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tv   Today  NBC  June 22, 2014 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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. can this team of underdogs advance to the next round. tensions are high as millions of americans gear up for the big match. surnd arrest, soccer star hope solo accused of assaulting members of her own family. incredible rescue, a day of fishing turns into a life saving mission. a group was treading water for 14 hours. we'll share their story of survival today, june 22nd, 2014.
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announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with lester holt and erica hill. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today" on this sunday morning. i'm erica hill. >> i'm peter alexander along jenna wolfe and dylan dreyer. lester is gearing up for a huge world cup this evening. >> without question. >> we know lester. he's not doing that. >> we've known lester many years and he's not doing that. he may not be upright now watching us. >> i think we should call him. >> i'm going call him now. >> while jenna calls -- >> i'm really going to call him. >> we have other things to get to today, i'm sure. >> in terms of the world cup, the face-off on the plaza, which lester is going to be sorry he
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missed. if you have watched any of the world cup or have a sense of how massive it is, people like to yell goal and see how long they hold that note or whatever you call it. peter has been practicing all night. >> the top story, if the u.s. beats portugal they move on to the next round. germany and ghana played to a tie on saturday. an american victory would vault the u.s. to the top of the world cup known as the group of death. bill is in brazil this morning outside the stadium where the game will get played. bill, good morning to you. >> reporter: yes, good morning from the amazon, peter. this is the day when american soccer players can light their name in history, beat portugal and they can go through to the knockout stage faster than any
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u.s. team. the coach is talking tough. he says we want to put portugal in their place. tough coach, tough captain. clint dempsey is bruised, his nose broken, but his thumb is up. the u.s. team was given little chance believes its time has come. a final training session in the stadium where tonight they play a weakened portugal team. the coach wants to weaken them more. >> this is now the moment you can prove yourself. this is the moment where you can save up and play those guys and put them in place. so, we want to put their team in their place. >> reporter: portugal fans believe ronaldo can stop the u.s. he was wounded after portugal's first game. his coach was blunt.
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either we win, he says or if we lose, we are packing our bags. >> we are going beat portugal. they are not as good as people think. >> i believe we can win! >> we are athletic. we have the condition for the heat. we're going to come out and win, 3-1. >> if you win, you're in. >> the usa is a force to be reckoned with. >> reporter: as for star portugal players -- what about that guy -- >> is it the one that cry as lot? >> reporter: the fans are more confident after watchi ining gey fail to beat ghana. the u.s. is alive and kicking. and history is on america's side. the u.s. and portugal faced each
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other once before in the world cup 12 years ago. the u.s. won 3-2, reached the knockout stage and knocked portugal out. one other point here, peter, it's 8:00 in the morning, 80 degrees. it is stifl . . hopefully, the u.s. team will cope with these teams better than portugal. >> thanks very much. we will be rooting for all of us in the front row. soccer ledge zend, brandi chastain, has won two world cups, two gold medals. nice to have you with us. >> thank you so much. >> bill just mentioned there is some talk that maybe the u.s. team is better suited than portugal. could this be an advantage for team usa? >> well, i think that the weather and the variables like weather become a mental part of the game. if you believe it is on your
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side, then you can feel good about that going into the game. ultimately, the game is played 11 players against 11 players. portugal has a player in renaldo who is the world's best player this past year, this team is feeling a lot of confidence. if they think weather is on their side, i think they should go with that. you mentioned confidence. there are some seasoned players and younger players. how much has that been helping them thus far? >> i think it is a great mix. you have great veterans in michael bradley, tim howard, clint dempsey. those players give confidence to the players that have never been there before. it is kind of like that childlike naiveness of our younger players that gives them this kind of like, why not, why can't we go out there and get through this group and go on to the knockout round.
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it is a nice, delicate blend of veterans and first-timers for the world cup. >> we know that there is plenty of support from people at home. they are saying, why not. we need to ask you about your former teammate, hope solo, arrested last night on charges of domestic violence. when you heard that, what was your reaction? >> i think overall it was sad for me. mainly, because i think she is a great talent. she obviously has proven herself on the field. i think it is a little bit of the writing was on the wall with hope. i hope for her sake that she resolves the issues that face her and that she can get on with the rest of her life. soccer is a wonderful game. we have been seeing such great play on the play in brazil and the excitement. the kind of camaraderie that goes along with playing in the game and being in a world cup. i hope that everybody watches this u.s. team with a lot of excitement and a lot of
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patriotism and that they are very excited about what this u.s. team is doing right now. we are looking forward to watching it too. we should point out. you are in california because you didn't want to leave. you are doing it exactly the way you did when they won against ghana. we are hoping that that barbecue will pay off at your house in california, brandy. thanks. >> you are welcome. i am very proud to wear this nice crest right here. i am cheering on the usa all the way. thanks for getting up early. we want to turn to potentially dangerous weather in the nation's mid-section. dylan has been tracking that for us. for a week long, this entire area through the midwest has been under the gun with a slight risk located right over those areas. take a look. this is some of the flooding we saw from the crow river in minnesota. it is at its highest level in 50 years. the rain has been endless in this area. you can see what looks like roads should be going right through here are nonexistent with the flooding expected to
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continue. we had damage in clifton, illinois, wind damage. you could see trees on homes and the same type of threat is setting up in areas like illinois and a little further to the south and west through texas. it is the wind an rain that's going to be our biggest concern. you can see right through northern iowa, that's where we have some of our torrential downpours. we have already had so far this month more than a foot of rain. it is filling up the rivers. we do still have your flash flood warnings and watches in effect in this whole area in green. we are going to have to keep close eye on this. that includes iowa, nebraska, through kansas and parts of denver. we will watch this area again this afternoon. peter. secretary of state, john kerry, is in cairo, egypt, this morning, there as part of a middle east swing to talk with world leaders about solutions to the crisis in iraq. those meetings come as isis militants gain more ground, capturing three towns and a border crossing to syria, all of
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which lay along the highway to baghdad. this is a huge challenge for the obama administration. david gregory is moderator of "meet the press." good morning to you. >> good morning. >> what are the real expectations for secretary kerry as he heads to that region in egypt and what real leverage does the u.s. have right now given the fact that they have seen very little willingness from prime minister maliki in iraq to play ball? >> the expectations are modest. according to people that i'm talking to, he actually has pretty good support as he goes around the region and says, look, nuri al maliki, the shiite leader of iraq, needs to go. there needs to be a future beyond maliki if we are going to get some buy-in from other folks around the region. think about iraq and who has not been fighting, sunnis, the kurds. nobody wants to stand up to isis unless they know there is a better political future for them within iraq. that's a big part of the
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calculation, even as kerry and the president have to deal with this growing i isis threat as a terror threat to the west. >> for president obama, for a lot of his critics, he in many ways was propelled by power to his commitment to taking us out of iraq and afghanistan. that serves as a symbol in their eyes as his inadequate and ineffective response in all sorts of crises across the world, ukraine, syria and in iraq. what political risks exist for him? >> the american public does not want to get back in iraq but they do understand if america faces a significant threat from terrorist and isis is that, an al qaeda splint ter group that has access to the west and europe and the united states, americans are going to care deeply about. this is not just what the president decides to do in iraq but what he might also do in syria to try to deal with isis. >> we're going to check back in
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with you a little bit later for a preview of what's coming up on "meet the press." >> thanks, peter. there are new developments in the obama administration's plan to deal with the surge of imgrar immigrants coming into this country. chris still welsh shoining us. >> reporter: they are expected to fly hundreds of migrants from south texas to california for processing according to the "associated press." this move is a part of the government's latest response to the surge of central american's entering texas rio grand valley where they have arrested more than 174,000 people since october. officials tell the a.p., two flights carrying more than 100 passengers each will head to san diego and el centro, an attempt to ease the workload at that busy texas crossing. the passengers will be mostly families with young children. no unaccompanied minors. additional flights will return every three days. immigration and customs
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enforcement will decide whether to keep people in custody or release them while they are in deportation proceedings. administration officials have consistently said the surge in border cross is is due to an uptick in violence and poverty. they acknowledged rumors reaching central america that u.s. border authorities are offering permits to parents traveling here with young children. the administration hopes that by increasing the number of migrants that are detained, they will dissuade others from trying to enter the country illegally. vice president biden traveled to guatemala on friday to convey that message. we want to get you caught up with some of the morning's other top story ares. >> jenna wolfe here with that. we are going to start with a dramatic rescue in florida. after treading water for 14 hours, a couple was pull today safety on saturday. three off duty officers on a fishing trip said they saw what looked like fish jumping in the
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water. it was a man and a woman. they said they fell off their boat out in key largo. they appeared to have mild hypothermia and a few jellyfish stings. amazing we have an update to a story we first told you about on "today." police have arrested the three men that escaped from prison earlier this month by helicopter. they were taken into custody earlier this morning and are scheduled to appear in court on monday. police implied there may be more arrests in connection with the escape. pope francis delivered some harsh words to members of the mafia saturday during a visit to italy, a region where mobsteres try to portray themselves as religious men. duncan goal es stan any has that story. >> reporter: he visited one of italy's biggest crime groups and delivered a strong attack on the mobsters. he called them evil and said that they were excommunicated and cut off from the catholic
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church. the post's method was welcomed by the huge crowds in an area of drug trafficking. he later went to a local prison and hugged a little boy who was who was captured when family got caught up in drug wars. he said, let me be clear, the problem of drug use is not solved with drugs. fephelps and franklin are hitting the water today. michael phelps is coming off in second. missy franklin won her 200-meter freestyle. phelps and franklin are set to swim the 200 meter individual medley later today.
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you can call her mrs. molner. katie couric and john molner tied the knot in new york. she tweeted, so ex sighted to make my debut as mrs. john molner. they got engaged after nearly two years of dating. this is her second trip down the aisle. her first husband died of colon cancer in 1998. >> nice to see her so happy. another story that's making news today. searchers in california are desperately looking for a missing hiker who has not been seen in more than a week. he is also an experienced firefighter. as nbc miguel almaguer reports, there is still a lot of hope he could be found alive. >> reporter: in the dry, hot hills outside los angeles, this morning, a search growing more desperate every hour. >> it has really been a challenge for our search and rescue teams that have come from all over california to help us. >> reporter: firefighter, michael heard man was last seen in the los pa dras national
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forest nine days ago after a two-day hike with fellow firefighter, taylor buyers. heardman reportedly chased after his dog, duke, into the hills, barefoot with no supplies and has not been seen since. >> there is no trail. it is all big boulders going through the brush. it is kind of tricky out there. >> reporter: with assets and volunteers deployed across the region, a small army is searching around the enclosure can for the missing 36-year-old, a young father and husband. optimistic, because herdman is an experienced is outdoorsman. they believe his dog, duke, was also spotted recently, another reason for hope. >> we fully expect mike to be found. we have never stopped believing and we are not going to stop believing until we get some type of resolution. >> reporter: with temperatures hovering in the mid-80s and with little food or water, surviving in these rugged mountains for
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more than a week wouldn't be easy. >> we had one member today that was bitten by a rattlesnake and he is in icu at the hospital and will be there for a few days. we had another member yesterday that injured his legs. these are tough conditions. >>. >> reporter: this morning, there is still hope, though it is now slowly fading. for today, miguel almaguer, nbc news, los angeles. >> i certainly hope he is found too. dylan is back with a look at the rest of our national forecast. good morning. widespread showers and storms across most of the country, specially right through the center with our strongest storms from texas up into iowa again. the same area under the gun for almost the last week. we are looking at really nice conditions in the northeast. 70s and 80s, low humidity. about as good as it gets. the southwest, up and we're seeing 40s and 50s outside this morning, heading into the afternoon we should see
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highs in 70s near san jose. temperatures in the 60s this afternoon with sea breeze keeping things cool. santa rosa near 82. livermore, 83 today. for the first half of the week the temperatures climb up a few degrees. notice what happens as you approach thursday. more clouds coming in. a chance of light showers especially in the north bay. and temperatures rebound as we heads towards next weekend. that's your latest forecast. erica. just ahead, ask and ye shall receive. the very sweet story of a girl who asked her dad's boss, almost begged him, for her dad to just have the day off for a very special occasion. we'll tell you how it turned out right after this. very special [ male announcer ] if your kitchen could study you, what would it learn? what improvements would it make? at ge, you've inspired us to reimagine the kitchen. with innovations like the first dishwasher featuring 102 spray jets. the kitchen is now thinking --
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more like you. and...stop. no? nothing? [ male announcer ] ge. reimagining home. turn to roc® retinol correxion®. one week, fine lines appear to fade. one month, deep wrinkles look smoother. after one year, skin looks ageless. high performance skincare™ only from roc®. after one year, skin looks ageless. some comto make theirtificial yogurt sweeter. but here at chobani, we think mother nature is sweet enough. introducing chobani simply 100. back now on a sunday morning with what could put you in a great mood on a sunday morning. so will the next story. one of the most creative ways i
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have ever seen someone get a week of vacation. >> definitely high on the scale. this was a plea from an unlikely source. jenna is helping explain. >> a little girl wrote a note to her dad's boss to make sure he gets time off. she's specific. she suggests a wednesday would be nice. he really only gets off work on saturday, so that would be nice. his birthday is coming up, it's summer, you know? guess what happens? don't, i'm going to tell you. her dad's boss wrote back and said on the occasion of his birthday and taking wednesdays off during the summer, we are giving him the first week of july as vacation time. nice work, katy. if your child wrote in, what would they ask for? we want you to let us know using
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#orangeroom. an extra gym or extra gym time. they are things i'm throwing out. >> harper can't write yet. >> this is something she should do. >> she sent this in this morning. it's a scribble for mommy. >> awww. she's so creative. she's brilliant. >> she is brilliant. >> the best is summer, you know. >> obviously. >> all right, jenna, thanks. still to come on a sunday edition of "today." peter, it's you, come on. >> goooaaall! peter, it's you, come on. >> goooaaall! i have been practicing that as a mother of two, it's really hard to work at home. peter, it's you, come on. >> gwhen i really need i hato get stuff done, that i hide in the laundry room. no one ever goes in there. a lawyer that's a monkey? hahahaha. also, the dryer sheets reeeally help my writing. writing supplies. oh. number 7 of my 20.
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the new amex everyday credit card with no annual fee. thank you. make 20 or more purchases in a monthly billing period, and earn 20% more rewards. it's membership that rewards you for the things you already buy, everyday. what's your 20? ♪ check...this...out. oh my goodness. do you know what that adds up to? a clean bum. this is going very well so far. [ cherry ] feel a clean so fresh it can only be cottonelle. still
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welcome back.
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hey really? kiss your abs goodbye. cardiologist to check stand 1.
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crystal geyser alpine spring water? toucé. crystal geyser. always bottled right at the mountain source. it is 6:26 on your sunday morning. a live look at the golden gate bridge on a day that looks like it could be rainy. thank you for joining us. before sports, let's get a look at your weather with rob mayeda. >> we have misty skies and sunshine throughout the rest of the bay area. sunshine in san jose, 53 degrees. heading towards oakland, we have an early start to the a's game. should be near 70 degrees with low clouds nor the morning turning breezy. we head to the afternoon and the 24-hour forecast. the low clouds will retreat back to the coastline in the
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afternoon. and push inland in the morning with the areas like you're seeing now around the golden gate bridge. today's high of 78 in san jose. we'll see the temperatures climbing up a couple more degrees. and then a chance for light rain on thursday with cooler temperatures too. you'll see highs in the upper 70s to 82. up to 85 degrees. 83 in livermore. >> we begin with a developing story in the east bay. an investigation under way into a plane crash near livermore that left one person dead. the plane went down in a field is just north of 580. near north livermore road. that crash occurred before 5:00 yesterday evening. alameda sheriff deputies say it took off from the municipal airport. a if u minutes later witnesses reported see the plane on fire and watching it go down.
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deputies say the pilot was the only person on board. his name has not yet been released. they say the man was killed instantaneously. the federal aviation administration and the national transportation safety board are now investigating that crash. well, a man is dead after attending a popular music festival in las vegas. the coroner's office says 24 year old montgomery died yesterday morning after attending opening day. he suffered a medical episode, but they didn't give further details. hundreds of thousands of people are attending. some people say with so many folks over there a tragedy like this is inevitable. it's the first death since the festival moved to las vegas. in 2010 a 15-year-old girl died from from a drug overdose when it was held in los angeles. is some homeowners are breathing easier after a brush fire came dangerous lis cloe to
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their homes. fire crews stayed on the scene watching for hot spots. nobody was hurt. investigators don't yet know what started it. as we have seen so many times recently, firefighters up with up against strong winds and dry conditions. coming up at 7:00, all eyes on the united states men's world cup. you probably recognize her. she knows a thing or two about winning the world cup. she drops by to give us insight on the game and all your stories coming up at 7:00.
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we're sisters and we made it on the "today" show. >> us, too. >> look at us. >> happy 50th dad. >> it's the first time in new york city and we are on the "today" show. >> mom and dad, look at your daughters. >> we love "today." >> we are back on this sunday morning, june 22nd, 2014. another gorgeous day here in new york city. another perfect weekend on the plaza. thank you for stopping by and sharing your pictures. i can guarantee they do not have
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a crowd like that. >> they do not. or math skills like you saw there going on getting ready for the game. >> you ran away with the ball. >> you used your hand. >> she did not use her hands. >> they threw it to me and told me to catch it. >> you follow too many directions. >> you can head it, you can chest it, but you never touch the ball with your hands. >> it is a song. >> there's a song for that. >> wait till your kids are 3. >> the morning's top headlines. we are talking a lot of soccer. america is hours away from the next match in the world cup. team usa taking on portugal in brazil. if they win, team usa moves on to the next round of the tournament. secretary of state john kerry is in egypt, arriving earlier where he plans to meet with world leaders to discuss the growing crisis in iraq. a rare move and strong message from pope francis after visiting
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a region in italy. the pope saying members of the mafia will be excommunicated. >> still to come, friendly competition. >> peter, friendly competition in honor of the world cup. we are going to see who can yell goal -- >> you have been practicing. admit to america you have been practicing. >> people in the hotel room know, i have been practicing. >> not just the hotel room. three blocks to the north, four blocks to the south. 100%. >> we thought there was an animal in need. >> that's right. >> we are looking forward to that. also, a growing movement that started simply. one woman wanted to show her best friend she appreciated the way she was inspired every day and wasn't alone in her fight of cystic fibrosis. we are going to share their story this morning. later, i'm going to
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introduce you to some of the brightest mind that is are creating inventions that could be seen in your own home one day. >> we begin with the arrest of u.s. woman's soccer star, hope solo. shees behind wars in a washington state jail. the goalie will be in court tomorrow to answer domestic violence charges. solo was involved in a fight at a home near seattle. mark potter has the story. >> reporter: she's one of the biggest names in women's soccer, in the spotlight this weekend for all the wrong reasons. two-time olympic gold medalist was jailed on two counts of domestic violence assault in the fourth degree. police arrived at this house in seattle early saturday morning after a 911 caller complained a female was hitting people and wouldn't leave. inside, they found solo appearing intoxicated and upset. her sister and nephew showing
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injury. solo was the primary aggressor and instigated the assault. >> she's the face of the u.s. women's team, so, someone that has that much influence doing something like this is sad. >> reporter: in a statement released overnight, solo's attorney says hope is not guilty of a crime. in fact, our investigation reveals that hope was assaulted and injured during this unfortunate incident. we look forward to the opportunity to present the true facts in court and having this matter behind hope soon. >> hope is probably considered one of the, if not the best goalie, women's goalie in the world. she's no stranger to controversy. her husband was arrested on suspicion he may have assaulted her. stevens was never charged and solo defended him aggressively. >> i would never stand for domestic violence, i have never been hit in my life.
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it's unfortunate. >> reporter: solo complained publicly about her partner and judges on "dancing with the stars." she's scheduled to appear in court on monday. for "today," mark potter, nbc news. we are going head to the plaza for a final check of the weather. >> good morning, everyone. we are celebrating 50th birthday today. where are you from? >> maine. >> awesome. anything planned for new york? >> all kind of things. we have a full few days ahead of us. >> first official full day of summer is today. get out and enjoy it. we have to keep our eye out for scattered storms. iowa, nebraska, kansas, texas and colorado. the biggest threats for hail and damaging wind gusts and flash flooding, which we have been seeing most of this week. tomorrow, the only chance of severe weather will be, again, through colorado.
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the rest of the country, scattered showers and storms. stay warm and dry in the northeast. it is hot in the gulf coast. the feels like temperature around 100 degrees we're waking up to 40s and 50s this sunday morning with hazy skies and low clouds around the oakland side of the bay. sunshine and 40 degrees. if you can head to oakland, temperatures near 70 around game time with the a's taking on the red sox with breezy conditions this afternoon. our temperatures today cooled by the sea breeze, which is brought in the low clouds if r the morning, peeling back to the coast as we heads towards the afternoon. 78 in san jose. low 60s for san francisco. that is your latest forecast. we want to get to today's top spot. it comes from koaa in colorado. the pikes peak festival in colorado springs. get out your favorite kilt and
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get ready for a lot of fun. the best in celtic rock music. this festival has all things irish. it looks like fun. watch out and keep an eye on the sky for storms. peter? >> thanks so much. after the quickest wardrobe change into a child's medium, it's time for the moment we have been waiting for. do you know what the most popular sound at the world cup is? listen. >> goal! >> goal! >> goal! >> goal! >> goallll! >> goallll! >> goallll!
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>> all right. all right, it's aur turn now. we are going to see which one of us can yell goal the longest. >> are we really doing it? >> my voice is going to crack. i can't hold a note. >> it doesn't matter. you have been practicing all night. this is our plaza fan of the day this morning. >> hi. >> just because we are related, hill, doesn't mean there's going to be any favoritism here. she's going to be our judge. i guess you kick things off, huh? >> yes, i do. >> on three. >> i get to start. >> we're good. >> okay, when i sago, you go. three, two, one, go! >> goallllllll!
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>> i'm out. >> and you were worried your voice would crack. >> oh, it cracked. i kept going. i powered through the crack. >> that was aggressive. congratulations, go team usa. >> you know what happened, right? >> i have been waiting for that moment. still to come on "today," thousands of runners, most of them strangers coming together to support one woman in her fight against cystic fibrosis. her story, after these messages. so, duke, what do you think of our new bush's baked beans video game?
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i think i'm getting the hang of it. [ jay ] okay, now pick up the specially cured bacon! hit it with the brown sugar! now roll that beautiful bean footage! yes! [ jay ] bush's baked beans are slow-cooked according to our secret family recipe for a big flavor. high score! you get to put your name on the wall of fame! [ beeping ] whoa! game over... aww, you're no fun. [ jay ] enjoy bush's baked beans. still made from our secret family recipe. [ jay ] enjoy bush's baked beans. ♪ ♪ all the goodness of milk, all the deliciousness of hershey's syrup.
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over 150 years of swedish coffee experience.xists that's 150 years of experience in refining and perfecting the rich, never bitter taste of gevalia. and we do it all for this very experience. this very second. this exact moment. [woman] that's good. i know right? cheers to that. gevalia. 150 years of rich, never bitter coffee. sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt
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me. unfortunately, that's not true anymore. 1 in 3 kids have been cyber bullied. teach your children to treat others online with respect. the more you know. there's a growing movement on facebook giving new meaning to a friend. >> it all started as a woman's simple wish to show her friends how important she was. within hours, a simple facebook thank you was going places thanks to the dedication of thousands of strangers. nicole burke and liz are the type of lifelong friends who easily finish each other's sentences. as kids, they first clicked at gymnastics. >> we are so lucky to be here. >> reporter: 30 years later, running brought them back together and inspired thousands of people they never met to lace
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up and pound the pavement for liz. >> running is about mental toughness. >> it's parra lel to the way she lives her life, positive and inspiring. >> reporter: on the surface, running shouldn't come easily. she's one of 30,000 americans living with cystic fibrosis or cf. >> when i was diagnosed i was 12. >> reporter: today, she's 37. it causes mucus to build up in the lungs. managing it requires hours of treatment every day. in april, a lung infection send liz to the hospital for a week and got nicole thinking. >> maybe i could bring people together to run to celebrate with. >> reporter: she created outrun 38. what she thought would be a small facebook group, friends running to support liz. that day, 1,000 people joined. >> there i am in the hospital with all these people, people i
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know, people i don't know who are saying i just ran five miles for you, liz. go team liz, you got this. i mean just crying, like you can't imagine what that feels like to feel, you know, sick and struggling and have all this support. >> reporter: the initial goal, log 3800 miles in time for liz's 38th birthday this fall. liz outrunning the odds of survival of cf. they hit that milestone on day nine. >> people responded immediately. this community of friendship really brought people together. >> reporter: people like jennifer gill, who has never met liz, but is inspired by her every day. >> this group is creating definition of runner or athlete. it's, you know, going against your own challenges and challenging yourself. >> reporter: a message she shares with her 8-year-old son who has cf. >> has the silver lining that
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i've always lived with this sense of these long runs and have fun. it's a beautiful way to live life, really. >> reporter: outrunners have run, biked, walked and swam enough miles to circle the globe more than three times. >> our goal and our stopping point is the cure party. that's it. >> reporter: proudly flashing an "l" for the woman who inspired it all, including the friend who started this small group that quickly became a movement. >> liz is quick to point out, too, as healthy as she looks, she is not the face of cf. this is killing people far too young. liz is watching us in the hospital. we know you are getting better. she's been there since friday. it's a serious disease. i'm an outrunner. that's how we discovered this story. it is not just bringing people torgt around the globe.
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liz and i went to camp together when we were kids. hadn't talked in over 25 years. nicole and i knew each other in college, i haven't talked to her in 15 years. i was invited to join the group. it's amazing the way it inspired people. >> she inspired her 8-year-old. >> yeah. it's great. it's great for so many people out there fighting and showing, you know, how positive it can be. >> very cool. erica, thank you for sharing that story. coming up next, an adventure putting weight behind the future. wait until you see the ideas they have come up with. we'll have it for you after yeah, i would never book a hotel if i didn't know the name first.
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creating a game changing invention or any invention. it's not easy. it took james dyson 5,000 protoe types. >> why not start at a young age. that's what dyson is hoping future inventors do. >> they have started a program design, test, build. it's offered free of charge in
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an attempt to get students thinking and creating. >> reporter: inside the chicago public school classroom, possibility is only limited by the imagination. future engineers, mathematicians, scientists and leaders working together. the sixth graders at this school are part of the james dyson foundation design, build, text program. what is the take away? a project that provides thousands of young minds around the country with materials and supplies to solve problems in their lives. the most innovative designs -- presented at the convention fair. rob green is a dyson senior design engineer who works with students to prototype their ideas. why invest so much in this project? >> kids get that application of what they are learning. >> reporter: this project gives
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them that practical application? >> the project and design process. >> reporter: from a three-wheeled backpack. >> it makes it safe. >> reporter: to bookends and window air conditioner. >> don't you hate it when you walk out of a building and the air conditioner drips on you? >> where does the leaking go now? >> there's a tilted plane to go through the water bed. >> reporter: proving with a little ingenuity, card board and glue can take any shape. i love it. dyson engineers were so impressed with that team that made the air conditioner cover, they made a prototype of it. the girls had to solve a problem in their life. she walked through the back of the building and got dripped on by the air conditioner. let's trap the water. why not? make them look prettier and water the flowers.
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this is the actual prototype. when i was there, i saw the card board version of it. dyson made the prototype. >> as all great inventions, why didn't i think of that. brilliant. >> water the flowers on their own. >> it's a no brainer. >> it's pretty. she was trying to make everything look nicer. >> such a great story. thanks. still to come, catching up with a star of "royal pains" after these ♪ [ female announcer ] we love our smartphones. and now telcos using hp big data solutions are feeling the love, too. by offering things like on-the-spot data upgrades -- an idea that reduced overcharge complaints by 98%. no matter how fast your business needs to adapt, if hp big data solutions can keep wireless customers smiling, imagine what they can do for yours. make it matter.
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6:55 am
then boom... what happened? stress, fun, bad habits, kids, now what? let's build a new, smarter bed using the dualair chambers to sense your movement, heartbeat, breathing. introducing the sleep number bed with sleepiq™ technology. it tracks your sleep and tells you how to adjust for a good, better and an awesome night. the difference? try adjusting up or down you'll know cuz sleepiq™ tells you. only at a sleep number store, mattresses with sleepiq start at just $999.98. know better sleep with sleep number. before we go this morning, we want to talk to a star of "royal pains." >> she's a physician assistant
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and single mom. thank you for being here this morning. >> thank you for having me. >> you are abtd to enter into an arranged marriage. >> yeah. >> a single mom with a baby. >> and a career. >> and a career. it must be fun to make all the changes in a character. >> season one, i was put together and now season six, i'm suddenly a mom and i have a kid. you know, it's kind of a story for women. you want a career and want to continue, but your number one priority is the love of your life, your child. it's cool. as an actress, awesome. >> what do you enjoy about the character? >> best part? i get to work with people. always a good thing. she's fun, strong, go for it. she's so nice and kind and she's kind of perfect. >> just like you in real life. >> just like me. >> you are in your sixth season.
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every single episode is a gorgeous blue sky and water. >> so much fun. the cast and crew are amazing. the only downside is sometimes we are shooting in 40 degree weather and you are wearing things like this. it's hard to act cold, but you do it. in long island and brooklyn, the people are the nicest people. >> so nice of you do get up early and be with us. >> so fun. so fun. >> a great crowd this morning. >> the next episode of "royal pain" at 9:00, 8:00 central on usa. good morning david. >> good morning, peter. president obama's war on terror in the middle east. i'll be joined exclusively by israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu with his version of what's happening. and rand paul speaks out on iraq
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and why benghazi, in his view, isn't going away anytime soon for hillary clinton. it's coming up on "meet the press." >> thank you very much. that's going to do it for us on a sunday morning. before we go, everybody on the plaza, we want them to hear us in brazil. on three, our best goal. >> before we do that -- >> yeah. >> we want to say thank you for being here. always nice to have you up here. >> i'm geared up for tonight, sorry. >> we are excited about this massive goal. go, do your thing. >> okay, i apologize to the glass windows. on three, one, two, three, gooooaaaalllllll!
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good morning nelly! woah. hey! have you ever tried honey nut cheerios? love 'em. neat! now you on the other hand... you need some help. why? look atchya. what is that? you mean my honey wand? [ shouting ] [ splat ] come on. matter of fact. [ rustling ] shirt. shoes. shades. ah! wow! now that voice... my voice? [ auto-tuned ] what's wrong with my voice? yeah man, bee got swag! be happy! be healthy! that's gotta go too. ♪ hey! must be the honey! [ sparkle ] sweet.
7:00 am
good morning. i'm sam brock. coming up next on "today in the bay." a plane goes down in the east bay, killing the pilot and setting so off a brush fire. hear from homeowners worried about the fire. >> they look the part. they have the players that can do damage. clint dempsey, obviously. >> that is who you think it is. brandi chastain stops by our studios to talk about the enormous game today against portugal. this is "today in the bay." and a live picture right now of the alameda county fairgrounds on a festive sunday, june 22nd


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