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tv   Today  NBC  July 25, 2014 7:00am-11:01am PDT

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good morning. breaking news overnight. good morning. breaking news overnight. protests over the shelling of a school in gaza turn deadly in the middle east. israel carrying out new air strikes today even as talks of a ceasefire resume. dangerous storms. a day after a deadly tornado rippedhrough virginia, another round of severe weather is on the way. the impact on millions from the midwest to the mid-atlantic. how would you feel? porcelain dolls left on the doorsteps of homes in one california town. dolls that resemble the young girls who live there. their parents creeped out, police puzzled. until now. the overnight break in a mystery that had an entire neighborhood
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on edge. and seventh inning stretch. ♪ take me out to the ball game >> why this rendition of "take me out to the ball game" sung by the manager of a minor league team has people talking today, friday, july 25, 2014. >> from nbc news this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> and good morning. welcome to "today" on a friday morning. that big crowd outside getting ready for a concert in our 8:30 half hour from the group onerepublic. we look forward to that. >> speaking of music. >> that rendition of "take me out to the ball game" in that minor league ballpark, let's just say, the guy puts you and me to shame. and it was all done for a very good cause. we'll explain that in natalie's newscast coming up. >> clearly, though, he was on
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key most of the time. >> well, there was a little hint. we'll get to that in a moment. we'll start with today's top story. there's growing talk of a truce in the middle east, but israeli official this is morning are said to be also considering expanding the ground invasion of gaza. we're two weeks into the heaviest fighting that region has seen in years. the death toll tops 840 people. richard engel is in gaza city again for us this morning. richard, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. good morning, savannah, there is now an intense diplomatic effort to reach a cease-fire brokered by the u.s. and the u.n. the palestinian death toll has now topped 800 including several palestinians killed while taking shelter in a school. clashes and protests broke out overnight in the west bank. thousands of palestinians tried to march to jerusalem. several were killed. it's these pictures fueling the
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outrage. an attack thursday on a u.n.-run school in gaza used as a shelter. at least 16 were killed. 200 injured. a local hospital was overwhelmed. many of the wounded very young. the israeli military offered differing explanations of what happened over its active twitter account. hamas fired from a populated area near the unrwa shelter and prevented civilians from evacuating after we sent warnings. the u.n. chief responsible for the school said there was no warning. were militants operating inside the school? >> no. no. i believe not. i mean, we are very, very strict about the neutrality of the installation here. >> reporter: the israeli military tweeted that maybe the school was hit by one of the rockets hamas continues to fire into israel. also today several rockets launched from gaza towards israel fell short and hit beit hanoun.
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do you know who struck this facility? >> we can't say with certainty. initial indication would be israeli forces. >> reporter: one official said this was, perhaps, an israeli misfire. >> we operate in that area. so there is a possibility there was errant fire there. >> reporter: at the hospital, none of the victims believed israel's claim to be protecting civilians. the u.n. is demanding an investigation. secretary kerry has flown to cairo and reportedly has a proposal. it would be a temporary cease-fire starting on sunday. after that the u.s. and the u.n. would guarantee that negotiations would continue for a more lasting deal. here in gaza the chances of success are not seen as incredibly large. >> all right, richard engel in the region. thank you very much. meanwhile here at home, al is tracking a line of severe weather this morning. in the wake of that deadly tornado down in virginia, a couple was killed when a tree fell on their tent at a popular campground.
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3 c3 popular para ampar. dozens injured. there was nowhere for them to go. they're on a peninsula. campground devastated. folks were kept outside but they'll be let back in to retrieve what they can. the couple from jersey city, the tree fell on their tent. their son was in critical condition. they were killed. their son is still in the hospital. a scene of horror yesterday morning in virginia. more strong storms pushing in from minneapolis all the way down into parts of eastern iowa. this is going to be firing up a very, very small area of severe
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weather from waterloo, davenport, into madison. it will be making its way east. as it does, this is cool air working into very moist air through the weekend. we are looking at a weekend threat, about 100 million people under the gun for severe weather from kansas city, omaha, peoria, columbus, pittsburgh. that's tomorrow. sunday this moves to the east. from detroit down to nashville, back to norfolk, philadelphia, ithaca, new york, looking at more severe weather. there could be tornadoes with this. behind this we're looking at unbelievy chilly air coming in again into a good part of next week. >> thank you. meantime, the wreckage of the passenger jet that vanished over africa has been found. a military unit from france is heading to the site to secure it. janet, good morning. >> hi. the french president finished a briefing and confirmed the
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worse, wreckage has been found and no one survived the crash. it appears to be weather-related but no one is ruling out terrorism. french president hollande confirmed there are no survivors in the crash. the investigation is ongoing to determine the cause of this tragedy. france's interior minister said terrorism cannot be excluded as a cause for the tragedy, though it's likely due to bad weather. wreckage of the plane carrying 118 people was found in northern mali. investigators retrieved one of the plane's black boxes. it was traveling from burkina faso to algiers when it took off. 50 minutes into the flight, authorities say it disappeared from radar after changing route due to incoming weather. families of the victims will be received tomorrow. all my thoughts turn to the victim and their families, he said this morning.
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the majority of the passengers on this plane were french nationals. but they do come from a number of countries. a dual french-american citizen was on the flight manifest but authorities say he did not board the plane. >> thank you very much. >> unfortunately, now, the latest on another air disaster. this one, malaysian air jet shot down over the ukraine. for the third straight day the bodies of victims are being flown back to netherlands for identification. this as australian officials push to send police and troops to the crash site to secure it.. >> reporter: good morning. they say they plan to remove this wreckage but we don't know when. it takes a moment for your eyes to adjust to what you're seeing. behind me is landing gear. there's more landing gear across here. and then some of the engine among this wreckage. despite all this, u.s. military's top commander is saying today he believes russia
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is escalating the violence in this region. matt, while we're here, we can hear the sound of artillery fire in the distance. smoke rises over the suburbs of donetsk, a city in eastern ukraine. we found a vantage point by a train line. to of the chiefs president and week after a commercial airliner was shot down over this corner of europe, passengers' valuables and sentimental items still haven't been gathered up. western investigators are here, but we find something worse. next to a child's seat belt, a shoe. there are human remains marked with a white ribbon and not collected. are you unable to organize for those to be collected or are you
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being prevented from doing that? >> we're not prevented from doing that. when we see something, we say something. we put it in our report. >> reporter: one local pro-russian commander was shown the debris a commander wants to hand over. no one wants it, he says. while hidden in a forest, part of the plane's cabin. but this morning he saw no one searching for the passengers who were still missing. it is so frustrating that things are moving so slowly here. i recognize the size of that little girl's shoes because it's about the same size as my 2-year-old daughter's shoes. you just wonder how long it's going to take to clear this stuff up, matt. >> keir simmons, thank you very much. turn to natalie now. you've got the latest on a tragic shooting in pennsylvania. >> that's right. and an amazing story. a doctor being called a hero this morning for shooting back at a patient who allegedly opened fire at a wellness center near philadelphia. officials say richard plots was brought to the psychiatric unit
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for an appointment with dr. lee silverman. minutes after entering an exam room, he pulled out a gun and started firing. a caseworker was killed. police believe the doctor shot the suspect. a bullet grazed dr. silverman's head. the suspect is now in critical condition. it's hard to believe, but it's happened yet again this summer. yet another child is dead after being left in a hot car. officers were called to the scene thursday night. they found a 10-month-old baby unresponsive. neighbors say the infant may have been the foster child of two men who live on the street. they were taken in for questioning. the child had been in the car for about two hours. police in long beach, california, are deciding whether to arrest an 80-year-old man who shot a fleeing suspected burglar in the back killing her. homeowner tom greer told knbc tv
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he shot 28-year-old andrea miller in the back after she said, quote, don't shoot me, i'm pregnant. the murder charge is possible because he's accused of being involved in a felony that led to a death. it will be up to the district attorney whether to charge greer with a crime. the border crisis front and center at the white house again today. president obama is meeting with leaders of guatemala, honduras, and el salvador. u.s. border patrol facilities have been overwhelmed by tens of thousands of immigrants including children who started to pour into the u.s. this year. many are fleeing violence and gangs in their own home countries. and on a much lighter note, maybe even literally, the general manager of a minor league baseball team goes above and way beyond in an effort to raise awareness for prostate cancer. take a look. ♪ take me out to the ball game ♪ take me out to --
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>> the gm of the myrtle beach. you might see the doc behind him giving him a prostate exam all while he sings, "take me out to the ball game." this is during the seventh inning stretch. this was shown on the score board for the home crowd. it took less than 30 seconds. despite what was going on, he did stay on key there. very deep baritone. >> i think he said his next prostate exam will be a real letdown. >> got to love him. >> thank you so much. >> he one upped us, didn't he? >> i would say so. he didn't one up your doctor who went into a comedy routine. >> yeah. that was us before we got our prostate exams live on the air. anyway, good job by the general manager there. let's show you what we've got as far as your weather's concerned. for today we're looking at wet stuff from the southeast in florida. phoenix 109. yesterday broke the record. 116 degrees.
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sunshine in l.a., a high of 88. look for partly cloudy skies, 73 and cooler in seattle. we're going to get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. how much whiter can your smile be? introducing new colgate® optic white® whiten & protect toothpaste. this shell is made of calcium that can absorb stains like teeth. brush one side with a regular whitening toothpaste and the other side with optic white®. it whitens deeper... and it can stay white! even after dipping it again, colgate®'s white seal technology helps prevent stains from coming back. for a whiter smile that stays white, new colgate® optic white whiten & protect. 7:14, good morning, i'm meteorologist christina loren. this is the golden gates bridge. a light drive, no fog to point out. in fact, what little fog we do have at the immediate coast is fading fast. we have a hot day shaping up.
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99 degrees today in san jose. 85 in san francisco. you're going to hit about 90 degrees on the east shore in oakland. and we're going to take a little bit of the heat off for tomorrow, but not much. 94 degrees in san jose on saturday. >> and that's your latest weather. savannah? >> thank you so much. now to the outrage over a suspension handed down by the nfl. it stems from a star players arrest for doe mystic violence seen dragging his unconscious now wife out of an elevator. willie geist has more. >> reporter: ray rice will miss two games for violating the personal conduct policy. critics say that punishment is far too light. ray rice retook the field thursday, but the ravens star won't be there when the season kicks off in september. rice was suspended by the nfl for two games stemming from a violent fight in february with his then-fiance. a move that has many criticizing the league for not going far enough.
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tmz sports posted surveillance video that shows rice dragging janay palmer unconscious out of an elevator in atlantic city, new jersey. they said it only shows the very end of what happened. >> we were in this together. >> reporter: the pair married in march just one day after his indictment for aggravated assault. but rice entered a diversionary program to avoid prosecution. >> i am working every day to be a better father, a better husband, and just a better role model. >> he'll walk in for the touchdown! >> reporter: in a statement thursday, rice said it's disappointing that he'll miss the first two games, but he took responsibility and says he will continue counseling. >> i stand by ray. he's a heck of a guy. he's done everything right since. he makes a mistake, he's going to have to take the consequence. >> reporter: two games is 1/8 of the season. but nothing like the suspension
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for michael vick for dog fights in 2007. or the season-long suspensions others have faced for marijuana. >> 44% of nfl fans are women. it sends the message that the nfl isn't really serious about their health and safety. >> reporter: but back in baltimore, some of rice's fans are sticking with him. >> he's one of my favorite players. for him not to play, it's unfortunate. but he did what he did. >> it's going to be a real shame not to have him on the field. absolutely. >> reporter: the discrepancy of the suspension time stems from the fact drug violations fall under the drug policy. it usually carries a four game suspension for the first offense. the code of conduct punishments are at the discretion of the league. should also point out he'll lose more than $500,000, two games this season and game check last year as well. but there are players in this league one in particular suspended four games this year for taking what he said was a
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fertility drug to help get his wife pregnant. he didn't realize it was banned by the league. now he's out four games, ray rice gets two. >> willie, thank you. here's one. what would you do if a doll that looked just like your child suddenly showed up on your doorstep? it's been happening in a california community putting both parents and the police on edge. kristen dahlgren has that story. kristen, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. here's an example of what we're talking about. the dolls began appearing july 16th. several dropped this week. the family who got them had no idea why until now. >> i'm terrified right now. >> reporter: it was a mystery that had families in this quiet neighborhood shaken. someone was leaving a series of porcelain dolls, at least eight, on front porches across san clemente, california. >> a friend of mine found one of these china dolls. her daughter has brown doll, tan skin, and the doll literally had olive skin and brown hair. >> reporter: that's right. adding to the horror movie-like scenario, the dolls resembled the girls in the homes where
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they were left. some residents were too spooked to go on camera. >> it's really creepy and disturbing. as a mom with a daughter, it freaks me out. >> it's obviously very unusual behavior. >> reporter: even the sheriff's office was stumped. >> is it a practical joke? or what is going on here? >> reporter: for parents the creepy situation was the farthest thing from child's play. >> i fear the worst like someone creepy watching our children and i'm scared about it. >> reporter: just as the panic was reaching fever pitch in a town terrorized by toys, late last night authorities found the doll dropper. a woman who attends church with the family. according to the sheriff's department, her intent was good will. >> that's the way the neighborhood is. people look out for each other and do things for each other. it's nice people don't have to really be concerned now. >> reporter: authorities had been treating this as a criminal investigation to get to the bottom of the thing. but they've tweeted confirming it is case closed. apparently there is a fine line between kindness and creepy.
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>> i mean, just a note as you were saying, al. if you leave a doll on the doorstep and put a note, my best wishes from the church, or something like that. >> i used to think there was a hierarchy that clowns were the most scary and then porcelain dolls. i think porcelain dolls that look like your daughter is above. >> unless they look like chucky. that's freakout. >> tamron's here with a bizarre story of a landmark in seattle. >> from one scare, creepy dolls to a scare at seattle's space needle. quite a site. look at this video image. beautiful. it was taken by a drone that got pretty close to the space needle. this incredible footage set off a lot of questions, guys. police tracked down the drone to a hotel room and inside there was an amazon employee. remember amazon said they might
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be using drones to start delivering. so they reviewed the footage and confirmed it did not actually hit the space needle, but it just provided us with these beautiful images. take a look at this tweet from the seattle police department. still standing after reported drone strike. again, no strike took place. and then the space needle account on twitter said we are but still waiting for our amazon package to arrive. again going back to amazon reportedly petitioning the faa for the use of drones so they can deliver to our house. but how interesting is that? the amazon employee at the hotel with a drone. hmmm. >> things that make you go hmm. >> thought provoking. it left me silent. >> the colonel in the library with the candle stick. have that clue thing going. tamron, thank you.
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a fan is now suing after he was shown sleeping in the stands during a game on national television. we're going to talk to him exclusively. and what's keeping people away from the box office. why hollywood is facing its worst summer in almost a decade. but first this is "today" on nbc. summer in almost a
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coming up on "trending," a $20 million lottery jackpot shared by a family of 17. their story. then a concert on the plaza from the band i just love cherry preserves. is that your favorite? i don't know... i also like strawberry, boysenberry, red raspberry, blackberry, sweet orange marmalade, apple, pineapple, concord grape, apricot, peach, blueberry... [ male announcer ] tim and richard smucker grew up knowing that with so many delicious varieties, it's tough to choose just one favorite.
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apricot pineapple... [ male announcer ] for five generations, with a name like smucker's, it has to be good. ♪ [ male announcer ] update your home. get 10% off all major appliances $399 or more at lowe's. get 10% off all major appliances $399 or more taco bell brought back some old friends... so good to be back. check out our new breakfast burrito. wow. mmm, mmm, mmm. this is legit. it's grilled... it's even pretty. we just say 'it's good' down in louisiana. [laughter] would you get a burrito from a burger place? ♪ you don't go to a sushi bar and order spaghetti. good point, ronald. stick with the people who know burritos.
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taco bell's new grilled breakfast burritos, bacon, sausage or potato for $1.29 each. [bong!] you're watching "today in the bay." a very good morning to you, it is 7:26 i'm laura garcia-cannon. investigators in san jose are trying to piece together what led to a big fight that sent five men to the hospital. fight broke out near darwin and bermuda way around 11:00 last night. officers say three men were zabed, two others appear to have been hit in the head by some sort of object. possibly a bat. as of now, police say it's unclear who the victims are and who are the attackers. all five men are expected to survive, but those who were hit in the head are undergoing tests to make sure they do not have brain damage. prosecutors that have filed new charges against former state senator leland ye. in addition to the bribery, money landering, and gun running charges, he is being charged with a racketeering.
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federal prosecutors filed an indictment yesterday replacing the initial indictment with the new charge. ye and chinatown gangster are the central figures in the case. everybody's talking about the heated today, christina, it's going to be hot. >> yeah, hottest of the year so far. we've had hot days of summer, but today, we are going to surpass them by quite a large margin. 99 degree in the south bay today. 97 on the peninsula. we're talking about 90 degrees on the east shore. 85 in san francisco which is a new record for this day. if we hit that high, 106 degrees out in the tri-valley. got to tell you what's happening across the board this weekend, gilroy garlic festival, 104 degrees, hot. all weekend long, also the san francisco marathon is in town on sunday, temperatures will be mild. definitely a lot milder than the conditions we had last year. overall, looking warm across the board, that summer heat continues into next week. so now, the dog days of summer
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have officially arrived. let's talk about your drive right now. mostly light across the board. we have a couple things to point out. accident that just happened in concord, 680 northbound blocking your two left lanes. stay to the right and count on delays. also police activity on the san mateo bridge still stacked up at this hour. we're looking good here on the foster city side. back to you, laura. >> thanks so much christina. we'll be back in about half hour. hope you get a chance to find a cool place on this. hot friday.
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and this journey will keep you on the edge of your seat all summer long during the emirates airline us open series. this week we'll be in the great city of stanford for the bank of the west classic. where some of the top players in tennis will battle it out to see who's best. which champion will prevail, which new hero will emerge? don't miss your chance to find out. for ticket and player information, go to
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♪ we're back now at 7:30. friday morning the 25th of july 2014. smack dab in the middle of summer and our crowd is ready to get a great concert from one of the most popular bands around. onerepublic is here this morning. they'll take the stage in a couple of minutes in our 8:30 half hour. nice to see you today. >> when we came into work nobody was here and then boom, the crowd showed up. packing the plaza. let's look at the stories making headlines. israel has carried out new air strikes in gaza this morning. even as protests rage across the middle east over thursday's bombing of a u.n.-run school in gaza. a military unit from france is heading to africa today to secure the crash site of an air algerie jet. it went down in mali with 116 people on board.
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most of the victims were french citizens. investigators say the plane crashed during a heavy rainstorm shortly after takeoff. and the immigration crisis front and center at the white house today. president obama and vice president biden are meeting with leaders of guatemala and honduras and el salvador to discuss the influx into the united states of undocumented immigrants into the united states. have you heard of pass out pages? it's tied to binge drinking. parents, you need to hear about this. remember this on a lighter note? yankee fan caught napping at a game. announcers poking fun at him. so he's suing for $10 million. he's here to talk about that lawsuit coming up in an exclusive interview. we begin with shocking revelations about the marching band at ohio state university. its director has now been fired after a lengthy investigation uncovered a culture that, quote facilitated acts of sexual
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harassment. according to officials at the school. nbc's john yang is on the campus of the ohio state university this morning. >> reporter: well, this is ohio state. home of big ten college football and the halftime shows by the osu marching band. today this campus is reeling a the disclosure of all very different kinds of traditions. it's called the best damn band in the land. more than 10 million youtube hits for some of the most elaborate halftime shows in america. director waters 10-year relationship with the banda bankruptly ended fired after the end of a two-month internal investigation. >> very serious cultural issues in an environment within the band. >> reporter: the 92-page report told of late night underwear-only marches through
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the stadium. vulgar nicknames and body slang printed on t-shirts and guides. and quiz asking how many people have you had sex with, and draw a female reproductive organ and draw a sexual position for fat people. those are the ones we can use on tv. >> sexual harassment when it goes that far. drastic measures need to be taken. >> reporter: waters association with the band began in the 1990s when he was a student and sussaphone player. >> it's a dream of kids in the state of ohio since they were this high. >> reporter: he rose through the ranks becoming director in october 2012. >> his success speaks for itself. the guy is the best band director in the country. hands down. >> reporter: waters' attorney david axelrod told nbc that waters is shocked and disappointed by his firing.
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axelrod said it was flawed and that waters believed he did nothing wrong. he came into an existing culture that had been there for decades and attempted to end many of the practices. school officials say they'll search for a replacement and the pledge the band will play on. the waters attorney says waters will fight one way or another to clear his good name. it is not ruling out legal action. >> all right, john yang, thank you very much. >> let's turn to a check of the weather from mr. roker. >> let's see what we got for you. so the heat continues as we mentioned earlier phoenix, arizona, up to 116 yesterday. jet streams up to the north in the southwest. and we're going to continue that area called the ring of fire. we have heat advisories and heat warnings stretching across six states. oklahoma city feeling like 106. you get here into the northeast,
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temperatures nice and cool. upper 70s to low 80s with lower humidity. so that feels a lot better. for today, partly cloudy in the pacific northwest. 79 in portland, oregon. 97 in amarillo. 86 in washington, d.c. today, but lower humidity. it's going to be the hottest day of 2014 so far here in the bay area. good morning to you. i want to start with a live picture because it tells the weather story of the day. absence of both cooling low clouds, same clear sky over mt. hamilton. and yeah, woodside, a little bit of a marine layer burning off fast at this the point. we have a hot day ahead as a result, 99 degrees in the south bay. 97 for the persons la. 90 in oakland today, 85 degrees in san francisco. 102 for wine country, it's going to be warmer in san francisco than los angeles today. weather. >> thanks very much. have you been to a movie recently?
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>> not really. >> hollywood delivered hit after hit. this year things have been very different setting up what could be the worst year over year decline in three decades. here's nbc ace's hallie jackson. >> reporter: summer's halfway over. and so far hollywood's in a slump it can't seem to shake. >> we live in a terrible place in time. >> reporter: a wild western and a flick about a sex tape underperformed. >> what an awkward situation. >> reporter: while some movies like "maleficent" were far from flops, audiences haven't flipped for others. and no film made more than $300 million domestically for the first time since 2001. >> this is the worst summer in eight years.
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movies are not performing up to the standard they usually do. >> reporter: sales are down 20% to this time last year when movies like "ironman 3" boosted to new highs. but analysts say it was almost unrealistic to expect another record-breaking summer this year especially when you look at what's missing. insiders point to key elements here. pixar didn't release a summer movie for the first time since 2005. nbc's "fast and furious" franchise is being pushed until next spring. because of the death of paul walker. there's also the netflix factor. people choosing to stay home to watch movies. >> i've done that. wait for the movie to come out on netflix or red box so i don't have to go to the movies. >> it takes a lot more to get people out to the movie theater. luckily the cavalry is on the way with some big movies later this year and also in 2015. >> reporter: fast forward to this time next year when there will be new movies in the
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avengers and star wars series. those are predicted to put the sizzle back in summer. for "today," halle jackson, nbc news, los angeles. >> part of the problem is movies are too long now. transforms was 2 hours and 45 minutes. come on. >> and it's expensive. a night out of the movies. >> you can take 20 minutes out of most movies and not miss them. >> if you do you can show the movies more often and make more. >> there you go. coming up next, the man suing after being caught on camera at a baseball game nodding off. he will give us his side of the story in the interview. and on "trending" queen of the photo bomb. that is queen elizabeth in the picture. first these messages. es. who prefers not to have her time wasted. ...and time! thank you. your usual.
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dove oxygen moisture. got you tapping out? mcdonald's bacon clubhouse is a new breakthrough in break time. a true tastemaker with thick-cut applewood smoked bacon and big mac special sauce. a break this buzzworthy deserves both hands. how much dirt can we manufacture? more than you think. very little. [ doorbell rings ] what's this? what's that? swiffer sweeper. [ lee ] i came in under the assumption that it was clean. i've been living in a fool's paradise! he likes to put a.1. on burgers but not veggie kebabs. he also likes "that's what she said" jokes. martin: that's what she said! vo: you don't have to like everything martin likes. put a.1. on whatever you want. a.1. for almost everything. almost.
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we're back now with a man behind the lawsuit that has a lot of people talking. andrew wrecker fell asleep at a nationally televised game for the yankees and red sox. it quickly caught the attention of the espn announcers. >> celebrating 12 years. this guy's oblivious to how good it is. join the millions of subscribers, including this guy. watch every out of market game in true hd on over 400 devices. visit >> sometimes you have to turn it
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off to sleep. itis not the place you come to sleep. how comfortable is that? probably won't have any neck problems tomorrow. >> i think the other guy's really more concerned with the food and the game. >> chicken fingers are a special item at the ballpark. why share? get them while he's asleep so he won't ask for one. >> we'll have to see how long this guy's out for. >> andrew has filed for a $10 million lawsuit against major league baseball, espn, announcers and the new york yankees. he's here with us exclusively. good morning. >> good morning. >> i don't know where to start. you're at the game, red sox-yankees. big game, fourth inning. it seemed like your long day caught up with you. you nodded off. you went into a deep sleep. what happened when you woke up? >> i woke up, didn't know really what was going on. actually, went up to the top of the stands to go grab a drink and some food. i woke up, the whole stadium started clapping. i looked back, i didn't know
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if they hit a home run or what was happening. everyone was clapping that i woke up. >> and did you realize at that point that you had been the focus on the big screen and on television? >> after that yes. >> you said not only were people cheering for you, people starting yelling. i think your phone after the game started ringing. >> it started ringing. >> who was calling you? >> everybody. >> random people i hadn't spoke to in many, many years. >> what were they saying? >> that i was all over tv. >> how long was it, andrew, until you actually saw and heard the tape of the broadcast of the game from that night? >> the next morning. it was all over the news. >> and talk to me about your immediate reaction when you saw it. >> it was kind of upsetting. there were so many other things going on in a game, i was basically an innocent person that happened to fall asleep at the game. it happens, i'm sure, every day. it happens to the best of us. i don't know. but i wasn't doing anything wrong. they just started going off on me. >> you said it was kind of upsetting. but you don't file a lawsuit if
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you're only kind of upset. what was it specifically that they said that bothered you? what crossed the line? >> i mean, put yourself in my shoes. how would you feel if you were broadcast across the whole -- broadcasted on tv all over the media. they put me on youtube. basically create the public forum where people could comment. there were so many derogatory comments about me caused by what they did. >> first tip. never go below and read the comments. but you're at a baseball game. there are cameras everywhere. some stadiums have the kiss cam. you go there with some expectation that you might be on camera. don't you? >> of course. >> all right. and so we looked around, and the day after this happened, none of the local papers had your name in them. the local media wasn't covering it. this was really concentrated on >> correct. >> that's where it began and ended. what would have happened if you woke up and said, you know what? i'm going to have a sense of
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humor about this. and i'm going to laugh at it like everyone else. don't you think people would have cheered for you and it would have gone away? >> you know, how i responded to it might have been a spur of the moment thing. but at the end of the day, it's still upsetting what they did. there's a line where you can cross what's right and what's wrong. >> do you think they clearly crossed that line? >> i mean, you don't think so? aren't there other things to focus on at the game. that's what these guys are getting paid for. i'm a fan. i paid to go to that game. you know? i brought friends that were there. i have a reputation as well. for them to sit there and make fun of somebody, i don't see how that's acceptable. >> didn't most of the bad comments start after you filed a lawsuit? isn't that when the flood gates really opened up? if you hadn't filed it, nobody would have known your name. >> it was on espn for i think a whole week. i was number two on the top ten. they were playing it over and over again for at least a week. >> what's the status of the lawsuit? do you really want to follow
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through with this? >> apparently i have an interesting lawyer, and i will -- >> it's not the most well-crafted lawsuit i've ever seen. >> okay. but hopefully over the next couple days we'll figure how to move forward. whether or not to move forward with the case. >> what do you want to come out of this, andrew? >> i'm not sure for right now. think it over the next couple days. >> a simple apology? if they were to say to you sorry if you felt embarrassed, would that be enough? >> possibly. >> we'll see what we can do. good to see you. pleasure to see you. go yankees. >> still a yankee fan. >> that's good. i'm glad to hear that. let's go over to savannah. >> thank you so much. >> he could be a spokesman for sleepers. >> there you go. >> laugh at yourself. coming up, we've got a live concert from onerepublic. but first these messages. for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. because the best moments in life
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fousugar. only six?ns. six grams of sugar? that's really good. excellent, delicious... and yummy! honey bunches of oats. tasty! yummy! coming up, you've seen the trailer. now get ready for natalie to take you behind the scenes of "fifty
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you're watching "today in the bay." good morning everyone, 7:56 i'm scott mcgrew. san francisco state professor accused of secretly taping students while they were going to the bathroom is out on bail this morning. 38-year-old mark landis is not working right now, but he recently taught accounting at the university. he was arrested wednesday as a student reportedly found a camera hidden in a tissue box in the bathroom. investigators say landis invited students to his apartment in november. he is facing 156 misdemeanor counts of invasion of prief -- priva privacy. spca nursing dozens of pets back to health. . 0 dogs, cats, and kittens with were found living in unsanitary conditions. the homeowners could fies animal cruelty charges. let's get a check of your
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weather with christina, hot, hot, hot. >> and good reminder not to leave the pets in the car. you don't to want take them outside of the house for today. keep them in safe, air-conditioned home. 85 degrees in san francisco. san francisco, 85, that could be a new temperature record. 90 on the east shore and 99 driez on the south bay. we're going to take about five to ten degrees off the highs as we get into tomorrow. hey, staying above average all the way through the extended period. let's switch gears and talk about your drive. mass transit commuters on bart, no trains for the coliseum due to police activity. more police activity snarling traffic on the san mateo bridge headed westbound. this is still happening. alternate is dumbarton bridge or bay bridge. the traffic is easing just a touch. we'll keep you updated. in the south bay, northbound, multivehicle crash 280 at lawrence. three car accident blocking the center lane there. better off on 101 at this point, over to you. >> thank you. another local news update in a half hour.
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♪ it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, pass out pages. inside the alarming new trend on social media tied to teens and drinking. plus grey's anatomy. >> there's a lot that happens in this elevator. >> yes. >> natalie goes behind the scenes on the set of "fifty shades of grey." ♪ and one of the hottest bands in the world, onerepublic gets set to hit our plaza for a concert today. july 25th, 2014. ♪ >> onerepublic rocks the "today" show! >> i drove 15 hours to see onerepublic! >> it's my first concert!
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>> play "counting stars." ♪ >> it's my 12th birthday. >> it's my 16th birthday. >> it's my bachelorette party! >> we're back now. 8:00 on a friday morning and take a look at a big crowd on a friday for a summer concert from onerepublic out on our plaza. this is a very enthusiastic group. >> huge. >> i love the sign, we're playing hooky. i thought this was summer break. >> don't call attention to yourself. >> maybe they're going to summer school. >> we'll hear from onerepublic in a few moments but let's get the top news stories of the morning. natalie's at the desk. >> good morning, everyone. the civilian death toll rising, the u.s. intensified efforts overnight to broker a ceasefire
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between israel and hamas. the new urgency was spurred by the killing of 16 people thursday when a u.n. school in gaza being used as a shelter was attacked. 200 people were injured, many of them children. hamas blamed israel, but the israeli military said palestinian fighters had fired rocketed from the area. and preventing people from evacuati evacuating. news of the shelter strike triggered protests and deadly clashes overnight on the west bank. a 13-year-old boy from new jersey is hospitalized this morning and his parents are dead after a tornado with 100-mile-an-hour winds tore through the campground in eastern virginia thursday. about three dozen others were injured. the storm knocked trees onto tents and flipped over rvs. it also pounded the campground with hail the size of baseballs. the president of france says there were no survivors in the crash of an algerian passenger jet in africa. 51 of the 116 people on board
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were french citizens. the plane went down during a rainstorm thursday while flying from burkina faso to algeria. wreckage was spotted between burkina faso and mali. one of the black boxes has been found. and the interior minister said terrorism cannot be ruled out as a cause though it was likely due to bad weather. a woman has been through a lot in the past two years. madonna badgers who lost her three daughters and parents in the 2011 christmas day fire in stamford, connecticut, was just married this week. she posted this photo of her real estate broker and now husband william duke. badger announced last november she was engaged. we want to send our heart felt congratulations to them. the number of adolescent boys and girls getting the hpv vaccine remains unacceptbly low. the centers for disease control
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estimates only 57% of girls and 35% of boys have received at least one dose of the vaccine. they are urging doctors to recommend this vaccine when young patients are brought in for other routine shots. acetaminophen is used as a treatment for back pain, but a study from australia says it's no better than a placebo when it comes to easing an aching back. they gave some patients acetaminophen while others got sugar pills. after three months there were no differences among the group's pain levels, recovery, or quality of life. little leaguers aren't the only ones who make embarrassing errors. cleveland indians ryan rayburn earned a hall of fame entry into the blooper reel. ryan rayburn couldn't make the catch on a fly ball down the left field lane. then when he tried to throw the ball to the field, it went straight into the ground.
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all of us and allowed an inside-the-park home run. his team went on to lose the game, unfortunately, 2-1. as i said, we've all been there, done that. 8:05 right now. let's send it back outside to the whole crew. >> we've all been there, but we don't play major league baseball. >> true. >> that is the difference. >> thank you, natalie. where's mr. roker? >> right here, guys. will and bill, they are baltimore winners from our "today's" scavenger hunt. you guys decided to see onerepublic? >> yeah. you all asked us to come and we were happy to come. thank you. >> having a good time? >> it's awesome. >> good to see you guys. let's check your weather. we've got a fabulous day today. our pick city today, nashville, tennessee. nbc 4, great weather today and tomorrow. then look for some thunderstorms on sunday. we've got heavy thunderstorms just rolling through minneapolis. they're going to be looking at more severe weather through the next few days. you can see wet weather on the lens there. showers and thunderstorms moving
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through the ohio and mississippi river valleys today. more showers making their way through the southeast and gulf coast. partly cloudy skies. as you make your way into the pacific northwest. sizzle heat in the southwest. warm in los angeles with 88 degrees. everybody's favorite dead guy. bernie from weekend at bernie's. how are you? >> good to see you. >> you look good for a dead guy. >> isn't that amazing? 25-year anniversary. "weekend at bernie's?" we're going to throw a big party. >> give us your best bernie. >> best bernie? >> that's what i love about -- you never know who's stopping by. the most famous dead guy you'll meet. that's what's going on around the country. here's wha
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that was fantastic. good morning to you. beautiful beach weather as we get into the next couple of days, but really hot conditions inland. 99, for example, in the south bay. 97 on the peninsula. you're going to hit 90 on the east shore. 102 for today. hottest day in 2014, getting into tomorrow, we'll take your temperatures down a touch, but still, sizzling summer heat, and then, gorgeous conditions at the beaches. plus, we're getting those warm ocean currents. your temperatures in the water, in the 60s for at least the next couple of days. >> how great is that? >> right here on the "today" show. >> coming up next on "trending," did she know what she was doing? a priceless picture of the queen photo bombing somebody. >> then, are you ready for more? notally goes behind the scenes on the steamy set of "fifty shades of grey." >> and one republic live in could be certificate. first, these messages.
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all right, we're back now at 8:13 with what's trending today. >> it would be great to win the lottery, right? would you be as excited if you won it and had to share the winnings with more than a dozen family members? >> depends on how much. >> meet this family, they are 17 siblings. they're going to be sharing a jackpot worth more than $20 million. at a press conference on thursday, one of the sisters recalled her reaction. >> i started to cry. i called my sister to come and get me. i said, i don't think i can make it, you have to come and get me. they go, what happened? i go, i think i won the lottery. and that was it. >> ah. >> really emotional. the siblings were continuing their mother's tradition of playing the lottery. she died. they gathered money to pay for a funeral. had a little money left over. and put that money into buying lottery tickets.
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they're going to take the lump sum payment worth about $14 million. so do the math, savannah, after tax, they take home about $10 million divided by all those siblings. >> i don't know, like 500,000, 700,000? >> that's a nice gift from mom. >> that's where the arguments take place if they don't evenly divide -- >> a lot of them lost their homes to sandy or -- it's a new jersey family. so this money will come to good use. >> wow. matt, you guys, al, you too, if you want to be a cool guy over 50 there's a new survey, it offers the definitive dos and do nots for member of that age. first, the dos. embrace baldness. >> thank you. >> number two, date someone your own age. i give you matt and al. except for they are married. >> yes. >> here's where we run into trouble. trim nostril, ear hair. here's the don'ts. you should foot follow your
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children on social media. >> why not? >> if you're checking on them -- >> it's a night mmare for them. >> under no circumstances should you spray tan. >> al. >> al. >> it's obvious. >> and do not, i repeat, do not wax your chest. >> or other parts. >> really? >> yeah. >> no. >> wax chest hair? >> if you're going to trim your nose and ears. >> do you see "40-year-old virgin." kelly clarkson! >> people are divided over whether a man over 50 should get a tattoo. >> how do you feel about this? >> over 50? >> no. >> you're supposed to get it in your 20s and regret it in your 50s. you're awfully quiet. >> last year i got a tramp stamp. >> you weren't supposed to tell -- >> sorry, sorry. >> i'm on the fence. >> you would consider getting a tattoo? >> let's move on. >> al roker.
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>> okay. orange room #matt tattoo yes, matt tattoo no. >> investigative unit. >> put it to the people. >> you're going to have him writing your book. >> move on. >> so you know who is cool? queen elizabeth. the british monarch -- >> i have her name tattooed on my chest. >> was in the middle of an unscheduled appearance at a rt spoi ining sporting event in scotland on thursday. she photo bombs a pair of australian hockey players. sneaks up behind them. right behind the mesh netting. the ladies told they were surprised she actually smiled for photo. >> that's what's trending today. coming up, we'll have natalie's visit to the set of "fifty shades of grey." will she ever be the same? we're back in 30 seconds.
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we're back now with a troubling trend. so-called pass out pages on social media that are raising new concerns about teenagers and binge drinking. here's nbc's gabe gutierrez. >> reporter: if a picture's worth a thousand words, then these speak volumes. >> i was looking at this and saying, how many parents don't know? >> reporter: they're known as pass out pages. they're shown on social media, photos of young people apparently drunk and passed out. >> it was really alarming.
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i thought people should know this is out there. >> reporter: drinking on campus is nothing new, but these accounts are popping up across the country. at iowa state, the university of missouri, lsu and uga to name a few. there's no shortage of captions. man down. looks pretty comfy. and the bar always makes a nice pillow. >> i think it's funny. >> reporter: drew warsh is a senior at north carolina state. he says he's posted plenty of pictures of his drunk friends but never tags them. >> like, some people get mad because they look dumb on the internet. some people take it as a badge of honor because, hey, they drank a bunch of alcohol and somehow didn't die. >> reporter: twitter says it doesn't comment on individual accounts but offers this advice, remember once you've posted something on the internet, it's highly unlikely you can delete or remove it before someone else sees it. >> it is a reflection of mix messages that a lot of young people get about drinking. >> reporter: this doctor with the center of disease control says about 90% of the alcohol consumed by
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people under 21 is in the form of binge drinking. five drinks for a man, four for a woman. those who start drinking at an earlier age, he says, are much more likely to have serious alcohol problems later in life. >> young people could get the message from those pages that drinking to the point of intoxication is an okay thing to do. we think that's a very dangerous message. >> reporter: a point not lost on drew warsh, who realizes these pictures have another downside. >> hopefully it'll teach them a lesson. >> reporter: a lesson that these days bad decisions can follow you everywhere. for "today," gabe gutierrez, nbc news, atlanta. >> kind of shocking to see those pictures. >> just ask yourself, do you look cool in this photo? the answer is a big fat no. we will take a turn now. one of the hottest movie trailers ever. we gave you the first look at the "fifty shades of grey" trailer on thursday. the parts we could show you. then in 24 hours millions of you logged on to watch and share the full version online. well, guess what, natalie did the world one
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better. she read all three books, as we know, and visited the set. >> that's right, i do admit, i read the books, all three of them. i was curious how they would translate the racy scenes to the screen. obviously this is an adult movie. we try to keep things morning show friendly. if you do have kids, ask them to leave the room for just a couple of minutes. on a cold winter day in vancouver, a hollywood crew is trying to generate some heat for the cameras. bringing anastasia steele and christian grey to life in "fifty shades of grey." during a day of filming at the historic fairmont hotel, director sam taylor johnson choreographs key scenes in an elevator. well, there's a lot that happens in this elevator. >> yes. >> in the book anyway. >> reporter: dubbed mommy porn by some viewers, the trilogy went on to sell more than 100 million copies. bringing theme, of bondage,
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domination, and submission to a mainstream audience. >> mr. grey will see you now. >> reporter: now all eyes on jamie dornan and dakota johnson playing a millionaire businessman and a college student who embark on an unorthodox relationship, to say the least. >> enlighten me then. >> reporter: what's it like shooting together? is there that instant chemistry? >> no. you hate each other. he's hard to work with. i'm getting that sense. >> it's wonderful. >> reporter: johnson is the daughter of actors don johnson and melanie griffith. >> you don't know my name, do you? >> reporter: even though she has more than a dozen film and tv credits, she knows anastasia is her breakthrough role. do you feel like there's a lot you could relate to? >> i can see myself in her. i can see a lot of her in me. >> reporter: dornan has done sex scenes in the movies before and
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bared his body during his early career as a model earning a unique nickname. >> golden torso, that's what they call him. are you anything like your character christian? besides looks. you look exactly like i would picture christian grey. >> okay, good. >> steely gray eyes, whole bit. >> there's always something about any character you play that you're drawn to because you feel like, you know, it relates to something within you. >> from the get-go i said it would be great to discover two unknowns. >> reporter: fifty shades author e.l. james has been a constant present on set watching her characters and fantasies playing out in front of the camera. i got to ask about the sex. >> it's happening. oh, yeah. it's happening. >> reporter: but is it going to be a watered down happening or really happening? >> i haven't seen particularly watered down. i thought it was interesting.
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that's all i'll say about that. >> reporter: people are expecting some steamy sex scenes. >> the reality of it is, like, burly men you don't know very well three feet from your face, which isn't how you usually have sex. me anyway. i don't know. >> i do. a lot. >> yeah. >> it's more about visually what our bodies look like then what we're doing so it's more like a dance, acrobatics. >> reporter: okay. >> sexual acrobatics. >> yeah. >> i think people are going to be really, really pleasantly surprised with what we've done. i'm looking forward to that day when people can finally see it all. >> keeping you there in black for the suspense. added suspense. >> something we're not allowed
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to see at the end? >> perhaps. but you are going to have to wait, ladies, because "fifty shades of grey" comes out. next february. just in time for valentine's day. again we posted the entire trailer on also more of my set visit including one moment that made all of us blush and laugh a bit. not for tv. >> 300,000 views of the trailer. and actually they were all you. refresh, refresh, refresh. >> how did you know? >> as we mentioned, the trailer definitely has people talking about "fifty shades" all over again, that explicit version online, tamron, what's going on? >> of course, a lot of blushing for the trailer. but we know people were blushing around the office when they were passing the book around. so we asked viewers for their awkward stories when it came to reading "fifty shades of grey." guys, this is hilarious. chandi said, my parents listened to it on cd while in their car. they are 67 and 76 years old. go, parents.
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>> kristin says, it was passed around work in a brown paper lunch bag. it was referred to as the book. and jamie says, my 10-year-old son asks me, mom, why are you reading, you don't red read. i responded oh, i do now. go, momma. let us know your blush-worthy moments when reading the book or watching the trailer. we're all in your business this morning. >> hey, tamron, what's the latest on matt's tattoo? >> oh, tat for matt. what is it? 61%. you opened the door. >> that i should get a tattoo? >> you've got to get it. come on. >> now, what kind of tattoo? >> okay. >> "fifty shades of grey." >> back with onerepublic. first your local news.
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good morning to you. it is 8:26 right now. i'm laura garcia-cannon. we are covering breaking news for you right now going on in oakland. that is where a bomb threat has shut down the colosseum b.a.r.t. station. we have a live look from our chopper overhead. as you see, police on the scene investigating. and right now, there are no trains allowed to go through the coliseum station. that means, they're turning around at the fruitvale station to the north and the san lean dr dro station to the south. there's no estimated time for it to reopen. we see police surrounding the station. a thorough investigation going on right now. b.a.r.t. is working with ac transit to set up that bus bridge to actually get commuters to work right now. checking that morning commute, as well.
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this could be a rough one for folks. christina's in for mike. >> they are just getting that into the works right now, laura. the colosseum b.a.r.t. station, entirely closed at this hour. they're working on that bus bridge, but we don't know how long that's going to take, and we are counting on significant delays as we head throughout the morning. so you do want to keep that in mind. let your employer know if you do take b.a.r.t. in the east bay, that you will likely be late to work for today. otherwise, still sluggish on the westbound side of the san mateo bridge. >> another update in half an hour. you can follow us on twitter for the very latest updates. laura garcia-cannon.
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♪ it's 8:30 now on a friday morning. it's a pretty one out here on a our plaza. great crowd out here. they're about to be treated to a wonderful concert. onerepublic. their album is still at the top of the charts. they've got a new song too. wow. what is that? >> meanwhile we're cooking up another round of fresh cooked live. we introduced you to a group of
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exciting new chefs and they came on the show and prepared recipes from chart to finish and folks joined at home. >> all next week we'll have a special sizzle edition. carson will be live on the plaza with a grill with new faces to the food scene. log onto our website and get ready to cook with us once again. >> and later on we're catching up with bear grylls. he took me out to the wild for a show airing on nbc. "running wild with bear grylls." take a look. >> keep stepping. >> i'm stepping. >> feet down. good girl, tamron. it's going to be good. >> oh. >> okay. >> okay. oh, my god. >> that's good. want to have a little look?
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>> oh my gosh! >> that looked like fun. >> yeah, it was fun. i ended up earning my stripes, but it was a challenge to say the least. the show premieres, zac efron, channing tatum, deion sanders. i was the only girl and word on the street is that i did better than a couple of those guys. i'm just saying. >> you weren't wearing stilettos. i think that's the first time. >> all right, mr. roker, let's get a check of the weather. >> let's look at the weekend ahead starting with tomorrow. strong storms tomorrow making their way from the mississippi river valley in the ohio river valley. plenty of sunshine and high of 86 in los angeles. sunday, sunday! a risk for strong storms moves into the mid-atlantic states. wet weather around the great lakes. beautiful day in the pacific
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northwest. sunshine and warm in l.a. with a high of 86. show good morning to you. 8:33 now. temperatures are going to be hot out there, later on today. still pretty nice out there. we're jumping into the 70s at this point already in the south bay. 97 on the peninsula. the east shore will hit 90 in oakland. a new record expected in san francisco at 85. the hot spots, the tri-valley and the north bay. where we're expecting to exceed the triple digits. hottest day of 2014. by tomorrow, we'll take out a little bit of that heat, but it will stay hot. your sunday forecast in just moments. >> that's your latest weather. the crowd is ready for onerepublic in just ten minutes. let's go back inside to savannah. >> thank you so much. the last time we checked in with kerri walsh, she had just given
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birth to her baby girl scout. now she's back on the court and recently hit the sand with nbc's joe fryer. >> reporter: with the same amount of force she uses to pummel volleyballs into the sand, kerri walsh jennings is thrusting her sport into the mainstream. do you feel like an unofficial ambassador for u.s. volleyball? >> i feel like an official ambassador for u.s. volleyball. >> reporter: she's playing in this week's world series of beach volleyball. >> once people see it, they love it. we just need more people to see it. >> reporter: she's already grooming the next generation. >> big hands. yes. >> reporter: kerri and her pro-volleyball husband casey jennings are raising three young children. 5-year-old joey, 4-year-old sundance, and 15-month-old scout. >> every day is a challenge. and my scale is probably like this a lot. my priorities are my faith, my
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family, my career. if i'm out of whack, i need to check in. am i spending enough time with my family? even if i'm on the road, i want to be connected to them. >> reporter: with three gold medals and three kids, she's not quite done. >> i would love to have a fourth gold medal. i would love to have a fourth baby. >> reporter: but for now let's focus on the present. and an ominous machine called the kerri cannon. >> it's impressive when you hit straight down. >> reporter: it's designed to replicate her 65 mile-an-hour spike. thankfully they turned it down a few notches. >> yes! >> reporter: and with help from coach kerri, i keep all of my limbs. >> way to survive it. no cuts, no bruises. look at you. >> reporter: i think i'm going to live. >> city boy, you survived out here on the beach. >> reporter: the work of a true volleyball ambassador.
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for "today," joe fryer, nbc news, long beach, california. >> she has been one of the great things about covering summer olympics over the last many years. >> i love she wants a fourth baby and fourth gold medal. >> and she does it at the same time. >> right now she's competing for the largest prize in the history of beach volleyball. you can see it on nbc as well. coming up next, onerepublic live on our toyota concert stage. but first this is "today" on nbc.
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the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. >> everyone here is excited to see onerepublic on our plaza, but before we get to the music, a quick look at how the band got to this stage.
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♪ >> recently it's certainly been a good life for the rock band onerepublic who churned out hit after hit. since rising to fame in 2007 with the smash collaboration "apologize." and they show no signs of slowing down. their newest album "native" has sold over 12 million singles. and has us counting our lucky stars that they're hitting the summer concert stage. you tired the of waiting? >> i'm very excited. >> i'm tired of waiting. ladies and gentlemen, onerepublic. ♪ lately i've been, i've been
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losing sleep ♪ ♪ dreaming about the things that we could be ♪ ♪ but baby i've been, i've been praying hard ♪ ♪ said no more counting dollars we'll be counting stars ♪ ♪ yeah we'll be counting stars ♪ i see this life ♪ like a swinging vine ♪ swing my heart across the line ♪ ♪ in my face is flashing signs ♪ seek it out and ye shall find ♪ ♪ old but i'm not that old ♪ young but i'm not that bold ♪ and i don't think the world is sold ♪ ♪ just doing what we're told ♪ because i feel something so wrong ♪ ♪ doing the right thing ♪ and i feel something so right
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doing the wrong thing ♪ ♪ i couldn't lie couldn't lie couldn't lie ♪ ♪ everything that kills me makes me feel alive ♪ ♪ lately i been, i been losing sleep ♪ ♪ dreaming about the things that we could be ♪ ♪ and baby i been, i been praying hard ♪ ♪ said no more counting dollars we'll be counting stars ♪ ♪ lately i been, i been losing sleep ♪ ♪ dreaming about the things that we could be ♪ ♪ but baby i been, i been praying hard ♪ ♪ said no more counting dollars ♪ ♪ we'll be, we'll be counting stars ♪ ♪ oh hey ♪ i feel the love and i feel it burn ♪ ♪ down this river every turn ♪ hope is our four letter word ♪ make that money watch it
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burn ♪ ♪ old but i'm not that old ♪ young but i'm not that bold ♪ and i don't think the world is sold ♪ ♪ just doing what we're told ♪ and i feel something so wrong doing the right thing ♪ ♪ i couldn't lie couldn't lie couldn't lie ♪ ♪ everything that drowns me makes me want to fly ♪ ♪ lately i been, i been losing sleep ♪ ♪ dreaming about the things that we could be ♪ ♪ but baby i been, i been praying hard ♪ ♪ said no more counting dollars ♪ ♪ we'll be counting stars ♪ lately i been i been losing sleep ♪ ♪ dreaming about the things that we could be ♪ ♪ but baby i been, i been praying hard ♪ ♪ said no more counting dollars we'll be, we'll be counting stars ♪ ♪ take that money watch it burn ♪ ♪ sink in the river the lessons
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i learned ♪ ♪ take that money watch it burn ♪ ♪ sink in the river the lessons i learned ♪ ♪ take that money watch it burn ♪ ♪ sink in the river the lessons i learned ♪ >> onerepublic and they're back with more music in just a little while but first on a friday morning, this is "today" on nbc.
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and this journey will keep you on the edge of your seat all summer long during the emirates airline us open series. this week we'll be in the great city of stanford for the bank of the west classic. where some of the top players in tennis will battle it out to see who's best.
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which champion will prevail, which new hero will emerge? don't miss your chance to find out. for ticket and player information, go to back here on stage about to get more music from one of the most popular bands around, onerepublic. >> that's right. their latest album "native" has several hits and they're in the middle of a long u.s. tour. onerepublic needs no introduction. good morning to all of you. you guys have been on tour since april. you're on the second leg.
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169 performances when it's all said and done. aren't you tired? >> i actually am tired. that has more to do with waking up at 4:00 a.m. today. we've basically been out since february or march of 2013. >> success has brought you opportunities. you wrote an original song for the new movie coming out "the giver." what was that like? >> it was incredible. we were reached out to buy the wienstein group. of course i knew the book. and the second i heard they were making a movie about it, i was thrilled. they played me the movie. it inspired the music, the lyrics. >> we're going to hear it, right? >> you've got a song and dedication. >> yeah. and it's my dad's birthday. happy birthday, dad. >> all right. onerepublic. ♪
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♪ i'll be your light, your match, your burning sun ♪ ♪ i'll be the bright in black that's making you run ♪ ♪ and we'll feel all right and we'll feel all right ♪ ♪ because we'll work it out yeah we'll work it out ♪ ♪ we'll be doing this if you had a doubt ♪ ♪ 'til the love runs out ♪ 'til the love runs out ♪ i'll be your ghost, your game, your stadium ♪ ♪ i'll be your 50,000 clapping like one ♪ ♪ and i feel all right and i feel all right ♪ ♪ because i worked it out yeah i worked it out ♪ ♪ i'll be doing this if you had a doubt ♪ ♪ 'til the love runs out ♪ 'til the loves run out ♪ i got my mind made up and i can't let go ♪ ♪ i'm killing every second 'til it saves my soul ♪ ♪ i'll be running ♪ i'll be running
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♪ 'til the love runs out ♪ 'til the love runs out ♪ and we'll start is fire ♪ and we'll shut it down ♪ 'til the love runs out ♪ 'til the love runs out ♪ there's a maniac out in front of me ♪ ♪ goth an angel on my shoulder and mestopheles ♪ ♪ but momma raised me good, momma raised me right ♪ ♪ momma said do what you want say prayers at night ♪ ♪ and i'm saying them because i'm so devout ♪ ♪ 'til the love runs out ♪ 'til the love runs out ♪ got my mind made up, man i can't let go ♪ ♪ i'm killing every second 'til it saves my soul ♪ ♪ i'll be running ♪ i'll be running ♪ 'til the love runs out ♪ 'til the love runs out ♪ and we'll start a fire and we'll shut it down ♪ ♪ 'til the love runs out ♪ 'til the love runs out
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♪ oh we all want the same thing ♪ ♪ oh we all run for something ♪ run for god, for fate, for love, for hate, for gold, for rust, for diamonds, for dust ♪ ♪ i'll be your light, your match, your burning sun ♪ ♪ i'll be the bright in black that's making you run ♪ ♪ i got my mind made up man i can't let go ♪ ♪ i'm killing every second 'til it saves my soul ♪ ♪ i'll be running ♪ i'll be running ♪ 'til the love runs out ♪ 'til the love runs out ♪ and we'll start a fire and we'll shut it down ♪ ♪ 'til the love runs out ♪ 'til the love runs out
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♪ i'll be your match your burning sun ♪ ♪ i'll be the bright in black that's making you run ♪ ♪ and we'll feel and we'll feel all right ♪ ♪ because we'll work it out ♪ yeah we'll work it out ♪ and we'll start a fire and we'll shut it down ♪ ♪ 'til the love runs out ♪ 'til the love runs out ♪ 'til the love runs out thank you. >> onerepublic just getting started. we'll have more music coming up. but first on a friday morning, this is "today" on nbc.
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every mercedes-benz is made with the highest level of engineering... design... safety... and performance. our latest creation is no different. with one exception... introducing the mercedes-benz b-class. it's electric! it's electric! the first electric vehicle from mercedes-benz.
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welcome back to "today." the #matt tattoo yes now trending worldwide after his admission on our show this morning that he would consider getting a tattoo. 70% say yes, get a tattoo. now more from onerepublic. performing "ordinary human" for the upcoming movie "the giver." guys, take it away. ♪ ♪ today i took a walk in the clouds ♪ ♪ today i took a walk in the clouds ♪ ♪ used to have my eyes wide
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shut ♪ ♪ and now i'm staring down ♪ today i felt a switch in my vein ♪ ♪ today i felt a switch in my vein ♪ ♪ used to be a shadow ♪ now a shadow scream my name ♪ and in the daylight i could swear that we're the same ♪ ♪ i'm just an ordinary human ♪ ordinary ways ♪ i'm just an ordinary human ♪ but i don't feel so ordinary today ♪ ♪ i'm just a picture perfect
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nothing ♪ ♪ sometimes i medicate ♪ i'll be a picture perfect human ♪ ♪ before the sun goes down to today ♪ ♪ today i felt a switch in my vein ♪ ♪ today i made them all afraid ♪ used to be a shadow now the shadow screams my name ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ but in the daylight i could swear that we're the same ♪ ♪ an ordinary human ♪ ordinary ways ♪ i'm just an ordinary human ♪ but i don't feel to ordinary today ♪ ♪ i'm just a picture perfect
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nothing ♪ ♪ sometimes i medicate ♪ i'll be a picture perfect human ♪ ♪ before the sun goes down today ♪ ♪ i'm just an ordinary human ♪ but i don't feel so typical today ♪ ♪ ooh ♪ an ordinary human ♪ i don't feel so typical
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today ♪ ♪ today ♪ oh today thank you. >> thank you so much. >> they're going to be back with the song that you good morning, everyone. 8:56. breaking news going on in oakland. a bomb threat is causing chaos on the morning commute for b.a.r.t. this is a live look at the coliseum station from our traffic cameras. around 7:40 this morning, someone called 911 to say they had heard of a bomb threat at the coliseum station. so b.a.r.t. police immediately evacuated the station, did not let any trains go through. as of 20 minutes ago, our chopper above the scene did
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catch these images. these are trains moving through the station. we're told people at the coliseum station can board trains, but you cannot get off at the station while police continue to investigate the threat. we have crews there on the scene. we will continue to provide you with updates during the "today" show and more local news coming up.
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from nbc news this is "today's take" with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist, and tamron hall live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today." it's friday morning, july 25th, 2014. a bicrowd out on our plaza. rocking with onerepublic. >> they're in the orange room right now. >> yeah. >> ryan's going to join us in a little bit to chat some more. >> big news breaking out of the orange room, matt lauer, he has mentioned he wanted to get a tattoo. >> i don't think he quite mentioned it that way. >> don't let him off the hook. go with it. >> no, no. i just saw him.
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he was heading up to his dressing room. 79% of our respondents said he should get a tattoo. >> he said he was thinking of a half tyson. not a full facial tattoo, but something tasteful on the cheek. >> we had this conversation in "trending" whatnot to do when you're over 50. i guess it's still cool to get a tattoo after 50. >> i think he should do it live on the program. >> everything is for the show. >> for the show. >> natalie was considering one too. >> i did not say that. >> like a butterfly or something? >> dark natalie in a certain area. it's friday, guys. >> my gosh. all right. >> hey, good luck. >> fantastic. as natalie mentioned, ryan tedder will be joining us soon. they were awesome. so good. >> i think they sound better live than they do on their cd. >> you know what? i am such a huge fan of theirs.
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their music is what got me through the boston marathon. that song "i lived" you'll hear later, that was it. >> and they've got tattoos. >> they're rock stars. they can pull that off. >> would you consider a tattoo? >> i would consider it. i don't think i'm cool enough. i don't deserve is tattoo. >> you don't deserve a tattoo. >> i'm overwhelmed by the choices. what would you do? there's so many things. obviously i'd probably do something with my kids or whatever. but still, it's like how do you represent that love? >> get a full back portrait of your kids. >> not happening. >> all right. let's talk about this crazy story coming out of ohio state university. the world famous marching band there a huge part of college football. they're named the best damn band in the land. they're known for works or art.
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they put on every saturday afternoon across the big ten. they've got more than 10 million youtube hits. people watching things like this after a two-month internal investigation by the university there, it has fired the band director john waters. this is from a complaint from a band member's parent. new members are quizzed like how many people have you had sex with, draw the female reproductive organs and create a draw a sex position for fat people. those are their words. >> and this is only the stuff we could say on tv. there's apparently a lot worse. >> a lot of hazing. late night underwear-only marches through the stadium. vulgar names printed in directories and t-shirts. the band director says he didn't do anything wrong. he came into an existing culture that'd been there for decades and tried to end many of those age-old practices.
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there was i think the biggest thing at the center of this, there's one report of sexual assault. and i guess it wasn't taken care of in a way that was satisfactory to a lot of people. now this investigation found that he had to be let go. >> i also think his attorney said he hasn't ruled out a lawsuit trying to clear his name. but that'll be interesting to see what happens. >> very popular guy. he went to ohio state, got two graduate degree there is. it's such a big deal in ohio when you come in on the sign it says home of jonathan waters. that's a big story out of columbus, ohio. >> we'll watch that one for sure for developments. >> some people may be surprised, but did you consider yourself shy? >> certain occasions. >> can be. >> and you are. you say you're shy. >> i really consider myself shy. >> i'm shocked to hear that about you. >> yeah. in social situations i'm shy. it's obviously, we shy people are not alone.
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40% in a latest study said we feel shy. 40% of folks feel shy. "huffington post" says there are ways to use it to your advantage. shy people are usually thinkers. they're observers. they listen. they care what other people think about them. >> that's true. >> yeah. they fidget which i do a lot of. that's supposedly a sign of intelligence. so we're not necessarily introverts, but somewhat underrated. >> and some of the most highly successful people in our industry have been very shy. johnny carson notably among them. >> willard scott. >> i didn't know willard scott. really? >> he suffers from anxiety. >> i didn't know that. >> and he played the clown through all those years. ronald mcdonald. >> interesting to see how people in television settings that you can turn that on and be that person and you meet them and
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they're withdrawn. people would be surprised to hear that al roker is shy. i think you're probably shy on the tv personality spectrum. but you're not standing in a corner at a cocktail party. >> actually, i am. >> are you? >> i hate going to those things. i'm just not crazy about them. >> yeah. i think given a choice, generally stay away from those things too. unless there are a lot of cocktails. >> and there we have it. that's my girl. she's going to be downtown getting a tattoo. >> here's one that i think will make you hopefully happy this morning. starbucks is thinking about introducing a new app. it is being tested right now in an undisclosed market which will allow customers to preorder and pay for their drinks prior to arriving to the store. they're apparently going to test coffee recipes that can sit on the counter long enough they won't get cold by the time you get there to make sure they're
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still fresh when you get there. >> are you that busy? >> well, have you gone to the starbucks down in rockefeller center? there's a line that extends on and on and on. i mean, you can take ten minutes just standing there in line waiting for coffee. that's a long time. >> you really have to time that right. >> you do. you don't want to go during, like -- >> you get derailed and it's a cold cup of coffee. >> and the airports too. starbucks are the most crowded places. i'd be happy to test it out. i think it sounds great. >> cool concept. we'll see if it works. >> cool concept, hot co coffee. i'm going to pick leila up from camp today. she wanted me to bring her an iced chai latte. i said how am i going to do so that? the ice will melt? such a pain in the neck.
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kids today. oh, what do you say? >> seriously. >> stop with the ice. you want the iced chai tee latte. what is that with the chai? >> i just wanted to hear that. >> they like it the way they like it too. >> our guy bill murray is at it again. joe nicki the owner of soft serve in los angeles threw a bill murray ice cream social on tuesday after hearing that bill was in the area shooting a movie. shot in the dark, thought maybe i'll throw this party, maybe the guy will show up. never, right? he showed up. bill murray showed up. >> that's the kind of guy he is. >> joe gave free ice cream to the entire neighborhood as well as the cast and crew of the film. you'll remember back in may bill gave advice to a groom to be at a bachelor party. i think it was in charleston, south carolina. and then later photobombed the couple's engagement photo. he's like where's waldo. >> you never know what you're going to get. >> good soft serve.
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you'd show up. >> i'm going to be out there. >> i would love for bill murray to show up here. >> bring him out, guys. >> next time you're in new york, come on by. we will take you for soft serve, coffee, and doughnuts. >> he should just walk out and stand behind us. >> he would do it too. >> so we remember the throw 50 cent had, but he's not a professional baseball player. >> no. >> so here's one not so good. indians/royals game. cleveland indians ryan rayburn makes a horribly bad throw. check this out. >> 2-0 count. the indians figure long run from rayburn. can't make the catch. >> to the infield. >> oh. >> boom. >> maybe there was too much tar. >> no, i think he wanted to bounce it out. >> the bounceback.
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>> so it's an inside-the-park home run. so the team loses 2-1. >> sometimes it sticks. >> he said he was going to throw it to second then realized nobody was there. so he tried to hold the ball. straight down. guy gets a home run off it. >> and the king of multitasking, andy milovich is the manager of the myrtle beach pelicans. he had a doctor give him a prostate exam while singing "take me out to the ball game" giving new meaning to seventh inning stretch. ♪ take me out to the ball game ♪ take me out to the crowd ♪ buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks ♪ ♪ i don't care if i ever get back ♪ ♪ for it's root, root, root for the pelicans ♪ ♪ if they don't win it's a
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shame ♪ >> we done? >> i guess we're done. ♪ for it's one, two, three strikes you're out at the old ball game ♪ >> all right, andy. >> i love the doc smiling in the background. hilarious. >> not the first time somebody's sung and actually had a prostate exam. >> are we doing what i think we're doing? >> yeah. >> you know my kidneys feel better in this position. maybe it's because i'm not doing sit-ups -- ♪ moon river thank you, doc. you ever serve time? >> any excuse? >> it's one of my favorite scenes in a movie. >> kind of like what you guys, when you had your prostates examed. >> matt's doctor started doing a comedy routine. anyway, as we show you what we've got going on.
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into wisconsin and eastern iowa, this is going to be the beginning. we are looking at stronger storms today. eastern iowa into illinois. then tomorrow stronger stuff as this powerful front pushes its way through the great lakes teaming up with another low pressure area. that's going to invigorate this. tomorrow from kansas city, chicago, indianapolis, columbus, pittsburgh. isolated tornadoes, damaging winds and hail. and then sunday it moves to the east. so it's along the southeastern and mid-atlantic coast up into upstate new york, western pennsylvania, all of ohio, all the way down as far south as nashville. it's going to be an active weekend. make sure you stay tuned to your we have record-breaking heat in the forecast for today, bay area. san francisco, one of those cities slated to break a temperature record. the old record, 82. the forecasted high, 85 degrees,
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which makes san francisco warmer today than los angeles and new york city. as we head throughout the afternoon, 102 in the north bay, 99 for the south bay, 90 degrees today in oakland. and we are going to take a little bit of this heat off as we get into your weekend, but just a touch for saturday and sunday. >> and that is your latest weather. >> thanks a lot. they've been rocking the plaza all morning long and we'll get another song from onerepublic later this hour. >> up next we'll be sitting down with the lead singer ryan tedder who's written hit songs for many. he'll join us after this. many. he'll join us after this. >> love that h welcome to the corner of and "getting major kudos." just look at you. you're being healthy, even in little ways. that's worth celebrating. that's why walgreens created the first program that gives you rewards points just for healthy behavior. so stick with it. you've got a lot of people cheering you on...
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mmm... could be the perfect... oh! ladies. snack, john! the perfect snack! dannon oikos. possibly the perfect snack. ♪ dannon! onerepublic has taken over our stage all morning long. one more song still ahead. >> and the band's lead singer and song writer ryan tedder is
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the master mind behind other hits behind beyonce and adele. >> good morning. nice to see you. we were talking about the hair has reached new levels. >> i think it's the new york humidity. >> kind of like your career. as your hair has gotten bigger, your career has too. >> it's intentional. i'm glad you noticed. >> we were just talking about this album. we were singing chasing stars a year ago and it's still in the top ten. >> yeah. it's been the most bizarre experience. we have bad luck with picking first singles. it's usually the third, fourth, fifth. we've been on this album for two years now. >> it's like its own greatest hits album. >> you said it, not me. we still have one more to go after "love runs out." we have one more single to go. we're just looking at a calendar saying how many months is this?
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>> i was wondering how do you do it? not only your band stuff but you're writing for everybody else. taylor swift, adele, bono even. u2, you're working on their new album coming out. >> it's closer than it was six months ago for sure. yeah. music is both my hobby and my job. so when i get done with a show or before a show, i'm usually on the tour bus on a recording studio. i turn hotel rooms into studios, tour buss into studios. it's just i'm the luckiest guy. i would do this for free. so the fact i do this for a living, it's ridiculous. kind of like your job. >> how do you decide what you're doing for onerepublic versus what you do for others? >> that used to not be an issue. i play stuff for my band.
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unless i'm writing with adele or ellie goulding. beyonce, i would never sing "halo." not something i would do. if it's close to onerepublic, i play it for the band. and they tell me don't give it away. rule of thumb, if you write it with an artist, it's theirs. >> i like the album. there's an upbeat dance move to it. there's a song "i lose myself." it's about your fear of flying? >> yeah. there was a fear of flying. i think everybody has that moment unless you're on sleeping pills where you're paranoid on a plane. this song came out and then it was remixed and it was a dance hit. we're not a dance band. >> we've got a game now. you've written these hit songs. we want to see if you can name your song by just hearing it -- one second of it or faster.
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>> i hope he can. >> one second. that's like a note. or two. >> going to be difficult. >> okay. >> first song. >> adele rumor has it. >> next song. >> ellie goulding. burn. >> all right. yep. >> next one. >> halo, beyonce. you realize this is blatant narcissism on my part. give me more. >> okay. here's another one. >> celebrate me, let's do this. >> maroon 5, love somebody. >> all right. ryan tedder. thank you so much. >> and we're looking forward to one more song from you guys.
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we have the viewer's choice coming up in the next half hour. >> and happy birthday to your dad. >> thank you. >> he was here last time you were here. >> 59 again. yeah. coming up next, all the news you need before you leave the house this morning. >> plus bear grylls takes zac efron and our own tamron hall into the wild for the adventure of their lives. introducing twix bites: crunchy cookie, chocolate, and caramel in a bite-size. an idea so simple, you're probably asking "why didn't we think of these years ago"? sir, i just got this great idea for twix... get out... ♪ get outta my dreams ♪ get into my car! barbra, this thing is amazing! they put billy ocean in a box! [ male announcer ] your favorite bars: bite-sized. introducing twix bites.
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[ male announcer ] your favorite bars: bite-sized. we're not just selling back at fto school shoes, we're selling straight up confidence. get our exclusive volt nike flex shoes. only at famous footwear. victory is yours. that new guy is like yeah but you'll regret it. what about him? healthy like this super smoothie. yeeeeuk! the perfect man and the perfect snack, don't exist. you sure? try dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt. perfect cause it's healthy with 0% fat and 12 gr. of protein and so creamy. mmm... could be the perfect... oh! ladies. snack, john! the perfect snack! dannon oikos. possibly the perfect snack. ♪ dannon! fousugar. only six?ns. six grams of sugar? that's really good.
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excellent, delicious... and yummy! honey bunches of oats. tasty! yummy! work hard for you.. give them the edge they deserve... new edge, from osteo bi-flex® with joint shield™ helps strengthen your joints.° it works as hard for your joints, as they do for you. get the added benefits... of joint & muscle and joint & energy. new edge from osteo bi-flex®, so you're always ready for action. find it in your vitamin aisle. taking a look at the headlines, federal health officials say the number of adolescent boys and girls getting the hpv vaccine remains unacceptbly low. they estimate only 50% of girls and 35% of boys have received at least one dose of the vaccine.
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acetaminophen is widely used as a treatment for back pain, but a new study finds it's no better than a placebo when it comes to easing an aching back. during an experiment with more than 1600 people, researchers gave some people acetaminophen while others received sugar pills. after three months there were no differences among the groups in pain levels or recovery time. people who work odd hours may have increased risk for type 2 diabetes. people who worked overnight shifts had a 9% increased risk for the disease. people with rotating shift had a risk compared to those working normal office hours. and mystery solved. the bizarre case in california that had parents on edge. it's now been closed. someone was leaving porcelain dolls on the doorsteps of several homes. and the dolls had a striking resemblance to young girls that lived there.
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on thursday night police found the doll dropper. she's a woman who attends church with the families. her intent i will embrace change... everything life throws my way. except for frown lines. those i'm throwing back. olay total effects nourishing vitamins and seven beautiful benefits in one. for younger-looking skin. olay. your best beautiful. i will never choose between uv protection and beauty again. new olay total effects now with spf 30. uva/uvb protection and anti-aging in one. youthful skin with a mission. olay. your best beautiful. that new guy is like yeah but you'll regret it. what about him? healthy like this super smoothie. yeeeeuk! the perfect man and the perfect snack, don't exist. you sure? try dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt. perfect cause it's healthy with 0% fat and 12 gr. of protein and so creamy. mmm... could be the perfect...
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oh! ladies. snack, john! the perfect snack! dannon oikos. possibly the perfect snack. ♪ dannon! a very good morning to you. it is 9:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. b.a.r.t. trains are starting to run through the oakland coliseum b.a.r.t. station once again. this morning, it was closed for nearly an hour because of a bomb threat. about 20 minutes ago, b.a.r.t. fully reopened the coliseum station, reestablishing full service. no word yet if officers found any credible evidence to that threat. a san francisco state professor accused of secretly taping students while they were going to the restroom is out on bail this morning. 38-year-old mark landis is not working right now, but he recently taught accounting at the university. he was arrested wednesday. a student reportedly found a camera hidden inside a tissue box in landis' bathroom. he's facing 15 misdemeanor counts of invasion of privacy at the students over to his home.
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the spca is working to nurse dozens of sick animals back to health. the pets were rescued from a hoarder's house in greensville. about 70 dogs, cats, and kittens were found living in unsanitary conditions. the homeowners could face animal cruelty charges. we're going to have a look at weather and traffic right after this break.
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. 9:28. welcome back now. i'm meteorologist christina loren. look at this foot traffic out there on the golden gate bridge, completely fog free at this hour. it's going to be a hot one in the city, 85 degrees there. 102, meanwhile, for the north bay. we'll hit 97 degrees on the peninsula. and they're looking at 99 in the south bay. officially, making this the hottest day of the year, so far. getting into your weekend, we'll take off a little bit of that heat, 3 to 5 degrees cooler for the south bay as we head throughout your saturday. and we'll drop off in the low 90s. but for quite some time, the dog days of summer have arrived.
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just want to get you back up to date. trains are running as normal systemwide for b.a.r.t. we've got a traffic alert to tell you about. southbound 101, where you meet up with highway 1, overturned dump truck here. two lanes blocked, and you're delayed all the way back to mill valley as a result of that one. otherwise, got good news for commuters to take the san mateo bridge, all is free and clear. no delays whatsoever after we've had some police activity here, just about all morning long. we'll keep you updated. back to you for now, laura. >> keep cool, christina. another news update in about half an hour or so. hope you get a chance to enjoy this friday morning.
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welcome back to "today." it's friday morning, july the 25th, 2014. a beautiful summer day here in new york city. i'm willie along with al and natalie. tamron is off at jury duty. >> that's right. >> we hear there's a chance we may hear from her in the next half hour. have you guys been going to the movies this summer? >> i haven't seen a lot of movies. >> i've been so one with nicki. >> having a rough summer. ticket sales down 20% compared to thisime last year. for the first time since 2001, not a single film has grossed $300 million or more. that's a long time. closest was disney's
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"maleficent." "transformers the age of extinction" about $230 million as well. few key elements. pixar did not have a move ve in the summer for the first time since 2005. >> no kids movie. >> and the latest installation of the fast and furious franchise was pushed to the spring. >> because of the passing of paul walker. >> and people are talking about netflix. you have a beautiful hd tv at home. >> and things on demand. within two months it's on your cable provider. >> and the other thing is, i think, fatigue. these movies are so long. "transformers," 2 hours and 45 minutes. how many times do you have to see optimus prime getting knocked around. autobots roll out. all right. you rolled out. keep on. >> people love it. >> but cut 45 minutes out of it.
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>> movies are so expensive. >> yeah. come on. that new movie "lucy" is only 90 minutes. >> now we're talking. >> yeah. 90 minutes. that's all you need. so for saturday we're looking at a beautiful day in the pacific northwest. 108 in phoenix tomorrow. more hot weather there. light risk of strong strorms in the ohio river valley. then sunday that moves into the ohio river valley and along the mid-atlantic coast. western third of the country looking fabulous. few showers around the central rockies. 86 in just about right, al. we're going 85 in san francisco for today. officially making us the hot spot. 84 degrees in los angeles. 83 in new york. we're going to be warmer than both of those big cities. and this weekend is going to stay hot. not quite this hot.
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we're taking temperatures down for tomorrow. but really, above average for the next 5 to 10 days. 85 in san francisco, 99 in the south bay, 102 degrees for today in the north bay. and of course, the warmest area, 106 in the tri-valley. >> and that's your latest weather. >> thanks very much. bear grylls is no ordinary man. let's be honest. in 1996 he broke his back in three places in a parachuting accident over southern africa. 18 months later, a year and a half, he climbed mt. everest at the age of 23. he also led the first unassisted crossing of the frozen north atlantic ocean in an open boat. and now his biggest challenge yet, bringing celebrities into the wild. >> on his new show "running wild with bear grylls" he takes ben stiller, channing today tuatum and others including our tamron hall into the wild where they were pushed to the limit. good morning. >> nice to see you. >> so how did you convince
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people like our own tamron hall is not the most outdoorsy person, she would admit to that. how'd you get her to sign up? >> we reached out to people we wanted to come. they all agreed. it's a fun show and it's a chance for us to get to know these hollywood stars in a real way. it's not like a chat show looking nice and you're funny for two minutes. you see the real people. and i think the wild always exposes people wide open. these guys, tamron was fantastic. she was definitely nervous to start with. as you say, she's a city girl. but you see she's a ball of energy and positive vibes. i mean, she was scared. i could feel her shaking beside me. >> i'd be scared. >> at the end, a real sense of pride. i think that's the magic of it. >> let's ask the woman herself. tamron is on jury duty somewhere downtown in new york city. she has called.
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>> this is why they stuck an ear piece in. okay. this is a setup. >> how scared were you, my friend? >> i'm actually more afraid that the judge will admonish me and put me in jail right now. >> you're not supposed to have your phone. >> you're in contempt. >> there's a sheriff eyeballing me. yes, it was amazing experience. bear you are my hero. you really helped push me to do things that i never imagined. and i heard you talk about that you really get to see the real person. i don't know if that's the real me because i look really crazy. my hair and no makeup. but you know what? i was going with it. and it was incredible. i mean, natalie recently scaled a glacier and that was pretty bad. but i mean, i didn't know i had it in me. i know natalie has it in her. jenna bush hager, not so much. me even less. but it was amazing. >> you learn something about yourself. bear, isn't that what it's all about?
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you really learn and gain that confidence. >> i couldn't have done it without bear. >> you're sweet. the wild gives you something that you can't kind of buy. what i love about tamron, she was a star who arrived and she was looking amazing. she was driving a car and a helicopter grabbed her and ten minutes later there's mud and dust and her hair is everywhere. i thought now i've seen the real girl. i love it. >> tom roamron, this was real. it's not like you did five minutes and went back to your trailer. >> no, no. we were in the wild. we were out for 48 hours and to bear's point, i'm in a car and i have one assignment to drive straight and i will see bear. that's what i was told. i'm driving and i hear this behind me and i look up and it's bear grylls hanging out of a helicopter. within 30 seconds he's lassoed me and i'm hanging out of it.
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i'm a southern christian girl but i have a few choice swear words. it was amazing. they're calling my name. i've got to go. >> called in. uh-oh. >> bye, guys. love you, bear. >> the bailiff is calling her to bring her to the lockup. you're supposed to hand your phone over. >> so quickly you gave this to tamron. >> i gave it to her at the end. she earned it. it's a symbol of friendship and strength and she earned it the hard way. so i said stick it on your desk and it will be a reminder. she should be proud. she did amazingly. her show stands out. she was the only girl we had. channing tatum and zac efron. >> burly guys. >> it's a cool show. >> well, bear, thank you. "running wild with bear grylls" premieres monday here on nbc. coming up next, we'll show you how to turn your leftovers
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coming up next, we'll show you how to turn your leftovers into peoi go to angie's listt for all kinds of reasons. to gauge whether or not the projects will be done in a timely fashion and within budget. angie's list members can tell you which provider is the best in town. you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare. now that we're expecting, i like the fact i can go onto angie's list and look for pediatricians. the service providers that i've found on angie's list actually have blown me away. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. it means trying something new. [ woman ] that uncertainty of what's to come. ♪ ♪ yeah. i heard about progressive's "name your price" tool? i guess you can tell them how much you want to pay and it gives you a range of options to choose from. huh? i'm looking at it right now.
9:39 am
oh, yeah? yeah. what's the... guest room situation? the "name your price" tool, making the world a little more progressive. ithought to the acidityh in any foods. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. he told me to use pronamel. it's going to help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee, and it was a real easy switch to make. meet new dream pure bb . from maybelline, new york. our first 8-in-1 bb with blemish-fighting salicylic acid conceals and reduces blemishes for healthy-looking, clearer skin. new dream pure bb ♪ maybe it's maybelline. there's a new reason to love activia. when you feel good inside. you live life with a smile. but when you feel bloated, with discomfort, gas, not to mention the rumbling... you feel totally knocked out. eat activia. twice a day for four weeks.
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it could help you get back to feeling like yourself again. activia may reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues like bloating, gas, discomfort and rumbling. and when your tummy is smiling, it shows. activia, feeling good starts from the inside. ♪ dannon ♪ well-a, well-a, well-a, uh! tell me more, tell me more... ♪♪ twizzlerize your summer fun with twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. with roc® multi correxion® 5 in 1. proven to hydrate dryness, illuminate dullness, lift sagging, diminish the look of dark spots, and smooth the appearance of wrinkles. high performance skincare™ only from roc®.
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experience the luxury of new oleo therapy from l'oreal's #1 sulfate-free haircare. deep nutrition. oil from a unique blend of 6 botanicals. the end of dryness. l'oreal's new oleo therapy. "today's" kitchen brought to you by folgers. >> pizza has become a staple for saturday night dinner in many homes. why not make your own with ingredients you have in your own kitchen? >> good idea. jeff, good to see you. >> good morning. >> we're going to make this really easy for people. >> i hope so. we're going to do a pulled pork pizza. we're going to start with making a tomato bell pepper oil. take the cherry tomatoes.
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throw some peppers on there, garlic. drizzle it with olive oil and salt. put it in the oven. >> how long? >> it's it's charred and roasted down. from here go right into a blender. >> ooh. >> yes. >> there we go. >> okay. so right into a blender. let's pretend that's all of it. >> okay. >> then always the lid. i forgot and it blows up all over the place. you're going to start blending and put olive oil in here slowly. >> that's a lot of olive oil. >> i like to make a lot. i work at a restaurant. but if you're at home, about a cup and a half. >> it's like a pesto almost. >> yeah. what you're doing b is inflating all the roasted flavors into the oil. you're going to put it into a pot right here. you're going to bring it to a simmer. simmer three or four minutes. that's going to take all the flavor into the oil. then strain it through here. now the fun part, making the pizza. >> all right.
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>> i'm here. i'm set up in the middle. >> i'll go over here. >> perfect. >> you make your own dough, obviously. but you don't have to at home. >> no. at home, there's plenty of good sources to buy your own pizza dough. i think whole foods and trader joes. we also have a great recipe to make it at home. it's really easy. so here's your pizza. we're going to stretch it just a little bit. get a good feel for it. >> want to do one of these things. >> can you do it? >> wow. i'm impressed. willie's got it. >> i delivered pizza for a summer. >> now we're going to top the pizza. tomato sauce here. less is more when it comes to the toppings. so you only want to do one or two spoonfuls. a lot of people at home put too much on. >> starting to run out of time. going to throw whatever is on it. >> mozzarella, peppers, chilies. >> where does the oil come on? >> at the end. >> meanwhile we have bear
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standing by over there. >> bear grylls is ready. >> he's been eating a lot of bugs in the wild. this would be a treat. we thought we'd give you a treat. >> here's the tomato oil right here. finish a little bit around the pizza. finish with oregano and a bit of salt. >> bear, go for it. >> i'm not going to mess around. >> get in there. >> unbelievable. >> and it's super fast and easy. th >> thanks so much. good to see you. coming up next, one more song from onerepublic. the viewer's choice. right after this. did you get my e-mail? [ man ] i did. so, what'd you think of the house? did you see the school rating? oh, you're right. hey, babe, i got to go. bye, daddy. have a good day at school, okay? ♪ [ man ] but what about when my parents visit? okay. just love this one. it's next to a park. [ man ] i love it. i love it, too. here's your new house. ♪ daddy!
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[ male announcer ] you're not just looking for a house. you're looking for a place for your life to happen. zillow. you'rthere's a new reasone fto love activia.happen. when you feel good inside. you live life with a smile. but when you feel bloated, with discomfort, gas, not to mention the rumbling... you feel totally knocked out. eat activia. twice a day for four weeks. it could help you get back to feeling like yourself again. activia may reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues like bloating, gas, discomfort and rumbling. and when your tummy is smiling, it shows. activia, feeling good starts from the inside. ♪ dannon
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he likes to put a.1. on burgers but not veggie kebabs. he also likes "that's what she said" jokes. martin: that's what she said! vo: you don't have to like everything martin likes. put a.1. on whatever you want. a.1. for almost everything. almost. if it doesn't work fast... you're on to the next thing. clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it targets fine lines and wrinkles with the fastest retinol formula available. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. one week? this one's a keeper. rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®. into these starburst minis? they built a factory in miniminneapolis. they're experts at shrinking regular starburst.
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everything's mini there. wait, what? [ beeping, whirring ] [ female announcer ] starburst minis. unexplainably juicy. they always figure it out. so they deserve a smart choice in litter. we make fresh step scoopable with carbon that's trapping and eliminating odors. fresh step, your cat deserves the best. that's trapping and eliminating odors. what's your favorite kind of cheerios? honey nut. but... chocolate is my other favorite... oh yeah, and frosted! what's your most favorite of all? hmm...the kind i have with you. me too. forget about fingers and toes. i'm here to talk about bums. how do you look after your bum? (woman laughs nervously) i use wipes and toilet paper on a normal basis. why? because you feel cleaner. i don't know what that is. are those the... these are wipes. you can't have one without the other. bonnie and clyde. they go together. would you use these? i would. absolutely.
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if you don't have a clean bum, what do you have? feel a clean so fresh it can only be ttonelle. the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. >> these guys are one of our very favorites. ryan tedder and his band onerepublic back now with one more song. this is the one you chose
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online. >> here's your choice "i lived." ladies and gentlemen, onerepublic. ♪ ♪ i hope when you take that jump you don't fear the fall ♪ ♪ hope when the water rises you build a wall ♪ ♪ and hope you don't suffer but take the pain ♪ ♪ hope when the moment comes you'll say ♪ ♪ i, i did it all ♪ i, i did it all ♪ i owned every second that this world could give ♪
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♪ i saw so many places, the things that i did ♪ ♪ yeah, with every broken bone i wear i lived ♪ ♪ hope that you spend your days and they all add up ♪ ♪ and when that sun goes down hope you raise your cup ♪ ♪ raise your cup ♪ i wish that i could witness ♪ all your joy and all your pain ♪ ♪ but until my moment comes i'll say ♪ ♪ i, i did it all ♪ i, i did it all ♪ i owned every second that this world could give ♪ ♪ i saw so many places, the
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things that i did ♪ ♪ yeah, with every broken bone ♪ i swear i lived ♪ whoa oh ♪ whoa oh ♪ oh oh ♪ with every broken bone i swear, every broken bone i swear i ♪ ♪ i did it all ♪ i, i did it all ♪ i owned every second that this world could give ♪ ♪ i saw so many places, the things that i did ♪
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♪ yeah, with every broken bone ♪ i swear i lived ♪ ooh ♪ oh oh >> reached that high note there. onerepublic, thank you. we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc.
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coming up this weekend on "today" our buddies are checking back how far their fans have come since 30 days to a better you. >> but coming up
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good morning, everyone. 9:56. i'm scott mcgrew. investigators in san jose trying to piece together what led to a big fight that sent five men to the hospital. the fight broke out around darwin and bermuda ways around 11:00 last night. officers say three men were
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stabbed, two others appeared to have been hit in the head by some kind of object, maybe a bat. as after now, police say it's unclear who were the victims and who were the attackers. prosecutors have filed new charges against former state senator, leland ye. in addition to the original, bribery, money laundering, and gun running charges, ye is being charged with racketeering. ye and raymond "shrimp boy" chow are the central figures in that case. the central figure in the hot weather is christina. >> but don't blame me for it. i'm just the deliverer. good morning to you. special delivery, tiburon. you're going to hit about 83 degrees here today, right by the water. san francisco, downtown, 85 degrees coming your way. this is mt. hamilton, overlooking beautiful santa clara valley, where we're expecting to flirt with triple digit for today and even on the peninsula. getting a taste of the mid-90s. these are your high temperatures. 99 here in the south bay.
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97 on the peninsula, 90 for the east shore. the hot spot, as to be expected, out in the tri-valley, 106 degrees. let's switch gears now and talk a little bit about your drive. you can see here, the weekend is going to cool off just a touch. we'll be done with this oppressive heat for tomorrow. it's going to stay hot, though. i want to tell you about a tropical alert. up in marin county, southbound 101, where 101 comes together with u.s. one, we have an overturned dump truck here, two lanes blocked. and you're delayed from mill valley. once you get beyond that, here's a live look at southbound san rafael. let's me show you a wide look at the bay area, looking really, really quiet at this point. friday light, looking good there, scott, back to you. >> another local news update for you in half an hour.
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from nbc news this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. >> favorite day of the week. >> what is it? >> friday, july 25. >> can we please slow the winter -- i mean the summer down? because before we know it it is winter. >> it is the end of july. we have only had a few sweltering days on the east coast. does it not feel like summer? it is so glorious and now it is flying by. >> i have reason to celebrate. guess what arrived moments
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before the show started. my shoes. yesterday i told you i lost my shoes. >> you forgot your shoes. >> i took them off and left them in the bathroom. kathie and i were shooting a segment and doing it in the john at rockefeller center. >> an ordinary day. >> i took off these shoes because i wanted my shoes to look cute and i left them in the bathroom. guess what arrived! >> things always come back around. these are beaten up. this is why -- i went to a restaurant and there was a woman seating us. i said i love your shoes. she said thank you. i had these on and she said oh, my god. yours look really comfortable. >> you know when you walk around new york city or chicago you want to be comfortable. most people remember when they take them off to put them back on. >> meredith is assuming -- so
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sweet, a whole bunch of flowers. >> they are gorgeous. meredith doesn't realize we don't live together. so i need flowers for the weekend so i'm divvying up my side. >> you want to come tonight? >> why not? >> come over tonight. we will put a shrimp on the barbie. does it pay to cheat on your hair dresser. >> you feel a loyalty. but then you get talked into things sometimes. laura does a gorgeous job cutting my hair here. one time i was over at lewis waiting for cassidy, my daughter, to be done and all of a sudden the very seductive russian says come sit in the chair and starts chopping. and then i had to call laura because i didn't want her feelings to be hurt. i love the way laura does it. so i wasn't trying to cheat but
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i ended up cheating. >> it is a terrible feeling. what happened? >> it took about a year or two but we all got over it. there was a "huffington post" blogger who took on the question. >> there was a place i used to go to for years before laura did her magic, waved her magic wand and i loved this woman so much and i never even walked down 52nd street because i felt terrible. i felt awful that she was going to walk out. one day i was walking my dog and i said you know what i'm doing, i'm going out and i walked in there. my heart was pounding. i felt terrible. she said you don't love me. i felt terrible. this whole crazy apology. >> you don't love her. >> i felt terrible. you have a connect -- when someone is washing your hair --
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i did go back. the guilt killed me and i went -- you feel better now? >> i feel bad because i brought it all back up again. >> you felt bad until you saw this coming down, getting into the studio. >> it is try day friday. >> what is that? >> you were told it was a? >> red pear. >> so the all look just like this. so cass said it is try day friday so i brought it out. >> try it. >> i just put lipstick on. >> we can find more of that for you. >> tastes like a pear. >> that was really worth it.
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>> have you ever had peanuts in your coke? >> i have lived a lot of my life in the south. southern, in the south you mix sweet and salty. >> it adds a little salty. plop them in and drink it. at florida state university the head coach, jimbo fisher, was spotted putting peanuts in his coke. i guess one of the reporters or something was like what is that guy doing and he basically tweeted out that he had no idea what was happening here. >> it never goes north of the mason dixon line. it stops in virginia. >> taste it. see that, a little salty sweet. >> very salty sweet but i understand. i get it. >> apparently it's a very southern thing. >> try it. >> have you ever had this? >> what?
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>> this is a pizza in a cone. and apparently it's about 200 calories less -- >> why? >> because there is no crust around the side. >> the company is called cone pizza usa. >> that makes sense. >> alternative. the guy that was exercising like crazy yesterday, jimmy, let's let him try it. jimmy, come on, muscle man, try this. let's see what big muscle man mountain man says? >> can i say something? >> good? >> it's all right. >> he can talk, too. >> just so you know that hunky mountain man -- if you ever see jimmy in the hall he is always eating fruit. >> not today, he is eating a pizza cone. >> you want some salty coke with that?
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>> no thank you. >> you know what it is time for at this moment? "friday funny". >> a man was walking along the beach when he tripped over something. and dug through the sand and found an oldlamp. looked like it could be magical. he rubbed it and yes a genie popped out. the genie says i will grant you three wishes. great said the man trying to contain his excitement. the only condition is that you cannot wish for more genies -- crap, i just gave it away, the only condition is you cannot wish for more wishes. so the man says i wish for more genies. >> it was so perfect almost and then it wasn't. >> you can't win them all. i am genius most weeks. it is time for our "johnson's baby of the week".
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this is our special summer fun edition featuring babies up to a year old. our first is page irene born in annapolis, maryland on january 28. her parents say this little girl greets her mom and dad every morning with a huge gummy. our next is june belle huynh born in pennsylvania. her parents kelly and thomas tell new parents time flies with your baby so enjoy every single first. this picture is the tree swing for the first time. >> next a little boy born in winter park, florida. his name is malchi jackson. his mom says when you are at your wit's end try to remove yourself for a moment and breathe. and our final "johnson's baby of the week" is wyatt daniel bitner
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born in new jersey on february 12. his parents say he loves to smile especially when he is at the beach. congratulations to all of our sweet babies. if you want to submit your baby go to hlg and our girl bobbie thomas gives it her all with products that give back to charity. and a family with a seriously ill 3-year-old child made crowd funding to make it home. >> how does crowd funding work exactly work anyway? [ man ] i think this is a good time to tell you: you're doing okay, mom. i can call you "mom," right? i know we haven't known each other very long, but you seem like a real keeper. you're not perfect. but you're trying. anyway, i want you to know how much i appreciate you.
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you know, right? how much i love you. you're doing okay, mom. how much i love you. the all-new electronics wdepartment at walmart? because you need to take your game to the next level. so we did, too. because you need to hear beats to truly hear beats. because you need gopro cameras to go do, whatever you do, like a pro. because you need to watch things here ...or here. we've got what you need in our new electronics department. over a thousand more of the latest tech products from all the best brands. the tech you want online and in-store. save money. live better. walmart. the bhershey's s'mores, together is hothe unmistakable taste that reminds us that life is delicious.
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adore. crave. color elixir, the first creamy lip lacquer, from maybelline new york. intense color. mesmerizing shine. a cushiony feel. everything lips love in just one sweep. color elixir. maybe it's maybelline. cereal and milk ♪ ♪ milk and cereal ♪ cereal and milk delicious kellogg's® cereal and milk. it has protein to help you rebuild, and grains to help you recharge. kellogg's. see you at breakfast. ♪ why suffer more than you have to? you can do something different. because the landscape of options has changed. brisdelle is the only fda approved, non-hormonal option proven to reduce moderate to severe hot flashes during menopause. and the bedtime dose provides 24-hour relief.
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when tragedy strikes someone else many wonder what can i do to help? thanks to crowd funding pitching in is easier. >> when the family found themselves abroad and in need crowd funding came to their salvation. >> our family was 6,000 miles from our home in south carolina doing humanitarian work on the island nations of cypress.
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all of our children were happy and healthy. in may he woke up screaming and we found a lump on his leg. after several weeks of testing we heard the news no parent wants to hear, gabriel had cancer. his body began to shut down and at one point we were told he would not make it through the night. our funds were limited and our medical bills were piling up. our priority became getting gabeeral back to the united states. my college friend, lee, set up a crowd funding account and set a goal of $100,000. we were astonished when donations starting pouring in. in early july we were able to fly him home to the u.s. gabriel is getting the medical treatment he needs and we were so grateful to everyone who played a role in making that happen. >> i love stories like this. i just love them. >> joanna fleming is here and
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her good, good friend along with the founder of crowd funding strategy and information. >> hi, ladies. talk about gabriel. how is he doing? >> he is doing well. on june 4 he was getting his biopsy and he was sedated. now he is learning how to work again. >> you are all the way off the coast of israel there in the mediterranean sea. by the time they said he might not live through the night at that point you have tons and tons of medical bills already and the cost to fly home immediately was going to be what? over $100,000? >> yes. >> that is when you called your friend lee? >> she called me. >> what made you do this? >> i have a friend who is so far away and i can't help her and i
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knew she was going to need a lot of money because we were hopefully going to get them back to the states we had no idea what it would be with five family members and medical bills there and potentially medical bills here. i called her and presented it many times. they were so overwhelmed that we tried not to push it. we could see on the outside of this hurricane that they were going through that we wanted to be able to kind of combat that before so by the time they potentially could come to the u.s. we could have the funding for that. >> how did people know to go to the site? to get people to know to donate, how did you go about that? >> in regards to having the setup? >> first friends and family? >> it first was a prayer work shop. everybody had a prayer network of trying to get information to people like he is sick and we need help. we knew we needed money and we
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looked online. >> started on facebook and it grew from there. >> you know what is interesting is sometimes you get these things on twitter and you're heart broken because you see a young child and you want to help donate. i don't know if you know if something is legit or not. how do you know if something is a site to donate to. >> there are so many people who need help. you need to just use your best judgment. do research, ask questions. if you don't feel good about it don't give to it. >> is it hard to set up something like this? >> it is actually not. it is quite easy. you go to the website and they provide a lot of the functionalty for you to write up your story and provide a video, photograph. they even provide social media links where you can share through facebook and twitter. there are no costs up front. >> when the money started coming in that must have relieved something in you. what did you think when you
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heard about the numbers, the money coming in to help you guys? >> we were amazed and humble by it. there is a lot of need in the world. we didn't feel like we should be the ones receiving the gift. that was a blessing to us that we thought was a huge answer to prayer. >> we are so happy for you for having such a great friend and what a great way to donate. thanks to you all for coming. >> a lot of kindness still left in the world but you said no. how to set a good example for your kids by volunteering as a family. bobbie is all abuzz about charity. keep the change. ♪ at famous footwear we're not just selling back to school shoes, we're selling straight up confidence. we've done our homework to find the hottest shoes
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to send your kids back in style. like our exclusive shimmer print converse high-tops. anybody sitting here? only at famous footwear. famous footwear. victory is yours. choosing is half the fun.. because there's a little something delicious... for everyone. hershey's miniatures, choose your own delicious.
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in pampers cruisers. they adapt at the waist, legs and bottom, with up to 12 hours of protection for all the freedom to just play. pampers. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪ oh hey there! (laughs) my mom works at ge.
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you're that grumpy cat. how about some honey nut cheerios? not even a smile? maybe someone should tell your face. ohhh that is your face. (angry cat purr) ah! part of a good breakfast... for almost everyone! each year 17 billion toilet paper tubes are thrown away in the us alone. that's enough to fill the empire state building...twice. now there's scott naturals tube-free bath tissue. get the premium softness you need without the wasteful tube. toss the tube for good with scott naturals tube-free.
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it is time for "bobbie's buzz". >> bobbie thomas has simple but
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interesting products that give back to charity when you make a purchase. >> one of our favorite subjects. what better way to start than with gum, especially a flavor called birthday cake. coconut lime peppermint vanilla. not only is the gum fantastic but called project seven. one out of every seven packs goes to one out of seven causes. it is so fantastic. they help to house the homeless. there is some sugar free. you can pick your cause. >> delicious gum. >> next, a fun way to get school supplies for your kids. at target when you pick up yoobi for every supply you buy they send one to schools. you are getting something for back to school but also helping
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because teachers they 95% of them spend their own money to get supplies for kids. >> last but not least i love something for the guys when they buy a shirt they give you a prepaid pack that you can send back a shirt you are not using anymore. they launder it and give it back to career gear. there are more ideas online and on my facebook page i am offering up more ideas of charity. >> you have lots of ideas. >> of course. coming up very simple ways to give back beyond donations. >> what you can do as a family to help raise generous kids. it is so important. our world is going to be over if we don't start raising generous kids. >> it's over if you don't start teaching kids how to be loving after our local news.
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ever since we launched snapshot, my life has been positively cray-cray. what's snapshot, you ask? only a revolutionary tool that can save you big-time. just plug it in, and the better you drive, the more cash you'll stash. switching to progressive can already save ye $500. snapshot could save ye even more. meat maiden! bringeth to me thine spiciest wings of buffalo. ♪ yoplait. with a smooth and creamy taste your whole family loves. it is so good all of the time. with crest 3d white luxe toothpaste. only crest 3d white has whitelock technology. it removes stains within the microfine lines of your teeth... and locks out future stains. crest 3d white luxe toothpaste. life opens up with a whiter smile. crest 3d white luxe toothpaste. the all-new electronics wdepartment at walmart?
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because you need to take your game to the next level. so we did, too. because you need to hear beats to truly hear beats. because you need gopro cameras to go do, whatever you do, like a pro. because you need to watch things here ...or here. we've got what you need in our new electronics department. over a thousand more of the latest tech products from all the best brands. the tech you want online and in-store. save money. live better. walmart. good morning, everyone. 10:26. i'm scott mcgrew. b.a.r.t. trains are starting to run through the oakland coliseum b.a.r.t. station again. this morning, it was closed for nearly an hour because of a bomb threat. about 90 minutes ago, b.a.r.t. fully reopened the coliseum station, reestablishing full
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service. no word yet if officers found any credible evidence to the threat. the spca of monterrey county working to nurse dozens of sick animals back to health. the pets were rescued from a hoarder's house in greenfield. about 70 dogs, cats, and kittens found living in unsanitary conditions. many stacked in cages and grates around the home. the homeowner could face animal cruelty charges. well, we'll have a look at weather and traffic coming up after the break.
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welcome back, now. happy friday to you. temperatures today are going to be hot. hottest day of the year so far. 85 degrees in san francisco. if we hit that high, it will be a new record for this date. 102 degrees in the north bay. 90 degrees on the east shore. hot spot out in the tri-valley. 106 degrees on the way to livermore. 97 degrees for the peninsula and south bay today's at 99 degrees. so here we go. today we'll peak. as we get into your weekend, temperatures will drop off a touch, but we'll get some gorgeous beach weather. 87 degrees in santa cruz for today. and we're still holding on to those warm ocean currents. so inside the water, just offshore, we're typically in the 50s. in the mid-60s. it's not going to last long. we're expecting our winds to shift as we head through this weekend and that water temperature will drop off. we will keep you updated. right now, back to you. well, porcelain dolls left on doorsteps in southern california. each doll looks just like the little girl who lives there. the unexpected conclusion to
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this rather creepy case. we'll have that story and more local news coming up on the big show in a half an hour. we'll see you then. we're back with more of our special giving back edition of "today." one family is doing just that in their hometown of college station, texas. >> the family created a donation program for books and blankets. >> my name is melissa cunningham. three years ago my family started our books and a blanket drive. we were trying to brain storm ways to help the community and our daughters decided to give books. we started collecting small plastic crates and filled each one with ten to 15 books and a warm blanket. when turned to one side it looks
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like a small library. to date we have donated over 400 cartons containing about 6,000 books. different cities have heard about our drive and started doing the same thing in their own communities. we are working on becoming a formal nonprofit and hope to continue the books and a blanket drive for years to come. >> wow. we are so impressed. melissa cunningham is here with her daughters 10-year-old harper and 9-year-old maggie. >> and editor of "family fun" magazine. >> you were very young when the idea came to you. what happened to make the idea come about? >> we wanted to do a family project. i knew that some of the kids that school didn't have very many books so i wanted to give them books. and my sister, maggie, also knew
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that they didn't have much warmth. so she decided to put blankets in, too. >> what a great combination. >> did you get to see families who got your books and blankets? >> sometimes we got to go to the schools where we gave out the crates but sometimes wouldn't. >> but you know they are out there, don't you? >> what did you do to raise these girls? >> i don't think i can say one thing. as a family we try to give back. this was just a small project. it was supposed to be tiny and it has just exploded i think because the concept is so simple that people are enthusiastic about it. >> so many people have books sitting around that could be a great blessing to someone who has nothing. >> we are connecting the dots
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between children who don't have them and adults. >> one guy even more, your dad is here, too. we don't know why he wasn't invited to the stage but he is in the doghouse over there. mary, you chose the family, obviously. tell us what made them stand out. >> we were looking for projects that were creative. the cunningham's project stood out not only for the scope of what they have done, donated more than 6,000 books but also because how much maggie and harper are involved. they are out there collecting the books, giving speeches and hosting blanket making parties for members of the community and for their friends. they really are inspiring to show how much of a difference kids can make when it comes to helping others. >> harper, how has this changed your life knowing you are helping that many kids? >> it makes me feel fortunate
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that i have all of the things that i need and it makes me feel good giving to other kids. >> oh, my gosh. >> yeah. >> i know a lot of parents are watching this and want their kids to be like these great kids. are there any -- is there a common thread -- how do you take a kid -- most kids are worried about what they are doing, how can they change into kids like this? >> it's true. volunteering does help teach your kids gratitude and compassion and responsibility. one thing is sit down as a family and talk about a cause that the whole family would be interesting in volunteering. you want to find a cause your kids are interested in. often that does involve helping other kids. agree on a cause together as a family and don't be afraid to start small. often that holds people back because you are worried about fitting it into the schedule. once a month. >> a lot of other families you
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honored and those will be in your magazine. >> thank you. congrats. this is little is much when god is in it. giving back while on vacation. great places to volunteer and you can enjoy the sights. coming up right after this. there's a new reason to love activia. when you feel good inside. you live life with a smile. but when you feel bloated, with discomfort, gas, not to mention the rumbling... you feel totally knocked out. eat activia. twice a day for four weeks. it could help you get back to feeling like yourself again. activia may reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues like bloating, gas, discomfort and rumbling. and when your tummy is smiling, it shows. activia, feeling good starts from the inside. ♪ dannon oh yeah! i put my pants on one leg at a time except my pants are 22 different flavors.
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there are a lot of ways to give back besides writing a check that don't require a lot of effort but are just as beneficial. >> here with good ways to spread good will. nice to see you. >> we are starting with cookies. >> everybody loves cookies. givi giving back to this charity is as easy as holding a bake sale. you can make cookies at home and host your own bake sale or you can purchase the cookies
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directly from their website cht they are $30 for a dozen and have a bunch of these options. pediatric cancer is the number one disease killer of children in the u.s. it is a great way to give to them. >> terrific. we have things in the house that you don't know what you need. >> we love the idea to get rid of the clutter and give back to charity. if you have an extra box lying around from online shopping fill it up with household items and electronics and clothing that you don't need and go to give back box and get a prepaid shipping label. >> who decides where things go? >> it goes to good will. >> not just clothes and shoes but you have an iphone. this is your old flip phone. >> and gently used. >> not your junk. >> make sure it is washed.
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>> yeah. just saying. >> don't be nasty. >> close it up and ship it off. >> by the way, great. >> what is the website? >> a beautiful gift votives and drinking glasses. they are beautiful gifts but also 10% off the top goes back to over 50 charities that they work with. and specifically to the department of veterans affairs. >> you have a website you want us to look at? >> yes. we want to give flower arrangements a second life. after weddings and media events people can go to and it will help recycle flower arrangements. people can buy them for 70% to
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90% off of the original purchase price and a portion goes to a donation of the host choice. >> the actual flower? >> from one event one night and then people can purchase them secondhand and use them to spruce up their home for another few days. >> you got to get them quick. >> they are only in new york right now. >> meredith's flowers. >> exactly. that is what i was going to suggest. what is the website? >> >> very happy you gave back. >> thank you so much. we are going to share your heart warming stories and acts of kindness. if you are looking for a vacation a little different from the rest we will show you where you and your family can pay it forward right after this. started using gain flings,fe their laundry smells more amazing than ever. uh honey, isn't that the dog's towel?
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are you tired of going to overcrowded beaches or waiting in long lines in amusement parks? you might want to try something different like a volunteer vacation. >> a reason to trade in beach towels and a rewarding experience helping others. hello. >> hi. >> this is one of the things we make great memories at the beach with families. this is a way to make indelible memories. >> it is great for kids to see how the communities need people to give back to them. it is not just about visiting but about giving back while you are there. >> you have a couple about building character for your children. >> a couple of great locations. one helps obviously the children there but also helps the volunteers. >> this is in orlando which is the number one booked family destination on orbitz this summer. you can pay it forward through
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this organization called give kids the world. it is a nonprofit family resort where kids with life threatening illness and families come. they have a stress free vacation. the resort fills 1,200 volunteer positions per week to keep it running. they need all of the visitors and locals to help them keep it running. >> what do the volunteers do? >> they have to be 12 years old and with a parent, everything from scooping ice cream, running the carousel. they give out gifts to visitors. whatever the skill level is you can find something to do there. universal park hotels partner with this organization. if you stay at one of their properties they help you put this all together. >> that's great. that's really great. >> proud of that company we work for. >> new orleans is a place a lot think is fine after hurricane katrina but people still need things. >> nine years later there is a lot of need in the community. a lot of people come and work
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for a week. there is a great organization called hands on new orleans. their job is to really connect people with volunteer opportunities. if you have a day or two and if they don't have anything on their calendar and want you to help out they put you in touch with other local organizations to find something that fits you and your family everything from painting, cleaning up parks, working at food pantries, different types of very local activities. and now is a great time to visit new orleans, very affordable this time of year if you want to take a vacation. >> hot in the summer time. >> lots of hotel rooms under $150 a night. >> you can split it. you can do some stuff you enjoy doing, too, and give back. >> colorado. >> you might remember that last year around this time there was terrible flooding in this area. there is still a lot of cleanup efforts going on there. but also it is base camp for
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rocky mountain national park. what people need to know is the national park system thrives on volunteers helping maintain the beautiful areas. if you go to a place like estes park you can contact the local ranger office ahead of you coming on your vacation and they will tell you what opportunities they have for your family to come and help. there is a lot of trail maintenance and cleanup around the park. this is a great opportunity for kids to appreciate what the national park system has to offer and give back in that way. >> estes park is beautiful. >> and the rocky mountain park inn is right in downtown, very affordable. it can be an affordable vacation. >> last one you have is southern california. >> if you want a beach get away that gives back i love catalina island. it is a beautiful hour boat ride off of the coast. the organization here is the catalina island conservancy.
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they put together day long beach cleanup opportunities and they also teach you about the ecology of the island. it is a great place to volunteer and also learn about why you should volunteer at an island like this. you can stay more affordably in the mainland. we will share the inspiring stories that you sent us of acts of kindness. >> first this is "today" on nbc.
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we asked you to send us videos describing a time when you were impacted by someone's unexpected acts of kindness. >> these are some of the touching stories that we received. >> when i was in college i used to walk about 15 to 20 minutes
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every day to go to my baby sitting job. one day it was pouring rain, torrential down pours. as soon as i started walking i see this one car slow down and make a u-turn and it turned out to be one of my professors. she asked if i needed a ride. i said that would be fantastic. >> after having a pretty lousy day last week i came home to find this card in the mail from my mom. she always knows what to say to make me feel better. >> i had major surgery and was in recovery. in the past few weeks i have received such loving, beautiful cards, letters and gifts, some from those who i have never met or spoken to. >> i remember back in november i was parked at a meter at the city and had a meeting that ran too long. on the way back to the car i saw the officer putting tickets on everybody's windshield except
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mine. i got to my car and found a note tucked in the door that said i saw your meter was about to expire and i put in a few quarters. please pay it forward. >> it is the little gestures that make the difference. do something good for someone today. >> she is right. >> i loved this show today. >> i i'm so happy. >> i love you. >> i love you, too. next week presilla presley. >> sharknado 2. plus a performance. >> have a great weekend everybody. >> are you really coming to my house for dinner? >> i might. >> lobster.
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well, crank up the ac if you haven't already. your microclimate forecast is hot wherever you live. to the hottest weather will be inland. and in the south bay, the tri-valley, the north bay, we take a live look at san jose and dublin and san rafael, hot, hot, and hot. thanks for joining us here. i'm scott mcgrew. kris sanchez has the day off. supposed to be one of the hottest days of the year, so let's talk to meteorologist christina loren. a real scorcher. >> a real scorcher, scott. and i can tell you, these temperatures are on track at this point to really live up to that prediction. we are really expecting the hottest temperatures of the year. and let me show you,


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