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tv   Today  NBC  July 9, 2014 2:07am-3:01am PDT

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from nbc news this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. live from studio 1 a in rockefeller plaza. >> y indeedy. >> don't check your set it is really us. we are still here. it is booze day tuesday, july 8. the best lives in the whole world. nobody is happier than you are except for al roker. you are one happy woman. >> things are good every now and then. >> things are going great for jimmy fallon. he is kicking it over there.
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>> he is kicking it and we seemed bummed because he never mentioned us in the show. he was in orlando and now he is back live. guess who was mentioned again. >> there is a lot of people who try to give you advice. you have to be careful because depending on the situation what is good advice for some people might be bad advice for others. it is time for a segment called "good advice or bad advice". you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. good advice if you are playing a sport, bad advice if you are hoda and kathie lee. >> why are they laughing? >> i don't know. tom hanks knows how to have a good time. he is one of the sweetest guys. >> he seems like the guy you want at the party. justin bieber apparently caught him dancing. he posted this video.
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>> we don't know where they were. >> let's take a look at the dance moves. ♪ this is how we do it >> i love it. >> you should do it. >> i love that he is dancing to "this is how we do it". >> you know what, they really would be. >> we want to see them at broadway. >> it would be a hit. if you are wondering where it was some people were reporting he was dancing at the wedding of justin's manager. remember the time that matt came up to us in the makeup room
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and said would you guys do something for me. matt never asks us to do anything. he said tom hanks is in town and wants me to have dinner tonight. he said bring two fun people. we ended up going to dinner with tom hanks. it was a lot of fun. favorite couple alert. this is the best couple ever. do you know who they are? sofia vergara apparently dating joe manginalo. >> they need to breed immediately. >> stop wasting time and just maybe do like triplets. >> sofia was dating that guy, nick. they broke up a while ago. we did reach out to both sides because you see pictures or hear
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gossip and check it out. here is what joe's publicest said, they do not comment on his personal life. and sofia's team said not commenting this time. >> that is what happened. we think they are dating. don't you think? >> the only thing that would have made us happier would be if george clooney had finally married sandra bullock. >> right? >> we can't do everything. we wanted those two people to get together. >> this is what makes us happy. >> not because they are so gorgeous because they are. >> a lot of gorgeous people in the world. >> they are both so fun and so nice. >> both of them, we had them both on the show. >> the time we had her on the show remember what day it was. >> it was the day we went no makeup and we asked all of the guests if they would mind going
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no makeup. she said no. i have come full makeup since i came out of the wound. >> that was an egyptian accent. >> i can do one or two. >> anybody do a killer colombiaen one? >> no. according to this survey they say the number one etiquette mistake people made is texting and e-mailing during meals. >> and as bad as that is it is worse if you invited somebody to come as your guest and there your guest is eating the food and drinking the wine and they are on the phone the entire time. you want to hand them the check. like it's been fun. >> here is anoer one that bugs people. people who don't let you off the elevator before they crowd and trample you to get on.
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all you are trying to do is get off, make room for them whether a subway or the elevator, anything that is a close space and you have to leave. >> they feel entitled to the middle of it. >> move aside. >> do you get angry? you have a little road rage. >> i bottle it up and i stuff it down like i do. and then i release it later when no one is looking. >> i don't do that. >> i go you're welcome. that is good. >> just remind them. >> that is not mean but i wish people would not do that. >> they don't see us there is a good chance they also don't eat with us. >> here is a great question. >> most of the time they are doing this, too. >> sometimes they are. so here is a question that the etiquette experts will answer for you. when you sit down at the dinner table and you are trying to figure out and you are at a round table or big table wondering which bread plate is yours. are we talking about grown adults?
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>> they don't know. >> i didn't know until someone told me the trick about a month ago. >> when you are sitting here and like do you want to eat my bread on this plate or this plate? the best way to remember which side is your bread plate and which is your drink plate is make okay symbols with both fingers b and d. the b is the bread and the d is the drink. so you remember that is my bread plate. we have all been -- yes. that's it. >> do you know which side of the knife you are to put closest to your plate? >> blade in. >> blade in. because otherwise you might cut someone. so b and d. >> i have heard of people coming over. isn't that a great trick? because sometimes you forget. >> do you like it if somebody goes that looks delicious and
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they start doing that? >> i don't mind except for if they do it like that. then i mind. >> then they put their filthy like that and eat it. does that bother you much? >> the not closing the mouth when they chew is grossing me out. >> what annoys you the most when you are eating at the restaurant? >> when the waiter asks are you still working on that? and you go yeah, yeah. what happens five minutes later? back again. you still working? they want you out of the table. >> the answer is no i'm not working. i left work to come here so i can eat. i'm eating. when i'm not eating anymore i will be sitting here in front of it. >> it's the turnover. that is how they make the money. >> i don't like when let's say i'm finished because i eat
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quickly and it is over. other people are still eating. i don't like when they take my plate because the other person feels compelled to rush and finish. just leave the plates. >> okay. here is the other thing you should not do if you want to live. the tour de france is asking fans to stop taking selfies. >> they are hanging out into the track area and trying to get a picture of themselves while the bikes are going by at really fast speed. >> she did what i do with the mouth open. that would be so bad. >> who thought that was a good idea? >> don't do it. >> they actually had video of some of the people, some of the riders like knocking the cameras down. watch. let's watch. okay. it's -- yeah. move out of the way. okay. wow. they have no barriers up. none.
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competitors are calling it a dangerous mix of vanity and stupidity. one said people don't understand how fast we go and how much of the road we use. they think i want to get a shot of me with them in the background. >> another place we don't suggest you do it either is the running of the bulls. unless it is a really nice bull and friendly. >> every year they do this. they are running nine football fields. they are sprinting. four people got taken to the hospital with injuries and people are cheering. >> people have been goured to death. >> i mean, i guess i don't know. >> i don't know. >> i know it is a cultural thing
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but it does seem to me likes -- born with a rare medical disease and one of his legs needed to be amputated. right foot and left leg. you think they thought the doctors said they didn't think the young child would survive. caden has a spirit about him taking it one step at a time. take a look at this video shared more than 100,000 times. >> he just got a prosthetic. >> i got it. >> you do? >> i got it. i got it. >> okay. >> i got it. i got it. i got it. i got it. i got it. i got it. i got it. i got it. >> good job. >> i got it. i got it. i got it. >> you got it? >> i got it. >> listen to him say that all
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day long. bless his heart. you can see his mom is so worried but he is going. aren't you so happy we showed you that? so segue because i was going to sob a bit. >> we are doing something about in honor of baby boomers turning 50. the last of the baby boomers turning 50 this year. >> that is you. >> how did i make the baby boomer group? if i could have waited one more year. >> you are a boomer. >> i'm like last year of the boomers. >> this year. you are a boomer. that means it is almost over. [ laughter ] we are going to team up with huff post 50. the team to celebrate people who re-invented themselves like hoda. >> we want them to belong to our 50 over 50 list.
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we are looking for people who have done new and interesting things at 50. hit the connect button and tell us why it is excellent. >> i want to let everybody know i am hosting a facebook book chat. >> how do you know how to do that? >> from 11:05 to 11:30 eastern time on my facebook page. >> love to talk to you guys. are you over 50 and getting ready for your second act? the best careers for baby boomers like hoda looking for a fresh start. and take control and be boss. find out what fifth harmony is doing after this. crispy grooves. what ya got there? oh, cheez-it grooves. it's a cheez-it, but it's light and crispy like a chip, kinda the best of both worlds. there's more than one world? no. it's just this world- they're among us disguised as humans? you're one of them! ok. no... security! it's the best of both worlds. cheez-it and chip.
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ah help! he's here! and he's got a probe! it's a pen. it's a probe! we take the time for our cheese to mature before we bake it into our cheez-it grooves. because at cheez-it®, real cheese matters. but lysol power & free cann change the way you clean.h. it cleans even better than bleach without the harshness. a powerful clean, that's family friendly - that's what we call healthing. lysol power & free. start healthing. ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn?
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try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. ♪ ♪ great rates for great rides. geico motorcycle, see how much you could save. they are known as the fearsome fivesome for their show stopping vocals and undeniable chemistry. >> no looking back for fifth harmony who got together on "the
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x factor" and released songs such as "miss moving on". >> their newest song is "boss". tha ladies are launching the i'm a boss campaign along with >> introduce yourselves. >> i'm cumilla. >> i'm alley. >> i'm lauren. >> good morning. >> we are fifth harmony. >> they talk in harmony. >> i like that. >> has it been a heck of a ride? >> has everything changed in your lives? >> the last time we were here we did "better together". since then we have been working on our album and everything has taken a completely -- not completely different but we definitely matured in terms of our music and who we are and
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have kind of grown closer. >> are you like stars when you walk down the street? do people mob you? does it happen like that? >> no. >> when all five of us together, but individually it is not that bad. we hear you look just like that girl from fifth harmony. >> they notice me when i have no makeup on. >> that is so wrong. >> are you guys all friends. you seem like you get along so well. >> we really are pretty close. >> tell us about the i'm a boss campaign. a lot of young girls your age don't feel in control of anything. >> seven out of ten girls have very low self-esteem. we partnered with and encourage teens to encourage and empower one another and write a unique skill or trait.
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>> did you ever feel like one of those girls? >> every single teenage girl goes through that moment where they don't know who they are and who they are supposed to be. i think there is a lot of pressure on who you are supposed to be. >> it is hard not to want to fit in. >> it is so much cooler when you stand out. >> so much cooler to stand out and be unique. >> be you. >> since the judges of "the x factor" put you together do they stay in touch with you? >> they are very involved in the album and the process. we just got off of the "neon lights" tour. >> you seen the baby yet? >> what baby? >> simon's girlfriend had a baby. >> yes.
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>> we twittered it. >> here we go. what is the first name of the designer brand that ends with boss. >> hugo. >> in which month does national boss day fall? >> june. >> february. >> march. august. >> which show ends with the word boss? >> "cake boss". >> which famous rock star known for his nickname the boss. >> different generation. >> have you heard of bruce
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springsteen? >> no. >> he is a rapper. >> that is sad. >> have you heard of doris day? >> ladies, you will be performing on friday on the plaza. >> yes. >> how exciting. >> you guys are so much fun. >> the boss music video comes out today. you can visit for more information on the i'm a boss campaign. starting over over 50. ththree booming careers for baby boomers right now. >> kathie lee is not the only fox in the house today. first these messages. >> that was nice, hoda. thank you. he has been called energizing, electrifying and unaware of personal boundaries. and now he's here to explain one product that does two things. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! fla-pow... mental sharpness support...
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fla-pow... physical energy support... ...together and only brock spedwell can explain it. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
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it's time for "brain teaser tuesday" where we put your mind to a test with a riddle provided by the national geographic channel. >> if you are running a race and you pass the person in second what place would you now be in? think about it. sounds so easy. >> we are going to tell you the answer right after your local news. >>. ♪ ♪ sweet chariot, coming north to ca to carry me home ♪
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♪ sweet chariot, coming forth to carry me home ♪ ♪ >> children are dying everyday from hunger and sickness. innocent children just like this one. these children are facing death right now. with with your support and just .50 cents a day, we can save them. please go online or call this number and join the us fund for unicef for only $15 a month. it's just .50 cents a day and you will deliver emergency medical care, vaccines, and life
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saving nutrition to the children who could die without it. it's just .50 cents a day but it will mean the difference betwee waiting for help right now. coming forth to carry me home. >> reach out to that child so that they never have to look into the face of death again. go online or pick up the phone now. >> if you are running a race and pass the person in second place what place would you be in now? >> and we know the answer. >> look, you are in second and pass the person in second and now you are in second place.
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>> i was thinking first. >> you needed a visual. >> thank you for all of that. time to grab the kids because we have a couple of guys here who are about to teach them a thing or two about animals. >> martin and chris are here. >> it is called "wildcrats". they are having fun with swamp things. >> bears are swamp things, too. >> tell us about this guy. >> this is a black bear cub. he is only about six months old. all he wants to do is eat and play. right now he is eating applesauce. >> did something happen to his mother or something like that? moms do not like to let their cubs out. >> they are taken care of by rehabilitation centers. mothers take really good care. >> if you see one of these stay away because the mother is somewhere and not happy. >> these guys are playful but anything to be afraid of? >> these are really big, strong animals.
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this guy will grow up to be 300 pounds. >> and they can flip over a 300 pound rock looking for bugs. their main creature power is that they are generalists. they are good at everything. they are good swimmers, good climbers. they eat grapes, deer, nuts. >> what do we have next up? >> by the way, he needs a little scrub. >> i'm sure you recognize this creature. this little guy loves almonds. >> he is not happy. >> we'll get somebody else. >> there we go. we have a possum. >> get another one. >> this is a baby possum. >> possum is a fancy word for rat. >> a lot of people are afraid of them. they are not rats.
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they are marsupials. >> that the an opossum. >> they are marsupials. >> they play dead. and the thing is they are not playing it. they are not acting. it is a physiological response. when they are scared they freeze and fall over and their mouth is over and look dead. >> i will have to remember that. >> what does this guy eat? >> they eat mostly dead things like road kill and stuff like that. >> this creature wins the cute award for sure. >> what's this? >> 8 week old swift fox from the great plains. their creature power is superspeed. they are only the size of a house cat. >> you want to hold him? he is really cute like a little
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puppy or kitten. >> hello, sweetheart. >> when would you not want to be holding one? >> i think it would be hard to catch it when it is grown. they are so fast. >> they can go 35 miles per hour. >> those days are long gone. >> good luck with that. thank you so much. >> good luck with the new show called "wildcrats" on pbs kids. here is something for us. clear advice for the 50 plus. >> i'm not there yet. >> how to set yourself apart from the 20 somethings. >> and the cool hair tricks that are no sweat to pull off. b.t. is with us. he has been called energizing, electrifying and unaware of personal boundaries. and now he's here to explain one product that does two things. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
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fla-pow... mental sharpness support... fla-pow... physical energy support... ...together and only brock spedwell can explain it. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief.
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now to our series with more of us living longer a lot of americans are working way past typical retirement age. >> if you are over 50 -- >> not yet -- >> and ready to get back in the game or want a career change we will let you know where the jobs are. >> president and ceo of lasalle network, a recruitment service. >> great to have you back. >> it is an issue. >> we are not giving up the fight when you hit 50. >> what jobs are out there for people 50 and over? >> i think there is a lot of operational and back end administrative type and i don't mean administrative assistant and receptionist jobs but like compliance. we are talking about the affordable care act. there is compliance openings.
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>> let's break it down. you say the areas where we can get jobs, health care, education and nonprofits. those are the three. what about health care? start there? >> health care is kind of the obvious choice. it is not cleaning out bed pans. >> there will always be that. >> absolutely. when i am old hopefully somebody will do that for me. there is a lot of work in hospitals whether accounting or marketing, human resources. they don't necessarily pay at the top end of the scale. >> why is somebody going to hire a 50 year old over a saucy 22 year old. >> the cute little saucy one is going to work for a dot com. >> what about education? >> colleges and universities especially coming out of the recession and there are always people going back to school. in that case you need ad junct professors could help build up
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your portfolio. in these back office sides of the universities for for profit. >> that keeps you young being on the campuses. >> you don't want to be afraid of young people. you want to embrace it. a lot of people as they get older are like these young bucks. >> they are more afraid of you. >> what about the nonprofits? >> i love it when people are going through whether a down sizing or by choice to make a career transition to get into nonprofits because it is rewarding and they think they can't afford good corporate talent. if you go out there and you are saying i might take a little bit of a haircut to come work for this cause -- i never have to worry about a hair cut. you go in there and take a step back financially and it is very rewarding. once you get in the swing of it you become more marketable within the arena and you can get
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a job for more money. >> you need to do something that is good with people. >> it doesn't hurt. if you are sitting in a cubicle and haven't lifted your head up in 20 years it is a problem. it is self improvement. you have to take a class and learn how to talk to people. >> what about people in jobs and you want a raise? i think a lot of people feel like they are grateful. is there a time or place or way to ask for that? >> i think everybody has to ask, what is the return on investment and/or what expenses am i saving for my company. no matter what you are doing in that way you take that to your boss and say this is what i earn for the company and what i save for the company and what i cost. >> you are smart. >> i am coming back. >> thank you so much. hot hair styles to keep you cool. bobby thomas will show you how to sweep up your strands. >> if you are a fan of summer
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barbecue surprising tips. >> we will play the food challenge after this.
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it's everything ash you. it's amazing out there. >> start your morning with wake up with al. and amhq with with sam champion week days on the weather channel. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. where memories will be forged into the sand. and then hung on a wall for years to come. get out there, with over 50,000 hotels at $150 dollars or less. expedia. find yours. ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief.
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we are back with another "mad food challenge" before you throw away the food you won't want to miss this. >> we are put to the test along with two fans from the plaza on team hoda from oklahoma is kristin priest here on family vacation. >> on team kathie lee debora adams, it is her birthday today. >> here is our summer challenge. we want to have backyard barbecues. i am going to give you a question and three different answers. after i have read it buzz in and give me the answer. if someone is wrong the other one can answer in. how long can you safely leave
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food outside on the picnic table when it is 78 degrees outside? one, two or three hours. >> one hour. >> you are wrong. >> we got the right answer. we are going with two hours. >> hoda, you are right. two hours. only one hour when it is 90 degrees or higher. what is considered the minimum safe internal temperature for a grilled burger? is it medium rare, medium or medium well? >> b, 160. >> you are right. >> we got to get in this game. >> here is true or false. only mayonnaise-based salads need to be kept chilled. true or false? >> false. >> you are correct.
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oil and vinegar dressings, not just mayonnaise. what should you do with the left over marinade used in the meat? >> throw it away. >> throw it out. >> we are just sitting here going -- >> you are asleep. >> we got another true or false raw chicken in the sink before seasoning. >> who got that? >> false. >> you are right. >> the bacteria is spread in the counter. better off grilling it where it would be killed. which of the foods should be avoided at your barbecue because of a higher occurrence of bacteria? >> c. >> you are right. >> how did you know? >> i knew that because i lived in california. we loved raw sprouts.
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that is not the thing to do. >> there can be a lot of bacteria in raw things. avoid. >> it is 3-3. it is a tie. >> we are ready. what is the best way to marinate a flank steak? in a plastic bag or plastic container with its own lid. >> we have the answer. it is b, in a glass baking dish. >> you would be wrong. >> we have to get this one. >> a or c? >> a. >> you would be right! >> what is the prize? >> the prize because we are all winners for the birthday girl is a meat thermometer. >> wow. >> thank you, ladies. have fun in new york. here is a summer challenge for you, keeping your hair from
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sticking to your neck, effortless up dos. first it is "today" on nbc. ♪ you want to save money on car insurance? no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance. but lysol power & free cann change the way you clean.h. it cleans even better than bleach without the harshness. a powerful clean, that's family friendly - that's what we call healthing. lysol power & free. start healthing. he has been called energizing,
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electrifying and unaware of personal boundaries. and now he's here to explain one product that does two things. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! fla-pow... mental sharpness support... fla-pow... physical energy support... ...together and only brock spedwell can explain it. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! the hotel hasallye care of ourry to be for a night.. you can get a 4-star hotel for up to 60% off, even at the last minute. in the neighborhood where we wanna go? yes. you just won't the name until after you book.
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hmm. ooh. definitely. it's all about sleep. it's not all about sleep. yeah, well, for me it is. lucky me. ♪
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if you have long locks you know there is nothing more irritating on a hot summer day than when your hair sticks to the back of your neck. >> before you grab that clip or a scrunchy bobbie thomas has easy styles to keep you cool. >> we are going to jump in with my favorite that i do all the time. this is called the hot mess.
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if you turn this way towards kathie you will see this looks like this pretty up do. i am going to show you on me. a lot of people ask how i get my hair up. i pull it back into a pony and twist and roll, roll it again. here is the secret, hair clip i put underneath and let the mess hide the clip. then you can get volume in the front by making it messy again. that is why this is called a hot mess. if you go to bed and wakeup with the clip it will probably look perfect. it looks like the run way volume. barbara is next. barbara has my favorite silver hair here. this is something that we have seen a long time ago. if you look towards kathie this reminds you of the topsy tail. it is actually a ponytail that
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we pulled through. you put it in the ponytail and twist the sides. you just poke this through. you can create this pony. if you wrap it again you can create a whole new look with a bobby pin. it is super easy. you are going to be so excited because scrunchy 2.0. they are back. >> classics never go out of style. >> maggie is showing a trend. this is actually pretty easy. you take a ribbon, string, fabric. you basically wrap it around a pony and wrap the pony and then stick a pin in it. honestly this looks like a run way ready do. she has the $3 scrunchy.
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the modern ones have bunny ears. there are so many here now. >> i am 61 years old almost. why do i want bunny ears? >> because you are kathie lee gifford. >> and then for all of the women envying the teens with the brains. go ahead and try this. it is just a twist. tracy, our gorgeous model you see in the front you just twist and tease and bobby pin. it's really easy. anybody can do this. i'm not a pro but i figure it out. i did everyone's hair today myself. >> awesome job. >> tomorrow we have a performance. >> and house wife of new jersey returns to our show. >> and turning trash into treasure. >> teach you how to make a few bucks. >> we will see you tomorrow for
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one of hoda's favorite days of the week, wines day wednesday. bye everybody. i'm here to help. you and i will get through this together. ♪


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