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tv   NBC Nightly News  NBC  June 20, 2014 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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here after the game. >> we'll have the latest on the devastating fire in fairfield coming up tonight at 6:00. hope to see you then. on our broadcast tonight, without warning, the earth gives way, dangerously close to a hospital. as record rains bring swollen rivers overrunning their banks. don't come here. the unambiguous message today from the obama white house that could be a turning point in the immigration debate. risk factors for men taking testosterone products for what's marketed as low-t. a new warning tonight from a ii fda. kicking and screaming, the fever pitch growing in this country for the sport the rest of the world calls football, heading into a major showdown this weekend. "nightly news" begins now. good evening. with everything else that's been
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going on this week, one of the stories we've been covering on this eve of the first day of summer is the rampaging late spring weather. tornados, big storm systems, record rainfall in some places, and now the consequences. one of the hardest-hit places has been the twin cities where the mississippi river has been swollen by torrential downpours of rain water. the most dramatic and troubling incident from the rising water thus far is this, a hill that gave way a mudslide down a bluff across a roadway, and dangerously close to a hospital. nbc's anne thompson is there and covering for us tonight. >> reporter: when you look at this site, it is amazing to realize no one is hurt. soaked by rain, a section of the bluff as long as a football field gave way thursday night, right underneath the university of minnesota medical center. >> i think you saw in the pictures. it looks pretty scary. >> reporter: it clogged the west river parkway. debris up to eight feet high. situated alongside the mississippi river, the medical
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center built on bedrock was not compromised by the mudslide. though two of the hospital buildings look precarious, engineers inspected them and say they are sound. >> we had structural engineers and a lot of help with the city and the fire department as the city owns the hill with us, so we are working collaboratively to decide our next step. >> reporter: the slide was triggered after an unprecedented amount of rain hit the twin cities area yesterday. heavy downpours washed out roads and flooded homes and farmlands. in just eight hours, more than six inches of rain fell south of the metro area overflowing the minihaha creek. crews and residents continued to sandbag preventing a road leading to a nearby hospital from flooding. in blakely, southwest of minneapolis, the heavy rains forced the nearly 500 residents to evacuate in fear of more mudslides. flood waters made all but one lane in and out of town impassable. last month torrential rains triggered this landslide in
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baltimore. several cars were swallowed up when a block-long portion of 26th street collapsed. luckily, no injuries. but in oso, washington, residents are still struggling to recover from the mudslide that killed at least 43 people. three months has done little to heal the community's pain. >> just the amount of life that was lost and families that were tore apart. still pretty raw. >> reporter: in minneapolis today, the hospital took precautions and vented its liquid oxygen tanks, reassuring people the large cloud produced was no reason to worry. now we are back live along the bluffs of the mississippi river, and all day long crews have been drilling into the soil of that mudslide to try and determine where the bedrock actually is. that is the first step in trying to figure out just how to repair this gaping hole. brian, they clearly have a lot of work to do. >> anne thompson starting us off from minneapolis tonight.
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anne, thanks. tonight the cdc increased the number of their employees who may have been exposed to anthrax at biosecurity labs head quartered in atlanta. president obama has been briefed on this situation. 84 workers are under medical observation after an accidental exposure that the agency says was the result of safety protocols of their own not being followed. an investigation is under way. our report from nbc's tom costello. >> reporter: the cdc says it was a serious breakdown of safety protocol at its labs in atlanta. 84 workers, maybe more, potentially exposed to the deadly anthrax bacteria. workers in one lab thought they deactivated live anthrax spores. rather than waiting the required 48 hours, they transferred the samples to three other labs after just 24 hours. researchers in those labs were not wearing protective gear. >> it never should have happened. we are committed to making sure that it doesn't happen again.
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we are in the process of trying to identify exactly how it did happen. >> reporter: those at risk have already been placed on antibiotics. so far, no one has shown any symptoms, but the incubation period can be up to two months. >> the risk really is very low. first of all, to the exposed people, and essentially nil to the surrounding community. >> reporter: for years, multiple investigations have raised concerns about how well the cdc safeguards bioterror agents like anthrax. a 2010 inspector general report found weaknesses could have compromised cdc's ability to safeguard dangerous agents. the cdc has been investigated for years because of safety protocols with the labs. what's happening here? >> any lab has incidents. people cut corners. things malfunction. in every situation, we have been very diligent and aggressive in identifying what caused those breaches, what caused those problems. >> reporter: now a new breach
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and a serious problem. tonight the cdc says no one outside the cdc buildings is at risk, including the family members of those potentially exposed. brian. >> tom costello in our d.c. newsroom. tom, thanks. now to the growing humanitarian crisis playing out on the u.s. border with mexico, as this surge of immigrants floods into this country illegally because of false information in many cases they are getting back home. what could be a big turning point in this and in the immigration debate in general. nbc's mark potter has covered this story for years and has our report tonight. >> reporter: with a flood of central american children and families crossing the texas border every day, the white house is now trying to bring it under control. announcing today that many immigrants will be sent back home. >> showing up at the border illegally is not a ticket into this country. >> reporter: customs officials say more than 52,000
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unaccompanied children have been caught at the border since october, along with 39,000 families with children. most say they're fleeing poverty and violence, and were recruited by smugglers. under pressure, the white house says it will open more facilities to detain adults with children, and speed up removal hearings. not enough though for house speaker john boehner, who wants to send the national guard to the border. in a letter to the president, he said, "the policies of your administration have directly resulted in the belief by these immigrants that once they reach u.s. soil they will be able to stay here indefinitely." texas democratic congressman henry cuellar. >> we should care for them, we should detain them and look at immediate or expedited removal. >> reporter: the administration says it will also spend more than $400 million in central america to counter poverty and gangs, and to help repatriate citizens deported by the u.s. vice president joe biden was in guatemala today urging officials to rein in the uncontrolled exodus.
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mark potter, nbc news, miami. fireworks in washington as the ongoing scandal of the irs took a bizarre turn. the head of the irs told a congressional committee today the agency lost evidence in the investigation into how they handle conservative political groups. specifically, e-mails from top irs officials have allegedly gone missing, and given how long the irs holds onto things like our tax returns, some members of congress just aren't buying it. >> this is a pattern of abuse, a pattern of behavior that is not giving us any confidence that this agency is being impartial. i don't believe you. this is incredible. >> i have a long career. that's the first time anybody has said they do not believe me. >> i don't believe you. >> congressional republicans are upset that the irs failed to tell them until this week about
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computer hard drives that crashed in 2011 and are supposedly gone for good now. the irs commissioner refused to apologize today claiming the agency turned over thousands of pages of documents and e-mails, and insists there has been no cover-up internally. we are learning much more tonight about the impending deployment of hundreds of u.s. military advisors in iraq, as secretary of state john kerry travels to the region this weekend. meantime, those heavily armed isis militants continue their assault on iraq's biggest oil refinery. in baghdad today, they were getting ready to join in this fight. we get more from our chief foreign correspondent richard engel. >> reporter: these are america's newest allies, iraq shiites getting ready for battle. at the mosque today they swear to fight sunni extremists to the death. "we have unsheathed our swords for our clerics," they chant. a call has gone out in every
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shiite mosque for volunteers to join the army. muhammed shansawi answered the call, offering to sacrifice his life. "it's my holy responsibility," he said. these men wear uniforms, but the patches aren't military, they're religious. in shiite mosques all across the country today, the prayers include a political message, calling on shiites to stand together to fight. in a very real way, this is the army of the faithful. as the friday prayers end, new volunteers are given uniforms. they march out still chanting. the preacher blesses each new recruit, wishing them victory as they head to the front line. this is not the same army the u.s. left behind. as president obama told msnbc's mika brzezinski today, iraq has changed. >> some of the forces that
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always possibly pulled iraq apart are stronger now. those forces that could keep the country united are weaker. >> reporter: the military advisors the president is sending are going to find that the iraqi army is quickly becoming a shiite defense force. the advisers' mission is to help fight isis. as many as 300 u.s. special forces will establish command centers in baghdad and northern iraq to gather and distribute intelligence. green berets will embed directly with iraqi troops, offering tactical advice and advising under iraqi air strikes. but in what increasely seems like a religious war, even a minor u.s. military engagement can appear to be choosing sides. and brian, i doubt we will be seeing or hearing much from these american advisors. there aren't going to be those daily military briefings. that's not the way special
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forces operate. we are only going to know if this mission is successful if in a couple of weeks the iraqi army is able to launch a successful counteroffensive of its own, but with american help behind the scenes. >> richard engel who is back in baghdad covering this latest conflict. richard, thanks. police in the state of georgia tonight are investigating how it is a young child was left in the back seat of a car in the heat for hours this past week. the child died as a result. sadly, one of dozens of children who lose their lives in this very same way every year. most of them in the care of well-intentioned parents who know better. we get more on this tonight from nbc's gabe gutierrez. >> reporter: she was just 13 months old. >> there is a massive amount of guilt. >> reporter: richie gray says he forgot to drop off his daughter sophia at daycare in south carolina last month, and left her sleeping in the back seat of his car in 90 degree heat. >> it's so easy for the child to
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go to sleep and you not realize that they're still in there because your brain is on auto pilot. >> reporter: 13 young children died in hot cars so far this year, almost 400 in the last decade. an average of 39 children a year or one every nine days. >> the vast majority of the parents that this is happening to, they are loving and caring parents. >> reporter: even if it's just 80 outside, the temperature inside a car can skyrocket to about 120 degrees in less than an hour. in the past two months, 4-year-old bella rose lindstrom died in texas. 2-year-old alejandra mendoza died in sarasota, florida. just this week near orlando, police say another child was killed when her father left her inside his truck. >> she's been in the car for hours. i absolutely forgot about her. >> reporter: prosecution varies greatly state by state. and case by case. police in atlanta are investigating how a 22-month-old boy ended up in the back seat of
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a car for seven hours. his father now charged with murder has pleaded not guilty. safety advocates say parents should put diaper bags in the front seat to serve as a visual reminder, and leave cell phones in the back with the child. richie gray has been charged with unlawful conduct towards a child, but he says it was an accident. >> as the father, you know, you are the protector, you know? you know you're daddy. it's an unimaginable loss. >> reporter: a loss he hopes other parents will never have to endure. gabe gutierrez, nbc news, atlanta. we'll take a break here. as we continue along the way on a friday night, the new fda warning for millions of men who take testosterone products for what the commercials call low t.
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it's a condition we didn't know how to name until just a few years back. these days on this broadcast and
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a slew of others, you can't avoid the commercials selling a treatment for low t. promising to increase testosterone levels in men. today the fda issued a new warning about the risk of life-threatening side effects from these drugs. we get more on them tonight from our chief medical editor dr. nancy snyderman. >> with less energy, moodiness and low sex drive i had to do something. >> a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. >> i have low testosterone. there, i said it. >> reporter: the commercials for testosterone treatment promise men renewed vitality. it's a multibillion dollar business and growing. in 2013, doctors wrote 7.5 million prescriptions for testosterone, up from about 4 million in 2009. while treatment for abnormally low testosterone levels is warranted in some men, it's not without risk. and now a new warning from the food and drug administration about increased risk of life-threatening blood clots called deep vein thrombosis. critics say that's not enough. >> we believe today's action by the fda was insufficient and
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they've been reckless in not having stronger warnings for other cardiovascular events like heart attacks. >> reporter: others argue doctors are too quick to prescribe treatment. >> i don't want to settle on testosterone as the problem until i looked at other aspects and made sure. i want to look at his diet. i want to look at his exercise pattern. i want to look at his sleep pattern. >> today we'll give him 140 on the left side. >> reporter: 66-year-old dr. bill reilly is a medical director of low t centers, a growing chain of 49 clinics around the country. he's also a patient. >> to me the benefits far outweigh the risks. once i got on testosterone it was back like i was in college. >> eli lilly, maker of axeron, said it would update its label with a new warn withi in-- warn and physicians should te
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test testosterone levels prior and during therapy. bill reilly says testosterone changed his life. >> it's given my life back to me. you can age, but you don't want to grow old as you age. >> reporter: unlike hormone replacement therapy that's been used by women treating menopause, there isn't enough long-term data on the real risks of testosterone and that is going to be the big challenge going forward, proving that this is safe. >> dr. nancy snyderman, as always, thanks. we'll take a break. when we come back tonight, also from are the medical world, this unexpected side effect that could mean new hope for men and women dealing with hair loss.
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a man arrives at the pearly gates where st. peter says, so you're little bobby. well, rex here has been going on and on about you the last 50 years. another man on the couch in distress is told, well, i think you're wonderful. charles barsotti has died. and of all his wonderful cartoons in "the new yorker" and elsewhere, his best work was about the unconditional love we get from dogs. a texan by birth, army veteran
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who once worked with the developmentally disabled, he was prolific and beloved. charles barsotti was 80 years old. and stephanie kwolek died. she invented the incredibly strong fibers that became known as kevlar, the basis for our modern body armor and then some. she was a chemist for dupont, a ground-breaking scientist and mentor for countless women in her field. she advanced at dupont in part because so many men were off in the military just after world war ii. her invention was a liquid she spun into thread. countless veterans and police officers in this country are alive today because of the work she did. stephanie kwolek was 90 years old. and from the world of medicine and science, a huge potential advance in the treatment of alopecia, which causes the loss of body hair. researchers at yale used a drug intended for rheumatoid arthritis on a man with total baldness who then grew a full head of hair. researchers call this a huge step forward in the treatment of the disease.
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when we come back tonight, soccer fever -- or football, if you insist. as the u.s. gets ready for the next big battle in brazil.
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finally tonight, in a nation as football crazed as ours where the nfl rules the roost among professional sports, a whole lot of people have been surprised at the swelling interest in world cup soccer under way in brazil. as the u.s. soccer team gets ready for sunday's showdown with portugal, they sure have a lot of fans cheering for them back home. our report tonight from nbc's katy tur. >> reporter: for those who may have doubted that this would be soccer's big year, take exhibits a, b, and c. celebration after celebration for the u.s.'s epic win over ghana. now after decades of wondering -- >> it could be that americans just don't get it. >> soccer as a spectator's sport ranks somewhere between bowling and badminton. >> reporter: soccer seems to be breaking through. >> finally. >> reporter: yes, finally. what makes it the world's most popular sport? athleticism? suspense?
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or maybe something else. >> the way they look. the way they play. >> reporter: they're pretty cute. >> they've got nice buns. >> reporter: but can football really compete with football? there were nearly as many americans watching the u.s. versus ghana as the average nfl game. as for the money, the world's best soccer player, portugal's cristiano ronaldo brings in $80 million a year, double matt ryan, the top-paid nfl player. and on facebook right now 141 people are talking about the world cup, more than the super bowl, olympics and oscars combined. next up for the u.s., portugal. no doubt the players will be ready. the bars will be packed and we won't be wondering, "who cares" anymore. katy tur, nbc news, new york. >> a lot can change in 20 years. that's our broadcast on this friday night and this week. thank you for being here with us. i'm brian williams. we, of course, hope to see you
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right back here on monday night. in the meantime, have a good weekend. in the meantime, have a good weekend. good night. -- captions by vitac -- nbc bay area news begins with breaking news. that breaking news we're following this afternoon it is happening mere fairfield and solano county. a brush fire has burned multiple homes near the 680/80 interchange. a few homes burning very close to each other. and this has been happening since about 3:45 this afternoon. good evening and thanks for joining us. >> this fire is spreading quickly. it's been burning for more than two hours. it's a five-alarm fire. evacuations, needless to say, are under way. this is right off 680, so a
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heavily traveled area, especially in thrush hour. more portantly, this neighborhood, as you're seeing down below. several homes are on fire. initially, there were one or two homes, now you can see it's jumped to a few other homes. at last count it looked like between four to five homes are on fire. this is at cordelia and lopes road. >> we'll show you what it looks like on a traffic map. these lanes were closed about for an hour this afternoon in both directions. luckily they're open again. but it did cause quite a backup on a friday night as people were trying to get in and out of fairfield. traffic just really slow still at this point. we want to bring in now, on the phone we have with us deputy daryl


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