tv NBC Bay Area News NBC October 19, 2014 9:00pm-9:31pm PDT
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p professional level for 12 years. it is really not a city that embrace embraces that idea. >> my name is mick brown. i'm a freelance painter and artist. i grew up in a family and football was big time, but the niners were our team, and joe montana and steve young were our guy guys, and so when it came to this, it was surreal, because i never thought that getting close to the niners would be my painting of all things. at my very first football game, me and my dad went, and it was garrison harris overtime win at candlestick, and for it to end that way, and for the first
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game, i was hooked. it would have hooked any fan for any sport. i remember the night they found out that i had been chosen. i had to ask a second time to make sure that i'm in the stadium? and never forget that i realized i would be in the stadium. and i told my grandma that i had g gotten in and for a family of hard core niner fans, it does not get much better. >> and to be a part of the levi stadium art project, being an aspiri aspiring artist came some prerequisites, hunger, and ambition, and to tackle the building in santa clara was a requirement, but being a 49er faithful was a bonus.
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the task was huge. but 1.8 million square feet, levi stadium would be unlike any gallery in which these artists had presented their work. >> this is a huge stage and we have a huge blank canvas and what they embraced is how do we bring it to life? the scale as well. and the pieces we were creating could be the size of a postage stamp, but we have five foot by 12 paintings and that is not the norm. it is the exception. this brings the drama to the walls. >> the fine art being displayed so proudly at levi stadium is just that, it is crafted and created by 23 artists that have been commissioned to adorn the walls with their life's passion. one such artist is jenny compoecompolt who has created her treasures from trash. >> my art is a mixed median
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actually. i use the salvage art to antique to industrial castoff all of the way up to buying on ebay. what i try to find in my art is something that is cast off. i think that art is a lot of different things to different people, and what it has been for me is really an expression. an expression of who i am, my value, and my way of giving back to the world. sports, art, anything that allows somebody to be who they really are, and to flourish in that is a beautiful thing. >> coming up on "the faithful" see how an art gallery brought together not only a group of bay area artists, but uncovered a familiar name in 49ers history as well. do you have your own incredible faithful story to tell? do you know someone who is truly
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there are approximately 200 origin originally commissioned pieces of artwork at levi stadium, and there is a variety of medium. there is traditional oil on canvas, and acrylic on canvas, and there is such a wide variety, that it is not going to be like going through the traditional art museum, because you will get a flavor of what is out there, and what people are doing right now in the art world. >> before the 2014 season kicked off, the 49ers wanted levi stadium to be something that the faithful can enjoy on many levels, history, education, entertainment, and last but not least art were an integral part of the experience. a call for artists netted incredible talent from across the nation, and unique stories flooded into the team's headquarters, however, one artist stood out not only for
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her work, but for her father's work before her. >> my connection to the 49ers goes back to my father who was a football coach for the 49ers, bill walsh. >> talk about being a champion july 7th, and we are the champions right now, and congratulations on a tremendous effort. >> i grew up going to games and grew uprooting for the 49ers, and it is something deeply resonates with me, and i was very excited to be able to do something for the stadium, to express those deep feelings towards the 49ers. it happened because i showed a gallery in oakland which is called closed work, and the woman who sort of runs the gallery and she sent me an e-mail, and she said, hey, there is a call-out for the people to submit art for the stadium, and she said, you should submit
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something. i said, holy cow. so i went and looked and i applied as you would apply as if you were not bill walsh's daughter or attached to the 49ers in any way. what i hope to e evoke when people see my work, i am going for sort of an emotional, something emotional that you can't quite put your finger on, and maybe it is nostalgia or something that resonates deeply with you, and lot of the the pal lates and the paintings have an emotional kind of bend to them. i was so excited to be a part of the levi stadium project. it was sort of a chance for me to share that legacy with the future of the 49ers and the future of the new stadium. i guess that i'm a multi medium artist, because i use every medium, video, paint, animation, sku sculpture, and the work is about landscape and exploring space. i get most of my inspiration from nature. i feel like nature is perfect
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art. it is growing, alive and full of shapes and forms, and that really inspires me everyday and makes he want to come in to attend to the things myself. one thing that i think that is interesting about this project is that we are filling a stadium with sort of the work that will he help to inspire people, and help to share ideas, and the stadium, itself is going to be seen as a museum or a space to do art and that is to me exciting. i feel like the stadiums themselves are interesting thing, and you go to see the sports, and you go to watch the amazing sort of epic battle occ occur. that is in itself pretty amazing and exciting, but the fact that this is also going to be a chance to see art, this art, it creates the space, and it gives it emotion. >> that emotion, that depth can be seen through the halls of levi stadium, and the evolving art collection that resides in the brand new building. if you happen to walk through
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the halls and stop to glimpse at the art, look closely, as that depth may be glaringly apparent, but only to those who pay close attention. >> i'm not going to point it out, but in one of the paintings she did do a little homage to the father, and so when you look at the collection, the true aficionado is going to find bill walsh in one of the pieces. >> with every pg &e bill, you are helping by checking a box. >> you have to own up to what the bottom line is. >> we investigate if the technology you are paying for is delivering the results promised.
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on august 4th, two unsuspecting men walked in to a mcdonald's and discovered an extraordinary burger with heaps of jalapeños... ...for only two dollars. within minutes, they had also discovered the phenomenon of "economnomnomics" nomnom... nom? nom nom the jalapeño double, try it now for just $2 on mcdonald's dollar menu and more. it's economnomnomcial. ♪ nom...nom...nom...
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people come to the stadium and they look at the building, of course, and they look at what is on the playing field, of course, but much of the time is spent walking up the kcorridors and the ell vas or the and much of the time is viewing the stadium and why not take that opportunity to add another level of fan experience to it by adding the original pieces of art, and photo vignettes in the wall treatments, and it is an
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opportunity that the only forwa forward-thinking organizations get, and i think that the 49ers got it. >> whether you are a casual fan of the san francisco 49ers or rabid faithful, when you take in a game at levi stadium, you will see a rapid movement happening, sometimes subtle, and sometimes bold. it is centered around the bay e area artists, and their talent to make the stadium not only a great place to view the game, but to see the stadium as a gallery, a place to enjoy the finer things. that art is remitted in many forms, but one form that often gets overlooked is photography. sports photography is the act of catching a moment, a still moment of life, and having that moment live on forever. >> when you can capture that one moment, it resonates through photography, and people gravitate toward photography,
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because it is comfortable to them, and they can relate to it very easily, whereas people with artwork, i would not say intimidated burk not alwa intimidated, but just not sure of themselves. do i like that? i am not sure i like that. whereas photography is open to the masses, and the photography that augments this art collection ral lu maeally makes broader appeal for people. >> and connecting people with their sports team is no easy task. it has been tackled by six decades of experience as these two photographers are looking to jockey to capture that one image that will embody the team the call their own. >> and michael has been the photographer for the 49ers for year years, and he has a memory like none other. he will be able to identify the
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player and the game and even the score sometimes. the shots are to me the highest level of art. he is able to get the moment like nobody else i have ever met. and his past photographing rock 'n' roll stores ark and he knows how to get the photo the, and some of the things that that he has done have not been seen. he has helped us out with a lot of the modern photography, and he has done a bunch of photos for us that have a signature effect, which are the high contrast effect with the vignette around them, and the colors are so vibrant that you feel like you are right there and sharing the moment with the player. it touches the soul like no other medium does. >> and touching the soul is what the art collection is hoping to do for the faithful who are willing to allow it. a walk down the hallways at the 49ers' new home will awaken more
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than the spirit of california as well as one of the most storied franchises in the nfl. a walk down the hallway may be the right -- may be a step in the right direction to the view sports. >> and you know, in art world, sports is frowned upon. and you know, if picasso was here today, he would have been paint i painting the surfers, and he would have been doing a sport themed series. so we have taken that extension and my challenge is to find the best art and bring it into this forum. >> so my hope for the project is that the 49ers will continue the add to it, and continue the grow the collection. i think that when people walk through the corridors of the new stadium, they are going to experience something they have not experienced anywhere else. this is going to be their museum. it is going to the give every fan a view into something they have never seen before, and things they might not have
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studios at sfns. there are all kinds of 49er faithful and one thing that i think that is so cool is that there were some people who were of age when the 49ers went to the super bowls in the 80s and the 90s and people who were old enough to go to the games and watch them, and then the faithful who were not even alive yet, and they know who everybody was and the stats of the '80s teams or the '90s teams, and it is always touching to me to meet somebody who is a younger fan who knows joe montana and coach walsh, and they know the history and the legacy, and to me, that
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. nbc bay area news starts now. well, tomorrow, the bay bridge commute goes smoothly and new details on the steel plates that caught bay bridge drivers off guard. >> and the united states is stepping up the fight against ebola. there are new guidelines aimed at protecting nurses back here in the states. also -- >> oh, man, it is the best thing going. every time i pass a gas station, i put some in there. >> it is sticker shock, but for once a good time. gas prices driving down for bay area drivers. >> we are on late because of sunday night football, and the bay earea drivers, you know all too well the pain at the pump, but for the last few months the price is going, down, down, down, and now we are joined live in san jose, and you are telling me that miranda, customers can't believe what they are seeing. >> that is right. don't get used to the three at the price, because a two is
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within reach, and even in california. >> oh, man, it is the best thing go going. >> reporter: and that price, $3.17 for a gallon of gasoline in california. san jose drivers did a double-tak double-take, and then jockeyed for position at this arco station on capitol expressway and center road to buy up the bargain. they even waited in line, yes, in line. >> gas, $3.17. you can't beat it. you can't beat it. we have opinion in line for ten minutes, but yeah, it is worth it. >> reporter: if you were in mill valley, lower prices, $3.15 on redwood highway. since the beginning of the month, the gas prices have dropped 15 cents a gallon, and if you go back to the end of june, the decrease is about 50 cents a gallon. what is going on? >> the real reason that the gas prices are falling right now at steep rates than we have seen in years is that it is due to the freefall in crude oil prices.
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>> reporter: a barrel of crude was $85 a few days ago, compared to $120 a barrel when summer began. and analysts say that the global demand is slowing, while production has maintained leading to too much supply. a bigger drop could be in store for the coming weeks, and perhaps another 20 cents for consumer, and could californians see a $2 at the beginning of the gas prices? >> it is a flashback. straight up flashback. it is like remembering $1-something. >> reporter: and aaa have said that ten states have seen it fall under $3, and coming back at 11:00, i will tell you why the price drop may not last long for californians. >> thank you very much, nanette. we turn now to the continuing coverage of the ebola crisis. a few moments ago, all of the
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people in the group who had contact with thomas eric duncan have been closely monitor ed ed the cdc in the past three weeks. tonight marks 21 days without symptoms which means they are in the clear. while though they may have peace of mind regarding the health, many are mourning the death of duncan and perhaps none more so than his fiancee louise troh. >> and she lost that and her plans and her dreams. >> troh says that she and the family are asking for privacy. and the dallas health care worker who was on a cruise ship was dock ed tonight, and she wa on board and left with her husband. some said there was concern about the p fellow passenger, but she had handled a lab sample from ebola patient thomas the duncan, and a blood test today proves she does not have the
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virus. in spain, a nurse who came down with ebola after treating two patients in that country will be are turning home. a blood test also shows she is free of the virus. the hospital will release her after a second blood test to confirm the recovery, and meanwhile, her husband is threatening to go to court because of spain's poor handling of the ebola crisis. also an apology today from the man in charge of the texas hospital where ebola patient where thomas duncan was treated had a full page ad. jennifer johnson has more now on the changes to be made to stop the deadly virus. >> reporter: learning the lesson from the mistakes made in dallas, federal health officials announced new changes in the way that health care workers suit up to treat ebola patients. >> it was very clear right away that we needed to modify the protocol to be much, much more strict in which no part of the body was exposed.
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>> reporter: the pentagon has announced a new 30-person medical team will be train ed t provide assistance to any center with an outbreak. with more americans anxious, president obama held another high level meeting at the white house, his third of this week. >> we can't give into hysteria or fear. >> reporter: this week, he urged americans not to panic. >> americans need to relax and be realistic, because the real problem is not one or two cases here in the united states, but the real problem is that this epidemic is come bleetly out of control in africa. >> reporter: some lawmakers critical of the president's handling of the crisis continued to call for a travel ban to africa. >> and the question is do you let people come here from that area that is clearly stressed, and one way to the prevent that is not to issue a visa. >> reporter: some officials say it is going to make the situation worse shutting off health care workers from the regions they are needed and causing passengers to lie about where they have been.
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the new medical support team created by the pentagon will begin training within the week at fort sam houston in texas, and be ready to respond by erl areally november. jennifer johnson, nbc news, washington. and governor jerry brown is going to meet with nurses to discuss how to make california the national leader when it come comes to ebola treatment, and we will have nbc bay to have a guide on how the ebola virus is spread. once again, nbc bay and it was once a bum filppula the road for the commuters looking at the bay bridge toll plaza, but that is when we saw traffic backing up last friday because of a construction project. new steel plates had people hitting the brakes on the other side of the bridge at the freemont exit. christy smith is live in san francisco along the embarcadero with new details on that project. christy? >> well,oo
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