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tv   Comunidad del Valle  NBC  October 5, 2014 9:30am-10:01am PDT

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hello and welcome to kn khn. today, back by popular demand, plus college day. this is your "comunidad del valle." we begin today with college today here on "comunidad del valle." sonia ramos is with us, and also fernando carp is the director of community and campus relations for san jose state university. welcome to the show. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> tell us about college day. you know, it's one of those days that i wish i had when i was going to high school. and some of the elementary school, middle school. tell us about college day, what's that about?
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>> college day is an event that san jose state university and a group of nonprofit organizations have had for the last four years. and the idea is actually to communicate to the community the importance of higher education. >> and talk about the needs, sonia, because you've been on the show a long time and talking about getting kids the money that they need to go to school. talk about the importance of having a college day. we used to have something called -- talk about college day and the importance for the need in our community for this. >> well, as you know, college and everything related to college is changing constantly. and for our low income and first generation students and families who have never experienced higher education or had to plan for and prepare for higher education, it really is important that the information that they receive is early and timely, and that they can, you know, get all the information in order to help their students and understand what exactly it takes
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to navigate this college system. it really is all about navigating education and more importantly higher education in order to access that and go beyond high school, and be able to graduate with a degree. >> well this is happening on october 10th. what specifically -- what's on the agenda for that day? >> it's very exciting. we have several people going to different schools, elementary, middle and high schools, where they will be talking about their college journey. and they will be sharing that with the students. and the idea is to start a conversation, and so many of our kids either because their parents have not gone to college, or for other different reasons, they don't have that dialogue. and i think it's very important to start early, and talk often because it's a matter of planning and a matter of their future. >> they're all welcome at san jose state. >> yes, what we have on october
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10th is countywide event basically, where people will go to different school districts. but on november first, that's the conference. and that's happening at san jose state, and it's directed to parents, and their students, their kids, to where we are going to be talking about admissions, financial aid, the dream act, how to plan for college, and is open to the public. it will be in english, spanish, and vietnamese. >> how intimidating can it be? how intimidating is it when they first come in and they have no idea how to fill out even an application? not that they don't know how to fill it out but it's intimidating. >> just starting the process and knowing where to start can be very overwhelming. so there is a lot of great information. we have on the -- during the family community college, talk to families and students about how to start that process. what it takes, how to navigate
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the system. how to apply for financial aid. what you should be doing now in order to help prepare your students. and, it is -- it can be overwhelming but if you start early, no matter what, you really have a better chance of getting successfully through that process. on the actual day of the conference we will have college representatives that will be supporting and assisting current high school seniors with their actual applications, the uccsu and private applications are now open. students can start applying, and so we will have representatives there giving students one-on-one assistance with starting and completing their applications, working on their personal statement, everything that they would need to know in order to be successful in this process. >> it sounds like you're taking this opportunity to them, you're not waiting for them to come to you how do i do this how do i do that you're simplifying it and making it easier for them to have college access. >> yes, absolutely. the idea is that the more information that you have, the better informed you are, the better decisions you make.
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so, early information is crucial. a lot of that information is as sonia said is overwhelming. and so, the fact that families come together to actually listen to specialists talk about what they need to do and how to prepare, early on, makes a huge difference. >> and maybe faces that they can relate to they see that on campus or within their schools it makes a big difference. college day again is happening october 10th. that's when students go out in to the local schools but then, over on november 1st is the big conference over at san jose state university. any final thoughts? >> no, college day is something that i, you know, talk with my kids, and i have a 14-year-old, and a 4-year-old, and equally, spend time with them talking about their future and how important it is to college. so i think every child should have that conversation with their parents early on. >> all right, great. thank you so much for all you're doing. >> thank you. >> up next here on "comunidad
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del valle," community day, something for the neighborhoods, as well. stay with us.
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neighborhood day is also right around the corner. joining us on "comunidad del valle" is the neighborhood housing services of silicon valley, and also back to talk about special program that they're having and the speaker for this great event. so jaime this is a way to empower the neighborhoods in the community. tell us what's happening. >> the neighborhood development training conference the sixth edition of this conference, and yeah, it's all about empowering residents, so they can learn the trades to become leaders in their communities. and help other residents to build better communities. >> and talk about why the importance was needed six years ago. what made the organization say we've got to take this to neighborhoods and empower them. why was that needed, do you think? >> well, there has been multiple
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efforts, and conferences all related to training leaders. but this one is down to earth, very basic for people who are in the trenches, people who are facing problems, that are easy to solve, actually. but, they don't have the basic tools to get through those problems. so i tell you, this is a must go conference for those people in the neighborhoods who want to improve their lives and their neighborhoods. >> so it's not necessarily for those who might want to run for school board or might run for the neighborhood association, it's so they can be empowered in their own homes and their own streets and blocks maybe to help themselves? >> yeah, you put it right there. to create the feeling that you own the neighborhood, we call it the conference to build neighborhood ownership. this is all about people.
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it doesn't matter if you're a renter, a homeowner, if you are even a homeless person that comes to the park next to your house, they all need to learn that if they work to the they can get a better living environment, and they can achieve that, just learning little things how to communicate with the police officer that visits the town. the neighborhood. how to make a community meeting run smoothly and be pro-active. so all those tools people can come and learn at the conference. >> all right. and there's some special speakers at this conference? >> i just wanted to add that, since san jose state is hosting a conference it's open to the public but also we encourage all our students to attend, because as jaime said the issue is not if you're a homeowner, a renter, but also how you are, and how young you are, you can start to
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be a community leader in college. even before college. so, the idea is to inspire our students, and the members of our campus community to become more involved with the community, as well. so it would be a great time to meet different people from the neighborhood communities that surround san jose state and yeah, we do have an special guest speaker dr. manuel pastor. he's a protester from usc. and he is right now views on socioeconomic development the impact that it have and the striern, and how the increasing population is changing you know, the -- the way that we are going to be handling our society in the future. >> oh, very interesting. now we do have video. one of my favorite neighborhoods and this is, of course, jaime in east san jose.
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people who live in a neighborhood like this might say, you know what, i'm living here, i don't have a voice, i don't feel empowered. these are the type of people you're trying to attract to say no you do have a voice, you will be empowered. >> yes. totally. we have from the previous conference we have emerging leaders, and you will be surprised how just coming to and taking one of these workshops will enlighten you to become a neighborhood leader. a neighborhood association president, just to speak on behalf of your fellow neighbors, with the words and build a better neighborhood with them how to communicate with them. so this is a great opportunity for those leaders who are at heart but they don't come out very easily because they are in fear of communicating, this is
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the way to learn the basics, and be able to open their heart and their mouth and build a very strong neighborhood. >> have you come back six years later and seen somebody who first came to your first meeting and now maybe is one of those community leaders? >> we have many, many leaders, but i will tell you one story, there was a mom that came to conference and learn about the responsible engagement initiative and she came with her husband and they were struggling with a very bad landlord and his landlord and they for years they were in fear of this neighbor because it was -- it was criminal situation but they didn't know how to handle. they learn about the responsible engagement initiative and last year with the support of neighborhood housing services, and the other partners, they were able to convince the
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landlord to take action. and she became the champion of the neighborhood, and she loves, and the best thing that happens is when the residents send you these letters. >> yes. >> saying thank you for helping us. so she came to the conference. she learned how to deal with the issue and she was very successful. >> that's what it takes. if you're tired of cars being up on blocks in your street or neighbors or whatnot there's a number to call for more information october 11th at san jose state get empowered learn what rights you have in your neighborhoods. thank you so much for what you're doing. >> thank you. >> up next on "comunidad del valle," stay with us.
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back by popular demand here in the south bay area with me on "comunidad del valle" is elisa, artistic director, and the director of the play. thank you so much for being on the show. >> thank you. >> well we have some images that we're going to show. we're going to show an entire clip in just a bit. but tell us about the beautiful
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play. >> well, i'm going to ask rodrigo to talk a little bit about that. but i just want to say that we're very, very proud of this production. it's a celebration of our 30th anniversary, and we feel that it's really returning to our roots in a lot of ways with involving community people, a lot of children, as well as actors that have been for a long time. >> are you surprised people wanted this back? >> yes, they loved it last year. we want to make it an annual trad mission san jose. >> tell us about that. >> well, this show is a very unique show it's definitely the biggest production ever for teatro vision and especially we are involving community members as part of the presentation of the show. and it's a show that speaks to all the audiences, regardless of their background. because it talks about universal
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values. about family. about unity. about appreciation for life. even though the show is about day of the dead, its really brings a lot of understanding of what life is about. and it's a very family show, that you know, the young ones, the middle ones, the adult, the elders, everyone will enjoy it. >> and if i haven't seen it yet, my apologies, but marcario is back, is that correct? >> well, it's a story of a very, very poor wood cutter who has been hungry all of his life. and he has a lot of children. and a wife. and he just gets to a point where i -- i can't live like this anymore. i'd rather -- i'm just not going to eat anymore because i'd rather not eat than just eat a few beans a day. >> uh-huh. >> he just -- he just -- you know, he just reaches his limit.
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and it's really about his self-determination, expression of self-determination and choosing what is a life of dignity. and that opens a door to all kinds of adventures, when he makes that decision. >> oh, that's great. >> a lot of music and dance. >> i saw that. we're going to show you actually that clip in just a bit. but when you talk about some communities that might think latinos are kind of morbid. they're celebrating. they go to the cemeteries and they're celebrating their dead. what do you say to that maybe? >> well, as mexicanos, you know, death is always -- life is a duality. and life and death are always present just like light and dark. and that we live in the moment, but what has happened in the past is also very present and what is -- what we do now is going to affect the future. and similarly, we can choose what kind of life we live, we can choose where our life leads us towards the other side, as well.
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and marcario is very much a story of that mexican view of death. it's not certainly we don't you know we love life, we want to stay in this life. but, also, death is as much a part of reality as life is. >> sounds like also a lesson in philosophy if you go. what do you want folks to go with hem rodrigo at the end of the performance? what do you want them to feel maybe after appreciating and enjoying your work? >> well, the work brings this empowering approach about filling proud of being latino. feeling proud about the traditions. marcario portrays or brings traditions to the main stage, music, dance, just the whole concept of celebrating the death. i think it's wonderful so first for those who are latinos feeling proud about being latinos, that's what my abeulita
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did, that's how we do it now. very -- rica -- you know, just once -- you are an audience and just want to jump on the stage and sing with -- with the musicos. definitely that's the main thing feeling proud about your traditions. but also, you know, theater serves to education. and marcario has this message about how much are we willing to sacrifice for what we want and what that means. you know, it brings also the issue of hunger, and what that means in the larger context. not only hungry or hunger about food, but also about your dreams. you know, as immigrants, how much have we sacrificed to be able to fulfill that hunger that we have. so it is just many things but i can guarantee you that any audience member will walk out with a big smile in their faces
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just because that's what it is about. enjoyment. >> there are the dates. logon to that web address for more information. we'll be back and play a short clip for you and continue on "comunidad del valle." (yawn) (ding!) toaster strudel! more fruit in the filling, ya? mmm! ya! warm, flaky, gooey, toaster strudel! now, with more fruit! don't wait for awesome... totino's pizza rolls... ...gets you there in just 60 seconds.
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[ speaking spanish ] . ♪
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[ speaking spanish ] [ speaking spanish ] [ speaking spanish ]
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[ speaking spanish ] ♪ [ speaking spanish ] . ♪
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>> well you're right about the vibrancy here. you say this kind of presents a new model? >> yes, for the past several years, we've been developing our educational programming. the institute of theatro. the past couple years we focused on children so we're incorporated the training of children, so macario is a vehicle to bring those children from the classroom onto the stage so that they have a performance experience. so we're very excited that we have a second generation of children in this show. >> having the vibrancy, does it make your job a little easier, the vibrancy and the music, and like we said it kind of comes alive onstage. >> absolutely. and we are very fortunate to have a very talented group of
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designers working on the show, as well as actors. we have about 33 artists onstage, including musicos, definitely it's a big challenge but this is one of those things that people do because they love it. and that comes across onstage. >> it really does. well it's called macario and it's back in san jose by popular demand. even there are the dates that it's running over the school of ashts and culture mexican heritage plaza logon for more information. thank you so much for bringing this back. >> thank you. >> now here's what's happening in your comunidad.
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and celebrating a special day. and here's our address for next week. pick up a copy of the newspaper and support your bilingual weeklies all across the bay area. also you can follow me on twitter. @newsdamian. we thank you once again for sharing a part of our sunday with us on "comunidad del valle." we also air on telemundo every
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saturday at 5:30 p.m. see you next week we'll talk about common core in our schools. we'll get into it next week.
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