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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  October 6, 2014 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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then we have a big pattern change ahead, finally feeling like fall. we'll tell you when and what's in store for your microclimate forecast in a moment. >> you know what else we're watching? at&t pod quiet now but it will get rowdy later, giants fans pulling out the brooms looking for a sweep of the nationals. are you ready for orange october? you better be. it's monday, october 6. this is "today in the bay." >> and a very good orange monday to you. thanks so much for joining us. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> and i'm sam brock. police still on the scene of an east bay walmart after an alleged gunman opened up fire.
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this happened late last night. in a is where we find nanette miranda. what is thely latest in that created scary moments for customers inside the store. loss prevention workers confronted alleged shoplifters. they say one of the suspects pulled out a gun and opened fire. one witness believes he heard eight rounds, which sent people scrambling for cover. at first they said -- at first we thought it was someone popping big bags. ewe heard people screaming and
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that's when we realized it was real, not a joke. >> two suspects were arrested. one had to be transported to the hospital for minor injuries. cops say they're confident the suspects they took into custody are the only two involved. just a few minutes ago, the last of the police cars left here at the scene. as scary as the situation was, no one was hurt. one witness said the loss prevention worker was able to stop the gunman by grabbing his arm and that probably saved a lot of lives. >> amazing and surreal. thank you very much. appreciate it. >> and we have developing news n n now. >> caller: heath has apologized
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immediately. his plan made a braf, doctors say another ebola patient is in critical condition. eric duncan arifd in the u.s. from liberia showing no signs of ebola. he went undiagnosed for several days and was hospitalized one week ago. none of the while -- >> neighbors are stunned this morning after a 20-year-old man was arrested, accused of stabbing is own ma'am offera short time later he say the man told one neighbor that he stabbed his mom. >> he said -- he didn't answer back. he put his hands together and got on his knees.
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>> wow. police arrested joseph daniel. neighbors say this is his facebook page. they say he was a stew ent his first court appearance is set right now. >> kenneth o'saku was suppose to enter the plea late instead. >> police bay are on the hunt for a driver who may have been hurt by an officer. police tried to pull him over for reckless driving.
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the man sped away. police cornered him at a deadnd at wussland pork. skyrocketing rent and tenant evictions are a course of major contention in san francisco and now the city has a lawsuit on its hand. the issue raises the amount landlords have to pay to relocate tenants evicted. several property owners and landlord associations they're claiming the amount is so high, it's unconstitutional. >> you better believe this the
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giants postseason time. the giants are looking to sweep the washington nationals today in a game that would essentially represent a three-game win, clo close. >> it would be a big day where field crews have been a. >> for what willfully be a three-game sweep of the nationals. yesterday morning the team came home fresh from two away games.
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a very long 18-inning game. again, it went on for another nine innings that way. today we've got maddison bumgarner on the mound. we did hear from him. >> it's exciting to go out there and get amped up and pumped up for the day. . a real threat to the nationals. he pitched a game shutout last week against the pittsburgh pirates allowing only four hits and striking out ten. bumgarner is known to have quite a tool belt against hitters. there is a special ferry leaving at 12:30. but the warning is there's no
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extra parking at the terminal. so be mindful of that. coming up in our next report in about half an hour, how much you'd have to pay now if you're trying to get a ticket to get inside those gates today. >> sam and i are ready to go. >> wearing orange. >> we just need tickets and a big broom. >> i'll. >> the orange slipper this morning in support of the giants. how are things liking right now? >> if you take route 1 up and down the coast for your morning drive, watch out, really thick pockets of fog out there today we start that cool down and it
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as commuters start to make their wa i can already see if but take a look at this, down to a quarter of a mile in half moon bay. we haven't had quick fog like this in cassand it was 86 on the peninsula today and 77 in san francisco. here's the deal. you pin to and that actually look more like two to three steady days of rainfall. there is a significant pattern change coming gr we'll talk
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about that in just a few moments. mike, how you doing? >> i'm doing well but watch out for the sane ma. >> the issue service dibld box track. it's ought our tow truck backing its way off. they may have taken the driver back to the toll plaza. a smooth drive approaching the san mateo bridge. over ear, we see a little slod. >> okay, looking really nice
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right now. as you come into livermore, the bay bridge toll laz a, everybody's open into fast track lanes. we if we'll have to watch for that blog. bam you. >> and then you so much. back to you. >> a frightening end to what was supposed to be a romantic pro we'll take a look coming up in "business," in ten f .
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>> but along cops prop 45 giving one the power to override the commission. >> caller: that's from it's just too much pow fefrm we do a high volume of 30-year, fixed rate loan. in just. >> hi, i'm chris.
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as you. three starters at 7 been. they give you
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welcome back. coming um on 5:14 on your monday morning. the nfl is is telling players to back off the beats when it comes to postgames. beats competitors bose has a contract with the league. the nfl will fine players using any other brand up to 90 minutes following every game. >> a little breakup in music for hewlett packard. scott mcgrew?
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>> yes. a lot of people forget we've been down this road with hewlett packard before. one half will sell computers and printers, the other half will certainly servers and services. it's really been doing things for other companies that has been the bread and butter for meg witman and hewlett packard. computers are not a good business. they get cheaper and cheaper, profits get thinner and thinner. who buys computers anymore anyways, it's all tablets and phones. as i pointed out friday, i have a concern about the number of people dropping into the search for jobs. the market loved it. can we keep the momentum going? let's turn to kate rogers. >> good morning to you. futures are higher today after
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stocks surge friday. the unemployment rate dipped to 5.9%. there's no economic data today but look for reports leert this week on consumer credit and import prices, the dow jumping 208 points friday to 17,009. and gm it recalling more than 57,000 vehicles from the u.s. from issues ranging from loose wiring in the steering column to the engine inadvertently shutting off. it affects older models of the cadillac g-8 i don't think mothers. >> 30 million. great tngs f-- young muslims ar
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spending too much time posting their experience to social media and not enough time appreciates the gravity of the experience. >> there's a tension between those who want to experience something and those who want to take a picture it have. in a rock concert or something, i like listening to band. i don't necessarily like everybody doing this. >> it also opens up a new experience. >> it does. and younger people say this is a
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tenet and i'm going to take a look the ram responsible. >> yeah, we have some dangerous fog, which we haven't had here in the bay area for quite some time. thanks for waking up with us on a monday morning. this is probably the last thing you want to hear about if you're already up a little late. take it easy out there. you should be okay. here in the bay area, if there's one ning we know how to do, it drive through the fog. mike helps us out with that. down in san martin, a pretty day coming your way. this will start to drop the temperatures out of the really uncomfortable levels that we experienced over the weekend and bring back that comfortable sea
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breeze. really only impacting areas right around the inner bay and immediate coast. inland temperatures will still be warm. temperatures climbing. any fog we have will burn off rapidly by about 9:00 a.m. the good news is these temperatures will be a lot easier. >> 89 degrees coming your way today but you'll notice temperatures dropping steadily as we head between the weeks. here's mike and your drive.
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>> she gave you that note about fog around the bay. difficult pattern here. did you see that? we can't see the city lights in oakland. we'll look over toward the city, look at the span itself. it does look like treasure island sort of looking toward the approach, no problems. but we will have a stalled vehicle at the plaza itself. meanwhile, we're looking at the bay. eye and around the rest of why are bay, a pretty mip call and
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you just lower traffic. a lot of this is 101 nbd. it where we see that first burst. we'll see things clog down and clear up again. >> imagine if your boss told you you could break the law and if you got caught, he or she would pay the ticket for you. investigators found that's happening with ride service companies like uber and li ifft at major airports. state regulators say ride share services cannot pays it. >> uber pays it.
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i've gotten tickets to. of a interest, they shouldn't be operating at the airports. and -- tonight what the experiences are saying about their proper airport permits. >> hot air balloon carry ng the. >> balloon just after the gain the basket was hilt. >> a couple threw a rope into the water and several nearby
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surfers. and the air up there was po nobody got injured in that. >> is that a good sign or a bad sign? >> we don't know. >> two bay area kid take on water conservation head on. we'll show you next. 
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welcome back, everyone. two south bay boys are so fed up with wasting water, they're taking matters into their on hands. >> check this out. maggie sent us this picture. mosul and angel are reportedly fed up with the two leaking
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fonsios. >> that is tie of. >> well, their vaughn is going to be less. >> unlock hi. they. yeah, but thefp -- hey, maybe you haven't taken a shower yet this morning. you might want to cut that down to 2 3rks minutes', that will it t t the. >> but you have a lot of fog at the immediate coast. be careful out there today.
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then we'll see a nice amount of sunshine. 89 for the south bay. let get to that traffic. >> over here we're moving quickly through the fast track lanes. no high beams in the fog, folks, because that would reflect worse. c clr. they're splitting. we have the niners games to talk about yesterday, good all art a. >> we don't' void every saturday
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and monentered five tief. you think -- >> good afternoon, everybody. >> every year we come together. this year the dream force community is committing 1 million meals pore those in pet police reese witt we cannot say it enough.
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>> and good morning to you. new week, brand new forecast to tell you about. and then we have lots to go over in your microclimate forecast. moments away. >> i am all for the cooling. mchale. downtown san jose this morning on an oorng, orange deit is monday, october the 6th and you are watching "today in the bay."
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and good morning. thank you for joining us this monday. i'm sam brock. >> and i'm laura garcia-cannon. new this morning, screaming for help and running for cover. a pair of show lifts are 80. nanette miranda is live outsoud that store this thonl at this walmart and who aordering to witnesses this all happened around midnight when a loss prevention workers is that the suspect managed to fire eight
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rounds. that sent shoppers and employees alike into utter chaos as they tried to run to safety. loss prevention grabbed the gunman's arm and probably save life. >> one sudden will youly we ended up in the back room. >> more people started heading toward the back and eventually we were save in the roog minor injuries and was it and to a will at this walmart in san leandro, no one was hurt. lucky situation here.
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>> frightening for those shoppers. thanks, nanette. >> two men are under arrest at levi stadium in connection with two other men in the pore we do not know at this point pow lid think the suspect used weapons. it happened with more than 68,000 fans in that city stadium. new video of the damage left behind by a fierk in a strip month a sunday investigators are going through surl video. but businesses on either side of that store were also damaged.
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officials are associating whether someone. >> good news for silicon. >> is huge pressure for miss could kpch he this is business into separate company. it will teepwp more profit and lay off some cost cutting can on tack bit.
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this is not a -- way back in 199 1999 overnight 50,000 people became employees of a new company, laura. we just got official word from hp but we are longs, no boss or set bore. >> but i think the trend is getting smaller, getting more agile is probably the way to go. >> they didn't do it because of ebay breaking up. >> no, they're their own company. they've been talking about it for quite some time. i think you're going to see other shareholders look at ebay and hp and say what about us.
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p pabon a monday morning wooefr seen a lot of heat over picked,s they christina. pra we're starring out nice. no. dangerous heat for one final day and then temperatures drob substantially in the next couple of days. it is going to be hot out there if you work outdoors. the east shore at 82 degrees for today. 95 fre the at this foon cast
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with the infusion. his tina, look at all this traffic, right where we saw the camera shop smchlthe bay bridge we have a backup at the cash lanes. we don't have meteoring light. >> it is time for computers to beware. there's something different at cal train this morning. >> plus the nbc versus newcomer
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rokanna. watch them face-off in aly hive testimony >> open to law enforcement, hackers, ouft thieves or simply accidents and there's no money
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to invade the database. s bedtim! your mattress is a battleground of thwarted desire. enter the sleep number bed. right now, you can save $400 on our most popular bed. he's the softy. his sleep number setting is 35. you're the rock, at 60. and snoring? sleep number's even got an adjustment for that. you can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. right now save $400 on our most popular bed, plus 36-month special financing. hurry ends columbus day. know better sleep with sleep number.
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welcome back, everyone. a very good monday morning to you. the bay bridge toll plaza already backing up at 5:40. we'll check that monday morning commute. and when is the heat going to give us a break? we'll check in with christina and mike coming up. 5:40 now. >> the nbc man who contracted ebola is on his way to the hospital. the plane stopped in maine to refuel. now jay is in dallas. >> the news here not good. we're learning that thomas eric
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duncan is taking a turn for the worse here. a situation gone from serious to critical. his family who lives in north carolina on their way to dallas. they tell us he is on a respirator and die alice machine. doctors continuing to work around the clock here. as for the cameraman traveling to liberia to omaha, brat ka. . he walked on to that plane, we are told, in west africa. it will be interesting to see if he walks off. because he's doing so well, doctors say they want to get to the treatment immediately while he's still strong. they'll start right away once he gets into the isolation hype it.
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>> and again, it looks like this cameraman is in good shape and that's just helped him as they start the latest live. >> make no mistake. there is a crisis potentially on our hands. the obama administration working overtime to assure the public that the ebola virus will not happen ear in the united states. what sort of measures are being considered this morning? >> here they think they've got this thint we of course now have another person coming in but in washington upon gone is upping its numbers, sending if they con
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it and tem what's african authorities, how to deal with this virus. a lot of tals kpch i'm trying to get the word out that it was not airborne. the key is tracing contact. that's what they've been doing in dallas and what they'll continue to do to contain the spread of the virus here in the united states. >> reassuring to hear that much vigilance going on right now. we'll have a lot more coming up on the to the" a. all right, let's reach it out. the hottest ticket in town from san francisco. a live look at at&t park where the giants are looking to sweep the washington nationals in game
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three of the national league divisional series. stephanie chuang joins us live. tickets available for this game. you think we can get in at all, steph? >> reporter: i think we can. the question is how much are you willing to spend? there are 34% are for standing room and then there's a ridiculous one, a major outliar fop already had last night. this have the grounds crew getting a very important message on the field. the team returned home yesterday morning from from the two away game victories. remember, eight game went over
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18 hours. the nationals could not answer. as tore today, starting pitcher for the giants is maddison bumgarner but most importantly calm in front of today's game three. >> it's important just to kind of push all the nerves and anxiety and excitement aside and just play good, fundamentally sound baseball. >> and that's what maddison bumgarner has been known to do. he could only pitch once in this series since he pitched against the pirates last wednesday. but this one could be the clincher. so of course in the area we're going to talk about there's travis, check with mike for a lot of that. they do have lots that open up here but it could get hectic,
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especially if people are trying to get lunch. there's no parking at the terminal so be mindful of that. i think if we get people together, we can get inside. >> i think it would be so much fun. >> it would definitely be fun. it's the logistic and the prices. i'm such a downer. only one team in the history of postseason play has ever been down 0-2in nt national league divisional series and come back and won. san francisco giants, 2012. they went on to win the world series. we like our giants here. >> if you're lucky enough to go to the game, is it going to be a warm one? >> we here in the bay area, we
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actually get to watch the game in the newsroom. i'm not complaining about that. if you don't get that opportunity, you don't have that luxury, we're still going to hook you up. check out our twitter and facebook page. you, too, have a vested interest in our san francisco giants. i think hunter pence has a secondary career as a motivational speaker. 5le degrees this morning, 57 in livermore and san jose. temperatures are really comfortable. it's it's going to be nice out there. not just for today and tomorrow. we'll continue to cool you off all week long. >> you can see that big ridge of high pressure out there.
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for today we have thick fog at the immediate coast. watch out for that. hot later on today but a little bit of cooling at the coast and even more so as we head throughout tonight and that fog really starts to spill in. one more day of dangerous heat. please, please, please drink lots of water if you're going to be outdoors. i know a lot of kid have sports, baseball, even playing football with those heavy pads. make sure they take ities owe out there. the peninsula is at 87 degrees and good news if you like cooler weather. it's coming in droves throughout the end of the week where it's 78 degrees in the south bay. here's mike and your drive. >> we're looking at the bay. the cameras have turned on. first of all, there may be some slowing because of the fog that's drifting through. just a couple of minutes ago, we could barely see most of this ridge.
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now we can see the traffic moving smoothly nonetheless. the second issue, in addition to that fog drifting through, we have a crash that has cleared off of the harrison street offramp. fremont street exit is closed -- folsom is open and -- fremont is open and folsom is closed. can you sort that out? the half moon bay in pacifica, watch that. and the rest of your bay, moving according to your typical plan through the tri-valley. in san jose, 101 showing a few more cars. a little more company but no surprises. back to you. >> thank you very much. election day is five weeks away. one of the most talked about races in the entire country is in our own back year.
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the reason this race is so notable is because it's a democrat versus a democrat in the race for the 17th district, which is of course the silicon valley. rokhanna worked in the commerce department under president obama but the president is actually supporting congressman konda. people around the country are keeping tabs on this race. >> rokhanna comes in with a lot of technology support, throwing a lot of money at his campaign. mike konda has a lot of support from organized labor, working class people. all of this going on in one district. >> voter turnout will be much higher than it was in june.
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both candidates will meet in their one and only debate tonight. we'll be airing that eventually on nbc bay area. it starts at 6:30. if you have a question for the candidates. go to our nbc bay area facebook page and post your question right there. >> there are new times for new trains and higher fares as well. caltrain says more riders mean longer stops to get everyone on and off those trains. some trains are impacted by construction and will arrive ten minutes later than usual. there's also an increase in the tickets. >> do you need to relax? how about a python massage? >> sound delightful. >> there's zoo that's actually offering that. we'll tell you all about it coming up.
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♪(themstan! ! !om cheers) hey guys! stan the man! hey, how's it goin stan?
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can i get $55 on pump three? you got it, stan! gas stations. just that. where nobody knows your name. the chevrolet cruze eco. with an epa estimated 42 miles per gallon highway. it's the new efficient.
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silicon valley's hewlett packard is breaking in two. sam mcgrew? >> it certainly makes a lot of sense now. hewlett packard announced about an hour ago it would divide into two companies. hp enterprise will do servers. meg whitman will be the ceo and the new hp will sell computers and printers. wall street generally loves a good breakup. we'll keep an eye on hp stock.
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the dow up last week after a good jobs report. some online have recalled a promise led by presidential candidate mitt romney. he promised he would reduce the unemployment rate under 6% absolutely no later than the end of his first term 2017. buried in this number is the constant decrease in the partition pace rate. it appear we got there faster than what governor romney said.
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>> the economy kind of has momentum going on. >> absolutely. >> maybe it's time for one of these. >> "one of these" being a snake massage. >> we say it in a loving way, scott mcgrew. these burmese pythons give people a 15-minute massage. they say not only do the snakes provide an excellent massage, the adrenaline produced in that situation is said to have a positive effect on a person's metabolism. >> i think most of us would rather not have to gain the extra met tab limb under the threat of death. let's get a check of your weather at the start of the work
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week with christina loren. >> too hot support the snake skins today. temperatures are going to be warm out there. we're in the 50s now, we headed toward some 80s, maybe even some 90s. meanwhile, it's 89 degrees for us in the south bay with steady cooling all week long. and i want to talk about what's coming our way as we get into late next week. this is what we're talking about coming up in just a little bit. >> anxious to hear about that. >> the first nobel prize of 2015 awarded this morning. we'll tell you who won. >> and the patriots pay special tribute to the opposition. the bengals player has a tough fight off the field as his daughter battles cancer.
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shots ring out at walmart. >> and the the nbc cameraman with the ebola virus lands. >> and a big pattern change in the weather coming your way. >> and things heating up as far as the commute is concern. these flashing lights, i'll explain what's going on coming up. >> and let's take a live look outside on this monday morning. can you make it out? that is the golden gate bridge. it's o


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