucket list to finish for her and i was number two on the list. he asked me if he could introduce me to eddie.
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he said it didn't matter if i never saw him again but she wanted us to meet and he wanted to complete her bucket list. of course i agreed to meet. i had to do this for her. it took about a month with our schedules to finally meet. on november 5, 2010, i met mr. wonderful. she was right. he was all of the things she said. handsome, kind, a true gentleman. we were married eight months later. she told me if we ever would meet we would be together forever. we had a wonderful wedding with flowers on the altar in her memory. i feel she's watching down from heaven saying, "i told you so." >> isn't that a wonderful story? >> i love that story so much! oh my gosh! >> thanks for sending that in. so nice to meet you, mr. wonderful. >> oh. >> what's it like to be mr. wonderful? that's got to feel so good. >> no comment. >> what do you think, eddie? obviously lisa knew about it.
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what did you think when you heard there was this person you were going to be set up on a date with? >> okay, we'll get around to it, we'll go. >> right? okay. and when you first met, was it an instant thing for you? did you look at her and say yes or did it take a little bit of -- >> no. no. we had a date and then another date and another date. that was it. i knew. >> did you know right away when you met -- >> no. we met and we had a couple of dates. >> you probably talked about her more than anything. >> we did, yeah. once we got to know each other, then it was -- that was it. we just clicked. >> this patient sounds unbelievable. really must have touched you. yeah? >> a wonderful, wonderful lady. we called her the flower lady. every time she would come in she would bring flowers for everyone. just a of wonderful lady. ms. nan caluett. just wonderful. >> do you guys have any -- you guys are from slidell, louisiana. yay!
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did you have similar friends? did you know of one another? in any way? >> no. >> not at all. >> that's crazy. >> wow. that's an amazing story. were you married before? >> yes. >> we were both married before. >> you were both married before. >> you have two children. do you have children, eddie? >> two beautiful daughters. >> did the family merge well and all that good stuff? >> my two are older and out of the house. >> out of prison. >> no, no. they're doing well. >> it's so good when that happens. we've got a lot of time, can you tell? >> prison jokes. every time, hoda. >> we don't know why, but they always do. well, you guys. kath has worked on this song. >> with david friedman. and ifd david wald is with us too. and we have a beautiful -- i mean beautiful in quotes because she's from "beautiful" the musical. anika larson is here to sing -- guess what. guess what the title is? >> "mr. wonderful." right after this. ♪
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so what i'm saying is, people like options. when you take geico, you can call them anytime you feel like saving money. it don't matter, day or night. use your computer, your smartphone, your tablet, whatever. the point is, you have options. oh, how convenient. hey. crab cakes, what are you looking at? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. now, what if i told youtel if you can save up to 60%,first. but you couldn't know the name until after you book? yeah.
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♪ we are back with "everyone has a story" celebrating eddie and lisa reso. >> now it's time for you to hear the song david friedman and i wrote just for you called "mr. wonderful." welcome broadway performer and, excuse me, tony nominee anika larson who is starring in the carol king tribute "beautiful." here we go. ♪ ♪ i was never the sort of woman who believed in fairy tale endings and such ♪ ♪ i went about with business as usual and never thought about love all that much ♪ ♪ i was busy caring for others ♪ but an angel was there caring for me ♪ ♪ i have no doubt that love came
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about ♪ ♪ because she saw something i couldn't see ♪ ♪ mr. wonderful ♪ mr. wonderful ♪ he was right there waiting anticipating ♪ ♪ the moment that we'd come together ♪ ♪ in a love that would last forever ♪ ♪ ♪ i was always the sort of woman who believed that if i stayed on my journey ♪ ♪ it would end in a wonderful way because an angel was there guiding me ♪ ♪ guiding me to mr. wonderful ♪ mr. wonderful ♪ he was right there waiting, anticipating the moment that we'd come together ♪ ♪ in a love that would last forever ♪ ♪ and we did
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couple, lisa and eddie reso. anika larson performed "mr. wonderful" and she was wonderful. along with our composer david friedman and david -- >> but you -- >> excuse me one sec. we found out -- >> i found my mr. wonderful. my dresser at beautiful who helps me with my quick changes set me up with a man. >> it's forever? >> i think it is. >> what did you guys think of the song? >> perfect. >> oh, good. >> it was wonderful. because he is my mr. wonderful. >> aw, come on. >> how is it going to feel going home? >> we might detour through hawaii. >> oh? you should. >> okay. >> you guys are new orleans through and through. i know you brought us a king cake we'll get to later, you brought sinus pralines. you also brought us something else? >> yeah. >> you know what, we have to have the mardi gras beads. >> they go with everything. >> they do. >> and you can wear those at night in the nude.
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>> happy mardi gras. >> i'm not kidding, okay? all righty. >> we have a gift as well. >> yes, we do, this is exciting. >> now, we know how important diane is to you. so the two of you would never have met if it weren't for her. we decided to make a donation to your hospital, slidell memorial regional hospital cancer center, in honor of diane. that will be made in her honor to your hospital to help out the people there. and -- >> there's more. >> since you lovebirds are in new york city, we want you to have a great dinner on us. this is a gift card -- i'm not sure for how much. >> don't order anything pricey. >> you may want to cross into a borough. get a little more for your money. >> i suggest you go to nery's or frankie & johnny's. >> thank you so much. >> you guys have fun. >> their third wedding
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anniversary is coming up. so congratulations, god bless you. >> you guys are fun. i love this "everyone has a love story." >> it's fun. you and your mr. wonderful can have your wedding on the "today" show. >> is that a promise? >> yes. >> by the way "beautiful" is going to go on forever. >> it's gangbusters. we're having the time of our lives. >> even before all the tonys. >> yeah. even before the tonys. people love carol king. the warm light that she is draws goodness to her. >> she's involved with it. >> she's great. >> would have been nice if we sent them to "beautiful" but it made too much sense. >> all right. >> if you have a great love story, we're going to continue this? go to the connect button and let us know. >> coming up tomorrow, cures for the sex-starved relationship. >> i'm the only one on this sofa that applies to. plus, easy home repairs and how to get your neighbors to cut out the noise and other annoying behaviors. >> and bobbi thomas and her buzz.
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that's the way we're saying it? okay. >> have an awesome thirsty thursday. see you for try day friday. bye-bye. a steve harvey event -- surprising jonathan with a love renovation. >> you're not taking all three on one date. >> i'd like to welcome you -- >> a family bucket list adventure. plus -- steve honors is new york subway hero. >> i'm here to help. you and i will get through this together.
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